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Social Media Analytics


Subject In-charge

Ms. Annies Minu

Assistant Professor

Social Media Analytics
Module III:
Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink

🞆 Social Media Text Analytics - Types of Social Media Text,
Purpose of Text Analytics, Steps in Text Analytics, Social Media
Text Analysis Tools
🞆 Social Media Action Analytics - What Is Actions Analytics?
Common Social Media Actions, Actions Analytics Tools
🞆 Social Media Hyperlink Analytics - Types of Hyperlinks, Types of
Hyperlink Analytics, Hyperlink Analytics Tools

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 2

1. Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics_ Mining
Business Insights from Social Media Text, Actions,
Networks, Hyperlinks, Apps, Search Engine, and
Location Data, Gohar F. Khan, (ISBN-10:

1. Analyzing the Social Web 1st Edition by Jennifer


1. Charu Aggarwal (ed.), Social Network Data

Analytics, Springer, 2011

1. Social Media Analytics [2015], Techniques and

Insights for Extracting Business Value Out of Social
Media, Matthew Ganis, Avinash Kohirkar, IBM Press
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 3
Useful Links

1. https://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~pawang/courses/SC16.html

2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs78/preview

3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106146

1. https://7layersanalytics.com/

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 4

❑ Teaching Scheme
✔ Theory : 3 hours/week
✔ No. of Credits :3

❑ Examination Scheme
✔ IAT1 & IAT2 : 20 marks each (Average of the two)
✔ End Semester Exam : 80 marks

❑ Assignments
✔ Assignment Test 1 or 2 (20 marks each)

❑ Quiz and Video Presentation

✔ Graded Quiz after each module

✔ Video Presentation (Individual/Group)
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 5
Course Outcomes

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 6

Social Media Text, Action &
Hyperlink Analytics

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 7

Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink

🡪 Social Media Text Analytics -

⮚Types of Social Media Text
⮚Purpose of Text Analytics
⮚Steps in Text Analytics
⮚Social Media Text Analysis Tools

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 8

Social Media Text Analytics
● Text analytics is the process of deriving information from text

● Social media text analytics is a technique for extracting and

analyzing business insights from the textual content of social
media platforms.
● To understand emotions and sentiments expressed in user-
generated content related to a brand or product.
● Text analytics has roots in various fields such as data mining
and natural language processing.
● For quickly and accurately understanding the vast volume of
social media content generated by users.
● Approximately 80% of data in organizations is textual,
making text analytics an important tool for business intelligence.

● e.g. Flyertalk.com

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 9

Social Media Text Analytics

⮚Types of Social Media Text

Depending on nature of social media text , it can
be classified as

✔ Static Text
✔ Dynamic Text

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 10

Types of Social Media Text
❑ Static Text
▪ Static social media text is typically longer in length and
updated or deleted less frequently.
▪ The purpose of static text is often to inform, educate, and
elaborate on a topic.
▪ Static text can provide valuable insights and information for
businesses and organizations.
Examples: Wiki content, blog pages, Word documents,
corporate reports, emails, and news transcripts.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 11

Types of Social Media Text
❑Dynamic Text
▪ Dynamic text is real-time, user-generated text that
expresses an opinion about content or information on social
▪ Shorter in length and diverse in nature, and is often
updated or deleted frequently.
▪ Related to social, political, economic, personal, cultural, or
business issues and expresses the views and feelings of the
▪ Understanding dynamic text can provide valuable insights
into the thoughts and opinions of social media users.
Examples: Tweets, Facebook comments, and product reviews.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 12

Types of Social Media Text
Dynamic Text Examples:
Social media text includes-
oTweets are short messages (up to 140 characters) posted on
Twitter, which may include text, images, video, or links.
oComments are written statements expressing opinions about
content on social media.
oDiscussions take place through internet forums, which are
organized by topic or thread and allow users to post questions and
oConversations (or chatting) are instant exchanges of written
messages between two or more people, often through dedicated
messaging tools. Most conversations are private in nature.
oReviews are evaluations of products or services by customers or
experts, which may include ratings and text. Product reviews can
provide valuable insights into customer opinions and feelings.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 13

Social Media Text Analytics
⮚Purpose of Text Analytics
✔Both dynamic and static text are subject to analytics.
✔The objectives of social media text analytics for
business intelligence purposes are:

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 14

⮚Purpose of Text Analytics
✔Sentiment Analysis
▪ Categorizing social media text as positive,
negative, or neutral. It is often used to understand
how customers feel about a product, service, or issue.
▪ Tools like Semantria use algorithms to identify
sentiment-bearing phrases in text and assign them a
score based on a logarithmic scale.
▪ Scores are then combined to determine the overall
sentiment of a document or sentence.
▪ Provide valuable insights into the emotions and
opinions of social media users.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 15

⮚Purpose of Text Analytics
✔Sentiment Analysis
Step 1: It breaks the document into its basic parts of speech, called POS tags,
which identify the structural elements of a sentence (e.g. nouns, adjectives,verbs,
and adverbs).
Step 2: Algorithms identify sentiment-bearing phrases like “terrible service” or
“cool atmosphere.”
Step 3: Each sentiment-bearing phrase earns a score based on a logarithmic
scale ranging from negative ten to positive ten.
Step 4: Next, the scores are combined to determine the overall sentiment of the
document or sentence. Document scores range between negative two and positive
two. For example, to calculate the sentiment of a phrase such as “terrible
service,” Semantria uses search engine queries similar to the following:
“(Terrible service) near (good, wonderful, spectacular)” “(Terrible service) near
(bad, horrible, awful)”
Each result is added to a hit count; these are then combined using a
mathematical operation called “log odds ratio” to determine the final score of a
given phrase.

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⮚Purpose of Text Analytics
✔Intention Mining
▪ Intention mining involves discovering users' intentions (such as
desire, wish, or intention to buy) from natural language social
media text.
▪ Companies can use intention mining to identify potential
customers and service existing customers who have issues with
▪ Examples of intention-bearing phrases include "buy," "purchase,“
and "quit."
▪ Tools like Semantria can be used to mine intentions from social
media text.
▪ Intention mining can provide valuable insights into the needs and
desires of social media users.

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⮚Purpose of Text Analytics
✔ Trends Mining
▪ Trends mining, also known as
analytics, uses large amounts of
historical and real-time social media data
to predict future events.
▪ Identifying patterns and trends in
social media data to improve products,
services, or customer satisfaction.
▪ Techniques used in trends mining include
machine learning, data mining, and
social network analysis.
▪ Predictive analytics using business data
has been used in various industries, but
social media predictive analytics is still an
emerging practice.
▪ Trends mining can provide valuable
insights for businesses and
organizations looking to anticipate the
needs and desires of their customers.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 18
⮚Purpose of Text Analytics

✔Concept Mining

▪ Concept mining is a method for extracting ideas

and concepts from documents.
▪ It is used to classify, cluster, and rank these ideas.
▪ Concept mining is different from text mining, which
focuses on extracting specific information rather than
broader ideas and concepts.
▪ Examples of documents that can be analyzed using
concept mining include social media text, web pages,
and news transcripts.

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⮚Steps in Text Analytics

The steps required for text analytics are largely

dependent on the type of approach and tool



Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 20

Social Media Text Analytics
⮚Steps in Text Analytics

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 21

⮚Steps in Text Analytics
✔The text analytics process starts with
identifying the source of the text that will be
✔Text posted on social media is dynamic, huge,
diverse, multilingual, and noisy.
✔Thus, finding the right source for the purpose
of text analytics is very crucial for gaining useful
business insights.
✔The genre of the source text also will determine
the type of tool used to extract and analyze it.
✔For example, extracting tweets requires different
tools and approaches than analyzing a document
or website text.

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⮚Steps in Text Analytics
✔The next step is to parse, clean, and filter the text,
and create a dictionary of words using NPL, which
is mostly based on machine learning techniques.
✔In order for computer and algorithms to extract
meanings from the text, the sentence structures
and parts of speech are determined, named entities
extracted (people, organizations, product/service
names, etc.), stop words removed, and spellings are
✔Most of these steps are automatic; however, in certain
stages, human intervention is required.
✔For example, in the filtering stage, manually cleaning
(by humans with domain expertise) may be required
to remove unwanted or irrelevant terms.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 23
⮚Steps in Text Analytics
✔For analytical algorithms to be applied to the text, it
should be transformed into a computer-readable
format (e.g., 0s and 1s) for analysis.
✔The cleaned text is thus transformed into
numerical representations using linear algebra-
based techniques, such as latent semantic analysis
and vector space models.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 24

⮚Steps in Text Analytics
✔The text is actually mined to extract the needed business insights.
✔Varieties of text mining algorithms are applied to the text, such
as clustering, association, classification, and predictive
analysis, and sentiment analysis.
✔Text analysis employs these sophisticated algorithms to extract
sentiment and meanings from the text in a similar manner to the way
human do; however, the process is thousands of times faster.
✔Association—to determine the probability of the co occurrence of
items in a collection of documents. For example, to find that a user
who liked a social media content A and B is 90 percent likely to also
like content C.
✔Clustering— groups objects based on similarity in non-overlapping
groups. For example, can be clustered into positive, negative, and
natural categories.
✔Classification—to find similarities in the document and groups
them with predefined labels based on the themes contained in the
document . For example, an e-mail -as spam based on its contents.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 25
Social Media Text Analytics

⮚Social Media Text Analysis Tools

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 26

⮚Social Media Text Analysis Tools
▪ Discovertext: (http://discovertext.com/) is a powerful platform for
collecting, cleaning, and analyzing text and social media data streams.
▪ Lexalytics: (http://www.lexalytics.com/) is a social media text and
semantic analysis tool for social media platforms, including Twitter,
Facebook, blogs, etc.
▪ Tweet Archivist: (https://www.tweetarchivist.com/) is focused on
searching, archiving, analyzing, and visualizing tweets based on a
search term or hashtag (#).
▪ Twitonomy: (https://www.twitonomy.com/) is a Twitter analytics tool
for getting detailed and visual analytics on tweets, retweets, replies,
mentions, hashtags, followers, etc.
▪ Netlytic: (https://netlytic.org) is a cloud-based text and social network
analytics platform for social media text that discovers social networks
from online conversations on social media sites.
▪ LIWC: Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) for analyzing
emotional, cognitive, structural, and process components present in
individuals verbal and written speech samples: http://www.liwc.net/
▪ Voyant: Voyant (http://voyant-tools.org/) is a web-based text reading
and analysis. With Voyant, a body of text can be read from a file or
directly exported from a website.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 27
⮚Social Media Text Analysis
❑Case Study
▪ FlyerTalk.com, is a company that specializes in products and services
for frequent travelers.
▪ The website features chat boards and discussions about the latest travel
information and loyalty programs for airlines and hotels.
▪ FlyerTalk.com wanted to analyze the large amount of customer
feedback and opinions expressed on their website.

They used the SPSS software for analysis:

▪ Data collection involved using web scraping techniques to crawl and
scrape the website for specific information, and store and screen scrape
the data into a structured format.
▪ Text coding and categorization involved assigning codes and
categories to the data to make it easier to analyze.
▪ Text mining and visualization involved using statistical analysis and
visual representation of the data to draw insights and conclusions.

Tool – SPSS:
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 28
⮚Social Media Text Analysis
❑ Semantria detailed Analysis Report

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Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink

🡪 Social Media Action Analytics

- ⮚What Is Actions Analytics?
⮚Common Social Media Actions
⮚Actions Analytics Tools

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 30

Social Media Action Analytics
● Actions performed by social media users, such as likes,
shares, and mentions, are important for social media
● These actions are symbolic reactions to social media
content and carry emotions and behaviors that can be
● The shareable nature of social media actions makes them
attractive to businesses.
● Enabling social media logins, such as through Facebook and
Twitter, can lead to increased traffic, referrals, and click-
through rates.
● An example of this is Moviefone, which saw a 300% increase in
site traffic and a 40% increase in click-through rate after
enabling social media logins.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 31

Social Media Action Analytics
⮚Need for Social Media Actions Analytics?
● Social media action analytics is the process of analyzing
and interpreting the actions performed by social media
users, such as likes, shares, and mentions, in order to
understand and optimize the effectiveness of social media
campaigns and strategies.
● Used to identify trends, measure the impact of social
media content, and inform decision-making about future
social media efforts.
● Help businesses and organizations understand how
their social media presence is perceived and engaged
with by users, and can provide insights into the
effectiveness of their marketing and communication efforts on
social media platforms.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 32

Social Media Action Analytics
⮚What Is Actions Analytics?
● Social media action analytics involves analyzing the actions
performed by social media users, such as likes and shares.
● It is used to understand and optimize the effectiveness
of social media campaigns and strategies.
● Social media action analytics can help businesses and
organizations understand how their social media presence
is perceived and engaged with by users.
● It can be used to measure the popularity and influence
of a product, service, or idea on social media.

For example: analyzing Facebook likes and Twitter

mentions can provide insight into the popularity of a new
product among social media user

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 33

Social Media Action Analytics
⮚Common Social Media Actions
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 34
⮚Common Social Media Actions
○ The "Like" button is a feature on social media sites that allows
users to express their positive feelings towards certain products,
services, people, etc.
○ The "Like" button is often incorporated into social media platforms
and websites and the number of likes received by content is often

○ The "Dislike" button on social media platforms such as YouTube
allows users to express their negative feelings towards certain
○ This feature is visible to others and the number of dislikes is
accumulated over time.

○ Views are the number of times social media content is viewed by
users. Page views are the number of times a page on a company
website or blog is viewed by a visitor. View data can be used to
understand user engagement and popularity of content.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 35
⮚Common Social Media Actions
○ A visitor is a person who visits your website or blog. A single
visitor may visit a page or content one or more times (revisits).
Visits are also known as sessions.
Other related concepts are:
○ Unique visitor—A person who arrives at your page first time.
○ Average bounce rate—the percentage of visitors who visit a website
and leave the site quickly without viewing other pages.
○ Session duration—The average duration of a visit or session.

○ Clicks are actions performed by users when they click on
hyperlinked content on a website or blog.
○ Click data can be used for business intelligence purposes, such as
improving website traffic and reducing bounce rate.
○ Clickstream analysis is a technique used to analyze website
activity, design, and visitor experience.
○ The clickstream is a semistructured data trail left by a user while
visiting a website, including date and time stamps, IP address, and
visited URLs.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 36
⮚Common Social Media Actions
○ Mentions or social mentions refer to the occurrence of a person,
place, or thing being mentioned by name on social media.
○ They can indicate the popularity of a person, place, or thing and can
be used to gauge the success of a product, service, or campaign.
○ A Twitter mention is the inclusion of a "@username" in a tweet.

○ Tagging is the act of adding extra information to social media
content for identification and classification purposes.
○ It can take various forms, such as attaching descriptive keywords to
posts or adding tags to photos and comments on Facebook.
○ Social bookmarking services allow users to organize their
bookmarks by adding descriptive tags, a practice known as
collaborative or folksonomic tagging.
○ Tagging expedites the process of searching and finding relevant

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 37

⮚Common Social Media Actions
○ It is moving the cursor over social media content
○ Capturing user cursor movement data can help[ you understand
user behaviour
○ e.g , hovering on the display can be considered as attention
seeker. Most people who see the ad don’t necessarily clock on
it,therefore relying solely on click analytics can result in loss of
imp inform.

○ Pinning is an action performed by social media users to pin and
share interesting content (such as ideas, products, services, and
information) using a virtual pin- board platform.
E.g. Pinterest, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, or Digg.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 38

⮚Common Social Media Actions
○ Check-in is a feature on social media platforms that allows users
to announce and share their location.
○ It is provided by services such as Facebook and Google+.
○ The location of the user is determined using GPS technology.
○ Check-in data can be used to offer location-based services and

○ Embedding is the act of incorporating social media content (e.g.,
a link, video, or presentation) into a website or blog.
○ An embed feature lets users embed interesting content into their
personal social media outlets.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 39

⮚Common Social Media Actions


○ Uploading is the act of adding new content (e.g., texts, photos, and
videos) to a social media platform.
○ The opposite of uploading is downloading; that is, the act of
receiving data from a social media platform

○ Endorsement is a features of social media that lets people endorse
and approve other people, products, and services.
○ For example, LinkedIn lets user endorse the skills and qualifications
of other people in their network.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 40

Social Media Action Analytics
⮚Actions Analytics Tools
● Hootsuite: Manages social media presence across popular
networks, offers various plans including free, pro, and
enterprise versions
● SocialMediaMineR: Retrieves information about popularity and
reach of URLs on social media, including shares, likes, tweets,
pins, and hits on various platforms. http://cran.r-
● Lithium: Provides a range of products and services for social
media management, including analytics, marketing, and crowd-
● Google Analytics: Tracks and analyzes website traffic, can
also be used for blog and wiki analytics
● Facebook Insights: Helps Facebook page owners understand
and analyze trends in user growth and demographics
● Klout: Measures influence across social media channels based
on interactions with posts, scores influence on scale from 1-100
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 41
Social Media Action Analytics
⮚Actions Analytics Tools
● Topsy: Focuses on social media, especially multimedia sites
and blogs, similar to Icerocket and Social Mention
● Tweetreach: Measures number of impressions and reach of
● Kred: Measures influence of a Twitter account
● Hashtagify: Measures influence of hashtags
● Twtrland: Social intelligence research tool for analyzing and
visualizing social footprints
● Tweetstats: Graphs Twitter stats including tweets per hour,
tweets per month, tweet timelines, and reply statistics using
user name.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 42

Social Media Action Analytics
⮚Websites Analyzer – Similarweb.com
○ Go to the SimilarWeb website (https://www.similarweb.com/) and
enter the URL of the website you want to analyze in the search bar.
○ Select the "Overview" tab to view the website's traffic and engagement
○ Scroll down to the "Top Websites" section to view the top websites in
the same industry or category as the website you entered.
○ You can also use the "Category Rank" feature to view the website's
ranking among all websites in a specific category or industry.
○ To compare the performance of multiple websites, use the "Compare
Websites" feature. Simply enter the URLs of the websites you want to
compare and click "Go." This will display a comparison chart showing
the traffic and engagement metrics for each website.
○ You can also use the "Traffic Sources" and "Audience Insights" tabs to
view more detailed information about the website's traffic and audience

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 43

Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink

🡪 Social Media Hyperlink

⮚Types of Hyperlinks
⮚Types of Hyperlink Analytics
⮚Hyperlink Analytics Tools

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 44

Social Media Hyperlink Analytics
❑ Hyperlinks
oHyperlinks are references to web resources that
users can access by clicking on them.
oThey can link resources within a document
(interlinking) or among documents (intralinking).
oHyperlinks can represent relationships such as trust,
bonding, and authority between organizations.
oThey can also indicate content similarity between
oHyperlinks serve as a symbolic means of
communication and validation between organizations.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 45

Social Media Hyperlink Analytics
⮚Types of Hyperlinks

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 46

Social Media Hyperlink Analytics
⮚Types of Hyperlink
In-links are the incoming hyperlinks or links directed toward
a website or originated in other websites

Out-links are hyperlinks generated out of a website

Co-links have two dimensions. First, if two websites receive
a link from a third website, they are considered to be
connected indirectly. For example, page A links to both
pages B and C, therefore B and C are considered to be co-
linking, or connected indirectly

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 47

Social Media Hyperlink Analytics
⮚Hyperlink Analytics
o Hyperlink analytics involves extracting, analyzing, and
interpreting hyperlinks.
o The number and quality of hyperlinks to a website are
believed to reflect its importance or value.
o Hyperlink analytics can reveal Internet traffic patterns and
sources of incoming or outgoing traffic to and from a
o Hyperlink analysis has been used to study a variety of topics,
including ranking universities, understanding the
blogosphere, and measuring business competitiveness.
o Hyperlink analysis has some limitations, including that it does
not provide insight into the type or amount of traffic flowing
among websites.
o Hyperlinks within a website between pages are mostly for
navigational purposes and are given low importance by search
engine ranking algorithms.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 48
Social Media Hyperlink Analytics

⮚Types of Hyperlink Analytics

1) Hyperlink environment analysis
2) Link impact analysis
3) Social media hyperlink analysis

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 49

⮚Types of Hyperlink Analytics
1) Hyperlink environment analysis
Hyperlink environment analyses deal with a particular website or
set of websites. Hyperlinks (i.e., out-links, in-links, and co-links) of a
website are extracted and analyzed to identify the sources of
Internet traffic.

Hyperlinks environment networks can take two forms:

a) co-links networks or
In co-links environment networks, nodes are websites and links
that represent similarity between websites, as measured by co-link
With the Webometric Analyst tool, one can construct a co-link network
diagram among a set of websites .

b) in-links and out-links networks.

In-links and out-links hyperlink environment networks are
constructed based on in-links and out-links from a website or set of
Nodes will be websites and links will present in-links and out-links.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 50

⮚Types of Hyperlink Analytics

2) Link Impact Analysis

o Link impact analysis investigates the impact of a website's
URL in terms of citations or mentions it receives on the

o Statistics about web pages that mention the URL of a

given website are collected and analyzed.

o It is assumed that a frequently cited URL is more


o So, measuring the web impact of URLs can provide an idea

about the importance of a website.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 51

2) Link Impact Analysis Example:

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 52

⮚Types of Hyperlink Analytics

3) Social media hyperlink analysis.

o Involves extracting and analyzing hyperlinks embedded

in social media texts.

o These hyperlinks can be used to identify the sources and

destinations of social media traffic.

o A study by Khan et al. found that the Korean government

to cite domestic sources and self-cited more, while the US
government had a more diverse pattern of out-link destinations.

o These findings suggest that social media out-links can carry

valuable information and help explain real-world
phenomena and differences in social media use among
different cultures.

Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 53

Social Media Hyperlink Analytics
⮚Hyperlink Analytics Tools



Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 54

Social Media Analytics: An Overview

🡪 Question?
1. What is text analytics, and why it is useful?
2. Differentiate between static and dynamic social media text.
3. Discuss different social media texts.
4. Explain the four main purposes of social media text analytics.
5. Explain the typical social media text analysis steps.
6. Define social media actions analytics.
7. Briefly list and define different actions performed by social media
8. Why it important to measure actions performed by social media
9. What are hyperlinks, and why they are important?
10.Briefly discuss in-links, out-links, and co-links.
11.What is hyperlink analytics and its underlying assumptions?
12.What is hyperlink environment analysis?
13.What is link impact analysis?
14.What is social media hyperlink analysis?

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Social Media Analytics: An Overview

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Thank you …

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