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The Influence of Assertiveness and Social Support from

Families of Social Rehabilitation Program Participants on

Islamic Communication Skills in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary

Muhammad Yasir Halomoan Nasution1, Efi Brata Madya2, Rubino3

Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia1,2,3
mhdyasir3005204002@uinsu.ac.id1, efibrata@uinsu.ac.id2,

Abstract. Social rehabilitation program, conveying religious messages and maintaining

crucial aspects of religion and society. Effective communication is needed to build good
relationships with other people, convey opinions and aspirations, and resolve conflicts
with social rehabilitation program participants. This research aims to see the influence
of assertive communication and social support from families of social rehabilitation
participants on Islamic communication skills in the Class 1 Penitentiary in Medan.
Based on the results of the research and discussion, several conclusions can be drawn
as follows: First, assertiveness influences the Islamic communication skills of Social
Rehabilitation Program Participants in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. The results of this
research identify that the better the level of assertiveness a person has, the Islamic
communication skills of the inmates of class I Penitentiary in Medan will improve.
Second, family social support influences the Islamic communication skills of Social
Rehabilitation Program Participants in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. The results of this
research identify that the better the level of family social support received by a prison
inmate will improve the Islamic communication skills of class I Medan Penitentiary
inmates. Third, assertiveness and Social Support together have a significant effect on
Islamic Communication Skills in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary, Participants in the Social
Rehabilitation Program.

Keywords: Assertiveness, Rehabilitation, Social, Institutional, Correctional

Abstrak. Program rehabilitasi sosial, menyampaikan pesan-pesan keagamaan serta
yang menjaga aspek krusial dalam konteks agama dan masyarakat. Komunikasi yang
efektif diperlukan untuk membangun hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain,
menyampaikan pendapat dan aspirasi, serta menyelesaikan konflik dengan peserta
program rehabilitasi sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh
komunikasi asertiv dan dukungan sosial keluarga peserta rehabilitasi sosial terhadap
kekmampuan komunikasi islami di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas 1 Medan.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka dapat ditarik beberapa
kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Pertama, assertivitas berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan
komunikasi Islami pada Peserta Program Rehabilitasi Sosial di Lapas Kelas 1 Medan.
Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa semakin baik Tingkat assertivitas yang
dimiliki oleh seseorang akan meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi Islami warga
binaan lapas kelas I Medan. Kedua, dukungan sosial keluarga berpengaruh terhadap
kemampuan komunikasi Islami pada Peserta Program Rehabilitasi Sosial di Lapas
Kelas 1 Medan. Hasil penelitian ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa semakin baik tingkat
dukungan sosial keluarga yang didapatkan oleh seseorang warga binaan lapas akan
meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi Islami warga binaan lapas kelas I Medan.
Ketiga, assertivitas dan Dukungan Sosial secara besasama-sama berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Islami di Lapas Kelas 1 Medan Peserta
Program Rehabilitasi Sosial.
Kata kunci: Asertivitas, Rehabilitasi, Sosial, Lembaga, Pemasyarakatan


In the era of globalization and complexity of social relations,

good communication skills are very important, especially in religious
and cultural contexts. For muslims, effective communication skills in
various situations are essential, because good communication can
influence a person's religious understanding and practice amidst the
dynamics of modern society, increasingly complex challenges,
including in dealing with religious and moral issues.1
In Indonesia's culturally and religiously diverse society,
communication is a crucial aspect in maintaining harmony and unity.
In Islam, communication has an important role in conveying religious
messages and building good relationships between individuals and
Often, individuals who are involved in social problems, such as
participants in the social rehabilitation program at the class 1
penitentiary in Medan, face challenges in doing effective and assertive
communication. According to Yusuf, social problems can be reduced
verbally by using effective and assertive communication.3 One
meaning of effective communication in this article means that the
process of exchanging information makes the communicant feel
motivated and understand the meaning of message delivered.4
Apart from that, it is also important to commucinate
assertively to find solutions for problems. Assertive communication
means exchanging information from the communicator in the form of
thoughts, feelings and honesty by showing full responsibility for
intentions, being able to express needs, feelings, thoughts and desires
Ahmad Zain Sarnoto, “Metode Pendidikan Komunikasi Islami Dalam Keluarga
Perspektif Al-Qur’an,” Jurnal Statement : Media Informasi Sosial Dan Pendidikan, 2021,
Dr. R. Sri Widaningsih, S.Pd.I, M.Pd., “Perspektif Komunikasi Dalam Islam,”
KOMVERSAL, 2019, https://doi.org/10.38204/komversal.v1i2.401.
Adie E.Yusuf, “Bersikap Asertif Dalam Komunikasi,” Bhinus University Journal,
Asriadi Asriadi, “Komunikasi Efektif Dalam Organisasi,” RETORIKA : Jurnal
Kajian Komunikasi Dan Penyiaran Islam, 2020,
without lowering self-esteem and also being able to respect the
Based on initial research, Penitentiary Class 1 Medan
communicate assertively with context of assertive behavior, including
being able to control oneself according to the existing situation,
responding appropriately to things one really likes, and being able to
express one's feelings to someone frankly and reasonable.6
Social rehabilitation program established by Penitentiary
Institution is related to criminal acts of drug abuse that occur among
the community. Cases of criminal acts of narcotics abuse increase
every year, this is what prompted the Ministry of Law and Human
Rights to form regulations regarding rehabilitation in Regulation
Number 12 of 2017 concerning the implementation of Narcotics
Rehabilitation services in correctional Technical Implementation
Unit’s which mandates that addicts receive Narcotics Home
Rehabilitation Service, State Prisoners, Temporary Children's
Placement Institutions, Correctional Institutions, Special Children's
Development Institutions, and Correctional Centers.7
This community-based rehabilitation activity has standard
technical guidelines for administering rehabilitation services for
prisoners and inmates in Penitentiary Institution in 2019, which have
been issued and validated by Directorate General of Corrections,
Ministry of Public Relations and Human Rights of the Republic of
Indonesia Cq Director of Health Nursing and Rehabilitation. As proof
of seriousness in carrying out the rehabilitation program, this activity
has a legal basis : Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections,
article 14. Prisoners have the right to receive adequate food, Law
Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, article 54: narcotics addicts
and victims of narcotics abuse must undergoing medical
rehabilitation and social rehabilitation. Article 56 paragraph (2).
In the criminal justice system in Indonesia, social
rehabilitation programs in penitentiary have important contribution
in helping prisoners to improve their behavior and return positive to
Zlatka Markov, “Assertiveness: The Style of Good Communication, the Skill of
Standing up for Oneself and of Developing Quality Interpersonal Relationships,” Opsta
Medicina, 2018, https://doi.org/10.5937/opmed1801051m.
Jason S. Wrench, “An Introduction to Organizational Communication,”
Identity and the Organization, 2012.
Destalia Niko Anindita and Herry Butar Butar, “Implementasi
Permenkumham No 12 Tahun 2017 Dalam Upaya Rehabilitasi Narapidana Tindak
Pidana Narkotika,” Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 2021,
society. Social rehabilitation is a complex process and involves
various aspects, including communication skills and religious values.8
One of the crucial aspects in the rehabilitation process is effective
communication skills, especially in understanding and applying
Islamic communication principles based on religious values.9
Communication is something important in human life so that
communication have means for humans in social life.10
Communication expert, Deddy Mulyana once said that humans who
do not communicate with each other can certainly be "lost", because
they cannot place themselves in a social environment as the nature of
humans being social creatures.11 Mulyana further explained that
communication allows humans to organize one reference as their
reference in interpreting everything they encounter.
Another opinion explained by Effendy said that
communication is talking, delivering messages, news and ideas as
well as feelings and thoughts to others with the hope of feedback
from communicant.12
Communication skills have an important position in Islamic
context, where effective communication can play a crucial role in
delivering religious messages, strengthening social bonds between
peoples, and bridging understanding between individuals and Islamic
principles.13 In the era of rapid globalization and information
technology, communication challenges in the Islamic context are
increasingly complex. Various issues such as the rapid dissemination
of information, diverse religious interpretations, and polarization of
views can affect understanding and communication in religious
Iqval Brian Hanafi and Padmono Wibowo, “PELAKSANAAN LAYANAN
Humaniora ISSNCetak, 2022.
Arli Aditya Parikesit et al., “Komunikasi Terapeutik Dalam Rehabilitasi Secara
Holistik,” Jurnal.Lppm.Unsoed.Ac.Id, 2019.
Jonathan Cliffe, “The Importance of Communication,” British Journal of
Midwifery, 2016, https://doi.org/10.12968/bjom.2016.24.5.314.
Deddy Mulyana, “Ilmu Komunikasi: Suatu Pengantar,” Remaja Rosdakarya.
Effendy Onong Uchjana, Ilmu Komunikasi, Teori Dan Praktek, Komunikasi
Dalam Sebuah Organisasi, 2019.
Faridah Faridah et al., “Teori Komunikasi Dalam Perspektif Komunikasi
Islam,” RETORIKA : Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Dan Penyiaran Islam, 2023,
Andi Faisal Bakti dan Venny Eka Meidasari, “Trendsetter Komunikasi Di Era
Digital: Tantangan Dan Peluang Pendidikan Komunikasi Dan Penyiaran Islam,” Jurnal
Komunikasi Islam, 2014.
Al-Qur'an also explained how important communication in
community life. As Allah Swt says in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 83 :
‫َٰٓر‬ ‫َٰث‬
‫َو ِإۡذ َأَخ ۡذ َنا ِم ي َق َبِنٓي ِإۡس ِء يَل اَل َتۡع ُب ُد وَن ِإاَّل ٱَهَّلل َو ِبٱۡل َٰو ِل َد ۡي ِن ِإۡح َس اٗن ا َوِذ ي ٱۡل ُق ۡر َبٰى َو ٱۡل َيَٰت َم ٰى َو ٱۡل َم َٰس ِكيِن‬
‫َو ُقوُلوْا ِللَّناِس ُح ۡس ٗن ا َو َأِقيُم وْا ٱلَّص َلٰو َة َو َء اُتوْا ٱلَّز َكٰو َة ُثَّم َتَو َّلۡي ُتۡم ِإاَّل َقِلياٗل ِّم نُك ۡم َو َأنُتم ُّم ۡع ِر ُضوَن‬
Mean : “And [recall] when We took the covenant from the
Children of Israel, [enjoining upon them], "Do not worship except Allah;
and to parents do good and to relatives, orphans, and the needy. And
speak to people good [words] and establish prayer and give zakah."
Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you were refusing. (Q.S.
Al Baqarah 2 : 83)15
The verses from Al-Qur’an above explain how humans
communicate with each other. The verse above reminds people to
speak or communicate well and correctly. This verse teaches Muslims
to speak kind and understanding words to fellow humans. This
emphasizes the importance of communicating politely, and avoiding
harsh or hurtful words.
Communication is also part of every change in behavior and
actions to convince someone that we have changed from bad actions
to good actions. Penitentiary have several functions and objectives,
one of which is to guide inmates to become better and avoid
committing crimes, and to be able to live and function socially and in
society as the nature of humans as social creatures.16
Penitentiary Class 1 Medan became the subject of research
because it has diversity and challenge with various social dynamics,
culture and diversity of ethnicity, religion and background of the
inmates. From the initial observations that researchers made
regarding Islamic communication skills among inmates who
participated in the social rehabilitation program at the class I
penitentiary in Medan, the results showed that there were still
inmates who found it difficult to communicate with others. Many of
them are alone and afraid to start communicating effectively and
assertively with other participants in taking part in this social
rehabilitation activity. There are also some who communicate
Kementerian Agama R I, “Al-Quran Dan Terjemahnya,” Jakarta: PT. Hati

Emas (2014).
I Nyoman Suandika and I Gusti Ngurah Wirasatya, “Fungsi Lembaga
Pemasyarakatan Dalam Melaksanakan Pembinaan Terhadap Warga Binaan
Pemasyarakatan (Wbp) Studi Penulisan Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan
Kelas Iia Denpasar,” Jurnal Ilmiah Raad Kertha, 2021,
ignoring values and ethics, talking dirty and rude to others. Many of
the inmates at the Medan class I penitentiary find it difficult to
express their opinions and some of them feel that they will not be
heard when they speak because they are seen as drug addicts who
will never change.
The importance of communication for inmates in the Medan
class I penitentiary is to function socially again with other inmates
when they have finished the social rehabilitation program and return
to society or when they are free from punishment for their actions.
Many social rehabilitation participants violate the rules of the
rehabilitation program because they are accustomed to using foul
language or being impolite, rude, and disrespectful to fellow inmates
or other rehabilitation participants. In the sense that this type of
communication pattern is certainly not in accordance with Islamic
communication principles. One of the rules in the social rehabilitation
program in class 1 prison in Medan is no vulgar word.
According to Robert in Amirah, communication is influenced
by several factors including perception, values, emotions,
background, roles, knowledge and relationships.17 Meanwhile,
according to Rahayu, one of the knowledge related to improving a
person's communication skills is a person's assertiveness abilities.18
Meanwhile, according to Rakhmat, communication is influenced by
self-concept, social factors, both other people and reference groups.19
Then what is very important are parents, siblings, and friends.
According to Herawati, assertiveness is an important factor in
humans to improve communication skills in life.20 In line with
research conducted by Kusumawati which stated that assertiveness
has a significant relationship with communication skills.

Amirah, “Hubungan Komunikasi (Mendengarkan, Menjelaskan Dan
Kompetensi) Dengan Kepercayaan, Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pasien Instalasi Rawat
Jalan Rumah Sakit Di Makassar (Publikasi Ilmiah).,” Makassar: FKM Universitas
Hasannudin 4, no. 1 (2013): 1–23.
Sri Rahayu, “Asertivitas Dalam Komunikasi Islami,” Jurnal Komunikasi
Keagamaan 21, no. 2 (2017): 89–102.
Jalaluddin Rakhmat, Psikologi Komunikasi, XVIII. (Bandung: Remaja
Rosdakarya, 2018)
Nurul Herawati and Tri Astuti, “Pengaruh Pelatihan Asertivitas Terhadap
Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa: Studi Eksperimental Pada Siswa Kelas VIII,” Jurnal
EMPATI, 2015.
Assertiveness refers to the ability to deliver thoughts, feelings, and
views clearly, firmly, and respectfully to others.21
Besides from assertiveness, other factors can also influence
the Islamic communication skills of inmates is presence of family
social support. According to Manihuruk and Zuraida, family social
support is an interpersonal attitude in a family which includes
actions, attitudes and acceptance of other family members, so that
they feel attention in their family.22
Astarini, et al revealed in their research that family social
support factors play a role in improving a person's communication
skills.23 Furthermore, research conducted by Harahap stated that
family support plays an important role in shaping the communication
skills of family members.24
Family social support has an important role in the social
rehabilitation process. Families can provide the emotional,
instrumental, and informational support that social rehabilitation
program participants need to overcome challenges and obstacles in
their recovery process. According to research by Anggreny et al,
family social support can help participants with schizophrenia feel
more confident in dealing with their illness.25 Social support can take
the form of motivation, guidance and encouragement from the family
to participants in social rehabilitation programs in community
institutions. Social support provided by the family can be in the form

N Kusumawati, S Lilik, and R.W Agustin, “Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Dan
Asertivitas Dengan Kecemasan Komunikasi Interpersonal Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Al
Islam 1 Surakarta,” Wacana Prodi Psikologi UNS 4, no. 2 (2011): 146–71,
Elisabet Manihuruk and Zuraida, “Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial
Keluarga Dengan Kebermaknaan Hidup Pada Pasien Pusat Rehabilitasi Narkoba
Sibolangit Center Dan Lrppn Bi Medan,” Jurnal FPsi, 2020.
Dilla Astarini, Herman Nirwana, and Riska Ahmad, “Hubungan Antara
Konsep Diri Sosial, Persepsi Siswa Tentang Dukungan Sosial Orangtua, Dan Teman
Sebaya Dengan Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Dan Implikasinya Terhadap
Pelayanan Bimbingan Dan Konseli,” Konselor 5, no. 4 (2016): 247,
Nila Mardiyah Harahap, “Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Pasien Skizofrenia Di
Rumah Sakit Jiwa Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ildrem Medan Tahun 2019,” Poltekkes
Kemenkes Medan, 2019.
Yecy Anggreny, Sodry Sodry, and Bayu Saputra, “HUBUNGAN KOMUNIKASI
RIAU,” Jurnal Ners Indonesia, 2018, https://doi.org/10.31258/jni.8.2.203-214.
of emotional support, appreciation support, tool support, and
informative support.26
At a deeper level, there is a close relationship between
assertiveness and family social support in shaping the Islamic
communication skills of social rehabilitation program participants.
Through assertiveness, participants can communicate their religious
beliefs clearly and firmly, while family social support can provide an
environment that supports the development of these communication
skills. Research by Juniardi shows that assertiveness supported by
the family can contribute to improving communication skills in a
religious context.27
The focus of this research is on assertiveness and family social
support in forming and strengthening the Islamic communication
skills of social rehabilitation program participants in class 1
penitentiary in Medan. Although there are previous studies that
discuss social rehabilitation or communication skills of rehabilitation
participants in penitentiary, not much has explored the influence of
assertiveness, family social support, and Islamic communication in
the context of social rehabilitation in penitentiary, especially in
Medan Class 1 Penitentiary.
Based on the background that has been explained, it is related
to improving the Islamic communication skills of participants in the
social rehabilitation program in class I Penitentiary in Medan and
taking into account the factors that influence. So this research aims to
see the influence of assertiveness and social support from families of
social rehabilitation program participants on Islamic communication
skills in the Medan Class I Penitentiary.
Result and Discussion
A. General Description of Research Object
a. A Brief History of Class I Penitentiary Medan
As stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human
Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: M.HH.-05.OT.01.01 of
2011 concerning Amendments to the Decree of the Minister of Justice

Nobelina Adicondro and Alfi Purnamasari, “Efikasi Diri, Dukungan Sosial
Keluarga Dan Self Regulated Learning Pada Siswa Kelas Viii,” HUMANITAS: Indonesian
Psychological Journal 8, no. 1 (2011): 17,
Muhamad Juniardi, “Peran Komunikasi Asertif Dalam Merajut Ukhuwah
Insaniyah Pada Warga Dusun 4 Desa Gunung Agung Udik Kabupaten Lampung Timur
Kecamatan Sekampung,” UIN Raden Intan Lampung (2023).
Number: M.01-PR.07.03 of 198 concerning the Organization and
Work Procedures of Correctional Institutions that Correctional
Institutions are Correctional Technical Implementation Units which
are places for providing guidance and security for correctional
inmates and students so that good governance is necessary in order
to provide maximum correctional services.
Initially, the Medan Class I Penitentiary was located on the
Medan City Electricity Road, a relic of the Dutch Government era
when it was called a Prison. Then it experienced development along
with the birth of the Correctional System as a replacement for the
Prison System, so the term for the name Prison became the Class I
Medan Correctional Institution. Furthermore, the development of the
city of Medan, from a geographical perspective, the prison building on
Electric Street in Medan City was no longer suitable as a place for
convict training, so in 1982 the Class I Medan Penitentiary began to
be built, located on Jalan Tanjung Gusta Correctional Institution,
Medan Helvetia District, Medan City.
In 1983, the Class I Penitentiary in Medan was ready to be
occupied and all the inmates from Jalan Asli Medan were transferred
to the Class I Penitentiary in Medan, Tanjung Gusta, Medan City. The
Medan Class I Penitentiary stands on a land area of 97,869 square
meters (M2) and a building area of 19,825 square meters (M2).
However, on top of this land area, covering an area of 76,044 square
meters (M2), there are buildings for the Medan Class I Special
Development Institution for Children, the Class IIA Medan Women's
Correctional Institution and the Medan Class I Storage House for State
Confiscated Goods. Currently, the condition of the Medan Class I
Penitentiary building is still in the recovery stage, with the process of
constructing office buildings for the facilities and infrastructure of the
Medan Class I Penitentiary after the July 11 2013 chaos.
b. Vission and Mission Penitentiary Class I Medan
Making Penitentiary Class I Medan a professional correctional
provider in law enforcement and protecting human rights.
1) Upholding the Law and Human Rights of Prisoners,
Prisoners, Children and Penitentiary Clients;
2) Developing Penitentiary Management and Implementing
IT-Based Correctional Standards;
3) Increasing Community Participation (involvement, support
and supervision) in Penitentiary Administration;
4) Developing professionalism and a clean and dignified work
culture for Penitentiary officers;
5) Carrying out studies and development of Penitentiary
6) Tough in Security, Excellent in Service, Productive in

c. Structure of Penitentiary Class I Medan

Figure I. Structure of Penitentiary Class I Medan

B. Research Result
a) Analysis of Research Variable Description
This section will provide a description of each research
variable. Presentation of data for each variable is in the form of a
frequency distribution, where each respondent provides an
assessment according to their respective opinions. To describe there
are 18 questions about exogenous variables (X1, and X2), 12
statement items for exogenous variables (X3).
The process of distributing questionnaires was directly by
researchers to inmates in Class I Medan penitentiary who were taking
part in rehabilitation program. Based on the distribution that has
been, the results of the questionnaire return rate obtained are as

Table 4.1
Questionnaire Return Rate
Information Amount Percentage
Number of questionnaires distributed 100 100%
Number of unreturned questionnaires 0 0
Total questionnaires collected 100 100%
Number of damaged questionnaires 0 0
Number of questionnaires processed 186 100%

Based on the table above, it shows that the total number of

questionnaires distributed was 186 questionnaires. After being
collected again, all the questionnaires distributed were successfully
collected again. Then checks were ensure that each questionnaire
was not damaged or incompletely filled in. The inspection results
showed that all questionnaires distributed had a return rate of
100%. This means that the distribution and return of questionnaires
is at a very good level and can continue to be used in further
processing stages.

1. Assertiveness (X1)
The description of the assertiveness variable data based on
the results of research questionnaires on inmates at Medan
Penitentary I who took part in the rehabilitation program is
presented in the following table:
Table 4.2
Frequency Distribution of Assertiveness
No Indicator Rates TCR (%) Category
1 Promoting equality in daily
interactions within prisons
is important for building 3,57 71,40 Good
fairer relationships between
2 My participation in 3,40 68,00 Good
promoting equality in
human relations within
prisons can increase the
sense of unity and justice
among us.
3 I tend to act according to my
personal interests without
3,33 66,60 Good
considering the impact on
other people in prison.
4 My participation in acting
according to my own
interests can influence 3,43 68,60 Good
social relationships and
group dynamics in prison.
5 I tend to defend myself
when facing conflicts or 3,39 67,80 Good
difficult situations in prison.
6 My participation in
defending myself often has
positive results in 3,27 65,40 Good
understanding and solving
problems in prison.
7 I feel comfortable and safe
to express my feelings
3,61 72,20 Good
honestly in the prison
8 My participation in
expressing feelings honestly
and comfortably in prison
3,24 64,80 Good
has had a positive impact on
social relations and
9 I feel I have the freedom and
opportunity to exercise my
3,57 71,40 Good
personal rights in the prison
10 My participation in
implementing personal
rights in prison makes a 3,53 70,60 Good
positive contribution to my
personal well-being.
Variable Average 3,43 68,68 Good

Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the statement
item I feel comfortable and safe to express my feelings honestly in the
prison environment has the highest TCR value, namely 72.20 and is in
the good category. This means that feelings of comfort and safety in
expressing feelings must be further enhanced to get excellent results.
The lowest score is seen in the statement item: My
participation in expressing feelings honestly and comfortably in
prison has a positive impact on social relations and togetherness,
which is 64.80 and is in the good category. This shows that there is
still a lack of positive impact felt after expressing honest feelings, and
needs to be improved further.

2. Family Social Support (X2)

The description of the Family Social Support variable data
based on the results of research questionnaires on inmates at Medan
Penitentiary I who took part in the rehabilitation program is
presented in the following table:
Table 4.3
Frequency Distribution of Family Social Support
No Indicator Rates TCR Categor
(%) y
1 I feel able to identify and
manage my emotions well in 3,76 75,20 Good
2 My participation in
developing the emotional
dimension has had a
4,11 82,20 Good
positive impact on my
personal well-being and
social interactions in prison.
3 I feel that my access to
information in prison is 3,80 76,00 Good
sufficient to meet my needs.
4 My participation in
developing the information
dimension in prisons helps
3,82 76,40 Good
increase my knowledge and
understanding of various
5 I feel that I receive adequate 4,13 82,60 Good
instrumental support, such
as assistance in meeting
daily needs from my family
6 My participation in utilizing
instrumental support within
prison has had a positive 3,72 74,46 Good
impact on my ability to
overcome daily challenges.
7 I feel that I received
sufficient support from my 4,05 81,00 Good
family while I was in prison.
8 My family's participation in
providing reward support
has had a positive impact on 3,97 79,40 Good
my motivation and well-
being in prison.
Variable Average 3,92 78,41 Good
Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the statement
item I feel I receive adequate instrumental support, such as assistance
in meeting the family's daily needs, has the highest TCR value, 82.60
and is in the Very Good category. This means that prison inmates
receive help and support from their families.
The lowest score is seen in the statement item: My
participation in utilizing instrumental support in prison has had a
positive impact on my ability to overcome daily challenges, which is
74.46 and is in the good category. This shows that there is still a lack
of use of instrumental support from the inmates and must be
improved further.

3. Islamic Communication (Y)

The description of the Islamic Communication variable data
based on the results of research questionnaires on inmates at Medan
Penitentiary I who took part in the rehabilitation program, is
presented in the following table:
Table 4.4
Islamic Communication Frequency Distribution
No Indicator Rate TCR (%) Category
1 I believe that using correct 3,97 79,40 Good
speech in prison can help
create a more harmonious
2 My participation in using
the correct words in prison
improves the quality of my 3,91 78,20 Good
communication with fellow
3 I feel it is important to use
kind words in daily 4,19 83,80 Good
interactions in prison.
4 My participation in using
kind words in prison can
3,89 77,80 Good
improve my social relations
with fellow inmates
5 Using effective words in
prison helps me feel more
involved in rehabilitation 4,02 80,40 Good
and self-improvement
6 I feel that effective speech in
prison can help create a
more positive 4,08 81,60 Very Good
7 My participation in using
easy and appropriate words
in prison makes me more 4,14 82,80 Very Good
motivated to communicate
8 I feel that the use of easy
and appropriate speech in
prison helps reduce the 4,17 83,40 Very Good
potential for conflict
between inmates.
9 The use of soft language will
give a positive effect when 4,19 83,80 Very Good
10 Soft language will form good
4,31 86,20 Very Good
social relationships
11 I believe that the use of 4,02 80,40 Good
noble speech in prison can
help create respect among
fellow inmates.
12 My participation in using
noble words in prison can
4,00 80,00 Good
have a positive impact on
the environment around me
Variable Average 4,07 81,48 Very Good
Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the statement
item that soft language will form good social relationships has the
highest TCR value, namely 86.20 and is in the Very Good category.
This means that prison inmates agree that the language used in daily
activities must be gentle which will form good social relations.
The lowest score is seen in the statement item: My
participation in using kind words in prison can improve my social
relations with fellow inmates, which is 77.80 and is in the good
category. This shows that there is still a lack of good communication
between inmates and must be improved further to reach the excellent

b) Data Analysis Results

1) Classic Assuption Test
a. Normality Test
This normality test is carried out to see whether the
distribution of data is normally distributed or not. Normality
testing in this research was carried out using statistical
testskolmogrof smirnov,which if the value of asymp. Sig (2-
tailed)> 0.05 then the distribution can be said to be normal.
Conversely, if the value of asymp. Sig (2-tailed)> 0.05 then
the distribution can be said to be not normal. Calculation
results using statistical test kolmogrof smirnovis as follows.

Table 4.5 Normality Tes

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 100
Normal Mean ,0000000
Parametersa,b Std. ,98984745
Most Absolute ,046
Extreme Positive ,046
Differences Negative -,040
Test Statistic ,046
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d
Source : Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
Based on normality test with statistical test kolmogrof
smirnov obtained asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.200. This
shows the Sig value (2-tailed)> 0.05. This means that the data
used in this research has a normal distribution and further
testing can be continued.
b. Uji Heteroscedasticity
The heteroscedasticity test is a test used to see whether
the data obtained from the sample is homogeneous or not. To
find out, a method is used Test Homogeny Of Variance at α =
0.05, with the criterion that if the resulting significance is >
0.05, it means that the sample data has the same variance or
the sample data is said to be homogeneous. Meanwhile, if the
resulting significance is <0.05, it means that the sample data
has different variants or the sample data is said to be
heteroscedastic. The results of the heteroscedasticity test can
be seen in the following table:

Table 4.5
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 4,219 1,705 2,475 ,015
x1 -,022 ,036 -,068 -,615 ,540
x2 ,008 ,055 ,015 ,139 ,890
Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
Based on the table above, it is known that the
significance for the Assertiveness variable is 0.540 and Social
Support is 0.890. Thus it can be concluded that there is no
heteroscedasticity problem in the regression model or the
residual variance of the regression model is homogeneous or
the regression model obtained is free from cases of

c. Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity is a form of testing for assumptions in
multiple regression. The multicollinearity test states that the
independent variable must be free from symptoms of
correlation between the independent variables. To test the
existence of multicollinearity it can be seen through the
value Variance Inflation Faktor (VIF) and Tolerance. If VIF <
10, then multicollinearity does not occur, whereas if VIF > 10
means multicollinearity occurs. The results of testing the
multicollinearity assumption for each variable can be seen
based on the VIF value as follows :
Table 4.6
Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 20,884 2,936 7,113 ,000
x1 ,129 ,062 ,164 2,093 ,039 ,845 1,183
x2 ,744 ,094 ,621 7,905 ,000 ,845 1,183
Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
From the table above, the results of processing with
SPSS 22 above can be seen the tolerance and VIF numbers for
each independent variable. Assertiveness Variable (X 1) and
Family Social Support (X2) has a VIF of 1.183. So there is no
correlation between independent variables or
multicollinearity free.
2) Multiple Regression Analysis
This research analyzes the influence of 2 independent
variables, namely Assertiveness (X1) and Family Social
Support (X2) influences Islamic Communication (Y). The
analysis was using multiple regression with the results of the
analysis can be seen in the following table:
Table 4.7
Multiple Regression Analysis
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 20,884 2,936 7,113 ,000
x1 ,129 ,062 ,164 2,093 ,039
x2 ,744 ,094 ,621 7,905 ,000
Source : Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
From the table above, the multiple regression model can
be formulated as follows:
Y = a + β1X1 + β2X2
Y = 20.884 + 0,129X1 + 0,744X2
Y = Islamic Communication
a = Constant
X1 = Assertiveness
X2 = Family Social Support

Based on the equation above it can be explained:

1) From the equation above, it can be seen that the
constant value is 20,884, which means that the
assertiveness and family social support variables are
zero. So the value of the Islamic communication
variable is 20,884.
2) Assertiveness regression coefficient (X 1) has a positive
value, namely 0.129, indicating that every one unit
increase in the Assertiveness variable will result in an
increase in Islamic Communication of 0.129.
3) Family Social Support regression coefficient (X 2) has a
positive value of 0.744, indicating that every increase in
one unit of Family Social Support will result in an
increase in Islamic Communication of 0.744.

3) Hyphothesis Test
1. F Test
The F test is used to determine whether all
independent variables, namely together, have a significant
influence on the dependent variable
Table 4.8
F Test
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2020,402 2 1010,201 47,261 .000b
Residual 2073,388 97 21,375
Total 4093,790 99
Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
From the table above, it can be concluded that there is
a significant influence jointly between the variables
Assertiveness (X1) and Family Social Support (X2) on Islamic
Communication (Y) in Penetentiary I Medan. Based on the
data processing results in the table, a significance level of
0.000 is obtained when compared with the significance value
determined in this study of 0.05, so the significance level of
the data processing results is smaller than the significance
level determined in this study, as a result Ho is rejected.
The coefficient of determination test is used to
measure the ability of all Assertiveness (X1) and Family
Social Support (X2) variables in explaining the variance of
the Islamic Communication variables (Y) in Penetentiary
Class I Medan.

Table 4.9
Determination Test
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted Std.
R Square Error of
1 .703a ,494 ,483 4,62333
Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
From the table above it can be seen that the coefficient
of determination is 0.494, meaning that the contribution of
Assertiveness (X1) and Family Social Support (X2) to Islamic
Communication (Y) in Prison I Medan is 49.4%, while 50.6%
is determined by other factors which are not included. into
this research.
2. T Test
The t test aims to see the effect of each variable, the
independent variable, on the dependent variable

Table 4.10
T Test
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant
20,884 2,936 7,113 ,000
x1 ,129 ,062 ,164 2,093 ,039
x2 ,744 ,094 ,621 7,905 ,000
Source: Primary Data Processing Results, 2024
From the table above, it can be concluded that the
Assertiveness variable (X1) has a significant effect on Islamic
Communication (Y) in the Class I Penitentiary in Medan. This
can be seen from the t-count value being greater than the t-
table, namely 2.093 > 1.98472 and a significant value of
0.039 < 0.05. With these results, it can be concluded that
partially Assertiveness (X1) has a significant effect on Islamic
Communication (Y)
Furthermore, the variable Family Social Support (X2)
has a significant effect on Islamic Communication (Y) in the
Class I Penitentiary in Medan. This can be seen from the t-
count value being greater than the t-table, namely 7.905 >
1.98472 and a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. With these
results, it can be concluded that partially Family Social
Support (X2) has a significant effect on Islamic
Communication (Y)

C. Discussion
1. The Influence of Assertiveness of Social Rehabilitation Program
Participants on Islamic Communication Skills in Medan Class 1
This research aims to determine the influence of
Assertiveness of Social Rehabilitation Program Participants on
Islamic Communication Skills in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. Based
on the hypothesis test carried out, it is known that Assertiveness
influences the Islamic communication skills of Social Rehabilitation
Program Participants in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. The results of
this research identify that the better the level of assertiveness a
person has, the Islamic communication skills of the inmates of class
I Penitentiary in Medan will improve.
According to Herawati, assertiveness is an important factor
in humans to improve communication skills in everyday life. 28 In
line with research conducted by Kusumawati which states that
assertiveness has a significant relationship with communication
In Islam, communication is an important aspect of human
life. Effective communication can help someone to build good
relationships with other people, convey opinions and aspirations,
and resolve conflicts. Assertiveness is one of the important
communication skills. Assertiveness is the ability to express oneself
honestly and firmly, without being aggressive or passive. In Islamic
communication, assertiveness has a positive impact, namely
increasing communication effectiveness, improving interpersonal
relationships, and increasing self-confidence. Healthy assertiveness
must be in line with Islamic ethical values, avoiding behavior that
harms, demeans or harms other people. In Islam, good
communication is always emphasized to create harmony in
relationships between individuals and society.
2. The Influence of Family Social Support of Rehabilitation
Program Participants on Islamic Communication Skills in
Medan Class 1 Penitentiary
The second aim of this research is to determine the
influence of social support from the families of Social
Rehabilitation Program Participants on Islamic Communication
Skills in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. Based on the hypothesis test
carried out, it is known that family social support influences the
Islamic communication skills of Social Rehabilitation Program
Participants in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. The results of this
research identify that the better the level of family social support
Herawati and Astuti, “Pengaruh Pelatihan Asertivitas Terhadap Komunikasi
Interpersonal Siswa: Studi Eksperimental Pada Siswa Kelas VIII.”
Kusumawati, Lilik, and Agustin, “Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Dan
Asertivitas Dengan Kecemasan Komunikasi Interpersonal Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Al
Islam 1 Surakarta.”
received by a prison inmate will improve the Islamic
communication skills of class I Medan Penitentiary inmates.
Astarini, et al revealed in their research that family social
support factors play a role in improving a person's communication
skills.30 Furthermore, research conducted by Harahap stated that
family support plays an important role in shaping the
communication skills of family members.31
Family social support is one of the factors that can influence
Islamic communication. Family social support is the help and
support provided by family members to other family members.
Family social support can take the form of emotional support,
instrumental support, information support and motivational
support. Emotional support is support given to provide a feeling of
comfort, love and affection. Instrumental support is support
provided to provide assistance in material or physical terms.
Information support is support provided to provide information or
advice. Motivational support is support provided to provide
motivation and encouragement. Social support from family can
have a big influence on a person's Islamic communication. Family
social support can increase individuals' emotional resilience, so
that they can face challenges and stress in life better. In the context
of Islamic communication, emotional resilience can help someone
to maintain patience and calm in interacting with other people.
Instrumental support from the family, such as encouraging
prayer and other religious practices, can strengthen a person's
commitment to Islamic teachings. Overall, family social support can
be an important pillar in forming individuals who are able to
communicate in accordance with Islamic values. This support not
only includes spiritual aspects, but also shapes character and ethics
in interacting with other people.
3. The Influence of Assertiveness and Social Support of
Rehabilitation Program Participants on Islamic
Communication Skills in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary

Astarini, Nirwana, and Ahmad, “Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Sosial,
Persepsi Siswa Tentang Dukungan Sosial Orangtua, Dan Teman Sebaya Dengan
Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pelayanan Bimbingan
Dan Konseli.”
Harahap, “Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Pasien Skizofrenia Di Rumah Sakit
Jiwa Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ildrem Medan Tahun 2019.”
The aim of the next research is to determine the joint
influence of Assertiveness and Social Support of Family Social
Rehabilitation Program Participants on Islamic Communication
Skills in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. Based on the hypothesis test
carried out, it is known that Assertiveness and Social Support
together have a significant effect on Islamic Communication Skills
in the Medan Class 1 Penitentiary, Participants in the Social
Rehabilitation Program.
This is supported by the multiple regression analysis that has
been carried out, namely the R Square of 49.4%, meaning that the
contribution of Assertiveness (X1) and Family Social Support (X2)
to Islamic Communication (Y) in Penitentiary I Medan is 49.4%,
while 50.6% is determined. by other factors not included in this
According to Yusuf, assertiveness has a crucial role in
improving individual communication skills.32 Strong assertive
skills can help social rehabilitation program participants to be
more confident in communicating, especially in the context of
Islamic values.33
Assertiveness and social support are two factors that can
influence Islamic communication skills. Assertiveness is the ability
to express oneself honestly and firmly, without being aggressive or
passive. Social support is help and support provided by other
people to a person. When these two factors are present together,
they will have a positive influence on Islamic communication skills.
Assertiveness can help someone deliver their message clearly and
directly, while social support can help someone feel more
comfortable and confident in communicating. By increasing
assertiveness and social support, we can improve our Islamic
communication skills. Effective communication is important for
building good relationships with other people, delivering opinions
and aspirations, and resolving conflicts.


Based on the results of the research and discussion, several

conclusions can be drawn as follows: First, assertiveness
influences the Islamic communication skills of Social
Rehabilitation Program Participants in Medan Class 1
Adie E.Yusuf, “Bersikap Asertif Dalam Komunikasi.”
Rahayu, “Asertivitas Dalam Komunikasi Islami.”
Penitentiary. The results of this research identify that the better
the level of assertiveness a person has, the Islamic communication
skills of the inmates of class I Penitentiary in Medan will improve.
Second, family social support influences the Islamic
communication skills of Social Rehabilitation Program
Participants in Medan Class 1 Penitentiary. The results of this
research identify that the better the level of family social support
received by a Penitentiary inmate will improve the Islamic
communication skills of class I Medan Penitentiary inmates. Third,
assertiveness and social support together have a significant effect
on Islamic communication skills in class 1 Penitentiary in Medan,
participants in the social rehabilitation program.


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