Methods: Vulcanized Rubber

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BSI BS*903: PART*A2 89 = 3624669 0302727 3 =

BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

UDC 678.4.063 : 678 : O1 : 620.1 72.25

@ British Standards Instihition. No part of this publication may be photocopiedor othewise reproducedwithout the prior permission in writing of BSI

British Standard

Methods of testing
vulcanized rubber
Part A2. Determination of tensile stress-strain properties

Methodes d'essai des élastomères vulcanisés

Partie A2. Détermination des propriétés de déformation sous traction

Verfahren zur Prüfung von vulkanisierten Elastomeren

Teil A2. Bestimmung der Zugverformungseigenschaften

British Standards Institution --`````,,``,,,,`,,,,````,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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This revision of this Part of BS 903 has been prepared

under the direction of the Rubber Standards Policy
Committee and supersedes BS 903 : Part A2 : 1971,
which is withdrawn.
The major changes incorporated in this revision are as
(a) Two miniature dumb-bell t e s t pieces (types 3 and 4)
are included, in addition to types 1 and 2 which are
the same as those described in the previous edition.
(b) A miniature ripg test piece is included, in addition
to the normal ring test piece which is the same as that
described in the previous edition.
(c) A reference to BS 5214 : Part 1 is given in place of
detailed requirements for the tensile testing machine.
(d) The calculation of results i s described more clearly.
(e) Means of determining yield point have been included.
(f) Definitions of tensile properties, as they relate to
rubber, are provided.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself
confer immunity from legal obligations.

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BSI BSrï03: PARTSA2 A9 = lb24bb7 0302727 5 =
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989


Foreword Inside front cover
Committees responsible Back cover

1 Scope 2
2 Definitions 2
3 Principle 2

4 Test pieces 2
5 Apparatus 4
6 Number of test pieces 6
7 Preparation of test pieces 6
8 Conditioning of samples and test pieces 6
9 Marking of dumb-bell test pieces 6
10 Measurement of test pieces 6
11 Procedure 7
12 Temperature of test 7
13 Calculation of results 7
14 Expression of results 8
15 Test report 9

A Preparation of type B ring test pieces 10

1 Test length of dumb-bells 4
2 Dimension of dies or dumb-bell test pieces 5

1 Illustration of tensile terms 3
2 Shape of dumb-bell test pieces 4
3 Die for dumb-bell test pieces 5
4 Special tool holding removable blades 10
5 Tool for holding the rubber sheet 11

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BSI B S x 9 0 3 : P A R T U A 2 89 m L b 2 4 b b 9 0102730 L m
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989


1 Scope 3 Principle
This Part of BS 903 describes a method for the determina- Test pieces, either dumb-bells or rings, are stretched in a
tion of the tensile stress-strain properties of vulcanized and tensile testing machine a t a constant rate of traverse of the
thermoplastic rubbers. The properties which may be deter- driven grip or pulley. Readings of force and elongation are
mined are the tensile strength, the elongation a t break, taken as required during the uninterrupted stretching of the
the stress a t a given strain and the elongation a t a given . test piece and when it breaks.
stress. Means of specifying or determining the yield point
are also given,
NOTE, The titles of the publications referred to in this Part of 4 Testpieces
BS 903 are listed on the inside back cover.
4.1 General
2 Definitions Dumb-bell and ring test pieces do not necessarily give the
same values for their respective stress-strain properties.
For the purposes of this Part of BS 903 the following This is mainly because in stretched rings the stress is not
definitions apply. uniform over the cross section. A second factor is in the
existence of 'grain' which may Caus! dumb-bells to give
2.1 tensile stress (S). A stress applied so as to extend the
different values according to whether their length is
test piece. It is calculated as the applied force per unit area
parallel or a t right angles to the grain.
of the original cross section of the test length.
The main points to be noted in choosing between rings
2.2 elongation (E).The extension, expressed as a and dumb-bells are as follows.
percentage of the test length, produced in the test piece (a) Tensile strength. Dumb-bells are preferable for
by a tensile stress.
NOTE. The elongation is also the tensile strain.
determination of tensile strength. Rings give lower,
sometimes much lower, values than dumb-bells.
2.3 tensile strength (TS).The maximum tensile stress
(b) Elongation at break. Rings give approximately the
recorded in extending the test piece to breaking point
same values as dumb-bells, provided that:
(see figure 11.
(1 ) the elongation of rings is calculated as a
2.4 tensile strength at break (TSb). The tensile stress percentage of the initial internal circumference; and
recorded a t the moment of rupture (see figure 1).
(2) dumb-bells are cut a t right angles to the grain
NOTE. The velues of 73 and n b may be different if, after yield
(S,,), the elongation continues and is accompanied by a drop in
if this is present to a significant degree.
stress, resulting in ist, being lower than i s . Dumb-bells should be used if study of grain effects is
required for which rings are not suitable.
2.5 elongation a t break (Et,). The tensile strain in the t e s t
length a t breaking poipt (see figure 1). (c) Elongation at a given stress and stress at a given
elongation. Dumb-bell t e s t pieces types 1 and 2 are
2.6 elongation at a given stress ( E c ) . The tensile strain in preferred a.nd should be used for specification purposes
the test length when subject to a given tensile stress. wherever possible.
2.7 stress a t a given elongation (SE).
The tensile stress in Rings and dumb-bells give approximately the same
the test length required to produce a given elongation. values provided that:
NOTE. In the rubber industry this definition is widely identified (1) the elongation of rings i s calculated as a
with the term 'modulus', and care should be taken to avoid percentage of the initial mean circumference; and
confusion with the other use of modulus to denote the slope of
the stress-strain curve at a given elongation. (2) the average value is taken for dumb-bells cut
parallel and a t right angles to the grain if this is
2.8 tensile stress a t yield (S,,).
The tensile stress a t which present t o a significant degree.
occurs the first major inflection of the stress strain curve
and where some further increase in strain occurs without Rings may be preferred in automated testing, due to
any increase in stress (see figure 1). the ease of maintaining the test pieces, and in the
determination of stress a t a given strain.
2.9 elongation at yield (E,,). The tensile strain a t which (d) Miniature test pieces. Miniature t e s t pieces may
occurs the first major inflection of the stress strain curve give somewhat different, usually higher values for
and where some further increase in strain is not accom- tensile strength and elongation a t break, than the
panied by an increase in stress (see figure 1). larger t e s t pieces.
2.10 test length of dumb-bells. The initial distance
between reference points within the length of the narrow
portion of a dumb-bell test piece which is used t o measure
elongation (see figure 2).


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E S 1 BS*903: PART*A2 8 9 m 3 6 2 4 6 6 9 0302733 3 m
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989



E- Elongation
a t break


/ I
at yield

I / I

l ?Y Elongation fb
Elongation E- Elongation
at yield . at break


Yield point
Tensi l e
stress TS
a t yield

fY )b E I ongation
Eiongation 1 E-
a t yield
at break

Figure 1. Illustration of tensile terms

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_ -
BSI BS*703: P A R T * A Z 89 1 6 2 4 6 6 7 0102732 5
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

Six types of test piece are specified in this method, ¡.e.

dumb-bell shape types 1,2,3 and 4 and ring shape types
A (normal) and B (miniature). The results obtained for a
TYP? Test length
given material are likely to vary according to the type
of test piece used and results obtained for different
materials should therefore not be regarded as compar-
able unless the same type of test piece has been used. 1 25 I0.5
Dumb-bell test pieces type 3 and 4 and ring type B should 2 20 % 0.5
only be used where insufficient material is available for 3 10 f 0.5
the larger test pieces. These test pieces are particularly 4 10 i 0.5
suitable for testing products and are used in,certain
product standards, e.g. typa 4 dumb-bells have been
used for testing pipa sealing rings and cables. 4.3 Rings
The type A ring test piece shall have an internal diameter
4.2 Dumb-bells of 44.6 f 0.2 mm. The mean axial thickness and mean
Dumb-bell test pieces shall have the outline shown in radial width shall be 4.0 10.2 mm. The radial width within
figure 2. any ring shall nowhere deviate from the mean by more than
0.2 mm and the axial thickness within any ring shall
nowhere deviate from the mean by more than 0.2 mm or
€ 5 %whichever is the smaller.
The type B ring test piece shall have an internal diameter
of 8.0 I0.1 mm. The mean axial thickness and mean radial
width shall be 1.0 f 0.1 mm. The radial width within any ring
shall nowhere deviate from the mean by more than 0.1 mm.
If two groups of rings of either size are being compared,
the mean thickness of each group shall be within 7.5 % of
the mean thickness of the two groups.
wt ieng thJ
lsee table 1 I
5 Apparatus
Figure 2. Shape of dumb-bell test pieces
5.1 Dies and cutters, in accordance with BS 903 : Part A36
and having the dimensions given in table 2 and figure 3.
The departure from parallelism a t any point along the
The thickness of the narrow portion shall be 2.0 f 0.2 mm
width of the narrow parallel portion of the die shall
for types 1,2 and 4 and 1.0 f 0.1 mm for type 3,
nowhere exceed 0.05 mm.
The test length shall be in accordance with table 1.
The other dimensions of the dumb-bells shall be as 5.2 Thickness gauge, in accordance with that used in
produced by the approphate die (see table 2). method AI of BS 903 : Part A38.
The instrument for measuring the radial width of ring test
NOTE. Dumb-bell test pieces having the dimensions given in 4.2
pieces shall be similar to the above, except that the contact
and tables 1 and 2 can be obtained from either specially prepared
test sheets or from completed products. If, however, the geometry and base plate shall be shaped to fit the curvature of the
or other limitations of the product, prevents test pieces complying ring.
with 4.2 being cut from the product, it is recommended that if
tensile tests are to be attempted, that test pieces as given in the 5.3 Calibrated cone gauge, capable of measuring the
table ere used. internal diameter of a ring test piece with an error of not

more than 0.01 mm. The means of supporting the ring to

Typa Maximum thickness
be measured shall be such as to avoid any significant change
of narrow portion
in the dimension being measured.
mm NOTE. Other suitable equipment may be used to measure the
1 3 .O internal diemeters of ring test pieces.
2 . 2.6
3 2 .o 5.4 Tensile testing machine, complying with BS 5214 :
4 2.6 Part 1, having an accuracy of force measurement comply-
ing with grade B and, where used, an extensometer
accuracy complying with grade B for dumb-bell t e s t pieces
types 1 and 2 and ring type A, and grade C for dumb-bell
test pieces type 3 and 4 and ring type B. The machine
shall as a minimum be capable of operating a t a rate of
traverse of 100 mm/min, 200 mm/min and 500 mm/min.

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BSI BSa703: PART*A2 89 1 b 2 4 b b 9 0102733 7

BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989



4 T_Iy p e of fixing
to suit machine Section A-A


Detail of section A-A

All linear dimensions are in millimetres.

NOTE 1. For a method of cutting type B ring te st pieces see appendix B.
NOTE 2. Dimensions f o r A t o F are given in table 2.

Figure 3. Die for dumb-bell test pieces

Table 2. Dimensions of dies or dumb-bell test pieces (see figure 3)


Overall length Width of ends Length of narrow Nidth of narrow Transition radius Transition radius
parallel portion parallel portion outside inside
A min.* B - c D E F

mm mm mm mm mm mm
25 I1
12.5 f 1
25 f 1
I 6+OA
4 f 0.1
14 +I
8 f0.5
25 f 2
12.5 f 1
6 f0.5 12 f 0.5 2 f 0.1 3 fO.1 3 f0.1
8.5 f 0.5 16f 1.0 4 f 0.1 7.5 rt 0.5 10 i0.5
* A greater overall length may be necessary to ensure that only the wide parallel-sided end portions come into contact with the
machine grips, thus helping to avoid shoulder breaks.

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BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

6 Number of test pieces buffing, the interval between buffing and testing shall be
not less than 16 h and not greater than 72 h.

Three test pieces shall be tested.
For tests a t 23 k 2 O C test pieces that do not require further
preparation may be tested immediately, if cut from condi-
tional test samples. Where additional preparation is
7 Preparation of test pieces involved a minimum conditioning period of 3 h a t
7.1 Dumb-bells 23 f 2 OC shall be used.
Prepare test pieces using the appropriate me'thods For tests a t temperatures other than 23 f 2 O C condition
described in BS 903 : Part A36. Cut dumb-bells, wherever the test pieces a t the temperature a t which the t e s t is to be
possible, parallel to the grain of the material unless grain conducted for a period sufficient to enable test pieces to
effects are to be studied, in which case cut a set of dumb- attain substantial equilibrium in accordance with
bells perpendicular to the grain. BS 903 : Part A32.

7.2 Rings
Prepare ring t e s t pieces by cutting or punching them from 9 Marking of dumb-bell test pieces
the test sheet or product, as appropriate using the appro- If using a non-contact extensometer, mark the dumb-bell
priate methods described in BS 903 : Part A36, or by test pieces with two reference marks to define the test
moulding. length, as specified in table 1, using a suitable marker.
The t e s t piece shall be unstrained when it is marked.
The lines shall be marked on the narrow part of the test
piece, as shown in figure 1, with the lines equidistant
from its centre and a t right angles to i t s longitudinal axis.
8 Conditioning of samples and test pieces
8.1 Time lapse between vulcanization and testing
IO Measurement of test pieces
For all test purposes, the minimum time between
vulcanization and testing shall be 16 h. For non-product 10.1 Dumb-bells
tests, the maximum time between vulcanization and Measure the thickness a t the centre and a t each end of the
testing shall be 28 days. test length with the thickness gauge. The mean value of
NOTE. For evaluations intended to be comparable, the tests as the three measurements shall be used in calculating the
far as possible should be carried out after the same time interval. area of the c r w section. In any one dumb-bell the thick-
For product tests, whenever possible, the time between vulcani-
zation and testing should not exceed 90 days. ness of the narrow portion shall nowhere differ by more
than 2 %from the mean thickness. If two groups of t e s t
In other cases tests shall be made within 60 days of the pieces are being compared, the mean thickness of each
date of receipt of the product by the customer. group shall be within 7.5 % o f the mean thickness of the
two groups. The width of the test piece shall be taken as
the distance between the cutting edges of the die in the
9.2 Protection of samples and test pieces
narrow part, and this distance shall be measured in
Samples and t e s t pieces shall be protected as completely accordance with BS 903 : Part A36 to the nearest
as possible from all external sources likely to cause damage 0.05 mm.
during the interval between vulcanization and testing,
e.g. light, heat etc. 10.2 Rings
NOTE. Additional guidance is given in BS 3574. Measure the radial width and axial thickness a t six
approximately equally spaced positions around the ring.
9.3 Conditioning of samples The mean value of each set of measurements shall be used
Condition all samples, other than those from latex, in calculating the area of the cross section. The internal
at 23 I: 2 O C for not less than 3 h prior to cutting out the diameter shall be measured to the nearest 0.1 mm.
t e s t pieces. NOTE. The ring may be measured on a suitable cone (5.3).
Condition all prepared latex samples a t 23 f 2 OC and The internal circumference and the mean circumference
relative humidity of 50 f 5 % for not less than 96 h prior shall be calculated :
to cutting out the test pieces.
internal circumference = 71 x internal diameter
9.4 Conditioning of test pieces mean circumference =n x (internal diameter +
Condition all test pieces in accordance with BS 903 :
+ radial width)
Part A35. If the preparation of test pieces involves

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BSI BSx303: PART*A2 A3 9 Lb24667 0302735 O 9
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

11 Procedure 13.1.2 Tensile strength at break. TSb (in MPa) is calcu-
lated using the following formula:
11.1 Dumb-bell test pieces -

11.1.1 General. Insert the test piece into the tensile

testing machine, ensuring that the parallel portion of where
the tab ends are gripped symmetrically so that the
tension is distributed uniformly over the cross section. F b is the force recorded a t break (in N);
Start the machine and monitor continuously the W is the width of the narrow portion of the die
change in test length and force throughout the t e s t to (in mm);
an accuracy within f 2 %, as required for the purposes t is the thickness of the test length (in mm).
of clause 13.
The nominal rate of traverse of the moving grip shall be 13.1.3 Elongation at break. E, expressed as a percentage,
500 mm/min for type 1 and type 2 t e s t pieces and is calculated using the following formula:
200 mm/min for type 3 and type 4 test pieces. I O O ( L 1 - Lo)
Eb =
11.1.2 Yield outside the test length. Any t e s t piece that LO

a yields outside the test length, as defined in table 1, shall be

discarded and a repeat t e s t conducted on an additional test
Lo i s the initial test length (in mm);
L1 is the test length a t break (in mm).

11.1.3 Breaks outside the narrow portion. In all other 13.1.4 Stress at a given elongation. S (in MPa) is calculated
cases, any test piece that breaks outside the narrow portion, from the following equation:
as defined by dimension 'C' in table 2, shall be discarded F
and a repeat test conducted on an additional test piece. s= -
NOTE. In making visual measurements care should be taken t o where
avoid inaccuracies due to parallax.
F is the force noted a t the given strain (in N);

W is the width of the narrow portion of the die (in mm);
11.2 Ring test pieces t is the thickness of the test length (in mm).
Place the test piece with a minimum of tension around
the two pulleys. Start the machine and monitor continu- 13.1.5 Elongation at a given stress (Es). The values of
ously the distance between the pulleys and the increases force F (in N) required to exert a stress, S (in MPa) a t
in stress throughout the t e s t to an accuracy of 2 % or which the elongation ES, expressed as a percentage is to
be measured are given by the following two stage
as required for the purposes of clause 13.
The nominal rate of traverse of the moving pulley shall
be 500 mm/min for ring test pieces type A and F=SxWxt

a 100 mm/min for ring test pieces type B. where

S is the given stress (in MPa);
W is the width of the narrow portion of the die (in mm);
12 Temperature of test t is the thickness of the test length (in mm).
The test shall be carried out a t 23 k 2 OC or a t a and
temperature selected from the list of preferred tempera-
tures given in BS 903 : Part A35.
100 (LI - Lo)
Es =
The same temperature shall be used throughout any one LO
test or series of tests intended to be comparable. where
Es is the required percentage elongation a t the given
13 Calculation of results LI i s the test length a t the given stress (in mm);
Lo is the initial t e s t length (in mm).
13.1 Dumb-bells
13.1.6 Tensile stress at yield. S, (in MPa) is calculated
13.1.1 Tensile strength. TS (in MPa) i s calculated using
from the force recorded a t the yield using the following
the following formula:
equation :
TS= -

s,= -

where where
F is the maximum force recorded (in N); F i s the force recorded atyield (in N);
W is the width of narrow portion of the die (in mm); W is the width of the narrow portion of the die (in mm);
t is the thickness of the t e s t length (in mm). t is the thickness of the test length (in mm). . .
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BSI BSaï03: PARTaA2 A ï 3 b 2 4 b b ï OL0273b 2
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

13.1.7 Elongation at yield. E,, expressed as a percentage, 13.2.4 Elongation a t a given stress ( E s ) .The value of the
is calculated using the following equation: force F (in N) corresponding to the required stress is
100 ( L i - L o ) calculated using the following equation:
E,, = F=2 x W x t x S
S is the required stress (in MPa);
Lo is the initial test length (in mm);
L is the test length a t yield (in mm). -M/ is the radial width of the ring (in mm);
t is the axial thickness of the ring (in mm).
13.2 Ring test pieces The elongation a t the given stress, Es, expressed as a
13.2.1 Tensile strength. TS (in MPa) is calculated using percentage, is calculated using the following equation:
the following equation: 100 ( n d + 2 L - Cl)
Es =
E Cm
TS =
2xWxt where
where d is the diameter of the pulleys (in mm);
F is the maximum force recorded (in N); L is the distance between the pulley centres a t the
W is the radial width of the ring (i.n mm); given stress (in mm);
t is the axial thickness of the ring (in mm). C1 is the initial internal circumference of the ring
(in mm);
13.2.2 Elongation at break. Eb, expressed as a percentage, Cm is the initial mean circumference of the ring (in mm).
is calculated using the following equation:
13.2.5 Tensile stress at yield. S, (in MPa) i s calculated
(nd + 2 L - Cl)
Eb = x 100 using the following equation:
where s, =

Cl is the initial internal circumference of the test piece
(in mm); where
L is the distance between pulley centres a t break F is the force noted a t yield (in N);
(in mm); W is the radial width of the ring (in mm);
d is the diaméter of pulleys (in mm). t is the axial thickness of the ring (in mm).

13.2.3 Stress at a given elongation (SE). The distance 13.2.6 Elongation at yield. E,, expressed as a percentage,
between the pulley centres corresponding t o a given is calculated using the following equation:
elongation L (in mm) is calculated using the following 1 0 0 ( n d + 2 L - Cl)
equation : E, =

+-x E
L = - Cm
C1 - nd where
200 2
C1 is the initial internal circumference of the ring
where (in mm);
E is the given elongation, expressed as a percentage; cm is the initial mean circumference of the ring
Cm is the initial mean circumference of the ring (in mm);
(in mm); d is the diameter of the pulleys (in mm);
Ci is the initial internal circumference of the ring L is the distance between the pulley centres a t yield
(in mm); (in mm).
d is the diameter of the pulleys (in mm).
. The stress a t the given elongation, SE (in MPa) is calculated
using the following equation: 14 Expression of results
F When more than one tensile stress-strain property is being
SE =
2xWxt determined on the same t e s t pieces, the test data shall be
where treated as if they had been obtained independently for
each property and the results calculated as described for
F is the force recorded a t a given elongation (in NI;
each property separately.
W is the radial width of the ring (in mm);
In all cases the median shall be reported.
t is the axial thickness of the ring (in mm).

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BSI BS*703: PARTSA2 89 W 1 6 2 4 b b 7 0102737 4 9
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

I 5 Testreport (e) the mean thickness and number of t e s t pieces

The test report shall include the following: (f) the direction in which duinb-bell test pieces were
(a) Reference to the method used, ¡.e. BS 903 : cut, relative to the grain;
Part A2; (9) the details of any sample preparation, e.g. buffing;
(b) the identification of the sample; (h) the temperature of test, if other than 23 f 2 O C ;
(c) the details of test piece used; (i) the date of vulcanization, if appropriate;
(d) the median value of the propertyhec being (j) the date of testing;
determined, calculated in accordance with clause 13;
(k) any deviations from this method of test.


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- -~~
E S 1 BS*903: PART*A2 8 9 = 1624669 0102738 6 =
BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989


Appendix A. Preparation of type B ring test (see figure 4) for blades, shape E/Ii for number 3 handles
pieces as described in BS 2982. The blades should be lubricated
with soap solution and should be inspected frequently for
The rings may be cut using a rotating cutting machine, sharpness, damage etc. The sample should be secured during
operated a t 400 r/min and fitted with a special holder cutting with the device shown in figure 5.






Section A-A
3.5 3.5

All linear dimensions are in millimetres.
Sidelclamp of blade

Figure 4. Special tool holding removable blades

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BSI BS*703: PARTmA2 87 3624bb7 0302737 8 W

BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

1 Protection for
operator's fingers
/ \

Sheet to be cut

Section A - A


b 80 h

All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure 5. Tool for holding the rubber sheet

, \

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B S I BS*¶O3: PARTsA2 89 m Lb24bb9 0302740 4

Publications referred to
BS 903 Methods of testing vulcanized rubber
Part A32 General directions for achieving elevated or subnormal temperatures for test purposes
Part A35 Temperatures, humidities and times for conditioning and testing of test pieces
Part A36 Preparation of samples and test pieces
Part A38 Determination of dimensions of test pieces and products for test purposes
BS 2982 Specification for scalpels with detachable blades
BS 3574 Specification for the controlled storage and packaging of vulcanized rubber and rubber products
BS 5214 Specification for testing machines for rubbers and plastics
Part 1 Constant rate of traverse machines


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the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
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E S 1 BS%903: PARTaA2 89 m 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0102741 b

BS 903 : Part A2 : 1989

Thls Brltlsh Standard, having been prepared under the direction reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of
of the Rubber Standards Policy Committee, was published under BSI. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
-the autho-ofhe Board of BSI and comes into effect on implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols and
29 September 1989 size, type or grade designations. Enquiries should be addressed to
the Publications Manager, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes
@British Standards Institution, 1989 MK14 6LE. The number for telephone enquiries i s 0908 220022
First published April 1956 and for telex 825777.
First revision March 1971 Contract requirements. A British Standard does not purport to
Second revision September 1989- include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British
ISBN O 580 17425 5 Standards are responsible for their correct application.
The following BSI reference relate to the work on this standard:
Commlttee reference RUM/36 Draft for comment 86/44326 DC Revision of British Standards. British Standards are revised, when
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Committees responsible for this British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Rubber Standards Policy Committee (RUMI-) t o Technical Comm- Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists
ittee RUM/36 upon which the followlng bodies were represented: Malaysian Rubber Producers' Research Association
British Railways Board Ministry of Defence
British Rubber Manufacturers' Association National College of Rubber Technology
ERA Technology Ltd. Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain
GAMBICA (BEAMA Ltd.) SATRA Footwear Technology Centre


Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. I Date of issue I Text affected ..

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