Movicon NExTENG

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Software technology


Innovative, powerful, scalable and easy to use,
for every automation need
Movicon.NExTTM 4.0 is the new industrial
automation platform that offers the most
innovative and flexible software technology
for Windows/Linux HMI projects, SCADA
supervisory systems, MES and efficiency
analysis solutions essential to Industry 4.0.

Innovation for any SCADA/MES/HMI
supervisory project

Progea offers Movicon.NExTTM, the state-of-the-art technology for Smart Factories

and the best software solution for every company automation need.

Evolution is necessary to maintain a competitive The software technology of Platform.NExT™ enables

edge in the world of automation: this does not only manufacturing and design engineers to significantly
mean introducing new features or improving specific increase the efficiency, quality and flexibility of their
technologies, it often means finding the strength to face projects. Movicon.NExT™ offers an intuitive configuration
new challenges, rethinking and scrutinizing the results of environment allowing quick and easy design of any
one’s work and seek out new horizons. This is the only way project, no matter how complex, integrating the platform’s
to envisage what was unimaginable before. native functional modules as well as those of third
Movicon.NExT™ is a new software, a completely parties. Configuration, communication, visualization,
redesigned and future-proof technological expression of data recording, analysis, security and control, information
Progea’s thirty years of experience in the sector, defining distribution at all enterprise-wide levels, locally or
a new benchmark. Progea conceived Platform.NExT™, the geographically distributed, are all features readily
platform on which Movicon.NExT™ is based, to overcome available in the platform that offers unique advantages of
the limits of conventional SCADA/MES/HMI technology total integration and “plug-in” modularity.
by offering new generation software solutions. The
intercommunication of Smart Factory devices is the
necessary requirement for the Industry 4.0 and IoT
digital revolution.

The universal software solution:
from SCADA/MES projects to small
Linux-based HMI

Scalability Connectivity
Movicon.NExT™ has been designed to guarantee The Movicon.NExT™ platform is based on the innovative
maximum scalability, allowing users to operate in one OPC UA information model, to ensure maximum native
all inclusive, flexible and easy to use development connectivity to any device or application module based on
environment for modular solutions. The scalable this technology. It also provides unmatched features for
architecture can be used to design any project, from small security and performance.
HMIs to Control Rooms, aallowing a remarkable save
in costs and time with the added benefit of unlimited Data Analysis
deployment possibilities. Movicon.NExT™ allows historical recording of all data
managed by the Server, using local or cloud databases
Openness in the most transparent, open and independent way. In
The Automation Platform.NExT™ technology is based on addition, specifically designed extension modules can be
“plug-in” concepts, allowing maximum interoperability used to manage Plant Intelligence to improve productivity
with the system, to the extent that new functional or energy efficiency.
modules can be integrated with the Progea Framework
to fully customize your .NET solutions. In addition, the Security
powerful integrated standard VB.NET syntax language Movicon.NExT ™ guarantees the highest possible level of
enables any type of customization. security. In addition to a powerful Users and Passwords
management, the solution ensures integration with the
Standard security models offered by the desired provider (e.g.
Movicon.NExT™ is a complete software technology based biometric systems), in compliance with IEC 62443-3-3.
on openness and reliability industry standards. The XAML
and WPF technologies provide the most effective and Engineering
advanced graphics standard. The Historian technology is Movicon.NExT™ provides an innovative and enjoyable
based on Ms SQL Server and Azure, seamlessly supporting development environment with a rich set of intuitive
any other Relational DB. The project files are based on the features. Projects can be created in much less time than
XML standard. The communication layer provides a vast before by using wizards, templates, symbol libraries and
number of native communication drivers, with OPC UA- toolboxes based on XML and XAML. The platform’s open
based data model. environment allows users to integrate “plug-in” functional
modules created externally (Visual Studio e C#).
Movicon.NExT™ strength is also centred on performance
management. The speed at which communications
and real-time data are processed, along with enhanced
graphics boosted by DirectX accelerators to ensure that
performances are not compromised by emergent cutting-
edge technology.

An integrated, modern and intuitive
configuration environment

Workspace: Toolbox with Properties Window.

WPF vector graphics editor and preconfigured Simple and intuitive configuring of
Menus and configuration of the platform’s Graphic effects and styles objects, Analysis objects or selected resources for the
Toolbars resources and functional models applicable to objects and User Controls various platform modules

Project Explorer. Easy System Log Command Animation XML Explorer Integrated XAML (WPF)
access to all available Explorer Explorer Explorer VB.NET Language based Symbol
platform modules Editor Graphics Library

Software technology for every I4.0
automation solution

What makes the Movicon.NExT™ software technology revolutionary?

Movicon.NExT™ uses the best innovative technologies, meeting the essential market demands for communication
and interoperability across the IoT and Industry 4.0 domains.

• Plug-In Framework • OPC UA and I/O communication driver

The new Movicon.NExT™ technology is based connectivity
on the .NET technology that leverages the The I/O Data Server module is based on a Server
potential with a 64-bit systems, with a Framework architecture which uses the information model
specifically designed to guarantee reliability, defined by the OPC UA standard and leverages the
openness and performance. The platform uses the WCF technology in communication infrastructures.
“plug-in” model to offer possibilities of complete The platform provides several integrated and
modular system customization and the integration native I/O communication drivers based on
of new custom modules. this model, capable of handling communication
protocols for any commonly used automation
• WPF/XAML Vector Graphics device (PLC, Networks, Fieldbus, instrumentation
Movicon.NExT™ offers a new user interface and others).
concept, With the latest generation DirectX
graphics acceleration systems to boost the • High performing Database and Cloud
exceptional quality of the WPF/XAML vector The Historian module uses the Virtual File System
graphics technology in 2D and 3D. (VFS) to make applications independent from the
data persistency model. Users can therefore feel
• HTML5 and Movile APPs free to connect to relational databases (such as
The Movicon.NExT™ Web Server module offers SQL Server), use Cloud computing solutions (such
new generation Web Client solutions, using as Azure), or use normal XML files on physical disk
HTML5 technology to allow remote access to field to log and archive process and project data.
applications, guaranteeing performance and access
to cross-platform deployments. The smartphone • Users and Memberships
and tablet apps make web access easier from The security model is based on Membership
mobile devices. authentication, guaranteeing maximum security
and openness to the integration of authentication
systems from different Providers.

A new generation software platform,
modular and scalable

Open and modular system architecture,

based on the most modern and innovative software technologies.
The Movicon.NExT™ architecture uses the innovative Automation Platform.NExT technology, Progea’s
framework designed for future-proof automation: scalable, modular and open.

Graphics of the latest generation

Interaction between Man and Machine

By using Movicon.NExT™ you can create extremely powerful and versatile
graphical interfaces. Animated screens are easy to create using symbols,
objects, wizards, faceplates, power templates and native multitouch user
interaction. The platform’s graphics editor provides a library containing
thousands of top quality XAML vector symbols and a toolbox rich in graphical
objects of the latest generation. In addition to the vector graphics editor, you
can also import your own drawings or use BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG or multimedia
Thanks to the WPF/XAML technology, Movicon.NExT™ supports dynamic
3D graphics visualization, allowing 3D models import and animation by using
the dynamic functions, views and events. TThis will empower the designer
to achieve interactivity and real-time plant data dynamicity using 3D graphic
components. The resulted spectacular two-dimensional or three-dimensional
graphics rendering will unleash the designer’s creativity to build interfaces
as they envisaged, from minimalistic schematics to more realistic graphic
representations, independent from screen resolution and local or web access.

• Powerful integrated graphics Editor

• 2D and 3D vector graphic with DirectX support
• Rich library of preconfigured XAML symbols and objects with top
quality graphics
• Rich set of dynamic and animation functions for both 2D and 3D graphics
• Isometric Symbol Library
• Graphics Import from XAML and 3D
• Support to all object-based touch manipulation functions
• Centralized Symbol Repository
• Symbol Power Templates
• Support to Styles and screen layouts
• Full support to all multitouch functions
• Native support to Windows 10® Tile interface and automatic
project navigation
• Widgets and swipe page navigation

More space for creativity

I/O Connectivity

I/O Data Server Industrial IoT

The Movicon.NExT™ Data Server structured on a robust The Server integrates specific protocols for IIoT allowing
and extremely reliable architecture. The server manages direct connectivity towards data collection and analysis
real-time communications by handling information in the systems in the Cloud. Protocols such as MQTT, PubNub,
platform’s framework Address Space, the gathering point Databoom are available to create IIoT data collection
of all field device connected variable tags. systems.

OPC UA Security
The Movicon.NExT™ I/O Data Server is based on the The Data Server guarantees maximum data security
OPC UA data Information Model (IEC62541 Standard) and protection to allow communications based on fully
and supports any Data Type definition, including those configurable transports layers in the project, with the
in the OPC UA – PLC Open IEC 61131 specifications, possibility to use secure HTTPS with security certificate
besides allowing to freely define and customize your management, in addition to TCP or NetPipe.
own Data Types, including complex ones, thus removing
and overcoming the limits of conventionaltechnology. • Full integration of OPC UA data in the Platform.
The OPC UA technology is integrated and native, for NExT™ Address Space
both Client and Server, and supports the DA, A&E, HA • Platform based on the OPC UA Information Model
specifications. • Native and direct I/O Drivers included in system
• Simplified Connectivity
Integrated Protocol • Data Structures and Prototypes
Movicon.NExT™ offers several communication protocols • Direct Tag import from devices
(I/O Drivers) to import data and connect directly to the • OPC UA Client and Server, DA, AC and
most commonly used automation devices, which include HA specifications
Modbus, Siemens, Rockwell, Omron, Emerson, Mitsubishi • Propagable Tag Property Configurations
and others, or for networks such as Profibus, ProfiNet, • Intelligent Networking in OPC UA model
Konnex, BACNet, EtherCAT, PowerLink, IEC870, IEC850, • Full transport and security configurability (Netpipe,
MQTT. TCP, HTTPS and other)
• Statistical Tag Information for total time ON,
activation total and more.
Data Gateway
All variables on the Server can be imported and exported
and they support multiple connectivity to different
devices. The Gateway feature between different
protocols, field devices, networks and Cloud can be
enabled for each variable tag.

Alarm Management

Alarm Server Manager Alarm Notification with Alarm Dispatcher

The Server’s Alarm Management allows full custom Control systems of unmanned plants, or those manned
configuration of project alarms and event messages, to by a limited number of operators, must be able to
achieve maximum granularity when managing events immediately alert on-call duty staff with the information
and providing accurate information to the operator. necessary to prevent prolonged production downtimes.
Alarms and Messages can be set to manage ON, OFF, This can be achieved by configuring the project’s alarms
ACK, RST and SHELVE events, according to the ISA S-18 to trigger immediate notifications. The Alarm Dispatcher
norm and OPC UA A&E specifications. Alarm activation feature allows event notifications via Synthetic Voice
can be triggered with individual Tag bits, deviation (VOIP) SMS, e-mail or Telegram push notifications.
values or elapsed time between data changes, allowing
sophisticated alarm management with ease. Areas and Downtime Analysis Statistics
Priorities management and configuration is available, Movicon.NExT™ provides an indispensable tool for
with all related analysis, filtering and sorting functions Plant Production and Maintenance Managers, who are
(by time, area, priority, etc.), together with the possibility increasingly in need of solutions for statistical analysis of
to combine dynamic help descriptions, operator downtimes during production runs. The Movicon.NExT™
comments and events. Downtime Analysis module is extremely easy to use
And allows quick identification and removal of critical
Alarm History and weak points in the production process, to improve
The Alarm Manager also records and trace each and maximize the system’s efficiency and productivity.
individual alarm and message, as well as all system Reports for total or partial downtimes, or the number of
events, on database or in the Cloud using the Movicon. event occurrences in the plant, provide all aggregate and
NExT™ Virtual File System (VFS) technology. In this detailed information on each individually analysed alarm
way, the Alarm Manager can ensure that all events are and can be displayed or printed, based on command or
recorded in the Historical Log archives, independently event triggers, and even exported in various formats
from the data format and archive location, whether local, (such as Excel, PDF or HTML). The reports can be freely
remote or in the cloud.. customized and adapted to the different project’s needs,
for example allowing to cross-reference downtime
Alarm and Historical Log Visualization analysis data with production data. The Downtime
The Alarm Window and Historical Log Window are, Analysis module is also accessible via web.
respectively, the active and archived alarms visualization
tools that can be inserted and configured in any screen,
just like any other graphical object from the toolbox,
allowing to build alarm display objects with symbols and
templates that vary in style, and then add them to the
Symbol Library.

Historian and Data Loggers

Performance and Security guaranteed Support for SQL Server and any other DB
The Movicon.NExT™ Data Recording Server uses The configuration properties of each Historian prototype
innovative criteria for recording historical data, allowing defined in the project can be set with a data from and
plant data to be archived on data on DB, physical disk or recording trigger (event, change or cyclic, sampled value
in the Cloud, to ensure that performance and security type (absolute, percentages, etc.) and target archive.
are maintained, regardless of the data volume. Each single Tag defined in the Address Space can then be
associated with a Historian model, to create your own
Data recording models simple and flexible archive configuration. The native
The Server offers two object-oriented data logging and default data format is SQL Server, but you can opt
models: the Historian model and the Data Logger model, to use the MySQL, Azure or SQLite format as well. In
allowing designers to perfectly configure projects based addition, you can also customize the connection string
on their own analysis needs. to any DB such as Oracle or others, as well as the Cloud.
Maximum project openness and independence is always
Historian guaranteed in respect to whatever archive format you
With the Historian model, the server module will choose to use, thanks to Progea’s VFS (Virtual File
record data (“Time Series” data type) typically on event, System) technology.
allowing your project to easily adapt to customer needs
without spending time on building the model manually. Historical Data Visualization and Analysis
Several ready-to-use objects are available in the Toolbox
Data Loggers to display and analyse data from the database archives
With the Data Logger model, the server module will as needed.
record data, by time interval or on event, organizing
them inDB table columns that are typically used for
production traceability systems or report management.
The designer can therefore freely configure projects
with their choice of archiving database, using one or both
methods depending on the desired analysis type and
archive management system.

Data Analysis, Charts and Reports

Trends, Charts and Data Analysis a wizard and templates. Once the data source has been
Sophisticated Trend objects are available to access selected, such as database tables for instance, it is very
and display curves relating to process data trends. easy to build the report with data fields, tables, statistics
Trends provide advanced functions to represent and charts in 2D and 3D. All types of analysis tools are
values graphically, with ample room to customize as supported, including multilevel filters, sort by, group by,
needed. Furthermore, Trend objects can represent calculation functions or formulas, Master Report and
data by specific time ranges or by other filter types. Sub-Reports. The user can then view, print or export the
They also come with zoom, pen selection, logarithmic reports in a number of different formats that include
scales, fit-in-page, print features and much more. PDF, HTML, RTF and XPS or in the Excel XLSX
Trends are configurable at Runtime and the VB.NET and XLS formats.
scripting functions allow further expansion on their
configurability. The Data Analysis objects are great Reports via HTML5 Web Client
for performing thorough and sophisticated analysis Reports can be published over the Web, using the Web
exclusively on historical data, whose results can be Server Module that fully supports the Report Manager
represented in chart graphics. They also allow quick module’s functions. When deploying projects over the
analysis on predefined time ranges using overlapping web using the Web Server module, the reports will be
curve comparisons. The Charts allow you to display displayed on the web using the Movicon.NExT™
curves or arcs of data value arrays in 2D and 3D. The HTML5 technology.
Movicon.NExT™ Provides ready-to-use DB objects
to directly display and manipulate data of connected
databases through Data Grids, Combo Boxes and other
DB connectors.

Powerful Integrated Report Manager

The Report Manager offers designers and users a
powerful and flexible tool for generating, executing and
distributing data reports and to successfully accomplish
any type of analysis on collected information. The
analysis is performed on data recorded by the platform,
such as the archives managed by the Data Recording
Server, using the Historian or Data Logger. As there are
no limits to flexibility, analysis and reports can also be
performed on any data source as well as by connecting
existing relational DBs no matter what type. The Report
Manager offers an object-oriented user interface where
Reported can be created in a few simple steps by using

Powerful Integrated Features

GeoSCADA.NExT™ Movicon.NExT™ Recipe Manager

Movicon.NExT™ fully supports the integration of Movicon.NExT™ offers a very advanced module to edit
geographical maps and cartography systems for the and execute Recipes, with configuration of asynchronous
geolocalization of dynamic objects to view on maps. The management of archives with respect to the Address
GeoScada feature allows you to define the geographical Space. The configurator allows to manage Recipes
coordinates of specific screens or projects, dynamically objects composed of a data layout, a freely configurable
displaying real-time information of any complexity on user interface and independent connectivity to devices.
a map, with support to all commands that are usually Specific download and upload functions have also been
available on normal screens. The GeoSCADA feature provided for transferring recipe data “atomically”, thanks
also supports advanced features such as: clustering to specific functionalities in the Data Server’s I/O drivers.
(symbol’s visualization complexity, based on zoom level),
object interactivity, dynamic route and path tracking Multi-Language Text and Converters
(tracking vehicle route with GPS), groupings and pop-up Each Movicon.NExT™ project can contain all text strings
windows. Movicon.NExT™ simplifies the management in a virtually unlimited number of languages, so that
of information distributed throughout territories using it can be localized in any language and character set
the navigation and zoom feature on map interfaces that (Unicode also with UFT-16 encoding for Asian Arabic
can be integrated in normal SCADA supervisory projects. characters). Texts are managed in the project’s string
The geographical maps can be made available online or table, which is fully copy-paste compatible directly
downloaded locally, according to project needs. from editors such as Ms Excel™. Any language can be
selected and activated at any time, both in Editor and
IP Camera Visualization Runtime mode. Activation of a specific language can
The Movicon.NExT™ screens provide the use of viewer be automatically triggered upon Log On of a specific
objects to display live images or feeds from any IP User and the system’s Font will adapt accordingly. The
camera supporting MPEG, H264 and H365 standard Converters are customizable and can handle conversion
formats. These objects are easy to use and can be tables for each international unit of measure. The
accessed via Web Client. Movicon.NExT™ projects are truly international.
Movicon.NExT™ allows Activity and command execution Voice Commands
planning using event schedulers. The Schedulers offer Movicon.NExT™ has a speech recognition function that
powerful configurability by using specific graphic objects provides an easy way of using voice commands to execute
to execute operations scheduled on calendar dates any action in the project, without using the keyboard or
and times, or on a weekly time plan, with provision for touchscreen. Each command object can receive a text string
holiday management and programmable exclusions. that will be decoded by the speech synthesis engine, to
The Scheduler configuration is also available at Runtime. enable the user to invoke the commands vocally.

Security and Audit

Maximum system access security with Audit Trail

Each command operation and data change can be
User and Password Management submitted to the Auditing and traceability processes
that record and report each change, with the resulting
Movicon.NExT™ uses a sophisticated security system values, timestamp and the responsible user. Requests
to prevent unauthorized access based on a user for dual signatures can be managed for specific Audits.
membership management. This technology not only
allows the system to ensure maximum security but
also maintain openness to other security providers.
FDA CFR21 Part 11 and GAMP5
Movicon.NExT™ projects are CFR21 Part 11 ready for
Therefore, offers the possibility to customize user
FDA and GAMP5 validation and include encryption and
authentication with other security providers such
historical data validation.
as Window Passport that integrates biometric
recognition systems.
IEC 62443-3-3
The Cyber Security requirements of complex systems
User and Password Management can be fully implemented in automation architectures
Movicon.NExT™ guarantees maximum level of based on Movicon.NExT™ technology.
security and reliability, with a complete, robust and
fully integrated Users and Passwords management
specifically designed to make projects compliant with
the most severe security norms. Movicon.NExT™
ensures maximum data and system access protection by
managing security criteria with 9999 User levels, which
can be divided into Groups and 32 access areas. All the
security criteria are already integrated and configurable
with a few mouse clicks and include Electronic Signature
management, data tampering attempts control,
password expiry, automatic log off and Audit Trail
management. Movicon. NExT™ also offers the possibility
to define protection levels and traceability directly in
each Tag, independently from the commands associated.

Windows Active Directory

Movicon.NExT™ supports centralized user management
and shares the Windows security and authentication
system, including Active Directory.

Scripting .NET and Logics

Project realization openness made possible The Platform.NExT™ technology, on which

with the integrated VB.NET language Movicon. NExT™ is based, has been specifically designed
Movicon.NExT™ integrates a powerful VB.NET engine, for modularity and scalability. In addition to the suite
that can execute custom code and is totally compatible of functional modules offered by Progea, users can
with the VB.NET standard (Visual Basic for .NET™), to freely develop and add new modules to the platform,
offer a powerful wide-ranging set of APIs. Properties, to create vertical and integrated solutions leveraging
events and methods can become then available not only the platform’s native functions, thus optimizing efforts,
for customizing any system functionality, but also to increasing performances and reducing development
access your system’s .NET world. Scripts can be run a times and running costs. Progea offers wizard models
normal routines or embedded in objects, such as graphic for Ms Visual Studio with all you need to build your own
objects, alarm objects, templates, dataloggers and functional modules, using the .NET and C# technologies.
others, and triggered by events. The VB.NET language Furthermore, Progea provides documentation, SDKs
logic can be run on both Server and Client with support and the training needed to create vertical solutions
for multithreading to simultaneously execute different integrated with Platform.NExT™ technology.
scripts and thus attain unparalleled solutions that other
systems cannot offer. The powerful debugger also offers Wizard and Automatic Design Engineering
step-by-step and breakpoint executions, along with The Movicon.NExT™ Builder is an integrated
other handy diagnostic features. customizable tool allows you to configure project
design methods, using functions that can automatically
Function Block Diagram Editor generate projects or project parts. In addition, Movicon.
Movicon.NExT™ integrates a graphical editor to NExT™ provides several tools for faster design
design sequential logic using Function Blocks, allowing engineering, including import from the most common
you to create logics in our project without needing formats, models, templates and parameterization tools
programming language know-how. The function block for the more experienced user.
library, which contains all the main logic functions,
including PID control blocks, is expandable and
customizable. A possible application for this feature, in
view of the upcoming availability of a Windows 10 IoT
runtime, is on small microcontrollers with logic units
connected to the main supervisor, to create Movicon.
NExT™ ecosystems in an Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) architecture.

Flexible Design for
Modular and distributed Projects

The Platform.NExT™ technology allows design engineers to easily create

modular, scalable or distributed architectures for their projects.

Centralized Network Projects remotely. This tool is very handy for design engineers
The SQL Server support allows projects to be created deploying projects on embedded systems or HMI
and centralized on a network. This will enable remotely devices, including those based on Linux.
run applications to share the project thus centralizing its
management over the net. WebHMI Integration
The network architecture can manage one project The Movicon.NExT™ WebHMI integration offers
repository for all distributed workstations. unprecedented scalability. Design engineers can now
use the same development environment to create
Child Projects (Modules) any automation system project, from small HMI to
Movicon.NExT™ projects can be modular and distributed Control Rooms for production management. Any
by using the child project technology. A Child project Movicon project can be transferred to WebHMI
is an independent project connected to the Parent systems, Which consist of the Movicon I/O Data and
project, with which it shares resources. This feature Web Server architectures that convert WPF graphics
makes it possible to turn complex monolithic projects to SVG. Therefore, small HMI systems based on web
into modular and distributed projects, both locally for architecture, which are typically used in embedded
modules of the same project, and for complex plants systems, can be created including those running on the
and production lines, where each Child project is still Linux operating system and those that use the Cortex
autonomous locally but is shared by a Parent project at a processor or Raspberry PI.
higher level.

Project Deployment
The Platform.NExT™ technology offers an important
tool to manage project deployment, by which the project
can be installed and managed on another machine
remotely. The Deploy Server is used to launch projects
on the target machine and manage the main commands

HTML5 Web Client Technology

Access your plant over the web using Movicon.NExT™

The true concept of modern automation is the ability to and recorded on the Server’s Log. In addition, the user’s
access data of your automation system whenever and authentication (Log on) is completely independent for
from wherever you happen to be. Users, Maintenance each Web Client station, so any user will be able to log
personnel, Production Managers and Managers at on with different privileges (Multi-user). Purposely
all levels need to have secure remote web access designed native tools, such as Dashboards, Grids, Data
to manage, display and view production processes. Analysis and Reports, allow direct access from the
The Movicon.NExT™ excellent Web Client performs web to the project’s historical logs on the server and to
these operations using HTML5, the most modern and perform analysis, as well as those customized,
innovative technology available in the web domain. over the web.

Web Access Movicon.NExT™ offers different web technologies,

All Movicon.NExT™ project screens and features can allowing designers to leverage the available functional
be made available over the web using either any HTML characteristics based on their project’s needs and
browser, or the Progea apps which are available for free requirements:
from iOS and Android app stores. Users can access, log
on, interact and perform all operations using the specific • Web Client HTML5 in WPF and instances on server
features available to the design engineer to allow remote • Web Client HTML5 in SVG, without instances
control over the web, using the special security features on server
provided. All system access and commands are traced • APPs for iOS, Android and Windows mobile systems

Remote Access over the web for
your every need

Movicon.NExT™ features a cross-platform Web Client technology of new

generation, to deliver flexible and adaptable solutions

With the emergence of the HTML5 standard, the Web • Project access and visualization over the web, using
Client technology can now offer users a real standard any browser on any operating system, thanks to the
and cross-platform architecture that can run on any PC, HTML5 technology.
operating system, browser or mobile device. • Completely automatic creation of the project’s web
A cross-platform solution makes projects accessible
pages on the server, with just one click.
from while still maintaining the fundamental requisites
of security and undiminished graphics rendering.
• Server project’s dynamic screen visualization on web
The WPF based web technology runs instances on browser, with user authentication, access control
the server to deliver screens with maximum graphics and web-side restriction rules.
rendering quality and unlimited performance on the • No additional installation or configuration needed
entire user interface of Movicon.NExT™. As the SVG on Client or Server.
Web technology processes graphics locally on the • Enhanced performances, transparent support to
client, it is the best option for those applications that project functionalities and commands, simply using a
do not require exceptional WPF graphics on the Web normal web browser.
Client but need to allow access to several concurrent • Data management security.
users. Specific apps for a better user experience on • High performance and event-only notifications.
mobile devices, based on Google Android, Windows • Web tools for local analysis of historical data on
(WUA) or Apple iOS operating systems, can be
downloaded for free.
• Optimized WebSocket-based communications.
• No need to install software or distribute licenses,
thanks to the application centralized on Server.
• Project Reports supported over the web.
• Geographical Maps supported over the web.
• Cognitive Augmented Reality support.

For any automation sectors

The ideal solution for industrial manufacturing,

process control, infrastructures and Building
Automation sector:

Building Automation
Manufacturing Food & Beverage
Automotive Pharmaceutical
Water Treatment

Process Control

Oil & Gas

Easy. Simple. For Everyone.

Modular and Scalable Licenses

Modular and flexible licensing policy offering IIoT Connected Devices
the best cost-effective solutions.

• Scalable Server/Client Runtime licenses

based on number of Tags connected to the Movicon Web Client
Access from everywhere
• Scalable architectures, from small
applications to redundant and mission
Cloud DB Cloud
critical systems. Analytics
Internet Router
• HMI Runtime licenses for OEMs and
Machine Builders.
• WebHMI Runtime licenses for cross-
Management Level
platform, low-cost HMI solutions. Redundant Movicon Plant Intelligence
• Simple and easy-to-distribute Client
Runtime licenses.
• HTML5 Web Client and APPs require only Factory Level
Movicon SCADA
activation on server, without installing any
Mobile HMI
• Configurable NET licenses for network
architectures with license sharing.
• Cost effective Editor license, including all
Plant Level
complete features and technical support. Movicon HMI

• No maintenance costs or service charges

on runtime licenses.
• The development environment runs Machine Level
in DEMO mode (no license) with full Movicon WebHMI

capabilities, without technical restrictions

and can launch a fully operational runtime Field I/O Level
for two hours.
• Licenses are available on USB dongle or as
a software license key (tokens) that can be
activated over the web.

An ecosystem of modular
software products

Movicon.NExT™: an ecosystem of modular products at the service

of Industry 4.0. Supervision, Connectivity and Efficiency in an all-inclusive
industrial software platform.

Progea’s business model offers targeted solutions for:

Software Engineers
System Integrators
Machine Builders
Public Utilities
End Users
30 years of experience in automation
software technology

Care for quality The Movicon™ Community

Progea is a company that has always placed product Progea promotes and encourages active knowledge
quality at the centre of its activity. The entire company, sharing. Progea can count on a vibrant community of
including the product development and validation users where information, suggestions and advice are
processes, are certified with the ISO 9001:2015 norm shared and where web tools managed by Progea can
Quality System, with additional audits in compliance be used to access all the technical information on the
with the EN50128 SIL 0 requirements. Furthermore, platform’s life cycle and its technology. Progea regularly
Progea guarantees excellent customer care with its organizes Community events and free information and
own support services, essential to all those operating in training programs. The website provides a Forum, Blog,
critical automation processes such as process control Bugbase, Knowledge Base, Examples and much more.
and infrastructures.
A solid partnership
Value added Services Progea’s software technologies are ubiquitous and used
The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of a software for automation applications and solutions by leading
platform is strongly influenced by the quality of the companies in every industrial sector, with over 150,000
correlated services. Important parameters such as licenses installed worldwide. To demonstrate the quality
Learning Time, Response Time, Service Quality and and reliability of its software products, Progea is proud
Consultancy are generally considered the true added to have been chosen by the major players in industrial
value of a software product. Progea’s services deliver automation. Progea’s technology is used and distributed
a quality level that only the producer company can by global leaders in automation, some of whom use it
guarantee. Customers can rely on Training, Technical under different brand names other than Movicon™.
Support and Consultancy services from Progea when
confronted with any application or unexpected project
need, and this assurance contributes to reducing internal
implementation and development costs. Progea is
directly available at the offices in Italy, Switzerland,
Germany and the United States. Additionally, an
international network of trusted distributors supports
the Progea™ brand worldwide.

Download the software from the website and try it out by creating your
own Movicon.NExT™ project. In the absence of a valid license, the software
functions in DEMO mode and is fully operational. |

May 2020 Edition
©2020 Progea srl all rights reserved

Passion for innovation

Progea Srl Progea International SA Progea Deutschland GmbH Progea North America Corp. Progea Technik GmbH
Via D’Annunzio, 295 via Sottobisio, 28 Marie-Curie Str., 12 2380 State Road 44, Suite C Marktplatz, 8
I-41123 Modena 6828 Balerna (CH) D-78048 VS Villingen Oshkosh, WI 54904 I-39043 Klausen (BZ)
Tel +39 059 451060 Tel +41 91 96 76 610 Tel +49 (0)7721 99838 0 Tel. +1 (888) 305-2999 Tel. +39 0472 694050

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