8664 31124 1 PB
8664 31124 1 PB
8664 31124 1 PB
Keywords: Burns; severe burns; critical care; burns narrative review focuses on the contemporary literature, on
resuscitation; fluid resuscitation; review the critical care of severe burns once the patient has been
stabilised after the initial injury. The review consists of two
Abstract parts and the first part focusses on fluid resuscitation, goal-
Recent literature on the management of critically ill patients directed fluid therapy, haemodynamic monitoring and
have altered the beliefs and clinical behaviours, questioning coagulopathy in severe burns. The second part describes
many dogmas that were practiced without much evidence. aspects such as thromboprophylaxis, role of suppressing
The critical care in a severely burn-injured patient requires hypermetabolism, glycaemic control, nutritional support,
special attention in resuscitation, haemodynamic monitoring, sepsis and infection control, management of inhalational
management of complications, organ support and injuries, surgical debridement, pain management and
determinants of outcome. The goal of resuscitation is to palliative care in severe burns.
maintain intravascular volume and tone while correcting the
reversible changes in altered physiology, aided by early Methods
debridement of burned tissue and elimination of the source of We performed a literature search on PubMed and Google
physiological derangement. Practitioners should target Scholar, and looked for published original articles, review
resuscitation based on goal-directed therapy using non- articles and guidelines on critical care management in burns,
invasive markers of cardiac output. The management requires up to November 2019. Our search was limited to articles in
the input of a multi-disciplinary team to achieve critical care English. Correspondence, dissertations and unpublished
and early surgical intervention and management of materials were not considered. The information were
complications and organ support. summarised and presented qualitatively (narratively) under
Recent literature on the management of critically ill patients Contents:
have altered the beliefs and clinical behaviours, questioning Fluid resuscitation in severe burns
many dogmas that were practiced without much evidence [1]. Goal-directed fluid therapy and Haemodynamic monitoring
Furthermore, the fundamental understanding of critical care Evidence on choice of fluid for resuscitation
in terms of fluid management, haemodynamic monitoring,
Management of coagulopathy in severe burns
management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS),
Thromboprophylaxis in burns
organ support and nutrition support are changing [1]. The
goal of resuscitation is to maintain intravascular volume and The role of suppressing hypermetabolism in severe burns
tone while correcting the reversible changes in altered Glycaemic control in severe burns
physiology, aided by early debridement of burned tissue and Nutritional support in severe burns
elimination of the source of physiological derangement. The Sepsis and infection control in burns
definition of severe burns is based on the surface area (20% Management of inhalational injuries and acute respiratory
excluding superficial burns), presence of inhalational or distress syndrome (ARDS)
electrical injury, patients' age and comorbidities [2]. The
Early surgical debridement and soft tissue cover
critical period in severe burns is usually transient, lasting for
few days. However, may include intermittent episodes of Pain management in severe burns
deterioration based on burn related complications. This Palliative care in severe burns