Anna University, Chennai - 600 025: Additional Controller of Examinations University Departments
Anna University, Chennai - 600 025: Additional Controller of Examinations University Departments
Anna University, Chennai - 600 025: Additional Controller of Examinations University Departments
1.Verify your Name, Subject Code & Subject Name.
2. Strictly follow the seat number(if specified) of each course before entering the Examination Hall
3. The Hallticket without Faculty Advisor's signature and Department Seal is considered as invalid.
4. Possession of cell phones / any incriminating material / any electronic storage devices / smart watches / programmable
calculators lead to invalidation of all the theory and practical subjects registered by the candidate.
5. Avoid overwriting and wrong information in the answer booklet.
6. The candidate should compulsorily strike off in ball pen / ink pen All the unused spaces and pages in the answer script.
7. This Hallticket has been generated and provided before generation of attendance prevention list. The final result will be
published only if candidate earns minimum required attendance as per regulations.