Link L6 U7 Unit Testa
Link L6 U7 Unit Testa
Link L6 U7 Unit Testa
never break not buy not have 1 What did Joe decide to take to the sports day?
not see you and your friend / go
1 She breakfast yet this 2 What do you hit in badminton?
2 They me play badminton 3 Which sport did David and his friends play first?
3 to the track? When will you 4 Why did David and his friends stop playing
be back? games?
4 I a racket for the match yet.
5 He his arm. 5 Where did David and his friends walk?
Receptionist Hello, welcome to The Gym! How can I 1 not see / I / our / this weekend / cat
help you?
Leah I want to become a member, please. 2 sports centre / you go / yet / the / to / new / ?
Receptionist Sorry. What did you say?
Leah I1 I want to become a 3 climb / they / twice / mountain / that
member, please.
Receptionist Great! And can you tell me your name? 4 town / your / time / in / he spend / ?
Leah Of 2 . It’s Leah Todd.
Receptionist Can you 3
up, please? 5 not break / Celia / leg / her
Leah Leah Todd.
Receptionist Is it with a 4 d? 5
Leah That’s 5 .
Total marks with Extra 55
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Total 45