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Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering

Vol.16, Issue 1, Winter & Spring 2023, 75–87

DOI: 10.22094/JOIE.2023.1972035.2001

The Effect of TQM Practices on Job Satisfaction in Higher Education

Institutes: A Systematic Literature Review from the Last Two Decades
Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad a,*, Zuraina binti Dato Mansor b, Hazrina binti Ghazali c
1-Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad
A School Of Business And Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
a College of Science and Humanities-Shaqra,Department of Business Administration ,Shaqra University, Shaqra 11961, Saudi Arabia.
International business, human resource management, School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Service and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Received 02 November 2022; Revised 28 January 2023 ; Accepted 09 February 2023
Total quality management (TQM) has emerged as a global concern in the twenty-first century. TQM is an essential strategy
for sustaining competitive advantage and managing businesses to improve overall effectiveness and performance in the
pursuit of world-class status. Higher education institutions face global competition, technological advancements, cost control
and other financial pressures. In this context, current research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of job satisfaction among
employees of higher education institutes by implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) practices. Higher education
institutions (HEIs) work in an increasingly complicated and challenging environment. In this context, the paper’s organisation
is as follows the PRISMA statement 2020 to include and exclude records from the Scopus database. Furthermore, we
employed key terms occurrences analysis to identify the significant themes in the review literature. The VOS Viewer
emphasized the number of keywords and key phrases used in the articles. During the data analysis phase, three key data
streams were extracted: quality management, work satisfaction in higher education institutes, and TQM techniques and
implementation. The result indicates that accepting quality management, on the other hand, offers the advantage of increasing
employees' happiness and more significant learning and service quality. Furthermore, findings indicate that TQM approaches
like reward and recognition, employee empowerment, training and education, quality culture, and connection and cooperation
all benefit employee job satisfaction. The findings indicate that TQM is a philosophy of continuous improvement that may
give a set of skills and scientific instruments to meet any educational institution's current and future requirements and
Keywords: TQM; Higher Education Institutes; Job Satisfaction; Quality Management; Work Satisfaction; PRISMA

1. Introduction Higher education institutions face global competition,

technological advancements, cost control and other
Total quality management (TQM) has emerged as a financial pressures (Laurett & Mendes, 2019). Higher
global concern in the twenty-first century. TQM is an education institutions, like any other organisation, must
essential strategy for sustaining competitive advantage meet the demands of their stakeholders while increasing
and managing businesses to improve overall effectiveness their efficiency, which necessitates the adoption of TQM
and performance in the pursuit of world-class status. principles to implement quality management practices
Although many companies worldwide recognise the effectively. The research interest in TQM in the education
benefits of TQM, it was first used in the manufacturing sector has become global (Gowda, 2021) (Nasim et al.,
industry. However, there is a growing interest among 2020). Implementing TQM practices in education has
academicians and scholars in implementing TQM in the attracted the interest of academics and practitioners in
education sector these days. TQM is considered a source recent years (Sfakianaki, 2019a). The surge in interest in
of innovation, an essential component of corporate TQM in schooling was driven by the perception that
culture, and a key contributor to an organisation’s excellent education is critical to competing in the global
competitive edge over competitors (Nasim et al., 2020). education competition and that the underlying concept of
TQM practices are divided into two main categories: soft TQM applies to education management in the same way
quality management (infrastructure) and hard quality that it has applied to other industrial sectors (Abbas et al.,
management (Flynn et al., 1995; Ho et al., 2001; Rahman 2022; Nasim et al., 2020). The educational system is the
& Bullock, 2005; Zeng et al., 2015, 2017). largest, most complex, and most sensitive social system.
*Corresponding author Email address:
Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad and et al./ Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad…

Planning and scientific and managerial measures are of TQM on job satisfaction, especially in the context
essential in such large institutions (Aziz et al., 2014; higher education. (Glaveli et al., 2021b) identified
Qureshi & Khan, 2022). Management scholars developed participation in continuous improvement, training, and
total quality management in the 1980s and 1990s. As a development (T&D), appraisal systems recognition, and
result, factors such as total quality management (TQM) awards for quality teamwork, empowerment, and
have become influential in improving the quality of leadership as elements critical in the successful
educational systems (Muddassar et al., 2022). implementation of TQM in the education and school
Nonetheless, higher education differs from other environment. Furthermore, a growing number of
industrial sectors in various ways. It is challenging to educational institutions, primarily universities, have
implement TQM practices while considering the unique introduced quality management systems and, consistent
characteristics of the Higher Education sector with research findings, have seen improvements in human
(Venkatraman, 2007). It is equally challenging to perform and financial performance (Glaveli et al., 2021b; S.
TQM experiments in the Higher Education sector. It is Hasham, 2018; Sciarelli et al., 2020).
incredibly beneficial to review existing research on TQM The current research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of
in Higher Education to see what progress has been made, job satisfaction among employees of higher education
what problems have been encountered, and what possible institutes by implementing Total Quality Management
directions for future research. TQM literature has evolved (TQM) practices. Higher education institutions (HEIs)
to investigate the relationship between TQM and work in an increasingly complicated and challenging
employee job satisfaction in various industries globally environment. In this context, the organisation of the
(Arunachalam & Palanichamy, 2017; Glaveli et al., paper is as follows. The methodology we used in the
2021a; Ooi et al., 2007). Although several scholars have systematic literature review is described in section 2.
discussed the effect of TQM in the education sector Section 3 presents the review's findings, and section 4
(Masoumeh Pourrajab1 et al., 2018; Nasim et al., 2020; discusses the contributions and limitations of current
Nawelwa et al., 2015; Pourrajab et al., 2015; Sfakianaki, research and potential future research directions.
2019b), none of them has focused explicitly on the effect

Fig. 1. PRISMA statement 2020

Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Vol.16, Issue 1, Winter & Spring 2023, 75 - 87

2. Methodology subject areas to analyse the past literature. The total

This study is a systematic literature review which seeks to number of articles after filtering out the subject areas was
address inadequacies in the current literature, locate, 116 documents. After selecting English-language articles
critically analyse, and integrate all relevant studies done and removing duplicate and irrelevant articles, the total
on a specific topic by addressing one or more research number of articles included in this systematic review is
questions (Siddaway, 2014; Sikandar & Abdul Kohar, 46. The natural inclusion and exclusion process for
2022). To incorporate high-quality papers, this systematic PRISMA statements used in the current study is shown in
literature review employs the PRISMA statement 2020 to Figure 1.
include and exclude records from the Scopus database. 2.1. Descriptive analysis
The data were screened using the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses The articles included in the systematic literature review
(PRISMA) methodology, as recommended by (Moher et are from diverse disciplines. It has been observed that
al., 2009) and shown in figure 1. However, for improved almost 55% of the articles are published in the field of
reporting for records and pertinent reports related to the business and management. 15% of these articles belong to
literature, the current study employed the PRISMA social sciences, 11% are engineering, 9% are computer
declaration 2020. The search query included keywords sciences, 4% to arts and humanities, and 2% to
such as ―total quality management‖, ―TQM‖, economics, econometrics, and environmental sciences.
―universities‖, and ―job satisfaction‖. The total results The percentage of the articles from various disciplines is
received were 407 articles. The time duration selected for shown in figure 2.
the published literature review was 2004 to 2022. The
resulting documents were 168. We then selected the main

Subject Area Business management and


2% 2% Social Sciences
4% Engineering

Computer Science

Arts and Humanities



Environmental Sciences

Fig. 2. Distribution of subjects

2.2. Publication output citation counts of 59, 23 and 19, respectively. In the same
manner Management Science Letters, Studies in Higher
The number of published articles on implementing total
Education and Total Quality Management and Business
quality management in higher education has increased
Excellence are among the top journals that published
significantly (as shown in figure 3). Figure 3 shows that
these most influential articles. Similarly, the title, source
only one article in the relevant field was published in
and citations of the top ten highly cited articles are
2015, but the trend grew with more than five publications
mentioned in table 1.
per year. The publication trend has increased from five to
nine documents per year since 2019. There have only PUBLICATION OUTPUT
been two publications in 2022 because the year is still
ongoing, and this publication trend is expected to continue 10
10 9 9
in 2022 and beyond.
2.3. Highly cited articles 6 5
Table 1 describes the top 10 highly cited articles 4
published in total quality management in higher 2 1

education. The top cited authors whose articles have 0

received the most citations are (Dawabsheh et al., 2019), 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

(Aminbeidokhti et al., 2016) and (Chen et al., 2017), with Fig. 3. Distribution of publication year wise
citation counts of 59, 23, and 19, respectively. It has been
observed are among the top cited authors whose articles
have received the highest number of citations, with

Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad and et al./ Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad…

Table 1.
Distribution highly cited articles and sources
No Title Source Citations
1 The triangular relationship between TQM, organisational excellence and Management Science Letters 59
organisational performance: A case of Arab American University Palestine
2 The effect of the total quality management on organisational innovation in higher Studies in Higher Education 23
education mediated by organisational learning
3 Critical quality indicators of higher education Total Quality Management and 19
Business Excellence
4 Twenty years of research on total quality management in Higher Education: A Higher Education Quarterly 17
systematic literature review
5 Total Quality Management practices and work-related outcomes: A case study of International Journal of Quality and 11
higher education institutions in Pakistan Reliability Management
6 A comprehensive model for assessing the quality in higher education institutions TQM Journal 9
7 Effects of Classroom Attendance and Learning Strategies on the Learning Outcome Journal of International Education 9
in Business
8 Developing a performance management model for the implementation of TQM Total Quality Management and 9
practices in public education centres Business Excellence
9 TQM measured students' satisfaction in the Jordanian’s private universities for TEM Journal 6
achieving institutional excellence
10 Effects of business school student's study time on the learning process Journal of International Education 5
in Business
Table 2.
Key term occurrences, classification, and relevance score
Classification Term Occurrences Relevance Score
Job satisfaction in Higher Education Institutes Development 27 0.4497
Education 26 0.7909
Employee 10 1.0691
Factor 16 0.4484
Higher Education 29 0.9454
Hypothesis 14 0.6604
Learning 19 0.2626
Literature 19 0.3731
Questionnaire 24 0.3543
Role 20 0.2544
Sample 17 0.7223
Quality Management Application 22 1.0595
Continuous Improvement 12 1.0869
Customer 10 0.5467
Impact 18 0.4816
Principle 18 0.8839
Quality Management 72 0.491
TQM practices & implementation Area 19 0.4809
Concept 15 1.8419
Design Methodology Approach 22 2.0071
Effect 21 0.373
Implementation 24 1.0669
Importance 11 1.9513
Innovation 14 1.6845
Need 18 0.8928
Order 14 1.7786
Organisation 16 1.036
Originality Value 21 1.9452
Practical Implication 18 2.3519
Relationship 23 0.6192
Research Limitations Implication 14 3.2474
Service 14 0.7459
TQM implementation 9 0.369
TQM practice 10 0.6402

Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Vol.16, Issue 1, Winter & Spring 2023, 75 - 87

in the journals' indexing technique stated in the databases

3. Reviewing the Literature
are both acceptable for bibliometric analysis targeted at
Furthermore, we employed key terms occurrences uncovering the research area's structures. As a result, we
analysis to identify the significant themes in the review included both class terms in the cooccurrence analysis
literature. The VOS Viewer emphasized the number of within the subject topic of job satisfaction in higher
keywords and key phrases used in the published articles. education institutes. The study included 46 records, and
Forty-six articles were selected to analyse the critical the data provided 36 keywords. We have thoroughly
occurrence, with 36 essential terms appearing more than established and selected only the most numerous 36
four times. Job satisfaction in higher education institutes, keywords repetitive in a minimum of 9 records. Figure 4
quality management, and TQM practices and illustrates the content analysis results—the group showed
implementation are the three critical areas of data streams. two major clusters in different colours in Figure 4. The
In addition, we provide the relevance score of each
cluster represents yellow displays of TQM practices,
phrase. Table 2 below illustrates the details of important
variables, and recommendations. The cluster in blue is
phrase categorization.
primarily ascribed to the TQM implementation, practices,
Furthermore, the papers were subjected to content
and continuous improvement. The green cluster signifies
analysis to categorise the study. The VOS Viewer tool
higher education, job satisfaction, and practical
explores the content of published literature by grouping
similar subjects into data clusters on the text. According
to the current study, researchers’ keywords and keywords

Fig. 4. Classification of literature from VOS viewer

operation of universities (Todorut, 2013; Zalewska,
3.1. Classification 2021). In higher education, quality is defined as fitness for
The VOS viewer software was used to categorize the purpose, or how well a service or product fits the
subject, and three key data streams, quality management, objectives stated. The primary goal of higher education
higher education, and TQM practices, were discovered. institutions is to generate a labour force that is prepared
Furthermore, the categorization section is examined for the job market in the society they serve. As a result,
below to discover previous literature about job quality assurance at universities must ensure that the
satisfaction and TQM in higher education. requirements for addressing the needs of students,
employers, and other stakeholders are met (Susuri et al.,
3.2. Quality management 2019). According to (Al-Hazmi, 2020), the most
significant of these complexities is the complexity of the
The significant component affecting university
competitiveness is quality. Only adaptable, contemporary, concept of education service and the multiplicity of
and specialized institutions offering high-quality services methods presented to it. In addition, the multiplicity of
parties receiving the service, their differences in desires
can establish and retain a strong market position. The
and motivations, and how the university deals to improve
considerations outlined induce the creation of quality
the level of satisfaction with services and thus continue to
management ideas and principles that may be useful in the
deal with them. In addition, TQM concepts may be

Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad and et al./ Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad…

utilized in universities to provide the best possible institution incorporate a quality assurance system at all
services to students while also utilizing the talents of the levels and operating segments. The table 3 illustrates the
personnel while maintaining a high level of satisfaction author details, citations, segment and setting in which
and motivation (Buranakul et al., 2017). TQM helps the research was conducted.
Table 3.
Authors, citations, segments, and settings
Authors Year Cited by Segment Settings
Zalewska, 2021 2021 1 quality and the manner students and lecturers
Lobo et al., 2021 2021 business excellence policymakers
Rais et al., 2021 2021 2 Quality Management System Six Sigma
Al-Hazmi, 2020 2020 2 Educational Services Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz
Fatihudin et al., 2020 2020 Service Quality performance of private
Alzeaideen, 2019 2019 1 organisations and educational performance and its
institutions sustainability
Gonzalez et al., 2019 2019 1 quality function deployment business learning
Subandi et al., 2019 2019 2 education management industrial era 4.0
Simonova & Fomenko, 2017 2017 2 quality management system university QMS
Buranakul et al., 2017. 2017 3 organisational innovation capability knowledge-sharing environment
Furthermore, it may be used by incorporating current 2020). In addition, human resource development at higher
management principles such as career empowerment education institutes is critical if businesses are to compete
(TQM), collaboration, and concentrating on employee in the twenty-first century. Implementing quality
qualification (Mendieta et al., 2019). One of the most management in higher education is an example of
significant issues that most universities confront is the effective human resource management, which is
concentration of authority, which delays and slows ultimately vital in achieving job satisfaction (Lobo et al.,
institutes in completing their responsibilities, operations, 2021). In addition, Higher education quality to achieve
and interests. Administrative empowerment is an up-and- work satisfaction cannot be disputed currently to rapid
coming area for most higher education institutes (M. M. change. Universities are compelled to feast on the
Khan et al., 2022). In addition, Accepting quality significance of customer service by promoting job
management, on the other hand, offers the advantage of satisfaction quality, and higher education institutions are
increasing employees' happiness and more significant present with the community, with the construction of a
learning and service quality (Alzeaideen, 2019). All of learning education that is quickly changing in line with
them are shown as TQM practices advantages since they the growth of the age (Subandi et al., 2019).
are all attained through TQM. TQM has also been shown
to improve productivity, operating performance, financial 3.3. Job satisfaction in higher education institutes
performance, and job satisfaction in higher education TQM is a collection of management theories that help
institutes (Akhtar et al., 2021). Additionally, the organisations understand students' requirements and
following principles of quality management were deemed encourage participation in course design development
fundamental: procedural and systemic methods, (Camporota et al., 2003; Lin et al., 2017). In the late
supervisor leadership, employee interaction, and continual 1980s, academia in the United States began to focus on
improvement (Simonova & Fomenko, 2017). Their quality, and many higher education institutions
implementation enables the most effective possible implemented TQM as a strategy to improve the
integration of standard provisions into different systems in institution's operational performance (Šebestová, 2016).
an integrated complex (Gonzalez et al., 2019). According TQM is thought to be especially useful for educational
to (Rais et al., 2021), quality management can cover a institutions because it can help resolve challenges in a
variety of characteristics such as student quality, facility highly competitive environment, integrate a variety of
and infrastructure quality, process quality, and assessment educational reforms, improve the effectiveness of school
quality. Each of these components requires its own set of business management, and improve higher education
quality processes. However, there is some overlap in teaching quality (Martínez-Gómez et al., 2020).
quality procedures. The primary focus of this study is on According to (Nasim et al., 2020), underpinning the spike
the quality of assessments in higher education, which is in interest in TQM in education was the assumption that
often handled using the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) excellent education is critical to winning in the global
paradigm. education competition and that the underlying concept of
A successful firm requires individuals who go above and TQM applies to education management in the same way
beyond their official obligations and expectations. that it has applied to other industrial sectors. However,
According to statistics, firms with good-behaviour Higher Education differs from other industrial sectors in
workers outperform other organisations (Fatihudin et al., various ways. It is challenging to apply TQM methods

Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Vol.16, Issue 1, Winter & Spring 2023, 75 - 87

while taking into consideration the characteristics of the supplementary services, fast response and feedback, and
Higher Education sector. It is as difficult to conduct TQM industry collaboration (Tetteh, 2016). According to
research in the Higher Education industry (Qureshi et al., (Dwaikat, 2020), higher education has become a highly
2020). In addition, Total Quality Management (TQM) has competitive sector, putting significant pressure on higher
received much attention in innovation and quality. TQM education institutions (HEIs) to enhance their process
entails the efforts of personnel from all divisions and quality and performance level significantly. For example,
levels of the business to provide excellent goods that are the quality of (HEIs) has garnered more attention than
constantly improved (M. N. Khan et al., 2019). The ever from a wide range of stakeholders, including
relevance of TQM culture inside businesses stems from policymakers, governments, senior university
the fact that it has a significant influence on workers' management, students and their parents, researchers and
confidence and job attitudes. Employees are more likely academics, and even endowment contributors (Ratna Sari
to help their companies if their perspectives and views are Dewi, 2018).
considered while formulating corporate objectives,
strategies, and missions (Fernandes & Singh, 2021). The 3.4. TQM practices and implementation
table 4 illustrates the author details, citations, segment and Quality can be defined in a variety of ways. Total quality
setting in which research was conducted. and development can be defined in a variety of ways.
Table 4. Because of the multidimensional character of quality and
authors, citations, segments, and settings effectiveness, searching for simplistic or reductionist
Authors Cited by Segment Settings
perspectives of quality and quality improvement is futile
AlOqlah, 2021 quality TQM
management implementation
(Habbal & Jreisat, 2018). According to (Abimbola et al.,
Fernandes & Singh, quality education global academic 2020), TQM is a philosophy that advocates for all
2021 quality employees in a business to work together to produce high-
Martínez-Gómez et 1 European Higher job performance quality goods and services while also ensuring customer
al., 2020 Education Area happiness. Every organisation's success is heavily reliant
Nguyen et al., 2020 3 senior secondary total quality on the dedication of its personnel. Employees must be
school management devoted entirely to fulfilling the objectives for an
Dwaikat, 2020 9 quality of academic international organisation to reach its pinnacle (Maciej Serda, 2013).
programs pedagogy
Employee commitment is employees' loyalty to their
Nasim et al., 2020 17 teaching and holistic organisation, and employee commitment is employees'
learning perspective psychological relationship with their workplace (Cobelli
M. N. Khan et al., 11 job satisfaction and employee et al., 2022a). In addition, TQM seeks to combine a
2019 affective performance corporation's goals, such as product and service design,
commitment marketing, production, finance, and customer service, as
Ratna Sari Dewi, 1 knowledge total well as other activities, in order to achieve customer
2018 management management
satisfaction by satisfying customer requirements and an
organisation's goals (Sial et al., 2021). However, TQM
Lin et al., 2017 1 student learning teaching quality encompasses corporate-wide efforts to develop and
satisfaction maintain a stable environment for continual improvement
Šebestová, 2016 1 management entrepreneurs in the organisation's capacity to offer high-quality goods
education and the and services to clients. Customers increasingly become
university the most significant stakeholders and crucial partners in
Tetteh, 2016 5 learning process business school service-oriented businesses (Niqresh & Al-Jaradat, 2021).
According to (Asante & Ngulube, 2020), TQM can
The findings of (AlOqlah, 2021) that the performance of
produce numerous benefits in organisations, along with
its employee determines an organisation's effectiveness.
increased employee contribution, improved
Employee performance may be improved via training and communication, increased production, improved quality
development, which aids in achieving company goals. A and limited rework, lower quality costs, the more
properly trained staff will know consumer requirements significant market holds and turnover, increased personnel
and desires and how to address them. Furthermore, TQM
and customer satisfaction, and improved competitive
methods such as reward and recognition, employee
advantage. TQM's actual value is improved organisational
empowerment, training and education, quality culture, and
connection and collaboration positively influence Quality practices, in other words, have a significant
employee job satisfaction. In attempts to relate TQM favourable influence on performance. A thorough analysis
methods to work happiness, existing literature has of the TQM-related literature reveals that most studies
frequently been marred by procedural imprecisions or
found a favourable and substantial association between
limits (Nguyen et al., 2020).
TQM practices and organisational performance
Additionally, quality dedication and understanding from
(Dawabsheh et al., 2019). Critical success factors of TQM
employees inside the firm are essential in TQM. As a practices such as top management commitment, employee
result, teaching and administrative personnel or human innovation, employee involvement, employee
resources requirements are necessary, such as research encouragement, employee training, human resource
capacity, honesty, professionalism, vocational consulting,

Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad and et al./ Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad…

management (HRM), organisational culture (OC), or strategic contexts, management environments, national
teamwork, and strategic planning should be considered in cultures). As a result, TQM evaluation frameworks and
ensuring that the services of higher education institutes indicators are rarely similar (Chen et al., 2017). In terms
reach the expected target group (Alzafari & Kratzer, of operational activity, studies in many countries have
2019). However, Implementing and developing TQM revealed no substantial difference between higher
practices in any firm necessitates a shift in corporate education and other industries (Tetteh, 2015). Indeed,
culture to assist employees in adopting the TQM model some TQM models designed for higher education are
(Cobelli et al., 2022b). Employees are considered an congruent with models commonly used in the
intangible asset of any firm; thus, if they are given manufacturing, business, and service sectors (Irfan et al.,
adequate empowerment, training, and collaborative
2021). In addition, educational organisations must
opportunities, they are anticipated to provide value to the
undergo significant adjustments as a bridge between
organisation and may be regarded as the critical
knowledge producers and researchers (Aminbeidokhti et
successful drivers for TQM implementation (N. Khan et
al., 2020). Furthermore, when the TQM concept is applied al., 2016b). TQM is a mechanism that can effect change
to an organisation, it determines the need to monitor in education (Baraki & Van Kemenade, 2013). It is
compliance with stated strategic objectives and, as a believed that TQM is a philosophy of continuous
result, achieve management excellence, as well as the improvement that may give a set of skills and scientific
understanding that such perfection encompasses the instruments to meet any educational institution's current
whole institution (Mateos-Ronco & Hernández Mezquida, and future requirements and expectations (Sohel-Uz-
2016). The table 5 illustrates the author details, citations, Zaman & Anjalin, 2016). According to (Pietruszka-Ortyl,
segment and setting in which research was conducted. 2019), because educational organisations and entities are
Table 5 the primary and decisive elements in developing human
authors, citations, segments, and settings resources for other products and service organisations in
Authors Cited by Segment Settings society, there is a greater need than ever to study and
N. Khan et al., 2020 TQM TQM programme
execute the concepts of 'TQM' in education.
application 4. Discussion and Conclusion
Pietruszka-Ortyl, learning and organisational
2019. organisational creativity The current research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of
innovation job satisfaction among employees of higher education
Cobelli et al., 2022a vocational job satisfaction institutes by implementing Total Quality Management
decision-making (TQM) practices. Higher education institutions (HEIs)
Alzafari & Kratzer, 1 higher education management
work in an increasingly complicated and challenging
2019 institutions commitment and
strategic planning environment. TQM implementation in the education
Niqresh & Al- TQM pillars empowerment sector is not a simple process, as various obstacles must
Jaradat, 2021 be addressed to be effective (Psomas & Antony, 2017).
Sial et al., 2021. 1 committed customer However, scholars have suggested that the goal of TQM,
leadership and satisfaction that is (external) customer happiness, cannot be reached
management without staff satisfaction. Indeed, employee job
satisfaction has long been regarded as one of the most
Asante & Ngulube, 2 sustainable academic
2020 academic environments
important predictors of an organisation's success and
libraries growth (Prajogo & Cooper, 2017). Higher education
Abimbola et al., 2020 3 employee organisational institutions rely substantially on employee job satisfaction
commitment and performance for organisational growth. The current study extracted
competitive data from the Scopus database, which included the final
advantage 46 articles, reviews, and book chapters chosen for the
Dawabsheh et al., 59 organisational organisational study. For the final analysis, we utilized the PRISMA
2019 performance excellence
declaration 2020 to choose which records to include and
Habbal & Jreisat, institutions of innovative learning
2018 higher education exclude. In addition, content analysis utilized the VOS
Mateos-Ronco & 9 higher quality measuring viewer software, and thematic classification of literature
Hernández performance was accomplished. The findings reveal three significant
Mezquida, 2016 data streams during the content analysis. We categorized
Chen et al., 2017 19 human resource quality information the actual term occurrence, relevance score, and average
and knowledge key term occurrences.
management During the data analysis phase, three key data streams
Aminbeidokhti et al., 23 organisational organisational
were extracted: quality management, work satisfaction in
2016 learning innovation
higher education institutes, and TQM techniques and
implementation. In higher education, quality management
It makes reasonable to apply TQM to higher education.
is defined as suitability for purpose or how well a service
TQM assessment indicators will differ among industries or product meets the specified objectives. Higher
since they function in diverse circumstances (competitive education institutions' principal purpose is to produce a

Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, Vol.16, Issue 1, Winter & Spring 2023, 75 - 87

workforce equipped for the job market in the society they systemic methods, supervisor leadership, employee
serve. As a result, university quality assurance must interaction, and continual improvement. However, one of
guarantee that the standards for meeting the needs of the most significant issues that most universities confront
students, employers, and other stakeholders are satisfied. is the concentration of authority, which delays and slows
The findings indicate that accepting quality management, institutes in completing their responsibilities, operations,
on the other hand, offers the advantage of increasing and interests. Administrative empowerment is an up-and-
employees' happiness and more significant learning and coming area for most higher education institutes (M. M.
service quality (Alzeaideen, 2019). Quality management Khan et al., 2022).
principles were deemed fundamental: procedural and

Fig. 6. The final output from the data literature

Furthermore, findings indicate that TQM approaches like excellence, as well as the understanding that such
reward and recognition, employee empowerment, training perfection encompasses the whole institution.
and education, quality culture, and connection and
cooperation all benefit employee job satisfaction. The References
findings of (AlOqlah, 2021) that the performance of its
employee determines an organisation's effectiveness. Abbas, A. F., Qureshi, N. A., Khan, N., Chandio,
Employee performance may be improved via training and R., & Ali, J. (2022). The Blockchain
development, which aids in achieving company goals. A Technologies in Healthcare : Prospects ,
properly trained staff will know consumer requirements Obstacles , and Future Recommendations ;
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This article can be cited: Alsaad, A. A., Mansor, Z. B. D., & Ghazali, H. B. (2023).
The Effect of TQM Practices on Job Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutes.
a Systematic Literature Review from the Last Two Decades.
Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 16(1), 75-87.
doi: 10.22094/joie.2023.1972035.2001


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