CC 3
CC 3
CC 3
Dimension of Cube Cross
Age of Weight of Compressive
Sr. (mm) Sectional Maximum
Date of Casting Date of Testing Testing Cubes Strength
No. Area Load (KN)
in Days (gm) (N/mm2)
L B H (mm2)
1 13-12-2023 20-12-2023 7 150.1 150.0 150.1 22,515 8159 539.5 23.96
2 13-12-2023 20-12-2023 7 150.1 149.9 150.0 22,500 8178 546.1 24.27
3 13-12-2023 20-12-2023 7 150.0 149.9 150.0 22,485 8142 533.8 23.74
Average 23.99
Conclusion: C.C.Cube sample satisfy the criteria as per IS 456:2000 RA2021
REQUIREMENTS AS PER IS 456:2000 RA2021, TEST METHOD AS PER IS 516(Part 1/Sec 1):2021
Grade of Concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 M-45 M-50 M-55 M-60 M-65 M-70 M-75
Strength on 7 days in N/mm² 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5 35 38.5 42 45.5 49 52.5
Strength on 28 days in N/mm² 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
5. Result / report are issued with specific understanding the GMTC will not in any case be
involved in action following the interpretation of the results.
6. Reproduction of this report in whole or in part by any means except with written permission Mr. Parth Soni (Quality Manager)
of the testing agency shall be deemed an infringement. Authorized Signatory