Contractor Agreement

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THIS AGREEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION is made on 03 day of MAY, 2024 at

to be hereinafter called the OWNER, (which terms shall mean and include his/her
heirs assigns, legal representatives and successors) of the first part.


M/S.___________________________, Office address

_________________________, acting through Mr. ____(Name of
Contractor)______, son of____________________, resident of
_________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Contracor”
(which terms shall mean and include his/her heirs assigns, legal representatives and
successors) of the other part.

WHEREAS the Owner possess a plot of land bearing Plot No.___,Khata No.____,
Mauza____, Circle/Tahsil________, measuring _________Square feet, in Dist._____,

AND WHEREAS the above said plot is free from all sorts of encumbrances and there
is no case against the said plot is pending or under trial in any court of law and the
owner is fully entitled of construction on the said plot.

AND WHEREAS the said owner is desirous of construction a building on the said
plot but at present is not in position to supervise/looking after the execution of
construction work, and has agreed to award the construction work of said
proposed ...Single/Double (No. of storey) … storey house/building on the said plot, to
the Contractor.

AND WHEREAS the Contractor above named has agreed to execute/Construct the
House/Building on the said plot of land under his supervision on behalf of the owner,
and the Owner has agreed to the said proposal of the Contractor under mentioned
description of work of said House/Building in accordance with the terms & conditions
noted below and agreed upon both of the parties:

1. That the Contractor will construct and/or get constructed a residential building
as per plans to be approved by the authorities concerned on the a foretasted plot
at the @ of Rs.__(Rate)__/- per Sq.ft. The contract is on the basis of masonry
works only (Name of Scope of work items).
2. All materials and necessary services for the construction shall be arranged and
supplied at the site of work by the owner.
3. The Contractor shall be responsible to engage all the manpower and to get the
work done according to specifications.
4. The Contractor shall arrange the Materials for scaffolding, centering and
shuttering and other similar materials, and tools for working, plants and
machinery, are required.
5. The measurement shall be taken from shade to shade of roof slab of each floor
separately as length of roof x Width of roof = area is square foot. And
estimated cost of the contract is taken as Total covered area x rate of
construction = estimated cost.
6. The contractor shall be paid for work done on measurement /inspection of the
different items of work at different stages of work as per stipulated rate and
payment schedule mentioned in this contract agreement.
7. The area of construction beyond covered area, flooring in around the main
building, fixing of main gate, Parapet wall on top roof, Mumty, Tile/Marble
flooring, Compound wall, Painting shall an extra work and shall be charged
separately as per scheduled rate agreed by the both parties.
8. The general specifications, construction plans/drawings and description of
different parts of the building where required are included. The schedule of
rates for various items of work is also provided which regulates the extra
amount to be paid for the any additions or alterations.

Payment schedule:

S.NO Items work/Stages Payment terms Total Remarks

1. Advance 10% To start work

2. Foundation 20% 12% + 8% footing/plinth/pcc

3. Footing level 12%

4. Plinth stage 8%

5. Ground floor 20% 10% + 10%

6. Column/Brickwork 10%

7. Roof level 10%

8. First floor 20% 10% + 10%

9. Column/Brickwork 10%

10. Roof level 10%

11. Flooring 15%

12. Plastering 10%

13. Painting 5%

Total 100%

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both the parties have set their respective hands on this
Contract on the date, month and year first mentioned above, in presence of the
following witnesses.

(Signature of the Owner) (Signature of the Contractor)



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