SMA - Module 3 (B)
SMA - Module 3 (B)
SMA - Module 3 (B)
Subject In-charge
Social Media Analytics
Module III:
Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink
🞆 Social Media Text Analytics - Types of Social Media Text,
Purpose of Text Analytics, Steps in Text Analytics, Social Media
Text Analysis Tools
🞆 Social Media Action Analytics - What Is Actions Analytics?
Common Social Media Actions, Actions Analytics Tools
🞆 Social Media Hyperlink Analytics - Types of Hyperlinks, Types of
Hyperlink Analytics, Hyperlink Analytics Tools
❑ Examination Scheme
✔ IAT1 & IAT2 : 20 marks each (Average of the two)
✔ End Semester Exam : 80 marks
❑ Assignments
✔ Assignment Test 1 or 2 (20 marks each)
● e.g.
✔ Static Text
✔ Dynamic Text
✔Concept Mining
Tool – SPSS:
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 28
⮚Social Media Text Analysis
❑ Semantria detailed Analysis Report
○ The "Dislike" button on social media platforms such as YouTube
allows users to express their negative feelings towards certain
○ This feature is visible to others and the number of dislikes is
accumulated over time.
○ Views are the number of times social media content is viewed by
users. Page views are the number of times a page on a company
website or blog is viewed by a visitor. View data can be used to
understand user engagement and popularity of content.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 35
⮚Common Social Media Actions
○ A visitor is a person who visits your website or blog. A single
visitor may visit a page or content one or more times (revisits).
Visits are also known as sessions.
Other related concepts are:
○ Unique visitor—A person who arrives at your page first time.
○ Average bounce rate—the percentage of visitors who visit a website
and leave the site quickly without viewing other pages.
○ Session duration—The average duration of a visit or session.
○ Clicks are actions performed by users when they click on
hyperlinked content on a website or blog.
○ Click data can be used for business intelligence purposes, such as
improving website traffic and reducing bounce rate.
○ Clickstream analysis is a technique used to analyze website
activity, design, and visitor experience.
○ The clickstream is a semistructured data trail left by a user while
visiting a website, including date and time stamps, IP address, and
visited URLs.
Department of Computer Engineering Social Media Analytics –Ms. Annies 36
⮚Common Social Media Actions
○ Mentions or social mentions refer to the occurrence of a person,
place, or thing being mentioned by name on social media.
○ They can indicate the popularity of a person, place, or thing and can
be used to gauge the success of a product, service, or campaign.
○ A Twitter mention is the inclusion of a "@username" in a tweet.
○ Tagging is the act of adding extra information to social media
content for identification and classification purposes.
○ It can take various forms, such as attaching descriptive keywords to
posts or adding tags to photos and comments on Facebook.
○ Social bookmarking services allow users to organize their
bookmarks by adding descriptive tags, a practice known as
collaborative or folksonomic tagging.
○ Tagging expedites the process of searching and finding relevant
○ Pinning is an action performed by social media users to pin and
share interesting content (such as ideas, products, services, and
information) using a virtual pin- board platform.
E.g. Pinterest, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, or Digg.
○ Embedding is the act of incorporating social media content (e.g.,
a link, video, or presentation) into a website or blog.
○ An embed feature lets users embed interesting content into their
personal social media outlets.
○ Endorsement is a features of social media that lets people endorse
and approve other people, products, and services.
○ For example, LinkedIn lets user endorse the skills and qualifications
of other people in their network.
Out-links are hyperlinks generated out of a website
Co-links have two dimensions. First, if two websites receive
a link from a third website, they are considered to be
connected indirectly. For example, page A links to both
pages B and C, therefore B and C are considered to be co-
linking, or connected indirectly
🡪 Question?
1. What is text analytics, and why it is useful?
2. Differentiate between static and dynamic social media text.
3. Discuss different social media texts.
4. Explain the four main purposes of social media text analytics.
5. Explain the typical social media text analysis steps.
6. Define social media actions analytics.
7. Briefly list and define different actions performed by social media
8. Why it important to measure actions performed by social media
9. What are hyperlinks, and why they are important?
10.Briefly discuss in-links, out-links, and co-links.
11.What is hyperlink analytics and its underlying assumptions?
12.What is hyperlink environment analysis?
13.What is link impact analysis?
14.What is social media hyperlink analysis?