June 2024 Mcrta Meeting
June 2024 Mcrta Meeting
June 2024 Mcrta Meeting
Doors open at 11:30 and lunch is at noon. Now that we have a hot buffet it is important that we start on time.
Registration, social, lunch followed by a program and our MCRTA business meeting.
Can't make the luncheon? You can join us around 12:45 PM for the program.
WILLIAMS ON THE LAKE 787 Lafayette Road, Medina, Ohio (first building/party center)
Complete and send this form along with a check payable to MCRTA for $15.00 per person by JUNE 3 to:
JoAnne Zurell 2901 Hamlin Rd Medina, Ohio 44256 330-723-2364
Phone No.__________________e-mail
No.__________________ e-mail address
address _______________________
Please reserve
Please ___
reserve spaces
___ spaces
Amount enclosed______
Amount enclosed______ ($15.00/person, please do not send cash)
($15.00/person, please do not send cash) menu: Chef's Choice Buffet
Menu: Chef's Choice Buffet
Assistance will be available for anyone needing help to access buffet.
Assistance will be available for anyone needing help to access buffet
The MCRTA June program will be exciting and fun to see the results of the 2023-2024 Boomhower
Teacher Grant Projects. There will be four presentations:
Laura Haas, Cloverleaf Elementary School, Sensory Table
Alicia Toghill, Black River Elementary School, Positive Pirates
Megan Gubanich and Kelly Harrison, Brunswick Middle School, Full Steam Ahead
Joseph Shalala, Wadsworth Lincoln Elementary School, Reading in Science
In STRS news.... Has Wade Sreen won his legal case and
2023-2024 grant recipient regained his STRS Board member seat that Governor
Laura Haas of Cloverleaf DeWine "suddenly unappointed" him from? Has the
Elementary utilized a recently completed STRS Board election for an active
“Sensory Table” with her teacher seat added another reform-minded member to
Special Education Class.
Using research based
the board? Does suspended Executive Director, Bill
findings, the students Neville return to his position this month after the
extended their focusing resolution of his case of alleged employee abuses????
ability and gained more …………… Da duh duuuuuuuhhhh …………
instructional opportunities
COME TO THE JUNE MEETING and get the answers to
through use of the
equipment the grant these questions and many more!
provided. Lloyd Knudsen
Legislative Chair and undiscovered mystery writer
2024-2025 Nancy M. Boomhower Active Teacher $300 Grant Awards
Dena Grebey Brunswick Middle School ~~ You Won’t Want to be an Egytian Mummy
Jamie Hottinger
Alison Hanudel Cloverleaf High School ~~ JustWrite Regional Creative Writing
Tournament at Cloverleaf High School
James Conrad Buckeye Junior High ~~ Geography Extended
We will celebrate our July trip with coffee and donuts at Buehler's Community Room, 8:00 AM (this
celebration marks 25 years this July with Frank planning wonderful tours for MCRTA ---the first was
1999). Bus leaves at 8:50.
We're headed for Canton this morning for some interesting history, and our first stop is the Hoover
Historical Center. The old Victorian style manor was the home of William H. Hoover (did you ever have
a Hoover Vacuum???)
Next, lunch (on your own) will be in North Canton at Cracker Barrel.
After lunch, our next stop will be a visit to the First Ladies National Historic Site, which includes a visit to
the home of Ida Saxton McKinley, who was also a First Lady.
(On August 20, 1920, the first professional football team, the Canton Bulldogs, was established in
Canton.) We'll go to the Canton Hall of Fame Village to enjoy a thrilling ride on the Red Zone Ferris
wheel! It just might take your breath away!!
When we say "hop aboard" we mean it! It will be a fun day you won't want to miss.
AMOUNT___________________________________________________________________ HISTORIC CANTON