Justin Trudeau - The Great Reset - Invitation

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s13(1)(0) 8.15(1) s.19(1) The Rt Hon, Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada Office of the Prime Minister of Canada Langevin Block 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Canada 27 May 2020 Dear Prime Minister, | would like formally to invite you to join the launch of a major global initiative: (I developed in partnership with HRH The Prince of Wales. To seize the current window of opportunity, this initiative will outline policy levers and transformations that are necessary to ensure our systems are recalibrated in a post COVID-19 recovery context towards a future which is more equitable, inclusive, sustainable and resilient. This launch, representing an unprecedented global and multi-stakeholder Call to Action, will take place as a high-level virtual session on Wednesday, 3 June (14.30-15.45 CEST). The session will be on the record, Since you are at the forefront of future-oriented thought leadership, it would be highly appreciated if you would bring your perspectives to the closing of this session. Acconcept note will follow shortly. ‘Thank you for your kind consideration of this invitation. ‘Yours sincerely, CH-1293 Cologny/Geneva, Switzerland , Esmaik contact@welorum.org, www. weforum.org World Economic Forum, 91-98 route de ta Teli: +41 (O)22 B69 1912, Fax: +41 (0)02 7% WORLD =_— FQRUM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Now is the time for a 'great reset’ Jun 3, 2020 Klaus Schwab Founder, Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum ¢ Visit the Great Reset microsite here. ¢ Hear Klaus Schwab on these podcast episodes: the Great Reset launch and his book. + We can emerge from this crisis a better world, if we act quickly and jointly, writes Schwab. * The changes we have already seen in response to COVID-19 prove that a reset of our economic and social foundations is possible. ¢ This is our best chance to instigate stakeholder capitalism - and here's how it can be achieved. COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is WORLD =_— FQRUM COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable. To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism. DISCOVER What is the World Economic Forum doing about the coronavirus outbreak? Launched by the WEF on 03 June 2020, the core message of the forum's Great Reset initiative boils down to the claim that “there is a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis” (HRH the Prince of Wales on the occasion of the initiative's virtual opening event). BD https://www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov » pme The Great Reset. Restratification for lives, livelinoods, and the planet - PMC - NCBI

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