Journal 3,4
Journal 3,4
Journal 3,4
ARTICLE 1375 Words which may have different significations shall be understood
in that which is most in keeping with the nature and object of the contract. (1286)
Art 1376. The usage or customs of the place shall be borne in mind in the
interpretation of the ambiguities of a contract, and shall fill the omission of
stipulations which are ordinarily established. (1287)
Article 1377. The interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in a contract
shall not Favor the party who caused the obscurity. (1288)
Article 1378. When it is absolutely impossible to settle doubts by the rules
established in the preceding articles, and the doubts refer to incidental
circumstances of a gratuitous contract, the least transmission of rights and
interests shall prevail. If the contract is onerous, the doubt shall be settled in
favor of the greatest reciprocity of interests.
If the doubts are cast upon the principal object of the contract in such a way that
it cannot be known what may have been the intention or will of the parties, the contract
shall be null and void.
Article 1379. The principles of interpretation stated in Rule 123 of the Rules of
Court shall likewise be observed in the construction of contracts.
Art. 1380. Contracts validly agreed upon may be rescinded in the cases
established by low Meaning of Rescissible Contracts
Rescissible - contracts are those validly agreed upon because all the essential elements
exist and therefore, legally effective, but in the cases established by law, the remedy of
rescission is granted in the interest of equity.
Art 1382. Payments made in a state of insolvency for obligations to whost
fulfillment the debtor could not be compelled at the time they were affected are
also rescissible
Art 1383. The action for rescission is subsidiary: it cannot be instituted except
when the porty suffering damage has no other legal means to obtain reparation
for the some
Art 1384. Rescission shall be only to the extenct necessary to cover the damages
when Rescission is not allowed
Ar 1385. Rescission creates the delegation to return the things which were the
object of the contracts, together with their fruits & the price with its interest
Article 1386. Rescission referred to in NO.1 and 2 of Article 1381 Shall not take
place with respects to contracts approved by the courts.
Article 1387. All contracts by virtue of which the debtor alienates property by
gratuitous title are presumed to have been entered into in fraud of creditors when
the donor did not reserve sufficient property to pay all debts contracted before
the donation.
- Statutory presumptions of fraud in Art. 1887
- Alienation by gratuitous title
- Alienation by onerous title
Article 1388. who ever acquires in bad forth the things alienated in fraud of
Creditors shall indemnify the latter for damages suffered by them on account of
the alienation, whenever due to any cause it should be impossible for him to
return them
Article 1389. The action to claim rescission must be commenced within 4 years.
VOIDABLE CONTRACT ~ con ratify, valid until annulled.
Article 1390.
What contracts are voidable
1. when one of the parties is incapable of giving consent (absolute incapacity).
2.when 1 or more of the vices consent is present
Vices Consent (FUMIV)
*Undue Influence
Arfele 1391. The action for annulment shall be brought within years.
This period shall begin in case of Intimidation Violence or undue influence from the time
the defect of the consent ceases.
Article 1392. Ratification extinguishes the action to annul a voidable contract
Article 1393. Ratification may be effected expressly or tacit, It is understood that
there is a tacit Ratification of with knowledge of the reason which renders the
contract voidable and such reason which renders the contract voidable and such
reason having ceased, the person who has right to involve it should execute an
act which necessarily implies an intention to waive his right
Article 1394. Ratification may be affected by the guardian of the incapacitated
Article 1395. Ratification does not require the conformity of the contracting party
who has no right to bring the action for annulment.
Article 1396. Ratification cleanses the contract from all its defects from the
moment it was constructed.
Article 1397. The action for the annulment of contracts may be instituted by all
who are thereby obliged principally or subsidiarity.
Article 1398. An obligation having been annulled, the contracting parties shall
restore to each other the things which have been the subject matter of the
contract, with their fruits, and the price with its interest except in case provided
by low, in obligations to render service the value thereof shall be the basis for
Article 1399. When the defect of the contract consists in the incapacity of one of
the parties, the incapacitated person is not obliged to do any restitution except in
so far as he has been benefited by the thing or price received by him.
Article 1400. whenever the person is obliged by the decree of Annulment to
return. the thing can not do so because it has been lost through his fault, he shall
1. the fruits received
2. the value of the thing at the time of the loss
3. and with interest from the same date
Article 1401. The action for annulment of contracts shall be extinguished when
the thing which is the object thereof is lost Through the fraud of fault of the
person who has a right to institute the proceedings.
Article 1402. As long as of the contracting parties does not restore what in virtue
of the decree of annulment he is bound tore turn, the other cannot be compelled
to comply with what is incumbent upon him
Article 1403. Embodying the essential of the contract and signed by the
party.charged or his agent, suffices to make the verbal agreement enforceable,
taking out of the operation of the statute.
Article 1404. Unauthorized contracts are governed by article 1317 & the principles
of agency in title x of this book.
Article 1405. Contracts infringing the statute of frauds, referred to in No.2 Article
1403, are ratified by the failure to deject to the presentation of oral evidence to
prove the same V or by the acceptance of benefits.
Article 1406. When a contract is enforceable under the statute of frauds and a
public document is necessary for its registration in the registry of deeds, the
parties may avail themselves of the right under article 1387.
Article 1407. In a contract where both parties ons incapable of giving consent,
express or implied ratification by the parent or guardian.
Article 1408. Unenforceable contents cannot be assailed by third persons. Right
of 3rd persons to assail unenforceable contracts.
VOID -are inexist, it can be ratified
-produces no effect at all
-no action is required to set aside
Article 1409. The ff. contracts are inexistent and void from the beginning
1. Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to low morals, good
customs, public order or public policy.
2. Those which are obdurately simulated or fictitious.
Article 3411, when the nullity proceeds from the illegality of the cause or object of
the contract, and the act constitutes criminal offense, both parties being in pari
delicto, they shall have no action against each other, and both shall be
Article 1412. if the act in which the unlawful or forbidden cause consists does not
constitute a criminal offense.
Article 1414.when money is paid or property delivered for an illegal purpose, the
contract may be repudiated by one of the parties before the purpose has been
caused to a third person.
Article 1415. where one of the parties to an illegal contract is incapable of giving
consent, the courts may, if the interest of justice so demands, allow recovery of
money or property delivered by the incapacitated person,
Article 1416. When the agreement is not illegal per se but is merely prohibited,
and the prohibition by the law is designed for the protection of the plaintiff, it
may, if public policy is thereby enhanced, recover what he has paid or delivered.
Article 1417. when the price of any article or commodity is determined by statute,
or by authority of Law, any person paving any amount in excess of the maximum
price allowed may recover such excess.
Article 1418.When the law fixes or authorizes the fixing of the maximum number
of hours of labor and a contract is entered into whereby a laborer undertakes to
work longer than the maximum thus fixed, he may demand additional
compensation for service rendered beyond the time limit.
Article 1419. when the low sets, or authorizes the settings of a minimum wage for
laborers, and a contract is agreed upon by which a laborer accepts a lower wage,
he shall be entitled to recover the deficiency.
Article 1420. In case of divisible contract, if the illegal terms can be separated
from the legal ones the latter may be enforced.
Article 1421. The defense of illegality of contracts is not available to third persons
whose interest are not directly affected
Article 1422. A contract which is the direct result of a previous illegal Contract is
also void and inexistent..