Digital B/W: D 5550id D 7250id

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digital b/w

D 5550iD
D 7250iD
The digital power packs
for flexible, personalised
printing and copying
D 5550iD and D 7250iD: The digital power packs
The digital systems with extensive advantages

With the D 5550iD and D 7250iD models, DEVELOP is offering you two powerful digital
systems for high-volume printing and copying. In situations where other printing and copying
systems reach their limits, these digital power packs are only just getting started.
The keyword is: print on demand. As the subject here is speed and flexibility, the D 5550iD and
D 7250iD are the perfect solution for printing works, in-house print shops and large office
workgroups. Six highlights at a glance:

Scanning and printing in the net-

In the network our two power
Substantial paper feed packs scan just as productively as Printing and copying at speed
Replenishing a copier or printer they print. Correctly equipped, the With 55 pages per minute on the
with paper is a tedious job. With a following features are available D 5550iD and 72 pages on the
paper capacity of up to 7,600 with both systems: TWAIN-Scan, D 7250iD, the two digital systems
sheets in up to five different paper Scan-to-E-mail, Scan-to-FTP, offer you high-performance
sources, the two digital systems Scan-to-HDD and URL-Scan. irrespective of whether you are
will not inconvenience you again Unlimited communication! printing or copying documents.
with this problem. If you do not Here the two machines are not
require A4, you can choose a wide just quick, they are also robust
range of other paper formats A6 to and reliable.

Integrated finishing Clean print quality

In addition to stapling and pun- Polymerised toner ensures perfect
ching, the two machines can also quality reproduction of fine lines
Easy to use
collate. However that’s not all. and grey scales. Toner particle
Printing and copying without dedi-
With the folding option you can smudging is also prevented and
cated staff. The hardware and soft-
now tackle print jobs that pre- you obtain sharp contours.
ware on the two digital systems
viously went to a professional ser-
rapidly become familiar. Operating
vice provider. Even brochures are
the machine and changing the
no problem, and that with or with-
toner are also easy and conveni-
out cover sheet insertion.
ent. Toner is not re-filled, but
replaced in cartridges, this you can
do even when the machine is still
in operation.

D 5550iD and D 7250iD: The digital power packs
From high-speed copier to central printing station

The control centre for the printing function

Using the optional Fiery X3e controller, you can turn the two
digital systems into powerful network printers. At a speed of
55 and 72 pages per minute (A4 landscape), the D 5550iD and
D 7250iD print crystal clear at 600 dpi. The Fiery X3e is equip-
ped with a 366 MHz processor which can be integrated into a
large number of networks.
With the optional HDD-2 hard disk, you can save print jobs on
the digital system and recall them when required.
The Fiery software
As standard, the Fiery X3e controller offers you a number of
additional software packages enabling fast efficient operation.
The controller has the following intelligent software packages
integrated as standard:

If large print-runs are needed quickly utility provides the administrator with the necessary data and
• Fiery FreeForm access. The Command Workstation is operated from a server
With Fiery FreeForm, master data, i.e. image elements which PC.
are repeated on several pages, e.g. in a PowerPoint presenta-
tion, can be incorporated as pre-ripped data packets. This sig-
nificantly shortens the rip time, as the load on the controller's Managing printing from the Internet and intranet
memory is reduced. • Fiery WebTools
Access via the intranet or the Internet would seem to be a use-
ful solution for rapid processing of print jobs (WebSpooler) or
If you want to compile your print job in different ways the installation (Installer) of new utilities. Given appropriate
• Fiery DocBuilder rights, you can then manage your print jobs using a browser
With this software tool, files can be previewed, ripped data and so become your own administrator.
can be joined and edited and the data can also be saved on
the controller’s hard disk.
Managing printing at the workstation
• Fiery Link
If you want to control and check the printing in your network The FieryLink software package provides you all the neces-
• Fiery Command Workstation sary information for processing print jobs. Before you print,
In the case of centrally co-ordinated network printing, there you can find out which print jobs and how many print jobs the
must be an administrator with responsibility for controlling the system must process before it gets to your print job.
machines, allocating the print jobs, cost centre accounting,
storing important print data etc. The Command Workstation

D 5550iD and D 7250iD: The digital power packs
Sheaves of hard copies and lever-arch files as models for the
Also make your scans available to others Standard software for printer and document management
Using the Fiery X3e controller, data can be scanned into TIFF
and PDF formats. Who doesn't remember the good old inter-
nal post? Original documents were copied and placed in the
departments' post boxes by the internal post. The documents
were collected from there by the recipients. The procedure is
simple, but time consuming and manpower-intensive.
For reasons related to the hardware, you will find scanning on
the D 5550iD and D 7250iD digital systems works considera- Status querying using the Printer Management Utility
bly better than on conventional flatbed scanners; the machi- (PMU)
nes can even scan and manage documents with double- The "Printer Management Utility" (PMU) is a software package
sided originals (duplex scan). opened via the network board that simplifies network printer
Various scanning options are available: management. Access is straight forward via a web browser
and can be used to check the status of any digital
DEVELOP copying and printing system. Furthermore, the
Scanning to the controller's hard disk (Scan to HDD) ”Printer Management Utility” (PMU) includes numerous other
functions that simplify the administrator’s management activi-
First you select the scan function on the digital system. The ties.
originals inserted are then scanned and saved directly to the
controller’s hard disk. The data on this hard disk can be ope- • Machine or configuration status query (size or type of paper
ned from the PC. This means that the data scanned can be inserted, paper cassette tray selection, paper supply dis-
accessed from any workstation in the network. play, opening of particular paper trays or other units, paper
jam signal etc.).
• Information on the print jobs being processed (status of
Scan to E-mail print jobs, queue monitoring).
• System settings for network administrators (network
The document is sent to the recipient as an e-mail attach- address changes, network changes, network configuration,
ment. This option requires only a few button presses, as it is change in language, allocation of print capacity)
not necessary to temporarily store scans and then add them • Password protection for certain entries which are intended
to a separate e-mail. for the network administrator only

Scan to FTP-Server

This option is even easier. The document is saved on the offi-

ce network and the recipient informed by e-mail (URL-Scan).
Temporary local storage of the file is not necessary. In this
way the network load is reduced.

Scanning from the PC (Fiery scan)

With the aid of Fiery Scan, you can scan your originals direct-
ly from the PC using TWAIN compatible software. If you do
not have TWAIN-compatible software, you can still carry out
this type of scan using the free ”Document Management
Software” - described on the next page.

Printing management with Network Management Utility Straight forward archiving with Document Management
(NMU) Software (DMS)

This network management software offers an administrator a Data scanned can be conveniently saved on your PC – but
facility for comprehensive monitoring and control of all the how can you find the data again later? This is where we can
printing systems in the network, even those of other manufac- help with the free ”Document Management Software” (DMS).
turers. This includes set-up and configuration. The software With this software you can assign keywords or comments to
can also be used to request information regarding paper any scanned document so that it can be filed systematically in
levels, the machine status, or any machine problems. order to facilitate later retrieval.
Through the server, the administrator uses a web browser to
access the data and machines in question. The additional The ”Document Management Software” (DMS) offers the fol-
NMU software differs from PMU in the area of application: lowing functions:
with the aid of an overview window, the NMU provides an
administrator with a comprehensive monitoring tool for all • Creates archive folders for scanned documents
output devices. The PMU allows an individual to obtain infor- • So-called "Thumbnails" for document previews
mation regarding print jobs and the machine being used from • Assignment of keywords to every document (to facilitate
a PC. later retrieval)
• Image processing
• Inserting additional text (also facilitates later retrieval)
• Entering stamps on the document
• Inserting flags into the document
• Moving files (with "copy and paste")
• Virtual merging or later separation of documents
• Creation of "real" new files
• Search function, e.g. by file name, keyword or additional
• Printout/faxing of scanned files
• E-mailing scanned files
• Making changes to the format of scanned files
• Creating a slide show
• FTP server software for Develop products.

D 5550iD and D 7250iD:
The quick copy

It's quicker in tandem aid of the separate digital scan function, originals which can-
not be placed in the feeder for scanning (e.g. books, brochu-
By using a 100 Base TX cross cable, two systems comprising res) can be printed in combination with originals which have
either of the two models can be connected together to create been scanned using the feeder.
tandem copiers which will then operate in parallel at a rate of
up to 144 copies per minute - enormous productivity which
prevents bottle-necks at peak times and/or creates synergies Extended copying functions
between two individual systems.
The optional hard disk (HDD-2) extends the copying features
with watermark, distribution list code, page number and
Scanning while copying date/time functions.

The two digital systems continue to accept new jobs while the
previous job is still being printed. You can scan your originals Even copies of hand-written items are perfectly legible
while your previous job is being produced. The system can
process a large number of jobs in sequence. In ”Auto mode”, the D 5510iD and D 7250iD can identify preci-
sely in which regions of your original there is text or grey sca-
les and automatically copy in accordance with the regions.
Separate scanning However, you can also select ”text mode” or ”photo mode”
manually. If your original is a hand-written document you
Original documentation which contains more pages than the could, for example, improve the reproduction of pencilled
feeder on the two digital systems can handle may be scanned notes with the contrast enhancement mode.
in separately and then printed out as a complete job. With the

D 5550iD and D 7250iD: The digital power packs
Finishing features – what do you mean ”send to the print
shop for further processing”?
Stop sheaves of hard copies
Stapling (double, saddle, corner)

One of the most important tools for your daily work will proba-
bly be the brochure function on the D 5550iD and D 7250iD.
No more tedious sorting of originals before and after copying.
You insert your originals in the original sequence, select the Folding (booklet, fan fold, wallet fold)
brochure function and then pick up the finished brochures
from the finisher a short time later. This function can be selec-
ted in the printing mode and in the copying mode and may
remove sheaves of hard copies and stapled documents from
you desk for ever. The finisher also replaces a whole series of Hole-punching (2 and 4-hole)
equipment during the everyday work in an in-house print
So it reduces the load on your service provider...

Inserting (cover)
The cover insertion unit for FN-10 and FN-121

By fitting the cover insertion unit to the FN-10 finisher, you

can add pre-printed covers to your brochures afterwards. In
this way you can obtain professional brochures for numerous
uses. With this cover insertion unit you can also manually sta-
ple, punch and fold at a later stage. So you also do not need
to procure a letter folding machine. As you can see, although
the finisher forms a functional unit with the digital systems, it
can also be used on its own.

The fan folding unit/hole-punching unit for FN-10 and FN-

121 finishers

Your might, for example, wish to produce a document which

neatly incorporates building plans, balance sheets, technical
drawings, pages with comments, diagrams etc. which have
been created in a larger format than that of the other pages.
With the fan-folding/hole-punching unit (ZK-3), this is no pro-
blem. Your entire document will have a professional look and
will be in a practical form for stapling. With this option your
documents can also be punched.

The hole-punching unit for the FN-10 and FN-121 finishers

Manual, subsequent punching of holes in copies frequently

requires a great deal of time and effort. The hole-punching
unit (PK-5e) for the FN-10 relieves you of this tiresome job.

D 5550iD and D 7250iD:
Capacity and technology

Pure paper capacity

As standard the two digital systems have a capacity of 3,600

sheets (80 g/m2) and, with the large capacity A4 cassette tray
or alternatively the large capacity A3 cassette tray, can take up
to a maximum of 7600 sheets of paper.
Here the cassette trays can be used for any size between A5
and A3+ (314 x 459 mm) and paper thicknesses up to
200 g/m2. If you wish to copy in A6 format, this can be easily
done with the aid of the multi-bypass system installed as stan-
If the paper runs low during printing, you can add more paper
without interrupting the print job.

tion of the digital system. Accordingly, the D5550iD and

D7250iD are just as exacting in relation to economy as they
are on performance and quality.

Changing the toner without dust Environmental and service friendliness

Even operation directly at the machine and changing the toner Where would a manufacturer of modular electronic systems
are easy and convenient. This is because toner is not re-filled, be if he could not provide rapid and competent service?
but replaced in cartridges. This is a quick, clean task. Where would a manufacturer be if his products did not meet
Most importantly, you can change the toner ”on the fly”, that is the latest environmental and health and safety requirements?
while the system is in operation. The following aspects are for us a matter of course:

- Compliance with environmental standards

Keep an eye on the costs - Labelling of materials used
- Use of recycled materials
As you will have already noticed, productivity, reliability and - Energy-saving functions
functionality are the outstanding features of the new D 5550iD - Low noise levels
and D 7250iD digital systems. However, we did not want to - Polymerised toner
leave it at just that. - Improved service facilities
Like any complex asset, printing and copying systems must - Toner recycling
also be economical. Along with the procurement price and the
related financing, this also includes the toner, the power and
space used, as well as wear. Top systems impress with their
performance in relation to all these cost factors that we com-
bine under ”Total Cost of Ownership” (TCO). This term reflec-
ts the total costs that result from the procurement and opera-

New toner for improved image quality

The polymerised toner reproduces lines more precisely,

depicts dots more accurately, reproduces small letters more
precisely and produces grey scales with softer transitions. Polymerised toner
This was made possible by the fact that the size of the toner
particles are more homogeneous and the shape of the indivi-
dual toner particles are more uniform. The smudging of toner
particles and the toner consumption have also been reduced.
Find out for yourself and make a test copy using our digital
power packs.

Non-polymerised toner

D 5550iD and D 7250iD: The digital power packs
System accessories: For us modular is not just an empty cliché
Modular means that a system can be assembled from a large number of functional modules. On the D 5550iD and D 7250iD digital
systems, numerous variations are available.
The interface to the network is provided by the optional Fiery X3e 7255 BW-KM controller. The controller is equipped with a 366 MHz
processor and is also compatible with many network protocols. The optional HDD-2 hard disk extends the printing and copying fea-
tures. If you also want to increase the copying memory, in addition to the 64MB standard RAM, the following upgrades are availa-
ble: 64, 128, 256 and 512MB.

Standard model
This is how the digital power houses are supplied if no options are chosen. The
cassette trays can be used for any size between A5 and A3+ (314 x 459 mm) and
paper thicknesses up to 200 g/m2.
If you wish to copy in A6 format or using special media, such as labels or transpa-
rencies, this can be easily done with the aid of the multi-bypass system installed as
standard and its capacity of 100 sheets.

Large capacity A4 cassette tray (C-403)

The large cassette tray for landscape A4 has a capacity of 4,000 sheets of normal
paper and thus increases the standard capacity from 3,600 sheets to 7,600 sheets.
The large cassette tray can also feed paper with a thickness of up to 200 g/m2.

Large capacity A3 cassette tray (C-404)

The large cassette tray for A3 has a capacity of 4,000 sheets of normal paper and
thus increases the standard capacity from 3,600 sheets to 7,600 sheets. The large
cassette tray can also feed paper with a thickness of up to 200 g/m2.
The original document feeder is standard on the D 5550iD and D 7250iD.

Collated output (OT-104)
Collated output is the best solution for frequent use in large work groups, as copy-
ing and print jobs are easier to find. The output has a capacity of up to 1,250 sheets
of A4 and can collate every format that the digital system produces.

Finisher FN-10
The FN-10 finisher shown performs, along with the folding and stapling (saddle) of
brochures, also triple folding for letters. For the latter you will need the optional
ZK-3 fan folding/hole-punching unit (with mount kit) that also enables you to punch
two or four holes. As an alternative, a simple hole-punching unit (PK-5e) can be

Other finishers available:

FN 121 finisher with stapling function and optional hole-punching unit

FN 122 finisher (only for D 5550iD) with hole-punching, stapling and optional fol-
ding function with ZK-3
The difference in appearance between these two finishers and the FN-10 is that
they do not have a collecting tray for brochures.

Cover insertion unit for FN-10 and FN-121 finishers

In this way pre-printed covers can be added to your brochures or sets later. This is
important for heavy, coloured paper up to 200 g/m2.

Technical data:
Design: Console machine
Copying/printing speed: Max. 55/72 pages per minute D 5550/7250iD
(A4 landscape)
Copying system: Laser, electrostatic
Resolution: Max. of 600 dpi
Grey scales: 256
Type of originals: Sheets, books, three-dimensional objects
Size of originals: Max. format A3
Copy formats: A6 to A3 + (314 x 459 mm)
Paper feed: Adjacent 1,500 + 1,000 sheet cassette tray
(at 80 g/m2), vertically arranged 2 x 500 sheet
universal cassette tray (at 80 g/m2), (with options
maximum 7,600 sheets), (with 80 g/m2) stack feeder

Copy pre-selection:
(multi-bypass): 100 sheets (with 80 g/m2)
1–9,999, counting backwards, interruption option digital s/w
Copy material: Standard cassette trays: standard paper
(60-200 g/m2), Recycled paper (DIN 19309)
(with 80 g/m2) stack feeder (multi-bypass): Standard
D 5550iD
paper (60-200 g/m2), OHP transparencies,

Warm-up time:
transparent paper, labels, large capacity cassette
trays (opt.): standard paper (60-200g/m2)
Less than 5/6 minutes D 5550/7250iD
D 7250iD
First A4 copy: Approx. 3.4/3 seconds (A4 landscape)
D 5550/7250iD
Memory: 64 MB as standard (equivalent to 175 pages at
6 % density), Maximum 576 MB (corresponds to
The digital power packs
approx. 1,575 pages at 6 % density)
Zoom function: 25–400 % in increments of 0.1 % for flexible, personalised
Exposure control: Automatic, manual, photo and text mode
Development system: Polymerised toner printing and copying
Photoconductor: OPC
Dimensions: 650 (w) x 1140 (h) x 766 (d) mm (with original
document feeder, excluding options)
Weight: approx. 216 kg (excluding options)
Electricity requirements: 220–240 V/50 Hz

Printer data:
Controller: Fiery X3e (7255 BW-KM)
Resolution: Max. of 600 x 600 dpi
X3 7255BW-KM processor: Intel Celeron / 366 MHz
Develop GmbH
Memory: 128 MB RAM, option 10 GB HDD
Network protocols: EtherTalk, IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, SNMP, SMTP, HTTP D-70836 Gerlingen
Interfaces: Parallel (IEEE-1284), Ethernet (10/100 BaseT)
Telefon 07156/208-0
Emulation: Adobe PS3 option, PCL 5e, PCL6
Drivers: Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, Macintosh Telefax 07156/208-180

Scanner data:
Type of scanning: Scanning to the controller’s hard disk (Scan-to-HDD)
Scanning from the PC (Fiery scan)
Resolution: 200x200 dpi to Max. of 600x600 dpi
Standard: Automatic duplexing feeder (EDH-7) for a max. of
100 sheets (with A4 and 80 g/m2)
Duplexing unit
Stack feeder (Multi-bypass) for 100 sheets (with 80 g/m2)
Option: Finisher with multi-point stapler, brochure and letter
folding (FN-10 )
Finisher with stapler ( FN-121 )
Collated output (OT-104)
Insertion unit E for cover sheets (E) for FN-121 and FN-10
Hole-punching unit (PK-5e) for FN-121 and FN-10
Fan-folding unit/hole-punching unit (ZK-3) for FN-121
54901090100 (4) Date of printing: March 2004 · Printed on non-chlorine bleached paper.

and FN-10
Large capacity A4 cassette tray (C-403)
Large capacity A3 + cassette tray (C-404)
Hard disk (HDD-2) for copiers 20 GB
64 MB image memory upgrade for copiers
128 MB image memory upgrade for copiers
256 MB image memory upgrade for copiers
512 MB image memory upgrade for copiers
X3e 7255BW-KM print controller
64 MB memory upgrade for print controller
Postscript & scan option

We reserve the right to make changes to the technical design and specifications. Illustrations include accessories.
The technical specifications refer to maximum performance.

Technical data corresponds to status at the time of publication – all preceding publications including specifications
detailed therein are hereby declared invalid.

Some of the above names are brand names or registered trade marks of the relevant manufacturer.
DEVELOP does not accept any liability or guarantee for these products.

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