English Educart CUET UG 2024 12 Mock Tests @exam - 0001
English Educart CUET UG 2024 12 Mock Tests @exam - 0001
English Educart CUET UG 2024 12 Mock Tests @exam - 0001
Discursive/Literary/Narrative Passage
A discursive/literary passage is one that has less ambiguity and talks about disconnected topics. These are often
based on a person’s opinion which is generally argumentative, persuasive, or interpretative, with open-ended
conclusions at times. Students arrive at a conclusion through reasoning and intuition which can be challenging
at times, as ideas may not have a logical connection to one another.
Example 1: To understand the various types of questions that can be asked in a Discursive/Literary/
Narrative passage.
Read the passage given below:
(1) Today I, Rabindranath Tagore, complete eighty years of my life. As I look back on the vast stretch of years
that lie behind me and see in clear perspective the history of my early development, I am struck by the
change that has taken place both in my own attitude and in the psychology of my countrymen - a change
that carries within it a cause of profound tragedy.
(2) Our direct contact with the larger world of men was linked up with the contemporary history of the English
people whom we came to know in those earlier days. It was mainly through their mighty literature that we
(B) What is the tone of the following context: Tone of the Passage
“…a change that carries within it a cause of This is a commonly tested question with a
profound tragedy”? pretty straightforward answer which requires
(a) boredom (b) pain and loss you to read the entire passage and understand
the intention of the writer behind writing it. Try
(c) tired (d) cheerful to absorb the emotion depicted in the passage
and then answer the question.
(C) Which of the following is relevant for the title Inference-based question
of the passage? This question asks you to think about the
(a) Proud to be Independent passage and see which is the most befitting
(b) Crisis of Civilisation title for it as a reader. For this, students must
(c) Happy Indians grasp the central idea and choose the most
(d) The Civilised Englishmen appropriate title from the ones given.
(H) Choose the option that correctly states the Vocabulary-based question
meaning of ‘liberal humanity’ as implied in It tests the comprehension of a vocabulary item
again which you need to skim out from the
the passage: passage. Look for the portion of the passage
(a) Bondage which contains the idea and read the entire
(b) Freedom of choice sentence to get a deeper understanding of the
meaning of the idea ‘liberal humanity’ being
(c) Knowledge of humanity and society conveyed. Then choose the option closest to it
(d) All of the above while answering such a question.
Fact-based question
(I) The terms ‘large – hearted’ and ‘radical This is a direct question about one of the ideas
liberalism’ are used for: conveyed in the passage. Look for the portion
in the passage with the keywords or the
(a) Macaulay (b) John Bright synonyms of those keywords mentioned in
(c) Shakespeare (d) Byron the question. From there, you will obtain your
For CUET (UG)-2024, we will be explaining, all possible MCQ types in detail that can be asked in the
Verbal ability category.
Example 3:
Select the option that correctly justifies the
authoritative tone of the concluding portion of
an angry resident letter by you on the ‘children Statement Combination (MCQ type)
begging on the streets’ issue. This is a new style of MCQ nowadays asked in
1. I expect the authorities to take stern action on various school boards. Here, two statements
are given and the student is expected to apply
this issue.
their critical evaluation skills.
2. I hope my views get passed on to the concerned Understanding the keywords in the sentence
authority. and the essence of it, to identify the apt
(a) Option (1) is the authoritative conclusion statement and correlation between statements
(if any).
(b) Option (2) is the authoritative conclusion
Focus on the choice of connecting or action
(c) Option (1) and (2) are both authoritative words used in the sentence and identify if there
conclusions is a connection.
(d) None of the two options are authoritative
Ans: (a) Option (1) is the authoritative conclusion
Explanation: (c) Clearly, option (1) is very authoritative and dominating in tone. It doesn’t feel like a request.
However, option (2) is more polite and requesting than option (1). Hence, (a) is the only right answer.
Example 4:
In the following question, out of the given four Idioms (MCQ type)
alternatives, select the alternative which best Idioms will be asked too and this is a typical
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. example of an expected MCQ. An idiom is a
phrase that has a non-literal meaning attached
“To add fuel to the fire” to it, but used to convey something indirectly.
(a) To aggravate some matter It is usually not understandable based on the
words within the phrase alone.
(b) To increase the simplicity
To answer such MCQs, prior knowledge of
(c) To add more self-doubt having heard of that idiom is very helpful.
(d) Purest form of water Example: “Break a leg” which means “good luck,
give a good performance”.
Figuring out the indirect meaning and
identifying the option that has the closest
resemblance to that meaning is also a method
but slightly difficult.
Ans: (a) To aggravate some matter
Explanation: The idiom 'to add fuel to the fire' means to make an already bad situation worse. ‘Aggravate’
means to catalyse something and ‘matter’ is a generic meaning of ‘a situation’. Other options aren’t
related. Therefore, the correct meaning of the given idiom is 'to aggravate some matter'.
Example 5:
Punctuation (MCQ type)
Which of the following sentences has the correct
punctuation marks about C.M.? Punctuation is the right use of stops, pauses or/
and various marks; to make the meaning of a
(a) The bridge was inaugurated by the C.m.. sentence or passage clear and correct. These
(b) The bridge was inaugurated by the c.m. types of MCQs are relatively easy to answer
(c) The bridge was inaugurated, by the C.M.. if the basics are clear. In the upcoming CUET
(UG)-2024 paper, such MCQs could also be
(d) The bridge was inaugurated by the C.M. asked.
Ans: (d) The bridge was inaugurated by the C.M.
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
General Instructions:
For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-5): Read the following 2. Why can’t teenagers get enough sleep?
passage and answer the question that follows: (I) early start at school
Your body is almost two-thirds water, so staying (II) lot of work at school
hydrated is important. Teenagers should aim (III) lot of homework everyday
to drink six to eight glasses of water per day, (IV) busy with friends
according to the British Nutrition Foundation. That
Choose the correct answer from the options
number increases for teens who engage in sports
given below:
or are especially active. Other good sources of
fluid include 100 percent fruit juice and low–fat (a) (I), (II), (III) and (IV)
milk. Sugary and caffeinated drinks should be (b) (I) and (III) only
limited or eliminated from the diet completely as (c) (I), (III) and (IV) only
they provide excess sugar and empty calories. (d) (II), (III) and (IV) only
According to the Cleveland Clinic, teenagers
need at least nine hours of sleep each night to
3. Young people need to do the following in
order to get a nine hour sleep:
function at their best during the day. It sounds
easy enough, but with early school start times, (I) switch off electronics before bedtime.
late afternoon practices and hours of homework, (II) switch off all electronics for the night.
getting enough sleep can be a challenge. Set a (III) find quiet time before bedtime.
regular bedtime that allows for nine hours of (IV) find a quiet time & place to sleep.
sleep before you have to get up for school. You Choose the correct answer from the options
should also plan for at least an hour of “quiet time” given below:
prior to bedtime. The goal is for all electronics to
(a) (II) and (III) only
be turned off for the night s++o that the brain
and body relax. Ouiet time may involve listening (b) (I), (II), (III) and (IV)
to soothing music or reading a book. (c) (II), (III) and (IV) only
(d) (I), (II) and (III) only
1. Sports persons need to stay hydrated. They
should drink enough: 4. Choose the heading that best explains the
(a) water and 100% fruit juices two sections in the text given:
(b) water, milk, coffee (I) Watch your beverage intake
(b) water, juice, tea and coffee (II) Eat right, sleep tight
(d) sugary and caffeinated drinks as well as (III) If you don’t snooze, you lose
enough plain water (IV) Making time for friends
NTA CUET (UG) 2023
1. (a) water and 100% fruit juices 6. (d) Interviewers
Explanation: The passage mentions that Explanation: The passage provides guidance
staying hydrated is important and recommends regarding interview preparation and conduct,
sources of fluids for teenagers, especially those stressing the significance of thorough planning
who are active. and a number of factors that interviewers
2. (b) (I) and (III) only should take into account.
Explanation: With early school start times, late 7. (c) The ability of the interviewer to intimidate
afternoon practices and hours of homework, the candidate.
getting enough sleep can be a challenge. Explanation: The behaviour and the ability
3. (a) (II) and (III) only to supply questions to the candidates create
Explanation: To get a nine-hour sleep, an impact on the candidate. The more warm
the passage suggests switching off all the treatment candidates receive, the more stress-
electronic gadgets for the night and finding free they feel.
quiet time before bedtime. 8. (c) forbidding
4. (b) (I) and (II) only Explanation: The passage mentions that the
Explanation: These headings encompass both room's layout and furniture arrangement can
the need for proper hydration (watch your affect the atmosphere of the interview, making
beverage intake and eating right) and the it feel forbidding (unwelcoming) or more
importance of getting adequate sleep (sleep relaxed, depending on these factors.
tight) for teenagers.
9. (d) Choice of venue
5. (b) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV) Explanation: The passage highlights that
Explanation: The phrase "should be eliminated" the choice of venue and its layout can affect
aligns with the modal "should.”; Adjectives the atmosphere of the interview and how
describe nouns, and in this case, the adjectives candidates respond, still it is overlooked.
"sugary" and "caffeinated" are used to describe
the noun "drinks"; Adverbs often describe 10. (a) How to conduct an Interview
how an action is performed, and in this case, Explanation: This title accurately reflects the
"completely" is used to describe the manner in main theme of the passage, which is about the
which something is to be eliminated. preparation and conduct of interviews.
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
General Instructions:
For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.
Read the passage carefully and answer 2. Why did the banker feel that capital
questions from 1 to 6: punishment is more moral than life
It was a dark autumn night. The old banker imprisonment?
was pacing from corner to corner of his study, (a) execution brings an instantaneous end
recalling to his mind the party he gave in to the life of the offender and prevents
the autumn fifteen years before. There were prolonged suffering and trauma
many clever people at the party and much (b) execution allows the offender to have
interesting conversation. They talked among alast sumptuous meal
other things of capital punishment. The
(c) execution draws the attention of the
guests, among them not a few scholars and
journalists, for the most part disapproved of society of the offender
capital punishment. They found it obsolete as (d) execution allows the offender to pray
a means of punishment, unfitted to a Christian
3. From the passage it becomes clear that the
State and immoral. Some of them thought
discussion and concern was primarily over
that capital punishment should be replaced
universally by life-imprisonment. the validity of:
(a) corporal punishment at schools
“I don’t agree with you,” said the host. “I myself
have experienced neither capital punishment (b) getting marooned in an island
nor life-imprisonment, but if one may judge a (c) capital punishment
priori, then in my opinion capital punishment (d) punishment of any kind
is more moral and more humane than
imprisonment. Execution kills instantly, life- 4. Capital punishment is highly debated across
imprisonment kills by degrees. Who is the more the world because it:
humane executioner, one who kills you in a few (a) takes away the property of the criminal
seconds or one who draws the life out of you (b) takes the criminal away from his family
incessantly, for years?” (c) denies the prisoner all his or her
“They’re both equally immoral,” remarked one fundamental rights to education
of the guests, “because their purpose is the (d) denies and takes away from the criminal
same, to take away life. The State is not God. It his or her fundamental right-to live
has no right to take away that which it cannot
give back, if it should so desire.” 5. Why did a guest feel that both capital
1. The season in which the narrator punishment and life-imprisonment are
remembered the party he had given fifteen equally-immoral?
years ago was: (a) Because the Jury is often unfair
(a) summer (b) spring (b) The media does not allow the jury to
(c) winter (d) autumn pronounce a judgement at place
CUET (UG) 2022
1. (d) autumn 4. (d) denies and takes away from the criminal
Explanation: In paragraph 1, it is clearly his or her fundamental right-to live
mentioned in the line ‘recalling to his mind Explanation: Capital punishment is highly
the party he gave in the autumn fifteen years
debated across the world because for the
criminals, it takes away his or her fundamental
2. (a)
execution brings an instantaneous end rights-to live. The sentence ordering that an
to the life of the offender and prevents offender be punished in such a manner is
prolonged suffering and trauma
known as a death sentence.
Explanation: In paragraph 2, the banker said
that, ‘Execution kills instantly, life-imprisonment 5. (d)
Because the purpose of both the
kills by degrees.' These lines denote that the punishments is to deny the offender the
banker felt that capital punishment was more
right to live.
moral than life imprisonment.
Explanation: A guest felt that both capital
3. (d) punishment of any kind punishment and life-imprisonment are equally
Explanation: From the passage it is clear that immoral “because their purpose is the same,
the discussion and concern was primarily over
to take away life. The State is not God. It has
the validity of ‘punishment of any kind’. The
discussion was majorly on capital punishment no right to take away that which it cannot give
and life-imprisonment. back, if it should so desire”.
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
General Instructions:
For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the following 1. What is released when plastics are burnt ?
passage carefully and answer the questions (a) power and proteins
that follow.
(b) toxic chemicals
When plastic waste is burnt, a complex weave
(c) fruits
of toxic chemicals is released. Breaking down
Poly Vinyl Chloride, (PVC) is used for packaging, (d) vegetables
toys and coating electrical wires. It produces
dioxin—an organ chlorine which belongs lo 2. What is PVC ?
the family of Persistent Organic Pollutants (a) Polynominals
(POPS). A recent Dioxin Assessment Report (b) Polyvinyl chloride
brought out by the United States Environment
(c) Polyamine chloride
Protection Agency (USEPA) says the risk of
getting cancer from dioxin is ten times higher (d) Polyelectricity
than reported by the agency in 1994. Yet the
3. The full form of USEPA is ...................... .
Delhi government is giving the green signal
to a gasification project which will convert (a) United States Protection Ace
garbage into energy without removing plastic (b) United States Environment Agency
waste. Former minister, the promoter of this (c) United States Environment Protection
project, says this is not necessary. He claims Agency
no air pollution will be caused and that the ash (d) United States Environment Protect Age
produced can be used as manure. An earlier
waste-to-energy project set-up in Timarpur 4. The risk of getting cancer from Dioxin is:
failed. The new one, built with Australian (a) four times higher
assistance, will cost 200 crore. It will generate
25 megawatts of power and gobble 1,000 (b) ten times higher
tonnes of garbage every day. "Technologies (c) ten times less
like gasification are a form of incineration," (d) twenty times less
says the central coordinator of this Project.
Incineration merely transfers hazardous waste 5. Technologies like gasification are a form of:
from solid form to air, water and ash. Toxins (a) Curating artifacts
produced during incineration include acidic
(b) Organic farming
gases, heavy metals as well as dioxins and
furans. "The 'manure' will be hazardous and a (c) Incineration
problem to dispose." (d) Deforestation
22. Re-arrange these parts to write a 29. From the options given below, choose
meaningful sentence: the one which will correctly replace or
(I) is a very precious aspect
(II) of human nature and it needs Home sickness
(III) safety to maintain its sublime quality (a) Nostalgia (b) Optimism
(IV) a peaceful mind (c) Criticism (d) Pessimism
Choose the correct answer from the options 30. From the options given below, choose the
given below: word which will replace :
(a) (IV), (I), (II), (III) (b) (IV), (II), (III), (I) Unacceptably horrible
(c) (III), (IV), (II), (I) (d) (III), (II), (IV), (I) (a) Horrendous (b) Honourable
23. From the given options, choose the pair of (c) Hourly (d) Hamper
words which carry the same relationship as 31. From the given options, choose the one with
Allegory : Fable : : the correct spelling :
(a) Church : Chapel (b) Monastry : Hospital (a) Beeblical (b) Biblical
(c) Park : House (d) Politics : Army (c) Beebilical (d) Viblical
24. From the given options, choose the pair of 32. Identify the correct spelling from the given
words which carry the same relationship as
Extempore : Rehearse : :
(a) logical (b) logicall
(a) Beautiful : Serene
(c) liogical (d) logical
(b) Fatigue : Exhaustion
(c) Battle: Peace 33. Fill in the blank with the correct word.
(d) Infant : Child The uprooted trees in the park were a
............... to see
25. From the given options choose the pair of
(a) cute (b) site
words that carry the same relationship as
(c) sight (d) cight
Virtue : Morality
(I) Sin : Profane 34. Pick the correct spelling from the options
(II) Law : Chaos given:
(III) Day : Night (a) glorious (b) gleotious
(IV) Story : Novel (c) glamrious (d) gelorious
CUET (UG) 2022
1. (b) toxic chemicals 6. (c) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV)
Explanation: As given in the first two lines, Explanation: The correct match of List - I with
‘when plastic waste is burnt, a complex weave List II is option (c) as per the passage.
of toxic chemicals is released’.
7. (b) Spiritual training of boys
2. (b) Polyvinyl chloride Explanation: The passage discusses ‘the
Explanation: It is given in the passage that spiritual training of boys and building of their
PVC is an acronym of ‘Polyvinyl chloride’. character.
3. (c)
United States Environment Protection 8. (c) Importance of Spiritual Training
Agency Explanation: A suitable title for the passage
Explanation: The full form of USEPA is ‘United can be ‘Importance of Spiritual Training’. The
States Environment Protection Agency’. passage discusses the beauty of spiritualism
and the training of the spirit as a thing by itself,
4. (b) ten times higher i.e. through self-realisation.
Explanation: It is given in the passage that the
risk of getting cancer from dioxin is ten times 9. (a) To build character and to enable one to
higher than reported by the agency in 1994. work towards a knowledge of God and
5. (c) Incineration Explanation: Training of the spirit means
Explanation: Technologies like gasification are to build character and to enable one to
a form of incineration, as given in the passage. work towards a knowledge of God and
42. (d) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I) 47. (c) (A) - (III), (B) - (IV), (C) - (II), (D) - (I)
Note: In (d) answer, it is written (A) - (VI) which Explanation: The correct match of List-I with
List-II is option (c).
is wrong . It should be (A)- (IV)
Explanation: The correct match of List-I with 48. (c) thrilling
List-II is option (d). Explanation: Exciting means causing strong
feelings of pleasure and interest. Hence, it has
43. (c) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III) a similar meaning to thrilling.
Explanation: The correct match of List-I with
49. (c) Inhabitants
List-II is option (c).
Explanation: Denizens refer to animals, plants,
44. (c) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I) or people that live in or are often found in a
particular place. Hence, this means similar to
Explanation: The correct match of List-I with
List-II is option (c).
50. (a) Greedy
45. (b) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III) Explanation: The word covetous means
Explanation: the correct match of List-I with desiring for something extremely. Hence, it has
List-II is option (b). a similar meaning to greedy.
CUET (UG)-2022
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
General Instructions:
• For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
• 1 marks will get deducted for each wrong answer.
• 40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.
I. Read the passage given below and answer challenging situations. It is a non-peace
the questions that follow: item that acts as a challenge for the mind.
This guarantees that the creativity of a
(1) Human beings crave peace of mind. But
peaceful mind never comes to an end and
it is hard to find an individual who can
is always alive.
say that he has attained such a state of
mental equilibrium which will allow him to (4) Let's take the example of two different
live a life of tranquillity. Peace of mind is a individuals, one who had all the luxuries
distant dream for all of us. The reason is of life and the other who lacks worldly
that people hanker after ideal peace, that comforts. The person with all comforts
is, pure peace-a peace that is free from all won't have much to talk about as he would
kinds of non-peace items. be enjoying his life, on the other hand, the
one who had a few years of struggle will
(2) But this kind of absolute peace is not in
emerge as a successful person and will
nature's storehouse. Let us take the analogy
remain active and alive.
of the rose. A rose is a very beautiful flower,
but every stem has its thorns. Indeed, thorns 1. What is peace of mind?
are an integral part of the rose plant. A (a) Feeling happy and excited
poet has rightly said that thorns serve as (b) Attaining mental serenity
security guards for the flower. There must (c) Achieving one's goals
be hard thorns along with soft flowers-that (d) To be free from all tensions and worries
is, there must be non-peace items along
Ans. (b) Attaining mental serenity
with peaceful items. A peaceful mind is a
Explanation: The author says that peace is
very precious aspect of human nature and
not (d) to be free from all tensions and worries.
it too needs safety to maintain its sublime
It is not just (a) feeling happy or excited or (c)
quality. achieving one’s goals. Hence (b) is the right
(3) Studies in psychology show that an answer.
untroubled mind very soon becomes
stagnant and loses its creativity. For this
2. Peace of mind is difficult to attain because:
reason, nature always leads people to (a) ideal peace does not exist.
(b) peace does not come overnight.
Choose the most appropriate answer Choose the most appropriate answer from
from the options given below: the options given below:
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) (a) (A)-(3), (B)-(2) (C)-(1) (D)-(4)
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3) (D)-(4) (b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(3) (C)-(1) (D)-(4) (c) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
(d) (A)-(3), (B)-(4) (C)-(2) (D)-(1) (d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
Ans. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) Ans. (a) (A)-(3), (B)-(2) (C)-(1) (D)-(4)
Explanation: Since (A) Charlotte Bronte wrote Explanation: Since (A) means (3) Timely
(2) Jane Eyre and (D) Charles Dickens wrote action is always beneficial and (B) means (2)
(1) Great Expectations, we know that option Instability never leads to success, option (a) is
(a) is the correct option. The other options do the correct answer. The other options do not
not match. match.
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
General Instructions:
• For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
• 1 mark will get deducted for each wrong answer.
• 40 questions to be attempted out of 50.
I. Read the passage given below and answer tell myself “I know I have limits and that I’ve
the questions that follow: reached them, but I’m going to ignore them
and see if or how long I can get by with it.” I
(1) The choices we make on a daily basis—
ran to doctors, trying to make myself feel
wearing a seatbelt, lifting heavy objects
correctly or purposely staying out of any better through pills, vitamins, natural stuff
dangerous situation—can either ensure our and anything I could get my hands on. Some
safety or bring about potentially harmful of the doctors would tell me, “It’s just stress.”
circumstances. That just made me mad. I thought stress
(2) You and I need to make a decision that we meant you don’t like what you do or can’t
are going to get our lives in order. Exercising handle life, and I love what I do. But I kept
self-control, self-discipline and establishing pushing myself, travelling, doing speaking
boundaries and borders in our lives are some engagements and so on— simply exhausting
of the most important things we can do. A myself.
life without discipline is one that’s filled with (5) Finally, I understood, I was living an
carelessness. unsustainable life and needed to make some
(3) We can think it’s kind of exciting to live life on changes in my outlook and lifestyle.
the edge. We like the image of “Yeah! That’s You and I don’t have to be like everyone else
me! Living on the edge! Woo-hoo!” It’s become or keep up with anyone else. Each of us needs
a popular way to look at life. But if you see, to be exactly the way we are, and we don’t
even highways have lines, which provide
have to apologize for it. We’re not all alike
margins for our safety while we’re driving. If
and we need to find a comfort zone in which
we go over one side, we’ll go into the ditch. If
we can enjoy our lives instead of making
we cross over the line in the middle, we could
get killed. And we like those lines because ourselves sick with an overload of stress and
they help to keep us safe. Sometimes we don’t pressure.
even realize how lines help to keep us safe. 1. The author attempts to ..................... the
(4) I’m not proud of this, but for the first 20 years readers through this write-up.
of my life at work, I ignored my limits. I felt (a) rebuke (b) question
horrible, physically, most of the time. I used to (c) offer aid to (d) offer advice to
42. Choose the one which best expresses the 50. Choose the correct question tag for the
meaning of the given word. following sentence:
ABANDON She will help us, .....................
(a) Excuse (b) Forsake (a) won't she? (b) will she?
(c) Urge (d) Risk (c) is she? (d) isn't she?
I. 1. (d) offer advice to his outlook but still they are not his point
Explanation: ‘Rebuke’ (option a) is used of view; neither in (4) a person’s regrets
to express sharp disapproval while the in life predict his outlook. A person might
author doesn’t criticise anyone for their have many regrets in life but still have an
choices. So this isn’t the motive. Neither optimistic attitude towards life. Only (3) a
(option b) 'question' is the answer as the person’s point of view towards life and (5) a
author doesn’t question anybody’s lifestyle. person’s general attitude to life defines his
Option (c) cannot be the correct choice as outlook towards life. Hence, (c) is the correct
the author here is not trying to help anyone. choice.
In this passage, the author, by sharing his
own experiences is trying to offer advice to 5. (c) Be the best version of yourself.
the readers about how they can create a Explanation: (a) can not be the answer as
balance in their lives. the author says that he loved what he did
but was still under stress. (d) is opted out
2. (d) stress as the author tried to be his own self but
Explanation: Colloquial words are used in was still frustrated and (b) is also opted out
informal conversations. as nowhere in the passage has the author
(a) ‘hooked’ means to like something so talked about being loved and giving love
much that you can't resist it. In formal and affection to others.
language we use the word addicted to The passage is all about how to give our
mean the same. best without getting stressed or exhausted
(b) ‘guy’ is used for a man or an individual (in so, (c) ‘be the best version of yourself ’ will
informal language). be the only answer.
(c) ‘stuff ’ in formal language means some
material while in colloquial language it II. 6. (c) the ability to launch something new
expresses indifference. Explanation: Benchmark refers to a
(d) ‘stress’ has no other meaning except standard or referral point for comparison.
tension so this is the correct answer. Hence (a), (b) & (d) indicate the above
meaning while (c), is different. Hence, (c) is
3. (b) To organize our lives. the answer.
Explanation: If something is in order then it
means that it is right or correct. Here in this 7. (b) countries with upcoming economies
passage also the author wants the reader shall see maximum tourist footfall from
to adopt a right outlook or lifestyle. all over the world in the next decade.
Phrase in option (a) means to start our lives Explanation: In passage there is no mention
after a break similar to as it was earlier. of annual profits or people specifically
from developing countries or economically
Phrase in (c) means to start from the ground weaker nations. Hence, (a), (c) & (d) can not
level and adopt an entirely different outlook. be the answer.
Phrase in (d) means to have a control on In the passage, it is clearly stated that “57%
everything and anything that goes on in our of international tourist arrivals will be in
lives. emerging economies" implying that most of
Phrase in (b) only mean to bring everything the tourists will visit emerging economies.
back in order. Hence, (b) is the answer.
4. (c) (3) and (5) 8. (b) (1) is an ethical tourist and (2) is a
Explanation: Outlook refers to the way geotourist
we perceive some situation particularly, Explanation: Asha Mathew in (1) has
life. (1) a person’s evaluation of life and (2) ethical issues involving animals as a driving
a person’s experiences in life helps to build force behind her travels. So, she is an ethical
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer She became disgruntled, however, when
the questions that follow: she learned that the University of Warsaw
(1) Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, was closed for women. Determined to
where her father was a Professor of Physics. receive a higher education, she defiantly
At an early age, she displayed a brilliant left Poland and in 1891, entered the
mind and a blithe personality. Her great Sorbonne, a French university, where she
exuberance for learning, prompted her to earned her master’s degree and doctorate
continue with her studies after high school. in physics.
Event Year
Marie was born on the 7th November 1867
Her sisters Bronya and Zosia became ill and Zosia passed away. 1876
Curie’s mother died from grief. 1878
She graduated high school 1883
Left Warsaw for a governess position. 1884
Her sister Bronya graduated medical school. 1891
Marie graduated with a masters degree in Mathematics and first in 1893
her class for Physics.
She married Pierre Curie. 1895
(2) Marie was fortunate to have studied at in 1895 and spent many productive years
the Sorbonne with some of the greatest working together in the physics laboratory.
scientists of her days, one of whom was A short time after they discovered radium,
Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon
21. Read the two sentences given below and (C) Oppression (3) surrounded by
choose the correct answer: (D) Besieged (4) real life story of a
(1) The opposite of pride is shame. person written by
the person himself
(2) ‘Shame’ is synonymous to self-esteem.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. (b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. (d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1)
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer (4) Like solar-powered homes, solar cars
harness energy from the sun by converting
the questions that follow:
it into electricity. This electricity fuels the
(1) Of all the inventions of science, solar battery that runs the car’s motor. Instead of
rickshaw is perhaps the most useful on using a battery, some solar cars direct the
the practical side of life. It is not just any power straight to an electric motor. Great
rickshaw but an optimally designed, examples of the latest solar-powered cars
pedal-operated, and motor-assisted three- are the University of Michigan solar car, the
wheeler. This zero carbon, urban transport MIT solar car, and the Berkeley solar car.
vehicle or ‘pedicab’ was designed and (5) Solar cars use photovoltaic cells to convert
developed by a team of engineers from the sunlight into energy. Photovoltaic cells
Central Mechanical Engineering Research are the components in solar panels that
Institute, Durgapur, West Bengal. convert the sun’s energy to electricity.
(2) Like a solar rickshaw, the gorgeous green They’re made up of semiconductors,
phone is another wonderful invention of usually silicon that absorb the light.
the scientific mind. We all know that mobile The sun’s energy frees electrons in the
phones are must-haves these days. In fact, semiconductors, creating a flow of
according to statistics, six out of ten people electrons. This flow generates electricity
in this world own a cell phone. So, imagine that powers the battery and the specialised
the energy consumed and the e-waste motor in solar cars.
generated by these devices. With this in Rest of the
mind, many handset manufacturers are Australia
going green, while some are even going 2%
solar. France
(3) Samsung, for instance, has unveiled a solar- United Kingdom
powered phone - ‘‘Blue Earth’’. It is a touch 3%
• 1839: French physicist Antoine-Cesar • 1950's: Solar cells developed for satellites.
Becquerel observed that shining light on • 1960: Hoffman Electronics achieved 14%
an electrode submerged in a conductive efficient PV cells.
solution would create an electric current. • 1973: OPEC energy crisis causes US to
• 1860: The first solar motor, heated water re-examine use of renewable energy
used to drive a steam motor, Augustin sources; federal and state tax credits result
Mouchot. in rapid growth for a new solar industry.
1. In the lines “.............. motor-assisted three– (c) OPEC energy crisis causes US to
wheeler,” the word “assisted” does not refer re-examine the use of energy source.
(d) State tax credit resulted in rapid
(a) helped (b) attached
degradation of a new solar industry.
(c) associated (d) departed
2. The history of solar power, in an observation, 3. What does the phrase ‘going green’ signify?
didn’t share that: (a) wearing green clothes
(a) Bell labs reported the discovery of 4.5% (b) being eco-friendly
effiicient silicon solar cell.
(c) visiting a green island
(b) Hoffman Electronics achieve 14%
effiicient PV cells. (d) a green coloured phone
4. Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the characteristic of solar
(1) They don’t use solar (2) They store sun’s (3) Solar cars harness
energy. energy for future energy form the sun
use. and converting into
(4) Solar powered (5) Solar cars do not use (6) Petrol cars are better
phone gets charged photovoltaic cells. inventions than solar
as android phone. cars.
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (3) (c) (3) and (4) (d) (5) and (6)
5. A ‘pedicab’ signify: (2) Two types of cardamom are produced
(a) two – wheeler car in India. The first type is the large one
(b) pedal operated, motor assisted three that does not have much significance as
wheeler rickshaw. it is not traded in the future market. It is
(c) a simple car cultivated in the Northeastern area of the
(d) vehicle running on petrol country. The second type is produced in the
Southern states and these are traded in the
II. Read the passage given below and answer future market. These are mainly cultivated
the questions that follow: in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. As
(1) Cardamom, the queen of all spices, has a per the future market rules, only the 7 mm
history as old as the human race. It is the quality was traded in exchanges previously.
dried fruit of a herbaceous perennial plant. But later, the norms relaxed, and now the
Warm humid climate, loamy soil rich in 6 mm quality is also traded.
organic matter, distributed rainfall, and (3) The small variety, known for its
special cultivation and processing methods extraordinary quality throughout the
all combine to make Indian cardamom world, is now traded in India’s commodity
truly unique in aroma, flavour, and size. future exchanges. Traditional auction
17. Choose the option that is opposite in 18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
meaning to the underlined word: given word:
31. Choose the most appropriate option to 37. Fill in the blank with appropriate article.
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ Akshay is ....... open-minded man.
phrase: (a) a (b) an
Learning from the school of hard knocks. (c) the (d) none of them
(a) Learning things from experience
(b) Learning things from others
38. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
(c) Learning things from environment
identify the right sequence:
(d) Learning things through difficult
He was known
P: and therefore his arrest
32. Choose the most appropriate option to Q: surprised everyone who knew him
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
R: on charges of corruption
S: to be a honest and kind man
Raise some hackles
The correct sequence should be:
(a) To annoy
(a) SPRQ (b) RQPS
(b) To make someone happy
(c) PQRS (d) QRPS
(c) To do a great task
(d) To sit idle 39. Choose the most appropriate option to identify
the meaning of the given idiom/ phrase:
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the To live in a fool's paradise:
underlined part of the sentence from the
(a) to live a life that is dishonest
given options:
(b) to be happy because you do not accept
When we saw him last, he ran to catch a how bad a situation really is
(c) to believe that things you want will
(a) has run (b) had run happen
(c) was running (d) no improvement (d) to enjoy yourself by spending a lot of
34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. money
(a) The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said 40. Choose the part of the following sentence
quietly, “If only we had known before...” that contains an error:
(b) The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said None of the children has ever sang in public.
quietly, “If only we had known before...?”
(a) None of
(c) The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said
(b) the children
quietly, “If only we had known before...”!
(d) The twins, exchanged looks, and Tess, (c) has ever sang
said quietly, “If only we had known (d) in public
before...”! 41. Choose the most appropriate option to
35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) My favourite teacher, who just happens
to be my uncle, retired from the All that glitters is not gold.
university last summer. (a) A mistake can be a great teacher.
(b) My favourite teacher who just happens (b) Everything that is attractive on the
to be my uncle, retired from the university outside may not be really valuable
last summer. inside.
45. Correct the sentence by changing the 50. Choose the most appropriate option to
underlined word, if necessary: identify the meaning of the given idiom/
A large amount of people think that he is phrase:
innocent. To draw the line
(a) big amount (b) large amounts (a) to decide one’s occupation
(c) big amounts (d) large number (b) to set limits
46. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (c) to prepare for a battle
given word: (d) to withdraw from activity
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer make unsafe and unhealthy choices. Anxiety
the questions that follow: and depression amongst the students, to
the point of turning them suicidal, have
(1) Children in India live in diverse been a cause for concern in the recent past.
circumstances and have equally diverse
(3) Girls are more vulnerable and face
needs and rights. Along with their need
discrimination at many levels from being
to be educated, healthy, and skillful,
unwelcome since birth to being pulled
they need, and have rights to adequate out of school for a variety of reasons.
nutrition, to live in a safe and supportive Dropping out of school, low motivation
environment, have opportunities to reach for academics, and general disinterest in
their optimal potential and generally lead sports and physical activities are some of
healthy, joyful, and fulfilling lives so, that the problems that need to be addressed.
they can become productive and well-
(4) Child malnutrition is rampant in most parts
adjusted citizens of tomorrow.
of the country. This has an adverse bearing
(2) Children in our country face many on their cognitive capacities, learning
challenges. Many of them are first performance, and physical capacity. India
generation learners and face a myriad is one among the many countries where
of problems throughout their schooling. child malnutrition is severe. Malnutrition is a
Due to the socio-economic and cultural major underlying cause of child mortality in
determinants, they may be vulnerable India. Trends in various nutritional indicator
in many ways. Peer pressure and lack of values and U5 mortality rate from 2000 to
positive role models may prompt them to 2018 are shown in the figure below:
2000 2005 2010 2018
Prevalence of stunting in children under ve years (%)
Proportion of undernourished in the population (%)
Prevalence of wasting in children under ve years (%)
Under- ve mortality rate (%)
17. Choose the option that is opposite in 19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
meaning to the underlined word: given word:
We were living in turbulent times. EFFICIENCY
(a) destructive (b) unstable (a) Disability (b) Capability
(c) calm (d) stormy (c) Fluency (d) Tendency
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer layers of ice above melt with the increasing
the questions that follow: temperature, thus ensuring continuous
supply to the fields. Therefore, farmers
(1) Necessity is indeed the mother of invention.
have been able to manage two crops
When areas in and around Leh began to
instead of one. It costs about 1,50,000 and
experience water shortages, life didn’t
above to create a glacier.
grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang
Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the (4) Fondly called the glacier man, Mr. Norphel
Jammu and Kashmir Government came up has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in
with the idea of artificial glaciers. and around Leh since 1987. In recognition
(2) Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of of his pioneering effort, he was conferred
3,000-3,500 meters above sea level, has the Padma Shri by former President
a low average annual rainfall rate of 50 Pranab Mukherjee in 2015.
mm. Glaciers have always been the only (5) There are a few basic steps followed
source of water. Agriculture is completely while creating an artificial glacier. River or
dependent on glacier melt, unlike the rest stream water at higher altitude is diverted
of river/monsoon-fed India. But over the to a shaded area of the hill, facing north,
years, with increasing effects of climate where the winter sun is blocked by a ridge
change, rainfall and snowfall patterns or a mountain range. At the start of winter
have been changing, resulting in severe i.e., in November, the diverted water
shortage and drought situations. Given the is made to flow on sloping hills facing
extreme winter conditions, the window for distribution channels. Stone embankments
farming is usually limited to one harvest are built at regular intervals which impede
season. the flow of water, making shallow pools
(3) It is located between the natural glacier which freeze, forming a cascade of ice
above and the village below. The one along the slope. Ice formation continues
closer to the village and lowest in altitude for 3-4 months resulting in a large
melts first, providing water during April- accumulation of ice which is referred to as
May, the crucial sowing season. Further, an ‘artificial glacier’.
Sowing Harvest
Period Period
by Arti cial Glaciers
Critical Phase
Pipes are hold
connecting to a
stream of water
1 sourced from higher
up the mountains.
Pressure created
by this difference
in heights creates
a fountain.
1. In the line ‘…life didn’t grind to a halt’ the (a) Glaciers need hot water to form.
word “grind” DOES NOT mean: (b) The beginning of glacier formation can
(a) to gradually stop all together take place in the month of November.
(b) to sharpen something by crushing (c) Glaciers can be made artificially with the
(c) to slow down help of river water.
(d) River needs to be diverted to form
(d) to lose momentum
2. Ladakh has been facing water deficit as:
5. When does maximum water collection take
(a) it is a desert
(b) recent climate change has resulted in (a) When water is not used in farms.
drought (b) When there is no rainfall.
(c) Ladakh has no glaciers (c) When there is abundance of rainfall.
(d) there is no agricultural activity (d) When there is insufficient water reserve.
3. The glacier melts first: II. Read the passage given below and answer
(a) closer to the village the questions that follow:
(b) at the lowest level (1) Researchers around the world are studying
(c) neither of these the human brain to find out what makes it
(d) both (a) and (b) tick. If nothing else, their findings are great
conversation starters and this alone could
4. Which of the following statements about make you smarter. It is smart to socialise.
the process of building an artificial glacier is Experiments have revealed that talking
incorrect? with others exercises your mind. “Short-
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer latitude) to shift to the North as it did
10,000 years ago, inundating North Africa.
the questions that follow:
(3) Around 5,000 years ago, the monsoon
(1) The Sahara sets a standard for dry land.
shifted dramatically southward again.
It’s the world’s largest desert. Relative
The prehistoric inhabitants of the Sahara
humidity can drop into the low single digits.
discovered that their relatively green
There are places where it rains only about
surroundings were undergoing something
once a century. There are people who reach
worse than a drought (and perhaps they
the end of their lives without ever seeing
migrated towards the Nile Valley, where
water come from the sky. Yet beneath the
Egyptian culture began to flourish at
Sahara are vast aquifers of fresh water,
around the same time).
enough liquid to fill a small sea. It is fossil
water, a treasure laid down in prehistoric (4) As the land dried out and vegetation
times, some of it possibly a million years decreased, the soil lost its ability to
old. Just 6,000 years ago, the Sahara hold water when it rained. Fewer clouds
was quite a different place. It was green. formed from evaporation. When it rained,
Prehistoric rock art in the Sahara shows the water washed away and evaporated
something surprising: hippopotamuses, quickly. There was a kind of runaway
who need water year round. drying effect. Around 4,000 years ago, the
(2) We don’t have much evidence of a tropical Sahara became what it is today. No one
paradise out there, but we had something knows how human-driven climate change
perfectly livable, says Jennifer Smith, a may alter the Sahara in the future. It’s
geologist at Washington University in something scientists can ponder while
St. Louis. At times when the Northern sipping bottled fossil water pumped from
Hemisphere tilts sharply towards the sun the underground. “It’s the best water in
and the planet makes its closest approach, Egypt, “Robert Giegengack, a University
the increased blast of sunlight during the of Pennsylvania geologist, said — clean,
North’s summer months can cause the refreshing mineral water. If you want to
African monsoon (which currently occurs drink something good, try the ancient
between the Equator and roughly 17°N buried treasure of the Sahara.
H Subtropical
H anticyclone 20
Development of
Div Sahara Depression
East tropical
850 mb
Hydroelectric Generation in Sub-Saharan Africa (2015)
1. In the line ‘Prehistoric rock art in the Sahara’ (c) (1) 5000 years ago and (2) 6000 years ago
the word “prehistoric” DOES NOT mean: (d) (1) 4000 years ago and (2) 6000 years ago
(a) primitive (b) modern
(c) ancient (d) pristine
4. Based on your understanding of the
passage, choose the option that best defines
2. Which of the following statements about the 'runaway drying effect'?
Sahara desert is correct? (1) The inability of soil to hold water.
(a) The inability of soil to hold water.
(2) The washing away and the fast
(b) The washing away and fast evaporation
evaporation of water.
of water.
(c) The tendency of the soil to absorb all the (3) The tendency of the soil to absorb all
water. the water.
(d) Strong sunlight in the desert. (4) Strong sunlight in the desert.
3. Choose the option that lists the correct (a) option (1) (b) option (2)
answers for the following: (c) option (3) (d) option (4)
(1) The Sahara was quite a different place. It
was green. When was this? 5. The shortage of water is evident from the
(2) The monsoon shifted dramatically fact that:
southward again. When did this happen? (a) it never rains
(a) (1) 4000 years ago and (2) 5000 years (b) some people go through life without
ago experiencing rain
(b) (1) 6000 years ago and (2) 5000 years (c) people cannot recognise rain
ago (d) people do not know when will it rain
11. Pick the options that lists statements that 14. Based on the timeline of Helen Keller, choose the
are NOT TRUE according to the passage and option that lists the statements that are TRUE.
the timeline. (1) In 1909, Helen joined the Suffragist
(1) Despite losing her ability to see and hear, Movement, demanding the right to vote
Helen Keller observed things minutely. for the marginalized.
(2) After two years from her birth, Helen
(2) Anne Sullivan was the one who lost her sight and hearing.
introduced Helen Keller to Indian Sign
(3) Helen visited blind, deaf and disabled
Language. soldiers of World War I in military.
(3) Often Helen Keller desired the ability to (4) In 1964 Helen received Presidential
see and hear. Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest
(4) Helen Keller received her first formal civilian honor.
education in the year 1887. (a) (2) and (4) (b) (1) and (2)
(a) (3) and (4) (b) (1) and (3) (c) (2) and (3) (d) (3) and (4)
(c) (1) and (2) (d) (2) and (4) 15. Based on your understanding of the passage
and timeline, choose the option that lists the
12. The word ‘longing’ used in paragraph 4, correct timeline of the events in the life of
means same as: Helen Keller.
(a) wait (b) desire (1) Helen became a member of the freshmen
(c) hungry (d) believe class at Radcliffe College.
(2) With the help of the writer, Helen writes,
13. Looking at Helen Kellers’s achievements and
‘The story of my life’.
works in the year 1904, 1924 and 1943, it
(3) Helen and Anne begin their work with
can be said that she:
the American foundation of Blind.
(a) Worked for people with disability (4) Helen travels overseas and visits
(b) Acknowledged people with disabilities 37 nations.
(c) Encouraged people with disabilities (a) (1), (2), (3), (4) (b) (2), (1), (3), (4)
(d) Sympathized with disable people (c) (4), (3), (1), (2) (d) (1), (3), (2), (4)
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 36. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence: identify the right sequence:
P: Humans and machines have co-existed The principal said that
Q: dating back to the invention of P: those students
R: the potter's wheel in ancient Q: would not be permitted to enter
Mesopotamia R: who do not produce
S: at the physical level for millennia S: identity cards
The correct sequence should be: The correct sequence should be:
(a) RSPQ (b) PRSQ (a) RSPQ (b) RPSQ
(c) QRPS (d) PSQR (c) PRSQ (d) SRPQ
30. Choose the most appropriate option to 37. Choose the correct question tag for the
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ following sentence:
One girl can do it, ...............
To get under somebody’s skin
(a) can she? (b) can't she?
(a) To deceive someone
(c) can we? (d) No improvement
(b) To admire someone
(c) To annoy someone 38. Change the given sentence of active voice
(d) To support someone into passive voice. Select the appropriate
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
Did he remember the date and time?
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: (a) Are the date and time remembered by
Turn Topsy-Turvy
(a) To completely change something (b) Was he remembering the date and time
(b) To completely evaluate something
(c) Were the date and time remembered by
(c) To enjoy yourself greatly
(d) To exhaust yourself completely
(d) Did the date and time be remembered by
32. Choose the most appropriate option to him?
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: 39. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
A clarion call
(a) A trumpet call
Absence makes the heart grow fonder:
(b) An intimidating voice
(a) When things seem at their worst, they
(c) A strong request
may just begin to improve.
(d) An urgent order
(b) The finest things are hard to get.
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the (c) Everything that is attractive on the
underlined part of the sentence from the outside may not be really valuable
given options: inside.
I would like to avail a fifteen days' holiday (d) Our affection increases when we are
this summer. parted from our loved ones.
45. Choose the most appropriate option to 50. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: phrase:
All roads lead to Rome Took her heels
(a) Everything that is attractive on the (a) bent down
outside may not be really valuable inside. (b) ran off
(b) Information about unpleasant (c) kicked off her shoes
happenings spreads quickly. (d) rubbed her heels
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer (2) Having got hooked on the TV series, many
the questions that follow: young fans, hungry for more, took to the
original comic versions, which was just the
(1) In India, it began a decade ago when the
tip of the iceberg. Other children began
animated version of Manga called ‘Anime’
creating Manga art in their free time. The
began to broadcast. The style of animation
had distinct characteristics—a sharply lengthy storylines hooked other youngsters
stylised black and white format, minimal too. One of the youngsters started reading
dialogue, complex plots and characters, a Manga series on the Buddha and took
and extended storylines that could run on 13 years to complete it. He finally said
for months or thousands of pages. that apart from being drawn to it by its
700 Prehistory of Manga storyline, he fell in love with the art form.
1861 Manga's British Ancestor Arrives in (3) For publishers, this segment holds promise.
Japan Blaft’s best selling Indian title ‘Stupid Guy
1874 First Japanese Cartoon Magazine Goes to India’ was published in March this
1895 First Japanese Magazine for year and features Yamamastu trying to
Children Published run a tiny noodle soup stall in a Delhi slum.
1902 The 'Father of Manga' Publishes His The book illustrates the range of topics that
First Comic Strip Manga can tackle. The book sold 6,000
1907 First Children's Manga Magazine copies without much marketing going
Shonen Puck Launches into it. Next, Viz. Media, the US subsidiary
1931 Manga Pup Debuts and Merits of Japanese Manga, will launch in India
Mickey Mouse with 75 titles as the publishers feel that
1934 Tank Tankuro and the Rise of Robots the Indian market is ripe for a Manga
1935 Manga no Kurl, First Magazine Set takeover. As the Indian reader has already
Up to Train Cartoonists been initiated into Manga through the
1946 Debut of the Manga God cartoon series, many of the titles that the
1949 Dealing with Defeat US subsidiary will be bringing to India have
1953 Fighting Females and Girl Heroes been brought by parallel importers. While
1956 More Manga, More Often all these publishers agree that the Manga
1959 Manga's Punk Rock Movement comics and books will not be cheap, they
Takes Root are sure of selling them well, as there is a
1966 Sports Manga Takes Off very strong fan base existing here.
1 2
3 4
Balloon in ated to expand stent. Balloon removed from expanded stent.
Rate of any Cardiac Stent Procedure by Sex and Age Group 2009
Number of procedures per, 10,000 population
60 54
4 1
18 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 to 84 years 85 years and older
6. In the line “…inflating a tiny balloon into the (1) that it does not enter the body cavity
blood vessel” the word “inflated” DOES NOT (2) that it causes infection
mean: (3) that it results in hospitalisation
(a) swollen (b) punctured (4) that it requires a specialist’s opinion.
(c) filled (d) blown up (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
7. The passage explains angioplasty as: (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(a) a tiny balloon
10. Which of the following statements about the
(b) a plaque-laden artery procedure being a mixed bag is correct?
(c) blood vessel repair (a) Statistics reflect good figures
(d) bypass surgery (b) High success rate
8. What is the first step in an angioplasty? (c) Both positive and negative results
(a) Thin catheter being inserted into the (d) Not affordable
femoral artery.
III. Read the passage given below and answer
(b) A balloon being inflated in the heart. the questions that follow:
(c) A special dye being injected into the
(1) Research has shown that the human mind
(d) A healthy artery being removed from the can process words at the rate of about
calf. 500 per minute, whereas a speaker speaks
at the rate of about 150 words a minute.
9. Based on your understanding of the passage The difference between the two is 350
what does the author convey by stating that which is quite large. So, a speaker must
the procedure is less invasive? make every effort to retain the attention of
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer happiness vary widely both within and
among countries.
the questions that follow:
(3) Richer people tend to say that they
(1) Today, life satisfaction and happiness are are happier than poorer people; richer
central research areas in the social sciences, countries tend to have higher average
included in mainstream economics. happiness levels; and across time, most
(2) Social scientists often recommend that countries that have experienced sustained
measures of subjective well-being should economic growth have seen increasing
augment the usual measures of economic happiness levels. So evidence suggests
prosperity, such as GDP per capita, data that income and life satisfaction tend to go
and empirical evidence that might answer together (which still doesn’t mean they are
these questions. Surveys asking people one and the same). Important life events
about life satisfaction and happiness such as marriage or divorce affect our
measure subjective well-being with happiness but have surprisingly little long-
reasonable accuracy. Life satisfaction and term impact.
70% Georgia
1984 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014
Source: World Value Survey 2014.
11. The oldest set of cricket laws can be found 14. The matches between Australia and England
in: were titled the ‘Ashes’ followed by:
(a) at Lords (b) in Melbourne (a) an obituary in a newspaper read that
(c) at the Oval (d) in Sydney the ashes of the English cricket would be
taken to Australia.
12. How many overs are there in the One Day
International (ODI) games? (b) ash blowing into the air.
(a) 20 overs (b) 40 overs (c) another match played on a cremation day.
(c) 50 overs (d) 60 overs (d) England’s second defeat to Australia.
13. India won its first world cup in which of the 15. India beat which country to be the winner of
following years? the World Cup 2011?
(a) 1893 (b) 1983 (a) Sri Lanka (b) Australia
(c) 2011 (d) 2003 (c) Pakistan (d) New Zealand
23. Read the two sentences given below and 28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
choose the correct answer: sentence and choose the correct option to
(1) The word ‘dissemination’ means to hide identify the right sequence:
information. The knocking
P: were still in the house
(2) ‘Circulation’ is a synonym of
‘dissemination’. Q: for some time
R: although the echoes of it
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
S: ceased
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
The correct sequence should be:
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(a) SRPQ (b) SQRP
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(c) PQSR (d) RSPQ
24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
their respective meanings in column (B).
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
Column (A) Column (B) identify the right sequence:
(A) Fascinating (1) to talk in foolish way The history of mankind is
P: and steady progress
(B) Devoured (2) extremely interesting
Q: continuous change
(C) Drivel (3) sharply or shortly
R: the history of
(D) Curtly (4) to eat up greedily or S: from barbarism to refinement
The correct sequence should be:
(a) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4) (a) PQRS (b) RQPS
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2) (c) QSPR (d) SQRP
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) 30. Choose the most appropriate option to
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1) identify the meaning of the given idiom/
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
their respective meanings in column (B). Be over the hill
(a) To be on a mountain top
Column (A) Column (B) (b) To travel in the jungle
(A) Befitted (1) charity (c) To be too old to do things
(B) Alms (2) die (d) To do something in the most complete
(C) Wandered (3) apt
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
(D) Decay (4) stroll
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) phrase:
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(2) Bite your tongue
(c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4) (a) To stop yourself from saying something
(d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) because it would be better not to
(b) To bite off your tongue while eating
26. Select the word from the given options, you (c) To feel sorry
consider most appropriate for the blank
space: (d) To ask someone something that you
The car was damaged beyond repair in the
.................. accident. 32. Choose the most appropriate option to
(a) outrageous (b) ghastly identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(c) monstrous (d) heinous phrase:
45. Change the given sentence of active voice into 49. Fill in the blank with appropriate article.
passive voice. Select the appropriate option.
She is ............... honour to her profession.
The boys were digging a hole in the ground
(a) the (b) a
by the boys.
(a) A hole had been dug in the ground by the (c) an (d) no article
50. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
(b) In the ground, the boys dug a hole.
underlined part of the sentence from the
(c) A hole in the ground has been dug by the
given options:
(d) A hole was being dug by the boys in the Between Ram and his brother, Ram is the
ground. stronger and intelligent.
(a) Ram is the strongest and the most
46. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in
the blank: intelligent
Good sleep is necessary ........... good health. (b) Ram is stronger and more intelligent
(a) of (b) for (c) Ram is stronger and intelligent
(c) at (d) from (d) No improvement
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer for academic purposes has changed the
the questions that follow: face of education for everyone associated
(1) The present generation is well updated with it. Let’s look at the data arising out of
with the use of Internet and computers. The a recent survey that was done to ascertain
rapid development in computer technology the time spent on utilisation of the
and increase in accessibility of the Internet computer and Internet:
utilisation of utilisation of How of ten How of ten do you How of ten do you
computer for computer for do you use the Internet use the Internet
academic activities personal use use email? for work? for leisur e?
(2) At present, many schools and universities and the differences can cause problems.
have been implementing Internet-based The Net is a tremendous resource, but it
learning, as it supplements the must be used carefully and critically.
conventional teaching methods. The
Internet provides a wide variety of
references and information to academics
as well as scientific researchers. Students
often turn to it to do their academic
assignments and projects.
(3) However, research on the Net is very
different from traditional library research,
12. “…leading to tourism switching to new 14. Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of
the word ‘inevitable’:
places.” Pick the option in which the meaning
of ‘switching’ is NOT the same as it is in the (a) Mistakes are inevitable.
passage. (b) It is important to inevitable the burdens of life.
(a) The organization is switching the supply (c) He met inevitable to his demise.
of goods to new customers to increase (d) Shift in the work does not inevitable the
its sales. success.
(b) A couple of farmers are switching from
inorganic farming to organic farming in
15. Pick the option that CORRECTLY lists the
final feelings of the author in association
order to reduce soil erosion.
with the future of tourism:
(c) Switching off the unnecessary electronic
(1) Disappoint (2) Acceptance
items would save the electricity and
lower the expenses. (3) Sad (4) Desire
(d) Many UN Women conventions are (5) Hopeful
switching their campaigns from gender (a) (1) and (4) (b) (2) and (3)
equality to gender equity. (c) (1) and (3) (d) (2) and (5)
17. Choose the option that is opposite in 19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
meaning to the underlined word: given word:
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer comfort zone, we will feel a bit nervous
the questions that follow: but after we have done it over and over,
we feel more confident about it. In other
(1) Dealing with nervousness can sometimes
words, in order to feel less nervous about
be a difficult thing to do. When you feel
whatever is causing you to feel that feeling
nervous, you tend to lose control to some
of nervousness, you need more practice.
extent. You can start to shake and tremble
There is a difference between feeling
a bit or you can start to sweat and even
nervous because you aren’t prepared and
get a bit dizzy. It may seem like a bad
feeling excited because you’re anxious to
thing but this feeling that you experience is
show what you can do.
your body’s way of telling you something.
Nervousness is a signal to your mind that (4) We often get nervous because we are afraid
you need to get ready. It can sometimes be of what others might think of us. You don’t
mixed with the feeling of excitement as well. have to worry about that because more
often than not, people are too concerned
(2) There are many situations that can cause a
person to feel nervous. It can be a situation with their own selves to focus on your
where you are about to make a speech, faults. According to a study conducted on
appear for an interview or take an exam. All Americans, most of the people are afraid of
of these things can bring out the feeling of ‘public speaking’.
anxiety. It can make you stumble on your (5) What are you so afraid of?
words. It can cause you to make a fool out The problem is that we are our own
of yourself in public. It can freeze you up. It worst critics. American psychologist
can even cause you to turn around and go William James believes, “Human beings
back the path from where you came. by changing the inner attitudes of their
(3) However, there are ways and means by minds, can change the outer aspects of
which you can learn to control nervousness their lives.” Visualise yourself doing a great
and use it to your advantage. The first job. Visualise yourself getting the results
thing you need to do is understand the you want. Visualise receiving praise and
reason for your nervousness. Most of the appreciation. Visualisation and affirmations
times when you get anxious, it means that have the power of bringing about a
you aren’t as prepared as you think you positive change in your thought patterns.
should be. Often when it’s our first time Nervousness is something that can be
doing something that is outside of our dealt with practice as well as realising that
0% 5 10 15 20 25
1. According to the passage, one of the reasons 5. Based on the given graphical representation
for feeling nervous is the: of data in the passage, choose the option
(a) having an extrovert nature that lists the statements that are TRUE with
(b) lack of physical strength in a person respect to the fears of the Americans.
(c) problem of mood swings (1) Heights are the second most feared
things for Americans.
(d) lack of mental strength
(2) Claustrophobia is the only phobia that
2. Pick the option that lists the statements that makes it to the list of top fears.
are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
(3) 20% of the Americans are afraid of flying.
(1) There is only a single situation that can (4) Same per cent of the Americans fear
cause a person to feel nervous. ghosts and drowning.
(2) The problem that makes us nervous is the (a) (1) and (4) (b) (1) and (2)
fact that we are our own worst critics.
(c) (3) and (4) (d) (2) and (4)
(3) Most of the people are afraid of ‘height’
according to a study conducted on II. Read the passage given below and answer
Americans. the questions that follow:
(4) Nervousness is normal and it can happen (1) It is popularly believed that wireless
while any important activity. technology was created in the year 1880,
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (4) when Alexander Graham Bell and Charles
(c) (1) and (3) (d) (3) and (4) Sumner Tainter invented the telephone. In
that moment they changed the very course
3. The word ‘stumble’, as used in paragraph (2), of human civilisation. Today you would be
means the same as: hard-pressed to find an adult (or even a
(a) Fall (b) Stammer child) who does not have access to mobile
(c) Skip (d) Misspell technology.
(2) Wireless communication is the transfer
4. “The problem is that we are our own worst of information or power between two or
critics…..” The idea of being own worst critics, more points that are not connected by an
is mainly a reference to electrical conductor. The most common
(a) self-criticism (b) self-analyses wireless technologies use radio waves.
(c) self-confidence (d) self-interrogation With radio waves, distances can be short,
12. The third area of worry concerns 14. Who is the writer of the book ‘America’s
(a) Dipak Misra’s position as the master of Unwritten Constitution: The Precedents and
the roster. Principles We Live By’?
(b) The rejection by the government of the (a) Akhil Reed Amar (b) Akhil Reed
collegium’s recommendation of K.M. (c) Amar Reed Akhil (d) None of these
(c) The need for a systemic mechanism.
15. The first problem involves .......................... .
(a) the acceptance by the government
(d) How to deal with allegations of
corruption in the higher judiciary. (b) the rejection by the government
(c) the approval by the government
13. What did A.G. Noorani recently write in (d) none of the above
Frontline magazine?
38. Choose the alternative which best expresses 46. In the following question choose the correct
the meaning of the idiom/phrase. form of verb as your answer.
A death blow After I ............ a sound sleep, I felt fresh and
(a) to be nearly dead rejuvenated.
(b) to be deeply afraid of death (a) have (b) has
(c) to beat someone to death (c) having (d) had
(d) an action or event which causes
something to end or fail 47. Choose the part of the following sentence
that contains an error:
39. Choose the alternative which best expresses It was admitted by everybody that those
the meaning of the idiom/phrase. have their ups and down.
Coming events cast their shadows before. (a) It was admitted
(a) One's actions whether good or bad (b) by everybody
determine one's rewards or punishments. (c) that those have their ups and downs
(b) People can arrive at the same conclusion (d) No error
by different means.
(c) There are often early indications of 48. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the
future happenings. blank in the given sentence.
(d) A person with deficiencies finds excuses Neha is gentle, her sister ............ it.
for his lack of skill. (a) should have done (b) must have done
(c) should do (d) None of these
40. Choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word. 49. Choose the most suitable preposition.
REMORSE I am used ........... such hardships.
(a) Regret (b) Rebuke (a) to (b) at
(c) Repetition (d) Punishment (c) for (d) from
41. Choose the correct degree of adjectives. 50. Choose the word which is opposite in
(a) I'm not as intelligence as he is. meaning of the given word.
(b) I'm not as intelligence as him. MUNDANE
(c) I’m not intelligent than he. (a) Extraordinary (b) Regular
(d) I’m not intelligent than him. (c) Severe (d) Visionary
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer (3) However, for best results, this should
the questions that follow: be done in a safe and effective manner.
(1) Quitting smoking is extremely important For this, the World Health Organization
― the biggest reason is that smoking (WHO) and the United States Food and
affects nearly every organ of your body. Drug Administration (USFDA) have
But now, you have an even more immediate recommended using proven interventions
reason to kick the habit – COVID-19. While such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy
the novel Coronavirus can infect anyone, (NRT). To help smokers quit using the
smokers, in particular, are more prone to Nicotine Replacement Therapy, over-the-
fall victim to it. It causes extensive damage counter NRTs are easily available. And in
to various vital organs and systems of the India, Nicotex is one of the biggest brands
human body. However, the lungs continue in this category.
to remain one of the most affected organs. (4) Cigarette smoking and Covid-19 may be a
In smokers, the lung function is already deadly combination. In smokers, the above-
impaired, which makes it more difficult for mentioned health problems, coupled with
the body to fight off the coronaviruses. Also, COVID-19, may result in more serious
as per the newspaper reports “the act of health outcomes. The lung function in
smoking involves contact of fingers and lips smokers is already impaired, and so, as
and sharing of smoking products, which a lung infection, Covid-19 aggressively
facilitates the transmission of the virus. So, attacks their lungs, making the situation
even those who smoke sparingly are at risk worse or even resulting in a fatality.
of contracting COVID-19”. (5) As per WHO, “compared to non-smokers,
(2) While it’s crucial that everyone is saved from patients who are smokers tend to need
contracting Covid-19 in the first place, it’s more intensive care and ventilation”. Also,
equally important that we do all we can to fatality rates due to COVID-19 are higher
keep our lungs healthy in order to avoid the amongst people with chronic respiratory
worst effects of the pandemic. For smokers, disease. (Source: The Economic Times)
quitting smoking is an important part of this (6) A cross-sectional study was conducted
effort. Once you quit smoking, your body to evaluate whether the rate of daily
begins to repair the damage, and over time, smokers in patients with COVID-19 was
the risk of life-threatening health problems different to that in the French population.
attacking you reduces dramatically. The participants were COVID-19-infected
High blood 9 (15.3%) 7 (9.6%) 16 (12.1%) 84 (41.4%) 58 (42.3%) 142 (41.8%) 0.004
4 (6.8%) 3 (4.1%) 7 (5.3%) 54 (26.6%) 41 (29.9%) 95 (27.9%) <0.001
4 (6.78%) 6 (8.2%) 10 (7.6%) 28 (14.1%) 19 (14.1%) 47 (14.2%) 0.002
4 (6.8%) 1 (1.4%) 4 (3%) 34 (16.7%) 26 (19%) 60 (17.6%) <0.001
deficiency 2 (3.4%) 0 (0%) 2 (1.5%) 17 (8.4%) 10 (7.3%) 27 (7.9%) 0.381
Never 32 (54.2%) 45 (61.6%) 77 (58.3%) 111 (55%) 98 (72.1%) 209 (61.8%) 0.03
*Except for age, p value correspond to logistic regression models adjusted on age and sex
(8) The rate of daily smokers was significantly (c) smoking involves contact of body parts
lower in COVID-19 patients, as compared and sharing of products.
to that in the French general population (d) smoking is injurious to health.
after standardization by age and sex. The
cross - sectional study in both COVID-19
2. Pick the options that lists statements that
are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
out- and inpatients shows that daily
smokers rate in patients with symptomatic (1) Quitting smoking is suggested to keep
our lungs healthy in order to avoid the
COVID-19 is lower as compared to the
worst effects of the pandemic.
general population.
(2) Once you quit smoking, body begins to
1. According to the passage, one should quit repair life-threatening health problems.
smoking during the time of Coronavirus, (3) Fatality rates due to COVID-19 are lower
because: among people with chronic respiratory
(a) the lung function in smokers is good. disease.
(b) smoking makes it difficult for body to (4) Cigarette smoking and Covid-19 may be
fight coronavirus. a deadly combination.
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
given word: their respective meanings in column (B).
ABETTOR Column (A) Column (B)
(a) Accomplice (b) Adversary
(A) Gloomy (1) loose fitting
(c) Careless (d) Indolent
(B) Envisioned (2) visualise
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: (C) Sloppy (3) unadorned
ABNEGATION (D) Prosaic (4) causing sadness or
(a) Denial (b) Excess dull
(c) Yielding (d) Admittance
(a) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4)
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
given word: (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
DEVOUT (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
(a) passive (b) proficient
(c) profound (d) pure
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
their respective meanings in column (B).
21. Read the two sentences given below and
Column (A) Column (B)
choose the correct answer:
(1) ‘Mohan spelled out the word in the class’ (A) Sentence (1) lightly tough
is an active voice.
(B) Tickel (2) to obstruct
(2) ‘The ball was thrown away by the
neighbours’ is an active voice. (C) Hindering (3) punishment
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(D) Desperate (4) distressed
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. (b) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4)
22. Read the two sentences given below and (c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4)
choose the correct answer: (d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
(1) The opposite of prejudice is equality. 26. Select the word from the given options, you
(2) ‘Equality’ is synonymous to biasedness. consider most appropriate for the blank
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. space:
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. The dictator of that country was a monster
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. of wickedness, insatiable in his .............. for
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. blood and plunder.
Please don't give me any more, I have had 33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
.................. . underlined part of the sentence from the
(a) few (b) too little given options:
(c) little (d) enough It is high time that we did something.
(a) had done (b) do
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
(c) have done (d) No improvement
sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence: 34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
P: Farm workers (a) He asked me, “whether I had written my
Q: spend exercise”.
(b) He asked me, “whether I had written my
R: outdoors
S: most of their time
(c) He asked me, whether I had written my
The correct sequence should be: exercise?
(a) PQRS (b) PRQS (d) He asked me whether I had written my
(c) PQSR (d) RPQS exercise.
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence:
sentence and choose the correct option to ‘she called out angrily so you have been
identify the right sequence: hitting makhan again Phatik answered
P: Do you think indignantly no I have not who told you that’
Q: will Find out the correct option:
R: this soap (a) She called out angrily, so you have been
S: shrink woollen clothes? hitting Makhan again Phatik answered
indignantly. ‘No. I have not, who told you
The correct sequence should be:
(a) PQRS (b) PRQS (b) She called out angrily, So you have been
(c) QRPS (d) QPRS hitting Makhan again. ‘Phatik answered
indignantly. ‘No I haven't, who told you
30. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: (c) She called out angrily, ‘So you have been
hitting Makhan again?’ Phatik answered
Fair and square
indignantly. ‘No I haven't; who told you
(a) in an honest way that?’
(b) in a critical way (d) She called out angrily, ‘So you have been
(c) neither very good nor very bad hitting Makhan?’ Again Phatik answered
(d) in a foolish way indignantly, ‘No, I haven't. Who told you
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ 36. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
phrase: sentence and choose the correct option to
A red-letter day identify the right sequence:
(a) a trivial day P: Friendship has its place
(b) a very important or significant day Q: truth and justice
(c) a day of bloodshed and violence R: but it cannot override
(d) a mourning day S: in life
32. Choose the most appropriate option to The correct sequence should be:
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ (a) PQRS (b) RSPQ
phrase: (c) PSRQ (d) RQPS
41. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 48. Choose the alternative which best expresses
sentence and choose the correct option to the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
identify the right sequence: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
The poems and stories (a) People with similar interests and tastes
P: have been taken tend to group.
Q: for this book (b) It is better to accept the little we have
R: from a variety of sources than reject it hoping to get a lot later.
S: that have been selected
(c) Plans must not be altered at the wrong
The correct sequence should be: time.
(a) SQPR (b) RPQS
(d) Do not give a precious thing to someone
(c) QPSR (d) PQRS
who cannot value it.
42. Correct the sentence by changing the 49. Choose the alternative which best expresses
underlined word, if necessary.
the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
Between Ram and his brother, Ram is the
To face the music
stronger and intelligent.
(a) Ram is the strongest and the most (a) to be greeted rudely
intelligent. (b) to be offered warm hospitality
(b) Ram is stronger and more intelligent. (c) to enjoy a music programme
(c) Ram is stronger and intelligent. (d) to bear the consequences
(d) No improvement. 50. Fill in the blank with suitable question tag.
43. The ............... horse could run no further. One girl can do it, ..........................
(a) tired (b) tire (a) can she? (b) can't she?
(c) tiring (d) tireless (c) can we? (d) is she?
CUET (UG)-2024
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200
I. Read the passage given below and answer caste system. In the recent years, however,
the gap between the rich and the poor has
the questions that follow:
widened and placed India among the most
(1) India stands at a unique juncture in its unequal countries in the world.
history, with roughly half of its population
(4) For the first time, in a country of 1.3
between the age of 25 to 30. India is poised
billion people, there are around one
to become the country with the highest
billion SIMs. It is safe to assume that in
number of young people on the planet
most part of urban India, there are more
in less than five years. Despite attempts
SIMs than human beings. The Internet
by the ruling dispensation to impose
has transformed human society in a way
monolithic notions of ‘national unity’,
few could have imagined a decade and
India’s diversity remains one of its greatest
half ago. The Internet was meant to be
‘a universal commons’ (like the air we
(2) Among the biggest challenges confronting breathe) that would not just inform but
the country’s youth are a broken education also educate ordinary citizens. What has
system, lack of opportunities for decent changed in the last 25 years is that the
jobs and abysmal public healthcare Internet has come to be dominated by a
facilities. We are projected to provide the few giant conglomerates who want to
planet close to one out of five software control what we read, hear and watch.
engineers. However, certain demographers These corporates are clubbed together
believe we are home to the world’s most under the acronym FAAAAN – Facebook
undernourished, ill and illiterate in terms (including WhatsApp), Amazon, Apple,
of sheer numbers; we have more mobile Alphabet (the holding company of
phones than usable toilets. Google), Alibaba and Netflix.
(3) Young women and men in India (5) For people of India, the biggest challenge
understand that the flip side of diversity while accessing the Internet is to distinguish
is the deep divisions and inequalities that between truth and falsehood, fake news
exist. Divisions not only on the basis of age, and even between misinformation and
gender and sexual orientation but also disinformation – information is deliberately
class, ethnicity, region, religion and - last disseminated for political or commercial
but not the least – the most pernicious reasons despite being, untrue aka
system of discrimination of them all, the propaganda.