Pysical Appearance

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I. Choose one of the most correct D.

The following text is for questions
The following text is for question number 7 to 12
number 1 to 6 I have a best friend. Her name is Mona.
My name is Noval Ferdinand. I am She is a very fat person. She eats
Indonesian. I was born on April 21, 2009 everything in front of her. Her weight is 95
in Surabaya. Now I am twelve years old. I kilograms. She has round face with a very
study at SMP Putra Bangsa. I have tall and chubby cheeks. Her eyes are round and
slim body. My hair is black, short and blue. She has short curly blonde hair. She
curly. I have pointed nose, slanted eyes is very funny. Her family and friends like
and white skin. My face is oval with sharp her very much.
7. What is Mona's hobby?
1. The writer was born on .... A. reading
A. January 12, 2009 B. drawing
B. July 12, 2008 C. eating
C. April 21, 2009 D. Cycling
D. May 21, 2008
8. She has a very .....
2. The writer has ... body. A. chubby cheeks
A. tall and slim B. long hair
B. fat and big C. long chin
C. tall and big D. big nose
D. short and slim
9. How much does her weight?
3. What is his nationality? A. 75 kg
A. Malaysian B. 85 kg
B. Indonesian C. 95 kg
C. Singaporean D. 105 kg
D. Chinese
10. She is a very ... person.
4. The writer has ... face. A. slim
A. round B. fat
B. square C. tall
C. oval D. small
D. long
11. What is the meaning of “short curly
5. The writer's hair is .... blonde hair”?
A. wavy A. Rambut pendek lurus berwarna hitam
B. straight B. Rambut panjang keriting berwarna
C. curly pirang
D. bald C. Rambut pendek keriting berwarna
6. "My complete name is Noval D. Rambut pendek lurus berwarna pirang
The synonym of the underlined word is .... 12. Why does her family like her very
A. short much?
B. full A. Because she is funny
C. discharge B. Because she is smart
C. Because she is diligent
D. Because she is lazy 16. How old is Julie?
17. How does she look?
The following text is for questions 18. What colour is her hair?
number 13 to 15 19. What does she like to do?
Hi everyone, I am Julie. I have a best 20. Why do her friends like Julie very
friend. His name is Bahri. We have been much?
friends for eleven years now. We know
each other like brother and sister. Bahri is
a special boy. He is amazing just the way
he is. He is tall and handsome. He has
straight short hair. He has pointed nose,
slanted eyes and his smile adorable as
well. He loves jokes. He always cheer me
up when I am down. He is very kind.We
support and help each others. I am so
grateful that he is my friend.

13. Bahri has .... hair.

A. curly short
B. straight long
C. straight short
D. curly blonde

14. Does he have round eyes?

A. No, he don't
B. No, he doesn't
C. Yes, he do
D. Yes, he does

15. Why does the writer so grateful that

Bahri is her friend?
A. Because Bahri is very kind
B. Because Bahri is very naughty
C. Because Bahri is very lazy
D. Because Bahri is very impolite

II. Read the following text and answer

the questions!

Julie is my classmate. She is thirteen years

old. She is tall. Her hair is curly, blonde
and long. She is not fat. She has oval face,
round eyes, sharp nose and white skin. She
is very kind. She is very helpful to her
friends. Her friends often ask for her helps
to solve English problem. Her friends like
Julie very much. She likes writing the
stories, cycling, playing chess and reading
the magazines.
C. longer
D. taller

7. Rajni's shoes is Rp. 300.000

Nisrina's shoes is Rp. 250.000
I. Choose the correct answer! Rajni's shoes is ... than Nisrina's shoes.
(Pilih jawaban yang benar!) A. more expensive
B. cheaper
1. Doni is 160 cm C. smaller
Satya is 160 cm. D. bigger
Doni is as ... as Satya.
A. handsome 8. Shinta has ... nose.
B. fat
C. clever
D. tall A. pointed
B. flat
2. Sandi always does his homework. C. short
He is a ... student. D. small
A. lazy
B. handsome 9. Diki :"What is he like?"
C. clever Refal :"He is ..."
D. fat

3. My aunt is 30 years old. A. fat

My mother is 35 years old. B. short
My aunt is ... than my mother. C. small
A. older D. tall
B. younger
C. taller 10. Rindi :"Do you have sister, Diana?"
D. lazier Diana :"Yes, I do."
Rindi :"What is your sister like?"
4. The train is ... than the car. Diana :"She has slanted eyes, pointed
A. faster nose and curly hair."
B. slower Diana's sister has ... hair.
C. shorter A. long
D. smaller B. short
C. curly
5. Roni :"Is the plane faster than the D. wavy
Dimas :"Yes, ...". II. Fill in the blanks based on the
A. is it following picture!
B. she does (Isilah titik-titik berdasarkan gambar
C. it is berikut!)
D. they do TANIA
tall : 125 cm
6. Tiara is 70 kg. weight : 35 kg
Lily is 50 kg. age : 9 years
Tiara is ... than Lily.
A. more beautiful. PUTRI
B. fatter tall : 130 cm
weight : 60 kg
age : 12 years

tall : 140 cm
weight : 35 kg
age : 12 years

11. Tania is 125 cm. She is ... than Putri.

12. Mira is 12 years old. She is ... than
13. Mira is 140 cm. She is the ... girls.
14. Putri is 12 years old. She is as ... as
15. Mira's hair is ... than Putri.
16. Putri has ... body.
17. The youngest girl is ...
18. The fattest girl is ...
19. Mira's hair is ... (lurus dan hitam)
20. Mira is taller than ...

III. Arrange the words into good

(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi
kalimat yang benar!)

21. is - Roni - handsome.

22. Tania - hair - has - black.
23. as - tall - Doni - is - as - Rio.
24. horse - than - bigger - is - elephant.
25. Fahri - handsome - tall - is - and.

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