Con Te XT Manual

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the manual

Hans Hagen
November 12, 2001
This document is typeset using pdfTEX. The body font is Lucida Bright at 10 points. The layout
is based on a 24 cm square paper size, scaled down .875 to fit nicely on an A4.

TEX and AMS-TEX are trademarks of the American Mathematical Society; METAFONT is a trade-
mark of Addison--Wesley Publishing Company; PostScript, Portable Document Format and Ac-
robat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated; dvipsone and dviwindo are trademarks
of Y&Y Incorporated; ibm is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation; ms-
dos is a trademark of MicroSoft Corporation; all other product names are trademarks of their

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.

C 1991–2001 PRAGMA ADE, Ridderstraat 27, 8061GH Hasselt, The Netherlands, prag-


Preface 3

1 Introduction 5

1.1 TEX 5 1.2 CONTEXT 5 1.3 Commands 6 1.4 Programs 9 1.5 Files 9
1.6 Texts 10 1.7 Version numbers 11 1.8 Top ten 12 1.9 Warning 12

2 Documents 13

2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 Start and stop 13 2.3 Structure 14 2.4 Directories 18
2.5 Versions 19 2.6 Modes 19

3 Page design 21

3.1 Introduction 21 3.2 Paper dimensions 21 3.3 Page composition 22

3.4 Grids 33 3.5 Printing 36 3.6 Arranging pages 39 3.7 Logo types 48

4 Layout 51

4.1 Introduction 51 4.2 Paragraphs 51 4.3 Line spacing 51 4.4 Indentation 54

4.5 Vertical spacing (whitespacing) 55 4.6 Word spacing 59 4.7 Struts 59 4.8 Text
in the margin 60 4.9 Subscript and superscript 63 4.10 Columns 64 4.11 Para-
graphs in columns 66 4.12 Tabulate 70 4.13 Alignment 71 4.14 New lines 73
4.15 New page 75 4.16 Pagenumbers 76 4.17 Headers and footers 78 4.18 Foot-
notes 82 4.19 Aligned boxes 85 4.20 Makeup 87

5 Typography 89

5.1 Introduction 89 5.2 The mechanism 91 5.3 Font switching 92 5.4 Charac-
ters 94 5.5 Available alternatives 94 5.6 Emphasize 95 5.7 Capitals 96 5.8 Ver-
batim text 98 5.9 Math 102 5.10 Em and Ex 103 5.11 Definitions 104 5.12 Page
texts 109 5.13 Files 110 5.14 Figures 111

6 Color and background 113

6.1 Introduction 113 6.2 Color 113 6.3 Grayscales 116 6.4 Colorgroups and
palettes 117 6.5 Text backgrounds 121 6.6 Layout backgrounds 122 6.7 Over-
lays 123 6.8 METAPOST 124

7 Language specific issues 127

7.1 Introduction 127 7.2 Automatic hyphenating 127 7.3 Definitions and setups 128
7.4 Date 130 7.5 Labels and heads 131 7.6 Language specific commands 132
7.7 Automatic translation 132 7.8 Composed words 133

8 Text elements 135

8.1 Introduction 135 8.2 Subdividing the text 136 8.3 Variations in titles 139
8.4 Meta--structure 144 8.5 Alternative mechanisms 145

9 References 149

9.1 Table of contents 149 9.2 Synonyms 159 9.3 Sorting 162 9.4 Marking 163
9.5 Cross references 167 9.6 Predefined references 172 9.7 Registers 172

10 Descriptions 179

10.1 Introduction 179 10.2 Definitions 179 10.3 Enumeration 181 10.4 Indent-
ing 185 10.5 Numbered labels 186 10.6 Itemize 187 10.7 Items 195 10.8 Cita-
tions 196

11 Lines and frames 199

11.1 Introduction 199 11.2 Single lines 199 11.3 Fill in rules 201 11.4 Text
lines 203 11.5 Underline 204 11.6 Framing 206 11.7 Framed texts 212 11.8 Mar-
gin rules 215 11.9 Black rules 216 11.10 Grids 217

12 Blocks 219

12.1 Introduction 219 12.2 Floats 219 12.3 Combining figures 226 12.4 Text
blocks 228 12.5 Opposite blocks 235 12.6 Margin blocks 235 12.7 Hiding text 235
12.8 Postponing text 236 12.9 Buffers 236

13 Figures 239

13.1 Introduction 239 13.2 Defining figures 239 13.3 Recalling figures 243
13.4 Automatic scaling 244 13.5 TEX--figures 245 13.6 Extensions of figures 246
13.7 Movies 247 13.8 Some remarks on figures 247

A Definitions 249

B Index 283

C Commands 287
This manual is about ConTEXt, a system for typesetting documents. Central element in this
name is the word TEX because the typographical programming language TEX is the base for

People who are used to TEX will probably identify this manual as a TEX document. They
recognise the use of \. One may also notice that the way pararaphs are broken into lines is
often better than in the avarage typesetting system.

In this manual we will not discuss TEX in depth because highly recommended books on TEX
already exist. We would like to mention:

1. the unsurpassed The TEXBook by Donald E. Knuth, the source of all knowledge and TEXnical

2. the convenient TEX by Topic by Victor Eijkhout, the reference manual for TEX programmers,

3. the recommended The Beginners Book of TEX by Silvio Levy and Raymond Seroul, the book
that turns every beginner into an expert

For newcomers we advise (3), for the curious (1), and for the impatient (2). ConTEXt users will
not need this literature, unless one wants to program in TEX, uses special characters, or has to
typeset math. Again, we would advise (3).

You may ask yourself if TEX is not one of the many typesetting systems to produce documents.
That is not so. While many systems in eighties and nineties pretended to deliver perfect
typographical output, TEX still does a pretty good job compared to others.

TEX is not easy to work with, but when one gets accustemed to it, we hope you will appreciate
its features,

Hans Hagen, 1996--1999

Introduction 5


1.1 TEX
TEX was developed at the Stanford University during the seventies. The designer, developer and
spiritual father of TEX is Donald E. Knuth. Knuth developed TEX to typeset his own publications
and to give an example of a systematically developed and annotated program.
The TEX project was supported by the American Mathematical Society and resulted in the 1
programming language and program TEX, the programming language and program METAFONT,
the Computer Modern typefaces and a number of tools and publications.
TEX is used worldwide, supports many languages, runs on almost every platform and is stable
since 1982, which is rather unique in today’s information technology.
TEX is a batch--oriented typesetting system. This means that the complete text is processed
from beginning to end during which typesetting commands are interpreted. Because you tell
your typesetting intentions to TEX, the system can also be qualified as an intentional typesetting
In most documents one can stick to commands that define the structure and leave the typo-
graphic details to ConTEXt. One can concentrate on the content, instead of on makeup; the
author can concentrate on his reader and his intentions with the text. In this respect one
can classify ConTEXt as an intentional system. We prefer such a system over a page--oriented
system, especially in situations where you have to process bulky documents of with regularly
changing content. Furthermore an intentional typesetting system is rather flexible and makes
it possible to change layout properties depending on its application. It can also cooperate
quite well with other text--processing programs and tools.

The development of ConTEXt was started in 1990. A number of TEX based macropackages
had been used to our satisfaction. However, the non--technical users at our company were
not accustomed to rather complex and non--Dutch interfaces. For this reason we initiated the
development of ConTEXt with a parameter driven interface and commands that are easy to
understand. Initially the user interface was only available in Dutch.
The functionality of ConTEXt was developed during the production of a great number of
complex educational materials and workplace manuals and handbooks. In 1994 the package
was stable enough to warrant a Dutch user manual. Over the years ConTEXt has been upgraded
with many features and German and English interfaces were added. Though ConTEXt is as
(un)stable as any other macropackage there are still a great number of wishes. These will be
implemented in the spirit of the existing ConTEXt commands.
ConTEXt comes with a number of Perl scripts, like TEXutil and TEXexec. Also a number of
modules are available, like ppchTEX for typesetting chemical structures.

TEX — ConTEXt 1
6 Introduction

1.3 Commands
A ConTEXt document is normally coded in ascii. Such a document consist of text mixed with
ConTEXt commands. These commands tell the system how the text should be typeset. An
example of such a command is \sl. A ConTEXt command begins with a backslash (\). Most
of the time a command does something with the text that comes after the command. The text
after the command \sl will be typed slanted.
When we use a command like \sl we are typesetting. Typesetting and writing are conflicting
activities. As an author you would rather spend as little time as possible with typesetting.
However, you want to indicate that something has to happen with the text. An example is
a command like \em (emphasis). Commands like \em enable the typesetter to change the
meaning of this command without having to edit the text.
A TEX user normally speaks of macros instead of com-
mands. A macro is a, often small, program. Although
ConTEXt we will use both ‘command’ and ‘macro’, we try to con-
sistently use the word command for users and macro for
plain TEX programmers.
A collection of macros is called a macropackage. We be-
TEX lieve ConTEXt is one of the most extensive and complete
macropackages. One of the advantages of ConTEXt is the
availability of most of the plain TEX macros.
A command is often followed by setups or by text. Setups
are placed between brackets ([]). The scope or range of
Figure 1.1 the command, the text acted upon, is placed between
curly brackets ({}). For example:
\framed[width=2cm,height=1cm]{that’s it}
If we process this text and command by TEX we get:

that’s it

Setups in ConTEXt are defined by commands like:

In both examples the setups are placed between []. Several setups are defined in a comma
list. A number of examples are:
There are also commands that are used to define new commands. For example:

1 Commands
Introduction 7

Sometimes a definition inherits its characteristics from another (existing) one. In those situa-
tions a definition looks like:
In many cases one can also pass settings to these commands. In that case a definition looks
These setups can also be defined in a later stage with:
An example of such a name coupled definiton and setup is:
The alternatives shown above are the most common appearances of the commands. But there
are exceptions:
After the first command the newly defined command \Question is available which we can
use for numbered questions and to place numbers in the margin. With the second command
we define a picture that is scaled to a width of 4cm. After the third command a new com-
mand \procedure is available that inherits its characteristics from the predefined command
\section. The last command alters the characteristics of the newly defined head. Later we
will discuss these commands in more detail.
Many typographical operations are performed on a text that is enclosed within a start-stop
Often keywords or key--value pairs can be passed, that inform ConTEXt on the users wishes:
\item .............................
\item .............................

Commands 1
8 Introduction

We use begin-end constructions to mark textblocks. Marked textblocks can be typeset, hid-
den, replaced or called up at other locations in the document.


These commands enable the author to type questions and answers in one location and place
them at another location in the document. Answers could be placed at the end of a chapter


In this case answers will be typeset in a smaller bodyfont size, but only when asked for. They
are hidden by default, but stored in such a way, that they can later be typeset.

Commands come in many formats. Take for example:

{This is an example of a logo.}

This command places a picture at the left hand side of a text while the text flows around
the picture. The picture has a reference fig:logo, i.e. a logical name. The third argument
contains the title and the fourth calls the picture. In this case the picture is a figure defined
earlier as Logo. Figure 1.1 is typeset this way.

The last example has arguments between optional brackets ([]). Many commands have op-
tional arguments. In case these optional arguments are left out the default values become

You may have noticed that a spacy layout of your ascii text is allowed. In our opnion, this
increases readability considerably, but you may of course decide to format your document
otherwise. When the ConTEXt commands in this manual are discussed they are displayed in
the following way:

1 Commands
Introduction 9

\setupfootertexts[.1.][.2.][.3.] 78
.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

The command \setupfootertexts, which we will discuss in detail in a later chapter, has three
arguments of which the first is optional. The first argument defaults to [text]. Optional ar-
guments are displayed as slanted text. Default values are underlined and possible alternatives
are typeset slanted. In this example text means that you can provide any footertext. ConTEXt
is able to keep track of the status of information on the page, for instance the name of the
current chapter. We call this kind of information mark, so the command \setupfootertexts
accept references to marks, like those belonging to sectioning commands: chapter, section,
etc. The argument date results in the current systemdate.

When the setup of some commands are displayed you will notice a ñð in the right hand top
corner of the frame. This indicates that this command has a special meaning in interactive or
screen documents. Commands for the interactive mode only show solid arrows, commands
with an additional functionality show gray arrows.

1.4 Programs
TEX does a lot of text manipulations during document processing. However, some manipula-
tions are carried out by TEXutil. This program helps TEX to produce registers, lists, tables of
contents, tables of formulas, pictures etc. This program is a Perl script.

Document processing can best be done with TEXexec. This Perl script enables the user to use
different processing modes and to produce different output formats. It also keeps track of
changes and processes the files as many times as needed to get the references and lists right.

1.5 Files
TEX is used with ascii source files. ascii is an international standardized computer alphabet.
The ascii file with the prescribed extension tex is processed by TEX. During this process TEX
produces a file with graphical commands. This file has the extension dvi. A machine--specific
driver transforms this file into a format that is accepted by photosetters and printers. Usually,
PostScript drivers are used to produce PostScript files.

ConTEXt relies on plain TEX. Plain TEX, ConTEXt and a third package TABLE are brought together
in a so called format file. TABLE is a powerful package for typesetting tables. A format file can
be recognized by its suffix fmt. TEX can load format files rather fast and efficiently.

A dvi file can be viewed on screen with a dedicated program. For electronic distribution Post-
Script files can be transformed (distilled) into Portable Document Format (pdf) files. pdf files
are of high graphical quality and are also interactive (hyperlinked). ConTEXt fully supports
pdfTEX, which means that you can generate pdf output directly.

Programs — Files 1
10 Introduction

1.6 Texts
1.6.1 Characters
A TEX text contains ascii characters. Higher ascii values to produce characters like ë, ô and ñ
can also be used in this version of TEX. Some characters in TEX have a special meaning. These
characters can be typeset by putting a \ in front of it. A % is obtained by typing \%. If one
would type only a % the result would be undesirable because TEX interprets text after a % as
comment that should not be processed. A $ is produced by \$. A $ without a \ indicates the
beginning of the mathemathical mode.

1.6.2 Paragraphs
TEX performs its operations mostly upon the text element paragraph. A paragraph is ended
by \par or preferably by an empty line. Empty lines in an ascii text are preferred because of

1.6.3 Boxes
In this manual we will sometimes talk about boxes. Boxes are the building blocks of TEX. TEX
builds a page in horizontal and vertical boxes. Every character is a box, a word is also a box
built out of a number of boxes, a line is . . .

When TEX is processing a document many messages may occur on the screen. Some of these
messages relate to overfull or underful boxes. Horizontal and vertical boxes can be typeset
by the TEX commands \hbox and \vbox. Displacements can be achieved by using \hskip and
\vskip. It does not hurt to know a bit about the basics of TEX, because that way one can far
more easilly write his or her own alternatives to, for instance, chapter headers.

1.6.4 Fonts
TEX is one of the few typesetting systems that does math typesetting right. To do so TEX
needs a complete fontfamily. This means not only the characters and numbers but also the
mathematical symbols. Complete fontfamilies are Computer Modern Roman and Lucida Bright.
Both come in serif and sans serif characters and a monospaced character is also available.
Other fontfamilies are available.

1.6.5 Dimensions
Characters have dimensions. Spacing between words and lines have dimensions. These dimen-
sions are related to one of the units of table 1.1. For example the linespacing in this document
is 14.83998pt.

We will often specify layout dimensions in points or centimeters or milimeters. A point is

about .35mm. Most dimensions are rather American. The European Didot point is equivalent
to 1/2660m = 3.759398496mm.

Next to the mentioned dimension TEX also uses em and ex. Both are font dependant. An ex
has the height of an x, and an em the width of an M. In the Computer Modern Roman typefaces,
numbers have a width of 1/2em, while a — (---) is one em.

1 Texts
Introduction 11

dimension meaning equivalent

pt point 72.27pt = 1in

pc pica 1pc = 12pt
in inch 1in = 2.54cm
bp big point 72bp = 1in
cm centimeter 2.54cm = 1in
mm millimeter 10mm = 1cm
dd didot point 1157dd = 1238pt
cc cicero 1cc = 12dd
sp scaled point 65536sp = 1pt

Table 1.1 Dimensions in TEX.

1.6.6 Error messages

While processing a document, TEX generates status messages (what is TEX doing), warning
messages (what could TEX do better) and error messages (what considers TEX wrong). An error
message is always followed by a halt and processing will be stopped. A linenumber and a ?
will appear on screen. At the commandline you can type H for help and the available commands
will be displayed.

Some fatal errors will lead to an * on the screen. TEX is expecting a filename and you have
to quit processing. You can type stop or exit and if that doesn’t work you can always try
ctrl-z or ctrl-c.

1.7 Version numbers

TEX was frozen in 1982. This meant that no functionality would be added from that time on.
However, exceptions were made for the processing of multi--language documents, the use of
8-bits ascii--values and composed characters. Additionally some bugs were corrected. At this
moment TEX version 3.141592 is being used. The final TEX version number will be π , while
METAFONT will become the Euler number e.

ConTEXt can handle both ε-TEX and pdfTEX, which are extensions to TEX. Both are still under
development, so we suggest using the latest versions available. This manual is typeset using
pdf-ε-TEX, with ε-TEX version 2.1 and pdfTEX version 14h.

ConTEXt is still under development. Macros are continually improved in terms of functional-
ity and processing speed. Improvements are made within existing macros. For example the
possibility to produce highly interactive pdf documents has altered some low--level function-
ality of ConTEXt but did not alter the interface. We hope that in due time ConTEXt will be a
reasonable complete document processing system, and we hope this manual shows enough of
its possibilities. This document was processed with version 2001.11.5.

Version numbers 1
12 Introduction

1.8 Top ten

A novice user might be shooed away by the number of ConTEXt commands. Satisfying results
can be obtained by only using the next ten groups of commands:

1. \starttext, \stoptext
2. \chapter, \section, \title, \subject, \setuphead, \completecontent
3. \em, \bf, \cap
4. \startitemize, \stopitemize, \item, \head
5. \abbreviation, \infull, \completelistofabbreviations
6. \placefigure, \externalfigure, \useexternalfigures
7. \placetable, \starttable, \stoptable
8. \definedescription, \defineenumeration
9. \index, \completeindex
10. \setuplayout, \setupfootertexts, \setupheadertexts

1.9 Warning
ConTEXt users can define their own commands. These newly defined commands may conflict
with plain TEX or ConTEXt commands. Therefore it is advisable to use capital characters in
your own command definitions.


This command starts a new chapter and defines an index entry with the same name.

1 Top ten — Warning


2.1 Introduction
Why should one use TEX in the first place? Many people start using TEX because they want to
typeset math. Others are charmed by the possibility of separating content and make--up. Yet
another kind of user longs for a programmable system. And let us not forget those users that
go for quality. 2
When using TEX one does not easily run into capacity problems. Typesetting large documents
with hundreds of pages is typically a job for TEX. If possible, when coding a document one
should look beyond the current document. These days we see documents that were originally
typeset for paper being published in electronic format. And how about making a stripped
version of a 700 page document? A strict separation between content and layout (make--up)
on the one hand and an acceptable redundancy in structure on the other is often enough to
guarantee multiple use of one document source.

A system like ConTEXt is meant to make life easier. When coding a document the feeling
can surface that “this or that should be easier”. This feeling often reflects the truth and the
answer to the question can often be found in this manual, although sometimes obscured. It
takes some time to learn to think in structure and content, certainly when one is accustomed
to mouse driven word processors. In this chapter we focus on the structure of collections of

2.2 Start and stop

In a self contained text we use the following commands to mark the begin and end of a text:


The first command takes care of a number of initializations and the last command tells TEX
that processing can stop. When this command is left out TEX will display a * (a star) on the
command line at the end of the job. TEX will expect a command, for example \end.

It is advisable to type the document setups before the \start--command, the so called setup
area of the document. In this way a clever word--processor can identify where the text starts,
and therefore can include those setups when it partially processes the document, given of
course that it supports partial processing of files.

In the example below a very simple layout is being used.



\unknown\ America has always been a land set firmly not in the past, but
in the future. On a recent visit to England, I found dozens of wonderful

Introduction — Start and stop 2

14 Documents

bookstores chock full of the past --- ancient history, rooms full of it,
and great literature in such monumental stacks as to be overwhelming. In
the usual American bookstore, history might occupy a few bookcases; great
literature has its honoured place, but this year’s paperbacks dominate. The
past is not disregarded, but neither does it loom so large and run so deep
in our blood.


{\bf Greg Bear, introduction to Tangents (1989).}


The commands \starttext...\stoptext may be nested. Within a text a new text containing
\starttext and \stoptext may be loaded.

2.3 Structure
In this section a structured approach of managing your documents is discussed. For very
simple and self containing documents you can use the following approach:

\environment this
\environment that

... some interesting text ...

When you have to typeset very bulky documents it is better to divide your document in logical
components. ConTEXt allows you to setup a project structure to manage your texts. You have
to know that:

• A group of texts that belong together have to be maintained as a whole. We call this a

• Layout characteristics and macros have to be defined at the highest level. For this, the term
environment has been reserved.

• Texts that belong together in a project we call products.

• A product can be divided into components, these components can be shared with other
products. Components can be processed individually.

Programmable word processors can be adapted to this structure.

A project, environment , product or component is started and stopped with one of the following

\startproject ... ... \stopproject

... file

2 Structure
Documents 15

\startproduct ... ... \stopproduct

... file

\startenvironment ... ... \stopenvironment

... file

\startcomponent ... ... \stopcomponent

... file

Before a \start--\stop--pair commands can be added. When a file is not found on the directory
ConTEXt looks for the files on higher level directories. This enables the user to use one or
more environments for documents that are placed on several subdirectories.

command project environment product componnent

\project name ? ?
\environment name (?) (?) (?) (?)
\product name ? (?)
\componentonderdeel name (?) (?)

Table 2.1 The structure commands that can be used in the files that make up a project.

To treat products and components as individual documents, the commands in table 2.1 are
used. The commands marked with ? are obligatory and the commands marked with (?) are
optional. The content is typed before the \stop command.

\startproject documents
An example of a project file.
\environment layout

\product teacher
\product pupil
\product curriculum


\startproduct teacher
The product teacher.tex (a teacher manual) can be
\project documents
defined as shown on the opposite site.
\component teacher1
\component teacher2


Structure 2
16 Documents

\startcomponent teacher2
Here we see the component.
\project documents
\product teacher

... text ...


In most cases working with only \starttext and \stoptext in combination with \input or
\enviroment is sufficient. A project structure has advantages when you have to manage a
great number of texts. Although it is more obvious to process products as a whole, it also
enables you to process components independently, given that the stucture is defined properly.

In principal a project file contains only a list of products and environments. If you would
process the project file all products will be placed in one document. This is seldom wanted.
This manual for example has a project structure. Every part is a product and every chapter is
a component. There are several environments that are loaded in the main project file.

Schematically the coherence between files could be displayed as illustrated in figures 2.1, 2.2
and 2.3.

project product

environ- environ- environ-

ment ment ment

Figure 2.1 An example of project structure.


environ- environ-
ment ment

Figure 2.2 An example with only


It is good practice to put all setups in one environment. In case a component or product has a
different layout you could define localenvironments:

... setups ...

2 Structure
Documents 17



Figure 2.3 An example with only

one component.

A local environment can be typed in an environment file or is a separate file itself. When a
separate file is used the local environment is loaded with:

\localenvironment name

Below you will find an example of a project structure.

\startproject demos
file: demos.tex
\environment environ
\product example This file is used to define the products and environ-

\startenvironment environ
file: environ.tex

\setupfootertexts[part][chapter] In the environment we type the setups that relate to all

\stopenvironment the different products. More than one environment or
local environments per product can be used.

\startproduct example
file: example.tex
\project demos

\startfrontmatter The product file contains the structure of the product.

Because indexes and registers can be evoked quite easily
we do not use a separate file.
\component first
\component second



Structure 2
18 Documents

\startcomponent first
file: first.tex

\completecontent In the components of a product we place the textual

\chapter{First} content, figures etc. It is also possible to request the
..... text ..... tables of content and registers per product.

..... text .....



\startcomponent second
file: second.tex

\completecontent The product contains more than one component. We

\chapter{Alfa} could have defined a product for each part and a com-
..... text ..... ponent for each chapter.

..... text .....



The files first.tex, second.tex and example.tex can be processed separately. As long as
there is one product in this project you can also process project.tex. If you process an
environment there will be no pages of output.

2.4 Directories
Many TEX implementations look for a file in all directories and subdirectories when a requested
file is not in the current directory. This is not only time--consuming but may lead to errors
when the wrong file (a file with the same name) is loaded.

For this reason ConTEXt works somewhat differently. A file that is not available on the working
directory is searched for on the parent directories. This means that environments can be placed
in directories that are parents to the products that use them. For example:


The last three files (in different subdirectories) all use the same environment layout.tex. So,
instead of putting all files into one directory, one can organize them in subdirectories. When
a project is properly set up, that is, as long as the project file and specific environments can
be found, one can process components and products independently.

2 Directories
Documents 19

2.5 Versions
During the process of document production it is useful to generate a provisional version. This
version shows the references and the typesetting failures. The provisional version is produced
when you type:

... final concept temporary

By default the definitive version is produced. In case a preliminary version is produced the
word concept is placed at the bottom of each page. The keyword temporary shows some
information on for instance overfull lines, references, figure placement, and index entries.
Most messages are placed in the margin. In some cases these messages refer to the next pages
because TEX is processing in advance.

2.6 Modes
TEX can directly produce dvi or pdf. A document can be designed for paper and screen, where
the last category often has additional functionality. From one document we can generate
different alternatives, both in size and in design. So, from one source several alternatives can
be generated.
Processing a file in practice comes down to launching TEX with the name of the file to be
processed. Imagine that by default we generate dvi output. Switching to pdf is possible by
enabling another output format in the file itself or a configuration file, but both are far from
for direct pdf output, or for pdf produced from PostScript:
The key to the solution of this problem is TEXexec. This Perl script provides ConTEXt with a
command--line--interface. When we want pdf instead of dvi, we can launch TEXexec with:
texexec --pdf filename
There are more options, like making A5--booklets; more on these features can be found in the
manual that comes with TEXexec. However, one option deserves more time: modes.
texexec --pdf --mode=screen filename
The idea behind modes is that within a style definition, at each moment one can ask for in
what mode the document is processed. An example of a mode dependant definition is:

Versions — Modes 2
20 Documents

if needed, accompanied by:


One can also pass more than one mode, separated by comma’s. There are also some low level
mode dependant commands. Given that we are dealing with a screen mode, we can say:

\doifmodeelse {screen} {do this} {and not that}

\doifmode {screen} {do something}
\doifnotmode {screen} {do something else}

A mode can be activated by saying:


Again, we can pass more modes:


One strength of TEXexec is that one is not forced to enable modes in a file: one can simply
pass a command line switch. Just as with choosing the output format: the less we spoil the
document source with output and mode settings, the more flexible we are.

To enable users to develop a style that adapts itself to certain circumstances, ConTEXt provide
system modes. For the moment there are:

*list the list one called for is placed indeed

*register the register one called for is placed indeed
*interaction interaction (hyperlinks etc) are turned on
*sectionblock the named sectionblock is entered

System modes are prefixed by a *, so they will not conflict with user modes. An example of a
sectionblock mode is *frontmatter. One can use these modes like:


2 Modes
Page design

3.1 Introduction
While processing a text TEX makes use of the actual \hsize (width) and \vsize (height). As
soon as \vsize is exceeded TEX’s output routine is launched. The output routine deals with
the typeset part — most of the time this will be a page. It takes care of typesetting the
headers and footers, the page number, the backgrounds and footnotes, tables and figures.
This rather complex process makes it obvious that the output routine actually makes use of
more dimensions than \hsize and \vsize.

3.2 Paper dimensions

With the command \setuppapersize the dimensions of the paper being used are defined.
There is a difference between the dimensions for typesetting and printing.

.1. A3 A4 A5 A6 letter ... CD name landscape mirrored rotated 90 180 270
.2. A3 A4 A5 A6 letter ... name landscape mirrored rotated negative 90 180 270

The dimensions of DIN formats are given in table 3.1.

format size in mm format size in mm

A0 841 × 1189 A5 148 × 210

A1 594 × 841 A6 105 × 148
A2 420 × 594 A7 74 × 105
A3 297 × 420 A8 52 × 74
A4 210 × 297 A9 37 × 52

Table 3.1 Default paper dimensions.

Other formats like B0--B9 and C0--C9 are also available. You could also use: letter, legal,
folio and executive, envelop 9--14, monarch, check, DL and CD.
A new format can be defined by:

... name
width dimension
height dimension
offset dimension
scale number

Introduction — Paper dimensions 3

22 Page design

For example CD was defined as:

After defining CD you can type:
This means that for typesetting ConTEXt will use the newly defined size CD. The resulting,
rather small page, is positioned on an A4 paper size. This second argument is explained in
detail later.
ConTEXt can also be used to produce screen documents. For that purpose a number of screen
formats are available that relate to the screen dimensions. You can use: S3--S6. These generate
screens with widths varying from 300 to 600 pt and a height of 3/4 of the width.
When one chooses another paper format than A4, the default settings are scaled to fit the new

3.3 Page composition

In page composition we distinguish the main text area, headers and footers, and the margins
(top, bottom, right and left). The main text flows inside the main text area. When defining a
layout, one should realize that the header, text and footer areas are treated as a whole. Their
position on the page is determined by the topspace and backspace dimensions (see picture 3.1).
The header is located on top of the main text area, and the footer comes after it. Normally,
in the header and footer page numbers and running titles are placed. The left and/or right
margin are often used for structural components like marginal notes and/or chapter and
left section numbers. The margins are located in the backspace. Their width has no influence on right
the location of the typesetting area on the page.
On the contrary, the height of the header and footer influence the height of the text area. When
we talk about the height, we mean the sum of the header, text and footer areas. When one
occasionally hides the header or footer, this guarantees a consistent layout.
The dimensions and location of all those areas are set up with \setuplayout.
Setting up the left or right margin has no influence on the typesetting area. In paper docu-
ments this parameter is only of use when keywords or other text are placed in the margin
In paper documents it is sufficient to set up the height, header, footer, top space and back
space. In electronic documents and screen documents however we need some room for navi-
gational tools (see chapter ??). In screen documents it is common practice to use backgrounds.
Therefore it is also possible to set up the space between the text area and the header and footer
on a page, and thereby visually separating those areas.
It is possible to trace the setting by using the following commands:

... text margin edge

3 Page composition
Page design 23



backspace text


margin margin

Figure 3.1 The A4 typesetting area and margins (height =

header + text + footer).

Page composition 3
24 Page design

width dimension fit middle
height dimension fit middle
backspace dimension
topspace dimension
margin dimension
leftmargin dimension
rightmargin dimension
header dimension
footer dimension
top dimension
bottom dimension
leftedge dimension
rightedge dimension
headerdistance dimension
footerdistance dimension
topdistance dimension
bottomdistance dimension
leftmargindistance dimension
rightmargindistance dimension
leftedgedistance dimension
rightedgedistance dimension
horoffset dimension
veroffset dimension
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
marking on off color
location left middle right bottom top singlesided doublesided
scale dimension
nx number
ny number
dx dimension
dy dimension
lines number
grid yes no
bottomspace number
cutspace number

The dimensions can be displayed by:


A multi--page combination of both is generated with:


The width of a text is available as \hsize and the height as \vsize. To be on the safe side
one can better use the \dimen--registers \textwidth and \textheight, \makeupwidth and

3 Page composition
Page design 25

When we are typesetting in one column of text \textwidth and \makeupwidth are identical.
In case of a two columned text the \textwidth is somewhat less than half the makeupwidth.
The \textheight is the \makeupheight minus the height of the header and footer.

variable meaning

\makeupwidth width of a text

\makeupheight height of a text
\textwidth width of a column
\textheight height − header − footer

Table 3.2 Some \dimen variables.

There are also other dimensions available like \leftmarginwidth and \footerheight, but
be aware of the fact that you can only use these variables, you can not set them up. The width
of a figure could for instance be specified as width=.9\leftmarginwidth.

In principal documents are typeset automatically. However, in some cases the output would
become much better if a line would be moved to another page. For these situations you can
adjust the layout momentarily (just for that page) by typing:

... number
height dimension max
lines number

The use of these commands should be avoided because if you alter your document the adjust-
ment would not be necessary anymore. So, if you use this command, use it at the top of your
document. For example:


The layout of page 21 and 38 will temporarily be 0.5 cm higher though the footer will be
maintained at the same height. The numbers to be specified are the numbers in the output

If the layout is disturbed you can reset the layout by:


In some commands you can set up the parameters width and height with the value fit. In
that case the width and height are calculated automatically.

On the next pages we will show a number of A5 page layouts centered on an A4. The default
setups (dimensions) are adequate for standard documents like manuals and papers. The
setup adjusts automatically to the paper size. Notice the use of middle while setting up the
parameters width and height.

Page composition 3
26 Page design

1 1 2 2

alfa 1 beta alfa 2 beta

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design their own experiments.
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
their own experiments. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design their own experiments.
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
their own experiments. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design their own experiments.
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
their own experiments. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,

1 1 2 2

right left

Figure 3.2 The default text--on--page (single sided).

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]
\setuplayout [location=middle,marking=on]
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=singlesided]
\setupbodyfont [lbr,6pt]
\setupheadertexts [alfa][beta]


\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

3 Page composition
Page design 27

1 1 2 2

alfa 1 beta alfa 2 beta

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design their own experiments.
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
their own experiments. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design their own experiments.
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
their own experiments. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design their own experiments.
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
their own experiments. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,

1 1 2 2

right left

Figure 3.3 The default text--on--page (double sided).

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]
\setuplayout [location=middle,marking=on]
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided]
\setupbodyfont [lbr,6pt]
\setupheadertexts [alfa][beta]


\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

Page composition 3
28 Page design

1 1 1 1

alfa 1 beta alfa 1 beta

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
their own experiments. their own experiments.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
their own experiments. their own experiments.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into,
flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the
wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par- The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not par-
ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, ticipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake
their own experiments. their own experiments.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,

1 1 1 1

right left

Figure 3.4 The default text--on--page (single–double sided).

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]
\setuplayout [location=middle,marking=on]
\setuppagenumbering [alternative={singlesided,doublesided}]
\setupbodyfont [lbr,6pt]
\setupheadertexts [alfa][beta][gamma][delta]


\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

3 Page composition
Page design 29

1 1 2 2

alfa 1 beta alfa 2 beta

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.
highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure,
classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog,
blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate,
dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review,
chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
the designer should also write the first user manual. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user;
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these the designer should also write the first user manual.
activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these
perceived why they were important. activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and perceived why they were important.
fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments. But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.
highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure,
classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog,
blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate,
dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review,
chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
the designer should also write the first user manual. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user;
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these the designer should also write the first user manual.
activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these
perceived why they were important. activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and perceived why they were important.
fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments. But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.
highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure,
classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog,
blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate,
dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review,
chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
the designer should also write the first user manual. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user;
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these the designer should also write the first user manual.
activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these
perceived why they were important. activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and perceived why they were important.
fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments. But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.
highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure,
classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog,
blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate,
dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review,
chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
the designer should also write the first user manual. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user;
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these the designer should also write the first user manual.
activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these
perceived why they were important. activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and perceived why they were important.

1 1 2 2

right left

Figure 3.5 Automatically centered text--on--page.

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]
\setuplayout [backspace=1cm,width=middle,
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided]
\setupbodyfont [lbr,6pt]
\setupheadertexts [alfa][beta]


\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

Page composition 3
30 Page design

1 1 2 2

alfa 1 beta alfa 2 beta

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not partic-
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, ipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial
dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints
winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not partic- reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
ipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump,
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review,
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize,
design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not partic-
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, ipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial
dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints
winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not partic- reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
ipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump,
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review,
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize,
design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not partic-
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, ipated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial
dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints
winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,

1 1 2 2

right left

Figure 3.6 A non symmetric text--on--page.

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]
\setuplayout [backspace=1cm,width=.7\paperwidth,
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided]
\setupbodyfont [lbr,6pt]
\setupheadertexts [alfa][beta]


\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

3 Page composition
Page design 31

1 1 2 2

alfa 1 beta alfa 2 beta

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and own experiments.
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat
own experiments. from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and own experiments.
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat
own experiments. from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and own experiments.
first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit,
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense,
fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate,
would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip,
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip
is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat
own experiments. from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and
single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual.
reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated
discriminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I
smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important.
through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design
from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats. is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their

1 1 2 2

right left

Figure 3.7 A text without footerheight.

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]
\setuplayout [backspace=2cm,width=middle,
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=singlesided]
\setupbodyfont [lbr,6pt]
\setupheadertexts [alfa][beta]


\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

Page composition 3
32 Page design

1 1 2 2

alfa 1 beta alfa 2 beta

We thrive in information--thick worlds designer of a new system must not only because of our marvelous and every- 1 be the implementer and first large--scale day capacity to select, edit, single out, user; the designer should also write the 1
because of our marvelous and every- be the implementer and first large--scale day capacity to select, edit, single out, 2 user; the designer should also write the structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, first user manual. 2
day capacity to select, edit, single out, user; the designer should also write the structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, 3 first user manual. harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four com- 3
structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, first user manual. harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, 4 The separation of any of these four com- condense, reduce, boil down, choose, ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- 4
harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four com- condense, reduce, boil down, choose, 5 ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- cantly. If I had not participated ful- 5
condense, reduce, boil down, choose, ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- 6 cantly. If I had not participated ful- stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- ly in all these activities, literally hun- 6
categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- cantly. If I had not participated ful- stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- 7 ly in all these activities, literally hun- late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, dreds of improvements would never 7
stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- ly in all these activities, literally hun- late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, 8 dreds of improvements would never pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, have been made, because I would never 8
late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, dreds of improvements would never pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, 9 have been made, because I would never blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, have thought of them or perceived why 9
pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, have been made, because I would never blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, 10 have thought of them or perceived why chunk, average, approximate, cluster, they were important. 10
blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, have thought of them or perceived why chunk, average, approximate, cluster, 11 they were important. aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, But a system cannot be successful if it is 11
chunk, average, approximate, cluster, they were important. aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, 12 But a system cannot be successful if it is review, dip into, flip through, browse, too strongly influenced by a single per- 12
aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, But a system cannot be successful if it is review, dip into, flip through, browse, 13 too strongly influenced by a single per- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, son. Once the initial design is complete 13
review, dip into, flip through, browse, too strongly influenced by a single per- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, 14 son. Once the initial design is complete enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow and fairly robust, the real test begins as 14
glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, son. Once the initial design is complete enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow 15 and fairly robust, the real test begins as the wheat from the chaff and separate people with many different viewpoints 15
enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow and fairly robust, the real test begins as the wheat from the chaff and separate 16 people with many different viewpoints the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments. 16
the wheat from the chaff and separate people with many different viewpoints the sheep from the goats. 17 undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the We thrive in information--thick worlds 17
the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the 18 We thrive in information--thick worlds designer of a new system must not only because of our marvelous and every- 18
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the We thrive in information--thick worlds designer of a new system must not only 19 because of our marvelous and every- be the implementer and first large--scale day capacity to select, edit, single out, 19
designer of a new system must not only because of our marvelous and every- be the implementer and first large--scale 20 day capacity to select, edit, single out, user; the designer should also write the structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, 20
be the implementer and first large--scale day capacity to select, edit, single out, user; the designer should also write the 21 structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, first user manual. harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, 21
user; the designer should also write the structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, first user manual. 22 harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four com- condense, reduce, boil down, choose, 22
first user manual. harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four com- 23 condense, reduce, boil down, choose, ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- 23
The separation of any of these four com- condense, reduce, boil down, choose, ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- 24 categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- cantly. If I had not participated ful- stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- 24
ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- cantly. If I had not participated ful- 25 stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- ly in all these activities, literally hun- late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, 25
cantly. If I had not participated ful- stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- ly in all these activities, literally hun- 26 late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, dreds of improvements would never pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, 26
ly in all these activities, literally hun- late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, dreds of improvements would never 27 pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, have been made, because I would never blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, 27
dreds of improvements would never pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, have been made, because I would never 28 blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, have thought of them or perceived why chunk, average, approximate, cluster, 28
have been made, because I would never blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, have thought of them or perceived why 29 chunk, average, approximate, cluster, they were important. aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, 29
have thought of them or perceived why chunk, average, approximate, cluster, they were important. 30 aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, But a system cannot be successful if it is review, dip into, flip through, browse, 30
they were important. aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, But a system cannot be successful if it is 31 review, dip into, flip through, browse, too strongly influenced by a single per- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, 31
But a system cannot be successful if it is review, dip into, flip through, browse, too strongly influenced by a single per- 32 glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, son. Once the initial design is complete enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow 32
too strongly influenced by a single per- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, son. Once the initial design is complete 33 enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow and fairly robust, the real test begins as the wheat from the chaff and separate 33
son. Once the initial design is complete enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow and fairly robust, the real test begins as 34 the wheat from the chaff and separate people with many different viewpoints the sheep from the goats. 34
and fairly robust, the real test begins as the wheat from the chaff and separate people with many different viewpoints 35 the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the 35
people with many different viewpoints the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments. 36 Thus, I came to the conclusion that the We thrive in information--thick worlds designer of a new system must not only 36
undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the We thrive in information--thick worlds 37 designer of a new system must not only because of our marvelous and every- be the implementer and first large--scale 37
We thrive in information--thick worlds designer of a new system must not only because of our marvelous and every- 38 be the implementer and first large--scale day capacity to select, edit, single out, user; the designer should also write the 38
because of our marvelous and every- be the implementer and first large--scale day capacity to select, edit, single out, 39 user; the designer should also write the structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, first user manual. 39
day capacity to select, edit, single out, user; the designer should also write the structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, 40 first user manual. harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four com- 40
structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, first user manual. harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, 41 The separation of any of these four com- condense, reduce, boil down, choose, ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- 41
harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four com- condense, reduce, boil down, choose, 42 ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- cantly. If I had not participated ful- 42
condense, reduce, boil down, choose, ponents would have hurt TEX signifi- categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- 43 cantly. If I had not participated ful- stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- ly in all these activities, literally hun- 43
categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- cantly. If I had not participated ful- stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- 44 ly in all these activities, literally hun- late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, dreds of improvements would never 44
stract, scan, look into, idealize, iso- ly in all these activities, literally hun- late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, 45 dreds of improvements would never pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, have been made, because I would never 45
late, discriminate, distinguish, screen, dreds of improvements would never pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, 46 have been made, because I would never blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, have thought of them or perceived why 46
pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, have been made, because I would never blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, 47 have thought of them or perceived why chunk, average, approximate, cluster, they were important. 47
blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, have thought of them or perceived why chunk, average, approximate, cluster, 48 they were important. aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, But a system cannot be successful if it is 48
chunk, average, approximate, cluster, they were important. aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, 49 But a system cannot be successful if it is review, dip into, flip through, browse, too strongly influenced by a single per- 49
aggregate, outline, summarize, itemize, But a system cannot be successful if it is review, dip into, flip through, browse, 50 too strongly influenced by a single per- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, son. Once the initial design is complete 50
review, dip into, flip through, browse, too strongly influenced by a single per- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, 51 son. Once the initial design is complete enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow and fairly robust, the real test begins as 51
glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, son. Once the initial design is complete enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow 52 and fairly robust, the real test begins as the wheat from the chaff and separate people with many different viewpoints 52
enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow and fairly robust, the real test begins as the wheat from the chaff and separate 53 people with many different viewpoints the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments. 53
the wheat from the chaff and separate people with many different viewpoints the sheep from the goats. 54 undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the We thrive in information--thick worlds 54
the sheep from the goats. undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the 55 We thrive in information--thick worlds designer of a new system must not only because of our marvelous and every- 55
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the We thrive in information--thick worlds designer of a new system must not only 56 because of our marvelous and every- be the implementer and first large--scale day capacity to select, edit, single out, 56

1 1 2 2

right left

Figure 3.8 A text placed on a grid.

\setuppapersize [A5][A4]
\setuplayout [location=middle,marking=on]
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided]
\setupbodyfont [lbr,6pt]
\setupheadertexts [alfa][beta]

\setuplayout [headspace=1cm,lines=56,header=1cm,footer=0cm,

\showframe \showgrid

\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

3 Page composition
Page design 33

83998pt0.0pt0.0pt001 Grids 1

There are many ways to align text on a page. Look at the example below and notice the vertical 3

alignment of the words and the white space between the words on the mini pages. 4

alpha alpha alpha alpha
beta beta beta gamma

pt59.35992pt0.0pt002 gamma gamma gamma 10


The first three alternatives result in an undesired output. The fourth alternative will lead 12

to pages with unequal length. So we rather make the white space between the lines a little 13

stretchable. 1 14

alpha alpha alpha alpha
beta beta beta
beta 17
gamma gamma
gamma 18
delta delta 19

pt59.35992pt0.0pt003 20


A stretchable line spacing has the disadvan- grid. The means to do this in TEX are very lim- 22

tage that lines of two pages or two columns ited but ConTEXt has some features to sup- 23

that are displayed close to each other, will sel- port grid typesetting. 3 24

dom align. This is very disturbing for a read- 25

er. 2 26

2 27
Here! Another footnote.
In those situations we prefer to typeset on a 3 Finally, the last footnote! 28


During typesetting on a grid the heads, figures, formulas and the running text are set on a 30

fixed line spacing. If a typographical component for any reason is not placed on the grid one 31

can snap this component to the grid with: 32


\placeongrid{\framed{This is like a snapshot.}} 34


This will result in: 36


This is like a snapshot. 38



This mechanism can be influenced with an argument: 41


1 Hey, watch this. A footnote! 44

Grids 3
34 Page design

\placeongrid[bottom]{\framed{Do you like the snapshot?}} 1

Now an empty line will appear below the framed text. Other parameters are: top and both. 3

The last parameter divides the linespace between over and below the framed text. 4

Now the snapshot looks better. 6


These examples don’t show pretty typesetting. The reason is that \framed has no depth 9

because TEX handles spacing before and after a line in a different way than text. ConTEXt has 10

a solution to this: 11


\startlinecorrection 13

\framed{This is something for hotshots.} 14

\stoplinecorrection 15


The command \startlinecorrection tries to typeset the lines as good as possible and takes 17

the use of grid in account. 18


This is something for hotshots.
pt14.83998pt0.0pt006 21


Because line correction takes care of the grid we have to use yet another command to stretch 23

the framed text: 24


\moveongrid[both] 26

\startlinecorrection 27

\framed{Anyhow it is good to know how this works.} 28

\stoplinecorrection 29


As you can see this results in somewhat more space: 31



Anyhow it is good to know how this works. 34



For test purposes one can display the grid with the command \showgrid. So grid related 37

commands are: 38


\placeongrid[.1.]{.2.} 41

.1. see p 35: \moveongrid 42

pt44.51994pt0.0pt008 43


3 Grids
Page design 35

\moveongrid[...] 2

... top both bottom 3

pt44.51994pt0.0pt009 4

\showgrid 7

t29.67996pt0.0pt0010 8




































Grids 3
36 Page design

3.5 Printing
In an earlier section we used page and paper dimensions. In this section we will discuss how
these two can be manipulated to yield a good output on paper.
In figure 3.10 and 3.11 we see some alternatives to manipulate the page composition by means
of \setuppapersize and\setuplayout. So it is possible to put a page in a corner or in the
middle of the paper, to copy a page and to use cutting marks.
When the parameter papersize is set to landscape width and height are interchanged. This is
not the same as rotation! Rotation is done by typing 90, 180 and 270 in the first argument of
These examples don’t show that we can correct for duplex printing. For example when we
the front and back side will be placed in the middle of the paper. The markings enable you to
cut the paper at the correct size. If we only want to cut twice, we type:
This has the same meaning as {duplex,left}. At this setup ConTEXt will automatically move
front and back side to the correct corner. In figure 3.9 we show both alternatives.

right left right left

Figure 3.9 Positioning the page on paper for cutting.

Rotating, mirroring, scaling, duplicating and placing pages on paper are independent oper-
ations. By combining these operations the desired effects can be reached. Rotating and
mirroring and page and paper size are set up at the same time. The other operations are set
up with \setuplayout.

..=.. see p 21: \setuppapersize
..=.. see p 21: \setuppapersize
..=.. see p 24: \setuplayout

3 Printing
Page design 37




t location=right





cm veroffset=.5cm

Figure 3.10 Manipulating the page composition with \setuplayout.

Printing 3
38 Page design


landscape landscape
landscape landscape


90 90
90 90


180 180
180 180



mirrored mirrored
mirrored mirrored

Figure 3.11 Manipulating the page composition with


You can use \showprint to get an idea of how your print will look. However, it is just a
representation of the real page as is shown in the examples above.


3 Printing
Page design 39

3.6 Arranging pages

By means of \setuplayout one can arrange pages on a sheet of paper. A special arrangement
for example is that for booklets.

... disable 2*16 2*8 2*4 2*2 2**2 2UP 2DOWN mirrored rotated doublesided negative 90 180 270

We will show some page arrangements on the next pages. If you want to understand how it
really works you should try this yourself one day.

The next examples show the cooperation of the commands \setuppapersize, \setuplayout
and \setuparranging. Notice how these tests were generated.

Arranging pages 3
40 Page design

8 9 12 5 6 11 10 7

1 16 13 4 3 14 15 2

Figure 3.12 The 2*8 arrangement.

4 5 3 6

1 8 7 2

Figure 3.13 The 2*4 arrange-


1 4 3 2

Figure 3.14 The 2*2 arrange-


1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5

Figure 3.15 The 2UP arrangement.

8 7 6 5

1 2 3 4

Figure 3.16 The 2DOWN arrangement.

\setuppapersize [A7][A3]
\setuparranging [2*8,rotated,doublesided]
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided]
\setuplayout [margin=0pt,width=fit]
\setupbackgrounds [text][text][background=screen]
\setupcolors [state=start]
\setuplayout [location=middle,marking=color]

3 Arranging pages




















4 13 16 1


\dorecurse{30}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

user manual. average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum- influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our
The separation of any of these four components would marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as peo- marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin-
have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, ple with many different viewpoints undertake their own gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har-

ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa- experiments. monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce,
ments would never have been made, because I would rate the sheep from the goats. We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab-

never have thought of them or perceived why they were Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin- stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate,
important. new system must not only be the implementer and first gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har- distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte-

Arranging: 16.
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly large--scale user; the designer should also write the first monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk,
influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is user manual. boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum-
complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as peo- The separation of any of these four components would stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse,
ple with many different viewpoints undertake their own have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful- distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean,

experiments. ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa-

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our ments would never have been made, because I would average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum- rate the sheep from the goats.
marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin- never have thought of them or perceived why they were marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a
gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har- important. glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, new system must not only be the implementer and first
monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa- large--scale user; the designer should also write the first

Arranging pages
boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is rate the sheep from the goats. user manual.


stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as peo- Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a The separation of any of these four components would
distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte- ple with many different viewpoints undertake their own new system must not only be the implementer and first have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful-
grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, experiments. large--scale user; the designer should also write the first ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve-
Page design

average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum- We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our user manual. ments would never have been made, because I would

marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin- The separation of any of these four components would never have thought of them or perceived why they were
glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har- have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful- important.

synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa- monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly



Figure 3.17
grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly
distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte- distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte- have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful- important.

stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, The separation of any of these four components would never have thought of them or perceived why they were
boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- user manual. ments would never have been made, because I would
monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, large--scale user; the designer should also write the first ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve-
gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har- gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har- new system must not only be the implementer and first have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful-
marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin- marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin- Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a The separation of any of these four components would

.5 K

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our rate the sheep from the goats. user manual.
experiments. experiments. synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa- large--scale user; the designer should also write the first
ple with many different viewpoints undertake their own ple with many different viewpoints undertake their own glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, new system must not only be the implementer and first
complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as peo- complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as peo- marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a

influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum- rate the sheep from the goats.
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa-

.5 Y

important. important. distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte- glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean,
never have thought of them or perceived why they were never have thought of them or perceived why they were stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse,
ments would never have been made, because I would ments would never have been made, because I would boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum-

ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk,
have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful- have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful- gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har- distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte-
The separation of any of these four components would The separation of any of these four components would marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin- stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate,
.5 M

user manual. user manual. We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab-
large--scale user; the designer should also write the first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first experiments. monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce,

new system must not only be the implementer and first new system must not only be the implementer and first ple with many different viewpoints undertake their own gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har-
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as peo- marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin-
rate the sheep from the goats. rate the sheep from the goats. influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our
.5 C

5 12 9 8







































Arranging: negative mirrored 16.


3 41 51 2

C 5.

\dorecurse{30}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

dluow I esuaceb ,edam neeb evah reven dluow stnem -ba ,tsil ,yfissalc ,golatac ,ezirogetac ,esoohc ,nwod liob ruo fo esuaceb sdlrow kciht--noitamrofni ni evirht eW si ngised laitini eht ecnO .nosrep elgnis a yb decneuflni
erew yeht yhw deviecrep ro meht fo thguoht evah reven ,etanimircsid ,etalosi ,ezilaedi ,otni kool ,nacs ,tcarts -nis ,tide ,tceles ot yticapac yadyreve dna suolevram -oep sa snigeb tset laer eht ,tsubor ylriaf dna etelpmoc
.tnatropmi -etni ,tros ,revo kcip ,elohnoegip ,neercs ,hsiugnitsid -rah ,egrem ,riap ,puorg ,thgilhgih ,erutcurts ,tuo elg nwo rieht ekatrednu stniopweiv tnereffid ynam htiw elp

ylgnorts oot si ti fi lufsseccus eb tonnac metsys a tuB ,knuhc ,htooms ,piks ,pmul ,retlfi ,tcepsni ,dnelb ,etarg ,ecuder ,esnednoc ,ezinagro ,sucof ,ezisehtnys ,ezinom .stnemirepxe


si ngised laitini eht ecnO .nosrep elgnis a yb decneuflni -mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva -ba ,tsil ,yfissalc ,golatac ,ezirogetac ,esoohc ,nwod liob ruo fo esuaceb sdlrow kciht--noitamrofni ni evirht eW
M 5.

-oep sa snigeb tset laer eht ,tsubor ylriaf dna etelpmoc ,esworb ,hguorht pifl ,otni pid ,weiver ,ezimeti ,eziram ,etanimircsid ,etalosi ,ezilaedi ,otni kool ,nacs ,tcarts -nis ,tide ,tceles ot yticapac yadyreve dna suolevram
nwo rieht ekatrednu stniopweiv tnereffid ynam htiw elp ,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg -etni ,tros ,revo kcip ,elohnoegip ,neercs ,hsiugnitsid -rah ,egrem ,riap ,puorg ,thgilhgih ,erutcurts ,tuo elg
.stnemirepxe -apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys ,knuhc ,htooms ,piks ,pmul ,retlfi ,tcepsni ,dnelb ,etarg ,ecuder ,esnednoc ,ezinagro ,sucof ,ezisehtnys ,ezinom

ruo fo esuaceb sdlrow kciht--noitamrofni ni evirht eW .staog eht morf peehs eht etar -mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva -ba ,tsil ,yfissalc ,golatac ,ezirogetac ,esoohc ,nwod liob
-nis ,tide ,tceles ot yticapac yadyreve dna suolevram a fo rengised eht taht noisulcnoc eht ot emac I ,suhT ,esworb ,hguorht pifl ,otni pid ,weiver ,ezimeti ,eziram ,etanimircsid ,etalosi ,ezilaedi ,otni kool ,nacs ,tcarts
-rah ,egrem ,riap ,puorg ,thgilhgih ,erutcurts ,tuo elg tsrfi dna retnemelpmi eht eb ylno ton tsum metsys wen ,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg -etni ,tros ,revo kcip ,elohnoegip ,neercs ,hsiugnitsid
Y 5.

,ecuder ,esnednoc ,ezinagro ,sucof ,ezisehtnys ,ezinom tsrfi eht etirw osla dluohs rengised eht ;resu elacs--egral -apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys ,knuhc ,htooms ,piks ,pmul ,retlfi ,tcepsni ,dnelb ,etarg

-ba ,tsil ,yfissalc ,golatac ,ezirogetac ,esoohc ,nwod liob .launam resu .staog eht morf peehs eht etar -mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva

, e t a n i m i r c s i d , e t a l o s i , e z i l a e di , o t n i k o o l , n a c s , t c a r t s dluow stnenopmoc ruof eseht fo yna fo noitarapes ehT a fo rengised eht taht noisulcnoc eht ot emac I ,suhT , e s w o r b , h g u o r h t p i fl , o t ni p i d , w e i v e r , e z i m e t i , e z i r a m
-etni ,tros ,revo kcip ,elohnoegip ,neercs ,hsiugnitsid -luf detapicitrap ton dah I fI .yltnacfiingis XET truh evah tsrfi dna retnemelpmi eht eb ylno ton tsum metsys wen ,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg

,knuhc ,htooms ,piks ,pmul ,retlfi ,tcepsni ,dnelb ,etarg -evorpmi fo sderdnuh yllaretil ,seitivitca eseht lla ni yl tsrfi eht etirw osla dluohs rengised eht ;resu elacs--egral -apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys

Arranging pages
-mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva dluow I esuaceb ,edam neeb evah reven dluow stnem .launam resu .staog eht morf peehs eht etar
K 5.

, e s w o r b , h g u o r ht p i fl , o t n i p i d , w e i v e r , e z i m e t i , e z i r a m erew yeht yhw deviecrep ro meht fo thguoht evah reven dluow stnenopmoc ruof eseht fo yna fo noitarapes ehT a fo rengised eht taht noisulcnoc eht ot emac I ,suhT
,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg .tnatropmi -luf detapicitrap ton dah I fI .yltnacfiingis X T truh evah E tsrfi dna retnemelpmi eht eb ylno ton tsum metsys wen
-apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys ylgnorts oot si ti fi lufsseccus eb tonnac metsys a tuB - e v o r p m i f o s d e r d n u h y l l a r e t i l , s e i t i v i t c a e s e ht l l a n i y l tsrfi eht etirw osla dluohs rengised eht ;resu elacs--egral
Page design

.staog eht morf peehs eht etar si ngised laitini eht ecnO .nosrep elgnis a yb decneuflni dluow I esuaceb ,edam neeb evah reven dluow stnem .launam resu

a fo rengised eht taht noisulcnoc eht ot emac I ,suhT -oep sa snigeb tset laer eht ,tsubor ylriaf dna etelpmoc erew yeht yhw deviecrep ro meht fo thguoht evah reven dluow stnenopmoc ruof eseht fo yna fo noitarapes ehT
t s r fi d n a r e t n e m e l p m i e ht e b y l n o t o n t s u m m e t s y s w e n nwo rieht ekatrednu stniopweiv tnereffid ynam htiw elp .tnatropmi -luf detapicitrap ton dah I fI .yltnacfiingis XET truh evah

tsrfi eht etirw osla dluohs rengised eht ;resu elacs--egral .stnemirepxe ylgnorts oot si ti fi lufsseccus eb tonnac metsys a tuB -evorpmi fo sderdnuh yllaretil ,seitivitca eseht lla ni yl


,ecuder ,esnednoc ,ezinagro ,sucof ,ezisehtnys ,ezinom -apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys tsrfi eht etirw osla dluohs rengised eht ;resu elacs--egral .stnemirepxe
-rah ,egrem ,riap ,puorg ,thgilhgih ,erutcurts ,tuo elg ,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg tsrfi dna retnemelpmi eht eb ylno ton tsum metsys wen nwo rieht ekatrednu stniopweiv tnereffid ynam htiw elp

-nis ,tide ,tceles ot yticapac yadyreve dna suolevram ,esworb ,hguorht pifl ,otni pid ,weiver ,ezimeti ,eziram a fo rengised eht taht noisulcnoc eht ot emac I ,suhT -oep sa snigeb tset laer eht ,tsubor ylriaf dna etelpmoc
ruo fo esuaceb sdlrow kciht--noitamrofni ni evirht eW -mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva .staog eht morf peehs eht etar si ngised laitini eht ecnO .nosrep elgnis a yb decneuflni
.stnemirepxe ,knuhc ,htooms ,piks ,pmul ,retlfi ,tcepsni ,dnelb ,etarg -apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys ylgnorts oot si ti fi lufsseccus eb tonnac metsys a tuB

nwo rieht ekatrednu stniopweiv tnereffid ynam htiw elp -etni ,tros ,revo kcip ,elohnoegip ,neercs ,hsiugnitsid ,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg .tnatropmi
-oep sa snigeb tset laer eht ,tsubor ylriaf dna etelpmoc ,etanimircsid ,etalosi ,ezilaedi ,otni kool ,nacs ,tcarts ,esworb ,hguorht pifl ,otni pid ,weiver ,ezimeti ,eziram erew yeht yhw deviecrep ro meht fo thguoht evah reven

si ngised laitini eht ecnO .nosrep elgnis a yb decneuflni -ba ,tsil ,yfissalc ,golatac ,ezirogetac ,esoohc ,nwod liob -mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva dluow I esuaceb ,edam neeb evah reven dluow stnem

ylgnorts oot si ti fi lufsseccus eb tonnac metsys a tuB ,ecuder ,esnednoc ,ezinagro ,sucof ,ezisehtnys ,ezinom ,knuhc ,htooms ,piks ,pmul ,retlfi ,tcepsni ,dnelb ,etarg -evorpmi fo sderdnuh yllaretil ,seitivitca eseht lla ni yl
.tnatropmi -rah ,egrem ,riap ,puorg ,thgilhgih ,erutcurts ,tuo elg -etni ,tros ,revo kcip ,elohnoegip ,neercs ,hsiugnitsid -luf detapicitrap ton dah I fI .yltnacfiingis XET truh evah
erew yeht yhw deviecrep ro meht fo thguoht evah reven -nis ,tide ,tceles ot yticapac yadyreve dna suolevram ,etanimircsid ,etalosi ,ezilaedi ,otni kool ,nacs ,tcarts dluow stnenopmoc ruof eseht fo yna fo noitarapes ehT

dluow I esuaceb ,edam neeb evah reven dluow stnem ruo fo esuaceb sdlrow kciht--noitamrofni ni evirht eW -ba ,tsil ,yfissalc ,golatac ,ezirogetac ,esoohc ,nwod liob .launam resu
- e v o r p m i f o s d e r d n u h y l l a r e t i l , s e i t i v i t c a e s e ht l l a n i y l .stnemirepxe ,ecuder ,esnednoc ,ezinagro ,sucof ,ezisehtnys ,ezinom tsrfi eht etirw osla dluohs rengised eht ;resu elacs--egral


-luf detapicitrap ton dah I fI .yltnacfiingis XET truh evah nwo rieht ekatrednu stniopweiv tnereffid ynam htiw elp -rah ,egrem ,riap ,puorg ,thgilhgih ,erutcurts ,tuo elg tsrfi dna retnemelpmi eht eb ylno ton tsum metsys wen

Figure 3.18
dluow stnenopmoc ruof eseht fo yna fo noitarapes ehT -oep sa snigeb tset laer eht ,tsubor ylriaf dna etelpmoc -nis ,tide ,tceles ot yticapac yadyreve dna suolevram a fo rengised eht taht noisulcnoc eht ot emac I ,suhT
.launam resu si ngised laitini eht ecnO .nosrep elgnis a yb decneuflni ruo fo esuaceb sdlrow kciht--noitamrofni ni evirht eW .staog eht morf peehs eht etar

tsrfi eht etirw osla dluohs rengised eht ;resu elacs--egral ylgnorts oot si ti fi lufsseccus eb tonnac metsys a tuB .stnemirepxe -apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys
tsrfi dna retnemelpmi eht eb ylno ton tsum metsys wen .tnatropmi nwo rieht ekatrednu stniopweiv tnereffid ynam htiw elp ,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg
a fo rengised eht taht noisulcnoc eht ot emac I ,suhT erew yeht yhw deviecrep ro meht fo thguoht evah reven -oep sa snigeb tset laer eht ,tsubor ylriaf dna etelpmoc ,esworb ,hguorht pifl ,otni pid ,weiver ,ezimeti ,eziram

.staog eht morf peehs eht etar dluow I esuaceb ,edam neeb evah reven dluow stnem si ngised laitini eht ecnO .nosrep elgnis a yb decneuflni -mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva
-apes dna ffahc eht morf taehw eht wonniw ,ezisponys - e v o r p m i f o s d e r d n u h y l l a r e t i l , s e i t i v i t c a e s e ht l l a n i y l ylgnorts oot si ti fi lufsseccus eb tonnac metsys a tuB ,knuhc ,htooms ,piks ,pmul ,retlfi ,tcepsni ,dnelb ,etarg

,naelg ,etaremune ,enfier ,miks ,hguorht fael ,otni ecnalg -luf detapicitrap ton dah I fI .yltnacfiingis XET truh evah .tnatropmi - e t ni , t r o s , r e v o k c i p , e l o h n o e g i p , n e e r c s , h s i u g n i t s i d
,esworb ,hguorht pifl ,otni pid ,weiver ,ezimeti ,eziram dluow stnenopmoc ruof eseht fo yna fo noitarapes ehT erew yeht yhw deviecrep ro meht fo thguoht evah reven ,etanimircsid ,etalosi ,ezilaedi ,otni kool ,nacs ,tcarts
-mus ,eniltuo ,etagergga ,retsulc ,etamixorppa ,egareva .launam resu dluow I esuaceb ,edam neeb evah reven dluow stnem -ba ,tsil ,yfissalc ,golatac ,ezirogetac ,esoohc ,nwod liob

6 11 01 7
























Page design 43

.5 C .5 M .5 Y .5 K C G Y R M B K

1 1

1.00 1.00
4 5

0.95 TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities, by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly 0.95
literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they undertake their own experiments.
were important. We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous
0.75 0.75
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, high-
by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly light, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize,
robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify,
undertake their own experiments. list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distin- 0.50
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous guish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect,
and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, high- filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, ag-
light, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, gregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through,
0.25 condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, 0.25

list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distin- synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep
guish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, from the goats.
filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, ag- Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system
0.05 0.05
gregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; the
browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, designer should also write the first user manual.
synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep The separation of any of these four components would have hurt
C from the goats. TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities, R
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; the because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they
designer should also write the first user manual. were important.
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced
1.00 TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities, by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly 1.00
literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they undertake their own experiments.
were important. We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous
0.95 0.95
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, high-

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distin- literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
0.05 0.05
condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities,
light, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt
and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, high- designer should also write the first user manual.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; the G
undertake their own experiments. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system
robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints from the goats.
by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean,
were important. gregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, 1.00
because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, ag-
literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, guish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect,
TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distin-
0.95 The separation of any of these four components would have hurt condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, 0.95

designer should also write the first user manual. light, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize,
must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; the and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, high-
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous
0.75 0.75
from the goats. undertake their own experiments.
synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints
browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly
0.50 gregate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced 0.50
filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, ag- were important.
guish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they
list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, distin- literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made,
0.25 0.25
condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, TEX significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities,
light, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, The separation of any of these four components would have hurt
and everyday capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, high- designer should also write the first user manual.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous must not only be the implementer and first large--scale user; the 0.05

1 8

1 1

1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00

Figure 3.19 Arranging: 8.

\setuppapersize [A6][A3]
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\dorecurse{30}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

Arranging pages 3






.5 C

4 1

.5 M

the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday ca-
user manual. pacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmo-

The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly. nize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize,

If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, dis-
ments would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them tinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump,

.5 Y

or perceived why they were important. skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize,


But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re-
Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people fine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate
with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments. the sheep from the goats.
.5 K

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday ca- Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be

pacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmo- the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first
nize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, user manual.
catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, dis-

The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly.

tinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve-
skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, ments would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them

Figure 3.20
itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re- or perceived why they were important.

fine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person.

the sheep from the goats. Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.

the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday ca-
user manual. pacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmo-
nize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize,

The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly.
If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, dis-


ments would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them tinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump,
Page design

or perceived why they were important. skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize,
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re-

Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people fine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate

Arranging pages
with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments. the sheep from the goats.
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday ca- Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be
pacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmo- the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first


nize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, user manual.
catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, dis- The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly.
tinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve-

Arranging: 4.
skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize, ments would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them
itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re- or perceived why they were important.


\dorecurse{30}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}









.5 C

.5 M

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday ca-

pacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmo-

nize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize,

catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, dis-
tinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump,

.5 Y

skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize,


itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re-
fine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate
the sheep from the goats.
.5 K

Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be

the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first
user manual.

Figure 3.21
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly.

If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve-
ments would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them
or perceived why they were important.

But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person.

Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people
with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday ca-
pacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmo-
nize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize,

catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, dis-


tinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect, filter, lump,
Page design

skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, summarize,

itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into, leaf through, skim, re-

fine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and separate

Arranging pages
the sheep from the goats.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be
the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write the first


user manual.
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX significantly.
If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve-

ments would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them
or perceived why they were important.

Arranging: 2UP (1).

\dorecurse{30}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}






35 1

boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab- We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our
stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate, marvelous and everyday capacity to select, edit, sin-
distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte- gle out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, har-
grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, monize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce,
average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum- boil down, choose, categorize, catalog, classify, list, ab-

marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, stract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate,

glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, inte-
synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa- grate, blend, inspect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk,
rate the sheep from the goats. average, approximate, cluster, aggregate, outline, sum-

Figure 3.22
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a marize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse,
new system must not only be the implementer and first glance into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean,
large--scale user; the designer should also write the first synopsize, winnow the wheat from the chaff and sepa-
user manual. rate the sheep from the goats.
The separation of any of these four components would Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a

new system must not only be the implementer and first
Page design

have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful-

ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve- large--scale user; the designer should also write the first

Arranging pages
ments would never have been made, because I would user manual.
never have thought of them or perceived why they were The separation of any of these four components would
important. have hurt TEX significantly. If I had not participated ful-
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly ly in all these activities, literally hundreds of improve-

Arranging: 2UP (2).

influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is ments would never have been made, because I would
complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as peo- never have thought of them or perceived why they were

\dorecurse{30}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}

ple with many different viewpoints undertake their own important.
experiments. But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly
Page design 47

We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and every-

day capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge,
harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose,
categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, dis-
criminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, in-
spect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggre-
gate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance
into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat
from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only
be the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write
the first user manual.
The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX signifi-
cantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds
of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have
Figure 3.23
thought of them or perceived why they were important. Arranging: 2DOWN.
But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single
person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins
as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.
\setuppapersize [A4,landscape][A3]
We thrive in information--thick worlds because of our marvelous and every-
day capacity to select, edit, single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge,

\setuparranging [2DOWN,doublesided]
harmonize, synthesize, focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose,
categorize, catalog, classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, dis-
criminate, distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, in-
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided]
spect, filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggre-
gate, outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance
\setuplayout [margin=0pt,width=fit]
into, leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, winnow the wheat
from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.

\setupbodyfont [lbr,12pt]
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only
be the implementer and first large--scale user; the designer should also write
the first user manual.

\starttext The separation of any of these four components would have hurt TEX signifi-
cantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds

\dorecurse{30}{\input tufte \par \input knuth \par}


Arranging pages 3
3.7 Logo types
It is possible to place for example company logos at the top or the bottom of a page. We show
some examples on the next pages. It is advisable to define a command for typesetting a logo

The location of a logo type is defined by:

.1. name
.2. top header footer bottom
.3. none page leftedge leftmargin left middle right rightmargin rightedge
command command text
state start stop

All logo types with state=start are automatically typeset on the page. A logo can also be
recalled by:

... name

In that case only the listed logos are typeset.

On this page a few potential locations of logos are shown. Temporarily headers and footers of
this manual are suppressed. For example the left logo types are defined by means of:

[logo a] [bottom] [left]
[command=left bottom]
[logo d] [top] [left]
[command=left top]
[logo g] [footer] [left]
[command=left footer]
[logo j] [header] [left]
[command=left header]

\placelogos[logo a,logo b,logo c,logo d]

Instead of command we could have chosen text. We define the logo with command because it
is evident that we will use the logo more than once. The example is discussed below.

First we define a command that generates a small logo.

The Ridderstraat 27
ConTEXt 8061GH Hasselt NL
If we want to set this logo at the bottom of every page we type:
[small logo] [bottom] [middle]

This logo is placed at the bottom of every page. In letters however the logos are located
on different positions on the paper. Again, we define the bigger logo including all address
information. Watch the use of \framed.

{\definefont[ContextFont][RegularBold sa 1.5]%
\ContextFont \setupinterlinespace
{The\\Con\TeX t\\Chronicle}%
{Ridderstraat 27\\8061GH Hasselt NL\\}}}

We also define the position on the paper:

[big logo] [header] [right]

This letterhead logo should appear only on the first page. So we simply say:

\placelogos[big logo]

You will notice that the smaller logo is not placed at the bottom of the page because the
command \placelogos typesets only the listed logos and suppresses all other logos.

The big logo needs some space on this page so the content of the letter should be moved to a
somewhat lower location. We do this with the command:

50 Page design

ll l m r rr rrr

ll LLLl LL L 1
m r rrR RR rrr RRR

Hier is een ‘volledige’ layout weergegeven, inclusief de instellingen. De instel-

lingen zijn opgeroepen met het \tooninstellingen. We zien dat een aanpas-
sing van de layout geen gevolgen heeft voor de plaats van de beeldmerken. De
getoonde layout wijkt af van de in deze handleiding gebruikte.
papierhoogte 29.69577cm 845.04684pt \papierhoogte
papierbreedte 20.99701cm 597.50787pt \papierbreedte
printpapierhoogte 29.69577cm 845.04684pt \printpapierhoogte
printpapierbreedte 20.99701cm 597.50787pt \printpapierbreedte

kopwit 3.99942cm 113.81102pt \kopwit

rugwit 4.99928cm 142.26378pt \rugwit
hoogte 21.99687cm 625.96062pt \zethoogte
breedte 10.4985cm 298.75394pt \zetbreedte

boven 0.0cm 0.0pt \bovenhoogte

bovenafstand 0.0cm 0.0pt \bovenafstand
hoofd 1.49979cm 42.67912pt \hoofdhoogte
hoofdafstand 0.42169cm 0.0pt \hoofdafstand
teksthoogte 18.65384cm 530.82875pt \teksthoogte
voetafstand 0.42169cm 0.0pt \voetafstand
voet 0.99985cm 28.45274pt \voethoogte
onderafstand 0.0cm 0.0pt \onderafstand
onder 0.0cm 0.0pt \onderhoogte

linkerrand 1.99971cm 56.9055pt \linkerrandbreedte

linkerrandafstand 0.42169cm 0.0pt \linkerrandafstand
linkermarge 0.74988cm 21.33955pt \linkermargebreedte
linkermargeafstand 0.63254cm 0.0pt \linkermargeafstand
tekstbreedte 10.4985cm 298.75394pt \tekstbreedte
rechtermargeafstand 0.42163cm 11.99829pt \rechtermargeafstand
rechtermarge 1.49979cm 42.67912pt \rechtermargebreedte
rechterrandafstand 0.42169cm 0.0pt \rechterrandafstand
rechterrand 1.74974cm 49.79231pt \rechterrandbreedte

korps 12.0pt \globalbodyfontsize

regel 2.8ex \normallineheight

hoogte .72 \strutheightfactor
diepte .28 \strutdepthfactor
boven 1.0 \topskipfactor
onder 0.4 \maxdepthfactor

De \teksthoogte wordt berekend op basis van de hoogte en de afmetingen

van het hoofd en de voet. Het feit dat geen hele getallen worden weergegeven,
is mede bepaald door het feit dat we de waarden opslaan in registers en dus
te maken hebben met de nauwkeurigheid van TEX.

ll LLLl LL L m r rrR RR rrr RRR

ll l m r rr rrr

Figure 3.24 The location of header, footer, bottom and top logos on a

3 Logo types

4.1 Introduction
The look of a publication is determined by the page design, the chosen fonts and other aspects
like vertical spacing. In this chapter we will explore the latter. Sometimes we will go into detail
but a novice user can skip such parts. In normal applications, the default setups are most
adequate, because they will adapt to the different situations. For the impatient reader we will
just mention a few setups. Spacing between paragraphs is defined by:

In your source file you can best use an empty line between paragraphs. This increases read-
ability and it makes the typing of \par at the end of each paragraph obsolete. Indentation at
every new paragraph is obtained by:


A doublesided publication is generated when you type:


As you might expect this might generate page numbering on the right and left hand side of a
paper and the margins will be mirrored automatically.

As we have said before only the curious have to read on.

4.2 Paragraphs
The most important unit in TEX is paragraph. A new paragraph is forced by:

1. an empty line
2. the TEX--command\par or \endgraf
3. the ConTEXt--command \paragraph

The first alternative is the most obvious. You will obtain a readable input file (ascii file) and
errors are minimized. The second alternative is chosen when it is mandatory to the used
command. For example in definitions (see 10.2).

4.3 Line spacing

In TEX linespacing is determined by a number of variable dimensions like \topskip, \parskip
and \baselineskip. However, in ConTEXt these variables are related to the bodyfont size.

A line has a height and a depth. The distance between two lines is normally equal to the sum
of the maximum height and maximum depth:

+ =

Introduction — Line spacing 4

52 Layout

This sum is in ConTEXt equal to 2.8ex, so almost three times the height of an x. This is about
1.2× the bodyfont height. The proportion between maximum height and depth is default
.72 : .28. Linespacing alters when a new bodyfont is used or when linespacing is defined
explicitly by:

\bfd \setupinterlinespace Now, the interline spacing is larger ... \par

One has to consider the fact that TEX operates on paragraphs and within a group one has to
close the paragraph explicitly with an empty line or \par. However, in most cases ConTEXt
will take care of this.

Sometimes a line does not have the maximum height or depth. The next example illustrates

It says:

The height and depth of lines differs.

When we put two of these lines above each other we will get:

You can see that the distance is somewhat bigger that the sum of the height and depth of
each separate line. This distance is called the baseline distance (\baselineskip) and is in this
document 14.83998pt. If we add some extra height to the line we see this:

To prevent the lines from touching TEX adds a \lineskip, in our example 1.0pt. In a similar
way TEX is taking care of the first line of a page to have at least a height of \topskip (here

Linespacing is setup by:

\setupinterlinespace[...] [..,..=..,..]
... reset small medium big on off
height number
depth number
line dimension
top number
bottom number

Linespacing adapts to the size of the actual bodyfont automatically. This means that the user
can leave this command untouched, unless a different linespacing is wanted. Instead of a factor
one of the predetermined values small (1.0), medium (1.25) or big (1.5) can be given. Below an
example is given of a text with a linespacing of 1.25: \setupinterlinespace[medium].

4 Line spacing
Layout 53

Whenever it comes to my mind that “everything that comes in quantities, will somehow sur-
vive”, I also got the feeling that in a few hundred years people will draw the saddening con-
clusion that all those top--ten hits produced by computers represent the summum of todays
musical and instrumental abilities. Isn’t it true that archeologists can spend a lifetime on spec-
ulating about some old coins from the first century? On the other hand, the mere fact that one
can have success with this type of non--music success of some top--hit musicians demonstrates
both the listeners inability to rate the product and the lack of self criticism of the performers.
In principle the future archeologist will therefore draw the right conclusion.

When you make a fontswitch the linespacing is adapted when you type the command
\setupinterlinespace without set up parameters or by adding reset, for example:

In books meant for children we often find a somewhat bigger typeface, for
instance because we are convinced that this enables them to read the book
themselves. On the other hand, I can also imagine that it is a cheap way
to increase the number of pages. Unfortunately scaling up will also uncover
the lack of quality of the typesetting used and/or the lack of typographic
knowledge of the user of such a system. The interline space sometimes differs
on a line by line basis, and depends on the height
of the current line.
Therefore, when changing the style, something that should only be done on
purpose, also change the baseline distance when needed.
The text above is typeset in the fontsize \tfa which equals \rma (see also chapter 5).

\start \tfa \setupinterlinespace In books meant for children we often find

a somewhat ... when needed. \par \stop

In this example the \par is necessary because otherwise TEX will have forgotten the linespacing
before the paragraph is finished (in that case, the paragraph is ended by the empty line after
the \stop).

Instead of a keyword, one can pass a key--value pair to define the characteristics of a line. The
default settings are:


The height and depth determine the ratio between the height and depth of a line. The
baseline distance is set to 2.8ex. The parameters top and bottom specify the relation between

Line spacing 4
54 Layout

the bodyfont size and the height of the first line and the depth of the last line on a page. The
last two quantities are related to TEX’s \topskip and \maxdepth.

4.4 Indentation
When a text has little whitespacing, for example in a novel, it is a custom to indent each new
paragraph. Indentation is setup with:

... none small medium big next first dimension

By default there is ‘no’ indentation. When indentation is turned on, when possible the com-
mands will determine whether indentation is necessary. For example, it doesn’t look good to
indent after a vertical whitespace. In a number of cases it is even undesirable to indent. Think
for example of headers and itemizations.
This manual is typeset without indentation. The great quantity of short sentences and exam-
ples would result in a very messy page layout.
When indentation is used, we may have to tell TEX in some cases not to indent. This is done


We can set up indenting by:

... never not no yes always first next

The meaning of the setups is described in table 4.1. Next to the commands described above
we could use the TEX--commands \indent and \noindent.

setup result

no / not don’t indent the next paragraph

yes / always turn on indentation
never turn off indentation
first indent first paragraphs too
next don’t indent first paragraphs

Table 4.1 The way of indenting.

The settings first and next determine if paragraphs following whitespace should be indented
or not. It is a sort of custom not to indent these.

4 Indentation
Layout 55

A text my be typeset smaller than the default textwidth. In that case the complete text will be
indented on both sides.

\startnarrower[..,...,..] ... \stopnarrower

... n*left n*middle n*right

For example:

The relatively small revolution in in Russia in 1917 had big consequences for
this country as well as the rest of the world. It is interesting to see that
some 80˜years later a just as small revolution was needed to undo the 1917
one. In both cases, the main reason for the revolutions was to prevent
democracy to arise.

Will become:

The relatively small revolution in in Russia in 1917 had big consequences for
this country as well as the rest of the world. It is interesting to see that some
80 years later a just as small revolution was needed to undo the 1917 one. In
both cases, the main reason for the revolutions was to prevent democracy to

Next to using left, right and middle also combinations and manifolds are possible. Inden-
tation in the example above could have obtained by typing 2*middle,left. So, middle is
equivalent to left,right.

The value of indentation is set up by:

left dimension
right dimension
middle dimension

4.5 Vertical spacing (whitespacing)

Vertical spacing between paragraphs is set up by:

... none small medium big line fixed fix dimension

Instead of a random value it is better to use one of the pre defined dimension. Default there
is no vertical spacing. Without any set up values the vertical spacing is related to the actual

Vertical spacing (whitespacing) 4

56 Layout

Vertical spacing can be forced by either:



These commands have only effect when vertical spacing is set up. In fact these commands will
not be necessary for ConTEXt takes care of most situations.

TEX handles vertical spacing around lines quite different from that around text. In case these
problematic situations occur one can use the following commands. Spacing around figures
and tables is dealt with by ConTEXt, so only use these commands when the typeset text looks
really bad.

\startlinecorrection ... \stoplinecorrection

For example:

\framed{To boxit or not, that’s a delicate question!}

One can add vertical spacing with the TEX command \vskip, but please don’t. We advise you
to use:

... n*small n*medium n*big nowhite back white disable force reset line halfline formula fixed

We can use a value of one of the keywords small, medium or big. A big jump is twice a medium
jump which is four times a small jump. A value however can be left out (\blank) when the
default vertical space is desired. It is advisable to set up the vertical spacing only once in
the setup area of your document. Local alterations throughout your document will result in a
badly--spaced document.

Normally there is some stretch in the vertical spacing. This enables TEX to fill out a page
optimally. In the next example we see what happens when we add stretch to whitespace. Each
sample shows from top to bottom three \blank’s of big, medium and small. The left and
right sample show the range of the stretch. The rightmost sample shows that adding stretch
can result in shrink.

maximum stretch no stretch minimal stretch

4 Vertical spacing (whitespacing)

Layout 57

The last vertical space can be undone by typing \blank[back] and the next blank can be
blocked by disable. With reset a disable is ignored.
The command \blank is one of the more advanced commands. The next call is allowed:
Since medium is half the amount of big, this results in adding a vertical spaces of 2.5 times
big. The previous vertical space will be undone automatically and the disable suppressed
the next \blank.
A lasting vertical space can be sustained by force. For example, if you want some extra
spacing at the top of a page you will have to type force.
The default vertical spaces are set up with:

... normal standard line dimension big medium small fixed flexible

An example of such a definition is:

The vertical spaces will be automatically adapted to the fontsize and they are flexible. Changing
the default set up locally is therefore not advisable. Without an argument \setupblank adapts
to the actual fontsize!
The keywords fixed and flexible are used to end or reinstate this adaptive characteris-
tic. In columns it is recommended to use the setup [fixed,line] or the opposite setup
This text is typeset a bodyfont of 10pt and is downscaled by a few percent. The setup that is
used in this document is shown in table 4.2. We see some stretch in the vertical spacing. The
stretching enables TEX to fill out a page satisfactorily. Default the maximal vertical space is
75% of the line space and the stretch maximal of 25%.

setup value

small 2.78249pt plus 0.92749pt minus 0.92749pt

medium 5.56499pt plus 1.855pt minus 1.855pt
big 11.12997pt plus 3.70999pt minus 3.70999pt
line 14.83998pt

Table 4.2 The whitespace values to a 10pt bodyfont.

In paragraph ?? it was said that the vertical spacing can be set up with the command
\setupwhitespace. Default there is no whitespace between paragraphs. The setup of vertical
spacing and line spacing are related to each other.
Instead of direct setup you can use an indirect way. This has the advantage that you can
change the layout more easily. In that case we use:

Vertical spacing (whitespacing) 4

58 Layout

.1. name
.2. see p 57: \setupblank

If we type for example:


than aroundverbatim is equal to medium, which can be used, for example around verbatim,
as in:


If we want some more whitespacing we only have to change the definition of aroundverbatim:


The vertical spacing between two lines can be suppressed with the command:


Vertical spacing between more than one line is suppressed by:

\startpacked[...] ... \stoppacked

... blank

The spacing around ‘packed’ text is automatically corrected. Opposed to this command is:

\startunpacked ... \stopunpacked

Skipping more than one vertical space is done with:

... dimension

One of the most important lessons to be learned is to avoid using \vskip in running text. This
can interfere with some hidden mechanisms of ConTEXt.

Sometimes TEX is not able to sort out spacing on its own. In such situations one can insert the
next command at the troublesome location.


4 Vertical spacing (whitespacing)

Layout 59

Normally one will not need this command, although sometimes when writing macros, it can
be added to make sure that the spacing is okay. Use this kind of tweaking with care!

4.6 Word spacing

Default a space is placed after a period that ends a sentence. In some countries it is custom to
stretch the space after a period. Especially documents typeset in small columns will look better
that way. Because this is a language specific feature. the default depends on the language.
One can however (temporarily) change this spacing.

... broad packed

In many cases we combine words and numbers that should not be separated at linebreaking,
for example number 12. These combinations can be connected by a tight space: number˜12.
Word and number will never be separated at linebreaking on that spot. A space can be made
visible by:


Undesired spaces can be suppressed by:


When you want to align a row of numbers you can use tight spaces with the width of a number.
Tight spaces are activated by:


After this command the ˜ (tilde) generates a tight space with the width of a number.

4.7 Struts
A strut is a little invisible block without width but with the maximal height and depth of a
character or line. If you want to force these maximal dimensions, for example when you are
using boxes in your own commands, than you can use the command \strut:
\hbox{\strut test}
If we leave out the strut in this example the box has no depth. The characters in the word test
don’t reach under the baseline. Compare for example test (with strut) with test.
Many commands use struts automatically. If for some reason you don’t want struts you can try
to suppress them by \setnostrut. However take care that this command works only locally.
A strut can be set by \setstrut.

Word spacing — Struts 4

60 Layout

The struts that are used by ConTEXt can be made visible with the command:


4.8 Text in the margin

Texts can be place in the margins with:

.1. + - low
.2. text

A new line in a margin text is forced with \\. An example of a margin text is:
\inmargin{the marginal\\influence of\\advertisement}It would be great
if the recent reduction in washing powder needed to get your wash
perfectly clean had resulted in an equal reduction of time needed to
advertise this kind of products.
the marginal It would be great if the recent reduction in washing powder needed to get your wash perfectly
influence of clean had resulted in an equal reduction of time needed to advertise this kind of products.
dvertisement When this command is used in the middle of a paragraph the margin text will appear on the
over here same line in themargin. The command \inmargin puts the text in the left or right margin.
The location where the text will show up depends on the character of the document: single--
sided or double--sided. You can also force the text into a specific margin, using:

.1. + - low
.2. text

.1. + - low
.2. text

There is also:

.1. + - low
.2. text

Some examples of the use of margin text appear below:

4 Text in the margin

Layout 61

\inleft{to be}\quotation{To be or not to be} to me
\inright{or not}is rather famous english
\inmargin{to be}And just as it is meant to be
that quote will never perish

This will become:

to be “To be or not to be” to me

is rather famous english or not
And just as it is meant to be to be
that quote will never perish

The mechanism of margin texts is rather complex. If you think of multiline margin texts and
the alignment of these lines with the lines in the textbody you can imagine a few typographic
problems. The number 123 next to this paragraph is not aligned but is typeset somewhat
lower. This is done by adding the keyword low:

\inmargin[low]{\ssd 123}The mechanism of margin texts ...

It is possible to set up the way margin texts are typeset by means of the command:

... left right number
location left right both
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
before command
after command
align inner outer left right middle normal no yes
line number
distance dimension
separator text
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

a rather With align we define the left or right alignment of the margin text. Default margin texts are
marginal right aligned. In this example alignment is middle.
We can also align on the left of right side automatically. In a double sided document design
optimisation of the margin text may ask for more than one processing step. In the example
below you see some of the possible setups.

This is left aligned lef

but this goes in the middle. Don’t forget that middle
right in this sense, align means a ragged right margin. right
Just to be complete, there is yes yes
and no. no
The outsiders inner and inner
outer adapt themselvs to a doublesided design. oute

Text in the margin 4

62 Layout

The left and right margin can be set up separately by adding [left] or [right] as the first

that way we can With before and after we can influence margin texts. Bij default the same line spacing is
move quite some used as in the textbody. But when a narrower fontsize is used we can also adapt the interline
text into
spacing. For example:
the margin

Page breaking and margin text are in conflict with each other. The reason is that TEX first
typesets a complete page in order to be able to determine the right spot for page breaking.
However the margin text is already typeset at that moment. In a next processing stage the
margin texts are typeset correctly. If you want to force margin texts in a margin you can type

The next command can be compared with the command like \section. Before the command
is placed in the margin TEX looks if it can be placed on the actual page. If not, it is moved to
the following page.

.1. + - low
.2. text

The layout of your ascii--file will not interfere with the function of this command. This may
seem obvious, but TEX programmers know that it is not the case. For example even commands
that take care of index entries can be typed close to the margin texts.

The layout of your ascii--file will not interfere with the function of this command. You might
not expect it to, but TEX programmers know that with TEX, the layout of the source usually
interferes with for instance margin texts and index entries. In ConTEXt commands that take
care of margin texts take care of this situation, so that index entries can be typed close to the
margin texts and margin texts can be separated from the next paragraph by an empty line.
The same cannot be said for other TEX macropackages.

\margintext{text in themargin}

After experimenting a long time I have succeeded to filter

empty lines and commands that stand between body texts and
margin texts. It is amazing but the index entry really works.

Because of the close relation with the page design the margin width is set up by means of:
\setuplayout (see section 3.3).

sn’t The command \margintext enables you to put texts in the margin that show completely
this different characteristics than that of the text body. You can typeset different margin texts
cute? with different characteristics like bodyfont, line spacing and offset.

4 Text in the margin

Layout 63


In the setup we see an optional argument. The number is determined by the order of definition.

\setupinmargin[1][align=right, line=1,style=slanted]
\setupinmargin[3][align=left, line=3,style=bold]

This means that the second margintext in a row will start on line 2, and be typeset in a bold
slanted font. One can explicitly force a margintext to go some place, by saying for instance:

\margintext[2]{this is the second one}

4.9 Subscript and superscript

There are three commands to create superscript and subscript outside the math mode:

... text

... text

.1. low
.2. text
.3. text

The next example illustrates the use of these commands:

You can walk on \high {high} heels or \low {low} heels but your height
is still the same.

This results in:

You can walk on high heels or low heels but your height is still the same.

These commands relate to the ˆ and _ in math mode. In case of larger fontsizes like \tfc, the
ˆ and _ will not create the desired output. Compare the examples below:

test\high{test} test test$ˆ{\rm test}$ test

{\bf test\high{test} test test$ˆ{\bf test}$ test}
{\tfb test\high{test} test test$ˆ{\tfb test}$ test}

This becomes:

Subscript and superscript 4

64 Layout

test test test testtest test

test test test testtest test
test test
test test test test

4.10 Columns
The TEX programmer knows that it is not easy to put text in columns. Gratefully a ConTEXt
user is not bothered with the implementation of extensive macros.
You can typeset text in columns. For insiders: columns are produced fourty columns.
Most commands can be used in a nor- with the primitives: \output and
mal way without any problems. The \vsplit. The number of columns and the type
floating object like tables or figures setting of a vertical line as a column
are somewhat limited. This is caused The number of columns is unlimit- separator is set up by:
by the fact that TEX has limited ca- ed, however TEXs memory can only
pabilities for typesetting columns. handle upto about twenty to thirty or

n number
ntop number
rule on off
height dimension
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
distance dimension
balance yes no
align yes no text
blank fixed halfline line flexible big medium small
option background
direction left right
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

The n indicates the number of columns. The column text is enclosed by:

\startcolumns[..,..=..,..] ... \stopcolumns

..=.. see p 64: \setupcolumns

The local setup of columns can be added directly after this command. A new column is forced


The text below is typeset in two columns with a verytolerant alignment.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new
system must not only be the implementer and first

4 Columns
Layout 65

\bf D.E. Knuth
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the de- never have thought of them or perceived why
signer of a new system must not only be the they were important.
implementer and first large--scale user; the
designer should also write the first user man- But a system cannot be successful if it is too
ual. strongly influenced by a single person. Once
the initial design is complete and fairly ro-
The separation of any of these four compo- bust, the real test begins as people with many
nents would have hurt TEX significantly. If different viewpoints undertake their own ex-
I had not participated fully in all these ac- periments.
tivities, literally hundreds of improvements
would never have been made, because I would D.E. Knuth
This example makes it painfully obvious that spacing between lines is not on forehand equal. By
default the line spacing in this document is big, which equals .75×\lineheight. Furthermore,
the allowable stretch in line spacing makes vertical alignment practically impossible.
For this reason the default line spacing is equal to the lineskip and stretching is not allowed.
When a switch in fontsize is desirable you should do so before starting the column mechanism.
Font switches within columns will have a poor result. The next example shows a line spacing
equal to the lineskip.
Thus, I came to the conclusion that the de- never have thought of them or perceived why
signer of a new system must not only be the they were important.
implementer and first large--scale user; the
designer should also write the first user man- But a system cannot be successful if it is too
ual. strongly influenced by a single person. Once
the initial design is complete and fairly ro-
The separation of any of these four compo- bust, the real test begins as people with many
nents would have hurt TEX significantly. If different viewpoints undertake their own ex-
I had not participated fully in all these ac- periments.
tivities, literally hundreds of improvements
would never have been made, because I would D.E. Knuth
This effect is reached by the (default) setup:
In section 3.4 typesetting on a grid is explained. This mechanism works quite well within
TEX is not an easy to learn typesetting sys- ConTEXt or TEX takes considerable learning
tem or program. The problem is that “know- time. And it is not feasible to explain every
ing everything is possible” leads to “wanting single detail in this manual. Therefore “do-
everything that is possible”. However using ing” is the answer.

This text shows that one can do some tricks with columns. The frame is created by:

Columns 4
66 Layout



A less senseless display is:

{\hbox to \hsize

This time the columns will look like:

TEX is not an easy to learn typesetting sys- ConTEXt or TEX takes considerable learning
tem or program. The problem is that “know- time. And it is not feasible to explain every
ing everything is possible” leads to “wanting single detail in this manual. Therefore “do-
everything that is possible”. However using ing” is the answer.

A column can be manipulated as a whole. For example to create a background:



This time the column will be typeset on a grid:

TEX is not an easy to learn typesetting sys- ConTEXt or TEX takes considerable learning
tem or program. The problem is that “know- time. And it is not feasible to explain every
ing everything is possible” leads to “wanting single detail in this manual. Therefore “do-
everything that is possible”. However using ing” is the answer.

4.11 Paragraphs in columns

In some cases you want to typeset a paragraph in columns. For example in a definition where
you have a first column containing meaningful text and a second column containing meaningful
text. In these cases you can use:

... name
n number
rule on off
height fit dimension
before command
after command
inner command
distance dimension
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
align left right middle

4 Paragraphs in columns
Layout 67

This command defines a column layout that is recalled by its name.

\startparagraph ... \stopparagraph

The layout can be set up by:

.1. name
.2. number each
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
width dimension
height dimension
align left right middle width breedte
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
distance dimension
before command
after command
inner command
command command
rule on off

The width of non--specified columns is determined automatically. Distance relates to horizon-

tal white space in front of a column. The next column is specified by:


We show a simple example of the use of paragraphs in columns.


This is the top left corner.
In graphic environments the top right corner is also called the upper
right corner.

In a similar way, the bottom left corner is called the lower left corner.
Which leaves the bottom right corner, that is also known as lower right
corner. Now what is the alternative name for the top left corner?

Here the \TwoColumns separates the columns. With a default setup this results in:

Paragraphs in columns 4
68 Layout

This is the top left corner. In graphic environments the top right corner is also called the
upper right corner.

In a similar way, the bottom Which leaves the bottom right corner, that is also known as
left corner is called the lower lower right corner. Now what is the alternative name for the
left corner. top left corner?

We also could have used \nextTwoColumns instead of \TwoColumns. Sometimes this is more
readable in your ascii text. An alternative specification is:

\TwoColumns first text \\ second text \\

You can add a command to the keywords bottom and top. These commands will be executed
before or after the text. For example a column can be forced down by [top=\vfill].

This is the right place to show a more complex example. The use of paragraphs is preferred
over the use of columns because the text is kept together. If we want to score an item on two
dimensions we need three columns:

\defineparagraphs [CombinedItem] [n=3,rule=on]

\setupparagraphs [CombinedItem] [2] [width=3em]
\setupparagraphs [CombinedItem] [3] [width=7em]

The item itself is defined with \defineenumeration (see section ??):


The scoring is done on a scale that is typeset as an itemization (see section ??). An item might
look like this in ascii:

The student is able to write a detailed planning for the
design and construction of a water purification plant.
\item yes \item no
\item self study \item class room \item simulation

And will result in:

4 Paragraphs in columns
Layout 69

1 The student is able to write a detailed planning for the design ◦ yes ◦ self study
and construction of a water purification plant. ◦ no ◦ class room
◦ simulation
When the scoring scales are identical over all items we can use macros:

\item yes \item no

\item self study \item class room \item simulation

The student is able to write a detailed planning for the
design and construction of a water purification plant.

Or even more sophisticated:


\nextCombinedItem \firstscale
\nextCombinedItem \secondscale

The student is able to write a detailed planning for the
design and construction of a water purification plant.

A definition like the one above can be very surprising. The commands in such a definition can
interfere and result in undesirable output. We think of \vtop’s that align on the baseline and
\vbox s that align under the baseline. Another example with framed texts show that ConTEXt
takes care of most of the problems.

Paragraphs in columns 4
70 Layout

left middle right

4.12 Tabulate
In a later chapter we will go into detail on typesetting tables. Consider this paragraph to be
an appetizer. We use the term tabulate when a table is part of the running text. A simple
tabulation looks like this:

\NC question \NC Sometimes it is surprising to notice that writers,
independently of each other, explore the same theme along similar lines.
Three of the four books mentioned here fall into this category. Which
books do not belong in this list? \NC \NR

\NC A. \NC This Perfect Day \NC Ira Levin \NC \NR
\NC B. \NC Opstaan op Zaterdag \NC Jan Gerhart Toonder \NC \NR
\NC C. \NC Tot waar zal ik je brengen \NC Anton Koolhaas \NC \NR
\NC D. \NC The City And The Stars \NC Arthur Clarke \NC \NR

This results in:

question Sometimes it is surprising to notice that writers, independently of each other, ex-
plore the same theme along similar lines. Three of the four books mentioned here
fall into this category. Which books do not belong in this list?

A. This Perfect Day Ira Levin

B. Opstaan op Zaterdag Jan Gerhart Toonder
C. Tot waar zal ik je brengen Anton Koolhaas
D. The City And The Stars Arthur Clarke

With \NC we go to the next column and with \NR to the next row. Definitions like [|l|p|] and
[|l|l|l|] are called a template. The set ups are similar to those of \starttable (see in ??).

The default template looks like this: [|l|p|]. The second column is typeset as a normal
paragraph and with a width that is calculated automatically by TEX.

\NC d: \NC avond, afond, avend, afend \NC \NR
\NC t: \NC avont, afont, avent, afent \NC \NR

This quotation from “Spellingsverandering van zin naar onzin” by G.C. Molewijk (1992) will
look like this: 4

4 Tabulate
Layout 71

d: avond, afond, avend, afend

t: avont, afont, avent, afent

4.13 Alignment
Horizontal and vertical alignment is set up by:

... width left right middle inner outer wide broad height bottom line reset hanging
nothanging hyphenated nothyphenated

The keys left, middle and right, inner and outer apply to horizontal alignment and bottom,
height and line to vertical alignment.

The key right results in the text being typeset ragged right. The keyword broad can be
combined with left, middle and right which results in somewhat more rough alignments.

The option line lets the last line touch the bottom of the page while height aligns the baseline
to the bottom.

Individual lines can be aligned with the commands:

... text

... text

... text

alignment over a number of lines is done by:

\startalignment ... \stopalignment[...]

..=.. see p 71: \setupalign

The text below shows a number of examples of horizontal alignment.

4 For the non--dutch readers: this book “Change of spelling, from sense to nonsense” is one of the most humorous
books on the developments in a language one can imagine. If you ever come to studying dutch, you should give this
book a try.

Alignment 4
72 Layout

The Brittish stubbornly stick to

driving at the left side of the road.
This can be considered a form conservatism,
or alternatively phrased: right--wing thinking.
However, a political drive--in--the--middle
compromise would definitely lead to accidents.
We done this with:
\leftaligned{The Brittish stubbornly stick to}
\leftaligned{driving at the left side of the road.}
\rightaligned{This can be considered a form conservatism,}
\rightaligned{or alternatively phrased: right||wing thinking.}
\midaligned{However, a political drive||in||the||middle}
\midaligned{compromise would definitely lead to accidents.}
The last words of a paragraph can be placed on the right hand side by the command
\wordright, so with:

... text

When typesetting a paragraph, TEX tries several alternatives and decides which one to choose
based on a system, of penalties. Normally TEX is very strict, but we can instruct TEX to be a
bit more tolerant. This means that, instead of letting problematic situations remain unsolved
—i.e. let words that cannot be hyphenated stick into the margin— TEX will add a bit more
stretch and apply different penalties for successive hyphens.
Alignment can be set up by:

... horizontal vertical stretch space verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant

By default we use [horizontal,verystrict] for horizontal alignment and

[vertical,strict] for vertical alignment. 5 A last resort is provided by the keyword stretch,
which in unsolvable situations will stretch spaces, extending the ugliness even further.
In double sided typesetting, alignment can be coupled to the left or right pages.
\quotation {Out of nowhere} is a rather normal way of saying that it is
not clear where something originates. It is typically a phrase that has
no counterpart, in the sense that nobody would comprehend the remark

5 If you want a real ugly result, you should set the TEX variable \pretolerance to 10.000. It is up to you.

4 Alignment
Layout 73

\quotation {Into somewhere}.


\quotation {Out of bounds} is a similar quote. There is no counterpart
\quotation {In of bounds}. Both examples demonstrate that in(ner) and
out(er) are not always counterparts.

Results of the commands above depend on the location of the page (left of right). The com-
mands lead to:

“Out of nowhere” is a rather normal way of saying that it is not clear where something orig-
inates. It is typically a phrase that has no counterpart, in the sense that nobody would com-
prehend the remark “Into somewhere”.

“Out of bounds” is a similar quote. There is no counterpart “In of bounds”.

Both examples demonstrate that in(ner) and out(er) are not always counterparts.

4.14 New lines

A new line is forced by: 6


If you want to have lines show up the way you typed them in your source file you can use:

\startlines ... \stoplines

Default indenting is off. You can set up lines by:

before command
after command
inbetween command
indenting yes no even odd

If we set up indenting=odd for example we will obtain:

Come on, he said, give me a while,

and I will typeset you this text
with rivers like the river Nile

This was typed in the source file as:

6 In titles, headers and margin texts \\ is available for introducing a new line.

New lines 4
74 Layout

Come on, he said, give me a while,
and I will typeset you this text
with rivers like the river Nile

Lines can be numbered with:

\startlinenumbering[...] ... \stoplinenumbering

... continue

A simple example of numbered lines might look like this:

There is of course no problem with trying to prevent illegal copying of
\cap {cd}’s and records. However, why should artists benefit from these
measures, who themselves have no problems with copying themes, lyrics
and melodies?

this becomes:

1 There is of course no problem with trying to prevent illegal copying of CD’s and records.
2 However, why should artists benefit from these measures, who themselves have no problems
3 with copying themes, lyrics and melodies?

We can influence line numbering by:

conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals text
start number
step number
width dimension
location intext inmargin
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
prefix text
referencing on off

With the variable conversion you set up the type of numbering. You may even use your own
character, for example an em--dash (keyed in as ---). In that case this character is set in front
of each line.

In chapter 9.5 we will explain how we can refer to a linenumber. The parameters prefix and
referencing can be used to unfluence that proces.

In the example below we use the following setup:

4 New lines
Layout 75



a macro is a piece of text a but when fed to TEX the program
2 random at first sight b you will be surprised
a bunch of stupid tokens that c thanks to macros your text too
4 looks less that awful right d will look quite organized

You can also mark lines in order to refer to specific line numbers. This will be shown in in
chapter 9.5.

4.15 New page

In some instances it is up to you to force, prevent or encourage a new page.

... yes makeup no preference bigpreference left right disable last quadruple even odd blank
empty reset

The possible set ups are explained in table 4.3. If no setup is used \page will result in a new

setup result

yes force a new page

makeup the same, without fill
no when possible, avoid page break
preference when possible, force page break
bigpreference when possible, force page break, try harder
left force a left page
right force a right page
disable ignore the next \page command
last add last page(s)
quadruple add pages until quadruple number of pages
even go to the next even page
odd go to the next odd page
blank insert a completely blank page
empty insert an empty page (with headers etc.)
reset reset the disable command

Table 4.3 Setups of \page.

New page 4
76 Layout

The setups last and quadruple can be used in double sided (reduced) typesetting. The first
setup up will add pages until an even number is obtained, the second set up will add pages
until the next quadruple is reached. When you want to overrule the automatic page numbering
you type the pagenumber yourself:


You can also use a relative number like [+4]. You can use this feature when you want to be
on the safe side and if you don’t know at what page you are.

While generating empty pages you have to take doublesidedness into account, for example:


4.16 Pagenumbers
At any location in the text the pagenumber can be set up with the command:

number number
state start stop keep

The pagenumber position on the page is defined by:

alternative singlesided doublesided
location header footer left right middle margin marginedge inleft inright
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
left text
right text
way bytext bysection bypart
text text
numberseparator text
textseparator text
sectionnumber yes no
separator text
strut yes no
state start stop
command \command#1

The position varies with the nature of the document. With conversion we state the way we
want to display the number. With location we define pagenumber positions like the bottom
or top, left or right side or in the margin. You can use combinations of these options. For


4 Pagenumbers
Layout 77

alternative=singlesided alternative=doublesided

left, right marginedge

middle middle
margin margin

Table 4.4 setups to \setuppagenumbering.

Another alternative is {singlesided,doublesided}. In this case headers and footers will be

mirrored in a double--sided document. The backspace is not mirrored (see figure 4.1).

l r l r l r r l l r r l

l r l r l r r l l r r l

singlesided single...,double... doublesided

Figure 4.1 Three ways to mirror.

You can assign text to the parameters left and right. These texts will encloses the pagenum-


This will lead to: – viii –. With style you define the font and with state pagenumbering is
switched on and off.

Numbering can become very fancy when you use command to execute an operation. This
command has an argument and will be executed every time a pagenumber is placed. A framed
pagenumber can be obtained by:


or partially framed by:



In this we use \inframed instead of \framed, because the pagenumber must align with the
texts of the headers and footers.

With textseparator you can define a separator between the section and pagenumber. Default
this is a –. When the pagenumber is to appear at the margin the numberseparator is placed
between the number and the footer text. Default this is a space with a width of 1em.

In interactive documents subpagenumbering is frequently used for hyperlinking. When every

new section is started on a new page the footer text can be set up with:


Pagenumbers 4
78 Layout

[screen {\subpagenumber} of {\numberofsubpages}] []

The setup is done with:

way bytext bysection bypart
state start stop none

and the numbers themselves can be recalled by \subpagenumber and \numberofsubpages.

These numbers are only reliable in headers and footers. In the case of interactive documents
a more abstract definition can be used:


In this case one can jump to the previous and following subpages. The subnumbering can be
reset with [reset].

In a similar fashion one has access to the page number and the total number of pages:
\pagenumber and \totalnumberofpages.

4.17 Headers and footers

Text in the header and footer are set up with the commands:

.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

A great number of arguments can be added. When the first argument is left out it is taken for
granted that the footer and header should be place under or over the pagebody (text). The
edge is located at the left side of the margin and is only used in interactive documents where
a extended pagebody is needed.

The key date generates a date and pagenumber generates the pagenumber. Part, chapter and
section titles can be summoned to appear in the header-- and footer text by part, chapter,
paragraph etc. By default the mark mechanism is active. Sectionnumbers can also be recalled:
chapternumber etc.

Setting the state is done for the whole header, so one should use the one--argument version:

4 Headers and footers

Layout 79

Those who want more variations in headers and footers can use four instead of two arguments.
Four arguments have only effect in double--sided documents.
[even left][even right]
[odd left][odd right]
So there are different combinations of arguments possible:
\setupheadertexts[mid text]
\setupheadertexts[left text][right text]
\setupheadertexts[left text][right text][left .][right .]
\setupheadertexts[location][left text][right text]
\setupheadertexts[location][left text][right text][left .][right .]
Instead of text, one can specify keywords like chapter, date or pagenumber. When the
pagenumber is positioned in this way, one should also say:
The current setups of the headers and footers are cleared when no values are stated in
\setupfootertexts. Problems can be expected when you use [ ] in your setup. These
have to be enclosed in curly brackets:
The type setting of head-- and foot texts can be influenced by:

... text margin edge
state normal stop start empty high none nomarking name
strut yes no
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
leftstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
rightstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
leftwidth dimension
rightwidth dimension
before command
after command


... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader

As with \setup...texts the first argument is optional. The keys state, before and after
work on all parts of the pagebody, on the main text, the margins and edges.

Headers and footers 4

80 Layout

When ...width is set up the text is clipped at the given width. The key strut is important
when footers or headers contain other objects than text. When strut is set to no, the ob-
ject is not corrected for linedepth. You could use the command \showstruts to get some
information on this phenomena.

The setups with state are explained in table 4.5. You should bear in mind that page numbering
will always continue whether or not the pagenumbers are placed.

setup result

normal visible
none invisible, no whitespace
empty one page invisble, whitespace
high one page visible, no whitespace
start visible
nomarking leave out marks
stop invisible, whitespace

Table 4.5 Setups with \setupheader and \setupfooter.

When setups are done between \start and \stop they will only work locally. This means that
the setups are reset after stop. Headers and footers may appear even while you think new
ones should appear. This is due to the way TEX determines valid breakpoints. One can never
be certain when such an automatic break will occur. The solution is to force a new page by
\page before \stop.

Headers and footers can be switched off on a page by means of:


Next to head-- and footertexts there are also over-- and bottomtexts. These are setup in a
similar way:

.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

4 Headers and footers

Layout 81

.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader

... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader

... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader


When the height of an area equals zero, no text is placed. By default the top and bottom area
have zero height, so setting their text areas without setting the height has no effect.

At the instance of a new part or chapter we can deal in a different way with the headers and
footers. Suppose that a default setup looks like this:


At the first page of new chapters this may look not too good. Therefore we could state:


However if we use it in this way we loose the pagenumber. A more adequate solution is:




we obtain the desired effect. The pagenumber appears in the foot and the header disappears
completely. These kind of commands are essential when you don’t want to define all kinds of
setups locally in a text, for example before every new chapter. This mechanism only works
when going to a new page enabled.

Headers and footers 4

82 Layout

.1. name
.2. header footer
.3. text
.4. text
.5. text

4.18 Footnotes
In some texts you can’t do without footnotes. The footnote marker is placed in the text and
the note itself is typeset at another location in the text, usually at the bottom of the page. Most
often at the bottom of the page.

... text

A footnote number or --symbol is recalled with:

\note[ref] ñ ð

An example of footnotes is given below.

The first compositions of the American composer Steve Reich will probably
only appreciated by the most \quote {purist} among those who like
minimal||music \footnote {A decent minimal is not so much characterized by
a minimal use of musical instruments, but more by subtle shifts in
polyphonic rhythms.}, his later works, like \quote {The Desert Music}, are
compositions for full orchestra, where the orchestra is extended with a for
Reich characteristic rhythm section \footnote {In most cases this section
consists of pianos, marimbas and xylophones.} and choir. Together
with John Adams, \footnote {His \quote {Fearful Symmetries} is a perfect mix
of classic, jazz, swing and pop music.} Reich can be considered one of
today’s leading composers. It is, however, a pity that they can only be seen
\footnote {The nice thing about compositions like \quote {Drumming} and
\quote {Sextet} is de fact that \quotation {what the ear hears} differs
from what the \quotation {eye sees happening}.} and heard at the smaller
broad companies, like the \cap {VPRO}. \footnote{A non commercial Dutch
broadcast company.} \footnote {Sometimes also at other companies, because
somehow this kind of music is quite suited for impressive and|/|or
melodramatic documentaries.}

Undesired spaces are ignored. Spacing between two footnote numbers or symbols is taken
care of. The result looks like this:

4 Footnotes
Layout 83

The first compositions of the American composer Steve Reich will probably only appreciated
by the most ‘purist’ among those who like minimal--music 7, his later works, like ‘The Desert
Music’, are compositions for full orchestra, where the orchestra is extended with a for Reich
characteristic rhythm section 8 and choir. Together with John Adams, 9 Reich can be considered
one of today’s leading composers. It is, however, a pity that they can only be seen 10 and heard
at the smaller broad companies, like the VPRO. 11 12
The type setting of the footnote can be setup with the command below that is defined in the
setup area of your document.

conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
way bytext bysection
location page text columns high none
rule on off
before command
after command
width dimension
height dimension
bodyfont 5pt ... 12pt small big
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
distance dimension
columndistance dimension
margindistance dimension
n number
numbercommand \command#1
split tolerant strict verystrict number
..=.. see p 206: \framed

By default footnotes are placed at the bottom of a page. When using columns you can set
location to columns so that the footnotes appear in the last column.
We can frame footnotes, place them in columns and decouple them from a page. The meaning
of this last option is explained in an example.
{A (latin) table.}

7 A decent minimal is not so much characterized by a minimal use of musical instruments, but more by subtle shifts in
polyphonic rhythms.
8 In most cases this section consists of pianos, marimbas and xylophones.
9 His ‘Fearful Symmetries’ is a perfect mix of classic, jazz, swing and pop music.
10 The nice thing about compositions like ‘Drumming’ and ‘Sextet’ is de fact that “what the ear hears” differs from what
the “eye sees happening”.
11 A non commercial Dutch broadcast company.
12 Sometimes also at other companies, because somehow this kind of music is quite suited for impressive and/or
melodramatic documentaries.

Footnotes 4
84 Layout

\VL Nota \footnote {Bene} \VL Bene \footnote {Nota} \VL\FR

\VL Bene \footnote {Nota} \VL Nota \footnote {Bene} \VL\LR

The table enables the float placement mechanism, so we don’t know on which page the table
nor the footnotes will appear. So the footnotes are coupled to the table by using local footnotes.

Nota 1 Bene 2
Bene 3 Nota 4
2 Bene

Table 4.6 A (latin) table.

\startlocalfootnotes ... \stoplocalfootnotes

..=.. see p 83: \setupfootnotes

..=.. see p 83: \setupfootnotes

Footnotes can be placed at the end of a chapter or a document. The key location is set at
text and we use the following command to place the footnotes:

..=.. see p 83: \setupfootnotes

When n is set at 2, you can display the footnotes in columns. This should be done at an early
stage because TEX is using the dimensions of the footnotes to determine the page break. More
information can be found in the source code of the ConTEXt module: core-not.tex.

The next example demonstrates that footnote numbers can be replaced by footnote symbols.
In this example conversion is set at set 3.

note: use footnotes sparingly ∗

note: be brief ∗∗
note: no notes are even better ∗ ∗ ∗

∗ During the development of ConT Xt the footnote mechanism was one of the first real challenges. And I’m challenged
still since I just encountered documents with footnotes within footnotes.
∗∗ Why? See note ∗.
∗ ∗ ∗ QED.

4 Footnotes
Layout 85

Default the key numbercommand is set \high, but other setups are allowed. You can also work

..=.. see p 179: \definedescription

to define the exact way of how to display the footnotes, because the standard definition
mechanism is used (see section ??).

4.19 Aligned boxes

TEX is basically aware of two kind of boxes: \hbox and \vbox. A horizontal \hbox can be
considered a line, a \vbox a paragraph. There are two types of vertical boxes: a \vbox aligns
on the baseline of the last line, while a \vtop aligns on the first line.
\hbox{\hbox{one} \vbox{two\par three} \vtop{four\par five}}
When we make the frames visible —in this case we said \showboxes in advance— the example
above becomes:

one three four

In addition ConTEXt provides a lot of alternative boxes, like: \cbox, \lbox and \rbox. These
commands can be used while defining your own macros, but will seldom appear in the running
text. Like in \hbox and \vbox the dimension of the width can be added.
\cbox{... text ...}
\lbox to 4cm{... text ...}
The reader is invited to experiment with these commands. A new line is forced with \\.
For some very dedicated purposes there is \sbox. This command is used to give a box the
height of a strut. You may forget this command.
To another category of boxes belong \tbox and \bbox. Both are used within tables. Look at
the example below that illustrates their use.
a a a a a
aa a a a a a a aa aa
\hbox \vbox \vtop \lbox \cbox \rbox \sbox \tbox \bbox
The \tbox and \bbox are also used in figures.

\hbox \vbox \sbox \tbox \bbox

Aligned boxes 4
86 Layout

In ConTEXt a complete repertoire of macros is available that relies on boxes. For example we
can add cutmarks to a box:

\setbox0=\vbox{The Final Cut\par --- \em Pink Floyd}

\makecutbox0 \box0

Be aware of the fact that such marks lie outside the boxes.

The Final Cut

— Pink Floyd

We can visualize boxes by using \ruledhbox, \ruledvbox and \ruledvtop instead of \hbox,
\vbox and \vtop. With \showmakeup we can visualise everything automatically and we can
get some insight on the features of ConTEXt and TEX.

The next example shows that we can use TEX for more than only the straight forward type-
setting. However, to be able to do this, one should have some insight in the manipulation of
boxes. We use buffers to enhance comprehensibility.

Drink geen water \crlf direct uit de kraan! \blank

\tfx \setupinterlinespace Het drinkwater is tijdelijk niet betrouwbaar.
Kook het water voor consumptie ten minste 2˜minuten. Zodra het water
weer betrouwbaar is, krijgt u bericht. \par


\language[en] Do not drink water \crlf directly from the tap! \blank

\tfx \setupinterlinespace The water is temporarily unfit for drinking.
Boil the water during at least 2˜minutes before consumption. As soon
as the water is reliable again, you will be notified. \par

This text is typeset in a framed box. We use two temporary boxes. The first deter-
mines the height of the second one. Instead of \tfx\setupinterlinespace you could use
\switchtobodyfont to switch to a narrower bodyfont. ([small]). The \par is essential!

{\hsize 16em\switchtobodyfont[ss]\getbuffer[water]}
\setbox2=\vbox to \ht0

The result —an example of a drinking water warning— is shown below.

4 Aligned boxes
Layout 87

Drink geen water

direct uit de kraan!
Het drinkwater is tijdelijk niet betrouw-
baar. Kook het water voor consumptie
ten minste 2 minuten. Zodra het water
weer betrouwbaar is, krijgt u bericht.

Do not drink water

directly from the tap!
The water is temporarily unfit for drink-
ing. Boil the water during at least 2 min-
utes before consumption. As soon as the
water is reliable again, you will be noti-

4.20 Makeup
A document may have a titlepage, a colofon and some pages that are not directly related to
the main part of the document. Mostly these pages are not numbered and can do without
headers and footers. Because their layout needs extra attention we prefer the word makeup
for defining their specific layout.
The commands \startstandardmakeup and \stopstandardmakeup exclude text from the
standard pagebody and its layout. Below a simple example is given. You will notice commands
like \vfill, \blank, \tf and even \crlf and \vskip.
\tfd Jobs around the house \blank[2*big]
\tfb Part 1: Gas, water and electricity \vfill
\tfb J. Hagen \crlf A.F. Otten \blank
\tfb Hasselt \crlf \currentdate[month,year]
In double--sided documents an empty page is generated that functions as the backside of the
title page. However sometimes this backside should also be typeset.
... the front
... the back
Because double--sided typesetting is turned off, a backside page is not generated. And because
the key page is no the next page does not get the layout of a right hand side page (this would
be default).

Makeup 4
88 Layout

With the command \showframe frames can be made visible (temporarily) around the made up
text. This is very convenient during the typesetting of separate pages.

Next to the command \startstandardmakeup one can define his own layout with different
dimensions by means of:

... name
..=.. see p 88: \setupmakeup

... name
width dimension
height dimension
voffset dimension
hoffset dimension
page left yes right
commands command
doublesided yes no empty
headerstate normal stop start empty none nomarking
footerstate normal stop start empty none nomarking
textstate normal stop start empty none nomarking
topstate stop start
bottomstate stop start
pagestate stop start
color name

\startnamemakeup ... \stopname

The first command generates a \start...stop--pair between which the new typesetting com-
mands can be typed. Bij default the result of this new layout is typeset on an empty page. The
new layout is marked with name, for selection at a later stage (see section ??).

The commands that are provided after the key commands are executed immediately when a
new layout is called. In this local layouts can be defined.

4 Makeup

5.1 Introduction
Through the millennia we have developed and adapted methods for storing facts and thoughts
on a variety of different medium. A very efficient way of doing this is using logograms, like
Chinese have done for ages. Another method is to represent each syllable in a word by a
symbol, like the Japanese do when writing telegrams. However, the most familiar way of
storing information is using a limited set of pictures representing so called phonemes. Such a
collection is called an alphabet, and often the same glyph is used for different sounds.
Although TEX is primarily meant for typesetting languages that use this third method, in
principle the other two can also be dealt with. In this manual we will focus on the languages
that use such alphabets.
The little pictures representing the characters that make up an alphabet are more or less
standardized, and thereby can be recognized by readers, even if their details differ. Such a
collection of pictures, often called glyphs, make up a font.

gap gap gap gap

From left to right we see the Computer Modern, a Lucida Bright, a Times Roman and an Antiqua
Torunka font, all scaled to 60pt. Fonts colections are designed in such a way that the overall
appearance of a page looks good and that reading is as comfortable as possible.

lap lap lap lap

Within a font design there can be variations. In the example above we see a normal, a bold, an
italic, and a bold italic alternative of the Lucida Bright font.
The distance between the individual glyphs in a word depend on the combinations of these
glyphs. In the next sample, the gap between the b and the o as well as the distance between
the o and the x is slightly altered. This is called kerning.

Introduction 5
90 Typography

Here we show a Computer Modern, the default TEX font. This font is designed by Donald Knuth
and is a variation on a Monotype Times font. The Computer Modern has many kerning pairs,
while the Lucida Bright used in this manual has none.
This kind of micro--typography is not to be altered by the user. It is part of the font design.
However the user can alter fonts and interline spacing and some more aspects on the level of
macro--typography. The choice of font is the main topic of this chapter.
There are different ways to classify fonts. There are classification systems based on times
of development, the characteristics of the fonts or the font application, for example in a
newspaper or a book.

ok ok ok ok ok
In this example we see five font styles of Lucida: the Bright, Sans, Typewriter, Handwriting and
Calligraphy. This is one of the few examples of a font collection that provides many consistent
alternative styles. The Computer Modern is another example of a rather complete font. It is
one of the few fonts that comes with dedicated design sizes. The example below shows the
differences of a 5, 7, 9, 12 and 17 point design scaled up to 48 points. Such nuances in font
size are seldom seen these days.

ok ok ok ok ok
The general appearance of a style can be classified according to many schemes. In table 5.1
we see some examples of the naming of styles.

Serif Sans Mono

Regular Support Mono
Roman Sans Type
Table 5.1 Some ways of classifying the
styles in a font.

The first two series are used by typographers, however in ConTEXt we rather use the last series
because it is traditionally used in plain TEX. The command \rm is used to switch to a roman/
serif/regular style, and \tt for switching to mono spaced or typewriter style.
In the next sections we will go into switching of font styles and fonts in your documents.
Note that the font switching mechanism is rather complex. This is caused by the different

5 Introduction
Typography 91

modes like math mode and text mode in ConTEXt. If you want to be able to understand the
mechanism you will have to acquaint yourself with the concept of the encoding vector and
obtain some knowledge on fonts and their peculiarities.

5.2 The mechanism

Font switching is one of the eldest features of ConTEXt because font switching is indispensable
in a macropackage. The last few years extensions to the font switching mechanism were
inevitable. We have chosen the following starting points during the development of this
• To change a style must be easy, this means switching to: roman (serif, regular), sans serif
(support), teletype (or monospaced) etc. (\rm, \ss, \tt etc.)
• More than one variations of character must be available like slanted and bold (\sl and \bf).
• Different font families like Computer Modern Roman and Lucida Bright must be supported.
• Changing the bodyfont must also be easy, and so font size between 8pt and 12pt must be
available by default.
• Within a font different sub-- and superscripts must be available. The script sizes can be
used during switching of family, style and alternative.
• Specific characteristics of a body font like font definition (encoding vector) must be taken
into account.
Text can be typeset in different font sizes. We often use the unit pt to specify the size. The
availability of these font sizes are defined in definition files. Traditionally font designers used
to design a glyph collection for each font size, but nowadays most fonts have a design size of
10 points. An exception to this rule is the Computer Modern Roman that comes with most TEX
The most frequently used font sizes are predefined: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14.4 points. When you
use another size —for example for a titlepage— ConTEXt will define this font itself within the
constraints of the used typeface. ConTEXt works with a precision of 1 digit which prevents
unnecessary loading of fontsizes with small size differences. When a fontsize is not available
ConTEXt prefers to use a somewhat smaller font size. We consider this to be more tolerable
than a somewhat bigger font size.
The bodyfont (main font), font style and size is set up with:

... name serif regular roman sans support sansserif mono type teletype handwritten
calligraphic 5pt ... 12pt

In a running text a temporary font switch is done with the command:

... 5pt ... 12pt small big global

The mechanism 5
92 Typography

This command doesn’t change the bodyfont in headers and footers. With small and big you
switch to a smaller or larger font.
In most cases, the command \setupbodyfont is only used once: in the styledefinition.
Fontswitching is done with \switchtobodyfont. Don’t mix these two up because this may
lead to some rather strange but legitimate effects.
TEX searches for font information in the file with the extension tfm. Pre--loading is possible
but ConTEXt will only load these files when necessarry. The reason is that filenames can differ
per distribution.
The font used in headers, footers and footnotes are adapted automatically. This includes the
interline space and vertical whitespaces. Font switches with \vi, \vii, \viii, \ix, \x, \xi
and \xii have only local effects.
The commands:
{\xii with these commands \par}
{\xi for font switching \par}
{\x it is possible to \par}
{\ix produce an eyetest: \par}
{\viii a x c e u i w m q p \par}
When changing the size of the bodyfont, the interline space is adapted automatically. This is
shown on the left. On the right we see what happens when the interline space is not adapted.

with these commands with these commands

for font switching for font switching
it is possible to it is possible to
produce an eyetest: produce an eyetest:

5.3 Font switching

The mechanism to switch from one style to another is rather complex and therefore hard to
explain. To begin with, the terminology is a bit fuzzy. We call a collection of font shapes,
like Lucida or Computer Modern Roman a family. Within such a family, the members can be
grouped according to characteristics. Such a group is called a style. Examples of styles within
a family are: roman, sans serif and teletype. We already saw that there can be alternative
classifications, but they all refer to the pressence of serifs and the glyphs having equal widths.
In some cases handwritten and/or calligraphic styles are also available. Within a style there
can be alternatives, like boldface and slanted.
There are different ways to change into a new a style or alternative. You can use \ss to switch
to a sans serif font style and \bf to get a bold alternative. When a different style is chosen, the
alternatives adapt themselves to this style. Often we will typeset the document in one family
and style. This is called the bodyfont.
A consequent use of commands like \bf and \sl in the text will automatically result in the
desired bold and slanted altermatives when you change the family or style in the setup area

5 Font switching
Typography 93

of your input file. A somewhat faster way of style switching is done by \ssbf, \sssl, etc. but
this should be used with care, since far less housekeeping takes place.

The alternatives within a style are given below. The abbreviation \sl means slanted, \it
means italic and \bf means boldface. Sometimes \bs and \bi are also available, meaning
bold slanted and bold italic. When an alternative is not known, ConTEXt will choose a suitable
replacement automatically.

With \os we tell ConTEXt that we prefer mediaeval or old--style numbers 139 over 139. The
\sc generates Small Caps. With an x we switch to smaller font size, with a, b, c and d to a
bigger one. The actual font style is stated by \tf or typeface.

\tfa \tfb \tfc \tfd

\tfx \bfx \slx \itx
\bf \sl \it \bs \bi \sc \os

It depends on the completeness of the font definition files whether alternatives like \bfa,
\bfb, etc. are available. Not all fonts have for instance italic and slanted or both their bold
alternatives. In such situations, slanted and italic are threated as equivalents.

Switching to a smaller font is accomplished by \tfx, \bfx, \slx, etc., which adapt themselves
to the actual alternative. An even more general downscaling is achieved by \tx, which adapts
itself to the style and alernative. This command is rather handy when one wants to write
macros that act like a chameleon. Going one more step smaller, is possible too: \txx. Using
\tx when \tx is already given, is equivalent to \txx.

Frequent font switching leads to longer processing times. When no sub- or superscripts are
used and you are very certain what font you want to use, you can perform fast font switches
with: \rmsl, \ssbf, \tttf, etc.

Switching to another font style is done by:

\rm \ss \tt \hw \cg

When \rm is chosen ConTEXt will interpret the command \tfd as \rmd. All default font setups
use tf--setups and will adapt automatically.

The various commands will adapt themselves to the actual setup of font and size. For example:

{\rm test {\sl test} {\bf test} \tfc test {\tx test} {\bf test}}
{\ss test {\sl test \tx test} {\bf test \tx test}}

will result in:

test test test test test test

test test test test test

When a character is not available the most acceptable alternative is chosen.

We will not go into the typographical sins of underlining. These commands are discussed in
section 11.5 (“Underline”).

Font switching 5
94 Typography

5.4 Characters
A number of commands use the parameter style to set up the font style and size. You can
use commands like \sl or \rma or keywords like:
normal bold slanted boldslanted italic bolditalic type
small smallbold smallslanted ... smallitalic ... smalltype
The parameter mechanism is rather flexible so with the parameter style you can type bold
and \bf or bf. Even the most low level kind of font switching commands like 12ptrmbf are
permitted. This is fast but requires some insight in macros behind this mechanism.

5.5 Available alternatives

There are only a few font families that can handle math. There is the Computer Modern Roman,
the very beautiful Lucida Bright that we prefer in electronic documents, and of course one can
use the ‘prefered by publishers font’ Times. These fonts carry a complete set of characters
and symbols for mathematical typesetting. Among these, the Computer Modern Roman dis-
tinguishes itself by its many design sizes, which pays off when typesetting complicate math.
On this design there are a few variations called Euler and Concrete. 16
The Computer Modern Roman contains 70 charactertypes and sizes. Because a number of
charactersizes are not defined the 11 point characters are defined as scaled 9 and 10 point
characters under the option cmr. With eul and con we obtain a Computer Modern.

... see p 91: \setupbodyfont

With the command \showbodyfont an overview is generated of the available characters. Below
the 12pt--body font Computer Modern Roman (cmr) is shown. The close reader will note that
not all alternatives are available by default.

[cmr,12pt] \mr : Ag

\tf \sc \sl \it \bf \bs \bi \tfx \tfxx \tfa \tfb \tfc \tfd

\rm Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag
\ss Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag
\tt Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag
We can see that the 12pt Lucida Bright (lbr) is somewhat bigger than the 12pt Computer
Modern Roman. An x--character for example \bfx is 2pts smaller than the actual typeface.
The bigger characters are scaled by TEX’s \magstep.

16 See Concrete Mathematics by Knuth cs., an outstanding book from the perspective of typography and didactically.

5 Characters — Available alternatives

Typography 95

[lbr,12pt] \mr : Ag

\tf \sc \sl \it \bf \bs \bi \tfx \tfxx \tfa \tfb \tfc \tfd

\rm Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag
\ss Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag
\tt Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag Ag
A last remark. When you have chosen a larger charactersize, for example \tfb, then \tf equals
\tfb, \bf equals \bfb, etc. This method is preferable over returning to the original character

5.6 Emphasize
Within most macropackages the command \em is available. This command behaves like a
chameleon which means that it will adapt to the actual typeface. In ConTEXt \em has the
following characteristics:

• a switch to slanted or italic is possible

• a switch within \bf results in bold slanted or bold italic (when available)
• a so called italic correction is performed automatically (\/)

The bold italic or bold slanted characters are supported only when \bs and \bi are available.

The mnemonic {\em em} means {\em emphasis}.

{\em The mnemonic {\em em} means {\em emphasis}.}
{\bf The mnemonic {\em em} means {\em emphasis}.}
{\em \bf The mnemonic {\em em} {\em emphasis}.}
{\it The mnemonic em {\em means \bf emphasis}.}
{\sl The mnemonic em {\em means \bf emphasis}.}

This results in:

The mnemonic em means emphasis.

The mnemonic em means emphasis.
The mnemonic em means emphasis.
The mnemonic em emphasis.
The mnemonic em means emphasis.
The mnemonic em means emphasis.

The advantage of the use of \em over \it and/or \sl is that consistent typesetting is enforced.

By default emphasis is set at slanted, but in this text it is set at italic. The setting is made by:


Emphasize 5
96 Typography

5.7 Capitals
Words and abbreviations can be typeset in capitals. Both small and big characters are converted
into capitals. When \cap is used to typeset a capital the size is that of an \tx. When we switch
to slanted (\sl), bold (\bf), etc. the capital letter will also change. Since \cap has a specific
meaning in math mode, the format implementation is called \kap. However in text mode one
can use \cap.

... text

... text

... text

\Caps{.. ... ..}

... text

The first command converts all letters to a capital. We advise you not to type capital letters in
your source file because real small caps distinguishes between small and big letters.

Capitals for \cap {UK} are \cap {OK} and capitals for \cap {USA} are
okay. But what about capitals in \cap {Y2K}.

this results in:

Capitals for UK are OK and capitals for USA are okay. But what about capitals in Y2K.

A \kap within a \kap will not lead to any problems:

\kap {People that have gathered their \kap {capital} at the cost of other
people are not seldom \nokap {decapitated} in revolutionary times.}



In this example we see that \cap can be temporarily revoked by \nocap.

... text

5 Capitals
Typography 97

The command \Cap changes the first character of a word into a capital and \CAP changes letters
that are preceded by \\ into capital letters. With \Caps you can change the first character of
several words into a capital letter.

title yes no
sc yes no

With this command the capital mechanism can be set up. The key sc=yes switches to real
Small Caps. With title we determine whether capitals in titles are changed.
Next to the former \cap--commands we have:

... text


\Words{.. ... ..}

... text

These commands switch the first characters of words into capitals. All characters in a word
are changed with:

... text

We end this section with real small capitals. When these are available the real small caps \sc
are preferred over the pseudo--capital in abbreviations and logos.
In a manual on \TeX\ and Con\TeX t there is always the question whether to
type \kap{\TeX} and \kap{Con\TeX t} or {\sc \TeX} and {\sc Con\TeX t}. Both
are defined as a logo in the style definition so we type \type {\TEX} and
\type {\CONTEXT}, which come out as \TEX\ and \CONTEXT.
Results in:
In a manual on TEX and ConTEXt there is always the question whether to type TEX and CONTEXT
or TEX and ConTEXt. Both are defined as a logo in the style definition so we type \TEX and
\CONTEXT, which come out as TEX and ConTEXt.
It is always possible to typeset text in small capitals. However, realize that lower
case characters discriminate more and make for an easier read.
An important difference between \kap and \sc is that the last command is used for a specific
designed font type. The command \kap on the other hand adapts itself to the actual typeface:
KAP, KAP, KAP, etc.

Capitals 5
98 Typography

Some typesetting packages stretch words (inter character spacing) to reach an acceptable
alignment. In ConTEXt this not supported. On purpose! Words in titles can be stretched by:

... text

\hbox to \hsize {\stretched{there\\is\\much\\stretch\\in ...}}

\hbox to 20em {\stretched{... and\\here\\somewhat\\less}}

With \\ we enforce a space ({} is also allowed).

t h e r e i s m u c h s t r e t c h i n . . .
... and here somewhat less

These typographically non permitted actions are only allowed in heads. The macros that take
care of stretching do this by processing the text character by character.

5.8 Verbatim text

Text can be displayed in verbatim (typed) form. The text is typed between the commands:

\starttyping ... \stoptyping

Like in:

In this text there are enough examples of verbatim text. The command
definitions and examples are typeset with the mentioned commands. Like in
this example.

For in--line typed text the command \type is available.

... text

A complete file can be added to the text with the command:

.1. name
.2. file

The style of typing is set with:

5 Verbatim text
Typography 99

... file typing name
space on off
page yes no
option slanted normal commands color none
text yes no
icommand command
vcommand command
ccommand command
before command
after command
margin dimension standard yes no
evenmargin dimension
oddmargin dimension
blank dimension small medium big standard halfline line
escape /
indentnext yes no
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
palet name colorpretty
lines yes no hyphenated

This setup influences the display verbatim (\starttyping) and the verbatim typesetting of
files (\typefile) and buffers (\typebuffer). The first optional argument can be used to
define a specific verbatim environment.
When the key space=on, the spaces are shown:
A very special case is:
This can be used in:
A verbatim line can be very long and when we don’t want to hyphenate we
typeset it in the margin on the uneven pages.
At a left hand side page the verbatim text is set in the margin.
A verbatim line can be very long and when we don’t want to hyphenate we
typeset it in the margin on the uneven pages.

Verbatim text 5
100 Typography

An in--line verbatim is set up by:

space on off
option slanted normal none
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name

When the parameter option is set at slanted all text between << and >> is typeset in a slant-
ed letter. This feature can be used with all parameters. In this way \type{aa<<bb>>cc}
will result in: aabbcc.
For reasons of readability you can also use other characters than { and } as outer parenthesis.
You can choose your own non--active (a non--special) character, for example: \type+like
this+ or \type-like that-. Furthermore you can use the mentioned << and >>, as in
\type<<like this>> or even \type<like that>.
The parameter option=commands enables you to process commands in a typed text. In this
option \ is replaced by /. This option is used for typesetting manuals like this one. For
\seethis <</rm : this command has no effect>>
\sihtees <</sl : neither has this one>>
The double << and >> overtake the function of {}.
Within the type--commands we are using \tttf. When we would have used \tt, the \sl would
have produced a slanted and \bf a bold typeletter. Now this will not happen:
\seethis : this command has no effect

\sihtees : neither has this one

One of the most interesting options of typesetting verbatim is a program source code. We
will limit the information on this topic and refer readers to the documentation in the files
verb-xxx.tex and cont-ver.tex. In that last file you can find the following lines:
\definetyping [MP] [option=MP]
\definetyping [PL] [option=PL]
\definetyping [JS] [option=JS]
\definetyping [TEX] [option=TEX]
Here we see that it is possible to define your own verbatim environment. For that purpose we
use the command:

... file typing name
..=.. see p 99: \setuptyping

5 Verbatim text
Typography 101

The definitions above couple such an environment to an option.

beginfig (12) ;
MyScale = 1.23 ;
draw unitsquare scaled MyScale shifted (10,20) ;
endfig ;

In color (or reduced gray) this will come out as:

beginfig (12) ;
MyScale = 1.23 ;
draw unitsquare scaled MyScale shifted (10,20) ;
endfig ;

These environments take care of typesetting the text in such a way that the typographics
match the chosen language. It is possible to write several filters. Languages like METAPOST,
METAFONT, Perl, JavaScript, sql, and off course TEX are supported. By default color is used
to display these sources, where several palettes take care of the different commands. That
is why you see the parameter palet in \setuptyping. One can use font changes or even
own commands instead, by assigning the appropriate values to the icommand (for identifiers),
vcommand (for variables) and ccommand parameters (for the rest). By default we have:

\setuptyping [icommand=\ttsl, vcommand=, ccommand=\tf]

We have some alternatives for \type. When typesetting text with this command the words are
not hyphenated. Hyphenation is performed however when one uses:

... text

When you are thinking of producing a manual on TEX you have two commands that may serve
you well:

... text

... text

The first command places a \ in front of typed text and the second command encloses the text
with .

Verbatim text 5
102 Typography

5.9 Math
Many TEX users have chosen TEX for its superb math type setting. The math oriented character
of TEX has also influenced the font mechanism. We will not go into any details but the central
key is the family. There is a font family for \bf, \it, etc. Within a family we distinguish three
members: text, script and scriptscript, or a normal, smaller and smallest font. The normal
font size is used for running text and the smaller ones for sub and superscripts. The next
example will show what the members of a font family can do.
$\tf xˆ2+\bf xˆ2+\sl xˆ2+\it xˆ2+\bs xˆ2+ \bi xˆ2 =\rm 6xˆ2$
$\tf xˆ2+\bf xˆ2+\sl xˆ2+\it xˆ2+\bs xˆ2+ \bi xˆ2 =\tf 6xˆ2$
$\tf xˆ2+\bf xˆ2+\sl xˆ2+\it xˆ2+\bs xˆ2+ \bi xˆ2 =\bf 6xˆ2$
$\tf xˆ2+\bf xˆ2+\sl xˆ2+\it xˆ2+\bs xˆ2+ \bi xˆ2 =\sl 6xˆ2$
When this is typeset you see this:
x 2 + x2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x2
x 2 + x2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x2
x 2 + x2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x2
x 2 + x2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x 2
We can see that the characters adapt but that the symbols are typeset in the same font.
Technically this means that the symbols are set in font family 0 (there are 16 families) and in
this case that is default \tf.
It can also be done somewhat differently as we will see in the next example. A new command
is used: \mf, which stands for math font. This command takes care of the symbols in such a
way that they are set in the actual font. 17
x2 + x2 + x2 + x2 + x2 + x2 = 6x2
x2 + x2 + x2 + x2 + x2 + x2 = 6x2
x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x 2
x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x 2
x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x 2
x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 = 6x 2
You should take into account that TEX typesets a formula as a whole. In some cases this means
that setups at the end of the formula have effect at the beginning.
$\tf\mf xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 = 6xˆ2$
$\bf\mf xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 = 6xˆ2$
$\sl\mf xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 = 6xˆ2$
$\bs\mf xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 = 6xˆ2$
$\it\mf xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 = 6xˆ2$
$\bi\mf xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 = 6xˆ2$
The exact location of \mf is not that important. We also could have typed:
$\bf xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 + xˆ2 = \mf 6xˆ2$

17 We also see a strange visual effect. It seems as if the lines are sloped.

5 Math
Typography 103

One other aspect of fonts in math mode is the way reserved names like \sin and \cos are
$\bf xˆ2 + \hbox{whatever} + \sin(2x)$
Unlike plain TEX, the sin is also set bold.
x2 + whatever + sin(2x)
In ConTEXt the 12pt math (Computer Modern) fonts are defined with:
\definebodyfont [12pt] [mm]
[ex=cmex10 at 12pt,
sy=cmsy10 at 12pt]
It is possible to use \tf, \bf, etc. within math mode.
\definebodyfont [10pt,11pt,12pt] [mm]
[tf=Sans sa 1,
bf=SansBold sa 1,
sl=SansItalic sa 1,
ex=MathExtension sa 1,
mi=MathItalic sa 1,
sy=MathSymbol sa 1]
The example we used before would become:
x2 + whatever + sin(2x)

5.10 Em and Ex
In specifying dimensions we can distinguish physical units like pt and cm and internal units
like em and ex. These last units are related to the actual fontsize. When you use these
internal units in specifying for example horizontal and vertical spacing you don’t have to do
any recalculating when fonts are switched in the style definition.
Some insight in these units does not hurt. The width of an em is not the with of an M, but
that of an — (an em--dash). When this glyph is not available in the font another value is used.
Table 5.2 shows some examples. We see that the width of a digit is about .5em. In Computer
Modern Roman a digit is excactly half an em wide.

\tf \bf \sl \tt \ss \tfx

12 12 12 12 12 12


— — — --- — —

Table 5.2 The width of an em.

Em and Ex 5
104 Typography

In most cases we use em for specifying width and and ex for height. Table 5.3 shows some
examples. We see that the height equals the height of a lowercase x.

\tf \bf \sl \tt \ss \tfx

x x x x x x

Table 5.3 The height of an ex.

5.11 Definitions
This section is meant for curious users or those users that want to do some experimenting on
defining fonts. We will not discuss precise definitions of accents and encodings. For these issues
we refer to the examples in the source code and the files font-xxx and enco-xxx.

Earlier we have seen that within a font family there are different font sizes. The relations
between these sizes are defined with:

[ text=12pt, Math dimensions: normal dimensions,
script=9pt, super- and subscripts and
scriptscript=7pt, supersuper- and subsubscripts.
x=10pt, Pseudo caps and
xx=8pt, nested pseudo caps.
big=12pt, In case we switch to big
small=10pt] or small.

When we use a fontsize that is not predefined in this way ConTEXt applies the same proportions
anyhow. You can alter this definition by specifying the parameter default. When you want to
have a somewhat bigger fontsize you can type:

\definebodyfontenvironment [24pt]

You can switch to a 12.4 environment, without any specific actions. Within a group these
fontdefinitions are temporary. When you use the definitions several times in your document
you should type the definitions in the setup area of your source file (style definition) since this
can save much runtime.

An overview of the different fontsizes within a family can be summoned with:

... see p 91: \setupbodyfont

For the lbr family of fonts this is:

5 Definitions
Typography 105

text script scriptscript x xx small big interlinie
20.7pt 14.4pt 12pt 17.3pt 14.4pt 17.3pt 20.7pt
17.3pt 12pt 10pt 14.4pt 12pt 14.4pt 20.7pt
14.4pt 11pt 9pt 12pt 10pt 12pt 17.3pt
12pt 9pt 7pt 10pt 8pt 10pt 14.4pt
11pt 8pt 6pt 9pt 7pt 9pt 12pt
10pt 7pt 5pt 8pt 6pt 8pt 12pt
9pt 7pt 5pt 7pt 5pt 7pt 11pt
8pt 6pt 5pt 6pt 5pt 6pt 10pt
7pt 6pt 5pt 6pt 5pt 5pt 9pt
6pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 8pt
5pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 5pt 7pt
4pt 4pt 4pt 4pt 4pt 4pt 6pt

For all regular fontsizes environments are predefined that fulfill their purpose adequately.
However when you want to do some extra defining yourself there is:

... see p 91: \setupbodyfont
..=.. see p 91: \setupbodyfont

The real definitions, i.e. the coupling of commands to the font files, can be done in different
ways. The most transparant is the font file font-phv.

\definefontsynonym [Sans] [Helvetica]

\definefontsynonym [SansBold] [Helvetica-Bold]
\definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [Helvetica-Oblique]
\definefontsynonym [SansSlanted] [Helvetica-Oblique]
\definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [Helvetica-BoldOblique]
\definefontsynonym [SansBoldSlanted] [Helvetica-BoldOblique]
\definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [Helvetica]

\definebodyfont [14.4pt,12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt,8pt,7pt,6pt,5pt] [ss] [default]

With \definefontsynonym we couple a logical name, like SansBold to a font name, like
Helvetica-Bold. The real coupling is done somewhere else, by default in the file font-fil.
There you will see:

\definefontsynonym [Helvetica-Bold] [hvb] [encoding=texnansi]

This is the only location where a system dependent setup is made. When we work under the
naming regime of Karl Berry, the next setup would be more obvious (see font-ber):

\definefontsynonym [Helvetica-Bold] [phvb] [encoding=ec]

Coupling fonts in this way has no real limits. It is interesting to look in font-unk where
different styles are coupled in such a way that they be used interchangeably.

Definitions 5
106 Typography

\definefontsynonym [Regular] [Serif]

\definefontsynonym [Roman] [Serif]

We see that the basic specification is Serif. The default serif fonts are defined with:

\definebodyfont [default] [rm]

[ tf=Serif sa 1,
tfa=Serif sa a,
sl=SerifSlanted sa 1,
sla=SerifSlanted sa a,

We saw that \tf is the default font. Here \tf is defined as Serif sa 1 which means that it
is a serif font, scaled to a normal font size. This Serif is projected elsewhere on for example
LucidaBright which in turn is projected on the filename lbr.

The kind of all--in--one definitions as shown previously for Helvetica use the default settings
and enable easy font definitions. This is okay for fonts that come in one design size.

We, like other TEX users, started with the use of Computer Modern Roman fonts. Since these
fonts have specific design sizes ConTEXt supports accurate definitions. See the file font-cmr:

\definebodyfont [12pt] [rm]

[ tf=cmr12,
tfa=cmr12 scaled \magstep1,
tfb=cmr12 scaled \magstep2,
tfc=cmr12 scaled \magstep3,
tfd=cmr12 scaled \magstep4,
bi=cmbxti10 at 12pt,
bs=cmbxsl10 at 12pt,
sc=cmcsc10 at 12pt]

We use here the available TEX--specifications scaled and at, but ConTEXt also supports a
combination of both: sa (scaled at). For example if we do not want to use the default Helvetica
definition we define:

\definebodyfont [12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt,8pt] [ss]

[tf=hv sa 1.000,
bf=hvb sa 1.000,
it=hvo sa 1.000,
sl=hvo sa 1.000,
tfa=hv sa 1.200,
tfb=hv sa 1.440,
tfc=hv sa 1.728,

5 Definitions
Typography 107

tfd=hv sa 2.074,
sc=hv sa 1.000]

The scaling is done in relation to the bodyfont size. In analogy with TEX’s \magstep we can
use \magfactor: instead of sa 1.440 we specify sa \magfactor2. Because typing all these
numbers is rather tiresome so we replace 1.200 by a, etc. The relations between a and 1.200
can be set up in the bodyfont environment.

\definebodyfont [12pt,11pt,10pt,9pt,8pt] [ss]

[tf=hv sa 1, tfa=hv sa a, tfb=hv sa b, tfc=hv sa c, tfd=hv sa d]

Since font files are used in all interfaces we use English commands. The definitions take place
in files with the name font-xxx.tex, see for example the file font-cmr.tex.

.1. 5pt ... 12pt default
.2. rm ss tt mm hw cg
tf file
bf file
sl file
it file
bs file
bi file
sc file
ex file
mi file
sy file
ma file
mb file
mc file

The setups ex, mi, sy, ms, mb and mc relate to the math charactersets. The first three we can
also find in plain TEX, the last three are necessary in other font families. The symbols and
characters in AMS-TEX can also be used in ConTEXt: \definebodyfont [ams]. These can be
found in ma and mb.

The a--d are not mandatory. As an example we will define a bigger fontsize of \tf:

\definebodyfont [10pt,11pt,12pt] [rm] [tfe=Regular at 48pt]

\tfe Big Words.

This becomes:

Big Words.
This definition brings us to other definitions. It is possible to define a bodyfont in a several
ways. We can use classifications like Regular, or abstract names like TimesRoman, or filenames,
like tir, or even fancy names like HeadLetter.

Definitions 5
108 Typography

\definebodyfont[HeadLetter][Regular sa 1.2]

After these definitions we can use \HeadLetter to switch fonts. It may be necessary to adapt
the interline spacing with \setupinterlinespace like this:

\HeadLetter \setupinterlinespace text \par

For advanced TEX users there is the dimension--register \bodyfontsize. This variable can be
used to set fontwidths. The number (rounded) points is available in \bodyfontpoints.

Until now we assumed that an a will become an a during type setting. However, this is not
always the case. Take for example ä or æ. This character is not available in every font and
certainly not in the Computer Modern Typefaces. Often a combination of characters \"a or a
command \ae will be used to produce such a character. In some situation TEX will combine
characters automatically, like in fl that is combined to fl and not fl. Another problem occurs
in converting small print to capital print and vice versa.

Below you see an example of the texnansi mapping:

\definecasemap 228 228 196 \definecasemap 196 228 196
\definecasemap 235 235 203 \definecasemap 203 235 203
\definecasemap 239 239 207 \definecasemap 207 239 207
\definecasemap 246 246 214 \definecasemap 214 246 214
\definecasemap 252 252 220 \definecasemap 220 252 220
\definecasemap 255 255 159 \definecasemap 159 255 159

This means so much as: in case of a capital the character with code 228 becomes character
228 and in case of small print the character becomes character 196.

These definitions can be found in enco-ans. In this file we can also see:

\defineaccent " a 228
\defineaccent " e 235
\defineaccent " i 239
\defineaccent " o 246
\defineaccent " u 252
\defineaccent " y 255


\definecharacter ae 230
\definecharacter oe 156
\definecharacter o 248
\definecharacter AE 198

5 Definitions
Typography 109

As a result of the way accents are placed over characters we have to approach accented charac-
ters different from normal characters. There are two methods: TEX does the accenting itself or
prebuild accentd glyphs are used. The definitions above take care of both methods. Other def-
initions are sometimes needed. In the documentation of the file enco-ini more information
on this can be found.
We once again return to font definitions. Fast fontswitching is done with commands like \xii
or \twelvepoint, which is comparable to the way it is done in plain TEX. These commands are
defined with:
\definefontsynonym [twelvepoint] [12pt]
\definefontsynonym [xii] [12pt]
The keys in \setupbodyfont are defined in terms of:
\definefontstyle [rm,roman,serif,regular] [rm]
\definefontstyle [ss,sansserif,sans,support] [ss]
\definefontstyle [tt,teletype,type,mono] [tt]
\definefontstyle [hw,handwritten] [hw]
\definefontstyle [cg,calligraphic] [cg]
In many command setups we encounter the parameter style. In those situations we can
specify a key. These keys are defined with \definestyle. The third argument is only of
importance in chapter and section titles, where, apart from \cap, we want to obey the font
used there.
\definestyle [normal] [\tf] []
\definestyle [bold] [\bf] []
\definestyle [type] [\tt] []
\definestyle [italic] [\it] []
\definestyle [slanted] [\sl] []
\definestyle [bolditalic,italicbold] [\bs] []
\definestyle [boldslanted,slantedbold] [\bs] []
\definestyle [small,smallnormal] [\tfx] []
In section 5.6 we have already explained how emphasizing is defined. With oldstyle digits this
is somewhat different. We cannot on the forehand in what font these can be found. By default
we have the setup:
\definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [MathItalic]
As we see they are obtained from the same font as the math italic characters.
In addition to these commands there are others, for example macros for manipulating accents.
These commands are discussed in the file font-ini. More information can also be found in
the file core-fnt and specific gimmicks in the file supp-fun. So enjoy yourself.

5.12 Page texts

Page texts are texts that are placed in the headers, footers, margins and edges of the so called
pagebody. This sentence is for instance typeset in the bodyfont in the running text. The fonts

Page texts 5
110 Typography

of the page texts are set up by means of different commands. The values of the parameters may
be something like style=bold but style=\ss\bf is also allowed. Setups like style=\ssbf
are less obvious because commands like \kap will not behave the way you expect.

Switching to a new font style (\ss) will cost some time. Usually this is no problem but in
interactive documents where we may use interactive menus with dozens of items and related
font switches the effect can be considerable. In that case a more efficient font switching is:


Border texts are setup by its command and the related key. For example footers may be set up
with the key letter:


5.13 Files
A number of font definition files that are standard in most distributions are mentioned in
table 5.4. These fonts can be recalled by their last three letters.

font-cmr Computer Modern Roman

font-csr Computer Slavik Roman (?)
font-con Concrete Roman
font-eul Euler
font-ams American Mathematics Society

font-ant Antykwa Torunska

font-lbr Lucida Bright

font-pos Base PostScript Fonts

font-ptm Times Roman
font-phv Helvetica
font-pcr Courier

font-fil Standard Filenames

font-ber Karl Berry FileNames

Table 5.4 Some standard font definition files

(pos = ptm + phv + pcr).

The most commonly used encoding vectors, like ans, ec and il2, are preloaded. Extra encoding
files are loaded by \useencoding, but this is seldom needed. The last two files mentioned in
table 5.5 relate to the support of the non--standard keyboard styles. These should be loaded

5 Files
Typography 111

enco-ans TeXnansi
enco-ec European Computer
enco-il2 ISO Latin 2
enco-plr Polish Roman

enco-ibm default IBM PC code page

enco-win default MS Windows code page

Table 5.5 Some standard encoding definition


5.14 Figures
When you use figures in your document they may contain text. Most of time the TEX--fonts
are not available. When you use a serif in your document you can best use a Helvetica in the
figures. In figure 5.1 we use a Helvetica, while we use Knuth’s Sans Serif in the caption.

loopvlak gordels van koorden

koordlagen schaafstrook
textielweefsel hielvulstuk

hiel van staalkoord

Figure 5.1 The use of fonts in pictures.

Figures 5
Color and background 113

Color and background

6.1 Introduction
Judicious use of color can enhance your document’s layout. For example. in interactive
documents color can be used to indicate hyperlinks or other aspects that have no meaning in
paper documents, or background colors can be used to indicate screen areas that are used for
specific information components. 6
In this chapter we describe the ConTEXt color support. We will also pay attention to back-
grounds and overlays because these are related to the color mechanism.

6.2 Color
One of the problems in typesetting color is that different colors may result in identical gray
shades. We did some research in the past on this subject and we will describe the ConTEXt
facilities on this matter and the way ConTEXt forces us to use color consistently. Color should
not be used indiscriminately, therefore you first have to activate the color mechanism:


Other color parameters are also available:

state start stop global local
conversion yes no always
reduction yes no
rgb yes no
cmyk yes no
mpcmyk yes no

The parameter state can also be set at local or global. If you do not know whether the use
of color will cross a page boundary, then you should use global or start to keep track of
the color. We use local in documents where color will never cross a page border, as is the
case in many screen documents. This will also result in a higher processing speed. (For most
documents it does not hurt that much when one simply uses start).

By default both the rgb and cmyk colorspaces are supported. When the parameter cmyk is
set at no, then the cmyk color specifications are automatically converted to rgb. The reverse
is done when rgb=no. When no color is allowed the colors are automatically converted to
weighted grayshades. You can set this conversion with conversion. When set to always, all
colors are converted to gray, when set to yes, only gray colors are converted.

Colors must be defined. For some default color spaces, this is done in the file colo-xxx.tex.
After definition the colors can be recalled with their mnemonic name xxx. By default the file
colo-rgb.tex is loaded. In this file we find definitions like:

Introduction — Color 6
114 Color and background

\definecolor [darkred] [r=.5, g=.0, b=.0]

\definecolor [darkgreen] [r=.0, g=.5, b=.0]
............ ........... ..................
A file with color definitions is loaded with:
Be aware of the fact that there is also a command \setupcolors that has a different meaning.
The rgb file is loaded by default.
Color must be activated like this:
We can use as many colors as we like. But we do have to take into
account that the reader is possibly \color [darkred] {colorblind}. The
use of color in the running text should always be carefully considered.
The reader easily tires while reading multi||color documents.
In the same way you can define cmyk colors and grayshades:
\definecolor [cyan] [c=1,m=0,y=0,k=0]
\definecolor [gray] [s=0.75]
gray can also be defined like this:
\definecolor [gray] [r=0.75,r=0.75,b=0.75]
When the parameter conversion is set at yes the color definitions are automatically down-
graded to the s--form: [s=.75]. The s stands for ‘screen’. When reduction is yes, the black
component of a cmyk color is distilled from the other components.
One of the facillities of color definition is the heritage mechanism:
\definecolor [important] [red]
These definitions enable you to use colors consistently. Furthermore it is possible to give all
important issues a different color, and change colors afterwards or even in the middle of a
So, next to \setupcolors we have the following commands for defining colors:

... name
r text
g text
b text
c text
m text
y text
k text
s text

6 Color
Color and background 115

A color definition file is loaded with:

... name

Typesetting color is done with:

.1. text

\startcolor[...] ... \stopcolor

... name
... text

A complete palette of colors is generated with:

... name

Figure 6.1 shows the colors that are standard available (see colo-rgb.tex).

red green blue

middlered middlegreen middleblue

darkred darkgreen darkblue

yellow magenta cyan

middleyellow middlemagenta middlecyan

darkyellow darkmagenta darkcyan

lightgray darkergray black

Figure 6.1 Some examples of colors.

The use of color in TEX is not trivial. TEX itself has no color support. Currently color support
is implemented using TEX’s low level \mark’s and \special’s. This means that there are some
limitations, but in most cases these go unnoticed.

Color 6
116 Color and background

It is possible to cross page boundaries with colors. The headers and footers and the floating
figures or tables will stil be set in the correct colors. However, the mechanism is not robust.
In this sentence we use colors within colors. Aesthetically this is bad.
As soon as a color is defined it is also available as a command. So there is a command
\darkred. These commands do obey grouping. So we can say {\darkred this is typeset
in dark red}.
There are a number of commands that have the parameter color. In general, when a style
can be set, color can also be set.
The default color setup is:

\setupcolors [conversion=yes, reduction=no, rgb=yes, cmyk=yes]

This means that both colorspaces are supported and that the k--component in cmyk colors is
maintained. When reduction=yes, the k--component is ‘reduced’. With conversion=no equal
color components are converted to gray shades.

6.3 Grayscales
When we print a document on a black and white printer we observe that the differences between
somes colors are gone. Figure 6.2 illustrates this effect.

0.300 0.850 1.000 0.400 0.800 1.000 0.500 0.750 1.000

0.702 0.702 0.703

Figure 6.2 Three cyan variations with equal gray shades.

In a black and white print all blocks look the same but the three upper blocks have different
cyan based colors. The lower blocks simulate grayshades. We use the following conversion

gray = .30 × red + .59 × green + .11 × blue

A color can be displayed in gray with the command:

... text

The actual values of a color can be recalled by the commands \colorvalue{name} and
We can automatically convert all used colors in weighted grayshades.

\setupcolors [conversion=always]

6 Grayscales
Color and background 117

6.4 Colorgroups and palettes

TEX itself has hardly any built--in graphical features. However the ConTEXt color mechanism
is designed by looking at the way colors in pictures are used. One of the problems is the effect
we described in the last section. On a color printer the picure may look fine, but in black and
white the results may be disappointing.
In TEX we can aproach this problem systematically. Therefore we designed a color mechanism
that can be compared with that in graphical packages.
We differentiate between individual colors and colorgroups. A colorgroup contains a number
of gradations of a color. By default the following colorgroups are defined.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The different gradations within a colorgroup are represented by a number. A colorgroup is

defined with:

.1. name
.2. rgb cmyk gray s

An example of a part of the rgb definition is:

The [rgb] is not mandatory in this case, because ConTEXt expects rgb anyway. This command
can be viewed as a range of color definitions.
\definecolor [blue:1] [r=1.00, g=1.00, b=1.00]
\definecolor [blue:2] [r=0.90, g=0.90, b=1.00]
\definecolor [blue:7] [r=0.40, g=0.40, b=1.00]
\definecolor [blue:8] [r=0.30, g=0.30, b=1.00]

Colorgroups and palettes 6

118 Color and background

A color within a colorgroup can be recalled with name:number, for example: blue:4.

There is no maximum to the number of gradations within a colorgroup, but on the bases of
some experiments we advise you to stay within 6 to 8 gradations. We can explain this. Next to
colorgroups we have palettes. A pallet consists of a limited number of logical colors. Logical
means that we indicate a color with a name. An example of a palette is:

top bottom up down strange charm


The idea behind palettes is that we have to avoid colors that are indistinguishable in black and
white print. A palette is defined by:


We define a palette with the command:

... name
name name

ConTEXt contains a number of predefined palettes. Within a palette we use the somewhat
abstract names of quarks: top, bottom, up, down, strange and charm. There is also friend and
rude because we ran out of names. Be aware of the fact that these are just examples in the
rgb definition file and based on our own experiments. Any name is permitted.

The system of colorgroups and palettes is based on the idea that we compose a palette from
the elements of a colorgroup with different numbers. Therefore the prerequisite is that equal
numbers should have an equal grayshade.

red green blue yellow magenta cyan


When a palette is composed we can use the command:

6 Colorgroups and palettes

Color and background 119

... name

After that we can use the colors of the chosen palette. The logical name can be used in for
example \color[strange]{is this not strange}.
An example of the use of palettes is shown in the verbatim typesetting of TEX code. Within
this mechanism colors with names like prettyone, prettytwo, etc. are used. There are two
palettes, one for color and one for gray:
\definecolor [colorprettyone] [r=.9, g=.0, b=.0]
\definecolor [grayprettyone] [s=.3]
These palettes are combined into one with:
[ prettyone=colorprettyone, prettytwo=colorprettytwo,
prettythree=colorprettythree, prettyfour=colorprettyfour]
[ prettyone=grayprettyone, prettytwo=grayprettytwo,
prettythree=grayprettythree, prettyfour=grayprettyfour]
Now we can change all colors by resetting the palette with:
Each filter can be set differently:
\definepalet [MPcolorpretty] [colorpretty]
\definepalet [MPgraypretty] [graypretty]
As you can see a palette can inherit its properties from another palette. This example shows
something of the color philosophy in ConTEXt: you can treat colors as abstractions and group
them into palettes and change these when necessary.
On behalf of the composition of colorgroups and palettes there are some commands available
to test whether the colors are distinguishable.

.1. name
.2. horizontal vertical name value number

.1. name
.2. horizontal vertical name value

Colorgroups and palettes 6

120 Color and background

... name

... name

The overviews we have shown thusfar are generated by the first two commands and the gray
values are placed below the baseline. On the left there are the colors of the grayshades.

This overview is made with \comparecolorgroup[green] and the one below with

The standard colorgroups and palettes are composed very carefully and used systematically
for coloring pictures. These can be displayed adequately in color and black and white.

Figure 6.3 Some examples of the use of color.

6 Colorgroups and palettes

Color and background 121

6.5 Text backgrounds

In a number of commands, for example \framed, you can use backgrounds. A background
may have a color or a screen (pure gray). By default the backgroundscreen is set at 0.95.
Usable values lie between 0.70 and 1.00.
Building screens in TEX is memory consuming and may cause error messages. The screens are
therefore build up externally by means of PostScript or pdf instructions. This is set up with:

method dot rule external
resolution number
factor number
screen number

The parameter factor makes only sense when the method line or dot is chosen. The param-
eter screen determines the ‘grid’ of the screen. Text on a screen of 0.95 is still readable.
Visually the TEX screens are comparable with PostScript screens. When memory and time are
non issues TEX screens come out more beautiful than postscript screens. There are many ways
to implement screens but only the mentioned methods are implemented.
Behind the text in the pagebody screens can be typeset. This is done by enclosing the text
with the commands:


We have done so in this text. Backgrounds can cross page boundaries when necessary. Extra
vertical whitespace is added around the text for reasons of readability.

\startbackground ... \stopbackground

The background can be set up with:

leftoffset dimension
rightoffset dimension
topoffset dimension
bottomoffset dimension
before command
after command
state start stop
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

The command \background can be used in combination with for example placeblocks:
{Just a table.}

Text backgrounds 6
122 Color and background

\VL red \VL green \VL blue \VL \AR
\VL cyan \VL magenta \VL yellow \VL \AR
The command \background expects an argument. Because a table is ‘grouped’ it will generate
by itself and no extra braces are necessary.


A fundamental difference between colors and screens is that screens are never converted.
There is a command \startraster that acts like \startcolor, but in contrast to the color
command, ConTEXt does not keep track of screens across page boundaries. This makes sense,
because screens nearly always are used as simple backgrounds.

6.6 Layout backgrounds

In interactive or screen documents the different screen areas may have different functions.
Therefore the systematic use of backgrounds may seem obvious. It is possible to indicate all
areas or compartments of the pagebody (screenbody). This is done with:

.1. top header text footer bottom page paper leftpage rightpage
.2. leftedge leftmargin text rightmargin rightedge
state start stop repeat
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

Don’t confuse this command with \setupbackground (singular). A background is only cal-
culated when something has changed. This is more efficient while generating a document.
When you want to calculate each background separately you should set the parameter state
at repeat. The page background is always recalculated, since it provides an excellent place
for page dependent buttons.
After \setupbackgrounds without any arguments the backgrounds are also re--calculated.
A specific part of the layout is identified by means of an axis (see figure 6.4).
You are allowed to provide more than one coordinate at a time, for example:

6 Layout backgrounds
Color and background 123

leftedge leftmargin text rightmargin rightedge






Figure 6.4 The coordinates in \setupbackgrounds.


Some values of the paremeter page, like offset and corner also apply to other compartments,
for example:


When you use menus in an interactive or screen document alignment is automatically adjusted
for offset and/or depth. It is also possible to set the parameter page to the standard colors
and screens.

If for some reason an adjustment is not generated you can use \setupbackgrounds (without
an argument). In that case ConTEXt will calculate a new background.

6.7 Overlays
TEX has only limited possibilities to enhance the layout with specific features. In ConTEXt we
have the possibility to ‘add something to a text element’. You can think of a drawing made in
some package or other ornaments. What we technically do is lay one piece of text over another
piece text. That is why we speak of ‘overlays’.

When we described the backgrounds you saw the paremeters color and screen. These are
both examples of an overlay. You can also define your own background:

\defineoverlay[gimmick][\green a green text on a background]


This would look like this:

Overlays 6
124 Color and background

a green text on a background

An overlay can be anything:

{\vfill this is a cow}
We can see that in designing an overlay the width and height are available in macros. This
enables us to scale the figure.

this is a cow

We can combine overlays with one another or with a screen and color.

A Cow
this is a cow

The TEX definitions look like this:

[\red A Cow]
{\vfill this is a cow}

In a ConTEXt document we can use METAPOST code directly. For example:
fill unitsquare scaled 100 withcolor (.2,.3,.4) ;

Color and background 125

A direct relation with the ConTEXt color mechanism is obvious:

fill unitsquare scaled 100 withcolor \MPcolor{mark} ;

METAPOST support is very extensive. You can store definitions and re--use them at random. If
possible processed METAPOST pictures are re--used.

A detailed discussion on embedding METAPOST graphics is beyond this manual, and therefore
will be covered elsewhere. For the moment it is enough to know the basics of putting for
instance graphics in the background. In the next example, a graphic is calculated each time it
is refered to:

\startuseMPgraphic{test a}
fill unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;

\defineoverlay[A Nice Rectangle][\useMPgraphic{test a}]

\setupbackgrounds[page][background=A Nice Rectangle]

When the graphic does not change, we can best reuse it, like:

\startreusableMPgraphic{test b}
fill unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;

\defineoverlay[A Nice Rectangle][\reuseMPgraphic{test b}]

\setupbackgrounds[page][background=A Nice Rectangle]

When using the ConTEXt command line interface TEXexec, graphics are processed automati-
cally. Unless one calls METAPOST at runtime, a second pass is needed to get the graphics in
their final state.

Language specific issues 127

Language specific issues

7.1 Introduction
One of the more complicated corners of ConTEXt is the department that deals with languages.
Fortunately users will seldom notice this, but each language has its own demands and we put
quite some effort in making sure that most of the issues on hyphenation rules and accented
and non latin characters could be dealt with. For as long as it does not violate the ConTEXt
user interface, we also support existing input schemes.
In the early days TEX was very American oriented, but since TEX version 3 there is (simultaneous)
support for multiple languages. The input of languages with many accents —sometimes more
accents per character— may look rather complicated, depending on the use of dedicated input
encodings or special TEX commands.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that specific input does not have a one--to--one
relation with the position of a glyph in a font. We discussed this in section 5.11. It is important
to make the right choices for input and font encoding.

In this chapter we will deal with hyphenation and language specific labels. More details can be
found in the language definition files (lang-xxx), the font files (font-xxx) and the encoding
files (enco-xxx). There one can find details on how to define commands that deal with accents
and special characters as covered in a previous chapter, sorting indexes, providing support for
Unicode, and more.

7.2 Automatic hyphenating

Each language has its own hyphenation rules. As soon as you switch to another language,
ConTEXt will activate the appropriate set of hyphenation patterns for that language. Languages
are identified by their official two character identifiers, like: Dutch (nl), English (en), German
(de) and French (fr). A language is chosen with the following command: 18

... nl fr en uk de es cz ..

Some short cut commands are also available. They can be used enclosed in braces:

\nl \en \de \fr \sp \uk \pl \cz ...

The command \language[nl] can be compared with \nl. The first command is more
transparant. The two character commands may conflict with existing commands. Take, for ex-
ample, Italian and the code for italic type setting. For this reason we use capitals for commands
that may cause any conflicts. One may also use the full names, like czech.

18 In case of any doubt please check if the hyphenation patterns are included in the fmt--file.

Introduction — Automatic hyphenating 7

128 Language specific issues

At any instance you can switch to another language. In the example below we switch from
English to French and vice versa.
The French composer {\fr Olivier Messiaen} wrote \quote {\fr Quatuor pour
la fin du temps} during the World War II in a concentration camp. This
may well be one of the most moving musical pieces of that period.
We use these language switching commands if we cannot be certain that an alternative hy-
phenation pattern is necessary.
The French compos- la fin du temps’ dur- camp. This may pieces of that period.
er Olivier Messiaen ing the World War well be one of the
wrote ‘Quatuor pour II in a concentration most moving musical
How far do we go in changing languages. Borrowed words like perestrojka and glasnost are
often hyphenated okay, since these are Russian words used in an English context. When words
are incorrectly hyphenated you can define an hyphenation pattern with the TEX--command:
You can also influence the hyphenation in a text by indicating the allowed hyphenation pattern
in the word: at the right locations the command \- is added: al\-lo\-wed.

7.3 Definitions and setups

When a format file is generated the hyphenation pattern one needs should be added to this
file. The definition and installation of a language is therefore not transparant for the user. We
show the process to give some insight in the mechanism. An example: 19
date={month,\ ,day,{,\ },year},

19 The somewhat strange name \upperleftsinglesixquote is at least telling us what the quote will look like.

7 Definitions and setups

Language specific issues 129

With the first definition you define the language component. You can view this definition in
the file lang-ger.tex, the german languages. Languages are arranged in language groups.
This arrangement is of no further significance at the moment. Since language definitions are
preloaded, users should not bother about setting up such files.
The second definition inherits its set up from the English installation. In both definitions
state is set at stop. This means that no patterns are loaded yet. That is done in the files
cont-xx, the language and interface specific ConTEXt versions. As soon as state is set at
start, a new pattern is loaded, which can only be done during the generation of a format file.
We use some conventions in the file names of the patterns lang-xx.pat and the exceptions
lang-xx.hyp. Normally a language is installed with a two character code. However there are
three character codes, like deo for hyphenating ‘old deutsch’ and nlx the Dutch extended char-
acterset, or 8--bit encoding. On distributions that come with patterns, the filenames mentioned
can be mapped onto the ones available on the system. This happens in the file cont-usr.tex.
After installation you are not bound to the two character definitions. Default the longer
(English) equivalents are defined:

... name
spacing packed broad
lefthyphenmin dimension
righthyphenmin dimension
state start stop
leftsentence command
rightsentence command
leftsubsentence command
rightsubsentence command
leftquote command
rightquote command
leftquotation command
rightquotation command
default name

... nl fr en uk de es cz ..
..=.. see p 129: \installlanguage

The setup in these commands relate to the situations that are shown below.
|<|all right there we go|>|
|<| |<|all right|>| there we go|>|

Definitions and setups 7

130 Language specific issues

|<|all right |<|there|>| we go|>|

\quote{all right there we go}
\quotation{all right there we go}
\quotation{\quote{all right} there we go}
\quotation{all right \quote{there} we go}

This becomes:

November 12, 2001

—all right there we go—
— —all right— there we go—
—all right —there— we go—
‘all right there we go’
“all right there we go”
“ ‘all right’ there we go”
“all right ‘there’ we go”

We will discuss || in one of the next sections.

7.4 Date
Typesetting a date is also language specific so we have to pay some attention to dates here.
When the computer runs at the actual time and date the system date can be recalled with:

... see p 130: \date

The sequence in which day, month and year are given is not mandato-
ry. The pattern [day,month,year] results in 12 November 2001. We use
\currentdate[weekday,month,day,{,},year] to obtain Monday November 12,2001.

A short cut looks like this: [dd,mm,yy] and will result in 121101. Something like [d,m,y]
would result in 12112001 and with [referral] you will get a 20011112. Combinations are
also possible. Characters can also be added to the date pattern. The date 12–11–01 is generated
by the pattern [dd,--,mm,--,yy].

A date can be (type)set with the command:

d number
m number
y number
... day month weekday year dd mm jj yy d m j y referral

The first (optional) argument is used to specify the date:

\date[d=10,m=3,y=1996][weekday,month,day, year]

7 Date
Language specific issues 131

When no argument is given you will obtain the actual date. When the second argument is left
out the result equals that of \currentdate. The example results in:
Sunday March 10 1996

7.5 Labels and heads

In some cases ConTEXt will generate text labels automatically, for example the word Figure
is generated automatically when a caption is placed under a figure. These kind of words are
called textlabels. Labels can be set with the command:

... nl fr en uk de es cz ..
name text

Relevant labels are: table, figure, chapter, appendix and comparable text elements. An
example of such a set up is:
\setuplabeltext[en][chapter=Chapter ]
\setuplabeltext[nl][hoofdstuk=Hoofdstuk ]
The space after Chapter is essential, because otherwise the chapternumber will be placed right
after the word Chapter (Chapter1 instead of Chapter 1). A labeltext can recalled with:

... text

Some languages, like Chinese, use split labels. These can be passed as a comma separated list,
like chapter={left,right}.
Titleheads for special sections of a document, like abbreviations and appendices are set up

... nl fr en uk de es cz ..
name text

Examples of titleheads are Content, Tables, Figures, Abbreviations, Index etc. An example
definition looks like:
A header can be recalled with:

... text

Labels and heads 7

132 Language specific issues

Labels and titleheads are defined in the file lang-xxx. You should take a look in these files to
understand the use of titleheads and labels.
The actual language that is active during document generation does not have to be the same
language that is used for the labels. For this reason next to \language we have:

... nl fr en uk de es cz ..

When typesetting a document, there is normally one main language, say \mainlanguage[en].
A temporary switch to another language is then accomplished by for instance \language[nl],
since this does not influence the labels and titles. language.

7.6 Language specific commands

German TEX users are accustomed to entering "e and getting ë typeset in return. This and a
lot more are defined in lang-ger using the compound character mechanism built in ConTEXt.
Certain two or three character combinations result in one glyph or proper hyphenation. The
example below illustrates this. Some macros are used that will not be explained here. Normally,
users can stick to simply using the already defined commands.
\installcompoundcharacter "a {\moveaccent{-.1ex}\"a\midworddiscretionary}
\installcompoundcharacter "s {\SS}
\installcompoundcharacter "U {\smashaccent\"U}
\installcompoundcharacter "Z {SZ}
\installcompoundcharacter "ck {\discretionary {k-}{k}{ck}}
\installcompoundcharacter "TT {\discretionary{TT-}{T}{TT}}
\installcompoundcharacter "‘ {\handlequotation\c!leftquotation}
The command \installcompoundcharacter takes care of the German type setting, "a is
converted to ä, "U in Ü, "ck for the right hyphenation, etc. One can add more definitions, but
this will violate portability. In a Polish ConTEXt the / is used instead of a ".

7.7 Automatic translation

It is possible to translate a text automatically in the actual language. This may be comfortable
when typesetting letterheads. The example below illustrates this.

name text

7 Language specific commands — Automatic translation

Language specific issues 133

It depends on the actual language whether a labeltext is type set in

English {\en as an \translate [en=example, fr=exemple], \fr or in French
as an \translate}.

The second command call \translate uses the applied values. That is, \translate with no
options uses the options of the last call to \translate.

It depends on the actual language whether a labeltext is type set in English as an example, or
in French as an exemple.

7.8 Composed words

Words consisting of two separate words are often separated by an intra word dash, as in x--
axis. This dash can be placed between | |, for example |--|. This command, which does not
begin with a \, serves several purposes. When || is typed the default intra word dash is used,
which is --. This dash is set up with:

sign -- --- - )(=/

The | | is also used in word combinations like (intra)word, which is typed as (intra|)|word.
The mechanism is not foolproof but it serves most purposes. In case the hyphenation is
incorrect you can hyphenate the first word of the composed one by hand: (in\-tra|)|word.

input normal hyphenated

intra||word intra--word in-tra--word

intra|-|word intra-word in-tra-word
intra|(|word) intra(word) in-tra(-word)
(intra|)|word (intra)word (in-tra-)word
intra|--|word intra–word in-tra–word
intra|˜|word intra word in-tra-word

Table 7.1 Hyphenation of composed words.

The main reason behind this mechanism is that TEX doesn’t really know how to hyphenate
composed words and how to handle subsentences. TEX know a lot about math, but far less
about normal texts. Using this command not only serves consistency, but also makes sure that
TEX can break compound words at the right places. It also keeps boundary characters at the
right place when a breakpoint is inserted.

Composed words 7
Text elements 135

Text elements

8.1 Introduction
The core of ConTEXt is formed by the commands that structures the text. The most common
structuring elements are chapters and sections. The structure is visualized by means of titles
and summarized in the table of contents.
A text can be subdivided in different ways. As an introduction we use the methods of H. van 8
Krimpen, K. Treebus and the Collectief Gaade. First we examine the method of van Krimpen:
1. French title 6. ... 11. notes
2. title 7. list of illustrations 12. literature
3. history & copyright 8. acknowledgement 13. register(s)
4. mission 9. errata 14. colofon
5. preface/introduction 10. the content
The French title is found at the same spread as the back of the cover, or first empty sheet. In
the colofon we find the used font, the names of the typesetter and illustrator, the number of
copies, the press, the paper, the binding, etc.
The subdivision of Treebus looks like this:
1. French title 8. list of illustrations 15. literature
2. titlepage 9. introduction/preface (2) 16. used words
3. colofon 10. ... 17. addenda
4. copyright 11. epilogue 18. register
5. mission 12. appendices 19. acknowledgement pho-
6. preface (1) 13. summaries tos
7. table of content 14. notes 20. (colofon)
In this way of dividing a text the colofon is printed on the back of the titlepage. The first
preface is written by others and not by the author.
The last text structure is that of the Collectief Gaade:
1. French title 7. preface 13. list of illustrations
2. series title 8. table of content 14. used words
3. title 9. introduction 15. bibliography
4. copyright 10. ... 16. colofon
5. mission 11. appendices 17. register
6. blank 12. notes
Since there seems to be no standardized way of setting up a document, ConTEXt will only
provide general mechanisms. These are designed in such a way that they meet the following
1. In a text the depth of sectioning seldom exceeds four. However, in a complex manuals
more depth can be useful. In paper documents a depth of six may be very confusing for

Introduction 8
136 Text elements

the reader but in electronic documents we need far more structure. This is caused by the
fact that a reader cannot make a visual representation of the electronic book. Elements to
indicate this structure are necessary to be able to deal with the information.

2. Not every level needs a number but in the background every level is numbered to be able
to refer to these unnumbered structuring elements.

3. The names given to the structuring elements must be a logical ones and must relate to their

4. It is possible to generate tables of contents and registers at every level of the document and
they must support complex interactivity.

5. A document will be divided in functional components like introductions and appendices

with their respective (typographical) characteristics.

6. The hyphenation of titles must be handled correctly.

7. Headers and footers are supported based on the standard labels used in a document. For
example chapter in a book and procedure in a manual.

8. A ConTEXt user must be able to design titles without worrying about vertical and horizontal
spacing, referencing and synchronisation.

These prerequisites have resulted in a heavy duty mechanism that works in the background
while running ConTEXt. The commands that are described in the following sections are an
example of an implementation. We will also show examples of self designed titles.

8.2 Subdividing the text

A text is divided in chapters, sections, etc. with the commands:

... text

... text

... text

... text

8 Subdividing the text

Text elements 137

... text


... text

... text

... text

... text

The first series of commands (\chapter . . . ) generate a numbered head, with the second series
the titles are not numbered. There are a few more levels available than those shown above.

level numbered title unnumbered title

1 \part
2 \chapter \title
3 \section \subject
4 \subsection \subsubject
5 \subsubsection \subsubsubject

Table 8.1 The structuring elements.

By default \part generates no title because most of the times these require special attention
and a specific design. In the background however the partnumbering is active and carries out
several initialisations. The other elements are set up to typeset a title.
A structuring element has two arguments. The first argument, the reference, makes it possible
to refer to the chapter or section from another location of the document. In chapter 9 this
mechanism is described in full. A reference is optional and can be left out.
\section{Subdividing a text}
ConTEXt generates automatically the numbers of chapters and sections. However there are
situations where you want to enforce your own numbering. This is also supported.

Subdividing the text 8

138 Text elements

\subsection{399}{The old number}
\subsection[someref]{400}{Another number}
In this example an additional argument appears. In the background ConTEXt still uses its own
numbering mechanism, so operations that depend upon a consistent numbering still work
okay. The extra argument is just used for typesetting the number. This user--provided number
does not have to be number, it may be anything, like ABC-123.

399 The old number

400 Another number
You can automatically place titles of chapters, sections or other structuring elements in the
header and footer with the marking mechanism. Titles that are too long can be shortened by:

... text

For example:
\chapter{Influences \nomarking{in the 20th century:} an introduction}
The text enclosed by \nomarking is replaced by dots in the header or footer. Perhaps an
easier strategy is to use the automatic marking limiting mechanism. The next command puts
the chapter title left and the section title right in the header. Both titles are limited in length.
A comparable problem may occur in the table of contents. In that case we use \nolist:
\chapter{Influences in the 20th century\nolist{: an introduction}}
When you type the command \\ in a title a new line will be generated at that location. When
you type \crlf in a title you will enforce a new line only in the table of contents. For example:
\chapter{Influences in the 20th century:\crlf an introduction}
This will result in a two line title in the table of context, while the title is only one line in the
It is possible to define your own structuring elements. Your ‘own’ element is derived from an
existing text element.

.1. name
.2. section

An example of a definition is:


8 Subdividing the text

Text elements 139

From this moment on the command \category behaves just like \subsubject, i.e., \category
inherits the default properties of \subsubject. For example, \category is not numbered.

A number of characteristics available with \setuphead are described in section 8.3. Your own
defined structuring elements can also be set up. The category defined above can be set up as


This setup causes each new instance of category to be placed at the top of a new page.

We can also block the sectionnumbering with \setupheads[sectionnumber=no]. Section-

numbering will stop but ConTEXt will continue the numbering on the background. This is
necessary to be able to perform local actions like the generating local tables of content.

In defining your own structuring elements there is always the danger that you use existing TEX
or ConTEXt commands. It is of good practice to use capitals for your own definitions. For


8.3 Variations in titles

The numbering and layout of chapters, sections and subsections can be influenced by several
commands. These commands are also used in the design of your own heads. We advise you to
start the design process in one of the final stages of your document production process. You
will find that correct header definitions in the setup area of your source file will lead to a very
clean source without any layout commands in the text.

The following commands are at your disposal:

Variations in titles 8
140 Text elements

... section
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
numberstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
number yes no
ownnumber yes no
page left right yes
continue yes no
header none empty high nomarking
text none empty high nomarking
footer none empty high nomarking
before command
inbetween command
after command
alternative normal inmargin middle text
command \command#1#2
numbercommand \command#1
textcommand \command#1
prefix + - text
placehead yes no
incrementnumber yes no file
align left right normal broad
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
indentnext yes no
file name
expansion yes command no

Later we will cover many of the parameters mentioned here. This command can be used to set
up one or more heads, while the next can be used to set some common features.

sectionnumber yes number no
alternative normal margin middle text paragraph
separator text
command \command#1#2

The number of a title can be set up with:

.1. section
.2. number +number -number

This command accepts absolute and relative numbers, so [12], [+2] and [+]. The relative
method is preferred, like:
This command is only used when one writes macros that do tricky things with heads. A
number can be recalled by:

8 Variations in titles
Text elements 141

... section



For example:

\currentheadnumber : 8.3
\headnumber[chapter] : 8
\headnumber[section] : 8.3

When you want to use the titlenumber in calculations you must use the command
\currentheadnumber. This number is calculated by and available after:

... section

When headers and footers use the chapter and section titles they are automatically adapted at
a new page. The example below results in going to new right hand side page for each chapter.


In extensive documents you can choose to start sections on a new page. The title of the first
section however should be placed directly below the chapter title. You can also prefer to start
this first section on a new page. In that case you set continue at no. Figure 8.1 shows the
difference between these two alternatives.


It is also possible that you do not want any headers and footers on the page where a new chapter
begins. In that case you should set header at empty, high, nomarking or an identification of
a self defined header (this is explained in section 4.17).

By default the titles are typeset in a somewhat larger font. You can set the text and number
style at your own chosen bodyfont. When the titles make use of the same body font (serif,
sans, etc.) as the running text you should use neutral identifications for these fonts. So you
use \tfb instead of \rmb. Font switching is also an issue in titles. For example if we use \ssbf
instead of \ss\bf there is a chance that capitals and synonyms are not displayed the way they

Variations in titles 8
142 Text elements

chapter 1 section 1.2 section 1.3

section 1.1

chapter 1 section 1.1 section 1.2 section 1.3

Figure 8.1 Two alternatives for the first section.

should. So you should always use the most robust definitions for fontswitching. Commands
like \kap adapt their behaviour to these switchings.

A chapter title consists of a number and a text. It is possible to define your own command
that typesets both components in a different way.

8.3.1 Title alternative equals normal

8.3.2 Title alternative equals inmargin
Title alternative equals middle
These titles were generates by:

\subsection{Title alternative equals normal}
\subsection{Title alternative equals inmargin}
\subsubject{Title alternative equals middle}

In this manual we use a somewhat different title layout. The design of such a title is time con-
suming, not so much because the macros are complicated, but because cooking up something
original takes time. In the examples below we will show the steps in the design process.

{\hbox to \hsize
{\hfill % the % after {#1} suppresses a space


8 Variations in titles
Text elements 143

8.3.3 Title

A reader will expect the title of a section on the left hand side of the page, but we see an
alternative here. The title is at the right hand side. One of the advantages of using \framed
is, that turning frame=on, some insight can be gained in what is happening.

8.3.4 Another title

This alternative looks somewhat better. The first definition is slightly altered. This example
also shows the features of the command \framed.

{\hbox to \hsize \bgroup


We see that the font is set with the command \setuphead. These font commands should
not be placed in the command \HeadTitle. You may wonder what happens when ConTEXt
encounters a long title. Here is the answer.

8.3.5 A somewhat
Since we have fixed the height at 1cm, the second line of the title end up title
below the frame. We
will solve that problem in the next alternative. A \tbox provides a top aligned box.

{\hbox to \hsize \bgroup


This definition results in a title and a number that align on their first lines (due to \tbox).

Variations in titles 8
144 Text elements

8.3.6 A consider-
ably longer ti-
When the title design becomes more complex you have to know more of TEX. Not every design
specification can be foreseen.

\setuphead[subsubject] [alternative=text,style=bold]

Titles in the text Why are titles in the text more difficult to program in TEX than we
may expect beforehand. The answer lies in the fact that ConTEXt supports the generation of
parallel documents. These are documents that have a printable paper version and an electronic
screen version. These versions are coupled and thus hyperlinked by their titles. This means
that when you click on a title you will jump to the same title in the other document. So we
couple document versions:

[The Reporting Manual]

The first argument in \coupledocument identfies the screen document and the second argu-
ment specifies the file name of that document. The third argument specifies the coupling and
the fourth is a description. After generating the documents you can jump from one version to
another by just clicking the titles. This command only preloads references, the actual coupling
is achieved by \setuphead command. Because titles in a text may take up several lines some
heavy duty manipulation is necessary when typesetting such titles as we will see later.

8.4 Meta--structure
You can divide your document in functional components. The characteristics of the titles may
depend in what component the title is used. By default we distinguish the next functional

• frontmatter • bodypart • appendices • backmatter

Introductions and extroductions are enclosed by \start ... \stop constructs. In that case
the titles will not be numbered like the chapters, but they are displayed in the table of contents.
Within the component ‘bodypart’ there are no specific actions or layout manipulations, but in
the ‘appendices’ the titles are numbered by letters (A, B, C, etc.).

8 Meta--structure
Text elements 145

\chapter{Introduction} in content, no number

\chapter{First} number 1, in content
\section{Alfa} number 1.1, in content
\section{Beta} number 1.2, in content
\chapter{Second} number 2, in content
\subject{Blabla} no number, not in content

\chapter{Index} letter A, in content
\chapter{Abbreviations} letter B, in content

\chapter{Acknowlegdement} no number, in content
\title{Colofon} no number, not in content

When this code is processed, you will see that commands like \title and \subject never
appear in the table of content and never get a number. Their behaviour is not influenced by
the functional component they are used in. The behaviour of the other commands depend
on the setup within such a component. Therefore it is possible to adapt the numbering in a
functional component with one parameter setup.

8.5 Alternative mechanisms

Not every document can be structured in chapters and sections. There are documents with
other numbering mechanisms and other ways to indicate levels in the text. The title mechanism
supports these documents.

At the lowest level, the macros of ConTEXt do not work with chapters and sections but with
sectionblocks. The chapter and section commands are predefined sectionblocks. In dutch this
distinction is more clear, since there we have \hoofdstuk and \paragraaf as instances of

... name
..=.. see p 146: \setupsectionblock

Alternative mechanisms 8
146 Text elements

... name
number yes no
page yes right
before command
after command

... name

.1. name
.2. name
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
previousnumber yes no

By default there are four sectionblocks:

\definesectionblock [bodypart] [headnumber=yes]

\definesectionblock [appendices] [headnumber=yes]
\definesectionblock [introductions] [headnumber=no]
\definesectionblock [extroductions] [headnumber=no]

We see that numbering is set with these commands. When numbering is off local tables of
contents can not be generated. When numbers are generated but they do not have to be
displayed you can use \setupheads[sectionnumber=no].

By default every sectionblock starts at a new (right hand side) page. This prevents markings
from being reset too early. A new page is enforced by page.

In ConTEXt there are seven levels in use but more levels can be made available.

\definesection [section-1]
\definesection [section-2]
.............. ..........
\definesection [section-7]

There are a number of titles predefined with the command \definehead. We show here some
of the definitions:

\definehead [part] [section=section-1]

\definehead [chapter] [section=section-2]
\definehead [section] [section=section-3]

The definition of a subsection differs somewhat from the others, since the subs inherit the
characteristics of a section:

8 Alternative mechanisms
Text elements 147

The definitions of unnumbered titles and subjects are different because we don’t want any
The unnumbered title is coupled to the numbered chapter. This means that in most situations
the title is handled the same way as a chapter. You can think of the ways new pages are
generated at each new unnumbered title or chapter. Characteristics like the style and color are
also inherited.
There is more to consider. The predefined sectionblocks are used in appendices, because these
have a different numbering system.
[appendixconversion=Character, % Watch the capital
This means that within an appendix conversion from number to character takes place, but
only at the level of section 2. Furthermore the titles that are related to section-2 do not get a
prefix in front of the number. The prefix consists of the separate numbers of the sectionblocks:
<section-1><separator><section-2><separator><section-3> etc.
By default section 2 (appendix) will be prefixed by the partnumber and a separator (.) and this
is not desirable at this instance. At that level we block the prefix mechanism and we prevent
that in lower levels (section 3 ...) the partnumber is included.
In the standard setup of ConTEXt we do not display the part title. You can undo this by saying:
Chapters and appendices can be labeled. This means that the titles are preceded with a word
like Chapter or Appendix. This is done with \setuplabeltext, for example:

Alternative mechanisms 8
148 Text elements

The look of the titles are defined by \setuphead. ConTEXt has set up the lower level section
headings to inherit their settings from the higher level. The default setups for ConTEXt are
therefore limited to:



With nomarking, we tell ConTEXt to ignore markings in running heads at the page where a
chapter starts. We prefer \tfc, because this enables the title to adapt to the actual bodyfont.
The around \blank are essential for we do not want any conflicts with [ ].

Earlier we saw that new structuring elements could be defined that inherit characteristics of
existing elements. Most of the time this is sufficient:

\definehead[topic] [section][style=bold,before=\blank]

One of the reasons that the mechanism is rather complex is the fact that we use the names of
the sections as setups in other commands. The marking of category can be compared with
that of subject, but that of subject can not be compared with that section. During the last
few years it appeared that subject is used for all sorts of titles in the running text. We don’t
want to see these in headers and footers.

While setting the parameter criterium in lists and registers and the way of numbering, we
can choose persection or persubject. For indicating the level we can use the parameter
section as well as subject. So we can alter the names of sections in logical ones that relate
to their purpose. For example:

\definehead [handbook] [section=section-1]

\definehead [procedure] [section=section-2]
\definehead [subprocedure] [section=section-3]
\definehead [instruction] [procedure]

After this we can set up the structuring elements (or inherit them) and generate lists of proce-
dures and instructions. We will discuss this feature in detail in one of the later chapters.

8 Alternative mechanisms

9.1 Table of contents

The table of contents is very common in books and is used to refer to the text that lies ahead.
Tables of content are generated automatically by:
The table of contents shows a list of chapters and sections but this depends also on the location
where the table of contents is summoned. Just in front of a chapter we will obtain a complete
table. But just after the chapter we will only obtain a list of relevant sections or subsections.
The same mechanism also works with sections and subsections.
A table of contents is an example of a combined list. Before discussing combined lists we go
into single lists. A single list is defined with:

.1. name
.2. name
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

An example of such a definition is:

Such a list is recalled with:
Each list may have its own set up:
Lists can be set up simultaneously, for example:
To generate a list you type:

... name
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

The layout of a list is determined by the values of alternative (see table 9.1), margin, width
and distance. The alternatives a, b and c are line oriented. A line has the following construct:

Table of contents 9
150 References

... name
state start stop
alternative a b c ... none command
coupling on off
criterium section local previous current all
pageboundaries list
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
numberstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
pagestyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
command \command#1#2#3
numbercommand \command#1
textcommand \command#1
pagecommand \command#1
interaction sectionnumber text pagenumber all
before command
after command
inbetween command
left text
right text
label yes no
prefix yes no
pagenumber yes no
sectionnumber yes no
aligntitle yes no
margin dimension
width dimension fit
height dimension fit broad
depth dimension fit broad
distance dimension
separator text
symbol none 1 2 3 ...
expansion yes no command
maxwidth dimension
..=.. see p 206: \framed

margin width distance

head and pagenumber

In a paper document it is sufficient to set up width. In an interactive document however the

width determines the clickable area. 20

In alternative d the titles in the table will be type set as a continuous paragraph. In that case
the before and after have no meaning. The distance, that is 1em at a minimum, relates

20 This also depends on the value assigned to interaction.

9 Table of contents
References 151

to the distance to the next element in the list. The next set up generates a compact table of


Since both lists are defined already when defining the sectioning command, we do not define
them here. The parameter prefix indicates whether the preceding level indicator numbering
is used. In this alternative the prefix is not used. Alternative d looks like this:

(1) Table of contents 149 (2) Synonyms 159 (3) Sorting 162 (4) Marking 163
(5) Cross references 167 (6) Predefined references 172 (7) Registers 172

When alternative is set to d, an element in the list has the following construction:

left headnumber right head page distance

When you define a title you also define a list. This means that there are standard lists for
chapters, sections and subsections, etc. available.

These (sub)sections can be combined into one combined list. The default table of contents is
such a combined list:


The alternative setups equals that of the separate lists.

.1. name
.2. list
..=.. see p 151: \setupcombinedlist

... name
level 1 2 3 4 section current
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

These commands themselves generate the commands:

Table of contents 9
152 References

... name
..=.. see p 151: \setupcombinedlist

... name
..=.. see p 151: \setupcombinedlist

The first command places a title at the top of the list. This title is unnumbered because we do
not want the table of contents as an element in the list. In the next section we will discuss lists
where the numbered title \chapter is used.

alternative display

a number – title – pagenumber

b number – title – spaces – pagenumber
c number – title – dots – pagenumber
d number – title – pagenumber (continuous)
e title (framed)
f title (left, middle or right aligned)
g title (centered)

Table 9.1 Alternatives in combined lists.

Possible alternatives are summed up in table 9.1. There are a number of possible variations and
we advise you to do some experimenting when you have specific wishes. The three parameters
width, margin and style are specified for all levels òr for all five levels separately.
The parameter aligntitle forces entries with no section number (like titles, subjects and
alike) to be typeset onto the left margin. Otherwise the title is aligned to the numbered
counterparts (like chapter, section and alike). Compare:

12 chapter
12 chapter

9 Table of contents
References 153

You can also pass setup parameters to the \place... commands. For example:
In this situation only the parts are used in the displayed list. Instead of an identifier, like part
or chapter, you can also use a number. However this suggests that you have some insight in
the level of the separate sections (part=1, chapter=2 etc.)
A table of contents may cross the page boundaries at an undesired location in the list. Page-
breaking in tables of content can hardly be automated. Therefore it is possible to adjust the
pagebreaking manually. The next example illustrates this.
This kind of ‘fine--tuning’ should be done at the end of the production proces. When the doc-
ument is revised you have to evaluate the pagebreaking location. ConTEXt produces terminal
feedback to remind you when these kind of commands are in effect.
Before a list can be generated the text should be processed twice. When a combined list is not
placed after the text is processed twice you probably have asked for a local list.
There are two commands to write something directly to a list. The first command is used to
add an element and the second to add a command:

.1. section name

.1. section name

We supply a simple example:

\writebetweenlist [section] {\blank}
\writetolist [section] {---} {from here temporary}
\writebetweenlist [section] {\blank}
The next command is used in situations where information goes into the title but should not
go into the list.

... text

Consider for example the following example:

\function{A-45}{manager logistics \nolist{(outdated)}}
When we call for a list of functions, we will get ( . . . ) instead of (outdated). This can be handy
for long titles. Keep in mind that each head has a corresponding list.

Table of contents 9
154 References

In an interactive document it is common practice to use more lists than in a paper document.
The reason is that the tables of content is also a navigational tool. The user of the interactive
document arrives faster at the desired location when many subtables are used, because clicking
is the only way to get to that location.

In designing an interactive document you can consider the following setup (probably in a
different arrangement):

[level=current, criterium=previous,
alternative=f, align=right,
before=, after=]

These definitions make sure that a table of contents is typeset at every page (screen) in the
right edge. The table displays the sections one level deeper than the actual level. So, for each
section we get a list of subsections.

When you produce an interactive document with a table of contents at every level you can
make a (standard) button that refers to [previouscontent]. This reference is generated

The list elements that are written to a list are not expanded (that is, commands remain com-
mands). When expansion is needed you can set the parameter expansion. Expansion is needed
in situations where you write variable data to the list. This is seldom the case.

In a more extensive document there may occur situations where at some levels there are no
deeper levels available. Then the table of contents at that level is not available either. In that
case you need more information on the list so you can act upon it. You can have access to:

\listlength the number of items

\listwidth the maximum width of a list element
\listheight the maximum height of a list element

These values are determined by:

... name
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

We end this section with an overview of the available alternatives. The first three alternatives
are primarily meant for paper documents. The criterium parameter determines what lists
are typeset, so in the next example, the sections belonging to the current chapter are typeset.

9 Table of contents
References 155


9.1 Table of contents 149

9.2 Synonyms 159
9.3 Sorting 162
9.4 Marking 163
9.5 Cross references 167
9.6 Predefined references 172
9.7 Registers 172
\setuplabeltext[en][section={ugh }]

ugh 9.1 Table of contents 149

ugh 9.2 Synonyms 159
ugh 9.3 Sorting 162
ugh 9.4 Marking 163
ugh 9.5 Cross references 167
ugh 9.6 Predefined references 172
ugh 9.7 Registers 172

9.1 Table of contents 149

9.2 Synonyms 159
9.3 Sorting 162
9.4 Marking 163
9.5 Cross references 167
9.6 Predefined references 172
9.7 Registers 172

9.1 Table of contents

9.2 Synonyms
9.3 Sorting
9.4 Marking
9.5 Cross references
9.6 Predefined references

Table of contents 9
156 References

9.7 Registers

9.1 Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–149

9.2 Synonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–159
9.3 Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–162
9.4 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–163
9.5 Cross references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–167
9.6 Predefined references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–172
9.7 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–172
\placelist % note the spaces on each side of the colon
chapternumber=yes,separator={ : },width=fit]

9.1 : Table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–149

9.2 : Synonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–159
9.3 : Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–162
9.4 : Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–163
9.5 : Cross references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–167
9.6 : Predefined references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–172
9.7 : Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–172

9.1 Table of contents 149 9.2 Synonyms 159 9.3 Sorting 162 9.4 Marking 163
9.5 Cross references 167 9.6 Predefined references 172 9.7 Registers 172


9.1 Table of contents 149 9.2 Synonyms 159 9.3 Sorting 162
9.4 Marking 163 9.5 Cross references 167 9.6 Predefined
references 172 9.7 Registers 172


(9.1) Table of contents 149 (9.2) Synonyms 159 (9.3) Sorting 162 (9.4) Marking 163
(9.5) Cross references 167 (9.6) Predefined references 172 (9.7) Registers 172

9 Table of contents
References 157


Table of contents




Cross references

Predefined references



Table of contents




Cross references

Predefined references



Table of contents




Cross references

Predefined references


Table of contents 9
158 References

Table of contents
Cross references
Predefined references
Table of contents
Cross references
Predefined references
Within a list entry, each element can be made interactive. In most cases, in screen documents,
the option all is the most convenient one. Alternative e is rather well suited for screen doc-
uments and accepts nearly all parameters of \framed. In the next example we use a symbol
instead of a sectionnumber. The parameter depth applies to this symbol.
9.1 Table of contents
9.2 Synonyms
9.3 Sorting
9.4 Marking
9.5 Cross references
9.6 Predefined references
9.7 Registers
When using color, don’t forget to enable it. In the last example, All alternatives provide the
means to hook in commands for the section number, text and pagenumber. Real complete
freedom is provided by alternative none.

9 Table of contents
References 159


9.1 Table of contents 149

9.2 Synonyms 159
9.3 Sorting 162
9.4 Marking 163
9.5 Cross references 167
9.6 Predefined references 172
9.7 Registers 172
{at page {\bf #3} we discuss {\bf #2}}
at page 149 we discuss Table of contentsat page 159 we discuss Synonymsat page 162 we discuss Sortinga
This alternative still provides much of the built--in functionality. Alternative command leaves
nearly everything to the macro writer.
{At p˜#3 we discuss {\em #2}; }
At p 149 we discuss Table of contents; At p 159 we discuss Synonyms; At p 162 we discuss
Sorting; At p 163 we discuss Marking; At p 167 we discuss Cross references; At p 172 we
discuss Predefined references; At p 172 we discuss Registers;
As an alternative for none, we can use horizontal and vertical. Both commands have their
spacing tuned for typesetting lists in for instance menus.

9.2 Synonyms
In many texts we use abbreviations. An abbreviation has a meaning. The abbreviation and its
meaning have to be used and typeset consistently throughout the text. We do not like to see
ABC and in the next line an ABC. For this reason it is possible to define a list with the used
abbreviations and their meanings. This list can be recalled and placed at the beginning or end
of a book for the convenience of the reader.
The use of abbreviations is an example of the synonym mechanism. A new category of syn-
onyms is defined with the command:

Synonyms 9
160 References

.2. plural name
.3. command
.4. command

The way the list is displayed can be influenced by:

... name
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
synonymstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
location left right top serried inmargin inleft inright
width dimension
state start stop
criterium all used
conversion yes no
expansion yes command no
command \command#1#2#3

Abbreviations are defined with the command:


We will explain the optional fourth argument later. After this definition a new command
\abbreviation is available. An example of the use of abbreviations is:

\abbreviation {UN} {United Nations}

\abbreviation {UK} {United Kingdom}
\abbreviation {USA} {United States of America}

The meaning can be used in the text by:


It is also possible to add commands in the abbreviation. In that case the command must be
typed literally between the [ ]:

\abbreviation [TEX] {\TeX} {The \TeX\ Typesetting System}

Recalling such an abbreviation is done with \TEX and the meaning can be fetched with \infull
{TEX}. In a running text we type \TEX\ and in front of punctuation \TEX.

A synonym is only added to a list when it is used. When you want to display all defined
synonyms (used and not used) you have to set the parameter criterium at all. By setting
state at stop you will prevent list elements to be the added to the list even when they are
used. This can be a temporary measure:

\abbreviation {NIL} {Not In List}

9 Synonyms
References 161

Here we left out the optional first argument, in which case the abbreviation itself becomes the
command (\NIL). So, in this case the next two definitions are equivalent:

\abbreviation [NIL] {NIL} {Not In List}

\abbreviation {NIL} {Not In List}

The formal definition of a synonym looks like this:

.1. text
.2. text
.3. text

A list of synonyms is generated by:


The next command generates a list with a title (\chapter):


Here we see why we typed the plural form during the definition of the synonym. The plural is
also used as the title of the list and the first character is capitalized. The title can be altered
with \setuphead (see section 8.3).

Synonyms are only available after they are used. There are instances when the underlying
mechanism cannot preload the definitions. When you run into such troubles, you can try to
load the meaning of the synonyms with the command:


For instance, the meaning of abbreviations can be loaded with \loadabbreviations. In order
to succeed, the text has to be processed at least once. Don’t use this command if things run

Next to the predefined abbreviations we also defined the si--units as synonyms. These must
be loaded as a separate module. We will discuss this in section ??.

The attentive reader has seen that the command \definesynonyms has four arguments. The
fourth argument is reserved for a command with which you can recall the synonym. In this
way the synonyms are protected from the rest of the ConTEXt commands and there will be no
conflicts using them.


We could define some functions like:

Synonyms 9
162 References

\Function [0001] {0001a} {Lithographer}

\Function [0002] {0002x} {Typesetter}

Than we can recall number and name by \FunctionName (Lithographer and Typesetter) and
\FunctionNumber (0001a and 0002x), so:

The \FunctionName{0001} has functionnumber \FunctionNumber{0001}.

9.3 Sorting
Another instance of lists with synonyms is the sorted list. A sorted list is defined with:

.2. plural name
.3. command

The list is set up with:

... name
before command
after command
command \command#1
state start stop
criterium all used
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
expansion yes command no

After the definition the next command is available. The sort indicates the name for the list
you defined.

.1. text
.2. text

In accordance to lists there are two other commands available:


The title can be set up with \setuphead:


An example of sorting is:

9 Sorting
References 163


\city {London}
\city {Berlin}
\city {New York}
\city {Paris}
\city {Hasselt}


The definition is typed in the setup area of your file or in an environment file. The cities can
be typed anywhere in your text and the list can be recalled anywhere.

New York

Another instance of the sorting command is that where we must type the literal text of the
synonym in order to be able to sort the list. For example if you want a sorted list of commands
you should use that instance. The predefined command \logo is an example of such a list.

\logo [TEX] {\TeX}

\logo [TABLE] {\TaBlE}

When you use the alternative with the [ ] ConTEXt automatically defines a command that
is available throughout your document. In the example above we have \TABLE and \TEX for
recalling the logo. For punctuation we use \TABLE.

We advise you to use capital letters to prevent interference with existing ConTEXt and/or TEX

Like in synonyms, a sorted list is only available after an entry is used. When sorting leads to
any problems you can load the list yourself:


When we add a command in the third argument during the definition of the sorted list we may
recall sorted list with this command. In this way the sorted lists can not interfere with existing
commands (see section 9.2).

9.4 Marking
There is a feature to add ‘invisible’ marks to your text that can be used at a later stage. Marks
can be used to place chapter or section titles in page headers or footers.

A mark is defined with:

Marking 9
164 References

.1. name
.2. name

The second optional argument will be discussed at the end of this section. After the definition
texts can be marked by:

.1. name
.2. text

and recalled by:

.1. name
.2. first last previous both all current

In analogy with the TEX--command \mark, we keep record of three other marks per mark (see
table 9.2).

marks location

previous the last of the previous page

first the first of the actual page
last the last of the actual page

both first — last

all previous — first — last

Table 9.2 Recorded marks, completed with

some combinations.

When you use a combination of marks (both and all) marks are separated by an —. This
separator can be set up with:

... name
state start stop
separator command
expansion yes no

The use of marks can be blocked with the parameter state. The parameter expansion relates
to the expansion mechanism. By default expansion is inactive. This means that a command

9 Marking
References 165

is stored as a command. This suits most situations and is memory effective. When you use
altering commands in the mark you should activate the expansion mechanism.

Marks are initialised by:

... name

At the beginning of a chapter the marks of sections, subsections, etc. are reset. If we do not
reset those marks would be active upto the next section or subsection.

Assume that a word list is defined as follows (we enforce some pagebreaks on purpose):


\marking[words]{first}first word ...

\marking[words]{second}second word ...
\marking[words]{third}third word ...
\marking[words]{fourth}fourth word ...
\marking[words]{fifth}fifth word ...

The results are shown in table 9.3.

page previous first last

1 — first second
2 second third fourth
3 fourth fifth fifth

Table 9.3 The reordering of marks.

While generating the title of chapters and sections first is used. The content of the marks
can be checked easily by placing the mark in a footer:


or all at once:

[{\getmarking[words][previous]} --
{\getmarking[words][first]} --

Marking 9
166 References

A more convenient way of achieving this goal, is the following command. The next method
also takes care of empty markings.


Commands like \chapter generate marks automatically. When the title is too long you can
use the command \nomarking (see section 8.2) or pose limits to the length. In ConTEXt the
standard method to place marks in footers is:


In case you defined your own title with \definehead, the new title inherits the mark from the
existing title. For example when we define \category as follows:


After this command it does not matter whether we recall the mark by category or subsection.
In this way we can also set up the footer:


There are situations where you really want a separate mark mechanism category. We could
define such a mark with:


However, we do want to reset marks so we have to have some information on the level at which
the mark is active. The complete series of commands would look something like this:


Note that we do this only when we both use category and subsection! After these commands
it is possible to say:


The command \couplemarking is formally defined as:

.1. name
.2. name

Its counterpart is:

... name

It is obvious that you can couple marks any way you want, but it does require some insight in
the ways ConTEXt works.

9 Marking
References 167

9.5 Cross references

We can add reference points to our text for cross referencing. For example we can add reference
points at chapter titles, section titles, figures and tables. These reference points are typed
between [ ]. It is even allowed to type a list of reference points separated by a comma. We
refer to these reference points with the commands:

\in{.1.}{.2.}[ref] ñ ð
.1. text

\at{.1.}{.2.}[ref] ñ ð
.1. text

\about{...}[ref] ñ ð
... text

A cross reference to a page, text (number) or both can be made with:


... text

... text

The command \in provides the number of a chapter, section, figure, table, etc. The command
\at produces a pagenumber and \about produces a complete title. In the first two calls, the
second argument is optional, and when given, is put after the number or title.
In the example below we refer to sections and pages that possess reference points:

In section˜\in[cross references], titled \about[cross references], we

describe how a cross reference can be defined. This section starts
at page˜\at[cross references] and is part of chapter˜\in[references].

This becomes:

In section 9.5, titled “Cross references”, we describe how a cross reference can be defined. This
section starts at page 167 and is part of chapter 9.

Here is another variation of the same idea:

Cross references 9
168 References

In \in{section}[cross references], titled \about[cross references], we

describe how a cross reference can be defined. This section starts
at \at{page}[cross references] and is part of \in{chapter}[references].

We prefer this way of typing the cross references, especially in interactive documents. The
clickable area is in this case not limited to the number, but also includes the preceding word,
which is more convenient, especially when the numbering is disabled. In the first example you
would have obtained a symbol like  that is clickable. This symbol indicates the direction of
the cross reference: forward  or backward .

The direction of a hyperlink can also be summoned by the command \somewhere. In this way
we find chapters or other text elements before and discuss somewhere later the descriptions.

.1. text

This command gets two texts. The paragraph will be typed like this:

The direction of a hyperlink can also be summoned by the command

\type {\somewhere}. In this way we find chapters or other text elements
\somewhere {before} {after} [text elements] and discuss somewhere
\somewhere {previous} {later} [descriptions] the descriptions.

The next command does not need any text but will generate it itself. The generated texts can
be defined with \setuplabeltext (see page 131).


At the locations where we make reference points we can also type a complete list of reference
points in a comma delimited list:

\chapter[first,second,third]{First, second and third}

Now you can cross reference to this chapter with \in[first], \in[second] or \in[third].
In a large document it is difficult to avoid the duplication of labels. Therefore it is advis-
able to bring some order to your reference point definitions. For example, in this manual
we use: [fig:first], [int:first], [tab:first] etc. for figures, intermezzos and tables

ConTEXt can do this for you automatically. Using the command \setupreferencing, you can
set for instance prefix=alfa, in which case all references will be preceded by the word alfa.
A more memory efficient approach would be to let ConTEXt generate a prefix itself: prefix=+.
Prefixing can be stopped with prefix=-.

In many cases, changing the prefix in many places in the document is not an example of
clearness and beauty. For that reason, ConTEXt is able to set the prefix automatically for each
section. When for instance you want a new prefix at the start of each new chapter, you can use
the command \setuphead to set the parameter prefix to +. The chapter reference itself is

9 Cross references
References 169

not prefixed, so you can refer to them in a natural way. The references within that chapter are
automatically prefixed, and thereby local. When a chapter reference if given, this one is used
as prefix, otherwise a number is used. Say that we have defined:
\chapter[texworld]{The world of \TeX}
In this chapter, we can safely use references, without the danger of clashing with references in
other chapters. If we have a figure:
\placefigure[here][fig:worldmap]{A map of the \TeX\ world}{...}
In the chapter itself we can refer to this figure with:
\in {figure} [fig:worldmap]
but from another chapter, we should use:
\in {figure} [texworld:fig:worldmap]
In general, when ConTEXt tries to resolve a reference in \in, \at etc., it first looks to see
whether it is a local reference (with prefix). If such a reference is not available, ConTEXt
will look for a global reference (without prefix). If you have some trouble understanding the
mechanism during document production you can visualize the reference with the command
There are situations where you want to make a global reference in the middle of document. For
example when you want to refer to a table of contents or a register. In that case you can type
-: in the reference point label that no prefix is needed: you type [-:content]. Especially in
interactive documents the prefix--mechanism is of use, since it enables you to have documents
with thousands of references, with little danger for clashes. In the previous example, we would
have got a global reference by saying:
\placefigure[here][-:fig:worldmap]{A map of the \TeX\ world}{...}
The generation of references can be started, stopped and influenced with the command:

state start stop
sectionnumber yes no
prefix + - text
interaction label text all symbol
width dimension
left command
right command
convertfile yes no small big
separator text
autofile yes no page
global yes no

In this command the parameter \sectionnumber relates to the way the page numbers must
be displayed. In interactive documents, we can refer to other documents. In that case, when

Cross references 9
170 References

the parameter convertfile is set to yes, external filenames are automatically converted to
uppercase, which is sometimes needed for cdrom distributions. We will go into details later.
References from another document can be loaded with the command:

... file

With left and right you can define what is written around a reference generated by \about.
Default these are quotes. The parameter interaction indicates whether you want references
to be displayed like section 1.2, section, 1.2 or as a symbol, like 
What exactly is a cross reference? Earlier we saw that we can define a reference point by typing
a logical label at the titles of chapters, sections, figures, etc. Then we can summon the numbers
of chapters, sections, figures, etc. or even complete titles at another location in the document.
For some internal purposes the real pagenumber is also available. In the background real
pagenumbers play an important role in the reference mechanism.
In the examples below we discuss in detail how the reference point definitions and cross
referencing works in ConTEXt.
\reference[my reference]{{Look}{at}{this}}
The separate elements can be recalled by \ref:
p the typeset pagenumber \ref[p][my reference] 170
t the text reference \ref[t][my reference] Look
r the real pagenumber \ref[r][my reference] 196
s the subtext reference \ref[s][my reference] at
e the extra text reference \ref[e][my reference] this
In a paper document the reference is static: a number or a text. In an interactive document
a reference may carry functionality like hyperlinks. In addition to the commands \in and
\at that we discussed earlier we have the command \goto, which allows us to jump. This
command does not generate a number or a text because this has no meaning in a paper version.
ConTEXt supports interactivity which is integrated into the reference mechanism. This inte-
gration saved us the trouble of programming a complete new set of interactivity commands
and the user learns how to cope with these non--paper features in a natural way. In fact there is
no fundamental difference in referring to chapter 3, the activation of a JavaScript, referring
to another document or the submitting of a completed form.
A direct advantage of this integration is the fact that we are not bound to one reference, but
we can define complete lists of references. This next reference is legal:
... see \in{section}[flywheel,StartVideo{flywheel 1}] ...
As expected this command generates a section number. And in an interactive document you
can click on section nr and jump to the correct location. At the moment that location is reached
a video titled flywheel 1 is started. In order to reach this kind of comfortable referencing we
cannot escape a fully integrated reference mechanism.

9 Cross references
References 171

Assume that you want to make a cross reference for a general purpose. The name of the
reference point is not known yet. In the next example we want to start a video from a general
purpose menu:
\but [previouspage] previous \\
\but [nextpage] next \\
\but [ShowAVideo] video \\
\but [CloseDocument] stop \\
Now we can activate a video at any given moment by defining ShowAVideo:
\definerreference[ShowAVideo][StartVideo{a real nice video reel}]
This reference can be redefined or erased at any moment:

... name

A special case of referencing is that of referring to linenumbers.
\startline [line:a] Different line numbering mechanism can be used
interchangeably. \startline [line:b] This leads to confusing input.
\stopline [line:a] \startline [line:c] Doesn’t it? \stopline [line:c]
\stopline [line:b] A cross reference to a line can result in one line
number or a range of lines. \someline[line:d] {A cross reference is
specified by \type {\inline} where the word {\em line(s)} is
automatically added.} Here we have three cross references: \inline
[line:a], \inline [line:b], \inline[line:c] and \inline {as the last
reference} [line:d].
With \startlines..\stoplines you will obtain the range of lines in a cross reference and in
case of \someline you will get the first line number. In this example we see that we can either
let ConTEXt generate a label automatically, or privide our own text between braces.
1 A special case of referencing is that of referring to linenumbers. Different line numbering
2 mechanism can be used interchangeably. This leads to confusing input. Doesn’t it? A cross
3 reference to a line can result in one line number or a range of lines.
4 [line:d] A cross reference is specified by \inline where the word line(s) is
5 automatically added. Here we have three cross references: line 1–2, line 2, line 2 and as the
6 last reference ??.

\startlines ... \stoplines

Cross references 9
172 References



9.6 Predefined references

One can imagine that it can be cumbersome and even dangerous for consistency when one has
many references which the same label, like figure in \in{figure}[somefig]. For example,
you may want to change each figure into Figure afterwards. The next command can both
save time and force consistency:

... name
left text
right text
text text
label name

Given the following definitions:

\definereferenceformat [indemo] [left=(,right=),text=demo]
\definereferenceformat [indemos] [left=(,right=),text=demos]
\definereferenceformat [anddemo] [left=(,right=),text=and]
we will have three new commands:
\indemo [demo:b]
\indemo {some text} [demo:b]
\indemos {some text} [demo:b] \indemo {and more text} [demo:c]
\indemos [demo:b] \anddemo [demo:c]
These will show up as:
demo (BB)
some text (BB)
some text (BB) and more text (CC)
demos (BB) and (CC)
Instead of using the text parameter, one can use label and recall a predefined label. The
parameter command can be used to specify the command to use (\in by default).

9.7 Registers
A book without a register is not likely to be taken seriously. Therefore we can define and
generate one or more registers in ConTEXt. The index entries are written to a separate file.
The Perl script TEXutil converts this file into a format TEX can typeset.

9 Predefined references — Registers

References 173

A register is defined with the command:

.2. plural name

There are a number of commands to create register entries and to place registers. One register
is available by default:


An entry is created by:

.1. text
.2. text

An entry has a maximum of three levels. The subentries are separated by a + or &. We illustrate
this with an example.


When index entries require special typesetting, for example \sl and \kap we have to take some
measures, because these kind of commands are ignored during list generation and sorting. In
those cases we can use the extended version. Between [ ] we type the literal ascii--string
which will determine the alphabetical order.
For example we have defined logos or abbreviations like UN, UK and USA (see section 9.2), then
an index entry must look like this:


If we do not do it this way UN, UK and USA will be placed under the \.
A cross reference within a register is created with:

.1. text
.2. text
.3. text

This command has an extended version also with which we can input a ‘pure’ literal ascii
A register is generated and placed in your document with:

Registers 9
174 References

\placeregister[..,..=..,..] ñ ð
..=.. see p 174: \setupregister

The next command results in register with title:

\completeregister[..,..=..,..] ñ ð
..=.. see p 174: \setupregister

The register can be set up with the command \setupregister. When you use the command
\version[temporary] during processing, the entries and their locations will appear in the
margin (see section ??).

.2. name
n number
balance yes no
align yes no
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
pagestyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
indicator yes no
coupling yes no
sectionnumber yes no
criterium section local all part
distance dimension
symbol 1 2 ... n a ... none
interaction pagenumber text
expansion yes command no
referencing on off
command \command#1
location left middle right
maxwidth dimension
unknownreference empty none

By default a complete register is generated. However it is possible te generate partial registers.

In that case the parameter criterium must be set. With indicator we indicate that we want
a letter in the alphabetical ordering of the entries. When referencing=on is a pagereference
is generated for every letter indicator, for example index:a or index:w. We can use these
automatically generated references to refer to the page where for instance the a--entries start.
The commands we have mentioned thus far allow us to use a spacious layout in our source
file. This means we can type the entries like this:
\chapter{Here we are}
\section{Where we are}

9 Registers
References 175


Wherever you are ...

Between \chapter and \section we should not type any text because the vertical spacing
might be disturbed by the index entries. The empty line after the entry has no consequences.
In case there are problems we always have the option to write index entries to the list by the
more direct command:

[setup writetoregister* is undefined]

There the expansion mechanism can be activated. Default expansion is inactive (see page 164).

In this reference manual there is a register with commands. This register is defined and
initialised with:

\defineregister [macro] [macros]

\setupregister [macro] [indicator=no]

And we can find entries like:


In case we want a register per chapter we can summon the accompanying register with the
command below (the command \tex will place a \ in front of a word, but is ignored during
sorting): 21


and we will obtain:

A warning is due. The quality of the content of a register is completely in your hands. A bad
selection of index entries leads to an inadequate register that is of no use to the reader.

Every entry shows one or more pagenumbers. With symbol we can define some alternatives.
With distance the horizontal spacing between word and number or symbol is set.

symbol display

a abcd
n 1234
1 • • ••

Table 9.4 Alternatives for pa-

genumbers in registers.

21 Of course, \placemacro and \completemacros are also available.

Registers 9
176 References

Most of the time the layout of a register is rather simple. Some manuals may need some
form of differentiating between entries. The definition of several registers may be a solution.
However the layout can contribute to a better use of the register:

\index {entry}
\index[key] {entry}
\index[form::] {entry}
\index {form::entry}
\index[key] {form::entry}
\index[form::] {form::entry}

The first two alternatives are known, but the rest is new and offers some control over the
way the entry itself is typeset. The specification between [ ] relates to the pagenumber, the
specification in front of the entry relates to the entry itself.


Without any problems we can use different appearances for pagenumber and entry.


With for example:


The index entries we have discussed so far indicate the one page where the entry is made, but
we can also indicate complete ranges of pages using:

[setup start*register is undefined]

The entries in between, which are of the same order, are not placed in the register.

...... an endless story ......

An extensive index entry, i.e. an entry with a large number of appearances, may have an
uncomfortably long list of pagenumbers. Especially in interactive documents this leads to
endless back and forth clicking. For this purpose we designed the feature of linked index
entries. This means that you can couple identical entries into a list that enables the user to
jump from entry to (identical) entry without returning to the register. The coupling mechanism
is activated by:


In this way a mechanism is activated that places references in the register ( 

 ) as well as in
the text ( word ) depending on the availability of alternatives. A jump from the register will
bring you to the first, the middle or the last appearance of the entry.

9 Registers
References 177

This mechanism is only working at the first level; subentries are ignored. Clicking on the word
itself will bring you back to the register. Because we need the clickable word in the text we use
the following command for the index entry itself:

.1. text
.2. text

For example \coupledindex{where}. The couplings must be loaded with the command:

... name

Normally this command is executed automatically when needed, so it’s only needed in emer-

Registers 9
Descriptions 179


10.1 Introduction
In a document we can find text elements that bring structure to a document. We have already
seen the numbered chapter and section titles, but there are more elements with a recognizable
layout. We can think of numbered and non--numbered definitions, itemizations and citations.
One of the advantages of TEX and therefore of ConTEXt is that coding these elements enables
us to guarantee a consistent design in our document, which in turn allows us to concentrate
on the content of our writing.

In this chapter we will discuss some of the elements that will bring structure to your text. We
advise you to experiment with the commands and their setups. When applied correctly you
will notice that layout commands in your text are seldom necessary.

10.2 Definitions
Definitions of concepts and/or ideas, that are to be typeset in a distinctive way, can be defined
by \definedescription.

... name
..=.. see p 181: \setupdescriptions

The first argument of this command contains the name. After the definition a new command
is available.

.1. text
.2. text

An example of the definition is:



An icon is a representation of an action or the name of a computer

program. Icons are frequently used in operating systems on several
computer platforms. \par

Several alternatives are displayed below:

Introduction — Definitions 10
180 Descriptions


An icon is a representation of an action or the name of a computer program. Icons are

frequently used in operating systems on several computer platforms.

Some users of those computer platforms are using these icons with an almost icon
religious fanaticism. This brings the word icon almost back to its original

icon An icon should be recognizable for every user but they are designed with-
in a cultural and historical setting. In this fast and ever changing era the
recognizability of icons is relative.

icon The 8--bit principle of computers was the reason that non--Latin scriptures were hardly sup-
ported by the operating systems. Not long ago this changed.

icon What for some languages looked like a handicap has now become a feature. Thousands
of words and concepts are already layed down in characters. These characters therefore can
be considered icons.

icon It is to be expected that people with expressive languages overtake us in

computer usage because they are used to thinking in concepts.

icon The not--so--young generation remembers the trashcan in the earlier operating
systems used to delete files. We in Holland were lucky that the text beneath
it said: trashcan. A specific character for the trashcan would have been less sensitive misin-
terpretation, than the rather American--looking garbage receptacle unknown to many young

In the fifth example the definition is placed serried and defined as:



What for some languages looked like a handicap has now become a feature.
Thousands of words and concepts are already layed down in characters.
These characters therefore can be considered icons. \par

In the seventh example we have set hang at broad. This parameter makes only sense when we
set the label at the right or left. When we set width at fit or broad instead of a number, the
width of the sample is used. With fit, no space is added, with broad, a space of distance is
inserted. When no sample is given the with of the defined word is used. The parameter align
specifies in what way the text is aligned. When the definition is placed in the margin or typeset
in a serried format, the parameter margin is of importance. When set to standard or ja, the
marging follows the document setting. Alternatively you can pass a dimension.

Some characteristics of the description can be specified with:

10 Definitions
Descriptions 181

... name
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
width fit broad dimension
distance dimension
sample text
text text
align left middle right
margin standard yes no dimension
location left right top serried inmargin inleft inright hanging
hang fit broad number
before command
inbetween command
after command
indentnext yes no

The setup of a description can be changed with the command below. This has the same
construct as \definedescription:


When a description consists of more than one paragraph, use:

\startdescription{...} ... \stopdescription

... text


An icon is a painting of Jesus Christ, Mother Mary or other holy figures.

These paintings may have a special meaning for some religious people.

For one reason or the other the description icon found its way to the
computer world where it leads its own life.


These commands will handle empty lines adequately.

10.3 Enumeration
Sometimes you will encounter text elements you would like to number, but they do not fit into
the category of figures, tables, etc. Therefore ConTEXt has a numbering mechanism that we
use for numbering text elements like questions, remarks, examples, etc. Such a text element
is defined with:

Enumeration 10
182 Descriptions

.1. name
.2. name
..=.. see p 183: \setupenumerations

After such a definition, the following commands are available:


Where name stands for any chosen name.

\enumeration...\par ñ ð
... text

The numbering can take place at four levels. Conversion is related to the last level. If you
specify a text, then this will be a label that preceeds every generated number. A number can
be set and reset with the command:


You can use the start parameter in the setup command to explictly state a startnumber. Keep
in mind that the enumeration commands increase the number, so to start at 4, one must set
the number at 3. Numbers and subnumbers and be explictly increased with the commands:


The example below illustrates the use of \enumeration. After the shown commands the
content of a remark can be typed after \remark.


Some examples of remarks are:

Remark 1

After definition the ‘remark’ is available at four levels: \remark, \subremark, \subsubremark
and \subsubsubremark.

10 Enumeration
Descriptions 183

Remark 2

This command looks much like the command \definedescription.

The characteristics of numbering are specified with \setupenumerations. Many parameters

are like that of the descriptions because numbering is a special case of descriptions.


... name
..=.. see p 179: \definedescription
location left right top serried inmargin inleft inright hanging
text text
levels number
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
way bytext bysection
blockway yes no
sectionnumber yes number no
separator text
stopper text
coupling name
couplingway global local
number no name
aligntitle no yes
start number

The characteristics of sub and subsub enumerations can be set too. For example:


Just like the description command there is a \start--\stop construction for multi paragraph

\startenumeration ... \stopenumeration

Sometimes the number is obsolete. For example when we number per chapter and we have
only one example in a specific chapter. In that case you can indicate with a [-] that you want
no number to be displayed.


Because this remark was recalled by \remark[-] there is no number. Just as with other
commands, we can also pass a reference label between [ ]. Also, we can setup the enumeration
to stop numbering by setting number to no.

The numbering command can be combined usefully with the feature to move textblocks. An
example is given in section 12.4. In that example we also demonstrate how to couple one
numbered text to another. These couplings only have a meaning in interactive documents
where cross references (hyperlinks) can be useful.

Enumeration 10
184 Descriptions

The numbering of text elements can appear in different forms. In that case we can let one
numbered text element inherit its characteristic from another. We illustrate this in an example.


\first The numbering \type {first} is unique. We see that one

argument is sufficient. By default label and number are placed at the left
hand side.


\second The \type {second} inherits its counters from \type {first},
but is placed at the right hand side. In case of three arguments the first
one is the copy and the second the original.


\third The numbered elements \type {third} and \type {fourth} are both
unique and are placed in right margin.

\fourth Both are defined in one command but they do have own
counters that are in no way coupled.


\fifth The elements \type {fifth} and \type {sixth} inherit the properties
and counters of \type {first}.

\sixth Note: inheriting of \type{second} is not allowed because \type

{second} is not an original! \par

It may seem very complex but the text below may shed some light on this issue:

first 1

The numbering first is unique. We see that one argument is sufficient. By default label and
number are placed at the left hand side.

The second inherits its counters from first, but is placed at the right hand second 2
side. In case of three arguments the first one is the copy and the second the

The numbered elements third and fourth are both unique and are placed in right margin. third 1

Both are defined in one command but they do have own counters that are in no way coupled. fourth 1

fifth 3

The elements fifth and sixth inherit the properties and counters of first.

sixth 4

Note: inheriting of second is not allowed because second is not an original!

It is possible to couple a numbered text element to another. For example we may couple
questions and answers. In an interactive document we can click on a question which will result
in a jump to the answer. And vice versa. The counters must be synchronised. Be aware of

10 Enumeration
Descriptions 185

the fact that the counters need some resetting now and then. For example at the beginning of
each new chapter. This can be automated by setting the parameter way to bychapter.

\definedescription [question] [coupling=answer]

\definedescription [answer] [coupling=question]

10.4 Indenting
Indented itemizations, like dialogues, can be typeset with the command defined by

... name
..=.. see p 185: \setupindentations

After this command \name, \subname and \subsubname are available.

... text

The parameters can be set up with the command:

... name
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
width fit dimension
text text
sample text
before command
after command
distance dimension
separator text

It is possible to change the setup of \indentation with the command:


An example of how you can use the indentation mechanism is given below:

[sample={rime m},

\defineindenting[ra][text=rime a]
\defineindenting[rb][text=rime b]
\defineindenting[rc][text=rime c]

Indenting 10
186 Descriptions

\ra pretty litte girl
\ra pretty litte girl in a blue dress
\rb pretty little girl in a blue dress
\rc playing in the sand
\rb make my day
\rc smile for me
This results in:
rime a : pretty litte girl
rime a : pretty litte girl in a blue dress
rime b : pretty little girl in a blue dress
rime c : playing in the sand
rime b : make my day
rime c : smile for me
A series of indenting commands can be enclosed with the commands:

10.5 Numbered labels

There is another numbering mechanism that is used for numbering specific text labels that
also enables you to refer to these labels. For example, when you want to refer in your text to
a number of transparencies that you use in presentations the next command can be used:

... name
text text
location inmargin intext
way bytext bysection bychapter
blockway yes no
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
headcolor name
before command
after command

Where the parameter location is set at intext and inmargin. After this definition the
following commands are available:
The [reference] after currentname is optional. After

10 Numbered labels
Descriptions 187


This defines \video, that results in a numbered label video in the margin. The command video 10.1
\currentvideo would have resulted in the number 0. The label can also be recalled with:


In our case, saying \video results in the marginal note concerning a video. The values of
before and after are executed around the label (which only makes sense for in--text labels.

10.6 Itemize
Items in an itemization are automatically preceded by symbols or by enumerated numbers or
characters. The symbols and the enumeration can be set up (see table 10.1). The layout can
also be influenced. Itemization has a maximum of four levels.

setup result setup result

n 1, 2, 3, 4 1 dot (•)
a a, b, c, d 2 dash (−)
A A, B, C, D 3 star (?)
KA A, B, C, D 4 triangle (.)
r i, ii, iii, iv 5 circle (◦)
R I, II, III, IV 6 big circle ( )
KR I, II, III, IV 7 bigger circle ( )
m 1, 2, 3, 4 8 square (t
g α, β, γ
G A, B, Γ

Table 10.1 Item separator identifications in item-


The command to itemize is:

\item ........
\item ........

So you can do things like this:

Which of these theses are true?

\item The difference between a village and a city is the existence of

Itemize 10
188 Descriptions

a townhall.
\item The difference between a village and a city is the existence of
a courthouse.

This will lead to:

Which of these theses are true?

A. The difference between a village and a city is the existence of a townhall.

B. The difference between a village and a city is the existence of a courthouse.

The symbols used under 1 to 8 can be defined with the command \definesymbol (see sec-
tion ??) and the conversion of the numbering with \defineconversion (see section ??). For

Do the following propositions hold some truth?


\item The city of Amsterdam is built on wooden poles.
\item The city of Rome was built in one day.

results in:

Do the following propositions hold some truth?

 The city of Amsterdam is built on wooden poles.

 The city of Rome was built in one day.

The keys n, a, etc. are related to the conversions. This means that all conversions are accepted.
Take for example:

α. a g for Greek characters

β. a G for Greek capitals

When the setup and the [ ] are left out then the default symbol is typeset.

The indentation and horizontal whitespace is set up locally or globally with:

10 Itemize
Descriptions 189

.1. number each
.2. standard n*broad n*serried packed unpacked stopper joinedup atmargin inmargin
autointro loose section intext
margin no standard dimension
width dimension
distance dimension
factor number
items number
start number
before command
inbetween command
after command
left text
right text
beforehead command
afterhead command
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
marstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
symstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
stopper text
n number
symbol number
align left right normal
indentnext yes no

These arguments may appear in different combinations, like:

What proposition is true?
\item 2000 is a leap-year
\item 2001 is a leap-year
\item 2002 is a leap-year
\item 2003 is a leap-year
this will become:
What proposition is true?
a: 2000 is a leap-year
b: 2001 is a leap-year
c: 2002 is a leap-year
d: 2003 is a leap-year
Both argument are optional. The key packed is one of the most commonly used:
What proposition is true?
\item[ok] 2000 is a leap-year
\item 2001 is a leap-year

Itemize 10
190 Descriptions

\item 2002 is a leap-year

\item 2003 is a leap-year

will result in:

What proposition is true?

1. 2000 is a leap-year
2. 2001 is a leap-year
3. 2002 is a leap-year
4. 2003 is a leap-year

It happens very often that an itemization is preceded by a sentence like “ . . . can be seen
below:”. In that case we add the key intro and the introduction sentence will be ‘connected’ to
the itemization. After this setup a pagebreak between sentence and itemization is discouraged.


The setup of the itemization commands are presented in table 10.2.

setup result

standard default setup

packed no white space between items
joinedup no white space before and after itemization
paragraph no white space before an itemization
n*serried little horizontal white space after symbol
n*broad extra horizontal white space after symbol
inmargin item separator in margin
atmargin item separator at the margin
stopper punctuation after item separator
intro no pagebreak
columns two columns

Table 10.2 Setup of \setupitemize.

In the last example we saw a reference point behind the command \item for future cross
referencing. In this case we could make a cross reference to answer 1 with the command

The enumeration may be continued by adding the key continue, for example:

\item 2005 is a leap-year

This would result in a rather useless addition:

10 Itemize
Descriptions 191

5. 2005 is a leap-year

Another example illustrates that continue even works at other levels of itemizations:

• supported image formats in pdfTEX

a. png
b. eps
c. pdf
• non supported image formats in pdfTEX
d. jpg
e. gif
f. tif

This was typed as (in this document we have set headstyle=bold):

\head supported image formats in \PDFTEX \par
\item png \item eps \item pdf
\head non supported image formats in \PDFTEX \par
\item jpg \item gif \item tif

When we use the key columns the items are typeset in two columns. The number of columns
can be set by the keys one, two (default), three or four.

\item png \item tif \item jpg \item eps \item pdf
\item gif \item pic \item bmp \item bsd \item jpe

We can see that we can type the items at our own preference.

1. png 4. eps 7. pic 10.jpe

2. tif 5. pdf 8. bmp
3. jpg 6. gif 9. bsd

In such a long enumerated list the horizontal space between itemseparator and text may be
too small. In that case we use the key broad, here 2*broad:

I. png IV. eps VII. pic X. jpe

II. tif V. pdf VIII. bmp
III. jpg VI. gif IX. bsd

The counterpart of broad is serried. We can also add a factor. Here we used 2*serried.

Itemize 10
192 Descriptions

•What format is this?

We can abuse the key broad for very simple tables. It takes some guessing to reach the right
This results in a rather strange example:
\sym {yes} this is a nice format
\sym {no} this is very ugly
yes this is a nice format
no this is very ugly
The parameter stopper expects a character of your own choice. By default it is set at a period.
When no level is specified and the [ ] are empty the actual level is activated. In section ?? we
will discuss this in more detail. Stoppers only apply to ordered (numbered) list.
There are itemizations where a one line head is followed by a text block. In that case
you use \head instead of \item. You can specify the layout of \head with the command
\setupitemize. For example:
\head A title head in an itemization
After the command \type{\head} an empty line is mandatory. If you
leave that out you will get a very long header.
This becomes:
1. A title head in an itemization
After the command \head an empty line is mandatory. If you leave that out you will get a
very long header.
If we would have used \item the head would have been typeset in a normal font. Furthermore
a pagebreak could have been introduced between head and textblock. This is not permitted
when you use \head.


When an itemization consists of only one item we can leave out the commands \startitemize
and \stopitemize and the level 1 symbol is used.
\item The itemization commands force the user into a consistent layout
of the itemizations. \par
Instead of the \par you could have used an empty line. In each case, we get the following

10 Itemize
Descriptions 193

• The itemization commands force the user into a consistent layout of the itemizations.

Only the text directly following the command and ended by an empty line or \par is indented.

When you want to re-use the last number instead of increasing the next item you can use \sub.
This feature is used in discussion documents where earlier versions should not be altered too
much for reference purposes.

1. This itemization is preceded by \startitemize[n,packed].

+1. This item is preceded by \sub, the other items by \item.
2. The itemization is ended by \stopitemize.

The most important commands are:

\startitemize[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] ... \stopitemize

... a A KA n N m r R KR number continue standard n*broad n*serried packed stopper joinedup
atmargin inmargin intro columns
..=.. see p 189: \setupitemize



In addition to \item there is \sym. This command enables us to type an indented text with
our own symbol.


Another alternative to \item is \mar. The specified argument is set in the margin (by default
a typeletter) and enables us to comment on an item.


Some at first sight rather strange alternatives are:



These acronyms are placeholders for items and range. We illustrate most of these commands
with an example that stems from a ntg questionnaire:

Itemize 10
194 Descriptions

no yes
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ I can not do without TEX.
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ I will use TEX forever.
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ I expect an alternative to TEX in the next few years.
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ I use TEX and other packages.
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ I hardly use TEX.
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ I am looking for another system.

The source is typed below. Look at the setup, it is local.


\ran {no\hss yes}

\its I can not do without \TeX.

\its I will use \TeX\ forever.
\its I expect an alternative to \TeX\ in the next few years.
\its I use \TeX\ and other packages.
\its I hardly use \TeX.
\its I am looking for another system.


For the interactive version there is:

\but[ref] ñ ð

This command resembles \item but produces an interactive symbol that executes the reference
sequence specified.
The example below shows a combination of the mentioned commands. We also see the alter-
native \nop.

• he got a head ache

1. of all the items

he had to learn at school
++ 2. because the marginal explanation
+2. of the substantial content
# turned out to be mostly symbolic

This list was typed like this:

\head he got a head ache

\item of all the items
\nop he had to learn at school
\mar{++} because the marginal explanation
\sub of the substantial content

10 Itemize
Descriptions 195

\sym{\#} turned out to be mostly symbolic

With the no--operation command:


During the processing of itemizations the number of items is counted. This is the case with
all versions. The next pass this information is used to determine the optimal location to start
a new page. So do not despair when at the first parse your itemizations do not look the way
you expected. When using TEXexec this is all taken care of.
We have two last pieces of advises. When items consist of two or more paragraphs always
use \head instead of \item, especially when the first paragraph consists only one line. The
command \head takes care of adequate pagebreaking between two paragraphs. Also, always
use the key [intro] when a one line sentence preceeds the itemization. This can be automated

10.7 Items
A rarely used variant of producing lists is the command \items. It is used to produce simple,
one level, vertical or horizontal lists. The command in its simplest form looks like this:
\items{alternative 1,alternative 2,...,alternative N}
Instead of an alternative you can also type -. In that case space is reserved but the item is not
set. The layout of such a list is set with the command:

location left right inmargin top bottom
symbol 1 2 ... n a ... text none
width dimension
n number unknown
before command
inbetween command
align left right middle margin
after command

The number (n) as well as the width are calculated automatically. When you want to do this
yourself you can use the previous command or you pass the options directly. We show some
◦ png
◦ eps
◦ pdf

Items 10
196 Descriptions


png eps pdf

◦ ◦ ◦

png ◦
eps ◦
pdf ◦

◦ ◦ ◦

png eps pdf


◦ png
◦ eps
◦ pdf

◦ jpg
◦ tif

? ? ? ? ? ?

png eps pdf jpg tif

The setup just after \items have the same effect as those of \setupitems:

..=.. see p 195: \setupitems

10.8 Citations
The use of quotes depends on the language of a country: ‘Nederlands’, ‘English’, ,Deutsch‘,
<Français>. The consistent use of single and double quotes is supported by a number of
commands. A citation in the running text is typeset by:

\startquotation[..,...,..] ... \stopquotation

... n*left n*middle n*right

This command can be compared with \startnarrower and has the same setup parameters.
The quotes are placed around the text and they fall outside the textblock:

10 Citations
Descriptions 197

“In commercial advertising ‘experts’ are quoted. Not too long ago I saw a commercial
where a washing powder was recommended by the Dutch Society of Housewives. The
remarkable thing was that there was a spokesman and not a spokeswoman. He was
introduced as the “director”. It can’t be true that the director of the Society of Housewives
is a man. Can it? ”
In this example we see two other commands:
In commercial advertising \quote {experts} are quoted. Not too
long ago I saw a commercial where a washing powder was recommended
by the Dutch Society of Housewives. The remarkable thing was that
there was a spokesman and not a spokeswoman. He was introduced as
the \quotation {director}. It can’t be true that the director of the
Society of Housewives is a man. Can it?
The command \quotation produces double quotes and \quote single quotes.

... text

... text

These commands adapt to the language. In Dutch, English, German and French texts other
quotes are activated. The body font is set with:

before command
after command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
location text margin

The location of a period, inside or outside a citation is somewhat arbitrary. The opinions on
this issue differ considerately.
He said: “That is a bike” to which she replied: “Take a hike”.
The quotes are language dependent. Therefore it is of some importance that language switch-
ing is done correctly.
\quotation {He answered: \fr \quotation {Je ne parle pas fran\c cais}.}
\quotation {He answered: \quotation {\fr Je ne parle pas fran\c cais}.}
\quotation {\fr Il r\’epondait: \quotation{Je ne parle pas fran\c cais}.}
\fr \quotation {Il r\’epondait: \quotation{Je ne parle pas fran\c cais}.}

Citations 10
198 Descriptions

Watch the subtle difference.

“He answered: Je ne parle pas français.”

“He answered: “Je ne parle pas français”.”
“Il répondait: Je ne parle pas français.”
Il répondait: Je ne parle pas français.

When we want different quotes, we can change them. This is a language related setting.


Fo rconsistency, such a setting can best be put into the local system file cont-sys.tex, to-
gether with other local settings. The following quotes are available:

\lowerleftsingleninequote , \lowerrightsingleninequote ,
\lowerleftdoubleninequote ,, \lowerrightdoubleninequote ,,
\upperleftsingleninequote ’ \upperrightsingleninequote ’
\upperleftdoubleninequote ” \upperrightdoubleninequote ”
\upperleftsinglesixquote ‘ \upperrightsinglesixquote ‘
\upperleftdoublesixquote “ \upperrightdoublesixquote “

10 Citations
Lines and frames

11.1 Introduction
TEX has an enormous capacity in handling text, but is very weak at handling graphical informa-
tion. Lines can be handled adequately as long as you use vertical or horizontal lines. However,
you can do graphical work with TEX by combining TEX and METAPOST.

In this chapter we introduce a number of commands that relate to drawing straight lines in 11
your text. We will see a very sophisticated command \framed that can be used in many ways.
The parameters of this command are also available in other commands.

11.2 Single lines

The simplest way to draw a line in ConTEXt is:


For example:

In what fairy tale is the wolf cut open and filled with stones? Was it in
{Little Red Riding-hood} or in \quote {The wolf and the seven goats}.

This will become:

In what fairy tale is the wolf cut open and filled with stones? Was it in Little Red Riding-hood
or in ‘The wolf and the seven goats’.

It does not look good at all. This is caused by the fact that a drawn line gets its own vertical
whitespace. In section 11.4 we will show how to alter this.

The effects of the command \hairline is best illustrated when we visualize \strut’s. We did
so by saying \showstruts first.

Introduction — Single lines 11

200 Lines and frames

A strut is a character with a maximum height and depth, but no width. The text in this example
is surrounded by two strutted lines.

It is also possible to draw a line over the width of the actual paragraph:


Or more than one lines by:

..=.. see p 201: \setupthinrules

For example:

\item question 1 \par \thinrules[n=2]
\item question 2 \par \thinrules[n=2]

If you leave out a \par (or empty line), the thin rules come after the text. Compare

• question 1

• question 2


• question 1

• question 2

The last example was keyed in as:

\item question 1 \thinrules[n=2]
\item question 2 \thinrules[n=2]

The parameters are set with:

11 Single lines
Lines and frames 201

interlinespace small medium big
n number
before command
inbetween command
after command
color name
backgroundcolor name
height dimension max
depth dimension max
alternative abcd
rulethickness dimension

You can draw thin vertical or horizontal lines with the commands:

... number

... number

The argument is optional. To \vl ( ) you may pass a factor that relates to the actual height of
a line and to \hl ( ) a width that relates to the width of an em. So \vl[2] produces a rule
with a height of two lines.

11.3 Fill in rules

On behalf of questionnaires there is the command:

..=.. see p 201: \setupfillinlines

With the accompanying setup command:

width dimension
margin dimension
distance dimension
before command
after command

The example:

Fill in rules 11
202 Lines and frames

\fillinline[n=2,width=2cm]{name} \par
\fillinline[n=2,width=2cm]{address} \par

Leads to the next list:



An alternative is wanting the fill--in rule at the end of a paragraph. Then you use the commands:

..=.. see p 202: \setupfillinrules

width fit broad dimension
distance dimension
before command
after command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
n number
interlinespace small medium big
separator text

The next example will show the implications:

\fillinline[width=3cm] Consumers in this shopping mall are frequently

confronted with questionnaires. Our hypothesis is that consumers rather
shop somewhere else than answer these kind of questionnaires. Do you
agree with this?

In this example we could of course have offered some alternatives for answering this question.
By setting the width to broad, we get

Consumers in this shopping mall are frequently confronted with question-

naires. Our hypothesis is that consumers rather shop somewhere else than
answer these kind of questionnaires. Do you agree with this?

The next set of examples demonstrate how we can influence the layout.




11 Fill in rules
Lines and frames 203





11.4 Text lines

A text line is drawn just before and/or after a paragraph. The upper line may also contain text.
The command is:

.1. top bottom
.2. text

An example:

Some artists mention the instruments that they use during the production
of their \kap{CD}. In Peter Gabriel’s \quote {Digging in the dust} he used
the {\em diembe}, {\em tama} and {\em surdu}. The information on another
song mentions the {\em doudouk}. Other \quote {unknown} instruments are
used on his \kap{cd} \quote {Passion}.

This will result in:

Some artists mention the instruments that they use during the production of their CD. In Peter
Gabriel’s ‘Digging in the dust’ he used the diembe, tama and surdu. The information on another
song mentions the doudouk. Other ‘unknown’ instruments are used on his CD ‘Passion’.

The behaviour of textlines is set up with the command below. With the parameter width you
set the length of the line in front of the text.

Text lines 11
204 Lines and frames

location left inmargin
before command
after command
inbetween command
width dimension
distance dimension
bodyfont 5pt ... 12pt small big
color name
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
rulecolor name

These is also a \start--\stop alternative. This one also honors the bodyfont parameter.

\starttextrule[.1.]{.2.} ... \stoptextrule

.1. top bottom
.2. text

11.5 Underline
Underlining text is not such an ideal method to banner your text. Nevertheless we introduced
this feature in ConTEXt. Here is how it works. We use:

... text

A disadvantage of this command is that words can no longer be hyphenated. This is a nasty
side--effect. But we do support nested underlining.
The spaces in the last paragraph were also underlined. If we do not want that in this paragraph
we use:

\underbars{.. ... ..}

... text

From the input we can see that the hyphen results from the compound word.

\underbar {A disadvantage of this command is that words can \underbar

{no} longer be hyphenated. This is a nasty side||effect. But we do
support \underbar {nested} underlining.}

\underbars {The spaces in the last paragraph were also underlined. If

we do not want that in this paragraph we use:}

The counterpart of these commands are:

11 Underline
Lines and frames 205

... text

\overbars{.. ... ..}

... text

You may wonder for what reasons we introduced these commands. The reasons are mainly

product 1 1.420
product 2 3.182
total 4.602

This financial overview is made with:

\NC product 1 \NC 1.420 \NC \NR
\NC product 2 \NC 3.182 \NC \NR
\NC total \NC \overbar{4.602} \NC \NR

The number of parameters in these commands is limited:

alternative abc
rulethickness dimension
bottomoffset dimension
topoffset dimension
rulecolor name

The alternatives are: alternative a, alternative b, alternative

. . . . . . . . . . .c. while another line thickness
results in: 1pt line, 2pt line.

A part of the text can be striked with the command:

... text

This command supports no nesting. Single words are striked with:

\overstrikes{.. ... ..}

... text

Underline 11
206 Lines and frames

11.6 Framing
Texts can be framed with the command: \framed. In its most simple form the command looks
like this:
\framed{A button in an interactive document is a framed text
with specific characteristics.}
The becomes:

A button in an interactive document is a framed text with specific characteristics.

The complete definition of this command is:

..=.. see p 210: \setupframed
... text

You may notice that all arguments are optional.

{A framed text always needs special attention as far as the spacing
is concerned.}
Here is the output of the previous source code:

A framed text always needs special attention as far as the spacing is concerned.

For the height, the values fit and broad have the same results. So:
{\framed[height=broad]{Is this the spacing we want?}
\framed[height=fit] {Or isn’t it?}}
will give us:

Is this the spacing we want? Or isn’t it?

To obtain a comparable layout between framed and non--framed framing can be set on and off.

yes no yes
no yes no

The rulethickness is set with the command \setuprulethickness (see section ??).
A framed text is typeset ‘on top of’ the baseline. When you want real alignment you can use
the command \inframed.
to \framed{frame} or to be \inframed{framed}

11 Framing
Lines and frames 207

to or to be framed
It is possible to draw parts of the frame. In that case you have to specify the separate sides of
the frame with leftframe=on and the alike.
We will now show some alternatives of the command \framed. Please notice the influence of
offset. When no value is given, the offset is determined by the height and depth of the \strut,
that virtual character with a maximum height and depth with no width. When exact positioning
is needed within a frame you set offset at none (see also tables 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3). Setting
the offset to none or overlay, will also disable the strut.




The commands \lbox (ragged left), \cbox (ragged center) and \rbox (ragged right) can be
combined with \framed:

left just right

of the in the of the
middle middle middle

\lbox \cbox \rbox

The second text is typed as follows:

{\cbox to 2.5cm{\hsize2.5cm just\\in the\\middle}}
There is a more convenient way to align a text, since we have the parameters align and top
and bottom. In the next one shows the influence of top and bottom (the second case is the
{\framed[bottom=\vss,top=\vss]{just\\in the\\middle}}

Framing 11
208 Lines and frames

{\framed[bottom=\vss,top=] {just\\in the\\middle}}

{\type{top=} \crlf\type{bottom=\vss}}
{\framed[bottom=,top=\vss] {just\\in the\\middle}}
{\framed[bottom=,top=] {just\\in the\\middle}}
{\type{top=} \crlf\type{bottom=}}

just just
in the in the
middle middle
in the just
middle in the

top=\vss top= top=\vss top=

bottom=\vss bottom=\vss top= bottom=

In the background of a framed text you can place a screen or a coloured background by setting
background at color or screen. Don’t forget to activate the the colour mechanism by saying

In the dark

background=screen background=screen

all cats are grey.

background=color background=color

There is also an option to enlarge a frame or the background by setting the frameoffset and/
or backgroundoffset. These do not influence the dimensions. Next to screens and colours
you can also use your own kind of backgrounds. This mechanism is described in section 6.7.
The command \framed itself can be an argument of \framed. We will obtain a framed frame.
{\framed[width=2.5cm,height=2.5cm]{hello world}}
In that case the second frame is somewhat larger than expected. This is caused by the fact
that the first framed has a strut. This strut is placed automatically to enable typesetting one
framed text next to another. We suppress \strut with:

11 Framing
Lines and frames 209

{\framed[width=2.5cm,height=2.5cm]{hello world}}

When both examples are placed close to one another we see the difference:

hello world hello world

strut=yes strut=no

A \hairline is normally draw over the complete width of a text (\hsize). Within a frame the
line is drawn from the left to the right of framed box.

Consequently the code:

{when you read between the lines \hairline
you may see what effort it takes \hairline
to write a macropackage}

produces the following output:

when you read between the lines

you may see what effort it takes
to write a macropackage

When no width is specified only the vertical lines are displayed.

their opinions differ considerately

Which was obtained with:

{their opinions \hairline differ \hairline considerately}

The default setup of \framed can be changed with the command:

Framing 11
210 Lines and frames

height fit broad dimension
width fit broad dimension
offset none overlay default dimension
location low depth
option none empty
strut yes no
align no left right middle normal high low lohi
bottom command
top command
frame on off overlay
topframe on off
bottomframe on off
leftframe on off
rightframe on off
frameoffset dimension
framedepth dimension
framecorner round rectangular
frameradius dimension
framecolor name
background screen color none foreground name
backgroundscreen number
backgroundcolor name
backgroundoffset frame dimension
backgrounddepth dimension
backgroundcorner round rectangular
backgroundradius dimension
depth dimension
corner round rectangular
radius dimension
empty yes no
foregroundcolor name
... text

The command \framed is used within many other commands. The combined use of offset
and strut may be very confusing. It realy pays off to spend some time playing with these
macros and parameters, since you will meet \framed in many other commands. Also, the
parameters width and height are very important for the framing texts. For that reason we
summarize the consequences of their settings in table 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3.


.25ex 0pt none overlay


Table 11.1 The influence of strut and offset in

\framed (1).

11 Framing
Lines and frames 211


.25ex 0pt none overlay


yes TEX

Table 11.2 The influence of strut and offset in

\framed (2).


fit broad (\hsize=4cm)

xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx

Table 11.3 The influence of height and width in


At first sight it is not so obvious that \framed can determine the width of a para-
happy graph by itself. When we set the parameter align the paragraph is first typeset and
birthday then framed. This feature valuable when typesetting titlepages. In the example left
to you of this text, linebreaks are forced by \\, but this is not mandatory. This example
was coded as follows:
{\framed[align=middle]{happy\\birthday\\to you}}
The parameter offset needs some special attention. By default it is set at .25ex, based on
the cureently selected font. The next examples will illustrate this:
\hbox{\bf \framed{test} \sl \framed{test} \tfa \framed{test}}
\hbox{\framed{\bf test} \framed{\sl test} \framed{\tfa test}}
The value of 1ex outside \framed determines the offset. This suits our purpose well.

test test test

test test test

The differences are very subtle. The distance between the framed boxes depends on the actual
font size, the dimensions of the frame, the offset, and the strut.
TEX can only draw straight lines. Curves are drawn with small line pieces and effects the
size of dvi--files considerately and will cause long processing times. Curves in ConTEXt are

Framing 11
212 Lines and frames

implemented by means of PostScript. There are two parameters that affect curves: corner
and radius. When corner is set at round, round curves are drawn.

Don’t be to edgy.

It is also possible to draw circles by setting radius at half the width or height. But do not use
this command for drawing, it is meant for framing text. Use METAPOST instead.
Technically speaking the background, the frame and the text are separate components of a
framed text. First the background is set, then the text and at the last instance the frame. The
curved corner of a frame belongs to the frame and is not influenced by the text. As long as the
radius is smaller than the offset no problems will occur.

11.7 Framed texts

When you feel the urge to put a frame around or a backgroud behind a paragraph there is the
[setup startframedtext is undefined]
An application may look like this:
From an experiment that was conducted by C. van Noort (1993) it was
shown that the use of intermezzos as an attention enhancer is not very

From an experiment that was conducted by C. van

Noort (1993) it was shown that the use of intermezzos
as an attention enhancer is not very effective.

This can be set up with:

bodyfont 5pt ... 12pt small big
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type small... command
left command
right command
before command
after command
inner command
linecorrection on off
depthcorrection on off
margin standard yes no
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

Framed texts can be combined with the place block mechanism, as can be seen in intermez-
zo 11.1.

11 Framed texts
Lines and frames 213

[here][int:demo 1]
{An example of an intermezzo.}
For millions of years mankind lived just like animals. Then
something happened, which unleashed the power of our imagination.
We learned to talk.
\rightaligned{--- The Division Bell / Pink Floyd}

In this case the location of the framed text (between [ ]) is left out.

For millions of years mankind lived just like animals.

Then something happened, which unleashed the
power of our imagination. We learned to talk.

— The Division Bell / Pink Floyd

Intermezzo 11.1 An example of an intermezzo.

You can also draw a partial frame. The following setup produces intermezzo 11.2.


Why are the world leaders not moved by songs

like Wozu sind Kriege da? by Udo Lindenberg. I
was, and now I wonder why wars go on and on.

Intermezzo 11.2 An example of an intermezzo.

You can also use a background. When the background is active it looks better to omit the

An intermezzo like this will draw more attention,

but the readability is far from optimal. However,
you read can it. This inermezzo was set up with :


Intermezzo 11.3 An example of an intermezzo with background.

Intermezzo 11.4 demonstrate how to use some color:


Framed texts 11
214 Lines and frames

{An example of an intermezzo with a trick.}
The trick is really very simple. But the fun is gone when Tom, Dick
and Harry would use it too.

The trick is really very simple. But the fun is

gone when Tom, Dick and Harry would use it too.

Intermezzo 11.4 An example of an intermezzo with a trick.

So, in order to get a partial frame, we have to set the whole frame to off. This is an example
of a situation where we can get a bit more readable source when we say:
\startframedtext ... \stopframedtext
{An example of an intermezzo with a trick.}{\getbuffer}
You do not want to set up a framed text every time you need it, so there is the following

... name
..=.. see p 212: \setupframedtexts

The definition:
[frame=off, rightframe=on, leftframe=on]
{An example of a predefined framed text.}
Imagine that there are fragments of music in your interactive document.

11 Framed texts
Lines and frames 215

You will not be able to read undisturbed.

results in:

Imagine that there are fragments of music in your interactive doc-

ument. You will not be able to read undisturbed.

Intermezzo 11.5 An example of a predefined framed text.

11.8 Margin rules

To add some sort of flags to paragraphs you can draw vertical lines in the margin. This can be
used to indicate that the paragraph was altered since the last version. The commands are:

\startmarginrule[...] ... \stopmarginrule

... number

.1. number

The first command is used around paragraphs, the second within a paragraph.
By specifying a level you can suppress a margin rule. This is done by setting the ‘global’ level
higher than the ‘local’ level.

level number
thickness dimension

In the example below we show an application of the use of margin rules.

The sound of a duck is a good demonstration of how different people
listen to a sound. Everywhere in Europe the sound is equal. But in
every country it is described differently: kwaak||kwaak (Netherlands),
couin||couin (French), gick||gack (German), rap||rap (Danish) and
mech||mech (Spanish). If you speak these words aloud you will notice
that \marginrule[4]{in spite of the} consonants the sound is really very
well described. And what about a cow, does it say boe, mboe or mmmmmm?
Or: 22

22 G.C. Molewijk, Spellingsverandering van zin naar onzin (1992).

Margin rules 11
216 Lines and frames

The sound of a duck is a good demonstration of how different people listen to a sound.
Everywhere in Europe the sound is equal. But in every country it is described differently:
kwaak--kwaak (Netherlands), couin--couin (French), gick--gack (German), rap--rap (Danish) and
mech--mech (Spanish). If you speak these words aloud you will notice that in spite of the
consonants the sound is really very well described. And what about a cow, does it say boe,
mboe or mmmmmm?

If we would have set \setupmarginrules[level=2] we would have obtained a margin rule

in the middle of the paragraph. In this example we also see that the thickness of the line is
adapted to the level. You can undo this feature with \setupmarginrules[thickness=1].

11.9 Black rules

Little black boxes —we call them black rules— ( ) can be drawn by \blackrule:

..=.. see p 216: \setupblackrules

When the setup is left out, the default setup is used.

width dimension max
height dimension max
depth dimension max
alternative ab
distance dimension
n number

The height, depth and width of a black rule are in accordance with the usual height, depth
and width of TEX. When we use the key max instead of a real value the dimensions of TEX’s
\strutbox are used. When we set all three dimensions to max we get: .

Black rules may have different purposes. You can use them as identifiers of sections
or subsections. This paragraph is tagged by a black rule with default dimensions:

A series of black rules can be typeset by \blackrules:

..=.. see p 216: \setupblackrules

There are two versions. Version a sets n black rules next to each other with an equal specified
width. Version b divides the specified width over the number of rules. This paragraph is tagged
with \inleft{\blackrules}. The setup after \blackrule and \blackrules are optional.

11 Black rules
Lines and frames 217

11.10 Grids
We can make squared paper (a sort of grid) with the command:

x number
y number
nx number
ny number
dx number
dy number
xstep number
ystep number
offset yes no
factor number
scale number
unit cm pt em mm ex es in
location left middle

The default setup produces:

It is used in the background when defining interactive areas in a figure. And for the sake of
completeness it is described in this chapter.

Grids 11
Blocks References 219
> floats
> stp:383
> stp:definefloat

Blocks Registers

> i figures+placing
> i tables+placing
> i figures+numbe..
> i tables+number..

12.1 Introduction >

> i placing+figures
A block in ConTEXt is defined as typographical unit that needs specific handling. We distin- > i placing+tables
> i numbering+fig..
guish the following block types:
> i numbering+tab..

> i listing+figures
• floats > i listing+tables
> t \tttf definef..
Examples of floats are figures, tables, graphics, intermezzos etc. The locations of these> t \tttf place\s..
> t \tttf placeli..
blocks are determined by TEX and depends on the available space on a page. > t \tttf complet..
> t \tttf reserve..
• textblocks > t \tttf setup\s..
> t \tttf start\s..
Examples of textblocks are questions and answers in a studybook, summaries, definitions > t \tttf setupfl..
> t \tttf setupca..
or derivatives of formulas. The location of these kind of blocks in the final document > t \tttf definef..

cannot be determined beforehand. And the information may be used repeatedly in several

• opposite blocks

Opposite (or spread) blocks are typeset on the left--hand page when a single sided output
is generated. The layout of the right--hand side page is influenced by the blocks on the left.

• margin blocks

Margin blocks are more extensive than single margin words. Text and figures can be placed
in the margin with this feature.

There are a number of commands that support the use of these block types. These are
discussed in this chapter. Furthermore we will discuss other forms of text manipulation.
Formulas can also be seen as blocks. Since formulas are covered in a separate chapter we
don’t go into details here.

This chapter is typeset with the option \version [temporary]. This does not refer to the
content but to the typesetting. With this option, design information is placed in the margin.

12.2 Floats
Floats are composed of very specific commands. For example a table in ConTEXt is typeset
using a shell around TABLE. Drawings and graphics are made with external packages, as TEX is
only capable of reserving space for graphics.

Most floats are numbered and may have a caption. A float is defined with the command:

.2. plural name

Introduction — Floats 12

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 251
220 Blocks Floatblocks

< tex,postscript,..


In ConTEXt, figures, graphics, tables, and intermezzos are predefined with: > stp:381
> stp:placefloat*
\definefloat [figure] [figures] < tab:floats
> tab:floats
\definefloat [table] [tables]
\definefloat [graphic] [graphics] Registers
\definefloat [intermezzo] [intermezzos]
> t \tttf place\s..

As a result of these definitions you can always use \placefigure, \placetable,

\placegraphic and \placeintermezzo. Of course, you can define your own floats with
\definefloat. You place your newly defined floats with the command:

.1. left right here top bottom inleft inright inmargin margin page opposite always force tall
.2. text
.3. text

When a float cannot be placed at a specific location on a page, ConTEXt will search for the
most optimal alternative. ConTEXt provides a number of placement options for floats. These
are listed in table 12.1.

preference result

left left of text

right right of text
here preferably here
top at top of page
bottom at bottom of page
inleft in left margin
inright in right margin
inmargin in the margin (left or right)
margin in the margin (margin float)
page on a new (empty) page
opposite on the left page
always precedence over stored floats
force per se here

Table 12.1 Preferences for float placement.

The commands can be used without the left and right brackets. For example:
When the caption is left out, the float number is generated anyway. When the number is not
needed you type none, like in:

12 Floats

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 252
Blocks Floatblocks 221
< tex,postscript,..
< tex,postscript,..

It is mandatory to end this command by an empty line or a \par. You don’t have to embed a
> tab:example
table in braces, since the \start and \stop commands have them built in: > stp:382
> stp:reservefloat*
\placetable < fig:reservation
> fig:reservation
{A very simple example of a table.}
> t \tttf reserve..
\VL this \VL is \VL\FR
\VL a \VL table \VL\LR

this is
a table

Table 12.2 A very simple example

of a table.

The vertical whitespace for a float can be reserved with:

height dimension
width dimension
frame on off
.1. left right here top bottom inleft inright inmargin margin page opposite always force
.2. text

This command can be used without the left and right bracket. An example of a reservation is:

{An example of a reservation.}

Which results in figure 12.1.


Figure 12.1 An example of a reservation.

Floats 12

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 253
222 Blocks References

> stp:385
> stp:startfloat*..
> stp:386
> stp:placelistof..
< numbering
When the content of a float is not yet available, you can type \empty... instead of \place.... > stp:387
In this way you can also reserve vertical whitespace. When no option is added, so is typed, > stp:completelis..
< toc
the default empty float is used. However, whether the figure or table is available is not that
important. You can always type: Registers

\placefigure{This is a figure caption.}{} > t \tttf start\s..

> t \tttf placeli..
> t \tttf complet..
As a first argument you can specify a key left or right that will cause ConTEXt to let the
text flow around the float. The second optional parameter can be a cross reference, to be used
later, like \at {page} [fig:schematic process].

\placefigure[here][fig:demo]{This a figure caption.}{}

As we will later see, you can also use the next command:

\startfloattext[.1.][ref]{.2.}{.3.} ... \stopfloat

.1. left right high middle low offset tall
.2. text
.3. text
.4. text

Preferences are left, right or middle. Furthermore you can specify offset in case the text
should align with the float. Both setups can be combined: [left,offset].
A list of used floats is generated with the command:

\placelistoffloats ñ ð

For example, the command \placelistoffigures would typeset a list of figures. The list
follows the numbering convention that is set with the command \setupnumbering, which
numbering-> was discussed at page ??.
The next command generates a list of floats on a separate page.

\completelistoffloats ñ ð

Pagebreaks that occur at unwanted locations can be enforced in the same way that is done
with a table of contents (see section 9.1):


As with tables of content the default local lists are generated. Recalling a list within a chapter
produces a list for that specific chapter. So, if you want a list of all figures, you need to specify
criterium as all.
12.1 An example of a reservation. 221
12.2 224
12.3 An example of \startcombination.... 226
12.4 The spacing within combinations (1). 228

12 Floats

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 254
Blocks References 223
> stp:384
> stp:setupfloat
< stp:setupframed
> stp:239
> stp:setupfloats
12.5 The spacing within combinations (2). 228
< stp:setupframed
12.6 Combinations without captions. 229
> stp:237
> stp:setupcaptions
The previous list was produced by saying:
> t \tttf setupfl..
The characteristics of a specific class of floats are specified with the command: > t \tttf setupfl..
> t \tttf setupca..

... name
height dimension
width dimension
pageboundaries list
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

The (predefined) floats can also be set up with the more meaningful commands
\setupfigures, \setuptables etc.

The height and width relate to the vertical whitespace that should be reserved for an empty
float. All settings of \framed can be used, so when frame is set to on, we get a framed float.

The next two commands relate to all floats. The first command is used for setting the layout
including the caption:

location left right middle
width fit dimension
before command
after command
margin dimension
spacebefore n*small n*medium n*big none
spaceafter n*small n*medium n*big none
sidespacebefore n*small n*medium n*big none
sidespaceafter n*small n*medium n*big none
indentnext yes no
ntop number
nbottom number
nlines number
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

The second command is used for setting the enumerated captions of figures, tables, intermez-
zos, etc.

Floats 12

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 255
224 Blocks Floatblocks

< tex,postscript,..


> stp:238
\setupcaptions[..,..=..,..] > stp:setupcaption
< stp:setupcaptions
location top bottom none high low middle
width fit max dimension
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command > t \tttf setupca..
number yes no
inbetween command
align left middle right no
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
way bytext bysection

You can also set up captions for a specific class of floats, like figures. The first argument of
the next command is the name of that class of floats.

... name
..=.. see p 224: \setupcaptions

The commands assigned to before, after are are executed before and after placing the float.
The parameter inbetween is executed between the float and the caption. All three normally
have a \blanko command assigned.
The parameter style is used for numbering (Figure x.y) and width for the width of the caption
label. The parameter margin specifies the margin space around a float when it is surrounded
by text. The float macros optimize the width of the caption (at top or bottom) related to the
width of the figure or table.


Figure 12.2
With the three variables ntop, nbottom and nlines the float storage mechanism can be influ-
enced. The first two variables specify the maximum number of floats that are saved per page
at the top or the bottom of a page.
By default these variables have the values 2 and 0. Assume that ten figures, tables and/or
other floats are stored, then by default two floats will be placed at each new page (if possible).
For example, at a forced pagebreak or at the beginning of a new chapter, all stored floats are
The parameter nlines has the default value 4. This means that never less than four lines will
be typeset on the page where the floats are placed.
We continue with a few examples of floats (figures) placed next to the running text. This looks

12 Floats

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 256
Blocks Floatblocks 225
< tex,postscript,..
< tex,postscript,..
< tex,postscript,..
< tex,postscript,..

... here is where the text starts ....

For illustrating the mechanism we do need some text. Therefore the examples are used to
explain some issues on the float mechanism.

Floats are placed automatically. The order of appearance follows the order you have keyed in
the source. This means that larger floats are placed somewhere else in your document. When
\version[temporary] is set, you can get information on the float mechanism. By consulting
that information you get some insight into the process.

Floats can be surrounded by text. The float at the right was set with
spuitmond doorn doornhouder
\placefigureright[right]{none}{...}. The float mechanism
works automatically. Should it occur that pages are left blank as a
result of poor float placement, you will need to make some adapta-
tions manually. You can downsize your figure or table or alter your
text. It is also a good practice to define your float some paragraphs
up in your source. However, all of this should be done at the final 87
production stage.

With the key force you can force a float to be placed at that exact location. Tables or figures
that are preceded by text like: ‘as we can see in the figure below’ may be defined with this

In manuals and study books we encounter many illustrations. It

schroef kamers vul opening
draad is almost unavoidable to manually adapt these for optimal display.
However, the float commands in ConTEXt are optimized in such a
motor way that you can produce books with hundreds of floats effortlessly.
The worst case is that some floats are stored and placed at the
end of the chapter. But this can be influenced with the command
\startpostponing. Postponing is done with the keys always which can be combined with the
location, like [left,always] or [here,always]. Because the order of the floats is changed
several parses are necessary for the document. These processes can be traced via messages
on the terminal.

This brings us to a figure that is placed at the left side of a page. The side float mechanism
in inspired and based on a mechanism of D. Comenetz. In the background three mechanisms
are active. A mechanism to typeset a figure on top, inbetween, of under existing text. There is
a mechanism to place figures on the right or left of a page. And there is a third mechanism to
typeset text next to a figure.

We see an example of the last mechanism. The text is enclosed by

the commands:

[right]{none}{\externalfigure[rb00015]} 89

Floats 12

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 257
226 Blocks Floatblocks

< tex,postscript,..
< tex,postscript,..

bewegende opspanplaat References

It is obvious that we can also place the figure at the left. With
> stp:437
\start...text we can add the key offset. Here we used
> stp:startcombin..
[left,offset]. > fig:combinations
machine eindplaat vaste opspanplaat
< fig:combinations
When the text is longer than expected, then it will not flow around
hydraulische cylinder the float. By default the floats are handled in the same order they
90 are typed in the source file. This means that the stored figures> are
i figures+combi..
placed first. If this is not desired you can type the key always. >The
i combining
> t \tttf startco..
actual float will get priority. > t \tttf setupco..
> t \tttf placesi..
> t \tttf placeon..
bewegende opspanplaat
> t \tttf startco..

There are more options. In this case the setup [right,middle] is

given. In the same way we place text high and low.
machine eindplaat vaste opspanplaat
When the key long is used the rest of the text is filled out with
empty lines, as here. hydraulische cylinder


When several figures are set under each other, making them the same width makes for a nice
presentation on the page. This looks better.

12.3 Combining figures

For reasons of convenience we now discuss a command that enables us to combine floats into

\startcombination[...] ... \stopcombination

... n*m

This command is used to place the figures under or next to each other.

a b c

d e f

Figure 12.3 An example of


The example in figure 12.3 is typeset with the commands:

12 Combining figures

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 258
Blocks Floatblocks 227
> tex,postscript,..
> tex,postscript,..
> tex,postscript,..

\placefigure References

[here] > stp:436

[fig:combinations] > stp:setupcombin..
< fig:order of co..
{An example of \type{\startcombination...}.} < fig:spacing in ..
< fig:no subcapti..
{\startcombination[3*2] > fig:spacing in ..
{\externalfigure[lb00220]} {a} {\externalfigure[lb00221]} {b} > fig:order of co..
> fig:no subcapti..
{\externalfigure[lb00222]} {c} {\externalfigure[lb00223]} {d} > stp:438
> stp:placesideby..
{\externalfigure[lb00225]} {e} {\externalfigure[lb00226]} {f}

Between [ ] we specify how the combination is combined: [3*2], [4*2] etc. When we> put
t \tttf setupco..
> t \tttf placesi..
two floats next to each other it is sufficient to specify [2], [4] etc.

The floats, mostly figures or tables, are specified within two arguments. The first content is
placed over the second content: {xxx}{yyy}. The second argument can be empty: {xxx}{}.
The general construct looks like this:

{text 1} {subcaption 1}
{text 2} {subcaption 2}
........ ..............

The combination can be set up with:

before commando
inbetween commando
after commando
distance dimension
height dimension fit
width dimension fit
align no left right middle normal

With distance you specify the horizontal distance between objects. The parameters align
relates to the subcaption. By default the text and objects are centered. The width is the total
width of the combination.

The three parameters before, after and between are processed in the order of specification
in figure 12.5. There are some examples in figure 12.4. We can see in figure 12.6 that when the
title in the second argument is empty the spacing adapted.

Using combinations require figures that have the correct dimensions or equal proportions.
Unequally proportioned figures are hard to combine.

The simple version of combining is this:

Combining figures 12

Version: November 12, 2001 Project: manual Produkt: cont-en Onderdeel: co-en-13 259
228 Blocks

test test test test

test test test test test test test test

a b c d a b c d a b c d

Figure 12.4 The spacing within combinations (1).





Figure 12.5 The spacing within

combinations (2).

.1. text
.2. text

.1. text
.2. text

We use them in this way:

\placesidebyside {\framed{\Logo[ADE]}} {\framed{\Logo[BUR]}}

\placeontopofeachother {\framed{\Logo[ADE]}} {\framed{\Logo[BUR]}}

12.4 Text blocks

For practical reasons we sometimes want to key text somewhere in the source that should be
typeset at a completely different location in the typeset document. It is also useful to be able
to use text more than once. The commands described below are among the eldest of ConTEXt.
They were one of the reasons to start writing the macropackage.

12 Text blocks
Blocks 229

Figure 12.6 Combinations without captions.

You can mark text (a text block) and hide or move that block, but first you have to define it

... name

If necessary you can pass several names in a comma--delimited list. After the definition you
can mark text with:
Between the begin-- and end command you can use any command you want.
The commands below tell ConTEXt to hide or recall text blocks:

.1. name
.2. name

.1. name
.2. name

.1. name
.2. all name

.1. name
.2. name
criterium all section

Text blocks 12
230 Blocks

.1. name
.2. name

These commands make it necessary to process your text at least twice. You can also recall
more than one text block, for example [question,answer].
In hidden and re--used blocks commands for numbering can be used. Assume that you use
questions and answers in your document. By defining the questions as text blocks you can:

1. at that location typeset the questions

2. only use the questions and use the answers in a separate chapter
3. use questions and answers in a separate chapter
4. hide the answers
5. etc.

When we choose option 2 the definitions look like this:




A question and answer in the source look like this:

\question Why do we use blocks? \par

\answer I really don’t know. \par

The questions are only used in the text. Questions and answers are both numbered. Answers
are summoned by:



The command \reset... is necessary for resetting the numbering mechanism. When the
answers are used in the same chapter you can use the following commands:



You must be aware of the fact that it may be necessary to (temporarily) disable the reference
mechanism also:

12 Text blocks
Blocks 231


A more complex situation is this one. Assume that you have several mathematical formulas in
your document, and that you want to recapitulate the more complex ones in a separate chapter
at the end of the document. You have to specify an [-] at formulas you do not want repeated.


\placeformula[newton 1]$$f=ma$$

This can also be written as:

\placeformula[newton 2]$$m=f/a$$

When you re--use the formulas only the first one is typeset. The rest of the formulas is
processed, so the numbering will not falter.

The opposite is also possible. By default all local specifications are undone automatically. This
means for example that the enumeration of text elements like questions, answers, definitions,
etc. can be temporarily stopped. When numbering should continue you specify: [+]. 23

Among the parameters of the number mechanism we (in some cases) use the parameter
blockwise. This parameter relates to numbering within a set of blocks, for example per

You may have a document in which the questions and answers are collected in text blocks.
The questions are typeset in the document and the answers in a separate appendix. Answers
and question are put at the same location in the source file. When we number the questions
and answers per chapter, then question 4.12 is the 12th question in chapter 4. The correct
number is used in the appendix. In this example answer 4.12 refers to question 4.12 and not
the appendix number.

In case we do want the appendix number to be the prefix of the blocknumber we set the
parameter blockwise at no. This is a rather complex situation and will seldom occur.

Earlier we discussed the initializing and resetting of counters. For reasons of uniformity we
also have:

... name

In future there will be an option to sort blocks. For that purpose a second set of optional
[ ] in and \selectblocks is available. The first argument is used for ‘tags’. These tags are
logical labels that enable us to recall the blocks.

23 When you use enumerations within text blocks you can best use the \start...stop alternative (see page ??).

Text blocks 12
232 Blocks

This is an important message!
Now we can recall the ‘important’ messages by:
Here, criterium has the same function as in lists (like tables of content) and registers: it
limits the search. In this case, only the blocks belonging to this chapter will be typeset.
More than one ‘tag’ is allowed in a comma delimited list. Text blocks may be nested:
\question Is that clear? \par
\answer Yes it is! \par
In this case we use three blocks. Such blocks are stored in a file. This file must be available
when the blocks are re--used. This means that the document must be processed at least twice.
When blocks are summoned at the end of your source file only one processing step is sufficient
but then you have to type the command nomoreblocks before the blocks are recalled:


After this command no blocks should be specified. In the future commands will be developed
for local adaptations of the layout of text blocks. Until that moment the following command
is all there is:

... name
before command
after command
inner command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
file file

A block is being processed within a group, in other words: within . The setup of before
and after are used outside this group, and the setup of inner is used within the group. For
example if we mark a re--used text block in the margin we can use the following setup:

12 Text blocks
Blocks 233

If you wonder why this mechanism was implemented consider an educational
document with hundreds of \quote {nice to know} and \quote {need to know}
text blocks at several ability levels.
The first text is set without an indicator in the margin and the second is. If we would have
used before instead of inner some grouping problems had occurred.
If you wonder why this mechanism was implemented consider an educational document with
hundreds of ‘nice to know’ and ‘need to know’ text blocks at several ability levels.
If you wonder why this mechanism was implemented consider an educational document with reused
hundreds of ‘nice to know’ and ‘need to know’ text blocks at several ability levels.
You can import text blocks from other source files. For example if you want to use text blocks
from a manual for students in a manual for teachers, you can specify:
In that case the blocks are imported from the file student.tex. In this example these blocks
are typeset differently, with a background. When the student material is specified with:
\beginhomework[meeting 1]
we can summon the blocks in the teacher’s manual with:
\useblocks[homework][meeting 1]
In extensive documents it will take some time to generate these products. But this mecha-
nism garantees we use the same homework descriptions in the students and teachers manual.
Furthermore it saves typing and prevents errors.
Questions and answers are good examples of text blocks that can be hidden and moved. The
example below will illustrate this. Because commands like \question have a paragraph as an
argument the \par’s and/or empty lines are essential.
In the setup we see that questions and answers are coupled. A coupling has a meaning in
interactive documents.

Text blocks 12
234 Blocks

\CONTEXT\ is a macropackage that is based on \TEX. \TEX\ is a typesetting
system and a programm. This unique combination is used extensively in
To date, the fact that \TEX\ is a programming language enables \CONTEXT\
to do text manipulations that cannot be done with any other known package.
Can you mention one or two features of \CONTEXT\ that are based on the
fact that \TEX\ is programming language?
\answer You can think of features like floating blocks and text block
manipulation. \par
\question Are there any limitations in \TEX ? \par
\answer Yes and no. The implementation of \TEXEXEC\ is done in
\PERL\ rather than in \TEX.
\TEX\ is a very powerful tool, but much of its power is yet to be
unleashed. \CONTEXT\ tries to make a contribution with its user||friendly
interface and its support of many features, like interactivety.
With \processblocks blocks are processed but not typeset. Assume that we have two types
of questions:
When both types of questions use the same numbering mechanism, we can recall the hard
questions in their original order by hiding the easy questions.

12 Text blocks
Blocks 235

12.5 Opposite blocks

In future versions of ConTEXt there will be support of spread based typesetting. For the
moment the only command available is:

\startopposite ... \stopopposite

Everything between start and stop is typeset at the left page in such a way that it is aligned
with the last paragraph that is typeset on the right page.

state start stop

12.6 Margin blocks

Within limits you can place text and figures in the margin. In this case the margin is handled
as a separate (very narrow) page next to the actual page.

\startmarginblock ... \stopmarginblock

This can be setup with:

location inmargin left middle right
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
width dimension
align left middle right no
top command
inbetween command
bottom command
left command
right command
before command
after command

The mechanism to place blocks is still under construction.

12.7 Hiding text

It is possible to hide text (skip during processing) by:

\starthiding ... \stophiding

Opposite blocks — Hiding text 12

236 Blocks

12.8 Postponing text

Text elements can be postponed (stored) and placed at the next empty page. This option is
needed in case ConTEXt encounters large figures or tables. The postponed textelement is
placed at the next page generated by TEX or forced by the user with a manual page break.

\startpostponing ... \stoppostponing

Several text blocks can be postponed and stored. This proces can be followed on screen during
document generation.

\placefigure{A rather large figure.}{...}

When a lot of text elements are postponed or when a figure uses a complete page we advise
you to add \page after the postponing. Otherwise there is the possibility that a blank page is
inserted. This is caused by the fact that the postponing mechanism and the float mechanism
are completely independent.

\placefigure{A very large figure.}{...}

12.9 Buffers
Buffers simplify the moving of text blocks. They are stored in a file with the extension tmp and
are used to bring readability to your source. Furthermore they can be recalled at any location
without retyping them.

\startbuffer[...] ... \stopbuffer

... name

... name

... name

The example below shows the use of these commands.

12 Postponing text — Buffers

Blocks 237

We see that a {\em buffer} works something like a {\em block}.\par

{\tf \getbuffer}
{\bf \getbuffer}
{\sl \getbuffer}

This results in:

We see that a buffer works something like a block.

We see that a buffer works something like a block.
We see that a buffer works something like a block.

The name is optional. A name makes sense only when several buffers are used. Most of the
time the default buffer will do. Most examples in this manual are typed in buffers.

In chapter ?? we can see that the last argument of a \placeblock can be rather extensive. A
buffer can be useful when such large tables are defined.

... many lines ...

\placetable{A table.}{\getbuffer}

The buffer is set up with:

... name
paragraph number
before command
after command

The first argument is optional and relates to the buffers you defined yourself. You can define
your own buffer with:

... name

Be aware of possible conflicting names and use capital letters. After this command /getbuffer
and /typebuffer are available where buffer is the name of the buffer.

Buffers 12
Figures 239


13.1 Introduction
In this chapter we discuss how to place figures in your document. In section 12.2 we introduced
the float mechanism. In this chapter the placement of figures is discussed. Most of the time
these figures are created with external applications.
After processing a document the result is a dvi file or, when we use pdfTEX, a pdf file. The dvi
document reserves space for the figure, but the figure itself will be put in the document during
postprocessing of the dvi file. pdfTEX needs no postprocessing and the external figures are
automatically included in the pdf file.
External figures may have different formats like the vector formats eps and pdf, or the bitmap
formats tif, png and jpg. Note that we refer to figures but we could also refer to movies.
ConTEXt has special mechsnisms to handle figures generated by METAPOST. We have to take
care that fonts used in METAPOST figures are recognized by pdfTEX. Finally, we’ll see that
METAPOST code can be embedded in ConTEXt documents.
Normally, users need not concern themselves with the internal mechanisms used by ConTEXt
for figure processing. However some insight may be useful.

13.2 Defining figures

A figure is designed within specific dimensions. These dimensions may of may not be known
by the document designer.

natural scaled a height a height of 2 cm

dimension to 25% of 2 cm and a width 3 cm

If the original dimensions are unknown, then scaling the figure to 40% can have some aston-
ishing results. A figure with width and height of 1 cm becomes almost invisible, but a figure
width width and height of 50 cm will still be very large when scaled to 40% of its original size.
A better strategy is to perform the scaling based on the current bodyfont size, the width of
text on the page, or to set absolute dimensions, such as 3 cm by 2 cm.
To give TEX the opportunity to scale the figure adequately the file format must be known.
Table 13.1 shows the file formats supported by dvips, dvipsone, and pdfTEX respectively.
pdfTEX has the unique capability to determine the file format during processing.
When we use dvi, TEX can determine the dimensions of an eps illustration by searching for the
so called bounding box. However, with other formats such as tif, the user is responsible for
the determination of the figure dimensions.

Introduction — Defining figures 13

240 Figures

eps pdf METAPOST tif png jpg mov

dvips + – + - - - +
dvipsone + – + + - - +
pdfTEX - + + + + + +

Table 13.1 Some examples of supported file formats.

Now, let us assume that the dimensions of a figure are found. When we want to place the
same figure many times, it would be obvious to search for these dimensions only once. That
is exactly what happens. When a figure is found it is stored as an object. Such an object is
re--used in TEX and in pdf but not in dvi, since reuse of information is not supported by the
dvi format. To compensate for this shortcoming, when producing dvi output, ConTEXt will
internally reuse figures, and put duplicates in the dvi file.

\useexternalfigure[some logo][logo][width=3cm]

\placeexternalfigure{first logo}{\externalfigure[some logo]}

\placeexternalfigure{second logo}{\externalfigure[some logo]}

So, when the second logo is placed, the information collected while placing the first one is
used. In pdfTEX even the content is reused, if requested, at a different scale.
A number of characteristics of external figures are specified by:

option frame empty test
object yes no
frames on off
ymax number
xmax number
directory text
location local global default none
maxwidth dimension
maxheight dimension

This command affect all figures that follow. Three options are available: frame, empty and
test. With empty no figures are placed, but the necessary space is reserved. This can save you
some time when ‘testing’ a document. 24 Furthermore the figure characteristics are printed in
that space. When frame is set at on a frame is generated around the figure. The option test
relates to testing hyperactive areas in figures.
When ConTEXt is not able to determine the dimensions of an external figure directly, it will fall
back on a simple database that can be generated by the Perl script TEXutil. You can generate
such a database by calling this script as follows:

texutil --figures *.tif

24 A similar effect can be obtained with the --fast switch in TEXexec.

13 Defining figures
Figures 241

This will generate the texutil.tuf file, which contains the dimensions of the tif figures
found. You need to repeat this procedure every time you change a graphic. Therefore, it can
be more convenient to let ConTEXt communicate with TEXutil directly. You can enable that
by adding \runutilityfiletrue to your local cont-sys.tex file.
When a figure itself is not available but it is listed in the texutil.tuf file then ConTEXt
presumes that the figure does exist. This means that the graphics do not need to be physically
present on the system.
Although ConTEXt very hard tries to locate a figure, it may fail due to missing or invalid figure,
or invalid path specifications (more on that later). The actual search depends on the setup of
directories and the formats supported. In most cases, it it best not to specify a suffix or type.


In the first case, ConTEXt will use the graphic that has the highest quality, while in both other
cases, a pdf graphic will be used. In most cases, the next four calls are equivalent, given that
hownice is available in METAPOST output format with a suffix eps or mps:


In most cases, a METAPOST graphic will have a number as suffix, so the next call makes the
most sense:


Let us summarize the process. Depending on the formats supported by the currently selected
driver (dvi, pdfTEX, etc.), ConTEXt tries to locate the graphics file, starting with the best quality.
When found, ConTEXt first tries to determine the dimensions itself. If this is impossible,
ConTEXt will look into texutil.tuf. The graphic as well as the file texutil.tuf are searched
on the current directory (local) and/or dedicated graphics directories (global), as defined
by \setupexternalfugures. By default the location is set at {local,global}, so both the
local and global directories are searched. You can set up several directories for your search by
providing a comma--delimited list:


Even if your operating uses a \ as separator, you should use a /. The figure directory may be
system dependent and is either set in the file cont-sys, in the document preamble, or in a
An external figure is summoned by the command \externalfigure. The cow is recalled with:


For reasons of maintenance it is better to specify all figures at the top of your source file or in
a separate file. The figure definition is done with:

Defining figures 13
242 Figures

.1. name
.2. file
scale number
factor max fit broad
wfactor number max broad fit
hfactor number max broad fit
width dimension
height dimension
frame on off
preset yes no
display file
preview yes no
repeat yes no
object yes no
type eps mps pdf tif png jpg mov tex
method eps mps pdf tif png jpg mov tex

Valid definitions are:

\useexternalfigure [cow]
\useexternalfigure [some cow] [cow230]
\useexternalfigure [big cow] [cow230] [width=4cm]
In the first definition, the figure can be recalled as cow and the graphics file is also cow. In
the second and third definition, the symbolic name is some cow, while the filename is cow230.
The last example also specifies the dimensions.
The scale is given in percentages. A scale of 800 (80%) reduces the figure, while a value of
1200 (120%) enlarges the figure. Instead of using percentages you can also scale with a factor
that is related to the actual bodyfont. A setup of hfactor=20 supplies a figure with 2 times the
height of the bodyfont size, and bfactor=120 will result in a width of 12 times the bodyfont
size (so 144pt when using a 12pt bodyfont size). When we want to place two figures next to
one another we can set the height of both figures with hfactor at the same value:
{Two figures close to one another.}
{\externalfigure[alfa]} {this is alfa}
{\externalfigure[beta]} {this is beta}
We can see that \externalfigure is capable of using a predefined figure. The typographical
consistency of a figure may be enhanced by consistently scaling the figures. Also, figures can
inherit characteristics of previously defined figures:
\useexternalfigure [alfa] [file0001] [hfactor=50]
\useexternalfigure [beta] [file0002] [alfa]

13 Defining figures
Figures 243

\useexternalfigure [gamma] [file0003] [alfa]

\useexternalfigure [delta] [file0004] [alfa]

Normalizing a figure’s width must also be advised when figures are placed with
\startfiguretext below one another.

In most cases you will encounter isolated figures of which you want to specify width or height.
In that case there is no relation with the bodyfont except when the units em or ex are used.

In figure 13.1 we drew a pattern with squares of a factor 10.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

Figure 13.1 Factors at the actual bodyfont.

13.3 Recalling figures

A figure is recalled with the command:

... file
..=.. see p 242: \useexternalfigure

For reasons of downward compatibility a figure can also be recalled with a command that
equals the figure name. In the example below we also could have used \akoe and \bkoe,
unless they are already defined. Using \externalfigure instead is more safe, since it has its
own namespace.



The \hbox {\externalfigure[akoe]} is a very well known animal in the Dutch

landscape. But for environmental reasons the \hbox {\externalfigure[akoe]}
is slowly disappearing. In the near future the cow will fulfil a marginal
\inleft {\externalfigure[bkoe]} role in the Netherlands. That is the
reason why we would like to write the word \hbox {\externalfigure[bkoe]}
in big print.

Here we see how akoe and bkoe are reused. This code will result in:

Recalling figures 13
244 Figures

The is a very well known animal in the Dutch landscape. But for environmental
reasons the is slowly disappearing. In the near future the cow will fulfil a marginal

role in the Netherlands. That is the reason why we would like to write the word
in big print.

Normalized figures adapt to the actual bodyfont at least when the font is set with
\setupbodyfont or \switchtobodyfont. When a text is used for different media and is
generated with different fontsizes the use of normalized figures is a good practice. The exam-
ple above looks different in a smaller fontsize.
The is a very well known animal in the Dutch landscape. But for environmental reasons the is slowly
disappearing. In the near future the cow will fulfil a marginal role in the Netherlands. That is the reason why

we would like to write the word in big print.

13.4 Automatic scaling

In cases where you want the figure displayed as big as possible you can set the parameter
factor at max, fit or broad. In most situations the value broad will suffice, because then the
caption still fits on a page.

setup result

max maximum width or height

fit remaining width or height
broad more remaining width or height
number scaling factor (times 10)

Table 13.2 Normalized figures.

So, one can use max to scale a figure to the full page, or fit to let it take up all the remaining
space. With broad some space is reserved for a caption.

Sometimes it is not clear whether the height or the width of a figure determines the optimal
display. In that case you can set factor at max, so that the maximal dimensions are determined


This figure of a cow will scale to the width or height of the text, whichever fits best. Even
combinations of settings are possible:


In this case, the cow will scale to either the width o fthe text or 40% of the height of the text,
depending on what fits best.

As already said, the figures and their characteristics are stored in the file texutil.tuf and
can be displayed with:

13 Automatic scaling
Figures 245

alternative abc

There are two alternatives: a, b and c. The first alternative leaves room for figure corrections
and annotations, the second alternative is somewhat more efficient and places more figures
on one page. The third alternative puts each figure on its own page. Of course one needs to
provide the file texutil.tuf by saying:
texutil --figures *.mps *.jpg *.png
Even more straightforward is running TEXexec, for instance:
texexec --figures=c --pdf *.mps *.jpg *.png
This will give you a pdf file of the figures requested, with one figure per page.

13.5 TEX--figures
Figures can be scaled. This mechanism can also be used for other text elements. These
elements are then stored in separate files or in a buffer. The next example shows how a table
is scaled to the pagewidth. The result is typeset in figure 13.2.
\VL \bf factor \VL \bf width \VL
\bf height \VL \bf width and height \VL
\bf nothing \VL \SR
\VL \type{max} \VL automatically \VL
automatically \VL automatically \VL
width or height \VL \FR
\VL \type{fit} \VL automatically \VL
automatically \VL automatically \VL
width or height \VL \MR
\VL \type{broad} \VL automatically \VL
automatically \VL automatically \VL
width or height \VL \MR
\VL \type{...} \VL width \VL
height \VL isometric \VL
original dimensions \VL \LR

TEX--figures 13
246 Figures

{An example of a \TEX\ figure.}


{An example of a \TEX\ figure.}

factor width height width and height nothing

max automatically automatically automatically width or height

fit automatically automatically automatically width or height
broad automatically automatically automatically width or height
... width height isometric original dimensions

Figure 13.2 An example of a TEX figure.

factor width height width and height nothing

max automatically automatically automatically width or height

fit automatically automatically automatically width or height
broad automatically automatically automatically width or height
... width height isometric original dimensions

Figure 13.3 An example of a TEX figure.

Buffers are written to a file with the extension tmp, so we recall the table with table.tmp.
Other types of figures are searched on the directories automatically. With TEX figures this is
not the case. This might lead to conflicting situations when an eps figure is meant and not
found, but a TEX file of that name is.

13.6 Extensions of figures

In the introduction we mentioned different figure formats like eps and png. In most situations
the format does not have to be specified. On the contrary, format specification would mean
that we would have to re--specify when we switch from dvi to pdf output. The figure format
that ConTEXt will use depends on the special driver. First preference is an outline, second a

METAPOST figures, that can have a number as suffix, are recognized automatically. ConTEXt
will take care of the font management when it encounters METAPOST figures. When color is
disabled, or rgb is to be converted to cmyk, ConTEXt will determine what color specifications
have to be converted in the METAPOST file. If needed, colors are converted to weighted grey
scales, that print acceptable on black and white printers. In the next step the fonts are
smuggled into the file. 25 In case of pdf output the METAPOST code is converted into pdf
by TEX.
25 Fonts are a problem in METAPOST files, since it it up to the postprocessor to take care of them. In this respect,
METAPOST output is not self contained.

13 Extensions of figures
Figures 247

If necessary the code needed to insert the graphic is stored as a so called object for future re--
use. This saves processing time, as well as bytes when producing pdf. You can prevent this
by setting object=no.

When eps and mps (METAPOST) figures are processed ConTEXt searches for the high resolution
bounding box. By default the PostScript bounding box may have a deviation of half a point,
which is within the accuracy of our eyes. Especially when aligning graphics, such deviations
will not go unnoticed.

ConTEXt determines the file format automatically, as is the case when you use:


Sometimes however, as we already explained, the user may want to force the format for some
reason. This can be done by:


In special cases you can specify in which way figure processing takes place. In the next example
ConTEXt determines dimensions asif the file were in eps format, that is, it has a bounding box,
but processes the files as if it were a METAPOST file. This kind of detailed specification is
seldom needed.


The automatic searching for dimensions can be blocked by preset=no.

13.7 Movies
In ConTEXt moving images or ‘movies’ are handled just like figures. The file format type is not
determined automatically yet. This means the user has to specify the file format.


With this setup a preview is shown (the first image of the movie). If necessary an ordinary
(static) figure can be layed over the first movie image with the overlay mechanism.

Movies can be controlled either by clicking on them, or by providing navigational tools, like:

... \goto {start me} [StartMovie{demo}] ...

A more detailed discussion on controlling widgets is beyond this chapter. Keep in mind that
you need to distribute the movies along with your document, since they are not included. This
makes sense, since movies can be pretty large.

13.8 Some remarks on figures

Figures, and photos in particular, have to be produced with consistent proportions. The
proportions specified in figure 13.4 can be used as a guideline. Scaling of photos may cause
quality loss.

Movies — Some remarks on figures 13

248 Figures

4: 5 3: 4 2: 3

4: 3 3: 2
5: 4

Figure 13.4 Some preferred im-

age proportions.

In the background of a figure you typeset a background (see figure ??). In this example the
external figures get a background (for a black and white reader: a green screen).

raster=0.70 raster=0.75 raster=0.80

raster=0.85 raster=0.90 raster=0.95

Figure 13.5 Some examples of backgrounds in fig-



\useexternalfigure [koe]

Note that we use only one float and that there are six external figures. The background of the
float is used for the complete combination and the background of the external figure only for
the figure itself.

13 Some remarks on figures


\about{...}[ref] ñ ð 167
... text

\adaptlayout[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 25
dimension max
\arg{...} 101
... text

\at{.1.}{.2.}[ref] ñ ð 167
.1. text

\atpage[ref] 168

\background 122

\blackrule[..,..=..,..] 216
..=.. see p 216: \setupblackrules

\blackrules[..,..=..,..] 216
..=.. see p 216: \setupblackrules

\blank[..,...,..] 56
... n*small n*medium n*big nowhite back white disable force reset line halfline formula fixed flexible

\but[ref] ñ ð 194

\Cap{...} 96
... text

\CAP{...} 96
... text

\Caps{.. ... ..} 96

... text

250 Definitions

\chapter[ref,..]{...} 136
... text

\color[.1.]{.2.} 115
.1. text

\column 64

\comparecolorgroup[...] 120
... name

\comparepalet[...] 120
... name

\completecombinedlist[...][..,..=..,..] 152
... name
..=.. see p 151: \setupcombinedlist

\completelistoffloats ñ ð 222

\completelistofsorts 162

\completelistofsynonyms 161

\completeregister[..,..=..,..] ñ ð 174
..=.. see p 174: \setupregister

\correctwhitespace{...} 58

\coupledregister[.1.]{.2.} 177
.1. text
.2. text

\couplemarking[.1.][.2.] 166
.1. name
.2. name

\coupleregister[...] 177
... name

\crlf 73

Definitions 251

\currentdate[..,...,..] 130
... see p 130: \date

\currentheadnumber 141

\date[..,..=..,..][..,...,..] 130
d number
m number
y number
... day month weekday year dd mm jj yy d m j y referral

\decouplemarking[...] 166
... name

\defineblank[.1.][.2.] 58
.1. name
.2. see p 57: \setupblank

\defineblock[...] 229
... name

\definebodyfont[..,.1.,..][.2.][..,..=..,..] 107
.1. 5pt ... 12pt default
.2. rm ss tt mm hw cg
tf file
bf file
sl file
it file
bs file
bi file
sc file
ex file
mi file
sy file
ma file
mb file
mc file

\definebuffer[...] 237
... name

\definecolor[...][..,..=..,..] 114
... name
r text
g text
b text
c text
m text
y text
k text
s text

252 Definitions

\definecolorgroup[.1.][.2.][x:y:z=,..] 117
.1. name
.2. rgb cmyk gray s

\definecombinedlist[.1.][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..] 151
.1. name
.2. list
..=.. see p 151: \setupcombinedlist

\definedescription[...][..,..=..,..] 179
... name
..=.. see p 181: \setupdescriptions

\defineenumeration[..,.1.,..][.2.][..,..=..,..] 182
.1. name
.2. name
..=.. see p 183: \setupenumerations

\definefloat[.1.][.2.] 219
.2. plural name

\defineframedtext[...][..,..=..,..] 214
... name
..=.. see p 212: \setupframedtexts

\definehead[.1.][.2.] 138
.1. name
.2. section

\defineindenting[...][..,..=..,..] 185
... name
..=.. see p 185: \setupindentations

\definelabel[...][..,..=..,..] 186
... name
text text
location inmargin intext
way bytext bysection bychapter
blockway yes no
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
headcolor name
before command
after command

\definelist[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..] 149
.1. name
.2. name
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

Definitions 253

\definelogo[.1.][.2.][.3.][..,..=..,..] 48
.1. name
.2. top header footer bottom
.3. none page leftedge leftmargin left middle right rightmargin rightedge
command command text
state start stop

\definemakeup[...][..,..=..,..] 88
... name
..=.. see p 88: \setupmakeup

\definemarking[.1.][.2.] 164
.1. name
.2. name

\definepalet[...][..,..=..,..] 118
... name
name name

\definepapersize[...][..,..=..,..] 21
... name
width dimension
height dimension
offset dimension
scale number

\defineparagraphs[...][..,..=..,..] 66
... name
n number
rule on off
height fit dimension
before command
after command
inner command
distance dimension
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
align left right middle

\definereference[...][ref,..] 171
... name

\definereferenceformat[...][..,..=..,..] 172
... name
left text
right text
text text
label name

\defineregister[.1.][.2.] 173
.2. plural name

254 Definitions

\definesection[...] 146
... name

\definesectionblock[...][..,..=..,..] 145
... name
..=.. see p 146: \setupsectionblock

\definesorting[.1.][.2.][.3.] 162
.2. plural name
.3. command

\definesynonyms[.1.][.2.][.3.][.4.] 160
.2. plural name
.3. command
.4. command

\definetext[.1.][.2.][.3.][.4.][.5.] 82
.1. name
.2. header footer
.3. text
.4. text
.5. text

\definetyping[...][..,..=..,..] 100
... file typing name
..=.. see p 99: \setuptyping

\description{.1.}.2.\par 179
.1. text
.2. text

\determineheadnumber[...] 141
... section

\determinelistcharacteristics[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 154
... name
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

\enumeration...\par ñ ð 182
... text

\externalfigure[...][..,..=..,..] 243
... file
..=.. see p 242: \useexternalfigure

Definitions 255

\fillinline[..,..=..,..]...\par 201
..=.. see p 201: \setupfillinlines

\fillinrules[..,..=..,..]{.1.}{.2.} 202
..=.. see p 202: \setupfillinrules

\fixedspaces 59

\footnote[ref]{...} 82
... text

\framed[..,..=..,..]{...} 206
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed
... text

\getbuffer[...] 236
... name

\getmarking[.1.][.2.] 164
.1. name
.2. first last previous both all current

\godown[...] 58
... dimension

\graycolor[...] 116
... text

\grid[..,..=..,..] 217
x number
y number
nx number
ny number
dx number
dy number
xstep number
ystep number
offset yes no
factor number
scale number
unit cm pt em mm ex es in
location left middle

\hairline 199

\head[ref,..] 192

256 Definitions

\headnumber[...] 141
... section

\headtext{...} 131
... text

\hideblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..] 229
.1. name
.2. name

\high{...} 63
... text

\hl[...] 201
... number

\in{.1.}{.2.}[ref] ñ ð 167
.1. text

\indentation...\par 185
... text

\indenting[..,...,..] 54
... never not no yes always first next

\inleft[.1.][ref]{.2.} 60
.1. + - low
.2. text

\inline[ref] 172

\inmargin[.1.][ref]{.2.} 60
.1. + - low
.2. text

\inothermargin[.1.][ref]{.2.} 60
.1. + - low
.2. text

\inright[.1.][ref]{.2.} 60
.1. + - low
.2. text

Definitions 257

\installlanguage[...][..,..=..,..] 129
... name
spacing packed broad
lefthyphenmin dimension
righthyphenmin dimension
state start stop
leftsentence command
rightsentence command
leftsubsentence command
rightsubsentence command
leftquote command
rightquote command
leftquotation command
rightquotation command
default name

\item[ref,..] 193

\items[..,..=..,..]{..,...,..} 196
..=.. see p 195: \setupitems

\its[ref,..] 193

\kap{...} 96
... text

\keepblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..] 229
.1. name
.2. all name

\labeling[ref] 187

\labeltext{...} 131
... text

\language[...] 127
... nl fr en uk de es cz ..

\leftaligned{...} 71
... text

\loadsorts 163

\loadsynonyms 161

258 Definitions

\lohi[.1.]{.2.}{.3.} 63
.1. low
.2. text
.3. text

\low{...} 63
... text

\mainlanguage[...] 132
... nl fr en uk de es cz ..

\mar[ref,..]{...} 193

\marginrule[.1.]{.2.} 215
.1. number

\margintext[.1.][ref]{.2.} 62
.1. + - low
.2. text

\marking[.1.]{.2.} 164
.1. name
.2. text

\midaligned{...} 71
... text

\moveongrid[...] 35
... top both bottom

\nocap{...} 96
... text

\noheaderandfooterlines 80

\noindenting 54

\nolist{...} 153
... text

\nomarking{...} 138
... text

Definitions 259

\nomoreblocks 232

\nop 195

\nospace 59

\note[ref] ñ ð 82

\notopandbottomlines 81

\nowhitespace 56

\overbar{...} 205
... text

\overbars{.. ... ..} 205

... text

\overstrike{...} 205
... text

\overstrikes{.. ... ..} 205

... text

\packed 58

\page[..,...,..] 75
... yes makeup no preference bigpreference left right disable last quadruple even odd blank empty reset

\pagereference[ref] 167

\paragraph 67

\part[ref,..]{...} 136
... text

\placecombinedlist[...][..,..=..,..] 152
... name
..=.. see p 151: \setupcombinedlist

260 Definitions

\placefloat[.1.][ref,..]{.2.}{.3.} 220
.1. left right here top bottom inleft inright inmargin margin page opposite always force tall
.2. text
.3. text

\placefootnotes[..,..=..,..] 84
..=.. see p 83: \setupfootnotes

\placelist[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 149
... name
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

\placelistoffloats ñ ð 222

\placelistofsorts 162

\placelistofsynonyms 161

\placelocalfootnotes[..,..=..,..] 84
..=.. see p 83: \setupfootnotes

\placelogos[..,...,..] 48
... name

\placeongrid[.1.]{.2.} 34
.1. see p 35: \moveongrid

\placeontopofeachother{.1.}{.2.} 228
.1. text
.2. text

\placeregister[..,..=..,..] ñ ð 174
..=.. see p 174: \setupregister

\placesidebyside{.1.}{.2.} 228
.1. text
.2. text

\processblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..] 230
.1. name
.2. name

\quotation{...} 197
... text

Definitions 261

\quote{...} 197
... text

\ran{...} 193

\reference[ref]{...} 167
... text

\register[.1.]{..+.2.+..} 173
.1. text
.2. text

\reservefloat[..,..=..,..][.1.][ref,..]{.2.} 221
height dimension
width dimension
frame on off
.1. left right here top bottom inleft inright inmargin margin page opposite always force
.2. text

\reset[..,...,..] 231
... name

\resetmarking[...] 165
... name

\rightaligned{...} 71
... text

\section[ref,..]{...} 136
... text

\seeregister[.1.]{.2.}{..+.3.+..} 173
.1. text
.2. text
.3. text

\selectblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..][..=..] 229
.1. name
.2. name
criterium all section

\setupalign[...] 71
... width left right middle inner outer wide broad height bottom line reset hanging nothanging hyphenated nothyphenated

\setuparranging[..,...,..] 39
... disable 2*16 2*8 2*4 2*2 2**2 2UP 2DOWN mirrored rotated doublesided negative 90 180 270

262 Definitions

\setupbackground[..,..=..,..] 121
leftoffset dimension
rightoffset dimension
topoffset dimension
bottomoffset dimension
before command
after command
state start stop
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

\setupbackgrounds[.1.][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..] 122
.1. top header text footer bottom page paper leftpage rightpage
.2. leftedge leftmargin text rightmargin rightedge
state start stop repeat
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

\setupblackrules[..,..=..,..] 216
width dimension max
height dimension max
depth dimension max
alternative ab
distance dimension
n number

\setupblank[...] 57
... normal standard line dimension big medium small fixed flexible

\setupblock[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 232
... name
before command
after command
inner command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
file file

\setupbodyfont[..,...,..] 91
... name serif regular roman sans support sansserif mono type teletype handwritten calligraphic 5pt ... 12pt

\setupbodyfontenvironment[...][..,..=..,..] 105
... see p 91: \setupbodyfont
..=.. see p 91: \setupbodyfont

\setupbottom[...][..,..=..,..] 81
... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader

\setupbottomtexts[.1.][.2.][.3.] 81
.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

Definitions 263

\setupbuffer[...][..,..=..,..] 237
... name
paragraph number
before command
after command

\setupcapitals[..,..=..,..] 97
title yes no
sc yes no

\setupcaption[...][..,..=..,..] 224
... name
..=.. see p 224: \setupcaptions

\setupcaptions[..,..=..,..] 224
location top bottom none high low middle
width fit max dimension
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
number yes no
inbetween command
align left middle right no
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
way bytext bysection

\setupcolor[...] 115
... name

\setupcolors[..,..=..,..] 113
state start stop global local
conversion yes no always
reduction yes no
rgb yes no
cmyk yes no
mpcmyk yes no

\setupcolumns[..,..=..,..] 64
n number
ntop number
rule on off
height dimension
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
distance dimension
balance yes no
align yes no text
blank fixed halfline line flexible big medium small
option background
direction left right
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

264 Definitions

\setupcombinations[..,..=..,..] 227
before commando
inbetween commando
after commando
distance dimension
height dimension fit
width dimension fit
align no left right middle normal

\setupcombinedlist[...][..,..=..,..] 151
... name
level 1 2 3 4 section current
..=.. see p 150: \setuplist

\setupdescriptions[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 181
... name
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
width fit broad dimension
distance dimension
sample text
text text
align left middle right
margin standard yes no dimension
location left right top serried inmargin inleft inright hanging
hang fit broad number
before command
inbetween command
after command
indentnext yes no

\setupenumerations[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 183
... name
..=.. see p 179: \definedescription
location left right top serried inmargin inleft inright hanging
text text
levels number
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
way bytext bysection
blockway yes no
sectionnumber yes number no
separator text
stopper text
coupling name
couplingway global local
number no name
aligntitle no yes
start number

\setupexternalfigures[..=..] 240
option frame empty test
object yes no
frames on off
ymax number
xmax number
directory text
location local global default none
maxwidth dimension
maxheight dimension

Definitions 265

\setupfillinlines[..,..=..,..] 201
width dimension
margin dimension
distance dimension
before command
after command

\setupfillinrules[..,..=..,..] 202
width fit broad dimension
distance dimension
before command
after command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
n number
interlinespace small medium big
separator text

\setupfloat[...][..,..=..,..] 223
... name
height dimension
width dimension
pageboundaries list
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

\setupfloats[..,..=..,..] 223
location left right middle
width fit dimension
before command
after command
margin dimension
spacebefore n*small n*medium n*big none
spaceafter n*small n*medium n*big none
sidespacebefore n*small n*medium n*big none
sidespaceafter n*small n*medium n*big none
indentnext yes no
ntop number
nbottom number
nlines number
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

\setupfooter[...][..,..=..,..] 79
... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader

\setupfootertexts[.1.][.2.][.3.] 78
.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

\setupfootnotedefinition[..,..=..,..] 85
..=.. see p 179: \definedescription

266 Definitions

\setupfootnotes[..,..=..,..] 83
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
way bytext bysection
location page text columns high none
rule on off
before command
after command
width dimension
height dimension
bodyfont 5pt ... 12pt small big
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
distance dimension
columndistance dimension
margindistance dimension
n number
numbercommand \command#1
split tolerant strict verystrict number
..=.. see p 206: \framed

\setupframed[..,..=..,..] 210
height fit broad dimension
width fit broad dimension
offset none overlay default dimension
location low depth
option none empty
strut yes no
align no left right middle normal high low lohi
bottom command
top command
frame on off overlay
topframe on off
bottomframe on off
leftframe on off
rightframe on off
frameoffset dimension
framedepth dimension
framecorner round rectangular
frameradius dimension
framecolor name
background screen color none foreground name
backgroundscreen number
backgroundcolor name
backgroundoffset frame dimension
backgrounddepth dimension
backgroundcorner round rectangular
backgroundradius dimension
depth dimension
corner round rectangular
radius dimension
empty yes no
foregroundcolor name
... text

\setupframedtexts[..,..=..,..] 212
bodyfont 5pt ... 12pt small big
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type small... command
left command
right command
before command
after command
inner command
linecorrection on off
depthcorrection on off
margin standard yes no
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

Definitions 267

\setuphead[...][..,..=..,..] 140
... section
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
numberstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
number yes no
ownnumber yes no
page left right yes
continue yes no
header none empty high nomarking
text none empty high nomarking
footer none empty high nomarking
before command
inbetween command
after command
alternative normal inmargin middle text
command \command#1#2
numbercommand \command#1
textcommand \command#1
prefix + - text
placehead yes no
incrementnumber yes no file
align left right normal broad
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
indentnext yes no
file name
expansion yes command no

\setupheader[...][..,..=..,..] 79
... text margin edge
state normal stop start empty high none nomarking name
strut yes no
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
leftstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
rightstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
leftwidth dimension
rightwidth dimension
before command
after command

\setupheadertexts[.1.][.2.][.3.] 78
.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

\setupheadnumber[.1.][.2.] 140
.1. section
.2. number +number -number

\setupheads[..,..=..,..] 140
sectionnumber yes number no
alternative normal margin middle text paragraph
separator text
command \command#1#2

\setupheadtext[...][..=..] 131
... nl fr en uk de es cz ..
name text

268 Definitions

\setuphyphenmark[..=..] 133
sign -- --- - )(=/

\setupindentations[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 185
... name
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
width fit dimension
text text
sample text
before command
after command
distance dimension
separator text

\setupindenting[..,...,..] 54
... none small medium big next first dimension

\setupinmargin[...][..,..=..,..] 61
... left right number
location left right both
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
before command
after command
align inner outer left right middle normal no yes
line number
distance dimension
separator text
..=.. see p 210: \setupframed

\setupinterlinespace[...] [..,..=..,..] 52
... reset small medium big on off
height number
depth number
line dimension
top number
bottom number

Definitions 269

\setupitemize[.1.][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..] 189
.1. number each
.2. standard n*broad n*serried packed unpacked stopper joinedup atmargin inmargin autointro loose section intext
margin no standard dimension
width dimension
distance dimension
factor number
items number
start number
before command
inbetween command
after command
left text
right text
beforehead command
afterhead command
headstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
marstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
symstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
stopper text
n number
symbol number
align left right normal
indentnext yes no

\setupitems[..,..=..,..] 195
location left right inmargin top bottom
symbol 1 2 ... n a ... text none
width dimension
n number unknown
before command
inbetween command
align left right middle margin
after command

\setuplabeltext[...][..=..] 131
... nl fr en uk de es cz ..
name text

\setuplanguage[...][..,..=..,..] 129
... nl fr en uk de es cz ..
..=.. see p 129: \installlanguage

270 Definitions

\setuplayout[..,..=..,..] 24
width dimension fit middle
height dimension fit middle
backspace dimension
topspace dimension
margin dimension
leftmargin dimension
rightmargin dimension
header dimension
footer dimension
top dimension
bottom dimension
leftedge dimension
rightedge dimension
headerdistance dimension
footerdistance dimension
topdistance dimension
bottomdistance dimension
leftmargindistance dimension
rightmargindistance dimension
leftedgedistance dimension
rightedgedistance dimension
horoffset dimension
veroffset dimension
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
marking on off color
location left middle right bottom top singlesided doublesided
scale dimension
nx number
ny number
dx dimension
dy dimension
lines number
grid yes no
bottomspace number
cutspace number

\setuplinenumbering[..,..=..,..] 74
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals text
start number
step number
width dimension
location intext inmargin
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
prefix text
referencing on off

\setuplines[..,..=..,..] 73
before command
after command
inbetween command
indenting yes no even odd

Definitions 271

\setuplist[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] 150
... name
state start stop
alternative a b c ... none command
coupling on off
criterium section local previous current all
pageboundaries list
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
numberstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
pagestyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
command \command#1#2#3
numbercommand \command#1
textcommand \command#1
pagecommand \command#1
interaction sectionnumber text pagenumber all
before command
after command
inbetween command
left text
right text
label yes no
prefix yes no
pagenumber yes no
sectionnumber yes no
aligntitle yes no
margin dimension
width dimension fit
height dimension fit broad
depth dimension fit broad
distance dimension
separator text
symbol none 1 2 3 ...
expansion yes no command
maxwidth dimension
..=.. see p 206: \framed

\setupmakeup[...][..,..=..,..] 88
... name
width dimension
height dimension
voffset dimension
hoffset dimension
page left yes right
commands command
doublesided yes no empty
headerstate normal stop start empty none nomarking
footerstate normal stop start empty none nomarking
textstate normal stop start empty none nomarking
topstate stop start
bottomstate stop start
pagestate stop start
color name

272 Definitions

\setupmarginblocks[..,..=..,..] 235
location inmargin left middle right
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
width dimension
align left middle right no
top command
inbetween command
bottom command
left command
right command
before command
after command

\setupmarginrules[..=..] 215
level number
thickness dimension

\setupmarking[...][..=..] 164
... name
state start stop
separator command
expansion yes no

\setupnarrower[..,..=..,..] 55
left dimension
right dimension
middle dimension

\setupoppositeplacing[..=..] 235
state start stop

\setuppagenumber[..,..=..,..] 76
number number
state start stop keep

\setuppagenumbering[..,..=..,..] 76
alternative singlesided doublesided
location header footer left right middle margin marginedge inleft inright
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
left text
right text
way bytext bysection bypart
text text
numberseparator text
textseparator text
sectionnumber yes no
separator text
strut yes no
state start stop
command \command#1

\setuppalet[...] 119
... name

Definitions 273

\setuppapersize[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..] 21
.1. A3 A4 A5 A6 letter ... CD name landscape mirrored rotated 90 180 270
.2. A3 A4 A5 A6 letter ... name landscape mirrored rotated negative 90 180 270

\setupparagraphs[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..] 67
.1. name
.2. number each
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
width dimension
height dimension
align left right middle width breedte
tolerance verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant stretch
distance dimension
before command
after command
inner command
command command
rule on off

\setupquote[..,..=..,..] 197
before command
after command
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
location text margin

\setupreferencing[..,..=..,..] 169
state start stop
sectionnumber yes no
prefix + - text
interaction label text all symbol
width dimension
left command
right command
convertfile yes no small big
separator text
autofile yes no page
global yes no

\setupregister[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..] 174
.2. name
n number
balance yes no
align yes no
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
pagestyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
indicator yes no
coupling yes no
sectionnumber yes no
criterium section local all part
distance dimension
symbol 1 2 ... n a ... none
interaction pagenumber text
expansion yes command no
referencing on off
command \command#1
location left middle right
maxwidth dimension
unknownreference empty none

274 Definitions

\setupscreens[..,..=..,..] 121
method dot rule external
resolution number
factor number
screen number

\setupsection[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..] 146
.1. name
.2. name
conversion numbers characters Characters romannumerals Romannumerals
previousnumber yes no

\setupsectionblock[...][..,..=..,..] 146
... name
number yes no
page yes right
before command
after command

\setupsorting[...][..,..=..,..] 162
... name
before command
after command
command \command#1
state start stop
criterium all used
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
expansion yes command no

\setupspacing[...] 59
... broad packed

\setupsubpagenumber[..,..=..,..] 78
way bytext bysection bypart
state start stop none

\setupsynonyms[...][..,..=..,..] 160
... name
textstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
synonymstyle normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
location left right top serried inmargin inleft inright
width dimension
state start stop
criterium all used
conversion yes no
expansion yes command no
command \command#1#2#3

\setuptext[...][..,..=..,..] 81
... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader

Definitions 275

\setuptextrules[..,..=..,..] 204
location left inmargin
before command
after command
inbetween command
width dimension
distance dimension
bodyfont 5pt ... 12pt small big
color name
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
rulecolor name

\setuptexttexts[.1.][.2.][.3.] 80
.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

\setupthinrules[..=..] 201
interlinespace small medium big
n number
before command
inbetween command
after command
color name
backgroundcolor name
height dimension max
depth dimension max
alternative abcd
rulethickness dimension

\setuptolerance[..,...,..] 72
... horizontal vertical stretch space verystrict strict tolerant verytolerant

\setuptop[...][..,..=..,..] 81
... see p 79: \setupheader
..=.. see p 79: \setupheader

\setuptoptexts[.1.][.2.][.3.] 80
.1. text margin edge
.2. text section date mark pagenumber
.3. text section date mark pagenumber

\setuptype[..,..=..,..] 100
space on off
option slanted normal none
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name

276 Definitions

\setuptyping[...][..,..=..,..] 99
... file typing name
space on off
page yes no
option slanted normal commands color none
text yes no
icommand command
vcommand command
ccommand command
before command
after command
margin dimension standard yes no
evenmargin dimension
oddmargin dimension
blank dimension small medium big standard halfline line
escape /
indentnext yes no
style normal bold slanted boldslanted type cap small... command
color name
palet name colorpretty
lines yes no hyphenated

\setupunderbar[..,..=..,..] 205
alternative abc
rulethickness dimension
bottomoffset dimension
topoffset dimension
rulecolor name

\setupwhitespace[...] 55
... none small medium big line fixed fix dimension

\showbodyfont[..,...,..] 94
... see p 91: \setupbodyfont

\showbodyfontenvironment[..,...,..] 104
... see p 91: \setupbodyfont

\showcolor[...] 115
... name

\showcolorgroup[.1.][..,.2.,..] 119
.1. name
.2. horizontal vertical name value number

\showexternalfigures[..,..=..,..] 245
alternative abc

\showframe[...] 22
... text margin edge

\showgrid 35

Definitions 277

\showlayout 24

\showpalet[.1.][..,.2.,..] 119
.1. name
.2. horizontal vertical name value

\showprint[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..][..,..=..,..] 36
..=.. see p 21: \setuppapersize
..=.. see p 21: \setuppapersize
..=.. see p 24: \setuplayout

\showsetups 24

\showstruts 60

\someline[ref] 172

\somewhere{.1.}{.2.}[ref] 168
.1. text

\sort[.1.]{.2.} 162
.1. text
.2. text

\space 59

\startalignment ... \stopalignment[...] 71

..=.. see p 71: \setupalign

\startbackground ... \stopbackground 121

\startbuffer[...] ... \stopbuffer 236

... name

\startcolor[...] ... \stopcolor 115

... name
... text

\startcolumns[..,..=..,..] ... \stopcolumns 64

..=.. see p 64: \setupcolumns

\startcombination[...] ... \stopcombination 226

... n*m

278 Definitions

\startcomponent ... ... \stopcomponent 15

... file

\startdescription{...} ... \stopdescription 181

... text

\startenumeration ... \stopenumeration 183

\startenvironment ... ... \stopenvironment 15

... file

\startfloattext[.1.][ref]{.2.}{.3.} ... \stopfloat 222

.1. left right high middle low offset tall
.2. text
.3. text
.4. text

\starthiding ... \stophiding 235

\startitemize[..,...,..][..,..=..,..] ... \stopitemize 193

... a A KA n N m r R KR number continue standard n*broad n*serried packed stopper joinedup atmargin inmargin intro columns
..=.. see p 189: \setupitemize

\startlinecorrection ... \stoplinecorrection 56

\startlinenumbering[...] ... \stoplinenumbering 74

... continue

\startlines ... \stoplines 73

\startlocalfootnotes ... \stoplocalfootnotes 84

..=.. see p 83: \setupfootnotes

\startmarginblock ... \stopmarginblock 235

\startmarginrule[...] ... \stopmarginrule 215

... number

\startnamemakeup ... \stopname 88

\startnarrower[..,...,..] ... \stopnarrower 55

... n*left n*middle n*right

Definitions 279

\startopposite ... \stopopposite 235

\startpacked[...] ... \stoppacked 58

... blank

\startparagraph ... \stopparagraph 67

\startpostponing ... \stoppostponing 236

\startproduct ... ... \stopproduct 15

... file

\startproject ... ... \stopproject 14

... file

\startquotation[..,...,..] ... \stopquotation 196

... n*left n*middle n*right

\starttextrule[.1.]{.2.} ... \stoptextrule 204

.1. top bottom
.2. text

\starttyping ... \stoptyping 98

\startunpacked ... \stopunpacked 58

\stretched{...} 98
... text

\sub[ref,..] 193

\subject[ref,..]{...} 137
... text

\subsection[ref,..]{...} 136
... text

\subsubject[ref,..]{...} 137
... text

\subsubsection[ref,..]{...} 137
... text

280 Definitions

\subsubsubject[ref,..]{...} 137
... text

\switchtobodyfont[..,...,..] 91
... 5pt ... 12pt small big global

\sym{...} 193

\synonym[.1.]{.2.}{.3.} 161
.1. text
.2. text
.3. text

\tex{...} 101
... text

\textreference[ref]{...} 167
... text

\textrule[.1.]{.2.} 203
.1. top bottom
.2. text

\thinrule 200

\thinrules[..=..] 200
..=.. see p 201: \setupthinrules

\title[ref,..]{...} 137
... text

\translate[..,..=..,..] 132
name text

\typ{...} 101
... text

\type{...} 98
... text

\typebuffer[...] 236
... name

Definitions 281

\typefile{.1.}{.2.} 98
.1. name
.2. file

\underbar{...} 204
... text

\underbars{.. ... ..} 204

... text

\useblocks[..,.1.,..][..,.2.,..] 229
.1. name
.2. name

\useexternalfigure[.1.][.2.][..,..=..,..] 242
.1. name
.2. file
scale number
factor max fit broad
wfactor number max broad fit
hfactor number max broad fit
width dimension
height dimension
frame on off
preset yes no
display file
preview yes no
repeat yes no
object yes no
type eps mps pdf tif png jpg mov tex
method eps mps pdf tif png jpg mov tex

\usereferences[..,...,..] 170
... file

\version[...] 19
... final concept temporary

\vl[...] 201
... number

\whitespace 56

\Word{...} 97
... text

\WORD{...} 97
... text

282 Definitions

\wordright{...} 72
... text

\Words{.. ... ..} 97

... text

\writebetweenlist[.1.]{.2.} 153
.1. section name

\writetolist[.1.]{.2.}{.3.} 153
.1. section name

The pagenumbers refer to the chapter or paragraph that describes the topic.

a color 113
colorgroups 117
abbreviations 159 columns 33, 64, 66
align 33, 71
alignment 59, 85
combined list 149
combining 226
columns 64 commands 6
appendices 144 components 14
arranging 39 con 94
ascii 9 ConTEXt 5
cross references 167
layout 122 date 130
text 121 definitions 179
backspace 22, 76 descriptions 181
baselines 51 dimensions 10
black rules 216 directories 18
blocks 219 double--sided 76
moving 228, 235
numbering 228 e
bodyfont 91
boldface 92 em 10, 103
boxes 10 emphasize 95
brackets 6 enumeration
buffers 236 texts 181
environments 14
c error messages 11
ε-TEX 11
capital characters 96 eul 94
capitals 96 ex 10, 103
chapters 136, 139 extensions 9
character 94 external figures 239
characters 10 extroductions 144
citation 196
cm 10 f
cmr 94
cmyk 113

284 Index

figures high text 63

combining 226 hyphen 133
defining 239 hyphenation 127
extensions 246
fonts 111 i
listing 219
maximum 244 indentation 54
numbering 219 indenting 185
placing 219 index 172
recalling 243 checking 19
tables 245 inslagschemas 39
files 9 interaction
directories 18 registers 172
floats 219 introductions 144
font italic 92, 95
definition 104 itemization 181
font files 110 itemize 187, 195
fonts 10, 92 items 187, 195
font size 91
footer 78 k
footers 76, 109
marking 136, 163 Knuth 5
footnotes 33, 82
forms 187, 195 l
frames 22, 206, 212
framing 206, 212 label 186
french spacing 59 labels 131, 172
g quotes 196
languages 127
german 132 layout 22, 51
gray conversion 113 lbr 94
grayscales 116 letter heads 48
grid 33 linenumbers 167
grids 217 lines 199, 201
linespace 33
h linespacing 51
header 78 figures 219
headers 76, 109, 144 tables 219
marking 136, 163 lists 70, 149, 195
heads 131, 136 sorting 162
hiding text 235 logos 162

Index 285

logo types 48 output format 19

low text 63 overlays 123
overstrike 204
macros 6
makeup 87 page design 21
margin pagenumbers 76
blocks 235 palettes 117
lines 215 paper dimension 21
text 60 paragraphs 10, 51, 66
margins 22 indentation 54
marking 136, 163 vertical spacing 55
math 102 parts 136
medaeval numbers 92 pdfTEX 11
menus 109 placing
METAPOST 124 blocks 219
mirroring 76, 235 figures 219
modes 19 tables 219
movies 247 postponing text 236
moving text 228, 235, 236 printing 36
products 14
n projects 14
pt 10
lines 73 q
page 75
new lines 73 questionnaire 187, 195, 201
new pages 75 quotation 196
nts 11
numbering r
blocks 228
chapters 136, 139, 145 references 149, 167
figures 219 checking 19
itemize 187 registers 172
label 186 interaction 172
lines 73 rgb 113
pages 76 roman 91, 92
tables 219
sans serif 91, 92
old style 92 screen numbers 76

286 Index

screens 121, 122 scaling 245

sections 136 tabulate 70, 185
selective typesetting 19 tabulation 64
set ups 22 testing 19
single--sided 76 TEX 5
slanted 92, 95 version 11
small--caps 96 TEXexec 9
small capitals 96 mode 19
smaller layout 54 TEXutil 9
sorting 162 theses 179
spacing 51, 55 titles 136, 139
spacing after colon 59 alternatives 145
specials 19 margins 60
squares 217 topspace 22
start 13 translate 132
stop 13 typed text 98
stopping 11 typewriter 91, 92
structure 13, 14, 135, 136 typing 98
structuring elements 136 typography 89
struts 59
styles 19 u
subscript 63
superscript 63 underline 204
symbols 82
synonyms 159 v

t verbatim 98
verbatim text 98
TABLE 9 vertical spacing 55
table of contents 149
tables 70 w
listing 219
numbering 219 whitespacing 51
placing 219 word spacing 59

The pagenumbers refer to the chapter or paragraph that describes the command.

abbreviation 159 coupledocument 139

about 167, 249 coupledregister 177, 250
adaptlayout 22, 25, 249 couplemarking 163, 166, 250
arg 101, 249
at 167, 249
coupleregister 172, 177, 250
crlf 73, 250
atpage 167, 168, 249 currentdate 130, 251
currentheadnumber 141, 251
background 121, 122, 249 currentname 186
bbox 85
beginblock 228 date 130, 251
blackrule 216, 249 de 127
blackrules 216, 249 decouplemarking 163, 166, 251
blank 55, 56, 249 defineaccent 104
but 187, 194, 249 defineblank 58, 251
defineblock 229, 251
CAP 96 defineblocks 228
Cap 96 definebodyfont 102, 104, 107, 251
cap 96 definebodyfontenvironment 104
Cap 96 definebuffer 237, 251
CAP 96 definecasemap 104
Cap 249 definecharacter 104
CAP 249 definecolor 113, 114, 251
Caps 96, 249 definecolorgroup 117, 252
cbox 85 definecombinedlist 149, 151, 252
chapter 136, 250 definecommand 104
characters 96 definedescription 179, 252
color 113, 115, 250 defineenumeration 182, 252
colorvalue 116 definefloat 219, 252
column 64, 250 definefont 104
comparecolorgroup 117, 120, 250 definefontsynonym 104
comparepalet 117, 120, 250 defineframedtext 212, 214, 252
completecombinedlist 149, 152, 250 definehead 136, 138, 252
completelistoffloats 219, 222, 250 defineindenting 185, 252
completelistofsorts 162, 250 definelabel 186, 252
completelistofsynonyms 159, 161, 250 definelist 149, 252
completeregister 172, 174, 250 definelogo 48, 253
components 14 definemakeup 87, 88, 253
correctwhitespace 55, 58, 250 definemarking 163, 164, 253

288 Commands

defineoverlay 123 graycolor 116, 255

definepalet 117, 118, 253 grayvalue 116
definepapersize 21, 253 grid 217, 255
defineparagraphs 66, 253
definereference 171, 253 hairline 199, 255
definereferenceformat 172, 253 hbox 85
defineregister 172, 173, 253 head 187, 192, 255
definesection 146, 254 headnumber 139, 141, 256
definesectionblock 145, 254 headtext 131, 256
definesorting 162, 254 hideblocks 228, 229, 256
definestyle 104 high 63, 256
definesynonyms 159, 160, 254 hl 199, 201, 256
definetext 78, 82, 254
definetyping 100, 254 in 167, 256
description 179, 254 incrementname 186
determineheadnumber 141, 254 indentation 185
determinelistcharacteristics 154, 254 indentation 185
disablemode 19 indentation 185, 256
doifmode 19 indenting 54, 256
doifmodeelse 19 inframed 206
doifnotmode 19 inleft 60, 256
donttest 78 inline 167, 172, 256
inmarge 60
em 95 inmargin 60, 256
en 127 inothermargin 60, 256
enablembox 102 inright 60, 256
enablemode 19 installlanguage 128, 129, 257
enumeration 181 item 187, 193, 257
enumeration 181 items 195, 196, 257
enumeration 182, 254 its 187, 193, 257
environment 14 ix 91
externalfigure 239, 243, 254
kap 96, 257
fillinline 201, 255 keepblocks 228, 229, 257
fillinrules 201, 202, 255
fixedspaces 59, 255 label 186
footnote 82, 255 label 186
fr 127 labeling 187, 257
framed 206, 255 labeltext 131, 257
language 127, 257
getbuffer 236, 255 lbox 85
getmarking 163, 164, 255 leftaligned 71, 257
godown 55, 58, 255 loadsorts 162, 163, 257

Commands 289

loadsynonyms 159, 161, 257 pagenumber 76

logo 162 pagereference 167, 259
lohi 63, 258 par 51
low 63, 258 paragraph 66
paragraph 51
mainlanguage 131, 132, 258 paragraph 67, 259
mar 187, 193, 258 part 136, 259
marginrule 215, 258 placecombinedlist 149, 152, 259
margintext 60, 62, 258 placefloat 219, 220, 260
marking 163, 164, 258 placefootnotes 82, 84, 260
mf 102 placelist 149, 260
midaligned 71, 258 placelistoffloats 219, 222, 260
momarking 136 placelistofsorts 162, 260
moveongrid 33, 35, 258 placelistofsynonyms 159, 161, 260
placelocalfootnotes 82, 84, 260
name 179, 181, 185 placelogos 48, 260
nextname 181, 186 placeongrid 33, 34, 260
nextregister 172 placeontopofeachother 226, 228, 260
nextsection 145 placeregister 172, 174, 260
nextsubname 181 placesidebyside 226, 228, 260
nextsubsubname 181 processblocks 228, 230, 260
nl 127 product 14
nocap 96, 258 project 14
noheaderandfooterlines 80, 258
noheadersandfooterlines 78 quotation 196, 197, 260
noindenting 54, 258 quote 196, 197, 261
nolist 136, 149, 153, 258
nomarking 138, 258 ran 187, 193, 261
nomoreblocks 232, 259 rbox 85
nop 187, 195, 259 ref 167
nospace 59, 259 reference 167, 261
note 82, 259 register 172, 173, 261
notopandbottomlines 78, 81, 259 reservefloat 219, 221, 261
nowhitespace 55, 56, 259 reset 228, 231, 261
numberofsubpages 76 resetmarking 163, 165, 261
resetname 181, 186
overbar 205, 259 rightaligned 71, 261
overbars 205, 259
overstrike 204, 205, 259 sbox 85
overstrikes 204, 205, 259 section 136, 261
seeregister 172, 173, 261
packed 58, 259 selectblocks 228, 229, 261
page 75, 259 setnostrut 59

290 Commands

setstrut 59 setupheadtext 131, 267

setupalign 71, 261 setuphyphenmark 133, 268
setuparrangin 39 setupindentations 185, 268
setuparranging 39, 261 setupindenting 54, 268
setupbackground 121, 262 setupinmargin 60, 61, 268
setupbackgrounds 122, 262 setupinterlinespace 51, 52, 268
setupblackrules 216, 262 setupitemize 187, 189, 269
setupblank 55, 57, 262 setupitems 195, 269
setupblock 228, 232, 262 setuplabeltext 131, 269
setupbodyfont 91, 262 setuplanguage 128, 129, 269
setupbodyfontenvironment 104, 105, 262 setuplayout 22, 24, 270
setupbottom 78, 81, 262 setuplinenumbering 73, 74, 270
setupbottomtexts 78, 81, 262 setuplines 73, 270
setupbuffer 236, 237, 263 setuplist 149, 150, 271
setupcapitals 96, 97, 263 setupmakeup 87, 88, 271
setupcaption 224, 263 setupmarginblocks 235, 272
setupcaptions 219, 224, 263 setupmarginrule 215
setupcolor 115, 263 setupmarginrules 215, 272
setupcolors 113, 263 setupmarking 163, 164, 272
setupcolumns 64, 263 setupnarrower 54, 55, 272
setupcombinations 226, 227, 264 setupoppositeplacing 235, 272
setupcombinedlist 149, 151, 264 setupoutput 19
setupdescriptions 179, 181, 264 setuppagenumber 76, 272
setupenumerations 181, 183, 264 setuppagenumbering 76, 272
setupexternalfigures 239, 240, 264 setuppagesubnumbering 76
setupfillinline 201 setuppalet 117, 119, 272
setupfillinlines 201, 265 setuppapersize 21, 273
setupfillinrules 201, 202, 265 setupparagraphs 66, 67, 273
setupfloats 219 setupquotation 196
setupfloat 223, 265 setupquote 197, 273
setupfloats 219, 223, 265 setupreferencing 167, 169, 273
setupfooter 78, 79, 265 setupregister 172, 174, 273
setupfootertexts 78, 9, 78, 265 setupscreens 121, 274
setupfootnotedefinition 85, 265 setupsection 146, 274
setupfootnotes 82, 83, 266 setupsectionblock 146, 274
setupframed 210, 266 setupsorting 162, 274
setupframedin 206 setupspacing 59, 274
setupframedtexts 212, 266 setupsubpagenumber 78, 274
setuphead 139, 140, 267 setupsynonyms 159, 160, 274
setupheader 78, 79, 267 setuptext 78, 81, 274
setupheadertexts 78, 267 setuptextruleen 203
setupheadnumber 139, 140, 267 setuptextrules 204, 275
setupheads 139, 140, 267 setuptexttexts 78, 80, 275

Commands 291

setupthinrules 199, 201, 275 starthiding 235, 278

setuptolerance 71, 72, 275 startintroductions 144
setuptop 78, 81, 275 startitemize 187, 193, 278
setuptoptexts 78, 80, 275 startline 167
setuptype 98, 100, 275 startlinecorrection 55, 56, 278
setuptyping 98, 99, 276 startlinenumbering 73, 74, 278
setupunderbar 205, 276 startlines 73, 171, 278
setupwhitespace 55, 276 startlocalenvironment 14
showbodyfont 94, 276 startlocalfootnotes 82, 84, 278
showbodyfontenvironment 104, 276 startmapping 104
showcolor 113, 115, 276 startmarginblock 235, 278
showcolorgroup 117, 119, 276 startmarginrule 215, 278
showexternalfigures 243, 245, 276 startmode 19
showframe 22, 276 startnamemakeup 88, 278, 87
showgrid 33, 35, 276 startnarrower 54, 55, 278
showlayout 22, 24, 277 startnotmode 19
showpalet 117, 119, 277 startopposite 235, 279
showprint 36, 277 startpacked 55, 58, 279
showsetups 22, 24, 277 startparagraph 66, 67, 279
showstruts 59, 60, 277 startpostponing 236, 279
someline 167, 172, 277 startproduct 14, 15, 279
somewhere 168, 277 startproject 14, 279
somwhere 167 startquotation 196, 279
sorteer 162 startraster 121
sort 162, 277 startregister 172
sp 127 startstandardmakeup 87
space 59, 277 starttabulate 70
startalignment 71, 277 starttext 13
startappendices 144 starttextrule 204, 279
startbackground 121, 277 starttyping 98, 279
startbodypart 144 startunpacked 58, 279
startbuffer 236, 277 stretched 98, 279
startcolor 113, 115, 277 strut 59
startcolumns 64, 277 sub 187, 193, 279
startcombination 226, 277 subject 136, 137, 279
startcomponent 14, 15, 278 subname 181
startdescription 179, 181, 278 subpagenumber 76
startencoding 104 subsection 136, 279
startenumeration 181, 183, 278 subsubject 136, 137, 279
startenvironment 14, 15, 278 subsubname 181
startextroductions 144 subsubsection 136, 137, 279
startfloattext 222, 278, 219 subsubsubject 136, 137, 280
startframedtext 212 subsubsubname 181

292 Commands

switchtobodyfont 91, 280 vbox 85

sym 187, 193, 280 version 19, 281
synonym 159, 161, 280 viii 91
vl 199, 201, 281
taal 127 vtop 85
tbox 85
tex 98, 101, 280 whitespace 55, 56, 281
textreference 167, 280 Word 96, 97
textrule 203, 280 WORD 97
thinrule 199, 200, 280 Word 281
thinrules 199, 200, 280 WORD 281
title 136, 137, 280 wordright 72, 282
totalnumberofpages 76 Words 96
translate 132, 280 WORDS 96
typ 98, 101, 280 Words 97, 282
type 98, 280 writebetweenlist 149, 153, 282
typebuffer 236, 280 writetolist 149, 153, 282
typefile 98, 281 writetoregister 172

underbar 204, 281 x 91

underbars 204, 281 xi 91
useblocks 228, 229, 281 xii 91
useexternalfigure 239, 242, 281
usereferences 170, 281

ConTEXt is a macropackage written Therefore ConTEXt is used for a wide
in the typographic programming lan- range of documents, like books of tech-
guage TEX. It offers the user a wide nical or more scolar nature, comput-
range of tools to typeset documents. er manuals, the often huge and com-
Although ConTEXt originally was writ- plex quality assurance manuals and
ten to facilitate the development of ed- technical manuals to machines, books
ucational documents, it can handle all of encyclopedian nature, database(d)
kind of simple and complex forms of documents, and collections of docu-
documentation. ments that have common characteris-
tics. Reuse of sources, data--abstrac-
tion and structure is typical a job for

Due to the nature of TEX, ConTEXt is ConTEXt is avaliable ‘for free’. Apart
well suited to process documents cod- from this reference manual, there are
ed in a medium--neutral way. Paper manuals for starters in several lan-
output as well as highly interactive guages. There are also documents that
screen documents are both supported. describe the basic functionality. There
There is a very complete support for are example styles as well as many
pdf and xml and the related technolo- examples of documents produced by
gies. ConTEXt.

for more information:

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