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Wire Rope Slings IWRC 1960 Grade

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WIRE ROPE SLINGS (IWRC 1960 Grade)____________________


This chart generally in accordance with BSEN 13414‐1
Working Load Limit Proof Load
Minimum Per Leg @ 0
0‐120° included
0‐90° included angle Breaking Degrees (if
Unit Rope angle
Single Leg Load (Unit required)
Size (mm) 2 3/4 2 3‐4 Rope)
Legged Legged Legged Legged
Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne Tonne
8 0.82 1.15 1.73 0.82 1.23 4.55 1.64
10 1.28 1.80 2.71 1.28 1.92 7.11 2.56
12 1.83 2.58 3.88 1.83 2.74 10.19 3.66
13 2.16 3.05 4.58 2.16 3.24 12.03 4.32
14 2.51 3.54 5.32 2.51 3.76 13.97 5.02
16 3.28 4.63 6.95 3.28 4.92 18.25 6.56
18 4.14 5.85 8.78 4.14 6.21 23.04 8.28
19 4.80 6.78 10.18 4.80 7.20 26.70 9.60
20 5.12 7.23 10.85 5.12 7.68 28.45 10.24
22 6.20 8.76 13.15 6.20 9.30 34.46 12.40
24 7.37 10.42 15.63 7.37 11.05 40.99 14.74
26 8.66 12.24 18.36 8.66 12.99 48.13 17.32
28 10.04 14.19 21.29 10.04 15.06 55.77 20.08
32 13.12 18.55 27.82 13.12 19.68 72.90 26.24
35 15.67 22.15 33.23 15.67 23.50 87.10 31.34
36 16.59 23.45 35.18 16.59 24.88 92.18 33.18
38 18.54 26.21 39.23 18.54 27.81 103.00 37.08
40 20.55 29.05 43.58 20.55 30.82 114.20 41.10
44 24.77 35.02 52.53 24.77 37.15 137.66 49.54
48 29.55 41.78 62.67 29.55 44.32 164.17 59.10
52 34.69 49.05 73.57 34.69 52.03 192.72 69.38
54 36.16 51.13 76.69 36.16 54.24 200.90 72.32
56 40.19 56.82 85.24 40.19 60.28 223.32 80.38
60 46.07 65.14 97.71 46.07 69.10 255.94 92.14
64 49.37 69.80 104.71 49.37 74.05 274.30 98.74
71 60.01 84.85 127.28 60.01 90.01 333.45 120.02
77 69.93 98.88 148.32 69.93 104.89 388.51 139.86
80 75.07 104.14 159.22 75.07 112.60 417.06 150.14
83 80.38 113.65 170.48 80.38 120.57 446.64 160.76
87 87.73 124.05 186.07 87.73 131.59 487.42 175.46
90 93.42 132.09 198.14 93.42 140.13 519.04 186.84
96 103.32 146.09 219.14 103.32 154.98 574.00 206.64
103 116.46 164.67 247.01 116.46 174.69 647.00 232.92
109 130.50 184.52 276.79 130.50 195.75 725.00 261.00
115 145.08 205.14 307.71 145.08 217.62 806.00 290.16
122 160.20 226.52 339.78 160.20 240.30 890.00 320.40
128 176.04 248.92 373.38 176.04 264.06 978.00 352.08

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