Temperature-Resistance Constants of Alloy Wires For Precision Resistors
Temperature-Resistance Constants of Alloy Wires For Precision Resistors
Temperature-Resistance Constants of Alloy Wires For Precision Resistors
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 16 04:05:05 EDT 2009
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B 84 – 07
constant. Then increase the current by 40 % and maintain at 10. Preliminary Treatment of Specimen
this value until the resistance has again become constant. If the 10.1 The finished specimen shall be subjected to a baking
change in resistance is greater than 0.01 %, the test current is treatment as necessary to stabilize the resistance of the speci-
too large and shall be reduced until the foregoing limitation is men. For manganin the treatment shall be at 140 6 10°C
reached. continuously for a period of 48 h.
6.5 The measurements shall be made in such a way that the
effects of thermoelectromotive forces and parasitic currents are 11. Procedure A
avoided. When these effects are small, the resistance of the
11.1 Connect the test specimen in the measuring circuit and
specimen may be obtained by either of the following methods:
submerge entirely in the bath. For a check on the constancy of
6.5.1 Obtain the galvanometer zero with the galvanometer the specimen, make an initial resistance measurement at 25°C.
key open. Balance the bridge both with the direct and reversed Raise the temperature of the bath or transfer the specimen to a
connection of the battery, the average value of the two results bath maintained constant at the highest temperature at which
being the resistance of the specimen. measurements are to be made. When the specimen has attained
6.5.2 Obtain the zero of the galvanometer with the galva- a constant resistance, record the reading of the measuring
nometer key closed and the battery key opened. A single device and the temperature of the bath.
balance of the bridge is then sufficient to obtain the resistance 11.2 Decrease the temperature of the test specimen to the
of the specimen. next lower temperature either by cooling the bath and main-
taining it constant at the next lower temperature, or by
7. Sampling removing the specimen to another bath maintained at the lower
7.1 Take one test specimen from each continuous length of temperature. When the resistance of the specimen has become
the material to be tested. constant, again make observations of resistance and tempera-
8. Test Specimen 11.3 In this manner, make a series of determinations of the
8.1 The test specimen shall be of a length that will give a change of resistance with temperature for the desired descend-
resistance that can be measured to the required accuracy. ing temperature range, measurements being taken at intervals
of approximately 10 % of the temperature range or any
8.2 If the wire is insulated, it may be wound in a circular,
temperature interval specified by agreement between producer
open coil not less than 50 mm in diameter.
and consumer.
8.3 If the wire is not insulated, it may be wound on an 11.4 Test at not less than four temperatures.
insulating form of a type that will not introduce strains in the
11.5 Note the temperature of the measuring apparatus at
wire when subjected to temperature changes.
frequent intervals during the test of each specimen.
8.4 The tension used in winding shall be no more than
sufficient to produce a neat coil of insulated wire or to prevent 12. Procedure B
the touching of adjacent turns when bare wire is wound on an
insulating form. 12.1 See Section 11, except 11.4. Tests shall be made at not
8.5 For fine wires of sufficiently high-resistivity alloys, less than three temperatures, including 25°C.
straight wire specimens may be used. Precautions should be
taken to avoid the introduction of strains in the sample during 13. Resistance-Temperature Equation
preparation. 13.1 Express the results in terms of the constants in an
equation of the following form:
9. Terminals Rt 5 R25@1 1 a~t 2 25! 1 b~t 2 25! 2#
9.1 For specimens having a resistance so large that the (1)
resistance of the leads is negligible, a copper wire may be
brazed, soldered, or welded to each end of the specimen for use Rt = resistance of the specimen in ohms at tempera-
as a terminal. The resistance of the copper terminals shall be ture, °C, t,
less than 0.02 % of the resistance of the specimen. R25 = resistance of the specimen in ohms at the
9.2 If the resistance of the specimen is less than 10 V, so standard temperature of 25°C,
that it is necessary to use both current and potential terminals t = temperature of specimen, °C, and
in measuring the resistance, two copper wires may be brazed, a and b = temperature-resistance constants of the mate-
soldered, or welded to each end of the specimen for use as rial.
terminals. The terminals shall be placed so that the measured Temperature of maximum or minimum resistance
potential does not include the potential drop in the current = 25°C − (a/2b)
9.3 In coils made of fine wire where there is not sufficient
NOTE 2—This equation will yield either a maximum or a minimum,
rigidity in the coil itself to furnish a satisfactory support for the depending on which exists in the temperature range in question. However,
terminals, short lengths of thin glass or ceramic rods may be this equation is normally used for those alloys such as manganin, having
found across the coil to act as struts and furnish an anchorage a temperature-resistance curve approximating a parabola with a maximum
for the terminals. near room temperature.
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B 84 – 07
14. Calculation of Constants from 15 to 35°C, the resistance-temperature curve of manganin is
parabolic and of the form:
14.1 The values of a, b and R25 may be determined by
selecting the measured values of Rt at three well-separated Pt 5 P0 1 At 1 Bt 2 (13)
temperatures, inserting the values of Rt and t in the above
equation to form three equations, and solving simultaneously where:
the three equations for R25, a, and b. Pt = %, ratio of the resistance of the specimen at t °C to the resistance
14.2 When the measurements have not been made at exactly of the standard resistor at 25°C, expressed in percent,
25°C, or at other suitable temperatures, the calculation may be P0 = %, ratio of the resistance of the specimen at 0°C to the resistance
of the standard resistor at 25°C, expressed in percent, and
simplified by plotting a curve from the observed values of
resistance and temperature, from which curve R25 may be read A and B are constants calculated from resistance measurements made at
directly. Two additional points may then be selected on the different temperatures. One method of measurement used in production
curve, preferably one at t1, at least 5°C below the reference testing is to compare the resistance of the test sample to that of a stable
temperature of 25°C, and a second temperature, t2 near the resistor of known characteristics maintained at reference temperature
highest temperature measured but satisfying the following 25°C. The resistance is approximately the same as the test sample and
relation: measurements usually are made directly in percentages (for example,
100.008 %). If measurements are made at four temperatures t1, t2, t3, and
K ~25 2 t1! 5 t2 2 25 5 KDt (2) t4 between 15 and 35°C, and the corresponding ratios of test sample
where K is, for ease of calculation, generally taken as an resistance to standard resistor are measured in percentages as P1, P2, P3,
and P4, then the constants A and B, the peak temperature, and temperature
integer. coefficient may be calculated from the following equations:
NOTE 3—Example: If t1 is 10°C below the reference temperature then
t2 should be 10 or 20 or 30°C etc., above the reference temperature for F
1 P3 2 P 1 P 2 2 P 1
A 5 2 t 2 t 1 t 2 t 2 ~t3 1 tr 1 2t1!
3 1 4 1
G (14)
greatest ease of calculation, so that K = 1 or 2 or 3, respectively.
14.3 If R1 is the resistance at the temperature t1, and R2 is P 3 2 P1 P 4 2 P 1 P2 2 P1
the resistance at the temperature t2, then: t3 2 t1 1 t4 2 t1 2 2 t2 2 t1
B5 t3 1 t4 2 2t2 (15)
a 5 [~R2 2 R25! 2 K2~R1 2 R25!#/R25K~K 1 1!Dt (3)
The peak temperature is − (A/2B) and the temperature coeffi-
cient between temperature t and the peak temperature in
b 5 [K ~R1 2 R25! 1 ~R2 2 R25!#/R25K~K 1 1!~Dt!2 (4)
percent per degree Celsius is (A + 2Bt)/2. Then
a 5 ~A 1 50B!/100 (16)
If K = 1, this simplifies to:
a 5 ~R2 2 R1!/2R25 Dt (5) b 5 B/100 (17)
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B 84 – 07
TABLE 1 Illustrative Form for Reporting Test Data and Calculations
NOTE 1—The following table, with test values inserted for purpose of illustration, is only a suggested form for recording test data and calculations on
temperature-resistance characteristics.
Material Manganin, Specimen No. 1. From Shipment Received ... Jan. 14, 1936
Maker John Doe
Size 0.010 in. Approximate Resistance of Specimen ... 100 V
Insulation Double Silk. Length of Wire ... 11.4 m.
Record of Test
Temperature,° C DRt 3 10 Temperature,° C DRt 3 10−6
25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −32 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −4
65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −803 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −1403
Dt = 10 Dt = 5
K=4 K = 11
a = −1.46 a = −1.40
b = −0.47 b = −0.44
Average a = −1.4 3 10− 6
Average b = −0.45 3 10− 6
Temperature for maximum resistance = 25°C (a/2b) = 23.4°C.
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B 84 – 07
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Another useful alternative for computing the value of T.C. 5 a 1 2b~T 2 25!
a and b is: For a given piece of manganin, if the resistances at
three different appropriate temperatures (one of which is 25°C) X1.1.3 The resistor whose temperature coefficient data is
are known, they may be substituted into the equation of Section being determined is measured at three temperatures as follows:
11 to form two equations. These two equations may be solved Tm T25 Tn
simultaneously for a and b as follows: Wire-grade manganin 17°C 25°C 32°C
Shunt-grade manganin 40°C 25°C 50°C
~Pn 2 P25! ~Pm 2 P25!
~Tn 2 25!
2 T 2 25
All temperatures must be held to 60.2°C.
~Tn 2 Tm!
X1.1.4 The resistance values are measured and recorded in
terms of differences from another resistor (such as an NIST or
Reichenshalt design) expressed in parts per million. The values
a 5 [~Pn 2 P25!/~Tn 2 25!# 2 b~Tn 2 25!
are designated Pm and Pn corresponding to Tm and Tn.
where: X1.1.5 The resolution of the resistance determination must
Pn = resistance difference from a nominal value be 1 ppm or better for wire-grade manganin. The resolution of
(expressed in parts per million) at temperature the resistance determination must be 5 ppm or better for
Tn(°C), shunt-grade manganin.
Pm = resistance difference from a nominal value X1.1.6 After the resistance values at the three temperatures
(expressed in parts per million) at temperature have been obtained, the values and the temperatures are
Tm(°C), substituted into the equations for b and a to obtain the
P25 = resistance difference from a nominal value numerical values of b and a .
(expressed in parts per million) at 25°C, and X1.1.7 If the determination of a and b are to conform with
a and b = constants (a expressed in ppm/°C; b in ppm/ this specification, measurements at four temperatures will have
(°C) 2). to be made. The computation of a and b shall be made using
X1.1.1 As before, the temperature of peak resistance in three of the four temperatures and their corresponding resis-
degrees Celsius is: tance differences. A second computation of a and b shall be
made using three of the four temperatures, one of which is the
Tmax 5 25 2 ~a/2b!~dc!
one not used in the preceding section. This computation of a
and b using different Tm’s (or Tn’s) will ensure that no mistake
X1.1.2 The temperature coefficient (T.C.) in parts per mil- has been made. Differences between the two values of eithera
lion per degree Celsius at any temperature is: or b shall not exceed 10 %.
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