TheOriginOfTheNations HLH 1957

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Where ore the sons of Shem, Hom ond lophelh todoy? Whot
is the origin of the Negro ond the Americon lndion? Reod the
surprising focts of history in this ortrcle.

by Hermon L. Hoeh

Ff{ REMENDoUs interest was sparked having determined their appointed sea- Fnor'r THAT STARTINo point ate cafl
by the article on "The Race Ques- sons, and the bounds of their habita- ind'elibly trace tbe nations to tbeir prer
'-I tion." Many were amazed to learn tion" ( Acts L7 :24-26) . ent locations-and therefore know every
the TRUTH about this most controver- God determines the bounds of na- important future rnove which the na-
sial issue. tions. He determines the times in which tions are about to make! S7e can know
Here is the promised sequel to that peoples rule over one another. He has if, a race war is coming!
article. It contains facts you have prob- determined IN ADvANCE where the na- There need be no guessing. God does
ably never seen in print before! tions and the races should live, and the not intend us to guess. God intends us
part each should play in today's fast- o knou.,. Yes, we can knou where Russia
What Does the Future Hold ? moving world! and China are mentioned in prophecy.
But how many REALLY KNOII where rV e can knout where Germany is referred
Asia is awakenit g. Asia is bursting the nations are mentioned in Bible to-and the startling place she will once
with anti-American feeling. Riots on prophecy? Certainly we do not find such again play in world politicsl lVe can
Formosa, resumption of European trade modern names as the "LJSAr" of "France," hnout where rhe Negroes come from
with China-these and other events now or "Britainr" or "Germanf ," "Russiar" and the part they will play in world af-
blacken our reputation and weaken our "China" or "Japan." Yet these nations fairs. \We can even know where the
leadership in the Orient. The Allies are rnentioned, in Bible prophecy! American Indian comes from!
fought ITorld !V'ar II to prevent Asia You will never find in the Bible such Here, then, is the KEY.
from falling into the hands of the Asi- expressions as the "white racer" or the Tun NATroNs roDAY ARE GREAT
atics. Now, a few short years since, the "black tacer" or the "yellow tace," or the FAMILY GRoups. Usually rhe nations
!7hite Man's domination is finisbed, in "brown racer" yet these four primary ATC NAMED IN THE BINTT AFTER THEIR
Asia! races ARE MENTIONED in the Bible! ANCESToRS. For example the Arabs ac-
One half of Africa is in ferment \U7hy hasn't this knowledg. been knowledg. that they are descendants of
against European colonial rule. A "dirty known? Ishmael, the son of Abraham. In Bible
war" rages in Northwest Africa between Because tbe aital KEY utbicb would, prophecy they are often mentioned by
French and Algerians. A three-way strug- unlock propbetic d,oors bas been lost! the name "Ishmael."
gle between whites, blacks and brown Most nations have been given new and
What Is the KEY? different names as their languages have
men divides South Affica.
is it all leading? SThat is go- Let's understand this question. Let's changed. This has concealed the identiry
irg ro happen next? IS A RAcE lrAR find the vital k.y which unlocks pro- of most nations. Yet consider this sur-
COMING? phetic doors. prising fact! Such a short lapse of time
There is only one way to know. Only In the preceding article we learned has occurred since the days of the in-
one source provides the answer. that God made every nation and each spired prophets that it is not at all diffi-
The answer must remain irrevocably race from one man. God separated cult to pick up Encyclopaedias and an-
sealed unless the God who makes and un- or segregated the races and national cient history books, and find the ancestral
makes nations chooses to reveal it! T his, groups about a century afrer the flood name-THE Blnrr NAME- of each mod-
God has chosen to do. ( Deut. 32:8) , but the people did nor ern nation and, family group.
I7e need to know the answer. And agree with God. They rebelled by build- Now let us understand where the na-
God, bas reuealed, it to us,Listen to what ing the tower of Babel ( Gen. 11 ) . tions and the races are mentioned in the
He inspired. "The God that made the Here was man's first recorded attempt Bible. You will be shocked, dumb-
wodd and all things therein, He . . this side of the flood to cross racial founded at the story about to be un-
made of one [man] every nation of men bound,s and form one world. God had to ravelled. No fiction story was ever as
to dwell on all the face of the earth, intervene and scatter the nations. surprising or unbelievable. No story is
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Page 2

packed with such prophetic meaning- than the grandchildren of Noah's sons. today is called Jordan, after the Jordan
such significance for today, as is this Most of these names in Genesis 10 River. Jordan has been much in the
story of the migrations of nations to and I Chronicles 1 simple to trace. news lately, Amman is the capital of
their present inheritances! Some are more difficult. Let us now be- Jordan now.
gin the most thrilling story of adven- Isaiah 1 1 : 14 points out that these two
The Mysterious Table of Nations ture ever written, y€t a story with real sons of Lot liae near Palestine tod,ay,
Let us first turn to Genesis 10 and meaning for today! Since the days of Isaiah, the children of
I Chronicles 1. Here is the place to st,ut. Moab have been "very small and without
Yet here is the place from which almost Not All Hebrews Are Jews ! strength" ( Isa. 16: 13-L4) . They have
no one begins. To begin here is looked Notice Arphaxad first. He is a son of not been taken "into captivity" to an-
upon as "unscientific." Shem. He is mentioned in Genesis 10:22
other nation ( Jer. 48: 11 ) . In these lat-
These two chapters hold THE and I Chronicles 7:24. Arphaxad had a ter days boastful Moab lives "togethet
KEY NAMES-names which deter- grandson named Eber. The name Eber with the children of Ammon" ( Ezek.
mine whether tune udt is prophesied! means a "migra[lt," one who comes from
25:9-10). The Kingdom of Jordan oc-
Here are names which determine who the "region beyond." The sons of Eber cupies part of present-day Palestine and
will start \7orld \$Var III and, utho will are Properly known as "Hebreq75"-2nd
keeps the Jews from dwelling in Old
lorc it! there are about 400 million of them on Jerusalem. Jeremiah 49:l-2 prophesied
All human beings alive today sprang earth today! Yet almost no one really this over 2100 years ago!
from the family of Noah. Listen! God knows who the sons of Eber-the He- But Arabs and Jordanians are not the
"blotted out eaery living substance which only Hebrews!
hsv/5-21g at this time!
was upon the face of the ground, both Eber had two sons reckoned to him. Turkey In Prophecy
man, ard cattle, and creeping thing, and Ir was in their day, about 100 years after
fowl of the heaven; . . . and Noab only the food, that God "divided the earth" Abraham had another son, Isaac. Isaac
was left, and they that were with him in as an inheritance for the different family
had two sons, twins, named Esau and
the ark" ( Genesis 7 :23) . groups (Gen. 10:21 and Deut. 32:8). Jacob. Jacob was the younger and the
Tbe wbole btma* lamily sprang ltom From Peleg, one of these two sons, stronger. These two brothers gave rise
tbe tbree rcu ol Noab. But their de- came Abraham. God promised Abraham
to ,uo d,ifferent nationalities.
scendants rurn up today in the least ex- "And the Lord said unto Rebekah:
that his descendants would be as numer-
pected places! 'Two nations are in thy womb, and two
ous as the dust of the ground. The Jews
Now read Genesis 10:32: "These are are certainly not as nurnerous as the dust.
peoples shall be separated from thy
the families of the sons of Noah, after Only a tiny fraction of Abraham's de- bowels; and the one people shall be
their generations, in their nations; and scendants are known as Jews today!
stronger than the other; and the elder
oF THESB were the nations divided in I7here are the others? shall serve the younger.' And when her
the earth after the food." days to be delivered were fulfilled, be-
Abraharn's firstborn son was Ishmael
Did you notice the wording of this ( Gen. 16: 1 5 ) . His descendants are
hold, there were twins in her womb. And
verse? "Of ,herc" were the nations di- the first came forth ruddy, all over like
called Arabs today. They still remember
vided-not after some otber f,amilies, that they descended from Abram's son a hairy rnantle" (Gen. 21:23-25).
but OT THESB VERY FAMILIBS MEN. Esau, the elder, was not propedy de-
Ishmael. Ask Arab. He'll tell you so!
TIoNBD IN GENESIS 10, The nations to- ^ny
'sThenever you veloped. The lanugo or hair that covers
see the narne "Ishrnael,"
day are descendants of, tbese family or any name of Ishmael's sons ( Gen. a foetus through the sixth, seventh and
ftrmes. 21:12-18), you will know that the eighth months failed to drop off Esau
All oations and races sprang frorn prophecy is referring to the Arabs to-
as it does with all normal children.
Japhedr, Ham and Shem, the three sons Esau was weaker, not fully developed.
d.y. The Arabs have spread from Arabia
of Noah. From the three sons sprang 16 throughout North Africa and eastward
His children, of course, did Nor inherit
grandrcns of Noah. These 16 family into the Far East.
this peculiar characteristic. Esau did not
names illustrate all the general types of give rise to a different race, but to a dif-
There is trouble in the Near East
people extant today. All tberc sou bad. between Jordan and the Jews. Here is
ferent nationality. Esau's children are
cbiWren, but their names are not re- white, as history proves.
corded in Scripture. We did not need Esau's descendants play a vital part in
to know their names in order to under' world affairs today! \il7here are his de-
Kingdom of Jordan in Prophecy
stand the Bible.
The nearer the family settled to Pal- Abraham also had a nephew named Notice some of the sons of Esau:
estine the greater are the number of Lot. Lot had two sons, Moab and Am- Teman, Ornar, Amalek (Gen. 36:11).
children and grandchildren listed. In the mon. They were born to him after the These are not Jewish names! Yet some
family of Arpha:rad the children are calamity that hit Sodom ( Gen. 19:37 - claim that the Jews are the children of
listed for nearly 70 generations up to They lived by the Arabs east of the
38 ) . Esau. Nothing could be further from the
Jesus Christ! But fot the purpose of Dead Sea next to Palestine. They arc still truth-as we shall presently see.
prophecy we need usually go no further in the same region today! Their nation Esau, or Edom, as he is also called,
Page 3

lived southeast of Palestine near Petra. descendants of Meshech and Tubal Tbe lntemational Stand.ard Bible En-
Arab Bedouins live there now. Then ( Gen. l0:2) . cyclopaedia gives the answer. Here, un-
where have Esau's children gone? Here is what the Encyclopaed,ia Bri- der the article "Rosh," we find that a
From the days of Nebuchadnez zar,
,annica says about the Great Russians: vast area of the Mesopotamian Valley
who carried them captive, they disap-
"Notwithstanding the unity of lan- was called "the land of Rishu! " The
guage, it is easy ro detect among the word "Russ" or "Rosh" means blond,e.
pear for 1000 years from history. Then
suddenly we find Amalek the name of a
Great Russians themselves two separate And in ancient Mesopotamia lived the
branches differing from one another by blond,e children of Keturah and Abra-
city in Turhestan in Central Asia ( from
slight divergencies of language and rype ham mentioned in Genesis 25:l-6.They
Paul Herrmann's Sieben uorbei and, Acht
Verwebt, p. 45L ). The Egyptians used to
and DEEP DIVERsITTES oF NATToNAL founded the Kingdom of Mitanni,
call the Amalekites Ama. In Turkestan is
cHARAcTER article "Russia" ) .
( named after Midian and Medan.

the River Amu today! In Bible times the

One branch settled around Moscow. In modern times the name "Russ"
The word Moscow is but an English was first applied to Russia because of
Edomites inhabited Mt. Seir (Gen. 32:
spelling of the Russian "Moskva," a the blond people of rU7hite Russia who
3) . In Turkestan is the Syr Darya-the
word almost identical ro the one used live next to the people of Meshech and
River of Syr or Seir.
by the Assyrians ro refer ro the people Tubal. (See Ency. Brit., art. "Russia.")
The leading Turkish tribe is the Otto- of Meshech! The other branch consri- These blonds are quite d,iffercnt from the
n dn, The prophecies referring to Edom tutes the people of Tubal. This branch Great Russians. The rVhite Russians are
or Esau mention T erzan as the leading of the Great Russians founded the city related to the Asshurim of North Ger-
tribe in these latter days ( Obadiah 9 ) . of T obolsk in Siberia and named the many and to the Letushim and other
The conclusion is inescapable. The Otto- T obol River. Abrahamic tribes along the Baltic. They
man Turks are the sons of Teman. Mere- Professor Sayce says of these people: are the main body of the people of Me-
ly the vowels in spelling have been "In the Assyrian inscriptions the names dan and Midian who proceeded north
changed over these past millenniums. appear as Tubl,i, and Muski, and they into Russia centuries ago! Herodotus
From Central Asia the Turks or Edo- were known ro classical geographers mentions that the "Matienians" lrorn tbe
mites moved into Asia Minor. That is [Greeks] as Tiberani and Moskhi." He land of Rosb werc associated with the
where Esau's children live today! Tur- continues by saying that, after the days people of Meshech and Tubal! (Thalia,
k.y controls the "crossway" of the na- of Nebuchadnezzat, the Greeks found 94. ) And Pliny, the Roman natural his-
tions-the Dardanelles ( Obadiah 14) . Meshech and Tubal "farther ro the norrh torian speaks of the "Matiani" as mov-
How clear, Eseu oR EDoM rs Tunxrv than they had been in the age of the ing into Russia through the Caucasus
today! Assyrian monuments they were (Bk. vt, sec. xviii of Nat*ral History).
There is not room in this article to ex- forced ro retrear northward towards the That is the true origin of the word
plain where Jacob's cbild,ren journeyed. Black Sea, and it was in this region of "Russian."
If you want a sumrrzrl, write for Mr. Asia Minor that Xenophon and his
Armstrong's FREE booklet "The United Greek troups found rheir scanry re-
mains" (Races of the Old Testament, p.
And Little Russians, Too !
States and the British Commonwealth in
Prophecy." 48). Not all Russians are Great Russians
Meshech and Tubal migrated into and \7hite Russians. Some are called
Now let us discover who the Russians Russia! Surely there is no misraking "Little Russians." They live in the
who Meshech and Tubal are today. Ukraine and rhe easrern parts of Ro-
Russia In Prophecy Russia is north of Palestine. Ezekiel mania and Poland. They are ofren called
39:2 points out that they corne from Ukrainians or Ruthenians. There are
Russia is mentioned almost by name tbe ns7trfi-alhere Russia is today! about 50 million of them! rVho are
in some versions of the Bible! Turn to But here is even more proof that ir these people?
Ezekiel 38:2. Here you will find that a is Russia mentioned in Ezekiel 39:2. The Mroes! The sons of Madai! Here
certain power called "Gog" is "the chief Do you know where the word "Siberia" is the proof!
prince of Meshech and Tubal." The comes from? In Genesis 10:2 we have Madai, the
proper translation is "the prince of In Asia Minor, where the people of son of Japheth listed. Now check in an
Rosb, Mesltecb and, Tubal!" In Hebrew, Tubal first settled, a vasr rracr of land exhaustive concordance. You will find
the word for chief is "Rosh." That is was called Sabaria, sometirnes spelled the original Hebrew word translated inro
also the ancient name for "Russia." less correctly "Subartu." This word has English as "Mede" or "Median" is al-
Over half of all Russia is occupied by puzzled historians no end! Here is ways Madai is the father of the
a people called "Grear Russians" today. the original "Siberia! " (Ency, Brit., arr., Medes. The Medes used to be associated
The Great Russians are divided into two "Mesopotamia." ) with the Persians. You will read about
distinctive people who have remained Origin of \U7ord "Russia" them especially in the book of Daniel.
constantly together since the beginning rVhat is the origin of the word "Rus- But by the time of Nehemiah tbe Per-
of history. .We shall now prove from 5j2n"-ghs "Rosh" of Ezekiel )8:2 sia*s uere nt*.cb morc prominent.Today
n;:t, that the Great Russians are the ( when properly translated ) ? there are no Medes left in Persia. The
Page 4

Medes are gone. Certainly a great branch Russians today is further amplified by Here is what the Jeutish Encyclopae-
of the human family could not suddenly Pliny in his N atardl History, bk. vr, sec. d,ia says about Gog and Magog: "
vanish from the earth! xi. He mentions "the river Don, where [a] wall [was] built by . ( Alexander
Indeed they did nor. Throughout the inhabitanrs are . said ro be de- the Great ) to shut them off from the
South Russia-in rhe Ukraine-four scended from tbe Med,es" ! rest of the world. . G*graphically
centuries before Christ the Med,es u)ere Media is pictured along with Elam in they represent the extreme northeast, and
beginning to settle, Here is what the his- Eastern Europe as attacking \Testern Eu- are placed on tbe bord,ers of tbe sea tltat
torian Herodotus wrote of rhese people: rope in \World \Var III ( Isaiah 2l:2) . encircles tbe e*rtl),"
"They say that they are a colony of the \fho Are Gog and Magog Notice what the unrivalled McClin-
Medes. How they can have been a in Prophecy ? tock and, Strong Encyclopaed,ia says about
colony of the Medes I cannot compre- Turn again to the prophecy of Ezekiel Gog and Magog: "According to Rein-
hend; but anything may happen in 38 and 39. Notice the identity of Gog egge (Desuip. of the Caucasus, ii, 79),
course of time" (T erpsichore, 9) . and Magog. some of the Caucasian people call their
Herodotus, like many moderns, was \Ufho are the people called "Gog" and mountains Gog, and the highest north-
prone to believe that the people who "Magog"? Magog, rathet than Gog, is ern points Magog"-[s6ause the people
inhabited Mesopotamia and the "Bible mentioned in Genesis l0:2. Gog is ap- of Magog once lived in these regions in
lands" must be living there today. Bur parently a tribal subdivision of Magog. Bible times! "The Arabians ate of the
they are nor. The Arabs have raken their In prophecy, Magog comes to great opinion that the descendants of Gog and
place! prominence in the 'West only in the lat- Magog inhabit the northern parts of
The facr that the Medes are the Little ter d,ays, Asia, beyond, the Tartars and Sclavon-

These people live in Russio. ln the lop row, from left to right, you see the leoding Russiqn Jew, Kogonovich, o
Turkmenion corpet weover, ond Russio's leoding Armenion. ln the bottom row is o Koiok minslrol-o Mongo-
lion of Centrol ,\sio; o Todiik octress ond o womon from Uzbekiston of Persion origin from thot porl of Russio
bordering on Persio ond Afghoniston. Russio is fittingly described os o "horde of noiions" in prophecy.
Page 5

ians lorRussiansJ, and they put Ya1a1 dwelt-over 400 miles northwest of dals ( named after the valley around Lake
and Majuj always in conjunction, there' ancient Babylon. Van-the German word for "valley" is

by indicating the extreme points in north lV ho are these Chaldeans so frequent- Tal! ). They
were also called Getae or
and north-east of Asia" ( from art. ly mentioned in Bible prophecy? Goths ( a slight change in spelling of
"Gog" ) . Here is the plain, simple explanation Guti ), and the Heruli ( meaning the
recognized by most Hebrew scholars. little tribe of Hurri or Hurrians!-the
Some writers spell these Arabic words
The word "Chaldean" comes from the ending "li" means little ). They were also
Yagog and Magog. Now to what people
Greek. The original Hebrew word is called \Winnili-meaning little tribe of
are these names referring? They dwell 'U7inn or Van. Surely there is no mis-
Chasdint., meaning "the peoples of
in the northern paft of Asia, bordering
Chesed." Notice that Cbesed, was a com- taking these people!
on the ocean, and rise to prominence
rnon name in the family of Abraham From the shores of the Baltic they
with the Russians of Europe "in the lat-
( Gen. 22:22) . turned to Southeastern Europe, then
ter days" ( Ezek. 38:8 ) .
Next, consider the original Hebrew headed west into the Roman Empire.
The Mongols and their Asiatic kins- word translated in our Bibles as "Arph- They settled in Northern Italy, South-
men! In f,act, the proper spelling of axad." Most biblical encyclopaedias will eastern France, and parts of Spain and
"Mongol" is "Mogol," obviously a North Africa. No wonder that among
clearly show that the Hebrew form is
slightly changed form of "Ma go1"l And the brunette people of this region we
Arf,a-chesed,-MEANING ARFA oR Unra
in Asiatic Russia live the Yakuts-the THE CserpEAN! The Chaldeans come find so rzt ny blond,s! ( Read the articles
Yagogof the Arab historians. on "Vandals" and "Lombards" in the
from Arphaxad. They are his children.
Mongolia today is in the Russian Abraharn was a branch of this stock! The Ency clop aed,ia Britannica,)
sphereof influence. The people of Mon- city of Ur was named after Arfa or Urfa, The artists of the Middle Ages who
golia, together with China, Manchuria, the Chaldean. Chaldean Probably means beautified Rome ( modern Babylon ) ,
Korea and Japan, are all of this one "captur€fr" just as Jacob means "toP' were Chaldeans from the north of Italy.
great branch of mankind. planter." Now turn to the Bible. Tod,ay's Babylon
( Rome ) is called in prophecy "the
A remnant of the people of Magog The reason that some Chaldeans were
appear, with pigtails and yellow skin, later associated with Babylon in Daniel's beauty of the Chald,edns' pride" ( Isa.

on the Egyptian monuments. They were time is that a small Part of them was 13:19) .
'sThenever you see the Chaldeans rnen-
called Kheta by the Egyptians and Ketei later settled by the Assyrians near Baby-
by the Greeks. ( See article "Hiffites" in lon. The original inspired' Hebrew of tioned in prophecy, it is referring to
Inter, Stand. Bib, Ency.) IThen the Rus- Isaiah 23:L) explains this: "Behold, the these people in Southwest Europe!
sians first met the Mongolians and Chi- land of the Chaldeans-this is the Peo- But these ate not all the children
'$7'estern which Arphaxad had. Peleg had a broth-
nese they called them Kbitii! ple that was not, when Asshur founded
Europeans used a similar word for Cbina it for shipmen." How clear-the Chal- er, Joktan, who was separated from the
in the Middle Ages: Catbay (Ency, Brit., deans were divided, not an organized, na' Chaldeans ( Gen. l0:2, ) . \fhere are the
art. "China" ). Here indeed is "Gog, of tion, A part of them was transplanted to sons of Joktan today?
the land of Magog." Babylon. At Babylon they became the Joktan has an amazing number of
ruling class, But the remainder settled children-thirteen boys are listed ( Gen.
Both Russia and China are Commu-
farther north around Lake Van, about I0:26-ZD. Originally the sons of Jok-
nist partners. And they will remain so tan setded in Southeast Arabia ( Gen.
until the end of this age!
halfway between the Caspian Sea and
the Mediterranean. Here they were called 10 : 30 ) . ( See article "Sephar" in lnter-
Chaldians, or, more often, the people of national Stand,ard, Bible Encyclopaed,ia,)
\7ho Are the Chaldeans Today ?
VeN. Sometirnes they were referred to as But they are not there today! Arabs live
Abraham lived among the Chaldeans. HunnI or Hurrians, after Haran ( Gen. there now. !7here did they go?
One whole book of the Bible-Habak- ll:29; 22:20-24). Sometimes they bore Josephus tells us they settled along
kuk-is entirely devoted to a prophecy the name Guu. Remember these the River Cophen ( Antiquities I, vt, 4) .
concerning the Chaldeans in tbese latter names! They ate a KEY-to what h.P- Here ate his words: "These inhabited
But where are the Chaldeans to-
d,ays! pened to them. from Cophen, tt Indian river, and in
day? Certainly they are not at ancient Now what befell these people? His- part of Asia adjoining to it." The mod-
Babylon. No one lives there! tory records that they were driven north- ern name of Cophen is Kabul, It is lo-
Notice firsr where the Chaldeans were. ward out of the Near East by the Assyr' cated in Afghanistan! The ancient cap-
Abraham carne from "LJr of the Chal- ians and Medes somewhat prior to 610 ital of this land was Yotkan! (Ency.
dees." Ancient Ur was in Mesopotamia. B.C. ( Langer's Encyclopaed,ia of V orld, Brit,, art. "Turkestan" ).
Ur is a shortened narne for Urfa. There History, p. 38 ). \U7here did theY 8o?
rilThere are they todaY? Abraham's Other Sons
were once two cities by that name. Ste-
'When we next find them, theY dwell But to return to the story of Abraham,
phen, in his inspired sermon, makes plain
that it was the nortbern Ur in MesoPo- on the shores of the Baltic Sea in Nonh- Abraham had a concubine, Keturah, who
tamia from which Abram came ( Acts 7: ern Europe! was his wife after Sarah died. She bore
2-3). That is where the Chaldeans first There they were still called the Van- him number of children whose wan-
Page 6

derings are often lost sight of. They are 'West European Alpines," says urim received rhat name as a result of
enurnerated in Genesis 21:I-6. Abraham Taylor in Enaironnzent and, Race, p. 186. migrating ro the land, of Assyria or
sent them northeast toward Mesopotamia. The Persians are distinct from Arabs. Asshur. !7e shall know where the Assh-
There they formed the powerful King- Many Persians are leading businessmen urim are if we firsr locate the modern-
dom of Mitanni, named after Midian or in the Middle East. They are among the d"y descendants of Assyria or Asshur.
Medan. They lived mainly along the wealthiest class in India, where they are Asshur means "strong" or "powerful."
Euphrates River. The Assyrians de- called "Parsees." Many non-Persians of Asshur was a brother of Arphaxad ( Gen.
stroyed their kingdom, sending some Arabic and Negroid stock, however, live 10:22 ) . The Assyrians-who came from
east and others north. In the east, evi- in Persia today. Asshur-settled along the Tigris River
dence is that they became known as the Among the sons of Keturah utho later around the city of Nineveh (Gen. 10:
Persians or Parthians ( two names for the a)ent nortb were the "Letushirn" ( Gen. 11 ) . None of the sons of Asshur are
same people ). 25:3 ) . And where are the Letushim ro- mentioned in the Bible, bur hisrory gives
The word "Persian" or "Parthian" is day? Along the shores of the Balric Sea us several of their names. Some of the
derived from the word "Euphrates." in Russia. 'We call them the "Lettish" sons of Asshur were the Kharmen, or
Along this river these sons of Abraham people today. Many Letts have fled ro Germanni-meaning men of war; Khat-
first lived. The Hebrews called the Eu- this country from Russian oppression. ti; Akkadians; Almani, or Halmani; and
phrates the Perath or Peres River-the The Letts are closely related to the other Cossaei. ( For these significant names
River of the Persians! The Persians peoples living along the southeasrern see any article on "Assyria," or these
named several small rivers in their new shores of the Baltic Sea. Here, then, is separate names, in Biblical Encyclopae-
land after the Euphrates in Mesopotamia. where a number of Keturah's sons are dias. )
Cyrus the King, so famous in Bible his- found. Vhere are these tribes today? They
tory, was a Persian. "Travellers still But what about the Asshurim who in ancient Assyria! '$7here
are no longer
speak of the fair-complexioned, blue were brothers of the Letts? (Gen. 25:3.1 d;d they go?
eyed populations rnff with in the Per- \U7here these sons of AbrahamT The entire tenth chapter of Isaiah
sian highlands," writes Sayce in Races of pictures the power that Asshur-the
tbe Old,Testamet t. "Chestnut hair is very
Germany In Prophecy ! Assyrians-shall wield in these latter
common in Persia, as it is among the The children of Abraham called Assh- days. But where shall we look for them?

is a candid picture of Dr. Meredith with the Pygmies in the Ituri Forest in the Belgian Congo.
Page 7

First of all the Assyrians were driven through the Dodecanes, and the Isle of tain in their land Eluend (Rawlinson's
from their land shortly after their fall in Rhodes and parts of the French Mediter- Seae* Grcat Mo*arcbiet, chap. 1. Me-
610 B.C. Pliny, the Roman historian of ranean coast along the Rhone. From dia). No wonder the Elamites were
the time of Christ, says the "Assyriani" here they migrated eastward again and called the "rU7ends" in Europe.
were nortb of the Crimea in Russia ( Na- were known as the "Galatians" in Bible Elam eady invaded the Palestinian
tural History, Book Iv, sec. xii ) . About times. Coast of the Mediterranian (Gen. 14:1).
300 years later Jerome writes that Tarshish first settled in Asia Minor. There they named a river Elwend-the
" Assbur also is joined with the tribes The city of Tarsus was named after him. Greeks called it the Orontes. Some of
invading 'S7'estern Europe ALONG THE Here the apostle Paul was born. From them migrated into Asia Minor where
RHINE" ( Letter cxxIII, sec. 16, from Tarsus the tribe spread into Spain and they were named the people of Pul
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers). northern Portu gal, founding the famous (Isaiah 66l.19). From the word "Pul"
So the Assyrians migrated to Central port of Tartessus-the Tarshish of the comes Poland-the land of Pol or Pul!
Europe! Notice the tribes coming into Old Testament history of Solomon's From Asia Minor they migrated into
Central EuropeTinto Germany and Aus- time (II Chronicles 9:2I). South Russia, then into Eastern Europe.
tria: the Khatti ( the ancient narne for The descendants of Kittim first set- Another tribe in ancient Elam was
Hessians-see Ency. Brit., article "Ger- tled on the island of Cyprus and then mi- called Kessu (Encylopaed.ia Biblica,
many" ) ; the Quadians ( Latin for the grated into Southern Italy. This is simply map. p. 4845). In Poland we find the
Akkadians ) ; the Germanni from which proved by checking the historical ful- Kafi*b living today! (Ettcy. Brit., "Kas-
the word "German" comes today; the fillment of Daniel 11:30. The "ships of hubes.") The Greeks in ancient times
Chauci ( the Cossaei of ancient As- Kimim" were Roruan fleets sailing from said that the Elimaei dwelled northwest
syria) ; and the Allemani ( the Latin Cyprus. of them-in what is Southern Yugo-
name for the ancient Alman tribe of In modern times many Spanish and slavia today (Smitb's Clau. Dict., "Elim-
Assyria ). CnnreINLY HERE ARE THE Portugese people ( as well as Italians ea"). The word Elimael was also used
TRIBES oF AssYRIA! Germany is Assyria and a few Greeks ) have migrated to the by the Greeks to refer to the ancient
in propbecy! New \U7orld. These are the lands of land of "Elam" near Babylon.
The North Germans, basically, are Javan today. The Latins called the Elamites or
rU7ends "Eneti." Strabo, the Roman geog-
therefore the sons of Assburim of Ke-
The Iron Curtain Countries rapher wrote about the migration "of
turah. The remainder of the Germans
and Austrians are the descendants of the \UThere are such countries as Poland, Enetians from Paphlagonia in Asia Mi-
ancient Assyrians or Asshur. Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugo- nor To rgr AonrAnc"-modern Yugo-
slavia mentioned in Bible prophecy? slavia! (Geograpby ol Strabo, p.227).
The Latins In Prophecy Could the Bible neglect these vitally im- Surely there is no mistaking where Elam
Now that we have located the Ger- portant nations which are the center of is today.
mans, where are the Greeks, South Ita[- struggle between East and \U7est in Eu- In Bible times Elam was divided be-
ians, Spaniards and Portuguese men- rope? tween East and I7est, thar is, between
tioned in
prophecy? Turn to Genesis Assuredly not-nor are they neg- Media and Babylon. The same is true
l0:2, 4. Here is the answer. lected! today! The Elamites are divided be-
You find Javan, a son ofJaPheth, These people of Eastern Europe are tween East and \U7est \7est-
listed. Javan had four sons, Elishah , Tar- usually called "Slavs," a word derived ern Europe and the Russian Iron Cur-
shish, Kittim and Dodanim. In I Chron- from "slaves." ( Many of these people tain. Some of these Iron Curtain coun-
icles l:7
the last name is spelled Roda- were once sold as slaves into 'S7'estern tries will stay behind' ,be lron C*rrain
nim. The Bible itself proves how often Europe by the Germans.) But what and ultimately attack the coming United
names were changing in ancient times. were their true original names? States of Europe-modern "Babylon"
\il7here are the sons of The Germans often called them (Isaiah 2l:2).
Javan today?
The Bible makes the answer very plain. "\Ufends." The Latins called them "Ene-
Gomer Not In EuroPe
No need to look for any evidence out- ti" or "Veneti." Other tribes among
side of the Bible this time. them were called "Pol," and "Elimaei," Iook in your Bible for a map-if you
Look in either Strong's or Young's or "Elymaei," and "Kashub." ( See have one in your Bible. There you will
Concord,dnce, There you will find that in Smith's Greek and, Rontan Classical Dic- probably have pictured the descendants
the Old Testament, wherever the words tionary,) of Gomer migrating into Europe! Noth-
"Greece" or "Grecia" are used in English, \7here, in ancient Bible lands, were ing could be further from the truth.
the word "Javan" is used in Hebrew! these tribes located? They rnigrated ht exactly tbe opposite
Javan is the father of the Greeks, and of In the land, of Elam! direction!
the other Latins. Elam was a son of Shem (Gen. 10: But do you know why many have as-
His son Elishah spread into "Hellas" 22). Elam sertled east of the ancient ciry sumed that Gomer may be in modern
Greek Isles in the Aegaean Sea of Babylon. Daniel the prophet spent Europe todayT Because the people of
and to Cyprus, anciently called "Alisha." sorne time in Elam ( Dan. 8:2) . The Northwest Europe journeyed through
son Dodanim or Rodanim spread Elamites named the most famous moun- the land of Gomer before coming to
Pegc 8

Europe and were therefore callcd Kym- Old Testament where the word "Syria" of cenral Palestine (Joshua 10-1 l) be-
mri! Prophery says this very fact would or "Sytian" appears in English, the word cause some of the Canaanites were ex-
occur! Notice what Israel is called while in Hebrew is Aram or Aramean, The tremely degenerate in their morals.
in captivity: "Gorner" (Hosea 1:3). The Arameans were called Syrians by the Now turn to Gen. 10: 18, "After-
woman "Gomer" mentioned by the Greeks because they once formed part ward were the families of the Canaanites
prophet had the same narne which rhe of the Assyrian Empire dominated by spread abroad." I7here did they iourney?
children of Israel bore when coming into Asshur, the Germanic people. The Canaanites settled the island ol
Europe! The Israelites were called Khu- Aram had four sons listed in Gen- Malta, parts of Sicily, and North Africa,
mri or Cymmri, or Khrneri, or Cimme- esis L0:23: Uz, Hul, Gether and Mash. (See Ency. Btit,, articles, "Malta," "Sici-
rians upon reaching northwesr Europe. Compare this with I Chronicles L:L7. lyr" "Carthager" etc.) Most people ate
B*t uberc oe tbe dercendants of And where are the sons of Hu[? Ac- familiar with the Phoenicians from grade
Gomer todoy? cording rc Joseph$, Hul founded Ar- and high school days. From North Af'
Gomer originally serded northeast of rnenia, a land in the Caucasus between rica rhe dark-skinned Canaanites mi-
Elam. From here they were driven to the Black and Caspian Sea ( Bk. I, chap. grated ro \U7est Africa and are called
the Caucasus, between the Black and the vi, sec. 4). The Armenians are a very "Negroes" today.
Caspian Sea. Then they jouraeyed to business-like people. Many have rni- Only a few Canaanites remain in
Southeast Asia! Notice! grated to
America. The name "Ar- North Palestine and Lebanon. The
The native name for Cambodia in menianr" means a ton of Aram, or son Canaanites are seld.ont. inclad,ed, in the
Iodo-China is Kbmet-the land of Cro- of Syria. The ending"-ian" rneans "son propbecies which pertain to this twen.
mer! Read the Britmtica article on of" in the Armenian tongue! tieth cenrury. They exeft no great posi-
Cambodia. Present-day Syria, on the Mediter- tion or influence in the world.
Associated with Gorner are rhe Chams ranean, was founded by Uz, according
STho Are the Philistines ?
and Annamese. Could this be only a to Josephus.
coincidence? No wonder the sons of Aram were The main body of non-Jewish in-
The Cambodians are related to the raised to the rank of distinct people. of Palestine today are not
Siamese, Burrnese and other brown Mon- They are extremely divergent in national Canaanites, but Philistines!
goloids of the Indonesian Isles and the characteristics, ITho would ever guess The Philistines are first mentioned in
Philippines. In the ancient land of Go- today that all these people had the same Genesis 10 :L4. They are a branch of the
mer dwelled a smdl tribe called the father, Aram? Mizraim, from Harn.
Lullu (Ency. Biblica, map opposite Now let us turn to Palestine and the Mizraim is commonly applied to
Syda). In extreme South China today Canaanites. Egypt. In fact, "Mizr" is the name which
dwell the Lulu, a non-Chinese race re- the natives still apply to Egypt today.
lated to the people of Southeast Asia! Sfhere Are the Canaanites Today ?
The Greeks called the lan d Aegyptas-
One brandr of the family of Gomer, Originally the sons of Canaan settled hence our Egypt. Josephus said that not
however, did not journey to Southeast in Palestine. Canaan, remember, was the all the people from Mizraim inhabited
Asia. Ezekiel 38:6 explains it: "The firstborn of Ham. Canaan's descendants Africa.
houseof Togarmah ir tbe tt rerr,ott this includes the other sons of But not all of Mizraim live in Egypt
pa* ol tbe north, and all his bands" -and
Ham-were tO be "sefvant of servants" today!
(Jewish translation). The far, far nonh (Gen. 9:2, ). Their children are to serve \7here did the children of Mizraim
means Russian Siberia today! That is both Shem and Japheth (verses 26,27). settle?
where the descendants of Togarmah There is nothing wrong with serving- First, notice that the Mizraim first
(Gen. 10:3) live. These Asiatics are we all have to learn to serve. Shem and settled on the northeast corner of the
still a wild nomadic people, much as Japheth must become God's servanrs, Mediterranean Sea. From there they
they were 2500 years ago, trading "with too. That is why Canaan is called a spread through the Eastern Mediter-
horses and horsemen and mules" (Ezek. "servant of seruarrrs," ranean isles and into Africa (Encyclo-
27:14). The Canaanites were great traffickers paed,ia Biblica, "Mizraim" ) .
Ezekiel 38, ttren, contains a prophecy of old. The word Canaanite in Zech. The Philistines, who came from Miz-
that Southeast Asia will fall to the Com- 14:21 is, in fact, translated as "trafficker" raim, inhabited Southern Palestine even
munists! in the Jewish translation. The Sidonians, in the days of Abraham ( Gen. 2l:34) .
descendants of Canaan,were famous sea- They are still there today-in the Gaza
The Middle East In Prophecy men in the days of Solornon. The Greeks strip in Palestine-causing no end of
Communist-inspired uouble is boil- called them "Phoenicians." Bur the trouble (Zech. 9:6-7 ) .
ing op in the Middle East. Syria is now Phoenicians called themselves "Kna" or The Pathrusim of Genesis L0:I4
the focal point of inuigue. Tfhere is "Knanar" meaning Canaanite. ( See migrated from Mesopotamia to central
Syria mentioned in the Bible? ITho are Srnith' t
Bible Dictionaryt) . Egypt. Every prophecy shows Pathros to
the Sytians? !7hen Israel entered the land of Pales- be a part of Egypt along the Nile ( Jet.
The Syrians are the descendants of tine under Joshua, whole tribes of the 44:L, 15 and Ezek. 29:L4). The Naphtu-
Aram, a son of Shem. Everywhere in the Canaanites were destroyed or driven out him probably settled in the extreme
Ptgc 9

south of Egypt, founding the capital city Not all Scriptures refer to the Cushites some of the sons of Abraham and
of Napata among the black pmple of who settled in East Africa. Cush also Keturah sertled.
Africa. had sons who went easr. it to Asia nther The people who were settled in this
The Lehabim-the word "Lehabim" than Africa. Here is what Herodotus region were uprooted by the Assyrians
means a people of reddish 6slss-ss1- wtote: and driven east into India. In India the
ded Libya originally. Libya is in North "The Ethiopians from the sun-rise highest castes were not only called Brah-
Africa. Today they are found scattered (for [there areJ rwo kinds) were mins, but also Rajp*ts. The word "Raj-
throughout the savannahs of the West- marshalled with the Indians, and did not put" rneans "king or chief of Put:
ern Sudan in Africa. In this region today at all differ from lthemJ in appearance, (Ency. Brit., art., "Raja"). The Indians
we find a people "of a reddish brown but only in their language, and their hair. of Central and North India-being
or light chestnut color . . . with smooth For the easrern Ethiopians are straight- slightly mixed with white stock-vary
hair, never woolly, straight and even haired; but those of (Africa) have hair from light to dark brown.
aquiline noses . . . differentiating them more curly than that of any other people. The Rajputs are the most noted war-
from the Negro type" (E*cy. Brit,, art. These Ethiopians from Asia were ac- riors of India. The word "Phut" or "Put"
"Fula"). The original word "Lehabim" counted (almost tbe same at the Indiant means a uarrior in Hebrew. The word
was shortened in Bible times to "Lubim" lof Indial)" (Polymnia, sec. 20). Phut is not properly translated "Libya"
(II Chron. l2:3; 16:8). The Brown people of South India and in Ezekiel 38:5. It should be translated
Ceylon are the descendants of Cush! His- Put or Phut, as given in the margin.
The Black Race
torians call them Dravidians today. The The people of Phut are those of India-
A most intriguing question is the ancients called them Stnar (Smitb't ultimately to go Communist.
origin of the African. Clasical Dict.). Their Bible name was Of the four sons of Ham, only Cush
As a result of the first article on The Seba (Genesis 10:7). Josephus, the beats a name which means "black." Just
RACE eursrroN, a few letters came Jewish historian, recognized an eastern as some of the sons of Cush are brown
from Ku Klux Klan members contend- and a western Cush-one in Asia, the so some of the children of Phut mutated
ing that the Negro is the only animal other in Africa (A*tiq*ities, VI, 2). racially into black.
who by evolution has risen to the level Herodotus calls them "Asiatic Ethio- But this is not all of the story. S7hat
of created man! \7hat ronv! It is al- pians" (Thalia, sec. 94). The word is the origin of all the black people of
most unbelievable that supposedly sane translated "Ethiopia," in Ezekiel 38:5, the Isles of Southeast Asia and Australia?
and rational human beings can conceive should be properly translated "Cush." It How is it that there are Negroid pyg-
of such nonsense. All races-and that refers primarily to the Asiatic Cush, mies in Asia and Africa?
includes the Negroes-are descendants India today, which will finally go Com-
Negroes In the Pacific !
of Adam through Noah. The black race munist!
is not composed of supposed "Pre- Ham had another son, Phut or Put- This puzde is easily solved! Bordering
Adamites," but of the descendants of it is spelled both ways in the Bible. Here on the Black Sea in the Colchis ( near
Noah's son Ham. is what Josephus writes about the people eastern Turkey rcday) lived in ancient
Part of the black race stems from of Phut. times "dark-skinned people," according
Cush (Gen. 10:6). Cush means black "Phut also was the founder of Libya to historians. This circumstance puzzled
in Hebrew (Y o*ng's Concordance) . The (by which he means Africa), and called even the ancients who thought all black
word "Cush" is often translated into the inhabitants Phutites, from himself: people ought to live in Africa! Black
English by the word "Ethiopia," but not there is also a rivet in the country of the people living in what today is the Cau-
all Cushites live in Ethiopia (an inde- Moors which bears that name; whence it casus of Russia is merely a confirmation
pendent nation in East Africa). The is that . . . the Grecian historiographers of the fact that civilization commenced
Greeks called the children of Cush mention [Africa] by the appellation of with Nimrod, a bkck man, in Babylon
"Ethiopians." That's why we use the Phut" (See Ant'iqaities, VI, 2). (Genesis 10:8-10). His kingdom spread
word in English. Put, or Phut, then, is the fatber ol the northward from Babel to this very
Cush first settled around ancient cen$ral Aficans, where the true Negroes region!
Babylon (Genesis 10:8-10). Tbe cbil- live today. The Egyptians called the the Assyrians carried Egyptians
drer of Cuh uerc tbe oiginal.Baby. region of the Sudan (which was south and Ethiopians captive (Isaiah 20),
lonians, not the Chaldeans who are in of Egypt) by the name of Pet.TheBaby- many were undoubtedly planted in this
Southern Europe today. From Babylon, lonians and Persians called a similar very region where the remnants of Nim-
Cush spread far and wide. Most of the region "Putu" (from Smitb't Bible Dic- rod's empire had long remained. (See
black children of Cush migtated across tionaqt and lnten Stand. Bib. Ency.). article "Colchis" in Ettcy. Btit.) These
central Arabia and around the southern Numerous sons of Put early settled people practiced circumcision-just as
coast of Arabia to East Africa. The into the western region of Mesopotamia, the black Aborigines of Australia do
Egyptians called East Africa, south of a few hundred miles from ancient Baby- today! From this region a few hundred
Syene, "Kdsh." The Chaldeans and the lon. This is the original center of Hindi, miles northwest of Babylon comes the
Assyrians called it "Kfishu." (See lnter. the language of northern and central black race of Southeast Asia.
Stand, Bible Etcy., atticles "Cush," and lndia (Ency. ol lVorld History, by Lan- In
ancient Colchis also lived the
"Ethiopia.") ger, p. 28). This is the same region that AeEtas. (See Aea in Sncitb's Cla* Dict.)
Plge 10

\UThere are the Ae€tas today? In the Persian and Slavic peoples of Europe. America who gave their names to the
Philippines where some of the sons of Now comes a surprise! Amazon River. The Mayas live in Mexi-
Gomer also are! (See the article "Negri- co and Guatemala. The Tinnd Indians-
toes" in Ency. Brit.)
\UThere Did the American
the Greeks called them T byni-live basi-
Indian Come From ?
The really important reason for know- cally in Can ada. The famous Tarascan
ing where these black people journeyed Mystery of mysteries! Nearly everyone Indians of Mexico are called after
is that they help us solve the riddle has puzzled over the origin of the Amer- "T arat, the name of a tribal god," wrote
where the sons of Gomer are today! ican Indian. Did he come from Mon- Daniel G. Brinton in T be American
ril7,e have now located almost every golia? from Egypt? from the South Race. Taras obviously rneans Tiras. ln
nation and race on eafth. Only two more Pacific? South America live the Dures Indians,
remain. Let us now find them. Certainly if
the Bible has God as its the Dorasqtres, and the Turas, the Tauri
Author, this Book of books could not and the Dauri; the Trios and Atures. In
"Lud" a Small People have overlooked the New rUTorld. The the Caribbean live Calybes-the sarne
Shem had a son named Lud (Gen. Indians must have come from Noah, but tribe that once lived by the Black Sea.
lO:22). Lud early migrated from the from which of his sons? Could anything be plainer?
Mesopotamian Valley. I(/e read of Lud Look at the table of nations once The people of Tiras are painted on
only as a trading people in the Old again. There is one son whom we have the earliest monuments of the Mediter-
Testament. They play no important part not yet located. It is TIRAS! ranean. The color of their skin?-"6f . . .
in prophecy, but we ought to know Tiras is mentioned only twice in the reddish-brown complexion . . . with
where Lud's descendants are today. entire Bible, in Genesis l0:2 and in their long black hair done up into a
From the region of ITestern Meso- I Chronicles 1:5. The word "Tyrus" used " (quoted from The Sea-Kings of
potamia, the sons of Lud spread into for the city of Tyre in Palestine has no Crete, by James Baikie, p. 74). From
\Ufestern Asia Minor and founded the relationship with Tiras, the son of page 212 we read: "Judging from the
ancient Kingdom of Lydia. "The As- Japheth. surviving pictures, the Minoan men
syrians called Lydia L*d*," says the Tiras journeyed to Asia Minor ( pres- [the Island of Crete where the people of
International Stand,ard Bible E*cyclo- ent-day Turkey ) . \U7e can pick up an Tiras early settledl were bronzed, with
paed.ia. abundance of historical evidence about dark hair and, beard,less fAces."
From Lydia they spread into Europe. the sons of Tiras. In fact there is more An analysis of the ancient Indian tra-
Enroute they gave the name Ludiat rc a historical evidence concerning the mi- ditions points univers ally to "an eastern
river in Macedonia, north of Greece. grations of Tiras than of any other son origin"-as1ess the Atlantic, nor the
Nearby, in Thrace, we 6nd the town of of Japheth. Yet the world has never Pacific. ( See T be American Race, p. 98-
Cabyle. A people of the white race guessed to what land the descendants of 99.) In fact, the word Atlantic was used
called Cabyle or Kabyle are found in Tiras finally migrated! 2000 years before Columbus discovered
North Africa today! The river Dniester, which flows into America even though it is an American
The Romans found the Lydians spread the Black Sea near the border of Ro- Ind,ian utord, Its root is atlan, meaning
over much of Italy and along the shores mania and the Black Sea, was anciently "water."
of the Adriatic in early times. They called Tiras. That was the main seat of The Mexicans called their temples
called the Lydians Tucant. the people of Tiras for many centuries. T is directly related
eocallis, This word
In the communist-controlled coun- These people migrated along the shores to the Greek, meaning "place of wor-
try of Albania ( next to Greece ) the of the Black Sea, the Aegaean and the ship of God." The Greeks called the
Tosh live today. The Birannica states Mediterranean Seas-before the coming sons of Tiras, "sea people." The native
that these Albanians are probably "iden- of the Greeks. The Greeks finally dis- Indian name An,ibuac, which the In-
tical with T*!cut" of Roman times, placed them. Vhere were the people of dians of Mexico apply to the Valley of
who were of Lud (art."Albania"). The Tiras driven to? Mexico, means "around the water."
Greeks call Albania Arber'ia, a word Before we can answer these questions Only a slighr migration may have
akin to Berber or Barbar. Associated we must first learn the tribal names into taken place across the Pacific from Asia
with them are the Berbers, or Barbars. which the family of Tiras subdivided. to America. The overwhelming move-
The Greeks probably derived the word Here are some of their names : Dyras, rnent has been out of the Mediterranean
Barbarian, meaning non-Greek, from the Teres, T auri, Carians, Calybes, T hyni, to the new world! That ought not be
Berbers of Lud whom they met. Ezekiel Amazons, Maias, Milyaes, Mauri, Gat- surprisirrg. The ancient Phoenicians from
30:5 gives the definite irnplication gdrs. ( See Smitb's Classical Greek and, Palestine left relics on the Azores Islands
that part of Lud is to be found today in Roman Dictionary for mosr of rhese in mid-Atlantic! The Indians have nu-
North Africa. names. ) merous traditions of being ruled over by
'rJ7here, whites and of expecting whites to come
The sons of Lud have not become a today, do we find these same
great people in the world due
the to people located among the nations? from tbe East-across the Atlantic.
backward geographic areas in which they In the NE\r/ \TORLD: where the Amer- A RACE \f/AR Coming?
settled. Isaiah 66:19 describes them ican Indians are! have now located the various na-
today as dwelling among the Latin, The Amazons are Indians in South tionalities and the races. rVhat does
Page 1 I

prophecy say will happen next? Is the have mobilized the yellow and brown and thou shalt come down lower and
coming war to be a struggle between hordes of Asia, with a sprinkling of black lower." \7hy? "Because thou didst not
\Whites and the colored population of people. Then rhe real Race \UVar will hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy
the world? Not at all! commence! This is foretold in Ezekiel God, To KEEP Hls coMMANDMENTS
The next war is ro be fought once )g and 39.Christ Himself will have ro AND HIS STATUTES WhiCh HC COMMANd.

again between whites-between Israel of

put a stop to that attempt of Satan to ed thee" ( Deut. 28:43-45) .

\UTestern Europe and America on one crush Israel. Then the \il7hite, English-
Unless we quit sinning, God will send
speaking world, with the other tribes of
side-and a combination of the sons of the \White Gentiles from Europe-"25
Israel will really begin ro shoulder the
Asshur, Javan and the Chaldeans on rhe
"SThite Man's Burden" and bless the the vulture swoopeth down; a nation
other! Read Isaiah 10 and Habakkuk 1, whose tongue thou shalt not understand;
together with Isaiah 48. Notice that the world with peace instead of cursing ir. a nation of fierce countenance, that shall
children of Israel are delivered into the In the meantime a)e are going to haue
not regard the person of the old, nor
hands of the \Whites of Europe! mounting racial strife. Emotional feel-
show favor to the young" ( verses
ings are already stirred up by the forced
This is all explained in Mr. Arm- 49-50).
program of desegregation. Moses warned
strong's free booklet " 197 5 in Prophecy." our people millenniums ago that this Read this entire chapter in Deu-
!7rite for it immediately if you have not very condition now developing would It is a startling prophecy for
already done so. take place. Listen to his warning! "The today-for our people. It is time we
Only after the initial phase of \7orld stranger [Gentiles in our midst]
shall heed God's warning and turn from our
\U7ar III is over will the Communists mount up above thee higher and higher; sinful ways.
Printed in U. S. A.

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