Requirements in BA 241

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Requirements in BA 241

Task: Critiquing Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

Question: In the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, one of the 8-point agenda for
enterprise development is to 'ENSURE A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD.' In your opinion, how can
this goal be realized? What are the potential challenges that may hinder the successful
implementation of projects aimed at achieving a level playing field, and how can these
challenges be effectively addressed?

Aspects Strategies for Potential Challenges Mitigation

realization Strategies

Transparency and Establishing and The problem of It is critical to

Fair Competition: It maintaining equal unequal access to conduct strategic
helps promote competition resources is initiatives aimed at
prevention for mechanisms widespread, affecting ensuring a balanced
unsolicited criticisms necessitates the many small and distribution of
and give a new light application of medium-sized firms financial and
of understanding to comprehensive (SMEs). Many of educational resources
people. regulations that apply these organizations among firms in order
to all participating encounter difficulties to develop a more
firms. This strategy as a result of their inclusive business
ensures a consistent smaller size and landscape. These
set of standards that relative newcomer targeted methods may
regulate company status in the field include joint efforts
conduct, reducing the compared to more with partner
possibility of unfair established organizations
benefits and enterprises. This dedicated to
discriminatory disparity puts SMEs conducting instructive
activities. Regulatory at a considerable seminars for small
organizations can disadvantage, and medium-sized
develop an especially given their firms (SMEs). The
environment where restricted access to purpose of such
competition thrives critical financial and collaborations is to
on a level playing educational resources. create awareness
field by enforcing The inherent within the SME
such uniform norms difficulties stem from sector, ensuring that
across the business the historical enterprises are well-
landscape, supporting dominance of larger, informed about
innovation, diversity, more established available resources
and long-term firms, maintaining a and possibilities. This
economic progress. cycle in which proactive strategy not
smaller players only equips SMEs
struggle to obtain the with critical
requisite knowledge knowledge but also
and financial backing promotes the
for long-term growth principles of fair
and development. competition, resulting
Addressing this issue in a more dynamic,
requires a thorough diversified, and
effort to bridge the healthy business
resource gap, ecosystem.
providing SMEs with
the tools and insights
needed to
successfully navigate
the competitive

Access to Finance: Promoting economic Corruption: It looms A comprehensive

This will help inclusion entails across different areas, plan is required to
enterprises have equal enacting regulations hurting both address the corrosive
access to finance and that ensure equitable governmental and effects of corruption.
empower a broader access to financial non-governmental This includes
range of enterprises, resources, creating a organizations. strengthening anti-
fostering competition level playing field for Financial transactions corruption measures,
and preventing the all individuals and are especially improving
dominance of a few businesses. Enforcing vulnerable to supervision, and
enterprises. measures that provide corruption, especially developing a
consistent access to when they are transparent and
financing entrusted to accountable culture.
demonstrates a untrustworthy The goal of using this
commitment to individuals. comprehensive
protecting equal Corruption has strategy is to
rights, particularly ramifications for eliminate the
when it comes to the small and medium- breeding conditions
start of competitive sized enterprises for corruption.
activities. This (SMEs) and other Rigorous deterrents,
method aims to businesses, strong oversight
remove barriers that compromising their structures, and a
would otherwise rightful access to cultural shift toward
prevent particular resources and openness and
persons or businesses creating a climate accountability are
from fully conducive to unfair critical. These
participating in competition. To activities lay the
economic activities, address this pervasive groundwork for
thereby developing an issue, a society to effectively
environment in which comprehensive, fight and combat
opportunities are systemic approach is corruption, while also
available to all and required, which encouraging ethical
competition is includes stringent behavior and fairness
characterized by anti-corruption across sectors.
fairness and diversity. measures, increased
transparency, and
mechanisms to ensure
equitable resource
ultimately fostering
an ecosystem in
which businesses can
thrive without the
impediment of
corrupt practices.

Capacity Building: The effectiveness of Lack of Awareness: Similar to the solution

Investing in training the first two factors is Many businesses for the first factor,
programs, critical to achieving remain stuck within providing enough
mentorship, and this plan. A wise the confines of resources of
capacity-building deployment of conventional knowledge will help
activities to help resources and expertise, unwilling these firms. These
firms, particularly productive to venture outside focused strategies
SMEs, improve their collaborations are their established may involve
skills and capacities. critical. Organizations domains. This self- collaborative efforts
can execute imposed limitation with partner groups
significant programs impedes the dedicated to
with adequate advancement and presenting
resources and smart application of their informative seminars
connections. These knowledge, especially for businesses,
initiatives, which are in today's fiercely particularly small and
supported by competitive medium-sized
knowledge and marketplaces. These businesses (SMEs).
resources, have the businesses miss out
ability to favorably on possible routes for
impact a wide range growth and
of companies. As a advancement because
result, they contribute they are unaware of
to a collective untapped
advancement that opportunities. It is
promotes growth, critical to encourage a
innovation, and shift in thinking
sustainability across a toward curiosity and
wide range of investigation.
industries. The Enterprises must
synergy of well- understand the
executed strategies, enormous potential
ample resources, and inherent in
strategic alliances broadening their
serves as the knowledge base,
foundation for unleashing new
implementing options that can
comprehensive and propel them forward
meaningful programs in a constantly
that benefit a wide changing commercial
range of context. Adopting a
organizations. proactive attitude to
learning and
adaptability becomes
critical for long-term

Digital Inclusion: Advocating for Resistance to Change: Overcoming this

Promoting digital widespread digital A prevalent challenge resistance demands a
knowledge to all literacy in businesses confronting numerous paradigm shift, urging
enterprises. is critical. established firms is established firms to
Encouragement of resistance to change, know basic
familiarity and particularly in knowledge about this.
competency with embracing digital Conducting seminars
digital technologies innovations. Many that would enlighten
enables organizations long standing them about the
to prosper in the industry players importance of which
digital age. This exhibit hesitancy, will allow them to
inclusive approach overlooking the understand the
not only boosts transformative benefits they might
competitiveness but potential of miss. This will then
also ensures that all contemporary be followed by
businesses capitalize technological seminars about digital
on the transformative advancements. This innovation, having
potential of the digital reluctance results in both knowledge about
ecosystem. their exclusion from the importance of
the mainstream digital inclusion and
market, as consumers innovation will make
gravitate towards the organizations
businesses aligning have a deeper grasp.
with digital trends.

● Lumbay, M., Vigonte, F., & Abante, M. V. (2023, February 9). Important Key Drivers,
Policies and Socioeconomic Goals to Sustain and Accelerate the Philippine Economy
Following the COVID-19 Outbreak.
● National Economic and Development Authority. (2022, December 16). Philippine
Development Plan 2023-2028 - Philippine Development Plan. GOVPH.

Final Examination


1. How can organizations effectively utilize strategic management principles to gain and
sustain strategic competitiveness in a rapidly changing global business environment?

In the present times, the global business environment is rapidly changing.

Organizations must navigate uncertainties and complexities of external and internal
environments to gain and sustain strategic competitiveness. Strategic management
principles provide a wide range of policies, guidelines and basis for strategic
management. Thus, it plays a vital role in understanding the structure of the industry to
continuously achieve better results, faster development and market position. In line with
that the organizations must level up its strategic plan into a dynamic process and be
responsive and proactive on the constant changes in the global business environment.

As stated, the organizations must be able to identify the uncertainties and

complexities the organization might face and to be able to ensure that a robust SWOT
analysis should be conducted. According to Poster’s study a fast-growing industry is not
always a profitable one, and there are several factors that affect it one of which is the
emerging number of external factors such as the competitors, government policies,
customer preferences, mergers and acquisition and many more. SWOT analysis base on
the study of Nikolaou & Evangelinos it enables the organizations to determine the
internal factors and the external factors of a business that has a relevant informations
needed to formulate strategies that will able the organizations to maximize their
strengths and opportunities and to lessen and mitigate the weaknesses and threats. This
will allow the organizations to monitor and analyze the emerging opportunities and
threats and come up with possible strategies they shall pursue to maximize the
opportunities and lessen the impact of the possible threats or risks they might face.
SWOT analysis includes a comprehensive set of strategic plans for the business,
corporate, competitive, international, collaborative, and acquisition levels. These
fundamental forces would enable companies to fortify their defenses against competitive
forces, locate a niche in an industry where the forces are weaker, and construct an overall
structure that would allow the organization to expand and achieve a more sustainable
competitive level.

After identifying the internal and external factors influencing the organizations
and formulating strategies that would allow the organizations to adjust swiftly to
changing circumstances, it is imperative for organizations to move beyond this stage. In
addition to strategy formulation, a crucial step involves the evaluation of these strategies,
necessitating the application of a quantitative strategic planning matrix. This matrix
serves as a systematic tool for assessing the effectiveness and viability of the devised
strategies, ensuring a comprehensive and data-driven approach to strategic decision-
making. According to David, Quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) is an
analytical tool used in strategic management to evaluate the strategies that have been
formulated based on the factors that have been generated through the SWOT analysis.
Chandra & Sharma highlighted that with less computation and just with the use of matrix,
QSPM provides a more realistic approach to navigate the strategies that are suitable for
the organization.

In the present era, where globalization is continuously evolving and is living

through the markets it presents both opportunities and threats for the organizations. To
navigate this intricate terrain successfully, it is imperative for organizations to maintain
an unwavering commitment to cultivating a nuanced understanding of global markets.
This involves not only recognizing cultural nuances and navigating complex regulatory
landscapes but also staying attuned to the fluid dynamics of markets, embracing
innovations, and seamlessly integrating technological advancements. As we are currently
living in this age of advanced technology, organizations must transcend the limitations of
traditional analyses and matrixes. Depending only on these strategic approaches would
not ensure the continuous sustainability of the competitive level of the organization in the
global market. They shall be forward-thinking and adapt to the current changes in the
technologies. This will allow them to stay on track and keep up with the changes of the
market based on technologies. Data analytics, artificial intelligence, and other emerging
technologies are currently becoming the core of today's age contributing to enhancing
decision-making processes and operational efficiency of the organizations.

In conclusion, indeed there are many ways for an organization to gain and sustain
strategic competitiveness in a rapidly changing global business environment. The
organization must continually explore the different approaches such as SWOT Analysis
and QSP Matrix but they shall also possess a forward-thinking perspective for them to be
able to adapt and innovate to technological change and the interconnected nature of the
global marketplace. By doing so, the organization will be able to maximize their
opportunities, lessen the threats, mitigate the risks they might face and have a sustainable
advantage in the global market.


● Chandra, P. & Kumar J. (2021). Strategies for developing sustainable tourism

business in the Indian Himalayan Region: Insights from Uttarakhand, the
Northern Himalayan State of India. Journal of Destination Marketing &
Management, 19.
● Froeb, L. M., & Katchova, A. L. (1986). An index of oligopoly power. Journal of
Economic Theory, 39(1), 128-132.
● Mind Tools. (n.d.). The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Mind
Tools. Retrieved December 23, 2023, from
● Porter, M. E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard
Business Review.

2. How do the internal and external environments contribute to the development of a

competitive advantage?

Strategic management places significant emphasis on the creation and

maintenance of a competitive advantage. It has been proved that a company with a
developed competitive advantage thrives longer in its industry than its rivals; this enables
the company to grow continuously and maintain its competitive edge. These stems from
the internal and external factors that affect the organization's operations, capabilities, and
competitive positioning. According to the study of Jraja and Osmani, internal and
external factors of the environment have a vital impact on the SMEs which are
interconnected to the SMEs competitive advantage. Based on several studies and
researches competitive advantages is a degree in which a firm has reduced its costs,
exploited opportunities and neutralized threats, which are certainly what we consider as
the internal and external factors.

Internal environment includes all conditions, events, entities, and factors that are
within the organization. These are mostly the factors that the organizations can control
and manage its efficiency through aligning these resources effectively to the
organization’s demand. Despite being within the organization, some organizations still
tend to miss out certain internal factors that may contribute to the development of
competitive advantage. To contribute effectively the organization must manage its
internal factors efficiently. This involves having a skilled and competent workforce, the
organization must continually focus on enhancing the performance of its employees.
Carefully choosing from experienced or has a good background applicants and a
comprehensive training and seminars must be conducted before making the employees
work. This would set standards not only to the employees but also to the service or
product the organization provides. Moreover, the efficiency of internal processes, such as
internal control, inventory management and product development can continually affect
the competitive advantage of the organization. An organization that has an effective
internal control is most likely free from error and has a healthy workforce. Internal
control does only limit the security the organization has but also to its principles, having
an organizational structure that follows certain rules and regulation would most likely
appear as an organized and efficient organization that will motivate the employees to also
work righteously and will eventually lead to an effective management. Having effective
management allows the organization to function efficiently, foster changes, adaptability
and collaborativeness. This facilitates quick decision-making and flexibility enables the
organization to respond rapidly and gain a competitive advantage.

External factors on the other hand are events and circumstances that are outside
the organization and will have a broad range of impact into the operations of the
organization. It includes political and legal factors, economic trends, customers'
perspective, societal forces, technological advancements, rivalry among competitors,
sociocultural influences, and environmental concerns. These are indeed beyond the
organization's control and can heavily impact the organization especially in terms of
competitive advantage since it involves a wide range of outside forces. For instance,
economic trends may affect the customer preferences. Trends could either be beneficial
to the organization or not, these are certainly uncontrollable in which we are currently
witnessing in this modern world. Another is the competitors, rivalry is most likely to
occur especially if you are pursuing the same line of business. Supply and demand may
affect the price depending on the numbers of the competitors who provide the same
service and products and to the number of consumers who are willing to buy the product
or service. To counter this, companies may differentiate their products, focus on niche
markets, or develop cost leadership strategies. Being able to manage and adapt to these
external factors would set the organization into a top-level competitive advantage. Since
these are mostly uncontrollable the organization must be able to evaluate when to grab
the opportunity and when to focus on lessening and mitigating threats.
In conclusion, understanding the difference between internal and external factors
and how they affect the competitive advantage of an organization is crucial for it serves
as a guide and enables us to have a deeper understanding on the factors that we shall
mitigate and maximize. Indeed developing a competitive advantage is a multifaceted
process involving the internal and external environment. By effectively aligning the
organization’s strengths to the opportunities and responding to mitigating the weaknesses
and threats the organization might face, the organization will be able to achieve long-term
success in the global business and maintain a developed competitive advantage.


● Kraja, Y.B. & Osmani, E. (2015) IMPORTANCE OF EXTERNAL AND

OF ALBANIA) European Scientific Journal May 2015 edition vol.11, No.13
ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
● Cheraghalizadeh, R. Hossein, O. & Tumer, M. The Effects of External and
Internal Factors on Competitive Advantage—Moderation of Market Dynamism
and Mediation of Customer Relationship Building. MDPI Volume 13, Issue 7.
● MyEducator. (n.d). The Internal and External Environments. Introduction to
Strategies. Me.

3. How can organizations balance working with others for mutual gain while protecting
their own interests and advantages in cooperative strategies?

Over the past decades, organizations have faced and are still facing challenges in
balancing collaboration with mutual gain while protecting their own interests and having
advantages. The reason why cooperative strategy is attracting a lot of attention from
different organizations. According to Ashkenas study collaboration, coordination and
cooperation serves as a core for multiple interorganizational relationships and are touted
by practitioners. In this modern world, where most of the countries are becoming more
globalized and as we all become an interconnected global landscape, building
partnership, alliances and continually working with others will serve as catalysts for
success and mastery of this will effectively gain and sustain growth and competitive
advantage for the organizations. Based on Porter and Collis, there are two thoughts about
competitive strategy. First, is how having a well constructed industry structure drives the
most profits. Second, is how having unique competencies and resources can contribute to
the competitive advantage of the organization. This shows how continually collaborating
with different firms can put up organizations to a different level of mutual gain while still
having competitive advantage.

Collaborative or cooperative strategies involve partnership, alliances and joint

ventures. These collaborations are already proven to offer mutual gains, benefits,
including shared resources, expanded market reach, enhanced innovation, and risk
mitigation. However, we can note that these also come with uncertainties such as risk that
might affect the both parties involved, which is why having a strategic mindset in
balancing both mutual gain while pursuing self-interest is crucial to such collaborations.
One key aspect to this is to have a meeting of both minds of the parties involved, in this
way they could utilize both of their resources efficiently and effectively. This will also
serve as a framework for both parties as well as set boundaries and limitations related to
intellectual property, resource allocation, decision-making processes, and exit strategies,
among other critical aspects. This shall not end with just mere agreement of the parties,
they shall also practice due diligence. One shall not only understand their limitations but
also put them into practice. They shall also understand the values, culture, and
capabilities of potential partners to test their compatibility and make sure it will not
overlap with their own self-interests. It is critical to lay a solid basis for a partnership
based on practical factors. Establishing confidence between partners that the anticipated
mutual benefits of collaboration will outweigh the investments required, the risks
associated with a partner's potential failure to fulfill obligations, and the opportunity costs
associated with alternative strategies such as traditional market transactions. The
significance of formal contractual requirements in this situation determines the degree of
reliance that may be placed on them.
In pursuit of such collaborations, the organizations must be flexible and have a
contingency plan prepared. This will allow them to mitigate potential risk the partnership
might face as well as establish a resolution for conflict that might arise throughout the
collaboration. Given that the global markets are becoming more diverse and are
continually changing, being flexible and strong throughout these will surely contribute in
gaining self-interest and mutual gain at the same time. Both parties shall have an open
communication wherein they can freely share each other's thoughts especially in these
emerging markets. Open and transparent communication channels promote trust among
partners, allowing them to resolve concerns quickly and collectively make informed
decisions. Regular communication ensures that all parties remain aligned with the
collaboration's overarching aims and allows for modifications as circumstances change.
Including flexibility in collaborative agreements enables firms to change their plans,
reallocate resources, and navigate uncertainty without jeopardizing their unique interests.

In conclusion, having a successful balance of collaboration for mutual gain and

protection of individual interests requires the involvement of the parties involved and is a
wide range process. In safeguarding self-interest while seeking mutual gain the parties
must be clear with their agreements and be open to involving themselves in an open
communication to be able to discuss certain changes or amendments they want to pursue
throughout the collaboration. And to not sacrifice their own assets and properties the
parties must have a clear delineation and confidentiality clauses so that despite the
collaboration their private assets will not be disclosed. This leads us to the understanding
that collaboration, coordination and cooperation is the art of business most specifically
partnerships and alliances, it creates synergy amongst and becomes the core of businesses
in such a way that we can pursue mutual gain while protecting their own interests and


● Ashkenas R. 2015. There is a difference between cooperation and collaboration.

Harvard Business Review, 20: 1-3.
● Castañer, X. & Oliveira, N. 2020. Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation
Among Organizations: Establishing the Distinctive Meanings of These Terms
Through a Systematic Literature Review. Sage Journals. Volume 46, Issue 6.
● Child, J., Faulkner, D. & Tallman, S. Managing Alliances, Networks and Joint
Ventures. Cooperative Strategy, 2nd edition.
● Svendsen, A. Profiting from Collaborative Business Relationship. The
Stakeholder Strategy

4. In your opinion, what specific qualities or attributes do you believe are the most crucial
for a strategic leader to possess, and how do these qualities contribute to an organization's
long-term success and adaptability in an ever-changing business environment?

“Effective leadership is essential for coping with the growing social, economic
and environmental problems confronting the world.” Yukl (2013, p. 422) Notice how we
follow a certain organizational structure wherein there is always one at the top. It only
shows how a leader is needed in every organization, but can everyone be leaders just
because they want to? For an organization to have long-term success and adapt in an
ever-changing business environment they must have a strategic leader. Sun Tzu believes
that intelligence is the foundation of leadership.A strategic leader is not like any other
leader in that we simply need a good leader who cares about everyone; a strategic leader
is someone who is willing to sacrifice everything in order to strategize and accomplish
success. Leaders must be strategic thinkers with the capacity to understand events and
make sound decisions. In this context, intelligence refers to both intellectual aptitude and
wisdom obtained through experience, recognizing the need for forethought and careful
planning in leadership.

One of the most crucial components in bringing about change in any organization
is innovative and imaginative leadership. A strategic leader must have a vision for the
future, leaders cannot just ignore the trends and future so that they will not struggle on
preparing their organizations to move toward their desired goal. Vision is a person's
characteristics that not only allow them to see the future clearly and exactly, but also
increase their motivation and sense of duty to reach the desired future. It is crucial to
acknowledge that while leaders focus on the future, they must also give due attention to
current scenarios. Striking a balance in this approach ensures a harmonious flow within
the organization, allowing for effective functioning in the present while strategically
planning for the future.

A leader must be an analytical thinker, they shall now just base on opinions and
mere facts they have gathered or know already. An analytical thinker is someone who
uses their cognitive ability while also considering it in a logical and systematic approach
in order to have a deeper grasp of a certain problem that arises and come up with a
solution. They can deduce logics and analyze data by recognizing logical linkages and
evaluating the validity of arguments, as well as study data sets, discover trends, and
extract valuable insights to inform decision-making. If a leader possesses this ability, the
organization will be able to critically evaluate information objectively, question
assumptions, and assess the dependability of sources. As a result, they are led to make
objective decisions, anticipate future scenarios, analyze multiple alternatives, and
establish plans that correspond with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Leaders must also be decisive and adaptable, which means having a decisive and
adaptive leader will propel the organization intellectually, now and in the future. Having
a fast-paced thinking will be beneficial especially when the organization is in dire need of
a solution or answer as soon as possible. Despite having to make judgments quickly,
decisive leaders assess available information, consider potential risks, and make decisions
that line with the organization's strategic goals. A leader should not be satisfied with his
current knowledge instead, he should be eager in learning new things, particularly in this
expanding market. They must adapt to current developments and advancements that
enable firms to amend their plans in response to shifting market conditions, technology
advancements, or unanticipated disruptions. Strategic leaders enable their organizations
to survive despite change by building a culture of continual learning and adjustment,
presenting them as dynamic and resilient entities.
In conclusion, a leader must embody numerous essential characteristics and
qualities. However, we shouldn't rigidly confine ourselves to a specific set of traits. A
truly effective leader is someone who demonstrates a genuine willingness to learn and
evolve for the benefit of the organization. When the collective leadership within an
organization possesses these dynamic qualities, it significantly contributes to the
achievement of long-term goals and ensures sustainability. While a leader plays a pivotal
role in steering the organization, it's crucial to recognize that an organization is a
collaborative entity. Comprising many individuals, it perpetually moves toward shared
goals and objectives. The success of the organization, therefore, hinges not solely on the
leader but on the collaborative efforts of all its members. Each member serves as both an
instrument and a supporting hand, working in tandem with the leader to propel the
organization toward success. This synergistic approach fosters an environment where
every individual is an active participant in the shared journey towards accomplishment
and growth.


● Hughes, R., Beatty, KC. & DINWOODIE, D. 2014. BECOMING A

STRATEGIC LEADER: Your Role in Your Organization's. 2nd Edition.
● Karp, T. 2020. What Do We Really Mean By Good Leadership? The Journal of
Values-Based Leadership. Volume 13, Issue 1 Winter/Spring 2020, Article 3.
● Wasim, A. & Imran, A. 2010. The Role of Leadership In Organizational Change:
Relating the successful Organizational Change with Visionary and Innovative
Leadership. Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet. p53.

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