Cohesion and Coherence

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After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. define what is cohesion and coherence.
2. identify what are cohesive devices; and
3. write a paragraph showing cohesion and coherence.

 technique of making words, phrases, and sentences move smoothly and logically from
one to the other.
 a paragraph is unified, have a logical order, and have a consistent point of view.
 the reader grasps the point of the paragraph.
 most helpful for making your communication clear for the reader.
In order to achieve this, the writer must use devices that will help his delivery of thoughts.
Study the following cohesive devices:
Words and Phrases That Indicate Specific Relationships
• To signify an additional idea - also, moreover, again, further, furthermore, in addition,
likewise, too, first, initially, second, third, next, finally, last, another, other, then
• To signify a comparison - likewise, similarly, in a like manner, in comparison, so it is
• To signify a contrast - however, nevertheless, still unlike, in contrast, conversely, on the
contrary, on the other hand, whereas

Sample of a coherent paragraph:

(1)Throughout most of my school days my eyes failed to focus correctly when reading.
(2)Consequently, I saw different symbols every time I read a sentence. (3)As a result, the
printed page was a chaotic kaleidoscope of constantly changing letters that made no sense.
(4) For example, when reading the last sentence I would see: “A tters made sense,” or “As le
ter that made no ense,” or“Letters mad no sens,” depending on how my eyes focused on a

(5)After my eye problem was corrected, my real problems began because it was
assumed that I could now read like everyone else. (6)This was a big mistake that
overlooked the psychological effects created by my visual disability. (7)Most importantly, I
was left doubting my understanding when reading unfamiliar material while teachers began
to give me increasingly complex material to read.

(Jeremy Hexham)
Read the following paragraphs and compare the structure. What makes the two different from
each other? Which one do you like better? Justify your answer.
Set A
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
For me, the worst thing about waiting For me, the worst thing about waiting
tables is the uniform. All the waitress had to tables was the uniform. At the last place I
wear this ugly brown striped jumper. The worked, all the waitresses had to wear an
shirts were polyester. Sometimes someone ugly brown striped jumper. Underneath it we
you know comes in. Now I have a job in an had to wear an even uglier polyester shirt.
office. Sometimes someone I knew would come in
and I’d feel embarrassed by my outfit. Now I
have a job in an office where I can wear my
own clothes.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________

Set B
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
If you like exotic foods, then you might You like exotic foods, you might enjoy
enjoy making one of my banana splits. The making one of my banana splits. The only
only ingredients you need are bananas, ice ingredients you need are bananas, ice
cream, all kinds of syrups, and toppings cream, all kinds of syrups, and toppings
such as chopped nuts, M and M’s, jimmies such as chopped nuts, M and M’s, jimmies
and shredded coconut. To make this tasty and shredded coconut. To make this tasty
snack, first slice the bananas and put it in a snack, slice the bananas put it in a bowl.
bowl. Next, you lay out three scoops of ice Next, you lay out three scoops of ice creams
creams on the banana slices. Then you put on the banana slices. Then you put lots of
lots of syrup on top. After the syrup, you syrup on top. You sprinkle jimmies, chopped
sprinkle jimmies, chopped nuts, and M and nuts, and M and M’s on your dessert. You
M’s on your dessert. Now that you have have made your banana split; you have the
made your banana split, you have the thrill thrill of eating your creation.
of eating your creation.

Ethan Kleinberg

Answer: _______________________________________________________________

Task 2: Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the linking words below.

Furthermore, because, because of, in spite of the fact that, but, in contrast,
although, for, since, and, eventually, even though, in order to, moreover,
indeed, first, as a result of, as a result, also, actually, so that, in fact.
Every person who has lived in a new culture has had some experience with culture
shock, (1) __________________ I am no exception, (2) __________________ I, too, have had an experience
with culture shock. (3) __________________ I have lived in the United States for almost one year, I sometimes
feel homesick, and still miss my family. When I first came to the U.S., I was very
excited. (4) __________________ everything was new, everything was interesting. I enjoyed my
independence from my parents; I (5) __________________ enjoyed experiencing new situations and making
new friends. (6) __________________ everything was a little strange, I enjoyed these new experiences.


After going through this, you are expected to:
1. define citation.
2. give the meaning of the acronym APA; and
3. cite references using the APA format.

What is citation?

According to A "citation" is the way you tell your readers that certain material in
your work came from another source. It also gives your readers the information
necessary to find that source again, including:

 information about the author

 the title of the work
 the name and location of the company that published your copy of the
 the date your copy was published
 the page numbers of the material you are borrowing

Why should I cite sources?

Giving credit to the original author by citing sources is the only way to use
other people's work without plagiarizing. But there are a number of other reasons
to cite sources:

 citations are extremely helpful to anyone who wants to find out more about
your ideas and where they came from
 not all sources are good or right -- your own ideas may often be more
accurate or interesting than those of your sources. Proper citation will keep
you from taking the rap for someone else's bad ideas
 citing sources show the amount of research you've done
 citing sources strengthen your work by lending outside support to your
APA (American Psychological Association) style is the most commonly used
to cite sources within the social sciences.
Study the following format and examples:
1. Basic Book Format
Author’s last name, First name Initial. Middle Name Initial. (Year of
Publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Place of
Publication: Publisher.
Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA Guide to preparing manuscripts for journal
publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
2. Articles in Periodicals
Author, A.A., Author, B.B. & Author, C.C. (Year). Title of the Article. Title of the Periodical,
volume number (issue number), pages.
3. Article in a Magazine
Henry, W.A.,III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time,135, 28-31.

4. Article in Newspaper
Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy
policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A.
5. Article from An Online Periodical
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make
Websites, 149. Retrieved from
6. Newspaper Article (Online)
Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry.
The New York Times. Retrieved from
7. Electronic Books
De Huff, E. W. (n.d.). Taytay’s tales: Traditional Pueblo Indian tales. Retrieved from

Source: General APA Guidelines Retrieved on June 21, 2020. Retrieved from
Task 1: APA Citation Worksheet
Give the in-text citation and reference page citation for the following resources. You should give the citation for
direct quote without integrating it into your writing. An example quote is given so that all must do is give the
citation afterward.
1. Author(s): Lynn Smith Year: 2010
Title: A Study of Undergraduate Students Page number: article pgs. 170-191; quote pg. 172
Journal: Collegiate Learning Review

In-Text: “…out of every five students feels unprepared for writing classes” (Smith, 2010, p.172)
Reference: Smith, L. (2010). “A study of undergraduate students,” Collegiate Learning Review, 170-191

2. Author(s): Allen Jameison and Susan Plette

Title: A Quick Look at the Symptoms of Adult-Onset Cardiac Disease in Diabetics
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Journal: Journal of Medical Practices
Page number: article pgs. 80-85; quote on pg. 83
Year: 2013

In-Text: “…showed few symptoms after two weeks of treatment” _________.

Reference: ___________________________________________________.

3. Author(s): Steven Marisol Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing

Title: Mathematical Concepts for Non-Math Majors City of Publication: New York City, New York
Year: 2008 Page number: quote pg. 214

In-Text: “…to show the matrices’ values” ___________.

Reference: __________________________________.

4. Author(s): Jan Plumm and Carol Neischke Publisher: Harley Publishing, Inc.
Title: A Creationist View of Sexuality City of Publication: New Brunswick, New Jersey
Year: 2008 Page number: quote pg. 113-114

In-Text: “…sexual habits leading to cohabitation” ____________.

Reference: _________________________________________.

5. Author(s): John P. Ackran

Title of webpage: Statistics of Insurance Coverage pf Elderly
Date of Publication: September 21, 2013
Date of Access: April 3, 2014
Sponsoring Organization: Organization for Medical Reform

In-Text: “…no coverage available” ________________.

Reference: __________________________________.

6. Author(s): No specific author

Title: Coordinating Grassroot Campaigns for Liberal Conservatives
Date of Publication: May 3, 2011
Date of Access: June 28, 2014
Main Page Title: Grassroot Strategies
Sponsoring Organization: Grassroots of America

In-Text: “…by building on previous voters” ______________.

Reference: ______________________________________.

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