Swi Sto 3

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User's Manual

SwiSto3 iontophoresis device for home and clinical use

Treatment time
Charge level of the
Continuous current Li-ion rechargeable
or pulsed current battery

Positive polarity anode Negative polarity cathode

Graphical display of the Display of the treatment

treatment amperage amperage
Increase the intensity of the Power button
current / change type of current /
increase treatment time
Decrease the intensity of the Button function:
current / change type of current / Menu/Set/Stop
increase treatment time to navigate through the menu,
to stop treatment

SwiSto3 – iontophoresis set
for the treatment of hand and foot perspiration

B Scope of delivery:
A 1 SwiSto3 – iontophoresis device
C 240 V
EU E B 1 charging plug
2 water trays
D 2 electrode plates incl. cable
E 2 foam pads

F G Special accessories
for underarm perspiration treatment

F Plate electrodes with sponge pockets

G Replacement sponge pockets

Dear Customer, thank you for choosing a KaWe product. Our products 3. Scope of delivery: SwiSto3 iontophoresis set
are known for their high quality and longevity. This KaWe product 1 x SwiSto3 iontophoresis device
fulfils the requirements of EG Directive 93/42/EWG (standard for me- 2 x water trays
dical products). We assume no liability for improper or inadequate use 2 x plate electrodes (150 x 220 mm) incl. cable
of this device, or if the device is not checked before use. Please read 2 x electrode sponge pads
these instructions carefully and completely before use and follow the 1 x charging plug
maintenance instructions.
4. Special accessories
1. Application 2 x plate electrodes with sponge pockets for underarm perspiration
The SwiSto3 is used in medical facilities and in the home by healthcare treatment, 2 x replacement sponge pockets (ca. 90 x 110 mm) alone
professionals as well as by non-professionals.
5. Manufacturer responsibility
2. Purpose The manufacturer only assumes responsibility for the safety, reliability
The SwiSto3 iontophoresis set is designed to treat intense foot, hand and efficient operation of the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device if:
and underarm perspiration. This is a proven and tested anti-perspira- 1. repairs, modifications, readjustments or enhancements are per-
tion system that uses tap water iontophoresis. A reduction of perspira- formed by the manufacturer or by a person authorised by the manu-
tion can be observed after as few as approx. 15 – 20 treatments, facturer and 2. the electrical system installed in the treatment room
lasting 20 to 30 minutes each. meets the requirements of ICE-stipulations and 3. the SwiSto3
iontophoresis device is used in accordance with the instructions given
Table of Contents Page in the User's Manual.
1. Application ..............................................................................17
2. Purpose ...................................................................................17 No liability will be assumed for damages resulting from improper use.
3. Scope of delivery: SwiSto3 – iontophoresis set ....................17
4. Special accessories ..................................................................17 Only use the plate electrodes and connection cables supplied by KaWe
5. Manufacturer responsibility ....................................................17 and/or the original KaWe-brand spare parts and accessories.
6. Graphical symbols and warnings ...........................................17
7. Contraindications / side effects 6. Symbol key:
and preventative measures ....................................................18 Power button
8. Start-up / preparation ............................................................19
9. Treatment of foot or hand perspiration ..................................19 Anode
10. Treatment of underarm perspiration ......................................20 Cathode
11. Important information ...........................................................21 Increase current
12. Troubleshooting ......................................................................21
Decrease current
12.1 Treatment does not start – possible causes ..........................21
12.2 Treatment is interrupted – possible causes ...........................21 Menu button for selecting settings
12.3 Treatment current feels too weak – possible causes .............21 Continuous current
12.4 Display does not illuminate – possible causes ......................21 Pulsed current
13. Recurring safety inspections pursuant
to § 6 MP regulations for SwiSto3 devices ............................21 Treatment time
14. Cleaning and disinfection ......................................................22 Battery symbol
15. Storage while not in use .........................................................22 Electromagnetic field warning
16. Transport and storage .............................................................22
17. Disposal ...................................................................................22 Charge symbol
18. Technical information .............................................................23 BF-type device according to
19. Guarantee ................................................................................23 DIN IEC 601 Part 1/ VDE 0750 Part 1
20. Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration –
electromagnetic immunity .....................................................23 Heed the User's Manual
21. Recommended separation distances between portable and
mobile RF communications equipment and the SwiSto3 .....26 Caution!

Separate disposal of electric and electronic devices • Never perform treatments during thunderstorms. If necessary, im-
mediately discontinue the treatment and turn off the unit.
Manufacturer • The maximum current and the maximum voltage are limited by
Date of manufacture safety values that are determined by the regulations for electrical
LOT Lot code medical devices, thereby eliminating the risk of harm to the patient.
Complies with relevant EU guidelines • Electrical shocks are primarily caused by contact failures between
the connector cables and the electrodes. Over time, transfer resist-
Protected against water droplets and solid matter with a ance occurs between the electrodes and the connector cables due
diameter of greater than or equal to 1.0mm to the direct contact with water. This can be avoided by disconnect-
REF Product reference number
ing the cable on the electrode just before beginning treatment and
SN Series number then reinserting it with a twisting motion. The friction thereby pro-
Temperature limit duced creates a clean metal-to-metal contact which is essential for
a constant flow of current. This practically eliminates uncomfortable
GOST-R certification of exports to Russia
current peaks that could otherwise be felt by the patient.
• Persons with prosthetics must remove these before treatment. They
7. Contraindications/side effects and preventative
must also consult a doctor before using this device.
• It is essential that the patient ensure that the success of the treat-
ment is not affected by any type of disturbance. Due to this reason
IMPORTANT! Vital information: as well for electrical safety reasons, it must be ensured that no chil-
• Consult your physician before using this device to receive an indivi- dren or house pets are allowed in the room at the time of treatment.
dualised treatment plan. Tap water iontophoresis may not be per- • The patient should be aware of the fact that – especially during
formed under the following circumstances or if the patient has one underarm perspiration treatment – any rash movement during the
of the following conditions (contraindications): treatment can alter the surface on the body being used for the cur-
- implanted electronic devices (i.e. pacemaker) rent transfer. As a result, the current load on the affected body part
- pregnancy may exceed the allowed value, which although it cannot cause ac-
- metal implants in the areas of the body through which the current is tual harm, could potentially cause discomfort, skin irritation and/or
conducted (arms or legs) slight burns. Such complications can be best avoided by:
- metal-containing intrauterine devices (contraceptive coils) when - Avoiding direct metal contact between the electrodes and the body
treating the feet by using the foam pads or sponge pockets.
- large-sized skin defects that cannot be covered with Vaseline or iso- - Removing the hands and/or feet slowly from the water trays while
lating bandages/wraps the treatment current is flowing.
- heart murmurs or insensitivity to pain. - Ensuring that the electrodes are always fully inserted into the
The device may only be installed and operated in accordance with sponge pockets during underarm perspiration treatments.
the instructions given in the user’s manual. Radios, mobile tele- - Ensuring that during underarm perspiration treatment the contact
phones or other similar devices that may affect the device must be pressure between the sponge pocket and the underarm remains as
placed at least 2 metres away from the device. The device may not constant as possible for the entire treatment time.
be used by unsupervised children and must be stored out of reach of • Direct current tap water iontophoresis is not suitable for sensitive
children. users as it may cause skin irritation or paresthesia. In order to mini-
The cables pose a risk of strangulation. Small parts may become mize these side effects, this device is to be used with pulsed current
loose and could be swallowed or inhaled. and the current must not exceed given amperage. Nevertheless,
• Only use standard accessories provided by KaWe. The use of other while using pulsed current, slight stinging, burning or tingling sen-
cables, charging devices, electrodes, water trays etc. is not allowed. sations or a slight reddening of the treated skin areas may still occur.
The use of non-standard parts can influence the EMC interference In order to prevent these side effects, the sponge pockets should
immunity and electrical safety of the unit. only be lightly and evenly moistened and not soaked before they
• Simultaneous treatment with another high-frequency surgical in- are placed under the armpits.
strument may cause skin burns under or near the electrodes.
• The operation of the iontophoresis device within close range (ap- • Cover damaged/rough areas of the skin on the palms of the hands,
prox. 1 m) of a short-wave or a microwave therapy unit can cause the soles of the feet and the grooves of the nails with Vaseline or
fluctuations in the output readings of the iontophoresis device and another greasy ointment, since the electrical current transmissibility
therefore, should be avoided. through these areas is increased.

• Using this device too often may lead to minor skin irritation in some lines and manufacturer declaration – Electromagnetic immunity”.
cases. • To charge the battery, first plug the low-voltage connector into the
• If the treatment is intentionally performed with a very high electric socket on the back side of the unplugged SwiSto3 SwiSto3 ionto-
current, an uncomfortable tingling can occur in the extremities phoresis device. The plug-in charger is to be stored in a location that
through which the current is flowing. is easily accessible and easy to reach.
• The complete surface of the body parts being treated must rest with • Ensure that the connector cable between the adapter and the ionto-
uniformly-distributed pressure on the foam pads and/or sponge phoresis device is not a tripping hazard!
pockets. A non-uniform distribution of the surface and of the pres- • Charge only with the KaWe REF 05.19170.002 charging plug!
sure may cause a current density (>0.2mA/cm2) that is too high in • Charge the battery completely before using for the first time. The
some areas, which can cause skin irritation or minor burns. charging time for a completely discharged battery is approx. 10
• Jewellery and wrist watches should be removed before treatment. hours. When charging, the battery symbol blinks and the charging
• The optimum therapy results are achieved by selecting the highest symbol on the display appears in the middle of the screen. The de-
possible (however, different for each individual) current intensity in vice cannot be used while it is being charged. The charging progress
the water bath during the treatment. can be seen on the battery symbol.
• The influence on sweat inhibition is much more pronounced on the • To perform a treatment, place the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device on
positive (+) pole than on the negative (-) pole. Therefore, if appli- a flat and dry surface.
cable, it is recommended that the patient change the polarity of the • Place the water trays in an appropriate location.
electrodes after each treatment. • Place the electrodes (REF 05.19040.021) in the water trays.
• The hands and the feet cannot be treated simultaneously. In accord- • Place the foam pads on the electrodes such that the electrodes are
ance with the user’s manual, hand, feet and underarm treatments completely covered.
are to be carried out as separate procedures. • Use the connector cables to connect the electrodes with the output
• In order to avoid skin irritation or burns, only electrodes recom- jacks (+ and -) on the side of the device. When connecting the ca-
mended by KaWe are to be used. bles to the electrodes, they should be plugged in with a simultane-
• Please ensure that the included foam pads are always placed on the ous twisting motion.
electrode plates! • Fill both of the tubs with a minimum of 3-4 cm of lukewarm tap
• In order to reduce the skin’s natural resistance and if necessary, to water. Take special care that the trays do not overflow or have the
make the treatment current feel more comfortable to the user, the potential to overflow when the hands or feet are put into the water.
hands or the feet should be massaged in a warm water bath prior to • For the underarm perspiration treatment, insert the plate electrodes
being treated. into the sponge pockets and soak them well in water.
• Renew the water in the trays before each use. • Power-on the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device by pressing the
• Ensure that the display can be read during treatment and is not il- push-button switch. Hold the button down for approx. 1 second
legible due to lighting conditions. until the display illuminates. Current treatment values will be
• The device and its parts (such as the membrane keypad etc.) are to shown on the display.
be checked before each use to ensure that they are in sound condi- • The SET button is used to select each of the individual settings. Each
tion. Should there be any apparent problems such as wear etc., of the blinking values can be changed with the up and down but-
please send the device in to the manufacturer. tons. The following can be changed: the current intensity in steps of
• The expected operational life time of the device is, depending on 1 mA, continuous current / pulsing current and the treatment time
use and maintenance, between 4 and 8 years. The built-in recharge- in min:sec.
able battery is designed for 800 complete charging cycles. With a • If the display is not readable or the unit appears to be damaged in
fully-charged battery, approx. 10, 20 minute-long treatments can any way, send the device in to the manufacturer immediately.
be performed at full power.
• If necessary, non-expert users are to contact the manufacturer or 9. Treatment of foot or hand perspiration
their representative in order to receive help with the device or to • Prepare device for use as described in Section 8 “Start-up/prepara-
report unexpected functional operation or occurrences. tion”.
• Power-on the device by pressing the power button for one
8. Start-up/preparation: second.
• Caution, condensation can cause a safety hazard! If the device be- • In each of the tap water-filled trays, place the palm of a hand or the
comes very cold during storage or transport, ensure that it reaches sole of a foot onto the foam pad-covered plate electrode.
room temperature before using it. Directly touching the electrodes is not dangerous; in order to avoid
• When operating the device, heed the instructions given in “Guide- spots of excessive current density, it is recommended however, that as

much of the surface of the body part to be treated as possible rests on
the electrodes and the pressure is uniformly distributed. The parame- 10. Treatment of underarm perspiration
ters that can be selected blink on the display. The current intensity for • Prepare device for use as described in Section 8 “Start-up/prepara-
the treatment can be selected with the UP and DOWN buttons. --> tion”.
Confirm selection by pressing the SET button. --> Select pulsing cur- • Power-on the device by pressing the power button for one
rent with the UP button and continuous current with the DOWN but- second.
ton. --> Confirm selection by pressing the SET button. --> Set the • For the underarm perspiration treatment, wet the sponge pock-
treatment time in minutes (MIN) using the UP and DOWN buttons. ets evenly with tap water. In order to avoid the occurrence of
--> Confirm selection by pressing the SET button. --> Set the treat- current densities that are too high on isolated spots on the body
ment time in seconds (SEC) using the UP and DOWN buttons. --> however, ensure that as large a contact surface as possible is touch-
Confirm selection by pressing the SET button. --> Setting selection is ing the electrodes with a pressure distribution that is as uniform as
completed when the treatment starts, the time countdown begins and possible.
the clock symbol begins to blink. To begin the treatment, complete the • Insert the plate electrodes (REF 05.19080.021) into the sponge
electric circuit by putting your hands or feet into the water trays. pockets.
• By pressing the button on the membrane keypad on the upper • The parameters that can be selected blink on the display. The cur-
side of the device the treatment current can be increased until a rent intensity for the treatment can be selected with the UP and
mild to strong tingling can be felt. The intensity of the current can be DOWN buttons. --> Confirm selection by pressing the SET button.
seen on the display. Similarly, the current can also be reduced dur- --> Select pulsing current with the UP button and continuous cur-
ing the treatment by pressing the button. When the current is rent with the DOWN button. --> Confirm selection by pressing the
being changed during the treatment, the current reading on the SET button. --> Set the treatment time in minutes (MIN) using the
display does not blink. UP and DOWN buttons. --> Confirm selection by pressing the SET
• The treatment stops automatically after the set treatment time has button. --> Set the treatment time in seconds (SEC) using the UP
been reached or when the current circuit is broken before the set and DOWN buttons. --> Confirm selection by pressing the SET but-
time has elapsed. The treatment will resume for the remainder of ton. --> Setting selection is completed when the treatment starts,
the set treatment time when the current circuit has once again been the time countdown begins and the clock symbol begins to blink. To
closed. The clock symbol blinks and the time countdown re- begin the treatment, complete the electric circuit by placing the
sumes. sponge pockets with the plate electrodes in them under your arm-
• If the clock showing the treatment time has run down to pits.
00:00 and the current circuit is still complete, the + / - symbols on • Raise the upper arm and place the sponge pocket on the armpit.
the display both begin to blink. Once the set treatment time has • The sponge pocket is then held in place by pressing the upper arm
expired, none of the settings can be changed until the circuit has down against the body. Before lowering your upper arm ensure that
been interrupted by removing the hands or feet from the water the electrodes and connector cables are inserted completely into
trays. The + / - symbols then stop blinking and the MIN symbol the sponge pockets, as direct contact between the metal and the
begins to blink, signaling that new settings can now be selected. skin could cause localised burns. Especially when performing an
The previously set treatment time will be saved. underarm perspiration treatment, ensure that the pressure exerted
• Turn the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device off after completing treat- by the upper arm remains as constant as possible for the entire du-
ment by pressing the power button . The device will also turn ration of the treatment – which can be up to 30 minutes.
off automatically after two minutes. • By pressing the button on the membrane keypad on the upper
• The last-used treatment settings are automatically saved and used side of the device the treatment current can be increased until a
when the device is restarted for the next treatment. These settings mild to strong tingling can be felt. The intensity of the current can be
can be changed with an open current circuit as described in Section seen on the display. Similarly, the current can also be reduced dur-
9. ing the treatment by pressing the button. When the current is
• The SwiSto3 iontophoresis device can also be plugged into the local being changed during the treatment, the current reading on the
power supply network to be charged using the charging plug. The display does not blink. WARNING: Do not exceed the recommended
battery symbol shows the battery charge up in the top right- maximum current intensity of 5 mA.
hand corner of the display. • The treatment stops automatically after the set treatment time
• The charging symbol appears when the charging plug is has been reached 00:00 or when the circuit is broken before the set
plugged in. After testing the rechargeable battery for at most one time has elapsed. The treatment will resume for the remainder of
minute, the charging function begins and the battery symbol the set treatment time when the circuit has once again been closed.
begins to blink. • If the clock showing the treatment time has run down to 00:00
• When the charging plug is plugged in, the treatment is interrupted.
and the current circuit is still complete, the + / - symbols on the the sponge pockets under your arms.
display both begin to blink. Once the set treatment time has ex- • Sponge pockets (for underarm perspiration treatment) are not wet
pired, none of the settings can be changed until the circuit has been enough. The entire surface of the sponge pockets must be uniform-
interrupted by removing the electrodes. The + / - symbols then ly moistened.
stop blinking and the MIN symbol begins to blink, signaling that • Too little tap water in the trays. The level of the water in the trays
new settings can now be selected. The previously set treatment must be approx. 3-4 cm.
time will be saved. • The electric conductivity of the tap water is not sufficient. In this
• Turn the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device off after completing treat- case, the conductivity of the tap water must be increased by adding
ment by pressing the power button . The device will also turn minerals to the water.
off automatically after two minutes. • The battery charge is low. The battery symbol blinks, + and
• The last-used treatment settings are automatically saved and used - symbols blink when the treatment circuit is complete.
when the device is restarted for the next treatment. These settings
can be changed with an open current circuit as described in Section 12.2 Treatment is interrupted – possible causes
9. • Disruption of the treatment circuit – such as by suddenly removing
• The SwiSto3 iontophoresis device can also be plugged into the local hands/feet from the trays or raising your arm during an underarm
power supply network to be charged using the charging plug. The perspiration treatment.
battery symbol shows the battery charge up in the top right- • Electrode contact failure. Eliminate possible contact failure between
hand corner of the display. the connector cables and the electrodes by unplugging the elec-
• The charging symbol appears when the charging plug is trode connection pin and reinserting it into its socket with a twist-
plugged in. After testing the rechargeable battery for at most one ing motion.
minute, the charging function begins and the battery symbol • The battery charge is low. The treatment current is turned off. The
begins to blink. battery symbol blinks, + and - symbols blink when the treat-
• When the charging plug is plugged in, the treatment is interrupted. ment circuit is complete. Charge the battery as described in section 8.

11. Important information 12.3 Treatment current feels too weak – possible causes
If the treatment circuit is broken, the current is automatically shut off • Electrodes are worn. After prolonged use, the condition of the elec-
so that electric shock does not occur. When the battery charge is low, trodes can deteriorate (due to calcium deposits on their surface, for
the battery symbol begins to blink. Treatment is only to be carried out example) to such an extent as to inhibit the power output of the
after first charging the battery. When the battery is empty, the device device. The electrodes are to be replaced.
turns off automatically.
12.4 Display does not illuminate – possible causes
If the rechargeable battery has an extremely low charge, the display • Battery is completely discharged. First charge the battery with the
blinks while charging. After being charged for max. 30 minutes, the supplied charging plug. The charging symbol will appear on the
display will illuminate normally without blinking. display. Soon after the battery has begun charging, the device
switches automatically to charging mode.
Recommended maximum values mA • If the charging plug is plugged in and still no charging symbol
Underarm perspiration treatment 5 appears on the display, check the voltage of the electrical outlet that
is being used with appropriate equipment. If the electrical outlet
Hand perspiration treatment 15
is functioning properly, the SwiSto3 and the charging plug must
Foot perspiration treatment 25 be inspected at a location authorised by KaWe – see as well the
Section “Safety Inspections”.
12. Troubleshooting
12.1 Treatment does not start – possible causes 13. Recurring safety inspections pursuant
• Treatment circuit is not closed. Eliminate possible contact failure to § 6 MPG regulations for SwiSto3 devices
between the connector cables and the electrodes by unplugging For the SwiSto3, the following inspections must be performed at least
the electrode connection pin and reinserting it into its socket with a every 12 months by individuals able to perform such safety inspec-
twisting motion. Then close the treatment circuit through your body tions properly due to their training, knowledge and practical experi-
by placing your hands or feet into the water onto the foam pad-cov- ence, and do not require any special instructions with regard to these
ered electrodes, or when treating underarm perspiration, by placing

inspection activities. wiped dry. The reaction/wait time for the above-named disinfect-
ing agents is 5 minutes and must be observed
• Visually inspect the device and accessories for mechanical damage
• The SwiSto3 Iontophoresis Device is to be wiped down weekly with
that would adversely affect their functionality.
a disinfecting agent.
• Check safety-related labels and the display to insure that they are
• Water trays, electrodes and connector cables are to be disinfected
before each use! (Wipe or spray disinfectant)
• Perform function check as instructed in the user’s manual.
• Sponge pockets can be rinsed with warm water, but not with any
• Test the iontophoresis current with a load resistance of 1.5 KΩ.
kind of cleaning agent and for hygienic reasons, are each to be used
• The SwiSto3 device contains no parts that require maintenance by
only by one and the same patient.
the user.
• The housing may not be opened.
When the UP button is pressed, the current intensity is set to Parts such as electrodes, foam pads, sponge pockets and connector
25 mA. For this, a current of 25 mA ± 2 mA is necessary. Then a cables are subject to a certain amount of wear and may require re-
short-circuit test is performed on the output, whereby the values placement after prolonged use. Check all parts for damage before
must not change. each application, especially the connecting lines. If corroded, the ca-
bles are to be replaced. If the contact plugs on the SwiSto3 become
When the DOWN button is pressed, the current intensity output corroded, send the device in for inspection.
of the device gradually diminishes. Here, the current value must de-
crease with each decreasing display increment. The treatment current The integrated rechargeable battery may only be replaced by the
is tested with a reference instrument. manufacturer. Should the battery be defective (will not charge, dis-
charges too quickly), send the device in for inspection/repair.
During technical safety inspections, an electrical safety inspection Warning: Modifying the SwiSto3 ME device is not allowed! In
pursuant to the German standard DIN VDE 0751-1; VDE 0751 Part 1 order avoid the risk of electric shock, only the included charging plug
(Repeat Examinations and Tests Prior to Operation of Medical Electrical (REF 05.19170.002) may be used to charge the unit.
Equipment or Systems - Part 1: General Requirements) or DIN EN IEC
60601-1 is to be performed. 15. Storage while not in use
In order to prevent the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device from becoming
The equivalent leakage currents may be up to 1.5 times that of the first damaged, it should be stored along with its accessories in its original
measured value and at the same time may not exceed the limiting packaging if not in use for a prolonged period of time.
value. The first measured values are given in the enclosed test reports.
The safety inspection must be entered into the technical manual in 16. Transport and storage
accordance with § 6 MPG of the regulations pertaining to the sale of When transported, the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device is to be pack-
iontophoresis devices and the inspection results must be documented. aged such that it is protected from damage. If the device is not to be
If the device is found to not be functional and/or safe to operate, it is used for a prolonged period of time, it should be charged completely
to be repaired or the user of the device is to be notified of the risks of before being stored. The device and accessories are to be stored in a
using the device. dry location between 0 °C and +40 °C.

14. Cleaning and disinfection

• Empty the water trays. 17. Disposal
• Wipe the water trays, electrodes and connector cables with a dry The non-accessible part of the SwiSto3 iontophoresis device contains
cloth and then disinfect them as follows: use any commonly-used electrical and electronic components. For this reason, at the end of its
disinfecting agent such as Bode Bacillol®, Braun Meliseptol® or Oro- service life, the device must be brought to an appropriate waste dis-
chemie B30. The instructions given by the manufacturer of the dis- posal site in accordance with local regulations or returned to the man-
infecting agent are to be followed. The surface that is to be disin- ufacturer.
fected must be wiped with the disinfectant using light pressure,
such that the surface is wet enough and enough of the active ingre-
dient of the disinfecting agent is deposited. The applied disinfectant
solution is to be allowed to dry on the surfaces and they may not be

18. Technical Information 19. Guarantee
Classification Applied part: type BF We guarantee this product (except for the Li-ion rechargeable battery)
Protection classification IP 41 for 48 months. The prerequisite for this guarantee is a proper use of the
product in accordance with this instruction manual. The guarantee is
Dimensions W 110 x H 84 x L 120 mm valid from date of purchase. The bill of sale serves as proof in this case.
Nominal output current Adjustable 1 ..... 25 mA Wear parts - such as electrodes, foam pads and sponge pockets - are
Load resistance max. 1.5 kΩ not covered by the warranty!
Power input 1.5 W
Power supply Li-ion rechargeable battery Before returning the instrument in the event of a malfunc-
tion, the possible causes described in the section
Operation mode Continuous operation
“Troubleshooting” should all be examined thoroughly.
Weight Charging plug: approx. 0.10 kg Should we discover upon inspecting the returned device, a
iontophoresis device: approx. 0.36 reason for the malfunction that is described in the user’s
kg manual that could have been easily solved by the customer
Safety features Electronic current limiting device themself, we will charge an inspection fee. (This fee in-
for the treatment current, Current is cludes the cost of labour, postage and packing, as well as
cut off when the treatment circuit VAT.)
is broken, System interrupt for
when the treatment circuit is not EMC instructions: Medical electrical equipment is subject to
closed special safety measures so as to ensure safe operation with
Current type Continual current or pulsed current respect to electromagnetic compatibility. The following in-
up to a max. of 25 mA formation helps to ensure safe operation.

Ambient conditions
Operating temperature + 10 °C to + 40 °C
Storage temperature 0 °C to + 40 °C
Relative humidity 30 % to 75 %
Air pressure 700 hPa to 1060 hPa

20. Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emmisions

The SwiSto3 is designed to be used in the types of electromagnetic environments listed below. The customer or user is responsible for
ensuring that this device is used in such an environment.
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment – Guidance
The SwiSto3 device uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore,
RF emissions
Group 1 its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in
nearby electronic equipment.
RF emissions
Class B
The SwiSto3 device is suitable for use in all establishments, including domestic
Harmonic emissions
Class A establishments and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power
IEC 61000-3-2
supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Voltage fluctuations/flicker
emissions IEC 61000-3-3

Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration – Electromagnetic Immunity
The SwiSto3 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or user is to assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 Compliance level Electromagnetic environment –
test level guidance
Electrostatic ± 6 kV contact discharge ± 6 kV contact discharge Floors should be wood, concrete, or
discharge (ESD) ceramic tile. If floors are covered with
IEC 61000-4-2 ± 8 kV air discharge ± 8 kV air discharge synthetic material, the relative
humidity should be at least 30%
Electrical fast ±2 kV for power supply ±2 kV for power supply Mains power quality should be that of
transient/burst lines lines a typical commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-4 ±1 kV for input/output ±1 kV for input/output environment.
lines lines
Surge ± 1kV voltage ± 1kV voltage Mains power quality should be that of
IEC 61000-4-5 line to line line to line a typical commercial or hospital
± 2kV voltage line ± 2kV voltage line environment.
to ground to ground
Voltage dips, short <5 % UT <5 % UT Mains power quality should be that
interruptions, and for 1/2 cycle for 1/2 cycle of a typical commercial or hospital
voltage variations on (>95 % dip) (>95 % dip) environment. If the user of the device
power-supply input requires continued OPERATION during
lines 40 % UT 40 % UT a power mains interruption, it is
IEC 61000-4-11 for 5 cycles for 5 cycles recommended that the device be
(60 % dip) (60 % dip) powered by an uninterruptible power
supply or battery.
70 % UT 70 % UT
for 25 cycles for 25 cycles
(30 % dip) (30 % dip)

<5 % UT for <5 % UT for

5 seconds 5 seconds
(>95 % dip) (>95 % dip)
Power frequency 3 A/m 3 A/m If interference occurs, it may be
(50/60 Hz) magnetic field necessary to place the SwiSto3 further
IEC 61000-4-8 away from the sources of power
frequency magnetic fields or to install a
magnetic shield: The power frequency
magnetic field should be measured at
the designated site to ensure that it is
not large enough to cause interference.
Note: UT is the ac mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration – Electromagnetic Immunity
The SwiSto3 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the SwiSto3 is to assure that it
is used in such an environment.
IEC 60601 Compliance
Immunity test Electromagnetic environment – guidance
test level level

Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer

to any part of the SwiSto3 device, including cables, than the recommended
separation distance, which is calculated using the equation for the frequency

Conducted RF 3 Vrms 3 Vrms Recommended separation distance

IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 d = 1.2√P

Radiated RF 3 V/m 3V/m d = 1.2√P for 80 MHz to 800 MHz

IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 d = 2.3√P for 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W)
according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended
separation distance in meters (M).
Field strengthsa from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromag-
netic site survey, should be less than the compliance levelb in each frequency
Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following

Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
a: Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur
radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location
in which the SwiSto3 device is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the SwiSto3 device should be observed to verify
normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the device.
b: Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

21. Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the SwiSto3

The SwiSto3 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment described below. The customer or the user of the SwiSto3 can help
prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment
(transmitters) and the SwiSto3 as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.

Separation distance (meters) according to frequency of transmitter

Rated maximum output 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
power of transmitter d = 1.2 √P d = 1.2 √P d = 2.3 √P
0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23
0.10 0.38 0.38 0.73
1 1.20 1.20 2.30
10 3.80 3.80 7.30
100 12 12 23
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in meters (m) can be estimated
using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts
(w) according to the transmitter manufacturer.

Note 1: For the calculation of the separation distance for transmitters with a frequency range of 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz, an additional factor
of 10/3 is used in order to decrease the likelihood that mobile/portable communications equipment could cause interference if it is
inadvertently brought into patient areas.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.


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