Harsco - 1
Harsco - 1
Harsco - 1
Table of Contents
4 About Us
5 Our History
7 Our Locations
8 Our Knowledge
9 Our Portfolio
10 Equipment
12 Technology
14 Aftermarket
16 Contracted Services
18 Safety
19 Environmental
20 Quality
22 Our Customers
23 Imprint
A Message from
Jeswant Gill President – Harsco Rail
broad range of cutting-edge technology-driven solutions
equipment and technologies, to maintain track at peak op-
service North America Class I erating efficiency. The result:
railroads, national railway sys- lower operating costs, higher
tems, short lines, and metro / speeds and – most impor-
RAIL GRINDING transit systems to help keep tantly – improved safety.
COMPANY IN both commerce and cus-
THE WORLD tomers on track – safely and
Harsco Rail is the largest
railway infrastructure main- In recent years, we have ex-
tenance company in the panded our product lines and,
Western hemisphere. As an in tandem, our geographic YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
operating segment of Harsco reach. Harsco Rail is a market
Corporation, we leverage leader in North America, with Through our four business
our global footprint and over proven success in bellweth- lines – Equipment, Aftermar-
100 years of experience and er markets like China, Brazil ket, Contracted Services, and
expertise in service of our and Europe. Every day, we Technology – Harsco Rail is a
customers’ most pressing collaborate with our custom- valued partner throughout the
and critical track maintenance ers to find finely-tailored, lifecycle of track. From con-
and construc- struction, to maintenance, to
tion needs. renewal, we offer the same
From Boston innovative solutions and
to Beijing, and world-class service that our
everywhere customers have relied upon
in between, for nearly a century.
ISO 9001: 2015
EN 15085-2
DIN 6701
Our History
2018 Harsco Rail moves the division headquarters to Charlotte, NC; Harsco Rail opens office in Malaysia
2017 Harsco Rail begins handover of maintenance vehicles to Swiss Federal Railways
2015 Harsco Rail opens operations in India and acquires Protran Technology and JK Rail
2010 Harsco Rail opens a Mainland European base and successfully launches unmanned surfacing vehicle
1999 Harsco acquires Pandrol Jackson which merges with Fairmont Tamper to become Harsco Rail
1953 Fairmont Railway Motors finalizes prototype of first electric spike puller
1940 Fairmont Railway Motors develops HY-RAIL ® which revolutionizes track inspection and transportation
1934 Tamper Corp is founded and becomes a leader in undercutters, regulators, tie equipment and UTVs
1923 Jackson creates electric vibrating hand tamper and incorporates as Jackson Vibrators in 1937
1905 Fairmont Railway Motors installs two-cycle engine on a railroad hand car
Our Vision
To be the global leader in track
maintenance and construction by
consistently creating value for our
Our Mission
We will serve the industry by pro-
viding our customers with com-
pelling solutions that address their
needs by applying superior technol-
ogy, knowledge and expertise.
Our Locations
Fairmont, MN
NA Contracting Headquarters
Ludington, MI
Cherry Hill, NJ
Aftermarket Protran Technology New Delhi, IND
Commercial Service
Beijing, CHN
Horw, CH
Nottingham, UK Engineering
Columbia, SC Commercial Düsseldorf, GER
OEM EMEA Headquarters
Aftermarket Commercial
Engineering Brendale, AUS
Rio de Janeiro, BRL
Kuala Lumpur, MYS Rebuilds
Service Service
Enabling TECHNOLOGY IN MOTION is about collaboration with our customers to fully understand their needs
and unlocking leading edge technologies to develop innovative solutions that improve performance related to
track life cycle activities.
Track construction, maintenance and renewal are important life cycle activities that our customers undertake to
manage an extremely critical and expensive asset, the track. Harsco Rail is committed to supporting our custom-
ers in keeping commerce on track by offering a technology enabled portfolio of tailored products and services
from our Equipment, Aftermarket, Technology and Contracted Services business lines respectively.
Extensive portfolio of offerings to Industry leading product and servic- Through leadership and proven ex-
cater to the respective needs for es to address key processes within pertise to enable relevant technol-
each stage of the life cycle the maintain stage ogies and offer innovative solutions
for life cycle management
Our Portfolio
Equipment Aftermarket Parts & Services Contracted Services
∙∙ New Track Construction System ∙∙ Global On-site Support ∙∙ New Track Construction
∙∙ Surfacing Equipment ∙∙ Global Part Service & Supply
∙∙ Rail Treatment
∙∙ Absolute Track Measurement
∙∙ Rail Heater
INSPECTION PLANNING ∙∙ Ballast Maintenance Equipment
∙∙ Ballast Regulator
Equipment Aftermarket Parts & Services
∙∙ Track Stabilizer
∙∙ Track Geometry Inspection Vehicle ∙∙ Field Training Service
∙∙ Multipurpose Stoneblower
∙∙ Utility Track Vehicles ∙∙ Field Planning Maintenance
∙∙ Continuous Track Lifter
Technology Technology
Aftermarket Parts & Services
∙∙ Track Geometry Car Inspection ∙∙ MOWIS Linear Asset Management
Equipment (Geometry, Rail Profile, ∙∙ Global On-site Support
∙∙ Rail Life Analysis
Catenary, Clearance, Ultrasonic, ∙∙ Global Part Service & Supply
Video) ∙∙ Rail Test Analysis
∙∙ Hy-Rail Inspection Equipment ∙∙ Compass Fleet Management Technology
(Callisto Track Geometry, Ultrasonic System
∙∙ Callisto Geometry for Maintenance
Testing) ∙∙ Expert Training and Consulting Vehicles
∙∙ Trolley Based Inspection Equipment ∙∙ RWP Safety Equipment
(Geometry, Rail Profile, Clearance, EXECUTION ∙∙ Collision Avoidance System
∙∙ Callisto Geometry for Maintenance Equipment ∙∙ Expert Training & Consulting
vehicles ∙∙ Production Grinder ∙∙ Compass Fleet Management
∙∙ Protran Analytics Software ∙∙ Full Range of Tamper
∙∙ Automatic Switch Inspection Vehicle ∙∙ Transit/Switch Grinder Contracted Services
∙∙ Ultrasonic Measurement ∙∙ Anchor Spreader/Applicator/ ∙∙ Grinding Service
∙∙ RWP Safety Equipment Squeezer
∙∙ Stoneblowing Service
∙∙ Walking Inspector Training ∙∙ Spike Driver/Puller/Reclaimer
∙∙ Dipped Rail Weld Correction
∙∙ Insulator Replacement
Contracted Services
∙∙ Plate Handling Machine
∙∙ Automatic Switch Inspection ∙∙ Tie Exchanger/Bed Scarifier
Equipment Aftermarket Parts & Services ∙∙ Rail Test Analysis
∙∙ Track Renewal System ∙∙ Global On-site Support Contracted Services
∙∙ Rail Renewal System ∙∙ Global Part Service & Supply
∙∙ Rail Renewal
∙∙ Track Undercutter
Technology ∙∙ Track Renewal
∙∙ Rail Life Analysis ∙∙ Rail Seat Abrasion
Surfacing Specialty Rail Treatment
Maintaining the intended surface Harsco Rail offers a variety of ve- Our full line of grinders offers mod-
and line of railroad tracks is a hicles for railways and contractors ular designs that can be sized spe-
key component of any railway globally to aid in railway construc- cifically to our customer’s needs.
maintenance program. For over tion and maintenance. From our The machines are also designed to
100 years, Harsco Rail has been HY-RAIL® product line for custom- allow for full utilization of the ma-
a leader in developing surfacing ers that need road-rail vehicles, to chine throughout the rail life. We
machines. We are driven by our our track-bound UTV maintenance offer machines ranging in size from
advances in technology to deliver equipment, Harsco can provide a six to 120 stones and have shipped
robust, easy-to-operate machines solution. more grinders in the last 15 years
that reduce the total cost of than any other OEM.
ownership while providing high- The vehicles can be equipped with
quality results. a variety of options and modules,
such as cranes, compressors and
The Surfacing product line offers
traction systems. We also offer a
a variety of track tamper models
full line of track measurement sys-
that can be designed in countless
tems for these vehicles. Geometry,
configurations to meet the
Rail Profile, Corrugation Measure-
specific needs of each customer.
ment, and Catenary Measurement
State of the art machines such
can all be fitted to any of our
as Stoneblowers and our Drone
Tampers, incorporate the latest
innovations for longer sustained
track quality and improved
productivity. With Track Stabilizers,
Ballast Regulators and Continuous
Track Lifters we are meeting
our customers’ track surfacing
equipment requirements.
Protran Technology - a
Measurement Diagnostic
leading provider of modern
innovations in the rail and
& Inspection Software
transit industries - offers a Our inspection products deliver Reporting data directly to the
suite of products designed to detailed insight to railroads on the customer, Protran Technology
put our clients in control of condition of their track. These tools provides numerous software sys-
their unique environments. provide railroads with specialized tems that assist railroads in vehicle
Designing solutions for road- inspection products to perform maintenance, track analysis, main-
way worker and bus safety, critical inspections including Track tenance planning, and maintenance
vehicle awareness, collision Bed, UT, Geometry, and Catenary forecasting. For track work, each
avoidance, and track inspec- inspections. Protran Technology software tool provides accurate
tion, we give our customers provides tools that allow the end reporting on a variety of different
the tools to oversee their own user to determine how to improve properties including track condition,
track maintenance and safe- track life by analyzing current track rail life, status of ties, and switch
ty needs. Individual analysis conditions and planning for future inspections. Protran Technology
plans give railroads the ability maintenance demands. These also provides telematic solutions
to inspect, analyze, and per- inspection products ultimately help for MOW equipment, giving vehicle
form predictive maintenance railroads understand their track and maintenance managers the tools
on their track – saving both how to best maintain it, decreasing necessary to efficiently perform
time and money. Additionally, maintenance costs for the future. maintenance on MOW Equipment
we offer high-quality rail con- from remote locations a period.
sulting services, state-of-the-
art technological solutions,
track condition assessments,
and a variety of rail training
courses that can be custom-
ized on-site.
Services & Rail Safety Bus Safety
Trainings Solutions
We offer technical training on Protran Technology provides a Protran’s “Safe Turn Alert (STA)”
topics pertaining to the railroad variety of cutting-edge safety gives an audible and visual alert
industry, including Track Inspec- solutions for the railroad industry, to nearby pedestrians when a bus
tion, CWR Maintenance, Derail- including advanced train detection, is making a turn. The system also
ment Investigations and General adjacent track protection, collision gives an audible voice alert to bus
Track Maintenance Management. avoidance technologies, personal operators to look both ways when
Through the instruction of expert alert devices, electrical awareness making left or right hand turns.
trainers, these courses will educate and specialized safety training. We The system is a passive system,
railroad employees from all sectors. are the industry leader in supply- activating automatically without
Protran also offers a full line of ing ways to protect and educate the bus operator’s interaction.
high-quality rail consulting servic- your employees, contractors, and Protran’s “Blind Spot Awareness”
es, including assessments, rail/ customers. further enhances the Safe Turn
wheel interface and general track Alert system by providing additional
engineering work. These services safety awareness to bus operators.
are tailored to the needs of the cus- By combining these two systems,
tomer, and serve to provide insight Protran delivers a safer bus interac-
into necessary maintenance and tion experience for operators and
construction needs. pedestrians alike.
JK Rail Products Equipment Remanufactured
Life Extension Components
Quality Engineered Products for Harsco Rail can perform or support As the original equipment manufac-
your High-Performance MOW your machine remanufacturing turer, Harsco Rail provides supe-
Needs. JK Rail Products work plan. Whether through a basic rior remanufactured components
directly with our customers to in-house heavy maintenance and assemblies to both repair and
resolve their most complex issues, machine refreshment or a extend the life of equipment. We
by identifying field problems and complete overhaul, Harsco can keep remanufactured work-heads
executing solutions. All JK Rail extend the life of your machine and in stock for our entire fleet of Mark
Products are currently in stock with enhance the capability to current (II, III, IV and VI) and Jackson (2400,
immediate availability. The current specifications. 3000 and 6700) tampers. All com-
JK Rail Products catalog is available ponents are inspected for repair or
for download at replacement, functionally tested
www.harscorail.com/parts-services. and backed by our OEM warranty.
Harsco Rail’s contract NTC units Harsco Rail has been grinding rail Harsco Rail’s Multipurpose
have installed over 4,000,000 ties for over a half century. Our rail Stoneblower is a revolutionary
(equal to 1,515 miles or 2,400 km) grinding services strive to create machine developed specifically
around the world. The NTC can optimal wheel / rail contact, while as an alternative to traditional
readily complete one mile or 1.5 prolonging the lifespan of the track. tamping methods for the
km per day. Harsco Rail operates The RGH20C Grinder can effective- restoration of track’s vertical
two units in the United States and ly grind switches, guarded curves, and lateral alignment. The result
has supplied units in Italy, Northern and road crossings and is available is a smooth track surface that
Ireland, Brazil, India, England, Cana- in various gauges, including an is immediately available for
da, Saudi Arabia and China. adjustable gauge version. unrestricted line speeds. The
Stoneblower pneumatically injects
ballast under the tie to achieve
track position accuracy of 1.0 mm
without disturbing the pre-existing
compacted foundation.
Dipped Rail Weld Rail Renewal Track Renewal
Correction System & Rail
The Dipped Rail Weld Correction The Rail Renewal System is a Harsco Rail’s contract track
is an on-track maintenance ma- self-contained unit that offers a renewal systems have installed
chine that corrects the geometry cost- efficient, high-production approximately 15,000,000 ties
of vertically-dipped Aluminother- means to replace rail and pads on (equal to 5,700 miles or 8,500
mic or Flash Butt Welds. This unit concrete ties. It also is capable of km). The TRT909 & P811 work
uses a beam, rail clamp, hydraulic epoxy repairs for rail seat abrasion. with concrete, pre-plated wood,
cylinders, instrumentation and a The consist can complete work on or steel ties. The TRT909 & P811
PLC to correct the dipped weld. both rails simultaneously at 792 system provides a more efficient
Including set-up over the weld, the mph or 44 ft./min. (0.5 mph). It method of handling major renewal
dip is removed in approximately carries material (pads, insulators, projects with precise tie spacing
60 seconds, and it can lift a dipped epoxy) for over 3.2 km (2 miles). and a smooth ballast bed, while at
weld to a predetermined, operator The induction heating process al- the same time reclaiming the old
adjusted peaked condition, usually lows for rail destressing as work is sleepers.
0.3 mm, + - 0.1 mm. being done and eliminates the fire
hazards associated with propane
Harsco Rail will endeavor to protect the environment and be a responsible member of
the communities in which we operate. We will do so by following the key principles
expressed in our Environmental Policy and as follows:
Environmental Leadership
Harsco will strive to be a leader by identifying and implementing environmental best
Harsco will operate in ways designed to reduce impacts to the air, water and land. Waste will
be properly managed and noise impacts will be appropriately controlled.
Continuous Improvement
Harsco will maintain management systems that promote compliance with applicable environ-
mental laws and regulations.
On this basis, all processes are regularly monitored, and process effectiveness and
efficiency are continuously improved. This enables us to offer our customers first-
class products and services that meet and exceed our customer expectations.
Our People Our Values
We demonstrate an uncompromising commitment to ethical principles. We act ethically
and in the interest of the customers we serve. We treat others with dignity and respect,
and value honesty above all else.
Employee Care
We are committed to safe, appealing work environments, market-competitive benefits
programs and investment in personal development. We must treat our people as we
would like to be treated ourselves, and we must attract and retain the very best talent
throughout our organization.
We strive to create an environment where all people are actively included. Our diverse
global workforce is our most valuable asset. We must foster a climate in which every
employee is encouraged to engage and dedicate his or her talents and experience.
We respect all individuals and their contributions. Harsco will not tolerate discrimination
or harassment of any kind. Our employees have a right to a safe, respectful workplace.
Our management has a mandate to provide it.
Laurie Laurito: www.lovely-pixel.de
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Harsco Rail Global Headquarters Protran Technology Harsco Rail Europe GmbH
3440 Toringdon Way 1960 Old Cuthbert Road Luetticher Str. 130
Suite 100, Building 3 Suite 100 40547 Duesseldorf (Germany)
Charlotte, NC 28277 (USA) Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 (USA) Phone: +49 (0) 211 60116 0
Phone: +1 (980) 960-2624 Phone: +1 856 779-7795 E-Mail: info.emea@harsco.com
E-mail: railinfo@harsco.com E-Mail: info@protrantechnology.com
Harsco Rail China
Harsco Rail Manufacturing Operations Harsco Rail Pty Ltd Australia Room C1201 Tower 2,
2401 Edmund Road, Box 20 4 Strathwyn Street, P.O. Box 5287 No.36 BeiSanHuan Dong Lu,
West Columbia, SC 29171-0020 (USA) Brendale, Queensland 4500 (Australia) DongCheng District, Beijing 100013 (China)
Phone: +1 803 822-9160 Phone: +61 7 3205 6500 Phone: +86 10-6590-6399
E-Mail: railinfo@harsco.com www.harscorail.com
Harsco Track Machines & Services Private Ltd
Harsco Rail Engineering Center Harsco Rail Ltd United Kingdom 2nd Floor, Building Alpha,
306 West 4th Street Unit 1, Chewton Street, Eastwood Bengal Intelligent Park Block EP & GP,
Fairmont, MN 56031-1837 (USA) Nottingham NG16 3HB (United Kingdom) Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata
Phone: +1 507 235-7376 Phone: +44 (0) 1773 539480 700091 West Bengal (India)
E-Mail: railinfo@harsco.com Email: uksales@harsco.com Phone: +91 33 2357 5651
Harsco Rail Manufacturing Operations Harsco Rail Ltda South America Harsco Rail Malaysia Sdn Bhd
200 South Jackson Road Av. Marechal Câmara, 160 / 1118, Centro A-3-5 Block A, JayaOne
Ludington, MI 49431 (USA) Rio de Janeiro RJ 20020-080 (Brazil) 72A Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 13
Phone: +1 231 843-3431 Phone: +55 21 2510-5164 / -5151 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor (Malaysia)
E-Mail: railinfo@harsco.com www.harscorail.com Phone: +60376254277