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EFFECTIVENESS OF POMELO (Citrus maxima) AND LIME (Citrus aurantifolia)


Fajar Akbar*), Fahrul Islam

Department of Environmental Health, Mamuju Health Polytechnic
*) E-mail: fajarpoltekkes@gmail.com


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Indonesia has been a public health problem for the past 41 years. Since 1968 there has
been an increase in the number of provinces and districts / cities endemic to DHF, from 2 provinces and 2 cities, to 32 (97%)
and 382 (77%) districts / cities in 2009 (1). Orange plants with various varieties contain ingredients that can be used as
natural insecticides in larvae. This study included the type of experiment with a completely randomized design that was
testing the effectiveness of grapefruit peel extract (Citrus grandis) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia) as Aedes aegypti
biolarvasida. This research will be conducted at the Mamuju Ministry of Health Polytechnic Building. The time of this study
was in March - August 2018. The object of this study was orange peel extract which was exposed to instar III and IV Aedes
aegypti larvae. The stages of research activities include making orange peel extract, preliminary test phase and research
test phase. The results showed that the number of larval deaths exposed to lime peel extract (Citrus aurantifolia) with an
average mortality of 97.3% was effective in killing Aedes aegypti larvae because more than 50% compared to the skin
extract of grapefruit skin extract (Citrus grandis) with the average mortality is 1.3% so it is not effective in killing Aedes
aegypti larvae because it is less than 50%.

Keywords: extract, orange, peel, aedes aegypti

INTRODUCTION pesticides and the emergence of resistance

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in from various species of mosquitoes which
Indonesia has been a public health problem become vectors of disease. With the above
for the past 41 years. Since 1968 there has problems, it is necessary to do research on
been an increase in the number of provinces alternative natural materials to overcome the
and districts / cities that are endemic for spread of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
DHF, from 2 provinces and 2 cities, to 32 The use of natural larvacides has
(97%) and 382 (77%) districts / cities in several advantages, including rapid
2009. The number of patients and the area degradation by sunlight, air, moisture and
spread increased due to high population other natural components, thereby reducing
mobility, development of urban areas, the risk of soil and water pollution. Natural
climate change, changes in population larvasida has low toxicity in mammals, so
density and distribution and other natural larvicidal use allows it to be applied
epidemiological factors that still need further to human life. The choice of material to be
research (1). used as larvacide must be safe against
The case of 2011 dengue humans or other organisms, besides that the
hemorrhagic fever in Mamuju Regency material is easily obtained and is expected
recorded 173 people suffering from dengue to have a positive impact on human health
and the death was only 1 person. In 2012 (3).
the number of dengue cases was recorded One of the development of
by 100 people and 1 died. The highest alternative insecticides is by killing
incidence of cases in the Binanga Health mosquitoes, especially in the larval stage
Center area in five kelurahan in a row from using natural larvicides. With this effort, it is
2013 there were 85 cases died 1 person and expected that the development of the life
2014 as many as 48 people none died. And cycle will be hampered or disconnected
in 2017 the number of dengue cases in because mosquitoes cannot develop into
Mamuju Regency was 20 cases of DHF and adults. The results showed that larvacides
1 person died, of which 15 cases of dengue derived from plant extracts are safe for the
occurred in the work area of the Binanga environment, can be degraded, and are
Health Center (2). specific to the target (4).
The use of repetitive insecticides Orange plants with various
can increase the risk of contamination of varieties contain ingredients that can be
pesticide residues in water, especially used as natural insecticides in larvae. Based
drinking water. Temephos cannot be used on phytochemical screening performed (5)
orally, so its presence is not expected to be showed that orange peel contains tannins,
in drinking water. Another important thing to saponins, phytate oxalates, flavonoids, and
note is the high cost of using chemical limonoid. Limonoid has the ability to inhibit

the formation of cancer cells, reduce the the Mamuju Kalukku Poros Health
formation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Polytechnic Integrated Laboratory in Jalan
and based on field tests conducted on Mamuju Kalukku Km.16 Tadui, West
insects, limonoid is able to inhibit insects to Sulawesi. The time of this study is planned,
eat (anti-feedant) (6). Lime (Citrus namely in March - August 2018
aurantifolia) is a plant from the Rutaceae The object of this study is extract of
family that has the potential to produce Bali Citrus Skin (Citrus maxima) and Lime
essential oils, one of which is on the skin of (Citrus aurantifolia) which will be exposed to
the fruit (7). instar III and IV Aedes aegypti larvae.
Lime fruit extract (Citrus This study uses the infundation
aurantifolia) has the ability to kill instar III method (10). By preparing samples to be
Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. The used, namely lime peel, grapefruit peel and
effective concentration of lime peel extract sweet orange peel. Weighing the weight of
(Citrus aurantifolia) which can kill 50% each material with the ratio of weight of
(Lc50) of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae is material and water is 1:10. The powdered
3.42% within 24 hours (8). Larvacidal effect material is heated in a pan with enough
of ethanol extract of the leaves of Bali Citrus water for 15 minutes starting from the
(Citrus maxima) on Aedes aegypti larvae temperature reaching 90oC chili stirred once
and knowing the relationship between the in a while. Filter using a flannel cloth while
increase in the concentration of ethanol hot, if the amount of liquid needed is still
extract of Bali Citrus Leaves (Citrus maxima) lacking add hot water to the pulp until the
and larval mortality. LC50 and LC90 values amount of liquid needed is fulfilled. After the
of ethanol extract of Bali Citrus leaves liquid is cold, put it in the sample bottle and
(Citrus maxima) were 7,913.33 ppm and then insert 25 and IV instar larvae as many
20,069.53 ppm respectively with a as 25. Observations were carried out for 24
difference of LC50 and LC90 of 12,156.2 (9). hours, with observations every 8 hours,
For this reason, a study will be conducted on namely 8, 16 and 24. Record the
the Effectiveness of Bali Citrus Maxima and observations, do repetitions 3 times.
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Extract as Aedes
aegypti Biolarvasida. RESULTS
Based on the results of research conducted
METHOD at the Mamuju Ministry of Health Polytechnic
This study included the type of Integrated Laboratory, 24-hour observations
experiment with a completely randomized were observed for three observations,
design design which tested the namely 8, 16 and 24 hours in a solution of
Effectiveness of Pomelo (Citrus maxima) Bali Citrus Skin (Citrus maxima) and Lime
and Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Orange Peel (Citrus aurantifolia).
Extract As Aedes aegypti Biolarvasida ".
This research was conducted at

Table 1 Distribution of Average Value of Death of Aedes aegypti Larvae based on

Treatment Type and Exposure Time

Average larval mortality (3 x repetitions) based

on exposure time (SD)
Time (on the hour)
Orange Peel Extract
0 8 16 24
0 0,33 0,33 0,33
(0,000) (0,577) (0,577) (0,577)
0 10 22,33 24,33
Lime(Citrus aurantifolia)
(0,000) (4,000) (2,309) (0,577)
Pomelo 0 0,33 0,67 0,67
(Citrus maxima) (0,000) (0,577) (0,577) (0,577)

In table 1 above shows that the average the smallest number of mortality of larvae in
number of deaths of Aedes aegypti larvae at the solution of grapefruit skin extract is 0.67
24th hour is the largest in the solution of lime tails larva.
skin extract as many as 24.33 larvae while

Larval Death Percentage





0 8 16 24
Observation Time (Hours)

Control Lime Pomelo

Graph 1. Percentage of Larva Death In observation time with an average mortality

Graph 1 above shows that lime extract can of 89,3%.
kill aedes aegypty larvae> 50% at the 16th

Table 2 Mortality Rate Distribution in Some Treatments of Orange Peel Extract

Rate (%)
Orange peel extract solution
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) 24 24 25 97,3
Pomelo (Citrus maxima) 1 0 1 1,3

In table 2 above shows that the biggest tannins (5). Saponins have the effect of
mortality rate of the three treatments is a disrupting the developmental stage and
solution of lime peel extract with a mortality disruption of the change of larval skin (12).
rate of 97.3%. The lowest mortality rate is a Limonen or limonoid is one of the
solution of grapefruit skin extract with a essential oil compounds which has the
mortality rate of 1.3%. potential as larvacide. As a stomach poison,
limonoid can enter the body of Aedes
DISCUSSION aegypti mosquito larvae. Enter the digestion
The results of laboratory tests by immersing the ingested extract
obtained the highest results, namely 97.3%, concentration. Insecticides will enter the
the average mortality of larvae occurred in digestive organs of the insect and be
larvae exposed to lime skin extract and the absorbed by the intestinal wall then circulate
lowest was larvae exposed to grapefruit with blood which will disrupt the body's
extract with an average mortality rate of metabolism so that it will lack energy for its
2.7% for 24 hours of observation . And the life activities, resulting in mosquito larvae
higher the concentration and duration of spasm and eventually death (13).
exposure given, the greater the mortality of The results of the Krusskal-Wallis test
Aedes aegypti larvae (11). The chemical showed that there were significant
compounds in orange peel are flavonoids, differences in the mean mortality of larvae
carotenoids and liminoids (6). In addition, according to the type of orange extract
orange peel also contains saponins and solution with a probability value of 0.026.

Citrus plants are one of the essential oils as larvacide is 35.9 ppm (21).
producing plants. The essential oils The use of lime can be applied in the
produced by citrus plants contain mostly community as an alternative to controlling
terpenes, aliphatic sisquiterpenes, vector causes of DHF. The use of lime peel
oxygenated hydrocarbon derivatives, and as larvacide is safer, it is also
aromatic hydrocarbons. Composition of environmentally friendly, does not cause
compounds contained in essential oils harm, and has other advantages which are
produced from the fruit peel of the plant of easy to obtain and can reduce the amount of
the Citrus genus based on the research waste / organic waste, because it is so far
carried out include limonen, citronelal, Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) is just thrown away
geraniol, linalol, α-pinen, mirsen, β-pinen, without further use.
sabinen, geranil acetate, nonanal, geranial,
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