Sustainable Approach From Underutilized Leucaena Leucocephala Biomass by Polyphenols Composition and Protein Functional Properties Assessment

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Chemical Papers


Sustainable approach from underutilized Leucaena leucocephala

biomass by polyphenols composition and protein functional
properties assessment
Iván Balderas‑León1 · Anaberta Cardador‑Martínez2 · Diana Karina Baigts‑Allende3 ·
Carlos Arnulfo Velázquez‑Carriles1 · Jorge Manuel Silva‑Jara1

Received: 9 February 2024 / Accepted: 28 April 2024

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2024

The seeds of Leucaena leucocephala (LL), a legume tree native to Mexico, are traditionally harvested and utilized as food
ingredients in regional dishes. In this study, the usefulness of LL biomass was investigated and processed in flours using the
wholegrain seed (WS) and pods for polyphenols identification, whereas the cotyledon (CT) for protein concentrates functional
characterization was used. The WS flour exhibited carbohydrates as the main macronutrient, followed by proteins (30.59%).
Water-extracted polyphenols from pods flour (544.29 mg/L) were higher compared to the WS flour (165.85 mg/L). The
predominant polyphenols in all samples were flavonols, specifically catechins. Although, in comparison to the mixtures of
methanol–water (315.14 mg/L) and ethanol–water (471.22 mg/L), pods had about threefold polyphenols content than WS
flours extracts. Protein fractionation in CT was higher than in WS flour, with globulins being the most abundant fraction
in both materials (44.73 and 55.2%, respectively). Structural analyzes indicated a higher presence of structural elements
in globulins, evident in FTIR spectra and SDS-PAGE analysis. Globulins displayed bands around 50, 37, and 22 kDa,
while glutelins exhibited a unique band at 50 kDa. Globulins also demonstrated a higher essential amino acid content. The
functional properties of globulins and glutelins were pH-dependent. Globulins solubility (72.53%), emulsifying (35.13%),
foaming (138.66%), water holding (3.17 g/g), and oil absorption (1.20 g/g) capacities were higher compared to glutelins
(62.42%, 31.69%, 66.70%, 2.86 g/g, and 0.52 g/g, respectively). These findings suggest that LL biomass holds potential as
a sustainable source of natural ingredients for food development.

Keywords Plant protein · Legume · Protein solubility · Chemical composition

Introduction food industry for human nutrition (Bhat and Karim 2009).
The global market of protein as an ingredient was valued at
In recent years, the increasing response to worldwide food USD 38 billion in 2019, and is expected to grow 9.1% from
demand and environmental awareness has triggered an active 2020 to 2027 (Ismail et al. 2020). The transition of non-ani-
search for more sustainable protein sources to satisfy the mal-derived proteins to plant-based ones has been promoted,
especially underutilized sources such as native crops.
Most studied plant-based sources are legumes due to
* Jorge Manuel Silva‑Jara their high protein content, availability, and low cost. They
have been used as ingredients for food product develop-
Departamento de Farmacobiología, Centro Universitario ment, mainly in developing countries (Piornos et al. 2015).
de Ciencias Exactas E Ingenierías (CUCEI), Universidad Pulse proteins have been used for the production of protein
de Guadalajara, Blvd. Marcelino García Barragán #1421,
CP 44430 Guadalajara, Jalisco, México concentrates or isolates in processed food to both enhance
2 nutritional quality and improve sensorial properties (Chen
Departamento Regional de Bioingenierías, Tecnológico de
Monterrey, Querétaro, México et al. 2017; Shevkani et al. 2015). Even though some
3 proteins from less conventional legume sources, such as
Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech
University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamýcká 129, 165 00, Mucuna pruriens and Dolichos lablab, have been explored
Prague‑Suchdol, Czech Republic (Adebowale and Lawal 2003; Habib et al. 2017), there is

Chemical Papers

little information about other autochthonous species like Experimental

Leucaena leucocephala (LL).
The LL, also known as “guaje,” is a native legume Materials
from Mexico that belongs to the Fabaceae family. In some
regional zones, in the southeast of Mexico, it is considered The LL pods were purchased in a local market in Oax-
a nutritious food, which is consumed either fresh or as an aca, Oaxaca, Mexico. The sunflower oil used for some
ingredient in the preparation of traditional dishes such as protein functional properties was purchased from a local
sauces and stews; however, it is considered an underu- brand (Campo Vivo™, Mexico). All chemicals used were
tilized crop. Despite being consumed locally in certain of analytical grade: methanol, ethanol, acetonitrile, gla-
regions, LL remains largely overlooked as a viable protein cial acetic acid, formic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium
source. The seeds, particularly the cotyledons (CT), boast hydroxide, sodium chloride, bovine serum albumin (BSA),
a high protein content and have shown promise in protein borate buffer, sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate
isolate production, offering favorable amino acid profiles ­(NaH2PO4·H2O), nitrogen gas, Laemmli buffer, polyacryla-
suitable for human nutrition. Additionally, LL proteins mide gels, Coomassie Blue acetic, polyphenols standards
exhibit techno-functional properties, making them attrac- (gallic acid, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid,
tive as additives in food formulations seeking alternatives ρ-coumaric acid, and epicatechin), amino acid standards,
to animal protein (Rodrigues-Corrêa et al. 2019). This o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and 9-fluorenylmethyl chloro-
species is also farmed for multipurpose, including green formate (FMOC), were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St.
manure, livestock fodder, and soil conservation in some Louis, MO). HPLC-grade water was generated by a Milli-Q
tropical areas like South America, Western Africa, and system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). The LL samples
India, where the crop is harvested (Verma et al. 2018). were immediately stored at − 20 °C in airtight dark contain-
The seeds are the edible part of this crop, which con- ers prior to extractions.
sists of a CT (high protein content, 25–32%) covered
by an endosperm (polysaccharides, 20–25%) (Sethi and
Proximate analysis
Kulkarni 1993, 1995). The LL-CT protein isolates have
shown up to 76% purity and contain some essential amino
The proximal composition of the LL seeds was determined
acids such as histidine, isoleucine, leucine, and phenylala-
by the standard methods of AOAC (2016). Moisture con-
nine in recommended amounts for human nutrition (Sethi
tent (930.15), ash (923.03), protein (976.05) (N × 6.25), total
and Kulkarni 1994b). Besides their nutritional quality,
dietary fiber (958.29), and fat (920.39). Carbohydrates were
proteins are recognized as techno-functional ingredients
determined by weight difference.
(thickeners, emulsifiers, stabilizers, among others) in food
product development. Thus, this protein transition is also
focused on finding sustainable additives for animal protein Preparation of material
replacement for different organoleptic features and even
eating habits (e.g., religion, veganism) (Ahnen et al. 2019; The seeds and pods from LL were used for the preparation
Klongklaew et al. 2023). of three different flours: wholegrain seeds (WS), seeds pods,
Other nutritional constituents in plants are phytochemi- hull seed, and CT. For WS and CT, the seeds were soaked in
cals, mainly the phenolic compounds, which are the most water for 2 h; then, the hulls were manually removed from
abundant group of secondary metabolites found particu- the swollen CT using a scalpel. WS and CT, and seeds pods
larly in legume sources. Their antioxidant capacity has were air-dried at 60 ºC for 48 h (Binder™ ED 23, Germany)
been related to reducing the oxidative damage associated and ground in an electric miller (Krups™ GX4100, Ger-
with some diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular many) to obtain the flours. Afterward, the flours were sieved
problems (Singh et al. 2017). These biocompouds are through a 625 μm mesh and stored at 4 ºC until use.
present in the hulls of the LL, but they are poorly studied
as a source of nutraceutical ingredients from wasted crop Quantification of polyphenols
biomass (Benjakul et al. 2014).
Herein, we studied the effective use of LL crops for WS and seed pods materials were used for polyphenols
obtaining nutritional compounds such as protein concen- extraction using three solvents: (a) water (60 °C), (b) metha-
trates and polyphenols as potential novel additives for food nol–water (80:20), and (c) ethanol–water (80:20) (b and c at
applications. LL was used to obtain different flours which room temperature, 25 °C). The extractions were carried out
were then characterized and their techno-functional prop- for 30 min using a 1:10 solute:solvent ratio. Afterward, the
erties evaluated. extracts were filtered using both Whatman filter paper No.
Chemical Papers

40 and nylon syringe filter (0.2 μm). An LC–MS/MS equip- neutralized, and freeze-dried (Labconco™ Triad 740040,
ment (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) with an Acquity UPLC USA).
BEH C18 column (2.1 × 100 mm, 1.7 μm) was used for the
identification and quantification of polyphenols. An Acquity Amino acid analysis
UPLC BEH C18 (2.1 × 100 mm, 1.7 μm) was used for com-
pound separation. Mobile phases were 0.1% (v/v) formic Amino acids (AA) were determined by HPLC according
acid in water (A) and 0.1% (v/v) formic acid in methanol to the Agilent method (Woodward et al. 2007). The protein
(B). The column was maintained at 40 °C. A flow rate of concentrates samples (0.2 g) were subjected to acid hydroly-
0.45 mL/min and an injection volume of 5 μL were used. sis with 25 mL of 6 N HCl under a nitrogen atmosphere for
Total run time of 14.5 min with 99% A at 0.5 min, 20% A at 24 h at 110 °C. The resulting hydrolysate solutions were
13.5 min, and 99% A at 14 min was used. Quattro Premier adjusted to pH 7 and washed with distilled water, then fil-
XE triple quadrupole mass spectrometer fitted with electro- tered through a 0.22 µm syringe filter. Before injection, sam-
spray ionization (ESI) was used in a negative mode for gallic ples were automatically derivatized online using OPA or
acid, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ρ-coumaric with FMOC. The equipment was injected by programming
acid, and epicatechin. Mass spectrometer optimization was the autosampler with volumes of 2.5 μL of borate buffer
conducted using 50 mg/L stock standard solutions to select mixed with 0.5 μL of sample, 0.5 μL of OPA, 0.5 μL of
the ionization mode and precursor and product ions. The FMOC reagent, and 32 μL of HPLC-grade water. The analy-
calibration curves (3–50 µg/mL) of the polyphenol stand- sis was performed on an Agilent 1100 system (Agilent Tech-
ards mentioned were used for quantification. Polyphenols nologies, Waldbronn, Germany), composed of a µ-degasser
were identified by their retention time, MS-fragmentation (G1379B), 1260 binary pump (G1312B), 1260 standard
patterns, and comparison to standards. autosampler (G1329B), 1260 thermostated column compart-
ment (G1316A), 1260 diode array and multiple wavelength
Leucaena leucocephala seeds protein fractionation detector (G1315C), and a Zorbax Eclipse-AAA column
(150 mm × 4.6 mm, i.d., particle size 5 μm) (Agilent Tech-
The LL seeds protein fractions from WS and CT were nologies, Santa Clara, CA). The column temperature was
obtained according to the sequential fractionation Osborne set at 40 °C, with detection at λ1 = 338 nm (for OPA-amino
method as described by Teka et al. (2020) Solutions of acids) and λ2 = 262 nm (for FMOC-amino acids). The mobile
flour and distilled water (1:10 w/v) were stirred for two h at phase comprised a 40 mM ­NaH2PO4·H2O pH 7.8 solution
room temperature, followed by centrifugation (Heraeus™ (mobile phase A) and a mixture of water, methanol, and
Multifuge™ X1R) at 5000 × gfor 15 min at 4 °C. The first acetonitrile (10:45:45 v/v/v; phase B). Gradient samples elu-
supernatant (albumin fraction) was collected and stored at tion at a flow rate of 2 mL/min were: 0 min, 0% B; 1.9 min,
4 °C. The remnant pellets for the next sequential extrac- 0% B; 18.1 min, 57% B; 18.6 min, 100% B; 22.3 min, 100%
tions were solubilized with NaCl (5%), NaOH (pH 8), and B; 23.2 min, 0% B; and 26 min, 0% B. Amino acid stand-
ethanol (70%) to obtain globulins, glutelins, and prolamins ards were used to identify each amino acid by their retention
fractions, respectively. Mixtures were stirred and centrifuged times (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).
as described before. The protein extractions were performed
in triplicate. The content of protein in the protein fraction SDS‑PAGE analysis
extracts was determined by the Bradford microplate assay,
using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as standard for the cali- The determination of the electrophoretic profile of the pro-
bration curve (Bradford 1976). Based on the protein frac- tein concentrates was performed according to the method
tion yields, CT flour was the selected material for further described by Laemmli (1970). Protein samples (5 mg) were
analysis. dissolved in 1 mL of Laemmli buffer (0.5 M Tris–HCl (pH
6.8), 10% SDS, 10% glycerol, 5% b-mercaptoethanol, and
Preparation of protein concentrates (globulins 0.1% bromophenol blue) and heated at 90 °C for 5 min.
and glutelins) Afterward, aliquots of 5 μL were poured into polyacryla-
mide gels (4% stacking; 8–16% separating), and run at con-
Globulins and glutelins proteins from extracts previously stant voltage (60 V). The gels were stained with Coomassie
described were precipitated at their isoelectric point (IEP) Blue for 15 min and destained with methanol:water:acetic
using a solution of HCl (0.1 N, pH 6) and recovered by cen- acid (3:6:1 v/v/v) solution. The destained gels were pho-
trifugation at 5000 × g for 15 min at 4 ºC (Rodríguez-Ambriz tographed using an iBright™ CL1000 Imaging System
et al. 2005). The protein extraction from the residual pellet (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, United States).
was carried out twice. The precipitates from both extrac- A molecular weight standard (6.5–66 kDa, Sigma-Aldrich,
tions for globulins and glutelins fractions were washed, St. Louis, MO, USA) was used as a marker.
Chemical Papers

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Foaming capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS)

Infrared spectra of globulins and glutelins were recorded using The foaming capacity (FC) and foaming stability (FS) of
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (Agilent Cary proteins were determined, according to Piornos et al. (2015).
630 spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, USA) equipped with Protein solutions at 1% w/v were blended in a homogenizer
Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) cell (PIKE Technology (Ultra-Turrax T18, IKA Instruments, Germany) at 12,500 rpm
Inc., USA). For spectra analysis, protein concentrates samples for 1 min at room temperature. After homogenization, the dis-
were placed on the crystal cell, and the cell was gripped into persion was poured in a test tube and the height of the foam
the mount of the FTIR spectrometer. Spectra were measured present above the surface of the liquid was measured. For
in the range of 500–4000 ­cm−1 using 32 scans at a resolution FS, the sample was allowed to stand up and monitored for
of 4 ­cm−1 against a background spectrum recorded from the 120 min. FC and FS were calculated with Eq. 4.
clean empty cell at room temperature.
V2 − V1
Foaming capacity (% ) = × 100 (4)
Techno‑functional properties of Leucaena V1
leucocephala protein fraction concentrate where V2 is the volume of protein solution after homogeni-
zation, and V1 is the original volume of protein solution.
Protein solubility Additionally, the effect of pH on foaming properties (from
2 to 10) was also evaluated. Experiments were performed
Protein dispersions (1% w/v) were prepared at different pH in triplicate.
values (from 2 to 10) using 0.1 N HCl or NaOH solutions. The
dispersions were stirred for 2 h at room temperature and centri- Water holding capacity (WHC) and Oil absorption
fuged (5000 × g for 15 min at 4ºC). The supernatant was used capacity (OAC)
for protein quantification by Bradford (1976) microplate assay
method (xMark™ Microplate Spectrophotometer). Control To assess both the water holding capacity (WHC) and oil
samples were prepared dissolving the protein in 0.5 N NaOH absorption capacity (OAC), the protein concentrates (1 g) were
(pH 12). All samples were measured in triplicate, percent- dispersed in 10 mL of either distilled water or sunflower oil
age of soluble protein was calculated using Eq. 1 (Rodríguez- within a pre-weighed 15 mL centrifuge tube. The dispersions
Ambriz et al. 2005): were thoroughly vortexed (VV3, VWR, Lutterworth, UK), and
Protein in supernatant the samples were left to stand at room temperature for 30 min
Solubility (% )= × 100 before being centrifuged (5000 × g, 15 min, 4 °C). Following
Total protein content in control
(1) centrifugation, the supernatants were discarded, and the cen-
trifuge tubes containing the sediments were weighed (Mune
Mune and Sogi 2015). WHC was reported as grams of water
Emulsifying capacity (EC) and emulsion thermal stability
absorbed per gram of protein concentrate. OAC was reported
as grams of water or oil absorbed per gram of protein concen-
trate, determined using Eqs. 5 and 6, respectively.
Protein emulsions were prepared by homogenization of
10 mL of protein solutions (1% w/v) and 5 mL of sunflower M 2 − M1
oil using an Ultra-Turrax (T18, IKA Instruments, Germany) at WHC (g hold water /g protein)= (5)
12,500 rpm for 5 min at room temperature. Next, the emulsify-
ing capacity (EC) after the application of gravitational forces M2 − M1
(1300 × g for 5 min at 4ºC) was measured using Eq. 2 (Karaca OAC (g absorbed oil /g protein) = (6)
et al. 2011). A similar procedure was followed to determine
the emulsifying stability (ES), incubating the samples at 80 °C where W was the weight of the dry protein concentrate sam-
in a water bath for 30 min before centrifugation. The ES was ple (g), M1 was the weight of the tube plus the dry sample
calculated with Eq. 3. (g), and M2 was the weight of the tube plus the sediment (g)
after the decantation of water or oil.
Height of emulsified layer in the tube
Emulsifying capacity (% ) = × 100 (2)
Height of the total content in the tube
Statistical analysis
Height of emulsified layer after heating
Emulsifying stability (% ) = × 100
Height of the emulsion before heating The extractions and experiment replicates were conducted
(3) in triplicate, and the values were expressed as mean ± stand-
ard deviation. Data analysis involved one-way ANOVA, and
Chemical Papers

mean comparison was executed using Tukey’s test (statisti- Identification and quantification of polyphenols
cal significance considered at P < 0.05). Minitab 18 (Minitab in Leucaena leucocephala flours
Inc., State College, PA, USA) was utilized for statistical
analysis, and GraphPad Prism 9 was employed for creating Seven polyphenolic compounds were identified and quanti-
the plots. fied from WS and seed pod flours, including two hydroxy-
benzoic acids (HBA) (gallic and vanillic acid), three hydrox-
ycinnamic acids (HCA) (caffeic acid, 3-caffeoylquinic acid,
Results and discussion and p-coumaric acid), and two flavanols (FLA) (epicatechin
and catechin) (Table 2). For both WS and seed pods, the
Leucaena leucocephala seeds proximate analysis highest extraction of polyphenols resulted using water as sol-
vent (~ 165 and 544 mg/L, respectively) followed by the mix-
The proximal analysis of LL seeds is shown in Table 1. It tures ethanol:water (160 and 471 mg/L) and methanol:water
was observed that after the carbohydrates, the proteins were (100 and 315 mg/L). This behavior has already been
the main constituent (~ 30%). The protein content agreed reported, where the extraction of polyphenols is driven by
with values reported for the same species harvested in dif- their solubility and structural composition (polarity), find-
ferent regions of Africa, such as Western Nigeria, ~ 32% ing them more soluble in water than in organic solvents.
(Adeneye 1979), Nigeria, ~ 25–30% (Ekpenyong 1986), The highest water-extracted FLA compounds were around
and Sudan, ~ 31% (Ahmed and Abdelati 2009). Interest- 68–81 and 74–88% for WS and seed pods, respectively. For
ingly, the content of protein was higher in comparison to HBA, both samples showed similar values (~ 6–16%), and in
other non-conventional legume crops like Lablab purpureus, the case of HCA, WS had slightly higher amounts (11–17%)
23% (Hossain et al. 2016); Vigna unguiculata, 26% (Rivas- than seed pods (7–10%). In general, the seed pods showed
Vega et al. 2006); Canavalia ensiformis, 27% (Rajaram and a total content of polyphenols around three times more than
Janardhanan 1992); Prosopis juliflora, 28% (Ortega-Nieb- WS. Total polyphenol content in LL seeds has been reported
las et al. 1996) and Phaseolus acutifolius, 23% (Porch et al. only using indirect methods (~ 37 mg GAE/g) (Chowtivan-
2016). This high protein concentration indicates that LL nakul et al. 2016), however, so far, there are no studies on
seeds might be used as a considerable protein supplement the identification and quantification of polyphenols using
in a variety of diets, especially in areas where protein-rich LC–MS/MS chromatographic techniques in LL seeds and
food sources are limited. Regarding the fat and carbohy- seeds pods. In comparison to other legumes, such as black
drates, the results (4.04 and 55.38%, respectively) align and ruviotto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) with concentrations
with values previously reported for LL seeds, albeit slightly of 459 and 189 mg/Kg, respectively, black lentils (Vigna
lower than some reported ranges (5–10% fat and 35–45% mungo) exhibit a polyphenol content of 137 mg/Kg, and
carbohydrates) (Alemán-Ramirez et al. 2022; Garcia et al. gold lentils (Lens esculenta) of 132 mg/Kg (Caprioli et al.
1996; Sethi and Kulkarni 1994a, 1995). Climate, harvest 2018). These findings indicate a concordance in terms of
conditions, soil characteristics, and genetic traits all have their polyphenol content within the water WS and seed pod
an impact on composition, which varies across regions. extracts of LL. Comparing the polyphenol concentration
Understanding these variations is crucial for optimizing LL of LL to other legumes provides insight into its nutritional
cultivation and utilization, especially in agricultural and profile among widely consumed meals. While LL polyphe-
nutritional contexts. Additionally, further research into the nol levels are comparable to those of other legumes, its dis-
nutritional composition of LL seeds under different growth tinct polyphenolic composition may provide unique health
stages and conditions could provide valuable insights into benefits.
enhancing their nutritional value and utilization potential The identification and quantification of polyphenolic
(Porch et al. 2016; Rui et al. 2011). compounds in LL flours provided insight on their potential
health benefits and nutritional significance. Polyphenols are
recognized for their antioxidant properties and have been
Table 1  Proximate composition of whole Leucaena leucocephala associated with various health-promoting effects, includ-
seed flour (dry weight basis)
ing anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities (Bhat and
Component Composition (%) Karim 2009). The presence of HBA, HCA, and FLA in LL
flours indicates their rich polyphenolic profile, which could
Protein (N × 6.25) 30.59 ± 0.79
contribute to its nutritional value. The choice of solvent
Fiber 8.33 ± 0.29
for polyphenol extraction, with water yielding the highest
Ash 1.66 ± 0.11
extraction efficiency, underscores the importance of solvent
Fat 4.04 ± 0.33
selection in maximizing polyphenol recovery. Variations in
Carbohydrates (by difference) 55.38 ± 0.10
the concentration of bioactive substances across different
Chemical Papers

Table 2  Polyphenols identified in the extracts from seeds and seed pods of Leucaena leucocephala
Compound [M– Fragments m/z Concentration (mg/L)
H] − m/z (MS2) (intensity)

Hydroxybenzoic acids (HBA)

Gallic ­acida 169 125 (100) 27.02 ± 0.81c 15.37 ± 0.62 13.55 ± 0.21 76.99 ± 3.44 42.74 ± 0.54 20.84 ± 0.62
Vanillic ­acida 167 152 (100) ndb nd nd 5.77 ± 0.18 5.51 ± 0.13 5.09 ± 0.16
Hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA)
Caffeic ­acida 179 135 (100) 14.95 ± 0.64 7.40 ± 0.28 6.98 ± 0.18 10.26 ± 0.46 5.20 ± 0.14 7.50 ± 0.28
3-Caffeoylquinic 353 179 (100), 135 nd nd nd 5.84 ± 0.12 12.45 ± 0.21 5.12 ± 0.17
­acida (64), 125 (52)
p-Coumaric ­acida 163 119 (100) 10.01 ± 0.20 9.78 ± 1.72 10.29 ± 0.42 25.22 ± 0.33 14.97 ± 0.66 19.07 ± 0.70
Flavanols (FLA)
Epicatechina 291 139 (100) 4.87 ± 0.10 15.44 ± 0.65 15.40 ± 0.57 4.83 ± 0.18 5.82 ± 0.11 5.90 ± 0.28
Catechin 291 139 (100) 109.01 ± 2.17 52.70 ± 2.24 113.85 ± 2.62 415.41 ± 6.82 228.46 ± 5.83 407.71 ± 4.04
Total 165.85 ± 3.72 100.68 ± 4.94 160.05 ± 4.00 544.29 ± 10.27 315.14 ± 7.22 471.22 ± 5.34
Identified and quantified with authentic standards. bnd = not detected. cResults expressed in mg/L of extract. Data are presented as mean ± SD
(n = 3)
SW Whole seed flour (water), SM Whole seed flour (80:20 methanol:water), SE = Whole seed flour (80:20 ethanol:water). PW Pod flour (water),
PM Pod flour (80:20 methanol:water), PE Pod flour (80:20 ethanol:water)

portions of the LL plant, such as higher polyphenol levels 60 a

in seed pods than in seeds, indicate prospects for targeted 50 b

extraction and use of certain plant sections to improve their Albumins
40 c
nutritional value. Globulins
Fraction %

a Glutelins
Structural characterization of Leucaena 20 b
b a c
leucocephala storage proteins c
a a a
Protein fractioning 0
Ctrl DF CT Ctrl DF CT Ctrl DF CT Ctrl DF CT
The protein content found in CT was higher than WS flour
(Control) and defatted flour (DF); globulins were the most Ctrl: whole seed flour, DF: seed defatted flour and CT: cotyledon flour

abundant fraction in the three flours (55.2, 44.73, and ~ 35%,

respectively), as shown in Fig. 1. Although specific data Fig. 1  Leucaena leucocephala protein fractions for whole seed flour
(Control), seed defatted flour (DF), and cotyledon (CT). Different
on LL seed protein fractions are scarce in the literature, letters on the column top indicate the significant difference (Tukey's
the prevalence of globulins in both CT and WS flours line HSD test, P < 0.05), among different materials (at a given protein
up with typical legume protein profiles, where these pro- kind). Data points represent means (n = 3) ± SD
teins generally contribute over 70% of total protein content.
Globulins are recognized for their solubility in water-based
conditions and serve important roles in a variety of bio- (44.17, 48.53 and 52.55%, respectively) (Ezeagu and Gowda
logical processes. Their abundance implies that they may 2006). In contrast, prolamins constitute the lowest fraction
have functional functions in LL seeds, such as nutrient in both CT and WS flours (2.2 and 2.18%, respectively),
storage, seed germination, and plant defense mechanisms consistent with their minor role in legume protein composi-
(Makeri et al. 2017; Meng and Ma 2002). Comparable frac- tion. These low content of prolamins corresponded to Vinga
tions have been reported in other legumes such as Sesbania angularis (~ 2–5%) (Durak et al. 2013) and Psophocarpus
pachycarpa, Milletia thonningii, Mucuna utilis, and Mucuna tetragonolobus (~ 4%) (Yea et al. 2014). Comparing differ-
cochinchinensis, where similar globulins fractions (38.63, ent legume species reveals differences in protein fraction
54.23, 63.75, and 58.30%, respectively) have been shown. patterns, indicating the plant family diversity. The pres-
Nevertheless, in Adenanthera pavonina, Prosopis africana, ence of similar globulin fractions across different legumes
and Lonchocarpus sericeus, the major fraction was glutelins underlines the conserved nature of globulins among them.
Chemical Papers

Based on total protein content and protein fractions yield, Table 3  Amino acid composition of Leucaena leucocephala cotyle-
globulins and glutelin from CT samples were selected for don protein fractions
further analysis. This selection is based on their abundance Amino acid Concentration (g/100 g protein)
and possible functional properties, allowing opportunities
Globulins Glutelins FAO/WHO,
for studying the nutritional importance and application of 2007
LL storage proteins. Adult
The amino acid composition of protein fractions from recommen-
LL seeds cotyledon offers valuable information regarding
their nutritional quality and potential applications in food *His 1.27 ± 0.01 3.00 ± 0.01 1.6
industries. Table 3 illustrates the amino acid profiles of *Ile 7.35 ± 0.21 8.81 ± 0.04 3.0
globulins and glutelins from CT protein concentrate. It was *Leu 6.91 ± 0.61 7.08 ± 0.01 5.9
observed that for both fractions, the limiting amino acids *Lys 9.49 ± 0.22 11.62 ± 0.43 4.5
were Thr and Trp. Additionally, similar to other legumes, *Met + Cys 2.04 ± 0.15 3.09 ± 0.01 2.3
globulins displayed a limitation in sulphur-containing amino *Tyr + Phe 4.65 ± 0.34 3.57 ± 0.07 4.1
acids (Met + Cys), while glutelins exhibited reduced con- *Thr 0.08 ± 0.04 0.06 ± 0.24 2.5
tents of aromatic amino acids (Tyr + Phe), whose levels do *Trp 0.31 ± 0.03 0.30 ± 0.45 0.6
not reach the recommendations by FAO/WHO (2007). The *Val 4.26 ± 0.01 3.99 ± 0.11 4.0
higher amount of essential amino acids in globulins and glu- Total EAA 36.32 ± 1.24 36.40 ± 1.26 28.5
telins compared to the recommended values suggests that LL Ala 3.69 ± 0.01 4.20 ± 0.02
seed proteins could serve as valuable protein sources, espe- Arg 11.72 ± 0.01 11.68 ± 0.05
cially in regions where protein deficiencies are prevalent. Asp 9.20 ± 0.21 9.19 ± 0.01
Besides, the presence of hydrophobic amino acids in globu- Asn 0.18 ± 0.80 0.28 ± 0.90
lins suggests these proteins may have improved solubility Glu 21.04 ± 0.01 23.55 ± 0.04
and emulsification capabilities, which might be useful in a Gln 0.08 ± 0.12 0.89 ± 0.01
variety of food and beverage applications. The deficiency Cys 1.29 ± 0.65 2.91 ± 0.43
in sulfur-containing amino acids in CT protein concentrates Ser 0.68 ± 0.04 0.86 ± 0.21
may be compensated by blending them with cereals or other Tyr 2.89 ± 0.10 1.95 ± 0.06
legumes rich in Met and Cys. This approach opens avenues Gly 4.15 ± 0.05 4.88 ± 0.01
leading to the formulation of balanced protein blends with Pro 5.56 ± 0.24 5.79 ± 0.15
improved nutritional profiles (Pastor-Cavada et al. 2014). Amino acids type distribution (%)
However, the total essential amino acid content in globulins Hydrophobic 41.40 ± 1.05 35.10 ± 1.07
(36.32%) and glutelins (36.40%) was higher than recom- Hydrophilic 58.60 ± 1.43 64.90 ± 1.33
mendations for adults (28.5%) (FAO/WHO 2007). Hydro-
Values are mean ± standard deviation of triplicate determinations
phobic amino acids were predominant in globulins (41.40%)
Hydrophobic (Ala, Val, Met, Phe, Leu, Ile, Pro, Trp, Gly, Tyr)
compared to glutelins (35.10%); these types of amino acids
Hydrophilic (Arg, Asp, His, Lys, Glu, Asn, Gln, Cys, Thr, Ser)
contribute to some functional properties such as solubility,
emulsification, and foaming (Foegeding 2015). *EAA Essential amino acids

Gel electrophoresis (SDS‑PAGE) those found in other legume seeds. However, the protein
fractions profile for lupin bean seeds had shown bands at
The electrophoretic profile of globulins (B) and glutelins similar molecular weights (~ 23, 37, and 50 kDa) attrib-
(C) protein fractions of CT are shown in Fig. 2. Defined uted to the subunit constituents of legumin and vicilin
globulin fractions at ~ 50, 37, and ~ 23 kDa were found, (Rodríguez-Ambriz et al. 2005). Comparing the electro-
which correspond to 7S and 11S subunits. The 7S globu- phoretic profiles of LL seed proteins to those of other leg-
lins fraction is formed by convicilins (~ 76–80 kDa), and umes provides useful information for protein engineering
vicilins (~ 50 kDa), and 11S is a hetero-hexamer formed and crop development efforts.
by acidic (~ 30–40 kDa) and basic (17–20 kDa) polypep- The secondary structure of powdered globulins and glu-
tide bands. In the case of glutelins (30%), only one clear telins fractions analyzed by FTIR spectra showed the typical
band (~ 50 kDa) was observed, probably corresponding to protein footprint (Fig. 3), providing insights into how protein
a vicilin-like fraction (7S globulin) (Tan‐Wilson and Wil- extraction conditions affect protein structure. Both fractions
son 2011). This analysis offers a glimpse into the structural exhibited a consistent pattern with variations in absorbance
composition of LL seed proteins, indicating the presence intensity, the peaks associated with amide groups can be
of characteristic globulin and glutelin fractions similar to seen around 3285 ­cm−1 (Amide A associated with N–H
Chemical Papers

stability and solubility, making them useful for protein dis-

persion and emulsification. Understanding these structural
differences can help guide the selection and optimization of
extraction procedures and processing processes for tailoring
LL seed proteins to specific applications, hence increasing
their versatility. The FTIR spectrum reveals the abundance
of α-helix and β-sheet structures for globulins compared to
glutelins. In other sources of legumes (Phaseolus vulgaris,
Phaseolus calcaratus, Dolichos lablab), higher amounts of
β-sheet and relatively lower of α-helix have been reported
(Law et al. 2008; Rui et al. 2011).

Protein functionality

Protein solubility
Fig. 2  SDS-page analysis for globulins. (A) Protein standar marker,
(B) and glutelins (C) protein fractions from Leucaena leucocephala The solubility of globulins and glutelins as a function of pH
seeds (2–10 values) is shown in Fig. 4. Both fractions showed the
typical U-shaped profile. Similarly, globulins and glutelins
stretching coupled with hydrogen bonding), 2922 ­cm−1 showed the lowest solubility values (3.03 and 3.36%, respec-
(Amide B, –CH stretching vibration), 1630 ­cm−1 (Amide I, tively) at pH 6 (closer to the isoelectric point of the protein).
stretching vibrations of the C=O bond), 1513 ­cm−1 (Amide Decreasing the pH value to 2 enhanced the solubility of both
II, N–H bending), and around 1237 ­cm−1 (Amide III, C–N protein fractions, and it was observed that globulins were
stretching and N–H bending). The distinct secondary struc- significantly more soluble (~ 72%) than glutelins (~ 63%). A
ture patterns observed in globulins and glutelins within similar behavior was observed at a pH of 10, where globulins
the protein backbone suggest variations in their functional exhibited a higher solubility (37.34%) compared to 21.36%
attributes. The Amide I band, which represents secondary for glutelins. This suggests that the solubility properties of
structures in legume proteins, includes β-sheet, α-helix, ran- the two protein types differ in alkaline environments, with
dom coil, and β-turn. These structural components may vary globulins exhibiting higher solubility than glutelins. In that
slightly due to differences in amino acid composition and sense, globulins exhibited higher solubility than glutelins,
interactions among functional groups. Globulins with higher particularly at acidic pH levels, indicating their suitabil-
amounts of α-helix and β-sheet structures may provide better ity for acidic formulations like juices, dairy products, and
soups. However, both fractions displayed lower solubility at
neutral pH, which may limit their use in neutral or slightly
alkaline products. The observed differences in solubility
between globulins and glutelins suggest opportunities for

Fig. 4  Solubility profile as a function of pH for globulins and glute-

Fig. 3  FTIR spectra of globulins and glutelins protein fractions from lins fractions from Leucaena leucocephala protein cotyledon. Data
Leucaena leucocephala cotyledon points represent means (n = 3) ± SD
Chemical Papers

formulating protein blends with customized solubility pro- between protein structure and environmental factors such as
files to meet specific product needs. The protein solubility pH. The pH-dependent changes in EC highlight the dynamic
has been related to the balance between protein–protein and nature of protein interactions at different charge states, influ-
protein–solvent interactions. Also, it can be affected by pH, encing their ability to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions. The
ionic strength, temperature, solvent polarity, and processing higher EC exhibited by glutelins at pH 4 compared to globu-
conditions (Shevkani et al. 2015). Solubility values for LL lins at pH 2 suggests distinct pH optima for emulsification,
protein were in agreement with solubility found for vici- potentially due to differences in surface hydrophobicity and
lin and legumin isolate from pea protein at the same pH charge distribution. Furthermore, the decline in EC near the
range (2–10). The lower solubility of the protein occurred IEP (pH 6) for both fractions underscores the critical role
around pH between 5 and 6 and progressively increased far of electrostatic repulsions in emulsion stability, with impli-
away from these values; also, the highest solubility (> 80%) cations for formulation strategies aimed at optimizing pH
occurred at pH 2 (Liang and Tang 2013). Solubility is an conditions for enhanced emulsifying properties. Similarly,
important characteristic in food proteins when its intended the pH-dependent trends observed in ES reflect the delicate
use is as an additive in mixed systems such as emulsions, balance between protein–protein and protein–oil interactions
foams, or gels. Additionally, exploring processing tech- in maintaining emulsion stability. The higher ES at acidic
niques like enzymatic hydrolysis or microencapsulation and alkaline pH values (> 95%) suggests stronger protein–oil
could enhance the solubility and functionality of LL pro- interactions under these conditions, leading to improved
tein fractions, expanding their potential applications in the thermal stability of emulsions. Conversely, the reduced ES
food industry. In this case, the potential use of these protein near the IEP highlights the vulnerability of emulsions to
fractions could be in partially acid products like juices, dairy destabilization due to decreased repulsive forces between
products, and other semiliquid products like sauces, soups, protein molecules. These insights into the pH-dependent
infant milk formulations, and ready-to-drink protein shakes behavior of LL protein fractions provide valuable guidance
(Khazaei et al. 2019). for formulating emulsions with tailored stability profiles,
thereby expanding their potential applications in new food
Emulsifying capacity (EC) and emulsion thermal development. Further investigation into the underlying
stability (ES) mechanisms governing pH-mediated changes in EC and ES
will facilitate the development of optimized emulsion sys-
Both EC and ES in LCP protein fractions varied with pH tems with superior stability and functionality.
changes, as depicted in Fig. 5. EC in glutelins at pH 4
(38.18%) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the maxi- Foaming capacity (FC) and foaming stability (FS)
mum value for globulins (35.13%) at pH 2. Similarly, solu-
bility at a pH close to IEP, the EC decreased for glutelins The pH differences of strong acid or alkaline solutions can
(7.14%) and globulins (11.76%) fractions. The behavior of contribute to protein structure unfolding and increase the
ES and EC was the same for both the fractions, with higher flexibility of the polypeptide chains, facilitating its diffusion
values at acidic and alkaline pH values (> 95%) and lower to the air–water interface (Raikos et al. 2014). The FC and
at pH 6 (11.76% and 7.14%, respectively). The EC results FS of LL protein fractions as a function of pH are shown in
of globulins were similar to findings reported by Sethi and Fig. 6. The FC of globulins was higher at pH 2 (~ 179%),
Kulkarni (1994b) in LL seed globulins, where EC (~ 40%) unlike glutelins at pH 10 (~ 135%). For both samples, the
was better when compared to soy protein (~ 30%). Other lowest FC was at pH 6 (~ 132 and 83%, respectively). At pH
legume proteins, such as Canavalia ensiformis protein iso- values distant from an IEP, the FC improved for all samples.
lates, have shown similar behavior but higher EC (51–54%), The absence of charges on protein surface at IEP could cause
and in the case of Phaseolus lunatus, EC ranged around the reduction of interactions at the interface (water–air) or
41.78–56.42% (Chel-Guerrero et al. 2002). The superficial protein precipitation and thus, air bubbles disruption. The
net charges in a protein molecule can be enhanced by the pH FS for globulins was better compared to glutelins at almost
of the media and, thus, increase the water–protein interac- all pH values (except pH 10), and contrary to FC, the FS was
tions (solubilization) and hydrophobic interactions required enhanced near the IEP (pH 8), showing the highest stability
for a protein to cover the oil droplet surface (Withana- (98.01%). Different phenomena drive foam formation and its
Gamage et al. 2011). During the application of mechani- mechanisms of stabilization; in the case of FS, it is required
cal forces (high-speed homogenization), a probable partial the formation of a stable molecular layer at the air–water
protein denaturation occurs, exposing hydrophobic groups interface. It has been shown that a low superficial net charge
and favoring the non-polar interactions with the oily phase in in proteins close to the IEP, promotes a more stable layer
the system (Jones 2016). The observed variations in EC and in this region (Karaca et al. 2011). Some previous reports
ES of LL protein fractions underscore the complex interplay have indicated that proteins exhibit increased FS, a property
Chemical Papers

food formulations. The higher FC of globulins at acidic pH

and glutelins at alkaline pH suggests their suitability for
different types of foaming applications. Globulins may be
preferred for acidic food products like fruit-based desserts
or beverages, where stable foaming is desirable, while glu-
telins could be more suitable for alkaline products such as
plant-based meat alternatives or dairy substitutes. Within the
protein family, albumins stand out for their notable structural
and functional diversity. The higher FS of LL protein frac-
tions near the IEP suggests the formation of a more stable
molecular layer at the air–water interface, enhancing foam
stability. This property is crucial for applications requiring
long-term foam stability, such as whipped toppings or aer-
ated confections. Specifically, the FS of albumins derived
from lentils (Lens culinaris) and horse gram (Macrotyloma
uniflorum) is significantly higher, with values of approxi-
mately 66 and 55%, respectively, in contrast to their globulin
counterparts, which show comparatively lower FS percent-
ages of 6.7 and 4.4%, respectively. These findings highlight
the intricate interplay among protein structure, source, and
observed functional properties, underscoring the signifi-
cance of considering distinct protein fractions when eval-
uating characteristics such as FS (Ghumman et al. 2016).
Comparisons with other legume-derived albumins further
highlight the unique functional attributes of LL protein
fractions, emphasizing the need to consider both physico-
chemical and structural characteristics when evaluating their
foaming properties. By leveraging these insights, researchers
and formulators can tailor LL protein fractions for specific
Fig. 5  Emulsifying capacity (a) and thermal stability (b) as a func- foaming applications, contributing to the development of
tion of pH for globulins and glutelins fractions from Leucaena leuco-
innovative food products.
cephala protein cotyledon. Data points represent means (n = 3) ± SD

Water holding capacity (WHC) and oil absorption

attributed to their functional attributes directly linked to both capacity (OAC)
physicochemical and structural characteristics. The varia-
tion in FC and FS of LL protein fractions across different In addition to their structural differences, the contrasting
pH levels offers insights into their potential applications in WHC and OAC between globulins and glutelins highlight

a) Globulins b)
a a
180 Glutelins 100 a a
a a
a a
Foaming capacity (%)

Foaming stability (%)

a a
a a 80 b
b a b a
120 b b
b 60 Globulins
b b b
b 120 min
60 Glutelins
120 min
0 0
2.0 2.3 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 2.0 2.3 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
pH pH

Fig. 6  Foaming capacity (a) and foaming stability (b) as a function of nificant difference (Tukey's HSD test, P < 0.05), among globulins and
pH for globulins and glutelin fractions from Leucaena leucocephala glutelin fractions. Data points represent means (n = 3) ± SD
protein cotyledon. Different letters on the column top indicate the sig-
Chemical Papers

a) b) the parameters that influence WHC and OAC, such as pH,

Oil absorption capacity g /g protein)

Water holding capacity (g /g protein)
5 4
a a stirring speed, and protein concentration, can help optimize
4 extraction and processing methods to tailor LL protein frac-
3 b
tions for specific uses.

1 Conclusions
0 0 The results of this research support the idea that the underu-
Globulins Glutelins Globulins Glutelins
tilized LL biomass is a potential sustainable source of high
Protein fraction Protein fraction
nutritional and low-cost food ingredients. Also, lays the
groundwork for future research into bioactive phytochemi-
Fig. 7  Water holding (a) and oil absorption (b) capacity for globulins
cals from LL biomass. The protein content and functional-
and glutelin fractions concentrates from Leucaena leucocephala seed
cotyledon. Different letters on the column top indicate the significant ity of protein fractions from its seeds CT provide insights
difference (Tukey's HSD test, P < 0.05), among globulins and glutelin for desirable functional properties at a wide pH range and
fractions. Data points represent means (n = 3) ± SD thermal stability. Overall, this study strengthens the idea
that cultivation of this crop could be incentivized to produce
their potential applications in food development. In Fig. 7, added-value food additives in developing more affordable
the results of the WHC and OAC of LL CT proteins are products for low-income population sectors.
shown. Both WHC and OAC were significantly higher
Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by Departa-
(P < 0.05) for globulins than glutelins (4.17–3.25 and
mento Regional de Bioingenierías, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Queré-
3.86–2.58 g/g, respectively). The results of WHC for both taro, México and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONA-
globulins and glutelins were higher than values reported for CYT) for first author scholarship (No. 305253). The authors also want
protein isolated from LL (1.50 g/g) by Sethi and Kulkarni to thank project CONACYT (FOINS 4950) for reagents support.
(1994b), pea protein isolates (0.3–2.6 g/g) (Stone et al.
2015), and by WHC values for soybean, black soybean, Declarations
Mung bean (Vigna angularis), and Adzuki bean (Vigna Conflict of interest The authors declare that no conflict of interest ex-
angularis) protein isolates with a 3.76, 4.27, 4.09, and ists.
3.75 g/g, respectively (Chen et al. 2017). The structural dif-
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