Green Computing

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(An Autonomous Institution)

SRMNagar, Kattankulathur– 603203






Academic Year 2022–23

(Even Semester)

Prepared by

Dr.B.Vanathi, Professor & HOD/ CSE

Ms.G.Sathyadevi, Assistant Professor (OG)/ CYS

(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur– 603203.





Green IT Fundamentals: Business, IT, and the Environment –Green computing: carbon foot print,
scoop on power –Green IT Strategies: Drivers, Dimensions, and Goals – Environmentally
Responsible Business: Policies, Practices, and Metrics
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define Green computing. BTL1 Remember
2. What are the 3Rs of Green IT? BTL1 Remember
3. Distinguish between EI and BI. BTL2 Understand
4. What the major factors that contribute to carbon emissions in an BTL1 Remember
5. Point out the specific ways in which a comprehensive Green IT BTL4 Analyze
strategy is benefits an organization.
6. Give the Major IT Area Influencing Environment. BTL2 Understand
7. What is ERBS? BTL1 Remember
8. List four encompassing layers of a comprehensive Green IT BTL1 Remember
vision of an enterprise.
9. Classify the challenges of carbon Economy. BTL4 Analyze
10. Define Carbon foot print. BTL1 Remember
11. Illustrate the concepts of Business intelligence. BTL3 Apply
12. Compare environmental practices that can be incorporated in BTL4 Analyze
green organization.
13. Describe the impact of BI to EI BTL2 Understand
14. Give elements of an ERBS forming the Green Strategies Mix BTL2 Understand
15. Illustrate the Drivers for environmental responsibility of business BTL3 Apply
relationship used in Use case.
16. What are the Steps in developing an ERBS? BTL3 Apply
17. Generalize about Green organizational goals to be achieved BTL6 Create
through policy development..
18. Evaluate about Lean Impact on Green. BTL5 Evaluate
19. Generalize your views about Environmentally responsible BTL6 Create
business policies.
20. Define green sustainable policy. BTL5 Evaluate
21. Interpret the need for green computing. BTL2 Understand
22. Categorize the green IT drivers? BTL4 Analyze
23. Classify the 5 M’s of Carbon metrics BTL3 Apply
24. Predict the types of carbon emissions under scope? BTL5 Evaluate
1. Explain with Diagram Information technology influences business,
society, and environment. 13 BTL4 Analyze
2. Give the challenges of carbon economy. 13 BTL2 Understand
3. Explain Interplay of business and environment through information
technology. 13 BTL4 Analyze
4.a Examine the Green Enterprise Characteristics. 07
BTL3 Apply
4.b Classify the impact of Business to Environmental Intelligence 06
5.a Explain Green IT Drivers? 07
BTL1 Remember
5.b Identify the impact of Business to Environmental Intelligence 06
6.a What are Environmental factors influencing organization’s business
strategies over next 3–5 years. 08
BTL1 Remember
6.b Describe Green IT Strategies: Range of Impact. 05
7. Summarize the impact of Green IT policies in three ways (length,
breadth, depth). 13 BTL2 Understand

8.a Illustrate Economy, people, processes, and technology dimensions

in an ERBS. 08
BTL3 Apply
8.b Classify the Drivers and Factors lead to an ERBS. 05
9. Generalize the concepts of steps Developing an ERBS. 13 BTL6 Create
10. List the Various Green policies that are implemented through
practices, and proved through metrics. 13 BTL1 Remember
11. Explain Coverage of carbon metrics. 13 BTL4 Analyze
12.a Summarize KPIs in Green Strategies. 07
BLT2 Understand
12.b Give the steps to find actors and goals. 06
13. Describe and Discuss the importance of consortiums in an 8+ year
13 BTL1 Remember
Green IT strategy.
14. Explain the four dimensions a long which an organization can
13 BTL5 Evaluate
transform to a green organization?
15. Classify about carbon emissions in IT? 13
BTL3 Apply
16. Explain in detail about policies, practices, and metrics of ERBS? 13
BTL2 Understand
17. Explain about Green IT Dimensions, Drivers, and Goals? 13
BTL5 Evaluate
1. Explain the impact of the Global Financial Crises (GFC) on existing
15 BTL5 Evaluate
or potential green initiatives?
2.a Discuss the following KPI Problems
My organization will reduce 10% over its last year’s energy bill.
07 BTL6 Create
This reduction is aimed over next 3 years, at the end of which, we
will review all factors associated with this reduction.
2.b My organization will reduce production machines operation hours
by 20% via intense focus on idling times of the machines over the
next 3 years. At the end of the 3-year period, all factors impacting 08
operation and production costs will be reviewed against their carbon
3. Design and List and discuss any three elements in the mind map of a
15 BTL6 Create
Chief Green Officer.
4. Explain Measuring of Carbon Footprint of Your Organization. 15 BTL4 Analyze
5. Explain in detail about Environmentally Responsible Business? 15 BTL5 Evaluate


Green Assets: Buildings, Data Centers, Networks, and Devices - Green Business PROFESSIONAL
ELECTIVE V Process Management: Modeling, Optimization, and Collaboration – Green
Enterprise Architecture –Environmental Intelligence Green Supply Chains – Green Information
Systems: Design and Development Models.
1. Define Green Assets. BTL1 Remember
2. Illustrate the type of assets. BTL3 Apply
3. “The role of green mobile”- Justify. BTL5 Evaluate
4. Discover what is Green Data Centers BTL3 Apply
5. Define Carbon Emitting Bit. BTL1 Remember
6. Analyze the factors influencing Green data center. BTL4 Analyze
7. Generalize your view on Tools used for measuring carbon BTL6 Create
8. Summarize the list of Green Process Categories BTL5 Evaluate
9. Analyze the concepts Green business process management (Green BTL4 Analyze
10. Interpret the factors of Green BPM. BTL2 Understand
11. Distinguish between coupling and cohesion. BTL2 Understand
12. When to use Patterns? BTL1 Remember
13. Analyze Green Enterprise Architecture. BTL4 Analyze
14. Define Enterprise Architecture (EA). BTL1 Remember
15. Generalize the concepts of responsibility. What are the BTL6 Create
various types of responsibilities?
16. Discuss the benefits VPN. BTL2 Understand
17. Define Green Information system(GIS) BTL1 Remember
18. Environmental
What Intelligence
is Regulatory Standards Portal(RSP) BTL1 Remember
19. Give the Major phases in GIS BTL2 Understand
20. Illustrate SCM BTL3 Apply
21. Analyze the key elements of Green Data Center. BTL4 Analyze
22. Define Green Re-engineering. BTL2 Understand
223. Examine Environmental Intelligence BTL3 Apply
24. Justify the uses of Green Re-engineering. BTL5 Evaluate
1.a Explain in detail about the major activities relating to the
infrastructure assets . 08
BTL1 Remember
1.b Explain types of Assets (Categories) and their Impact on the
Environment 05
2.a Explain the Green data center influencing factors. 05
BTL4 Analyze
2.b Explain in detail A carbon-emitting bit. 08
3. Demonstrate Polices and Practice of Green P-O-D in the Context
13 BTL3 Apply
of Devices and Peripherals.
4. Generalize your idea on Green Business Process Management. 13 BTL6 Create
5. Explain in detail how can Cloud computing help reduce carbon
emissions? 13 BTL5 Evaluate
6.a Give Green Process Categories and their Carbon Impact. 08
6.b Discuss the Individual, organizational, and collaborative green BTL2 Understand
7. What is Green BPM? Discuss the role Green BPM plays in the
reduction of an organizational carbon footprint. 13 BTL1 Remember
8. Discuss in detail about Various views of a comprehensive Green
enterprise architecture: mapping design. 13 BTL2 Understand
9.a Illustrate Evolving Green Systems Architecture with help of
diagram. 08
BTL3 Apply
9.b Classify Various aspects of a Green solutions. 05
10. Examine the Environmental Intelligence. 13 BTL1 Remember
11.a Examine in detail about Deployment diagram for GIS. 07
BTL1 Remember
11.b Describe the concepts Component diagram for GIS. 06
12. Discuss in detail about the role of SCM systems in the GEA. 13 BTL2 Understand
13.a Explain the Elements of a Green ICT information portal. 07
13.b Analyze Supplier Contract Conditions in the Context of BTL4 Analyze
Environmental Intelligence. 06
14. Analyze the Sequence diagram (dynamic model) for “emissions
13 BTL4 Analyze
15. Discuss about Green Supply Chain Management (SCM)? 13
BTL2 Understand
16. Illustrate in detail about Green Information System (GIS)? 13
BTL3 Apply
17. Briefly explain about Environmental Intelligence Domain (EI Domain)? 13
BTL5 Evaluate
1. Analyze How an efficient use of Green assets could lead to
reduction in energy consumption? 15 BTL4 Analyze
2. Generalize the concept of reengineering of the processes of a
digital library. 15 BTL6 Create
3. Create a architecture and explain with an Example the Green
Enterprise Architecture. 15 BTL6 Create
4. Draw and explain Use case diagram for green organizational
portal? 15 BTL5 Evaluate
5. Compose about Green Enterprise Architecture (GEA) and Green
Solution Architecture (GSA). 15 BTL5 Evaluate


Virtualizing of IT systems –Role of electric utilities, Telecommuting, teleconferencing and
teleporting -Materials recycling –Best ways for Green PC –Green Data center –Green Grid
framework. PART – A
1. Define Virtualization. BTL1 Remember
2. List out the types of virtualization. BTL1 Remember
3. attributes.benefits of telecommuting offered to individuals and
BTL2 Understand
4. Define Telecommuting Class Diagram? BTL1 Remember
5. Express three tips to go Green with your PC. why we call a domain
model as “Visual Dictionary". BTL2 Understand
6. Classify Some of the challenges in telecommuting. BTL3 Apply
7. Define Environmental Product Environment Assessment
Tool (EPEAT). BTL6 Create
8. List out the three biggest energy hogs in computer system. BTL1 Remember
9. Compare virtualization techniques BTL5 Evaluate
10. Illustrate Formula for Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency(DCIE)
the usage of Description class. BTL3 Apply

11. Give the Advantages of using green PC. BTL2 Understand

12. Comparison between Server virtualization and application
BTL4 Analyze
13. Analyze the Benefits of Green data center. BTL4 Analyze
14. concepts of Association.
Generalize the concept of energy usage in data center BTL6 Create
15. Differentiate Telecommuting and Teleconferencing BTL2 Understand
16. Analyze the concepts of Power usage Efficiency(PUE) BTL4 Analyze
17. Summarize the Special virtualization features of IBM systems BTL5 Evaluate
18. Define Green grid. BTL1 Remember
19. Illustrate the concepts Green grid frame work. BTL3 Apply
20. When to use material recycling? BTL1 Remember
21. Give the advantages of teleconferencing in promoting green environment BTL2 Understand
22. Illustrate the basic concepts of Consolidation and Virtualization. BTL3 Apply
223. Examine the role of hypervisor. BTL4 Analyze
24. Predict the six steps in recycling. BTL5 Evaluate

1.a Describe storage Virtualization. 06 BTL1 Remember
1.b Describe the concepts Client Virtualization 07
2. What is Virtualization? Explain Server virtualization in Detail. 13 BTL5 Evaluate
3. Describe how to Assess the greenness of your data center. 13 BTL1 Remember
4.a Write down the Tips to start moving your data center towards 04
4.b green.
Describe how you will Optimize your data center cooling. 09 BTL1 Remember
5. Design and explain the Green Home Office - Telecomm Central. 13 BTL6 Create
6.a Analyze the concepts of Managing the Challenges of 07
Telecommuting. BTL4 Analyze
6.b Explain Establishing expectations in telecommuting. 06
7.a Explain in detail about Understanding How You Use Devices for 06
green PC.
BTL4 Analyze
7.b Explain in detail about Developing computer habits that save 07
energy for green PC.
8.a Illustrate about “Using your monitor with efficiency in mind” in 07
Green PC.
BTL3 Apply
8.b Illustrate about “Spotting an energy hog” to make Green PC. 06
9.a Discuss about how energy is used in a data center 07
9.b Discuss the Environmental laws and the company image in data 06 BTL2 Understand
10. Discuss about data center and its uses. 13 BTL2 Understand
11. Illustrate about Green grid frame work. 13 BTL3 Apply
12.a Describe in detail about the telecommuting. 08 BTL1 Remember
12.b Describe briefly about teleconferencing. 05
13. Differentiate the types of virtualization techniques. 13 BTL2 Understand
14.a Analyze the roles of electric utilities. 07 BTL4 Analyze
14.b Analyze about green PC. 06
15. Explain in Detail about material recycling? 13 BTL3 Apply
16. Discuss the best ways to make your PC greener. 13 BTL2 Understand
17. Compose about virtualizing of IT Systems. 13 BTL5 Evaluate
1. How IBM Global Technology Services can help with the
following categories in your move toward having a green data
1.Diagnose 15 BTL6 Create
4.Virtualize and simplify
5.Manage, measure, and enhance
2.a Explain your understanding on individual, organizational and 8
collaborative processes.
2.b Discuss why individual green processes are short-term strategies, 7 BTL5 Evaluate
whereas collaborative green processes are long-term strategies
3.a Design the steps to Speed up your Internet access to get green PC. 8
3.b Explain reuse, reduce, recycle in-Making the Case for a New 7 BTL6 Create
4. Analyze and discuss about the best way for Green PC. 15 BTL4 Analyze
5. Briefly explain the contribution of telecommuting, 15 BTL5 Evaluate
teleconferencing, and teleporting inconversion of Green IT


Socio-cultural aspects of Green IT –Green Enterprise Transformation Roadmap –Green Compliance:
Protocols, Standards, and Audits –Emergent Carbon Issues: Technologies and Future
1. Define green IT’s social impact. BTL1 Remember
2. Define evolving green HR. BTL1 Remember
3. Illustrate the role-based view of green it. BTL3 Apply
4. Compare Green IT’s Social Impact and Green Social BTL5 Evaluate
5. List out the three main categories of green-collar workers. BTL1 Remember
6. categories.
Show the Green point method. BTL3 Apply
7. Differentiate the strengths and weaknesses of GET processes. BTL2 Understand
8. Interpret the Issues related to a pilot project. BTL2 Understand
9. Define the green requirements of the business. BTL1 Remember
10. Explain the Corporate Governance and the planning activities in BTL5 Evaluate
relation to enterprise transformation enabled by IT.
11. Differentiate diagnosis phase of End-user efficiencies and BTL2 Understand
diagnosis activities are carried out.
12. Analyze the domain of climate change and environmental BTL4 Analyze
sustainability in business is inundated with rapidly evolving
protocols, legislations, and standards.
13. Define Copenhagen. BTL1 Remember
14. Analyze the components of the ISO 14001 standard and their BTL4 Analyze
relevance to green IT.
15. Design the notation of verified and validated in a green audit. BTL6 Create
16. Describe the specific advantages in undertaking Green IT audits BTL2 Understand
within organizations.
17. Classify the ways in which they can be applied to green audits. BTL3 Apply
18. Analyze the potential for reducing the overall carbon emissions BTL4 Analyze
19. across the industry.
Generalize the concepts of Environmental intelligence. BTL6 Create
20. List the Future of Green IT in the Four Dimensions. BTL1 Remember
21. Discuss the four dimensions of GET. BTL2 Understand
22. Investigate the five areas of Green Metrics BTL4 Analyze
23. Predict the advantages of Green IT. BTL5 Evaluate
24. Illustrate Green washing BTL3 Apply
1.a Compare views of various cross-sections of society on 08
environmental initiatives and role-based view of green it.
BTL5 Evaluate
1.b Explain the concepts of relative speed of change in green 05
enterprise transformation.
2.a What is green IT influencing working lifestyle? 03
BTL6 Create
2.b Create green user practices that have social impact. 10
3. Illustrate the subjectivity in green it arises from differencing 13 BTL3 Apply
priorities of the same individual.
4.a Illustrate about personalization of the green context by end-users 07 BTL3 Apply
leads to change in attitude.
4.b Draw the diagrams for channels of communications in green IT 06
5. Describe the diagram and short notes on Green Enterprise 13 BTL1 Remember
6.a With short notes on A Green ICT Framework. 03
BTL1 Remember
6.b Describe the Applying the four dimensions to GET. 10
7. Explain about with detail on enterprise and data center an 13 BTL4 Analyze
8. example.
Describe the detail with example of Green Transformation 13
Process. BTL2 Understand
9.a With an example describe notations used in Green IT Project 05
BTL1 Remember
9.b Short notes on Responsibility of GTC, Business Architect and 08
Variations and Business Architect and Variations.
10.a What is the deliverables in a green IT project? 03
10.b Differentiate the relationship between diagnosing equipment 10 BTL2 Understand
lifecycle’s carbon efficiencies and diagnosing end-user
computing’s carbon efficiencies an example.
11. Describe the Planning end-user Green IT transformation. 13 BTL1 Remember
12. Discuss about Enterprise IT Data Center Efficiencies with suitable 13 BTL2 Understand
13.a What is the Purpose of the ISO 14000:2004 family of standards? 04 BTL4 Analyze
13.b How to draw Green ICT—Business and Economic Trends? 09
14. Developed Economies and Developing Economies (BRIC) 13 BTL4 Analyze
Comparison along Four Dimensions.
15. Explain about Green IT ethics and code of conduct 13
BTL2 Understand

16. Write about emergent carbon issues? 13 BTL5 Evaluate

17. Illustrate in detail about Socio-cultural aspects of Green IT? 13 BTL3 Apply
1.a Consider the Green HR and Changing Organizational Structures
Explain and detail notes.
a. Organizing the green HR function. 10
b. Potential mapping of green skills to SFIA levels. BTL5 Evaluate
c. SFIA Skill Set and Green Roles.
1.b Explain and give the Green Virtual Communities. 05
2. Assess audits reveal green sophistication of an organization before
and after transformation and An integrated model for auditing 15 BTL6 Create
Green IT systems.
3. Design the areas of Cloud computing that have the potential for
reducing the overall carbon emissions across the industry. Then it
obtains the details of the Emerging technologies landscape and 15 BTL6 Create
Green IT impact and SaaS and cloud computing in Green ICT
strategies with neat sketch.
4. Explain in detail notes on Collaborative Environmental
Intelligence and specific topics of interest and future investigations 15 BTL4 Analyze
in relations with collaborative EI.
5. Explain about the four dimensions of GET? 15 BTL5 Evaluate


The Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies (ERBS) –Case Study Scenarios for Trial Runs
– calculating the carbon footprint – greening mobile devices - CASE STUDIES –Applying Green IT
Strategies and Applications to a Home, Hospital, Packaging Industry and Telecom Sector
1. List out the understanding current business scenario in your BTL1 Remember
2. Describe the term defined by your organization to adopt Green BTL2 Understand
3. Give the ICT practices have been adopted by your organization. BTL2 Understand
4. Illustrate the practices regarding energy saving data centers and BTL3 Apply
5. Define the term Compliance audits. BTL1 Remember
6. Summarize the basic activities are performed in strategic
measures for reducing emissions. BTL5 Evaluate
7. Define business strategy. BTL1 Remember
8. List of the noteworthy findings from the preliminary Green IT
BTL5 Evaluate
audit of GoodMead hospital.
Give the result of the initial green IT audit undertaken by the bank. BTL2 Understand
10. What are the strengths identified in SWOT analysis. BTL1 Remember
11. Illustrate the elements of green Trasformation.. BTL3 Apply
List out the strength that are identified in AuPack. BTL1 Remember
13. Analyze about SWOT. BTL4 Analyze
14. Analyze the important objectives of GoodMead in undertaking the
BTL4 Analyze
15. What are the steps in developing a hospital’s ERBS? Illustrate it. BTL3 Apply
16. Generalize the concepts AuPack. BTL6 Create
17. Give the strategic approach by the CGO. BTL2 Understand
18. Comparison strength and weakness of SWOT for ZeeTel
telecom. BTL4 Analyze
What is TCCO? BTL6 Create
List out the Data Center Changes in GET. BTL1 Remember
21. BTL2 Understand
Give the weakness of Green IT.
22. BTL4 Analyze
Analyze the Scenario of Zeetel Telecom Service
23. List the strategic measures for reducing emissions. BTL5 Evaluate

24. Construct the steps to develop hospital ERBs. BTL3 Apply

1. Explain the Strategic Measures for Reducing Emissions and
13 BTL5 Evaluate
Demographic Information for research project Survey.
2. Describe the respondent demographics. 13 BTL2 Understand
3. Explain the Business and Strategy Planning with Respect to the
13 BTL4 Analyze
Environment and Technical Strategy and Planning.
4. Describe the different types of the Result of the Initial Green IT 13 BTL2 Understand
Audit Undertaken by the Bank.
5.a List the guidelines for Case Study Scenarios for Trial Runs. 07
5.b Explain in detail on Environmentally Responsible Business 06 BTL1 Remember
Strategies (ERBS) Research Project Survey.
6. Illustrate the concepts of Bluewaters Travel Agency Carbon 13 BTL3 Apply
Scenario and OpenAir Airline Carbon Scenario.
7.a Sketch the guidelines for Preliminary Green Investigation . 07 BTL3 Apply
7.b Describes the Green business objectives of a hospital 06
8.a Design the Strategic Concerns of Management? 07
8.b List out the steps are Steps in Developing a Hospital’s ERBS? 06 BTL1 Remember
9.a 05
Describe - Green Transformational Elements.
BTL1 Remember
9.b Describe - The Green Transformation Project 08
10. Generalize how Green IT can be applied to a product-type 13 BTL6 Create
company in the manufacturing sector.
11. Why AuPack strategic approach and Diagnosis in AuPack? 13 BTL1 Remember
ii) List the guid
12. Summarize the Applying Mobile Technologies in GET 13 BTL2 Understand
13.a Point out the features of Technical Dimension in AuPack. 05
BTL4 Analyze
13.b Explain about the Enacting GET for ZeeTel. 08
14. Analyze about the Green IT challenges of an infrastructure-type 13 BTL4 Analyze
company in the telecommunications domain.
15. Write in detail about ERBS with a case study scenario? 13
BTL2 Understand
16. Explain AuPack Scenario, strategic approach and SWOT in Green IT? 13 BTL3 Apply

17. Briefly explain about the application to a home in Green IT Stretegies? 13

BTL5 Evaluate
1. Explain with Suggest a crucial/critical action that could be taken
by your organization to use renewable (Green) energy? What are
the problems faced by an organization in collecting and validating 15 BTL5 Evaluate
environmental data (please include comments on methods,
technologies, regulators, agencies, and business partners)?
2. Analyze the two crucial reasons why a business like yours should
adopt environmentally responsible business strategies. How do
you believe emerging technologies (such as mobile, Web x.0, 15 BTL4 Analyze
Cloud computing) should be incorporated in business to help to
reduce the carbon footprint?
Develop the SWOT of GoodMead Hospital, Strategic Concerns
of Management and Lessons Learned in Implementing Green IT 15 BTL 6 Create
Develop Case Study in Applying Green IT Strategies and
15 BTL 6 Create
Applications to the Telecom Sector
5. Explain in detail about the steps in developing a hospital ERBS? 15 BTL5 Evaluate

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