Heart Diseases Prediction Using Deep Learning Neural Network Model
Heart Diseases Prediction Using Deep Learning Neural Network Model
Heart Diseases Prediction Using Deep Learning Neural Network Model
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C9009019320/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C9009.019320 2244 & Sciences Publication
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org
Heart Diseases Prediction using Deep Learning Neural Network Model
Apache Mahout, Rattle, KEEL, R data mining and soon. Type 2: non-anginal pain
They conclude that the use of single algorithm results in better Type 3: asymptomatic
4. Trestbps Resting Blood sugar (in mm Hg on
accuracy in prediction. But the use of hybridization of two or admission to the hospital).
more algorithms can enhance and improve the heart disease 5. Chol serum cholesterols in mg/dl
prediction with good accuracy. 6. Fbs Fasting blood suger > 120 mg/dl.
Maratea et al, [5] evaluated a sequential feature selection (1= true; 0= false)
approach using a neuro-fuzzy classifier. Its obtaining the 7. Restecg Resting ECG result
8. Thalach Maximum heart rates Achieved.
Cleveland set accuracy of 88.2%. in this paper, training data 9. Exang Exercise induced angina.
is using 50% of dataset and testing data is using 50% of the (1 = yes; 0 = no)
dataset. 10. Oldpeak ST depression induced by
Lakshmi et. al. [6] maintaining 10 methods, Its using exercise relative to rest.
heart disease UCI repository in the 4 sets, and found that a 11. Slope Slope or peak exercise ST Segment.
Value 1:upsloping
Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) Value 2: flat
method accuracy of 86.13%. Value 3: downsloping
R. Sharmila et al, [7] as suggested to enhanced the 12. Ca number of major vessels (0-3)
prediction of heart diseases dataset using the data techniques. colored by flourosop
13. Thal 3 = normal;
SVM provided the better and efficient accuracy 85%. In 6 = fixed defect;
SVM, parallel fashion gives better accuracy than sequential 7 = reversable defect
SVM. 14. Num The predicted attribute.
Ashwini Shetty A et al, [9] Different Data Mining 0 : Yes;
Approaches for Predicting Heart Disease. WEKA tool, 1 : No.
MATLAB. Accuracy of Neural Network 84% and Accuracy
of Hybrid Systems 89%. B. Data cleaning: - Data cleaning is the first and necessary
Chala Bayen et al, [10] as suggested to Prediction and step for any project processes and data models. It means
Analysis for Heart Diseases using data mining techniques. filtering and modifying your data such that it is easier to
J48, Naïve Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM). It explore and understand.
gives the better result which helps to improved the quality of
services and reduce the cost to individuals.
Fig.2- Heat-map
C. Feature engineering:- Features engineering is the most
popular part of the deep learning. Features engineering is
used for extracting some features data set. Features
engineering is the process of transferring the raw data to
features data and this features data improve the quality of the
model and provide better accuracy.
Fig.1- Flow diagram D. Learning algorithms:- We are using the many types of
learning algorithms –
A. Dataset:- In this paper, we are using the Heart Diseases a) Logistic regression :- Logistic regression is a
datasets. In Heart Diseases, 14 attributes are given shown in classification algorithm for categorical variables. Sigmoid
fig.2 and 303 columns who represents the patient's data. In function is the most part of logistic regression.
this database, we apply the DNN using Talos and predict the Algorithms :- Logistic regression algo. following some
diseases. steps.
1. Initialize ϴ.
Table 1 – Dataset description
No. Attributes Descriptions 2. Calculate Y = σ(ϴTX) for a customer.
1. Age Patients Age (in Year) 3. Compare the output of Y with actual output of
2. Sex 0 : female and 1 : male customer y, record it as error.
3. Cp Type of Chest pain 4. Calculate the cost of all
Type 0: typical Angina customers.
Type 1: atypical angina
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C9009019320/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C9009.019320 2245 & Sciences Publication
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-3, January 2020
Fig.6- SVM
Fig.4- KNN
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C9009019320/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C9009.019320 2246 & Sciences Publication
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org
Heart Diseases Prediction using Deep Learning Neural Network Model
Its automated the process of sorting locally the required assets F. Evaluate model:-We deploy the neural networks model. In
for local and remote deployment of a model for production this model, we are using the input layer, output layer,
purpose. hidden layer, and activation function. In this model, we
Reporting and evaluation is the last process after all 3 POD deploy the deep neural network model using Talos
workflow. Its provides several facility for analysis and optimization. The purpose of Talos optimization is
evaluation of experiments, including the all plots for allowing to use to continue working with Keras models.
epoch-by-epoch visual analysis for experimental progress.
E. Train & Test model:-Data is split into test and train dataset
where The train set contain a output field on which the
model learns.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C9009019320/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C9009.019320 2247 & Sciences Publication
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-3, January 2020
A summary of this paper arranged in alogical sequence
that generally follows your methodology section. Compare to
other algorithms and optimization, it is proved good results
for prediction. In this paper, We deploy a deep learning
neural networks (DNN) using Talos optimization. Talos
optimization is newly optimization techniques in DNN. Talos
provide better accuracy (90.76%) to other optimizations. It is
applied on the Heart disease datasets and find out the good
prediction. Using the Talos optimization we create a Keras
model and deploy it.
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: C9009019320/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C9009.019320 2248 & Sciences Publication
Journal Website: www.ijitee.org