Roxon 1977

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Mycological Society of America

Sexuality of an Edible Mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju

Author(s): J. E. Roxon and S. C. Jong
Source: Mycologia, Vol. 69, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1977), pp. 203-205
Published by: Mycological Society of America
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Accessed: 17-02-2016 15:26 UTC

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1. Brodie, Harold J. 1948. Variationin the fruitbodiesof Cyathusstercorcus

producedin culture. Mycologia40: 614-626.
2. -. 1958. Renewal of growthand occurrenceof twin fruitbodies in the
Nidulariaceae. Svensk Bot. Tidskr.52: 373-378.
3. -. 1975. The Bird's Nest Fungi. Univ.of TorontoPress,Toronto. 199 p.



AmericanType CultureCollection,
12301 ParklawnDrive, Rockville,Maryland20852

Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer is an edible mushroomthat has

been recommended by Singer (6) to be a possibleadditionalcultivated
mushroomin the tropics. It occursnaturallyon wood and has recently
been inducedto fruitin India in thegreenhouseon such farmwastes as
mixturesofpaddystraw,and hulledmaize cobs (5), and bananapseudo-
stems,chopped paddy straw and oatmeal (1). The sporophoresap-
peared 20-25 da afterinoculationof the bed and were reportedto be
proteinrichand tasty. Each fruit-body weighed30-120 g when fresh,
could be dried easily,and revivedafterremoistening.The funguswas
also reportedto be capable of fixingatmosphericnitrogento enrichthe
substratethatcould be used as manureforcrop fields(5).
In additionto Pleurotus ostreatus (Fr.) Kummer,Pleurotus cy-
stidiosus 0. K. Miller has recentlybeen broughtinto cultivationon a
commercialscale in Taiwan (2). With a similarmethodof cultivation,
Pleurotus sajor-caju probably could be introducedfor commercial
production. Productivitytests (FIG. 1) are underwayat the Taiwan
AgriculturalResearch Institute,Taipei, using the mediumand methods
previouslydescribedfor the cultivationof P. cystidiosus(2). Since
bothP. ostreatusand P. cystidiosusare knownto be heterothallic and
tetrapolar(3, 7), it is of particularinterestto determinewhether
P. sajor-caju also shows the same typeof sexuality.
The cultureof Pleurotussajor-caju used in this studywas deposited
at the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) in 1975 by G.
Rangaswami,Tamil Nadu AgriculturalUniversity,Coimbatore,India.

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204 MYCOLOGIA,VOL. 69, 1977

FIG. 1. Pleurotussajor-caju,ATCC 32078. Fruitingon

mixture sawdust.

It was originallyisolatedby C. L. Jandaickby thetissueculturemethod

froma freshsporophoreon a dead stumpof EuphorbiaroyleanaBoiss.
in India (1). The culturehas been accessionedas ATCC 32078 and
preservedat the ATCC in liquid nitrogen.
The mediumfortheproductionof sporophoresin the laboratorywas
a mixtureof equal parts of "Isodri" animal beddingand "Mahatma"
brownrice dispensedinto 100 x 80 mm jars to a level of 4 cm. Dis-
tilledwaterwas added to the same level and the jars were autoclaved
at 121 C for 20 min. After24 h more distilledwater was added if
necessaryto moistenthe rice, the materialwas reautoclavedand while
the mediumwas stillhot. 20 ml of sterilerice polish agar (rice polish,
10 ml: deionized water. 500 ml; 10 g agar) were poured over the
mixture. The jars were inoculatedwith mycelialplugs from stock
grown on yeast-maltagar slants and incubatedat room temperature
underconditionsof daylightand dark. Myceliumcompletely permeated
the mediumand fruitingbodies formedin about one mon.
Twenty-eight singlebasidiosporeisolateswere establishedfromone
sporophore. Of these, 24 were used in this study. Haploid strains
1 thru 5 were mated in all combinationson 1.25% malt extractagar
plates. Strains 4 and 5 were compatiblewith strain2, providingtwo

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testerstrainswhichwere matedwiththeother19 isolates. Two isolates

were compatiblewith strain5 and fivewith strain2. Strains 7 and
14 whichhad formed"barrage" reactionswith strain 5 were used as
testersfor the thirdmatingtypeand were compatiblewith 5 isolates,
one of which,strain16, was used as a testerstrainbelongingto a fourth
matingtype. Clamp connectionswere formedin plates of compatible
matings. In some cases pseudo-clampsand "barrage" areas were
formedin common-Bpairings. Using thesecriteria,each monosporous
isolate was assigned to a matingtype accordingto the terminology of
Papazian (4). The monosporous strainswere determined to belong
to the followingfourmatingtypes:
A1B1-2, 10, 28
A2B2-4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 20, 21
A1B2-1, 3, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, 22, 27
A2B1-11, 16, 23, 24, 25
Pleurotussajor-caju is clearlyheterothallic and tetrapolar.
Differencesbetweenratesof growthand vigorof thevarioushaploid
strainswere evident,and the possibilityof developinghighlyfruitful
productionof sporophoresis prom-
strainsof P. sajor-caju forefficient
We are gratefulto Dr. G. Rangaswamiforprovidingthe dikaryotic
strainATCC 32078. This work was supportedin part by National
Science Foundation Grant DEB75-06286 A01 from the Biological


1. Jandaick, C. L. 1974. Artificial cultivation of Pleurotus sajor-caju. Mush-

room J. 22: 405.
of a new com-
2. Jong,S. C., and J. T. Peng. 1975. Identityand cultivation
mercialmushroomin Taiwan. Mycologia67: 1235-1238.
3. Kaufert,F. 1935. The biologyof PleurotuscorticatusFries. Untiv.Miine-
sota Expt. Sta. Bull. 114: 1-35.
4. Papazian, H. P. 1950. Physiology of the incompatibilityfactors in Schizo-
phyllumcommlune.Bot. Gaz. (Crazfordsville) 112: 143-163.
5. Rangaswami, F., T. K. Kandaswami, and K. Ramasamy. 1975. Pleurotus
sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer,a proteinrich nitrogenfixingmushroomfungus.
Curr. Sci. 44: 403-404.
6. Singer, R. 1961. Mushrooms and truffles. Interscience Publishers, Inc.,
New York. 272 p.
7. Vandendries, R. 1933. De la valeur du barrage sexual comme criterium
dans l'analyse d'une sporee tetrapolaire de Basidiomycete: Pleurotus
ostreatus. Genetica 15: 202-212.

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