Link L6 U7 Unit Testa

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Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST A 7

Vocabulary 5 Zmień zdania twierdzące w przeczące (–) lub

pytające (?).
1 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
1 Tony has tried out this video game. (–)
1 a place to play rugby
a pitch b court 2 Nia has made herself lunch. (?)
2 a place to go cycling
a track b slope 3 We have talked to the teacher. (–)
3 equipment you need for climbing
a helmet b racket 4 You and your family have enjoyed the race. (–)
4 you need to be very strong to do this sport
a motor racing b weightlifting 5 I have been nice to the other players. (?)
5 you use a racket in this sport
a athletics b badminton 5
2 Oznacz poniższe wyrazy jako części ciała
(B – body) lub nazwy obrażeń (I – injury). 6 Przeczytaj tekst o dniu Davida i odpowiedz na
1 shoulder 4 swell pytania.
2 ankle 5 finger
Everyone loves summer! Well, most people do,
3 cut anyway. One of the nicest things to do on a summer’s
5 day is to have a sports day. Last Sunday, my friends
and I went to the lake for a sports day. Each person
Grammar chose a different thing to take. I chose a ball. Joe
chose a net. Mary chose badminton rackets and a
3 Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń utwórz zdania shuttlecock – in badminton you hit a shuttlecock, not a
w czasie present perfect. ball. Finally, Jack brought some sandwiches and fruit.
1 I / cook / dinner for you We sat by the water. There were some tables and
chairs there. To help us decide which of the sports we
2 Muriel / go / to the new gym twice were going to play first, we wrote the names of the
sports equipment on pieces of paper and put them in
Jack’s hat. Then, Joe chose a piece of paper from the
3 They / watch / motor racing this week
hat. It had ‘ball’ on it, so we decided to play volleyball
first! We played two matches and then we played
4 You / finish / three projects this term badminton. We had fun playing those games, but then
we were hungry.
5 We / watch / the Olympic Games this month After we ate, we went for a walk around the lake. We
also went in a boat on the lake. Next time it’s a
5 beautiful summer’s day, we’ve decided we’ll have a
sports day at the top of a hill, or we’ll go to the park.
4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami i wyrażeniami There are so many great things you can do outside in
z ramki w formie czasu present perfect. the summer!

never break not buy not have 1 What did Joe decide to take to the sports day?
not see you and your friend / go
1 She breakfast yet this 2 What do you hit in badminton?
2 They me play badminton 3 Which sport did David and his friends play first?
3 to the track? When will you 4 Why did David and his friends stop playing
be back? games?
4 I a racket for the match yet.
5 He his arm. 5 Where did David and his friends walk?

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST A 7
7 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi Penny poświęconej
dniu spędzonym na rodzinnej łodzi. Oznacz 10 Jakie dyscypliny sportu uprawiają te osoby?
zdania jako prawdziwe (T – true) lub fałszywe 1 I tried to get it up to my shoulders and then over
(F – false). my head, but it was too heavy.
1 Penny sometimes finds it difficult to spend a long
time on the boat. 2 I was going really fast and then another driver
went past me.
2 Penny says it’s sometimes dangerous on the sea
because you are far from land. 3 I was nearly at the top of the wall but then I fell! It
was good that I had a rope.
3 Penny’s mum and dad check the boat’s
equipment. 4 Over the net! Put the ball over the net. Oh, no,
now you’ve let it touch the floor!
4 Only Penny has breakfast on the boat.
5 Penny wants to go on a long boat trip one day.
5 The race was outside and the track was wet. A lot
of the riders were hurt.
Speaking 11 Ułóż wyrazy i wyrażenia we właściwej kolejności,
tak aby powstały poprawne zdania. Użyj
8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
podanych czasowników w formie czasu present
course double right said speak perfect.

Receptionist Hello, welcome to The Gym! How can I 1 not see / I / our / this weekend / cat
help you?
Leah I want to become a member, please. 2 sports centre / you go / yet / the / to / new / ?
Receptionist Sorry. What did you say?
Leah I1 I want to become a 3 climb / they / twice / mountain / that
member, please.
Receptionist Great! And can you tell me your name? 4 town / your / time / in / he spend / ?
Leah Of 2 . It’s Leah Todd.
Receptionist Can you 3
up, please? 5 not break / Celia / leg / her
Leah Leah Todd.
Receptionist Is it with a 4 d? 5
Leah That’s 5 .
Total marks with Extra 55

9 Napisz wpis na bloga poświęcony czemuś,
co chciałbyś/chciałabyś zmienić w swojej szkole.
• przyjazne i bezpośrednie wyrażenie,
• właściwy format tekstu,
• link do innej strony internetowej.

Total 45

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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