Roadmap B1 WB - Removed
Roadmap B1 WB - Removed
Roadmap B1 WB - Removed
the language … And the food! The food was the best part. occasional emails to friends, though, telling them my news.
It was incredible. I had so much fun trying local dishes. My To be honest, these days, keeping in touch doesn’t take
favourite was congee, a creamy rice soup. It smells so that much effort. ‘Liking’ a photo or an update on social
good. In fact every time I have it now, it brings back media is an easy way to show that we care about what is
memories of that time! going on in each other’s lives. I think saying that life is too
Claudia busy to keep in touch is an excuse. It’s like anything – you
My most memorable experience? Well, it would have to be make it possible if you really want to.
the time I met my hero, the writer Rick Stevens. I had been 3
a fan of his books for years and I used to wait excitedly for My dad was in the Air Force so we moved every three
every new book to be released. One day, I was walking years! I quickly got used to meeting new people and now I
down the street when suddenly, there he was, in my local find it quite easy to make friends. I have made some very
bookshop. Imagine that! I was so surprised … and I don’t good friends, but I only have a couple of friends who I’ve
know how, but I walked up to him and asked if I could send kept in touch with. I guess because these were special
him some of my writing … and he agreed! He actually friendships and so I think we’ll be friends for life. But I think
helped to start my career! Now I write for a local this is rare. Things change so much in life and it’s not
newspaper and I’m currently writing my first novel! It’s realistic to think you’ll have things in common with a friend
funny, but I’ll always remember the song by Kylie Minogue that you had when you were ten. I don’t think friendships
that was playing in the bookshop that day. Every time I have to last a lifetime. People come into your life at
hear it on the radio now, it reminds me of how lucky I was! different moments and when people move on, you should
give thanks for the time you had with them.
UNIT 3 Recording 1
1 UNIT 4 Recording 1
I’ve met so many amazing people, I suppose because I’ve
P = Presenter L = Luke A = Amy Pa = Paul J = Jo
done a lot of travelling and I’ve never stayed in one place
C = Clem
for too long. In fact, I’ve lived in 20 cities so far! I travel
P: Today in the studio, we are talking about things we
because of my job, and it’s easy to make friends with
couldn’t live without and we have five millennials to help
colleagues because you see them a lot, every day in the
us! Let’s start with you, Luke. What would be the one
office. It’s harder with my childhood friends. We don’t see
thing you can’t live without?
each other much and staying in touch is not as easy as you
L: Apart from my girlfriend? I would have to say my phone.
would think, even with all the new technologies and social
I absolutely love music and can’t live without it. I listen to
media we have. We also have very different lives: most of
music on my phone on the way to the office, and when
my friends have never left my hometown and some have
I’m at work. I think without music, I would go crazy. Life
had families early. However, we do make sure that at the
today can be so stressful and noisy, especially living in
beginning of each New Year we look in our diaries to find
a big city, so sometimes I try and stop all the noise with
one weekend when we can all get together that year.
some relaxing music.
Normally, we do a city break so it’s like a reunion and a
P: Thanks, Luke, although I do wonder how a 20-year-old
mini holiday! It’s fabulous to meet up in a different place
can be stressed. And Amy, you’re a researcher in a
and there’s always so much to catch up on!
social media company, so we can guess what your
2 object would be!
I love meeting new people, and I have different groups of
A: Actually, you’d be surprised. I would definitely leave
friends from each stage of my life. I have my school
social media behind if I went to a desert island. In fact,
friends, then friendships from university and one or two
my research proves that we would be better off without
friends from each job I’ve had – there have been a few!
it! Whenever I need to get away, I head for the
When I was younger, I kept in touch with people by phone.
countryside. I love getting out of the city and need to be
I used to spend every Sunday calling old friends, wherever
active – I think it’s so important to do plenty of exercise,
I was; it was my Sunday routine! I loved writing letters, too,
especially in the fast-paced world we live in. My big
but I don’t do it now, I guess very few people do. I do write
passion is walking, so it would have to be my boots! of my personality, without that we’re all just like …
P: Paul, over to you. You’ve recently started your own robots.
company I believe? A: I’m sorry you don’t like it, Maria, but if you think about it
Pa: That’s right, so without my laptop I’d be lost. I use it for …
everything: for my schedules, for email, talking to people M: I don’t need to think about it. I’m going to find the boss
online … I couldn’t be without it. It’s essential for and tell him what I think. Uniforms!
organising my life. I’m very sociable so I spend hours 2
and hours on social media. It drives my family crazy! R: Hey Brian, I haven’t seen you for a while. I thought you
P: Thanks, Paul. Over to you, Jo. What would be your were ill or something.
thing? B: Oh no, I just had to take a few days off. I’ve sold my flat
J: I know it’s not really a ‘thing’, but I think it would have to and bought a cottage in the country, so I spent the last
be online shopping! Especially Netline Direct – definitely few days packing everything up. There was so much
my number one shop! I use it all the time as it’s so more than I thought …
reliable and I don’t have to leave the house. I’ve never R: I know, we moved last year and I found the whole thing
been disappointed and the only time I had an issue, the really stressful …
customer service was excellent and the problem was B: Yeah, I had to pack all of my clothes, the furniture,
solved in minutes. I always use it for myself or even for everything, all by myself. It was crazy.
buying presents. It means I don’t have to go shopping, R: Poor you!
which is wonderful because shopping is always the last B: Oh, and then when I finally got to the new place, the
thing I want to do! central heating didn’t work!
P: Thanks, Jo, and last but not least, Clem … what would R: Oh, what did you do?
be the thing you couldn’t live without? B: It was OK in the end, but yes, a total nightmare. I’m so
C: I’m going to say something very non-tech … a book tired.
would be my most precious possession. I read for at R: Er, yes, it can’t be easy for you … oh, that’s my phone
least two hours a day, and when I go anywhere I take a … I’d better take this, speak to you later!
book with me. It’s the only way I can take a break from 3
this world, and lose myself in a different one. The last G: Oh, it’s one o’ clock already. Hey Tina, do you want to
book I read was called The Star Man. It was amazing come for lunch?
and changed my life! T: I’d love to, Gill, but I really can’t. I have to go shopping
P: Wow! That’s saying something. Thanks for all your for a new dress for a party at the weekend … and
contributions. It was very interesting to hear what’s besides, I’m watching what I eat at the moment.
important to our millennials. G: Really? But why don’t you come and order something
like grilled fish and a green salad? The restaurant on the
UNIT 5 Recording 1 corner has some really healthy options. You can always
M = Maria A = Andrew R = Raquel B = Brian get the dress after work, come on …
G = Gill T = Tina T: Argh, it’s just every time I eat out, I have something fried
1 or really unhealthy, like chips or chocolate. I can’t stop
M: Hey, you seem happy – it must be good news! myself. And then I feel bad after. I hate dieting!
A: It is actually. The boss has just told me that we’re going G: You don’t need to diet. The key to a balanced diet is
to have uniforms instead of casual clothes. Starting next eating a little bit of everything – fruit, vegetables, fish …
month. What a great idea! and even sweet things occasionally, having regular
M: What? That can’t be true. It’s a terrible idea. meals and doing enough exercise. If you do all that,
A: It’s a great idea! Think about it, Maria. Uniforms mean then you’ll be healthy and feel great.
that we don’t have to spend so much time every T: Hmm, that’s easy to say …
morning choosing something to wear to work. G: Come on, let’s go. I’m starving!
M: Yes, but then we’ll all look the same! My clothes are part T: OK, I’m coming!
I = interviewer K = Karen M = Marta S = Sam S: Well, I mean, she does everything for me. I still live at
I: Welcome back, folks. Today we’re celebrating Human home, you see. She does my washing, makes my bed,
Achievement Day, where we take a look at great things cooks my dinner and I’m allowed to watch anything I
that the people around us have done in their lives. want on TV. My friends tell me I need to move out, I’m
Today, in particular, we’re celebrating people in our lives 40 next week, but I think they’re wrong! Living at home
Those people that keep trying until they’re successful. I: Er … right … thanks, Sam. So that’s all we have time for
Pa: That will look silly, Pearl … I know! The hall. It can go UNIT 10 Recording 1
on the wall in the entrance so it’s the first thing we see NR = News reporter M = Mayor W1 = Woman 1
when we come in. M1 = Man 1 W2 = Woman M2 = Man 2
Pe: Great idea. Let’s do that. NR: Harrow council has announced plans to convert an
2 old hotel car park into a park and ride. The council
S: How can I help, sir? promises that the new bus service into the town
C: Well, I bought this picture and frame last week in your centre will reduce traffic and air pollution. Some
shop, but I can see a mark on the canvas. I’d like a people say that the car park will open as a park and
refund. ride early next year. The local council have said that
S: Could I have a look, sir? there will be a frequent bus service every 20 minutes,
C: Of course. You can see in the corner of the painting, and they have also promised to offer all-day parking
there’s a mark. for only two pounds. The mayor spoke to one of our
S: I’m afraid that mark wasn’t there when you bought it, sir. reporters in Harrow.
We check all paintings before we take payment. M: The idea is that people can leave their car and take a
C: Well, the young girl who served me didn’t and it was direct bus into town rather than drive into the centre.
only when I got home that I realised. We hope this will encourage people not to drive in the
S: Well, do you have your receipt? town centre. We have a huge problem with
C: Of course not, it was a tiny piece of paper. I threw it congestion and it is now a top priority. Last year, we
away. considered banning all cars in the town centre, but we
S: I’m very sorry about that, but unfortunately, I can’t do had too many people complaining, so we believe this
anything about it. new service is the next best thing.
NR: But what do the people of Harrow think? Let’s hear
C: That’s ridiculous. Can I see the manager, please? I’d what the locals have to say.
like to make a complaint. W1: I think it’s a great idea. I actually live near the new
3 park and ride. In the morning, I can easily spend
W: OK, so we have two hours, what do you think we about half an hour looking for a car parking space in
should do? I fancy some culture. the town centre, so this is wonderful news.
M: Well, there’s an exhibition of photography in the town M1: Parking in the town centre is just too expensive.
hall. It’s about the oldest tribe in the Amazon. It looks They’ve said that the bus fare will be one pound and
fascinating. only two pounds for all-day parking – only three
W: Oh, I think I’ve been to that. It was excellent. pounds for the day! Compared to what I pay now on
M: Well, if you don’t want to go, there’s another one with parking and petrol, this will make a big difference to
weird sculptures. the community. I’m thrilled!
W: Sculptures aren’t my thing, I find them pretty boring. W2: People drive too fast for me these days. I’ve been
Let’s go to the one on photography. It was so good driving for 40 years, but I get more nervous now with
that I don’t mind going back. the number of cars on the road and especially in the
4 centre. To be honest, I don’t feel safe anymore. This
TG: So, here we have one of the artist’s last pieces before new park and ride is perfect for me because I will feel
he died. You can see it’s made from stone. It’s likely much more relaxed taking a bus into town. In fact, I’ll
that the two figures we can see are the artist and his probably go in more often!
life partner, who died in a tragic accident. It’s possible M2: For people like me, who live in villages outside the
that this was the artist’s tribute to his partner. You can town, this is amazing news. It will also help reduce
see that it’s difficult to see whose legs and arms are pollution. I’m for anything that will help the
whose and I think this was the sculptor’s intention. It environment.
seems to me he wanted to show how close the couple NR: The council has also announced the possible building
were; people say they were inseparable! of park and share car parks where people can meet at