Thermography of Microsystems
Thermography of Microsystems
Thermography of Microsystems
The development and optimization of microsystems, such as microreactors, micro heat exchange systems,
microactuators, microsensors, and others, often require the knowledge of the temperature distribution within
the microsystem. This paper deals with the application of thermography in the 3.5 - 5.5 µm and the 8 -14 µm
spectral bands to such microsystems. The spatial resolution of the temperature measurement was as low as
60 µm, and the time resolution was 20 ms. The results show that this microthermography method is a
powerful tool for the characterization of such microsystems with respect to:
• precise characterization of time-dependent chemical reactions and spatial distribution of the reaction
zone in falling film, glass, and silicon microreactors.
• determination of heat transfer efficiency in micro heat exchange systems.
• characterization of micro Peltier coolers and micro cryogenic actuators.
• characterization of temperature distribution on semiconductor gas sensors.
Microsystems engineering is likely to be a key technology in the twenty-first century. Microsystems promise to
revolutionize nearly every product category. Light-weight and compact microreactors with increased heat and
mass transfer rates become possible. This results in highly efficient devices for chemical reactions with
extremely precise control of process conditions.
MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) is an enabling technology that allows the development of smart
products, augmenting the computational ability of microelectronics with the perception and control capabilities
of microsensors and microactuators, and expanding the range of possible applications. For a lot of
microsystems, the temperature, the spatial temperature distribution, and thermal response time are among
the most important parameters. Obviously, a contactless measurement is needed to analyze these
parameters for microsystem components (reactors, sensors, actuators). Hence, thermography can play an
important role for the thermal characterization of different microsystems to support research and development
work and to control system operation without modifying system performance.
Falling Film Reactor
In Figure 1 the components of the falling film microreactor are shown. It can be used, e.g., for gas-liquid
reactions. Figure 1 (right) illustrates the principle to generate thin films in the µm range on a reaction plate
with microchannels. The fluid is distributed on the reaction plate and flows downwards to the withdrawal zone
at the bottom as a fluid film. While the flow direction of the liquid reactant corresponds to the direction of
gravity, the gaseous phase can be guided co- or counter-currently relative to the liquid phase.
Figure 2. Starting wetting behavior of a reaction plate with channels 1200 x 400 µm² loaded with a
volume flow of 250 ml/h isopropanol and heated to 31°C at different times.
With respect to the fluid equipartition, the results are in excellent agreement with former investigations [1]. It is
obvious that a very uniform residence time distribution was achieved, since the fluid front has moved the
same distance in all microchannels.
Heat management plays an important role for many reactions. Contactless temperature measurement using
IR cameras enables the recording of a temperature profile of a complete reaction plate, with a single
measurement at high spatial resolution sufficient to reveal details smaller than the characteristic dimensions.
Figure 3 (left) shows an IR image of the temperature distribution of the reaction plate, wetted with isopropanol
under non-reacting conditions while Figure 3 (right) reveals a temperature plot along a line depicted in IR
image, extracted from the corresponding data of the IR image, crossing several microchannels. Apart from
reflection of environmental radiation at the bottom of the reaction plate, the temperature profile is very
homogeneous. The maximum deviation from the set value of 30°C amounts to ± 0.3°C along the line; for the
whole reaction plate area of 27 mm x 65 mm, it amounts to about ± 0.5°C.
Figure 3. IR image with a temperature profile of a heated reaction plate, wetted with isopropanol
Figure 5. Temperature profile of CO2 absorption into a 2.0 M solution of NaOH from start until complete
consumption of all CO2.
The Fraunhofer ICT developed a glass microreactor for controlled liquid/liquid chemical reactions with
strongly exothermic behavior [5]. This reactor, shown in Figure 6, is made from photo-etchable, chemical-
resistant, and temperature-stable Foturan® glass.
The reactant liquids are injected through the inputs reactant 1 and 2 (Fig.6). The chemical reaction occurs
within the mixing and the reaction channels (width approximately 120 µm). A separate cooling system is
integrated in the microsystem behind the reaction channels.
Within the wavelength region 3 to 5 µm, the Foturan glass with a thickness of 1 mm shows a transmission of
50%. Therefore, thermal processes inside the reactor can be observed using a short wave IR camera THV
During the first tests with hot water (T ≈ 80°C), strong temperature inhomogeneities were found (Fig. 7).
These inhomogeneities are amplified during additional cooling with room temperature water. These results
can be used to optimize the assembly of the reacting and the cooling channels.
Figure 7. Test of the microreactor with H2O (80°C) without and with cooling (IR image for ε ≈ 0.9)
As a chemical test reaction, 96% sulfuric acid was diluted with water. Figure 8 demonstrates that time-
dependent, spatially resolved thermography is a powerful method for an adjustment and control of the
process parameters.
If the flow rates and/or the flow rate ratio of the reactants are unfavorably selected, the chemical reaction
occurs not in the microchannels, as desired, but uncontrolled and without necessary cooling within the drain.
These results are used to improve the design of the microreactor to ensure a homogeneous and controlled
chemical reaction inside the reaction channels.
The silicon microreactor shown in Figure 9 was developed for process-controlled, strongly exothermic
liquid/liquid chemical reactions within 9 parallel microchannels (channel width approximately 300 µm). The
special geometry and the configuration were designed by computer simulations for an optimum mixing of the
reactants. The silicon microreactor should be applied, e.g., for the nitration of diethyl urea with N2O5.
Figure 9: Cutaway view of the Si microreactor and IR image of the reaction channels filled with hot water
The thermography analysis of this nitration reaction of urea results in an unexpected surprise. In contrast to
expectations, inhomogeneous reactions occurred with hot spots along the reaction channels (Fig. 10).
Dependent on the pressure, the flow-rates, and the temperature of the reactants within the reaction zone, the
IR images show time-dependent, localized hot spots like “thunderbolts” in different reaction channels.
So far, the reasons for these unexpected results are unknown. The structures and the geometries of the
reactor have to be improved in order to get a homogeneous and continuous distribution of the chemical
reaction across the whole reactor.
Figure 11. Assembly of the micro heat exchange system and an IR image of the primary circuit
Applying time- and spatially resolved thermography, the thermal processes and the heat transfer in the micro
heat exchanger can be studied precisely. The different operation methods (co-current and counter-current
flow or parallel and antiparallel mode) can be characterized very accurately (Fig. 12).
The IR images show a very smoothly varying temperature across the heat exchanger. Due to the small
temperature gradient, system operation is remarkably homogeneous. This is shown in Figure 13. Obviously,
all 5 meanders show about the same temperature gradient, especially for counter-current flow operation.
Figure 13. Temperature profile along selected meanders after ca. 30 s (antiparallel primary and secondary
circuit, noncalibrated temperatures). Meander 1 is partially covered by the housing.
Time-resolved thermography offers the possibility of a detailed analysis of thermal processes, as shown for
counter-current flow in Figure 14. Time-dependent temperatures at selected measuring points can be used to
determine the time response and the heat transfer efficiency. The statistically occurring spikes of temperature
InfraMation 2004 Proceedings ITC 104 A 2004-07-27
are caused by small air bubbles within the channels. The apparent temperature change is caused by a
temporary change of emissivity between water and air.
Figure 15. Photo of the cryogenic actuator and IR image (recorded at an angle from the bottom of the gripper)
during cooling
For the optimization and functionality of the gripper, a detailed knowledge of the thermal properties at the top
of the gripper is necessary. Therefore, time-resolved measurements of the temperature distribution were
carried out. Figure 16 shows the temperatures at the top of the gripper during periodic operations of freezing,
transport, and heating. From these, the operating parameters are determined, i.e., the current for the Peltier
cooler/heater at the top of the gripper with regard to the cycle times.
Figure 19. Time response of the miniaturized Peltier cooler from a thermography measurement (applied voltage:
square pulsed = blue curve, step pulsed = red curve)
Figure 20. Photo (chip size approximately 5 mm x 5 mm) and IR image (with an isotherm ∆T = 12 K) of the metal
oxide gas sensors from Fraunhofer IPM
Thermography was used to analyze the surface temperature of the sensors, the thermal response time to
heat up the sensor to the operational temperature, and the spatial temperature distribution on the chip (Fig.
20, 21). The temperature distribution is very homogeneous with ∆T ≈ 10 K.
The time response during heating is shown in Figure 22. Within a very narrow window, all 4 sensors stay the
same, although their temperatures are continuously rising. The heating process shows two time constants: a
very fast heating up at the beginning and then a slow temperature increase. Because the sensitivity strongly
depends on the sensor temperature, these results are now used to optimize chip structures to get a short-time
response of the gas sensor.
Figure 22. Time-dependent temperatures at sensor areas (SP01-SP04) and the heater (SP05)
The authors wish to thank the IMM in Mainz, Germany; the Fraunhofer ICT in Pfinztal, Germany the mgt
mikroglas AG in Mainz, Germany; the NAISS GmbH in Berlin, Germany; and Fraunhofer IPM in Freiburg,
Germany for providing the microsystems used in this work.
This work was partially supported by the applied research grant 17 094 02 from the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research.
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