Project Time Table M.A. Sem IV
Project Time Table M.A. Sem IV
Project Time Table M.A. Sem IV
KEg.ffi3flqfisferr AND OPEN LEARNING
sY. qiov (qrd srqf qqq, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan,
ffi. in-drgfl (Ed), Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East),
T€ - 8oo og.. Estd. 1971 Mumbai - 400 098.
WeNe :,ir/distanceopen-leaniq e-mail :,in Tel. No. - A2226527082
1. The students must ensure that they make themselves properly aware about the
syllabus, paper
pattern, time table schedule prescribed by the lDoL and should make requisite
(Smartphones, /Laptop/Tab/Desktop/any other gadget, lnternet connectivity)
to appear for the
online examination.
2. Time duration to upload the Project will be 30 minutes. students have to choose
30 minutes.
slot between the scheduled time. lf you will log at 8,45 p.m. in this case you will get
only 15
3. Please follow the instructions given in the attached project manual while preparing
the project.
5. The students have to upload the already prepared project within the scheduled
time on the
given link.
7. Please take care that while logging to upload the project the pDF file of the project
must be
ready with you so that it will be easy to upload the file within the stipulated
Note : Kindlv see the attached proiect Manual for more details
Project Examination Timetable
M.A SEMESTER-IV (CBCS) Jan-Dec Session 2022 - 2022 Session.
Tuesday, April 18,2023 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p,m. 261,5 Economics - Project
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. 401,9 - J English - Prolect
Tuesday, April L8,2023 9.00 a,rn, to 9.00 p,m. PAH IN 116-J Hindi- Project
Tuesday, April L8,2023 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. HAELTV-2.17-r History - Project
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. 99 109 Marathi - Project
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. PA POL P 401.-J Politics - Project
Tuesday, April L8, 2023 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. cc.P.812 - Sociology -Project
University of Mumbai
Under the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai
Inclusion of project work in the learning process for the completion of the course is one of the
ambitious aspects in the programme structure. The key objective of including project work
is to incorporate the element of research work, which will test the learner's eagerness to learn
and capacity to describe specific aspects of the study in his/her own perspective. The previous
semesters helped the learners to explore theoretical aspects, while this paper will help to test
the acquired knowledge and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the real life
situations. This guide will provide you with the guidelines and the framework in which you
are expected to submit your project.
➢ Project has to be submitted in the Handwritten Format on One Side Ruled A4 Size
sheets already provided in the project manual.
➢ The Project should be of 30-40 pages approximately.
➢ The Project shall be submitted in the PDF format and uploaded on the link that will
be provided by the service provider.
➢ The Size of the PDF File should be 15MB-20MB.
• Projects should be submitted within the time frame announced by the Institute.
• Any delays in the Project submission will not be entertained.
• In case of failing in the project work, the same project can be revised for ATKT
Under the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai
University of Mumbai
Institute of Distance and Open Learning
A Project is submitted
For the award
M.A. (C.B.C.S) Degree
In the subject of
Submitted by
Seat Number
Under the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai
On separate page
Under the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai
Structure of the Project Work
Name and Signature of the learner
Under the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai
Evaluation /Gradation/Passing Criteria
• The Project Component will be evaluated for 75 marks and Internal assessment will be conducted
for 25 marks.
• Minimum Marks required for Passing is 40 percent.
• Projects should be submitted within the time frame announced by the Institute
• Any delays in the Project submission will not be entertained
• Incase of failing submission of project, the same title can be submitted at the time of
repeaters examination.
Under the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai
Under the Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai