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Booklet FYP Proposal 2022 EN

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Introduction 1
Project Criteria According to Program 2
Project Proposal Implementation Schedule 11
Key Track TTT_4172 Project Proposal 14
Submission Document Guidelines 15
Deliverable 1- Chapter 1 Project Planning 15
Deliverable 2- Chapter 2 Literary Highlights 17
Deliverable 3- Chapter 3a Analysis and Specification of Requirements 18
Deliverable 4- Chapter 3b Design Specifications 20
Deliverable 5- Report on Proposal 22
Rubric of Assessment 25
PTA Committee 32

This booklet contains information and guidelines regarding The TTT_4172 Project Proposal.
The guidelines, project planning, and evaluation guidelines found in this booklet have been
prepared by Final Year Project Committee. Students are advised to always discuss with the
supervisor in the process of preparing their respective final year project proposal documents.



Computer System Projects developed by students must meet the following general criteria:
i. Using different platforms for the development of an application.
ii. Applying algorithmic architecture, data structures, design patterns, or data
iii. Ensure that the main function of the problem is solved based on one or a combination
of several different approaches.
iv. Ensuring the correct use of data is emphasized in problem-solving
v. Generate testing and development of a protocol to solve problems.


Project Type Specific Criteria

The development of a system or algorithm Project development must meet criteria based on the type
is related to one of the fields below: of project as follows:
1. Knowledge-based System
Example: A Knowledge-Based System/Web/Mobile App:
System For Poverty Prediction Using 1. Able to use tools or libraries to analyze problems.
Machine Learning Approach 2. Able to select and use artificial intelligence
2. Predictive Analytics techniques as a solution.
Example: Forecasting System of 3. Develop interfaces for software systems and
Water Quality Index in Chini Lake models.
Using Decision Tree Method 4. Demonstrate analytical skills in problem-solving.
3. Expert System
Example: Development of an Algorithm:
Ontology-Based Malay Traditional 1. Using real data or datasets in performance testing.
Clothing Repository 2. According to the data mining steps (data cleaning,
4. Machine Learning (Machine data integration, data selection
Learning) and transformation, data mining, model evaluation)
Example: Recognition of Jawi Letter @ image pre-processing steps on the data used.
Shapes Based on Arabic Letters 3. Able to select and use artificial intelligence
Using Neural Networks Based on algorithms in performance testing.
Backpropagation Algorithms. 4. Able to provide justification for experimental
5. Robotics methods and results.
Example: Path planning for drones 5. Exhibits analytical abilities and exhibits problem-
and recognizing obstacles solving abilities.
6. Image Processing (Image
Example: Vehicle Number Plate
Recognition and Vehicle
Classification using VGGNet and

7. Sentiment Analysis (Sentiment
Example: Analysis of Ethnic
Sentiments in Current Malaysian
8. Data Mining (Data Mining)
Example: Forecasting Lake Chini
Water Quality Using Data Mining
Techniques In Python.
9. Intelligent Systems
Example: Landmark Building
Recognition System And Reclamation
10. Vision Systems
Example: Application to Detect
Vehicles Through Static Cameras at
Different Times Using Deep Learning


Project Type Specific Criteria

The system, application or algorithm Project development must meet criteria based on the
developed is related to one of the fields type of project as follows:
1. Develop projects by following a specific
1. Mobile Application (Mobile Software Development Process – for example,
Application) Waterfall, Incremental development.
Example: Student Attendance Mobile 2. Develop projects using a specific Software
Application Development Approach – for example,
Structured, Object-oriented.
2. Web Technology 3. Using a software development approach
Example: Hotel Management System consistently for each phase of project
3. Database development – for example, consistently using
Example: School Integration System an object-oriented approach starting from the
Database analysis phase, to the design phase, and then to
the implementation phase.
4. Cloud Computing (Cloud 4. Conduct testing using the most suitable Testing
Computing) Techniques to test the developed software – for
Example: School Management example, Unit testing, Black box testing.
System Using AWS 5. Using the appropriate Software Architecture in
developing software – for example, Model-
ViewController pattern (standalone
application/system), Distributed, Cloud.
6. Demonstrate the ability to analyze problems and
provide appropriate software technology
7. Use appropriate tools and libraries to solve
problems and be able to justify the selection.


Project Type Specific Criteria

The system, application, or algorithm Project development must meet criteria based on the
developed is related to one of the fields type of project as follows:
1. Can build simulations for network protocols
1. Network Protocol (Network 2. Test and then analyze the results for comparison
Protocol) between two network protocols.
Example: Data Efficiency Rate for 3. Using different parameters to produce new
Indoor LiFi results.
4. Using a new situation for a newly built
2. Internet of Things (Internet of Things) application.
Example: Internet of Things for 5. Test and then analyze the results for a protocol
Home Invasion Systems that is built.
3. Network Security (Network 6. Construction of network applications, network
Security) protocols, and wireless applications – for
Example: Security Operations example, zigbee.
Center 7. Successfully fully developed the built
4. Ad Hoc Network 8. Analyze protocol usage in depth by way of code
Example: Routing Protocol for Ad usage and application construction
hoc Networks 9. Use of existing communication tools, techniques
and protocols – examples of real world use of
5. Sensor Network (Sensor Network)
zigbee and WiFi .
Example: Patient Tracking System
6. Blockchain
Example: Secure Voting System
based on Blockchain
7. Cloud Computing (Cloud
Example: Cloud based Attendance
8. Cryptography
Example: Lightweight Cryptography
Performance Rate


The goal of the project is to produce innovations in the field of information technology that
solve complex information technology-related problems. This project uses computer
technology to achieve goals at the organizational, community and personal levels.
Information Technology projects developed by students must meet the following general
i. The problems selected for the project are based on computing needs identified through
the analysis of complex real-world problems at the organizational, societal and
personal levels.
ii. The problem-solving process needs to use computing methods in the appropriate
platform, i.e. hardware such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and cloud computing;
and software such as Windows, Linux, Android and iOS.
iii. The chosen computing method should involve a combination of knowledge gained
through courses such as Programming, Networking, Human-Computer Interaction,
Databases, Web and Mobile Systems, System and Network Administration and
elective courses. Combinations are appropriate and able to highlight the complexity
of the problem to be solved.
iv. The chosen computing method must be proven to successfully solve problems through
the design, implementation and evaluation phases to meet computing needs in the
context of information technology.


Project Type Criteria

1. Web application 1. Proficient in web programming such as PHP, Python
i. Organization or equivalent.
Example 1: Website with E- 2. Able to use technologies that meet industry standards
commerce. such as Laravel, Django or equivalent.
for Terengganu Copper Crafts. 3. Able to integrate data in structured formats such as
Example 2: A secure EzFinance XML or JSON synchronously and asynchronously.
Financial System using Django. 4. Able to validate data input on a client-server approach.
i. Society 5. Able to read and modify data in the server database.
Example 1: Security Patrol 6. Able to apply design principles based on user
System Based on Ez-Ronda2 experience (User Experience Design (UXD)).
Global Positioning System
iii. Personal
Example 1: A Mapping-Based
Student Job Planning System.

2. Mobile Application 1. Proficient in mobile programming such as Java, C# or
i. Organization equivalent.
Example 1: Student Services 2. Able to use technology that meets industry standards
Mobile Application. such as Android Studio, Unity or equivalent.
i. Society 3. Able to integrate data in structured formats such as
Example 1: Application to XML, JSON or equivalent synchronously and
Detect Drowsiness While asynchronously.
Driving using Arduino 4. Able to validate data input on a client-server approach.
iii. Personal 5. Able to read and modify data in the server database.
Example 1: Mobile application 6. Able to apply design principles based on user
for monitoring children's experience (User Experience Design (UXD)).
behavior and stimulation.
Example 2: Interactive Stress
Management Application
Example 3: Budget Mobile
Application For University
Students In Malaysia.


Information systems developed by students must meet the following general criteria:
i. Using IOS, Windows or Android platforms.
ii. Apply a mobile, web-based or cloud architecture.
iii. Ensure the main function of the problem is identified and solved (the use of real case
studies and data is an advantage (added value)).
iv. Apply database based on client-server.
v. Produce documents related to Software Engineering (Project Plan, Software
Requirements Specification, Software Design Specification, Software Testing


Project Type Specific Criteria

The development of an information system Project development must meet criteria based on the
is related to one of the fields below: following types of projects:

1. Management Information System, MIS Management Information System, MIS:

An information system that automates 1. Students need to include elements of business
the organization's management process processing.
and produces information 2. Students need to ensure that the system can provide
systematically. functions to plan, organize and control information.
Example: 3. Students need to produce a report that is oriented
i. Student Information System towards a combination of textual and graphical user-
ii. Weather Information System friendly features.
iii. Accounting information system
iv. Geographic Information System
v. Health Information System

2. Transaction Processing System (TPS) Transaction Processing System (TPS ):

An information system that helps 1. Using real data or datasets in a database.
management track the day-to-day work 2. Students need to use data processing techniques
of operations and records them in a such as batch processing, real-time processing,
database. online processing or hybrid processing.
Example: 3. Able to provide justification for the methods and
i. Financial / Accounting System decisions made.
ii. Stock Control System
iii. Sales/Payment System
iv. Ordering/Delivery System

3. Decision Support System (DSS) Decision Support System (DSS):
An interconnected set of computer 1. Students need to use models or analytical
programs and data is needed to support techniques (statistical analysis) to make decisions
analysis and decision-making in an automatically.
organization. 2. Students need to develop support models using a
Example: Clinical Decision Support data science approach.
System 3. Students need to visualize analysis and reports
using the 'dashboard' method and data science
4. Students need to use a two-tier database.

4. Knowledge Management System Knowledge Management System (KMS):

(KMS) 1. Students need to use KMS concepts/elements in
A system that captures, develops and system development.
shares information effectively by using 2. Students need to integrate information from various
organizational knowledge. sources in an organization and store this information
Example: in a centralized knowledge base to be shared.
i. Fruit Knowledge Management 3. Students need to provide facilities for knowledge-
System base queries to allow users to find and add
ii. Document Management System information.
iii. Portal System
iv. Quality management system
v. Audit Management System

5. Executive Information System, (EIS) Executive Information System, (EIS):

An information system that provides 1. Students need to use DSS elements to supply users
systematic information for top with decision-oriented information.
management. 2. Students need to provide information on the overall
Example: performance of the firm from various sources such
i. Human Resource Management as
Executive Information System - Internal database (corporate PD, e-mail,
ii. UKM Executive Information software library)
System - External PD
iii. eProfiling system - Social media, news to executives;
3. Information can be manipulated: visual and graphic
display, “drill down” – from general to specific
4. Application of management concepts: CSF;
Management by exception (general and special
reports for cases that are out of the ordinary or
expected; mental model (information compression).


Multimedia system developed by students must meet the following general criteria:
i. Integrating multimedia elements (graphics, animation (2D & 3D), audio and video).
ii. Ensure the main function of the problem is identified and solved (the use of real case
studies and data is an advantage (added value)).
iii. A multimedia system that applies a database, and uses appropriate multimedia
software to manipulate data.
iv. Having the value of innovation and creativity they place the content of the interface.
v. Produce documents related to Software Engineering (Project Plan, Software
Requirements Specification, Software Design Specification, Software Testing


Project Type Specific Criteria

The development of a multimedia system Project development must meet criteria based on the
is related to one of the fields below: following types of projects:

1. Multimedia System related to Multimedia Systems related to Education & Training:

Education & Training 1. Develop three learning components/modules
Education and training related (concepts, exercises/tutorials, tests).
systems that provide structured 2. Involves data input from users that can be stored and
activities to users. processed into output in the form of information or
Example: knowledge.
i. Digital Storytelling 3. Conduct usability/effectiveness testing.
ii. Fun learning 4. Implement the concept of collaborative learning
iii. Computer-based Training Learning (bonus).
(Computer-based Training, CBT)

2. Serious Games _
Serious Games :
Serious games are games developed
1. Computer games produced:
for a purpose other than mere
- Meets the characteristics of digital games (having:
entertainment, such as games for
concept/story; game objectives; levels, scores,
education, training, and therapy
strategies, and challenges).
- Potentially increases awareness of real-world
i. Health & Wellness Life
ii. General Education / - Potentially improves management and problem-
Environment / Safety solving skills in real-world domains
iii. Natural Disasters / Natural - Potentially sharpens sensitivity to important
Disaster Management / issues/points to consider in real-world domains
Education for Dealing with 2. Assessment usability/playability.
Natural Disasters 3. Implement a collaborative game concept (bonus).

iv. Education based on Curriculum

3. Multimedia Information System Multimedia Information System:

Multimedia information system are 1. A multimedia system that provides useful
used for the storage, search, and information/guidance without the need for counter
manipulation of information in service.
visual form. 2. Involves data input from users that can be stored
Example: and processed into output in the form of
i. Advisory Service Order System information or knowledge.
ii. Library Museum System
3. Evaluation of usability/user acceptance.
iii. Multimedia Information Access
iv. Interactive Catalog System
v. Maps (such as Airports, Campuses,
and Malls)

4. Virtual Reality/Expanded & Virtual Reality/Expanded & Simulation:

Simulation 1. A multimedia system that prioritizes components:
Virtual/augmented reality and - Virtual world/environment (database- contains
simulation are methods or ways in geometric representation and attributes for all
which users visualize, manipulate objects in the environment).
and interact with computers and - Simulation engine (maintaining the virtual
complex data. environment including interaction control – for
Example: example, visualizing info graphics for weather
i. Medicine data).
- Diagnosis (example: Virtual - Graphics engine (generates the image that the user
Bronchoscopy). sees which is accessed from the database, also
- Virtual anatomy involving textures, sounds and special effects).
- Surgery - User interface (controls how the user interacts,
ii. Education manipulates and navigates in the virtual
- Exploration Learning (example: environment).
CyberMath- Algebra & - input and output (usually independent of the
Geometry) software being used).
- Learning by Building Virtual 2. Evaluation of usability/user acceptance.
Worlds (example: Virtual
iii. Arts & Entertainment (examples:
Virtual Museums and Video
iv. Military
- Trainer Unit and Virtual Cockpit
(example: Pilot Simulator)
- Platoon Leadership Training
- Virtual Environment for
submarine ship handling training



Week 1 17 – 21 Oct First meeting of Supervisor and Student

Getting to know each other and discussing topics

21 Oct ● Skills Training Module 1: Project Management

Week 2 25 – 28 Oct Present 1 - Discussion of Chapter 1 Project Planning

with the Supervisor

26 – 30 Oct ● Update project information on SPID

28 Oct Skills Training Module 2: Literature Review

Week 3 31 Oct - 2 Nov Project title evaluation

31 Oct –2 Nov Independent
● Writing Chapter 1

3 Nov Present 2 - Discussion of Chapter 2 Literature Review

with the Supervisor

4 Nov Skills Training Module 3: Library Research -

Information Search

Week 4 7 – 9 Nov Independent

● Writing Chapter 2

10 Nov Deliverable 1: Chapter 1 Project Planning

11 Nov Skills Training Module 4: Study Requirement

Week 5 14 – 16 Nov Independent

● Analyze and prepare requirements specifications

17 Nov Present 3 - Discussion of Chapter 3a Requirements

Analysis and Specification with the supervisor.

Week 6 21 – 24 Nov Independent

● Analyze and prepare requirements analysis and

24 Nov Deliverable 2: Chapter 2 Literature Review

25 Nov Skills Training Module 5: Project and Technical

Week 7 28 – 30 Nov Independent

● Improved Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
● Writing Chapter 3a

1 Dec Deliverable 3: Chapter 3a – Requirements Analysis

and Specification

2 Dec Skills Training Module 6: Software/Project Design



Week 8 12 – 14 Dec Independent

● Provide Design Specifications

15 Dec Present 4 - Discussion of Chapter 3b Design

Specifications with supervisor

Week 9 19 – 21 Dec Independent

● Provide Design Specifications

22 Dec Present 5 - Discussion of Chapter 3b Design

Specifications with supervisor

Week 10 26 - 28 Dec Independent

● Writing Chapter 3b

29 Dec Deliverable 4: Chapter 3b Design Specifications

Week 11 2 Jan Preparation of proposal report (Compilation of

Chapter 1 – Chapter 3)
2 – 6 Jan
● Writing a proposal report
● Refer to the Web Development and Data Analytics
course to solidify the proposal report.

Week 12 9 – 12 Jan Independent

● Writing a proposal report
● Refer to the Mobile Application Development,
Gaming/IoT/Robotics/ Cyber surveillance course
to strengthen the proposal report.

12 Jan Deliverable 5: Proposal Report

Week 13 16 – 19 Jan Independent

● Preparation of Pra-KID slide presentation

20 Jan Present 6 – Pra-KID Demo and Mock presentation

with the supervisor.

Week 14 23 – 27 Jan Pra-KID Presentation –26 Jan 2023 (*subject to



Chap 3a Proposal
Requirement Report
analysis &
10 & 24
Nov 29 Dec 26 Jan*

1 Dec 12 Jan
Chap 1 & 2 Chap 3b Pra-
Project planning
& literature
Design KID

*Subject to change

All documents must:

• submitted to supervisor (hard or soft copy depending on supervisor)
• upload the soft copy to the Digital Innovation Management System (SPID).




• Introduce the title by briefly explaining the main points that led to the identification of
the problem/requirement.
• State the importance of the title by giving background and appropriate information (ie
by using facts and citing sources).


• Clearly define the problem the project will address (ie a clear statement of the
problem/need you have identified to address).
• Describe the problem.


Based on the problem that has been identified, explain the possible solutions that the project
will produce.


State the project objectives based on the SMART approach:

✔ S – Specific
✔ M – Can be measured (Measurable)
✔ A – Achievable
✔ R – Relevant
✔ T – Duration (Timed)


Specify the scope of the final product (ie what will be included and what will not be included).


State the conditions, circumstances or events that may prevent and limit the implementation of
the project (eg domain complexity, data confidentiality, access to experts and others).


• Propose and explain the specific development process model that will be used in the
project (eg Waterfall, Increment Development, Spiral, Reuse/Component-oriented,
Rational Unified Process).
• Explain why the process model was chosen.


• State the tasks/activities to be implemented in the form of a Work Breakdown Structure

• Identify the relationship between activities.
• Estimate the time required to perform each activity.
• Identify project milestones.
• Organize activities using a Gantt Chart (which shows the key relationships and tracks
of activities).


• Give a summary of the contents of Chapter 1.

• Emphasize the importance of the project.


• List sources of information that support the proposal (ie books, newspaper clippings,
conference papers and journal articles, web portals, etc.).
• Use the UKM Style reference format.



Give a brief introduction about the document and why the literature review was conducted.


• Give the background of the research problem, which leads to the need for a solution.
• Give important definitions or concepts from reliable sources.


• Describe/criticize the existing system/technology.

• Compare and contrast existing systems/technology and discuss critically.
• Summary of research gaps
• Suggest a solution.


• Summarize the content of Chapter 2.


• List sources of information that support the proposal (ie books, newspaper clippings,
conference papers and journal articles, web portals, etc.).
• Use the GAYA UKM reference format.


Include diagrams or charts related to this document.



Explain how the proposed solution fits the overall strategic or business objectives of an
organization/community (ie how it will work with other systems or environments) or fits the
identified problem, based on the approach of the respective program area (for example artificial
intelligence, networks, information science and others).


Describe the services provided for users (functional needs of users) using clear language that
is easy for users to understand.


• Specify system functional requirements for each user functional requirement.

• Specify non-functional (quality) requirements and domain requirements.
• Determine hardware and software requirements during development (for developers to
build the product) and deployment (for users to use the product).
• For projects in the network field, specify the system requirements through the OSI
model to specify the protocols involved in network communication, or specify the cyber
security requirements found in the developed system.


Choose ONE of the following two approaches: 1) Object-oriented approach, OR, 2) structured
analysis; DO NOT combine the two.

Object-oriented approach:
• case diagrams and use case specifications to describe the functional requirements of the
• A sequence diagram to show the sequence of interactions between the user and the
• Activity diagram or flow chart to show the steps of the process in sequence.
• For projects in the field of networking, data communication diagrams through the OSI


Structured analysis approach:

• Context diagram to show the scope and boundaries of the system.

• Flow diagram to show the level of detail of the process (at least
up to the 2nd level).
• A flow chart to show the steps of the process in sequence.


• Summarize the content of Chapter 3a.

* This is a guide, it may not fit your project. You are asked to discuss with the supervisor or Program
Leader to come up with the exact specifications and model of the system.


• List sources of information that support the proposal (ie books, newspaper clippings,
conference papers and journal articles, web portals, etc.).
• Use the GAYA UKM reference format.


• Briefly explain the data selection method for product requirements (who, when, what,
why, how). Include some evidence (examples of interview questions/scripts, survey
questionnaires, photos as evidence of observations, etc.).
• Briefly describe the requirements validation process (such as testing, reviews/
walkthroughs, and prototyping).



Give an overview of the document:

• Describe the purpose of this document.
• Describe the scope of this document.
• Link this document with other related documents:
✔ Documents that provide background and/or context for this document (eg Project
Plan/Proposal, Requirements Specification).
• Define any important terms, acronyms or abbreviations.


• Identify and explain the appropriate architecture design to use to develop the system
(eg Layered, Model-View-Controller, Repository, Client-Server, Pipe-Filter and
• Describe the modules/sub-systems and their relationships using appropriate diagrams
(eg Module Hierarchy Chart/Structure Chart etc.).
• For projects in the network field, identify and explain the network topology design that
is suitable to be used to develop the system (Logical and physical topology - hardware,
MAC address, IP address and so on).


• Class Diagram (for object oriented approach) OR

Entity Relationship Diagram (for structured analysis approach).
• Data Dictionary to list attributes of each entity OR class.


• Design the algorithm used to provide system functions (example pseudo code, decision
table/tree, system/program flow chart).
• Describe the behavior of the system, if any (such as a Statechart diagram or a Sequence
diagram of the interaction between objects for an object-oriented approach).


• Sketch user interfaces using low-fidelity (ie card-based prototyping) or high-fidelity

prototyping (like Macromedia Director/Visual Basic/MS PowerPoint etc.).
• Design system interfaces between modules/sub-systems.
• Storyboard to illustrate the UI/UX of a multimedia system.

Note: The design required depends on the proposed solution and the respective field. Use as needed.
Consult the Program Leader for more information.


• Summarize the contents of Chapter 3b.


• List sources of information that support the proposal (ie books, newspaper clippings,
conference papers and journal articles, web portals, etc.).
• Use the UKM Style reference format.



Provide a brief overview of the entire project (in one paragraph), containing the following
• The main aspect/object/subject of the project.
• The problem faced by the aspect/object/subject to be solved.
• Suggested solutions to overcome the stated problem.
• The methodology used to develop/produce the proposed solution.
• Expected project results.


• Introduction: Introduce the project by briefly explaining the main points that led to
the identification of the problem/requirement. Demonstrate the importance of the
project by providing appropriate information or background.
• Problem Statement: Clearly state the specific problem the project will address.
Describe the problem.
• Proposed Solution: Based on the problem that has been identified, explain the possible
solution that the project will produce. Explain how the proposed solution fits the overall
strategic or business objectives of an organization/community (ie how it will work with
other systems or environments) or fits the identified problem, based on the approach of
the respective fields (for example artificial intelligence, networks, information science
and others).
• Objectives: State the objectives of the project based on the SMART approach.
• Scope: Specify the scope of the final product (ie what will be included and what will
not be included).
• Constraints: State the conditions, circumstances or events that can prevent and limit
the implementation of the project (eg domain complexity, data confidentiality, access
to experts and others).
• Methodology: Describe the specific approach or development process model used in
the project (eg Waterfall, Increment Development, Spiral, Reuse/Component-oriented,
Rational Unified Process). State why such a model or approach was chosen.
• Implementation Schedule: State the tasks/activities to be implemented in the form of
a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Identify relationships between activities.
Estimate the time required to perform each activity. Identify project milestones.
Organize activities using a Gantt Chart (which shows the key relationships and tracks
of activities).

• Introduction: Introduce the chapter.
• [Chapter content]: Describe existing systems/technologies/approaches relevant to
your project. Discuss the system/technology/approach. Compare and contrast existing
systems/technologies/approaches and provide proposed solutions.
• Conclusion: Give a summary of the chapter.


• Introduction: Introduce the chapter.
• User Needs: Describe the service provided for the user (functional user needs) using
language that is easy for the user to understand.
• System Requirements: Specify system functional requirements for each user
functional requirement. Specify non-functional (quality) requirements and domain
requirements. Determine hardware and software requirements during development (for
developers to build the product) and deployment (for users to use the product). For
projects in the network field, specify the system requirements through the OSI model
to specify the protocols involved in network communication, or specify the cyber
security requirements found in the developed system.
• System Model: Explain the system model either using, 1) Object-oriented approach
OR 2) structured analysis; DO NOT combine the two.
• Architecture: Identify and explain the appropriate architectural design to use to
develop the system (eg Layered, Repository, Model-View-Controller, Client-Server,
Pipe-Filter and others). Describe the modules/sub-systems and their relationships using
appropriate diagrams (eg Module Hierarchy Chart/Structure Chart etc.). For projects in
the network field, identify and explain the network topology design that is suitable to
be used to develop the system (Logical and physical topology - hardware, MAC
address, IP address and so on).
• Database: Database design either uses a Class Diagram (for an object-oriented
approach) OR an Entity Relationship Diagram (for a structured analysis approach). Set
up a Data Dictionary to list the attributes of each entity OR class.
• Algorithms: Design algorithms used to provide system functionality (e.g. pseudo code,
decision tables/trees, system/program flow charts). Describe the behavior of the system,
if any (such as a Statechart diagram or a Sequence diagram of the interaction between
objects for an object-oriented approach).
• Interface: Sketch the user interface using fidelity low (i.e. card-based prototyping) or
high-fidelity prototyping (such as Macromedia Director/Visual Basic/MS PowerPoint
and others). Design system interfaces between modules/sub-systems. Storyboard to
illustrate the UI/UX of a multimedia system.
• Conclusion: Give a summary of the chapter.

• Recent and diverse references related to the project (books, newspaper clippings,
conference papers and journal articles, web portals, etc.).
o 5 years ago
o Minimum of 10 references
o journal reference
• Use the GAYA UKM reference format.

• Any document or material that can support the project proposal.

Note*: The content of these chapters depends on the proposed solutions and their respective fields.
Use as needed. Consult the Program Leader for more information.


The evaluation of TTT_4172 is divided into two namely;

1. Continuous assessment which represents 40% of the mark and is assessed by the
project supervisor.
2. The final assessment represents 60% of the mark and is assessed by the supervisor and
also the examiner at the end of the semester (proposal presentation and final report).
Tables 1 to 5 show the distribution and scoring scheme.

Table 1: Score distribution based on learning domains

Learning Continuous (40%) Final – Pra-KID (60%) Total Distribution of marks

Domain Supervisor Examiner Supervisor Examiner Supervis Examiner
Affective (A) 20 5 10 35 25 10
Cognitive (K) 20 15 30 65 35 30
Total 40 20 40 100 60 40

Table 2: Score distribution based on indicators

Domain Supervisor Examiner

Learning Indicator Percent Indicator Percent
Affective (A) Present II-Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 (6%) 25% Presentation – 5%
Present III-Chapter 3a (7%) Examiner Form
Present IV, V-Chapter 3b (7%)
Present VI-Supervisor Form (5%) Demo of the 5%
design –
Examiner Form
Cognitive (K) Present I, II-Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 35% Report (D4) – 30%
(8%) Examiner Form
Present III-Chapter 3a (5%)
Present IV, V-Chapter 3b (7%)
Proposal Report–Supervisor Form (15%)
Total 60% Total 40%

Table 3: Continuous Assessment Scoring Scheme


Supervision and Presentation Contents of Chapter 1 and Commitment (A2%)
(K4% + A4%) Chapter 2 (K4%)

0. No presentation took place. 0. No report. 0. Students do not show any

1. The presentation was 1. The writing of the report is
ineffective. unclear or does not discuss the 1. Students show very low
main ideas required. commitment.
2. Presentation is less effective.
2. The writing of the prepared 2. Students show low
3. The presentation was quite report is not clear. commitment.
3. The report writing contains 3. Students show moderate
4. Effective presentation. some fairly clear information. commitment.
4. Report writing contains clear
5. The presentation of 4. Students show good
information is explained very information. commitment.
effectively. 5. The writing of the report
5. Students show high
contains very clear and
sufficient information.


Supervision and Presentation Contents of Chapter 3a (K3%) Commitment (A3%)
(K2% + A4%)
0. No presentation took place. 0. No report. 0. Students do not show any
1. The writing of the report is
1. The presentation was
ineffective. unclear or does not discuss the 1. Students show very low
main ideas required. commitment.
2. Presentation is less effective.
2. The writing of the prepared 2. Students show low
3. The presentation was quite report is not clear. commitment.
3. The report writing contains 3. Students show moderate
4. Effective presentation. some fairly clear information. commitment.
5. The presentation of 4. Report writing contains clear 4. Students show good
information is explained very information.
effectively. 5. The writing of the report
5. Students show high
contains very clear and
sufficient information.


Supervision and Presentation Contents of Chapter 3b Commitment (A3%)

(K2% + A4%) (K5%)
0. No presentation took place. 0. No report. 0. Students do not show any
commitment .
1. The presentation was 1. The writing of the report is
ineffective. unclear or does not discuss the 1. Students show very low
main ideas required. commitment.
2. Presentation is less effective.
2. The writing of the prepared 2. Students show low
3. The presentation was quite
report is not clear. commitment.
3. The report writing contains 3. Students show moderate
4. Effective presentation.
some fairly clear information. commitment.
5. The presentation of
4. Report writing contains clear 4. Students show good
information is explained very
information. commitment.
5. The writing of the report 5. Students show high
contains very clear and commitment.
sufficient information.

Table 4: Scoring Scheme of Final Evaluation by Supervisor


HPK 1: Analyzing Literature Studies From Various Sources
HPK 2: Proposing Solutions using appropriate methods and techniques
Indicator: Proposal Document
Evaluation Criteria Indicator 0 1 2 3 4 5
No Weak Moderate Good Very good Excellent
Background and problem statement have been improved. Chapter 1
The objectives and scope of the project were refined to match Chapter 1
the background and problem statement.
Latest and various references related to the project. Chapter 2
- 5 years ago
- Minimum of 10 references
- There must be a journal reference
The results of the analysis were discussed critically. Chapter 2
Summary of study gaps improved. Chapter 2
Data or functional specifications are identified using Chapter 3
appropriate methods and meet the objectives.
Able to explain the phases in the methodology effectively. Chapter 3
Project design or software design uses standard, comprehensive, Chapter 3
complex and grounded methods.
(Example: using correct notation or correct phase).
Data design Chapter 3
( data design for software or pre-processing related matters for
Process/architecture design Chapter 3
(the process involved for the software or for each phase).
Display input and output Chapter 3
(interface design, or expected results.
Able to write well and follow the UKM style format. Project

HPK 3: Present and defend a proposal
Indicator: Discussion
Evaluation Criteria Indicator 0 1 2 3 4 5
No Weak Moderate Good Very good Excellent
Present and answer questions clearly and confidently.
Able to propose solutions to problems related to project
Able to propose entrepreneurial value expectations.

Table 5: Scoring Scheme of Final Assessment by Examiner


HPK 1: Analyzing Literature Studies From Various Sources
HPK 2: Proposing Solutions using appropriate methods and techniques
Indicator: Proposal Document
Evaluation Criteria Indicator 0 1 2 3 4 5
No Weak Moderate Good Very good Excellent
Background and problem statement are clearly discussed. Chapter 1
The objectives and scope of the project coincide with the Chapter 1
background and problem statement.
Recent and diverse references related to the project. Chapter 1
- 5 years ago
- Minimum of 10 references
- There must be a journal reference
The results of the analysis were discussed critically. Chapter 2
The summary of research gaps is clearly stated. Chapter 2
Able to explain the phases in the methodology effectively. Chapter 3
Data or functional specifications are identified using Chapter 3
appropriate methods and meet the objectives.
Project design or software design uses standard, comprehensive, Chapter 3
complex and grounded methods
(Example: using correct notation or correct phase)
Data design Chapter 3
(data design for software or pre-processing related matters for
Process/architecture design Chapter 3
(the processes involved for the software or for each phase)
Display input and output Chapter 3
(Interface design, or expected results or related)
Able to write well and follow the GAYA UKM format. Proposed

HPK 3: Present and defend a proposal
Indicator: Discussion
Evaluation Criteria Indicator 0 1 2 3 4 5
No Weak Moderate Good Very good Excellent
Present and answer questions clearly and confidently
Presentations and demos using interesting tools (such as
interface prototype demos using adobe xd, etc.).


Dr. Hazura Mohamed (Chairman)

Dr. Siti Fadzilah binti Mat Noor
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noraidah binti Sahari @ Ashaari
Dr. Abdul Hadi bin Abd Rahman
Dr. Fadhilah binti Rosdi
Dr. Hashim bin Sallehudin
Dr. Ibrahim bin Mohammed
Dr. Khairul Azmi bin Abu Bakr
Dr. Nazatul Aini binti Abdul Majid
Dr. Nur Fazidah binti Elias
Dr. Tan Siok Yee
Dr. Ruzzakiah Jenal
Dr. Kauthar Mohd Daud
Dr. Nurhidayah Bahar
Dr. Wan Fariza binti Paizi@Fauzi
Puan Mastura binti Sahak
Puan Nor Ana binti Mansor
Puan Noorsham binti Mahamad
Puan Azyyati Zainal Abidin

Faculty of Information Technology and Science

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi


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