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English Educart CUET UG 2024 12 Mock Tests @exam - 0001

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English (101) CUET Official Papers & Mock Papers

CUET 2024 Focus Points 1
CUET 2023 Slot 3 Paper (Solved) 8
CUET 2022 Slot 2 Paper (Solved) 16
CUET 2022 Slot 1 Paper (Solved) 25
CUET 2022 Official Mock Test Paper (Solved) 34
Educart Mock Paper - 1 (Solved) 44
Educart Mock Paper - 2 (Solved) 54
Educart Mock Paper - 3 (Self-Assessment) 64
Educart Mock Paper - 4 (Self-Assessment) 71
Educart Mock Paper - 5 (Self-Assessment) 78
Educart Mock Paper - 6 (Self-Assessment) 85
Educart Mock Paper - 7 (Self-Assessment) 92
Educart Mock Paper - 8 (Self-Assessment) 99
Educart Mock Paper - 9 (Self-Assessment) 106
Educart Mock Paper - 10 (Self-Assessment) 113
Educart Mock Paper - 11 (Self-Assessment) 120
Educart Mock Paper - 12 (Self-Assessment) 127

Practice OMR Sheets 134

Active or good readers are the ones who are able to note the structure, or organisation of the text, and create
a mental overview or outline, while also identifying the text’s type. They are able to use their prior knowledge
to clarify the meanings of given words and phrases, predict about what might happen next and understand
ideas as they encounter them. Passive or poor readers, on the other hand, do not read with a specific purpose in
mind. They get stuck on words which confuse them and are not able to use their prior knowledge to understand
the text completely. So, it is important for the students to become active readers in order to score well in the
language section.

Tips and Tricks 4. Vocabulary can be derived from context

While having a good vocabulary is always an
Passages can be energy-sapping, information- advantage, do not let it bog you down. It is not
intensive, and mind-boggling at times! So, it is necessary to understand the meanings of all
important to bear a few things in mind while reading the words in the passage as meanings can be
questions to sail through smoothly. derived from the context as well.
1. Emphasize on the main ideas of the passage 5. Do the easy questions (MCQ) first and the
You just need to understand the main points of tougher ones later
the text without worrying about comprehending Focus on the ones that you can answer easily.
all the associated examples. While the details in a Go back to the tricky questions later. If you are
reading passage are important, don't get carried struggling with an incomprehensible question in
away with reading examples, illustrations, and the exam, make sure you have the patience to
so on. Being able to gauge the overall flow and leave that specific question for the end.
structure will help you analyse and answer the
6. The correct option always comes from within
the passage
2. Understand the overall flow of the text The right answer is always based on the
Getting a hang of the flow, organisational information given within the passage. Any of the
structure and the central idea of the passage options that are out of the scope of the passage
should be your main priority. Do not try to or one which requires you to know something
memorise the text as it will only waste your time from your background knowledge is never the
and confuse you. For factual or specific point correct answer.
questions, you can always re-read the passage.
7. Read the questions properly
3. Read the passage first and the questions later A passage may focus on one point for quite a bit
It is vital that you read the passage first and then of sentences and then change it towards the end
the questions. This will prepare you to focus on the with trigger words like 'but' or 'however'. This will
things you need to look for in the passage. Focus usually confuse readers who skim through the
only on the questions, and not on a particular part passage or rush through it. So, it is always better
of the passage to answer a question. to read the questions properly.

Discursive/Literary/Narrative Passage
A discursive/literary passage is one that has less ambiguity and talks about disconnected topics. These are often
based on a person’s opinion which is generally argumentative, persuasive, or interpretative, with open-ended
conclusions at times. Students arrive at a conclusion through reasoning and intuition which can be challenging
at times, as ideas may not have a logical connection to one another.

Example 1: To understand the various types of questions that can be asked in a Discursive/Literary/
Narrative passage.
Read the passage given below:
(1) Today I, Rabindranath Tagore, complete eighty years of my life. As I look back on the vast stretch of years
that lie behind me and see in clear perspective the history of my early development, I am struck by the
change that has taken place both in my own attitude and in the psychology of my countrymen - a change
that carries within it a cause of profound tragedy.
(2) Our direct contact with the larger world of men was linked up with the contemporary history of the English
people whom we came to know in those earlier days. It was mainly through their mighty literature that we

Comprehensions, Grammar and Vocabulary (Theory) Page 1

formed our ideas with regard to these newcomers to our Indian shores. In those days, the type of learning
that was served out to us was neither plentiful nor diverse, nor was the spirit of scientific enquiry very much
in evidence. Thus, their scope being strictly limited, the educated of those days had recourse to English
language and literature. Their days and nights were eloquent with the stately declamations of Burke, with
Macaulay’s long-rolling sentences; discussions centered upon Shakespeare’s drama and Byron’s poetry, and
above all upon the large-hearted liberalism of nineteenth-century English politics.
(3) At the time, though tentative attempts were being made to gain our national independence, at heart we
had not lost faith in the generosity of the English race. This belief was so firmly rooted in the sentiments of
our leaders as to lead them to hope that the victor would of his own grace pave the path of freedom for the
vanquished. This belief was based upon the fact that England at the time provided a shelter to all those who
had to flee from persecution in their own country. Political martyrs who had suffered for the honour of their
people were accorded unreserved welcome at the hands of the English.
(4) I was impressed by this evidence of liberal humanity in the character of the English and thus, I was led to
set them on the pedestal of my highest respect. This generosity in their national character had not yet
been vitiated by imperialist pride. About this time, as a boy in England, I had the opportunity of listening
to the speeches of John Bright, both in and outside parliament. The large-hearted, radical liberalism of
those speeches, overflowing all narrow national bounds, had made so deep an impression on my mind that
something of it lingers even today, even in these days of graceless disillusionment.
(A) Choose the option that best captures the
central idea of the passage from the given
““Jai Hind” “People are trapped
—Netaji Subhash in history and history
Chandra Bose” is trapped in them”
Theme-based question
—James Baldwin This question talks about the central idea of the
(1) (2) passage encapsulated within a quote. Students
have to understand the broader idea of the passage
“A nation’s culture “History is who we and choose from a set of quotes that best capture
resides in the hearts are and why we are the idea. Look for words which describe the entire
and in the soul of its the way we are.” passage in such questions.
people.” —David McCullough
—Mahatma Gandhi
(3) (4)
(a) (1) (b) (2)
(c) (3) (d) (4)

(B) What is the tone of the following context: Tone of the Passage
“…a change that carries within it a cause of This is a commonly tested question with a
profound tragedy”? pretty straightforward answer which requires
(a) boredom (b) pain and loss you to read the entire passage and understand
the intention of the writer behind writing it. Try
(c) tired (d) cheerful to absorb the emotion depicted in the passage
and then answer the question.

(C) Which of the following is relevant for the title Inference-based question
of the passage? This question asks you to think about the
(a) Proud to be Independent passage and see which is the most befitting
(b) Crisis of Civilisation title for it as a reader. For this, students must
(c) Happy Indians grasp the central idea and choose the most
(d) The Civilised Englishmen appropriate title from the ones given.

(D) Which of the following sentences makes the

correct use of “vanquished”, as used in the Vocabulary-based question
passage? In this, the different connotations of a particular
(a) The soldier successfully vanquished his word is asked. Do not worry if you do not know
the meaning of the word in such a question.
rivals. You will have to choose from a set of options,
(b) He tried to vanquish her fears. each set having two meanings of the word, with
(c) Be courageous to vanquish all evils. reference to the context.
(d) Vanquish your disease with this medicine.

Page 2 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(E) Tagore felt that Englishmen deserved his
highest respect because of .................... . Fact-based question
(a) their literature This question is also an idea present in the
(b) their open-minded humanity passage. Look for the facts which provide you
(c) their providing refuge to people confirmation of this information in the text.
(d) their modern outlook
Vocabulary-based question
(F) Which word in the passage is closest in It tests the meaning of a particular word. In such
meaning to ‘deep’? questions, do not panic if you do not understand
(a) perspective (b) profound the meaning of the word in the first instance.
(c) tragedy (d) psychology Use the method of elimination to arrive at the
correct answer.

(G) What do you understand from the line, “… Context-based question

attempts were being made to gain our It tests the understanding of the line in the
context of the passage. In such questions, it
national independence, at heart we had not
becomes critical for you to understand what
lost faith in the generosity of the English the writer is trying to say in the entire passage
race”? rather than skimming through certain portions
(a) Indians didn’t lose faith in the English of it. Sometimes information can be present in a
slanting manner using words such as ‘but’ and
(b) English race was selfish ‘however’. Read the passage with a calm mind
(c) Englishmen were full of words and then decide the meaning of the line from
(d) Indians were fighting against generosity the context.

(H) Choose the option that correctly states the Vocabulary-based question
meaning of ‘liberal humanity’ as implied in It tests the comprehension of a vocabulary item
again which you need to skim out from the
the passage: passage. Look for the portion of the passage
(a) Bondage which contains the idea and read the entire
(b) Freedom of choice sentence to get a deeper understanding of the
meaning of the idea ‘liberal humanity’ being
(c) Knowledge of humanity and society conveyed. Then choose the option closest to it
(d) All of the above while answering such a question.

Fact-based question
(I) The terms ‘large – hearted’ and ‘radical This is a direct question about one of the ideas
liberalism’ are used for: conveyed in the passage. Look for the portion
in the passage with the keywords or the
(a) Macaulay (b) John Bright synonyms of those keywords mentioned in
(c) Shakespeare (d) Byron the question. From there, you will obtain your

(J) What is the message conveyed in the last Theme-based question

paragraph of the passage? This question is about the message conveyed
(a) Lack of generosity in the English people through the passage and requires a holistic
grasp of the ideas conveyed through the
(b) Liberalism of the English passage. Re-read the last paragraph of the
(c) Loss of humanity passage and choose the option which is the
(d) Loss of Indian pride most appropriate in such questions.

Ans. (A) (c) (3)

Explanation: In this passage, the author doesn’t talk about patriotism. So, (a) cannot be the answer.
Rabindranath Tagore also doesn’t talk about the history of mankind. Hence, (b) & (d) are also not the
answers. The answer here is (c) as in this passage Rabindranath Tagore tells us how Indian culture was
influenced by the mannerism and speeches of the White people.
(B) (b) pain and loss
Explanation: In the above passage, the change that Rabindranath Tagore talks about is the change
in culture and lifestyle of the Indian people since the arrival of the British. He feels that this change
is heartbreaking and is no less than a tragedy. He is not bored or tired. Nor is he cheerful. These lines
show his anguish. Hence, (b) is the correct answer.

Comprehensions, Grammar and Vocabulary (Theory) Page 3

(C) (b) Crisis of Civilisation
Explanation: The passage is not about independence (a) or the Indian People (c). In this passage,
Rabindranath Tagore expresses his agony over the cultural changes that have come around in Indian
culture due to colonial rule. He calls this as no less than a tragedy that the real flavour of Indian
civilisation has been lost. Hence, the answer here is (b).
(D) (a) The soldier successfully vanquished his rivals.
Explanation: Vanquish means to defeat. All the sentences given above refer to defeating either
the enemy (a), fears (b), evils (c) or disease (d). But in the passage vanquished is used to refer to the
defeated side in the war of independence. Hence, (a) is the correct answer.
(E) (b) their open-minded humanity
Explanation: Rabindranath Tagore tells us that whatever the people in those days got to know
about the English was through their literature. And whatever we learned from them was thought to
be modern. All this and the acceptance of fleeing political leaders from other countries made people
think that the British were open minded and hence, deserved the highest respect. So, (b) is the correct
(F) (b) profound
Explanation: Perspective is a point of view or attitude. Tragedy (c) is a mishap, Psychology (d) is mental
status. Profound (b) represents intensity or depth of something. Hence, (b) is the correct answer.
(G) (a) Indians didn’t lose faith in the English
Explanation: Tagore earlier in the passage tells us that Indian people had developed a great sense of
respect for the English. When the struggle for independence started they couldn’t forget the generosity
of the English and with that in heart, Indian leaders thought that the generous nature of the British
would win them freedom. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
(H) (b) Freedom of choice
Explanation: The term 'liberal humanity' refers to the idea that human beings are free and have rights
for themselves. Here, (b) depicts the similar meaning. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
(I) (b) John Bright
Explanation: Macaulay, Shakespeare and Byron all were great writers and poets of their time and
people enjoyed their writings. In the last paragraph of the passage, Tagore writes that he was greatly
influenced by the radical liberalism of the English leaders. Towards the end of the paragraph he writes
that he had the opportunity of hearing the speeches of John Bright, both inside and outside the
parliament. Hence the answer here is (b).
(J) (b) Liberalism of the English
Explanation: The whole passage is about how the generosity and liberalism of the English fascinated
the Indians and even influenced the independence struggle. In the first paragraph Tagore writes about
the loss of Indian pride at the hands of the British. In the last paragraph, he writes how their liberalism
influenced his own mind and thoughts. Therefore (b) is the answer.


NTA has decided to include Grammar and Vocabulary elements in competition and entrance exams to test
students' overall understanding of English concepts. This is also relevant for the upcoming CUET entrance to be
held pan - India.
As per the guidelines and syllabus given by NTA, the two portions will be covering the following:
1. Verbal Ability
2. Rearranging the parts
3. Choosing the correct word
4. Synonyms and Antonyms
5. Word meanings
We will cover each type of topic here for the students to understand how they are applied and what type of
MCQs will be asked in Section 1A of the CUET paper on these topics.

Page 4 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

1. Verbal Ability (Grammar)
Verbal Ability is defined as the ability to express ideas using words in a coherent and clear manner. The
verbal ability sections form the major chunk in the competitive exams require good sentence-forming skills
to do well. Verbal ability questions are more confusing than they are tough. The 4 options provided appear
so similar that elimination of options usually becomes difficult. The candidate is supposed to have the
knowledge of exceptional cases apart from the basics.

For CUET (UG)-2024, we will be explaining, all possible MCQ types in detail that can be asked in the
Verbal ability category.
Example 3:
Select the option that correctly justifies the
authoritative tone of the concluding portion of
an angry resident letter by you on the ‘children Statement Combination (MCQ type)
begging on the streets’ issue. This is a new style of MCQ nowadays asked in
1. I expect the authorities to take stern action on various school boards. Here, two statements
are given and the student is expected to apply
this issue.
their critical evaluation skills.
2. I hope my views get passed on to the concerned Understanding the keywords in the sentence
authority. and the essence of it, to identify the apt
(a) Option (1) is the authoritative conclusion statement and correlation between statements
(if any).
(b) Option (2) is the authoritative conclusion
Focus on the choice of connecting or action
(c) Option (1) and (2) are both authoritative words used in the sentence and identify if there
conclusions is a connection.
(d) None of the two options are authoritative
Ans: (a) Option (1) is the authoritative conclusion
Explanation: (c) Clearly, option (1) is very authoritative and dominating in tone. It doesn’t feel like a request.
However, option (2) is more polite and requesting than option (1). Hence, (a) is the only right answer.
Example 4:
In the following question, out of the given four Idioms (MCQ type)
alternatives, select the alternative which best Idioms will be asked too and this is a typical
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. example of an expected MCQ. An idiom is a
phrase that has a non-literal meaning attached
“To add fuel to the fire” to it, but used to convey something indirectly.
(a) To aggravate some matter It is usually not understandable based on the
words within the phrase alone.
(b) To increase the simplicity
To answer such MCQs, prior knowledge of
(c) To add more self-doubt having heard of that idiom is very helpful.
(d) Purest form of water Example: “Break a leg” which means “good luck,
give a good performance”.
Figuring out the indirect meaning and
identifying the option that has the closest
resemblance to that meaning is also a method
but slightly difficult.
Ans: (a) To aggravate some matter
Explanation: The idiom 'to add fuel to the fire' means to make an already bad situation worse. ‘Aggravate’
means to catalyse something and ‘matter’ is a generic meaning of ‘a situation’. Other options aren’t
related. Therefore, the correct meaning of the given idiom is 'to aggravate some matter'.
Example 5:
Punctuation (MCQ type)
Which of the following sentences has the correct
punctuation marks about C.M.? Punctuation is the right use of stops, pauses or/
and various marks; to make the meaning of a
(a) The bridge was inaugurated by the C.m.. sentence or passage clear and correct. These
(b) The bridge was inaugurated by the c.m. types of MCQs are relatively easy to answer
(c) The bridge was inaugurated, by the C.M.. if the basics are clear. In the upcoming CUET
(UG)-2024 paper, such MCQs could also be
(d) The bridge was inaugurated by the C.M. asked.
Ans: (d) The bridge was inaugurated by the C.M.

Comprehensions, Grammar and Vocabulary (Theory) Page 5

Explanation: Although any sentence should end in a full stop but in this case, we do not use a full stop
(.) after abbreviations. Also, ‘C.m.’ is a wrong form of abbreviation and the sentence should start with a
capital letter. Hence, (d) is the correct one.

2. Rearranging the parts (Grammar)

As the name suggests, rearranging the parts refers to re-arranging a bunch of phrases to form a complete
sentence. Students need to identify the correct order. The topic from which the jumbled lines are picked is
miscellaneous and students do not need to have any prior knowledge of the topic to rearrange the lines.
Let’s jump on to a simple example below to understand better.
Example 6:
Rearrange these lines labelled P, Q, R and S to
produce the correct sentence. Rearrangement (MCQ type)
P: is one of the most widely used indicators This MCQ type may also be asked in the exam.
Q: of ecosystems and their biodiversity The simple trick to answer this type of question
correctly is to first look for a starting line which
R: for assessing the condition should be beginning with a capital letter,
S: The conservation status of plants and animals followed by a line that makes most sense as
(a) SPRQ a follow-up (try fitting in all the other 3 lines
with the first line to identify which makes most
(b) SRQP sense). Carry on until the last line and you will
(c) QRPS easily come up with the right sequence.
(d) PQRS
Ans: (a) SPRQ
Explanation: This is a pretty straightforward MCQ type and not much is needed to explain. The order of
remaining options (b, c, d) cannot make a meaningful sentence. Thus, (a) is the right answer.

3. Choosing the correct word (Grammar)

Fill-in-the-blank-type questions differ from the other question types, in that they require recollection skills. In
‘Fill in the blanks’ (aka sentence completion), candidates are given an incomplete sentence with one or more
words missing and four options. The candidates are required to choose the right option (word/set of words)
to fill the gaps and make the sentence whole. For this a student should read the given sentence carefully and
understand the crux and logical structure of the sentence. This will enable him/her to determine the kind of
word that is required to fill the blank based on the context. Let us understand better from the example given
Example 7:
Select the word from the given options that you Fill In the Blank (MCQ type)
consider most appropriate for the blank space. This type of MCQ will definitely be asked in the
“Since they are, ............... they do not sweat and CUET (UG)-2024 exam as it tests your ability to
whine about their condition.” apply the right use of word(s) within sentences
(a) happy to sum up the mood, trait or behaviour of the
subject. The best way to answer these MCQs
(b) self-contented is to visualise the word(s) that will fit in and
(c) egoistic identify the closest option to that (or those)
(d) cold-hearted

Ans: (b) self-contented

Explanation: The words ‘do not’ suggest that the subject does not make too much of a fuss. This line
suggests that the subject is satisfied with its condition. The subject is ‘content’ with what it has. ‘Egoistic’
or ‘cold-hearted’ is a negative outlook and ‘happy’ is too positive to suit the condition. Hence, (b) is the
correct answer.

4. Synonyms and Antonyms (Vocabulary)

Antonyms and Synonyms are asked very frequently in most government and entrance exams. These types
of questions test your vocabulary acumen and memory. An antonym is a word that has the opposite
meaning to a given word. On the other hand, a synonym is a word that has the same meaning as a given

Page 6 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Example 8:
Antonym Synonym (MCQ type)
Select the option that fits with the following: These types of MCQs will be asked in either
Slouching: straight :: ............ : ............ as one word, an underlined word within a
(a) Transparent : translucent sentence or the relationship between two
words as given in this particular example.
(b) Lazy : agile You have to make sure you first identify if the
(c) Forgetful : lively question is asking for a synonym or antonym.
(d) Generous : liberal Then eliminate the other 3 options one by one
and conclude on the closest option.
Ans: (b) Lazy: agile
Explanation: Slouching means to bend at an angle, which is opposite of straight. So the concept used
here is that of opposite words. The words lazy and agile are opposite to each other in the same way as
slouching and straight are. Hence (b) is the right answer.
Also, remember ‘translucent’ in option (a) here means partially transparent (‘opaque’ is the opposite word).
That was a tricky option.

5. Word Meanings (Vocabulary)

A robust vocabulary improves all areas of communication — listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Vocabulary is critical to a student’s success because it helps students think and learn about the world,
expands their knowledge of words and provides unlimited access to new information. So what does it
mean to know a word and how should one approach a question demanding the same? “Knowing” a word
means : understanding its basic meaning (denotation) and also any evaluative or associated meaning it has
(connotation). Let us understand this with the help of an example:
Example 9:
Match the words listed in column (A) with their
meaning in column (B).
Column (A) Column (A)
Match the Following (MCQ type)
A. Disfigured 1. be foolish These are vocabulary questions where
purely meaning of words will be tested. Prior
B. Witless 2. think deeply
knowledge of all words is not necessary as the
C. Scurried 3. spoil the appearance concept of elimination can be easily applied.
Pick the most familiar or easy combination
D. Contemplating 4. move hurriedly with first, then eliminate options which do not
short steps provide that combination. Identify another
such combination to narrow down to 1-2
(a) A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
options only.
(b) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
(c) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
(d) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
Ans: (c) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
Explanation: In this question, ‘scurried’ means to move quickly, which is similar to 4. Next, 'disfigured’
means to mess up the structure, which connects it well to spoil the appearance. Keeping this in mind, the
option (c) is the only correct combination.

Comprehensions, Grammar and Vocabulary (Theory) Page 7

(15th June, 2023, Slot-3)

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions:
 For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
 40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-5): Read the following 2. Why can’t teenagers get enough sleep?
passage and answer the question that follows: (I) early start at school
Your body is almost two-thirds water, so staying (II) lot of work at school
hydrated is important. Teenagers should aim (III) lot of homework everyday
to drink six to eight glasses of water per day, (IV) busy with friends
according to the British Nutrition Foundation. That
Choose the correct answer from the options
number increases for teens who engage in sports
given below:
or are especially active. Other good sources of
fluid include 100 percent fruit juice and low–fat (a) (I), (II), (III) and (IV)
milk. Sugary and caffeinated drinks should be (b) (I) and (III) only
limited or eliminated from the diet completely as (c) (I), (III) and (IV) only
they provide excess sugar and empty calories. (d) (II), (III) and (IV) only
According to the Cleveland Clinic, teenagers
need at least nine hours of sleep each night to
3. Young people need to do the following in
order to get a nine hour sleep:
function at their best during the day. It sounds
easy enough, but with early school start times, (I) switch off electronics before bedtime.
late afternoon practices and hours of homework, (II) switch off all electronics for the night.
getting enough sleep can be a challenge. Set a (III) find quiet time before bedtime.
regular bedtime that allows for nine hours of (IV) find a quiet time & place to sleep.
sleep before you have to get up for school. You Choose the correct answer from the options
should also plan for at least an hour of “quiet time” given below:
prior to bedtime. The goal is for all electronics to
(a) (II) and (III) only
be turned off for the night s++o that the brain
and body relax. Ouiet time may involve listening (b) (I), (II), (III) and (IV)
to soothing music or reading a book. (c) (II), (III) and (IV) only
(d) (I), (II) and (III) only
1. Sports persons need to stay hydrated. They
should drink enough: 4. Choose the heading that best explains the
(a) water and 100% fruit juices two sections in the text given:
(b) water, milk, coffee (I) Watch your beverage intake
(b) water, juice, tea and coffee (II) Eat right, sleep tight
(d) sugary and caffeinated drinks as well as (III) If you don’t snooze, you lose
enough plain water (IV) Making time for friends

Page 8 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Choose the correct answer from the options 7. According to the passage, which of the
given below: following DOES NOT help in reducing stress
(a) (I) and (III) only (b) (I) and (II) only during an interview?
(c) (II) and (III) only (d) (II) and (IV) only (a) The behaviour of the interviewer.
(b) Timing of the interview.
5. Match List-I with List-II. (c) The ability of the interviewer to
intimidate the candidate.
List-I List-II
(d) The ability of the interviewer to convey
(A) Modal (I) to be eliminated information to the candidate.
8. Choose a word from the passage that is
(B) Adjective (II) should be closest in meaning to the following word
eliminated “Unwelcome”.
(C) Adverb (III) sugary, (a) formal (b) frequently
caffeinated (c) forbidding (d) venue
9. According to the passage which of the
(D) Passive (IV) electronics to following details is often overlooked while
voice be turned off conducting interview?
Choose the correct answer from the options (a) Age of the candidate
given below: (b) Candidate’s attire
(a) (A)-(I), (B)-(III), (C)-(II), (D)-(IV) (c) Choice of venue
(b) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV) (d) Dietary preference of the candidate
(c) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(IV), (D)-(III) 10. Which of the following could be a suitable
(d) (A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(IV), (D)-(III) title for the passage?
Directions (Q. Nos. 6-10): Read the following (a) How to conduct an Interview
passage and answer the questions that follow: (b) How to give an Interview
Conducting an interview should be like painting (c) An Introduction to Interviews
by numbers if you are properly prepared. (d) How to get a Job
Consider the various aspects of the interview that Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) Read the following
benefit from early preparation. Some of these passage and answer the questions that follow:
may seem obvious, but if left until the candidates Learning the Queen's English is like scrubbing
are at the door, they can have a negative effect off the bright red varnish from your toenails, the
on the process. A checklist will help to make morning after a dance. It takes a long time and
sure everything is planned and some of the less there is always a little bit left at the end, a stain
obvious considerations remembered. or red along the growing edges to remind you
Frequently overlooked is the choice of venue of the good time you had. So, you can see that
and its layout; this can effect the atmosphere of learning came slowly to me. On the other hand,
the interview and how candidates respond. The I had plenty of time. I learned your language in
room can be feet forbidding, formal, relaxed or an immigration detention centre, in Essex, in the
cosy, depending on how the furniture is arranged southeastern part of the United Kingdom. Two
and how the interviewers behave towards the years, they locked me in there. Time was all I had.
candidates. But why did I go to all the trouble? It is because
Interviewing can be stressful for candidates of what some of the older girls explained to me
and interviewers alike, so take account of this in to survive, you must look good or talk even better.
the timing of the interview behave towards the The plan ones and the silent ones, it seems their
candidates, developing skills in how to question paperwork is never in order. You say, they get
and supply information to candidates will repatriated. We say, sent home early.
smooth the flow and help interviewers improve The Other Hand is the story of a young woman
their performance. Of course, question technique, who flees conflict in her home village in the oil-
active listening and observation skills benefit rich region of southern Nigeria. She makes her
managers in other areas of their work, too. The way to the UK as an illegal immigrant and is
way in which the interview is ended also has an detained for a long period of time at an immigrant
effect on the candidates and may well effect detention centre near London. When she finally
whether the desired candidate decides whether gets out, she seeks out the only two people she
to accept the offer of employment or reject it. knows in England, whom she met on a Nigerian
beach during a life-changing event a few years
6.Who is the intended audience of the passage? before. Will she be able to find them and if so will
(a) Job applicants (b) Students they help her? And if not, will she survive in her
(c) Teachers (d) Interviewers newly adopted country as an immigrant?

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2023 Page 9

11. What is meant by ‘Queen’s English’ in the (a) She would have survived in England.
text given? (b) She would have been repatriated.
(I) Good, formal English (c) She would have stayed longer in detention.
(II) Fluent, vernacular English (d) She couldn’t have gone back home easily.
(III) English as spoken in the UK 16. Which of the following can be called Gerund?
(IV) Good formal American English (I) Stop playing.
Choose the correct answer from the options (II) I love to go hunting.
given below: (III) Kids are sleeping.
(a) (I), (II) and (III) only (IV) Seeing is believing.
(b) (I), (II) and (IV) only (V) They are smoking outside.
(c) (I) and (II) only Choose the correct answer from the option
(d) (I) and (III) only given below:
12. ‘The Other Hand’ is the story of Nigerian (a) (I), (II) and (III) only
woman who: (b) (I), (II) and (IV) only
(I) lived in a village in Southern Nigeria. (c) (II), (III), (IV) only
(II) was detained in Southern Nigeria. (d) (I), (II), (III), (IV) only
(III) learnt English while in detention. 17. Rearrange the following segments to make
(IV) was an illegal immigrant in the UK. a meaningful sentence:
Choose the correct answer from the options (I) at the progress India has made in the
given below: field of nuclear research
(a) (I), (II) and (III) only (II)  the prime minister looked back with
(b) (I), (III) and (IV) only satisfaction
(c) (II) and (III) only (III) will have to accept India as a nuclear
(d) (I), (II) and (IV) only
(IV)  and asserted that sooner or later the
13. Match List-I with List-II. big powers
Choose the correct answer from the options
List-I List-II given below:
(a) (II), (I), (IV), (III) (b) (II), (IV), (I), (III)
(A) Oil rich (I) To survive in the (c) (II), (III), (IV), (I) (d) (I), (II), (IV), (III)
region UK
18. Choose the correct homonym pair:
(B) Immigration (II) Southern (a) Career-Carrier
detention Nigeria (b) Birth-Berth
(c) Confident-Confidant
(C) Speaking (III) Southeastern (d) Eligible-Illegible
good English part of the UK 19. Choose the sentence that has the correct
preposition in it:
(D) Inability to (IV) To get
speak good repatriated (a) They will return with fifteen minutes.
English (b) The students came onto the classroom.
(c) Susheel works on the office every
Choose the correct answer from the options weekend.
given below:
(d) Radha will not be able to reach within
(a) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(IV), (D)-(I) half an hour.
(b) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(IV), (D)-(III)
(c) (A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
20. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.
(d) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV) You are ................ gem of ................ person.
(a) an, the (b) a, the
14. Learning Queen’s English is described using (c) a, a (d) the, the
a metaphor which is:
21. Choose the part of the following sentence
(a) to learn to survive
that contains an error:
(b) a stain of red along the greasing edges
If a company sends its employees abroad to
(c) scrubbing off the bright red varnish from
work for a foreign client, they pays them a
your toenails
daily allowance.
(d) learning comes slowly
(a) If a company
15. What does the author suggest, would have (b) Sends its employees abroad
happened if she hadn’t learnt the Queen’s (c) To work for a foreign client, they
English? (d) Pays them a daily allowance

Page 10 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

22. Change the given sentence of active voice into Choose the correct answer from the options
passive voice. Select the appropriate option. given below:
The Prime-Minister was giving the speech. (a) (II), (III) only
(a) The speech was given by the Prime- (b) (I), (II), (III) only
(c) (II), (III), (IV) only
(b) The speech was being given by the
(d) (I), (IV) only
(c) The speech was been given by the Prime- 28. Choose the part of the following sentence
Minister. that contains an error:
(d) The speech had been given by the Prime-
Ranjeeta does not usually prefer staying
at cottages, but last winters she spent few
23. On the passing ............... of his grandfather,
I sent him a bouquet of flowers and a days in one.
condolence card. (a) Ranjeeta does not usually
(a) over (b) into (b) Prefer staying at cottages
(c) by (d) away (c) But last winters
24. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the (d) She spent few days into one
blank in the given sentence:
29. Rearrange the following parts of a sentence
................ you please show me the way to
to make a meaningful sentence:
(I) Could (II) Will (I) can lead to
(III) Should (IV) Can (II) a moment of fun
Choose the correct answer from the option (III) life long scar
given below: (IV) and merriment
(a) (I) and (IV) only (V) and repentance
(b) (II) only Choose the correct answer from the options
(c) (III) only given below:
(d) (I) only (a) (II), (IV), (V), (I), (III)
25. Identify the correct ones: (b) (II), (I), (III), (IV), (V)
(I) go-went-gone (c) (III), (I), (II), (IV), (V)
(II) bring-brought-brought (d) (II), (IV), (I), (III), (V)
(III) mistake-mistook-mistook *30. Match List-I with List-II.
(IV) steal-stole-stole
(V) take-taken-taken List-I List-II
Choose the correct answer from the option
given below: (A) Apple of (I) All of a sudden
one’s eye
(a) (I), (II), (III) only
(b) (I), (II), (IV) only (B) To be all (II) Not able to
(c) (I), (II) only ears hear well
(d) (I), (II), (III), (IV) only
(C) Out of the (III) Loved dearly
26. Rearrange the jumbled phrases to form a blue
meaningful sentence:
(D) Hard of (IV) To be very
(I) devastated the city hearing attentive
(II) and flooded many homes
(III) when the tornado Choose the correct answer from the options
(IV) it was a beautiful day given below:
Choose the correct answer from the option Options:
given below: (a) (A)-(III), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)
(a) (III), (II), (I), (IV) (b) (IV), (III), (I), (II)
(b) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II)
(c) (IV), (III), (II), (I) (d) (III), (I), (II), (IV)
(c) (A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(II)
27. Identify the sentence that have ‘adjectival (d) (A)-(III), (B)-(II), (C)-(IV), (D)-(I)
(I) She dance skilfully. 31. From the options given below, select the one
(II) She is a skilful dancer. closest in meaning to ‘Agile’:
(III) That was a thoughtful act. (a) Needle (b) Nimble
(IV) He acted thoughtfully. (c) Name sake (d) Weak
*Note: The options are modified in the question to suit the answers as two options were same and the correct answer was not given.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2023 Page 11

32. Match List-I with List-II. (c) She didn’t do that, didn’t she?
(d) They will come, will they?
List-I List-II
39. Choose the part of the following sentence
(A) Ad interim (I) Meanwhile that contains an error:
The most important feature of our products
(B) Carte (II) According to are that they are all created by hand.
blanche law (a) The most important feature
(b) of our products are that
(C) De jure (III) Mixture (c) they are all
(d) created by hand
(D) Pot Pourri (IV) Full freedom of
action *40. Mark the sentences which have ‘adverbs’.
(I) The machine works very well.
Choose the correct answer from the options
(II) She is a skillful worker.
given below:
(III) He seldom visits his parents.
(a) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(I)
(IV) He speaks really well.
(b) (A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
(c) (A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(II), (D)-(I) Choose the correct answer from the options
given below:
(d) (A)-(I), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)
(a) (II), (III), (IV) only (b) (I), (III), (IV) only
33. Out of given options choose a word that (c) (III), (IV) only (d) (I), (IV) only
can be used as an adjective as well as an
adverb. 41. Pick a word that means the same as ‘readable’:
(a) good (b) well (a) Legible (b) Washable
(c) hand (d) hardly (c) Praise worthy (d) Edible
34. Choose the word that denotes one that is in 42. From the given options, select the word that
a war - like mood: means the opposite of ‘dexterous’.
(a) Veteran (b) Virtuoso (a) Simple (b) Distant
(c) Belligerent (d) Bohemian
(c) Clumsy (d) Distant
35. Choose the incorrect homonym pair:
43. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the
(a) Bale-Bail (b) Caste-Cast blank:
(c) Access-Excess (d) Ail-Ale
It was a challenge to ............... a response
36. From the given options, choose the one that from the prisoner.
rightly explains the following idiom: (a) illicit (b) licit
To call a spade a spade (c) elicit (d) ellicit
(I) To speak rudely
44. Match List-I with List-II.
(II) To speak directly
(III) To speak diplomatically List-I List-II
(IV) To speak frankly
(A) Cortege (I) A poem of
Choose the correct answer from the option
given below: lamentation on the
(a) (II) only death of someone
(b) (II) and (IV) only loved and admired.
(c) (II), (III), (IV) only (B) Elegy (II) A funeral procession
(d) (I), (II), (III) only comprising
37. Choose the sentence that has the incorrect a number of
preposition in it: mourning.
(a) The train is running off time.
(C) Obituary (III) An account in the
(b) It has been five years since I have seen newspaper about
my mother.
the funeral of a
(c) Sheela left for the station an hour ago.
(d) Vineet studied till 1 am for his upcoming
exam. (D) Epitaph (IV) Words inscribed on
38. Choose the correct question tag. the grave/tomb in
(a) He said that, didn’t he? the memory of the
(b) He said that, did he? one buried.
*Note: The options are modified in the question to suit the answers as two options were same and the correct answer was not given.

Page 12 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Choose the correct answer from the options (a) on (b) in
given below: (c) off (d) with
(a) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
48. Choose the part of the following sentence
(b) (A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
that contains an error:
(c) (A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(II), (D)-(I)
(d) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV) It is the quarter to ten by my watch.
(a) It is the (b) quarter to ten
45. From the given options, select the word that (c) by my watch (d) No error
is opposite in meaning to ‘Excruciating’:
(a) Sophisticated (b) Modern 49. From the given options, select the one which
(c) Noisy (d) Mild is opposite in meaning to the given word:
46. Which of the following sentences uses an empathy
article INCORRECTLY? (a) original (b) insensitivity
(a) They cannot be trusted even a bit. (c) kindness (d) stubbornness
(b) What is a time of your arrival? 50. Choose the correct question tag for the
(c) He is a strange person. following sentence:
(d) There are no friends in the room.
You are a real piece of work, ............... ?
47. Take your gloves ............... before shaking (a) aren’t you? (b) isn’t you?
someone’s hand. (b) weren’t you? (d) are you?

NTA CUET (UG) 2023
1. (a) water and 100% fruit juices 6. (d) Interviewers
Explanation: The passage mentions that Explanation: The passage provides guidance
staying hydrated is important and recommends regarding interview preparation and conduct,
sources of fluids for teenagers, especially those stressing the significance of thorough planning
who are active. and a number of factors that interviewers
2. (b) (I) and (III) only should take into account.
Explanation: With early school start times, late 7. (c) The ability of the interviewer to intimidate
afternoon practices and hours of homework, the candidate.
getting enough sleep can be a challenge. Explanation: The behaviour and the ability
3. (a) (II) and (III) only to supply questions to the candidates create
Explanation: To get a nine-hour sleep, an impact on the candidate. The more warm
the passage suggests switching off all the treatment candidates receive, the more stress-
electronic gadgets for the night and finding free they feel.
quiet time before bedtime. 8. (c) forbidding
4. (b) (I) and (II) only Explanation: The passage mentions that the
Explanation: These headings encompass both room's layout and furniture arrangement can
the need for proper hydration (watch your affect the atmosphere of the interview, making
beverage intake and eating right) and the it feel forbidding (unwelcoming) or more
importance of getting adequate sleep (sleep relaxed, depending on these factors.
tight) for teenagers.
9. (d) Choice of venue
5. (b) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV) Explanation: The passage highlights that
Explanation: The phrase "should be eliminated" the choice of venue and its layout can affect
aligns with the modal "should.”; Adjectives the atmosphere of the interview and how
describe nouns, and in this case, the adjectives candidates respond, still it is overlooked.
"sugary" and "caffeinated" are used to describe
the noun "drinks"; Adverbs often describe 10. (a) How to conduct an Interview
how an action is performed, and in this case, Explanation: This title accurately reflects the
"completely" is used to describe the manner in main theme of the passage, which is about the
which something is to be eliminated. preparation and conduct of interviews.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2023 Page 13

11. (a) (I), (II) and (III) only Explanation: In this sentence, "within" is used
Explanation: In the text, "Queen's English" correctly to indicate a specific time frame, i.e.,
refers to the form of English as spoken in the half an hour.
UK, which is associated with formal, fluent, 20. (c) a, a
proper and vernacular English usage.
21. (c) To work for a foreign client, they
12. (b) (I), (III) and (IV) only Explanation: The subject "they" is not the correct
Explanation: The Nigerian woman in "The pronoun to refer to "a company." It should be "it"
Other Hand" is an illegal immigrant in the UK, since "a company" is a singular entity.
who lived in a village in Southern Nigeria. She 22. (b) 
The speech was being given by the
learned English in a detention centre, in Essex, Prime-Minister.
in the southern part of the UK.
Explanation: In the passive voice, the object of
13. (d) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV) the active voice sentence becomes the subject,
Explanation: As per the passage, the woman and the original subject becomes the agent
belonged to the oil-rich region of southern (performer of the action) with "by" before it.
Nigeria. The immigration detention centre was 23. (d) away
located in southeastern part of UK. In order to Explanation: On the ‘passing away of ’ is a
survive, one needs to speak good English and common expression to refer to someone's
the inability to speak good English, one may death. The other options are not suitable for
get repatriated. this context.
14. (c) scrubbing off the bright red varnish from 24. (a) (I) and (IV) only
your toenails Explanation: These two options are both
Explanation: The metaphor used to describe appropriate for making a polite request, while
learning Queen's English in the passage is "will" and "should" would not be suitable in this
"scrubbing off the bright red varnish from your context.
25. (c) (I), (II) only
15. (b) She would have been repatriated. Explanation: The third form of mistake should
Explanation: In the passage, it is mentioned be mistaken. For steal, the third form should be
that "The plain ones and the silent ones, it stolen and for take, it should be taken.
seems their paperwork is never in order. You 26. (b) (IV), (III), (I), (II)
say, they get repatriated."
Explanation: The correct sentence is- It was
16. (b) (I), (II), (IV) only a beautiful day when the tornado devastated
the city and flooded many homes.
Explanation: "playing", "hunting" and "seeing"
are gerunds because they denote the acts of 27. (a) (II), (III) only
playing, hunting and seeing, respectively and Explanation: "She is a skilful dancer." -
function as noun. "skilful" is an adjectival phrase modifying the
noun "dancer." "That was a thoughtful act." -
17. (a) (II), (I), (IV), (III)
"thoughtful" is an adjectival phrase modifying
Explanation: The correct sentence is: (II) The the noun "act."
Prime Minister looked back with satisfaction (I)
at the progress India has made in the field of 28. (c) But last winters
nuclear research (IV) and asserted that sooner Explanation: The word "winters" should be "winter"
or later the big powers (III) will have to accept to make the sentence grammatically correct.
India as a nuclear power. 29. (d) (II), (IV), (I), (III), (V)
18. None of the option is correct. As no two Explanation: The correct sentence is: A
words are spelt the same in the given moment of fun and merriment can lead to a
options. life-long scar and repentance.
(b) Birth-Berth is a homophone. 30. (b) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II)
Explanation: Homophones are word that Explanation: Apple of one’s eye means
sound the same but have different meanings. someone who is loved dearly, to be all ears
Homonym are words that have same spelling means to be very attentive and listen carefully,
and pronunciation but different meanings. out of the blue means all of a sudden and hard
"Birth" and "berth" are homophones. "Birth" of hearing means not able to hear well.
refers to the process of being born, while
"berth" is a fixed bunk on a ship, train, or other
31. (b) Nimble
means of transport. Explanation: "Nimble" and "agile" both describe
the capacity to move swiftly and effortlessly,
19. (d) Radha will not be able to reach within half and they are frequently used synonymously in
an hour. a variety of situations.

Page 14 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

32. (d) (A)-(I), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(III) 40. (b) (I), (III), (IV) only
Explanation: Ad interim is a Latin word which Explanation: Adverbs refers to a word or phrase
means in the meantime or meanwhile, carte that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or
blanche is a French word which means full other adverb or a word group, expressing a
freedom of action, de jure is also a Latin word relation of place, time, circumstance, manner,
meaning by right or according to law, pot pourri cause, degree, etc. The words very, seldom and
is also a French word which means mixture. really are adverbs in the given sentences.
33. (b) well 41. (a) Legible
Explanation: The adjective "legible" is used to
Explanation: "hand" is used as a noun, "good" characterise something that is simple to read
as an adjective, and "hardly" as an adverb. As or comprehend, usually in reference to written
an adjective and an adverb, "well" can be used. or printed text.
34. (c) Belligerent 42. (c) Clumsy
Explanation: An individual or thing that is Explanation: "Dexterous" describes a person
"belligerent" is hostile and prone to fights or who is skilled and proficient at doing tasks
acts that resemble war. that call for coordination and precision.
Conversely, "clumsy" describes someone who
35. None of the option is correct. As no two is uncoordinated and unskillful.
words are spelt the same in the given options.
43. (c) elicit
(c) Access-Excess is an incorrect homophone. Explanation: "To elicit" is to get from someone
Explanation: Homonyms are any two a response, piece of information, or emotional
or more words that have the same response.
pronunciation and spelling but distinct 44. (a) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
meanings. Homophones are any two words
that have the same pronunciation but 45. (d) Mild
different spelling and meaning. The ability Explanation: The meaning of excruciating
to approach or enter a location is referred is extremely painful, the word ‘mild’ is not
to as access. An amount of something that is exactly opposite to excruciating but extremely
beyond what is required, allowed, or desired is opposite to mild.
is referred to as excess. They both mean 46. (b) What is a time of your arrival?
different and are also spelt and pronounced Explanation: The correct sentence should be:
different, hence they are neither homophone "What is the time of your arrival?"
nor homonym.
47. (c) off
36. (b) (II) and (IV) only Explanation: "Off" is the right option since it tells
Explanation: It means to speak plainly without you to take off or remove your gloves, which is
avoiding unpleasant or embarrassing issues. the proper thing to do before shaking hands.
37. (a) The train is running off time. 48. (a) It is the
Explanation: The sentence should be corrected
Explanation: The correct preposition in this
to say "It is a quarter to ten" instead of "the
context should be "out of" instead of "off." So
quarter to ten."
the sentence should be: "The train is running
out of time." 49. (b) insensitivity
Explanation: The capacity to put oneself in
38. (a) He said that, didn't he?
another person's shoes, feel and share their
Explanation: The question tag "didn't he" emotions, and be sensitive to their feelings and
is appropriate in this context to confirm the experiences is known as empathy, whereas
statement made by "He said that." as if a insensitivity means lack of feelings or empathy
sentence is affirmative, we add a negative for another person.
question tag to it and vice-versa.
50. (a) aren't you?
39. (b) of our products are that Explanation: To make a sentence interrogative,
Explanation: The subject "feature" is singular, a negative question tag with the same tense
so it should be followed by the singular verb of the helping verb is added to an affirmative
"is," not the plural "are." sentence and vice-versa.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2023 Page 15

CUET (UG)-2022
(18th August, 2022, Slot-2)

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions:
 For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
 40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.

Read the passage carefully and answer 2. Why did the banker feel that capital
questions from 1 to 6: punishment is more moral than life
It was a dark autumn night. The old banker imprisonment?
was pacing from corner to corner of his study, (a) execution brings an instantaneous end
recalling to his mind the party he gave in to the life of the offender and prevents
the autumn fifteen years before. There were prolonged suffering and trauma
many clever people at the party and much (b) execution allows the offender to have
interesting conversation. They talked among alast sumptuous meal
other things of capital punishment. The
(c) execution draws the attention of the
guests, among them not a few scholars and
journalists, for the most part disapproved of society of the offender
capital punishment. They found it obsolete as (d) execution allows the offender to pray
a means of punishment, unfitted to a Christian
3. From the passage it becomes clear that the
State and immoral. Some of them thought
discussion and concern was primarily over
that capital punishment should be replaced
universally by life-imprisonment. the validity of:
(a) corporal punishment at schools
“I don’t agree with you,” said the host. “I myself
have experienced neither capital punishment (b) getting marooned in an island
nor life-imprisonment, but if one may judge a (c) capital punishment
priori, then in my opinion capital punishment (d) punishment of any kind
is more moral and more humane than
imprisonment. Execution kills instantly, life- 4. Capital punishment is highly debated across
imprisonment kills by degrees. Who is the more the world because it:
humane executioner, one who kills you in a few (a) takes away the property of the criminal
seconds or one who draws the life out of you (b) takes the criminal away from his family
incessantly, for years?” (c) denies the prisoner all his or her
“They’re both equally immoral,” remarked one fundamental rights to education
of the guests, “because their purpose is the (d) denies and takes away from the criminal
same, to take away life. The State is not God. It his or her fundamental right-to live
has no right to take away that which it cannot
give back, if it should so desire.” 5. Why did a guest feel that both capital
1. The season in which the narrator punishment and life-imprisonment are
remembered the party he had given fifteen equally-immoral?
years ago was: (a) Because the Jury is often unfair
(a) summer (b) spring (b) The media does not allow the jury to
(c) winter (d) autumn pronounce a judgement at place

Page 16 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(c) Most democratic governments shelter schools. Instead they were usually held in
hardened criminals someone’s house and were taught by a very
(d) Because the purpose of both the well educated house wife. The children were
punishments is to deny the offender the also taught good behaviour and a Christian
right to live way of life. These were the most important
part of the education. He then went to
6. Maths List-I with List-II. grammar school, where he had to attend
school from 6 in the morning to 5 at night. In
List-I List-II grammar school he was taught by a private
usher. The grammar school used in horn-book
(A) The banker (I) disapproved and the alphabet as a tool and for the basis
is of Capital of Elizabethan education. William’s life was
punishment pretty strict. He had to be polite and do a lot
of chores around the house. Shakespeare’s
(B) The party (II) the host of the
school consisted of five full days and one half
was party day each week. He spent between 40 and 44
organised weeks of the year at school. That means he
(C) Most of (III) is the spent about 2,000 hours in school each year,
the guests pronouncement of which is double the amount of time we spend
in school.
who were a death sentence
scholars by a jury for 7. One of the most well known quotes by
and an unaccusable William Shakespeare is........... .
journalists crime (a) “to be not to be”
(D) Capital (IV) in an autumn (b) “to bee not to be”
punishment fifteen years ago (c) “to be or not to be”
Choose the CORRECT answer from the (d) “too be or not to be”
options given below:
8. From the given options select the one which
(a) (A) – (II), (B) – (IV), (C) – (I), (D) – (III)
is CORRECT according to the passage.
(b) (A) – (IV), (B) – (II), (C) – (III), (D) – (I)
“Christian way of life” as mentioned in the
(c) (A) – (I), (B) – (II), (C) – (III), (D) – (IV)
passage would mean.
(d) (A) – (II), (B) – (III), (C) – (IV), (D) – (I)
(a) Validating the crusades or wars fought in
[Note: Question has been modified to get the
the name of religion
(b) Holding the bible as the only source of
Read the passage carefully and answer
questions from 7 to 12: valid knowledge
The significance of William Shakespeare “To be (c) Leading a moral life and respecting
or not to be” is one of William Shakespeare’s values that protect and promote life and
most well-known quotes. It is part of his society
famous play Hamlet. Shakespeare is one of (d) Watch films made only by Christian film-
the most easily identified poem writers. He makers only
is known for his incredible writing style. He
expressed this using iambic pentameter which 9. From the given options choose the one which
would mean each line has 10 symbols, and is CORRECT according to the passage.
they would all go in a pattern. He invented (a) Shakespeare was known only as a great
almost 1,700 common English words and Nordic Lyricist.
phrases that we use today. (b) Shakespeare’s incredible writing style
William Shakespeare was born on April 26, includes the use of iambic pentameter.
1564 in the Shakespeare family home on (c) Shakespeare is a character of a great
Henley Street, Stratford-upon-Avon. Mary and English Drama.
John Shakespeare were William Shakespeare’s
(d) Shakespeare never used the famous
mother and father. He was the third child of
eight. However, the first two were daughters iambic pentameter.
who died before he could remember. John 10. From the options given below select the one
Shakespeare sold farm products and wool. which is CORRECT according to the passage.
Both Mary and John Shakespeare had a high
position in the community and had roles in “Petty schools” which Shakespeare himself
their community. As a kid, William Shakespeare attended were?
was sent to the highest level of elementary (a) Schools run by the English Government.
education at a school which was called Petty (b) Formal Schools run by the rich theatre
School. These schools were not like today’s guilds in England.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 17

(C) School that were held in someone’s to comply with the instruction but hurled
house and were taught by a very well the passenger out of the lift. This, of course,
educated housewife. was carrying a comment on manner too far.
(D) School held in neighbourhood farms Discourtesy is not a legal offence, and it does
and taught by the wives of the English not excuse assault and battery. If a burglar
nobels. breaks into my house and I knock him down,
the law will acquit me, and if I am physically
11. Match List – I with List – II. assaulted, it will permit me to retaliate with
reasonable violence. It does this because the
List-I List-II burglar and my assailant have broken quite
definite commands of the law, but no legal
(A) Hamlet is a (I) Home of
system could attempt to legislate against bad
manners or could sanction the use of violence
Shakespeare against something which it does not itself
(B) Henley (II) Common recognize as a legally punishable offence. And
street, english words whatever our sympathy with the lift-man,
Stratford- that were we must admit that the law is reasonable. It
upon-Avon is invented would never do if we were at liberty to box
people’s ears because we did not like their
the by William
behaviour, or the tone of their voices, or the
scowl on their faces. Our fists would never be
(C) Private usher (III) Taught William idle, and the gutters of the city would run with
Shakespeare in blood all day.
the grammar I may be as uncivil as I may please and the
school law will protect me against violent retaliation.
I may be haughty or boorish and there is no
(D) 1,700 (IV) Play written
penalty to pay except the penalty of being
by William
written down an ill-mannered fellow.
Choose the CORRECT answer from the 13. From the given options select the one which
options given below: is true and CORRECT according to the
(a) (A) – (IV), (B) – (I), (C) – (III), (D) – (II) passage.
(b) (A) – (IV), (B) – (III), (C) – (II), (D) – (I) The term “discourtesy” means that we are:
(c) (A) – (I), (B) – (II), (C) – (III), (D) – (IV) (a) lovely, pretty and cute
(d) (A) – (II), (B) – (IV), (C) – (I), (D) – (III) (b) strange and ridiculous
(c) sad and unhappy
12. From the options given below, select the one
which is CORRECT according to the passage. (d) fail to be polite with others by not saying
simple courteous words like “please” and
We can assume while reading the passage
that as a child William Shakespeare’s life “thank you”
was not all fun and games because: 14. From the passage it may be concluded that
(a) He had to attend school for over 40 often we invoke violent reaction from other
hours every week along with attending quiet like the young lift-man in a city office
to household chores and learning to be who threw a passenger out of the lift due to
polite. our own:
(b) He had to attend the English parliament
(a) bad manners, impolite behaviour
as a child member.
(b) patient and kind attitude
(c) He was Queen Elizabeth’s personal
assistant as a child. (c) generosity and decency
(d) He was the head of Eton. (d) day dreams
[Note: Question has been modified to get the 15. The young lift-man in the passage by
answer.] throwing the man out of the lift had
Read the passage carefully and answer committed a:
questions from 13 to 18:
(I) Heinous crime worth a capital
The young lift-man in a city office who threw punishment.
a passenger out of his lift the other morning
(II) Religious sin that only a holy pilgrimage
and was fined for the offence was undoubtedly
can atone.
in the wrong. It was a question of ‘Please’.
The complainant entering the lift, said, ‘Top’. (III) Grammatical error that cannot be
The lift-man demanded ‘top-please’ and this corrected.
concession being refused he not only declined (IV) An offence provoked by bad manners.

Page 18 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Choose the CORRECT answer from the 19. From the given options select the rightly
options given below: spelt word.
(a) (I) only (b) (II) only (a) Pariferal (b) Perripharal
(c) (III) only (d) (IV) only (c) Peripheral (d) Peryferal
16. The passage mentions ''This of course, was 20. From the given options select the rightly
carrying a comment on manners too'': spelt word.
What do you think is the CORRECT (a) Disseminate (b) Dicceminate
explanation of this expression? (Choose the
(c) Disaminate (d) Disiminate
correct option)
(I) The comment could be heard a mile 21. From the given options select the rightly
away from the city office. spelt word.
(II) Loud speakers were used to carry the (a) Opproximately (b) Approximately
sound of the commit to far thing places.
(c) Aproxemately (d) Aprroxemately
(III) Placing undue importance on social
manners. 22. From the given options select the rightly
(IV) Manners are to become our staple food. spelt word.
Choose the CORRECT answer from the (a) Centemprary (b) Cantemporary
options given below: (c) Contemporary (d) Kontemporary
(a) (I) only (b) (II) only
(c) (III) only (d) (IV) only 23. From the given options select the one which
can rightly substitute the given expression.
17. From the given select one of the options The study of Human mind and behaviour is:
which is CORRECT according to the passage
(a) Sociology (b) Philology
and explain the following:
(c) Physiology (d) Psychology
Burglary unlike bad-manners is a legal
offence because 24. From the given options select the one which
(a) Discourtesy is not a legal offence but can rightly substitute the given expression.
burglary is. Handwriting which is difficult or impossible
(b) Bad manners are serious legal offence to read is:
but burglary is not a crime at all.
(a) Illegible (b) Illogical
(c) Democratic societies remit burglary as
(c) Irrational (d) Edible
(d) No sane and well educated adult is ever 25. From the given options select the one which
rude. can rightly substitute the given expression.
18. Match List – I with List – II. A book that contains information on various
List-I List-II (a) Dictionary (b) Novel
(A) Man is thrown (I) did not say (c) Thesaurus (d) Encyclopedia
out of the lift “please” to
because he the lift-man
26. From the given options select the one which
can rightly substitute the given expression.
(B) Discourtesy (II) is not a legal A person interested in the study of coins and
offence medals.
(C) Law cannot (III) against rude (a) Numismatist (b) Numerologist
punish behaviour (c) Medallist (d) Idealist
27. From the given options select the one which
(D) Uncivil, (IV) can provoke is similar in meaning to the given word.
impolite violent
and rude reaction in
(a) Semblance (b) Semantics
behaviour people
(c) Strict (d) Stringy
Choose the CORRECT answer from the
options given below: 28. From the given options select the one which
(a) (A) – (IV), (B) – (I), (C) – (II), (D) – (III) is similar in meaning to the given word.
(b) (A) – (I), (B) – (II), (C) – (III), (D) – (IV) RESCUE
(c) (A) – (III), (B) – (I), (C) – (IV), (D) – (II) (a) Command (b) Help
(d) (A) – (II), (B) – (IV), (C) – (III), (D) – (I) (c) Restrict (d) Hinder

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 19

29. From the given options select the one which 37. From the given options select the one which
is similar in meaning to the given word. is opposite in meaning to the given word.
CANDID Apprentice
(a) Explore (b) Appeal (a) Novice (B) Expert
(c) Shine (d) Frank (c) Hungry (D) Naive
30. From the given options select the one which 38. From the given options select the one which
is similar in meaning to the given word. is opposite in meaning to the given word.
(a) Celebrate (b) Tribute
(a) Smart (B) Intelligent
(c) Abide (d) Grateful
(c) Compassionate (D) Opaque
31. From the given options select the one that
carries the same relation as: 39. From the given options select the one that
Demolish: Construct rightly explains the given expression.
(a) Courageous: Cowardly A man of straw
(b) Absurd: Ridiculous (a) a man of no substance
(c) Submissive: Humble (b) man who sells straws
(d) Blemish: Tarnish (c) a worthy fellow
[Note: Question has been modified to get the (d) a straw doll
40. From the given options select the one that
32. From the given options select the one that rightly explains the given expression.
carries the same relation as: to leave someone in the lurch
Deficient: Surplus : : (a) to argue with someone
(a) Wrath: Anger (b) Extravagant: Frugal (b) to desert someone in his difficulties
(c) Valiant: Brave (d) Unique: Rare (c) to comfort someone
33. From the given options select the one that (d) to annoy someone
carries the same relation as:
41. From the given options select the one that
Provoke: Incite : :
rightly explains the given expression
(a) Transient: Permanent
‘at the eleventh hour’
(b) Eradicate: Eliminate
(a) at the vary last moment
(c) Advance: Deteriorate
(b) every now and then
(d) Abolish: Restore
(c) before the sun reaches the highest point
34. From the given options select the one that in the sky
carries the same relation as: (d) late in the evening after the sun has set
Commence: Initiate : :
(a) Proficient: Incompetent 42. From the given options select the one that
(b) Candid: Sly rightly explains the given expression.
(c) Curious: Eager to get into hot waters
(d) Delicious: Tasteless (a) to get into trouble
(b) to be dishonest
35. From the given options select the one word
(c) to suffer from stomach pain
which is opposite in meaning to the given
word. (d) to be confused
Alleviate 43. Rearrange the given jumbled groups of
(a) Remove (b) Dissolve words to make a meaningful sentence.
(c) Intensify (d) Surprise (I) a temple you must
[Note: Question has been modified to get the (II) take off your shoes
(III) at the entrance
36. From the given options select the one which (IV) whenever you go to
is opposite in meaning to the given word. Choose the CORRECT answer from the
Deception options given below:
(a) Falsehood (B) Scholarship (a) (II), (I), (III), (IV) (b) (III), (II), (I), (IV)
(c) Monstrous (D) Honesty (c) (I), (IV), (III), (II) (d) (IV), (I), (II), (III)

Page 20 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

44. Rearrange the given jumbled groups of (a) (I), (II), (III), (IV) (b) (III), (I), (IV), (II)
words to make a meaningful sentence. (c) (I), (IV), (II), (III) (d) (II), (I), (III), (IV)
(I) some of the improvised fabric and
garments 47. From the given options, select the Figure
(II) are displayed in the main pavilion of Speech (Poetic Device) used in the
(III) sales in the domestic market expression.
(IV) to facilitate export and to improve Betty Botter bought some bitter butter
Choose the CORRECT answer from the (a) Alliteration (b) Simile
options given below: (c) Oxymoron (d) Pun
(a) (II), (III), (IV), (I) (b) (I), (III), (IV), (II)
48. From the given options, select the Figure
(c) (IV), (III), (I), (II) (d) (I), (II), (III), (IV) of Speech (Poetic Device) used in the
45. Rearrange the given jumbled groups of expression.
words to make a meaningful sentence. Both wry with laboured ease of loss
(I) a lot of travel delay (a) Personification (b) Oxymoron
(II) and lack of good management (c) Simile (d) Pun
(III) on the part of the railways
(IV) is caused due to the inefficiency 49. From the given options, select the Figure
of Speech (Poetic Device) used in the
Choose the CORRECT answer from the
options given below:
(a) (I), (IV), (II), (III) (b) (III), (I), (II), (IV) My alarm clock yells at one ‘to get out of my
(c) (IV), (I), (III), (II) (d) (IV), (II), (III), (I)
(a) Pun (b) Simile
46. Rearrange the given jumbled groups of (c) Personification (d) Oxymoron
words to make a meaningful sentence.
(I) a book he will lend 50. From the given options, select the Figure
(II) you will never get it back of Speech (Poetic Device) used in the
(III) if you lend him expression.
(IV) it to someone else and The dust settled like a falling veil.
Choose the CORRECT answer from the (a) Simile (b) Metaphor
options given below: (c) Personification (d) Pun

CUET (UG) 2022

1. (d) autumn 4. (d) denies and takes away from the criminal
Explanation: In paragraph 1, it is clearly his or her fundamental right-to live
mentioned in the line ‘recalling to his mind Explanation: Capital punishment is highly
the party he gave in the autumn fifteen years
debated across the world because for the
criminals, it takes away his or her fundamental
2. (a) 
execution brings an instantaneous end rights-to live. The sentence ordering that an
to the life of the offender and prevents offender be punished in such a manner is
prolonged suffering and trauma
known as a death sentence.
Explanation: In paragraph 2, the banker said
that, ‘Execution kills instantly, life-imprisonment 5. (d) 
Because the purpose of both the
kills by degrees.' These lines denote that the punishments is to deny the offender the
banker felt that capital punishment was more
right to live.
moral than life imprisonment.
Explanation: A guest felt that both capital
3. (d) punishment of any kind punishment and life-imprisonment are equally
Explanation: From the passage it is clear that immoral “because their purpose is the same,
the discussion and concern was primarily over
to take away life. The State is not God. It has
the validity of ‘punishment of any kind’. The
discussion was majorly on capital punishment no right to take away that which it cannot give
and life-imprisonment. back, if it should so desire”.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 21

6. (a) (A) – (II), (B) – (IV), (C) – (I), (D) – (III) Explanation: Discourtesy means rude and
Explanation: The correct match is option (a) inconsiderate behaviour but according to the
because the banker is the host of the party, the passage, the term “discourtesy” means that
party was organised in an autumn 15 years we fail to be polite with others by not saying
ago and most guests disapproved of capital simple courteous words like “please” and
punishment. “thank you”.
14. (a) Bad manners, impolite behaviour
7. (c) “to be or not to be”
Explanation: From the passage it may be
Explanation: In paragraph 1, it is clearly
concluded that often we invoke violent
mentioned that “To be or not to be” is one
reactions from others, like the young lift-man
of William Shakespeare’s most well-known
in a city office who threw a passenger out of
the lift due to our own bad manners, impolite
8. (c) Leading a moral life and respecting values behaviour, as we hurt the other person’s self-
that protect and promote life and society respect. The lift-man just wanted some respect
from the passenger.
Explanation: “Christian way of life” as
mentioned in the passage would mean, 15. (d) (IV) only
leading a moral life and respecting values that
Explanation: The young lift-man in the
protect and promote life and society.
passage by throwing the man out of the lift
9. (b) 
Shakespeare’s incredible writing style had committed an offence provoked by bad
includes the use of iambic pentameter. manners.
Explanation: In paragraph. 1, the correct 16. (c) (III) only
answer is clearly mentioned by these lines,
Explanation: The passage mentions “This of
He is known for his incredible writing style. He
course, was carrying a comment on manners
expressed this using iambic pentameter which
too”, is ‘placing undue importance on social
would mean each line has 10 symbols, and
manners’ because the lift-man just wanted
they would all go in a pattern.
respect from the passenger. The passenger did
10. (c) School that were held in someone’s house not say “please” to the lift-man.
and were taught by a very well educated
17. (a) Discourtesy is not a legal offence but
burglary is.
Explanation: “Petty schools” were not like
Explanation: According to the passage,
today’s schools. Instead, “Petty schools” which
burglary, unlike bad-manners, is a legal offence
Shakespeare himself attended were schools
because bad manners are not punishable
that were held in someone’s house and were
under law but burglary is a crime.
taught by a very well educated housewife.
11. (a) (A) – (IV), (B) – (I), (C) – (III), (D) – (II) 18. (b) (A) – (I), (B) – (II), (C) – (III), (D) – (IV)
Explanation: It is mentioned in the passage Explanation: The narrator wanted to buy
that Hamlet is the play written by William albums from his favourite band. It is mentioned
Shakespeare, Henley street, Stratford-upon- in the second paragraph. "When I was about
Avon is the home of William Shakespeare sixteen years old, I wanted to buy albums of
and that he invented almost 1,700 common my favourite bands, but I did not have any
English words and phrases that we use today. money".
Hence, (a) is the right answer. 19. (c) Peripheral
12. (a) 
He had to attend school for over 40 Explanation: The correct spelt word is
hours every week along with attending to ‘Peripheral’.
household chores and learning to be polite. Peripheral means connected with the outer
Explanation: We can assume while reading the edge of a particular area or not as important
passage that as a child William Shakespeare’s as the main aim, part, etc. of something.
life was not all fun and games because his life
was pretty strict. He had to be polite and do a 20. (a) Disseminate
lot of chores around the house. Shakespeare’s Explanation: The correct spelt word is
school consisted of five full days and one-half ‘Disseminate’.
day each week. He spent between 40 and 44 Disseminate means to spread information,
weeks of the year at school. That means he knowledge, ideas etc. so that it reaches as
spent about 2,000 hours in school each year, many people as possible.
which is double the amount of time we spend
in school. 21. (b) Approximately
13. (d) fail to be polite with others by not saying Explanation: The correct spelt word is
simple courteous words like “please” and ‘Approximately’.
“thank you” Approximately means about or roughly.

Page 22 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

22. (c) Contemporary Courage means bravery, even in the face of
Explanation: The correct spelt word is difficulty or pain.
‘Contemporary’. Coward means a person who has no courage
Contemporary means of the present time or and is afraid in dangerous or unpleasant
modern. situations.

23. (d) Psychology 32. (b) Extravagant: Frugal

Explanation: ‘Psychology’ is the scientific Explanation: The words Deficient and Surplus
study of the mind and behaviour. Psychologists are antonyms. If we review the options, the
are actively involved in studying and correct antonym words are Extravagant:
understanding mental processes, brain Frugal.
functions, and behaviour. Extravagant means spending or costing too
much money.
24. (a) Illegible
Frugal means using only as much money or
Explanation: Handwriting which is difficult or
impossible to read is ‘Illegible’. Illegible means food as is necessary.
it's unreadable. The word illegible (adjective) is 33. (b) Eradicate: Eliminate
often used to describe handwriting, because
Explanation: The words Provoke and Incite
people tend to have their own styles and
are synonyms. Same, if we review the options,
sometimes write in a pretty messy way.
the correct synonym words are Eradicate:
25. (d) Encyclopedia Eliminate
Explanation: A book that contains information Eradicate means to destroy or get rid of
on various subjects is known as ‘Encyclopedia’. something completely.
An encyclopedia is a book or set of books in Eliminate means to remove somebody/
which facts about many different subjects or something that is not wanted or needed.
about one particular subject is arranged for
reference, usually in alphabetical order. 34. (c) Curious: Eager
26. (a) Numismatist Explanation: The words Commence and
Initiate are synonyms. If we review the options,
Explanation: A person interested in the study the correct synonym words are Curious: Eager.
of coins and medals is known as ‘Numismatist’.
Curious means wanting to know or learn
Numismatist is a person who collects/studies
Eager means strongly wanting to do or have
27. (c) Strict something.
Explanation: Similar meaning of the word
STRINGENT is ‘Strict’. 35. (c) Intensify
Stringent means tight restriction or limitation, Explanation: The opposite meaning of the
very strict (used about a law, rule, etc.) word ‘Alleviate’ is Intensify.
Alleviate means to make something less strong
28. (b) Help or bad.
Explanation: Similar meaning of the word
Intensify means to become or to make
RESCUE is ‘Help’
something greater or stronger.
Rescue means to save somebody/something
from a situation that is dangerous or unpleasant. 36. (d) Honesty
29. (d) Frank Explanation: The opposite meaning of the
Explanation: Similar meaning of the word word ‘Deception’ is Honest.
CANDID is ‘Frank’. Deception means making somebody believe
Candid means very honest or frank in what or being made to believe something that is not
one says or writes. true.
Honesty means truthfulness, sincerity, or
30. (b) Tribute
Explanation: Similar meaning of the word
HOMAGE is ‘Tribute’. 37. (b) Expert
Homage means an expression of great respect Explanation: The opposite meaning of the
and honour shown publicly. word ‘Apprentice’ is Expert.
31. (a) Courageous: Cowardly Apprentice means a person who works for
low pay, in order to learn the skills needed in a
Explanation: The word Demolish and
particular job.
Construct are antonyms. If we review the
options, the correct antonym words are Expert means a person who has a lot of special
Courageous: Cowardly. knowledge or skill.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 23

38. (d) Opaque 46. (b) (III), (I), (IV), (II)
Explanation: The opposite meaning of the Explanation: The correct order is (III) if you lend
word ‘Translucent’ is Opaque. him (I) a book he will lend (IV) it to someone
Translucent means allowing light to pass else and (II) you will never get it back.
through but not transparent.
Opaque means that you cannot see through. 47. (a) Alliteration
Explanation: The Figure of Speech (Poetic
39. (a) a man of no substance Device) used in the expression, Betty Botter
Explanation: The one that rightly explains bought some bitter butter is ‘Alliteration’.
the idiom 'a man of straw' is a man of no
Alliteration is a figure of speech where there
is a repetition of either the same word or
The idiom 'a man of straw' means someone the sound at the beginning of closely placed
who has a weak character.
40. (b) to desert someone in his difficulties
48. (b) Oxymoron
Explanation: The one that rightly explains
the idiom “to leave someone in the lurch’’ is to Explanation: The Figure of Speech (Poetic
desert someone in his difficulties. Device) used in the expression, both wry with
The idiom “to leave someone in the lurch’’ laboured ease of loss is ‘Oxymoron’.
means to leave (someone) without help or Oxymoron- is a literary device in which two
protection when it is needed. opposite and contradictory things come
together. Here, this phrase means that the
41. (a) at the vary last moment poet, like her mother, learned to live with the
Explanation: The one that rightly explains the loss of their loved ones. The poet's mother has
idiom “at the eleventh hour’’ is learned to live with the pain of her youth, while
at the very last moment. the poet herself has learned to live with her
The idiom “at the eleventh hour’’ means the mother's pain.
last moment or almost too late.
49. (c) Personification
42. (a) to get into trouble
Explanation: The Figure of Speech (Poetic
Explanation: The one that rightly explains the Device) used in the expression my alarm
idiom “to get into hot waters’’ is to get into
clock yells at one ‘to get out of my bed’ is
The idiom “to get into hot waters’’ means to be
in or get into a difficult situation in which you Personification is a figure of speech that is
are in danger of being criticised or punished. used to attribute human characteristics to
something that is not human. It can also be
43. (d) (IV), (I), (II), (III) used to personify an abstract quality.
Explanation: The correct order is (IV) Whenever
In the given sentence- "My alarm clock yells
you go to (I) a temple you must (II) take off
at me to get out of bed", the alarm clock has
your shoes (III) at the entrance.
been personified. An alarm clock is a non-
44. (c) (IV), (III), (I), (II) living object; it cannot yell at something. This
Explanation: The correct order is (IV) To figure of speech has been used to explain the
facilitate export and to improve (III) sales in the loudness and intensity of the alarm clock.
domestic market (I) some of the improvised
fabric and garments (II) are displayed in the 50. (a) Simile
main pavilion. Explanation: The Figure of Speech (Poetic
45. (a) (I), (IV), (II), (III) Device) used in the expression, the dust settled
like a falling veil is ‘Simile’.
Explanation: The correct order is (I) a lot
of travel delay (IV) is caused due to the A simile is a figure of speech that compares
inefficiency (II) and lack of good management two unlike things using the words “like” or “as.”.
(III) on the part of the railways. Here dust is being compared to falling veil.

Page 24 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

CUET (UG)-2022
(19th July, 2022, Slot-1)

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions:
 For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
 40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the following 1. What is released when plastics are burnt ?
passage carefully and answer the questions (a) power and proteins
that follow.
(b) toxic chemicals
When plastic waste is burnt, a complex weave
(c) fruits
of toxic chemicals is released. Breaking down
Poly Vinyl Chloride, (PVC) is used for packaging, (d) vegetables
toys and coating electrical wires. It produces
dioxin—an organ chlorine which belongs lo 2. What is PVC ?
the family of Persistent Organic Pollutants (a) Polynominals
(POPS). A recent Dioxin Assessment Report (b) Polyvinyl chloride
brought out by the United States Environment
(c) Polyamine chloride
Protection Agency (USEPA) says the risk of
getting cancer from dioxin is ten times higher (d) Polyelectricity
than reported by the agency in 1994. Yet the
3. The full form of USEPA is ...................... .
Delhi government is giving the green signal
to a gasification project which will convert (a) United States Protection Ace
garbage into energy without removing plastic (b) United States Environment Agency
waste. Former minister, the promoter of this (c) United States Environment Protection
project, says this is not necessary. He claims Agency
no air pollution will be caused and that the ash (d) United States Environment Protect Age
produced can be used as manure. An earlier
waste-to-energy project set-up in Timarpur 4. The risk of getting cancer from Dioxin is:
failed. The new one, built with Australian (a) four times higher
assistance, will cost 200 crore. It will generate
25 megawatts of power and gobble 1,000 (b) ten times higher
tonnes of garbage every day. "Technologies (c) ten times less
like gasification are a form of incineration," (d) twenty times less
says the central coordinator of this Project.
Incineration merely transfers hazardous waste 5. Technologies like gasification are a form of:
from solid form to air, water and ash. Toxins (a) Curating artifacts
produced during incineration include acidic
(b) Organic farming
gases, heavy metals as well as dioxins and
furans. "The 'manure' will be hazardous and a (c) Incineration
problem to dispose." (d) Deforestation

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 25

6. Match List - I with List II 7. The passage discusses:
(a) How to attain brain power
List-I List-II
(b) Spiritual training of boys
(A) PVC is used for (I) Toys and (c) Spiritual training of robots
packaging coating
(d) How to develop language skills
wire 8. A suitable title for the passage could be:
(a) Spiritual Training of Developing Countries
(B) United States (II) Brought out
environment (b) Self realisation and Moksha
protection report (c) Importance of Spiritual Training
agency (d) Life and Character of a Film maker

(C) Australian (III) 200 crore 9. Training of the spirit means:

assistance (a) To build character and to enable one to
work towards a knowledge of God and
(D) Waste-to- (IV) at Timarpur
energy project
(b) Being acquainted with the latest version
set-up failed
of T-20 cricket
Choose the correct answer from the options
(c) Memorising and reciting hymns
given below.
(a) (A)- (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I) (d) Studying only the religious books
(b) (A) - (I), (B) - (IV), (C) - (II), (D) - (III) 10. Self-realisation is possible:
(c) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV) (a) at the fourth stage of life
(d) (A)- (III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D) - (II)
(b) while preparing the youth
Directions (Q. Nos. 7-12) Read the following
(c) after retirement only
passage carefully and answer the questions
that follow. (d) at old age.
The spiritual training of the boys was a much 11. According to the author, which one of the
more difficult matter than their physical and following statements is true?
mental training. I relied little on religious books
for the training of the spirit. Of course, I believed (a) Spiritual training is as difficult as
that every student should be acquainted with physical and mental training.
the elements of his own religion and have (b) Mental and physical training is easier
a general knowledge of his own scriptures than the spiritual training.
and therefore I provided for such knowledge (c) Mental and physical trainings are as
as best I could. But that, to my mind, was a equally difficult as the spiritual training.
part of the intellectual training. Long before I
(d) Spiritual training has no wisdom as does
undertook the education of the youngsters of
the mental and physical training.
Tolstoy Farm, I had realized that the training
of the spirit was a thing by itself. To develop 12. Match List - I with List - II.
the spirit is to build character and to enable
one to work towards a knowledge of God and List-I List-II
self-realization. And I held that this was an
essential part of the training of the young, and (A) Spiritual (I) was much
that all training without culture of the spirit Training more difficult
was of no use and might be even harmful. than physical
I am familiar with the superstition that self
realization is possible only in the fourth stage (B) The narrator (II) for the training
of life, i.e., sannyasa (renunciation). But it is relied on of the spirit
mailer of common knowledge that those who religious books
defer preparation for this invaluable experience
until the last stage of life attain not self- (C) Youngsters (III) Tolstoy Farm
realization but old age amounting to a second were educated
and pitiable childhood, living as a burden on at
this earth. I have a full recollection that I held (D) To develop the (IV) to develop and
these views even whilst I was teaching though spirit was build
I might not then have expressed them in
identical language.

Page 26 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Choose the correct answer from the options 15. The narrator had to look for ......................... to
given below. purchase the music album he/she wanted.
(a) (A)- (I), (B)- (II), (C)- (III), (D) - (IV) (a) paid work
(b) (A) - (II), (B) - (IV), (C) - (I), (D) - (III) (b) unrewarded work
(c) (A) - (IV), (B) - (I), (C) - (II), (D) - (III) (c) weekend work
(d) (A) - (III), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D) - (IV) (d) voluntary work
Directions (Q. Nos. 13-18) Read the following 16. The narrator feels that the first job is
passage carefully and answer the questions important for:
that follow. (a) everyone
Everyone's first job is special. There are a (b) only the successful people
couple of reasons for this: experience is burned
(c) the Brilliant students
in one's memory, it gives you the practice
(d) only the house wives
needed to fulfill other positions, and it teaches
you about the value of money. Of course we do 17. Match List- I with List- II.
jobs around the house when we are young, like
cleaning dishes, vacuuming, and doing laundry, List-I List-II
but working for others for money gives off a (A) The first job is (I) about who
different feeling. special for all could give him
When I was about sixteen yeas old, I wanted a job
to buy albums of my favourite bands, but I did (B) The narrator (II) to buy music
not have any money. My parents were not once did not albums
the type of people to give money to me out have money
of nowhere, or even for work done at home.
(C) The narrator (III) as the
I had to find work in order to purchase the
inquired experience is
music I wanted.
burnt in ones
So, I enquired as to who could give me work memory
around town. I lived in the town of Wood Way,
which was relatively small, with no street (D) Mrs Hudson (IV) over 50 years
was old
lights, and hardly any population. I went to
the oldest person I knew in my neighbourhood, Choose the correct answer from the options
Mrs. Hudson. She was over eighty years old, given below:
and could not tend her garden anymore. (a) (A) - (IV), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (I)
She had flowers, a grass lawn, and some (b) (A) - (III), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D) - (IV)
tomato plants. I knocked on her door, building (c) (A) - (I), (B) - (IV), (C) - (III), (D) - (II)
up enough courage to ask her for work. She (d) (A) - (II), (B) - (III), (C) - (IV), (D) - (I)
answered that indeed she needed help in her
garden. She did not discuss the amount of 18. The narrator wanted to buy albums:
money, I would get for the work. (a) from his favourite band
The first job supplies you with the value of (b) from his neighbour Mrs. Hudson
money, as sweat turned into cash is something (c) from his school head-master
no one can take away from you. (d) from the most papular Grammy award
winner ever
13. In the sentence it gives you the practice
needed' the word 'practice' most closely 19. Rearrange these parts to write a meaningful
means : sentence:
(a) training (b) an outing (I) who is an expert in the art of animation
(c) confidence (d) freedom (II) the animator
14. The narrator was unable to buy albums at (III) using a blend of imagination and
16 years of age because: technology
(a) He was not permitted to buy anything. (IV) gives life to a character
(b) He did not find the ones that he wanted. Choose the correct answer from the options
(c) He could not afford to buy it. given below:
(d) The albums of his favourite bands were (a) (III), (IV), (II), (I) (b) (II), (I), (IV), (III)
sold. (c) (III), (II), (IV), (I) (d) (II), (I), (III), (IV)

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 27

20. Rearrange these parts to write a meaningful Choose the correct answer from the options
sentence: given below:
(I) that made it possible for humans (a) (II) only (b) (I) only
(II) Laika the space dog-would always be (c) (III) only (d) (IV) only
26. From the given options choose the pair of
(III) to take a giant leap in the field of space
words that carry the same relationship as
Anonymous : Famous
(IV) for her short adventure in space
(a) Man : Machine
Choose the correct answer from the options
(b) Earth : Soil
given below:
(c) Rose : Jasmine
(a) (II), (IV), (I), (III) (b) (II), (III), (I), (IV)
(d) Pistol : Gun
(c) (II), (IV), (III), (I) (d) (II), (I), (III), (VI)
27. From the given option choose the word
21. Rearrange these parts to write a meaningful which will correctly substitute or replace. A
sentence: short story with a moral.
(I) shares with monkeys (a) Novel (b) Poetry
(II) when any suspicious object is sighted (c) Drama (d) Parable
(III) the Indian-giant squirrel
(IV) the habit of scolding barking and raising 28. 'Status - quo' is the one word substitution
a general alarm for:
(a) Unchanged position
Choose the correct answer from the options
given below: (b) Excellent recitation
(a) (III), (I), (II), (IV) (b) (II), (III), (I), (IV) (c) Unbreakable metal
(c) (III), (II), (I), (IV) (d) (III), (I), (IV), (II) (d) Wailing list

22. Re-arrange these parts to write a 29. From the options given below, choose
meaningful sentence: the one which will correctly replace or
(I) is a very precious aspect
(II) of human nature and it needs Home sickness
(III) safety to maintain its sublime quality (a) Nostalgia (b) Optimism
(IV) a peaceful mind (c) Criticism (d) Pessimism
Choose the correct answer from the options 30. From the options given below, choose the
given below: word which will replace :
(a) (IV), (I), (II), (III) (b) (IV), (II), (III), (I) Unacceptably horrible
(c) (III), (IV), (II), (I) (d) (III), (II), (IV), (I) (a) Horrendous (b) Honourable
23. From the given options, choose the pair of (c) Hourly (d) Hamper
words which carry the same relationship as 31. From the given options, choose the one with
Allegory : Fable : : the correct spelling :
(a) Church : Chapel (b) Monastry : Hospital (a) Beeblical (b) Biblical
(c) Park : House (d) Politics : Army (c) Beebilical (d) Viblical
24. From the given options, choose the pair of 32. Identify the correct spelling from the given
words which carry the same relationship as
Extempore : Rehearse : :
(a) logical (b) logicall
(a) Beautiful : Serene
(c) liogical (d) logical
(b) Fatigue : Exhaustion
(c) Battle: Peace 33. Fill in the blank with the correct word.
(d) Infant : Child The uprooted trees in the park were a
............... to see
25. From the given options choose the pair of
(a) cute (b) site
words that carry the same relationship as
(c) sight (d) cight
Virtue : Morality
(I) Sin : Profane 34. Pick the correct spelling from the options
(II) Law : Chaos given:
(III) Day : Night (a) glorious (b) gleotious
(IV) Story : Novel (c) glamrious (d) gelorious

Page 28 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

35. Choose the correct meaning from the option 42. Math the List-I with List-II.
given below that will correctly explain the
List-I List-II
following expression :
Expression Figure of
Build castles in the air.
(a) waste time
(b) day dream (A) Sing simple (I) oxymoron
sweet song
(c) build houses
(d) work hard (B) Sister Nivedita (II) personification
was like an
36. From the given options choose the correct angel.
meaning of the phrase :
(C) The sinister (III) simile
A Red letter day night was
(a) a dangerous event howling.
(b) peaceful occasion (D) The simple (IV) alliteration
(c) a very important occasion complexities
(d) a festival holiday made life
37. From the options given below, choose the
Choose the correct answer from the options
correct meaning of the phrase :
given below:
Sought after
(a) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) (III), (D) - (IV)
(a) Highly paid (b) (A) - (III), (B) (II), (C) - (IV), (D) - (I)
(b) Pushed by (c) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III)
(c) In great demand (d) (A) - (VI), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I)
(d) with great latent heat
43. Match List - I with List - II.
38. Choose the correct meaning of phrase:
Word Synonym
To hit below the belt
(a) to punish for a misdeed (A) Assist (I) Parted
(b) to lie with a belt (B) Separated (II) Help
(c) to play with friends (C) Apprehension (III) Request
(d) to attack unfairly
(D) Appeal (IV) Fear
39. What figure of speech (poetic devices) has Choose the correct answer from the options
been used in the following expression : given below:
The child smiled like a blooming flower. (a) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV)
(a) Simile (b) Irony (b) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I)
(c) Paradox (d) Oxymoron (c) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III)
(d) (A)- (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III)
40. From the given options, choose the correct
figure of speech that has been used in the 44. Match List -1 with List II.
following expression.
Synonym Word
"Cowards die many times before their
death" (A) Lenient (I) danger
(a) Simile (b) Metaphor (B) Ornamental (II) untimely
(c) Alliteration (d) Paradox (C) Premature (III) decorative
41. Identity the figure of speech which has been (D) Peril (IV) moderate
used in the following expression :
Choose the correct answer from the options
The tanned teenager tripped over the steps. given below:
(a) Alliteration (a) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV)
(b) Paradox (b) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (I), (D) - (II)
(c) Metaphor (c) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I)
(d) Personification (d) (A) - (I), (B) - (III), (C) - (IV), (D) - (II)

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 29

45. Match List -I wilh List II. (C) Fame (III) Holy
Word Synonym (D) Appreciate (IV) Valuable
(A) General (I) Over statement Choose the correct answer from the options
(B) Hyperbole (II) Usual given below:
(a) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV)
(C) Impeccable (III) Fair
(b) (A) - (I), (B) - (III), (C) - (IV), (D) - (II)
(D) Just (IV) Faultless (c) (A) - (III), (B) - (IV), (C) - (II), (D) - (I)
Choose the correct answer from the options (d) (A) - (IV), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D)- (III)
given below: 48. Find a word from the option given below
(a) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (V) which means the same as 'Exciting' :
(b) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III) (a) unbound (b) labour
(c) (A) - (III), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D) - (IV) (c) thrilling (d) cordial
(d) (A) (IV), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (I)
49. The word which means the same an
46. Choose the word which is most nearly the 'denizens' is:
same in meaning as: (a) Locker-room (b) Paintings
Confront (c) Inhabitants (d) Soil
(a) Tolerate (b) Face 50. The word from the given options, which is
(c) Injure (d) Ridicule most nearly same in meaning to the word
47. Match List - I with List - II.
Synonym Word (a) Greedy
(b) Evaporate
(A) Sacred (I) Admire
(c) Season
(B) Precious (II) Reputation (d) Audacious weather

CUET (UG) 2022
1. (b) toxic chemicals 6. (c) (A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV)
Explanation: As given in the first two lines, Explanation: The correct match of List - I with
‘when plastic waste is burnt, a complex weave List II is option (c) as per the passage.
of toxic chemicals is released’.
7. (b) Spiritual training of boys
2. (b) Polyvinyl chloride Explanation: The passage discusses ‘the
Explanation: It is given in the passage that spiritual training of boys and building of their
PVC is an acronym of ‘Polyvinyl chloride’. character.

3. (c) 
United States Environment Protection 8. (c) Importance of Spiritual Training
Agency Explanation: A suitable title for the passage
Explanation: The full form of USEPA is ‘United can be ‘Importance of Spiritual Training’. The
States Environment Protection Agency’. passage discusses the beauty of spiritualism
and the training of the spirit as a thing by itself,
4. (b) ten times higher i.e. through self-realisation.
Explanation: It is given in the passage that the
risk of getting cancer from dioxin is ten times 9. (a) To build character and to enable one to
higher than reported by the agency in 1994. work towards a knowledge of God and
5. (c) Incineration Explanation: Training of the spirit means
Explanation: Technologies like gasification are to build character and to enable one to
a form of incineration, as given in the passage. work towards a knowledge of God and

Page 30 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

self-realisation. It is not related to T-20 cricket sixteen years old, I wanted to buy albums of
and is a more comprehensive concept than my favourite bands, but I did not have any
memorising hymns and reading spiritual money”.
19. (b) (II), (I), (IV), (III)
10. (a) at the fourth stage of life
Explanation: The correct order is (II) the
Explanation: It is a superstition that self animator (I) who is an expert in the art of
realization is possible only in the fourth stage
animation (IV) gives life to a character (III) using
of life, i.e., sannyas (renunciation).
a blend of imagination and technology.
11. (b) Mental and physical training is easier than 20. (a) (II), (IV), (I), (III)
the spiritual training.
Explanation: The correct order is (II) Laika the
Explanation: As given in lines 1-2, the spiritual
space dog-would always be remembered (IV)
training of the boys was much more diffiicult
for her short adventure in space (I) that made it
matter than their physical and mental training.
possible for humans (III) to take a giant leap in
Thus, mental and physical training is easier
the field of space science.
than spiritual training.
21. (d) (III), (I), (IV), (II)
12. (a) (A)- (I), (B)- (II), (C)- (III), (D) - (IV)
Explanation: The correct order is (III) the
Explanation: The correct match of List - I with Indian-giant squirrel (I) share with monkeys
List II is option (a), as per the passage. (IV) the habit of scolding barking and raising a
general alarm (II) when any suspicious object
13. (a) training
is sighted.
Explanation: In the sentence it gives you
‘the practice needed' the word 'practice’ most 22. (a) (IV), (I), (II), (III)
closely means ‘training’. It is training that Explanation: The correct order is (IV) a peaceful
makes us confident for future positions in our mind (I) is a very precious aspect (II) of human
career. nature and it needs (III) safety to maintain its
sublime quality.
14. (c) He could not afford to buy it.
Explanation: The narrator was unable to buy 23. (a) Church : Chapel
albums at 16 years of age because he could Explanation: The words Allegory: Fable carry
not afford it. The narrator had no money to buy the same meaning. Same, if we review the
albums and so he decided to work somewhere. options, the correct answer is Church : Chapel,
which carries the same meanings.
15. (a) paid work Church is a building where Christians go to
Explanation: The narrator had to look for paid pray.
work to purchase the music album he wanted Chapel is a small building or room that is used
because he had no money. Thus he decided to by some Christians as a church or for prayer.
get a job.
24. (c) Battle : Peace
16. (a) Everyone Explanation: The words Extempore : Rehearse
Explanation: The narrator feels that the first have opposite meanings. Same, if we review
job is important for everyone as the experience the options, the correct answer is Battle: Peace,
is burned in one’s memory. It gives you the which carries the opposite meanings.
practice or training needed to fulfill other Battle means a fight, especially between
positions or jobs, and it teaches you about the armies in a war.
value of money. Peace means a situation or a period of time in
which there is no war or violence in a country
17. (b) (A) - (III), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D) - (IV)
or area.
Explanation: The correct match of List - I with
List II is (b) option, as per the passage. 25. (b) (I) only
Explantion: The words Virtue: Morality are
18. (a) from his favourite band considered to have the same meaning. Same,
Explanation: The narrator wanted to buy if we review the options, the correct answer is,
albums from his favourite band. It is mentioned Sin: Profane which are considered to have the
in the second paragraph- “When I was about same meanings.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 31

26. (a) Man : Machine 34. (a) glorious
Explanation: The words Anonymous: Famous Explanation: The correct spelt word is
carry opposite meanings. If we review the ‘Glorious’.
options, the correct answer is Man: Machine, Glorious means having or deserving fame or
which also carry opposite meanings. success.
Man: Either sex, male or female
35. (b) day dream
Machine: A piece of equipment with moving
parts that is designed to do a particular job. A Explanation: The meaning of the expression
machine usually needs electricity, gas, steam, ‘Build castles in the air’ is to daydream.
etc. in order to work. ‘Build castles in the air’ idiom means plans
that have very little chance of happening.
27. (d) Parable Impossible and improbable.
Explanation: The word which will correctly
substitute or replace is ‘Parable’. 36. (c) a very important occasion
Parable is usually a short fictitious story Note: The number sequence is wrong.
that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious Explanation: A Red letter day means a day
principle. that is pleasantly noteworthy or memorable.
Hence, a very important occasion.
28. (a) Unchanged position
Explanation: 'Status-quo' is the one word 37. (c) in great demand
substitution for unchanged position. Explanation: The correct meaning of the
Status - quo means the current situation, the phrase ‘Sought after’ is to be in great demand.
way things are now. The idiom ‘sought after’ means wanted or
desired by many people.
29. (a) Nostalgia
Explanation: The one word which correctly 38. (d) to attack unfairly
replaces or substitutes Homesickness is Explanation: the correct meaning of phrase :
‘Nostalgia’. ‘To hit below the belt’ is to attack unfairly.
Nostalgia is a sentimentality for the past, To hit below the belt phrase means to
typically for a period or place with happy unfairly target another person's weakness or
memories. The word nostalgia is a learned vulnerability.
formation and it comes from the Greek nostos
(nostos), meaning "homecoming". 39. (a) Simile
Explanation: The figure of Speech (Poetic
30. (a) Horrendous
Device) used in the expression, “The child
Explanation: The word which will replace smiled like a blooming flower” is simile.
unacceptably horrible is ‘Horrendous’.
A simile is a figure of speech that compares
The word Horrendous means so bad as to be two unlike things using the words “like” or “as.”
shocking; extremely unpleasant. Here the child’s smile is being compared to
31. (b) Biblical blooming flower.
Explanation: The correctly spelt word is 40. (d) Paradox
Explanation: The figure of speech (Poetic
Biblical means relating to, or being in accord Device) used in the expression, "Cowards die
with the Bible. many times before their death" is paradox.
32. (a) and (d) A paradox is a figure of speech which when
NOTE : Spelling given in both options (a) and heard or read can seem to be completely self-
(d) are the same. contradicting. The phrase may be contrary
to what is expected in the situation and can
Explanation: The word logical means
lead to a conclusion which is not logically
seemingly natural, reasonable or sensible.
33. (c) sight
41. (a) Alliteration
Explanation: The correct word for the sentence
Explanation: The Figure of Speech (Poetic
is - The uprooted trees in the park were a sight
Device) used in the expression, "The tanned
to see. The other options do not make the
teenager tripped over the steps" is Alliteration.
sentence grammatically correct.

Page 32 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Alliteration is a figure of speech when there 46. (b) Face
is a repetition of either the same word or Explanation: The meaning of Confront is to
sound at the beginning of closely placed face, especially to challenge or oppose. Hence,
words. it has a similar meaning to confront.

42. (d) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I) 47. (c) (A) - (III), (B) - (IV), (C) - (II), (D) - (I)
Note: In (d) answer, it is written (A) - (VI) which Explanation: The correct match of List-I with
List-II is option (c).
is wrong . It should be (A)- (IV)
Explanation: The correct match of List-I with 48. (c) thrilling
List-II is option (d). Explanation: Exciting means causing strong
feelings of pleasure and interest. Hence, it has
43. (c) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III) a similar meaning to thrilling.
Explanation: The correct match of List-I with
49. (c) Inhabitants
List-II is option (c).
Explanation: Denizens refer to animals, plants,
44. (c) (A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I) or people that live in or are often found in a
particular place. Hence, this means similar to
Explanation: The correct match of List-I with
List-II is option (c).
50. (a) Greedy
45. (b) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV), (D) - (III) Explanation: The word covetous means
Explanation: the correct match of List-I with desiring for something extremely. Hence, it has
List-II is option (b). a similar meaning to greedy.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Paper - 2022 Page 33

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2022

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions:
• For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
• 1 marks will get deducted for each wrong answer.
• 40 Questions to be attempted out of 50.

I. Read the passage given below and answer challenging situations. It is a non-peace
the questions that follow: item that acts as a challenge for the mind.
This guarantees that the creativity of a
(1) Human beings crave peace of mind. But
peaceful mind never comes to an end and
it is hard to find an individual who can
is always alive.
say that he has attained such a state of
mental equilibrium which will allow him to (4) Let's take the example of two different
live a life of tranquillity. Peace of mind is a individuals, one who had all the luxuries
distant dream for all of us. The reason is of life and the other who lacks worldly
that people hanker after ideal peace, that comforts. The person with all comforts
is, pure peace-a peace that is free from all won't have much to talk about as he would
kinds of non-peace items. be enjoying his life, on the other hand, the
one who had a few years of struggle will
(2) But this kind of absolute peace is not in
emerge as a successful person and will
nature's storehouse. Let us take the analogy
remain active and alive.
of the rose. A rose is a very beautiful flower,
but every stem has its thorns. Indeed, thorns 1. What is peace of mind?
are an integral part of the rose plant. A (a) Feeling happy and excited
poet has rightly said that thorns serve as (b) Attaining mental serenity
security guards for the flower. There must (c) Achieving one's goals
be hard thorns along with soft flowers-that (d) To be free from all tensions and worries
is, there must be non-peace items along
Ans. (b) Attaining mental serenity
with peaceful items. A peaceful mind is a
Explanation: The author says that peace is
very precious aspect of human nature and
not (d) to be free from all tensions and worries.
it too needs safety to maintain its sublime
It is not just (a) feeling happy or excited or (c)
quality. achieving one’s goals. Hence (b) is the right
(3) Studies in psychology show that an answer.
untroubled mind very soon becomes
stagnant and loses its creativity. For this
2. Peace of mind is difficult to attain because:
reason, nature always leads people to (a) ideal peace does not exist.
(b) peace does not come overnight.

Page 34 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(c) peace exists along with a non-peace 7. What serves as a security guard for a
item. peaceful mind?
(d) peace comes with calm and stillness. (a) Challenging times
Ans. (a) ideal peace does not exist (b) Hard thorns
Explanation: The author says that peace of (c) Poverty
mind is a distant dream for us because we (d) Creativity
tend to go after an ‘ideal’ of peace that does Ans. (d) Creativity
not exist. Hence (a) is the right answer.
Explanation: Just like thorns protect a flower,
3. Analogy in para 2 means: creativity protects our mind from growing
(a) Integral inactive. Hence (d) is the right answer.
(b) Likeness 8. What makes a person intellectual and
(c) Comfort successful?
(d) Luxury (a) Way of thinking
Ans. (b) Likeness (b) Problem-free life
Explanation: Analogy refers to comparing one (c) Tranquility and peace of mind
thing to another by using a similar example. (d) Diffiiculties and hardships
Hence (b) likeness is the right answer. Ans.
s (d) Diffiiculties and hardship
4. An untroubled mind becomes stagnant and Explanation: The author says that difficulties
inactive because it: and hardships in our life make us work hard to
(a) has nothing to think and bother about. overcome them. This turns us into successful
(b) enjoys the peace and pleasures of life. people. Hence (d) is the right answer.
(c) is satisfied and happy. 9. What are the non-peace items?
(d) is stress-free. (1) Richness
Ans. (a) has nothing to think and bother about. (2) Diffiicult things
Explanation: The author says that the non- (3) Rose with its thorns
peace items in our life make our minds creative (4) Challenges of life
and active when we try to solve them. If there (5) Duties and responsibilities
is only peace, we would have nothing to think
Choose the most appropriate answer
about. Hence (a) is the right answer.
from the options given below
5. One can develop creative thinking by: (a) (1), (3), (5)
(a) facing odds at a particular stage in life. (b) (2), (4), (5)
(b) enjoying an affluent life. (c) (1), (2), (4)
(c) facing the struggles and hardships of (d) (2), (3), (4)
life. Ans. (b) (2), (4), (5)
(d) over-thinking and reacting to it. Explanation: The non-peace items that the
Ans. (c) facing the struggles and hardships of life. author talks about are challenges, difficulties
Explanation: The author says that the and responsibilities. These are the things that
struggles in our life make us develop creative take our peace away. Hence (b) is the right
thinking when we try to solve it. Hence (d) is answer.
the right answer.
10. Choose the antonym of sublime (para 2):
6. Choose the synonym of the word 'Affluence' (a) debilitating
given in para 4: (b) exalting
(a) Extreme (c) impressive
(b) Heavy (d) lowest
(c) Royal Ans. (d) lowest
(d) Opulence
Explanation: Sublime refers to qualities or
Ans. (d) Opulence ideas that are considered high, supreme or
Explanation: Affluence means to have great elevated. Lowest means its opposite. Hence
wealth or luxury. Opulence means the same. (d) is the right answer.
Hence (d) is the right answer.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Mock Test Paper - 2022 Page 35

II. Read the passage given below and answer (7) It is a good idea to talk to a physician
the questions that follow: or mental health provider about any
(1) Getting a good night's sleep is incredibly sleeping problem that recurs or persists
essential for health and well-being, for longer than a few weeks.
according to the National Sleep
Foundation. In fact, it's just as important 11. Sleep is important as it helps to maintain:
as eating a balanced, nutritious diet and (a) good physical health
exercising. But millions of people don't
(b) dream while sleeping
get enough, resulting in such problems
as daytime sleepiness, poor decision- (c) balance work and fun time
making, interference with learning, an (d) avoid different kinds of diseases
increased risk of heart disease, kidney
disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, Ans. (d) avoid different kinds of diseases
and stroke. Cognition, concentration, Explanation: The author states that adequate
productivity, and performance are all sleep is important to prevent health problems.
negatively affected by sleep deprivation Hence (d) is the right answer.
Not getting enough sleep can be
dangerous for yourself and others. 12. The problems faced due to lack of sleep
When we're tired, our ability to focus include:
on tasks, reflexes, and reaction times (1) Daytime sleepiness, poor decision-
making, interference with learning
(2) Everyone's individual sleep needs vary.
(2) Abnormalities in physiological
In general, most healthy adults are built
for 16 hours of wakefulness and need an systems. brain, and nervous system,
average of eight hours of sleep a night. cardiovascular system, metabolic
However, some individuals are able to functions, immune system
function without sleepiness or drowsiness (3) Work pressure, family and marriage
after as little as six hours of sleep. Others
cannot perform at their peak unless they
have slept ten hours. And, contrary to (4) Serious illness or death in the family
common myth, the need for sleep does (5) Cognition, concentration, productivity,
not decline with age but the ability to and performance
sleep for six to eight hours at one time
Choose the most appropriate answer
may be reduced.
from the options given below
(3) Psychologists and other scientists who
study the causes of sleep disorders have (a) (1), (3), (5)
shown that such problems can directly or (b) (2), (3), (4)
indirectly be tied to abnormalities in the (c) (1), (2), (5)
following systems: Physiological systems,
brain, and nervous system, cardiovascular (d) (3), (4), (5)
system, metabolic functions, immune Ans. (c) (1), (2), (5)
Explanation: Options (2) and (4) are not
(4) Groups that are at particular risk for sleep
problems caused due to inadequate sleep.
deprivation include night shift workers,
physicians, truck drivers. parents. and They are the causes of short-term sleep
teenagers. disorders. Hence (c) is the correct answer.
(5) Stress is the number one cause of short- 13. Given below are two statements :
term sleeping difficulties, according to
sleep experts. Common triggers include Statement I: 
Stress is the number one
school- or job-related pressures, a family cause of short-term sleeping
or marriage problem, and a serious illness difficulties.
or death in the family. Usually, the sleep Statement II: 
Usually the sleep problem
problem disappears when the stressful
situation passes. appears when the stressful
situation passes.
(6) Drinking beverages containing caffeine
in the afternoon or evening, traveling, In the light of the above statements,
especially jet lag. and traveling across choose the most appropriate answer from
several time zones can disrupt sleep. the options given below
Environmental factors such as a room (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are
that's too hot or cold, too noisy or too correct.
brightly lit can be a barrier to sound
sleep, and having a 24/7 lifestyle can also (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are
interrupt regular sleep patterns. incorrect.

Page 36 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is (c) Loss
incorrect. (d) Plentiful
(d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II
Ans. (d) Plentiful
is correct.
Explanation: Deprivation refers to the lack
Ans. (c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is
of something that is considered a necessity.
Hence (d) Plentiful is its antonym.
Explanation: It is true according to the
passage that stress is the primary reason 18. Choose the correct option for the synonyms
for sleep problems. The problem disappears of Cognition given in paragraph (1):
when the stressful situation passes away.
(a) comprehension. unawareness. reasoning
Statement I is correct but Statement II is
incorrect. Hence (c) is the right answer. (b) perception, thoughtlessness, insight
(c) understanding, thinking, reasoning
14. How many hours of sleep does an (d) heedlessness. awareness. comprehension
individual require, in general?
(a) Ten hours Ans. (c) understanding, thinking, reasoning
(b) Twelve hours Explanation: Cognition refers to the process
(c) Eight hours of gaining knowledge through experience and
(d) Eight to ten hours reasoning. Only option (c) has all three words
that are synonyms of cognition.
Ans. (c) Eight hours
Explanation: The passage says that eight 19. Sleep gets disrupted due to many reasons.
hours of sleep and 16 hours of wakefulness This includes:
is normal for human beings. Hence (c) is the (1) intake of beverages
right answer.
(2) traveling too much
15. Name the groups that are at particular (3) 24/7 lifestyle
risk for sleep deprivation: (4) too comfortable and cold room
(a) Physicians, truck drivers, parents, and (5) Walking and exercise
(6) Good Nutrition
(b) Night shift workers, students, teachers
(7) Meditation
(c) Parents, teenagers, daily wage
workers, truck drivers Choose the correct options from those given
(d) Physicians, night shift workers, truck below:
drivers, parents, and teenagers (a) (1), (5), (6), (7)
Ans. (d) 
Physicians, night shift workers, truck (b) (2), (6), (7)
drivers, parents and teenagers (c) (1), (2), (3), (4)
Explanation: It is given in the passage that (d) (1), (3), (5), (6)
physicians, night shift workers, truck drivers,
Ans. (c) (1), (2), (3), (4)
parents and teenagers are particularly at
risk of sleep problems. Hence (d) is the right Explanation: Since (5) Walking and exercise
answer. (6) Good nutrition and (7) Meditation do not
disrupt sleep, the answer is option (c).
16. Choose the correct synonym for persists
(para 7). 20. What are the ways one can overcome sleep
(a) to give up everything problems?
(b) to discontinue and stop (a) By eating snacks and heavy food
(c) to cease to do (b) By consuming beverages containing
(d) to continue in spite of resistance caffeine
Ans. (d) to continue in spite of resistance (c) By remaining stress-free
Explanation: To persist means to not give up (d) By travelling
on something in spite of difficulty. Hence (d) is Ans. (c) By remaining stress free
the right answer.
Explanation: Since eating snacks, drinking
17. The antonym of deprivation is (para 1): beverages and travelling does not help
(a) Disadvantage overcome sleep problems, option (c) is the
(b) Benefit right answer.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Mock Test Paper - 2022 Page 37

III. Read the passage given below and answer some of their inhabitant's access to global
the questions that follow: culture. But what of their own culture? The
(1) Governments have seized on tourism as a story here is less rosy.
way of creating employment and bringing (6) In relation to the environment, even the
income-preferably foreign exchange- most blinkered tourist is faced with the
into troubled economies. For years truism that tourists destroy the very things
tourism's capacity to filter wealth through they have come for. In Kenya, a country
communities has been a major argument that depends heavily on tourism, there is
in its favour. The tourist spends money a real danger of 'tourist pollution in the
on accommodation, food, and souvenirs, most popular game parks. Animals in the
bringing income to the suppliers of these
Amboseli Reserve are constantly disturbed
goods and services, whose money will, in
by tourist buses, their prey scattered, and
turn, circulate through the economy.
their feeding grounds damaged. If the
(2) But if the hotels are foreign-owned, local
animals disappear. so may tourism.
people have little to gain. Nor are they
better off if tourists stay among them but 21. What are the advantages of tourism?
come prepared to be self-sufficient. In both
(a) Tourism brings employment
cases, tourists are often strongly resented
opportunities, economic growth, and
by locals, who see huge increases in prices
as the only tangible result of tourism's cultural exchange.
economic impact. (b) Tourism does not provide employment
(3) Job creation is another common spin- for local people.
off from tourism. Governments subsidize (c) Tourism helps in developing a better
tourism projects with the expectation of environment across the globe.
increasing employment opportunities (d) Tourism values traditions.
in the new hotels and restaurants. But
such work is frequently poorly paid and Ans. (a) Tourism brings employment opportunities,
is seasonal. Local people may be neither economic growth and cultural exchange
willing to do demeaning unskilled jobs nor Explanation: Option (a) covers the main
highly trained enough to be managers and advantages of promoting tourism. The other
entrepreneurs; they stand on the sidelines points are less relevant. Hence, it is the right
while expatriate staff and migrants fill the answer.
vacancies. Social tensions surface all too
easily in such situations. 22. Given below are two statements:
(4) Any kind of change brings tensions, Statement I: 
Foreign-owned hotels have
and economic development tends to a major role to play in
exaggerate the generation gap as the benefitting the locals.
young master new skills and the older
generation finds its tradition devalued or Statement II: 
Locals harbour a grudge
rejected. Tourists bring with them very against self-sufficient tourists.
different cultures and ideas, demonstrated In the light of the above statements,
by the way they dress and behave, and choose the most appropriate answer from
these may be very attractive to the the options given below
younger generation. (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are
On the beaches and bar strips of Asia, correct.
Africa, and the Pacific you can see how
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II are
readily young people have been lured from
their villages by the promise of bright lights
and money. (c) Statement I is correct but Statement II
(5) A country's culture is often a major is incorrect.
attraction, particularly when it can be (d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II
combined with sun, sea, and sand. In is correct.
Thailand, as in many countries with a rich Ans. (d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is
heritage, tourists' demands have given
a much-needed boost to local arts and
crafts; after all, a local economy can only Explanation: According to the extract, foreign
stand so many baskets, pots, and carvings. hotels do not play a big role in benefitting
The phenomenal growth in Arts Festivals, local populations. But it is true that locals hold
from Edinburgh to Hong Kong, has brought a grudge against self-sufficient tourists. Hence
tourists into festival towns and given (d) is the right answer.

Page 38 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

23. How does tourism affect the Explanation: It is given in the passage that
employment of a country? tourism in animal habitats disrupts their
(a) Tourism can lead to the reduction of lifestyle, pollutes feeding grounds and scatters
poverty and to the promotion of socio- prey. Hence (b) is the right answer.
economic development.
(b) Tourism can provide employment to many 26. Choose the antonym of expatriate
people and with its increase, cultural (para 3):
handicrafts will automatically be in (a) Emigrant
demand. (b) Native
(c) Tourism creates and generates jobs (c) Settler
directly through hotels, restaurants, (d) Pilgrim
taxis, and souvenir sales, and
indirectly through the supply of Ans. (b) Native
goods and services needed by Explanation: An expatriate is a person who
tourism-related businesses. lives outside their native country. This makes
(d) Subsidized tourism projects increase native the antonym of expatriate. Hence (b) is
employment opportunities. the right answer.
Ans. (c) 
Tourism creates and generates jobs 27. How does tourism boost the economy
directly through hotels, restaurants, taxis of a country?
and souvenir sales, and indirectly through (a) By generating foreign exchange
the supply of goods and services needed
(b) By spreading its culture and tradition
by tourism-related businesses.
(c) By encouraging urbanization
Explanation: Option (c) provides the most
comprehensive answer out of all the options. (d) By having foreign-owned hotels
Hence (c) is the right answer. Ans. (a) By generating foreign exchange
Explanation: The fundamental way tourism
24. What are the negative socio-cultural
impacts of tourism? develops a country’s economy is by bringing
in foreign exchange. Hence (a) is the right
(a) Intermingling with the people of various
cultural groups leads to the loss of the answer.
culture of the destination area. 28. Given below are two statements :
(b) The major jobs are taken by the
Statement I: 
Animals in the Amboseli
Reserve are a source of
(c) Encourages urbanisation recreation for the people of
(d) Local people are side-lined Kenya.
Ans. (a) Intermingling with the people of different Statement II: 
Tourism has disturbed the
cultural groups leads to loss of culture of life of animals.
the destination area
In the light of the above statements,
Explanation: While options (b), (c), and (d) choose the most appropriate answer
are correct in some cases, the fundamental from the options given below
negative impact tourism causes is on the
(a) Both Statement land Statement II are
place’s culture. Hence (a) is the right answer.
25. What are the adverse effects of tourism (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are
on the environment? incorrect.
(a) The less the number of people arriving (c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is
at any location poses threat to various incorrect.
resources. (d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II
(b) Tourism disrupts animal life by cutting is correct.
down the forest leading to damaged
feeding grounds and scattered prey. Ans. (d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is
(c) The heritage of the place gets negatively
affected. Explanation: Animals in the Amboseli Reserve
(d) Agricultural land is replaced by buildings, are a source of recreation for the tourists,
roads and garbage disposal, etc. and not natives. Tourists disturb the lives of
animals there. Hence (d) is the right answer.
Ans. (b) 
Tourism disrupts animal life by cutting
down the forest leading to damaged 29.How can tourism be promoted in a
feeding grounds and scattered prey. country?

NTA CUET (UG) Official Mock Test Paper - 2022 Page 39

(a) By investing time and efforts in building Choose the correct option from those
traveling experiences for people brim with given below:
tour guides, activities for the children, (a) (4), (2), (3), (1)
culinary tours, interactivity for the tourist (b) (3), (2), (4), (1)
with the culture of the place, etc.
(c) (4), (2), (1), (3)
(b) By creating more jobs for the locals and
(d) (3), (2), (1), (4)
(c) By highlighting the culture of the Ans. (a) (4), (2), (3), (1)
destination and intermingling it with Explanation: This is the version among all the
global culture options that reads best. Hence (c) is the right
(d) By investing in recreational activities answer.
Ans. (a) By investing time and efforts in building 33. His compassion ..................
traveling experiences for people brim with (1) stood out
tour guides, activities for the children,
(2) the bosses at his workplace
culinary tours, interactivity for the tourist
(3) among his other qualities
with the culture of the place, etc.
(4) and impressed
Explanation: Option (a) provides the most
comprehensive answer to the question. The Choose the correct option from those
other options are less relevant. Hence (a) is given below:
the right answer. (a) (1), (3), (4), (2)
(b) (3), (1), (4), (2)
30. Choose the correct synonym of the word (c) (3), (4), (2), (1)
blinkered, given in paragraph 6:
(d) (1), (4), (2), (3)
(a) Reasonable
(b) Resilient Ans. (a) (1), (3), (4), (2)
(c) Narrow-minded Explanation: This is the version among all the
(d) Radical options that is grammatically correct. Hence
(a) is the right answer.
Ans (c) Narrow-minded
Explanation: Blinkers refer to the coverings at 34. One needs to constantly:
the side of horses’ eyes used to reduce their (1) and keep striving
peripheral vision. It also means a narrow- (2) push his limits
minded person or perspective. Hence (c) is the (3) in order to
right answer.
(4) succeed in life
31. Rearrange the parts to form a meaningful Choose the correct option from those
sentence: given below:
In the battle of wits, .................. (a) (4), (1), (3), (2)
(1) against an opponent (b) (2), (3), (4), (1)
(2) the one who comes prepared (c) (4), (3), (2), (1)
(3) may end up losing (d) (2), (1), (3), (4)
(4) who is well-read Ans. (d) (2), (1), (3), (4)
Choose the correct option from those Explanation: This is the version among all the
given below: options that is grammatically correct. Hence
(a) (2), (4), (3), (1) (d) is the correct answer.
(b) (2), (3), (4), (1)
(c) (2), (3), (1), (4)
35. The schools that:
(1) children who show
(d) (1), (2), (4, )(3)
(2) merit in sports and extracurricular
Ans. (c) (2), (3), (1), (4) activities
Explanation: This is the version among all the (3) insist on academic performance
options that reads best. Hence (c) is the right
(4) do injustice to
Choose the correct option from those
32. The Girl and her friend .................. given below:
(1) full of chocolates (a) (4), (1), (2), (3)
(2) when a passerby (b) (3), (2), (4), (1)
(3) gave them a box (c) (3), (1), (4), (2)
(4) looked pleased (d) (3), (4), (1), (2)

Page 40 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Ans. (d) (3), (4), (1), (2) 38. Match List I with List II:
Explanation: Among all the options, this is the List-I List-II
only sequence that is grammatically correct.
Hence (d) is the right answer. (A) claustrophobia (1) hobby of stamp
36. Match List I with List II: (B) honorary (2) fear of closed
List-I List-II
(C) debut (3) work without
(A) Busy as a bee (1) imagery
(B) Dancing leaves (2) simile
(D) philately (4) first time ever
of a tree
Choose the most appropriate answer from
(C) Lions on the (3) personification
the options given below:
(D) Yellow mustard (4) metaphor (a) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(4)
seeds scattered
(b) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(3), (D)-(2)
in the yellow
sunlight (c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2) (C)-(3), (D)-(4)
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3) (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
Choose the most appropriate answer from
the options given below: Ans. (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3) (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) Explanation: Since (A) Claustrophobia means
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(4), (C)-(3), (D)-(2) (2) fear of closed spaces and (B) Honorary
means (3) Work without pay, option (d) is
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
the correct answer. The other options do not
(d) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(4) match.
Ans. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
Explanation: (A) is a (2) simile because
39. Match List I with List II:
it uses the word ‘as’ to compare. (B) is (3) List-I List-II
personification because it uses the word
‘dance’ for leaves. Hence (a) is the correct (A) Stitch in time (1) Like-minded
option. The other options do not match. saves nine people always
tend to keep
37. Match List I with List II: together

List-I List-II (B) Rolling stone (2) Instability

gathers no never leads to
(A) Charolette (1) Great moss success
Bronte Expectations
(C) Birds of a (3) Timely action
(B) Oscar Wilde (2) Jane Eyre feather flock is always
(C) Salman (3) Picture of together beneficial
Rushdie Dorain Gray (D) Make hay (4) Encash an
(D) Charles (4) Midnight’s while the sun opportunity at
Dickens Children shines the right time

Choose the most appropriate answer Choose the most appropriate answer from
from the options given below: the options given below:
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) (a) (A)-(3), (B)-(2) (C)-(1) (D)-(4)
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3) (D)-(4) (b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(3) (C)-(1) (D)-(4) (c) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
(d) (A)-(3), (B)-(4) (C)-(2) (D)-(1) (d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)

Ans. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) Ans. (a) (A)-(3), (B)-(2) (C)-(1) (D)-(4)
Explanation: Since (A) Charlotte Bronte wrote Explanation: Since (A) means (3) Timely
(2) Jane Eyre and (D) Charles Dickens wrote action is always beneficial and (B) means (2)
(1) Great Expectations, we know that option Instability never leads to success, option (a) is
(a) is the correct option. The other options do the correct answer. The other options do not
not match. match.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Mock Test Paper - 2022 Page 41

40. Match List 1 with List II: 43. It is .............. to wear uniform to school.
(a) monetary
List-I List-II
(b) meritorious
(A) Belief that (1) apprentice
(c) miscellaneous
nothing really
exists (d) mandatory
Ans. (d) mandatory
(B) Assistant of a (2) itinerary
professional Explanation: Mandatory means compulsory.
It fits perfectly in the context of the sentence.
(C) List of places (3) atheist Hence (d) is the correct answer.
one plans to
visit in a tour 44. Which among the following uses the
word ‘meteoric’ correctly?
(D) one who doesn't (4) nihilism
believe in God (a) The metal twanged with a ‘meteoric’
Choose the most appropriate answer
(b) The girl’s cry came from a meteoric
from the options given below:
(a) (A)-(4), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
(c) His career saw a meteoric rise in the
(b) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(3) past few years.
(c) (A)-(1), (B)-(4), (C)-(3) (D)-(2) (d) We have learned to manage our
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(3), (D)-(1) meteoric tasks.
Ans. (b) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(3) Ans. (c) His career saw a meteoric rise in the past
few years.
Explanation: Since (A) means (4) nihilism
and (B) means (1) apprentice, option (b) is Explanation: Meteoric means something that
the correct answer. The other options do not happens very suddenly. Option (c) is the only
sentence which uses the word correctly.
45. Choose the correct use of the word
41. Choosing the correct word
‘mitigate’ from the given sentences.
MEDICINE: CURE (a) We have been working with the flood
(a) Lamp: Table survivors to mitigate their suffering.
(b) Sun: Warmth (b) The savings he accumulated over time
(c) Red: Yellow are beginning to mitigate.
(c) The world is suffering; it may mitigate
(d) Car: Wheels
Ans. (b) Sun: Warmth (d) The show will mitigate the plight of
Explanation: The relation between medicine the troops.
and cure is cause and effect. Similarly, the Ans. (a) We have been working with the flood
effect of the sun is warmth. Hence option (b) survivors to mitigate their suffering.
is the correct answer. Explanation: To mitigate means to lessen.
42. Fill in the blank with the correct word Option (a) is the only sentence which uses the
world correctly.
from the given words:
He wishes to ................. the doubts of all 46. The girl detested the distasteful remarks
students with his coherent explanation of made about her project. Select the synonym
the topic. of the underlined word from the given
(a) dispel
(a) Denied
(b) deter
(b) Demanded
(c) depart
(c) Disclosed
(d) defy (d) Disliked
Ans. (a) dispel Ans. (d) Disliked
Explanation: To dispel means to make Explanation: To detest someone means
(something) disappear. It fits the sentence to hate or dislike someone. Hence (d) is the
correctly. Hence (a) is the correct answer. correct answer.

Page 42 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

47. Choose the correct synonym for the word 49. Choose the appropriate antonym for the
‘Pertinent’. word ‘conspicuous’.
(a) Perturb (a) Blatant (b) Important
(b) Germane (c) Concealed (d) Injudicious
(c) Repugnant
Ans. (c) Concealed
(d) Irrelevant
Explanation: To be conspicuous means to be
Ans. (b) Germane
highly visible. Concealed means its opposite.
Explanation: To be pertinent means to be Hence (c) is the right answer.
relevant. ‘Germane’ has the same meaning.
Hence (b) is the correct option. 50. Match idiom with its meaning:
48. Choose the correct antonym for the word She was at her wit’s end when she heard the
‘coercive’. diagnosis given by the doctor
(a) Imperative (a) Associated
(b) Gentle (b) Confused and worried
(c) Opinionated (c) Rejoiced
(d) Persistent (d) Compelled
Ans. (b) Gentle Ans. (b) Confused and worried
Explanation: Coercive means something done Explanation: To be at one’s wit’s end means
by force. Gentle means tenderly or with care. to be desperate and anxious. Hence option (b)
Hence (b) is the correct option. is the correct answer.

NTA CUET (UG) Official Mock Test Paper - 2022 Page 43

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions:
• For every correct answer, 5 marks will be awarded.
• 1 mark will get deducted for each wrong answer.
• 40 questions to be attempted out of 50.

I. Read the passage given below and answer tell myself “I know I have limits and that I’ve
the questions that follow: reached them, but I’m going to ignore them
and see if or how long I can get by with it.” I
(1) The choices we make on a daily basis—
ran to doctors, trying to make myself feel
wearing a seatbelt, lifting heavy objects
correctly or purposely staying out of any better through pills, vitamins, natural stuff
dangerous situation—can either ensure our and anything I could get my hands on. Some
safety or bring about potentially harmful of the doctors would tell me, “It’s just stress.”
circumstances. That just made me mad. I thought stress
(2) You and I need to make a decision that we meant you don’t like what you do or can’t
are going to get our lives in order. Exercising handle life, and I love what I do. But I kept
self-control, self-discipline and establishing pushing myself, travelling, doing speaking
boundaries and borders in our lives are some engagements and so on— simply exhausting
of the most important things we can do. A myself.
life without discipline is one that’s filled with (5) Finally, I understood, I was living an
carelessness. unsustainable life and needed to make some
(3) We can think it’s kind of exciting to live life on changes in my outlook and lifestyle.
the edge. We like the image of “Yeah! That’s You and I don’t have to be like everyone else
me! Living on the edge! Woo-hoo!” It’s become or keep up with anyone else. Each of us needs
a popular way to look at life. But if you see, to be exactly the way we are, and we don’t
even highways have lines, which provide
have to apologize for it. We’re not all alike
margins for our safety while we’re driving. If
and we need to find a comfort zone in which
we go over one side, we’ll go into the ditch. If
we can enjoy our lives instead of making
we cross over the line in the middle, we could
get killed. And we like those lines because ourselves sick with an overload of stress and
they help to keep us safe. Sometimes we don’t pressure.
even realize how lines help to keep us safe. 1. The author attempts to ..................... the
(4) I’m not proud of this, but for the first 20 years readers through this write-up.
of my life at work, I ignored my limits. I felt (a) rebuke (b) question
horrible, physically, most of the time. I used to (c) offer aid to (d) offer advice to

Page 44 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

2. The author uses colloquial words such Category Definition
as “yeah” and “Woo-hoo!”. Which of the
Ethical Tourism in a destination
following is NOT a colloquial word?
Tourism where ethical issues are the
(a) hooked (b) guy key driver, e.g., social injustice,
(c) stuff (d) stress human rights, animal welfare,
3. What does the author mean when he says, or the environment.
“to get our lives in order”? Geotourism Tourism that sustains or
(a) To resume our lives. enhances the geographical
(b) To organize our lives. character of a place – its
(c) To rebuild our lives. environment, heritage,
aesthetics, culture and well-
(d) To control our lives.
being of its residents.
4. Choose the option that correctly states the Pro-Poor Tourism that results in
two meanings of ‘outlook’, as used in the Tourism increased net benefit for the
passage. poor people in a destination.
(1) A person’s evaluation of life
Responsible Tourism that maximizes the
(2) A person’s experiences in life Tourism benefits to local communities,
(3) A person’s point of view towards life minimizes negative social
(4) A person’s regrets in life environmental impacts, and
(5) A person’s general attitude to life helps local people conserve
fragile cultures and habitats or
(a) (1) and (4) (b) (2) and (3)
(c) (3) and (5) (d) (4) and (5)
Sustainable Tourism that leads to the
5. What is the message conveyed in the last Tourism management of all resources
paragraph of the passage? in such a way that economic,
(a) Love what you do. social and aesthetic needs can
(b) Love yourself to love others. be fulfilled while maintaining
cultural integrity, essential
(c) Be the best version of yourself. ecological processes,
(d) Be yourself. biological diversity and life-
support systems.
II. Read the passage given below and answer
the questions that follow: (2) Based on data collected by a survey by
(1) The UN’s 2017 International Year tells Travel Bureau, the following market profile
that sustainable tourism is an important of an ecotourist was constructed:
tool for development, most importantly Age: 35-54 years old, although age varied
in poor communities and countries. Today with activity and other factors such as cost.
sustainability – environmental, social, and Gender: 50% female and 50% male,
economic – is increasingly recognised as although clear differences based on
the benchmark for all tourism business. activity were found.
As noted by the UN World Tourism
(3) Education: 82% were college graduates, a
Organisation, 57% of international tourist
shift in interest in ecotourism from those
arrivals will be in emerging economies,
by 2030. The various ‘Tourism Terms’ are who have high levels of education to
defined as follows: those with less education was also found,
indicating an expansion into mainstream
Category Definition markets.
Ecotourism Responsible travel to natural Household composition: No major
areas that conserves the differences were found between general
environment, socially and tourists and experienced ecotourists**
economically sustains the (4) Party composition: A majority (60%) of
well-beings of local people, experienced ecotourism respondents
and creates knowledge stated they prefer to travel as a couple,
and understanding through with only 15% stating they preferred
interpretation and education
to travel with their families, and 13%
of all involved (including staff,
preferring to travel alone. (** experienced
travelers, and community
ecotourists = Tourists that had been on at
least one “ecotourism” oriented trip.)

Mock Paper 1 Page 45

(5) Trip duration: The largest group of (a) setting up work stations in new places.
experienced ecotourists- (50%) preferred (b) the chance to go camping in the wild.
trips lasting 8-14 days.
(c) competing with other ecotourists as
(6) Expenditure: Experienced ecotourists were frequent travellers.
willing to spend more than general tourists,
(d) the opportunity to travel to new places.
the largest group (26%).
(7) Important elements of trip: Experienced 10. Choose the option that lists statement that
ecotourists top three responses were: (a) is NOT TRUE:
wilderness setting, (b) wildlife viewing, (c) (a) Economically backward countries will
hiking/trekking. benefit from sustainable tourism.
(8) Motivations for taking next trip: Experienced (b) The tourism business currently
ecotourists top two responses were (a)
recognizes sustainability as an important
enjoy scenery/nature, (b) new experiences/
(c) Emerging economies will receive
6. In the line “……recognised as the benchmark”, negligible international tourists in the
the word “benchmark” DOES NOT refer to: near future.
(a) a basis for something. (d) The sustainability factor in tourism is a
(b) the criterion required. significant means for development.
(c) the ability to launch something new.
(d) a standard point of reference. III. Read the passage given below and answer
the questions that follow:
7. The World Tourism Organisation of the UN, (1) Evolution has designated vultures to be the
in an observation, shared that: ultimate scavengers. Enormous wingspans
(a) emerging economies of the world will allow them to circle in the air for hours.
gain 57% of their annual profits from Their beaks, while rather horrifying, are
International tourists. weak by bird standards, made to scoop
(b) countries with upcoming economies and eat flesh.
shall see maximum tourist footfall from (2) However unappealing they may seem,
all over the world in the next decade. vultures serve an important role in the
(c) a large number of international tourists ecological cycle: processing dead bodies
in 2030 will be from developing countries. of animals. 20 years ago, India had plenty
(d) barely any tourist in the next decade of vultures—flocks so enormous that
shall travel from an economically strong they darkened the skies. But by 1999,
nation to a weak one. their numbers had dropped due to a
mysterious kidney ailment. By 2008, 99.9
8. Choose the option that lists the correct per cent of India’s vultures were gone. It
answers for the following: was discovered that they had been killed
(1) Asha Mathew, an NRI, loves animals and by a drug called diclofenac (a pain reliever
wishes to travel to places that safeguard along the lines of aspirin and ibuprofen).
their rights and inculcate awareness of
(3) Indians revere their cows, and when a
their rights. What kind of tourist is she?
cow showed signs of pain, they treated
(2) Gurdeep Singh from UK is an it with diclofenac. After the animal died,
environmental scientist and has always the vultures would eat the corpse. And
chosen to travel to places that are though they can boast of perhaps having
examples of a symbiotic relationship
the world’s most efficient digestive system,
between man and nature. What kind of
vultures cannot digest the drug.
tourist is he?
(4) India banned the use of diclofenac for
(a) (1) is an ecotourist and (2) is a geotourist
veterinary use in 2006, but it’s still widely
(b) (1) is an ethical tourist and (2) is a
used. The near extinction of vultures has
caused the spread of pathogens in the
(c) (1) is a sustainable tourist and (2) is a country, as rats and dogs have moved in to
pro-poor tourist take their place. This would have otherwise
(d) (1) is a geotourist and (2) is a responsible been destroyed by the vultures.
(5) Vultures need large ranges to scan for food
9. According to the survey, one of the most and undisturbed areas to nest. They also
powerful driving forces leading experienced need an abundance of prey species since
ecotourism to invest in new trips was: they rely more on chance than their own

Page 46 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

hunting skills to eat. All of these things (c) They are enormous
have been reduced by human activities. (d) They have weak beaks
Meanwhile, there is a dramatic increase
in secondary poisoning. Vultures feed on 14. Choose the option that correctly states the
carcasses laced with poison, intended to two meanings of “boast” as used in the
kill jackals or other predatory carnivores or passage.
they are poisoned by the lead in animals (1) To brag about oneself
left behind by their hunters. (2) To exaggerate
11. What does the phrase “moved in to take (3) To talk very proudly
their place” mean in the given paragraph? (4) To show off
(a) Contributed in the task (5) To show pride & arrogance
(b) Helped them (a) (2) and (3) (b) (1) and (2)
(c) Replaced them (c) (4) and (5) (d) (3) and (1)
(d) Removed them 15. Select the option that makes the correct use
12. The author attempts to make the readers of “designated” as used in the passage to fill
........................ through this write up. in the blank space.
(a) concerned (b) inspired (a) He was ........................ as Prime Minister.
(b) Uttarakhand is .................. as land of Gods.
(c) awakened (d) aware
(c) Reeta was ........................ as the chief
13. What’s an interesting fact given in the secretary of her club.
passage about the vultures? (d) ................. as the head boy of the
(a) They eat corpse school performed his duties with near
(b) They cannot digest drugs perfection.


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 21. Read the two sentences given below and
to the underlined word: choose the correct answer:
His nostalgia is deep. (1) “It’s raining cats and dogs” is an idiom.
(a) excitement (b) longing (2) It means to rain in a scattered way.
(c) happiness (d) ability (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
17. Choose the option that is opposite in
meaning to the underlined word: (c ) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
His work is praiseworthy.
(a) admirable (b) condemnable 22. Read the two sentences given below and
(c) commendable (d) creditable choose the correct answer:
(1) The character ‘&’ is known as Ampersand.
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: (2) It indicates the word ‘and’.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(a) Avoidably (b) Certainly
(c ) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(c) Distantly (d) Unlikely
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: 23. Read the two sentences given below and
choose the correct answer:
(1) The word ‘impeccable’ means to be full
(a) Detach (b) Release
of flaws.
(c) Affix (d) Loosen
(2) The word ‘impeccable’ is similar to
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the ‘flawless’.
given word: (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
SCATTER (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(a) Fling (b) Spray (c ) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(c) Litter (d) Gather (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.

Mock Paper 1 Page 47

24. Match the words listed in column (A) with 29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
their respective meanings in column (B). sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence:
Column (A) Column (B)
P: the transportation system so that it
(A) Crest (1) strong will to do some- Q: and not just the affluent section of
thing society
(B) Downpour (2) top of a hill/mountain R: provides mobility to everyone
S: There are many ways to restructure
(C) Solitary (3) heavy rain
The correct sequence should be:
(D) Resolution (4) singular (a) PQRS (b) RQPS
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) (c) SPRQ (d) QRPS
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) 30. Choose the most appropriate option to
(c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4) identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) phrase:
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
(a) To do something quickly
their respective meanings in column (B).
(b) To do something elaborately
Column (A) Column (B) (c) To do something perforce
(A) Contentment (1) a thief (d) To do something for others
(B) Affixed (2) attached 31. Choose the most appropriate option to
(C) Blow (3) to hit hard identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(D) Crook (4) sense of satisfaction
A bag of bones
(a) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2) (a) An extremely fat person
(b) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(2) (b) An extremely thin person
(c) (A)-(3), (B)-(4), (C)-(2), (D)-(1) (c) A wealthy person
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1) (d) A healthy person
26. Select the word from the given options, you 32. Choose the most appropriate option to
consider most appropriate for the blank identify the meaning of the given idiom/
space: phrase:
There was a time when West Germany was Muddy the waters
a distinct ............. . (a) To spread dirt around
(a) policy (b) polity (b) To make a situation easy
(c) abstract (d) hierarchy (c) To make one’s life happy
(d) To make the situation complicated
27. Select the word from the given options, you
consider most appropriate for the blank 33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
space: underlined part of the sentence from the
I was ............ with the film; I had expected it given options:
to be better. He preferred death rather than imprison-
(a) disappointed (b) disappointing ment.
(c) annoying (d) prejudiced (a) for (b) to
(c) than (d) no improvement
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to 34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
identify the right sequence: (a) My uncle who lives in Agra is a doctor.
P: symbolic of peace, and prosperity (b) My uncle, who lives in Agra, is a doctor.
Q: The Gupta Empire in India is (c) My uncle, who lives in Agra is a doctor.
R: represented through numismatic (d) My uncle who lives in Agra, is a doctor.
archaeological 35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
S: and literary evidences of multiple kinds (a) Ashok's father is a CBI chief.
The correct sequence should be: (b) Ashok father is a CBI chief.
(a) QPRS (b) QSRP (c) Ashok's father, is a CBI chief.
(c) PSQR (d) RSQP (d) None of these.

Page 48 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

36. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate 43. Choose the most appropriate preposition:
articles. I was disappointed ............... not finding the
....... Ganga is ....... mighty river. It falls into doctor in his seat.
....... Bay of Bengal. (a) on (b) from
(a) The, a, the (b) A, the, the (c) at (d) over
(c) The, the, a (d) No article
44. Choose the alternative which best express
37. Change the given sentence of active voice into the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
passive voice. Select the appropriate option. To burn one’s finger means:
Open the door. (a) to have a burning sensation at the tips of
(a) The door must be opened. one’s fingers
(b) The door will be opened. (b) to undergo suffering because of one's
(c) The door is opened. action
(d) Let the door be opened. (c) he behave as if one is very great
(d) to be lucky
38. In the following question, out of the given
alternatives, choose the one which is the 45. Complete the following proverb using an
most nearly the same meaning to the appropriate option.
underlined word in the sentence. Familiarity ..................... contempt.
The story is too fantastic to be credible. (a) makes (b) breeds
(a) praiseworthy (b) readable (c) generates (d) produces
(c) believable (d) false
46. Choose the alternative which best express
39. Choose the correct degree of adjective. the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
(a) She is one of the most prettiest girl in the The jewel in the crown
(a) someone who has many skills
(b) She is the prettiest girl in the class.
(b) something that one wants
(c) She is the most prettiest girl in the class.
(c) the most valuable thing in a group of
(d) She is one of the pretty girl in the class.
40. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the (d) the jewel in the crown of the king
sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence: In the questions (47-48) choose the correct
alternative out of the four as your answer.
P: The foundations of the prosperity of a
state 47. A garden knife is ..................... used for right
Q: primary health and education but also pruning.
R: involves the creation of job opportunities (a) generally (b) compulsorily
S: does not merely rest on (c) systematically (d) daily
The correct sequence should be:
(a) PSQR (b) PQRS
48. The lame boy tried to climb up the staircase
without ................ help.
(c) PRQS (d) PSRQ
(a) little (b) any
41. Choose the word which is most opposite in (c) some (d) many
meaning of the word underlined as used in
the sentence. 49. In the following question choose the correct
form of verb as your answer.
The thief had very vital information to pass
on to the police. I would not mind your ........... there.
(a) crucial (b) inessential (a) visit (b) visiting
(c) indispensable (d) fundamental (c) visited (d) not visited

42. Choose the one which best expresses the 50. Choose the correct question tag for the
meaning of the given word. following sentence:
ABANDON She will help us, .....................
(a) Excuse (b) Forsake (a) won't she? (b) will she?
(c) Urge (d) Risk (c) is she? (d) isn't she?

Mock Paper 1 Page 49


I. 1. (d) offer advice to his outlook but still they are not his point
Explanation: ‘Rebuke’ (option a) is used of view; neither in (4) a person’s regrets
to express sharp disapproval while the in life predict his outlook. A person might
author doesn’t criticise anyone for their have many regrets in life but still have an
choices. So this isn’t the motive. Neither optimistic attitude towards life. Only (3) a
(option b) 'question' is the answer as the person’s point of view towards life and (5) a
author doesn’t question anybody’s lifestyle. person’s general attitude to life defines his
Option (c) cannot be the correct choice as outlook towards life. Hence, (c) is the correct
the author here is not trying to help anyone. choice.
In this passage, the author, by sharing his
own experiences is trying to offer advice to 5. (c) Be the best version of yourself.
the readers about how they can create a Explanation: (a) can not be the answer as
balance in their lives. the author says that he loved what he did
but was still under stress. (d) is opted out
2. (d) stress as the author tried to be his own self but
Explanation: Colloquial words are used in was still frustrated and (b) is also opted out
informal conversations. as nowhere in the passage has the author
(a) ‘hooked’ means to like something so talked about being loved and giving love
much that you can't resist it. In formal and affection to others.
language we use the word addicted to The passage is all about how to give our
mean the same. best without getting stressed or exhausted
(b) ‘guy’ is used for a man or an individual (in so, (c) ‘be the best version of yourself ’ will
informal language). be the only answer.
(c) ‘stuff ’ in formal language means some
material while in colloquial language it II. 6. (c) the ability to launch something new
expresses indifference. Explanation: Benchmark refers to a
(d) ‘stress’ has no other meaning except standard or referral point for comparison.
tension so this is the correct answer. Hence (a), (b) & (d) indicate the above
meaning while (c), is different. Hence, (c) is
3. (b) To organize our lives. the answer.
Explanation: If something is in order then it
means that it is right or correct. Here in this 7. (b) countries with upcoming economies
passage also the author wants the reader shall see maximum tourist footfall from
to adopt a right outlook or lifestyle. all over the world in the next decade.
Phrase in option (a) means to start our lives Explanation: In passage there is no mention
after a break similar to as it was earlier. of annual profits or people specifically
from developing countries or economically
Phrase in (c) means to start from the ground weaker nations. Hence, (a), (c) & (d) can not
level and adopt an entirely different outlook. be the answer.
Phrase in (d) means to have a control on In the passage, it is clearly stated that “57%
everything and anything that goes on in our of international tourist arrivals will be in
lives. emerging economies" implying that most of
Phrase in (b) only mean to bring everything the tourists will visit emerging economies.
back in order. Hence, (b) is the answer.

4. (c) (3) and (5) 8. (b) (1) is an ethical tourist and (2) is a
Explanation: Outlook refers to the way geotourist
we perceive some situation particularly, Explanation: Asha Mathew in (1) has
life. (1) a person’s evaluation of life and (2) ethical issues involving animals as a driving
a person’s experiences in life helps to build force behind her travels. So, she is an ethical

Page 50 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

tourist. Whereas, Gurdeep Singh being an his readers about the consequences of
environmental scientist looks for heritage, the species getting extinct. He doesn’t
aesthetics and culture as a reason to travel. want to raise (a) concern or inspire (b) or
Hence, he is a geotourist. Therefore (b) is the awaken (c) the readers. He just wants to
correct answer. create awareness about how the modern
day activities are pushing many species
9. (d) the opportunity to travel to new places. towards extinction. So, (d) is the correct
Explanation: Top two choices that act as answer.
motivation behind the tourism were to
enjoy scenery/ nature and new experiences/ 13. (b) They cannot digest drugs
places. Hence, (d) can only be the correct Explanation: (a), (c) & (d) are well known
answer. facts. Only (b) is a fact that the author tells
the readers so (b) is the right answer.
10. (c) Emerging economies will receive
negligible international tourists in the 14. (b) (1) and (2)
near future. Explanation: Boast’ in the passage has
Explanation: This statement is: been used about the digestive system of
(a) true as in passage it is given that major the vultures. Vultures can't talk; neither
tourist footfall will be in the emerging the digestive system is something that
economies. can be shown off. And here is no sense of
pride and arrogance too as both these are
(b) also true as given in the very first
related to a person's own belongings. So 3,
sentence of the passage.
4, & 5 are ruled out. The passage says that
(c) in contradiction with the fact given in their digestive system is one of the best in
the passage that 57% of the tourist the world but still it can not digest certain
footfall will be in emerging economies. drugs. So there is a sense of exaggeration
So, this statement is not true and hence which also involves a bit of bragging. Hence
is the answer. 1 & 2 are the correct meanings. So, answer
(d) also true as this is what the survey is all here is (b).
15. (b) Uttarakhand is ...................... as land of Gods.
III. 11. (c) Replaced them. Explanation: Designated means to
Explanation: ‘Move in’ means to move to a appoint someone to a specified office or
new place so (a) & (b) are not the answers. post which is the sense in options (a), (c)
‘Take the place’ refers to getting into a place & (d). Other meaning of designated is to
so, (d) is also not the answer. Hence, (c) is officially give a specified status or name
the right answer. to someone or something. In passage
also the word has been used to specify
12. (d) aware the status of vulture as natural scavengers
Explanation: The writer shares the reasons which is also the sense in option (b). Hence,
for the birds getting extinct. He also tells the answer here is (b).


16. (b) longing So, longing is the nearest in meaning to the
Explanation: Nostalgia means longing for underlined word nostalgia.
something past, a feeling of pleasure mixed
with sadness when you think of happy 17. (b) condemnable
times in the past. Explanation: praiseworthy means worthy
(a) Excitement means the feeling of lively of high praise, commendable, laudable.
and cheerful joy; something that
(a) admirable means estimable deserving
agitates and arouses.
of highest admiration.
(b) Longing means prolonged unfulfilled
desire or need. (b) condemnable means bringing or
(c) Happiness means emotions experienced deserving severe rebuke or censure.
when in a state of well-being.
(d) creditable means worthy.
(d) Ability means possession of the qualities
(esp. mental qualities) required to do So, condemnable is opposite in meaning to
something or get something done.) the underlined word 'praiseworthy'.

Mock Paper 1 Page 51

18. (b) Certainly 27. (a) disappointed
Explanation: Explanation: With respect to the movie,
(a) Inevitably means unavoidable, as is ‘disappointed with’ should be used to
certain to happen. express its sense
(b) Certainly means definitely, not 28. (a) QPRS
Explanation: The correct sentence is:
(c) Distantly means far away, not close.
(Q) The Gupta Empire in India is (P) symbolic
(d) Unlikely means not likely to happen. of peace, and prosperity (R) represented
Here, ‘certainly’ is most suitable synonym of through numismatic archaeological (S) and
‘Inevitably’. literary evidences of multiple kinds.
19. (c) Affix 29. (c) SPRQ
Explanation: Fasten means to fix or tie Explanation: The correct sentence is:
something or to close something firmly so (S) There are many ways to restructure
that it will not open. (P) the transportation system so that it (R)
(a) Detach means to separate something provides mobility to everyone (Q) and not
from something to which it is connected just the affluent section of society.
(b) Release means to allow something to
30. (a) To do something quickly
be free. Explanation: Once over (idiom) means to
look at and examine something or someone
(c) Affix means to join something to
quickly. So, option (a) i.e. ‘To do something
something else.
quickly’ is correct.
(d) Loosen means to become or make
something less tight. 31. (b) An extremely thin person
Hence, ‘affix’ is the appropriate synonym of Explanation: A bag of bones (idiom) means
‘fasten’. a very thin person or animal, someone
who is extremely thin. So, option (b) i.e. ‘An
20. (d) Gather extremely thin person’ is correct.
Explanation: Scatter means throw or
disperse in various direction. 32. (d) To make the situation complicated
(a) Fling means throw or hurl forcefully. Explanation: Muddy the waters (idiom)
(b) Spray means sprinkle, shower, liquid. means make an issue or situation more
confused or complicated. So, option (d) is
(c) Litter means waste like paper, cans left
lying in open.
(d) Gather means assemble or accumulate. 33. (b) to
Gather is the only suitable antonym of Explanation: After “prefer” and “preferable”
scatter here. we always place “to”. So, option (b) is correct.
21. (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. 34. (b) My uncle, who lives in Agra, is a doctor.
Explanation: It is true that (1) ‘it’s raining
cats and dogs’ is an idiom. However, the 35. (a) Ashok's father is a CBI chief.
meaning of it is to rain heavily and not (2) 36. (a) The, a, the
in a scattered way. Hence, (a) is the right
answer. Explanation: Article "the" is used when we
refer to a specific item or noun. Whereas,
22. (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. "a" is used with consonants sounds and
something unspecific. The river Ganga is a
23. (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. specific noun hence "the" is used and "a" is
Explanation: It is false that (1) the word used to define the unspecific noun.
‘impeccable’ means to be full of flaws
because it means to be in accordance 37. (d) Let the door be opened.
with the highest standard or free of any
flaw. However, it is similar to the word (2) 38. (c) believable
flawless. Hence, (b) is the right answer. Explanation: Option (a) praiseworthy
means something which deserves
24. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) appreciation, option (b) readable means
25. (b) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(2) which is interesting to read or which can
be read, option (d) false means which is
26. (d) hierarchy not correct. The word 'believable' means
Explanation: Here ‘hierarchy’ should be that can be believed which means same as
used to express complete sense. 'credible'.

Page 52 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

39. (b) She is the prettiest girl in the class. 45. (b) breeds
Explanation: The sentences other than Explanation: The phrase has a historical
option (b) show redundancy. In option (a) and traditional usage, and its meaning is
and (c) the superlative form "most prettiest" deeply ingrained in English language and
is redundant because "prettiest" itself is culture. The use of "breeds" in this context
already a superlative form of the adjective is idiomatic and specific to this expression.
"pretty." Using both "most" and "prettiest" While "makes," "generates," or "produces"
together is redundant. are all verbs that can generally convey the
idea of creating or causing something, they
Option (d) is grammatically incorrect
do not capture the nuanced meaning and
because there is a disagreement in number
cultural connotations associated with the
between the article "one of" and the noun
original expression.
"girl." The phrase "one of" is used to introduce
a group or set, and it should be followed 46. (c) the most valuable thing in a group of
by a plural noun to maintain agreement. thing
Hence, option (b) is correct.
47. (a) generally
40. (a) PSQR Explanation: The word "generally" is
Explanation: The correct sentence is: appropriate in this sentence because it
(P) The foundations of the prosperity of a conveys the idea that using a garden knife
state (S) does not merely rest on (Q) primary for pruning is a common or typical practice,
health and education but also (R) involves but it allows for flexibility and acknowledges
the creation of job opportunities. that there could be exceptions or variations
in specific situations. 'Obligation' implies a
41. (b) inessential requirement, 'systematically' might suggest a
Explanation: The word "vital" means rigid or fixed procedure, which may not always
important. The other options (a), (c) and (d) be the case in gardening, the use of a garden
has the same meaning as "vital". Whereas knife for pruning may not be a daily activity
option (b) is antonym of the word "vital". hence, "daily' would also be inappropriate.

42. (b) Forsake 48. (b) any

Explanation: Option (a) excuse means Explanation: Option (a), (c) and (d) will not fit
making an effort to justify, option (c) urge with the sentence because 'some' and 'any'
are the "general determiners" out of which
means similar as compulsion, option (d)
'some' is inappropriate. Whereas, many and
means to focus on negative desirable
little are quantifiers and the sentence does
consequences, whereas (b) forsake is similar
not require any quantifier. Hence, option (b)
to the meaning of the word "abandon"
is correct.
which means to disown.
49. (b) visiting
43. (c) at
Explanation: The use of "visit" in this context
Explanation: In the sentence, "at" is the is a gerund, which is the -ing form of a verb
most appropriate preposition because it used as a noun.
accurately conveys the point in time or
Subject: "I"
situation that led to the disappointment
without implying a different relationship Verb phrase: "would not mind"
between the disappointment and not Direct object: "your visit there"
finding the doctor. Whereas, using "on,"
"from," or "over" instead of "at" would alter
50. (a) won’t she
the meaning of the sentence and sound Explanation: The question tags are short
unsuitable. phrases added at the end of a statement
to turn it into a question. The question
44. (b) to undergo suffering because of one's tag usually reflects the opposite polarity
action (positive or negative) of the statement.

Mock Paper 1 Page 53

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer She became disgruntled, however, when
the questions that follow: she learned that the University of Warsaw
(1) Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, was closed for women. Determined to
where her father was a Professor of Physics. receive a higher education, she defiantly
At an early age, she displayed a brilliant left Poland and in 1891, entered the
mind and a blithe personality. Her great Sorbonne, a French university, where she
exuberance for learning, prompted her to earned her master’s degree and doctorate
continue with her studies after high school. in physics.
Event Year
Marie was born on the 7th November 1867
Her sisters Bronya and Zosia became ill and Zosia passed away. 1876
Curie’s mother died from grief. 1878
She graduated high school 1883
Left Warsaw for a governess position. 1884
Her sister Bronya graduated medical school. 1891
Marie graduated with a masters degree in Mathematics and first in 1893
her class for Physics.
She married Pierre Curie. 1895

Marie Curie was:

l The first woman with the degree in Physics.
l The first woman to graduate in France.
l The first woman to obtain a Nobel Prize.
l The first woman to obtain a chair at the Sorbonne.
l The first scientist to obtain two Nobel Prizes.

(2) Marie was fortunate to have studied at in 1895 and spent many productive years
the Sorbonne with some of the greatest working together in the physics laboratory.
scientists of her days, one of whom was A short time after they discovered radium,
Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon

Page 54 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible (c) to study about plant physiology.
misfortune and endured heartbreaking (d) to study the anatomical structure of
anguish. Despondently she recalled their organism.
close relationship and the joy that they
had shared in scientific research. The fact II. Read the passage given below and answer
that she had two young daughters to raise the questions that follow:
by herself greatly increased her distress. (1) What is discipline? Is it absolute freedom
(3) Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to do what a person wants? Is freedom
to fade when she was asked to succeed regardless of consequences? Does it mean
her husband as a physics professor at the corrective action after a problem occurs
Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be or a wrong is done? Is it imposition? Is it
given a professorship at the world-famous abuse? Does it take away freedom?
university. In 1911, she received the Nobel (2) The answer is none of the above. Discipline
Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. does not mean that a person takes a
Although Marie Curie eventually suffered belt and beats up kids. That is madness.
a fatal illness from her long exposure to Discipline is loving firmness. It is direction.
radium, she never became disillusioned It is prevention before a problem arises.
about her work. Regardless of the It is harnessing and channeling energy
consequences, she had dedicated herself
for a great performance. Discipline is not
to science and to revealing the mysteries
something you do to yourself but you do
of the physical world.
for those you care about.
1. In the line “……..she defiantly left Poland,” the (3) Discipline is an act of love. Sometimes,
word “defiantly” DOES NOT refer to: you have to be unkind to be kind. Not all
(a) Coldly (b) Challenging medicines are sweet, not all surgeries
(c) Resistant (d) Openly are painless, but we have to take them.
We need to learn from nature. We are all
2. Marie ........................ by leaving Poland and familiar with the big animal, the giraffe. A
travelling to France to enter the Sorbonne. female giraffe gives birth to a baby giraffe
(a) challenged authority standing. All of a sudden, the baby falls
(b) showed intelligence on the ground from the cushion of its
(c) got happy mother’s womb and sits on the ground.
(d) was distressed The first thing the mother giraffe does
is get behind the baby and give it a hard
3. Based on your understanding of the passage, kick. The baby gets up but sits down again.
choose the option that lists the qualities of The mother keeps kicking till the baby gets
the professor. up on its feet and starts moving. Why?
(2) Because she knows that the only chance
(1) Scholar (3) Exuberant of survival for the baby in the jungle is to
be on its feet. Otherwise, it will be eaten
(4) (5) A bad up by wild cats.
(6) Thoughtful
Lethargic student (4) Children brought up in a loving yet
(a) (2) and (4) (b) (5) and (6) disciplined environment end up respecting
(c) (1) and (3) (d) (3) and (6) their parents more and become law-
abiding citizens. The reverse is just as true.
4. Choose the option that lists statements that Good parents are not afraid of momentary
is NOT TRUE. dislike by children to enforce the subject.
(a) Marie was brilliant in her studies. Allowing a child to eat a box of chocolate
(b) Marie was the first scientist to obtain could lead to sickness. At the same time,
two Nobel Prizes. the discipline of eating one or two pieces
(c) Marie succeeded her husband Pierre in a day can be an enjoyable experience
Sorbonne University. for a longer time. Our instinct makes
(d) Marie didn’t reveal much facts and us do whatever we want regardless of
mysteries of the physical world. consequences. Freedom is not procured by
the full enjoyment of what is desired but
5. Maria’s subject of interest was:
by the controlling of desire.
(a) to reveal the facts of the physical world.
(b) to explore the astronomical objects of 6. What according to the writer, is not
the universe. discipline?

Mock Paper 2 Page 55

(a) To provide direction to the children. with his parents, bullied his classmates
(b) To have lovingly stern behavior with the and even ill-treated Sammy. He always
children. tried to put Sammy down and belittled him
(c) To allow children for disobedience. before the other kids in class. But no matter
what he did, Sammy’s grades kept getting
(d) To follow prevention before problem.
better and better, whether in studies or
7. Which of the characteristics are apt in sports. Sammy kept getting accolades
about the writer in the following context, from everywhere. On his eighth birthday,
“Discipline is loving feminist. It is a Sammy got a beautiful pen as a gift from
description. It is prevention before a problem his parents. He brought it to school so that
arise”. he could use it to take down the notes of
(1) Impatient (4) Ignorant the lectures that the teachers gave in class.
(2) Clarity in thoughts (5) Determined When Timmy saw it, he felt jealous.
(3) Abusive (6) Spontaneous (2) He asked Sammy, “Hey, where did you get
(a) (1) and (3) (b) (4) and (5) that? Did you buy it?” “My parents gave it as
a birthday gift to me,” replied Sammy. Timmy
(c) (2) and (5) (d) (6) and (4)
was overcome with anger and jealousy. The
8. The phrase “law abiding citizens” refers to bad boy that he was, rarely got any presents
the children who: from his parents. He decided to steal
(a) are loyal to the nation. Sammy’s pen. During recess, when everyone
(b) follow the rules laid down for them. had gone out from the class, Timmy opened
Sammy’s bag and took out his pen. Then he
(c) have parents that were not moved by
momentary dislikes of their kids. hid it inside his bag and went out to have
his lunch. When Sammy came back and
(d) help in forming laws.
could not find his pen, he informed his class
9. Select the option that makes the correct use teacher about it. The class teacher ordered
of “enforce”, as used in the passage, to fill in the class monitor to check every student’s
the blank space. bag. The missing pen was soon found from
(a) The sun was trying to ..................... its way Timmy’s bag and the furious teacher asked
through the curtains. the errant boy, “Now Timmy, what do you
have to say about this?” Timmy was in tears.
(b) All attempt to ..................... the British
commercial regulation were in effectual. He had nothing to say.
(3) When Sammy saw Timmy cry, he took
(c) You were trying to ..................... me off the
bed. pity on the boy. The kind boy that he
was, Sammy had no ill-feeling against his
(d) He was not ..................... of anything.
classmate. He requested his class teacher
10. Choose the option that correctly states not to take any action against Timmy, now
the meaning of Channeling, as used in the that his stolen pen was found.
11. Some of the boys were jealous of Sammy
(a) murring (b) forwarding
because he was:
(c) directing (d) emitting
(a) having a good behavior with everyone.
III. Read the passage given below and answer (b) a healthy boy of the class.
the questions that follow: (c) a mischievous boy of the class.
(1) Once upon a time, there lived a young boy (d) a studious boy of the class.
named Sammy. He was good at studies,
obedient towards his elders, more hard-
12. Choose the option that best captures the
central idea of the passage from the given
working than a lot of other boys in his class quotes:
and kind to everyone. Grown-ups as well
as those younger than Sammy loved him “Discipline is the bridge “Children learn more
very much. This aroused jealousy in some between goal and from what you
boys who longed to be as loved as him. accomplishments”. are than what you
A boy named Timmy studied in the same —Jim Rohn teach”.
class as Sammy. Unlike Sammy, he was  —W.E.B. DuBois
not good at studies and always liked to (1) (2)
play during school hours. He misbehaved

Page 56 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

“Do everything with “Manners cost 14. Select the option that makes the correct use
a good heart, expect nothing but mean of ‘grades’ as used in the passage, to fill in
nothing in return, and everything”. the blank space.
you will never be —Riley Anne (a) His .............. in class was first.
(b) The spices were .............. uniformly.
—Helen Berry
(c) The road was .............. with pit holes.
(3) (4)
(d) Quim is our age but she jumped into
(a) option (1) (b) option (2) school .............. on academic excellence.
(c) option (3) (d) option (4)
15. Choose the option that correctly states the
13. The phrase “ill treated Sammy” refer to the
meaning / s of “aroused” in the passage.
(a) confused (b) badly behaved (a) Inspire (b) Kindle
(c) misfortunate (d) killed (c) Awaken (d) Execute


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 22. Read the two sentences given below and
to the underlined word: choose the correct answer:
His truancy is detrimental. (1) “?” is a character belonging to the
(a) loyalty (b) integrity category of expressions.
(c) honesty (d) absenteeism (2) A question always ends with a “?” mark.
17. Choose the option that is opposite in (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
meaning to the underlined word: (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
His views on the subject are microscopic. (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(a) broad-based (b) minute (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(c) precise (d) fine
23. Read the two sentences given below and
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the choose the correct answer:
given word: (1) The plural of hair is hairs.
JUDICIOUS (2) The plural of furniture is furnitures.
(a) Beautiful (b) Graceful
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(c) Thoughtful (d) Plentiful
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
given word: (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(a) Polished (b) Decorated 24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
(c) Secluded (d) Frequented their respective meanings in column (B).
Column (A) Column (B)
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word: (A) Autobiography (1) the act of suppres-
SUPPRESS sing by cruelty
(a) Abolish (b) Release (B) Dignitaries (2) eminent perso-
(c) Quash (d) Contain nalities

21. Read the two sentences given below and (C) Oppression (3) surrounded by
choose the correct answer: (D) Besieged (4) real life story of a
(1) The opposite of pride is shame. person written by
the person himself
(2) ‘Shame’ is synonymous to self-esteem.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. (b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. (d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1)

Mock Paper 2 Page 57

25. Match the words listed in column (A) with 30. Choose the most appropriate option to
their respective meanings in column (B). identify the meaning of the given idiom/
Column (A) Column (B)
To level with
(A) Emancipation (1) decorated
(a) To be honest
(B) Bedecked (2) to free
(b) To be on a plain
(C) Despised (3) of the greatest (c) To cheat someone
intensity (d) To take revenge
(D) Profound (4) to be hated
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) phrase:
(c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4) Show your hand
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3) (a) To tell people about the past
(b) To tell people about the future
26. Select the word from the given options, you
consider most appropriate for the blank (c) To tell people about them
space: (d) To tell people about your plans
It was a ............ experience. Everybody was 32. Choose the most appropriate option to
shocked. identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) terrified (b) horrified phrase:
(c) terrifying (d) denouncing To pull up
27. Select the word from the given options, you (a) To lift heavy weights
consider most appropriate for the blank (b) To check oneself
space: (c) To shorten the distance
The United Nations had ............. 2020 as the (d) Too short of destination
International Year of Plant Health.
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
(a) ruled (b) ordered underlined part of the sentence from the
(c) foretold (d) declared given options:
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the If I don't know the meaning of a word, I look
sentence and choose the correct option to it after in the dictionary.
identify the right sequence: (a) look it out (b) look it for
P: like mine (c) look it up (d) no improvement
Q: Even to someone with a tin ear 34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
R: her singing sounded pretty (a) Yes; I like to have, some more muffins.
S: melodious (b) Yes, I like to have some more muffins.
The correct sequence should be: (c) Yes I like to have some more muffins.
(a) PRQS (b) QPRS (d) None of these.
(c) QPSR (d) QRPS 35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the (a) She loves to eat 'ice-cream, chocolates
sentence and choose the correct option to sweets and chips'.
identify the right sequence: (b) She loves to eat ice-cream, chocolate's,
P: the sorry state of affairs in the modern sweet's and chip's.
factories (c) She loves to eat ice-cream, chocolates,
Q: The Government of India sweets and chips.
R: under the British was pro-capitalist (d) None of these.
S: though it took some half-hearted steps 36. Choose the correct question tag for the
to mitigate following sentence:
The correct sequence should be: He did a good job yesterday, ..............
(a) PRQS (b) QRSP (a) had he? (b) didn't he?
(c) SPQR (d) QPSR (c) did he? (d) won't he?

Page 58 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

37. Choose the correct phrasal verb. P: was moved inside a small cement
Let's .......... that old box. We don't need it. enclosure
(a) throw up (b) throw in Q: beneath the rail tracks of the toy train.
(c) throw away (d) none of the above R: with a little cajoling the friendly leopard
S: at the corner of his cage
38. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
The correct sequence should be:
A steady mind triumphs ........... difficulties.
(a) RSPQ (b) SRPQ
(a) in (b) over
(c) RPSQ (d) SQPR
(c) at (d) with
45. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
39. Choose the most appropriate option to
The teacher has no control .............. the
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) on (b) over
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
(c) with (d) at
(a) The finest things are hard to get.
(b) One’s actions whether good or bad 46. Choose the correct question tag for the
determine one’s rewards or punishments. following sentence:
(c) Family ties are stronger than other Ravi has been demanding a lot more marks,
relationships. ...............
(d) What pleases the sight varies from one (a) isn't he? (b) hasn't he?
person to another. (c) is he? (d) has he?
40. Correct the sentence, if necessary: 47. Choose the most appropriate option to
He often comes very lately to the class. identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) He often comes lately to the class phrase:
(b) He is often coming very lately to the To draw the line
class (a) to decide one’s occupation
(c) He often comes very late to the class (b) to set limits
(d) No improvement (c) to prepare for a battle
(d) to withdraw from activity
41. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate
articles. 48. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
....... Kashmir is ....... Switzerland of India. I am angry with him ........... his carelessness.
(a) No article, the (b) An, the (a) at (b) in
(c) The, the (d) No article (c) for (d) of
42. Choose the most appropriate option to 49. Fill in the blank by choosing an appropriate
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ article:
phrase: Kalidas is ....... Shakespeare of India.
To turn a deaf ear (a) an (b) the
(a) to be hard of hearing (c) an (d) no article
(b) to be indifferent
(c) to be attentive 50. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
(d) to be obstinate
identify the right sequence:
43. From the given options, choose the one that If suddenly you throw a brick at me
is opposite of the underlined word: P: and not a result of deliberate thought
This area is well-known for plentiful rain. Q: and my hand goes up to protect myself
(a) poor (b) impoverished R: instinctive action
(c) scarce (d) miserly S: it is an automatic
44. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the The correct sequence should be:
sentence and choose the correct option to (a) PQRS (b) RQSP
identify the right sequence: (c) QSRP (d) SPRQ

Mock Paper 2 Page 59

I. 1. (d) Openly II. 6. (c) To allow children for disobedience.
Explanation: 'Defiantly’ means to do Explanation: Providing direction to children
something in a manner that shows is discipline so, (a) is not the answer. The
resistance. Here the word defiantly is also writer insists discipline is loving firmness.
used in the same context as Marie had to So, (b) is also not the answer. It is also
leave Poland as she was denied admission
mentioned in the passage that discipline
to the university. Hence (a), (b) & (c) cannot
means prevention before the problem
be the answer. Here, the answer is (d) openly.
occurs, so, (d) is not the answer. The writer
2. (a) challenged authority is trying to establish the fact that discipline
Explanation: Marie defiantly left Poland cannot be achieved forcefully but lovingly
and traveled to France to enter Sorbonne. and complete disobedience or freedom is
She did so not to (b) show her intelligence. not discipline. So, (c) is the right answer.
No one is happy leaving their motherland
so (c) is not the answer. Marie achieved 7. (c) (2) and (5)
her dreams at Sorbonne so, she was not Explanation: Developing discipline
distressed (d). Marie left Poland after she requires patience so, (a) is not the answer.
was denied admission to the University. This Writer has a clear opinion about what
was her challenge to the authority who did discipline is and how it can be attained so,
so. So, (a) is the right answer. (2) is his characteristic. He rules out the
3. (c) (1) and (3) use of physical punishment for developing
discipline so he himself can’t be abusive
Explanation: Professor was a scholar (1)
(3). The writer is certainly not ignorant
as she received two Noble Prizes. This also
shows that she was a hard worker. So she (4) as he rightly understands the need of
wasn’t lethargic (4). In her early childhood, discipline. Discipline is not instinctive so,
she had a blithe (carefree) personality. So spontaneous (6) is also not the answer. As
she cannot be thoughtful (6). Her husband’s the writer says discipline is loving firmness,
death could not break her down, though so determined (5) is correct. Hence, the
she was distress but later bounced back to answer here is (c).
be the professor at the university. She was
not at all a bad student (5) as she stood first 8. (c) have parents that were not moved by
in mathematics in her class at university. momentary dislikes of their kids.
Rather she was exuberant (3) in her studies. Explanation: The passage presents the
Hence, the answer here is 1 and 3, i.e., (c). author's view of discipline and how it can
be developed as a habit in kids. There is no
4. (d) Marie didn’t reveal much facts and
sense of patriotism involved in this as such.
mysteries of the physical world.
So, (a) is not the answer here. Author also
Explanation: From the reading of the says that kids can be made to follow the
passage we know that Marie was an
rules by means of physical punishment
exuberant student (a), she received two
too but then they do not develop the sense
Nobel Prizes (b), and she was offered her
of right and wrong. So, (b) is also not the
husband’s position of professor at Sorbonne
University (c). We also know that she was
dedicated to reveal the mysteries of the One who forms the law may or may not
physical world. So here (d) is the answer. follow it, so (d) is also not the answer. The
author insists that loving firmness is the
5. (a) to reveal the facts of the physical world. necessity to inculcate the habit of discipline
Explanation: We know that Marie Curie in early childhood. And kids brought up in
was a Physicist so options (b), (c), & (d) are such an environment become law abiding
ruled out. Here (a) is the correct answer. citizens. So, (c) is the right answer.

Page 60 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

9. (b) All attempt to ........ the British commercial 12. (d) option (4)
regulation were in effectual. Explanation: This passage is about how
Explanation: ‘Enforce’ in the passage a child behaves and not about how the
has been used in the sense of imposing behaviour of parents affects the children. So,
someone to follow a course of action. In (a) (a), (b) and (c) is not the answer. The writer
the sun is compelling its way through the tells about how 'nice and kind' Sammy is
curtains. and also how his good manners helped him
In (c), also there is use of force. So both to win hearts. So, (d) is the correct answer.
these cannot be the answer. In (d) there is a 13. (b) badly behaved
sense of urge so this is also not the answer.
Explanation: Confused (a) means when
However, in (b) it seems that some rules or
someone is not sure about something. (c)
laws were being imposed, so it is the right
misfortunate means to have bad luck. (d)
killed means to take away someone’s life. (b)
10. (c) directing badly behaved refers to the misbehaviour or
Explanation: Channeling means to direct when someone doesn’t give due respect or
toward a particular end or object. But in shows courtesy towards the other person,
this passage the word has been used in the ill treated has a similar meaning. Hence, (b)
sense of diverting the kids energies to make is the answer.
full use of their potential just as a flowing
river channelised to control its flow and
14. (d) Quim is our age but she jumped into
school .............. on academic excellence.
make full use of its resources. So, here (a), (b)
& (d) cannot be the answer. The answer is (c). Explanation: Grades in (a) mean to attain
a certain position. In (b) it specifies the
III. 11. (a) having a good behavior with everyone. distribution. In (c) it tells about the quality of
Explanation: When a person is liked by the road. In (d) grades is used to mean the
everyone, he arouses jealousy in some. marking obtained academically, and this is
A healthy person may be liked by some. what is the grade used for in the message.
A mischievous boy is liked by none and
a studious boy is also liked by some. But, 15. (b) Kindle
Sammy was an obedient and loving boy. He Explanation: Inspire and awaken are
was kind to everyone. Such a person is loved positive emotions but arouse in the passage
by everyone and thus he was the reason has been used to show the rise of negative
for jealousy for everyone. Hence, (a) is the emotion of jealousy. Kindle means to light
correct answer. up the fire. The fire burns everything and so
does jealousy. Hence, the answer here is (b).


16. (d) absenteeism So, broad-base is opposite in meaning to
Explanation: truancy means failure to the underlined word microscopic.
attend (especially school)
(a) Loyality means trueness, faithfulness to
18. (c) Thoughtful
commitments or obligations . Explanation: Judicious means done with
(b) Integrity means moral soundness. good sense of judgement.
(c) Honesty means the quality of being (a) Beautiful means pleasant, excellent.
honest. (b) Graceful means having or showing
(d) Absenteeism means habitual absence grace as elegance
from work. (c) Thoughtful means involving or absorbed
So, absenteeism is the nearest in meaning in thoughts.
to the underlined word truancy.
(d) Plentiful means abundant or in ample
17. (a) broad-based amount.
Explanation: microscopic means so small
as to be invisible without a microscope.
19. (c) Secluded
(a) broad based means to describe Explanation: Secluded is closest in meaning
something that will able to many to sequestered. Sequestered means
different place, activities etc. isolated, concealed.
(b) minute means a unit of time equal to 60 (a) Polished means accomplished and
second or 1/60th of an hour. skillful, expert.

Mock Paper 2 Page 61

(b) Decorated means adorn, garnish, make 31. (d) To tell people about your plans
something more attractive. Explanation: Show your hand (idiom) means
(c) Secluded means private, concealed, to allow people to know about intentions
hidden. that you had previously kept secret. So
(d) Frequented means visited often or option (d) i.e., ‘To tell people about your
habitually. plans’ is correct.
20. (b) Release 32. (b) To check oneself
Explanation: Suppress means to stop
Explanation: To pull up (idiom) means to
something by using force.
suddenly stop what one is doing to come
(a) Abolish means to end a law or system
to an often abrupt halt. So, option (b) i.e. ‘To
check oneself ’ is correct.
(b) Release means to allow something to
be free. 33. (c) look it up
(c) Quash means to stop something by force. Explanation: Look up - search for and find a
(d) Contain means to keep something piece of information in a book or database.
within limits. So, option (c) is correct.
Abolish, quash and contain are synonyms
of suppress, while release is its antonym. 34. (b) Yes, I like to have some more muffins.
21. (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. 35. (c) She loves to eat ice-cream, chocolates,
Explanation: It is true that (1) the word sweets and chips.
‘pride’ is the opposite of shame. However, 36. (b) didn't he?
the word shame is not similar to ‘self-
esteem’. It is opposite to it. Hence, (a) is the Explanation: The question tag "didn't he"
right answer. is appropriate in this context to confirm the
statement made by "He said that." as, if a
22. (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. sentence is affirmative, we add a negative
Explanation: It is true that (2) a question question tag to it and vice-versa.
ends with a question mark. However, “?” is
not an expression but a punctuation. Hence, 37. (c) throw away
(b) is the right answer. Explanation: Throw in means to include
something, throw up means to vomit and
23. (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
throw away means to get rid off. Hence, (c)
Explanation: The plural of both these words
is the same as their singular. throw away is the correct answer.

24. (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) 38. (b) over

25. (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3) 39. (d) What pleases the sight varies from one
person to another.
26. (c) terrifying
40. (c) He often comes very late.
27. (d) declared
41. (a) No article, the
28. (b) QPRS
Explanation: The correct sentence is: (Q) 42. (b) to be indifferent
Even to someone with a tin ear (P) like mine Explanation: The meaning of 'to turn a
(R) her singing sounded pretty (S) melodious. deaf ear' is to refuse to listen or respond to
29. (b) QRSP something, i.e., to be indifferent.
Explanation: The correct sentence is: (Q) 43. (c) scarce
The Government of India (R) under the
British was pro-capitalist (S) though it took 44. (a) RSPQ
some half-hearted steps to mitigate the Explanation: The correct sentence is: (R)
sorry state of affairs in the modern factories. With a little cajoling the friendly leopard
30. (a) To be honest (S) at the corner of his cage (P) was moved
Explanation: To level with (idiom) means to inside a small cement enclosure (Q) beneath
tell someone the truth especially when it the rail tracks of the toy train.
may be unpleasant. So, option (a) i.e. ‘To be
honest’ is correct. 45. (b) over

Page 62 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

46. (b) hasn't he? 48. (c) for
Explanation: To make a sentence 49. (b) the
interrogative, a negative question tag with
50. (c) QSRP
the same tense of the helping verb is added
Explanation: The correct sentence is: If
to an affirmative sentence and vice-versa.
suddenly you throw a brick at me (Q) and
47. (b) to set limits my hand goes up to protect myself (S) it is
Explanation: The meaning of to draw the an automatic (R) instinctive action (P) and
line is to set the limits. not a result of deliberate thought.

Mock Paper 2 Page 63

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer (4) Like solar-powered homes, solar cars
harness energy from the sun by converting
the questions that follow:
it into electricity. This electricity fuels the
(1) Of all the inventions of science, solar battery that runs the car’s motor. Instead of
rickshaw is perhaps the most useful on using a battery, some solar cars direct the
the practical side of life. It is not just any power straight to an electric motor. Great
rickshaw but an optimally designed, examples of the latest solar-powered cars
pedal-operated, and motor-assisted three- are the University of Michigan solar car, the
wheeler. This zero carbon, urban transport MIT solar car, and the Berkeley solar car.
vehicle or ‘pedicab’ was designed and (5) Solar cars use photovoltaic cells to convert
developed by a team of engineers from the sunlight into energy. Photovoltaic cells
Central Mechanical Engineering Research are the components in solar panels that
Institute, Durgapur, West Bengal. convert the sun’s energy to electricity.
(2) Like a solar rickshaw, the gorgeous green They’re made up of semiconductors,
phone is another wonderful invention of usually silicon that absorb the light.
the scientific mind. We all know that mobile The sun’s energy frees electrons in the
phones are must-haves these days. In fact, semiconductors, creating a flow of
according to statistics, six out of ten people electrons. This flow generates electricity
in this world own a cell phone. So, imagine that powers the battery and the specialised
the energy consumed and the e-waste motor in solar cars.
generated by these devices. With this in Rest of the
mind, many handset manufacturers are Australia
going green, while some are even going 2%

solar. France
(3) Samsung, for instance, has unveiled a solar- United Kingdom
powered phone - ‘‘Blue Earth’’. It is a touch 3%

phone that has a full solar panel on its India

back which can generate enough power to
charge the phone. It is made from recycled 5%

plastic from water bottles and has a built-

in pedometer to keep a tab on your carbon 10% United States
dioxide emissions. It is also small enough to Japan
fit into your pocket. 12%

Page 64 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

The History of Solar Power
• Crocks used passive solar to heat buildings • 1941: American Russell Ohl invented a
(400 BC). silicon solar cell.
• Roman improved by using glass to trap heat • 1954: Bell Labs researchers Pearson,
in the buildings and greenhouses (100 AD). Chapin, and Fuller reported their discovery
• 1700: Antoine Lavoisier built a solar heater. of 4.5% efficient silicon solar cells.

• 1839: French physicist Antoine-Cesar • 1950's: Solar cells developed for satellites.
Becquerel observed that shining light on • 1960: Hoffman Electronics achieved 14%
an electrode submerged in a conductive efficient PV cells.
solution would create an electric current. • 1973: OPEC energy crisis causes US to
• 1860: The first solar motor, heated water re-examine use of renewable energy
used to drive a steam motor, Augustin sources; federal and state tax credits result
Mouchot. in rapid growth for a new solar industry.

1. In the lines “.............. motor-assisted three– (c) OPEC energy crisis causes US to
wheeler,” the word “assisted” does not refer re-examine the use of energy source.
(d) State tax credit resulted in rapid
(a) helped (b) attached
degradation of a new solar industry.
(c) associated (d) departed
2. The history of solar power, in an observation, 3. What does the phrase ‘going green’ signify?
didn’t share that: (a) wearing green clothes
(a) Bell labs reported the discovery of 4.5% (b) being eco-friendly
effiicient silicon solar cell.
(c) visiting a green island
(b) Hoffman Electronics achieve 14%
effiicient PV cells. (d) a green coloured phone

4. Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the characteristic of solar

(1) They don’t use solar (2) They store sun’s (3) Solar cars harness
energy. energy for future energy form the sun
use. and converting into

(4) Solar powered (5) Solar cars do not use (6) Petrol cars are better
phone gets charged photovoltaic cells. inventions than solar
as android phone. cars.
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (3) (c) (3) and (4) (d) (5) and (6)
5. A ‘pedicab’ signify: (2) Two types of cardamom are produced
(a) two – wheeler car in India. The first type is the large one
(b) pedal operated, motor assisted three that does not have much significance as
wheeler rickshaw. it is not traded in the future market. It is
(c) a simple car cultivated in the Northeastern area of the
(d) vehicle running on petrol country. The second type is produced in the
Southern states and these are traded in the
II. Read the passage given below and answer future market. These are mainly cultivated
the questions that follow: in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. As
(1) Cardamom, the queen of all spices, has a per the future market rules, only the 7 mm
history as old as the human race. It is the quality was traded in exchanges previously.
dried fruit of a herbaceous perennial plant. But later, the norms relaxed, and now the
Warm humid climate, loamy soil rich in 6 mm quality is also traded.
organic matter, distributed rainfall, and (3) The small variety, known for its
special cultivation and processing methods extraordinary quality throughout the
all combine to make Indian cardamom world, is now traded in India’s commodity
truly unique in aroma, flavour, and size. future exchanges. Traditional auction

Mock Paper 3 Page 65

markets also exist for trading in small (a) Cardamom- our tradition
cardamom in the country. Cardamom is (b) India leads the world in cardamom
an expensive spice, second only to saffron. (c) Cardamom is an extraordinary spice.
It is often adulterated and there are many
(d) Cardamom and its aroma are invaluable.
inferior substitutes of cardamom-related
plants, such as Siam cardamom, Nepal 7. Which characteristics of cardamom the
cardamom, Winged Java cardamom, etc. writer wants to convey in the following line:
However, it is only Elettaria cardamom “Cardamom the queen of all spices; has a
which is the purest variety of cardamom. history as old as the humane race”?
Indian cardamom is popular for its two (1) outdated (4) no longer used
main varieties: Malabar cardamom and (2) aromatic (5) traditional
Mysore cardamom. The Mysore variety (3) expensive (6) out of reach
contains levels of cineol and limonene and
hence, is more aromatic.
(a) (1), (2) and (4) (b) (3), (4) and (5)
(4) India was the world’s largest producer
(c) (2), (3) and (5) (d) (5) and (6)
and exporter of cardamom till the 1980s.
By the 1990s, Guatemala emerged as 8. Select the option that makes the correct use
the leading producer and exporter of of “inferior”, as used in the passage; to fill in
cardamom. The main harvest season of the blank space.
cardamom in India is between August and (a) This letter is to be printed............... .
February. Cardamom reaches yielding (b) These pearls are of ................ quality.
stage two years after planting. The
(c) I am in the ................ region of the state.
primary physical markets of cardamom
are Kumily, Vandenmedu, Thekkady, and (d) She is my brother’s ................ .
Puliyarmala in Kerala and Bodynaikkannur 9. The author attempts to ................ readers
and Cumbam in Tamil Nadu. Cardamom about the importance of cardamom.
auctions also take place in Sakleshpur and (a) question (b) clarify
Sirsi in Karnataka.
(c) advice (d) explain
(5) North India is the main market for the
cardamom produced in the country. 10. Choose the option that correctly states the
Normally, the domestic demand goes meaning of “yield”, as used in the passage.
up during major festivals such as Diwali, (a) giving way under pressure.
Dussehra, and Eid. Colour, size, and (b) to stop the growth.
aroma are the major variables that shape (c) stop refusing to do something.
cardamom prices in the Indian market. (d) to produce or provide crops, profit or
Cardamom price formation in India is also result.
influenced by the output in Guatemala as
that country controls the global markets. III. Read the passage given below and answer
(6) Kerala is the main producer of cardamom the questions that follow:
and contributes up to 60% of the total (1) Have you ever failed at something so,
production. Karnataka produces around miserably that the thought of attempting
25% of the total cardamom production. to do it again was the last thing on your
Ooty is the main producer of cardamom mind?
in Tamil Nadu and contributes around (2) If your answer is yes, then you should
10-15% of the total production. understand that you are not a robot. Unlike
(7) Guatemala produces around 2,200 tons of robots, we human beings have feelings,
cardamom every year, while India produces emotions, and dreams. We are all meant
nearly 1,000-2,000 tons yearly. Because of to grow despite our circumstances and
its low quality, cardamom from Guatemala limitations. Flourishing and trying to make
remains available at cheaper rates. Due our dreams come true feels great when
to this, cardamom of Indian origin fetches life goes our way. But what happens when
$ 3-4 more per kilogram than the ones it does not? What happens when you fail
from Guatemala. despite all your hard work? Do you stay
down and accept defeat or do you get
6. Choose the option that best captures the up again? If you have the tendency to
central idea of the passage from the given persevere and keep going, then you have
quotes: what experts call ‘grit’.

Page 66 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(3) Falling down or failing is one of the most 12. Choose the option that best captures the
agonising, embarrassing, and scary human central idea of the passage from the given
experiences. But it is also one of the most quotes.
educational, empowering, and essential
parts of living a successful and fulfilling “What is the point “Mistakes are the
life. Did you know that perseverance (grit) of being alive if you portals of discovery.”
is one of the seven qualities that has been don’t at least try —James Joyce
described as the key to personal success to do something
and betterment in society? The other six are:
curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control, —John Green
social intelligence, and zest. Thomas Edison (1) (2)
is an example of grit for trying more than
1,000 times to invent the light bulb. If you
“Failure should be “A person who never
are reading this with the lights on in your
our teacher, not our made a mistake
room, you will realise the importance of
undertaker. Failure is never tried anything
his success. When asked why he kept going delay, not defeat. It is new.”
despite hundreds of failures, he merely a temporary detour,
stated that they had not been failures, —Albert Einstein
not a dead end.”
they were hundreds of attempts towards
creating the light bulb. This statement not —Denis Waitley
only revealed his grit but also his optimism (3) (4)
for looking at the bright side.
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(4) Grit can be learnt to help you become
more successful. One of the techniques (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
that helps is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a 13. Which of the following sentences makes the
practice that makes an individual stay in the
correct use of “grit”, as used in the passage?
moment by bringing awareness of his or her
experience without judgement. This practice (a) Get rid of that grit in your shoes.
has been used to quieten the noise of fears (b) She had a bit of grit in her eye.
and doubts. Through this simple practice of (c) The road had been covered with grit.
mindfulness, individuals have the ability to (d) Her grit never made her give up.
stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral
of hopelessness, despair, and frustration. 14. How does mindfulness help?
(5) What did you do to overcome the negative (a) It creates awareness
and self-sabotaging feelings of failure? (b) It quietens the noise of fears and doubts
Reflect on what you did, and try to use (c) It helps one become successful
those same powerful resources to help you
(d) It helps develop focus
15. Choose the option that correctly states the
11. The reason why you are not a robot is
meaning of ‘social intelligence’ as implied in
the passage:
(a) You fail miserably at tasks
(a) Knowing others
(b) Failure and success can affect your
emotions (b) Knowing oneself and others
(c) You work hard (c) Knowing oneself
(d) You have limitations (d) Knowing one’s surroundings


16. Select the option with the closest meaning Mohan always had profound respect for
to the underlined word: Sohan.
His solemnity is celebrated.
(a) greed (b) desire (a) deep (b) extreme
(c) trust (d) dignity (c) sincere (d) superficial

17. Choose the option that is opposite in 18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
meaning to the underlined word: given word:

Mock Paper 3 Page 67

ASTONISHMENT (a) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
(a) Wonder (b) Composure (b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(c) Fright (d) Expectation (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1)
given word: 25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
CONDESCENDING their respective meanings in column (B).
(a) Accusing (b) Patronising
Column (A) Column (B)
(c) Creating (d) Stimulating
(A) Scraped (1) rural region
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word: (B) Beckoning (2) happy
EMBARK (C) Countryside (3) scratched
(a) Board (b) Launch
(D) Glad (4) signaling
(c) Commence (d) Finish
(a) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
21. Read the two sentences given below and
choose the correct answer: (b) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(2)
(1) In the statement ‘Sarah swims quickly’, (c) (A)-(3), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(2)
quickly is an adverb. (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
(2) An adverb is the word that modifies a
verb or an adjective.
26. Select the word from the given options, you
consider most appropriate for the blank
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
Mahatma Gandhi was a lover of humanity
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
and a .............. believer in the goodness of
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. human nature.
22. Read the two sentences given below and (a) staunch (b) powerful
choose the correct answer: (c) cheerful (d) hopeful
(1) An adjective is a word that modifies a
noun or a noun phrase.
27. Select the word from the given options, you
consider most appropriate for the blank
(2) “Terribly” is an adjective. space:
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. The Election Commission on Saturday
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. .............. that the Assembly elections in five
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. States will be held from November 12 to
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. December 7.
(a) pronounced (b) announced
23. Read the two sentences given below and
choose the correct answer: (c) promulgated (d) issued
(1) ‘The cashier counted the money’ is an 28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
active voice. sentence and choose the correct option to
(2) ‘The thieves were chased by the dogs’ is identify the right sequence:
an active voice. P: you can't judge
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. Q: very intelligent, but
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. R: a book by its cover
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
S: He doesn't look
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
The correct sequence should be:
24. Match the words listed in column (A) with (a) SQPR (b) QRSP
their respective meanings in column (B). (c) SQRP (d) QPSR
Column (A) Column (B)
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
(A) Ledge (1) a projecting edge on sentence and choose the correct option to
a mountain identify the right sequence:
(B) Muster up (2) reprimand P: membership and partisanship as well as
Q: can be found in the decline in party
(C) Plunge (3) to gather or bring
together R: Evidence of a crisis in party politics
S: in the rise of antiparty groups and
(D) Upbraiding (4) to dive

Page 68 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

The correct sequence should be: (c) My favourite teacher, who just happens
(a) RQPS (b) QRSP to be my uncle retired from the university
(c) RSQP (d) QPSR last summer.
(d) My favourite, teacher, who just happens
30. Choose the most appropriate option to to be my uncle, retired from the university
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ last summer.
Be out of action 36. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.
(a) To get punishment French is ............ language of ............ people of
(b) To get reward England.
(c) To become dysfunctional (a) an, a (b) a, the
(d) To become super active (c) the, an (d) an, the

31. Choose the most appropriate option to 37. Fill in the blank with appropriate article.
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ Akshay is ....... open-minded man.
phrase: (a) a (b) an
Learning from the school of hard knocks. (c) the (d) none of them
(a) Learning things from experience
(b) Learning things from others
38. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
(c) Learning things from environment
identify the right sequence:
(d) Learning things through difficult
He was known
P: and therefore his arrest
32. Choose the most appropriate option to Q: surprised everyone who knew him
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
R: on charges of corruption
S: to be a honest and kind man
Raise some hackles
The correct sequence should be:
(a) To annoy
(a) SPRQ (b) RQPS
(b) To make someone happy
(c) PQRS (d) QRPS
(c) To do a great task
(d) To sit idle 39. Choose the most appropriate option to identify
the meaning of the given idiom/ phrase:
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the To live in a fool's paradise:
underlined part of the sentence from the
(a) to live a life that is dishonest
given options:
(b) to be happy because you do not accept
When we saw him last, he ran to catch a how bad a situation really is
(c) to believe that things you want will
(a) has run (b) had run happen
(c) was running (d) no improvement (d) to enjoy yourself by spending a lot of
34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. money
(a) The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said 40. Choose the part of the following sentence
quietly, “If only we had known before...” that contains an error:
(b) The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said None of the children has ever sang in public.
quietly, “If only we had known before...?”
(a) None of
(c) The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said
(b) the children
quietly, “If only we had known before...”!
(d) The twins, exchanged looks, and Tess, (c) has ever sang
said quietly, “If only we had known (d) in public
before...”! 41. Choose the most appropriate option to
35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) My favourite teacher, who just happens
to be my uncle, retired from the All that glitters is not gold.
university last summer. (a) A mistake can be a great teacher.
(b) My favourite teacher who just happens (b) Everything that is attractive on the
to be my uncle, retired from the university outside may not be really valuable
last summer. inside.

Mock Paper 3 Page 69

(c) Live within your means COMPLY
(d) It is better to accept the little we have (a) Challenge (b) Submit
than reject it hoping to get a lot later. (c) Conform (d) Adapt
42. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the 47. Choose the correct question tag for the
blank in the given sentence:
following sentence:
He is confident of ........... first prize.
He speaks English well, ..................
(a) secured (b) secure
(a) don’t he? (b) does he?
(c) security (d) securing
(c) doesn’t he? (d) did he?
43. Change the given sentence of active voice
into passive voice. Select the appropriate 48. From the given options, select the one which
option. is same in meaning to the underlined word:
I did not trust anybody. Due to long lapse of time I could not
(a) Nobody was trusted by me. recognize my old friend.
(b) Nobody had been trusted by me. (a) delay (b) passage
(c) Nobody would be trusted by me. (c) duration (d) movement
(d) Nobody has been trusted by me.
49. From the given options, select the one which
44. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the is opposite in meaning to the underlined
blank in the given sentence:
After having tea, he settled himself ........... his
I wrote to him as lately as last week.
arm chair.
(a) on (b) in (a) late (b) recently
(c) over (d) into (c) early (d) immediately

45. Correct the sentence by changing the 50. Choose the most appropriate option to
underlined word, if necessary: identify the meaning of the given idiom/
A large amount of people think that he is phrase:
innocent. To draw the line
(a) big amount (b) large amounts (a) to decide one’s occupation
(c) big amounts (d) large number (b) to set limits
46. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (c) to prepare for a battle
given word: (d) to withdraw from activity

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Mock Papers

Page 70 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer make unsafe and unhealthy choices. Anxiety
the questions that follow: and depression amongst the students, to
the point of turning them suicidal, have
(1) Children in India live in diverse been a cause for concern in the recent past.
circumstances and have equally diverse
(3) Girls are more vulnerable and face
needs and rights. Along with their need
discrimination at many levels from being
to be educated, healthy, and skillful,
unwelcome since birth to being pulled
they need, and have rights to adequate out of school for a variety of reasons.
nutrition, to live in a safe and supportive Dropping out of school, low motivation
environment, have opportunities to reach for academics, and general disinterest in
their optimal potential and generally lead sports and physical activities are some of
healthy, joyful, and fulfilling lives so, that the problems that need to be addressed.
they can become productive and well-
(4) Child malnutrition is rampant in most parts
adjusted citizens of tomorrow.
of the country. This has an adverse bearing
(2) Children in our country face many on their cognitive capacities, learning
challenges. Many of them are first performance, and physical capacity. India
generation learners and face a myriad is one among the many countries where
of problems throughout their schooling. child malnutrition is severe. Malnutrition is a
Due to the socio-economic and cultural major underlying cause of child mortality in
determinants, they may be vulnerable India. Trends in various nutritional indicator
in many ways. Peer pressure and lack of values and U5 mortality rate from 2000 to
positive role models may prompt them to 2018 are shown in the figure below:






2000 2005 2010 2018
Prevalence of stunting in children under  ve years (%)
Proportion of undernourished in the population (%)
Prevalence of wasting in children under  ve years (%)
Under- ve mortality rate (%)

Mock Paper 4 Page 71

(5) Our children have the right to have a good 4. What percentage of children in 2005 didn’t
quality education, skill-building facilities, a show stunting?
safe and supportive environment, positive (a) 50% (b) 40%
role models, empowerment, and friendly (c) 48% (d) 52%
health services and counselling. Well-
informed and skilled children are likely to 5. Choose the option that lists statement that
make better decisions concerning their is not true.
careers and relationships, habits, physical (a) Child malnutrition is rampant in the
and mental health, and also will be country.
successful and an asset to the society. (b) Peer pressure leads to unhealthy choices
(6) They also need to understand and deal of careers.
with emerging issues like newly available (c) Skilled children are diverted sometimes
career choices, pollution, water and in careers.
energy conservation, global warming, (d) Children require guidance or counselling.
protection of the environment, terrorism,
and disasters. Dealing with anxiety II. Read the passage given below and answer
and depression, negative peer pressure, the questions that follow:
violence, and accidents are some other (1) Reality television is a genre of television
significant issues that impact an individual’s programming which, it is claimed, presents
health and also the social, economic, and unscripted dramatic or humorous situations,
health indicators of the country. Gender documents actual events, and features
sensitivity, prevention of female infanticide ordinary people rather than professional
and good parenting are some important actors. It could be described as a form of
social aspects that all children need to artificial or ‘heightened’ documentary.
understand. Children require guidance and Although the genre has existed in some
assistance—both covert and overt–from form or another since the early years
their parents, teachers, peers, and society of television, the current explosion of
in general to complete the various tasks of popularity dates from the year 2000.
development and deal with such issues.
(2) Reality television covers a wide range of
1. In the line, “............ the problems that need television programming formats, from
to be addressed”, the word “ADDRESSED” game or quiz shows that resemble the
refers to: frantic, often demeaning programmes
(a) be looked into. produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s
(b) be rejected. (a modern example is Gaki no Tsukai),
to surveillance- or voyeurism-focussed
(c) be written address on.
productions such as ‘Big Brother’.
(d) be acknowledged.

2. How are well-informed children better than

other children?
(a) They are educated.
(b) They are aware of the world.
(c) They make qualified choices.
(d) They have ample career choices.

3. Based on your understanding of the

passage, choose the option that lists the
inherent qualities of a role model.
(2) Always guides
(1) Believes in God

(3) Promises the (4) Always inspires

well-being of others others

(6) Cracks funny

(5) Wastes time
(a) (1) and (5) (b) (2) and (4)
(c) (3) and (6) (d) (4) and (2)

Page 72 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(3) Critics say that the term ‘reality television’ 8. Based on your understanding of the passage,
is somewhat of a misnomer and that choose the option that lists the qualities of
such shows frequently portray a modified reality television:
and highly influenced form of reality, with (1) It shows ultimate reality.
participants put in exotic locations or (2) It represents good stories.
abnormal situations, sometimes coached
(3) It presents an inaccurate description
to act in certain ways by off-screen
about people.
handlers. Events on screen are manipulated
through editing and other post-production (4) It makes common man – the stars of the
techniques. future generations.
(4) A part of reality television’s appeal is due (5) It presents manipulated and fabricated
to its ability to place ordinary people in scenes.
extraordinary situations. For example, (6) It produces degree of celebrityhood to all
on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an the participants.
eligible male, dates a dozen women (a) (1) (2) and (3) (b) (2) (3) and (4)
simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary (c) (3), (4) and (5) (d) (4), (5) and (6)
dates to scenic locales. Reality television
also has the potential to turn its 9. Which word in the passage means the same
participants into national celebrities, as ‘acquiescent’?
outwardly in talent and performance (a) aroused (b) obedient
programmes such as 'Pop Idol', though (c) belittled (d) hard working
'Survivor' and 'Big Brother' participants
also reach some degree of celebrityhood. 10. Choose the option that is NOT TRUE from
(5) Some commentators have said that the given passage:
the name ‘reality television’ is an (a) Reality television is a form of heightened
inaccurate description for several styles documentary.
of programmes included in the genre. In (b) Reality television provides a big platform
competition-based programmes, such to showcase talent.
as 'Big Brother' and 'Survivor', and other (c) Reality television is a form of unscripted
special-living-environment shows like drama.
'The Real World', the producers design the
(d) Reality television deteriorates the values
format of the show and control the day- of common men.
to-day activities and the environment,
creating a completely fabricated world in III. Read the passage given below and answer
which the competition plays out. Producers the questions that follow:
specifically select the participants and use (1) Today I, Rabindranath Tagore, complete
carefully designed scenarios, challenges, eighty years of my life. As I look back on
events and settings to encourage particular the vast stretch of years that lie behind me
behaviour and conflicts. Mark Burnett, and see in clear perspective the history of
creator of Survivor and other reality shows, my early development, I am struck by the
has agreed with this assessment, and change that has taken place both in my
avoids the word ‘reality’ to describe his own attitude and in the psychology of my
shows. He has said, “I tell good stories. It countrymen - a change that carries within
really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted it a cause of profound tragedy.
drama.” (2) Our direct contact with the larger world of
6. In the line, “................. reality behavior men was linked up with the contemporary
is an inaccurate description”, the word history of the English people, whom we
“inaccurate” DOES NOT refer to: came to know in those earlier days. It was
mainly through their mighty literature that
(a) false (b) incorrect
we formed our ideas with regard to these
(c) perfect (d) fabricated newcomers to our Indian shores. In those
7. What are the abilities of reality television days, the type of learning that was served
shows? out to us was neither plentiful nor diverse,
nor was the spirit of scientific enquiry very
(a) They make people rich.
much in evidence. Thus, their scope being
(b) They change people perception. strictly limited, the educated of those
(c) They change the lives of participants. days had recourse to English language
(d) They increase the popularity of channel. and literature. Their days and nights were

Mock Paper 4 Page 73

eloquent with the stately declamations “Jai Hind” “People are trapped
of Burke, with Macaulay’s long-rolling
—Netaji Subhash in history and history
sentences; discussions centered upon
Chandra Bose is trapped in them”
Shakespeare’s drama and Byron’s poetry,
—James Baldwin
and above all upon the large-hearted
liberalism of nineteenth-century English (1) (2)
(3) At the time, though tentative attempts “A nation’s culture “History is who we
were being made to gain our national resides in the hearts are and why we are
independence, at heart we had not lost and in the soul of its the way we are.”
faith in the generosity of the English race. people.” —David McCullough
This belief was so firmly rooted in the —Mahatma Gandhi
sentiments of our leaders as to lead them (3) (4)
to hope that the victor would of his own
grace pave the path of freedom for the (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
vanquished. This belief was based upon (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
the fact that England at the time provided
12. Tagore felt that Englishmen deserved his
a shelter to all those who had to flee from
highest respect because of .................... .
persecution in their own country. Political
martyrs who had suffered for the honour (a) their literature
of their people were accorded unreserved (b) their open-minded humanity
welcome at the hands of the English. (c) their providing refuge to people
(4) I was impressed by this evidence of (d) their modern outlook
liberal humanity in the character of the
13. Which word in the passage is closest in
English and thus, I was led to set them on
meaning to ‘deep’?
the pedestal of my highest respect. This
(a) perspective (b) profound
generosity in their national character had
not yet been vitiated by imperialist pride. (c) tragedy (d) psychology
About this time, as a boy in England, I had 14. Choose the option that correctly states the
the opportunity of listening to the speeches meaning of ‘liberal humanity’ as implied in
of John Bright, both in and outside the passage:
parliament. The large-hearted, radical
(a) Bondage
liberalism of those speeches, overflowing
(b) Freedom of choice
all narrow national bounds, had made
so deep an impression on my mind that (c) Knowledge of humanity and society
something of it lingers even today, even in (d) all of the above
these days of graceless disillusionment.
15. The terms ‘large – hearted’ and ‘radical-
11. Choose the option that best captures the liberalism’ are used for:
central idea of the passage from the given (a) Macaulay (b) John Bright
quotes. (c) Shakespeare (d) Byron


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
to the underlined word: given word:
The Holocaust was experienced by millions. RAMIFICATION
(a) celebration (b) destruction (a) Source (b) Consequence
(c) construction (d) beautiful (c) Inception (d) Satisfaction

17. Choose the option that is opposite in 19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
meaning to the underlined word: given word:
We were living in turbulent times. EFFICIENCY
(a) destructive (b) unstable (a) Disability (b) Capability
(c) calm (d) stormy (c) Fluency (d) Tendency

Page 74 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
given word: their respective meanings in column (B).
THWART Column (A) Column (B)
(a) Allow (b) Obstruct
(A) Enduring (1) to touch or push
(c) Oppose (d) Appoint gently
21. Read the two sentences given below and (B) Nudge (2) lasting over a period
choose the correct answer: of time
(1) A metaphor is a poetic device. (C) Incredulously (3) showing no emotion
(2) It compares using the words ‘as’ and
(D) Stolidly (4) in a manner
‘like’. indicating disbelief
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
22. Read the two sentences given below and 26. Select the word (or group of words) from
choose the correct answer: the given options, you consider most
(1) The synonym of the word ‘regret’ is ‘rue’. appropriate for the blank space:
(2) The synonym of the word ‘diverse’ is The victims were fruit vendors and they
‘manifold’. were going in an auto when they ......... an
accident on the way.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(a) met with (b) ran into
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. (c) experienced (d) heard
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
27. Select the word from the given options, you
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. consider most appropriate for the blank
23. Read the two sentences given below and
choose the correct answer: Scores of villagers are ............ a sit–in protest
against the construction of a new underpass.
(1) All good things must come to an end is a
(a) performing (b) sitting
(c) staging (d) standing
(2) Proverbs are insightfully true perceived
statements. 28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
identify the right sequence:
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. P: Several years ago,
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. Q: course on climate change at Texas A & M
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. University
R: Professor Andrew Dessler created an
24. Match the words listed in column (A) with introductory
their respective meanings in column (B). S: for freshmen and sophomores
The correct sequence should be:
Column (A) Column (B) (a) PRQS (b) QRPS
(c) SQRP (d) PQRS
(A) Musings (1) old-fashioned
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
(B) Brooding (2) serious sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence:
(C) Solemn (3) thoughts
P: I realise that solving the climate change
(D) Fogey (4) thinking seriously
Q: than solving
R: will be harder
(a) (A)-(3), (B)-(4), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
S: the ozone depletion problem
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
The correct sequence should be:
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) (a) PRQS (b) QRPS
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1) (c) SQRP (d) PQRS

Mock Paper 4 Page 75

30. Choose the most appropriate option to 35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ At sunset the general having made a
phrase: decision marched forward.
A man of letters (a) At sunset, the general, having made a
decision marched forward.
(a) An excellent artist
(b) At sunset the general, having made a
(b) A scholar in literature
decision, marched forward.
(c) An outstanding sportsman
(c) At sunset, the general; having made a
(d) A known novelist decision, marched forward.
(d) At sunset, the general, having made a
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
decision, marched forward
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: 36. Choose the most appropriate option to
Overstep the mark identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) To tell people how successful you are
A death blow
(b) To step into someone else’s areas of
(a) to be nearly dead
(b) to be deeply afraid of death
(c) To upset someone by doing/saying more
(c) to beat someone to death
than you should
(d) an action or event which causes
(d) To do something in an excited way
something to end or fail
32. Choose the most appropriate option to 37. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ sentence and choose the correct option to
phrase: identify the right sequence:
Palsy-Walsy friends The person who can state
(a) Good friends P: correct than the person who cannot
(b) Friends who help each other in difficult Q: is more likely to be
situations R: his antagonist's point of view
(c) Friends by choice, and not by chance S: to the satisfaction of the antagonist
(d) Unfriendly The correct sequence should be:
(a) RSQP (b) RQPS
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the (c) SPRQ (d) QPRS
underlined part of the sentence from the
given options: 38. Choose the correct meaning of the proverb
from the given options.
She cut a sad figure in her first performance
Charity begins at home
on the stage.
(a) A mistake can be a great teacher.
(a) made a sorry figure
(b) Provide help first to one's family
(b) cut a sorry face members and then to others.
(c) cut a sorry figure (c) Do not give a precious thing to someone
(d) No improvement who cannot value it.
(d) Everything that is attractive on the
34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. outside may not be really valuable inside.
(a) Mary has offered to coach the team this
year however, the competition for the 39. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
job is intense. The principal called ........... the names of the
(b) Mary has offered to coach the team this winners.
year; however, the competition for the (a) on (b) at
job is intense. (c) out (d) for
(c) Mary has offered to coach the team this 40. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate
year, however the competition for the article.
job is intense. ....... camel can go .......long distance without
(d) Mary has offered to coach the team, this water.
year, however; the competition for the (a) An, a (b) A, a
job is intense. (c) The, the (d) no article

Page 76 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

41. Correct the sentence by changing the (a) the good understanding
underlined word, if necessary. (b) a good understanding
Chitra's friend speaks English bad, but he is (c) good an understanding
learning quickly. (d) No improvement
(a) badly, but he is learning quick
46. Choose the correct degree of adjective.
(b) badly, but he is learning quickly
(a) Kalidas is the greatest of all other poets.
(c) bad, but he is learning quick
(b) Kalidas is the greatest of all poets.
(d) No improvement (c) Kalidas is the greater of all other poets.
42. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the (d) Kalidas is the greater of all poets.
blank in the given option. 47. Choose the correct question tag for the
It ........... a holiday, we went on a picnic. following sentence.
(a) be (b) being Ravi has been demanding a lot more marks,
(c) been (d) none ...............
(a) isn’t he? (b) hasn’t he?
43. Choose the correct sequence.
(c) isn’t it? (d) No improvement
The time has come
P: for future generations to come 48. Choose the correct question tag for the
following sentence.
Q: that the ideal of peace is a distant ideal
Your sister cooks well, ...............
R: or one which can be postponed
(a) isn't it? (b) doesn't she?
S: when man must no longer think
(c) doesn't it? (d) is she?
The correct sequence should be:
(a) PQRS (b) SQRP 49. From the given options, select the one which
(c) QRSP (d) RSPQ is antonym of the underlined word.
Mohan is his steadfast friend.
44. Choose the most appropriate preposition. (a) committed (b) unwavering
I do not agree ........... you on this point. (c) unfaltering (d) unreliable
(a) to (b) with
50. From the given options, select the one which
(c) in (d) at
is synonym of the underlined word.
45. Choose the appropriate option to make the How beautiful ! This is really something to
sentence correct, if necessary. ponder over.
You don’t have good understanding of the (a) think (b) sing
subject. (c) wonder (d) dance

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Mock Paper 4 Page 77

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer layers of ice above melt with the increasing
the questions that follow: temperature, thus ensuring continuous
supply to the fields. Therefore, farmers
(1) Necessity is indeed the mother of invention.
have been able to manage two crops
When areas in and around Leh began to
instead of one. It costs about 1,50,000 and
experience water shortages, life didn’t
above to create a glacier.
grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang
Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the (4) Fondly called the glacier man, Mr. Norphel
Jammu and Kashmir Government came up has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in
with the idea of artificial glaciers. and around Leh since 1987. In recognition
(2) Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of of his pioneering effort, he was conferred
3,000-3,500 meters above sea level, has the Padma Shri by former President
a low average annual rainfall rate of 50 Pranab Mukherjee in 2015.
mm. Glaciers have always been the only (5) There are a few basic steps followed
source of water. Agriculture is completely while creating an artificial glacier. River or
dependent on glacier melt, unlike the rest stream water at higher altitude is diverted
of river/monsoon-fed India. But over the to a shaded area of the hill, facing north,
years, with increasing effects of climate where the winter sun is blocked by a ridge
change, rainfall and snowfall patterns or a mountain range. At the start of winter
have been changing, resulting in severe i.e., in November, the diverted water
shortage and drought situations. Given the is made to flow on sloping hills facing
extreme winter conditions, the window for distribution channels. Stone embankments
farming is usually limited to one harvest are built at regular intervals which impede
season. the flow of water, making shallow pools
(3) It is located between the natural glacier which freeze, forming a cascade of ice
above and the village below. The one along the slope. Ice formation continues
closer to the village and lowest in altitude for 3-4 months resulting in a large
melts first, providing water during April- accumulation of ice which is referred to as
May, the crucial sowing season. Further, an ‘artificial glacier’.

Page 78 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Meltwater Discharge

Sowing Harvest
Period Period

by Arti cial Glaciers

Critical Phase

No Irrigation Water De cit Water Surplus No Irrigation























Pipes are hold
connecting to a
stream of water
1 sourced from higher
up the mountains.
Pressure created
by this difference
in heights creates
a fountain.

This is connected When this water

to a tunnel and hits the freezing
dome shaped 3 winter air, it forms
framework. a core of ice crystals.


The water melts

slowly throughout
the spring months.

1. In the line ‘…life didn’t grind to a halt’ the (a) Glaciers need hot water to form.
word “grind” DOES NOT mean: (b) The beginning of glacier formation can
(a) to gradually stop all together take place in the month of November.
(b) to sharpen something by crushing (c) Glaciers can be made artificially with the
(c) to slow down help of river water.
(d) River needs to be diverted to form
(d) to lose momentum
2. Ladakh has been facing water deficit as:
5. When does maximum water collection take
(a) it is a desert
(b) recent climate change has resulted in (a) When water is not used in farms.
drought (b) When there is no rainfall.
(c) Ladakh has no glaciers (c) When there is abundance of rainfall.
(d) there is no agricultural activity (d) When there is insufficient water reserve.
3. The glacier melts first: II. Read the passage given below and answer
(a) closer to the village the questions that follow:
(b) at the lowest level (1) Researchers around the world are studying
(c) neither of these the human brain to find out what makes it
(d) both (a) and (b) tick. If nothing else, their findings are great
conversation starters and this alone could
4. Which of the following statements about make you smarter. It is smart to socialise.
the process of building an artificial glacier is Experiments have revealed that talking
incorrect? with others exercises your mind. “Short-

Mock Paper 5 Page 79

term social interactions lasting just ten 10. Choose the option that correctly states
minutes boosted participants’ intellectual the meaning of ‘divulge’ as implied in the
performance as much as engaging in passage:
intellectual activities,” says Oscar Ybarra, a (a) Findings (b) Studying
psychologist at the University of Michigan. (c) Revealed (d) Intellectual
Ybarra’s research shows that talking
can improve our memory and thinking III. Read the passage given below and answer
skills which might mean that having the questions that follow:
a conversation is as helpful as doing a
(1) “Who doesn’t know how to cook rice?
crossword puzzle.
Cooking rice hardly takes time.” said my
(2) Yawning is cool. Researchers Andrew C.
father. So, I challenged myself. I switched
Gallup and Gordon G. Gallup Jr. say our
from news to YouTube and typed, “How
brain burns up to 33% of the calories we
to cook rice?” I took one and a half cups
consume and generate heat. Yawning
of rice. Since I didn’t have access to a rice
cools brain cells, thus making them more
cooker, I put the rice in a big pot. Firstly, the
efficient. The researchers also found that
rice has to be washed to get rid of dust and
yawning increases blood flow and helps
starch. I thought I won’t be able to drain
maintain optimum levels of functioning,
the rice and that it will fall out of the pot.
and they suggest we are biologically hard-
I observed the chef as I swirled the rice
wired to yawn to stay alert and protect
ourselves from danger. Use it or lose it. around and used my dexterous hands to
Scientists at the Queensland Brain Institute drain it, not once, not twice, but three times.
(QBI) in Australia, have discovered that I looked down at the sink and saw less than
brain cells that aren’t stimulated destroy 50 grains that made their way out of the
themselves. Neuroscientist Elizabeth pot. Suffice to say, I was up to the mark.
Coulson suggests that this self-destruction (2) The video stated that the key to perfect
mechanism is a factor in brain conditions rice is equal amounts of rice and water. I
such as strokes and Alzheimer’s disease. have heard that professionals don’t need to
Professor Perry Bartlett, director of the measure everything; they just know what
QBI, says that understanding this process the right amount is. But as this was my first
allows us to devise “new mechanisms for time in the kitchen, I decided to experiment
the treatment of diseases, from depression by not measuring the water needed for
to dementia.” boiling the rice. I wanted the rice to be firm
when bitten, just like pasta. I don’t enjoy
6. What is the tone of the following context:
“Experiments have revealed that talking to the texture of mushy rice. It has to have
others exercises your mind.”? that chutzpah; it has to resist my biting
(a) Confident (b) Puzzled power just for a bit before disintegrating.
(c) Confused (d) Sad (3) After what seemed like 10 minutes, all the
water disappeared. I went in to give it a
7. What happens to the brain cells that aren’t good stir. To my surprise, some of the rice
stimulated? got stuck to the pot. I tried to scrape it off
(a) They are used by other cells. but to no avail. At the same time, there was
(b) They burn themselves. a burning smell coming from it. I quickly
(c) They destroy themselves. turned the stove off. “What have you done
(d) They become dormant. to the kitchen?” shouted Mother, while
coming towards the kitchen. I managed to
8. Which of the following sentences makes the
correct use of “tick”, as used in the passage? ward her off.
(a) Tick the correct option. (4) Finally, when the time came to taste my
(b) I heard the clock tick. creation, I was surprised! It wasn’t bad at
(c) I need these goods on tick. all. The rice had the desired consistency.
Sure, a little more salt would’ve been
(d) I wonder if this dish makes you tick.
better, but I just added that while eating.
9. Stress is a self-constructor process. This: The experience was fairly rewarding and
(a) is a rare occurrence memorable. It taught me a new sense
(b) happens all the time of respect for those who cook food on
(c) is true and a continuous process a regular basis at home or engage in
(d) is false gourmet creations professionally.

Page 80 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

11. “I switched from news to YouTube …”— (a) uncomfortable. (b) clumsy.
Pick the option in which the meaning of (c) unclear. (d) clueless.
‘switch(ed)’ is NOT the same as it is in the
passage. 14. Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of
(a) He switched on the radio to listen to the the word ‘chutzpah’.
news while having dinner. (a) It is the court’s duty to dispense chutzpah
(b) “Forget these diet supplements and to everyone irrespective of caste or creed.
switch to yoga, if you want a true sense
of well-being.” (b) The speaker may not have much of a
stage presence, but you’ve got to admit
(c) Mom switched to reading fiction recently
because she was bored with cook-books. she’s got chutzpah.
(d) The company will switch the trucks to (c) I could crack the code easily which
other routes to bring down city pollution. proved me to be a chutzpah and I was
the only one who could do so.
12. Based on your understanding of the passage,
choose the option that lists the correct (d) After his father’s demise, the daughter
sequence of the process. took over the family’s chutzpah to save it
(1) Use water to wash the rice. from disaster.
(2) Repeat the process three times.
(3) Drain the water off.
15. Pick the option that correctly states what
DID NOT happen after the writer checked on
(4) Put rice in a utensil.
the rice.
(5) Swirl the water in and around the rice.
(a) (4), (2), (1), (3), (5) (b) (1), (3), (2), (5), (4) (a) Turning the stove off.
(c) (4), (1), (5), (3), (2) (d) (5), (1), (2), (4), (3) (b) Being taken aback at the condition of
13. The narrator says that he has dexterous
hands. He would have had a problem had (c) Forgetting to scrape the stuck rice.
it been the opposite. NOT BEING dexterous (d) Smelling the delicious aroma of cooked
means, being: rice.


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
to the underlined word: given word:
To be able to decipher something is INDIGENOUS
wonderful. (a) Alien (b) Innate
(c) Natural (d) Primitive
(a) decode (b) encode
(c) simulate (d) animate 21. Read the two sentences given below and
choose the correct answer:
17. Choose the option that is opposite in (1) Cost an arm and a leg is a proverb.
meaning to the underlined word:
(2) It means to be too expensive.
Amit is a dogmatic person. (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(a) assertive (b) amenable (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) bold (d) rigid (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: 22. Read the two sentences given below and
RELUCTANT choose the correct answer:
(a) unwilling (b) pleased (1) The symbol ‘…’ is called single inverted
(c) afraid (d) steady commas.
(2) It is used to quote a sentence the exact
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the way it is said.
given word: (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
MOTIVE (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(a) reason (b) utility (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(c) benefit (d) chance (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.

Mock Paper 5 Page 81

23. Read the two sentences given below and R: glowing like a dark orange that radiates
choose the correct answer: S: the visible range,
(1) The word ‘forlorn’ means to be unhappy. The correct sequence should be:
(2) The word ‘elated’ is opposite to unhappy. (a) PQSR (b) QPSR
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (c) SQRP (d) PRSQ
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. 29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
identify the right sequence:
24. Match the words listed in column (A) with P: Two people argue about why Venus is
their respective meanings in column (B). warmer
Column (A) Column (B) Q: to the Sun, so it absorbs more solar
energy. The second argues
(A) Shuddered (1) rich and luxurious
R: that it's because Venus has a thick,
(B) Lavish (2) extremely beautiful greenhouse-has rich atmosphere
(C) Exquisite (3) incapable of being S: than the Earth. The first argues that it's
corrected because Venus is closer
(D) Incorrigible (4) shivered The correct sequence should be:
(a) PSQR (b) QRPS
(a) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
(c) SQRP (d) PQRS
(b) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(3)
(c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) 30. Choose the most appropriate option to
(d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1) identify the meaning of the given idiom/
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with phrase:
their respective meanings in column (B). Open a Pandora’s box
(a) To do something that causes a lot of new
Column (A) Column (B) problems that you did not expect
(A) Deliberately (1) showed (b) To do something out of compulsion
(B) Indicated (2) shout (c) To do something beyond expectation
(d) To do something out of the box, that
(C) Holler (3) on purpose
causes awards and ceremonies for you
(D) Forbidding (4) threatening
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
(a) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4) identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2) phrase:
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(2) Pull your socks up
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1) (a) To get well-dressed for the occasion
(b) Improve your work or behaviour
26. Select the word from the given options, you
consider most appropriate for the blank (c) To speak in an honest way without
space: hesitation
Three people were arrested and an illegal (d) To be in control of an organization, often
arms unit was ........... by the police in a raid. secretly
(a) revealed (b) searched
32. Choose the most appropriate option to
(c) discovered (d) busted
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
27. Select the word (or group of words) from phrase:
the given options, you consider most To get under somebody’s skin
appropriate for the blank space:
(a) To deceive someone
The lecture was not very interesting. In fact I
(b) To admire someone
............. in the middle of it.
(c) To annoy someone
(a) showed off (b) put off
(d) To support someone
(c) dozed off (d) plugged off
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
sentence and choose the correct option to underlined part of the sentence from the
identify the right sequence: given options:
P: The element heats up, Last evening I went to the optician and
Q: eventually reaching high temperatures bought spectacles.

Page 82 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(a) a spectacle 38. Correct the sentence by changing the
(b) two spectacles underlined word, if necessary.
(c) a pair of spectacles We need a DTP operator with a good
(d) no improvement knowledge of English.
34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence: (a) the good knowledge of English
“The creator answered yes but by accepting (b) good knowledge of an English
the burden you will show your greatness of (c) a good knowledge of the English
heart” is given in following sentence. (d) No improvement
Find out the correct one:
(a) The creator answered “yes but by
39. Choose the correct degree of adjective.
accepting the burden you will show your (a) She is the prettiest among all of them.
greatness of heart.” (b) She is prettier of them all.
(b) The creator answered “yes”. But by (c) She is more prettier of them all.
accepting the burden you will show your (d) She is the prettier of them all.
greatness of heart.
(c) The creator answered, “Yes, but by
40. Choose the correct alternative to express the
accepting the burden you will show your meaning of the given phrase/idiom.
greatness of heart.” To be under a cloud
(d) None of these (a) to be in the dark
35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence: (b) to be hidden
‘as Caesar loved me I weep for him as he was (c) to be suspicious
fortunate I rejoice at it as he was valiant I honour (d) to be in hopelessness
him but as he was ambitious is slew him’
41. Choose the word which is most opposite in
Find out the correct one:
the meaning of the underlined word.
(a) As Caesar loved me I weep for him, as
he was fortunate, I rejoice at it, as he The committee set about making provisional
was, valiant I honour him but as he was arrangements for the annual conference.
ambitious I slew him (a) unconditional (b) abiding
(b) As Caesar loved me, I weep for him. As (c) permanent (d) lasting
he was fortunate I rejoice at it. As he
42. In the following question, out of the given
was valiant, I honour him but as he was
alternatives, choose the one which is the
ambitious, I slew him
most nearly the same meaning to the
(c) As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as
underlined word in the sentence.
he was fortunate, I rejoice at it : as he
was valiant, I honour him; but as he was She has an insatiable love for music.
ambitious, I slew him. (a) undesirable (b) irreconcilable
(d) As Caesar loved me I weep for him; as (c) unchanging (d) unsatisfiable
he was fortunate, I rejoice at it : as he
was valiant I honour him but as he was 43. Choose the correct sequence:
ambitious I slew him P: Rules and Regulations
36. From the given options, select the one which Q: he cheerfully
is same in meaning to the underlined word. R: ignored his demands
Our talks with the foreign delegation were S: a life of unaccustomed to
really productive. The correct sequence should be:
(a) growing (b) efficient (a) PQRS (b) QRPS
(c) fruitful (d) lengthy (c) SRPQ (d) QSRP
37. Choose the alternative which best expresses 44. Correct the sentence by changing the
the meaning of the the idiom/phrase. underlined word, if necessary.
Actions speak louder than words. I am fond of an classical music.
(a) It is what we do that matters and not (a) a classical music (b) the classical music
what we say. (c) classical music (d) No improvement
(b) People can arrive at the same conclusion
by different means. 45. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
(c) Since something better must follow an A steady mind triumphs ........... difficulties.
unpleasant event, be optimistic. (a) in (b) over
(d) Live within your means. (c) at (d) with

Mock Paper 5 Page 83

46. Choose the most appropriate preposition. The correct sequence should be:
Good sleep is necessary ........... good (a) RSPQ (b) PQRS
health. (c) RPQS (d) RPSQ
(a) of (b) for
49. In the following question choose the correct
(c) at (d) from form of verb.
47. Fill in the blank with a suitable question tag. The engineers ........... this bridge since last year.
Prasad bowls faster than Srinath, (a) have repaired
........... (b) had repaired
(a) isn't he? (b) does he? (c) have been repairing
(c) doesn’t he? (d) is he? (d) are repairing
48. Choose the correct sequence. 50. Fill in the blanks with a suitable question
We saw tag.
P: while playing Everyone can hear me at the back of the
Q: with the boys room, .................
R: that Ram fell down (a) can’t you? (b) can you?
S: and hurt his leg (c) can’t they? (d) are you?

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Page 84 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer latitude) to shift to the North as it did
10,000 years ago, inundating North Africa.
the questions that follow:
(3) Around 5,000 years ago, the monsoon
(1) The Sahara sets a standard for dry land.
shifted dramatically southward again.
It’s the world’s largest desert. Relative
The prehistoric inhabitants of the Sahara
humidity can drop into the low single digits.
discovered that their relatively green
There are places where it rains only about
surroundings were undergoing something
once a century. There are people who reach
worse than a drought (and perhaps they
the end of their lives without ever seeing
migrated towards the Nile Valley, where
water come from the sky. Yet beneath the
Egyptian culture began to flourish at
Sahara are vast aquifers of fresh water,
around the same time).
enough liquid to fill a small sea. It is fossil
water, a treasure laid down in prehistoric (4) As the land dried out and vegetation
times, some of it possibly a million years decreased, the soil lost its ability to
old. Just 6,000 years ago, the Sahara hold water when it rained. Fewer clouds
was quite a different place. It was green. formed from evaporation. When it rained,
Prehistoric rock art in the Sahara shows the water washed away and evaporated
something surprising: hippopotamuses, quickly. There was a kind of runaway
who need water year round. drying effect. Around 4,000 years ago, the
(2) We don’t have much evidence of a tropical Sahara became what it is today. No one
paradise out there, but we had something knows how human-driven climate change
perfectly livable, says Jennifer Smith, a may alter the Sahara in the future. It’s
geologist at Washington University in something scientists can ponder while
St. Louis. At times when the Northern sipping bottled fossil water pumped from
Hemisphere tilts sharply towards the sun the underground. “It’s the best water in
and the planet makes its closest approach, Egypt, “Robert Giegengack, a University
the increased blast of sunlight during the of Pennsylvania geologist, said — clean,
North’s summer months can cause the refreshing mineral water. If you want to
African monsoon (which currently occurs drink something good, try the ancient
between the Equator and roughly 17°N buried treasure of the Sahara.

Mock Paper 6 Page 85

meander axis of
a jet stream JET STREAM
200 mb

H Subtropical
H anticyclone 20

Development of
Div Sahara Depression
East tropical

850 mb

Hydroelectric Generation in Sub-Saharan Africa (2015)

Top Hydro Generators in Sub-Sahara Africa




billion kWh Democratic Republic

0 of the Congo
1-5 Sudan
8-10 billion kWh 0 5 10 15 20

1. In the line ‘Prehistoric rock art in the Sahara’ (c) (1) 5000 years ago and (2) 6000 years ago
the word “prehistoric” DOES NOT mean: (d) (1) 4000 years ago and (2) 6000 years ago
(a) primitive (b) modern
(c) ancient (d) pristine
4. Based on your understanding of the
passage, choose the option that best defines
2. Which of the following statements about the 'runaway drying effect'?
Sahara desert is correct? (1) The inability of soil to hold water.
(a) The inability of soil to hold water.
(2) The washing away and the fast
(b) The washing away and fast evaporation
evaporation of water.
of water.
(c) The tendency of the soil to absorb all the (3) The tendency of the soil to absorb all
water. the water.
(d) Strong sunlight in the desert. (4) Strong sunlight in the desert.
3. Choose the option that lists the correct (a) option (1) (b) option (2)
answers for the following: (c) option (3) (d) option (4)
(1) The Sahara was quite a different place. It
was green. When was this? 5. The shortage of water is evident from the
(2) The monsoon shifted dramatically fact that:
southward again. When did this happen? (a) it never rains
(a) (1) 4000 years ago and (2) 5000 years (b) some people go through life without
ago experiencing rain
(b) (1) 6000 years ago and (2) 5000 years (c) people cannot recognise rain
ago (d) people do not know when will it rain

Page 86 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

II. Read the passage given below and answer (c) You should talk to each other and
the questions that follow: ................... the gap in your relationship.
(1) Swami Vivekananda is known for his (d) Some sunglasses have a nose ...................
inspiring speech at the Parliament of for comfort.
the World’s Religions in Chicago on 11th
September 1893, where he introduced
7. How was Vivekananda won over?
Hindu philosophy to the West. But this (a) Through sacrifice
was not the only contribution of the saint. (b) Through altruistic conduct
He revealed the true foundation of India’s (c) Through courage
unity as a nation. He taught how a nation (d) Through dedication
with such a vast diversity could be bound
together by a feeling of humanity and 8. What crisis did Swami Vivekanand face?
brotherhood. Vivekananda emphasised the (a) Of discrimination
drawbacks of Western culture and India’s (b) Of faith
contribution in overcoming those. (c) Of following religious practices
(2) Freedom fighter Netaji Subhash Chandra
(d) Of removing superstition
Bose once said: “Swamiji harmonised the
East and West, religion and science, past 9. Choose the option that correctly states the
and present. Our countrymen have gained meaning of ‘self-reliance’ as implied in the
unprecedented self-respect, self-reliance, passage:
and self-assertion from his teachings.” (a) independent (b) validity
Vivekananda was successful in constructing
(c) customs (d) unselfish
a virtual bridge between the culture of
the East and the West. He interpreted 10. The value of Hindu philosophy is best
the Hindu scriptures, philosophy, and the explained through the example of:
way of life for the western people. He (a) Sri Ramakrishna
made them realise that despite poverty
(b) Swami Vivekananda
and backwardness, India has a great
contribution to make to the world’s culture. (c) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
He played a key role in ending India’s (d) Keshab Chandra Sen
cultural isolation from the rest of the world.
(3) He was also associated with the Brahmo III. Read the passage given below and answer
Movement led by Keshab Chandra Sen, for the questions that follow:
some time. He questioned the validity of (1) I have often thought, it would be a blessing
superstitious customs and discrimination if each human being was stricken blind and
based on caste and religion. During this deaf for a few days at some time during his
spiritual crisis, Vivekananda first heard about adult life. Darkness would make him more
Sri Ramakrishna from William Hastie, the appreciative of sight, silence would teach
principal of the Scottish Church College. One him the joy of sound.
day in November 1881, Vivekananda went (2) Now and then, I have tested my seeing
to the Kali Temple in Dakshineswar where Sri friends to discover what they see. Recently,
Ramakrishna was staying. He straightaway I asked a friend, who had just returned
asked Ramakrishna, “Sir, have you seen from a long walk in the woods, what she
God?” Without a moment’s hesitation, Sri has observed. "Nothing in particular," she
Ramakrishna replied: “Yes, I have seen Him. replied. How was it possible, I asked myself,
I see Him as clearly as I see you, only in to walk for an hour through the woods and
a much deeper sense. Vivekananda was see nothing worthy of note?
surprised to hear it. Sri Ramakrishna won
(3) I, who cannot see, find hundreds of things
him over through his pure, unselfish love.
to interest me through mere touch. I feel
Vivekananda started visiting Dakshineshwar
the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my
frequently and the relationship of ‘master
and disciple’ developed between the two. hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a
silver birch or the rough, shaggy bark of a
6. Which of the following sentences makes pine. In spring, I touch the branches of trees
the correct use of “bridge”, as used in the hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of
passage? awakening nature after her winter's sleep.
(a) Have you seen the ................... on the river Occasionally, if I am fortunate and place
Thames? my hand gently on a small tree, I feel the
(b) I have a ................... in my teeth. happy quiver of a bird in full song.

Mock Paper 6 Page 87

(4) At times my heart cries out with longing given the use of my eyes, say, just for a
to see all these things. If I can get so much few days. I would want to see the people,
pleasure from mere touch, how much more whose kindness, and gentleness, and
beauty must be revealed by sight. I have companionship has made my life worth
imagined what I would like to see, if I were living.

11. Pick the options that lists statements that 14. Based on the timeline of Helen Keller, choose the
are NOT TRUE according to the passage and option that lists the statements that are TRUE.
the timeline. (1) In 1909, Helen joined the Suffragist
(1) Despite losing her ability to see and hear, Movement, demanding the right to vote
Helen Keller observed things minutely. for the marginalized.
(2) After two years from her birth, Helen
(2) Anne Sullivan was the one who lost her sight and hearing.
introduced Helen Keller to Indian Sign
(3) Helen visited blind, deaf and disabled
Language. soldiers of World War I in military.
(3) Often Helen Keller desired the ability to (4) In 1964 Helen received Presidential
see and hear. Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest
(4) Helen Keller received her first formal civilian honor.
education in the year 1887. (a) (2) and (4) (b) (1) and (2)
(a) (3) and (4) (b) (1) and (3) (c) (2) and (3) (d) (3) and (4)
(c) (1) and (2) (d) (2) and (4) 15. Based on your understanding of the passage
and timeline, choose the option that lists the
12. The word ‘longing’ used in paragraph 4, correct timeline of the events in the life of
means same as: Helen Keller.
(a) wait (b) desire (1) Helen became a member of the freshmen
(c) hungry (d) believe class at Radcliffe College.
(2) With the help of the writer, Helen writes,
13. Looking at Helen Kellers’s achievements and
‘The story of my life’.
works in the year 1904, 1924 and 1943, it
(3) Helen and Anne begin their work with
can be said that she:
the American foundation of Blind.
(a) Worked for people with disability (4) Helen travels overseas and visits
(b) Acknowledged people with disabilities 37 nations.
(c) Encouraged people with disabilities (a) (1), (2), (3), (4) (b) (2), (1), (3), (4)
(d) Sympathized with disable people (c) (4), (3), (1), (2) (d) (1), (3), (2), (4)

Page 88 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

16. Select the option with the closest meaning (1) ‘Many’ is used to determine the quantity
to the underlined word: of things.
Her dynamic nature impressed everyone. (2) ‘Many’ is a preposition.
(a) enduring (b) active (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(c) evolutionary (d) jealous (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
17. Choose the option that is opposite in
meaning to the underlined word: (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
Sachin is very fickle in his behaviour. 24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
(a) stable (b) capricious their respective meanings in column (B).
(c) mercurial (d) vacillating Column (A) Column (B)
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (A) Extinguished (1) a heavy dull sound
given word: (B) Thud (2) to put an end to
MOTIVE (C) Heralding (3) having much agg-
(a) reason (b) utility ressiveness
(c) benefit (d) chance (D) Fierce (4) to show a sign
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1)
given word: (b) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(3)
MERCURIAL (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
(a) interchangeable (b) predictable (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
(c) permanent (d) volatile
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the their respective meanings in column (B).
given word:
Column (A) Column (B)
(a) Empathy (b) Regret (A) Invigorating (1) in a crowded
(c) Sorrow (d) Satisfaction
(B) Abound (2) making one feel
21. Read the two sentences given below and healthy and strong
choose the correct answer:
(C) Misty (3) exist in large
(1) Placate is the synonym of the word
(2) Mollify is the antonym of the word (D) Densely (4) filled with mist or
‘pacify’. fog
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. (b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. (c) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(2)
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
22. Read the two sentences given below and 26. Select the word from the given options, you
choose the correct answer: consider most appropriate for the blank
(1) Simile is a poetic device used to compare space:
two things together. We fail to understand your reasons for ...........
(2) Simile uses the terms ‘as’ and ‘like’ to the college without completing the degree.
make the comparison. (a) attending (b) joining
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (c) leaving (d) refusing
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. 27. Select the word from the given options, you
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. consider most appropriate for the blank
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
She .............. her energy and started shouting
23. Read the two sentences given below and only when she heard the noise of bulldozers
choose the correct answer: and cranes.

Mock Paper 6 Page 89

(a) checked (b) conserved (a) to avail of (b) to avail myself of
(c) maintained (d) controlled (c) to avail myself (d) No improvement
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
sentence and choose the correct option to (a) He will succeed you, never.
identify the right sequence: (b) He will succeed, you never.
P: without any mandate of law (c) He will succeed; you, never.
Q: The plea filed though the advocate (d) He will succeed : you, never.
R: online is illegal and
S: submitted that the sale of drugs and 35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
prescription medicines (a) The ganga rises from the Himalayas.
The correct sequence should be: (b) The Ganga rises from the Himalayas.
(a) RQSP (b) QSRP (c) The ganga rises from the himalayas.
(c) QRSP (d) PRSQ (d) The Ganga rises from the himalayas.

29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 36. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence: identify the right sequence:
P: Humans and machines have co-existed The principal said that
Q: dating back to the invention of P: those students
R: the potter's wheel in ancient Q: would not be permitted to enter
Mesopotamia R: who do not produce
S: at the physical level for millennia S: identity cards
The correct sequence should be: The correct sequence should be:
(a) RSPQ (b) PRSQ (a) RSPQ (b) RPSQ
(c) QRPS (d) PSQR (c) PRSQ (d) SRPQ
30. Choose the most appropriate option to 37. Choose the correct question tag for the
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ following sentence:
One girl can do it, ...............
To get under somebody’s skin
(a) can she? (b) can't she?
(a) To deceive someone
(c) can we? (d) No improvement
(b) To admire someone
(c) To annoy someone 38. Change the given sentence of active voice
(d) To support someone into passive voice. Select the appropriate
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
Did he remember the date and time?
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: (a) Are the date and time remembered by
Turn Topsy-Turvy
(a) To completely change something (b) Was he remembering the date and time
(b) To completely evaluate something
(c) Were the date and time remembered by
(c) To enjoy yourself greatly
(d) To exhaust yourself completely
(d) Did the date and time be remembered by
32. Choose the most appropriate option to him?
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: 39. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
A clarion call
(a) A trumpet call
Absence makes the heart grow fonder:
(b) An intimidating voice
(a) When things seem at their worst, they
(c) A strong request
may just begin to improve.
(d) An urgent order
(b) The finest things are hard to get.
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the (c) Everything that is attractive on the
underlined part of the sentence from the outside may not be really valuable
given options: inside.
I would like to avail a fifteen days' holiday (d) Our affection increases when we are
this summer. parted from our loved ones.

Page 90 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

40. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the (c) There are often early indications of
blank: future happenings.
The mechanic ................ the vehicle since this (d) People can arrive at the same conclusion
morning. by different means.
(a) repaired
46. From the given options, select the one which
(b) repairing
is same in meaning to the given word:
(c) has been repairing
(d) will be repairing
(a) poisonous (b) friendly
41. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the (c) discordant (d) hostile
He turned ..................... the proposal without
47. From the given options, select the one which
is opposite in meaning to the given word:
(a) out (b) up CEASE
(c) down (d) in (a) mount (b) start
(c) slacken (d) bend
42. Fill in the blank with appropriate article.
....... oranges are grown in Nagpur. 48. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the
(a) A (b) An
(c) The (d) No article I think you will not mind ........... coming in.
(a) I (b) mine
43. Choose the correct question tag for the (c) my (d) me
following sentence:
She will not finish the work on time, ............... 49. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
(a) isn't it? (b) won't she? sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence:
(c) doesn't she? (d) will she?
They knew him
44. Choose the most appropriate option to P: to leave work early that day
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
Q: when he permitted them
R: to be a hard taskmaster
To break the ice
(a) to break the news S: and were surprised
(b) to break a painful silence The correct sequence should be:
(c) to start the work (a) PQSR (b) RSQP
(d) to keep cool (c) PSQR (d) PQRS

45. Choose the most appropriate option to 50. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: phrase:
All roads lead to Rome Took her heels
(a) Everything that is attractive on the (a) bent down
outside may not be really valuable inside. (b) ran off
(b) Information about unpleasant (c) kicked off her shoes
happenings spreads quickly. (d) rubbed her heels

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detailed Answers of
Mock Papers

Mock Paper 6 Page 91

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer (2) Having got hooked on the TV series, many
the questions that follow: young fans, hungry for more, took to the
original comic versions, which was just the
(1) In India, it began a decade ago when the
tip of the iceberg. Other children began
animated version of Manga called ‘Anime’
creating Manga art in their free time. The
began to broadcast. The style of animation
had distinct characteristics—a sharply lengthy storylines hooked other youngsters
stylised black and white format, minimal too. One of the youngsters started reading
dialogue, complex plots and characters, a Manga series on the Buddha and took
and extended storylines that could run on 13 years to complete it. He finally said
for months or thousands of pages. that apart from being drawn to it by its
700 Prehistory of Manga storyline, he fell in love with the art form.
1861 Manga's British Ancestor Arrives in (3) For publishers, this segment holds promise.
Japan Blaft’s best selling Indian title ‘Stupid Guy
1874 First Japanese Cartoon Magazine Goes to India’ was published in March this
1895 First Japanese Magazine for year and features Yamamastu trying to
Children Published run a tiny noodle soup stall in a Delhi slum.
1902 The 'Father of Manga' Publishes His The book illustrates the range of topics that
First Comic Strip Manga can tackle. The book sold 6,000
1907 First Children's Manga Magazine copies without much marketing going
Shonen Puck Launches into it. Next, Viz. Media, the US subsidiary
1931 Manga Pup Debuts and Merits of Japanese Manga, will launch in India
Mickey Mouse with 75 titles as the publishers feel that
1934 Tank Tankuro and the Rise of Robots the Indian market is ripe for a Manga
1935 Manga no Kurl, First Magazine Set takeover. As the Indian reader has already
Up to Train Cartoonists been initiated into Manga through the
1946 Debut of the Manga God cartoon series, many of the titles that the
1949 Dealing with Defeat US subsidiary will be bringing to India have
1953 Fighting Females and Girl Heroes been brought by parallel importers. While
1956 More Manga, More Often all these publishers agree that the Manga
1959 Manga's Punk Rock Movement comics and books will not be cheap, they
Takes Root are sure of selling them well, as there is a
1966 Sports Manga Takes Off very strong fan base existing here.

Page 92 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(4) Not just the publishing world, but also the II. Read the passage given below and answer
live stage has been caught by the Manga the questions that follow:
fever. United by their love for this Japanese (1) Arteries of the heart blocked by plaque
art form, Indian Manga lovers have started can reduce the flow of blood to the heart,
staging dance and music performances possibly resulting in heart attack or death.
and culinary experience around Manga, as Plaque is actually fat and cholesterol that
part of the Cool Japan Festival undertaken accumulates on the inside of the arteries.
by the Japanese Consulate and held at The arteries of the heart are small and can
a city mall. In all, there were about 300 be blocked by such accumulations. There
participants having grown from a handful is a medical procedure that creates more
of people when it started in 2010. This space in the blocked artery by inserting
thriving club is part of a pattern across and inflating a tiny balloon into the
all metro cities with dedicated fan clubs, blood vessel. It is called coronary balloon
meetups, and even Manga libraries, that angioplasty. Angioplasty means ‘blood
have emerged over the last five years. vessel repair’. When the balloon is inflated,
it compresses the plaque against the wall
1. In the line ‘Having got hooked on the TV
of the artery, creating more space and
series’ the word “hooked” DOES NOT mean
improving the flow of blood.
(a) indifferent (b) addicted
(2) Many doctors choose this technique,
(c) glued (d) habitual because it is less invasive than bypass
surgery. Yes, both involve entering the
2. ‘Anime’ version of Manga gained popularity
body cavity, but in a bypass surgery, the
in India chest must be opened, the ribs must be
(a) as they were cheap cut, and the section of the diseased artery
(b) due to the style of animation must be removed and replaced. To replace
(c) as they were short and ended quickly it, the patient’s body is opened once again
to acquire a healthy section of artery.
(d) as they were easily accessible
Usually, this blood vessel is removed from
3. It took the youngster ............... years to an artery located in the calf of the leg. This
complete the Buddha series: means the patient now has two painful
incisions that must heal at the same time.
(a) twelve (b) thirteen
There is far more risk in such a bypass
(c) fifteen (d) eleven surgery than in angioplasty, which involves
threading a thin tube, called a catheter,
4. Choose the option that lists the correct into the circulatory system and working it
answers for the following : to the damaged artery.
(1) What was the biggest attraction of the (3) Angioplasty may take between 30
Buddha series? minutes to 3 hours to complete. It begins
(2) What did the publishers think of this? with a distinctive dye that is injected into
(a) (1) the colourful depiction and (2) the bloodstream. A thin catheter is then
beneficial inserted into the femoral artery of the
leg, near the groin. The doctor monitors
(b) (1) the story and (2) unprofitable
the path of the dye using x-rays. He
(c) (1) the characters and (2) not worth moves the tube through the heart and
investing in into the plaque filled artery. He inflates
(d) (1) the story and presentation and (2) the balloon, creating more space, deflates
good business the balloon, and removes the tube. It is
important to note that the plaque has not
5. Based on your understanding of the been removed; it has just been compressed
passage, choose the option that best defines against the sides of the artery. Sometimes,
Manga is: a stent may be implanted, a tiny tube of
(1) It is an animated movie stainless steel that is expandable when
(2) It's a Japanese art form necessary. Its function is to keep the artery
(3) It is a novel
(4) There is good news and there is bad
(4) It is an epic news. The good news is that the statistics
(a) option (1) (b) option (2) compiled are superb. 90% of all angioplasty
(c) option (3) (d) option (4) procedures are successful. The risk of dying

Mock Paper 7 Page 93

during an operation of this type is less than but does not eradicate the cause. In 20% of
2%. The risk of heart attack is also small: the cases, there is a recurrence of plaque.
3–5%. Yet heart surgeons do not take any Second, angioplasty is not recommended
risk lightly; therefore, a team of surgeons for all patients. The surgeons must consider
stands ready to perform bypass surgery the patient’s age, physical history, how
if needed. The length of hospitalisation is severe the blockage is, and, finally, the
only three days. The bad news is twofold. degree of damage to the artery before
First, this procedure treats the condition they make their determination.
Stent with Balloon Angioplasty

1 2

Build up of cholesterol partially blocking

blood  ow through the artery. Stent with balloon inserted into partially
blocked artery.

3 4

Balloon in ated to expand stent. Balloon removed from expanded stent.

Rate of any Cardiac Stent Procedure by Sex and Age Group 2009
Number of procedures per, 10,000 population

140 Males Females

120 119

60 54
4 1
18 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 to 84 years 85 years and older

6. In the line “…inflating a tiny balloon into the (1) that it does not enter the body cavity
blood vessel” the word “inflated” DOES NOT (2) that it causes infection
mean: (3) that it results in hospitalisation
(a) swollen (b) punctured (4) that it requires a specialist’s opinion.
(c) filled (d) blown up (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
7. The passage explains angioplasty as: (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(a) a tiny balloon
10. Which of the following statements about the
(b) a plaque-laden artery procedure being a mixed bag is correct?
(c) blood vessel repair (a) Statistics reflect good figures
(d) bypass surgery (b) High success rate
8. What is the first step in an angioplasty? (c) Both positive and negative results
(a) Thin catheter being inserted into the (d) Not affordable
femoral artery.
III. Read the passage given below and answer
(b) A balloon being inflated in the heart. the questions that follow:
(c) A special dye being injected into the
(1) Research has shown that the human mind
(d) A healthy artery being removed from the can process words at the rate of about
calf. 500 per minute, whereas a speaker speaks
at the rate of about 150 words a minute.
9. Based on your understanding of the passage The difference between the two is 350
what does the author convey by stating that which is quite large. So, a speaker must
the procedure is less invasive? make every effort to retain the attention of

Page 94 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

the audience and the listener should also 11. A good listener:
be careful not to let his/her mind wander. (a) understands the speakers coherence.
Good communication calls for good (b) knows a lot about communication.
listening skills. (c) get much more than what the speaker
(2) Listening starts with hearing but goes
wants to say.
beyond that. Hearing in other words is
(d) frequently interrupt the speakers.
necessary but not sufficient for listening.
Listening involves hearing with attention. 12. Select the option that makes the correct use
Listening is a process that calls for of “barrier”, as used in the passage, to fill in
attention and concentration. While
the blank space.
listening, one should be observant. In other
(a) Using protection as a psychological
words, listening has to do with the ears as
well as with the eyes and the mind. It calls ............. during sexual intercourse can be a
for participation and involvement. It is quite suggestive measure for birth-control.
often a dialogue rather than a monologue. (b) There are many ............. in our school.
It is necessary to make it abundantly clear (c) He created ........... in our relationship.
that one is interested in knowing what the (d) Brexit, a big .................. in U.K.’s economic
other person has to say. growth.
(3) Good listening is an art that can be
cultivated. A good listener knows the art of 13. A speaker is always:
getting much more than what the speaker (a) coherent (b) good actor
is trying to convey. He/she knows how to (c) a good humane (d) a motivator
prompt, persuade but not to cut-off or
interrupt what the other person has to say. 14. What does the author mean when he says,
At times, the speaker may or may not be “ ..... barrier to listening are removed”.
coherent, articulate and well-organised in (a) to clear out the hindrances of listening.
his/her thoughts and expressions. He/she (b) to fabricate listening – speaking
may have it in mind, yet fail to marshal the relationship.
right words while communicating thoughts. (c) to remove the clarity.
Nevertheless, a good listener puts him/her
(d) to put aside all mishappening.
at ease, helps him/her articulate his/her
thoughts. For listening to be effective, it is 15. To choose the option that correctly states
also necessary that barriers to listening the meaning of “cultivate”, as used in the
are removed. Such barriers can be both passage.
physical and psychological. Physical
(1) to sleep (2) to heal
barriers generally relate to hindrances to
proper hearing, whereas psychological (3) to grow (4) to prosper
barriers are more fundamental and relate (5) to move
to interpretation and evaluation of the (a) (1) and (2) (b) (3) and (4)
speaker and the message. (c) (2) and (4) (d) (1) and (3)


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 19. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
to the underlined word: given word:
Under his leadership the company grew in ALLURING
an organic manner. (a) interesting (b) charming
(a) natural (b) speedy (c) repulsive (d) glamorous
(c) unusual (d) disciplined 20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
17. Choose the option that is opposite in given word:
meaning to the underlined word: ABOMINABLE
My boss has been too generous. (a) Delightful (b) Hateful
(a) stingy (b) rough (c) Colourful (d) Distasteful
(c) evil (d) hostile 21. Read the two sentences given below and
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the choose the correct answer:
given word: (1) Rachit is an obnoxious person. The term
DIMINUTIVE ‘obnoxious’ is an adverb.
(a) petite (b) expeditious (2) Obnoxious means to be extremely
(c) dangerous (d) fallacious unpleasant.

Mock Paper 7 Page 95

(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. The British .............. all over Africa and Asia
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. collapsed in the first half of the twentieth
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. century.
(a) hegemony (b) domicile
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(c) residence (d) inheritance
22. Read the two sentences given below and
choose the correct answer: 27. Select the word from the given options, you
(1) ‘Ought to’ is a conjunction that joins consider most appropriate for the blank
active sentences together. space:
(2) It is used to express a possibility. The football match has to be ............ because
of the weather.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(a) called off (b) continued
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) put off (d) turned off
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. 28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
23. Read the two sentences given below and identify the right sequence:
choose the correct answer:
P: the urban local body elections
(1) Ballad is a form of poetry.
Q: Unidentified gunmen
(2) It consists of only 4 lines.
R: and injured another during
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
S: shot dead two workers
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
The correct sequence should be:
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(a) QSRP (b) QPSR
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(c) QPRS (d) RPSQ
24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
their respective meanings in column (B). 29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
Column (A) Column (B) identify the right sequence:
(A) Eminently (1) baptised P: The father also
(B) Thralldom (2) highly Q: in his quest for justice

(C) Christened (3) distant R: by the system

S: feels let down
(D) Aloof (4) bondage
The correct sequence should be:
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) (a) SQPR (b) PSRQ
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) (c) SQRP (d) PQRS
(c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4)
(d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) 30. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with phrase:
their respective meanings in column (B).
Fire in the belly
Column (A) Column (B) (a) Fear and hatred
(A) Apathy (1) bounce (b) Powerful ambition
(c) Love and dedication
(B) Ricocheting (2) detachment
(d) Lethargy and indifference
(C) Portly (3) rigorous
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
(D) Ascetic (4) plump
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1) phrase:
(b) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(3) A hunky-dory situation
(c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) (a) There are serious issues among people
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3) (b) There are no problems and people are
26. Select the word from the given options, you
consider most appropriate for the blank (c) There is war and bloodshed all over
space: (d) There is no work, only enjoyment

Page 96 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

32. Choose the most appropriate option to 40. In the following question choose the correct
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ form of verb.
phrase: Lokesh was busy when we...................to see
Give somebody a leg up him.
(a) To pull someone down (a) go (b) went
(b) To deceive and betray someone (c) gone (d) goes
(c) To help someone for their livelihood
(d) To help someone to be successful 41. Choose the part of the following sentence
that contains an error:
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the If I was knowing why he was absent, I would
underlined part of the sentence from the have informed you.
given options:
(a) If I was knowing
You should to read the newspapers regularly (b) why he was absent
if you want to be well-informed.
(c) I would have informed you
(a) ought (b) have to
(d) No error
(c) should be (d) No improvement
42. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
(a) They invoked gods who blessed them. I am angry with him ........... his carelessness.
(b) They invoked Gods who blessed them. (a) at (b) in
(c) They invoked Gods who blessed them. (c) for (d) of
(d) They invoked Gods who blessed them 43. Correct the sentence by choosing the
suitable option, if necessary.
35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
(a) “Oh no! I forgot. I'll phone her now.” Man is the mortal
(b) “Oh no, I forgot. I'll phone her now;” (a) The man is mortal.
(c) “Oh no! I forgot, I'll phone her now?” (b) A man is the mortal.
(d) “Oh no! I forgot? I'll phone her now!” (c) Man is mortal.
(d) No improvement
36. Choose the alternative which best expresses
the meaning of the idiom/phrase. 44. Choose the correct sequence.
To have something up one’s sleeves I am pure
(a) having a practical plan P: and will be happy
(b) having an important project Q: sooner or later
(c) having an ambitious plan R: a day will come
(d) having a secret plan S: when all will be equal
37. Choose the alternative which best expresses The correct sequence should be:
the meaning of the idiom/phrase. (a) QPRS (b) QSRP
Bad news travels fast (c) RQSP (d) RSQP
(a) Information about unpleasant happenings 45. Fill in the blank with a suitable question tag.
spreads quickly.
(b) Once a decision has been made, it cannot The Prime Minister has gone to Brazil,
be reversed. ..............
(c) Since something better must follow an (a) has he? (b) hasn’t he?
unpleasant event, be optimistic. (c) didn’t he? (d) is he?
(d) One's actions whether good or bad
determine one's rewards or punishments.
46. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the
blank in the given sentence.
38. Choose the word which is opposite in The sun ........... set, nothing could be seen.
meaning of the given word. (a) have (b) has
MAKE (c) having (d) had
(a) liberate (b) break
(c) emancipate (d) bind 47. Choose the most appropriate conjunction.
She did not like the movie, nor I did.
39. Choose the one which best expresses the (a) nor did I (b) nor I liked it
meaning of the given word.
(c) nor I like it (d) No improvement
(a) urgency (b) protocol 48. Choose the alternative which best express
(c) preference (d) necessity the meaning of idiom/phrase.

Mock Paper 7 Page 97

All roads lead to Rome. The company have thousands of customers
(a) Everything that is attractive on the happy with its service.
outside may not be really valuable (a) The company have
inside. (b) thousands of customers
(b) Information about unpleasant (c) happy with its service
happenings spreads quickly.
(d) No error
(c) There are often early indications of
future happenings. 50. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
(d) People can arrive at the same conclusion Why were the voters disillusioned ........... the
by different means. political party is the question?
(a) at (b) by
49. Choose the part of the following sentence
that contains an error: (c) in (d) with

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Mock Papers

Page 98 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer happiness vary widely both within and
among countries.
the questions that follow:
(3) Richer people tend to say that they
(1) Today, life satisfaction and happiness are are happier than poorer people; richer
central research areas in the social sciences, countries tend to have higher average
included in mainstream economics. happiness levels; and across time, most
(2) Social scientists often recommend that countries that have experienced sustained
measures of subjective well-being should economic growth have seen increasing
augment the usual measures of economic happiness levels. So evidence suggests
prosperity, such as GDP per capita, data that income and life satisfaction tend to go
and empirical evidence that might answer together (which still doesn’t mean they are
these questions. Surveys asking people one and the same). Important life events
about life satisfaction and happiness such as marriage or divorce affect our
measure subjective well-being with happiness but have surprisingly little long-
reasonable accuracy. Life satisfaction and term impact.

Share of people who say they are happy, 1984 to 2014

(Share of people who say they are 'very happy' or 'rather happy'.)
80% India

70% Georgia


1984 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014
Source: World Value Survey 2014.

Mock Paper 8 Page 99

Findings from the World Value Survey 5. Which of the following statement is correct?
(4) The World Value Survey collects data from (a) Rich countries are happy countries.
a series of representative national surveys (b) Developing countries are happier than
covering almost 100 countries, with the the rich countries.
earliest estimates dating back to 1981. (c) Economically stable countries account
In these surveys, respondents are asked, for a happier population.
“Taking all things together, would you say (d) Sustainable resources are important.
you are (i) very happy, (ii) rather happy,
(iii) not very happy or (iv) not at all happy”. II. Read the passage given below and answer
This visualisation plots the share of people the questions that follow:
answering they are ‘very happy’ or ‘rather (1) Politeness has been correctly defined as
happy’. benevolence in trifles. It is the desire to put
people we meet perfectly at ease, and save
(5) As we can see, in the majority of countries
them from every kind of petty discomfort
the trend is positive: In 49 of the 69 and annoyance. The limited part of
countries with data from two or more benevolence called politeness requires only
surveys, the most recent observation is an inclination to make people happy while
higher than the earliest. In some cases, they are in our presence. This can be done
the improvement has been very large; without any sacrifice on our part or only
in Zimbabwe, for example, the share of with a slight sacrifice of personal comfort.
people who reported being ‘very happy’ or (2) Politeness is said to be one of the important
‘rather happy’ went from 56.4% in 2004 to characteristics of a civilised person. It must
82.1% in 2014. be implemented in every walk of life. An
(6) However, there is a high possibility of honest and polite person is polite with
having missed remote places, which may everyone—elders, people of lower status,
workers, and even children. Not only with
have gone unnoticed, yet may be very high
humans but we must also be polite with
on happiness score in the world.
1. In the line, “........ have experienced (3) Politeness is a skill. Like any other skill,
sustained economic growth ........ “, the word you can master it with practice. The
“sustained” DOES NOT refer to: greatest enemy of politeness is ego. To
be a polite person, you have to sacrifice
(a) assist (b) go through
your ego. It is difficult for an egoist to be
(c) support (d) nearby polite. You have to apply politeness in your
thinking, speech, and actions. Actions work
2. What does happiness depend on, according
more than words. Polite actions will give
to the survey in the passage?
positive results. In our daily lives, we come
(a) financial condition of a person. across many incidents where people are
(b) social condition of a person. unnecessarily rude. Politeness will reduce
(c) locality of a person. your stress and help you be productive.
Apart from immediate benefits, you protect
(d) complete well-being of person.
your future as well. Being polite makes you
3. Based on the understanding of the mentally healthy.
passage, choose the option that lists the (4) Different rules of behaviour have to be
characteristics of being happy: observed at different places, for example in
(1) having money. the street or in the drawing room, at home
or at school, in the company of friends or
(2) having sustainable resources. with strangers. We must also consider the
(3) social well-being. great diversity of social etiquette which
(4) emotional well-being. distinguishes one country from another.
(5) complete well-being. (5) Politeness, besides being a duty that we
(6) moral well-being. owe to others, is also a valuable possession
for ourselves. It costs nothing, and yet may
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (3) and (4)
in many cases bring much profit. The great
(c) (1), (2) and (5) (d) (1), (3) and (5) advantage of this excellence of conduct
was very clearly expressed by Dr. Johnson,
4. Which country shows a steep rise happiness
when he said that the difference between
between 2001 to 2014?
a well-bred and an ill-bred man is that one
(a) Brazil (b) Zimbabwe immediately attracts your liking, the other
(c) Germany (d) Sweden your dislike.

Page 100 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

6. In which all areas should politeness be world’s second most popular spectator
inculcated? sport after soccer.
(a) speech (2) The origin of cricket can be traced back
(b) speech, thought and actions to the Dark Ages. All research concedes
that the game is derived from a very old,
(c) only actions
popular, and uncomplicated pastime by
(d) only thoughts which one player served up an object,
7. Which of the following sentences makes the be it a small piece of wood or a ball, and
correct use of ‘trifle’, as used in the passage? another hit it with a suitably fashioned
club. The game of cricket was first recorded
(a) We shouldn’t bother him over such
in 16th century England, and it was played
in grammar schools, farming communities,
(b) She must not be trifled with. and everywhere in between. But things
(b) I want to have trifles in dessert really took off when 18th century nobles
(d) We will not waste our life in trifle. realised it was a great sport.
(3) The oldest surviving set of cricket laws
8. What is politeness for us? dates to 1744, which was printed on a
(1) duty handkerchief. Naturally, it’s now in the
(2) right MCC Museum at Lord’s in London. The
(3) obligation oldest permanent fixture is the annual
(4) valuable possession Eton vs Harrow match, played since 1805.
A young Lord Byron turned out for Harrow
(a) Option (1) only
in the first match, though history doesn’t
(b) Options (1) and (2) record how poetic — or “mad, bad, and
(c) Options (1) and (4) dangerous” — his bowling was.
(d) Options (2) and (3) (4) The first international match was held
in 1877 when Australia beat England in
9. What do you understand from this line, Melbourne. The match was dubbed a ‘Test’,
‘Politeness is said to be one of the important since the gruelling nature of playing over
characteristics of a civilised person.’? five days was deemed the ultimate test
(a) Politeness is inevitable for any side. However, it was Australia’s
(b) Being polite is a quality of a civilized first win on the English soil — in 1882
person at The Oval in London — that led to
(c) Don’t waste your time with civilized matches between the two nations being
people christened as the ‘Ashes’. Following the
(d) Try to be civilized defeat, newspapers published an obituary
mourning “the death of English cricket,”
10. Choose the option that correctly states the adding that “the body will be cremated
meaning of ‘well-bred’ as implied in the and the ashes taken to Australia.”
passage: (5) A One Day International (ODI) is a form
(a) ill-bred (b) refined of limited overs cricket, played between
(c) excellence (d) profit two teams with international status, in
which each team faces a fixed number of
III. Read the passage given below and answer overs, usually 50. The Cricket World Cup
the questions that follow: is played in this format. The international
(1) Cricket is a passion for people around the one-day game is a late twentieth-century
globe. It is played everywhere from test development. The first ODI was played on
match arenas to village greens, tropical 5 January, 1971 between Australia and
beaches, and dusty backlots. Cricket is the England at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Mock Paper 8 Page 101

Year Winner Runner-up
2023 Australia India
2019 England New Zealand
2015 Australia New Zealand
2011 India Sri Lanka
2007 Australia Sri Lanka
2003 Australia India
1999 Australia Pakistan
1996 Sri Lanka Australia
1992 Pakistan England
1987 Australia England
1983 India West Indies
1979 West Indies England
1975 West Indies Australia

11. The oldest set of cricket laws can be found 14. The matches between Australia and England
in: were titled the ‘Ashes’ followed by:
(a) at Lords (b) in Melbourne (a) an obituary in a newspaper read that
(c) at the Oval (d) in Sydney the ashes of the English cricket would be
taken to Australia.
12. How many overs are there in the One Day
International (ODI) games? (b) ash blowing into the air.
(a) 20 overs (b) 40 overs (c) another match played on a cremation day.
(c) 50 overs (d) 60 overs (d) England’s second defeat to Australia.

13. India won its first world cup in which of the 15. India beat which country to be the winner of
following years? the World Cup 2011?
(a) 1893 (b) 1983 (a) Sri Lanka (b) Australia
(c) 2011 (d) 2003 (c) Pakistan (d) New Zealand


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
to the underlined word: given word:
She is a patron of art and culture.
(a) entrepreneur (b) admirer
(a) Transitory (b) Lasting
(c) critique (d) backer
(c) Interim (d) Momentary
17. Choose the option that is opposite in
meaning to the underlined word: 21. Read the two sentences given below and
Spring is a time of plenty. choose the correct answer:
(a) ugliness (b) scarcity (1) Othello is a short story written by
(c) roughness (d) dryness William Shakespeare.
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (2) It belongs to the category of tragedy.
given word: (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
PERSIST (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(a) Continue (b) Cease (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(c) Halt (d) Forget
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: 22. Read the two sentences given below and
COGENT choose the correct answer:
(a) Convincing (b) Weak (1) Macbeth is a play written by Jane
(c) Ineffective (d) Pathetic Austen.

Page 102 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(2) It highlights the destruction wrought 27. Select the word from the given options, you
when ambition goes unchecked by moral consider most appropriate for the blank
constraints. space:
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. They gave a ................ dinner to celebrate the
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. occasion, which impressed every guest.
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. (a) austere (b) public
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. (c) sumptuous (d) summary

23. Read the two sentences given below and 28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
choose the correct answer: sentence and choose the correct option to
(1) The word ‘dissemination’ means to hide identify the right sequence:
information. The knocking
P: were still in the house
(2) ‘Circulation’ is a synonym of
‘dissemination’. Q: for some time
R: although the echoes of it
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
S: ceased
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
The correct sequence should be:
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(a) SRPQ (b) SQRP
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(c) PQSR (d) RSPQ
24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
their respective meanings in column (B).
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
Column (A) Column (B) identify the right sequence:
(A) Fascinating (1) to talk in foolish way The history of mankind is
P: and steady progress
(B) Devoured (2) extremely interesting
Q: continuous change
(C) Drivel (3) sharply or shortly
R: the history of
(D) Curtly (4) to eat up greedily or S: from barbarism to refinement
The correct sequence should be:
(a) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4) (a) PQRS (b) RQPS
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2) (c) QSPR (d) SQRP
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) 30. Choose the most appropriate option to
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1) identify the meaning of the given idiom/
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
their respective meanings in column (B). Be over the hill
(a) To be on a mountain top
Column (A) Column (B) (b) To travel in the jungle
(A) Befitted (1) charity (c) To be too old to do things
(B) Alms (2) die (d) To do something in the most complete
(C) Wandered (3) apt
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
(D) Decay (4) stroll
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) phrase:
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(2) Bite your tongue
(c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4) (a) To stop yourself from saying something
(d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) because it would be better not to
(b) To bite off your tongue while eating
26. Select the word from the given options, you (c) To feel sorry
consider most appropriate for the blank
space: (d) To ask someone something that you
The car was damaged beyond repair in the
.................. accident. 32. Choose the most appropriate option to
(a) outrageous (b) ghastly identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(c) monstrous (d) heinous phrase:

Mock Paper 8 Page 103

Turn a blind eye 37. Choose the part of the following sentence
(a) To run away that contains an error:
(b) To begin to behave in a more positive There is only one of his novels that are
manner interesting.
(c) To change a situation (a) There is
(d) To choose to ignore behaviour that you (b) only of his novels
know is wrong (c) that are interesting
(d) No error
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
underlined part of the sentence from the 38. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
given options: sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence:
If he had listening to me he would not have
Movies made in
got lost.
P: all around the globe
(a) listened me (b) listened to me
Q: Hollywood in America
(c) listen me (d) No improvement
R: by people
34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. S: are seen at the same time
(a) The conference was attended by The correct sequence should be:
delegates from Paris, France; Paris, (a) QSRP (b) QRPS
Texas; London, UK; Stockholm, Sweden; (c) PSRQ (d) QPSR
Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Mumbai, India.
(b) The conference was attended by 39. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
delegates from Paris, France, Paris, sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence:
Texas, London, UK; Stockholm, Sweden,
Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Mumbai, India. P: it is a fact that rice is one of the most
(c) The conference was attended by Q: than almost any other crop
delegates from Paris; France; Paris; R: yielding a greater return per acre
Texas; London; UK; Stockholm; Sweden; S: prolific of food crops
Colombo; Sri Lanka; and Mumbai,; India. The correct sequence should be:
(d) The conference was attended by (a) SRQP (b) RPSQ
delegates: from Paris, France; Paris, (c) QRSP (d) PSRQ
Texas; London, UK; Stockholm, Sweden;
40. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Mumbai, India.
given word:
35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. INVALID
(a) It could lead to the kind of good life, both (a) healthy (b) weak
spiritual and material, that was once the (c) sound (d) deteriorating
privilege of a lucky few:
41. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) It could lead to the kind of good life, both given word:
spiritual and material, that was once the BARBARIC
privilege of a lucky few. (a) More civilised and more violent
(c) It, could lead to the kind of good life; both (b) Crude and very deceptive
spiritual and material; that was once the (c) Extremely cruel and violent
privilege of a lucky few: (d) Uncivilised and very foolish
(d) It could lead- to the kind of good life,
both spiritual and material- that was 42. Choose the most appropriate option to
once the privilege of a lucky few: identify the meaning of the given idiom/
36. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in A match made in heaven
the blank: (a) a marriage that is solemnized formally
After having tea, he settled himself ........... his (b) a marriage that is unsuccessful
arm chair. (c) a marriage that is likely to be happy and
(a) on (b) in successful
(c) over (d) into (d) a marriage of convenience

Page 104 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

43. Choose the most appropriate option to identify 47. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
the meaning of the given idiom/ phrase: underlined part of the sentence from the
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. given options:
(a) People with similar interests and tastes She is certain the right person for the job.
tend to group.
(a) She is certain to be
(b) It is better to accept the little we have
than reject it hoping to get a lot later. (b) She is most certain to be
(c) Plans must not be altered at the wrong (c) She is certainly
time. (d) No improvement
(d) Do not give a precious thing to someone
who cannot value it. 48. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
underlined part of the sentence from the
44. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the given options:
Last Monday, she took me to the good
The old man could not remember where
he................his money. restaurant.
(a) deposits (b) is depositing (a) a good restaurant (b) good restaurant
(c) had deposited (d) will deposit (c) good a restaurant (d) No improvement

45. Change the given sentence of active voice into 49. Fill in the blank with appropriate article.
passive voice. Select the appropriate option.
She is ............... honour to her profession.
The boys were digging a hole in the ground
(a) the (b) a
by the boys.
(a) A hole had been dug in the ground by the (c) an (d) no article
50. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
(b) In the ground, the boys dug a hole.
underlined part of the sentence from the
(c) A hole in the ground has been dug by the
given options:
(d) A hole was being dug by the boys in the Between Ram and his brother, Ram is the
ground. stronger and intelligent.
(a) Ram is the strongest and the most
46. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in
the blank: intelligent
Good sleep is necessary ........... good health. (b) Ram is stronger and more intelligent
(a) of (b) for (c) Ram is stronger and intelligent
(c) at (d) from (d) No improvement

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Mock Papers

Mock Paper 8 Page 105

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer for academic purposes has changed the
the questions that follow: face of education for everyone associated
(1) The present generation is well updated with it. Let’s look at the data arising out of
with the use of Internet and computers. The a recent survey that was done to ascertain
rapid development in computer technology the time spent on utilisation of the
and increase in accessibility of the Internet computer and Internet:

utilisation of utilisation of How of ten How of ten do you How of ten do you
computer for computer for do you use the Internet use the Internet
academic activities personal use use email? for work? for leisur e?

everyday 2-3 days a week once a week once a month never

(2) At present, many schools and universities and the differences can cause problems.
have been implementing Internet-based The Net is a tremendous resource, but it
learning, as it supplements the must be used carefully and critically.
conventional teaching methods. The
Internet provides a wide variety of
references and information to academics
as well as scientific researchers. Students
often turn to it to do their academic
assignments and projects.
(3) However, research on the Net is very
different from traditional library research,

Page 106 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(4) According to a 2018 Academic Student (2) About 18% people use email once a
e-book Experience Survey, conducted by week.
LJ’s research department and sponsored (3) There are a smaller number of email
by EBSCO, when reading for pleasure, users using it 2-3 times a week than the
almost 74% of the respondents said they ones using it once a month.
preferred print books for leisure, whereas,
(4) Less than 5% of people never use the
45% of respondents chose e-books rather
than the printed versions, for research or
assignments. (a) (1) and (3) (b) (2) and (4)
(5) When asked what e-book features (c) (1) and (2) (d) (3) and (4)
make them a favourite for research, the 5. Based on the given graphical chart, pick the
respondents were clear. Having page option that lists the area of zero response
numbers to use in citations, topped the
from respondents.
list (75%); followed by the ability to resize
text to fit a device’s screen (67%); the (a) Never using the Internet for work and
ability to bookmark pages, highlight text, leisure
or take notes for later reference (60%); (b) Daily use of the computer for academic
downloading the entire e-book (57%); and activities
allowing content to be transferred between (c) Writing and receiving emails once a week
devices (43%) were the varied responses.
(d) Using the Internet for personal tasks
1. Pick the option that lists statements that are once a month
NOT TRUE according to the passage.
II. Read the passage given below and answer
(1) Internet-based education can only
the questions that follow:
complement familiar methods of
education. (1) It is now being increasingly realised
that sports contribute to the physical,
(2) Net-based learning will replace face-to-
psychological and emotional well-being
face education.
of an individual. Sports play a significant
(3) The resources that the net provides are a role in healthy social development and
danger to the education system. interaction. It helps people learn how to set
(4) The current times have seen a rise in the and achieve goals through discipline and
convenience of using the Internet for hard work. It nurtures the development of
academic purposes. decision-making and leadership abilities,
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (3) and (4) while teaching people to manage both
(c) (2) and (3) (d) (1) and (4) success and failure.
(2) Sports today, face the pressures of
2. The word ‘tremendous’, as used in paragraph
modern society and new challenges.
3, means the same as:
When sports events like Olympic Games,
(a) ‘expensive’ (b) ‘renowned’ Commonwealth Games, Asian Games or
(c) ‘innovative’ (d) ‘incredible’ those related to cricket, football, volleyball,
3. Arrange the given e-book features preferred tennis, hockey or badminton take
for research from the least favourite to the place, millions of spectators, viewers on
most favourite, from the following: television, the Internet or listeners on radio
(1) downloading the entire e-book become intensely engaged, even though
only a select few participate. Along with
(2) choosing page numbers in citations
emotions, a large amount of money too
(3) highlighting text
rides on the performance of sports persons.
(4) resizing text to fit screen
(3) Perhaps that is why, in this highly
(a) (1), (3), (4), (2)
competitive sports environment, we quite
(b) (3), (2), (1), (4)
often hear about unethical behaviour,
(c) (2), (4), (3), (1)
which includes doping, abuse of food
(d) (4), (1), (2), (3) additives, physical and verbal violence,
4. Based on the given graphical representation harassment, sexual abuse and trafficking
of data in the passage, choose the option of young sports persons, discrimination,
that lists the statements that are TRUE with exploitation, unequal opportunities,
respect to the usage of email. unethical sports practices, unfair means,
(1) The everyday usage of email is more excessive commercialisation and
than the everyday usage of computer for corruption. In this context, ethics occupy a
personal use. critical place.

Mock Paper 9 Page 107

(4) Ethics, morals and values are used 9. Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of
interchangeably in everyday language, the word ‘dope(ing)’.
though these terms are not synonymous. (a) The singer was bad at the start of the
The concept of ethics is technically show but the way he ended it was dope.
understood as a branch of philosophy that
(b) His father recently got to know about his
defines what is good for the individual
habit of doping.
and society and establishes the nature
of obligations, or duties, that people (c) Yesterday, she went to the dope party in
owe themselves and one another. But the town.
without going into the complexities of (d) The counselor was giving the listeners
this concept, it is relevant to understand the dope advices.
ethics as the practice of making principled
choices between right and wrong: a code
10. Pick the option that correctly lists the factors
which sports do not contribute to.
of conduct that guides human behaviour,
norms or laws by which attitudes and (1) physical (2) psychological
actions are determined to be either “right (3) emotional (4) environmental
or wrong”. (a) (2) and (3) (b) (1) and (4)
(5) The fundamental problem of ethics is (c) (1) and (2) (d) Only (4)
determining what constitutes proper
conduct. It is important to figure out III. Read the passage given below and answer
an answer because it defines how the questions that follow:
individuals, professionals in different fields, (1) Deep in the heart of summer and a
organisations, associations, federations dystopian present, if there’s one desire that
and corporations choose to interact with people share with each other now, it is to
one another. escape. If you are lucky enough to be able
to take a vacation sometimes - and haven’t
6. “listeners on radio become intensely yet this year – it's best to get to it while
engaged…….”Pick the option in which the you still can, because tomorrow’s vacation,
meaning of ‘engaged’ is NOT the same as it predictably, is going to be complicated.
is in the passage. (2) As we head into the future, artificial
(a) He was pretty engaged in reading books intelligence will grow even better at
in the free time. predicting exactly what sort of holidays
(b) Sonia is getting engaged this week. we’d like, based on our taste, and packaging
(c) The mother is engaged in her new born the whole experience for us. So, expect
baby these days. those decisions to take far less time. Within
(d) The school engages the students in a couple of decades, we’ll just be telling
various activities during summer. our digital assistants our travel dates and
companions, letting them handle the rest.
7. Based on your understanding of the passage, It won’t all be perfectly predictable though.
choose the option that lists the correct (3) Climate change will mean that many
sequence of the following descriptions: summer destinations will become less
(1) Determination of the fundamental idyllic, leading to tourism switching to
problem of ethics. new places. The deepening climate crisis
(2) The reality of pressure of modern society will also lead to various regions becoming
and new challenges that sports faces more dangerous in terms of hurricanes
today. and tsunami risks. Heading further into the
(3) The interchangeable usage of ethics, future, we are also going to see a few travel
morals and values in everyday language. experiences disappear because of the
(4) Realisation of the contribution of sport damage we are doing to the environment.
to the physical, psychological and Visit coral reef and go on a safari as soon
emotional well-being of an individual. as possible - if those are on your bucket
(a) (4), (2), (3), (1) (b) (1), (2), (3), (4) list - those plants and animals might not
be there for much longer. New experiences
(c) (3), (1), (2), (4) (d) (1), (2), (4), (3)
will arrive, on the other hand – giant malls
8. According to the passage, the fact that in the Middle East are already providing
the sportspersons are using methods like experiences from skiing to diving indoors.
harassing and limiting other candidates’ (4) Another inevitable prospect is regulation.
opportunities, shows that they are: Most major tourist hubs are already
(a) ethical (b) moral groaning under the influx of thousands of
(c) unethical (d) righteous holidaymakers, so expect higher tourist

Page 108 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

taxes, or even limits on the number of 13. Based on your understanding of the passage,
tourists allowed. After all, we live in a choose the option that lists the correct
time where even Mount Everest is over- sequence of the information delivered in the
crowded with tourists! There’s also likely to passage about the future of tourism.
be political instability worldwide, of course,
(1) Climate change will affect a lot
but you will have to look beyond travel. AI
of summer destinations due to
will keep track of that. Plane travel might
environmental risks.
not get significantly faster, but airlines will
deploy lower- carbon-footprint technology, (2) The increase in the number of tourists
airport check-ins will turn biometric to will expect an increase in the tourist’s
more invasive, but more efficient, they’ll taxes and tourism regulations.
claim – and luggage will get smarter and (3) People desire to escape from their
more difficult to lose despite airlines’ best everyday lives and go for a vacation.
efforts. You will have more stay options- (4) In future, artificial intelligence will take
post Airbnb home-renting experiences,
over the task of predicting, packaging
social travel companies and new tools for
and handling the vacations for people.
interfacing between tourists and locals.
(5) However, there would be new
11. Author’s suggestion to take a vacation while experiences with coming up of man-
one still can, is intended to: made tourist spots.
(a) create awareness about the (a) (4), (3), (5), (1), (2)
environmental changes
(b) (3), (4), (1), (5), (2)
(b) criticize the readers
(c) (4), (3), (1), (5), (2)
(c) elope the readers
(d) (3), (4), (5), (1), (2)
(d) complicit the readers

12. “…leading to tourism switching to new 14. Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of
the word ‘inevitable’:
places.” Pick the option in which the meaning
of ‘switching’ is NOT the same as it is in the (a) Mistakes are inevitable.
passage. (b) It is important to inevitable the burdens of life.
(a) The organization is switching the supply (c) He met inevitable to his demise.
of goods to new customers to increase (d) Shift in the work does not inevitable the
its sales. success.
(b) A couple of farmers are switching from
inorganic farming to organic farming in
15. Pick the option that CORRECTLY lists the
final feelings of the author in association
order to reduce soil erosion.
with the future of tourism:
(c) Switching off the unnecessary electronic
(1) Disappoint (2) Acceptance
items would save the electricity and
lower the expenses. (3) Sad (4) Desire
(d) Many UN Women conventions are (5) Hopeful
switching their campaigns from gender (a) (1) and (4) (b) (2) and (3)
equality to gender equity. (c) (1) and (3) (d) (2) and (5)


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
to the underlined word: given word:
She undertook a reconnaissance of the PHILANTHROPIST
entire issue.
(a) humanitarian (b) philosopher
(a) re-evaluation (b) ratification
(c) humanist (d) misanthropist
(c) investigation (d) regularisation

17. Choose the option that is opposite in 19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
meaning to the underlined word: given word:

She is a rather crooked woman. IMPOVERISHED

(a) polite (b) generous (a) spendthrift (b) generous
(c) straightforward (d) happy (c) wealthy (d) penniless

Mock Paper 9 Page 109

20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Column (A) Column (B)
given word:
(A) Accustomed (1) quibbler,
BLOATED quarrelsome
(a) Swollen (b) Deflated
(B) Pettifogger (2) normal, customary
(c) Turgid (d) Arrogant
(C) Milksop (3) pedigree, pure-
21. Read the two sentences given below and blooded
choose the correct answer:
(D) Thoroughbred (4) coward, crybaby
(1) Onomatopoeia is a poetic device that
represents the sound of a thing or (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(1)
activity. (b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
(2) ‘Splassshhh’ is onomatopoeia. (c) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. 26. Select the word from the given options, you
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. consider most appropriate for the blank
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
My house is insured ................. theft and fire.
22. Read the two sentences given below and (a) for (b) against
choose the correct answer: (c) in (d) towards
(1) Imperative sentences are the ones that
27. Select the option from the following, you
issue an order or make a request.
consider most appropriate for the blank
(2) “Will you be available tomorrow?” is an space:
imperative sentence. Years ............... since I saw her last.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (a) have passed
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. (b) had passed
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. (c) had been passing
(d) have been passing
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
23. Read the two sentences given below and sentence and choose the correct option to
choose the correct answer: identify the right sequence:
(1) ‘Make hay while the sun shines’ is an The spirit of man
idiom. P: has slowly and painfully surmounted
(2) ‘It takes two to tango’ is a proverb. Q: and his growing intelligence
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. R: all the obstacles that have come in his
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. way
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. S: has faced all kinds of dangers
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. The correct sequence should be:
(a) QPSR (b) RPSQ
24. Match the words listed in column (A) with (c) RPQS (d) PRQS
their respective meanings in column (B).
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
Column (A) Column (B) sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence:
(A) Twitch (1) madman, insensible
After our school boys had won a well-
(B) Lunatic (2) nomad, hippie contested hockey match
(C) Reckon (3) spasm, jerk P: so that they might communicate the
news of their victory to the headmaster
(D) Gypsy (4) estimate, judge
Q: who is a keen sportsman
(a) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1) R: they came to school in high spirits
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(2) S: and takes a very lively interest in school
(c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) games
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3) The correct sequence should be:
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with (a) QPSR (b) SQPR
their respective meanings in column (B). (c) RPQS (d) RPSQ

Page 110 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

30. Choose the most appropriate option to The principal said that:
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ P: those students
phrase: Q: would not be permitted to enter
Yellow journalism R: who do not produce
(a) Paid storytelling S: identity cards
(b) Government reports published on yellow The correct sequence should be:
coloured papers (a) RSPQ (b) RPSQ
(c) Writings in newspapers that try to (c) PRSQ (d) RPSQ
influence people's opinion by using
strong language and false information 37. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
(d) Journalism which agrees completely underlined part of the sentence from the
given options:
with the policies of the governments and
capitalists He became to be strong and reliable.
(a) to be strongly and reliably
31. Choose the most appropriate option to (b) to be strong, reliably
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(c) strong and reliable
(d) No improvement
To be in seventh heaven
(a) To fly in the air 38. Choose the part of the following sentence
(b) To be extremely happy that contains an error:
(c) To be completely alone Neither of the two boys is sensible enough
to do this job.
(d) To visit a place which is in the list of the
seven wonders of the world (a) Neither of the two boys
(b) is sensible enough
32. Choose the most appropriate option to (c) to do this job
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ (d) No error
A dark horse 39. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in
(a) a black coloured horse the blank:
(b) a person who wins a race or competition There was no agreement ........... the great
although no one expected him to powers ........... a treaty to ban nuclear
(c) a person who keeps secrets
(a) between; about (b) among; on
(d) an ignorant person
(c) in; for (d) with; about
33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
underlined part of the sentence from the
40. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the
given options:
God ........... we shall win the match.
He asked for a bank loan also he didn't have
sufficient resources, (a) willing (b) will
(a) because (b) even if (c) would (d) should
(c) requiring (d) No improvement 41. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. identify the right sequence:
(a) “You see, she can't forget, sir!”
P: or just one of you
(b) “You see, she cant forget, sir.”
Q: I will not have breathed in vain today
(c) “You see, she can't forget, sir.”
R: If I have made all of you
(d) “You see-she can't forget-sir!”
S: repent of this career and seek a decent
35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence. work
(a) By Heaven, I've done it at last. The correct sequence should be:
(b) By Heaven, I've done it at last! (a) PRSQ (b) RPSQ
(c) By Heaven; I've done it at last. (c) SQPR (d) PQRS
(d) By Heaven- I've done it at last? 42. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.
36. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the Do you know ....... way to .......railway station?
sentence and choose the correct option to (a) the, the (b) an, a
identify the right sequence: (c) a, the (d) were, the

Mock Paper 9 Page 111

43. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) Nothing can go on forever as all things
given word: change.
REMORSE (d) A satisfactory conclusion makes up for
(a) Regret (b) Rebuke earlier disappointments.
(c) Repetition (d) Punishment 47. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in
the blank:
44. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word: The thunder was accompanied ........... heavy
(a) with (b) by
(a) increase (b) improve
(c) up (d) through
(c) introduce (d) decrease
48. Choose the correct question tag for the
45. Choose the most appropriate option to following sentence:
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ I am innocent, ..................
(a) ain't I? (b) isn't I?
Cook the books
(c) wasn't I? (d) am I?
(a) to record false information in the
accounts of an organization 49. Choose the correct question tag for the
following sentence:
(b) to do something that spoils someone's
plan She will never give up, ....................
(c) to tell a story (a) will she? (b) won't she?
(d) to be very angry (c) does she? (d) is she?
50. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
46. Choose the most appropriate option to underlined part of the sentence from the
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ given options:
I watch English films occasionally, not
All's well that ends well. frequently.
(a) Steady progress is better in the long run (a) occasional, not frequently
than inconsistent speed. (b) occasional, not frequent
(b) Everything that is attractive on the (c) occasionally, not frequent
outside may not be really valuable inside. (d) No improvement

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Mock Papers

Page 112 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer comfort zone, we will feel a bit nervous
the questions that follow: but after we have done it over and over,
we feel more confident about it. In other
(1) Dealing with nervousness can sometimes
words, in order to feel less nervous about
be a difficult thing to do. When you feel
whatever is causing you to feel that feeling
nervous, you tend to lose control to some
of nervousness, you need more practice.
extent. You can start to shake and tremble
There is a difference between feeling
a bit or you can start to sweat and even
nervous because you aren’t prepared and
get a bit dizzy. It may seem like a bad
feeling excited because you’re anxious to
thing but this feeling that you experience is
show what you can do.
your body’s way of telling you something.
Nervousness is a signal to your mind that (4) We often get nervous because we are afraid
you need to get ready. It can sometimes be of what others might think of us. You don’t
mixed with the feeling of excitement as well. have to worry about that because more
often than not, people are too concerned
(2) There are many situations that can cause a
person to feel nervous. It can be a situation with their own selves to focus on your
where you are about to make a speech, faults. According to a study conducted on
appear for an interview or take an exam. All Americans, most of the people are afraid of
of these things can bring out the feeling of ‘public speaking’.
anxiety. It can make you stumble on your (5) What are you so afraid of?
words. It can cause you to make a fool out The problem is that we are our own
of yourself in public. It can freeze you up. It worst critics. American psychologist
can even cause you to turn around and go William James believes, “Human beings
back the path from where you came. by changing the inner attitudes of their
(3) However, there are ways and means by minds, can change the outer aspects of
which you can learn to control nervousness their lives.” Visualise yourself doing a great
and use it to your advantage. The first job. Visualise yourself getting the results
thing you need to do is understand the you want. Visualise receiving praise and
reason for your nervousness. Most of the appreciation. Visualisation and affirmations
times when you get anxious, it means that have the power of bringing about a
you aren’t as prepared as you think you positive change in your thought patterns.
should be. Often when it’s our first time Nervousness is something that can be
doing something that is outside of our dealt with practice as well as realising that

Mock Paper 10 Page 113

life is too short to spend too much time be prepared, think positive and practice as
worrying. If you want to do a good job, much as you can.












0% 5 10 15 20 25

1. According to the passage, one of the reasons 5. Based on the given graphical representation
for feeling nervous is the: of data in the passage, choose the option
(a) having an extrovert nature that lists the statements that are TRUE with
(b) lack of physical strength in a person respect to the fears of the Americans.
(c) problem of mood swings (1) Heights are the second most feared
things for Americans.
(d) lack of mental strength
(2) Claustrophobia is the only phobia that
2. Pick the option that lists the statements that makes it to the list of top fears.
are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
(3) 20% of the Americans are afraid of flying.
(1) There is only a single situation that can (4) Same per cent of the Americans fear
cause a person to feel nervous. ghosts and drowning.
(2) The problem that makes us nervous is the (a) (1) and (4) (b) (1) and (2)
fact that we are our own worst critics.
(c) (3) and (4) (d) (2) and (4)
(3) Most of the people are afraid of ‘height’
according to a study conducted on II. Read the passage given below and answer
Americans. the questions that follow:
(4) Nervousness is normal and it can happen (1) It is popularly believed that wireless
while any important activity. technology was created in the year 1880,
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (4) when Alexander Graham Bell and Charles
(c) (1) and (3) (d) (3) and (4) Sumner Tainter invented the telephone. In
that moment they changed the very course
3. The word ‘stumble’, as used in paragraph (2), of human civilisation. Today you would be
means the same as: hard-pressed to find an adult (or even a
(a) Fall (b) Stammer child) who does not have access to mobile
(c) Skip (d) Misspell technology.
(2) Wireless communication is the transfer
4. “The problem is that we are our own worst of information or power between two or
critics…..” The idea of being own worst critics, more points that are not connected by an
is mainly a reference to electrical conductor. The most common
(a) self-criticism (b) self-analyses wireless technologies use radio waves.
(c) self-confidence (d) self-interrogation With radio waves, distances can be short,

Page 114 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

such as a few metres for Bluetooth, or as (8) Given the ubiquity of technology in today’s
far as millions of kilometres for deep-space society and the importance of this issue
radio communications. It encompasses for policy and practice, it is essential to
various types of fixed, mobile, and portable understand the impacts of technology
applications, including two-way radios, use on the developing brains and bodies
cellular telephones, personal digital of children in the 21st century in order to
assistants (PDAs), and wireless networking. guide policy delineating safe and effective
In fact, all our Wi-Fi devices also emit radio use. Parents and guardians should be
waves. discerning when it comes to guidelines and
(3) Wireless networks are gaining popularity research, while governments and groups
due to their convenience. This ease of with policy influence should be cautious
connectivity comes at a price. On-going of prescribing policy without exploring the
research has identified that signals from a evidence base in a holistic and thorough
wireless network are potentially dangerous manner.
to humans. The constant proximity to
wireless signals can cause headaches, (9) International exposure guidelines have been
insomnia, cardiac arrest and other health developed to provide protection against
issues. Researchers have established that established effects from radio frequency
Wi-Fi network signals predominantly affect fields by the International Commission on
the lower half of the human body and can Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP,
trigger liver and pancreatic cancer. 1998) and the Institute of Electrical and
(4) In 2011, the World Health Organisation’s Electronic Engineers (IEEE, 2005). It is up
International Agency for Research on to national authorities to adopt these
Cancer classified wireless radiations international standards to protect their
from cell phones, baby monitors, tablets, citizens against adverse levels of radio
cell towers, radar, Wi-Fi etc. as Class 2B wave exposure. They should restrict access
carcinogens. This Class 2B carcinogen to areas where exposure limits may be
classification applies to appliances with
an operating frequency ranging from
30 kHz to 300 GHz. This means all this (10) France has banned all wireless devices,
while, as we were scrolling through online including cell phones from all public schools
entertainment, we have been sitting on a starting September 2018, and California
ticking time bomb. Public Health is actively educating their
(5) With the rapid growth of mobile phone public regarding risk of harm from wireless
devices in the market, technology has radiation. Even in India, several eminent
developed in such a way that it has ended scientists have begun a crusade to caution
up creating a horrifying situation for the the Government against the roll-out of 5G
human body. The normal biological systems technology-based services in the country.
of the human body have not developed (11) We can make smarter choices about
in any way to adapt to or protect against the way we use technology by making
harmful radio waves. changes in our everyday usage patterns.
(6) This has led to a rise in serious ailments For instance, adults carrying cell phones
such as diseases of brain like cancer, brain (and other wireless devices) can either turn
tumor, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s off the device or convert device to ‘airplane
disease and so on. Not to forget the short- mode’ when servicing or interacting with
term effects like hormone disruption, loss children and pregnant mothers.
of concentration, impairment of cognitive
(12) Precautionary measures for adults include
function, behavioural problems, attention
increasing the distance, duration and
deficit; and long-term effects like DNA
damage, male infertility. frequency of wireless device use; reducing
multiple device use; and reducing exposure
(7) For children, the wireless devices have even
to high wireless radiation areas. By making
more grave consequences because they
have thinner bony skulls, more aqueous minor modifications to our daily routines
bodies/brains, higher rate of cell turnover and habits, we can try and minimise the
and, hence their neural systems are not harmful effects of wireless technology.
completely developed. Beyond physical 6. When the author mentions that the invention
impairments, children are also vulnerable of wireless technology has changed the very
to stunted socio-emotional, cognitive and course of human civilisation, it means that
behavioural development. the invention has

Mock Paper 10 Page 115

(a) changed the lifestyle of people (a) By banning it
(b) changed the science on which technology (b) By making changes in our everyday
is created usage patterns
(c) created adverse health issues (c) By adopting stringent international
(d) made humans more cautious and exposure guidelines
informed beings (d) By prescribing safe government policies
and practices
7. “We can make smarter choices about the
way we use technology ..................... everyday III . Read the passage given below and answer
usage of patterns.” Pick the option in which the questions that follow:
the meaning of ‘patterns’ is NOT the same Looking For A New Clarity
as it is in the passage. (1) The Supreme Court, this past month,
(a) By the time the police caught up to provided us with a useful reminder about
Sanders, they knew even more about his its worth to our constitutional democracy.
patterns and practices. Its intervention in the imbroglio over
(b) Silk scarfs in contrasting shades and government formation in Karnataka was
embroidered patterns enhance this busy, flawless. The hearings conducted in the
but feminine look. early hours of the morning may have been
(c) Over the time, female textile theatrical, but the court’s ultimate decision
entrepreneurs developed certain certainly helped avert a subversion of the
patterns in their business plans which Constitution. Yet, much as its decision here
made them very rich. deserves appreciation, we must be careful
(d) The nutrition researchers studied not to allow any ascription of credit to
everyday breakfast patterns of the veil the deeper wounds that afflict it, for a
citizens of Washington. litany of problems continues to strike at the
court’s independence.
8. Based on your understanding of the passage, (2) Three of these are especially salient.
choose the option that lists the correct The first involves the rejection by
sequence of the information delivered to the the government of the collegium’s
reader about wireless technology. recommendation of K.M. Joseph, currently
(1) Such as diseases of brain like cancer, Chief Justice of the Uttarakhand High
brain tumor, Alzheimer’s disease, Court, for elevation to the Supreme
Parkinson’s disease and so on. Court. The second concerns the need
(2) It is up to national authorities to adopt for a systemic mechanism to deal with
these international standards to protect allegations of corruption in the higher
their citizens against adverse levels of judiciary. The third area of worry concerns
radio wave exposure. the embroiled state of Chief Justice of India,
(3) Radio waves are the most commonly Dipak Misra, his position as the master
used wireless technology. of the roster, and the critical question of
(4) We can make smarter choices about whether such powers ought to be vested in
the way we use technology by making the hands of one individual.
changes in our everyday usage patterns. Recurring problems:
(5) The ease of connectivity is very (3) At first glance, these issues might strike
convenient but causes health issues to us as unique to the times that we live in,
humans. as examples of crises that will eventually
(6) Wireless technology was invented by pass. But, on closer examination, it becomes
Graham Bell and Sumner Tainter in the clearer that these are, in fact, recurring
year 1880. problems left unaddressed for decades. In
(a) (3), (6), (5), (1), (2), (4) trying to resolve the issues, therefore, we
(b) (3), (6), (5), (1), (4), (2) must ask ourselves how we got here. As
(c) (6), (3), (5), (1), (4), (2) A.G. Noorani recently wrote in Frontline
magazine (“Crisis in Judiciary,” May 11,
(d) (6), (3), (5), (1), (2), (4)
2018): “We have not reached the nadir all of
9. Author says that given the ubiquity of a sudden. The decline was long in process.”
technology in today’s society, it is essential (4) In his seminal book, America’s Unwritten
to understand the impacts of technology on Constitution: The Precedents and Principles
developing brains. ‘Ubiquity’ means, being We Live By, Akhil Reed Amar points to how
(a) Somewhere (b) Rare the written constitution often invites us to
(c) Everywhere (d) Nowhere heed what’s unwritten, which in turn, he
writes, “refers us back in various ways to
10. How can we make smarter choices about its written counterpart. Like the Chinese
the way we use technology? symbols yin and yang, America’s written

Page 116 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Constitution and America’s unwritten (a) “We have not reached the nadir all of
Constitution form two halves of one whole, a sudden. The decline was short in
with each half gesturing toward the other.” process.”
   (Source: The Hindu) (b) “We have not reached the nadir all
of a sudden. The decline was long in
11. According to the passage, the Supreme process.”
Court has reminded us of (c) “We have reached the nadir all of
(a) constitutional democracy a sudden. The decline was long in
(b) democracy process.”
(c) apartheid (d) “We have not reached the nadir all of a
(d) none of these sudden. The rise was long in process.”

12. The third area of worry concerns 14. Who is the writer of the book ‘America’s
(a) Dipak Misra’s position as the master of Unwritten Constitution: The Precedents and
the roster. Principles We Live By’?
(b) The rejection by the government of the (a) Akhil Reed Amar (b) Akhil Reed
collegium’s recommendation of K.M. (c) Amar Reed Akhil (d) None of these
(c) The need for a systemic mechanism.
15. The first problem involves .......................... .
(a) the acceptance by the government
(d) How to deal with allegations of
corruption in the higher judiciary. (b) the rejection by the government
(c) the approval by the government
13. What did A.G. Noorani recently write in (d) none of the above
Frontline magazine?


16. Select the option with the closest meaning (2) ‘Abhay will not go to the event
to the underlined word: tomorrow’ is a correct sentence.
My daughter is my replica. (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(a) pride (b) clone (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) love (d) original (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
17. Choose the option that is opposite in
meaning to the underlined word: 22. Read the two sentences given below and
He wrote an incisive article on corruption in choose the correct answer:
politics. (1) Charles Dickens was a great writer of
(a) vague (b) penetrating the Victorian Era.
(c) trenchant (d) precise (2) One of his great works is ‘Oliver Twist’.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
given word: (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
MULTITUDE (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(a) Scarcity (b) Minority
(c) Mass (d) Radiant 23. Read the two sentences given below and
choose the correct answer:
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (1) The word ‘panoramic’ means a keyhole view.
given word: (2) ‘Extensive’ is the antonym of ‘panoramic’.
JADED (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(a) Restorative (b) Thrilled (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) Gay (d) Tired (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
given word: 24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
CRUCIAL their respective meanings in column (B).
(a) Trivial (b) Urgent
Column (A) Column (B)
(c) Stable (d) Essential
(A) Hastened (1) shaking, trembling
21. Read the two sentences given below and (B) Tottering (2) hurry, rush
choose the correct answer:
(C) Distraught (3) thrust, push
(1) ‘Rhea didn’t told me that she was going
on a vacation’ is a correct sentence. (D) Jostling (4) fraught, distressed

Mock Paper 10 Page 117

(a) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3) The correct sequence should be:
(b) (A)-(3), (B)-(2), (C)-(4), (D)-(1) (a) PQRS (b) SRPQ
(c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4) (c) SPRQ (d) QSRP
(d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
30. Choose the most appropriate option to
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with identify the meaning of the given idiom/
their respective meanings in column (B). phrase:
A show-stopper
Column (A) Column (B)
(a) someone who stops the show
(A) Flattery (1) humility (b) someone who organizes the show
(B) Modesty (2) vacant (c) a performance that is extremely good
(C) Deserted (3) slithering (d) a fashionable person
(D) Crept (4) fawning 31. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(a) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1) phrase:
(b) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(3) A jack of all trades
(c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3) (a) a person who has skills in various fields and
(d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3) has the capability to fix almost everything
(b) a confident and not very serious young
26. Select the word from the given options, you man
consider most appropriate for the blank
space: (c) someone who has hit the jackpot
(d) a great businessman
You have never ............ me about your
experiences in America. 32. Choose the most appropriate option to
(a) said (b) told identify the meaning of the given idiom/
(c) explained (d) spoken phrase:
Fight tooth and nail
27. Select the word from the given options, you (a) to quarrel with someone
consider most appropriate for the blank
space: (b) to attack someone with a lot of force
(c) to try hard to prevent something from
I always felt hungry .............. I heard the
dinner bell.
(d) to try very hard to achieve something
(a) as much as (b) as well as
(c) as soon as (d) as close as 33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
underlined part of the sentence from the
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the given options:
sentence and choose the correct option to
The couple seemed to love one another very
identify the right sequence:
Scientists point out (a) every other (b) each
P: of sunspot activity (c) each other (d) No improvement
Q: that it is an aftermath that
R: has now reached its peak 34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence:
S: of the eleven-year cycle what a large melon I think I must buy it
The correct sequence should be: what do you ask for it my boy said he
(a) RSPQ (b) PQSR (a) What a large melon? I think I must buy it.
What do you ask for it? My boy! said he.
(c) QRPS (d) QSPR
(b) “What a large melon? I think I must buy
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the it. What do you ask for it, my boy?” said
sentence and choose the correct option to he.
identify the right sequence: (c) “What a large melon! I think I must buy it?
As the ship streams from San Diego What do you ask for it, my boy? said he.
P: as walls of gray water from a distant (d) “What a large melon! I think I must buy it.
storm in the North Pacific What do you ask for it, my boy?” said he.
Q: making the greener among us miserable 35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence:
with sea sickness In the old persian stories turan the land of
R: rock and toss the ship darkness is opposed to iran the land of light
S: those of us aboard have a personal (a) In the old Persian stories turan, the land
demonstration of powerful ocean of darkness, is opposed to iran, the land
movement of light.

Page 118 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(b) In the old Persian stories. Turan, the land 42. Fill in the blank choosing the appropriate
of darkness, is opposed to Iran, the land article.
of light She is ....... honour to her profession.
(c) In the old Persian stories, Turan, the land (a) the (b) a
of darkness, is opposed to Iran, the land (c) an (d) no article
of light
43. Choose the most appropriate preposition.
(d) In the old Persian stories Turan, the land
He resembles ........... his mother.
of darkness, is opposed to Iran, the land
(a) with (b) in
of light
(c) at (d) none of these
36. In the following question choose the correct 44. Choose the correct question tag for the
form of verb as your answer.
following sentence:
Hawk is a ........... bird. She will never give up, ....................
(a) hunting (b) hunt (a) won't she? (b) will she?
(c) hunted (d) none (c) wouldn't she? (d) should she?
37. Choose the word which is opposite in 45. Choose the correct question tag for the
meaning of the given word. following sentence:
ARROGANT He can drop you at the next stop, .............
(a) Simple (b) Timid (a) will he? (b) can't he?
(c) Civilized (d) Modest (c) can he? (d) couldn't he?

38. Choose the alternative which best expresses 46. In the following question choose the correct
the meaning of the idiom/phrase. form of verb as your answer.
A death blow After I ............ a sound sleep, I felt fresh and
(a) to be nearly dead rejuvenated.
(b) to be deeply afraid of death (a) have (b) has
(c) to beat someone to death (c) having (d) had
(d) an action or event which causes
something to end or fail 47. Choose the part of the following sentence
that contains an error:
39. Choose the alternative which best expresses It was admitted by everybody that those
the meaning of the idiom/phrase. have their ups and down.
Coming events cast their shadows before. (a) It was admitted
(a) One's actions whether good or bad (b) by everybody
determine one's rewards or punishments. (c) that those have their ups and downs
(b) People can arrive at the same conclusion (d) No error
by different means.
(c) There are often early indications of 48. Choose the appropriate option to fill in the
future happenings. blank in the given sentence.
(d) A person with deficiencies finds excuses Neha is gentle, her sister ............ it.
for his lack of skill. (a) should have done (b) must have done
(c) should do (d) None of these
40. Choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word. 49. Choose the most suitable preposition.
REMORSE I am used ........... such hardships.
(a) Regret (b) Rebuke (a) to (b) at
(c) Repetition (d) Punishment (c) for (d) from

41. Choose the correct degree of adjectives. 50. Choose the word which is opposite in
(a) I'm not as intelligence as he is. meaning of the given word.
(b) I'm not as intelligence as him. MUNDANE
(c) I’m not intelligent than he. (a) Extraordinary (b) Regular
(d) I’m not intelligent than him. (c) Severe (d) Visionary

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detailed Answers of
Mock Papers

Mock Paper 10 Page 119

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer (3) However, for best results, this should
the questions that follow: be done in a safe and effective manner.
(1) Quitting smoking is extremely important For this, the World Health Organization
― the biggest reason is that smoking (WHO) and the United States Food and
affects nearly every organ of your body. Drug Administration (USFDA) have
But now, you have an even more immediate recommended using proven interventions
reason to kick the habit – COVID-19. While such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy
the novel Coronavirus can infect anyone, (NRT). To help smokers quit using the
smokers, in particular, are more prone to Nicotine Replacement Therapy, over-the-
fall victim to it. It causes extensive damage counter NRTs are easily available. And in
to various vital organs and systems of the India, Nicotex is one of the biggest brands
human body. However, the lungs continue in this category.
to remain one of the most affected organs. (4) Cigarette smoking and Covid-19 may be a
In smokers, the lung function is already deadly combination. In smokers, the above-
impaired, which makes it more difficult for mentioned health problems, coupled with
the body to fight off the coronaviruses. Also, COVID-19, may result in more serious
as per the newspaper reports “the act of health outcomes. The lung function in
smoking involves contact of fingers and lips smokers is already impaired, and so, as
and sharing of smoking products, which a lung infection, Covid-19 aggressively
facilitates the transmission of the virus. So, attacks their lungs, making the situation
even those who smoke sparingly are at risk worse or even resulting in a fatality.
of contracting COVID-19”. (5) As per WHO, “compared to non-smokers,
(2) While it’s crucial that everyone is saved from patients who are smokers tend to need
contracting Covid-19 in the first place, it’s more intensive care and ventilation”. Also,
equally important that we do all we can to fatality rates due to COVID-19 are higher
keep our lungs healthy in order to avoid the amongst people with chronic respiratory
worst effects of the pandemic. For smokers, disease. (Source: The Economic Times)
quitting smoking is an important part of this (6) A cross-sectional study was conducted
effort. Once you quit smoking, your body to evaluate whether the rate of daily
begins to repair the damage, and over time, smokers in patients with COVID-19 was
the risk of life-threatening health problems different to that in the French population.
attacking you reduces dramatically. The participants were COVID-19-infected

Page 120 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

in- and outpatients in a large French women (40.3%, median age 66 years),
university hospital between February 28, with a rate of daily smokers of 4.1% CI95%
2020 and March 30, 2020 for outpatients [2.3 - 6.9] (5.4% of men and 2.2% of
and from March 23, till April 9, 2020 women). The outpatient group was
for inpatients. The participants were composed of 139 patients, median age
44 years: 62 men (44.6%, median age 43
interviewed on their smoking status, use of
years, and 77 women (55.4 %, median age
cigarette and nicotinic substitutes.
44 years). The daily smokers’ rate was 6.1
(7) The findings of the study revealed that % CI95% [2.7 - 11.6] (5.1% of men and 6.8
the inpatient group was composed of 340 % of women). In the French population, the
patients, median age 66 years: 203 men daily smokers’ rate was 25.4% (28.2% of
(59.7%, median age 66 years) and 137 men and 22.9% of women).
Table 1–Clinical Characteristics and Smoking Habits of COVID-19 Patients

Outpatients Inpatients Outpatient/inpatient

(N = 139) (N = 343) comparison p value

Male Female Male Female

(N = 62) (N = 77) All (N = 203) (N = 137) All

Median (IQR) 43 [32-55] 44 [32-54] 44 [32-55] 66 [55-76] 66 [56-79] 66 [55-77] <0.0001

age (yr)

High blood 9 (15.3%) 7 (9.6%) 16 (12.1%) 84 (41.4%) 58 (42.3%) 142 (41.8%) 0.004
4 (6.8%) 3 (4.1%) 7 (5.3%) 54 (26.6%) 41 (29.9%) 95 (27.9%) <0.001
4 (6.78%) 6 (8.2%) 10 (7.6%) 28 (14.1%) 19 (14.1%) 47 (14.2%) 0.002
4 (6.8%) 1 (1.4%) 4 (3%) 34 (16.7%) 26 (19%) 60 (17.6%) <0.001
deficiency 2 (3.4%) 0 (0%) 2 (1.5%) 17 (8.4%) 10 (7.3%) 27 (7.9%) 0.381


Current 3 (5.1%) 5 (6.8%) 8 (6.1%) 11 (5.4%) 3 (2.2%) 14 (4.1%) 0.96


Current 3 (5.1%) 3 (4.1%) 6 (4.5%) 4 (2%) 0 (0%) 4 (1.2%) 0.14


Former 21 (35.6%) 20 (27.4%) 41 (31.1%) 76 (37.6%) 35 (25.7%) 111 (32.8%) 0.08

Never 32 (54.2%) 45 (61.6%) 77 (58.3%) 111 (55%) 98 (72.1%) 209 (61.8%) 0.03

Missing data 4 (6.5%) 3 (3.9%) 7 (5.0%) 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.07%) 2 (0.6%)

*Except for age, p value correspond to logistic regression models adjusted on age and sex

(8) The rate of daily smokers was significantly (c) smoking involves contact of body parts
lower in COVID-19 patients, as compared and sharing of products.
to that in the French general population (d) smoking is injurious to health.
after standardization by age and sex. The
cross - sectional study in both COVID-19
2. Pick the options that lists statements that
are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
out- and inpatients shows that daily
smokers rate in patients with symptomatic (1) Quitting smoking is suggested to keep
our lungs healthy in order to avoid the
COVID-19 is lower as compared to the
worst effects of the pandemic.
general population.
(2) Once you quit smoking, body begins to
1. According to the passage, one should quit repair life-threatening health problems.
smoking during the time of Coronavirus, (3) Fatality rates due to COVID-19 are lower
because: among people with chronic respiratory
(a) the lung function in smokers is good. disease.
(b) smoking makes it difficult for body to (4) Cigarette smoking and Covid-19 may be
fight coronavirus. a deadly combination.

Mock Paper 11 Page 121

(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (3) nowadays are being discarded. But these
(c) (3) and (4) (d) (4) and (1) help in surmounting the crisis. The near and
dear ones come to share the grief and apply
3. The word ‘intervention’ as used in paragraph balm with their words of solace. In a modern
3, means the same as: society one is expected to act as if nothing
(a) Medication (b) Rejuvenation has happened, but research has shown that
mourning is an essential part of coming to
(c) Meditation (d) Mediation
terms with loss. There comes a time when
4. The act of smoking requires the contact of one has to give up one's grief and rejoin
body parts and sharing of smoking products, the main stream of life. Mourning in itself
passes through these phases. Firstly, it is in
which facilitates the transmission of virus,
the nature of shock and disbelief. A feeling
because Coronavirus:
of numbness overtakes. The brain is not in
(a) is transmitted through smoking a position to accept. It so happens that one
(b) is communicable expects the arrival of the lost one, thinking
(c) is life-threatening that nothing will change and he/she will be
with the lost one. In the second phase, one
(d) damages the lungs
realises the truth that the loss has actually
5. Based on the information in paragraph 6, happened, and it was not a dream. It is then
choose the option that lists the statements that one feels the pain. Then one recollects
that are true with respect to the cross- the old moments and the memory of guilt
creeps in.
sectional research conducted to evaluate
the rate of daily smokers in patients with (3) Here, the affected person displays odd
behaviour and has difficulty in activities
COVID-19 and regular French population.
like eating and sleeping. One may remain
(1) The study was conducted with the in this stage for weeks, months and
COVID-19 in-patients in the month of sometimes years. In the next phase, one
February and out-patients in the month experiences relief from pain and negative
of March. feeling. This leads to the positive side.
(2) In the findings, the rate of daily smokers Then one feels one must make alternative
was significantly higher in COVID-19 arrangements or replacements. Here, one
patients, as compared to that in is ready to cope with the situation. One
knows one cannot recover what one has
the French general population after
lost, but is conscious of the future, accepts
standardization by age and sex.
the loss and is ready for the alternative.
(3) The participants were interviewed on
(4) On passing through all the stages of grief,
their smoking status, use of cigarette it seems that time has passed like a river
and nicotinic substitutes. under the bridge. This shows that mourning
(4) After the research the participants has been successful. One cannot forget
decided to quit smoking. the loss but one comes to terms with the
(a) (2) and (3) (b) (2) and (4) reality.
(c) (1) and (3) (d) (1) and (4) 6. After one has passed all the phases of grief:
II. Read the passage given below and answer (a) there is a relief from pain and negative
the questions that follow: feelings
(1) There is a time when everyone has to face (b) there is still pain and grief
grief. When someone dear to oneself dies, (c) the person is ready to cope with the
one is left in a state in which grief and situation, ready to face reality
shock overcome the ordinary life. One is
(d) both (a) and (c)
left in a situation when one feels there is
nothing one can do. Grief and mourning 7. “…rejoin the main stream of life.” Pick the
are always associated with death. It also option in which the meaning of ‘stream’ is
happens with other kinds of losses. It could NOT the same as it is in the passage:
be the loss of one's job, loss of one's house
(a) After meeting her estranged sister she
or the loss of a close friend.
experienced a stream of emotions inside
(2) The best people able to cope with these are
those, who come from cultures that have
strict, formal and intensive mourning ritual. (b) Since there was no internet, I couldn’t
In India, we have diverse rituals which stream the movie.

Page 122 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(c) You can always see a stream flowing in (4) I have a THIRD vision. India must stand up
the mountains. to the world. Because I believe that, unless
(d) When her dog died she sat with tears India stands up to the world, no one will
streaming down her face. respect us. Only strength respects strength.
8. The narrator says that mourning is We must be strong not only as a military
important. NOT mourning means: power but also as an economic power.
(a) weeping (b) rejoicing Both must go hand-in-hand.
(c) grieving (d) wailing (5) What stops us? Why is the media here
so negative? Why are we in India so
9. Choose the option that best captures
embarrassed to recognize our own
the central idea of the passage from the
following: strengths, our achievements? We are
(a) “When you are sorrowful, look again”. – such a great nation. We have so many
Khalil Gibran amazing success stories but we refuse to
(b) “There is no grief like the grief that does acknowledge them. Why? Why are we
not speak”. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in India so embarrassed to recognise our
(c) “The only cure for grief is action”. – own strengths, our achievements? We are
George Henry Lewes such a great nation. We have so many
(d) “Tears are the silent language of grief ”. – amazing success stories but we refuse to
Voltaire acknowledge them. We are the first in milk
production, remote sensing satellites, the
10. Pick the option that correctly lists the final
feelings of the person in grief. second largest producer of wheat and rice.
(1) frustrated (2) remorse (6) Look at Dr. Sudarshan, he has transferred
(3) agitated (4) acceptance the tribal village into a self-sustaining,
(5) anguish (6) reconciliation self-driving unit. There are millions of
such achievements but our media is only
(a) (1) and (4) (b) (2) and (5)
obsessed in the bad news and failures and
(c) (4) and (6) (d) (1) and (3)
III. Read the passage given below and answer (From Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s speech at IIT
the questions that follow: Hyderabad. Edited to adhere to word limit)
(1) In 3000 years of our history, people
11. When the author says, ‘Yet we have not
from all over the world have invaded us,
done this to other nations’ he means:
captured our lands, conquered our minds.
From Alexander onwards, the Greeks, the (a) not plundered and conquered other
Turks, the Moguls, the Portuguese, the nations
British, the French, the Dutch, all of them (b) not snatched away history and culture
looted us, took over what was ours. Yet of other nations
we have not done this to any other nation.
(c) both (a) and (b)
Because we respect the freedom of others.
(d) none of the above
(2) That is why my first vision is that of
FREEDOM. I believe that India got its first 12. Based on your understanding of the
vision of this in 1857, when we started the passage, choose the option that mentions
war of Independence. It is this freedom that
why India has not conquered other nations:
we must protect and nurture and build on.
If we are not free, no one will respect us. (a) because of fear of death
(3) My second vision for India is (b) because of respect for freedom
DEVELOPMENT, For fifty years we have (c) because of poor people
been a developing nation. It is time we see (d) because of the need for peace
ourselves as a developed nation. We are
among top 5 nations of the world in terms 13. The first vision of freedom for Indians came
of GDP. We have 10 percent growth rate in in:
most areas. Our poverty levels are falling. (a) 1857
Our achievements are being globally
(b) World War I
recognized today. Yet we lack the self-
confidence to see ourselves as a developed (c) Quit India Movement
nation, self-reliant and self-assured. (d) World War II

Mock Paper 11 Page 123

14. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam envisages an India which is: 15. Which word in the passage means the same
(a) free and developed as, ‘uncomfortable’?
(b) militarily and economically strong (a) self-reliant (b) proclaim
(c) self-reliant
(d) All of the above (c) embarrassed (d) respect


16. Select the option with the closest meaning 23. Read the two sentences given below and
to the underlined word: choose the correct answer:
The sardonic nature of her stories made her (1) “!” is a character belonging to the
stand out among the contemporary writers. category of punctuation marks.
(a) compassionate (b) insightful (2) An exclamation mark is used to express
(c) mocking (d) comic a shock, surprise or any other strong
17. Choose the option that is opposite in
meaning to the underlined word: (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
Rakesh is an eccentric prodigal. (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(a) extravagant (b) profligate (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(c) wasteful (d) thrifty (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.

18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
given word: their respective meanings in column (B).
ABETTOR Column (A) Column (B)
(a) Accomplice (b) Adversary
(A) Gloomy (1) loose fitting
(c) Careless (d) Indolent
(B) Envisioned (2) visualise
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: (C) Sloppy (3) unadorned
ABNEGATION (D) Prosaic (4) causing sadness or
(a) Denial (b) Excess dull
(c) Yielding (d) Admittance
(a) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4)
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
given word: (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
DEVOUT (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
(a) passive (b) proficient
(c) profound (d) pure
25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
their respective meanings in column (B).
21. Read the two sentences given below and
Column (A) Column (B)
choose the correct answer:
(1) ‘Mohan spelled out the word in the class’ (A) Sentence (1) lightly tough
is an active voice.
(B) Tickel (2) to obstruct
(2) ‘The ball was thrown away by the
neighbours’ is an active voice. (C) Hindering (3) punishment
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(D) Desperate (4) distressed
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. (b) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4)
22. Read the two sentences given below and (c) (A)-(1), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(4)
choose the correct answer: (d) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
(1) The opposite of prejudice is equality. 26. Select the word from the given options, you
(2) ‘Equality’ is synonymous to biasedness. consider most appropriate for the blank
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. space:
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. The dictator of that country was a monster
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true. of wickedness, insatiable in his .............. for
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false. blood and plunder.

Page 124 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(a) idea (b) vision The gift of the gab
(c) lust (d) intention (a) ability to speak easily and confidently
(b) ability to spoil something
27. Select the word from the given options, you
(c) ability to sell things
consider most appropriate for the blank
space: (d) gift from a sacred institution

Please don't give me any more, I have had 33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
.................. . underlined part of the sentence from the
(a) few (b) too little given options:
(c) little (d) enough It is high time that we did something.
(a) had done (b) do
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
(c) have done (d) No improvement
sentence and choose the correct option to
identify the right sequence: 34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
P: Farm workers (a) He asked me, “whether I had written my
Q: spend exercise”.
(b) He asked me, “whether I had written my
R: outdoors
S: most of their time
(c) He asked me, whether I had written my
The correct sequence should be: exercise?
(a) PQRS (b) PRQS (d) He asked me whether I had written my
(c) PQSR (d) RPQS exercise.

29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence:
sentence and choose the correct option to ‘she called out angrily so you have been
identify the right sequence: hitting makhan again Phatik answered
P: Do you think indignantly no I have not who told you that’
Q: will Find out the correct option:
R: this soap (a) She called out angrily, so you have been
S: shrink woollen clothes? hitting Makhan again Phatik answered
indignantly. ‘No. I have not, who told you
The correct sequence should be:
(a) PQRS (b) PRQS (b) She called out angrily, So you have been
(c) QRPS (d) QPRS hitting Makhan again. ‘Phatik answered
indignantly. ‘No I haven't, who told you
30. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
phrase: (c) She called out angrily, ‘So you have been
hitting Makhan again?’ Phatik answered
Fair and square
indignantly. ‘No I haven't; who told you
(a) in an honest way that?’
(b) in a critical way (d) She called out angrily, ‘So you have been
(c) neither very good nor very bad hitting Makhan?’ Again Phatik answered
(d) in a foolish way indignantly, ‘No, I haven't. Who told you
31. Choose the most appropriate option to
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ 36. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
phrase: sentence and choose the correct option to
A red-letter day identify the right sequence:
(a) a trivial day P: Friendship has its place
(b) a very important or significant day Q: truth and justice
(c) a day of bloodshed and violence R: but it cannot override
(d) a mourning day S: in life
32. Choose the most appropriate option to The correct sequence should be:
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ (a) PQRS (b) RSPQ
phrase: (c) PSRQ (d) RQPS

Mock Paper 11 Page 125

37. Choose the most appropriate preposition: 44. Choose the appropriate preposition.
The Indian magpie indulges ........... long flight. India is committed ........... a policy of peaceful
(a) in (b) with existence.
(c) on (d) at
(a) for (b) with
38. Choose the appropriate article. (c) to (d) of
Are you attending ............reception today?
45. In the following question, out of the given
(a) an (b) the alternatives, choose the correct helping verb.
(c) a (d) no article ‘The Stories from Panchtantra’ ............. been
39. Choose the most appropriate antonym. translated by an Englishman.
FLEXIBLE (a) have (b) had
(a) rigid (b) cruel (c) has (d) is
(c) humble (d) easy 46. Choose the one which best expresses the
40. Change the given sentence of active voice meaning of the given word.
into passive voice. Select the appropriate MAGNIFICENT
option. (a) magnanimous (b) modest
Did he remember the date and time? (c) generous (d) splendid
(a) Are the date and time remembered by him?
47. Fill in the blank with a suitable question tag.
(b) Was he remembering the date and time?
(c) Were the date and time remembered by Ravi has been demanding a lot more marks,
him? ...............
(d) Did the date and time be remembered by (a) isn't he? (b) hasn't he?
him? (c) isn't it? (d) has he?

41. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the 48. Choose the alternative which best expresses
sentence and choose the correct option to the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
identify the right sequence: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
The poems and stories (a) People with similar interests and tastes
P: have been taken tend to group.
Q: for this book (b) It is better to accept the little we have
R: from a variety of sources than reject it hoping to get a lot later.
S: that have been selected
(c) Plans must not be altered at the wrong
The correct sequence should be: time.
(a) SQPR (b) RPQS
(d) Do not give a precious thing to someone
(c) QPSR (d) PQRS
who cannot value it.
42. Correct the sentence by changing the 49. Choose the alternative which best expresses
underlined word, if necessary.
the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
Between Ram and his brother, Ram is the
To face the music
stronger and intelligent.
(a) Ram is the strongest and the most (a) to be greeted rudely
intelligent. (b) to be offered warm hospitality
(b) Ram is stronger and more intelligent. (c) to enjoy a music programme
(c) Ram is stronger and intelligent. (d) to bear the consequences
(d) No improvement. 50. Fill in the blank with suitable question tag.
43. The ............... horse could run no further. One girl can do it, ..........................
(a) tired (b) tire (a) can she? (b) can't she?
(c) tiring (d) tireless (c) can we? (d) is she?

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Mock Papers

Page 126 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

Section - 1A

CUET (UG)-2024

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Maximum Marks: 200

General Instructions: Same instructions as given in the Mock Paper 1.

I. Read the passage given below and answer caste system. In the recent years, however,
the gap between the rich and the poor has
the questions that follow:
widened and placed India among the most
(1) India stands at a unique juncture in its unequal countries in the world.
history, with roughly half of its population
(4) For the first time, in a country of 1.3
between the age of 25 to 30. India is poised
billion people, there are around one
to become the country with the highest
billion SIMs. It is safe to assume that in
number of young people on the planet
most part of urban India, there are more
in less than five years. Despite attempts
SIMs than human beings. The Internet
by the ruling dispensation to impose
has transformed human society in a way
monolithic notions of ‘national unity’,
few could have imagined a decade and
India’s diversity remains one of its greatest
half ago. The Internet was meant to be
‘a universal commons’ (like the air we
(2) Among the biggest challenges confronting breathe) that would not just inform but
the country’s youth are a broken education also educate ordinary citizens. What has
system, lack of opportunities for decent changed in the last 25 years is that the
jobs and abysmal public healthcare Internet has come to be dominated by a
facilities. We are projected to provide the few giant conglomerates who want to
planet close to one out of five software control what we read, hear and watch.
engineers. However, certain demographers These corporates are clubbed together
believe we are home to the world’s most under the acronym FAAAAN – Facebook
undernourished, ill and illiterate in terms (including WhatsApp), Amazon, Apple,
of sheer numbers; we have more mobile Alphabet (the holding company of
phones than usable toilets. Google), Alibaba and Netflix.
(3) Young women and men in India (5) For people of India, the biggest challenge
understand that the flip side of diversity while accessing the Internet is to distinguish
is the deep divisions and inequalities that between truth and falsehood, fake news
exist. Divisions not only on the basis of age, and even between misinformation and
gender and sexual orientation but also disinformation – information is deliberately
class, ethnicity, region, religion and - last disseminated for political or commercial
but not the least – the most pernicious reasons despite being, untrue aka
system of discrimination of them all, the propaganda.

Mock Paper 12 Page 127

(6) Young Indians must realise that, by law, (a) The church itself was frequently the
hate speech that propagates intolerance home of anchorite.
among groups is not freedom of (b) He sat down in a chair, and stretched out
expression. It’s interpretation, of course, his legs, with an air of being at home.
along with the reasonable restrictions to (c) Nothing of this kind was ever seen before
the right to free speech, is up for debate. in the home of animal species.
In the recent months, the manner in which (d) India is home to lakhs of persons with
people have been lynched based on disability.
rumours circulated on WhatsApp groups
3. Based on your understanding of the passage,
is particularly horrifying and deplorable.
choose the option that lists the correct
This is clearly a law and order problem; the sequence of the information delivered to the
law agencies seem ill-equipped to handle readers about various concerns.
violent mobs. The problem is not medium
(1) Mindful young Indians
of communication but that which is
(2) Fake news
communicated. Don’t shoot the messenger,
fix the problem. (3) India’s diversity
(4) Net neutrality
(7) It is worth repeating the analogy about
what information in the digital age signifies: (5) Average Indian population
The World Wide Web has become akin to a (6) Major challenges in India
surgeon’s scalpel that can heal and also kill. (a) (1), (5), (3), (6), (4), (2)
The sharp knife that can remove a diseased (b) (1), (5), (6), (3), (4), (2)
part of a human body to make it healthy (c) (5), (6), (3), (4), (2), (1)
or the scalpel that is misused to maim and (d) (5), (3), (6), (4), (2), (1)
murder. Young Indians in different walks
of life have to constantly evaluate and
4. The author says that the most pernicious
system of discrimination of them all, the
negotiate both the power of information
caste system. ‘Pernicious’ means:
in strengthening freedom and the shocking
(a) Ferocious (b) Suspicious
threats to freedom, life and livelihood. The
(c) Auspicious (d) Judicious
relationship is a complex one – but then
we are living in an increasingly complex 5. According to the passage, for the people of
world. At the same time, some things are India, the biggest challenge while accessing
simple and incontrovertible. The youth will the internet is the inability to differentiate
determine the future. between true and fake news; shows that
people of India need to be:
1. When the author mentions that India stands (a) Chivalrous (b) Oblivious
at a unique juncture in its history with
(c) Courteous (d) Conscientious
roughly half of its population between the
age of 25 to 30, the author intends to say II. Read the passage given below and answer
that: the questions that follow:
(a) Young women and men in India (1) On August 4, the United Nations (UN)
understand that the flip side of diversity released the secretary-general’s policy brief
is the deep divisions and inequalities that on the impact of COVID-19 on the world’s
exist. education system. The policy brief points
(b) The youth will determine the future of to the fact that the closure of schools and
India. other learning spaces have impacted 94%
of the world’s student population (up to 99%
(c) India is poised to become the country
in low and lower-middle income countries).
with the highest number of young people
It suggests that despite the delivery of
on the planet in less than five years. lessons by radio, TV and online, and efforts
(d) Young Indians in different walks of life of teachers and parents, many students
have to understand that some things are still do not have access to education. It
simple and incontrovertible. highlights how learners with disabilities,
those from marginalised communities,
2. “Certain demographers believe we are home displaced and refugee students, and those
to the world’s ................ mobile phones than in remote areas are at highest risk of being
usable toilets.” Pick the option in which the left behind. And it warns that the knock-on
meaning of the word ‘home’ is NOT the effects on child nutrition, child marriage
same as it is in the passage. and gender equality could be enormous.

Page 128 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(2) The cumulative impact of all these on be a spike in drop-out rates, especially
children may lead to a “generational among girls.
catastrophe” that could waste human (4) While the focus must be now be on
potential, undermine decades of progress, ensuring the safety of students, teachers
and exacerbate entrenched inequalities. and staff, and putting in place protocols
This is not good news for any nation, more for school reopening, there has to be an
so for those in the low and lower-middle extensive assessment of the learning loss
income segments such as India. According and well-thought-out plans to bridge
to UNESCO, nearly 321 million Indian the learning gap, and schemes to retain
children have been at home since March- students. This entails tweaking the syllabus
end. There is no clarity on when schools and changing pedagogy. This forced break
will reopen. must also be used to align the sector to
the National Education Policy (NEP), which
was released last week, especially to its
foundational learning goals. Last but not
least, governments will have to arrange for
funds required for the sector. This will be
a challenge post-COVID-19, but starving
the education sector of finances will be
irresponsible, for it is crucial to meeting
India’s development goals and creating an
inclusive society.

6. According to the passage, August 4 was:

(a) When the UN released its brief on the
World Education Survey.
(b) When the Secretary General proclaimed
the NEP.
(c) UN Charter day.
(3) In the last few decades, especially since the (d) None of the above
enactment of the Right of Children to Free
and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, India 7. Pick the option that is TRUE about what the
has seen a surge in school enrollments United Nation’s General Secretary’s brief
and infrastructure development in the talks are about:
primary and secondary segments. But the (a) The impact of COVID-19 on Indian
learning outcomes have not kept pace. Schools.
The pandemic has now exacerbated this (b) The need for opening up schools.
existing challenge. In addition, the extended (c) The impact of COVID-19 on world
period of closure means students don’t education.
have access to midday meals; and with (d) The Right of Children to Free and
parental incomes under strain, there could Compulsory Education.

Mock Paper 12 Page 129

8. According to the UN, the closure of schools failures. They were hundreds of ways not to
and other learning spaces have impacted: create a light bulb. This statement not only
(a) 94% of the world’s student population. revealed his grit but also his optimism for
(b) 94% of the world’s schools. looking at the bright side.
(c) 99% of the student population. (4) Grit can be learned to help become more
(d) 99% of low and middle income schools. successful. One of the techniques that helps
is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that
9. Those who run the highest risk of not having helps the individual stay in the moment by
access to education during this pandemic bringing awareness of his her experience
are: without judgement with this practice of
(a) Women, children, the poor and less mindfulness, individuals have the ability to
privileged. stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of
(b) Learners with disabilities, the hopelessness, despair and frustration.
marginalised, displaced, refugee and (5) What did you do to overcome the negative
those in marginalised areas. and self-sabotaging feelings of failure?
(c) Those without radio, TV and internet. Reflect on what you did, and try to use those
(d) None of the above same powerful resources to help you today.
11. Select the word from the following that
10. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
replace the underlined term in the line—
Education was enacted:
‘Grit can be learned to help become more
(a) On August 4 (b) In 2009 successful.’
(c) Post COVID-19 (d) Along with the NEP (a) Embarrassment (b) Perseverance
(c) Hardwork (d) Power
III. Read the passage given below and answer
the questions that follow: 12. Choose the statement from the following
(1) Have you ever failed at something so that is NOT correct according to the passage.
miserably that the thought of attempting to (a) Grit cannot be learned to help become
do it again was the last thing you wanted to more successful.
do? (b) Practising our dreams come true is great
(2) If your answer is yes, then you are ‘‘not a when life is going our way.
robot.” Unlike robots, we human beings (c) Mindfulness can be learned to help you
have feelings, emotions, and dreams. We become more successful.
are all meant to grow and stretch despite (d) Reflect on what you did and try to use
out circumstances and our limitations. those same powerful resources to help
Flourishing and trying to make our dreams you.
come true when you fail despite all of your
hard work? Do you stay down and accept 13. Select the sentence from the following that
the defeat or do you get up again and reveals Thomas Edison's grit.
again until you are satisfied? If you have a (a) Did you know that grit is one of the seven
tendency to perserve and keep going then qualities that have been described as the
you have what experts call grit. keys to personal success and betterment
in society?
(3) Falling down or failing is one of the most
agonising, embarrassing, and scariest (b) We are all meant to grow and stretch
human experiences. But, it is also one of despite our circumstances and out
the most educational, empowering, and limitations.
essential parts of living a successful and (c) They were hundreds of ways not to
fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance create a light bulb.
is one of the seven qualities that have been (d) Thomas Edison is a model for grit.
described as the keys to personal success
and betterment in society? The other six are:
14. Select the option that suitably completes
the dialogue with reference to paragraph 3.
curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control
social intelligence, and zest. Thomas Edison Ram: I tried so hard to pass the exams and
is a model for grit for trying 1000 plus times yet I couldn’t. I feel like giving up already.
to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this Kashish: No Ram, you shouldn’t. Although
with the lights on in your room, you know failing is one of the most agonising thing in
well he succeeded. When asked why he kept life, ......................
going despite his hundreds of failures, he (a) I think you should not feel that way
merely stated that what he had were not (b) you can overcome it

Page 130 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

(c) you can achieve success in the second try 15. If you have a tendency to ........ and keep
for sure going then you have what experts call, grit.
(d) one needs to keep trying with (a) succeed (b) persevere
determination until he succeeds. (c) work (d) judge


16. Select the option with the closest meaning (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
to the underlined word: (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
I plan and execute.
23. Read the two sentences given below and
(a) desire (b) debate
choose the correct answer:
(c) accomplish (d) discard
(1) The word ‘arduous’ means to be difficult
17. Choose the option that is opposite in and tiring.
meaning to the underlined word: (2) The word ‘arduous’ is similar to
The bill received a vehement resistance from ‘effortless’.
the opposition party in the Parliament. (a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false.
(a) animated (b) apathetic (b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(c) fervent (d) vigorous (c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
given word: 24. Match the words listed in column (A) with
PROFLIGATE their respective meanings in column (B).
(a) Modest (b) Immoral
Column (A) Column (B)
(c) Upright (d) Virtuous
(A) Eject (1) in a cruel manner
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: (B) Callously (2) weird
ESOTERIC (C) Eccentric (3) to take out
(a) Befitting (b) Germane (D) Hysterics (4) irrational
(c) Abstruse (d) Relevant
(a) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(3), (D)-(1)
20. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (b) (A)-(3), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(4)
given word: (c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (C)-(1), (D)-(3)
PERSEVERANCE (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
(a) Determination (b) Persistence 25. Match the words listed in column (A) with
(c) Instability (d) Resolution their respective meanings in column (B).
21. Read the two sentences given below and Column (A) Column (B)
choose the correct answer:
(A) Variegated (1) dull and slow
(1) ‘Call it a day’ is an idiom.
(B) Tedious (2) decorative
(2) It means to not be blind to what’s
happening around one. (C) Ornamental (3) to show
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (D) Exhibits (4) marked by variety
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false.
(a) (A)-(4), (B)-(1), (C)-(2), (D)-(3)
(c) Both options (1) and (2) are true.
(b) (A)-(1), (B)-(3), (C)-(4), (D)-(2)
(d) Both options (1) and (2) are false.
(c) (A)-(2), (B)-(1), (C)-(4), (D)-(3)
22. Read the two sentences given below and (d) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (C)-(2), (D)-(1)
choose the correct answer:
26. Select the word from the given options, you
(1) ‘Four-leaf clover’ is used as a symbol in consider most appropriate for the blank
English literature. space:
(2) It indicates commitment and responsi- Both the parties were keen to have an .........
bility. settlement of the dispute.
(a) Option (1) is true but (2) is false. (a) enviable (b) inimical
(b) Option (2) is true but (1) is false. (c) worthy (d) amicable

Mock Paper 12 Page 131

27. Select the word (or group of words) from 33. Choose the most suitable substitution of the
the given options, you consider most underlined part of the sentence from the
appropriate for the blank space: given options:
I have come to know that the two brothers The training programme was extended for a
have ............... .
(a) fallen through (b) fallen out
(a) from (b) until
(c) fallen for (d) fallen short
(c) since (d) No improvement
28. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to 34. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
identify the right sequence: (a) “You know, he isn't dead, sir!”
His uncle (b) “You know he isnt dead, sir.”
P : for success in life, (c) “You know, he is'nt dead, sir”
Q : always advised his son, (d) “You know - He isn't dead-sir!”
R : who was a self-made man
35. Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
S : to depend on his own efforts
The correct sequence should be: Dont worry father said he I'll soon leave the
village and find a job in Delhi
(a) SQPR (b) RQSP
(c) PRSQ (d) QPSR (a) Dont worry father “said he” Ill soon leave
the village and find a job in Delhi.
29. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the (b) Don't worry father, said he “I'll soon
sentence and choose the correct option to
leave the village and find a job in Delhi.”
identify the right sequence:
(c) “Don't worry father,” said he “I'll soon
The doctor
leave the village and find a job in Delhi.”
P : did not like the behaviour of the patients
(d) “Don't worry father said he” I'll soon
Q : who was very competent in his profession
leave the village and find a job in Delhi.
R : when they talked at length
S : about their problems 36. Fill in the blank with a suitable question tag.
The correct sequence should be: These are your new shoes, .......................
(a) RPSQ (b) SRPQ (a) isn't it? (b) is it so?
(c) QPRS (d) PRQS (c) are they? (d) aren't they?
30. Choose the most appropriate option to 37. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate
identify the meaning of the given idiom/
Ritu is ......... most active girl in ........ family.
Walk a tightrope
(a) to be forced to leave your job (a) the, a (b) the, the
(b) to be ready to fall (c) a, the (d) a, a
(c) to act very carefully
38. Choose the antonym of the given word.
(d) to invite danger
31. Choose the most appropriate option to (a) untrue (b) unjust
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ (c) coarse (d) harsh
To be in a fix 39. Choose the alternative which best express
(a) to receive strong criticism the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
(b) to support oneself To break the ice
(c) to fix problems (a) to break the news
(d) to be in a difficult situation (b) to break a painful silence
32. Choose the most appropriate option to (c) to start the work
identify the meaning of the given idiom/ (d) to keep cool
To fish in troubled waters 40. Choose the appropriate form of verb.
(a) to borrow money The gypsies ........................... the village a few
(b) to steal belongings of days ago.
(c) to get benefit in bad situation (a) have left (b) would have left
(d) to extend a helping hand (c) left (d) has left

Page 132 CUET Mock Papers English-1A

41. Choose the appropriate preposition. (c) It is preferable to do a job even if it is
..................... all intents and purposes, the delayed than not do it at all.
manager is the master of the film. (d) It is not good to only toil and have no
(a) In (b) Upon
(c) With (d) To 46. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and choose the correct option to
42. Re-arrange the jumbled parts of the identify the right sequence:
sentence and choose the correct option to No criminal proceeding
identify the right sequence:
P: in any Court during his term of office
If all the countries Q: whatsoever shall be initiated
P: of mankind and agree to obey R: or continued against the President
Q: work together for the common good S: or a Governor
R: with each other and there will be no The correct sequence should be:
more war (a) QRSP (b) PQRS
S: the laws, then they will never fight (c) QPSR (d) SQPR
The correct sequence should be:
47. Choose the appropriate preposition.
All the employees in the company are
(c) QPSR (D) RQPS entitled ............... reimbursement of medical
43. Fill in the blank with a suitable question tag.
(a) of (b) for
He did a good job yesterday, ...............
(c) on (d) to
(a) had he? (b) didn’t he?
(c) he did? (d) did he? 48. Choose the antonym of the given word.
44. Choose the part of the following sentence (a) Glorious (b) Silly
that contains an error: (c) Slow (d) Simple
Everybody voted him because they believed
him to be honest man. 49. Choose the alternative which best express
the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
(a) Everybody voted him
At snail’s pace
(b) because they believed him
(a) to do things very slowly
(c) to be honest man
(b) to walk like a snail
(d) No error (c) to lack interest in work
45. Choose the alternative which best express (d) to do things in methodical manner
the meaning of the idiom/phrase. 50. Choose the appropriate tense of verbs from
Cut your coat according to your cloth. the given options.
(a) One should not worry before something The baby ............... since morning.
happens for it may never happen. (a) cries (b) will be crying
(b) Live within your means. (c) has been crying (d) cry

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