William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 6 electrodes per Subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or Skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Optional: BIOPAC Headphones (OUT1 for MP3X or 40HP for MP45)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer system
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Pay close attention to Calibration.
1. Prepare for the recording. You will record two segments:
a. Segment one records Forearm 1 (Dominant).
b. Segment two records Forearm 2.
To work efficiently, read this entire section before recording.
SEGMENT 1 — Forearm 1 (Dominant)
2. Click Record. When you click Record, the recording will begin and an append marker
labeled “Forearm 1” will automatically be inserted.
3. Perform a series of four Clench (hold for Repeat a cycle of Clench-Release-Wait, holding for 2 seconds and waiting for
2 sec.)-Release-Wait (for 2 sec.) cycles. two seconds after releasing before beginning the next cycle. Try to increase
Begin with a weak clench, and then the strength in equal increments such that the fourth clench is the maximum
increase in equal increments so the force.
fourth clench is at maximum.
4. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data and prepare for
the next recording segment. The data should look similar to Fig. 1.6.
5. Review the data on the screen.
If similar, proceed to Step 6.
If different, click Redo and repeat The data would be different if the:
Steps 2-5.
a. The Suspend button was pressed prematurely.
b. Instructions were not followed.
Click Redo and repeat Steps 2-5 if necessary. Note that once you press Redo,
the data you have just recorded will be erased.
SEGMENT 2 — Forearm 2
6. For Forearm 2, attach electrode leads to Remove the electrode cable pinch connectors form Forearm 1 electrodes and
Subject’s opposite arm. connect to Forearm 2 electrodes. Refer to Setup Steps 5-6 and Fig 1.3 for
proper electrode placement and lead attachment.
7. Click Resume. When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “Forearm 2” will be automatically inserted.
8. Perform a series of four Clench (hold for Repeat a cycle of Clench-Release-Wait, holding for 2 seconds and waiting for
2 sec.)-Release-Wait (for 2 sec.) cycles. two seconds after releasing before beginning the next cycle. Try to increase
Begin with a weak clench, and then the strength in equal increments such that the fourth clench is the maximum
increase in equal increments so the force.
fourth clench is at maximum.
9. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data for segment two.
Recording continues…
Lesson 1: EMG I Page 7
10. Review the data on the screen. If all went well, your data should look similar to Fig. 1.6. The data would be
different if the:
If similar, go Step 11.
a. The Suspend button was pressed prematurely.
If different, click Redo and repeat b. Instructions were not followed.
Steps 7-10.
If your data did not match Fig. 1.6, click Redo and repeat Steps 7-10. Note
that once you press Redo, the data you have just recorded will be erased.
11. Click Stop and then click Yes. When you click Stop, you will be prompted to confirm that you are sure you
want to stop the recording. Clicking “yes” will end the data recording
segment, and automatically save the data. Clicking “no” will bring you back
to the Resume or Stop options. This is simply one last chance to confirm you
don’t need to redo the last recording segment.
12. If you want to listen to the EMG signal, Listening to the EMG can be a valuable tool in detecting muscle
go to Step 13. abnormalities, and is performed here for general interest.
Or Listening to the EMG is optional. The data from this part of the Lesson will
not be saved. EMG data is sent to the headphones and simultaneously plotted
If you want to end the recording, go to
so you can listen to the signal and see it at the same time. Note the increase
Step 17.
in sound intensity as you increase the strength of your clench.
13. Subject puts on the headphones. You will hear the EMG signal through the headphones as it is being
displayed on the screen. The screen will display two channels: CH 1 EMG
14. Click Listen.
and CH 40 Integrated EMG. The data on the screen will not be saved.
15. Experiment by changing the clench force
Note The volume through the headphones may be very loud due to system
as you watch the screen and listen.
feedback. Position the headphones slightly off the ear to reduce the
volume or, if using an MP45 system, use the Volume + or Volume –
The signal will run until you press Stop.
If others in your lab group would like to listen to the EMG signal, pass the
headphones around before clicking Stop.
16. Click Stop. This will end listening to the EMG.
To listen again: click Redo, listen, If another person wants to listen to the EMG, switch the headphones from
and then click Stop. Subject to the new person and click Redo.
17. Click Done. A dialog with options will be generated. Make your choice, and continue as
18. Choose an option and click OK.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
a) Attach electrodes per Setup Steps 5-6 and continue the entire lesson
from Setup Step 8.
b) Each person will need to use a unique file name.
19. Remove the electrodes. Disconnect the lead cables. Peel off and discard the electrodes (BIOPAC
electrodes are not reusable). Wash the electrode gel residue from your skin
using soap and water. The electrodes may leave a slight ring on the skin for a
END OF RECORDING few hours, which is quite normal.
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and Enter the Review Saved Data mode.
choose the correct file.
Note Channel Number (CH)
Channel Displays
CH 40 Integrated EMG
Note measurement box settings:
Channel Measurement
CH 40 Mean Fig. 1.7
The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window. Each
measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type, and result.
The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated when you click
them. The following is a brief description of these specific measurements.
Mean: displays the average value in the selected area.
The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-Beam tool (including
Record measurement data individually by hand or choose Edit > Journal >
Paste measurements to paste the data to your journal for future reference.
2. Set up your display window for optimal The first recording segment begins at the marker labeled “Forearm 1” and
viewing of the first segment of Integrated includes four clenches from Subject’s dominant arm.
EMG data.
The following tools help you adjust the data window:
Optional: Hide CH 1 data by using
“Ctrl-click” (Windows) or Display menu: Autoscale horizontal, Autoscale waveforms, Zoom Previous
“Option+click” (Mac) on the Scroll Bars: Time (Horizontal); Amplitude (Vertical)
channel number box. Cursor Tools: Zoom Tool
Buttons: Overlap, Split, Show Grid, Hide Grid
Channel Display: “Ctrl-click” (Windows) or “Option+click” (Mac) the
channel number box to toggle channel display.
3. Use the I-Beam cursor to select an area "Clusters" are the EMG bursts associated with each clench. Fig. 1.8 below
on the plateau of the first EMG cluster shows an EMG cluster selection in the first data segment.
(Fig. 1.8).
4. Repeat Step 3 on each successive EMG
5. Scroll to the second recording segment. The second recording segment begins at the marker labeled “Forearm 2” and
includes four clenches from Subject’s non-dominant arm.
6. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for Forearm 2 data.
7. Scroll to the first recording segment. Tonus is the resting state, and is represented by the area between clenches
(clusters). Fig. 1.9 below shows the selected area between clenches.
8. Use the I-Beam cursor to select the area
between the first and second clenches
(Fig. 1.9).
9. Repeat Step 8 between each successive
10. Scroll to the second recording segment.
11. Repeat Steps 8-9 for Forearm 2 data.
Complete the Lesson 1 Data Report that follows.
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Lesson 1: EMG I Page 11
Standard and Integrated EMG
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
A. EMG Measurements
Forearm 1 (Dominant) Forearm 2
Cluster #
Note: "Clusters" are the EMG bursts associated with each clench.
B. Use the mean measurement from the table above to compute the percentage increase in EMG activity recorded between the
weakest clench and the strongest clench of Forearm 1.
Answer: %
C. Tonus Measurements
Between Forearm 1 (Dominant) Forearm 2
Clusters #
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
II. Questions
D. Compare the mean measurement for the right and left maximum clench EMG cluster.
Which one suggests the greater clench strength? _____ Right _____ Left _____ Neither
F. Does there appear to be any difference in tonus between the two forearm clench muscles? _____ Yes _____ No
Would you expect to see a difference? Does Subject’s gender influence your expectations? Explain.
J. Define electromyography.
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC Hand Dynamometer (SS25LA or SS25L)
o Optional Hand Clench Force Pump Bulb (SS56L) may be used—pressure in bulb is proportional to clench
force. For SS56L units, set the Clench Force Transducer Preference BEFORE starting calibration.
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 6 electrodes per subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or Skin cleanser or Alcohol prep
Optional: BIOPAC Headphones (OUT1 for MP3X or 40HP for MP45)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer system
Setup continues... Fig. 2.3 MP3X (top) and MP45 (bottom) equipment connections
Lesson 2: EMG II Page 5
6. Attach the electrode lead set (SS2LA/L) to the Attach the lead set (SS2LA/L) to the Subject’s dominant forearm (Fig.
Subject’s dominant forearm, following the color 2.4) for recording Segments 1 and 2 (forearm 1).
code (Fig. 2.4).
Make sure the electrode lead colors
match Fig. 2.4.
White Lead
Red Lead
Black Lead
The Calibration procedure establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for
optimum performance. Pay close attention to the Calibration procedure.
4. When Calibration recording begins, The program needs a reading of your maximum clench to perform an auto-
clench the hand dynamometer as hard calibration.
as possible and then release.
5. Wait for Calibration to stop. The Calibration procedure will last eight seconds and stop automatically, so let
it run its course.
6. Check the Calibration data. After the Calibration recording, the screen should resemble Fig.2.6.
If using SS25LA/L, units are kg; if using SS56L, units are kgf/m^2.
If similar, proceed to the data
Recording Section.
If different, Redo Calibration.
Fig. 2.6
If the recording does not have a zero baseline, repeat calibration to match Fig.
Lesson 2: EMG II Page 7
4. Click Record. After you click Record, an append marker labeled “Forearm 1, Increasing
clench force” will be automatically inserted and recording will begin.
5. Subject performs Clench-Release-Wait Repeat a cycle of Clench-Release-Wait, holding for two seconds and waiting
cycles with increasing clench force. for two seconds after releasing before beginning the next cycle. Begin with
your Assigned Increment and increase each successive cycle by the Assigned
Increment until maximum is reached (i.e., 5-10-15-20 kg).
6. Click Suspend. Suspend will halt the recording, giving you time to review the data and
prepare for the next recording segment. If data looks similar to Fig. 2,
7. Review the data on the screen.
If similar, go to Step 8. The important aspect for you to review is that the data shows multiple
If different, click Redo and repeat Steps peaks (indicating the clench cycles).
4-7. The data shown is from a Subject who was able to maintain an even force
throughout the clench. Your data may be correct even if your peaks are
not smooth.
Recording continues…
Lesson 2: EMG II Page 9
13. To record Forearm 2, connect the lead set Segments 3 and 4 record Forearm 2, White Lead
(SS2LA/L) to the electrodes on Subject’s the non-dominant forearm, (-)
non-dominant forearm. following the same procedure used for Red Lead
Forearm 1. (+)
Black Lead
IMPORTANT Disconnect the lead set (SS2LA/L) (Ground)
Make sure the electrode lead from the electrodes on Forearm 1 and
colors match Fig. 2.9. connect to electrodes on Forearm 2
per Fig. 2.9
If electrodes are not attached to
Forearm 2, refer to Setup Step 5 Fig. 2.9 Electrode lead attachment
for proper placement.
14. Click Continue and note your Assigned After you click Continue, review the updated directions in the journal and
Increment level from the journal. use the indicated increment when directed to increase force throughout the
After you click Resume, an append marker labeled “Forearm 2, Increasing
15. Click Resume.
Clench Force” will be automatically inserted and the recording will
16. Subject performs Clench-Release-Wait Repeat a cycle of Clench-Release-Wait, holding for 2 seconds and waiting
cycles with increasing clench force. for two seconds after releasing before beginning the next cycle. Begin with
your Assigned Increment of force and increase by the Assigned Increment
for each cycle until maximum clench force is obtained.
17. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data and prepare
for the next recording segment. If data looks similar to Fig. 2.7, continue.
18. Review the data on the screen.
The data might be different if the:
If similar, go to Step 19.
a. Suspend was clicked prematurely.
If different, click Redo and repeat
Steps 15-18. b. Instructions were not followed.
Click Redo and repeat Steps 15-18 if necessary. Note that once you click
Redo, the data you have just recorded will be erased.
19. Click Continue. After you click Continue, review the updated directions in the journal. The
grid division scale will be based on your assigned increment so that you can
20. Resume. visually review the force level.
After you click Resume, an append marker labeled “Forearm 2, Continued
clench at maximum force” will be automatically inserted and the recording
will continue.
21. Clench the bulb with your maximum force Note the maximum clench force so you can determine when the force has
and try to sustain this level. decreased by 50% (the maximum force may scroll out of view). Try to
maintain the maximum clench force (the forearm will fatigue and the force
will decrease).
22. When the maximum clench force displayed The time to fatigue to 50% of maximal clench force will vary greatly among
on the screen has decreased by more than individuals.
50%, click Suspend.
23. Review the data on the screen. When you click Suspend, the recording should halt, giving you time to
review the data from the last recording segment. If data looks similar to Fig.
If similar, go Step 24.
2.8, continue.
If different, click Redo and repeat The data might be different if:
Steps 20-23. a) You didn’t record to the point of 50% maximal clench force.
b) Suspend was clicked prematurely.
c) The instructions were not followed.
Click Redo and have the Subject rest so the arm muscles recover and the
fatigue data will be meaningful. When ready, repeat Steps 21-24. Note that
Recording continues… once you click Redo, the data you have just recorded will be erased.
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
24. Click Stop and then click Yes. When you click Stop, a dialog box is generated, asking if you are finished
with both Forearm recordings. This is simply one last chance to confirm that
you don’t need to redo the last recording segment. Click “Yes” to end data
recording and automatically save the data. Click “No” to return to a display
with a Redo option.
25. If you want to listen to the EMG signal, go Listening to the EMG is optional.
to Step 26.
Listening to the EMG can be a valuable tool in detecting muscle
abnormalities, and is performed here for general interest.
To skip listening and end the recording,
go to Step 30.
26. Subject puts on the headphones. You will hear the EMG signal through the headphones as it is being
displayed on the screen. The screen will display two channels: CH 1 EMG
27. Click Listen.
and CH 41 Clench Force. The data on the screen will not be saved.
28. As you listen, try a variety of Clench-
Note The volume through the headphones may be very loud due to system
Release–Wait cycles and watch how the
feedback. Use the Volume + or Volume – buttons or position the
data changes on the screen.
headphones slightly off the ear to reduce the volume.
29. Click Stop.
The signal will run until you click Stop. If others in your lab group would
like to hear the EMG signal, pass the headphones around before clicking
To listen again: click Redo, listen, and Stop or click Redo and then Stop when done.
then click Stop.
30. Click Done. A dialog with options will be generated. Make your choice and click OK.
31. Select an option and click OK. If choosing the “Record from another subject” option:
a) Attach electrodes per Setup Step 5 and continue the entire lesson
from Setup Step 8.
b) Each person will need to use a unique file name.
32. Remove the electrodes from each forearm. Remove the electrode cable pinch connectors, and peel off the electrodes.
Discard the electrodes (BIOPAC electrodes are not reusable). Wash the
electrode gel residue from the skin, using soap and water. The electrodes
END OF RECORDING may leave a slight ring on the skin for a few hours, which is quite normal.
Lesson 2: EMG II Page 11
FAST TRACK DATA ANALYSIS Detailed Explanation of Data Analysis Steps
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and
choose the correct file.
Enter Review Saved Data from the Lessons menu.
For the first part of the analysis, use the data labeled “Increasing clench
force” recorded in Segment 1 for Forearm 1 and Segment 3 for Forearm 2.
Note your findings in Table 2.1.
For the second part of the analysis, use the data labeled “Continued
clench at maximum force” recorded in Segment 2 for Forearm 1 and
Segment 4 for Forearm 2. Note your findings in Table 2.2.
5. Repeat Step 4 on the plateau of each
successive clench.
6. Scroll to Segment 3 and set up your Segment 3 begins at the third append marker, labeled “Forearm 2, Increasing
display for optimal viewing. clench force.”
7. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for Segment 3. Enter your measurement findings in Table 2.1.
Analysis of Continued Clench …
8. Scroll to Segment 2 and set up your Segment 2 begins at the second append marker, labeled “Forearm 1,
display for optimal viewing. Continued clench at maximum force.”
9. Use the I-Beam cursor to select a point of
maximal clench force immediately
following the start of the segment (Fig.
Fig. 2.12
The point selected should represent the maximal clench force at the start of
Segment 2 (continuous maximal clench), as shown in Fig. 2.12.
10. Calculate 50% of the maximum clench You will need this number to complete Step 12.
force from Step 9.
11. Find the point of 50% maximum clench Make an eyeball approximation of the point that is 50% down from the
force by using the I-beam cursor and leave maximal clench point. Then, use the I-beam cursor to click points near this
the cursor at this point. region, noting the value displayed in the measurement box, until you are on a
point within 5% of the maximal clench force. Leave the cursor at this point.
12. Select the area from the point of 50% One way to select the area is as follows:
clench force back to the point of maximal
The cursor should be flashing on the point of 50% maximal clench force.
clench force by using the I-beam cursor
Hold down the mouse button and drag to the left of this point until you reach
and dragging. (Fig. 2.13). Note the time to
the point of maximal clench force, then release the mouse button.
fatigue measurement (CH 40 Delta T).
Data Analysis continues…
Lesson 2: EMG II Page 13
Complete the Lesson 2 Data Report that follows.
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Lesson 2: EMG II Page 15
Motor unit recruitment and Fatigue
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Subject Profile
SS56L = kgf/m^2
B. Complete Table 2.2 using Segment 2 and Segment 4 data.
Table 2.2 Maximum Clench Force Data
Seg. 2 Forearm 1 (Dominant) Seg. 4 Forearm 2
Maximum 50% of Max Time* to Maximum 50% of Max Time* to
Clench Force Clench Force Fatigue Clench Force Clench force fatigue
calculate calculate
*Note: You do not need to indicate the Delta T (time to fatigue) polarity. The polarity of the Delta T measurement reflects
the direction the "I-beam" cursor was dragged to select the data. Data selected left to right will have a positive ("+")
polarity, while data selected right to left will have a negative ("-") polarity.
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
II. Questions
C. Is the strength of your right arm different than your left arm? Yes No
D. Is there a difference in the absolute values of force generated by males and females in your class? Yes No
What might explain any difference?
E. When holding an object, does the number of motor units remain the same? Are the same motor units used for the
duration of holding the object?
F. As you fatigue, the force exerted by your muscles decreases. What physiological processes explain the decline in strength?
I. Define Fatigue
J. Define EMG
K. Define Dynamometry
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 3 electrodes per subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or Skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Lycra® swim cap (such as Speedo® brand) or supportive wrap (such as 3M Coban™ Self-adhering Support Wrap)
to press electrodes against head for improved contact
Cot or lab table and pillow
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer system
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn the computer ON. The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask the
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is laboratory instructor for assistance.
turned OFF.
Plugs into Channel 1
3. Plug the equipment in as follows:
Electrode lead (SS2LA/L)—CH 1
4. Turn ON the BIOPAC MP3X unit.
Setup continues….
Lesson 3: EEG I Page 5
5. Position electrodes on the scalp.
RED Lead
Fig. 3.3 shows a sample configuration.
Fig. 3.3
Figure 3.4
1. Prepare for the recording. You will record the “raw EEG” while Subject is relaxed with eyes closed, eyes
opened, and eyes closed again. After recording the EEG signal, the software will
extract four brain rhythms: alpha, beta, delta, and theta.
In order to work efficiently, read this entire section before starting to record.
Hints for obtaining optimal data:
a) Good electrode contact is essential to minimize “noise” and increase signal
b) Subject should be supine and keep muscles still, especially facial muscles.
c) During the “eyes open” segment, Subject should not blink.
d) Subject should try relaxation techniques, such as concentrating on
breathing slowly or relaxing muscles.
Recording continues…
Lesson 3: EEG I Page 7
3. Director should instruct Subject to The EEG will be recorded on CH 1. The recording should last about 60 seconds.
remain relaxed but change eye condition, The Director should tell Subject to change the eye condition for 20-second
and Recorder should insert event intervals, and the Recorder should insert an event marker at each change.
markers when condition changes. Recorder should press F4 when eyes are opened and F5 when eyes are closed to
Director and Subject: insert pre-labeled markers.
First 20 seconds (secs. 0-20)
Time Eye Condition
Subject should be relaxed, with eyes closed for the first 20 seconds.
Seconds 0-20 eyes closed
Seconds 21-40 eyes open Next 20 seconds (secs. 21-40)
Seconds 41-60 eyes closed Director should tell Subject to open the eyes and try not to blink for the
Recorder next 20 seconds.
3. Use the I-Beam cursor to select the area This is the data from the append marker at Time 0 to the first event marker when
of “eyes closed” data from Time 0 to the Subject’s eyes were first closed. (See Fig. 3.7.)
first event marker.
Fig. 3.7
4. Repeat Step 3 using “eyes open” data. This is the data between the first and second event markers, when the eyes were
5. Repeat Step 3 using “eyes re-closed” This is the data between the second event marker and the end of the file, and
data. represents the time when the eyes were re-closed.
6. Zoom in on a 3-4 second section of the This is the data (from the append marker at Time 0 to the first event marker)
“eyes closed” data from Time 0 to the when Subject’s eyes were first closed. Zoom in to display 3-4 seconds of data.
first event marker.
7. Use the I-beam cursor to select an area Accurate Frequency calculation requires a selected area of only one cycle.
that represents one cycle in the alpha
wave (Fig. 3.8).
Fig. 3.8 Selected area shows one cycle in the alpha wave.
8. Repeat Step 9 for two other alpha wave Make sure you stay in the first recorded data (from the append marker at Time 0
cycles. to the first event marker) when Subject’s eyes were first closed.
Click in the beta wave to make it the selected channel for “SC” measurements.
9. Repeat Steps 8-9 using the beta wave.
10. Repeat Steps 8-9 using the delta wave. Click in the delta wave to make it the selected channel for “SC” measurements.
11. Repeat Step 8-9 using the theta wave. Click in the theta wave to make it the selected channel for “SC” measurements.
B You may save the data to another location, save notes that are in the
journal, or print the data file.
12. Save or print the data file.
13. Quit the program.
Complete the Lesson 3 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 3: EEG I Page 11
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
II. Questions
i. Does desynchronization of the alpha rhythm occur when the eyes are open?
ii. Does the beta rhythm become more pronounced in the “eyes open” state?
F. The amplitude measurements (Stddev) are indicative of how much alpha activity is occurring in Subject. But, the
amplitude values for beta do not truly reflect the amount of mental activity occurring with the eyes open. Explain.
G. Examine the delta and theta rhythm. Is there an increase in delta and theta activity when the eyes are open?
Explain your observation.
i. Alpha rhythm
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 3 electrodes per subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or Skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Lycra® swim cap (such as Speedo® brand) or supportive wrap (such as 3M Coban™ Self-adhering Support Wrap) to
press electrodes against head for improved contact
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
Turn the computer ON.
Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is
The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask the
laboratory instructor for assistance.
turned OFF.
Plugs into Channel 1
3. Plug the equipment in as follows:
Electrode lead (SS2LA/L)—CH 1
4. Turn ON the BIOPAC MP3X unit.
Setup continues…
Page 4 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Fig. 4.3
Lesson 4: EEG II Page 5
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Pay close attention to Calibration.
1. Ensure that electrodes and electrode Subject remains relaxed with eyes closed during Calibration. The best
leads are properly placed and that Subject recordings occur when Subject is relaxed for the entire recording.
is seated and relaxed.
2. Click Calibrate. The Calibrate button is in the upper left corner of the program screen.
3. Check connections and click OK. A prompt will be generated, requesting that you check the electrode
attachments one last time. Click OK to begin Calibration. The Biopac Student
Lab will begin recording data and use it to calculate optimal settings for
Subject. Calibration will stop automatically after 8 seconds.
4. Check the calibration data. At the end of the 8-
sec calibration
If similar, proceed to the Data recording, the screen
Recording section. should resemble Fig.
If different, click Redo Calibration.
Figure 4.4
f) For the “mental math” segment: the Director should prepare by coming
up with a math problem before recording begins. The math problem
should be challenging but not too difficult, e.g. take the number 2 and
double it, double again, double again, divide by 3, multiply by 15, divide
by 7, multiply by 12. The point is to make Subject really work to get the
answer, not to stump Subject or make them give up. The math problem
should require a minimum of twenty seconds.
g) Before the “recovery from hyperventilation” segment: Subject should
breathe quickly and deeply for two minutes, as if he/she had just finished
exercising and needed air. Subject should not be hyperventilating during
the recording.
Segment 1 Subject relaxed with eyes closed (Control)
2. Click Record and have Subject When Record is clicked, the recording will
continue to relax with eyes closed. begin and an append marker labeled
“Relaxed with eyes closed” will
automatically be inserted.
TIP In this lesson, Display > Autoscale
Waveforms and Autoscale
Horizontal are enabled DURING
Note The graph window will reduce to fit the Input
values window on the right side of the display.
The Input values window shows the alpha-RMS
value in a thermometer-like bar display, and can
be used as a visual aid to determine fluctuations
in alpha-RMS activity. It is only displayed when
data is recorded, and does not show in the
Review Saved Data mode.
Fig. 4.5
3. Record for 10 seconds. Subject should be relaxed with eyes closed (seconds 0-10).
4. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data and prepare for the
next recording segment.
5. Review the data on the screen. If data looks similar to Fig. 4.6, proceed to Step 6.
If similar, go to Step 6.
Recording continues…
Lesson 4: EEG II Page 7
If different, click Redo. The data may be different for the reasons in Step 5.
If different, click Redo and repeating recording Steps 7-10. Once Redo is
clicked, the data that was just recorded will be erased.
Segment 3 After Hyperventilation
11. Director advises Subject to Subject should hyperventilate for two minutes with eyes closed (see Hints).
hyperventilate for two minutes.
It is important that you resume recording as quickly as possible after Subject has
hyperventilated. However, it is also important that you do not click Resume
WARNING while Subject is hyperventilating or you will capture EMG artifact.
Hyperventilation can make
Subject dizzy and light headed.
Subject should be seated with
Director watching. Stop the
procedure if Subject starts to
feel sick or dizzy.
Recording continues…
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
12. Click Resume. When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “After hyperventilation” will be automatically inserted.
13. Record for 10 seconds while Subject is Subject should be in a relaxed state with eyes closed, recovering from
recovering from hyperventilation. hyperventilation.
14. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to prepare for the next recording
15. Review the data on the screen. If data looks similar to Fig. 4.8, proceed to Step 16. It is normal to have some
baseline drift after hyperventilation, as shown in Fig. 4.8.
If different, click Redo. The data may be different for the reasons in Step 5.
If different, click Redo and repeat recording Steps 12-15. Once Redo is clicked,
the data that was just recorded will be erased.
Segment 4 Eyes Open
16. Director advises Subject to open Director should advise Subject to open his/her eyes.
his/her eyes, and continue to relax.
Subject should remain relaxed but open his/her eyes.
17. Click Resume. When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “Eyes open” will be automatically inserted.
18. Record for 10 seconds. Subject should be seated and relaxed with eyes open and should try not to blink.
19. Click Suspend. The recording should halt.
20. Review the data on the screen. If data looks similar to Fig. 4.9, proceed to Step 21.
If similar go to Step 21.
If different, click Redo. The data may be different for the reasons in Step 5.
If different, click Redo and repeat recording Steps 17-20. Once Redo is clicked,
the data that was just recorded will be erased.
21. Click Done. A dialog with options will be generated. Make your choice, and continue as
22. Click Yes.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
a) Prepare subject and attach electrodes per Setup Steps 5-8 and continue
the entire lesson from Setup Step 11.
b) Each person will need to use a unique file name.
23. Remove electrodes. Remove the electrode cable pinch connectors. Peel off and discard the electrodes;
BIOPAC electrodes are not reusable. Wash the electrode gel residue from the
skin, using soap and water. The electrodes may leave a slight ring on the skin for
END OF RECORDING a few hours, which is quite normal.
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode. Enter the Review Saved Data mode from the Lessons menu.
Note Channel Number (CH) The data window should come up the same as Fig. 4.10.
Channel Displays
CH 40 alpha
CH 41 alpha RMS
Note measurement box settings:
Channel Measurement
CH 1 Stddev
CH 40 Stddev
Fig 4.10
CH 41 Mean
CH 40 Freq The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window. Each
measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type, and result.
The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated when you click
Brief definition of measurements:
Stddev: standard deviation will be higher if there is a lot of activity and lower
if there is less. The advantage of the stddev measurement is that extreme
values or artifacts do not unduly influence the measurement.
Mean: displays the average value in the selected area.
Freq: converts the time segment of the selected area to frequency in cycles
per second
Note: The Freq measurement applies to all channels since it is calculated
from the horizontal time scale.
The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-beam tool (including endpoints).
4. Repeat the measurements for each of
the data segments.
Fig. 4.11
5. Zoom in on a small section of the Be sure to zoom in far enough so that you can easily measure the frequency of
Segment 1 data. the alpha wave.
6. Use the I-Beam cursor to select an area Fig. 4.12 shows a sample setup for measuring the frequency in the alpha band
from one peak to the next in the alpha [CH 40].
band [CH 40].
Fig. 4.12
7. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to another location, save notes that are in the journal,
8. Quit the program. or print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 4 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 4: EEG II Page 11
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
A. Complete Table 4.1 with the amplitudes of the recorded data in the control and experimental conditions. Calculate the
difference for the Alpha-RMS Mean between the Experimental Conditions and the Control, and then summarize whether the
Experimental Mean was larger (+), smaller (), or the same (=) as the Control Mean.
Table 4.1
EEG Alpha Alpha-RMS Alpha-RMS Alpha-RMS
Segment Condition Difference Summary
(Exp. - Control) (+, , =)
Eyes closed
Mental arithmetic
Recovering from
Eyes open
II. Questions
C. Refer to Table 4.1: When was the general amplitude of the EEG highest?
D. Refer to Table 4.1: When were the alpha wave levels highest?
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
E. Refer to Table 4.1: How do your results compare with the information presented in the Introduction?
G. What might account for the amplitude difference of waves recorded from a subject tested alone, in a darkened room, and
subjects tested in a lab full of students?
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 3 electrodes per subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or Skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Cot or lab table and pillow
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
Setup continues…
Page 6 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
When the electrode leads are connected properly, the LEAD II electrode
configuration will be established. The electrode lead cables are each a different
color and the pinch connectors on the ends of the cables need to be attached to
a specific electrode. Follow Fig. 5.6 to ensure that each cable is connected to
the proper electrode.
The pinch connectors work like a small clothespin, but will only latch onto the
nipple of the electrode from one side of the connector.
7. Have Subject lie down and relax. Position the electrode cables such that they are not pulling on the electrodes.
Connect the electrode cable clip (where the cable meets the three individual
colored wires) to a convenient location (can be on Subject’s clothes). This
will relieve cable strain.
Subject should not be in contact with nearby metal objects (faucets, pipes,
etc.), and should remove any wrist or ankle bracelets.
8. Start the BIOPAC Student Lab program.
9. Choose Lesson L05-ECG-I and click OK.
10. Type in your filename and click OK. Type in a unique identifier. Click OK to end the default setup.
11. Optional: Set Preferences. This lesson has optional Preferences for data and display while recording. Per
Choose File > Preferences. your Lab Instructor’s guidelines, you may set:
Select an option. Heart Rate Data: Calculate and display Heart Rate data – enabled by default
Select the desired setting and click OK. We recommend that you leave Heart Rate data enabled. Heart Rate data
is derived by finding each R-R interval in the ECG channel and then
calculating the corresponding rate (in BPM).
Rate (BPM) = (60 sec./minute) / (R-R Interval -sec.)
Since Heart Rate data requires a full, preceding R-R interval, it is
always delayed from ECG data by one R-R Interval and the data is only
updated once per R-R interval.
Time scale: set horizontal time scale from 10-120 seconds
ECG filter: set bandwidth
Journal Text: show minimum guiding text vs. detailed text
Grids: show or hide gridlines
END OF SETUP Recording Length: allow from 30 seconds to 30 minutes of data
Lesson 5: ECG I Page 7
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Pay close attention to the following calibration steps.
1. Double check electrode connections and Make sure the electrodes adhere securely to the skin. If they are being pulled up,
make sure Subject is supine, relaxed, and you will not get a good ECG signal.
Subject must be relaxed and as still as possible during the Calibration. The
electrocardiograph is very sensitive to small changes in voltage caused by
contraction of skeletal muscles, and Subject’s arms and legs need to be relaxed
so that the muscle (EMG) signal does not corrupt the ECG signal.
2. Click Calibrate. The Calibrate button is in the upper left corner of the program window. This
will start the calibration recording, which will stop automatically after eight
Subject needs to remain supine, relaxed, and still throughout calibration.
3. Check the calibration data: At the end of the 8-sec
calibration recording, there
If similar, proceed to Data Recording. should be a recognizable ECG
If different, Redo Calibration. waveform with no large
baseline drifts. If data
resembles Fig. 5.7 (with
allowance for any difference in
vertical scaling), proceed to the
Data Recording section.
Fig. 5.7
If data shows any large baseline drifts, check that electrodes are making good
END OF CALIBRATION contact, then click Redo Calibration and repeat the entire calibration sequence.
Segment 1 — Supine
2. Click Record. When Record is clicked, the recording will begin and an append marker labeled
“Supine” will automatically be inserted.
3. Record for 20 seconds and then click Subject is supine for seconds 0-20. The recording should halt, giving you time
Suspend. to review the data and prepare for the next recording segment.
4. Review the data on the screen. If data looks similar
to Fig. 5.8, proceed
If correct, go to Step 6.
to Step 5.
If different, click Redo. The data would be different for the reasons in Step 4. If different, redo the
recording by clicking Redo and repeating Steps 5-8. Note that once you press
Redo, the data that was just recorded will be erased.
Segment 3—Deep Breathing
9. Click Resume. When Resume is clicked, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “Deep breathing” will be automatically inserted.
10. Subject remains seated and inhales and Subject remains seated, relaxed, and still.
exhales as completely as possible for five
After the recording begins, Subject should complete a series of five prolonged
prolonged (slow) breath cycles.
(slow), deep, breath cycles, inhaling fully and exhaling completely.
Recorder inserts event markers at a
Note It is important to breathe with long, slow, deep breaths
corresponding inhale and exhale.
to help minimize the EMG artifact.
“start of inhale” — press F4 During this time, Recorder presses F4 at start of one inhale and F5 at start of
corresponding exhale to insert pre-labeled markers. These event markers will help
“start of exhale” — press F5 you locate data to complete Table A in the Data Report.
If different, click Redo. The data might be different for the reasons in Step 4.
Note The “Deep breathing” recording may have some baseline drift (as shown
previously in Fig. 5.10). Baseline drift is fairly normal and unless it is
excessive, it does not necessitate redoing the recording.
If incorrect, click Redo and repeat Steps 9-12. Note that when Redo is clicked,
the data that was just recorded will be erased.
Segment 4 — After exercise
13. Have Subject perform an exercise to Subject should perform an exercise to elevate his/her heart rate fairly rapidly,
elevate his/her heart rate. such as running up stairs, push-ups, or jumping-jacks.
Note You may remove the electrode cable pinch connectors so that Subject
can move about freely, but do not remove the electrodes.
If you do remove the cable pinch connectors, you must reattach them
following the precise color placement in Fig. 5.6 prior to clicking
In order to capture the heart rate variation, it is important that you resume
recording as quickly as possible after Subject has performed the exercise.
However, it is also important that you do not click Resume while Subject is
Recording continues… exercising or you will capture motion artifact.
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
14. Click Resume. When Resume is clicked, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “After exercise” will be automatically inserted.
15. Record for 60 seconds. Subject is seated in a relaxed state, recovering from exercise.
16. Click Suspend. The recording should halt.
17. Review the data on the screen. If data looks similar to Fig. 5.11, proceed to Step 18.
If similar, go to Step 18.
If different; click Redo. The data would be incorrect for the reasons in Step 4.
Note The “After exercise” recording may have some baseline drift (as shown
in Fig. 5.11 above). Baseline drift is fairly normal and, unless excessive,
does not necessitate redoing the recording.
If incorrect, clicking Redo and repeating Steps 13-17. Note that once you press
Redo, the data that was just recorded will be erased.
18. Click Done. A dialog with options will be generated. Make your choice and continue as
directed. If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
19. Click Yes.
a) Attach electrodes per Setup Steps 5-7 and continue the entire lesson
from Setup Step 9.
b) Each person will need to use a unique file name.
20. Remove the electrodes. Remove the electrode cable pinch connectors. Peel off the electrodes and discard
the electrodes; BIOPAC electrodes are not reusable. Wash the electrode gel
residue from the skin, using soap and water. The electrodes may leave a slight
ring on the skin for a few hours. This is normal, and does not indicate that
END OF RECORDING anything is wrong.
Lesson 5: ECG I Page 11
In this section, you will examine ECG components of cardiac cycles and measure amplitudes (mV) and durations (msecs) of the
ECG components.
Note: Interpreting ECGs is a skill that requires practice to distinguish between normal variation and those arising from medical
conditions. Do not be alarmed if your ECG is different than the normal values and references in the Introduction.
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode. Enter the Review Saved Data mode from Lessons menu.
Note Channel Number (CH) The data window should come up the same as Fig. 5.12.
CH 1 ECG (Lead II)
CH 40 Heart Rate
Fig. 5.14 Overlap sample: Heart Rate and ECG after supine Subject is seated
3. For measuring heart rate, use the cursor to Note that the CH 40 Value measurement displays the BPM for the interval
select any data point within an R-R preceding the current R-R interval.
If CH 40 Heart Rate data was not recorded, use CH 1 BPM to determine the heart
A rate; select from R wave peak to R wave peak as precisely as possible.
Follow the examples shown above to complete all the measurements required for
the Data Report
4. Take measurements within two other R-R
intervals in the current segment.
5. Repeat measurements on the other
segments as required for the Data Report.
Fig. 5.15 Data point selection for Heart Rate data correlated to ECG data
6. Hide CH 40. The remaining measurements use ECG data only. To hide Heart Rate data display
and focus on ECG data, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) the “40”
7. Zoom in on a single cardiac cycle from
channel number box.
Segment 1.
For Ventricular Systole and Diastole measurements, the T wave reference point
8. Measure Ventricular Systole and Diastole.
for the selected area is 1/3 of the way down the descending portion of the T wave;
B if necessary, see Fig. 5.2 and Table 5.1 in the Introduction for selected area
9. Repeat measurements for Segment 4. Segment 4 starts at the marker labeled “After exercise.”
10. Zoom in on a single cardiac cycle Be sure to stay in the first recorded segment when you select the cardiac cycle.
from Segment 1.
11. Use the I-Beam cursor to select segments Select the components of the ECG as specified in the table and gather data for 3
to measure the durations and amplitudes cycles; if necessary, see Fig. 5.2 and Table 5.1 in the Introduction for selected
required for the Data Report. area details. To paste measurements into the Journal, choose Edit > Journal >
Paste measurement.
Fig. 5.17 sample selection for measuring P wave duration (Delta T) and amplitude (P-P)
Fig. 5.18 sample selection for measuring P-R Interval duration (Delta T).
12. Zoom in on a single cardiac cycle Follow the examples shown above to complete all the measurements required for
from Segment 4. your Data Report.
13. Repeat duration measurements using
segment 4 data as required for the Data
14. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or print the
data file.
15. Exit the program.
Complete the Lesson 5 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 5: ECG I Page 15
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
I. Data and Calculations
Subject Profile
Name Height
A: Heart Rate
Complete the following tables with the lesson data indicated, and calculate the Mean as appropriate;
Table 5.3
Cardiac Cycle Mean If CH 40 was not recorded,
Segment: Condition
1 2 3 (calculate) use .
1: Supine
2: Seated
3: Start of inhale
3: Start of exhale
4: After exercise
R-R .80
T-P 0 - .40
Note Interpreting ECGs is a skill that requires practice to distinguish between normal variation and those arising
from medical conditions. Do not be alarmed if your ECG does not match the “normal values” and references
above and in the Introduction.
II. Questions
A. Using data from table 5.3:
1) Explain the changes in heart rate between conditions. Describe the physiological mechanisms causing these
2) Are there differences in the cardiac cycle with the respiratory cycle (segment 3 data)?
2) Compare your ECG data to the normative values. Explain any differences.
3) Compare ECG data with other groups in your laboratory. Do their data differ? Explain why this may not be
D. In order to beat, the heart needs three types of cells. Describe the cells and their function.
1) ____________________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________________________________
E. List in proper sequence, starting with the normal pacemaker, elements of the cardiac pacemaker system.
1) _________________________
2) _________________________
3) _________________________
4) _________________________
5) _________________________
6) _________________________
7) _________________________
8) _________________________
F. Describe three cardiac effects of increased sympathetic activity, and of increased parasympathetic activity.
G. In the normal cardiac cycle, the atria contract before the ventricles. Where is this fact represented in the ECG?
H. What is meant by “AV delay” and what purpose does the delay serve?
J. Which components of the ECG are normally measured along the isoelectric line?
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
- Lead I +
- -
+ +
BIOPAC® Systems, Inc.
42 Aero Camino, Goleta, CA 93117
(805) 685-0066, Fax (805) 685-0067
BIOPAC electrode lead set x 2 (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 6 electrodes per subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or Skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Cot or lab table and pillow
Two different colored pens/pencils
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
Setup continues… Fig. 6.5 MP3X (top) and MP45 (bottom) equipment connections
Page 6 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
5. Place six electrodes on Subject, as shown
Place six electrodes as shown in Fig. 6.6:
in Fig. 6.6.
- two electrodes on right leg, just above ankle bone
- one electrode on left leg, just above ankle bone
- two electrodes on left wrist (same side of arm as palm of hand)
- one electrode on right wrist (same side of arm as palm of hand)
1 above 2 above
right wrist left wrist
2 above 1 above
right ankle left ankle
Fig. 6.6 Electrode Placement
Note For optimal electrode adhesion, electrodes should be placed on skin
at least 5 minutes before Calibration is started.
6. Attach the first electrode lead set Each of the pinch connectors on the end of the electrode cable needs to be
(SS2LA/L) from Channel 1 to the attached to a specific electrode. The electrode cables are each a different
electrodes, following LEAD I in Fig. 6.7. color, and you should follow Fig. 6.7 to ensure that you connect each
cable to the proper electrode.
7. Attach the second electrode lead set
(SS2LA/L) from Channel 2 to the When the electrode cable is connected properly, the LEAD I and LEAD
electrodes, following LEAD III in Fig. 6.7. III electrode configurations will be established.
- Lead I +
Note: On the right ankle and on the left wrist, Lead I should go to the
upper of the two electrodes and Lead III should go to the lower of the two
The pinch connectors work like a small clothespin, but will only latch
onto the nipple of the electrode from one side of the connector.
8. Have Subject lie down and relax. Position the electrode cables such that they are not pulling on the
electrodes. Connect the electrode cable clip (where the cable meets the
three individual colored wires) to a convenient location (can be on
Subject’s clothes). This will relieve cable strain.
Subject should not be in contact with nearby metal objects (faucets,
pipes, etc.) and should remove any wrist or ankle bracelets.
Setup continues…
Lesson 6: ECG II Page 7
9. Start the BIOPAC Student Lab program.
10. Choose Lesson 6 (L06-ECG-II) and click
11. Type in your filename and click OK. Use a unique identifier. Click OK to end the default setup.
12. Optional: Set Preferences. This lesson has optional Preferences for data and display while recording.
Per your Lab Instructor’s guidelines, you may set:
Choose File > Preferences. Heart Rate Data: Calculate and display Heart Rate data
Select an option. Time scale: set horizontal time scale from 10-120 seconds
Select the desired setting and click OK. ECG filter: set bandwidth
Journal Text: show minimum guiding text vs. detailed text
END OF SETUP Grids: show or hide gridlines
Recording Length: allow from 30 seconds to 30 minutes of data
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Pay close attention to Calibration.
Fig. 6.8
If data resembles Fig. 6.8 (with allowance for any difference in vertical
scaling), proceed to the Data Recording section.
If data shows any large baseline drifts, check that electrodes are making good
contact and click Redo Calibration, then repeat the entire calibration
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Recording continues…
Lesson 6: ECG II Page 9
Segment 2— Seated
6. Have Subject quickly get up and sit in Subject should sit with arms relaxed at side of body and hands apart in lap, with
a chair, with arms relaxed and feet legs flexed at knee and feet supported.
In order to capture the heart rate variation, it is important that you resume
recording as quickly as possible after Subject sits. However, it is also important
that you do not click Resume while Subject is in the process of sitting or you
will capture motion artifact.
7. Click Resume as soon as possible after When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
Subject is seated. labeled “Seated” will be automatically inserted.
8. After 10 seconds of recording, Subject After about 10 seconds of recording, the Director should instruct Subject to
should breathe in and out once such breathe in and out once such that the inhale and exhale are audible.
that the breath is audible and the
Note: Subject should not breathe in too deeply as that will cause excessive
Recorder should insert event
EMG or baseline drift.
a) F4 at beginning of inhale. To insert pre-labeled Event Markers, press F4 (inhale) and then F5 (exhale).
“start of inhale”
Labels can also be entered manually (F9 on Windows, Esc on Mac) or
b) F5 at beginning of exhale. edited after data is recorded.
“start of exhale”
The recording should run for about 30 seconds total.
9. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, allowing you to review the data.
10. Review the data on the screen. If data looks similar to Fig. 6.10, proceed to Step 11.
If similar, go to Step 11.
Fig. 6.11
The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window.
Each measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type, and
result. The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated when you
click them.
Delta: Computes the difference in amplitude between the first point and the
last point of the selected area. It is particularly useful for taking ECG
measurements, because the baseline does not have to be at zero to obtain
accurate, quick measurements.
2. Set up the display window for optimal The following tools help you adjust the data window:
viewing of the first data segment.
Display menu: Autoscale horizontal Autoscale waveforms, Zoom Previous
Scroll Bars: Time (Horizontal); Amplitude (Vertical)
Cursor Tools: Zoom Tool
Buttons: Overlap, Split, Show Grid, Hide Grid
The first data segment is the area from the append marker “Supine” at Time 0
to the next append marker. The data window should resemble Fig. 6.12.
3. Zoom in to select two consecutive The “Supine” segment begins at the first append marker, and represents the time
“clean” cardiac cycles in the “Supine” when Subject was supine, breathing normally, in a relaxed state. Zoom in to so
segment. that there are two “clean” cardiac cycles displayed. A clean cardiac cycle has low
noise and the ECG components are easy to discern (Fig. 6.13).
4. Place an event marker above the
second R-wave to indicate which
cardiac cycle will be used for
Fig. 6.13
Insert the event marker directly above the R wave of the second cardiac cycle in
the display.
To place an event marker, click the cursor in the event marker region under the
marker label bar (above the top data channel). An inverted triangle should appear
which, when selected, will be the color yellow.
Type “Reference 1” to label the marker.
5. Use the I-Beam cursor to select the Start at the midpoint between the T-wave of cardiac cycle 1 (left) and the P-
area from the midpoint between the wave of cardiac cycle 2. Press and hold the mouse and sweep the cursor to the
cycles (baseline) and the R-wave of the right until the end of the selected area is at peak of the desired wave—monitor
second cycle and complete “Supine” the Delta measurement to determine when the actual peak is reached; small
segments in the data report. movements to the right or left may be necessary.
A, B
Fig. 6.14
Note R-waves may be inverted on some of the leads (Fig. 6.15); include the
polarity of the Delta result in the Data Report tables.
6. Scroll to the “Seated” segment and Use the append markers to find the proper data segment and then use the display
select two consecutive cardiac cycles as tools to adjust the data window if necessary. Do not use a section between the
described in Step 5. “start of inhale” and “start of exhale” event markers.
B Note All remaining measurements are taken on Lead I and Lead III only so you
may choose to hide Lead II (CH 40). “Ctrl+click” (Windows) or
“Option+click” (Mac) the channel number box to toggle between hiding
and showing channel data.
7. Scroll to the “start of inhale” section Use the event markers to find the proper data section and use the display tools to
and select two consecutive cardiac adjust the data window if necessary.
cycles as described in Step 5.
8. Scroll to the “start of exhale” section Use the event markers to find the proper data section and use the display tools to
and select two consecutive cardiac adjust the data window if necessary.
cycles as described in Step 5.
9. Go back to the “Reference 1” marker This is the same cardiac cycle event marked inserted in Step 4.
created in Step 4.
Use the marker tools to move to different markers.
10. Measure the waves of the QRS To measure a wave, select the area from the baseline (Isoelectric Line) to the
complex and record the amplitudes for peak of the wave.
Lead I and Lead III.
11. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or
12. Exit the program. print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 6 Data Report that follows.
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Lesson 6: ECG II Page 15
Bipolar Leads (Leads I, II, III), Einthoven’s Law, and
Mean Electrical Axis on the Frontal Plane
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Subject Profile
Name Height
Same Single Note The software automatically computes and then displays
Lead mV
Cardiac Cycle Lead II values. Actual confirmation of Einthoven’s law
Lead I + or - requires all three bipolar limb leads to be simultaneously
Lead III + or -
SUM + or - Include the polarity (+ or -) of the Delta result since
Lead II + or - R-waves may be inverted on some of the leads.
B. Mean Electrical Axis of the Ventricles (QRS Axis) and Mean Ventricular Potential—Graphical Estimate
Use Table 6.2 to record measurements from the Data Analysis section:
Table 6.2
Start of inhale
Start of exhale
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
One way to approximate the mean electrical axis in the frontal plane is to plot the magnitude of the R wave from Lead I and
Lead III, as shown in the Introduction (Fig. 6.4).
1. Draw a perpendicular line from the ends of the vectors (right angles to the axis of the Lead) using a
protractor or right angle guide.
2. Determine the point of intersection of these two perpendicular lines.
3. Draw a new vector from point 0,0 to the point of intersection.
The direction of this resulting vector approximates the mean electrical axis (QRS Axis) of the ventricles. The length of this
vector approximates the mean ventricular potential.
Create two plots on each of the following graphs, using data from Table 6.2. Use a different color pencil or pen for each plot.
Graph 1: Supine and Seated
Explain the difference (if any) in Mean Ventricular Potential and Axis under the two conditions:
Lesson 6: ECG II Page 17
Explain the difference (if any) in Mean Ventricular Potential and Axis under the two conditions:
Page 18 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
C. Mean Electrical Axis of the Ventricles (QRS Axis) and Mean Ventricular Potential—More Accurate Approximation
Use Table 6.3 to add the Q, R, and S potentials to obtain net potentials for Segment 1—Supine.
Table 6.3
Lead I Lead III
Graph 3: Supine
Explain the difference in Mean Ventricular Potential and Axis for the Supine data in this plot (Graph 3) and the first plot
(Graph 1).
Lesson 6: ECG II Page 19
II. Questions
D. Define ECG.
G. What normal factors effect a change the orientation of the Mean Ventricular (QRS) Axis?
J. What factors affect the amplitude of the R wave recorded on the different leads?
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), three electrodes per subject
BIOPAC pulse plethysmograph (SS4LA or SS4L)
Ruler or Measuring Tape
Ice water or warm water in plastic bucket
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.3 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, or MP30 (Windows only)
Computer System
Fig. 7.2
Setup continues…
Page 4 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Fig. 7.4
Each of the pinch connectors on the end of the electrode cable needs
to be attached to a specific electrode. The electrode cables are each a
different color. Follow Fig. 7.4 to ensure that you connect each cable
to the proper electrode.
The pinch connectors work like a small clothespin, but will only latch
onto the nipple of the electrode from one side of the connector.
When the electrode cable is connected properly, the LEAD II
electrode configuration will be established.
7. Clean the window of the sensor. It is a good idea to clean the window of the SS4LlA/L sensor before
each use. This will prevent any oil or dirt on the window from
interfering with the signal. Use a soft cloth or other non-abrasive
material to wipe it clean.
Setup continues…
Lesson 7: ECG & Pulse Page 5
8. Wrap the pulse transducer (SS4L) around On the hand of the right arm with electrode positioned in Steps 5 and
the tip of your index finger (Fig. 7.5) on 6, position the transducer so that the sensor is on the bottom of your
the right hand with the electrode/lead fingertip (the part without the fingernail). Wrap the Velcro tape
attached. around your finger so the transducer fits snugly, but not so that blood
circulation is cut off—it’s a fine line between tight and too tight.
Sensor attaches to
bottom of fingertip
Velcro strap
wraps around
The Calibration procedure establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is
critical for optimum performance. Pay close attention to the Calibration procedure.
4. Check the calibration data: At the end of the 8-sec calibration recording, the screen should resemble Fig.
Fig. 7.6
There should be a greatly reduced ECG waveform with a relatively flat baseline
in the upper band. There should be wavelike forms in the pulse band. If your
data resembles Fig. 7.6, proceed to the Data Recording section.
If the data shows any large spikes, jitter, or large baseline drifts, or if you have
a flat line instead of a clear signal on the pulse channel, then you should redo
the calibration by clicking Redo Calibration and repeating the entire
END OF CALIBRATION calibration sequence.
Recording continues…
Lesson 7: ECG & Pulse Page 7
Segment 1
2. Click Record. When you click Record, the recording will begin and an append marker
labeled “Seated and relaxed” will automatically be inserted.
3. Record for 15 seconds. Subject is seated in chair, with arms relaxed on the armrests (seconds 0-15).
4. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data and prepare for
the next recording segment.
5. Review the data on the screen. If data is similar to Fig. 7.7, proceed to Step 6.
If similar, go to Step 6.
7. Click Resume. When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “Seated, one hand in water” will be automatically inserted.
8. Record for 30 seconds. Subject remains sitting with hand in water (seconds 16-45).
9. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data and prepare for
the next recording segment.
10. Review the data on the screen. If data is similar to Fig. 7.8, proceed to Step 11.
If correct, and more segments are
required, go to Step 11.
If incorrect, click Redo. The data might be incorrect for the reasons in Step 5.
If different, click Redo and redo the recording by repeating Steps 6-10. Note
that once you press Redo, the data you have just recorded will be erased.
Segment 3
11. Subject remains seated, raises the right Subject’s right hand (with transducer attached) should remain raised with arm
hand (with transducer attached), extends extended above the head for the duration of the recording.
the arm above the head, and holds that
12. Click Resume. When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “Seated, arm raised above head” will be automatically inserted.
13. Record for 60 seconds. Subject remains seated with arm extended above head (seconds 46-105).
14. Click Suspend. The recording should halt.
15. Review the data on the screen. If data is similar to the Fig. 7..9, proceed to Step 16.
If similar, go to Step 16. Note: The recording will vary greatly with different Subjects. When the hand
is raised above the head, there may not be enough blood pressure at the
fingertips to overcome the pressure of the Pulse Transducer strap. In
such cases, switch Subjects.
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and Enter Review Saved Data mode from the Lessons menu.
choose the correct file.
Note Channel Number (CH) The data window should come up the same as Fig. 7.10.
Channel Displays
CH 40 Pulse
Note measurement box settings:
Channel Measurement
CH 1 Delta T (time interval) Fig 7.10
CH 1 BPM (rate) The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window. Each
measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type, and result.
CH 1 P-P The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated when you click
CH 40 P-P on them.
Fig. 7.11
Data Analysis continues…
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
7. Repeat the above measurements for each
of the data segments.
A Fig. 7.12
8. Select individual pulse peaks for each Use the P-P [CH 40] measurements.
segment and determine their amplitudes.
Important: Measure the first pulse peak after the recording resumed. The
B body’s homeostatic regulation of blood pressure and volume occurs quickly.
The increase or decrease in your results will be dependent on the timing of your
data relative to the speed of physiological adjustments.
Fig. 7.13
9. Using the I-Beam cursor, select the Record the time interval (Delta T) between the two peaks.
interval between the R-wave and pulse
10. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or
print the data file.
11. Exit the program.
Complete the Lesson 7 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 7: ECG & Pulse Page 11
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Complete Table 7.1 with data from three cycles from each segment and calculate the Means.
Table 7.1
Condition Selected Area Measurement Cycle I Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Mean
Arm Relaxed R-R Interval DeltaT CH 1
Segment 1 Heart Rate BPM CH 1
Pulse Interval DeltaT CH 1
Pulse Rate BPM CH 1
Temp. Change R-R Interval DeltaT CH 1
Segment 2 Heart Rate BPM CH 1
Pulse Interval DeltaT CH 1
Pulse Rate BPM CH 1
Arm Up R-R Interval DeltaT CH 1
Segment 3 Heart Rate BPM CH 1
Pulse Interval DeltaT CH 1
Pulse Rate BPM CH 1
B. Relative Volume Changes (Segments 1-3)
Table 7.2
Arm Temperatur Arm Up
Resting e
Measurement Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3
QRS Amplitude
CH1 p-p
Relative Pulse Amplitude
CH 40 p-p
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
II. Questions
D. Referring to data in table 7.1, are the values of heart rate and pulse rate similar for each condition? Yes / No
E. Referring to Table 7.2 data, how much did the amplitude of the QRS complex change between conditions?
F. Referring to Table 7.2 data, how much did the pulse amplitude change between arm positions?
G. Referring to Table 7.2 data, does the amplitude of the QRS complex change with the pulse amplitudes? Why or why not?
H. Describe one mechanism that causes changes in blood volume to your fingertip.
I. Referring to data from section C of this report, how would you explain the difference in speed, if any?
Lesson 7: ECG & Pulse Page 13
J. Which components of the cardiac cycle (atrial systole and diastole, ventricular systole and diastole) are discernible in the
pulse tracing?
K. Would you expect the calculated pulse wave velocities of other students to be very close if not the same as yours? Why or
why not?
L. Explain any amplitude or frequency changes that occurred with arm position.
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC Respiratory Transducer SS5LB (or older SS5LA or SS5L)
BIOPAC Temperature Transducer SS6L (Fast Response Thermistor)
Single-sided (surgical) tape (TAPE1)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.3 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, or MP30 (Windows only)
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn the computer ON. The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is turned the laboratory instructor for assistance.
Fig. 8.4
The Calibration procedure establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for
optimum performance. Pay close attention to the Calibration procedure.
1. Subject should sit in a relaxed state,
breathing normally.
2. Click Calibrate. The Calibrate button is in the upper left corner of the Setup window.
3. Wait for the Calibration to stop. The program needs a reading of volume and temperature to perform auto-
calibration. Calibration will run for 8 seconds and then stop automatically, so
let it run its course.
4. Check your calibration data. At the end of the 8-second calibration recording, your screen should resemble
Fig. 8.6. Both recording channels should show some fluctuation. If there is not
If similar, proceed to the Data any fluctuation, then it is possible that a transducer is not connected properly
Recording section.
and you must redo calibration by clicking Redo Calibration and repeating the
If different, Redo Calibration. entire calibration sequence.
Figure 8.6
Note The top channel displays data from the temperature transducer that is
positioned under the Subject’s nose. The channel is labeled “airflow”
because the temperature at the nostrils is inversely proportional to the
END OF CALIBRATION airflow in and out of the nostril (see Introduction).
Page 6 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Recording continues…
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
13. Review the data on the screen. If all went well, data should look similar to the Fig. 8.9 and you can
proceed to Step 14. Use the horizontal scroll bar to view different portions
If similar, go to Step 14.
of the data segment.
Fig 8.11
2. Set up the measurement boxes as follows: The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window.
Each measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type
Channel Measurement
(tool), and measurement result. The first two sections are pull-down menus
CH 40 Delta T that are activated when you click them.
CH 40 BPM Brief definition of measurements:
CH 40 p-p Delta T: The Delta Time measurement is the difference in time between
the end and beginning of the selected area.
CH 2 p-p
BPM: The Beats Per Minute measurement first calculates the difference in
time between the end and beginning of the area selected by the I-Beam
tool (same as Delta T), and divides this value into 60 seconds/minute.
Because the BPM only uses the time measurement of the selected area for
its calculation, the BPM value is not specific to a particular channel.
p-p: finds the maximum value in the selected area and subtracts the
minimum value found in the selected area.
Note: The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-Beam tool
(including the endpoints).
3. Zoom in on a small section of the Segment 1 Zoom in far enough so that you can easily measure the intervals between
data. peaks, approximately four cycles.
Fig. 8.12
5. Select the area of expiration. The following figure shows an example of selecting an expiration segment.
The Delta T (T) measurement gives the duration of expiration.
6. Repeat the above inspiration and expiration
measurements for two additional cycles in data
Segment 1.
Fig. 8.13
7. Select an area within Segment 1 data from the The following figure shows an example of selecting the total duration of
beginning of one cycle to the end of the same one cycle. The Delta T (T) measurement displays the total duration and
cycle (this is the total duration). BPM indicates the breathing rate of the selected cycle.
8. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 on each of the three
remaining data Segments.
Fig. 8.14
9. Select three individual cycles in each of the The selected area should start at the middle of the descending wave and end
four data segments and determine the at the middle of the next descending wave to capture the min and max
respiration amplitude for each. amplitudes. The p-p measurement will display the amplitude.
Fig 8.15
10. Using the I-Beam cursor, select the interval Select the interval in each of the four data segments.
between the maximal inspiration and max
Record the Delta T (time interval) between the two peaks and the p-p [CH
temperature change in each data segment.
2] (temperature amplitude).
11. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or
END OF DATA ANALYSIS print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 8 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 8: Respiratory I Page 11
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Name Height
Table 8.1
Measurement Rate Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Mean
Inspiration Duration
Expiration Duration
Total Duration
Breathing Rate
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Read Aloud
Segment 4
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Peak DeltaTemp
Delta T between
Max inspiration and
Peak Delta Temp
II. Questions
E. If the subject had held their breath immediately after hyperventilation and hypoventilation, would the subject hold their
breath longer after hyperventilation or hypoventilation? Why?
ii. How does the body adjust rate and depth of ventilation to counteract the effects of hypoventilation?
Lesson 8: Respiratory I Page 13
H. In which part of the respiratory cycle is temperature:
Highest? Lowest?
Explain why temperature varies with the respiratory cycle.
J. What modifications of the breathing cycle occur when reading aloud? Why?
K. Refer to Table 8.1 data: During eupnea, did the subject inspire immediately after the end of expiration or was there a pause?
Explain the stimulus and mechanism to initiate inspiration.
L. Referring to Table 8.3 data: Are there differences in the relative ventilation depths?
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503) – 3 electrodes per Subject
BIOPAC Electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
o Disposable setup: EDA/GSR Lead (SS57L) and EDA Gelled Electrodes (EL507 x 2)
o Reusable setup: EDA/GSR transducer (SS3LA/L), Electrode gel (GEL1), and flat blade screwdriver
BIOPAC Respiration transducer (SS5LB or older SS5LA or SS5L)
Or nine sheets of different colored paper. Recommended: 8-1/2”x 11” sheets in white, black, green, red, blue, yellow,
orange, brown, purple
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.3 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, or MP30 (Windows only)
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn the computer ON. The desktop should appear on the monitor. If not, ask the
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is turned laboratory instructor for assistance.
3. Plug the transducers in as follows: BIOPAC MP3X unit
Respiration (SS5LB) — CH 1
Electrode lead set (SS2LA/L) — CH 2
EDA (SS3LA or SS57L) — CH 3
4. Turn the MP3X Data Acquisition Unit ON.
Respiratory Transducer
(SS5L/LA/LB) plugs
into CHannel 1
EDA (SS3LA–shown
or SS57L lead) plugs
Electrode lead set (SS2LA/L) into CHannel 3
plugs into Channel 2
Setup continues… Fig. 9.1 Equipment Connections
Lesson 9: EDA & Polygraph Page 5
6. Setup the EDA. HINT For a good signal to be picked up, it helps if the subjects
have a little sweat on their hands (not a lot, but enough so
that their hands are not completely smooth or cold). If
subjects wash their hands just prior to the recording or if
they have been sitting in a cold room, then they must do
something to activate the sweat glands before beginning
calibration or recording. If subjects begin with colder
hands, the scale will be diminished and the signal will be
easily saturated once they “warm up” during the lesson.
SS3LA and GEL1 If using the SS3L/SS3LA reusable setup, you must clean and then fill
with electrode gel to obtain accurate recordings:
Clean and fill both cavities of the EDA
transducer (SS3L/SS3LA) with gel and then CLEAN: Each cavity of the EDA transducer should be carefully
attach to the Subject cleaned with a small flat blade screwdriver and then the interior
(Fig. 9.4). surface should be gently roughed with an abrasive pad.
FILL: Fresh gel must be applied in order to obtain an accurate
EDA/GSR signal.
These steps are critical—data quality may suffer if the transducer
becomes gummed with dried gel from previous uses.
Sensors attach to
IMPORTANT bottom of fingertips
You must fill both sensor cavities
Velcro straps
with electrode gel (GEL1) before wrap around
attaching fingers
to the fingers.
It’s a fine line between tight and too tight. The SS3L and SS3LA attach
to the fingertips in an identical manner (Fig. 9.4) and should be in place
for at least five minutes prior to the start of recording.
7. Set up the LEAD II recording. Place three electrodes at the positions shown (Fig. 9.5).
a) Place three disposable electrodes (EL503)
on the Subject (Fig. 9.5).
one on right forearm
(just above wrist)
Ideally, the Subject should sit in a chair facing the Director, with arms on
the armrest and be in a relaxed state, breathing normally. The Subject
should not be able to see the screen during recording.
2. Click Calibrate. The Calibrate button is in the upper left corner of the screen.
3. Three seconds into the recording, a beep will The program needs to see a change in the EDA recording during
sound and Subject should inhale and exhale calibration.
deeply for one cycle, then return to normal
4. Wait for the Calibration to stop. The Calibration will run for 10 seconds and then stop automatically, so let
it run its course.
5. Check your calibration data. At the end of the 10-sec calibration recording, your screen should
resemble Fig. 9.8.
If similar, proceed to the Data All three recording channels should show some fluctuation. There should
Recording section. be some variation 4-6 seconds into the EDA recording from the deep
If different, Redo Calibration. If a channel does not show fluctuation, the transducer may not be
connected properly or the Subject may not have inhaled deeply enough.
Click Redo Calibration and repeat the entire calibration sequence until
END OF CALIBRATION your data resembles the sample data.
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. Prepare for the recording. You will record three segments of data, 120 seconds each. In order to
work efficiently, read this entire section so you will know what to do for
each recording segment.
3. Click Record. When you click Record, an append marker labeled “Count and touch”
will automatically be inserted.
4. Wait five seconds, then Director instructs The 5-second wait before each request establishes a baseline. This entire
Subject to perform the following, and pauses segment should be completed within 120 seconds.
between requests to reestablish a baseline.
In this segment, Recorder needs to insert an event marker at the
precise moment that Subject answers each question. To insert Markers,
press F9 on Windows or Esc on Mac.
It may be difficult to type in the marker label text while you are
recording. The important thing is to get the marker inserted during
recording, at the precise moment the event changes. Labels can be keyed
or edited after the recording is done.
Recording continues….
Lesson 9: EDA & Polygraph Page 9
c) Count backward from 30 by Subtract 1 from 30, then 3 from 29, then 5 from 26 and so on, by
subtracting increasing odd numbers using increasing odd numbers as the subtracted factor.
(e.g., 30, 29, 26, 21).
“count from 30”
d) Director touches Subject on the side
of the face.
“face touched”
5. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data and
prepare for the next recording segment.
6. Review the data on the screen. If all went well, data should look similar to Fig. 9.9 and you can
proceed to Step 7.
If similar, go to Step 7.
Fig. 9.9
Recording continues…
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Display the colors and insert event markers in It may be difficult to type in the marker label text while you are recording.
the following order: The important thing is to get the marker inserted during recording, at the
precise moment the event changes. Labels can be keyed or edited after the
a) “white” recording is done.
b) “black”
c) “red”
d) “blue”
e) “green”
f) “yellow”
g) “orange”
h) “brown”
i) “purple”
9. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, giving you time to review the data and prepare
for the next recording segment.
10. Review the data on the screen. Your data should look similar to Fig. 9.10.
If similar, and more segments are
required, go to Step 11.
If different, click Redo.
Variation in the data will completely depend on the Subject and recording
conditions. The data would be different for the reasons in Step 6. If
different, redo the recording by clicking Redo and repeating Steps 7-10.
Note that once you press Redo, the data you have just recorded will be
Segment 3
11. Click Resume. This segment should be completed within 120 seconds.
When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “Series of ‘Yes/No’ questions” will be automatically inserted.
12. Director asks Subject the ten questions Each question-answer should take about 10 seconds.
below, and notes Subject’s response.
Subject’s replies should be limited to “yes” or “no.” Subject may answer
Subject responds “yes” or “no.” truthfully or dishonestly.
Recorder inserts an event marker when the To insert Markers, press F9 on Windows or Esc on Mac.
question is asked and another marker when
Markers and labels can be edited after the data is recorded.
Subject begins to answer.
“Q” when question asked It may be difficult to type in the marker label text while you are recording.
The important thing is to get the marker inserted during recording, at the
“A” when answer starts precise moment the event changes. Labels can be keyed or edited after the
recording is done.
Recording continues…
Lesson 9: EDA & Polygraph Page 11
a) Are you currently a student? Y N Director should note Subject’s responses here by circling “Y” for Yes and
“N” for No.
b) Are your eyes blue? Y N
c) Do you have any brothers? Y N
d) Did you earn an “A” on the last Y N
physiology exam?
e) Do you drive a motorcycle? Y N
f) Are you less than 25 years of age? Y N
g) Have you ever traveled to another Y N
h) Have aliens from another planet Y N
visited you?
i) Do you watch “Survivor”? Y N
j) Have you answered all of the Y N
preceding questions truthfully?
13. Click Suspend. The recording should halt, allowing you to review the data.
14. Review the data on the screen. If all went well, your data should look similar to Fig. 9.11 and you can
proceed to Step 15.
If similar, go to Step 15.
Fig. 9.11
Variation in the data will completely depend on the Subject and recording
If different, click Redo. The data might be different for the reasons in Step 6.
If different, you should redo the recording by clicking Redo and repeating
Steps 11-14. Note that once you press Redo, the data you have just recorded
will be erased.
15. Ask the Subject to answer the questions Flip to Table 9.3 in your Data Report and record the Subject’s truthful
honestly and note the truthful answer in the answers to each question.
Data Report.
16. Click Done. A pop-up window with options will appear. Make your choice, and continue
as directed.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
a) Attach the sensors per Set Up Steps 5, 6, and 7 and continue the entire
lesson from Set Up Step 10.
b) Each person will need to use a unique file name.
17. Remove the sensors.
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and Enter Review Saved Data from the Lessons menu.
choose the correct file.
Note Channel Number (CH) designations:
Channel Displays
CH 40 Respiration
CH 41 Heart Rate
Fig 9.12
Note measurement box settings: The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window.
Each measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type,
Channel Measurement
and value. The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated
CH 41 Value when you click them. The following is a brief description of these specific
CH 3 Value
Value: displays the amplitude value for the channel at the selected point.
If a single point is selected, the value is for that point, if an area is
selected, the value is the endpoint of the selected area.
BPM: In this lesson, the BPM measurement stands for Breaths Per
Minute and calculates the difference in time between the end and
beginning of the selected area (same as T), then divides this value into
60 seconds/minute.
The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-Beam tool (including the
2. Setup your display window for optimal The following tools help you adjust the data window:
viewing of the first 5 seconds of the recording.
Display menu: Autoscale horizontal, Autoscale waveforms, Zoom
Scroll Bars: Time (Horizontal); Amplitude (Vertical)
Cursor Tools: Zoom Tool
Buttons: Overlap, Split, Show Grid, Hide Grid
3. Using the I-Beam cursor, choose a point at the
2-second mark and record the heart rate and
EDA values (Fig. 9.13).
Fig 9.14
5. Scroll to view a 10-second interval beginning This 10-second interval should show the Subject’s response to the first
at the first event marker inserted in Data instruction of the segment.
Recording Step 4.
6. Find the point of maximal EDA within this 10-
second segment and record the heart rate and
EDA values at this point.
Fig 9.15
7. Using the I-Beam cursor, select an area from The respiration transducer records chest expansion (inhalation) as positive
the start of one inhale to the start of the next values, and chest deflation (exhalation) as negative values. Therefore, the
inhale, closest to the point used in Step 6, and start of inhalation is recorded as the beginning of the ascending positive
record the respiration rate (BPM). waveform.
8. Repeat Steps 6-7 for each condition in
Segment 1 of your data.
Fig 9.16
C Measurements should be taken in the interval that begins when the Subject
started to answer.
11. Save or print the data file.
12. Exit the program.
You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or
print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 9 Data Report that follows.
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Lesson 9: EDA & Polygraph Page 15
Subject Profile
Name Height
Age Gender: Male / Female Weight
Resting (baseline)
Count from 10
Count from 30
Face touched
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
C. Complete Table 9.3 with Segment 3 data.
Mark I for increase, D for decrease, and NC for no change relative to baseline.
Student? Y N Y N
Blue eyes? Y N Y N
Brothers? Y N Y N
Earn “A”? Y N Y N
Motorcycle? Y N Y N
Another planet? Y N Y N
Aliens visit? Y N Y N
“Fear Factor”? Y N Y N
Truthful? Y N Y N
II. Questions
D. Of what practical value is the EDA information obtained from the color experiment?
E. What major physiological changes account for the galvanic skin response?
F. Give three reasons why polygraph testing of a person’s sincerity and honesty may yield inconclusive results.
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
2 x BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 6 electrodes per subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Optional: Adhesive Tape (TAPE 2)—use to tape wires to reduce cable strain
Pendulum for horizontal tracking (metronome may be used; signal pattern will be constant vs. diminishing)
Pen or other real object for vertical tracking
Passages for reading: Passage 1 – easily understandable (i.e., entertainment article)
Passage 2 – challenging material (i.e., scientific article)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn the computer ON. The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask the
laboratory instructor for assistance.
5. Place 6 electrodes on Subject as shown in Attach one electrode above the right
Fig. 10.5. eye and one below, such that they
Right side Left side
are aligned vertically.
For accurate recordings, attach the Attach one electrode to the right of
electrodes so they are horizontally the right eye and one to the left of
and vertically aligned. the left eye, such that they are
aligned horizontally.
BLACK lead
7. Attach the vertical electrode lead set (Ground) Follow Fig. 10.7 to ensure
(SS2LA/L) from CH 2 to the electrodes, that each colored cable is
following Fig. 10.7. connected to the proper
RED lead electrode.
8. Relieve cable strain.
Connect the electrode cable clip (where Drape the electrode lead
the cable meets the three individual cables behind the ears, as
colored wires) to a convenient location WHITE lead shown, to give proper
(can be on Subject’s clothes). cable strain relief.
Right side Left side
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Pay close attention to Calibration.
1. Click Calibrate. After Calibrate is pressed, a prompt will be generated (Fig.10.8) to emphasize
that Subject does not move his/her head during calibration.
Fig. 10.8
Fig. 10.9
There should be fluctuation in the data for each channel. If data resembles Fig.
10.9, proceed to the Data Recording section.
If Subject did not follow the dot on the screen or blinked, giving large data
spikes or jitter, or if an electrode “peeled up,” giving large baseline drift, click
END OF CALIBRATION Redo Calibration and repeat the entire calibration sequence.
Lesson 10: EOG I Page 7
4. Set pendulum in motion. When Record is clicked, the recording will begin and an append marker
labeled Pendulum will automatically be inserted.
5. Subject tracks movement until pendulum
stops. Subject should be seated and relaxed and should track movement with eyes
only, trying not to move head or blink. Ideally, eyes will only move laterally to
6. Click Suspend.
follow the object.
When Suspend is clicked, the recording will halt so you can review the data.
Data should resemble Fig. 10.10.
Recording continues…
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
If different, click Redo. Data would be different if it did not show decreasing amplitude. If different,
click Redo and repeat Steps 2-7; the last recorded data segment will be
Note If a metronome was used instead of a pendulum, the signal pattern
will have a constant instead of diminishing amplitude.
SEGMENT 2 — Simulate Pendulum
8. Click Resume. When Resume is clicked, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled Simulate Pendulum will be automatically inserted.
9. Subject simulates pendulum movement. Subject simulates pendulum movement (decreasing swing cycles) with eyes
only until the display shows no swing cycles. Subject should remain relaxed
10. After the display shows no swing cycles
and seated and should try not to move or blink during the recording.
(no movement), Recorder clicks
11. Review the data. When Suspend is clicked, the recording will halt so you can review the data.
Data should resemble Fig. 10.11.
If similar, go to Step 12.
If different, click Redo. The data would be different if it did not show decreasing amplitude. If data is
different, click Redo and repeat Steps 8-11; the last data segment you recorded
will be erased.
SEGMENT 3 — Vertical Tracking
12. Subject and Director should get in Position Subject such that the eyes are in line with the center of the computer
position. screen, using the same distance from the Signal Check.
Director holds pen in front of Subject. Director should hold a pen (or other real object) in front of Subject’s head at a
Subject picks a focal point on the pen distance of about 25 cm (10″). The pen should be centered with Subject’s
so that the eyes remain horizontal. head, so that Subject’s eyes are looking straight ahead.
Subject’s eyes should not move laterally (left or right).
Recording continues…
Lesson 10: EOG I Page 9
13. Click Record. When Record is clicked, the recording will begin and an append marker
labeled Vertical Tracking will automatically be inserted.
14. Subject tracks pen vertically as Director
moves it through Subject’s visual field Subject should be seated and relaxed and should track movement with eyes
(from center to upper and lower edges of only, trying not to move head or blink. Ideally, eyes will only move vertically
visual field and then return to center). to follow the object.
15. Click Suspend. When Suspend is clicked, the recording will halt so you can review the data.
Data should resemble Fig. 10.12.
16. Review the data.
If similar, go to Step 17.
If different, click Redo. Data would be different if it did not show decreasing amplitude. If different,
click Redo and repeat Steps 12-16; the last recorded data segment will be
Note If a metronome was used instead of a pendulum, the signal pattern
will have a constant instead of diminishing amplitude.
If different, click Redo. The data would be different if it did not show decreasing amplitude. If data is
different, click Redo and repeat Steps 17-20; the last data segment you
recorded will be erased.
Recording continues…
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
If different, click Redo. Data would be different if it did not show saccades. If data is different, click
Redo and repeat Steps 21-25; the last recorded data segment will be erased.
SEGMENT 6 — Read Silently - hard
26. Subject and Director should get in
Director should hold reading material
in front of Subject.
Subject should be able to read full
passage without moving head.
27. Click Resume. When Resume is clicked, the recording will begin and an append marker
labeled Read silently 2 will automatically be inserted.
28. Subject read Passage 2 silently (to self) Subject should read silently (to self) for 20 seconds. Subject should remain
for 20 seconds. seated, in a relaxed state and should try not to move or blink during the
29. Recorder clicks Suspend after 20 sec. When Suspend is clicked, the recording will halt so you can review the data.
30. Review the data. Data should resemble Fig. 10.15.
If similar, go to Step 31.
Recording continues…
Lesson 10: EOG I Page 11
If different, click Redo. Data would be different if it did not show saccades. If data is different, click
Redo and repeat Steps 26-30; the last recorded data segment will be erased.
SEGMENT 7 — Read Aloud
31. Subject and Director should get in
Director should hold reading material
in front of Subject.
Subject should be able to read full
passage without moving head.
32. Click Resume. When Resume is clicked, the recording will begin and an append marker
labeled Read aloud will automatically be inserted.
33. Subject reads Passage 2 aloud for 20 Subject should Passage 2 aloud until the recording stops. Subject should
seconds. remain relaxed and seated and should try not to move or blink during the
34. Recorder clicks Suspend after 20 sec.
When Suspend is clicked, the recording will halt so you can review the data.
35. Review the data. Data should resemble Fig. 10.16. Saccades should be slower (wider jerks) than
in the Read Silently segments.
If similar, go to Step 36.
If different, click Redo. Data would be different if it did not show saccades. If data is different, click
Redo and repeat Steps 31-35; the last recorded data segment will be erased.
36. Optional: Click Resume to record Optional: You can record additional segments by clicking Resume instead of
additional segments. Stop. A time marker will be inserted at the start of each added segment.
37. Click Stop.
38. Click Yes.
Recording continues…
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode. To review saved data, choose Analyze current data file from the Done
dialog after recording data, or choose Review Saved Data from the Lessons
menu and browse to the required file.
Note Channel Number (CH) The data window should come up the same as Fig. 10.18.
Channel Displays
CH40 Horizontal
CH 41 Vertical
Note measurement box settings:
Channel Measurement
CH 40 Delta T
CH 40 P-P
CH 40 Slope
Fig. 10.18
The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window.
Each measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type,
and result. The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated when
you click them.
Brief definition of measurements:
Delta T: The Delta Time measurement is the difference in time between
the end and beginning of the selected area, which is the duration of the
Data Analysis continues… selected area.
Lesson 10: EOG I Page 13
A Table 10.1
5. Scroll to Vertical Tracking data. Segment 3 data begins at the append marker labeled “Vertical Tracking” and
continues to the next append marker.
The following tools help you adjust the data window:
Display menu: Autoscale horizontal Autoscale waveforms, Zoom Previous
Scroll Bars: Time (Horizontal); Amplitude (Vertical)
Cursor Tools: Zoom Tool
Buttons: Overlap, Split, Show Grid, Hide Grid
6. Measure the amplitude change for each
object tracking cycle (diminishing
B Table 10.2
7. Scroll to Simulate vertical tracking Segment 4 data begins at the append marker labeled “Simulate vertical
data and measure the amplitude change tracking” and continues to the next append marker.
for each simulation cycle.
Data Analysis continues…
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
8. Scroll to the Read Silently - easy data. Segment 5 data begins at the append marker labeled “Read Silently - Easy”
and continues to the next append marker.
9. Find the saccades in the data You can paste measurements into the Journal to record the results of each
(Fig. 10.20). saccade per line of reading.
C Table 10.3
Fig. 10.20
10. Scroll to Read Silently - Hard data and Segment 6 data begins at the append marker labeled “Read Silently - Easy”
repeat Steps 9-11. and continues to the next append marker.
11. Scroll to Read Aloud data and repeat Segment 7 data begins at the append marker labeled “Read aloud” and
Steps 9-11. continues until the end of the recording.
12. Zoom in on a small section of data to Use the horizontal scroll bar if needed to find a segment similar to Fig. 10.21.
find a part of the data segment with a
small spike or bump, indicating flicking
movement (Fig. 10.21) and measure the
duration and slope.
D Table 10.4
Complete the Lesson 10 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 10: EOG I Page 15
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
A. Horizontal Tracking—Complete Table 10.1. Be careful to be consistent with units (msec vs secs).
Table 10.1 Horizontal Tracking vs. Simulation
Pendulum (Segment 1) Simulation (Segment 2)
B. Vertical Tracking—Complete Table 10.2. Be careful to be consistent with units (msec vs secs).
Table 10.2 Vertical Tracking vs. Simulation
Real Object (Segment 3) Simulation (Segment 4)
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Duration of saccade
Total duration of
D. Optional: Flicking—Complete Table 10.4 if your instructor asked you to record this data.
Note: You only need to select one example of a flicking movement.
Table 10.4 Segment 2 Data of Eye Orientation with Object Movement
Eye Orientation Stationary Object Moving Object—Tracking
Measurement Flicking Up Down Up
II. Questions
E. Focusing a camera changes the distance between the lens and the film. Does the eye focus by changing the distance
between the lens and the retina? Explain your answer.
Visual Field
Visual Fixation
Lesson 10: EOG I Page 17
Saccade / Microsaccade
G. Why is vision in darkness more effective when focusing away from the fovea rather than focusing directly on the fovea?
I. Examine the data in Table 10.1 and answer the following questions
a.) Did the amplitude increase, decrease, or remain constant during pendulum movement? Explain
b.) Did the amplitude increase, decrease, or remain constant during simulated movement? Explain
c.) Did the period frequency increase, decrease, or remain constant during pendulum movement? Explain
d.) Did the period frequency increase, decrease, or remain constant during simulated movement? Explain
e.) Did the relative speed of the eye movements (slope) increase, decrease, or remain constant during pendulum movement?
J. Examine the data in Table 10.2 and answer the following questions:
a.) Did the amplitude increase, decrease, or remain constant during object movement? Explain
b.) Did the amplitude increase, decrease, or remain constant during simulated movement? Explain
c.) Did the period frequency increase, decrease, or remain constant during object movement? Explain
d.) Did the period frequency increase, decrease, or remain constant during simulated movement? Explain
e.) Did the relative speed of the eye movements (slope) increase, decrease, or remain constant during object movement?
K. Examine the data in Table 10.3 and answer the following questions:
a.) Is eye movement slower or faster when you read a challenging passage? Explain
b.) Is eye movement slower or faster when you read aloud? Explain
Page 18 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
L. Compare your saccade results with at least three students. What is the range of variation in % time of saccades per line?
What factors might explain the variation?
M. Name the cranial nerves tested and the extraocular muscles tested when the subject is asked to follow the eraser on a pencil as
you move it in a one foot circle, two feet from their face.
N. Define corneal–retinal potential (CRP) and explain its relation to electrooculography and the electrooculogram.
Sample Reading
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC hand switch (SS10L)
BIOPAC headphones (OUT1)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.3 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, or MP30 (Windows only)
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn your computer ON. The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask
the laboratory instructor for assistance.
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is OFF.
3. Plug the equipment in as follows:
Hand switch (SS10L) — CH 1
Headphone (OUT1) — back of unit
4. Turn ON the BIOPAC MP3X unit.
5. Start the BIOPAC Student Lab Program.
6. Choose lesson “L11” and click OK. Lesson L11 is Reaction Time I.
7. Type in a unique filename. No two people can have the same filename, so use a unique identifier, such
as the Subject’s nickname or student ID#.
8. Click OK. This ends default Setup.
9. Optional: Set Preferences. This lesson has an optional Preferences setting for headphone volume:
Headphone Volume: increase or decrease volume as desired
Choose File > Preferences.
Select Headphone Volume.
Set the desired volume and click Apply.
Lesson 11: Reaction Time I Page 5
This calibration procedure will check that the headphones and SS10L are properly connected. Otherwise, there are no settings to
adjust or change.
Fig. 11.2
Note When Calibrate is clicked in the next step, the volume through the
headphones may be very loud due to system feedback. You may
position the headphones slightly off the ear to reduce the sound or if
using an MP3X unit, click Redo Calibration and then set File >
Preferences > Headphone Volume before clicking Calibrate.
2. Click Calibrate and then click OK. Before the calibration begins, a prompt will be generated reminding you to
press the button when you hear a click. Click OK to begin the calibration
3. Press the SS10L hand switch when you hear When pressing the hand switch, Subject should briefly depress the button,
a click. then release; Subject should not hold the button down or press it more
than once.
You should hear the click approximately four seconds into the recording.
4. Wait for the calibration to end. The calibration will run for 8 seconds and will automatically stop, so let it
run its course.
5. Review the data on the screen. Your screen should be similar to Fig. 11.3.
If similar, proceed to the Data Recording
If the Calibrate button reappears in the If there was no signal detected from the hand switch (flat line at 0
window, check connections and repeat the millivolts), the program will automatically return you to the beginning of
calibration procedure, making sure to press the calibration procedure.
button firmly.
If this happens: Check the connections to the hand switch, make sure
you’re pressing the button firmly, and redo the calibration procedure.
If different, Redo Calibration. If your calibration screen does not resemble Fig. 11.3, you need to repeat
calibration to obtain a similar screen.
Data might be different if:
a) The baseline is not 0 millivolts.
b) The data is excessively noisy, meaning more than approximately
1 mV peak-to-peak.
END OF CALIBRATION Note: Your data may be a little more or less noisy than the example above.
Page 6 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. Prepare for the recording. You will record four segments, each requiring you to press a button
(response) as soon as possible after hearing a click (stimulus):
a. Segments 1 and 2 present the stimuli at pseudo-random (1-10
IMPORTANT second) intervals.
DO NOT manually insert a marker in any b. Segments 3 and 4 present the stimuli at fixed intervals (every 4
recording segment of this lesson. The seconds).
software will insert markers as needed. In order to work efficiently, read this entire section so you will know what
to do before recording.
Note It is hard to cheat on this lesson. The BIOPAC Student Lab
software only looks for one response per stimulus, and it ignores
responses that occur before the first stimulus, so it doesn’t help to
press the push-button switch on the SS10L 10 times before you
hear the first stimulus. If a button press occurs before the stimulus
or more than one second after the stimulus, it will not be used in
the reaction time summary.
2. Prepare the Subject and Director for the Subject should be seated in a relaxed state, with headphones on, eyes
recording. closed. The Subject should hold the hand switch with his/her dominant
hand, such that the thumb is ready to press the button.
The Director needs to watch the screen and invoke the Record and
Resume button as required.
Segment 1: Pseudo-random Trial 1
3. Click Record. When you click Record, a pseudo-random presentation trial will begin and
an append marker labeled “pseudo-random” will automatically be inserted.
4. Subject should press and release the push- Pseudo-random presentation: The stimulus clicks will come at pseudo-
button switch on the SS10L at the sound of random intervals, in this case at least one second apart but no more than ten
each stimulus. seconds apart.
As soon as you hear each click through the headphone, press and release
the push-button switch on the SS10L.
An event marker will automatically be inserted each time a stimulus click
is output. Also, each time you press the push-button switch on the SS10L,
an upward pointing “pulse” will be displayed on the screen.
The recording will suspend automatically after ten clicks.
5. Review the data on the screen. After ten 10 clicks, the resulting graph should resemble Fig. 11.4. A pulse
should be displayed after each event marker if the SS10L push-button
If similar, go to Step 6. switch was pressed correctly.
Recording continues…
Lesson 11: Reaction Time I Page 7
Recording continues…
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
15. Click Done. When you click Done, a pop-up window with options will appear. Make your
choice, and continue as directed.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option, remember that each
Subject will need to use a unique file name.
16. Unplug the hand switch and headphones.
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode. Enter Review Saved Data from the Lessons menu.
Note channel designation:
Channel Displays
CH 1 Hand Switch
Note measurement box settings:
Channel Measurement
CH 1 Delta T
The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window.
Each measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type,
and result. The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated
when you click them.
2. Setup your display window for optimal The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-Beam tool (including the
viewing of the first event marker and pulse endpoints).
of the first data segment
(Fig. 11.6).
4. Look at the first reaction time result in the The two measurements should be approximately the same.
Journal and compare this to the Delta T
measurement found above.
5. Repeat the steps above on other pulses
until you are convinced that the Journal
Note: You can move around using the marker tools.
readings are accurate.
6. Transfer your data from the Journal to the This step may not be necessary if your Instructor allows you to print out your
Data Report. Journal and staple it to the Data Report.
C, D, E
8. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or
9. Exit the program. print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 11 Report that follows.
Lesson 11: Reaction Time I Page 11
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Name Height
Calculate the reaction time for the first click in Segment 1: Delta T =
D. Group Summary
Complete Table 11.3 with the mean for 5 students and calculate the group mean.
Table 11.3
Class Data Pseudo-random trials Fixed-interval trials
Student Means First Second First Second
Calculate the
Group Means:
E. Variance and Standard Deviation
n number of students
Xj mean reaction time for each student
X Group mean (constant for all students)
Calculate the variance and standard deviation for 5 students with data from Segment 2: Pseudo-random Trial 2 (Table
11.4) and from Segment 4: Fixed Interval Trial 2 (Table 11.5).
Lesson 11: Reaction Time I Page 13
II. Questions
F. Describe the changes that occurred in the mean reaction time between the 1st and 10th stimuli presentation:
For Segment 1:
For Segment 2:
Which segment showed the greatest change in mean reaction time? Segment 1 Segment 2
Estimate the minimal reaction time when reaction time becomes constant: sec
What physiological processes occur between stimuli presentation and pressing the hand switch?
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Which of the presentation schedules seems to have less variation (lower variance and lower standard
deviation)? Pseudo-random Fixed-interval
State a plausible relationship between the difficulty of a task and the reaction time statistics: mean, variance,
and standard deviation.
K. What differences would you predict in reaction times and learning between your right and left hands?
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC Airflow Transducer with removable, cleanable head (SS11LA)
o If using older SS11L transducers with non-removable head, insert into the larger diameter port.
BIOPAC Bacteriological Filter (AFT1): one per subject; plus, if using calibration syringe, one dedicated to syringe
BIOPAC Disposable Mouthpiece (AFT2)
BIOPAC Nose Clip (AFT3)
BIOPAC Calibration Syringe: 0.6-Liter (AFT6 or AFT6A+AFT11A) or 2-Liter (AFT26)
optional—BIOPAC Autoclavable Mouthpiece (AFT8)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn your computer ON. The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask the
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is OFF. laboratory instructor for assistance.
3. Plug the airflow transducer (SS11LA) into BIOPAC MP3X unit
Channel 1.
4. Turn ON the MP3X Unit.
5. Place a filter onto the end of the calibration
Plugs into CH1
Airflow Transducer
SS11LA needs 5-10 minutes to warm up; during this time, the baseline
Setup continues… offset is changing slightly.
Lesson 12: Pulmonary Function I Page 7
6. Insert the Calibration Syringe/Filter The bacteriological filter must be used between the transducer and calibration
Assembly into the airflow transducer (Fig. syringe in order for the data to be accurate. The filter is required for calibration
12.9). and recording because it forces the air to move smoothly through the transducer.
This assembly can be left connected for future use. You only need to replace the
filter if the paper inside the filter tears.
Always insert on the
side labeled “Inlet”
Fig. 12.9
Always insert syringe assembly on the transducer side labeled “Inlet” so that
the transducer cable exits on the left, as shown in Fig. 12.9.
IMPORTANT: If your lab sterilizes the airflow heads after each use, make
sure a clean head is installed now.
7. Start the Biopac Student Lab program.
8. Choose Lesson 12 (L12-Pulmonary
Function I) and click OK.
Use a unique identifier. Click OK to end default Setup.
9. Type in your filename and click OK.
10. Optional: Set Preferences. This lesson has optional Preferences for data and display while recording. Per
your Lab Instructor’s guidelines, you may set:
Choose File > Preferences. Calibration Syringe Size: 0.61 L (AFT6A/6), 1 L, 2 L (AFT26), 3 L, 4 L, or 5 L
Select an option. Calibration Syringe Values: set each time or set once and use stored values for
Select the desired setting and click the same SS11LA/L with the same MP45
OK. Residual Volume: RV cannot be determined using a normal spirometer or
airflow transducer, so the BSL software sets a value
between 0 and 5 liters (default is 1 L)
Journal Text: show minimum guiding text vs. detailed text
Grids: show or hide gridlines
Recording Length: allow from 30 seconds to 30 minutes of data
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Calibration will vary based on the Preference set by your lab instructor.
Pay close attention to the journal instructions for the entire calibration.
1. Hold the Airflow transducer upright Calibration Stage 1 zeroes the baseline, which is
and still (Fig. 12.10). critical for Airflow to Volume
calculation. For this stage, there must be no
airflow through the transducer and the
Fig. 12.10
2. Click Calibrate. The first calibration stage will run for 4 seconds.
3. IF PROMPTED—Complete the If prompted, read the Stage 2 procedure BEFORE clicking OK.
calibration syringe assembly BEFORE
clicking OK.
a.) Place a filter onto the end of the
calibration syringe.
b.) Insert the Calibration Syringe/Filter
Do not click OK until you are completely ready to proceed.
Assembly into the airflow transducer
(Fig. 12.12). Based on lesson Preference settings, the calibration syringe may not be required.
If prompted, complete the assembly BEFORE clicking OK.
c.) Pull the Calibration Syringe Plunger The bacteriological filter must be used between the transducer and calibration
all the way out. syringe in order for the data to be accurate. The filter is required for calibration
d.) Read the Stage 2 procedure to prepare and recording because it forces the air to move smoothly through the transducer.
for it. This assembly can be left connected for future use. You only need to replace the
filter if the paper inside the filter tears.
e.) Hold the syringe horizontally and let
the transducer hang upright off the
end with no support. If your lab sterilizes the
airflow heads after each
use, make sure a clean
IMPORTANT! head is installed now.
Always insert on the
side labeled “Inlet.” IMPORTANT
Never hold onto the
airflow transducer
handle when using the
calibration syringe or the
syringe tip may break.
4. Click OK. When you click OK, the second stage of calibration will begin, and will run
until you click End Calibration after cycling the syringe.
Calibration Stage 2 corrects the transducer amplitude and compensates for
Stage 2 – If “Use stored values” Preference set, complete if prompted.
Figure 12.13
The first push of the syringe plunger should have resulted in a downward
deflection of the data. If your data shows 5 downward deflections and 5 upward
deflections, you may proceed to the Data Recording section.
If different, Redo Calibration. If the first stroke resulted in an upward deflection, you will need to change the
calibration assembly (insert the assembly into the other port of the airflow
transducer) and repeat calibration. If the data shows any large spikes, you must
repeat calibration. Click Redo Calibration to repeat the calibration sequence.
8. Optional Validate Calibration.
a) Click Record.
b) Cycle the AFT6 syringe plunger
in and out completely 3 times (6
c) Click Stop.
Recording continues…
Lesson 12: Pulmonary Function I Page 11
Fig. 12.18
If different, click Redo. Data might be different if the procedure wasn’t followed precisely, i.e. Subject
coughed or air escaped, or if the wrong Residual Volume was used (see Journal
for value used and change via File > Preferences if necessary).
If different, click Redo and redo the recording by repeating Steps 5-8. Note that
once you press Redo, the data you have just recorded will be erased.
7. Click Done. After Done is pressed, data will automatically be saved in the specified “Data
Files” folder and a dialog with options will be generated. Make your choice and
8. Click Yes. continue as directed.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
a) You will not need to recalibrate the airflow transducer with the syringe
(Calibration Stage 2).
b) Remember to have each person use his/her own mouthpiece, bacterial
filter and nose clip.
c) Repeat Recording Steps 2-8 for each new Subject.
d) Each person will need to use a unique file name.
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and
choose the correct file.
Enter the Review Saved Data mode.
Note channel number (CH) designations:
Channel Displays
CH 1 Airflow (hidden)
CH 2 Volume
Channel Measurement The Airflow data does not have a lot of meaning for this lesson and may
CH 2 P-P confusing at first glance, but it contains an interesting perspective on the
CH 2 Max recording. Note that the vertical scale of the airflow waveform is in Liters per
CH 2 Min second (Liters/sec.), and that the data is centered on zero. Looking at the CH 1
CH 2 Delta graph, you can see that with each exhale, a downward pointing curve appears.
The deeper an inhale, the larger the positive peak; the more forceful an exhale,
the larger the negative peak.
The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data window. Each
measurement has three sections: channel number, measurement type, and
result. The first two sections are pull-down menus that are activated when you
click them. The following is a brief description of these specific measurements.
P-P: finds the maximum value in the selected area and subtracts the
minimum value found in the selected area.
Max: displays the maximum value in the selected area.
Min: displays the minimum value in the selected area.
Delta: computes the difference in amplitude between the last point and the
first point of the selected area.
The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-Beam tool (including
2. Review the measurements described in the
Introduction to identify the appropriate
selected area for each:
Total Lung Capacity
Tidal Volume
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
Expiratory Reserve Volume
Vital Capacity
Expiratory Capacity
Inspiratory Capacity
Functional residual Capacity
Residual Volume
3. Measure observed VC (P-P). The P-P measurement can be used to obtain VC (Fig. 12.21).
4. Take two measures for an averaged TV The P-P measurement in Fig. 12.22 represents the first value required for the
calculation: averaged TV calculation.
a) Use the I-beam cursor to select the
inhalation of cycle 3 and note the P-P
result (Fig. 12.22). The selected area
should be from the valley to the peak
of the third cycle.
b) Use the I-beam cursor to select the The P-P measurement in Fig. 12.23 represents the second value required for
exhalation of cycle 3 and note the P- the averaged TV calculation.
P result (Fig. 12.23). The selected
area should be from the peak to the
valley of the third cycle.
5. Use the I-beam cursor and measurement The Delta measurement can be used to obtain IRV, ERV, and other
tools to observe the following volumes and measurements (Fig. 12.24).
capacities (defined in Fig. 12.24):
a) IRV (Delta) d) IC (Delta)
b) ERV (Delta) e) EC (Delta)
c) RV (Min) f) TLC (Max)
6. Save or Print the data file.
7. Quit the program.
Fig. 12.24 Example of measurements for TLC (Max), RV (Min), and IRV (Delta)
You may save the data to another location, save notes that are in the
END OF DATA ANALYSIS journal, or print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 12 Data Report that follows.
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Lesson 12: Pulmonary Function I Page 15
Volumes and Capacities
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Subject Profile
Age Weight
ii) Observed: Use the P-P result to note Observed Vital Capacity: liters
A2 =
iii) Observed vs. Predicted
What is Subject’s observed Vital Capacity to predicted Vital Capacity as a percentage?
Note: Vital capacities are dependent on other factors besides age and height. Therefore, 80% of predicted
values are still considered “normal.”
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Complete Table 12.2 with the requested measurement results and calculate results per the formulas provided.
Table 12.2 Measurements
Title Measurement Result Calculation
Tidal Volume TV (a + b) / 2 =
a= Cycle 3 inhale:
b= Cycle 3 exhale:
Using data obtained for Table 12.2, compare Subject’s lung volumes with the average volumes presented in the Introduction.
Inspiratory Reserve Volume IRV Resting IRV for young adults is greater than
males = approximately 3,300 ml equal to
females = approximately 1,900 ml
less than
Expiratory Reserve Volume ERV Resting ERV for young adults is greater than
males = approximately 1,000 ml equal to
females = approximately 700 ml
less than
Lesson 12: Pulmonary Function I Page 17
D. Why does predicted vital capacity vary with height?
E. Explain how factors other than height might affect lung capacity.
F. How would the volume measurements change if data were collected after vigorous exercise?
BIOPAC airflow transducer with removable, cleanable head (SS11LA)
o If using older SS11L transducers with non-removable head, insert into the larger diameter port.
BIOPAC disposable mouthpiece (AFT2)
o Optional: BIOPAC Autoclavable Reusable Mouthpiece (AFT8)
BIOPAC bacteriological filter (AFT1): one per subject plus, if calibration syringe used, one dedicated to syringe
BIOPAC nose clip (AFT3)
BIOPAC Calibration Syringe: 0.6-Liter (AFT6 or AFT6A+AFT11A) or 2-Liter (AFT26)
Clinical Laboratory Scale
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
Airflow Transducer
SS11LA needs 5-10 minutes to warm up; during this time, the baseline
Set Up continues… offset is changing slightly.
Page 6 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
6. Insert the Calibration Syringe/Filter The bacteriological filter must be used between the transducer and calibration
Assembly into the airflow transducer (Fig. syringe in order for the data to be accurate. The filter is required for calibration
13.5). and recording because it forces the air to move smoothly through the transducer.
This assembly can be left connected for future use. You only need to replace the
filter if the paper inside the filter tears.
Always insert on the
side labeled “Inlet”
Fig. 13.5
Always insert syringe assembly on the transducer side labeled “Inlet” so that
the transducer cable exits on the left, as shown in Fig. 12.4.
IMPORTANT: If your lab sterilizes the airflow heads after each use, make
sure a clean head is installed now.
7. Start the Biopac Student Lab program.
8. Choose Lesson 13 (L13-Pulmonary
Function II) and click OK.
Use a unique identifier. Click OK to end default Setup.
9. Type in your filename and click OK.
10. Optional: Set Preferences. This lesson has optional Preferences for data and display while recording. Per
your Lab Instructor’s guidelines, you may set:
Choose File > Preferences. Calibration Syringe Size: 0.61 L (AFT6A/6), 1 L, 2 L (AFT26), 3 L, 4 L, or 5 L
Select an option. Calibration Syringe Values: set each time or set once and use stored values for
Select the desired setting and click the same SS11LA/L with the same MP45
OK. Residual Volume: RV cannot be determined using a normal spirometer or
airflow transducer, so the BSL software sets a value
between 0 and 5 liters (default is 1 L)
Journal Text: show minimum guiding text vs. detailed text
Grids: show or hide gridlines
Recording Length: allow from 30 seconds to 30 minutes of data
Lesson 13: Pulmonary Function II Page 7
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum performance.
Calibration will vary based on the Preference set by your lab instructor.
Pay close attention to the journal instructions for the entire calibration.
1. Hold the Airflow transducer upright Calibration Stage 1 zeroes the baseline, which is
and still (Fig. 13.6). critical for Airflow to Volume
calculation. For this stage, there must be no
3. IF PROMPTED—Complete the If prompted, read the Stage 2 procedure BEFORE clicking OK.
calibration syringe assembly BEFORE
clicking OK.
a.) Place a filter onto the end of the
calibration syringe.
b.) Insert the Calibration Syringe/Filter
Assembly into the airflow transducer Do not click OK until you are completely ready to proceed.
(Fig. 13.8). Based on lesson Preference settings, the calibration syringe may not be required.
If prompted, complete the assembly BEFORE clicking OK.
c.) Pull the Calibration Syringe Plunger
The bacteriological filter must be used between the transducer and calibration
all the way out.
syringe in order for the data to be accurate. The filter is required for calibration
d.) Read the Stage 2 procedure to prepare and recording because it forces the air to move smoothly through the transducer.
for it. This assembly can be left connected for future use. You only need to replace the
filter if the paper inside the filter tears.
e.) Hold the syringe horizontally and let
the transducer hang upright off the IMPORTANT
end with no support. If your lab sterilizes the
airflow heads after each
use, make sure a clean
Always insert on the
head is installed now.
side labeled “Inlet.” IMPORTANT
Never hold onto the
airflow transducer
handle when using the
calibration syringe or the
syringe tip may break.
Fig. 13.8
Calibration continues…
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
4. Click OK. When you click OK, the second stage of calibration will begin, and will run
until you click End Calibration after cycling the syringe.
Calibration Stage 2 corrects the transducer amplitude and compensates for
Stage 2 – If “Use stored values” Preference set, complete if prompted.
Figure 13.9
The first push of the syringe plunger should have resulted in a downward
deflection of the data. If your data shows 5 downward deflections and 5 upward
deflections, you may proceed to the Data Recording section.
If different, Redo Calibration. If the first stroke resulted in an upward deflection, you will need to change the
calibration assembly (insert the assembly into the other port of the airflow
transducer) and repeat calibration. If the data shows any large spikes, you must
repeat calibration. Click Redo Calibration to repeat the calibration sequence.
8. Optional Validate Calibration.
a) Click Record.
b) Cycle the AFT6 syringe plunger
in and out completely 3 times (6
c) Click Stop.
Always insert on the
side labeled “Inlet”
If using the SS11LA transducer and If using SS11LA transducer and sterilizing the head after each use: insert a
sterilizing the head after each use: mouthpiece into the airflow transducer on the side labeled “Inlet
If different, click Redo. Data might be different if procedure wasn’t followed precisely. If you can not
clearly define the start of maximal exhale, you will need to repeat the
Click “Redo” to redo the recording and repeat Steps 4-7. Note that once you
press Redo, the data you have just recorded will be erased.
8. Use the I-beam cursor to select the area of Use the I-beam cursor to select the area of maximal exhale. You must start the
maximal exhale (must be at least 3 seconds cursor at the instant of exhale, and by holding the mouse button down, select an
long). area at least 3 seconds in length (refer to Figure 13.15).
The first measurement box has been set up to read Delta T which is the time
between the end and beginning of the selected area. Use the Delta T
measurement to determine the amount of time you have selected.
9. Click Calculate FEV. After you have selected the correct area, click Calculate FEV to plot the
cumulative expired volume over time. The program will cut out your selected
area, invert it, and paste it into a new channel (Fig. 13.16). The volume
waveform originally recorded will be hidden from view so you can concentrate
on the data needed to calculate FEV.
10. Review the data on the screen.
If similar, go to Step 11.
If different, Redo. If after comparing the data obtained to Fig. 13.16, you feel the area you selected
in Step 7 was incorrect, click the Redo button and redo Steps 8-10.
Segment 2 — MVV
11. Click Continue. The current FEV data on the screen will be automatically saved to disk for later
analysis and the screen display will change to include a Record MVV button.
12. Place a nose clip on and begin breathing It is important that you begin breathing through the airflow transducer before
through the airflow transducer. you click the Record MVV button.
Make sure the air does not leak through the mouthpiece or nose clip.
Recording continues…
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Fig. 13.17
If different, click Redo. The data may be different if the procedure wasn’t followed precisely. In this
(If you press Redo, the data you have case, click “Redo” and redo the recording by repeating Steps 13-16.
just recorded will be erased.)
17. Click Done. This lesson produces two files; one for FEV data and one for MVV data, as
indicated by the extension. After you press Done, a dialog of options will be
18. Click Yes.
generated; make your choice, and continue as directed. Data will automatically
be saved in the “Data Files” folder on the hard drive.
If Done > Copy to another location is selected, the FEV and MVV data
files will both be automatically copied to the selected location.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
a) You will not need to recalibrate the airflow transducer with the syringe
(Calibration Stage 2).
b) Remember to have each person use his/her own mouthpiece, bacterial
filter and nose clip.
c) Repeat recording Steps 1-18 for each new Subject.
d) Each person will need to use a unique file name.
Lesson 13: Pulmonary Function II Page 13
FAST TRACK Data Analysis Detailed Explanation of Data Analysis
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and Enter the Review Saved Data mode.
choose the correct FEV-L13 file.
For the first part of the analysis, choose the data file from the FEV recording
(saved with “FEV-L13” added to the file name).
Note channel number (CH)
Channel Displays
CH 2 Volume
Note measurement box settings:
Channel Measurement
CH 2 Delta T
CH 2 P-P
3. Use the I-beam cursor to select the first The selected area should be from Time
one-second interval (Fig. 13.20). 0 to the one-second reading, as
displayed in the Delta T measurement.
B The volume expired in the time
interval from 0 to the end of second
one (Vol 0-1) is indicated by the P-P
measurement. Use this volume to
calculate FEV1, which is the % of VC
expired in the time interval from 0 to
Fig. 13.20 FEV1
the end of second one.
4. Use the I-beam cursor to select the first The selected area should be from Time
two-second interval (Fig. 13.212). 0 to the two-second reading, as
displayed in the Delta T measurement.
B The volume expired in the time
interval from 0 to the end of second
two (Vol 0-2) is indicated by the P-P
measurement. FEV2 is the % of VC
expired in the time interval from 0 to
the end of second two.
Fig. 13.21 FEV2
5. Use the I-beam cursor to select the first The selected area should be from Time
three-second interval (Fig. 13.22). 0 to the three-second reading, as
displayed in the Delta T measurement.
B The volume expired in the time
interval from 0 to the end of three (Vol
0-3) is indicated by the P-P
measurement. FEV3 is the % of VC
expired in the time interval from 0 to
the end of second three.
Fig. 13.22 FEV3
9. Use the I-beam cursor to select a twelve- Fig. 13.24 shows the result of the zoom selection (bordered in Fig.13.23) as 23
second area that is convenient to count the complete individual cycles, and from that a 12.01-second interval (see the
number of cycles in the interval (Fig. Delta T result) with about 15 cycles.
10. Place a marker at the end of the selected To place a marker, click in
area (Fig. 13.25). the lower portion of the
marker label region above
the endpoint of the selected
area. This is important
because you will need to
identify the region endpoint
after you deselect the area.
Enter marker text.
Fig. 13.25 Marker insertion
11. Use the I-beam cursor to select each You need to select each complete individual cycle up to the endpoint of the
complete individual cycle in the 12- originally selected area, as indicated by the marker you inserted. If there is an
second interval defined in Step 9. Select incomplete cycle at the end, do not count it.
one cycle at a time.
Fig.13.26 shows the first cycle of the 12-second interval defined in Fig. 13.24
C selected:
12. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to another location, save notes that are in the journal, or
13. Exit the program. print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 13 Data Report that follows.
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Lesson 13: Pulmonary Function II Page 17
Pulmonary Flow Rates
Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1,2,3)
Maximal Voluntary Ventilation (MVV)
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
= ________________
Complete Table 13.3 with a measurement for each individual cycle. If Subject had only 5 complete cycles/12-sec period,
then only fill in the volumes for 5 cycles. If there is an incomplete cycle, do not record it. (The Table may have more
cycles than you need.)
Table 13.3
Measurement Measurement
Cycle Cycle
Number Number
Cycle 1 Cycle 9
Cycle 2 Cycle 10
Cycle 3 Cycle 11
Cycle 4 Cycle 12
Cycle 5 Cycle 13
Cycle 6 Cycle 14
Cycle 7 Cycle 15
Cycle 8 Cycle 16
Page 18 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
4) Calculate the average volume per cycle (AVPC):
Divide the above sum by the number of counted cycles. The answer is the average volume per cycle (AVPC)
Multiply the AVPC by the number of respiratory cycles per minute (RR) as calculated earlier.
II. Questions
E. How do Subject’s FEVx values compare to the average per Table 13.2?
FEV1 less than same as greater than
FEV2 less than same as greater than
FEV3 less than same as greater than
F. Is it possible for a Subject to have a vital capacity (single stage) within normal range but a value for FEV1 below normal
range? Explain your answer.
H. How does Subject’s MVV compare to others in the class? less than same as greater than
Lesson 13: Pulmonary Function II Page 19
J. Asthmatics tend to have their smaller airways narrowed by smooth muscle constriction, thickening of the walls, and mucous
secretion. How would this affect vital capacity, FEV1, and MVV?
K. Bronchodilator drugs open up airways and clear mucous. How would this affect the FEV and MVV measurements?
L. Would a smaller person tend to have less or more vital capacity than a larger person? Less More
M. How would an asthmatic person’s measurement of FEV1 and MVV compare to an athlete?
Richard Pflanzer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Indiana University School of Medicine
Purdue University School of Science
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 3 electrodes per Subject
Electrode lead (SS2LA/L)
o Disposable Setup: EDA/GSR Lead (SS57L) and EDA Gelled Electrodes (EL507 x 2)
o Reusable setup: EDA/GSR transducer (SS3L) and Electrode gel (GEL1)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.3 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, or MP30 (Windows only)
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn the computer ON. The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask
the laboratory instructor for assistance.
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is
turned OFF. BIOPAC MP3X unit
3. Plug the equipment in as follows:
EDA setup (SS3L or SS57L)—CH 1
Electrode lead set (SS2L —CH 2
4. Turn the MP3X Data Acquisition Unit
Electrode Lead Set
EDA Setup to CH 2
to CH 1
SS3L shown
or SS57L
Fig. 14.1
5. Select a Subject (who has not exercised
within the last hour).
Subject must not have done any rigorous exercise within the last hour. For
optimal adhesion, electrodes should be placed on the skin at least 5 minutes
before the start of Calibration
Set Up continues…
Page 4 L14: Biofeedback
6. Set up the EDA. HINT For a good signal to be picked up, it helps if the subjects
have a little sweat on their hands (not a lot, but enough so
that their hands are not completely smooth or cold). If
subjects wash their hands just prior to the recording or if
they have been sitting in a cold room, then they must do
something to activate the sweat glands before beginning
calibration or recording. If subjects begin with colder hands,
the scale will be diminished and the signal will be easily
saturated once they “warm up” during the lesson.
The SS3L/SS3LA is typically placed on the index and middle finger of the
left hand.
Position the transducer so that the sensor is on the bottom of your fingertip
(the part without the fingernail) and wrap the Velcro tape around the
finger so the transducer fits snugly but not so tight that blood circulation is
cut off. It’s a fine line between tight and too tight.The SS3L and SS3LA
attach to the fingertips in an identical manner (Fig. 9.4) and should be in
place for at least five minutes prior to the start of recording.
Setup continues…
Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6 Page 5
7. Set up Lead II ECG.
a.) Place three electrodes on the
one on right forearm
Subject (Fig. 14.2). (just above wrist)
right forearm
WHITE lead
Figure 14.5
Both recording channels should show some fluctuation. If there is not any
fluctuation, then it is possible that a transducer is not connected properly and
you must redo calibration.
If the display of Heart Rate shows large fluctuations (20 BPM or more) during
the interval from 4-20 seconds, then it is possible that excessive EMG artifact
during inhale and exhale caused loss of BPM tracking and you should redo the
calibration and have the Subject breathe less deeply.
If you did not hear a beep during the calibration, then you should make sure
your computer volume is turned up and redo calibration. Redo by clicking
Redo Calibration and repeating the entire calibration sequence.
Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6 Page 7
1. Prepare for the recording. In order to work efficiently, read this entire section so you will know what to do for
each recording segment.
This lesson requires that the Subject concentrate on the monitor display of Heart
Rate and Arousal (EDA) and try to change the reading(s) without physical
movement. Heart Rate and level of arousal (EDA) are independent, so the Subject
may be able to change one or the other or both.
When you begin recording, your Heart Rate and your EDA
(Fig. 14.6) will be plotted in a thermometer style bar chart.
Hints for achieving arousal:
a) Think of a stressful situation.
b) Have the Director clap behind you.
c) Make a scowl with your face.
d) Hold your breath.
5. Click Stop. When you click Stop, the data window will change to display a standard three-
channel recording with ECG, Heart Rate, and EDA. This data represents the entire
Recording continues…
Page 8 L14: Biofeedback
6. Review the data on the screen. If all went well, your data should look similar to Fig. 14.7 and you can proceed to
Step 7.
If similar, go to Step 7.
Note: The recording will vary greatly from person to person, and it is hard to
generalize about the “results.” Hopefully, you were able to manipulate your
physiological responses to some degree. This may take some practice, as many
people are not used to thinking that they have some control over things like their
heart rate and nervous system.
Fig 14.8
2. Turn OFF Channel 2, ECG. To turn a channel OFF, click the channel number box while holding
down the “Ctrl” key (Windows) or the “Option” key (Mac).
Fig 14.10
6. Scroll to the point of maximal relaxation. Use the horizontal scroll bar to move through the data. Select a point at the
end of the first interval (before the marker) representing the point of maximal
Fig. 14.11
7. Take the measurements on this point as
8. Scroll to the point of maximal arousal. Scroll to the second interval (after the marker). Select a point at the end of the
interval representing the point of maximal arousal.
9. Take the measurements on this point as
10. Save or print the data file. You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or
11. Exit the program. print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 14 Data Report that follows.
Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6 Page 11
Relaxation and Arousal
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Subject Profile
Name Height
Table 14.1
Measurement Baseline Maximal Maximal
(10 sec.) Relaxation Arousal
II. Questions
B. Based on the data from Table 14.1, did the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system change with biofeedback?
Explain the physiological mechanisms causing the results.
C. Describe a biofeedback program for “stress management.” Include details such as the physiological variable(s) you
would measure, the transducers needed, and your criterion for a successful training program.
Page 12 L14: Biofeedback
D. Name the branches of the autonomic nervous system and explain their function.
F. What change, if any, did your EDA recording show when you were aroused? Relaxed?
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC airflow transducer with removable, cleanable head (SS11LA)
o If using older SS11L transducers with non-removable head, insert into the larger diameter port.
BIOPAC disposable mouthpiece and bacteriological filter
Optional: BIOPAC Autoclaveable Reusable Mouthpiece (AFT8)
Nose clip
BIOPAC Temperature Transducer SS6L (Fast Response Thermistor)
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 3 electrodes per Subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD) or Skin cleanser or alcohol prep
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.3 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, or MP30 (Windows only)
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Turn the computer ON.
The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear,
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is turned ask the laboratory instructor for assistance.
3. Plug the equipment in as follows:
Airflow Transducer (SS11LA) — CH 1
Electrode lead set (SS2LA/L) — CH 2
Temp.Transducer (SS6L) — CH 3
6. Insert a clean mouthpiece (and filter if IMPORTANT: If your lab sterilizes the airflow heads after each use,
applicable) onto the airflow transducer as make sure a clean head is installed now.
described below: Have the Subject personally remove the filter and mouthpiece from the
plastic packaging. This mouthpiece will become the Subject’s personal
To be safe, follow this procedure mouthpiece. It is advisable to write the Subject’s name on the
precisely to make sure the airflow mouthpiece and filter with a permanent marker so they can be reused
transducer is sterile. later.
If not sterilizing the head after each If using SS11LA transducer and not sterilizing the head after each use,
use: insert a filter and mouthpiece into the airflow transducer on the side
labeled “Inlet.”
Insert a filter and mouthpiece into the
airflow transducer on the side labeled
Always insert on the
side labeled “Inlet”
If sterilizing the head after each use: If using SS11LA transducer and sterilizing the head after each use, insert
a disposable mouthpiece (BIOPAC AFT2) or an autoclavable mouthpiece
Insert a disposable mouthpiece (BIOPAC (BIOPAC AFT8) into the airflow transducer on the side labeled “Inlet.”
AFT2) or an autoclavable mouthpiece
(BIOPAC AFT8) into the airflow
transducer on the side labeled “Inlet
Always insert on the
side labeled “Inlet”
Set Up continues…
Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6 Page 7
8. Attach the electrode lead set (SS2L) to the
electrodes (Fig. 15.7).
WHITE lead
BLACK lead
RED lead
Figure 15.7
Each of the pinch connectors on the end of the electrode cable needs to
be attached to a specific electrode. The electrode cables are each a
different color, and you should follow Fig. 15.7 to ensure that you
connect each cable to the proper electrode.
The pinch connectors work like a small clothespin, but will only latch
onto the nipple of the electrode from one side of the connector.
Position the electrode cables such that they are not pulling on the
electrodes. Connect the electrode cable clip (where the cable meets the
three individual colored wires) to a convenient location (can be on the
Subject’s clothes). This will relieve cable strain.
9. Tape the temperature transducer (SS6L) to the The temperature transducer should be taped to the fingertip, as shown:
fingertip (Fig. 15.8).
Sensor end of
Always breathe through
the side labeled “Inlet.”
Figure 15.9
3. Click Calibrate. The Calibrate button is in the upper left corner of the Setup window. This
will start the calibration recording.
4. Subject should relax and breathe normally. The Subject needs to remain relaxed and breathe normally through the
airflow transducer until calibration stops.
5. Wait for the calibration procedure to stop. The calibration procedure will stop automatically after 8 seconds.
6. Check the calibration data: At the end of the 8-sec calibration recording, the screen should resemble
Fig. 15.10.
If similar, proceed to Data Recording.
Figure 15.10
The “airflow” recording should show signal variation, the ECG recording
should be a reduced waveform with a relatively flat baseline, and the “Skin
temp” recording should be a relatively flat line.
If your data resembles Fig. 15.10, proceed to the Data Recording section.
If the data shows any large deviations or large baseline drifts, or there is no
signal detected on the airflow or ECG recording, then you should recheck
your connections and redo the calibration by clicking on the Redo
Calibration button and repeating the entire calibration sequence.
Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6 Page 9
1. Prepare for the recording. For this lesson, there is some flexibility in how the data is recorded:
You may continuously record through the exercise and resting period.
Alternately, you may use the Suspend/Resume button to take
segments of data at various intervals; this method saves a lot of
memory and disk space.
Four channels of data will be displayed during the recording: ECG, ECG
Rate, airflow, and skin temperature.
Figure 15.11
The Director should monitor heart rate
and ensure that the Subject does not
exceed the maximal heart rate
calculated above.
Recorder should insert event markers: To insert event markers, press F9 on Windows or Esc on Mac and label
each marker. Marker labels can be added or edited after recording.
a) At beginning of exercise
b) If Subject begins to sweat
c) If intensity of exercise changes
“description of change”
5. Subject should continue to exercise until one You need to continue to record after the Subject stops exercising. Your lab
of the following occurs: instructor should specify the length of this recording segment for you. In
most cases, 5 minutes would be the recommended minimum for this
a) Subject reaches maximum heart rate.
b) Subject feels lightheaded.
To insert event markers, press F9 on Windows or Esc on Mac and label
c) The recording runs 5 minutes. each marker. Marker labels can be added or edited after recording.
When Subject stops, Recorder should insert
event marker.
6. Continue to record (for up to 5 minutes) while The Instructor may specify a different amount of time.
Subject is recovering from exercise.
7. Click Suspend. When you click Suspend, the recording should halt, giving you time to
review the data.
8. Review the data on the screen. If all went well, data should look similar to Fig. 15.12.
If similar, go to Step 10.
Figure 15.12
Confirm measurement settings: The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data
Channel Measurement window. Each measurement has three sections: channel number,
measurement type, and result. The first two sections are pull-down menus
CH 41 Value that are activated when you click them.
CH 1 BPM The following is a brief description of these specific measurements.
CH 1 Max Value: displays the amplitude value for the channel at the point selected
CH 3 Value by the I-beam cursor. If a single point is selected, the value is for that
point, if an area is selected, the value is the endpoint of the selected area.
BPM: The Beats Per Minute measurement first calculates the difference
in time between the end and beginning of the area selected by the I-Beam
tool (same as T), and divides this value into 60 seconds/minute.
Max: The maximum measurement finds the maximum amplitude value
within the area selected by the I-Beam tool (including the endpoints).
The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-Beam tool (including the
2. Setup your display window for optimal This is the period before the Subject started exercising.
viewing of the first 5 seconds at the start of
data collection.
Data Analysis continues…
Page 12 Lesson 15: Aerobic Exercise Physiology
Figure 15.14
Note: In Figure 15.14, the BPM measurement is not giving an
accurate reading because only one point is selected.
4. Using the I-Beam cursor, select an area from The airflow transducer records inhalation as positive values, no airflow as
the start of one inhale to the start of the next 0, and exhalation as negative values. Therefore, the start of inhalation is
inhale, and take the BPM and max airflow recorded as the ascending positive waveform starting at 0. The end of
measurements exhalation is where the recording ends at 0 from a negative value.
(Fig. 15.15). Start of inhale Start of next inhale
Figure 15.15
5. Scroll to the Exercise segment of the recording Choose a point value for the heart rate (CH 41 value) and skin temperature
and take measurements at every 30-second (CH3 value) measurements, and select an area from the start of one inhale
interval (0 sec., 30 sec., 60 sec., etc.) to to the start of the next inhale for the breathing rate (CH1 BPM) and max
complete Table 15.2 of the Data Report. airflow (CH1 max) measurements.
6. Scroll to the post-exercise segment of the
recording and take measurements to complete
Table 15.3.
You may save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or
C print the data file.
7. Save or print the data file.
8. Exit the program.
Complete the Lesson 15 Report that follows.
Lesson 15: Aerobic Exercise Physiology Page 13
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
A. Pre-exercise
Complete Table 15.1 with the requested measurements for data in the 5-second interval before exercise.
Table 15.1
Heart Rate Breathing Rate Airflow Skin Temp
B. During Exercise
Complete Table 15.2 with the requested measurements for data during exercise.
*Note Time references are the starting points of the exercise segment and do not correspond to the data window’s
horizontal time scale. You may not have collected 5 minutes of data.
Table 15.2
Time* Time* Heart Rate Breathing Rate Airflow Skin Temp
(min) (secs)
5 300
Page 14 Lesson 15: Aerobic Exercise Physiology
C. Post-Exercise
Complete Table 15.3 with the requested measurements for data after exercise.
*Note Time references are the starting points of the post-exercise segment and do not correspond to the data window’s
horizontal time scale. You may not have collected 5 minutes of data.
Table 15.3
Time* Time* Heart Rate Breathing Rate Airflow Skin Temp
(min) (secs)
5 300
II. Questions:
D. Using your data, compare changes in pulmonary airflow that occurred during exercise and during the recovery period.
F. Use the data in Tables 15.2 and 15.3 to describe changes in respiratory rate and heart rate that occur during and after
moderate exercise. Explain the physiological basis of the observed changes.
Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6 Page 15
G. How long did it take for heart rate, respiratory rate, and pulmonary airflow to return to resting (pre-exercise) levels?
H. Compare the electrocardiogram recorded during the pre-exercise, exercise, and post-exercise periods, and describe any
observed changes.
I. Compare changes in skin temperature recorded before, during, and after exercise. Explain the physiological basis of the
observed changes.
J. When exercising, does wiping off sweat help cool the body? Why or why not?
K. By what cellular chemical process is most of the ATP requirement for exercising skeletal muscles met?
M. A high oxygen debt is associated with a low blood pH. Why and how?
Page 16 Lesson 15: Aerobic Exercise Physiology
N. Explain why and how dynamic exercise increases cardiac output.
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
By convention, blood pressures determined by indirect methods are expressed in the form of a ratio: systolic pressure/diastolic
pressure. For example, if systolic pressure was measured as 135 mm Hg and diastolic pressure was measured as 80 mm Hg,
systemic arterial blood pressure would be expressed as 135/80, and pulse pressure would be 55 mm Hg. If the sound became
muffled at 85 mm Hg and disappeared at 80 mm Hg, the systemic arterial blood pressure would be expressed as 135/85-80.
There are many factors that influence blood pressure measurement, such as: genetics, age, body weight, state of physical activity,
level of salt, caffeine or other drugs in the system, monitor’s hearing, etc.
The Journal of the American Medical Association published the following blood pressure classification data (Table 16.1) from the
Seventh Report of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program’s Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7):
If your blood pressure as determined from this lesson is “high,” you should not be too concerned. A mistake may have been made
in the measurement, or there may be other factors affecting your system that resulted in a temporarily high reading.
If you are concerned about it, please consult your doctor. Do not try to diagnose or treat yourself based on the laboratory blood
pressure readings.
Please review the following procedure before you come into the lab so recording can proceed quickly.
When evaluating a patient or Subject, you will normally take their blood pressure at different points in time and/or under
different circumstances (at rest vs. after exercise, etc.) to see how the blood pressure changes. With this in mind, it becomes
important that your technique is consistent every time you do it. If two people use different techniques, they may get slightly
different readings, but the difference (or delta)—which can be the more important factor—will be very consistent for each
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
BIOPAC Pressure Cuff (SS19L with gauge dial for MP3X or SS19LA with onscreen gauge display for MP45)
BIOPAC Stethoscope (SS30L)
BIOPAC Electrode Lead Set (SS2L or SS2LA)
Electrodes – disposable, 3 per Subject (EL503)
Rubbing alcohol and swab (to clean stethoscope earpieces and stethoscope diaphragm)
Tape measure (for pulse speed calculation)
Optional: washable felt pen (to mark stethoscope placement on arm)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.3 or above if using MP3X or BSL 3.7.5 if using MP45
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help Menu.
1. Select your lab group. Lab Group Requirements:
You should work in a group of at least 3 people. One person will be
CAUTION! Subject, one (Recorder) will operate the computer, and another person
(Director) will perform the blood pressure measurement.
Subject selected must not have had or
now have any disorder, hypertension, Subject must meet the qualifications listed to the left.
heart surgery, stroke, or any history of
cardiovascular degeneration. Recorder is responsible for starting and stopping the recording, and
adding markers to the recording. Only Recorder should look at the
Subject must not have consumed computer screen.
caffeine, smoked, or performed heavy
exercise within one hour of the Director should perform the measurement normally, without regard to the
recording. recording aspect, but should call out the points of systolic and diastolic
pressure so that Recorder can add the markers to the data recording.
The name of the lesson file should be Director’s name.
2. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is
turned OFF.
Setup continues…
Lesson 16: Blood Pressure Page 9
The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask
the laboratory instructor for assistance.
6. Place three electrodes on the Subject as The standard electrode placement is shown in Fig. 16.8 below.
shown. Fig 16.8.
It is important that you follow the electrode procedure below to
obtain an optimal ECG recording:
a) Abrade the surface of the skin at the points of electrode placement
(see following figure) in about a 2” diameter.
Do not use alcohol to clean the skin. Alcohol will dry the skin and
prevent good electrical contact with the electrode.
b) Peel off an electrode using the tab. Try not to touch the adhesive.
c) Place a drop of GEL1 electrode gel onto the small sponge of the
electrode (without allowing any gel to get on the adhesive).
d) Attach the electrodes to the skin in the positions shown (over the
previously abraded areas).
WHITE lead
An alternate electrode placement is shown at
right. This placement will yield the best results electrodes
but may not be practical in your lab. BLACK lead
RED lead
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Pay close attention to Calibration.
1. Double check the electrodes and Make sure the electrodes adhere securely to the skin. If they are being
stethoscope, and make sure Subject is pulled up, you will not get a good ECG signal.
relaxed and sitting down. Subject must be relaxed during the calibration procedure so that the
muscle (EMG) signal does not corrupt the ECG signal. The Calibrate
2. Click Calibrate. button is in the upper left corner of the program window. This will start
the calibration recording.
4. Director should inflate the cuff to 100 Pump the bulb to inflate the cuff until the gauge reads 100 mmHg. (You
These steps only required with MP3X (not MP45).
mmHg and then tell the Recorder that may need to pump 10 to 12 times to establish enough pressure in the cuff
he/she is ready. for a gauge reading.)
5. Recorder should click OK.Director Recorder should wait until the Director gives the go ahead.
should deflate the cuff to 40 mmHg and
then tell the Recorder that he/she is
Use the pressure release valve to deflate the cuff pressure to 40 mmHg.
6. Recorder should click OK. Do not worry if you are not exactly at 40mmHg.
But it is important to try to keep the pressure constant.
Recorder should wait until the Director gives the go ahead.
7. Director taps the stethoscope diaphragm After the calibration recording begins, tap lightly on the stethoscope
twice. diaphragm. Calibration will stop automatically after 8 seconds.
The calibration recording should resemble Fig. 16.11. The stethoscope
8. Check calibration data: wave should have clear spikes to indicate when it was lightly tapped.
Figure 16.11
If different, Redo Calibration. If data resembles Fig. 17.8, proceed to Data Recording.
If you need to redo calibration, recheck connections and click Redo
Calibration, then repeat the entire calibration sequence.
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Recording continues…
Lesson 16: Blood Pressure Page 13
Wrap the cuff evenly and snugly on There is an “Artery” label (with
Subject’s arm. arrow) that is sewn into the cuff.
5. Check that the tubing and cables are not The cuff edge should be high
tangled or pinched. enough to avoid covering any part
of the stethoscope diaphragm.
The Velcro® wrap should hold the
cuff in place, but you may wish to
inflate the cuff slightly (10-20
mmHg) so that it will stay in place.
Make sure none of the rubber tubing
and cables of the
sphygmomanometer cuff or the
stethoscope are tangled or pinched.
Figure 16.12
Figure 16.13
Find a position that is comfortable for Director and Subject. Director may
hold up Subject’s arm, or Subject may rest his/her arm on the lab table.
Note: Director should hold the pump bulb as shown, with both fingers on
the release valve so it can be easily turned.
7. Palpate the brachial artery between the Use your first (index) and second (middle) fingers to feel the pulsation of the
antecubital fossa and the lower edge of the brachial artery on the inside of the elbow. This can be tricky, but after a few
cuff to find where the pulse is best felt. tries you should get the hang of it. It may help if Subject makes a fist while
Use your first and second finger. you are trying to locate the pulse.
Subject may make a fist to help locate
pulse, but should relax arm for the
8. Mark this spot with a washable felt pen. Once you have located the pulse, mark the spot by tracing along the edge of
the top and bottom of the stethoscope diaphragm, so you can use it for the
9. Make sure the “Artery” label of the cuff is
other recording segments.
aligned with the pulse point.
10. Place the stethoscope in the correct position You need to press firmly enough to establish good contact sound, but you
and apply firm but not excessive contact shouldn’t be pressing too hard into Subject’s arm.
Recording continues…
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Recording continues…
Lesson 16: Blood Pressure Page 15
16. Director deflates cuff as rapidly as possible Release cuff pressure rapidly to reduce distal vasculatory engorgement
and Recorder clicks Suspend. (reduce venous congestion) and minimize patient discomfort.
Note Some noise from the rapidly deflating cuff may be recorded on the
stethoscope channel. This is normal.
17. Review the data on the screen (Fig.16.14).
If different, Redo.
Recording continues…
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Recording continues…
Lesson 16: Blood Pressure Page 17
Recording continues…
Page 18 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Subject selected must not have
had or now have any disorder,
hypertension, heart surgery,
stroke, or any history of
cardiovascular degeneration.
The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data
window. Each measurement has three sections: channel number,
measurement type, and result. The first two sections are pull-down menus that
Note measurement box settings: are activated when you click them.
Channel Measurement The following is a brief description of the measurements.
CH 1 Value Value: displays the amplitude value for the channel at the point selected
by the I-beam cursor. If a single point is selected, the value is for that
CH 4 BPM point, if an area is selected, the value is the endpoint of the selected area.
CH 1 Delta T BPM: Beats Per Minute first calculates the difference in time between the
end and beginning of the area selected by the I-Beam tool (same as Delta
T), and then divides this value into 60 seconds/minute.
Delta T: measures the difference in time between the end and beginning
of the selected area.
The “selected area” is the area selected by the I-Beam tool (including
2. Setup your display window for optimal This segment is the period from the first append marker (at Time Zero) to
viewing of the first recording segment. the next append marker.
A – value measurements
(one measurement for each segment)
Data Analysis continues…
Page 20 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Figure 16.16
Note: In Figure 16.16, the value measurement represents cuff pressure at the
selected point and the BPM measurement is not giving an accurate reading
because only one point is selected with the I-beam cursor.
4. Select the point that corresponds to the Note that to help distinguish a Korotkoff sound from other noise, you should
first sound the stethoscope detected. (Fig. note that the proper sound appears at a point in time corresponding to the T-
16.17). wave of the ECG cycle. This can be of great assistance in determining the
beginning and ending of sounds.
A – value measurements
(one measurement for each segment)
(one measurement for each segment)
Figure 16.18
6. Select the point that corresponds to the To help distinguish a Korotkoff sound from other noise, you should note that
end of the Korotkoff sounds (diastolic the proper sound will appear at a point in time corresponding to the T-wave
pressure) as recorded by the stethoscope of the ECG cycle.
(Fig. 16.19). This is the last sound
detected by the stethoscope.
(one measurement for each segment)
8. Zoom in on one of the ECG complexes in TIP: You may want to hide Channel 1 (cuff pressure) to make it easier to see
the time between systolic and diastolic the other channels.
9. If ECG was not recorded, as with MP45
system, skip to step 10.
Complete the Lesson 16 Data Report that follows.
Biopac Student Lab Page 23
Blood Pressure
Indirect measurement Korotkoff sounds
Ventricular Systole & Diastole Mean Arterial pressure
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
A. Systolic Measurements
Complete Table 16.2 with the systolic measurements for all seven data segments. Note the pressure measurement at the
marker insertion point (where Director detected systolic) and where the first sound was detected with the stethoscope.
Calculate the deltas between the trials for each condition and between the Marker and Stethoscope pressure measurements.
Table 16.2 Systolic Data
Systolic mmHg
At Marker Marker Avg. First Sound Sound Avg.
Condition Trial Insertion (calculate) detected (calculate)
Left arm, sitting up
Right arm, sitting up
Right arm, lying down
Right arm, after exercise 1
B. Diastolic Measurements
Complete Table 16.3 with the diastolic measurements from each of the seven data segments. Note the pressure measurement
at the marker insertion point (when the Director detected diastolic) and where the sound disappeared. Calculate the deltas
between the trials for condition and between the marker and the stethoscope measurements for each segment.
Table 16.3 Diastolic Data
Diastolic mmHg
Condition Trial At Marker Marker Avg. First sound Sound Avg.
Insertion (calculate) detected (calculate)
Left arm, sitting up
Right arm, sitting up
Right arm, lying down
* Cycle measurements: If ECG was recorded, use ; if ECG was not recorded, use .
Table 16.4 BPM
Cycle* Calculate the Mean
Condition Trial
1 2 3 of Cycles 1-3 of Trial 1-2 means
Left arm, sitting up
Right arm, sitting up
Right arm, lying down
Complete Table 16.5 with the average from sound data from tables 16.2 and 16.3 and then calculate the pulse pressure and
the mean Arterial Pressure (MAP).
pulse pressure
diastolic pressure OR MAP
systolic pressure 2 diastolic pressure
3 3
Table 16.5
CONDITION Table 16.2 Table 16.3 Pulse
Table 16.4 MAP
Sound Average Sound Average pressure
Left arm, sitting up
Right arm, sitting up
E. Timing of Korotkoff Sounds NOTE—This table requires ECG data, which is not recorded on MP45 systems.
Complete Table 16.6 with the Delta T for each condition, and calculate the means.
Table 16.6
Timing of Sounds
Condition Trial Mean (calc)
Left arm, sitting up
Right arm, sitting up
Right arm, lying down
II. Questions:
1. Note the difference in systolic pressure value between when the sound actually began, was detected by the stethoscope
transducer, and was recorded, and the time when the observer first heard the sound and pressed the marker button. (Example:
141 mmHg – 135 mmHg = 6 mmHg). What factors could account for this difference? Would the observed difference be the
same if measured by another observer? Explain your answer.
2. a) Does your systolic and/or diastolic arterial pressure change as your heart rate increases?
c) How would you expect the systolic, diastolic and pulse pressures to change in a normal healthy individual as their heart
rate increases?
3. Give three sources of error in the indirect method of determining systemic arterial blood pressure.
Page 26 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
4. Use an equation that relates flow, pressure, and resistance to define mean arterial pressure:
5. Blood flow (liters per min.) through the pulmonary circuit equals blood flow through the systemic circuit, but pulmonary
resistance to flow is 5 times less than the systemic resistance to flow. Using the equation in Question 4, show that mean
pulmonary pressure is 5 times less than mean systemic pressure.
6. Define the first and second sounds of Korotkoff. Which sound is used to approximate systolic pressure and which sound is
used to approximate diastolic pressure?
7. Why is mean arterial pressure not equal to (systolic pressure – diastolic pressure)/2?
8. Define pulse pressure. Explain, in terms of changes in systolic and diastolic pressures, why pulse pressure increases during
9. Give one reason why blood pressure in the left arm may be different than blood pressure in the right arm of a Subject at rest.
10. Name an artery other than the brachial that could be used for an indirect measurement of blood pressure and explain your
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
BIOPAC Amplified Stethoscope (SS30L)
BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), 3 electrodes per Subject
BIOPAC electrode gel (GEL1) and abrasive pad (ELPAD)
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
5. Select a Subject, a Recorder and, if This lesson teaches the clinical detection of heart sounds, which are
appropriate in your lab group, a Director. monitored in four positions on the upper chest (between ribs two and six).
See notes at right Normally, this involves one person (Director) listening to the heart sounds
of another individual (Subject). However, in a lab setting this may not be
comfortable or appropriate due to gender differences and personal
Setup continues… preference. In such cases:
Page 6 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Each of the pinch connectors on the end of the electrode cable needs to be
attached to a specific electrode. The electrode cables are each a different
color—follow the figure provided to ensure that you connect each cable to
the proper electrode.
The pinch connectors work like a small clothespin, but will only latch onto
the nipple of the electrode from one side.
Position the electrode cables so they do not pull on the electrodes. Clip the
electrode cable clip (where the cable meets the three individual colored
wires) to a convenient location (such as Subject’s clothes) to relieve cable
11. Optional Set Preferences. This lesson has optional Preferences for data and display while recording.
Per your Lab Instructor’s guidelines, you may set:
Choose File > Preferences.
Journal Text: show minimum guiding text vs. detailed text
Select an option. Grids: show or hide gridlines
Select the desired setting and click OK. Recording Length: allow from 30 seconds to 30 minutes of data
Calibration establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for optimum
performance. Pay close attention to Calibration.
1. Double check the electrodes, and make sure Make sure the electrodes adhere securely to the skin. If they are being
Subject is relaxed. pulled up, you will not get a good ECG signal.
2. Click Calibrate. The Calibrate button is in the upper left corner of the program window.
This will start the calibration recording.
4. Director should lightly tap the stethoscope After recording begins, Director should lightly tap the stethoscope
diaphragm twice. diaphragm twice. Calibration will stop automatically after 8 seconds.
5. Check calibration data: At the end of the 8-sec calibration recording, the screen should resemble
Fig. 17.8.
Figure 17.8
The stethoscope wave should have clear spikes to indicate when it was
lightly tapped.
The ECG wave should not show any large spikes, jitter, or large baseline
If you need to redo the calibration, recheck your connections and click
Redo Calibration, then repeat the entire calibration sequence.
If your data resembles Fig. 17.8, proceed to the Data Recording section.
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. Prepare for the recording. In this lesson, you will note the heart sounds in four positions, and then
record two segments: one with Subject at rest and one post-exercise. Two
Review the positions where heart sounds channels of data will be displayed during the recording: Stethoscope and
are best heard. ECG.
o See Fig. 17.9 or Subject should be seated, relaxed and still, with arms at side of body with
o Help > Valve Positions hands apart in lap and legs flexed at knee with feet supported.
2. Position the Subject. Hints for obtaining optimal data:
a) Subject should be at rest and should not have exercised within the
last hour.
b) Apply the electrodes at least 5 minutes before recording. Sweating
tends to affect electrode adhesion to the skin.
c) Subject’s clothing should not interfere with electrodes during the
d) Minimize EMG artifact generated in the arms and chest, which will
interfere with the ECG signal:
Subject must be seated and relaxed: arms at side of body with
hands apart in lap; legs flexed at knee with feet supported
Subject should relax and not move the right arm.
e) Subject should remain still and quite during the listening and
recording segments. Any sound will be passed through the
f) Director should hold the stethoscope diaphragm with moderate and
consistent pressure. Any change in pressure or movement will be
picked up on the stethoscope as extraneous noise.
6. Director places the stethoscope in the The Pulmonic valve is on roughly the same horizontal plane as the Aortic
Pulmonic position and listen. valve.
This is Position P in Fig. 17.9. From the Aortic position, move almost horizontally left, but drop a little
lower, remaining in the intercostal space. Place the stethoscope
diaphragm between the second and third ribs, more to the left margin of
the sternum.
7. Recorder types in notes per Director and Describe the intensity (loudness), pitch and duration of the heart sound.
click Next. You can use up to 255 characters.
8. Director places the stethoscope in the From the Pulmonic position, follow down the breastbone to the xiphoid
Tricuspid position and listen. process of the sternum. Place the stethoscope to the right of that, between
that and the rib (which you can palpate).
This is Position T in Fig. 17.9.
The sternum covers the actual valve position in the heart, and you don’t
want the sound energy to be absorbed by the breastbone, so drop to the
costal cartilage below it.
9. Recorder types in notes per Director and Describe the intensity (loudness), pitch and duration of the heart sound.
click Next. You can use up to 255 characters.
10. Director places the stethoscope in the The Mitral valve is on roughly the same horizontal plane as the Tricuspid
Mitral position and listen. valve.
This is Position M in Fig. 17.9. From the Tricuspid position, move the bell almost directly lateral to the
left and place the stethoscope diaphragm between the fifth and sixth ribs.
11. Recorder types in notes per Director and Describe the intensity (loudness), pitch and duration of the heart sound.
clicks Done. You can use up to 255 characters. When Done is clicked, the descriptive
text will automatically be entered into the Journal.
12. Director should decide which position Use the same position for all recording segments to minimize variance
yields the best heart sounds. Use this due to location.
position for all recording segments.
Recording continues…
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
a) F4 at beginning of inhale. Recorder should insert event markers and enter labels.
To insert pre-labeled Event Markers, press F4 (inhale) and then F5 (exhale).
“start of inhale”
b) F5 at beginning of exhale. Labels can also be entered manually: press F9 on Windows or Esc on
Mac; labels can be edited after data is recorded.
“start of exhale”
16. Recorder clicks Suspend after exhalation is
17. Review the data on the screen. The heart sounds should be clearly visible and the ECG should not have
excessive drift or noise.
If similar, go to Step 17.
If different, click Redo.
21. Director should place the stethoscope Use the same position as used in Step 14 for the Segment 1 “Seated, at rest”
where it was placed for Segment 1. recording, so that placement is not a significant variable.
22. Recorder clicks Resume. When Resume is clicked, the recording will continue and an append marker
labeled “After exercise” will be automatically inserted.
Recording continues…
Lesson 17: Heart Sounds Page 11
23. Recorder clicks Suspend after 20 seconds The ECG wave should not have excessive noise or drift. If it does, check
of data has been recorded. electrode adhesion and redo the recording.
24. Review the data on the screen.
If similar, go to Step 24.
If different, Redo.
25. Click Done. When you click Done, you will be prompted to confirm that you are done
with all recording segments. When you click Yes, dialog with options will be
26. Click Yes.
generated. Make your choice, and continue as directed.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
Repeat Setup Steps 6-7 and 10-11 for the new Subject, then repeat the
entire lesson from Recording Step 1 (calibration does not have to be
Each Subject will need to use a unique file name.
27. Remove the electrodes. Remove the electrode cable pinch connectors. Peel off and discard the
electrodes; BIOPAC electrodes are not reusable. Wash the electrode gel
residue from the skin, using soap and water. The electrodes may leave a slight
ring on the skin for a few hours. This is normal, and does not indicate that
END OF RECORDING anything is wrong.
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and
choose the correct file.
Enter the Review Saved Data mode
Note Channel Number (CH)
Channel Displays
CH 1 Stethoscope
CH 2 ECG (Lead II)
Note measurement box settings:
Channel Measurement
CH 1 P-P
CH 1 Delta T
CH 1 BPM Figure 17.12 Heart Sounds data file
The measurement boxes are above the marker region in the data
window. Each measurement has three sections: channel number,
measurement type, and result. The first two sections are pull-down menus
that are activated when you click them.
5. Zoom in on an area of one complete Note Make sure the cardiac cycle you select does not have extraneous
cardiac cycle. noise. The first major heart sound should follow the R-wave.
Note A “peak” is relative to the waveform and may cross above or below
Data Analysis continues… the baseline.
Lesson 17: Heart Sounds Page 13
11. Scroll to the Inhale interval of the “Seated, This interval begins with the event marker labeled “Inhale.” Begin
at rest” segment of the recording and take measurements a few cardiac cycles into the “Inhale” interval.
the measurements described above (in
Steps 3-10) as required to complete Table
This interval begins with the event marker labeled “Exhale.” Begin
12. Scroll to the Exhale interval of the
measurements a few cardiac cycles into the “Exhale” interval.
“Seated, at rest” segment of the recording
and take the measurements described
above (in Steps 4-10) as required to
complete Table 17.1.
13. Scroll to the After exercise segment of the This segment begins with the append marker labeled “After exercise.”
recording and take the measurements Begin measurements a few cardiac cycles into the segment.
described above (in Steps 3-10) as
required to complete Table 17.1.
14. Save or print the data file.
You may save the data to another location, save notes that are in the
15. Exit the program journal, or print the data file.
Complete the Lesson 17 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 17: Heart Sounds Page 15
Heart sounds
Cardiac valve functions
Relationship between electrical and mechanical events of the cardiac cycle
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Subject Profile
Age Weight
Table 17.1
Segment 1: At Rest Segment 2:
Selected area Measurement
At Rest Inhalation Exhalation After exercise
R-wave to next
R-wave to first
R-wave to
second sound
first to second calculate calculate calculate calculate
second sound to
next first sound
first sound
second sound
B. Description of Heart Sounds Note: You may paste descriptions from the Lesson 17 journal here. .
Describe the first heart sound (aortic) and then describe the other sounds in terms of intensity (loudness), pitch and duration
relative to the first sound. This is a subjective description.
Page 16 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
II. Questions
1. Relative to the electrical and mechanical events of the cardiac cycle, what do each of the measurements in Table 17.1
Delta T: R-wave to first sound
R-wave to second sound
first to second
second sound to next first sound
P-P: first sound
second sound
2. Note whether the measured values in Table 17.1 increased, decreased or did not change from the resting value when heart
rate increased.
Measured Value Increased Decreased No Change
Delta T R-wave to first sound
R-wave to second sound
first to second
second sound to next first sound
P-P first sound
second sound
4. Briefly describe the cause of the turbulence associated with each of the four heart sounds:
1st sound
2nd sound
3rd sound
4th sound
Lesson 17: Heart Sounds Page 17
6. Does ventricular ejection occur during ventricular depolarization or during ventricular repolarization?
Refer to your experimental record before you answer, and explain your answer.
7. Which cardiac valves close during ventricular systole? Which cardiac valves close during ventricular diastole?
8. Define “systolic murmur” and give one example of a cause.
11. Briefly characterize the relationship between the electrical events and the mechanical events of the cardiac cycle.
William McMullen
Vice President
BIOPAC Systems, Inc.
Reflex Hammer Transducer (SS36L)
Response Setup
o Via electrodes:
- Electrode lead set (SS2LA/L)
- Disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503)
3-6 per subject
- Electrode gel (GEL1)
- Abrasive pad (ELPAD)
o Via goniometer:
- Twin-axis Goniometer
(SS20L or SS21L)
- Single-sided tape (TAPE1)
Push-pin, thumb tack or alternate media for cutaneous stimulus
Biopac Student Lab System: software BSL 3.7.5 or above
data acquisition unit MP36, MP35, MP30 (Windows only), or MP45
Computer System
Page 6 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
For further explanation, use the online support options under the Help menu.
Fast Track Set Up Detailed Explanation of Set Up Steps
1. Select a Subject, a Recorder and, if This lesson is designed to teach the anatomical and physiological elements of
appropriate in your lab group, a Director. simple spinal reflexes, which are monitored by EMG electrodes or a
goniometer in this lesson.
2. Turn the computer ON.
The desktop should appear on the monitor. If it does not appear, ask the
laboratory instructor for assistance.
3. Make sure the BIOPAC MP3X unit is
turned OFF.
4. Plug the equipment in as follows:
Reflex Hammer SS36L — CH 1
Lead Set SS2LA/L — CH 2
Goniometer SS21L — CH 2
SS21L-Y input only
5. Turn the MP3X Data Acquisition Unit
If using SS21L Goniometer:
a) Tape the telescopic endblock
laterally on the leg so the axes of the
leg and endblock coincide, when
viewed in the sagittal plane.
b) Tape the leg fully (extend the
goniometer to max length), and
attach the fixed endblock to the thigh
so the axes of the thigh and endblock
Ensure that the goniometer (SS20L) is attached to the outside of the knee (as
seen in figure 20.5). This will measure angular movement of the leg, which is
proportionate to the force of the strike from the reflex hammer.
7. If using SS2L and electrodes: Clip the Attach the SS2L leads to the knee reflex electrodes (as seen in figure 20.3
lead set (SS2L) to the electrodes as and described in Table 20.1).
described for Knee Reflex (Fig. 20.4 and
Lead Color Signal Position
Table 20.1).
Red (+) middle electrode
White (-) closest to waist
Black (ground) interior thigh
Table 20.1 Electrode lead attachment for Knee Reflex
The electrode cables are each a different color — follow the figure provided
to ensure proper connection between each cable and electrode.
Position the electrode cables so they do not pull on the electrodes. Clip the
electrode cable clip (where the cable meets the three individual colored
wires) to a convenient location (such as Subject’s clothes) to relieve cable
8. Mark the optimal reflex spot on the Tips to help locate the optimal reflex spot:
Subject. a) relax leg
Have the Subject sit with his or her b) locate midline ridge on the knee cap
legs hanging over the edge of a chair c) feel below the ridge, no more than an inch below the tip of the
or desk at 90 degrees. patella
Find the optimal reflex spot on the d) tap this spot with the reflex hammer to confirm a strong response
Subject’s knee and mark the spot. Mark the optimal reflex spot—if you prefer, use tape and a pen mark rather
than marking the subject directly.
9. Start the Biopac Student Lab program.
10. Choose Lesson 20 (L20- -Spinal Cord
Reflexes) and click OK.
11. Type in your filename.
Use a unique identifier.
12. Click OK.
This ends default Setup.
Page 8 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
The calibration procedure establishes the hardware’s internal parameters (such as gain, offset, and scaling) and is critical for
optimum performance. Pay close attention to the calibration procedure.
Fast Track Calibration Detailed Explanation of Calibration Steps
1. Set the Reflex Hammer on a flat surface. The Calibrate button is in the upper left corner of the Setup window. Clicking
Subject should sit with legs hanging at the Calibrate button will generate a prompt to confirm that subject is seated
precisely 90° degrees. properly:
2. When ready, click Calibrate.
a. Confirm Subject’s legs are hanging at
90° degrees and then click OK.
b. Lightly tap the Reflex Hammer two or
three times on a flat surface.
When Subject is ready, click OK to start the calibration recording. The
c. Subject should fully extend leg to 0° calibration procedure will stop automatically after 12 seconds.
and then return to 90°.
At the end of the calibration recording, the screen should resemble Fig. 20.7 or
The calibration procedure will stop Fig. 20.8
automatically after 12 seconds.
3. Check the calibration data.
If similar, proceed to Data Recording.
If different, Redo Calibration.
The distance between electrodes
is critical. If you do not get a
measurable response using EMG
electrodes, move the electrodes
further apart and repeat calibration.
The Hammer Strike channel should show a clear spike to indicate when the
reflex hammer was lightly tapped and the Response channel should clearly
indicate a response following the strike.
If data resembles Fig. 20.7/Fig. 20.8, proceed to the Data Recording section.
To redo calibration, recheck connections and click Redo Calibration, then
repeat the entire calibration sequence.
Lesson 20: Spinal Cord Reflexes Page 9
Figure 20.9
Channels should show clear spikes to indicate when the reflex hammer was
lightly tapped and a response following each strike.
Recording continues…
Page 10 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
Channels should show clear spikes to indicate when the reflex hammer was
lightly tapped and a response following each strike.
Recording continues…
Lesson 20: Spinal Cord Reflexes Page 11
16. Ask subject to close eyes and then click When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
Resume. labeled “Knee Jerk with mental distraction” will be inserted automatically.
17. Director verbally provides the first math Note To get accurate goniometer data, it is crucial that the leg come to a
problem and then, as the Subject tries to resting position between strikes in this segment.
quickly solve it silently in his or her head,
The Subject should attempt to solve each problem in the shortest amount of
strikes the patellar tendon and observes
time possible without using a pen or calculator. While the Subject performs
the resulting muscle contraction.
mental math, the Director should strike the patellar tendon.
18. Repeat the simultaneous mental
IMPORTANT: Try to apply the SAME FORCE for each strike.
math/patellar tendon strike every 5
seconds with the SAME FORCE, four
times. Use a new math problem each time.
19. Click Suspend. When you click Suspend, the recording will halt, giving you time to review the
data and prepare for the next recording segment.
20. Review the data on the screen.
If correct, go to Step 21.
If incorrect, click Redo.
Channels should show clear spikes to indicate when the reflex hammer was
lightly tapped and a response following each strike.
Segment 4: Flexor Withdrawal Reflex Knee jerk when another reflex is stimulated
21. Subject remains seated with legs hanging When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
over the edge of a chair/desk at 90 labeled “Flexor Withdrawal Reflex” will be inserted automatically.
Note To get accurate goniometer data, it is crucial that the leg come to a
22. Ask subject to close eyes and then click resting position between strikes in this segment.
23. Apply a cutaneous stimulus on the front of Use a push-pin, thumb tack, or alternate media for cutaneous stimulus (to prick
the thigh and simultaneously strike the to the skin) on the front of the thigh; at the same time, strike the patellar tendon
patellar tendon and observe the response. and observe the resulting muscle contraction.
24. Repeat the simultaneous cutaneous You want to introduce the cutaneous stimulus on the same path the neurons
stimulus/patellar strike every 5 seconds stimulated by the reflex hammer strike follow. In this case, the rectus femoris,
with the SAME FORCE, four times. which is part of the quadriceps femoris.
25. Click Suspend. IMPORTANT: Try to apply the SAME FORCE for each strike.
Recording continues…
Page 12 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
26. Review the data on the screen. When you click Suspend, the recording will halt, giving you time to review the
data and prepare for the next recording segment.
If correct, go to Step 27.
If incorrect, click Redo.
Channels should show clear spikes to indicate when the reflex hammer was
lightly tapped and a response following each strike.
Segment 5: Voluntary Knee Jerk Reflex Response to sound of strike
27. Subject remains seated with legs hanging When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
over the edge of a chair/desk at 90 labeled “Voluntary Knee Jerk Reflex” will be inserted automatically.
Note To get accurate goniometer data, it is crucial that the leg come to a
28. Ask subject to close eyes and then click resting position between strikes in this segment.
IMPORTANT: Try to apply the SAME FORCE for each strike.
29. Strike the hammer on a flat surface and
ask Subject to voluntarily jerk the knee
upon hearing the hammer strike.
30. Repeat the table strike/voluntary knee jerk
every 5 seconds with the SAME FORCE,
four times.
31. Click Suspend.
32. Review the data on the screen. When you click Suspend, the recording will halt, giving you time to review the
data and prepare for the next recording segment.
If correct, go to Step 33.
If incorrect, click Redo.
Channels should show clear spikes to indicate when the reflex hammer was
lightly tapped and a response following each strike.
Recording continues…
Lesson 20: Spinal Cord Reflexes Page 13
35. Ask subject to close eyes and then click When you click Resume, the recording will continue and an append marker
Resume. labeled “Ankle Jerk Reflex” will be inserted automatically.
36. Strike the Achilles tendon behind the Note To get accurate goniometer data, it is crucial that the leg come to a
ankle just above the heel and observe the resting position between strikes in this segment.
resulting muscle contraction.
IMPORTANT: Try to apply the SAME FORCE for each strike.
37. Repeat the Achilles tendon strike every 5
seconds with the SAME FORCE, four
38. Click Stop.
39. Review the data on the screen. When you click Stop, the recording will halt, giving you time to review the
data. Channels should show clear spikes to indicate when the reflex hammer
If correct, go to Step 40. was lightly tapped and a response following each strike.
If incorrect, click Redo.
Recording continues…
Page 14 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
40. Click Done and then Yes to confirm When you click Done, you will be prompted to confirm that you are done with
recording is complete. all recording segments. When you click Yes, a window with options will be
generated. Make your choice and continue as directed.
If choosing the “Record from another Subject” option:
Repeat the entire lesson from Set Up Step 6 for the new Subject.
Each Subject will need to use a unique file name.
41. Remove the electrodes or the goniometer. Remove the electrode cable pinch connectors and peel off the electrodes and
throw them out the electrodes are not reusable).
END OF RECORDING Gently remove the tape from the goniometer and set it on a flat surface.
Fast Track Data Analysis Detailed Explanation of Data Analysis Steps
1. Enter the Review Saved Data mode and
choose the correct file.
Enter the Review Saved Data mode.
2. Note Channel Number (CH) designations:
Channel Displays
CH 1 Reflex Hammer Strike
CH 2 Response
Figure 20.17
5. Zoom in and select each strike in Segment To measure reaction times, select the area from the onset of the hammer
1 to complete measurements for the data strike in CH 1 to the onset of EMG activity in CH 2.
A, B
Figure 20.18
6. Click the marker menu and select the Segment 2 starts at the “Knee Jerk Reflex during Jendrassik maneuver”
Append marker for Segment 2, then marker and ends at “Knee Jerk Reflex with mental distraction.”
choose Display > Autoscale Waveforms,
then zoom in and select each strike to
complete measurements for the data
A, B
Figure 20.19
7. Click the marker menu and select the Segment 3 starts at the “Knee Jerk Reflex with mental distraction” marker
Append marker for Segment 3, then and ends at the “Flexor Withdrawal Reflex” marker.
choose Display > Autoscale Waveforms,
then zoom in and select each strike to
complete measurements for the data
A, B
8. Click the marker menu and select the Segment 4 starts at the “Flexor Withdrawal Reflex” marker and ends at the
Append marker for Segment 4, then “Voluntary Knee Jerk Reflex” marker.
choose Display > Autoscale Waveforms,
then zoom in and select each strike to
complete measurements for the data
A, B
9. Click the marker menu and select the Segment 5 starts at the “Voluntary Knee Jerk Reflex” marker and ends at the
Append marker for Segment 5, then “Ankle Jerk Reflex” marker.
choose Display > Autoscale Waveforms,
then zoom in and select each strike to
complete measurements for the data
A, B
10. Click the marker menu and select the Segment 6 starts at the “Ankle Jerk Reflex” marker and ends at the end of the
Append marker for Segment 6, then data file.
choose Display > Autoscale Waveforms,
then zoom in and select each strike to
complete measurements for the data
A, B
11. Save or print the data file.
Save the data to a drive, save notes that are in the journal, or print the
12. Exit the program. data file.
End of Lesson 20
Complete the Lesson 20 Data Report that follows.
Lesson 20: Spinal Cord Reflexes Page 17
Student’s Name:
Lab Section:
Subject Profile
Subject’s Name:
Gender: Male / Female Age: Height: Weight:
A. Complete Table 20.3 with reaction time (latent period) data for each segment and complete the required calculations.
Reaction time is measured from onset of hammer strike to onset of EMG activity.
Trial #
Jendrassik Mental Math Flexor Voluntary Knee
Knee Jerk Ankle Jerk
maneuver Distraction Withdrawal Jerk
1 msec msec msec msec msec msec
B. Complete Table 20.4 with Strike Force and Response Amplitude data for each segment and complete the required
calculations. Use the result to calculate the relationship between strike force and EMG amplitude.
Jendrassik Mental Math Flexor Voluntary
Measure Trial # Knee Jerk Ankle Jerk
maneuver Distraction Withdrawal Knee Jerk
Calculated Average
Calculated Average
Table 20.4
Page 18 Biopac Student Lab 3.7.6
1. What is the physiological meaning of the term “reflex”?
2. List the anatomical components of a reflex pathway in correct sequence from beginning to end.
5. The stronger the percussion hammer tap on the patellar tendon, the greater the reflex contraction of the quadriceps femoris.
6. The Jendrassik maneuver may exaggerate spinal reflexes such as the patellar reflex. Explain.
7. When a physician elicits the patellar reflex, what physiological activities are being examined? List four. (Hint: think of the
function of each component of the reflex pathway.)
Lesson 20: Spinal Cord Reflexes Page 19
8. Briefly explain the function of the supraspinal descending inhibitory motor pathways.
9. There are two pathways by which the Jendrassik maneuver facilitates alpha motor neuron output. Describe one.