With the advancement of mankind to modernity, it has
achieved great things that have led us to where we are today. Unfortunately, our actions had consequences which caused distress to our Mother Nature altering the natural ways of the ecosystem. Today, I have gathered 3 environmental problems that need to be given plenty of attention as to avoid further damage to the fauna and fiona. As more and more infrastructures are being built, it also leads to the depletion of many trees, making more space for constructions. For several decades, deforestation has greatly caused problematic events such as soil erosion, flooding, animal migration and many more. Furthermore, considering that forests accumulate almost 31% of Earth’s total land area, it is a very crucial aspect of our ecosystem because it purifies the air we breathe, prevents erosion, and serves as a habitat to a diverse array of plants and animals. There are several things we can do to reduce the impact of this catastrophe. Advocating about this concern will make more people aware of it and the more volunteers we will get. We should support companies that are dedicated to reducing deforestation because they will get most of the work done. Buying more produce from local farmers will surely reduce the demand for plain and bare land. Industrial waste and vehicle emissions are one of the major factors causing pollution. Pollution comes in several forms, namely; air, water and land pollution. All of these types are a threat to our health and well being. It has destroyed the purity of the sea, the beauty of our highlands and the atmosphere we respire. We must end this so as to not further worsen the current situation. To do so, we ourselves should change our ways. This can be done by practising the 3Rs and using recyclables. Additionally, those who would prefer walking or cycling rather than taking public transportation can help lessen the toxins in our air. Using the media and network to spread awareness will draw in more supporters and serve as a wake-up call. There is no one other to blame for these problems, other than ourselves. With the rapid multiplication of humans, it has caused devastating consequences such as food shortage and ecological degradation. It also makes society more prone to several diseases and unemployment. To solve this, the government must be strict in implementing laws regarding the number of childbirth. Teenagers should be given sex education to enlighten them of all aspects of reproduction. Avoid hoarding to ensure others can also buy the same amount of goods. Abortion must be legalised for women who are not ready to be a mother. We are creating our own problems. And in return, these would come to bite us back. Our activities have caused disturbance to the prosperity of our motherland thus harming the lives of the fauna and flora. All of us need to start taking these issues seriously and focus on multiple methods eradicating it. Only this will be resolved after we contribute to the environment equally. Once this happens, order and wellness may visit Earth once more.