Fallout Players Guide

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 Adaptable (2): Start with a bonus Edge you qualify for at character creation.

 Immune to Disease (1): Ghouls are immune to all diseases that impact humans.
 Immune to Radiation (2): As creatures born of radiation, ghouls are immune to the danger of radiation,
experiencing it as a warm glow. This sense allows them to identify and locate radiation sources with a
Notice roll.
 Radiation Healing (2): Ghouls in an area of standard background radiation (such as most of the wastes)
roll natural healing rolls normally. In an area of moderate radiation, they roll a natural healing roll
once per day. In an area of high radiation, they roll natural healing rolls once per hour.
 Ugly (-1): Most wastelanders find ghouls to be hideous creatures, and they regularly face prejudice even
in the most accepting communities. They gain the Ugly hindrance.
 Weak (-2): The degraded body of a ghoul isn't as strong as an average human. They suffer a -1 penalty to
all Strength rolls, including melee damage.

 Construct (6): +2 to recover from being Shaken, ignore one level of wound modifiers, don't breathe, and
are immune to disease and poison. Cannot heal naturally, but can be repaired by a Tech roll (ignoring the
golden hour).
 Mods (1): Can't use cyberware, but may purchase and install robot modifications to alter their form and
 Environmental Weakness (Electricity, -1): Robots suffer +4 additional damage from electrical attacks,
and have a -4 penalty to resist other electrical effects.
 Outsider Hindrance (Major, -2) Robots are considered to be property throughout the wastes, even those
that have developed self-awareness over the years.
 Vow Hindrance (Major, -2) Robots are built with a purpose in mind, and even after all these years, most
are still trying to fulfill that purpose. Sometimes this results in them seeming mad, such as trying to
keep a ruined home clean centuries after the owners died. Other robots serve a master who knows how to
program their loyalty.

Super Mutant
 Attribute Increase (Strength) (4): Super mutants were created to be strong, and as a result are far more
physically imposing than humans. They start with a d8 in Strength, and can increase their Strength to
d12+2 with normal advancement.
 Immune to Disease (1): The FEV that creates them renders super mutants immune to all diseases that
impact humans.
 Radiation Resistance (1): Super mutants are powerfully resistant to the effects of radiation, though
they're not completely immune to it like ghouls. They gain a +4 bonus to Radiation Resistance.
 Size +2 (2): Super mutants tower above most other creatures in the wastes. Most stand over 7' tall, even
with their hunched posture.
 All Thumbs (-1): Super mutant hands are stubby and awkward, and they have trouble working with high
technology. They gain the All Thumbs hindrance.
 Attribute Penalty (Smarts) (-3): The mind of a super mutant is all but destroyed by the process that
transforms them. They have a -2 penalty on all Smarts rolls they make, and cannot increase their Smarts
above a d8. Most super mutants have only fragments of memory from before they were changed.
 Hated (-2): Super mutants are killed on sight in most civilized areas, as most of their kin are
murderous savages. They suffer a -4 penalty to Charisma with most other wastelanders.

The following changes to skills are in effect for this game. Remove Climbing and Swimming
(they’re merged into Athletics). Rename Investigation to Research. Remove Tracking (it’s merged
into Survival). Remove Gambling and Persuasion (they’re merged into Speech). Repair and Knowledge
(Computers) are merged into Tech.
The full list of skills is as follows.

 Athletics (Strength)  Research (Smarts)

 Boating (Agility)  Riding (Agility)
 Driving (Agility)  Shooting (Agility)
 Fighting (Agility)  Speech (Spirit)
 Healing (Smarts)  Stealth (Agility)
 Intimidation (Spirit)  Streetwise (Smarts)
 Knowledge (Smarts)  Survival (Smarts)
 Lockpicking (Agility)  Taunt (Smarts)
 Notice (Smarts)  Tech (Smarts)
 Piloting (Agility)  Throwing (Agility)
Setting Rules
 Bottlecaps: Bennies are replaced by Caps, of which there are three kinds (White, Red, and
Blue). There’s a different document that details how these work. Any Edges, Hindrances,
and so on that impact Bennies instead impacts Caps.
 Critical Failure: Wild Cards can’t spend a Cap to modify the results of a critical
failure (a roll of a 1 on both the trait die and the wild die.)
 Extra Fatigue: Everyone has three levels of Fatigue (rather than the normal two levels).
 Radiation Resistance: All characters have an additional derived stat, Radiation
Resistance. It starts at 2 + ½ Vigor, and is modified by such things as race, Edges, and
gear. Exposure to some radiation sources, such as weapons, deal radiation damage directly
rather than being resolved as a radiation hazard. Radiation damage equal to or higher than
your Rad Resistance causes a level of Fatigue; every 4 over your Rad Resistance causes an
additional level of Fatigue. This damage can be soaked as normal for damage. Fatigue
caused by radiation does not go away over time, but can be healed, usually by RadAway or
the assistance of a wasteland doc. Bonuses to your Radiation Resistance, such as from
edges, racial bonuses, or equipment also add to any Vigor rolls made to resist ongoing
radiation hazards.
 That’s Rough, Buddy: Any Wild Card (hero or NPC) that draws a Deuce for their action card
draws a Cap. This only takes place when they actually have to act on that Deuce (not if
they’re on Jet or draw another card with Level Headed, for example).

Core Hindrances in the Fallout Setting
Bloodthirsty: This is a good hindrance for a former raider - most civilized people will react to
known raiders with hatred and revulsion, thus the Charisma penalty.
Clueless: This is a good hindrance to represent a Vault Dweller that’s new to the wastes, as they
won’t be able to identify common things like ghouls, super mutants, and most mutated wildlife.
They will likely know more about the world was like before the bombs fell, though.
Doubting Thomas: This hindrance doesn’t fit in the Fallout setting; this is the default state of
Habit: The major version of this hindrance represents a character that starts play with an
addiction. Instead of using the rules in the hindrance, choose an addictive chem (Addiction 0 or
lower) from the Chems section and use the addiction rules found there if the character loses
access to it. Note that they don’t start with a supply of their drug of choice; they’ll have to
pay for it out of starting cash or get access to it another way.
Outsider: In the Republic, this is most common as a prejudice against tribals, who are seen as
backwards and not really a part of society. Super mutants and robots have a variation of Outsider
as part of their racial writeup, and so can’t take this hindrance.

New Hindrances
Addictive Personality (Minor)
You tend to have trouble saying no to addictive substances, and are gripped by addiction harder
than most. You suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls to resist or remove addiction. In times of
stress, you often find yourself turning to chems to make yourself feel better, which can be a
huge strain on your health, finances, and relationships.

Combat Shock (Minor)

Some people freeze up when things get dangerous, and you are one of them. It could be due to
fear, flashbacks, or something else; whatever the reason, when action cards are dealt in the
first round of any combat, you must make a Spirit roll or start the combat Shaken.

Falling Feral (Major)

It's not clearly understood why most ghouls eventually degrade into feral ghouls. But you know
it's starting to happen to you, and soon. Each game session, draw a card. On a club, you’re
having a bad time, and may have to make a Smarts roll to avoid acting in a feral manner at some
point – trying to bite someone, attacking with your claws instead of a weapon, forgetting basic
skills. If the card is a face card club, your Smarts decreases by a die type permanently.

Rebellious (Minor)
You don’t take orders well, and resist being told what to do, even if it’s a good idea. You can’t
gain the benefits of any leadership edges, and suffer a -2 Charisma with anyone in a position of
authority over you - superiors, authorities, and officious types all tend to react poorly to your

Shaken and Stirred (Major)

You have trouble recovering in a combat situation, often reacting to danger slower than your
companions. You suffer a -2 penalty on rolls to recover from Shaken.

Slow (Major)
Your draw two cards for initiative, and discard the higher one. If a Joker is drawn, ignore this
Hindrance for the round; you get to act normally on your Joker. You cannot take the Level-Headed
or Quick hindrances.

Core Edges in the Fallout Setting
Adept: Not available.
Arcane Background: Not available, though see the Chemist and Psyker edges below.
Arcane Resistance / Improved Arcane Resistance: While psykers do exist in the Fallout setting,
they’re quite rare. These edges are available, but not at all common, and probably not a good
investment for a hero. However, it would be a good way to represent the Mental Block ability the
Vault Dweller acquires in Fallout.
Champion: Not available.
Connections: Good connections include the Republic of Texas or its cities, the Brotherhood of
Steel, the Followers of the Apocalypse, one of the larger raider gangs, the Children of Atom, or
one of the Vaults in the area.
Gadgeteer: There’s a modified version of this edge below.
Holy/Unholy Warrior: Not available.
Mr. Fix It: There’s a modified version of this edge below.
Noble: This could be appropriate for a member of high society, such as the child of a cattle
baron or the mayor of a large town. Remember that the Noble edge is supposed to include
significant responsibilities as well; that’s why it’s two edges in one.
Rich / Filthy Rich: Not available. Wealth in Fallout is either carried (and thus represented by
the Geared Up edge below) or tied up in some other enterprise, which includes ongoing
responsibilities (represented by the Noble edge).
Wizard: Not available.
Woodsman: There’s a modified version of this edge below, called Wilderness Man.

New Edges
Action Boy / Action Girl (Combat)
Requirements: Wild Card, Seasoned, Agility d10+, Elan
You're unusually quick and skilled at doing multiple things at once. Each additional action
beyond the first imposes only a -1 penalty for you, rather than the normal -2 per additional

Chemist (Background)
Requirements: Novice, Knowledge (Chemistry) d6+
You know how to make chems, and maintain a stock of ingredients that allow you to create a few
chems per day. Each day, you can use these gathered chems to produce 5 Complexity worth of chems
from the list of chems you know. This process takes about an hour. When you select this edge, you
start with a number of Complexity worth of known chems equal to 1/2 your Knowledge (Chemistry)
skill (so, for example, a chemist with a d6 in Knowledge (Chemistry) would start with three
Complexity worth of known chems. You can get more by increasing your Knowledge (Chemistry) or by
locating them in the wasteland or learning them from other chemists. Unlike lab-produced chems,
these field chems aren’t stable, and go bad by the next day, so you can’t stockpile them or sell
Additionally, as someone who’s used to chems, you gain a +2 bonus on all Vigor rolls to resist or
recover from chem addiction.

Chem Fiend (Background)

Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+
You’re well-suited to chems, and they tend to agree with you. You double the duration of any
chems you take, and gain a +2 bonus to resist any Vigor rolls to avoid comedown effects, if

Extra Chems (Professional)

Requirements: Chemist, Knowledge (Chemistry) d8+
You've developed a good source of additional chems - maybe you've got contacts all over, or found
a huge supply of raw materials for chems at one point, or know how to gather the best stuff in
your travels. Whatever the reason, you can produce an additional 5 Complexity worth of chems per
day. This edge can be selected once per rank.

Experimental Chemist (Professional)

Requirements: Chemist, Knowledge (Chemistry) d8+
You have developed your own combinations of known chems. When making chems for the day, you can
create a chem that combines the effects (and drawbacks) of any two chems that you know. This
counts as a single chem with a Complexity one higher than the higher of the two chems. The
combined chem has an Addiction of the worse drug -1, and lasts for the lower duration of the two
chems. The user suffers the comedown effects of both drugs after they use it, and can become
addicted to the unique drug. For example, Doc Fever makes a dose of Psycho-Buff in the morning, a
combination of Psycho (Addiction -2, Complexity 1) and Buffout (Addiction -2, Complexity 2). This
is an Addiction -3, Complexity 3 chem that combines all the effects of Buffout and Psycho in one
horrifically dangerous combat drug that can be taken as a single action.

Flower Child (Background)

Requirements: Novice
You're experienced with chems, and know how to avoid the worst side effects. You get over the
comedown effects of chems in half the normal time, and gain a +2 bonus to Vigor rolls to resist
or recover from addiction.

Gadgeteer (Professional)
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Tech d8+, any science-related Knowledge skill at d6+
Your technical savvy allows you to build a machine to handle nearly any situation.
Once per game session, you can create a jury-rigged device from spare parts. The device functions
as a Weird Science device with any one power at or below your rank. It starts with 10 Power
Points, and once these are used up, the gadget burns out and does not recharge. You must have
access to some spare parts and about ten minutes to create the gizmo.

Geared Up (Background)
You start your journey with more gear that most heroes. Perhaps you’re a member of an
organization that outfitted you, or you’ve found a significant store of Old World technology
somewhere out in the wastes. Whatever, the cause, you start with 1,000c worth of gear of your
choice. Any unspent money from this windfall is retained as caps at the start of play.

Glowing One (Racial)

Requirements: Novice, Ghoul
You have been heavily infused with radiation, and have become a glowing one. Your skin and eyes
glow with a greenish cast, and you emit light and radiation wherever you go, generally requiring
you to stay away from your companions or cause them to suffer exposure to a low radiation hazard
every hour. You suffer a -2 penalty to Stealth rolls. You can spend a Cap to gather your
radioactive power and emit a burst of radiation (2d6 radiation damage in a Medium Burst Template,
centered on you). Other ghouls in that area may immediately make a Vigor roll; if successful they
heal one Wound.

Mr. Fix-It (Professional)

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d10+, Tech d8+
You add +2 to Tech rolls made to repair an object. With a raise, you halve the time normally
required for the repair. This means that if a particular repair job already states that a raise
repairs it in half the time, you could finish the job in one-quarter the time with a raise.

Old School Ghoul (Racial)

Requirements: Novice, Ghoul
You are an old ghoul, perhaps even old enough to remember the Old World, before the bombs fell.
You gain two additional skill points at character creation and a +2 bonus on all Common Knowledge
rolls as a result of your years of experience.

Psyker (Background)
Requirements: Novice, Human, Ghoul, or Super Mutant
You are a psyker, a rare wastelander that has unlocked psychic potential at great cost. This
functions as Arcane Background (Psionics) from SWD, with the following changes. You must choose
known powers from the following table; powers chosen must be of your rank or below.
Heavy Burden: Psykers are rare, and the process that unlocks their potential tends to cause
severe damage to them. You must choose an additional Major hindrance, subject to Overseer
approval, to reflect this trauma. You do not gain hindrance points for it. This is to reflect the
rarity of the gift, as well as its power compared to other edges.
Rank Powers
Novice armor, beast friend, blind, bolt, boost/lower trait, confusion,
deflection, empathy [TBL], fear, mind reading, psychometry [TBL],
speak language, speed, stun, succor
Seasoned barrier, disguise, farsight, havoc, invisibility, mental link, probe
[TBL], pummel, quickness, slow, slumber, soothe [TBL], telekinesis,
warrior’s gift
Veteran puppet, thought network [TBL]

Pureblood Mutant (Racial)

Requirements: Novice, Super Mutant, Vigor d8+
You were nearly free of radiation when transformed into a super mutant (perhaps by the Master
years ago), or were uniquely suited to the transformation into your current form. Unlike most
super mutants, you retain your full mental faculties. You do not suffer a -2 penalty on Smarts
rolls, can increase your Smarts without restriction, and remember your life before the change.
Other super mutants tend to look to you as a leader, and you gain +2 Charisma when interacting
with them.

Pyro (Combat)
Requirements: Novice, Shooting or Throwing d6+
You know how to make the most of fiery weapons. You deal +1 damage with any such weapons, and
increase the chance of targets catching fire or spreading fire by 1 on 1d6 (so, for example, a
target hit by your Molotov cocktails takes 1d10+1 damage, and they catch fire or spread that fire
on a 2+ on a d6 rather than on a 3+).

Rad Resistant (Background)

Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+
You are unusually resistant to the effects of radiation. You get a +4 bonus to Radiation

Scavver (Professional)
Requirements: Novice, Notice d6+, Tech d6+
Scavvers are experienced in combing through the ruins of the Old World looking for anything that
could still be useful or valuable. They can find treasure in what others would swear was just an
empty room, and know how to get in to places they’re not supposed to in order to find loot hidden
there. They get a +2 bonus to Notice rolls when scavenging, and on a raise on the scavenging roll
can draw an extra loot card.

Scout (Professional)
Requirements: Novice, Notice d6+, Survival d6+
Scouts have learned to watch the signs and trust their instincts when it comes to navigating the
wasteland. Any time the Overseer draws a face card when traveling (indicating a random encounter
has occurred), a scout may make a Notice roll at -2. If successful the scout detects the hazard,
creature, or situation at the earliest opportunity, likely giving his group time to avoid it or
at least proceed on their own terms. Don’t forget to remind the Overseer you have this Edge if
your group is going to be traveling. Additionally, scouts gain a +2 to Notice rolls made to avoid
surprise in tactical situations.

Security Expert (Professional)

Requirements: Novice, Lockpicking d6+, Tech d6+
Your hero knows how to bypass most security systems easily, and can get into just about any
protected area. She gets a +2 bonus to Lockpicking rolls, as well as Tech rolls made to hack a
secure system. She also knows bypass codes for most common automated turret systems; she can make
a Persuasion roll opposed by the turret’s Notice in order to get a turret to ignore her
completely unless she attacks it. This roll can only be made once for a given turret or set of
turrets, and doesn’t work if the turrets are being remotely controlled.

Slugger (Combat)
Requirements: Strength d8+, Fighting d6+
This hero is capable of landing devastating blows with a melee weapon, knocking his opponents
flying. Whenever he hits with a raise on a melee attack, he may opt to forfeit his extra damage
and instead make an immediate Push attack. If he’s using a two-handed weapon, he gains a +1 bonus
on this Push roll.

Texas Ranger (Professional)

Requirements: Seasoned, Spirit d8+, Intimidate d6+, Shooting d6+
This hero is a full-time member of the Texas Rangers, the long arm of the law in the Republic. As
a result, he has both legal authority and a responsibility to keep the peace and protect the
citizens of the Republic. In turn, the Republic will pay him a monthly stipend of 100c and
provide the hero with a badge, an armored duster, and a heavy revolver pistol known as a Ranger’s
Special. He can also count on some measure of support from local authorities, and may even be
able to call upon other Rangers for support in a particularly dire situation.

Wilderness Man (Professional)

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Vigor d6+, Notice d6+, Survival d8+
Whether they live in the northern Red Wastes or the swamps of Nawlins, wilderness men are used to
the rigors of the wastelands, and take the worst of the ruined world in stride. They gain a +2 to
Survival rolls and a +2 bonus to Vigor rolls to resist natural hazards.
Chem Cost Avail Complexity Duration Addict Description
Antivenom 50 C 1 1d6h - User gets +4 to Vigor rolls to resist poisons
Buffout 100 U 2 1d4+1m -2 Increases Strength, Agility, and Vigor
Cateye 75 C 1 1d4+1h +2 User can see in the dark like a cat
Daytripper 225 U 2 1d4+1h -1 User gains +1 Charisma and draws a cap
Fixer 250 R 2 3d6h - Temporarily suppresses addiction effects
Jet 25 C 1 1d4+1m -2 User reacts more quickly, then long euphoria
Med-X 50 C 1 2d6+2m 0 +1 Toughness and reduce wound penalties
Mentats 75 U 1 1d4+1h 0 +2 to some Smarts-based rolls, -2 to Notice
Psurge 200 VR 3 1d4+1m -1 Psykers increase in power, regain power points quickly
Psycho 50 C 1 1d4+1m -2 Gain the Berserk edge while in use
Rad-Away 50 U 1 - - Removes one level of radiation-based Fatigue
Rad-X 30 C 1 1d4+1h - Radiation Resistance increases by 4
Steady 150 R 2 1d4+1m -2 Steady hands reduce ranged attack penalties
Stimpak 40 C 1 1m - User heals one wound, gets +1 to soak rolls
Super Stimpak 350 VR 3 1d4+1m - Natural healing roll once per minute and +2 to soak
rolls while chem is in effect
Ultra-Jet 250 VR 3 2d4+2r -4 User can act on two action cards per round, then long
X-Cell 300 VR 3 2d6+2m -4 All attributes increase by one step, +2 to Pace

Reading a Chem
Cost: This is the cost of a single dose of the drug, in standard wasteland caps.

Availability: How hard it is to find a dose of this drug. Rarity goes Common -> Uncommon -> Rare ->
Very Rare, in increasing difficulty to find. Larger and better-supplied shops are more likely to have doses
of a rarer chem.

Complexity: Complexity measures how hard a chem is to make, and is used in the Chemist edge to
determine which they can make and how much of it. If you’re not a Chemist, don’t worry about this

Duration: This measures how long a single dose of the chem will last. Most last a random amount of
time, usually from a few rounds to several hours. Users of a chem can feel when they’re starting to
come down from the stuff, so this duration isn’t kept secret.

Addiction: While these chems have powerful effects, most of them are addictive, and cause side effects
for those who use them too much. Most chems have an Addiction rating. Users must roll Vigor, modified
by the chem’s Addiction rating. If they succeed, they avoid addiction. If they fail, they become addicted
to the chem. Addicts suffer a penalty listed in each addictive chem when they’re not on the stuff, such
as a Buffout addict gaining the Mean hindrance. Every 24 hours the addict doesn’t get their drug of
choice, they must make a Vigor roll, modified by the drug’s Addiction rating, or suffer a level of Fatigue.
A character must continue making these checks for 1d6 days, minus the drug’s Addiction modifier. After
that, they’ve successfully kicked the habit. For example, Eight Ball the raider is a Jet addict, and decides
to go clean. He must make Vigor rolls at a -2 penalty (because of the drug’s Addiction modifier) for
1d6+2 days in order to get that monkey off his back. Each failure on these rolls causes a level of Fatigue
that can’t be recovered until he either uses Jet or kicks the addiction. A Cateye addict, on the other
hand, rolls Vigor at a +2 bonus, and only takes 1d6-2 days to kick the habit.
If there’s just a single dash for the Addiction rating of a chem, that means it’s not addictive, and the
addiction rules can be ignored for it.

Comedown: Powerful chems have an adverse effect on the user’s body when they wear off. Most drugs
listed have a comedown effect, which occurs as soon as its duration ends. Some of these can be avoided
with a successful Vigor roll, but most must just be suffered through.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 1d6 hours
Comedown: None

Antivenom works throughout the body to counteract poisons and toxins, whether ingested, injected, or
inhaled. Users gain a +4 bonus on Vigor rolls to resist poison hazards.

Complexity: 2
Duration: 1d4+1 minutes
Addiction: -2
Comedown: Vigor roll (with normal Vigor) or suffer a level of Fatigue for an hour; a critical failure on this
roll results in two levels of Fatigue. If a character is Incapacitated by this Fatigue they take 2d8 damage,
ignoring armor, as their body tears itself apart.

Buffout is a powerful combat stimulant pill developed by the US military before the Great War. It was
used by field troops during the Resource Wars, and is still manufactured today by raiders and mercs who
feel they need an edge in combat. When taken, the user's Strength, Agility, and Vigor are increased by
one die type, and they gain a +1 bonus to all Athletics, Fighting, and Intimidation rolls.
Buffout addiction causes impotence and behavioral changes. Addicts have a hard time controlling their
anger, gaining the Mean hindrance.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 1d4+1 hours
Addiction: +2
Comedown: None

While under the effects of this chem, characters can see in the dark like a cat, ignoring all penalties for
Dim and Dark lighting. However, they're also sensitive to bright light - in an area that's fully illuminated
they have to wear protective eyewear or suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls.
Cateye addiction is rare; there's no rush or pleasant feelings associated with the chem, and so it's used
only when needed. When it happens it's due to a rare reaction that causes the user's eyes to form a
dependency on the drug. Cateye addicts suffer the drug's penalty to actions in bright light at all times.
Complexity: 2
Duration: 1d4+1 hours
Addiction: -1
Comedown: Regular users of daytripper report that they have unusually bad luck after they come down
from the stuff, though medical experts scoff at the implausibility of a chem having that kind of effect.
Randomly discard one Bottlecap at the end of daytripper’s duration.

Daytripper is used by those looking to escape from the drudgery of the everyday world. It infuses the
user with pleasant feelings, making them happier and more likable to those around them. Curiously, it
also seems to make them luckier; while this makes no medical sense, more than one casino has banned
anyone they believe to be a regular daytripper user. Upon taking this chem, users gain +1 Charisma, and
draw a single Bottlecap when they take the drug.
Daytripper addicts are often suggestible and even gullible; they suffer a -2 penalty to resist Speech rolls,
Tricks, and Tests of Will.

Complexity: 2
Duration: 3d6 hours
Addiction: None
Comedown: The user may make a Vigor roll to remove any addictions they have (see the addiction rules
for details).

Fixer is a rare chem developed to aid those addicted to other chems. While under its effects, the user
doesn't suffer the effects of their addictions - the side effects are suppressed for the duration. However,
the drug does cause occasional bouts of dizziness and vision problems, as the Bumps and Bruises hazard
on any turn in which the character acts on a Club for their action card.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 1d4+1 minutes
Addiction: -2
Comedown: Euphoria and fatigue (2d4 hours of euphoria and one level of Fatigue for 8 hours; if this
Incapacitates they go into shock and must roll on the Incapacitation table).

Jet is a highly addictive post-War recreational inhalant that has spread from the NCR region across the
Wasteland. Users experience a brief time dilation in which everything seems to slow dramatically,
followed by a long period of euphoria and fatigue. During the initial phase of the drug, users have
dramatically increased reaction time, and can draw an extra card on their action and act on the best (as
the Level Headed Edge; if the user already has that Edge they gain another card).
Once the initial phase of the drug has passed, users become passive and euphoric, gaining the Slow
hindrance. Most spend the next few hours in a pleasantly blissed out state. The duration of this state
decreases over time as the user uses more and more Jet; eventually this will cause them to overdose
and die if left untreated. Addicts reduce the 2d4 hours of euphoria for 1 hour per week addicted, until
eventually this only lasts a few minutes. Most addicts die before this as they overdose on the drug,
chasing the euphoria until it kills them or causes permanent neurological damage.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 2d6+2 minutes
Addiction: 0
Comedown: Shakes and difficulty concentrating; -1 to all Agility and Smarts-based rolls for 1d4+1 hours.

Med-X is a powerful pain killer, used in medical procedures as an anesthetic. It can also be used in
combat situations to prevent the user from suffering the pain of his injuries, allowing him to fight on
when he otherwise would succumb. Doing so, however, can be dangerous and habit-forming. While
under the effects of Med-X the user gains +1 Toughness and ignores all Wound penalties.
Med-X addicts have trouble regulating their body's pain response; in effect they are always in pain when
not on the drug, and suffer a -2 penalty to all Soak rolls.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 1d4+1 hours
Addiction: 0
Comedown: Headaches, fatigue, and dry mouth (one level of Fatigue for an hour)

Used primarily by students and scientists in the pre-War era, Mentats are a boon to anyone who needs
to concentrate on a specific task. They boost mental acuity and memory and increase focus, though this
can be dangerous to those who need to pay attention to the world around them. Users gain a +2 bonus
to Common Knowledge, Research, Knowledge, and Tech rolls, but suffer a -2 penalty to all Notice rolls.
Mentats addicts who aren't on the drug suffer headaches and distraction, and suffer a -1 penalty to all
Smarts rolls and Smarts-based skills.

Complexity: 3
Duration: 1d4+1 minutes
Addiction: -1
Comedown: Psykers lose 2d6 Power Points, Vigor roll or suffer a level of fatigue for an hour

This rare drug is doled out by the Alphas of Vault 41 to the other psykers. They use it to boost their
abilities, allowing them to accomplish feats of power that they wouldn’t normally be able to manage.
While on psurge, a psyker gets a +2 bonus to all Psionics rolls, and regains one Power Point per round.
This creates a pretty visible change in the psyker as their power grows beyond their normal control -
their eyes may glow, their voice echoes in the minds of everyone around them, or they float a few
inches off the ground. Whatever the description, it’s clearly unnatural.
Psurge addiction causes the user to experience contempt for non-psykers and an overwhelming
confidence in their own power. They gain the Overconfident major hindrance.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 1d4+1 minutes
Addiction: -2
Comedown: -2 to all Strength-based trait rolls for 1d4 hours

Psycho is a military combat drug, now manufactured across the Wastes by raiders and anyone who feels
like they need an edge in a fight. It causes aggression and a feeling of power in the user. They gain the
Berserk edge while this chem is in effect. A character that already has the Berserk edge that takes
Psycho immediately goes berserk without having to roll.
Psycho addicts who aren’t on the drug suffer the negative side effects of the Berserk edge, but don’t
gain any of the combat benefits.

Complexity: 1
Duration: None
Addiction: None
Comedown: User must consume double normal water for the day or suffer from dehydration (see Thirst
in SWD).

RadAway is a pill designed to flush radiation from the user's body. It's not the most pleasant process -
RadAway is, among its other effects, a powerful diuretic, so dehydration is a real risk when consuming
the drug, especially in the deserts of the Republic. However, those who have to travel the wastes find
it's good to have some on hand. Taking a dose of RadAway removes one level of radiation-based fatigue.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 1d4+1 hours
Addiction: None
Comedown: None

This pill is designed to bolster the body's resistance to radiation of all types. The user's Radiation
Resistance increases by +4 while this is in effect. The side effects of this chem are minor; users report
blurred vision and occasional numbness in the extremities.

Complexity: 2
Duration: 1d4+1 minutes
Addiction: -2
Comedown: Headaches and blurred vision cause one level of Fatigue that goes away after 1 hour

Steady is a highly addictive inhaled drug, favored by gunners and marksmen because of its ability to slow
a user’s perception of time and calm their nerves, letting them easily line up the perfect shot. While
under the effects of Steady, users can ignore 3 points worth of penalties to Shooting and Throwing rolls,
letting them easily line up a headshot from long distances or hit a number of targets with an autofire
Steady addicts that aren’t on the chem tend to have poor reaction time; they gain the Slow hindrance,
drawing an extra action card and acting on the lower one.

Complexity: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Addiction: None
Comedown: User must consume double normal food for the day or suffer from starvation (see Hunger in
SWD). This continues to increase if you use more than one stimpak in a day, so if you use four stimpaks
and don't eat any extra food, you have to make three Vigor rolls against hunger.
Stimpaks are a common medical tool in the Wastes. It's an injected chem that stimulates the body's
healing, causes almost instant clotting, promotes cellular regeneration, kills most bacteria and viruses,
and otherwise allows the injured to survive just about anything. The user of a stimpak immediately heals
one Wound. Additionally, they gain a +1 bonus to soak rolls for one minute as the chems run through
their body, clotting wounds and keeping them healthy.
The only downside of a stimpak is related to the increased resources the body uses to heal; each
stimpak used increases the body's need for food dramatically.

Super Stimpak
Complexity: 3
Duration: 1d4+1 minutes
Addiction: None
Comedown: The user must roll Vigor. On a success, they gain one level of Fatigue (which is recovered in
an hour). On a raise, they deal with the drug well, and suffer no ill effects. On a failure on the roll, they
suffer 2d6 damage.

Super stimpaks are a more advanced version of the standard stimpak, flooding the body with medicine
designed to promote healing and limit the effects of wounds. They may make a natural healing roll
immediately when injected, and once per minute while the chem lasts. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus
to Soak rolls while the super stimpak is in effect.

Complexity: 3
Duration: 2d4+2 rounds
Addiction: -4
Comedown: Euphoria for 2d4 hours and extreme fatigue (User must make a Vigor roll; with a Raise they
take no Fatigue, on a success they take one Fatigue, on a failure they take two levels of Fatigue. Just like
with Jet, incapacitation from this Fatigue causes a roll on the Incapacitation table due to neurological
damage, and can kill.)

Ultra-Jet is a purified and concentrated version of the common street drug Jet. Most users claim the
highs from Ultra-Jet are even more intense; the time dilation effect from the initial effects are very
strong, causing the world to move in slow motion for a minute or two before the user is hit with a wave
of euphoria and exhaustion. During the initial phase of the drug, their perception of time is so fast that
they draw two Action Cards each round and can act on both of them, as the Quickness power from
Jet and Ultra-Jet are the same addiction; Ultra-Jet is a more concentrated version of the same drug, and
Ultra-Jet addiction functions the same way as Jet addiction. It's just more likely to kill you quickly as you
suffer more fatigue from it.

Complexity: 3
Duration: 2d6+2 minutes
Addiction: -4
Comedown: X-Cell users suffer exhaustion when they come down from the drug; they must make a
Vigor roll at their original Vigor. On a success, they suffer one level of fatigue; on a failure they suffer
two. This fatigue is removed after an hour’s rest.
X-Cell is a performance enhancing drug, most often used in professional sports before the Great War,
and there have even been some scandals with bloodball players in the Republic of Texas in recent years.
Users get a boost across the board - all of their Attributes are increased by a die type while on X-Cell,
modifying their derived statistics as appropriate. They also gain a +2 bonus to their pace.
X-Cell addicts tend to be listless and depressed, and suffer a -2 to all Spirit rolls when not on the drug.
Melee Weapons
Weapon Damage Weight Cost Avail Notes
Bang Stick 3d6 2 5 U Must be reloaded after every attack
Bayonet Str+1d6 1 25 C Two Handed (knife if not attached)
Blade Str+1d8 4 25 C
Blade, Big Str+1d10 8 50 C Two Handed
Club Str+1d6 3 10 C
Deathclaw Gauntlet Str+1d6 5 50 R AP 4, Parry -1
Greatclub Str+1d8 10 15 C AP 2, Two Handed
Knife Str+1d4 1 10 C Concealed, Thrown 3/5/7
Knuckles Str+1d4 1 20 C Concealed, Unarmed Attacker
Power Fist Str+1d6 3 75 R Parry -1, Raise Die 1d10
Ripper Str+1d8 6 40 U Raise Die 2d4
Spear Str+1d6 5 8 C Reach 1, Two Handed
Staff Str+1d6 3 5 C Parry +1, Two Handed
Super Sledge Str+1d10 15 125 R AP 2, Heavy Weapon, Min Str d8, Raise Die
1d10, Two Handed

Bang Stick: Originally developed to defend against aquatic predators, a bang stick is a shotgun
shell on the end of a metal baton. On a successful hit, a pressure trigger fires the shotgun
shell into the target struck, dealing significant damage. It must be reloaded (as an action)
after each successful attack. If unloaded, it’s a poor weapon, dealing Str+1 damage.

Bayonet: A blade affixed to the barrel of a gun, designed to stab. If affixed to a long rifle, it
may be sufficient to grant Reach 1. If it’s not attached to a weapon, it can be wielded as a
knife, though it doesn’t get a bonus to concealment, and cannot be thrown.

Blade: A one-handed slashing or piercing weapon, bigger than a knife. Could be a machete, a
Chinese sword, fireaxe, or similar weapon.

Blade, Big: Like a blade, but bigger. This is usually a crude sword or axe, designed to be used
with two hands. Swing for the fences.

Club: A one-handed bludgeoning weapon, such as a baseball bat, tire iron, or claw hammer.

Deathclaw Gauntlet: This is a glove affixed with the claws of a deathclaw, extraordinarily sharp
blades capable of tearing through just about any armor. Unfortunately, a deathclaw gauntlet isn’t
a very good defensive weapon.

Greatclub: This is a large, two-handed bludgeon. Could be a parking meter that a super mutant
pulled out of the ground to bash your head in with, a length of rebar, or other similar large and
heavy bludgeon.

Knife: A small blade, designed for slashing and stabbing. It’s a versatile weapon, easily
concealed and balanced for throwing. These stats would be appropriate for something like a combat
knife, scalpel, or switchblade.

Knuckles: A small, easily-concealed weapon designed to reinforce the power of a punch, these are
a set of metal rings that slip over the fingers and a grip that’s held in the fist. They are no
better at parrying than your fists, though, so you count as an unarmed attacker when using them.

Power Fist: This is a high-tech pair of gloves or a gauntlet that slams forward with pneumatic
pistons when the wearer’s fist impacts something, delivering a blow capable of staggering even a
raging deathclaw with a solid hit. It deals +1d10 damage on a raise, rather than the standard

Ripper: This is chainsaw blade mounted on a sword hilt. It’s a loud, fearsome weapon designed to
tear through armor and flesh alike. A solid strike with a ripper allows it to rend and tear its
target, dealing horrific mauling wounds.

Spear: One of humanity’s first weapons, the spear is still used in the wastes today. Some are
simple tribal weapons consisting of a piece of sharpened metal or stone affixed to the end of a
staff, while others are high-tech boar spears made of carbon fiber shafts tipped with hardened
steel, designed to hunt dangerous prey such as yao guai.

Staff: A staff is a long stick or pole, usually used as a defensive weapon.

Super Sledge: This is a hammer designed for modern combat, originally developed as a breaching
weapon, designed to allow power armor soldiers to crack open a tank’s hatch to get at the crew
inside. It contains a kinetic charge that vastly increases the power of any strike, making it
capable of punching into even the most heavily armored of targets.
Ranged Weapons
Weapon Rng Damage RoF Cost Avail Wgt Shots Ammo Type Notes
Bow 15/30/60 2d6 1 20 C 3 1 Arrow
Crossbow 15/30/60 2d6 1 40 C 5 1 Bolt AP 2
Gamma Gun 10/20/30 2d6R 1 125 R 5 10 Gamma Pack
Heavy Pistol 12/24/48 3d4 1 100 C 6 8 Hvy Bullet AP 1
Laser Pistol 15/30/60 2d6 1 250 U 6 24 Fusion Cell AP 2, Overcharge +1d6
Light Pistol 12/24/48 2d6 1 75 C 3 12 Lt Bullet
Plasma Pistol 12/24/36 3d6+2 1 600 VR 7 8 Plasma Cell AP 4, Fiery
Submachine Gun 12/24/48 2d6 3 350 U 8 32 Lt Bullet Auto, 3RB
Assault Rifle 24/48/96 2d8 3 400 U 10 24 Hvy Bullet AP 2, Auto, 3RB
Gauss Rifle 30/60/120 2d8+2 1 1750 VR 10 12 2mm EC AP 8, Heavy Weapon
Grenade Launcher 12/24/36 By Grenade 1 250 R 6 6 Grenades Damage and effects by grenade
Hunting Rifle 30/60/120 2d10 1 250 C 10 8 Hvy Bullet AP 2
Laser Rifle 18/36/72 3d6 3 700 R 12 36 2x Fusion Cell AP 2, Auto, Overcharge +1d6
Plasma Rifle 15/30/60 3d8+2 1 1500 VR 15 12 2x Plasma Cell AP 4, Fiery
Radium Rifle 15/30/45 2d10R 1 300 VR 8 16 2x Gamma Pack
Tesla Rifle 8/16/24 2d10 1 750 VR 15 8 Fusion Cell Arcing, Electrical
Varmint Rifle 18/36/72 2d8 1 125 C 8 5 Lt Bullet
Combat Shotgun 6/12/18 3d8-1d8 1 400 U 12 12 Shells
Double-Barrel Shotgun 6/12/18 3d6-1d6 2 150 C 8 2 Shells
Pump-Action Shotgun 6/12/18 3d6-1d6 1 250 C 9 5 Shells
Heavy Weapons
Fat Man 20/40/80 2d12 + 2d12R 1/3 2500 VR 40 1 Mini-Nukes AP 10, Heavy Weapon, Large Blast
Template, Min Str d10, Snapfire
Flamer Lg Spray 2d10 1 1200 VR 50 12 Flamer Fuel Fiery, Heavy Weapon, Spray
Gatling Laser 18/36/72 3d8 5 2000 VR 20 200 Fusion Core AP 2, Heavy Weapon, Min Str d8,
Snapfire, Suppress
Incinerator 8/16/24 2d10 1 1200 VR 50 12 Flamer Fuel Fiery, Heavy Weapon, Med Burst
Minigun 18/36/72 2d8 4 1500 VR 100 Lt Bullet AP 2, Heavy Weapon, Min Str d10,
Snapfire, Suppress
Missile Launcher 24/48/96 4d8 1 1500 VR 35 3 Missile Heavy Weapon, Min Str d8, Snapfire
Plasma Thrower Med Spray 4d6+2 1 2250 VR 30 24 Plasma Cell AP 4, Fiery, Heavy Weapon, Snapfire

Assault Rifle: This is a military automatic rifle, such as an M-16, Chinese Type 93 rifle, or the
Russian AK-47. It has a sizable magazine and is capable of single-shot, burst, or automatic fire
at good range, making it an excellent all-around weapon. These are prized guns, most often found
in the hands of well-equipped military forces such as the Army of the Republic, the lower
echelons of the Brotherhood of Steel, or well-equipped raider gangs like the Road Hogs.

Bow: This primitive weapon still sees some use among tribals and hunters. Some find it useful as
a stealthy alternative to a loud firearm, but its low stopping power makes it rare as a weapon
for anyone who can do better.

Combat Shotgun: Unlike a standard hunting shotgun, this weapon is designed for combat purposes.
Before the Great War it was mostly used by military or police in urban warfare. Now, it’s a
favored weapon for raiders and security forces across the wastes. It’s a shotgun with a clip or
drum of ammunition, powerful enough to contend with the deadliest of predators.

Crossbow: A slightly higher-tech version of a bow, fired more like a rifle. Its quarrels can
punch through lighter armor, but it’s slow to reload. A few crafty individuals have made
specialized arrows or quarrels for different purposes, such as poisoned bolts, grapnel arrows, or
explosive tips.
Double-Barrel Shotgun: Shotguns like this have been common in Texas for nearly four hundred
years. It’s a simple breach-loading firearm, capable of devastating blasts that can easily kill a
raider or a charging feral ghoul. It only holds two shots, though, so make them count.

Fat Man: The pinnacle of personal firepower, this is a missile catapult designed to fire a small
nuclear warhead. It explodes over a massive area, obliterating just about anything, including
armor, buildings, and even the deadliest of opponents. It is bulky, slow to load, and dangerous
to use, but there’s nothing like making a statement.

Flamer: This is a chemical weapon designed to throw burning fuel all over a wide area. It’s a
horrific weapon, designed as much to spread terror as to actually kill the enemy. Flamethrowers
ignore non-sealed armor. Any target hit with a flamer must roll to see if they catch fire, as a
spot fire (catching fire and spreading on 4+ on a d6). If they were hit with a raise, they’re
automatically set on fire.

Gamma Gun: Favored by the Children of Atom, this is a pistol that fires bursts of concentrated
radiation. It’s a bit shorter range than a conventional pistol, and won’t do anything to many of
the irradiated creatures of the Wastes, but those blessed by Atom seem to like it as there’s
little danger of collateral damage for them.

Gatling Laser: In many ways, this is the pinnacle of man-portable laser weaponry. It’s a large,
multi-barrel laser cannon designed to punch through Chinese armor or heavy vehicles. Its
impressive rate of fire allows it to put down a number of enemies, with each shot hitting harder
than a laser rifle blast. It can also lay down suppressive fire in a large burst template.

Gauss Rifle: This is a man-portable railgun, designed to hurl tiny metal projectiles at a speed
well beyond even the most powerful chemical slugthrower. The 2mm EC shells fired by the gauss
rifle can punch through even the breastplate of an X01 suit of power armor. For those rare few
who can find or afford one, this is the most powerful direct-fire rifle available in the wastes,
and is treasured as a sniper rifle.

Grenade Launcher: Capable of launching grenades significantly farther than they can be thrown,
this support weapon mostly shows up in old military stockpiles or in the hands of elite raiders.
It fires grenades, using the same stats as the grenades below. A few also show up as underslung
attachments; these have the same stats, except they have to be reloaded after each shot, and
attach to another rifle-type weapon, most often an assault rifle or laser rifle.

Heavy Pistol: A large-caliber pistol, such as a .44 magnum or Desert Eagle. A common sight in the
Republic. The favored sidearm of the Texas Rangers is a heavy revolver pistol known as the
Ranger’s Special.

Hunting Rifle: For when you’d prefer to deal out death from a distance. This is a high-powered
rifle with a long range and significant stopping power. Smart wastelanders outfit it with a scope
so they can take care of an enemy before they’re even spotted.

Incinerator: This is a flamethrower modified to fire congealed bursts of accelerant, giving it a

longer range than a standard flamethrower. Its shots hit in a medium burst template, dealing
damage and setting targets on fire like a flamethrower.

Laser Pistol: Before the Great War, laser pistols were being produced in massive quantities, as
they were being made the standard sidearm of the modern US soldier. As a result, the laser pistol
is by far the most common energy weapon available in the wastes. It fires a beam of energy
capable of causing severe burns. At the user’s option they can increase the power of the beam,
increasing damage by 1d6, but costing two shots from the energy cell that powers the weapon. This
can be changed without an action.

Laser Rifle: A larger version of the laser pistol, with a more powerful beam and a rifle grip.
Like its smaller relative, it can be overcharged, dealing an additional die of damage with each
shot. This weapon is most common among the soldiers of the Brotherhood of Steel, who outfit every
combat soldier with a laser rifle if possible.

Light Pistol: The standard firearm of the Republic of Texas, this is a smaller-caliber pistol
such as a Glock 9mm or a homemade pipe pistol. It is by far the most common firearm in the

Minigun: This heavy cannon is a rapid-fire, multi-barrel slugthrower designed to tear through
crowds of enemies or into heavily-armored targets. It’s man-portable, though barely so, and is
quite rare to see it used by anyone outside of power armor. It’s also excellent at laying down
suppressive fire, and can do so in a large burst template.

Missile Launcher: This is a shoulder-mounted direct-fire missile launcher designed to deal with
heavy threats such as power armor, combat robots, and tanks. The standard missile is AP 10
against its direct target, and also deals damage against all targets in a medium burst template.

Plasma Pistol: Plasma weapons are rare, as they were at the cutting edge of energy weapon
development when the bombs fell. Today they’re mostly found among the soldiers of technological
organizations such as the Brotherhood of Steel or the Enclave. It fires a bolt of superheated
green plasma, held together by a magnetic sheath. The heat of the weapon tears through most
armor. Targets hit by a plasma pistol may catch fire (as a spot fire; the fire catches and
spreads on a 4+ on a d6).

Plasma Rifle: A larger version of the plasma pistol, this weapon is treasured by anyone lucky,
rich, or powerful enough to own one. It’s an accurate, powerful rifle capable of dealing horrific
damage to even heavily-armored targets, and like the plasma pistol, targets hit by it may catch

Plasma Thrower: The plasma thrower is a large weapon designed to spray deadly plasma over an
area. It fires like a flamethrower, but is capable of burning through even hardened troops in
power armor. Targets in a medium spray template that are hit take the listed damage. On 4+ on a
d6, they also catch fire, as a spot fire.

Radium Rifle: A larger version of the gamma gun, the radium rifle is capable of projecting a
powerful blast of radiation, causing severe cellular damage. It’s most often used by elite agents
of the Children of Atom or the guardians of their holy sites.

Submachine Gun: This is a compact automatic weapon, smaller than an assault rifle and designed to
fire pistol rounds. It’s used most often by gangs or close-quarter troops who want something that
can put down humans or other smaller threats, but against the larger creatures of the wastes it
often doesn’t have the stopping power necessary. It can, in theory, be fired one-handed, though
at a -2 penalty to all shots.

Tesla Rifle: This is a specialized weapon designed to combat robotic troops during the annexation
of Canada. It fires a massive electrical blast, capable of shorting out most robots, as well as
electrocuting living opponents. Against a robotic target, this deals +4 damage (due to their
electrical vulnerability) and counts as a heavy weapon. If the attack hits with a raise, make
another Shooting roll against the nearest target within 3”; on a hit they are also hit for the
tesla rifle’s full damage. If this target is also hit with a raise, the arc continues jumping
around, ignoring targets that have already been hit. If there are multiple targets that could be
hit, determine the target of the arc randomly.

Varmint Rifle: This is a light rifle or carbine, designed to deal with lightly-armored targets.
It’s common among raiders, farm hands, or small-town guards that can’t afford a larger rifle. It
has a small clip that can be reloaded as a single action.

Weapon Range Damage Area Cost Avail Notes
Cryo Grenade 5/10/20 2d6 Med Burst 200 Rare Entangle
Flashbang 5/10/20 -- Med Burst 50 Common Stun
Frag Grenade 5/10/20 3d6 Med Burst 100 Uncommon Heavy Weapon
Molotov Cocktail 4/8/12 1d10 Small Burst 25 Common Fiery
Nuka Grenade 5/10/20 3d12R Large Burst 750 Very Rare Heavy Weapon
Plasma Grenade 5/10/20 3d8+2 Med Burst 350 Rare Fiery, Heavy Weapon
Pulse Grenade 5/10/20 2d8 Med Burst 250 Rare Electrical
Smoke Grenade 5/10/20 -- Large Burst 35 Common Smoke
Bottlecap Mine -- 4d6 Large Burst 300 Uncommon

Bottlecap Mine: This is an improvised explosive, similar to a larger fragmentation mine or

claymore. It’s housed within a small box (often a lunchbox) and contains a small sensor,
explosives, and hundreds of shards of metal, often made from bottlecaps. When the mine is
triggered (by default, it’s triggered by anyone entering an armed mine’s space or any space
adjacent to it) it detonates, sending a shower of shrapnel everywhere, dealing significant damage
to everything in a large burst template centered on the mine.

Cryo Grenade: This grenade coats the area around it in a powerful endothermic compound which
leaches heat from the area and coats everything in a rapidly-forming layer of ice. The attacker’s
Throwing roll is resisted by an Agility roll from each target. In addition to damage, if the
attacker succeeds, the target is partially restrained and suffers a –2 penalty to Pace and skills
and trait rolls linked to Agility or Strength. A raise restrains the target fully; he cannot move
or use any skills linked to Agility or Strength. Each round, a restrained target may attempt a
Strength or Agility roll to break free; others may also attempt to free them by making a Strength
roll at –2.

Flashbang: This is a nonlethal explosive designed to overwhelm the target’s senses with a
brilliant flash of light and sound. Targets in the area must make a Vigor roll (-2 if the grenade
was thrown with a raise.) Anyone that fails the Vigor roll is shaken; on a critical failure
they’re either blinded or deafened for several minutes (50% chance of each.)

Frag Grenade: This is a conventional explosive grenade, packed with shards of metal.

Molotov Cocktail: While its name’s origin is lost to history, knowledge of this simple weapon is
common throughout the wastes. This is a bottle filled with a flammable chemical, often a simple
gasoline or even spirits, stuffed with a rag. One end is lit and then the whole thing is thrown;
when it hits it explodes into a fiery mess, coating everything in a Small Burst Template.
Everything in the area takes the listed damage, and also may catch fire (roll of 3+ on a d6 to
catch fire or spread the fire.)

Nuka Grenade: This large grenade carries within it a nuclear explosive. When thrown, it detonates
in a large burst template, dealing 3d12 radiation damage to all caught within. Armor only helps
those within if it adds to their radiation resistance, though they can dive for cover just like
they would with any other grenade.

Plasma Grenade: This grenade explodes with a burst of plasma, dealing damage as a heavy weapon
and setting those within on fire on a roll of 4+ on a d6.

Pulse Grenade: Pulse grenades release a powerful electromagnetic pulse on detonation, and were
designed to fight robotic opponents during the annexation of Canada. They’re useful weapons
against any opponent, but are most deadly to robots. They deal +4 damage to robotic targets due
to their electrical vulnerability, and are heavy weapons to them. They also damage sensitive
electronic components in the area, as determined by the GM, though military equipment is often
hardened against such exposure.

Smoke Grenade: Used mostly to generate cover, this grenade releases a large burst template of
thick, concealing smoke. This blocks all visibility beyond a yard or two, creating a -6
obscurement penalty for one minute. Unusually high winds may cause this smoke to dissipate in as
little as a few rounds. These can also be used as signal grenades, as the smoke can be colored a
variety of different shades when the grenade is made.

Weapon Properties
Suppressive Fire: Make a Shooting roll and place a Medium Burst Template on the battlefield. If
you get less than a 4, it deviates as a grenade; otherwise it stays where you want. Targets in
the area must make a Spirit roll modified by their current cover bonus (at a -2 if you succeeded
with a raise on your Shooting roll). If they get a 1 or less, they are hit by the attack and take
damage normally. If they fail the roll, they are Shaken and take a -2 penalty on Shooting and
Throwing rolls for one round. If they succeed, they suffer a -2 penalty on Shooting and Throwing
rolls for one round. On a Raise, they can ignore the effects of the Suppressive Fire template.
The Suppressive Fire template remains in play until this character’s next turn; anyone entering
or moving within the Suppressive Fire template must make the same Spirit roll. Making a
Suppressive Fire attack uses five times the weapon’s RoF in bullets (so a RoF 3 assault rifle
uses 15 bullets).
Armor Type Armor Cost Avail Weight Body Slots Notes
Bulletproof Vest +2 250 U 8 Torso +2 Armor vs bullets
Combat Armor +4 550 R 20 All
Guard Armor +2 125 C 20 Head, Torso
Leather +1 25 C 10 Arms, Legs,
Metal Armor +3 300 U 35 All
Power Armor +6 3000+ VR 150 All Details vary between suits; this is the base
Radiation Suit +1 150 U 5 All +8 Radiation Resistance
Riot Shield +2 150 U 15 -- +2 Parry, +2 Armor vs ranged attacks
Security Armor +3 400 R 15 All +2 Armor vs bullets
Armor Mods
Asbestos Weave +100 U +2 +4 armor vs fire, cannot be set on fire
Ballistic Weave +200 U +5 +2 Armor vs bullets
DenseWeave +200 U +10 +2 Armor vs cutting attacks
Lead-Lined +100 U +15 +2 Radiation Resistance
NBC Seals +250 R +10 +4 Radiation Resistance, +4 vs some hazards
Pocketed +100 C +5 Increases carrying capacity
Prism Shielding +500 R +5 +4 armor vs energy weapons
Reinforced +1 +50% C +50% Increases base Armor by +1

Bulletproof Vest: A relic of the Old World, this was originally designed to protect police
officers. It’s a thick vest that can be worn under clothing, designed to resist bullet impacts,
though it can help against other attacks as well.

Combat Armor: This is a thick armor made for military use, made from interlocking ceramic or
plastic plating. It’s lighter and easier to wear than metal armor and even more protective,
though it’s not nearly as tough as even the lightest suit of power armor. This is a favored armor
of Republic military forces, Brotherhood of Steel scouts, and elite raiders.

Guard Armor: This armor is favored by small-town guards or bloodball players. It’s usually made
from old sporting equipment or just reinforced clothing. It includes heavy padding or plates, as
well as a sturdy helmet with a faceguard. It doesn’t include any protection for the arms or legs,
however, so it’s often worn with leather armor to cover those areas.

Leather: Usually made from brahmin or gecko hide, this is a light suit of armor, considered by
most to be minimal protection for anyone venturing out into the Wastes.

Metal Armor: Used by those who want significant protection, but can’t get power armor, this is a
suit of metal armor, usually made from scrap or reforged metal and attached to leather or cloth
backing. The full effect is similar to ancient plate armor – it’s quite protective against most
weapons and small-arms fire, but it’s heavy and bulky.

Power Armor: The pinnacle of personal defense, power armor was developed by the United States
military in the decades before the Great War. It’s built around a powered frame that is
reinforced with metal and composite ceramic plating. The wearer climbs inside the frame, which
closes around him, amplifying his movements and offering significant increases to his strength,
endurance, and durability. The most common model, the T-45, includes the frame, a helmet (which
includes a small computer with a holotape slot and an encrypted military radio), and the armor
itself. The frame, when powered by a fusion core, negates the weight of the armor and boosts the
wearer’s Strength by two die types. A single fusion core will last about a week of standard
usage; after that it must be replaced.
For more detail on Power Armor variations, different models, and custom modifications, see the
Power Armor document.
Radiation Suit: This is a full-body, sealed suit designed to protect the wearer against nuclear,
biological, and chemical threats. It includes a filter mask and a small store of oxygen, good for
about two hours of use. While the suit is in working order, the wearer is immune to biological
and chemical threats, and gains a +8 bonus to radiation resistance. This effect is lost if the
suit is breached (if the wearer is wounded by an attack that would penetrate the suit, or if
someone grapples the wearer and deliberately removes their helmet or filter mask). It’s possible
to wear clothes or light armor (leathers or a bulletproof vest) under the suit.

Riot Shield: This is a large rigid plastic or metal shield, designed to protect the wielder
against melee attacks and projectiles. While in use, it increases the wearer’s Parry by +2 and
grants +2 Armor against ranged attacks. The wielder can’t use their shield hand effectively for
anything else.

Security Armor: This rare armor was mostly used by police SWAT teams or military anti-riot
troopers. Like a bulletproof vest, it’s made from Kevlar, but it’s also reinforced at strategic
points with ceramic or metal plating sewn into the armor, and includes a full-body suit and riot

Armor Mods
The mods listed here can apply to any of the listed types of armor, though generally only one at
a time.

Asbestos Weave: This suit of armor is lined with strongly fire-resistant materials, and is
designed to shed excess heat away from vulnerable areas of the wearer. They gain a +4 armor bonus
against fire attacks, and cannot be set on fire. This can be applied to any type of armor that
covers the whole body.

Ballistic Weave: This armor is lined with Kevlar, providing increased protection against bullets.
This can’t be applied to bulletproof vests or security armor, as they’re already made mostly from

DenseWeave: DenseWeave armor is lined with a fine metallic chainmail mesh, designed to resist
cutting attacks. Before the War, it was mostly used by divers to protect against aquatic
predators, but now it’s valuable as a protection against raider’s blades and the creatures of the
wild. The wearer gains +2 additional armor against low-impact attacks that cut or slash through
the armor.

Lead-Lined: While not as protective as a radiation suit, lead-lined armor helps to fend off the
worst effects of exposure. To be effective, the wearer’s whole body must be covered.

NBC Seals: Found almost exclusively in military armor, NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical)
seals protect the wearer against a wide variety of possible dangers. NBC armor is sealed, and can
only be applied to armor that covers the whole body. Sealed armor takes twice as long to put on
or take off. In return, it grants significant resistance to radiation, as well as immunity to
most disease and chemical attacks such as wandering too close to a plague victim or exposure to
tear gas. Like a radiation suit, this protection can be lost if the suit is breached or ripped
away from the wearer.

Pocketed: This armor is just covered in pockets, pouches, straps, and other accessories designed
to carry things efficiently. As such, the wearer’s Strength is treated as one die type higher for
the purposes of determining their carry weight.
Prism Shielding: Developed by Canadian roboticists before the Great War, this shiny lacquer
protects the wearer from energy weapons by deflecting and absorbing the worst of the attack. It
works against plasma and laser weapons, granting the listed armor bonus against such attacks.

Reinforced: This armor has been reinforced with tougher materials. Perhaps it’s leather armor
made from deathclaw hide instead of brahmin, or reinforced with metal plates in a few strategic
locations. Whatever the cause, it’s a bit bulkier than other armors of the same type, but also
more protective.

Item Cost Avail Weight Notes
2mm EC 100/12 VR 1/36 Standard clip of 12 shots
Arrow 2 C 1/5 Can typically be re-used
Bolt 2 C 1/5 Can typically be re-used
Flamer Fuel 12/50 R 10 Canister of 12 shots (reload as an action)
Fusion Cell 50 U 1 About the size of a C battery, fits in laser pistol grip
Fusion Core 200 R 10 Can also power other equipment, like armor or vehicles
Gamma Pack 35 R 1 Standard canister for gauss pistol and radium rifle
Heavy Bullets 2 C 8/50 Cost is per bullet; weight is per box of 50
Light Bullets 1 C 5/50 Cost is per bullet; weight is per box of 50
Mini-Nuke 1000 VR 10
Missile 750 VR 8
Plasma Cell 85 R 1 Standard cell for plasma weapons; larger than a fusion cell
Shells 2 C 5/24 Cost is per shell; weight is per box of 24
Stealth Boy 150 R 3 Single-use, lasts for five minutes (50 rounds)
Geiger Counter 85 U 3 Notifies user of presence of radiation and strength nearby
PIP-Boy 1000+ VR 2 Wrist-mounted multifunction computer
Holodisk (blank) 25 U Computer storage, can be used in terminals and PIP-Boys

Fusion Cell: This small battery powers most personal electronics, in addition to its use in laser
weaponry. It’s quite an efficient energy storage device; for most devices a single cell will last
months or even years. Most cells are destroyed when used, but they can also be built to be
rechargeable. Rechargeable fusion cells have two-thirds the power capacity (so will power 16
shots in a laser pistol rather than 24, for example) but can be recharged at a high-tech charging
station over the course of about eight hours. These cost three times as much as a standard fusion

Fusion Core: A small nuclear reactor in man-portable form, the fusion core powers larger devices
such as power armor, gatling lasers, and some robots. A single fusion core generates considerable
power; one will power a suit of power armor in the field for about a week. They’re unstable and
can explode dangerously if not handled with care (Toughness 6, if breached it explodes in 1d4
turns as a plasma grenade). They cannot be recharged outside of a nuclear power station.

Stealth Boy: This miracle of technology was derived from Chinese stealthsuits. When activated, it
surrounds the user in a field that distorts light around them, making them all but invisible.
This functions as the invisibility power for a period of five minutes. Others who have a reason
to look for the character may make a Notice roll at a -4 penalty to spot them; even if they see
the Stealth Boy user, attacks against them are at a -4 penalty while the device is in use.
Effects like fog, dust, electromagnetic pulses, water, and snow have been known to cause problems
for the light-distortion field, so the user should avoid such obstacles. Some Stealth Boys are
wrist-mounted; others are designed to be worn clipped to a belt, but either way they must be kept
with the user, and cannot be handed off once activated. They can be deactivated manually. A
Stealth Boy can only be used once. Repeated or prolonged use of Stealth Boys is known to cause
Geiger Counter: The telltale clicks of a Geiger counter have saved the life of thousands since
the Great War. This handy device detects radiation; the louder and more frequent its clicks and
squeals, the stronger and closer the radiation source. Cheaper models are directional, and must
be held in the hand. Nicer models are belt-mounted or worn on the wrist, and alert the wearer
automatically if they’re approaching harmful radiation levels. They’re powered by a single fusion
cell, which lasts several years.

PIP-Boy: This treasured device was at the cutting edge of technology when the Great War drove
everyone into the Vaults. It’s a wrist-mounted computer, automapper, radio, transcription device,
flashlight, Geiger counter, and holotape player. It’s rumored that every Vault got at least one
crate of these, and several Vaults were so full of them that every adult there got one. While
many have no doubt been lost to the wastes, finding a PIP-Boy is a dream for just about every
scavver out there. One problem is that they can’t be removed forcibly from a living person – they
can take it off, and you can take one from a corpse, but generally it’s easier to take the arm
off than to pry one off an unwilling person.

Holotape: This is a standardized portable storage device, capable of storing programs,

recordings, text, or any other kind of digital media you could think of. More expensive holotapes
can hold more, or might already have useful programs or data on them.

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