Determination of Earth's Gravitational Acceleration
Determination of Earth's Gravitational Acceleration
Determination of Earth's Gravitational Acceleration
To cite this article: N Yuningsih et al 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 830 022001 - Dynamics of damped oscillations: physical
G D Quiroga and P A Ospina-Henao
1. Introduction
In everyday practice, a gravitational acceleration can be determined using simple pendulum experiment,
free fall motion, or conservation of mechanical energy on a swing. A simple pendulum consists of a
certain object with a mass suspended using a lightweight string of a certain length. The shape and size
of the object can be ignored, but its mass must be considered. Similarly, the mass of the string, must be
ignored. In addition, when the object is swinging, the angle of displacement must be small so that the
movements are classified as simple harmonic motion. In the experiment of free fall and the conservation
of mechanical energy, conditions for measuring period are automatically required, both when the object
starts to fall and when the object reaches a certain distance, as well as the neglect of forces other than
the earth’s gravitational force.
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ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022001 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022001
Simple Pendulum Experiments are often practiced in schools and in the Basic Physics Laboratory in
colleges, so that the concept of simple pendulum is well-known to both students and college students.
Meanwhile, the fact that the mass distribution of object is not the same, and cannot be ignored by the
mass of the string, causes the concept of "the length of the pendulum " in the formula of the pendulum
period to become a complex question [1]
In fact, it is difficult to meet the conditions required for a simple pendulum, especially the string
mass and the shape of the object which is very difficult to ignore. Similarly, in experiments of free fall
and the conservation of mechanical energy, especially in the neglect of non-gravitational forces, as well
as the accuracy of practical free fall period measurements. From the free fall motion experiment, it is
obtained an average value of earth’s gravitational acceleration of 9.19 m/s2. The value of the earth's
gravitational acceleration obtained in the free fall motion experiment is too small when compared to its
supposed value. This is caused by a source of error in the form of remanence of the magnetic field which
results in a delay when the falling object is made of metal [2].
Determination of the earth's gravitational acceleration can also be done by using a rubber ball that is
reflected by measuring the time of contact and the height of its reflection. The relative error of g obtained
is 2% - 3%. In this experiment, problems related to contact time and the effect of elasticity of the rubber
ball on temperature arose[3]. Whereas the determination of the moment of inertia of rigid objects has
been carried out by Spurr et al. The rigid object used is a tennis rackets [4].
In previous studies, the determination of the earth's gravitational acceleration and the moment of
inertia of rigid objects used different tools. However, in this study the determination of the earth's
gravitational acceleration and moment of inertia used a set of experimental devices. Thus, the purpose
of this study is to determine the acceleration of the earth's gravity and the moment of inertia
simultaneously using a physical pendulum experiment which covers two concepts. By using this tool, it
is expected that this physical pendulum experiment will become an effective and efficient practicum
2. Methods
The method used in this research is descriptive analysis of data collection at the Applied Physics
Laboratory of Politeknik Negeri Bandung with the concept of physical pendulum vibrations. The data
observed from the concept of vibration using physical pendulum is the period (T) of a homogeneous rod
with a mass of 0.465 kg and a length of 0.75 m with variations in the distance of the rotary axis to the
center of mass (d) every 0.025 m. The data processing method uses linear regression without the weight
of the relationship dT2 to d2.
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022001 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022001
here m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration of gravity, d is the distance of the swing shaft to
the center of mass. From equations (1) and (2), it is obtained
− sin = (3)
The angular acceleration is the second derivative of the angle on time d2Ɵ/dt2 = α. For a simple aligned
rotational motion, it applies
=− . (4)
If the equation (3) is substituted for equation (2), it will be obtained
− sin = − (5)
and for a small angle Ɵ, sin Ɵ ≈ Ɵ applies, it is obtained
= (6)
=2 . (7)
T is the physical pendulum period [5][6][7].
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022001 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022001
By changing the position of the shaft, which also simultaneously changes the value of d, then the swing
period T will also change. If T2d and d2 are used as new variables, the equation is:
$%# $%#
= + (13)
2 2
Assuming d = x, and T d = y, the above equation can be written as a linear equation:
' = ( + )*
(= (14)
)= (15)
From table 1 above, a dT2 graph is made as the y-ordinate and d2 as the x-abscissa as shown in figure 2.
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022001 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022001
y = 4,0246x + 0,1909
0,6 R² = 0,9991
dT2[m.s2] 0,5
0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12
4. Conclusion
Physical pendulum experiment can be used to determine the value of the gravitational acceleration and
the moment of inertia of an object simultaneously. The results obtained through physical pendulum
experiment can compensate for the correction needed when using simple pendulum, free fall motion, or
mechanical energy conservation. The experiment can be done simply to get the swing period with
enough data, which can be processed using linear regression to determine the value of the gravitational
acceleration and the moment of inertia.
This research has been funded by Politeknik Negeri Bandung through The Unit of Research and
Community Service under the Development of Laboratory Capacity Research Scheme Year 2019.
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 022001 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/2/022001
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