Lecture 5 1
Lecture 5 1
Lecture 5 1
Lecture Content:
Loss of Prestress
• Immediate Losses
• Deferred Losses
• Find losses due to shrinkage, creep and stress relaxation using AS 3600:2018
Immediate Losses
Immediate Losses
Lecture Content:
Loss of Prestress
• Immediate Losses
• Deferred Losses
• Find losses due to shrinkage, creep and stress relaxation using AS 3600:2018
Deferred Losses
Deferred Losses
Creep and shrinkage cause the gradual development of strain with time.
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
What is Shrinkage?
Type of Shrinkage
Rule of thumb:
Approx. 50% of shrinkage in the 1st month
Approx. 90% of shrinkage in first 9 months
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
What is Creep?
Rule of thumb:
Approx. 50% of final creep in 1st 2-3 months
Approx. 90% of final creep in 1st 2-3 years
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
Note: See Cl. 3.1.2 of AS 3600:2018 and Table 3.3 of Gilbert Lecture 3 for 𝐸𝑐 𝑇0
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
• Creep strain, 𝜀𝑐𝑐 𝑇, 𝑇0 , depends on the stress, 𝜎0 , and the age, 𝑇0 , at time of
loading as well as on the period of loading (𝑇 − 𝑇0 )
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
Shrinkage Model
𝜀𝑐𝑠 𝑇 = 𝜀𝑐𝑠 f 𝑇
f 𝑇 = 0 at T= 0
= 1 at large T
∗ = final shrinkage strain
∗ is approached asymptotically.
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
Creep Model
Lecture Content:
Loss of Prestress
• Immediate Losses
• Deferred Losses
• Find losses due to shrinkage, creep and stress relaxation using AS 3600:2018
According to Clause, the design shrinkage strain of concrete (𝜀𝑐𝑠 ) shall be determined——
(a) from measurement on similar local concrete;
(b) by tests after eight weeks of drying modified for long-term value, in accordance with AS
1012.13; or
(c) by calculation in accordance with Clause
𝑡ℎ = 2
𝑡ℎ = hypothetical thickness
𝐴𝑔 = Cross-sectional area
𝑘1 𝑢𝑒 = Exposed perimeter plus half of the
perimeter of any closed voids
𝜺𝒄𝒔 is found as the sum of the autogenous and the drying shrinkage strains.
AS 3600:2018, Cl. “Consideration shall be given to the fact that 𝜀𝑐𝑠 has a range of ±30%.
Loss of prestress due to shrinkage of the concrete is given in Section of AS3600 as
𝑬𝑷 𝜺𝒄𝒔 modified for the effects of reinforcement.
If, for e.g., reinforcement is distributed throughout the member so that its effect on shrinkage is
mainly axial, the loss of prestress can be reduced by a factor of (1 + 15𝐴𝑠 /𝐴𝑔 ).
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
𝒌𝟓 & 𝒌𝟔
𝑘5 accounts for the reduced influence of the rel. humidity and the specimen size on
the creep as the concrete strength increases
From Section, provided the sustained stress at the level of the tendons at no time exceeds
0.5𝑓𝑐′ , the loss of prestress due to creep of concrete = 𝐸𝑝 𝜀𝑐𝑐 , where
• The loss of stress in a tendon due to relaxation depends on the level of the
sustained stress in the steel, the temperature and the number of days
since prestressing.
• Creep and shrinkage cause a progressive fall-off in the tendon stress, which,
in turn, decreases the relaxation.
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
From FWF
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
• In AS 3600:2018 (Clause 3.3.4) stress relaxation is dealt with for low-relaxation wire or strand,
and alloy steel bars, by finding a basic relaxation,𝑅𝑏 , for the material under standard
conditions (1000 hours at 20 °C and stress 0.8𝑓𝑝𝑏 following AS/NZS 4672.1).
• This basic value is modified to find the design relaxation, R, by multiplying by factors that
depend on the actual situation, i.e. the time, j, (in days) since prestressing, the actual stress
level, and the average annual temperature.
• The reduction in stress relaxation due to creep and shrinkage is covered in AS 3600:2018
Lecture 5 CVEN90016 Concrete Design & Technology
Lecture Content:
Loss of Prestress
• Immediate Losses
• Deferred Losses
• Find losses due to shrinkage, creep and stress relaxation using AS 3600:2018
Beam Dimensions:
Cross section = 150 mm x 200 mm, Span = 2.44 m
One 12.7 mm diameter 7-wire ordinary strand (stress-relieved, low relaxation) placed
at edge of kern of section.
Minimum ultimate tensile strength and area of strand from Table 3.3.1 in AS3600.
Stress relaxation characteristics to AS 3600 and AS/NZS 4672.1.
Concrete cylinder strengths (Standard cylinder diameter of 150 mm).
(3 results given at each of 7, 28 and 80 days.)