Online Quiz 4 Relasi Rekurensi Attempt Review
Online Quiz 4 Relasi Rekurensi Attempt Review
Online Quiz 4 Relasi Rekurensi Attempt Review
1 of 7 16/03/2022, 19:57
Online Quiz 4: Relasi Rekurensi: Attempt review
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Question 1
xn = 2n
xn = 4
xn = 5
xn = 3n
Question 2
EN: Execution time of a recursive algorithm for the input of n kB is expressed using the following recurrence:
ID: Waktu ekseskusi dari suatu algoritma rekursif untuk masukan n kB dinyatakan dengan rekurensi berikut:
Answer: 96
2 of 7 16/03/2022, 19:57
Online Quiz 4: Relasi Rekurensi: Attempt review
Question 3
Partially correct
xn + 2xn−1 + 3xn−2 = 0
xn = xn−1 + (xn−2 )2 + 2
xn = xn−1 ⋅ xn−2
xn−5 − xn−7 = 10xn
xn − xn−1 = 10
Question 4
EN: Execution time of a recursive algorithm for the input of n kB is expressed using the following recurrence:
ID: Waktu ekseskusi dari suatu algoritma rekursif untuk masukan n kB dinyatakan dengan rekurensi berikut:
Answer: 6
Question 5
EN: Choose all roots of the characteristic equation of the following recurrence relation:
xn = 2xn−1 − xn−2 .
ID: Pilihlah semua akar dari persamaan karakteristik untuk relasi rekurensi berikut:
xn = 2xn−1 − xn−2 .
3 of 7 16/03/2022, 19:57
Online Quiz 4: Relasi Rekurensi: Attempt review
Question 6
linear (linier)
Question 7
EN: Execution time of a recursive algorithm for the input of n kB is expressed using the following recurrence:
ID: Waktu ekseskusi dari suatu algoritma rekursif untuk masukan n kB dinyatakan dengan rekurensi berikut:
Answer: 28
Question 8
4 of 7 16/03/2022, 19:57
Online Quiz 4: Relasi Rekurensi: Attempt review
EN: The characteristic equation of the recurrence relation xn = xn−1 + 2xn−3 is λ3 + aλ2 + bλ + c = 0. What is
a + b + c?
ID: Persamaan karakteristik dari relasi rekurensi xn = xn−1 + 2xn−3 adalah λ3 + aλ2 + bλ + c = 0. Berapakah
a + b + c?
Answer: -3
Question 9
linear (linier)
Question 10
linear (linier)
5 of 7 16/03/2022, 19:57
Online Quiz 4: Relasi Rekurensi: Attempt review
Question 11
bn = bn−1 + 2bn−2
where b0 = 0 and b1 = 1.
Determine the value of b20 (write your answer as an integer).
bn = bn−1 + 2bn−2
dengan b0 = 0 dan b1 = 1.
Tentukan nilai b20 (tuliskan jawaban dalam bilangan bulat).
Answer: 30
Question 12
EN: The characteristic equation of the recurrence relation xn = 6xn−1 + 18xn−2 is λ2 + aλ + b = 0. The roots are r1
and r2 . What is r1 + r2 ?
ID: Persamaan karakteristik dari relasi rekurensi xn = 6xn−1 + 18xn−2 adalah λ2 + aλ + b = 0. Akar-akarnya
adalah r1 dan r2 . Berapakah r1 + r2 ?
Answer: 6
Question 13
Answer: -2
Question 14
6 of 7 16/03/2022, 19:57
Online Quiz 4: Relasi Rekurensi: Attempt review
EN: Given the recurrence relation 3xn = n xn−1 + xnn−2 + xn−3 + n!.
Choose all correct statements about the above recurrence relation.
ID: Diberikan relasi rekurensi 3xn = n xn−1 + xnn−2 + xn−3 + n!.
Pilihlah semua pernyataan yang benar terkait relasi rekurensi di atas.
linear (linier)
Question 15
EN: Execution time of a recursive algorithm for the input of n kB is expressed using the following recurrence:
ID: Waktu ekseskusi dari suatu algoritma rekursif untuk masukan n kB dinyatakan dengan rekurensi berikut:
Answer: 8
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7 of 7 16/03/2022, 19:57