Oral Surgery
Oral Surgery
Oral Surgery
a. Fever
b. Heart murmur
c. Osler's nodes
d. Janeway lesions
e. Splenomegaly
2. In Patient taking aspirin:
9. Which of the following is true regarding the oral complication of patient have WBCs dyscrasis?
a. Mucositis rare complication.
b. Infection can be severe.
c. Bleeding after minor oral surgery can be prevented by blood transfusion.
d. Fungal& viral infection may present.
e. All of the above.
10. All of the following may be seen as oral complications of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, except:
a. Xerostomia
b. Kaposi sarcoma
c. Poor wound healing
d. Gingivitis and periodontal disease
e. Burning mouth symptoms
11. All of the following is true regarding the management of the adrenal crisis, except:
a. Proper patient positioning (i.e., head lower than feet), fluid replacement,
b. Administration of vasopressors
c. Administration of 100 mg of hydrocortisone or 4 mg of dexamethasone IV
d. Transportation to a medical facility can be postpended.
e. All of the above
12. All of the following is true regarding the management of the thyrotoxic crisis, except:
a. The patient kept warm with hot towels
B. An injection of hydrocortisone (100-300 mg) can be given.
c. IV infusion of glucose water (if equipment is available) is required.
d. Vital signs must be monitored
e. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be initiated
13.In management of patient with Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases for dental treatment
a-Stable patients should be treated in upright or semi supine position.
b - Dentist should avoid anything that could further depress respiration.
c-Local anesthesia is satisfactory but bilateral inferior dental nerve or palatal nerve block should be avoided.
d-All of the above
e-None of the above
14. In management of patient with Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases for dental treatment
a-Low flow oxygen should be avoided when oxygen saturation is reduced below 95%.
b-Nitrous oxide (N₂O) is indicated in severe COPD.
c-Barbiturates and narcotics can be used safely.
d-All of the above
e-None of the above
17.Major dental treatment considerations apply for patients with alcoholic liver disease are all except:
a. Bleeding tendencies
b. Unpredictable metabolism of drugs
c. Risk of infection or spread of infection
d. Transmission of viral hepatitis to the dentist
e. All are true
23.If the patient has an epileptic seizure while in the dental chair
a-The chair should be placed in a supported supine position.
b-The patient's airway should be maintained patent.
c-Passive restraint should be used only.
d-All of the above
e-None of the above
24. In the event that epileptic seizure becomes prolonged or is repeated (status epilepticus):
a-Intravenous lorazepam is generally effective in controlling it.
b- Oxygen and respiratory support should be provided.
c-If the seizure lasts longer than 15 minutes, the following should be provided: IV access, repeat lorazepam dosing,
phenytoin administration and activation of the emergency medical system.
d-All of the above
e-None of the above
25.Regarding medical consideration of pregnant women, which of the following is true?
a. There will be increase in the blood volume by 40% to 50% in the 1st trimester
b. Cardiac output increases by 80% in the 3rd trimester.
c. Supine hypotensive syndrome developed in the 2nd trimester of the pregnancy
d. Syncope and postural hypotension are expected in the 1st trimester.
e. All of the above.
26. All of the following are true regarding the postural hypotension in the pregnancy, except:
a. Associated with an abrupt fall in blood pressure
b. Bradycardia, sweating, nausea, weakness may occur too
c. It's thought to be related to the compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus.
d. May associated with impairment or loss of consciousness.
e. Management by rolling the patient on her right side.
27. Regarding the blood changes in the pregnant women, which of the following is false?
a. Anemia is expected in pregnant women
b. Increase the risk of risk of thromboembolism
c. WBC count increases progressively
d. Increased susceptibility to intracellular pathogens such as cytomegalovirus virus, herpes simplex virus, and varicella
e. Those patients had hypo-coagulable state.
28. Which of the following is true regarding patient in the stage 1 of AIDS infection?
a. Symptoms occur within about 1-3 months after infection
b. Symptoms clear in about 1-2 months
c. No seroconversion occurs at this stage
d. CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes reduced in numbers
e. All of the above
29. Regarding the dental management of patients with AIDS, which of the following is wrong?
a. Patients with a CD4+ cell count more than 350/µl, may receive all indicated dental treatment.
b. Prophylactic antibiotics indicted in the patients with CD4+ cell count≤ 400/µl because of the increased risk of
opportunistic infections.
c. Patient with lesions suggestive of HIV infection must be evaluated for possible HIV.
d. In planning invasive dental procedures, attention must be paid to the prevention of infection and excessive bleeding
e. All of the above
33. Regarding rheumatoid arthritis all of the following are true, except.
a . May have anterior open bite.
b. Advanced TMJ Involvement with the disease can be solved by only physiotherapy.
c. May have severe stomatitis.
d. Radiographic changes of the TMJ, initially may show increased joint space
e. Inflammation in the joint.
34. When patient develops contact stomatitis
a-This could have been caused by impression materials containing aromatic sulfonate in postmenopausal women
b-Can not be caused by amalgam restorations
c-Dental composite always causes this type of reaction so should be avoided in all patients
d-The acrylic monomer in denture construction was not found to be associated with this type of reaction
e-None of the above
39. For Prevention of osteoradionecrosis in patient with history of Radiotherapy for head and neck, consider all
a. Endodontic therapy is preferred over extraction
b. Local anesthesia without adrenaline
c. A prophylactic dose of antibiotic before and after the extraction one hour before extraction and daily for three days
d. 20% hyperbaric oxygen therapy dives before extraction and 10 more dives immediately after extraction
e. Conservative management usually is indicated
40. Which bacteria are commonly involved in odontogenic infections?
a. Escherichia coli
b. Streptococci and Staphylococci
c. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
d. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
e. Salmonella typhi
41. Which space lies between the Mylohyoid muscle above, skin, subcutaneous tissue, Platysma muscle, and
deep cervical fascia below, laterally by the lower border of the mandible and anterior bellies of Digastric
a. Submandibular space
b. Submental space
c. Sublingual space
d. Buccal space
e. Masticator space
42. What is the primary source of infection for the Submandibular space?
a. Upper molar teeth
b. Lower incisors and canines
c. Lower molar teeth, especially second and third molars
d. Tonsillitis,
e. Fracture of the angle of the mandible
43. In Ludwig's Angina, which spaces are simultaneously affected bilaterally?
a. Submandibular, Submental, and Sublingual spaces
b. Buccal and Masticator spaces
c. Subperiosteal abscess and Maxillary antrum
d. Sublingual and Submandibular spaces
e. Canine fossa and Temporal space
44. Which space is bounded laterally by the ramus of the mandible and the Temporalis muscle, medially by the
lateral pterygoid (plate superiorly by infratemporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid, and contains the
pterygoid venous plexus?
a. Temporal space
b. Sublingual space
c. Infratemporal space
d. Buccal space
e. Retropharyngeal space
45. What is the primary aim of dental treatment in managing odontogenic infections?
47. Which antibiotic is often indicated in the therapeutic management of odontogenic infections involving
a. Cephalosporin
b. Metronidazol
c. Tetracycline
d. Penicillin
e. Erythromycin
50. The flap should be of adequate width; this is true for the following reasons
a. For better healing
b. Good visualization and accessibility of the operative field
c. Permit flap margins to rest on intact and healthy bone
d. All statements are true
e. Only a and b
54. The main suturing technique to evert the flap edges are
a. Simple interrupted
b. Anchor suture
c. Continuous suture
d. Vertical mattress
e. Horizontal suture
55.Suitable blade for most oral surgical procedures
a. Blade no. 12
b. Blade no. 10
c. Blade no. 11
d. Blade no.15
e. Blade no. 7
56. Which suture material is NOT suitable for oral surgery due to its high tissue reaction and short absorption
a. Plain Catgut
b. Nylon
c. Olyglactin (Vicryl)
d. Polydioxanone (PDS)
e. Silk
59. Under what conditions may leaving root fragments in the alveolar process be considered?
a. Root fragment is mobile
b. Presence of infection
c. Root fragment size is greater than 5 mm
d. Radiolucency around the root apex
e. Risk of serious local complications
60. In suturing the flap, the soft tissues are hold atraumatically with little chance of slippage by using
a. Non-toothed tissue forceps
b. Toothed tissue forceps
c. Artery forceps
d. Needle holder
e. None of the above
61.Causes of impacted teeth removal
a-Pericoronitis and pericoronal abscess
b-Dental Caries
c-Periodontal diseases: There is high prevalence of increased periodontal probing
d-All of the above
e-None of the above
62. Third molar should be removed in following patient to eliminate further complication in their existing
a-Prior to administration of radiotherapy
b-Patient with asthma
c-Patient with liver disease
d- All of the above
e-None of the above
63. According to space available between ramus and the distal side of the second molar one of the following
statements is true
a-Class I impacted third molar is when there is sufficient space available to erupt.
b-Class II impacted third molar is when there is sufficient space available to erupt.
c. Class I impacted third molar is when Space is less than the mesio-distal width of the crown of 3rd molar
d-Class II impacted third molar is when All or most of 3rd molar located within the ramus
e-Class III impacted third molar is when Space is less than the mesio-distal width of the
64. When examining radiographic data for the removal of impacted third molar the following fact or facts may
a-Periapical radiograph: are more discriminating than OPG
b- Occlusal X-ray will help to show Bucco-lingual relationship
c-Lateral oblique view of mandible is useful when periapical film could not be taken due to trismus.
d-All of the above
e-None of the above
65. When Interpreting periapical X-ray prior to remove lower third molar surgically,
a-Access can be assessed
b- Access cannot be assessed
c- Noting the inclination of the radiopaque line cast by the external oblique ridge help to avoid fracturing maxillary
d- All of the above
e-None of the above
74. What is the recommended local anesthetic for an inferior alveolar nerve block in endodontic surgery?
a. Articaine
b. Bupivacaine
c. Lidocaine
d. Mepivacaine
e. Prilocaine
75. What is the preferred material for root end filling in contemporary endodontic surgery?
a. Gutta-percha
b. Zinc oxide eugenol
c. Glass ionomer
d. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)
e. Composite resin
76. What is the ideal suture technique in the esthetic zone during endodontic surgery?
a. Interrupted sutures
b. Continuous sutures
c. Horizontal mattress sutures
d. Vertical mattress sutures
e. Sling suture
77. Why is osteomyelitis more common in the mandible than in the maxilla?
a. Greater blood supply in the mandible than maxilla
b. Presence of thick cortical plates in the mandible
c. Limited blood supply to the maxilla
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
78. What is the traditional role of Staphylococcus species in osteomyelitis, and which other bacteria are commonly
involved in cases of mandibular osteomyelitis?
a. Exclusively responsible for osteomyelitis
b. Limited role in osteomyelitis
c. Not associated with osteomyelitis
d. Predominantly involved; Streptococci and anaerobic bacteria
e. Only anaerobic bacteria are involved
79. What is the primary treatment approach for acute suppurative osteomyelitis, and what clinical and
radiological findings are associated with this condition?
a. Surgical debridement; moth-eaten appearance on X-rays
b. Antibiotic therapy alone; radiopaque sequestra
c. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy; increased trabecular bone density
d. Removal of the periosteum; radiographic onion-skinning
e. Nonviable tissue removal; chronic dull pain
80. Which type of osteomyelitis is characterized by intense pain, sclerosis, and fibrosis of the medullary space
involving Actinomyces species and Eikenella corrodens?
a. Chronic Suppurative Osteomyelitis
b. Osteomyelitis with Proliferative Periostitis
c. Chronic Sclerosing Osteomyelitis
d. Acute Suppurative Osteomyelitis
e. Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (MRONJ)
83. What are the preventive measures recommended before radiotherapy to reduce the risk of
a. Immediate extraction of all teeth
b. Delaying radiotherapy for 4 to 6 weeks after invasive dental procedures
c. Prophylactic use of systemic antibiotics
d. Administration of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
e. Administration of bisphosphonates
84. What are the three main classes of medications that can cause Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws
a. Antibiotics, analgesics, and antifungals
b. Anticoagulants, antihypertensives, and antidiabetics
c. Bisphosphonates, RANK Ligand Inhibitors, and Antiangiogenic Medications
d. Steroids, immunosuppressants, and chemotherapeutic agents
e. Anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and sedatives
85.How can dental care for patients about to start taking an antiresorptive medication help prevent the
development of MRONJ?
a. Immediate extraction of all teeth is recommended
b. Extraction of teeth should be avoided after starting medication
c. Prophylaxis, caries control, and conservative restorative dentistry
d. Avoiding any dental care until completion of medication
e. Administration of hyperbaric oxygen therapy before dental procedures
87. The use of a tapered implant design has been advocated because
a- It requires less space in the apical region
b-Better for placement between roots or in narrow anatomic areas with labial concavities
c-Can be use in extraction sockets.
d-All of the above
e-None of the above
88. Additive processes in dental implant manufacturing
a. Modifies the microstructure only of the implant surface
b. Modifies the macrostructure only of the implant surface
c. Add materials or chemicals to the existing surface
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
95. What is the primary advantage of interventional imaging in oral and maxillofacial surgery?
a. Quick imaging
b. Non-invasiveness
c. Palliative treatment with minimal morbidity and mortality
d. Not leave scar
e. Cost-effectiveness
96. All are applications or uses of Ultrasonography in oral and maxillofacial surgery except
a. Detection of cervical lymphadenopathy.
b. Examination of various masses including thyroid gland, abscess, salivary glands.
c. Vascular abnormalities
d. Guided fine needle aspiration biopsy.
e. Fractures in facial skeleton
97. What is the major advantage of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) over Computed Tomography (CT)?
a. Higher resolution of bone
b. Quick imaging
c. Non-ionizing radiation
d. Lower cost
e. Better for emergency cases
98. The pathological changes detected in Plain x-ray when the mineral content change at least
a. 10%
b. 30%
c. 40%
d. 50-60%
e. None of the above