Factorization 1
Factorization 1
Factorization 1
r = us = utr.
number of units. Two polynomials f and g are associates ⇐⇒ there exists
a c ∈ F ∗ with g = cf .
3) R = Z[i], the Gaussian integers. The units (Z[i])∗ = {±1, ±i}. Two
elements α, β √∈ Z[i] are associates ⇐⇒ α = ±β or α = ±iβ. √
4) R = Z[ 2]. As we √have seen on the homework, 1 + 2 is a unit of
infinite order.√In fact, (Z[ 2])∗ ∼
= Z × (Z/2Z). √
5) R = Z[ −2]. An easy calculation shows that (Z[ −2])∗ = {±1}.
We say that r ∈ R is irreducible if r 6= 0, r is not a unit, and, for all
s ∈ R, if s divides r then either s is a unit or s is an associate of r. In other
words, if r = st for some t ∈ R, then one of s or t is a unit (and hence the
other is an associate of r). If r ∈ R with r 6= 0 and r is not a unit, then r is
reducible if it is not irreducible.
Definition 1.4. Let r, s ∈ R, not both 0. A greatest common divisor (gcd)
of r and s is an element d ∈ R such that d|r, d|s, and if e ∈ R and e|r, e|s,
then e|d.
Lemma 1.5. Let r, s ∈ R, not both 0. If a gcd of r and s exists, it is unique
up to a unit (i.e. any two gcd’s of r and s are associates).
Proof. If d and d0 are both a gcd of r and s, then by definition d|d0 and d0 |d.
Hence there exist u, v ∈ R such that d0 = ud and d = vd0 . Thus d = uvd.
Since d|r and d|s and at least one of r, s is nonzero, d 6= 0. Hence uv = 1,
so that u and v are units. Thus d and d0 are associates.
Definition 1.6. Let r, s ∈ R, not both 0. The elements r and s are relatively
prime if 1 is a gcd of r and s; equivalently, if d ∈ R and d|r, d|s, then d is a
Lemma 1.7. Let r, s ∈ R, with r irreducible.Then a gcd of r and s exists,
and is either a unit or an associate of r. Hence, if r does not divide s, then
r and s are relatively prime.
Proof. Suppose that r divides s. Then r is a gcd of r and s, since r divides
both r and s and any e which divides r and s is either a unit or an associate
of r, hence divides r. If r does not divide s, then any e which divides r and
s cannot be an associate of r, hence must be a unit. It follows that 1 is a
gcd of r and s, and hence r and s are relatively prime.
(ii) if pi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n and qj , 1 ≤ j ≤ m are irreducibles such that p1 · · · pn =
q1 · · · qm , then n = m and, after reordering, pi and qi are associates.
Note that two separate issues are involved: (i) the existence of some
factorization of r into irreducibles and (ii) the uniqueness of a factorization.
As we shall see, these two questions are in general unrelated, in the sense
that one can hold but not the other.
Given an element r in a UFD, not 0 or a unit, it is often more natural to
factor r by grouping together all of the associated irreducibles (after making
some choices). Hence, such an r can always be written as
r = upa11 · · · pann ,
Example 1.10. The rings Z and F [x], where F is a field, are PID’s.
where u and v are units, the pi are irreducibles, ai , bi ≥ 0, and, for i 6= j, pi
and pj are not associates. (Here, we set ai = 0 if pi is not a factor of r, and
similarly for bi .) Then set
d = pc11 · · · pckk ,
where ci = min{ai , bi }. We claim that d is a gcd of r and s. Clearly d|r
and d|s. If now e|r and e|s and q is an irreducible factor of e, then q is
an associate of pi for some i, and so we can assume that q = pi . If mi is
the largest integer such that pm mi mi
i |e, then since pi |r and pi |s, mi ≤ ai and
As a consequence, we have:
Proposition 1.13. Let R be a UFD and let r ∈ R, where r 6= 0. Then (r)
is a prime ideal ⇐⇒ r is irreducible.
Proof. =⇒ : If (r) is a prime ideal, then r is not a unit, and r 6= 0 by
assumption. If r = st, then one of s, t ∈ (r), say s ∈ (r), hence s = ru.
Then r = rut so that ut = 1 and t is a unit. Hence r is irreducible. (Note:
this part did not use the fact that R was a UFD, and holds in every integral
⇐= : If r is irreducible, then it is not a unit and hence (r) 6= R. Suppose
that st ∈ (r). Then r|st. By the remark above, either r|s or r|t, i.e. either
s ∈ (r) or t ∈ (r). Hence (r) is prime.
Remark 1.14. (i) In case R is not a UFD, there will in general exist irre-
ducibles r such that (r) is not a prime ideal.
(ii) In general, suppose that R is an integral domain and that r ∈ R, r 6= 0.
If (r) is a prime ideal, then for all s, t ∈ R, if r divides st, then either r
divides s or r divides t.
We turn now to the study of a PID, with a view toward showing even-
tually that a PID is a UFD.
Theorem 1.15. Let R be a PID, and let r, s ∈ R, not both 0. Then a gcd
d of r and s exists. Moreover, d is a linear combination of r and s: there
exist a, b ∈ R such that d = ar + bs.
Note: For a general UFD, the gcd of two elements r and s will not in
general be a linear combination of r and s. For example, in F [x, y], the
elements x and y are relatively prime, hence their gcd is 1, but 1 is not a
linear combination of x and y, since if f = xa + yb is any linear combination
of x and y, where a, b ∈ F [x, y], then ev0,0 (f ) = f (0, 0) = 0, but ev0,0 (1) = 1.
Proof. This argument is very similar to the corresponding argument for F [x],
or for Z. Given r, s ∈ R, not both 0, consider the ideal
Proof. By Lemma 1.7, if r does not divide s, then r and s are relatively
prime. Then, by the previous corollary, r|t. Hence either r|s or r|t.
The following proves the uniqueness half of the assertion that a PID is
a UFD:
Proof. This is proved in exactly the same way as the argument we gave for
F [x] (or, in Modern Algebra I, for Z).
Proof. We have already seen that, if an irreducible factorization exists, it
is unique up to order and associates. Thus the remaining point is to show
that, if R is a PID, then every element r ∈ R, not 0 or a unit, admits some
factorization into a product of irreducibles. The proof will be in several
Lemma 1.20. Let R be an integral domain with the property that, if
Proof. It suffices to show that I is nonempty, closed under addition and has
the absorbing property. Since In ⊆ I for all n and In 6= ∅, I 6= ∅. Given
a, b ∈ I, there exists a j such that a ∈ Ij and there exists a k such that
b ∈ Ik . Setting ` = max{j, k}, we have a ∈ Ij ⊆ I` and b ∈ Ik ⊆ I` . Hence
a, b ∈ I` , and since I` is an ideal, a + b ∈ I` ⊆ I. Thus I is closed under
addition. Similarly, if a ∈ I, then a ∈ Ij for some j. Hence, for all r ∈ R,
ra ∈ Ij ⊆ I. Thus I is an ideal.
The ascending chain condition and the arguments we have just given are
so fundamental that we generalize them as follows:
sequence I1 ⊂ I2 ⊂ · · · , contradicting the assumption on R. Thus I is
finitely generated.
Example 1.23. Clearly, a PID satisfies (i) and hence a PID is Noetherian.
But there are many examples of Noetherian rings which are not PIDs. For
example, the Hilbert basis theorem states that, if R is Noetherian, then
so is R[x1 , . . . , xn ]. Thus Z[x1 , . . . , xn ] and F [x1 , . . . , xn ] are Noetherian
(where F is a field). It is also easy to see that R Noetherian =⇒ R/I is
Noetherian for every ideal I ⊆ R. Thus rings of the form Z[x1 , . . . , xn ]/I and
F [x1 , . . . , xn ]/I, which are the important rings arising in algebraic geometry
and number theory, are Noetherian.
By analyzing the proofs of the the above results, one can show:
(i) R is a UFD.
2 Euclidean domains
We turn now to finding new examples of PID’s.
Example 2.2. (1) R = Z, n(a) = |a|; (2) R = F [x], F a field, and n(f ) =
deg f , defined for f 6= 0; (3) R = F is a field, and n(a) = 0 for all a ∈
F − {0}. Here (3) is an easy exercise, and, for (1) and (2), Condition (i)
of the definition is clear and (ii) is the statement of long division in Z or in
F [x].
Remark 2.3. In the definition of a Euclidean norm, we do not require that
the q, r ∈ R are unique. In fact, uniqueness even fails in Z with the usual
norm if we allow q and r to be negative. For example, with a = 3, b = 11,
we can write 11 = 3 · 3 + 2 = 3 · 4 + (−1).
(i) b is not a unit, n(b) > n(1), and n(a) < n(ab) for all a ∈ R − {0}.
(ii) b is a unit, n(b) = n(1), and n(a) = n(ab) for all a ∈ R − {0}.
Proof. We always have n(a) ≤ n(ab), and begin by showing that n(a) =
n(ab) ⇐⇒ b is a unit. First, if b is a unit, then n(a) ≤ n(ab) and
n(ab) ≤ n(abb−1 ) = n(a), so that n(a) = n(ab). Taking a = 1, we see that
n(b) = n(1). Conversely, suppose that n(a) = n(ab) for some a ∈ R − {0}.
Applying long division of ab into a, we se that a = (ab)q + r, with either
r = 0 or n(r) < n(ab) = n(a). We claim that r must be 0, since otherwise
r = a − abq = a(1 − bq) with 1 − bq 6= 0, and hence
The Euclidean algorithm in a Euclidean domain: Let R be a Eu-
clidean domain with Euclidean norm n. Begin with a, b ∈ R, with b 6= 0.
Write a = bq1 + r1 , with q1 , r1 ∈ R, and either r1 = 0 or n(r1 ) < n(b).
Note that r1 = a + b(−q1 ) is a linear combination of a and b. If r1 = 0,
stop, otherwise repeat this process with b and r1 instead of a and b, so that
b = r1 q2 + r2 , with r2 = 0 or n(r2 ) < n(b) If r2 = 0, stop, otherwise repeat
again to find r1 , . . . , rk with n(r1 ) > n(r2 ) > n(r3 ) > · · · > n(rk ) ≥ 0,
with rk−1 = rk qk+1 + rk+1 . Since the integers n(ri ) decrease, and they are
all nonnegative, eventually this procedure must stop with an rn such that
rn+1 = 0, and hence rn−1 = rn qn+1 . The procedure looks as follows:
a = bq1 + r1
b = r1 q2 + r2
r1 = r2 q3 + r3
rn−2 = rn−1 qn + rn
rn−1 = rn qn+1 .
Then rn is a gcd of a, b and tracing back through the steps shows how to
write it as a linear combination of a and b.
Z[i] = {a + bi : a, b ∈ Z}.
We shall show that Z[i] is a new example of a Euclidean domain, hence Z[i]
is a PID and a UFD. As a result, we shall describe which positive integers
are a sum of two integer squares.
Consider the function N : Z[i] → Z defined by N (α) = αᾱ, where if
α = a + bi, then ᾱ = a − bi (i.e. N (a + bi) = a2 + b2 ). Since α = α, clearly
N (α) = N (ᾱ). Note that, given n ∈ Z, n = N (α) for some α ∈ Z[i] ⇐⇒ n
is a sum of two integer squares.
(b) For all α, β ∈ Z[i], N (αβ) = N (α)N (β) (N is multiplicative). Hence,
if n1 and n2 are two integers which are each a sum of two integer
squares, then n1 n2 is a sum of two integer squares.
Proof. (a) Clear. (b) N (αβ) = (αβ)(αβ) = (αβ)(ᾱβ̄) = αᾱβ β̄ = N (α)N (β).
(c) While this follows from (c) of Lemma 2.7, we can see this either directly
(N (α) = 1 ⇐⇒ α = ±1 or α = ±i) or as follows: if N (α) = 1, then αᾱ = 1
and hence α is a unit with α−1 = ᾱ. Conversely, if α is a unit, then αβ = 1
for some β ∈ Z[i], hence N (αβ) = 1 = N (α)N (β). Thus N (α) is a positive
integer dividing 1, so N (α) = 1. (d) Clear.
Proposition 3.2. In the integral domain Z[i], the function N (α) = αᾱ is
a multiplicative Euclidean norm.
Now that we know that Z[i] is a UFD, we can try to describe all of the
irreducibles in Z[i] and relate the answer to the problem of deciding when a
prime number p is a sum of two squares. The first step is:
(ii) If p is a prime number, then p is not irreducible in Z[i] ⇐⇒ p = N (α)
for some α ∈ Z[i] ⇐⇒ p is a sum of two integer squares. In this case,
if α divides p and α is not a unit or an associate of p, then p = N (α)
and hence α is irreducible.
Proof. (i) If α = βγ, then p = N (α) = N (βγ) = N (β)N (γ), and so one of
N (β), N (γ) is 1. Hence either β or γ is a unit, so that α is irreducible.
(ii) If p is not irreducible, then p = αβ where neither α nor β is a
unit, hence N (α) and N (β) are both greater than 1. Then p2 = N (p) =
N (α)N (β), so that N (α) = N (β) = p, and α is irreducible by (i). Con-
versely, if p = N (α), then p = αᾱ with N (α) = N (ᾱ) = p, so that neither α
nor ᾱ is a unit. Hence p is not irreducible in Z[i].
Proof. Consider N (π) ∈ Z. Since π is not a unit, N (π) > 1, and hence N (π)
is a product of prime numbers p1 · · · pr (not necessarily distinct). Since Z[i]
is a UFD and π is an irreducible dividing the product p1 · · · pr , there must
exist an i such that π divides pi , and we take p = pi . If p is also irreducible,
then π and p are associates, and hence π = ±p or ±ip. If p is not irreducible,
then we have seen that p = αᾱ for some α ∈ Z[i], where both α and ᾱ are
irreducible. Hence π divides p = αᾱ. It follows that π divides either α or ᾱ,
say π divides α, and hence that π is an associate of α since α is irreducible.
Since units have norm 1, it follows that N (π) = N (α) = p.
(i) 1 + i and its associates ±1 ± i;
an irreducible, then since p divides k 2 + 1 = (k + i)(k − i), p would divide
one of the factors k ± i. But
k±i k 1
= ± i.
p p p
Since ±1/p is not an integer, the quotient (k ± i)/p does not lie in Z[i].
Hence p does not divide either factor k ± i of k 2 + 1, and so cannot be an
It follows that the prime numbers which are sums of two integer squares
are exactly the primes 2 and the odd primes ≡ 1 mod 4. The following
describes all positive integers which are sums of two integer squares:
Corollary 3.8. Let n ∈ N, n > 1, and write n = pa11 · · · par r , where the pi
are distinct prime numbers and ai ∈ N. Then n is a sum of two integer
squares if and only, for every prime factor pi of n such that pi ≡ 3 mod 4,
ai is even.
is a product of prime powers with the property that all of the primes ≡
3 mod 4 occur to even powers. It follows that the prime factorization of n
is as claimed.
√ √
· · · pk is a product of distinct primes,
d = p1 √ √ since −a2 e = a −e. Note
that Z[ −d] is a subring of the field Q( −d),√which is called an imaginary
quadratic field. Similarly, we could look at Z[ √ d], where d ∈ N, d > 1, and
d has
√ no squared prime factors. In this case Z[ d] is a subring of the field
Q( d), which is called a real quadratic field. √
There √ is a natural
√ multiplicative function N : Z[ −d] → Z defined by, if
α = a + b −d ∈ Z[ −d],
that Z[ −3] is a subring of Z[ω]. More generally, we say that an α ∈ C
is an algebraic integer if α is a root of a monic polynomial with integer
coefficients, i.e. f (α) = 0, where f ∈ Z[x] is monic. (It is easy to see that
every algebraic number is a root of a polynomial f ∈ Z[x], but f is not
necessarily monic.) Them if E ≤ C is an algebraic extension of Q, one
can show that the set of algebraic integers in E is a subring of E whose
quotient field is E, and this ring plays the role of the subring Z of Q. For
E = Q(i),√ for example, the subring of algebraic integers is just Z[i], but for
E = Q( −3), the subring of algebraic integers is Z[ω]. In this particular
example, Z[ω] is in fact a PID and hence a UFD. In fact, one can use this
to give a fairly straightforward solution of Fermat’s Last Theorem for the
case p = 3: The only solutions in integers to the equation x3 + y 3 = x3 are
the trivial solutions, where one of x, y, z is 0.
However, unique√ factorization still turns out to be a rare occurrence.
For example,
√ Z[ −5] turns out to be the full subring of algebraic integers
in Q( −5), but it is easy to check that
√ √
6 = 2 · 3 = (1 + −5)(1 − −5)
Last Theorem (which would be quite straightforward to prove if unique fac-
torization always held in such rings). Ideals were originally introduced in
this special context. If R is a UFD, then r is irreducible ⇐⇒ (r) is prime,
and (r) uniquely determines r up to associates. In general, nonzero prime
ideals can function to a certain extent as a substitute for irreducible ele-
ments. In fact, a basic theorem in algebraic number theory states that, if
R is a ring of algebraic integers (correctly defined), and I is an ideal of R,
with I 6= {0}, R, then I can be uniquely factored into a product of prime
ideals (where ideal products were defined in the HW).