Heat Transfers

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Heat Transfer [17 marks]

1. 21N.1.SL.TZ0.30

Which is correct for a black-body radiator?

A. The power it emits from a unit surface area depends on the temperature only.

B. It has an albedo of 1.

C. It emits monochromatic radiation whose wavelength depends on the temperature only.

D. It emits radiation of equal intensity at all wavelengths.


2. 17M.1.SL.TZ1.29

Planet X and planet Y both emit radiation as black bodies. Planet X has a surface temperature
that is less than the surface temperature of planet Y.

What is the graph of the variation of intensity I with wavelength λ for the radiation emitted by
planet Y? The graph for planet X is shown dotted.

3. 16N.1.HL.TZ0.25

X and Y are two spherical black-body radiators that emit the same total power. The absolute
temperature of X is half that of Y.

radius of X
What is ?
radius of Y
A. 4

B. 8

C. 16

D. 32


4. 17M.1.SL.TZ2.29
A room is at a constant temperature of 300 K. A hotplate in the room is at a temperature of 400
K and loses energy by radiation at a rate of P. What is the rate of loss of energy from the
hotplate when its temperature is 500 K?
A. 4 P
4 4
5 +3
B. 4 4P
4 +3
C. 4 P
4 4
5 −3
D. 4 4P
4 −3

5. 17M.1.SL.TZ1.30

The average surface temperature of Mars is approximately 200 K and the average surface
temperature of Earth is approximately 300 K. Mars has a radius half that of Earth. Assume that
both Mars and Earth act as black bodies.

power radiated by Mars

What is ?
power radiated by Earth
A. 20
B. 5
C. 0.2
D. 0.05


6. 19M.2.HL.TZ2.7

The average temperature of ocean surface water is 289 K. Oceans behave as black bodies.

(a) Show that the intensity radiated by the oceans is about 400 W m-2.


(b) Explain why some of this radiation is returned to the oceans from the atmosphere.

The intensity in (b) returned to the oceans is 330 W m-2. The intensity of the solar radiation
incident on the oceans is 170 W m-2.

(ci) Calculate the additional intensity that must be lost by the oceans so that the water
temperature remains constant.


(cii) Suggest a mechanism by which the additional intensity can be lost.

7. 18M.1.SL.TZ2.30

power radiated by Mars

Mars and Earth act as black bodies. The =p
power radiated by the Earth
absolute mean temperature of the surface of Mars
and =t .
absolute mean temperature of the surface of the Earth
radius of Mars
What is the value of ?
radius of the Earth
A. 4


8. 21M.1.SL.TZ2.29

A black-body radiator emits a peak wavelength of λ max and a maximum power of P0. The
peak wavelength emitted by a second black-body radiator with the same surface area is 2 λ max
. What is the total power of the second black-body radiator?

A. P
16 0
B. P
2 0

C. 2 P0

D. 16 P0


9. 21M.1.SL.TZ1.29

A black body at temperature T emits radiation with peak wavelength λ ρ and power P. What is the
temperature of the black body and the power emitted for a peak wavelength of ?

10. 22N.1.SL.TZ0.27

The electromagnetic spectrum radiated by a black body at temperature T shows a peak at

wavelength λ p.

What is the variation of λ p with T?


11. 22N.1.SL.TZ0.30
Planet X and planet Y both emit radiation as black bodies. Planet Y has twice the surface
temperature and one third of the radius of planet X .

power radiated by planet X

What is ?
power radiated by planet Y


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