State Level Form 2023 KOLKATA
State Level Form 2023 KOLKATA
State Level Form 2023 KOLKATA
Student Name:
(as recorded in enrollment form. Use only CAPITAL LETTERS. Fill up one character in a box.)
Date of Birth
Copy of the Birth Certificate DD / M M / Y Y Y Y
should be enclosed
Parent’s Name:
Mobile Number
Completed Level / Incomplete
Appearing Level 1st Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Starters Movers Riders Racers Flyers Endeavours Achievers Stars
as on 31/3/23 Starters
Put tick Mark only for the
appearing level
Grouping as per age: Months and days are not accounted as per the rules already fixed for the competition.
Only Year of Birth is reckoned for the purpose.
There are 3 age categories – A) 5 years to 7 years, B) 7+ to 10 years, C) 10+ above years
3. All particulars should be filled up completely without any correction or over writing.
4. Competition Fee Rs. 750/- should be paid along with registration form without fail - otherwise it
will be considered as incomplete.
5. Incomplete / Non-filled up applications will be rejected.
6. Last date of receipt for completed application & the Fee at Global head office is 28/2/23
7. Time of Competition will be mailed to Franchisee Owners.
8. Last completed level is eligible for the appearing level for the Competition / Exam.
9. Exam Venue : - Kolkata (will be informed later).
Level declared above as “completed” is correct. We are aware of the rule that if it is found that lower level is
declared as completed, the prize and trophy will be recalled.
Signature of Parent Signature of the Franchisee Signature of the Abacus
The primary focus to this event is to bring all the students of every level on a single platform and assess their Mental
Arithmetic and Brain Skill. Thus it provides a healthy competition and also enables indirect quality recognition .
The champions and participating students are recognized with certificates, medals, trophies & gifts.
. Develops more confidence resulting in improved learning ability.
. Develops love for numbers.
. Urges children to challenge their status quo and try new things.
. Competitive environment is perfect for developing kids skills because they always give their best .
. Cultivate the habit of attending objective type question paper in their
Future Academic and competitive Exams .
. Every year, Indian Abacus hosts State Level Abacus & Mental Arithmetic Competition ( except pandemic years ).
We expect student participation of 5000 + aged 5 to 13 years .
. Awards Distribution Ceremony will be held later where Over 200 prizes are going to be given to the top students
across each of the Indian Abacus Learning Centers.
1. Students need to wear Indian Abacus t-shirt and carry sharpened pencils before entering hall.
2. Please check exam duration ( 5 or 8 minutes ) . Report to centre as per instructions for the
competition time.
3. Apparatus must be used by Z group –INCOMPLETE STARTERS ( 1st level ) and group A –
STARTERS ( 1st level ), group B- Movers ( 2nd level ) and group C - Riders ( 3rd level ) Apparatus
usage is optional . Racers level to Stars level Mental calculation.
4. Students should wait at their places without making noise or not disturbing other students after
completing their competitive exam.
5. PROMISE CENTRE , Regional Office is not responsible for delay due to unforeseen
circumstances . Competition panel’s decision is final. Please wait for instructions to entre the
hall and do not get panic. All students who reach the exam hall as per the scheduled batches can
only write the exam.
6. In case of sudden power failure in the exam hall, the students have to put down their pencil
immediately. The examiner and team responsible would note the time lost in power- break down
and allot time additionally to compensate for the lost time.
7. Award for Franchisee : top 5 franchisee ( best franchisee, best franchisee 1 , best franchisee 2,
best franchisee 3 , best franchisee 4 ) based on points , will be short –listed for this award .wining
franchisee will be awarded trophies ,gift & certificate also on the stage. ( as per point structure
mentioned below )
8. Award for schools : top 3 schools ( best school 1, best school 2, best school 3). Based on the
number of students enrolments for abacus coaching and number of students participating in the
completion. Wining school centre will be awarded trophies .