Assessing Affective Domain at Elementary Level Students
Assessing Affective Domain at Elementary Level Students
Assessing Affective Domain at Elementary Level Students
Education includes all the process that develops human ability and behavior.
Learning plays crucial role in reforming and determining the behavior of an
individual. Student learning is influenced by assessment (Foley,2013).Assessment
informs students about their abilities, strengths and weaknesses of students and shows
the strategies used for the learning process (Gullickson, 2007).
In other words, the basic foundation to build such behavior is done in this stage. The
instilling of the behavior can be done through the curriculum design, learning process
and the appropriate assessment.
A child who starts to interact with social environment will immediately have social
behavior, and its happens to primary students .In formal classroom teaching, the
majority of the teachers efforts typically go into the cognitive aspects of the teaching
and learning .In the educational literature, nearly every author introduces their paper
by stating that affective domain is essential for learning, but it is the least studied most
often overlooked, the most nebulous and the hardest to evaluate of Bloom’s three
domains. Similarly, students may experience affective roadblocks to learning that can
neither be recognized nor solved when using a purely cognitive approach
( Atherton,2007).
This study is a qualitative overview to provide detailed and
comprehensive information about assessing affective domain at elementary level
students. The data was collected from various research articles and literature review to
find out the challenges in assessing affective domain at elementary level students.
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Assessment Models. International Journal of Instruction, 12(3), 425-438.
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Review of Literature:
Assessing the affective domain in elementary level students is an important
aspect of their overall development and well-being. The affective domain refers to the
attitudes, values, beliefs, motivations, and emotions that influence students' learning
experiences and outcomes.
The literature surrounding the assessment of the affective domain at the elementary
level of students is a relatively well-explored field, with a considerable amount of
published literature available. Numerous studies have investigated various aspects of
assessing student emotions, attitudes, and values in educational settings. Over the
years, the quantity of publications relating to this topic has shown a modest but steady
increase, indicating a continuous interest in understanding and improving the
evaluation of affective domains in elementary education.
Researchers have delved into various methods and strategies to assess the affective
domain in elementary students, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of their
emotional intelligence, motivation, social skills, and overall well-being. The literature
encompasses a wide range of approaches, such as self-report questionnaires, teacher
observations, interviews, and even technological tools designed to measure affective
variables. These publications highlight the importance of considering the affective
domain alongside cognitive development to gain a comprehensive understanding of
students' overall growth and learning experiences.
Furthermore, the literature reveals the potential benefits of assessing the affective
domain for students' overall academic achievement and well-being. By understanding
and evaluating students' attitudes, beliefs, and motivations, educators can tailor their
instruction to promote intrinsic motivation, engagement, and resilience. Numerous
studies have found positive correlations between the assessment of the affective
domain and students' academic performance, self-esteem, social competence, and
overall well-being. Thus, it can be argued that investing in assessing the affective
domain can result in more well-rounded, successful, and emotionally intelligent
Teachers play a crucial role in assessing students' affective domain, especially in the
classroom setting (Ningrum et al., 2022). However, there are challenges in assessing
affective aspects, such as character values, due to teachers' low understanding of
assessment concepts and lack of time to develop and implement affective assessments
(Setiawan et al., 2021). It is important to develop assessment models and instruments
that can effectively measure students' emotional and social intelligence, as these skills
are essential for their overall development (Khilmiyah & Wiyono, 2021; Awan et al.,
2021). Furthermore, physical education classes have been found to contribute
positively to the development of students' social-emotional skills, demonstrating the
importance of incorporating affective domain assessment in different subject areas
(DIJAMCO, 2023; Suhadi et al., 2020).
The affective domain assessment is not limited to academic settings but also extends
to other aspects of students' lives. For example, studies have shown that exposure to
natural stimuli, such as foliage plants, can improve concentration and psychological
relaxation in elementary school students (Kim et al., 2020). Additionally, programs
that focus on social-emotional learning have been found to enhance students' social
skills, problem-solving abilities, and peer acceptance (Kim & Park, 2021; Adiba &
Latip, 2021; Wong et al., 2014). These programs aim to develop responsible
character, psychosocial empowerment, and emotional intelligence among elementary
school students (Adiba & Latip, 2021; Kourmousi et al., 2018).
The implementation of affective assessment is very important in the learning
process because the affective aspect supports student success in the learning process
(Azhil et al, 2018;Saftari, Maya, 2019). To support the successful implementation of
affective assessment, an appropriate assessment design is needed, such as designing
an assessment instrument in advance (Tausih & Marno, 2021) In addition, in
implementing affective assessment teachers can apply learning models that are in
accordance with the learning that will be delivered to students.…”
Overall, assessing the affective domain in elementary level students is crucial for
understanding their emotional well-being, social skills, and overall development.
Various measurement instruments and assessment models have been developed and
validated to assess students' emotions, affective states, and social-emotional skills.
However, there are challenges in implementing affective assessments in the classroom
due to teachers' limited understanding and lack of time. It is important to address
these challenges and develop practical and effective assessment methods to support
students' emotional and social development. Numerous studies have found positive
correlations between the assessment of the affective domain and students' academic
performance, self-esteem, social competence, and overall well-being. Thus, it can be
argued that investing in assessing the affective domain can result in more well-
rounded, successful, and emotionally intelligent individuals.