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Crane Control System CC2000 - Troubleshooting

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SERVICE 6.303.33 E rev.

: - 2003-10-30

Electronic Troubleshooting for Crane Control System CC2000

Single Cranes Type GL, GLB, and LC with More than One Outreach

1. Description of input and output signals ................................................................................................. 2
2. Control system input and output signal levels ...................................................................................... 5
3. Signals indicated on the MPC card front panels .................................................................................. 9
4. Troubleshooting the control system .....................................................................................................12
5. Operating the crane with less than four MPC cards ........................................................................... 14
6. Spare parts ......................................................................................................................................... 15

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1. Description of input and output


1.1 General
The following description refers to the microcomputer
based crane control system CC2000 for MacGREGOR
Cranes hydraulic deck cranes, single crane versions.

Minor variations in the use of control system input

and output signals due to differences in hydraulic
and electric system may occur. The objective of this
description is only to provide a general orientation
concerning the principles of control system interface
signals and of troubleshooting.

For a general description of the principles of the Crane

Control system CC2000 see section "Function", Group
3. For detailed information about the control system, a
complete electric circuit diagram relating specifically
to your crane can be found in the instruction manual,
section "Spare Parts", Group 9.5. Also for detailed
information about the hydraulic system, a complete
hydraulic circuit diagram can be found in section "Spare
Parts", Group 9.4.

Fig. 1. CC2000 Power supply principle.

1.2 Power supply, control system 1.3 Power supply, control system anti-
operation condensation heating
The power supply transforms the input 380/400/440V The anti-condensation heating in CT2 cabinet (MB)
AC to 24V DC and 8V DC. See Fig. 1. is powered with 24V AC when the control system is
switched off or when the crane is not in operation. A
It consists mainly of a three phase transformer, rectifier separate transformer is used for all anti-condensation
bridges and fuses. The output 24V DC is used for the heating in the crane. The transformer is fed by a se-
control system input and output signals. The 8V DC parate power line.
is used by each MPC card to generate 5V DC for its
1.4 Control lever (joystick) potentio-
meters, outputs to and inputs from
The output voltage has a ripple with 6 times the
frequency of the input power line. The ripple level is The control lever linear potentiometers are fed with
approx. 15%. 0V, +6V and +12V from their appropriate MPC card.
The potentiometer output is approx. +6V with the
The 0V level for 24V DC is grounded in the power lever in neutral. The output signal is controlled by
supply unit and the 0V for the 8V supplyis grounded the lever and depends on the direction of lever mo-
via all four MPC cards in the CT2 cabinet (MB). vement. The output signal is increased to approx.

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+10.5V for max. speed hoisting, luffing in and slewing 1.7 Pump solenoid outputs
left respectively. The output signal is decreased to ap-
Each hydraulic pump has two solenoid valves, one
prox. +1.5V for max. speed lowering, luffing out and
for each direction of the oil flow. The solenoids are
slewing right respectively.
controlled by a 24V PWM (Pulse Width Modulated)
signal with current feed-back control. If the desired
1.5 Control levers (joysticks) direction output current is not reached (due to short-circuit,
signal inputs open-circuit or MPC card failure), the system gives
an error message, see ERROR MESSAGES sign.
The control lever for hoisting selects two out of four
24V direction signals, for selection of low speed/high
Each MPC card is capable of controlling a maximum
speed and hoisting/lowering. See Fig. 2.
of three pumps with a total of six output drivers, one
for each solenoid valve. Each driver is capable of
The control lever for luffing/slewing gives two out of
outputting a maximum current of 1A. To measure the
four 24V direction signals for selecting luffing in/luffing
current without opening the circuit, a measuring point is
out and slewing left/slewing right.
available for each pump. Using a voltmeter, the reading
in mV equals the current in mA to within approx. 5%.
1.6 Pressure/force sensor input
If fitted, a sensor giving 4-20 mA is used to weigh
the load.

CT2 or MB

+ 24 V

Fig. 2. Control lever signals, hoisting movement.

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1.8 Brake release/direction valve outputs 1.12 Lamp output "Error in control
Each MPC card has an output driver for the brake
release signal (or direction valve for cranes equip- All error LEDs (No. 28) on the MPC cards are wired
ped with cylinder luffing). The system is capable of together to a lamp in crane operator's cabin. When an
detecting short-circuited output and then giving an error first occurs the lamp flashes. When the error is
error-message, see ERROR MESSAGES sign. acknowledged by pushing the STEP push-button the
appropriate MPC card, the lamp stays on if the error
1.9 Displacement/unloading outputs remains or goes out if the error is not present at the
moment. See ERROR MESSAGES sign for detailed
Each MPC card has two separate outputs. They are information about error messages.
used for selecting low speed or high speed for the
hoisting movement and for the unloading function for
the luffing movement. Each output gives a fixed 24V
1.13 "Speed dependent overload"
output with a maximum current of 2 A.
function / pressure switch switching
Some cranes have a system that switches from one
1.10 Low feed pressure input overload pressure switch to another depending on
the speed of the hoisting motor - due to differences
The low feed pressure switch indicates that the pump in efficiency between low and high speed. At speeds
feed pressure is too low for safe operation. Output above a programmed limit, the normal pressure switch
signals to pumps, displacement/unloading valves and is used; but at low speed a pressure switch with approx.
brake relief valves are immediately switched off by a 20% higher setting is used in the overload system. The
separate safety system on the MPC card. control system uses a digital speed encoder to sense
the speed of the motor. At speeds lower than approx.
If the low pressure signal comes back within approx 3 rpm, the output signal plinth No. 229 activates a
0.3 seconds, the crane operation continues with the relay in the CT1 cabinet (A-box) bypassing the pres-
same output signal levels that existed before the sure switch 1312. See parameter "Speed dependent
pressure drop. However, if short pressure drops are overload" in cubicle CT2 cabinet (MB).
repeated 4-5 times within a short period of time, the
crane operation is stopped and starts 4-5 seconds
after the feed pressure has a stable high level again.

1.11 Overload input

The overload pressure switch makes the MPC card
control program switch over from high speed to low
speed operation or, if already in low speed, stopping
the hoisting and luffing crane movement. The input
signal from the overload pressure switch is often only
seen as a short pulse.

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2. Control system input and output signal levels

Control system interface signal Plinth No. MPC card Signal level

Power for control system input and out- 42 All +24V.

put signals 50 0V, connected to ground.

Anti-condensation heating 44 - 24V AC, powered when

46 crane stopped.

Power for microprocessors on MPC 58 (with fuse) All +8V, nominally 9V,
cards minimum 7V.
54 0V.

60-99 Cross-connections for external

Cross-connection plinths, if mounted 261-278 - limit switches, key switches,
361-378 overload switches etc.

201 Ho 12V from MPC "Ho".

Outputs to control lever potentiometer 202 6V from MPC "Ho".
hoisting 203 0V from MPC "Ho".

204 Ho Analogue input signal 1.5 to

Control lever potentiometer input hoist- 10.5V with 6V in neutral position

Control lever direction inputs hoisting 207 Ho 24V when control lever actuated
Hoisting 208 Ho Hoisting
Lowering 209 Ho Lowering
Low Speed 210 Ho Low speed
High speed High

Outputs to control lever potentiometer 301 Lu 12V from MPC "Lu".

Luffing 302 6V from MPC "Lu".
303 0V from MPC "Lu".

Control lever potentiometer input signal 304 Lu Analogue input signal 1.5 to
luffing 10.5V with 6V in neutral

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Control system interface signal Plinth No. MPC card Signal level

Control lever direction inputs slewing 24V when control lever actuated
Luffing in 307 Lu Luffing in
Luffing out 308 Lu Luffing out

Outputs to control lever potentiometer 401 SL 12V from MPC "SL".

slewing 402 6V from MPC "SL".
403 0V from MPC "SL".

Control lever potentiometer input signal 404 SL Analogue input signal 1.5 to
slewing 10.5V with 6V in neutral

Control lever direction inputs slewing 24V when control lever actuated
Slewing left 407 SL Slewing left
Slewing right 408 SL Slewing right

Pressure/force sensor input 206 Ho Current signal 4-20mA.

Brake relief valve - outputs

Hoisting 230 Ho 24V, max. 2A, open circuit gives
Luffing - (direction valve if cylinder 330 Lu error message.
Slewing 430 SL

24V, max. 2A, open and short-

Hoisting displacement low speed output 231 Ho circuit give error message.

Hoisting displacement output high speed 232 Ho 24V, max. 2A, open and short
circuit gives error message.

Luffing unloading output 331 Lu 24V, max. 2A, open and short
circuit gives error message.

Pump PWM signals for Hoisting Pump1

Hoisting output 233 Ho 24V, 0 to approx. 600 mA,
Lowering output 234 Ho Error message if desired
Current return and current measured in- 235 Ho current not achieved.
put 1mA gives approx. 1mV.

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Control system interface signal Plinth No. MPC card Signal level

Pump PWM signals for hoisting pump2 (if

fitted) 24V, 0 to approx. 600 mA,
Hoisting output 236 Ho Error message if desired
Lowering output 237 Ho current not achieved.
Current return and current measured input 238 Ho 1mA gives approx. 1mV.

Pump PWM signals for luffing pump1 24V, 0 to approx. 600 mA,
Luffing in output 333 Lu Error message if desired
Luffing out output 334 Lu current not achieved.
Current return and current measured input 335 Lu 1mA gives approx. 1mV.

24V, 0 to approx. 600 mA,

Pump PWM signals for luffing pump2 Error message if desired
(if fitted) current not achieved.
Luffing in output 336 Lu 1mA gives approx. 1mV.
Luffing out output 337 Lu
Current return and current measured input 338 Lu

24V, 0 to approx. 600 mA,

Pump PWM signals for slewing pump1 Error message if desired
Slewing left output 433 SL current not achieved.
Slewing right output 434 SL 1mA gives approx. 1mV.
Current return and current measured input 435 SL

Pump PWM signals for slewing pump2 (if 24V, 0 to approx. 600 mA,
fitted) Error message if desired
Slewing left output 436 SL current not achieved.
Slewing right output 437 SL 1mA gives approx. 1mV.
Current return and current measure input 438 SL

Limit switch inputs hoisting 214 Ho 24V at normal operation, 0V

Hoisting 215 Ho at limit. At limit, movement is
Lowering, slack wire 216 Ho stopped and brake applied.
High hook

Speed-reduce limit inputs hoisting 211 Ho 24V at normal operation, 0V

Hoisting 212 Ho at limit.
Lowering 213 Ho
High hook

Limit switch inputs luffing 314 Lu 24V at normal operation, 0V

Luffing in 315 Lu at limit. At limit, movement is
Luffing out, slack wire 316 Lu stopped and brake applied.
High hook

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Control system interface signal Plinth No. MPC card Signal level

Speed-reduce limit inputs luffing

Luffing in 311 Lu 24V at normal operation,
Luffing out 312 Lu 0V at limit.
High hook 313 Lu

Limit switch inputs slewing 24V at normal operation,

Slewing left 414 SL 0V at limit. At limit movement is
Slewing right 415 SL stopped and brake applied.

Speed-reduce limit inputs slewing

Slewing left 411 SL 24V at normal operation,
Slewing right 412 SL 0V at limit.

Pressure switch input for low feed pres- 219 Ho 24V at normal operation,
sure 319 Lu 0V at low feed pressure.
419 SL

Pressure switches for overload 220 Ho 24V at normal operation,

320 Lu 0V at overload.

Output "Error in control system" 128 All 24V outputs wired together to
228 error lamp in crane operator's
328 cabin.

Digital speed encoder hoisting 221 Ho Digital speed encoder giving

(if fitted) 222 four digital 24V pulse inputs.

Output for "Speed dependent" overload 229 Ho 24V when the hoisting speed is
function (if fitted). less than approx. 3 rpm.

Output for "Hoisting Overload" 242 Ho 24V when the hoisting pressure
indication lamp (if fitted) exceeds adjusted value.
- valid from software MGX 02.00.

Speed reduction, input signal ext. 1 (bit 217 Ho 24V input from cabin switch,
0) to reduce normal operation speed 317 Lu such as grab operation, parking
(utilization). 417 SL lock slewing, power limiter, twin
operation, etc.

Speed reduction, input signal ext. 2 (bit 218 Ho 24V input from cabin switch,
1) to reduce normal operation speed 318 Lu same as above.
(utilization). Same as above, but could 418 SL
be used with different utilization.

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3. Signals indicated on the MPC

card front panels

3.1 Coloured LEDs 3.2 LEDs show the microprocessor

24V signals to and from each MPC card are indicated
by green, yellow and red LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) Signals are indicated at the logic 5V level, close to the
on the front panel of each MPC card . microprocessor chip.

Green is used for normal inputs and outputs. Yellow When an input LED is on, that signal has passed the
indicates that the crane motion concerned is driven optoisolated 24V to 5V conversion and reached the
at slower speed. Red indicates that the motion has microprocessor.
been stopped.
When an output LED is on, the microprocessor outputs
Normal operation green signals are shown with inputs the signal at 5V level, but it has not yet passed the 5V
to the left and the corresponding outputs to the right of to 24V output driver stages. Check the signal output
the input. They are on when the signal is active, 24V. level on the corresponding plinth if missing output is
Speed reducing limit switches are shown with yellow
LEDs when the 24V signal is absent. Speed reduction 3.3 Identifying the plinth number
inputs from key switches are shown with yellow LEDs corresponding to an LED
when the input is active, 24V.
The plinth number is identified by a three-digit number.
The first digit of each number signifies the MPC card
Stop limit switches, low feed pressure and overload are
to which the signal is connected:
indicated with red LEDs when the 24V signal is absent.
1.. Supervisory MPC card, "Sc".
2.. Hoisting MPC card, "Ho".
All signals indicated by LEDs are listed on the SIGNAL
3.. Luffing MPC card, "Lu".
OVERVIEW sign inside CT2 cabinet (MB), see section
4.. Slewing MPC card, "SL".
"Service", Group 6.3.

The last two digits signify the LED number on each

MPC card front panel, showing the status of the 24V
input and output signals for the card. The same two-
digit number is used on the cables from the plinth to
each MPC card.

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3.4 MPC card normal readouts at idling

During idling, two LEDs are expected on each MPC
card. The green LED no. 42 (+24V) is on and the green
LED Tx is flashing/glowing. See Fig. 3 and Table 1.
(Tx indicates internal communication between the
MPC cards. Tx on the MPC "Sc" is glowing stronger
than the others because it sends data three times
more often than the others.)

MPC card displays must show "Sc", "Ho", "Lu" and

"SL" respectively.

Software Software Software Software

MGXxxxx MGXxxxx MGXxxxx MGXxxxx
Rev Rev Rev Rev

Fig. 3. MPC card displays and LEDs for idling crane.

MPC "Sc" MPC "Ho" MPC "Lu" MPC "SL"

Input Output Input Output Input Output Input Output
42 42 42 42
(+24V) (+24V) (+24V) (+24V)
Tx Tx Tx Tx

Table 1. MPC card readouts for idling crane.

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3.5 MPC card normal readouts when

hoisting, luffing and slewing
When hoisting at low speed, luffing in and slewing left,
the following LEDs are on for each MPC card (crane
with one pump per movement and unloading on luf-
fing). See Fig. 4 and Table 2.

Software Software Software Software

MGXxxxx MGXxxxx MGXxxxx MGXxxxx
Rev Rev XX Rev Rev

Fig. 4. MPC card displays and LEDs when hoisting

at low speed and luffing in and slewing left.

MPC "Sc" MPC "Ho" MPC "Lu" MPC "SL"

Input Output Input Output Input Output Input Output
07 33 07 33 07 33
(hoisting) (hoisting (luffing in) (luffing in (slewing left) (slewing left
pump1) pump1) pump1)
09 31 31
(low speed) (low speed) (unloading)
30 30 30
(brake) (brake) (brake)
42 42 42 42
(+24V) (+24V) (+24V) (+24V)
Tx Tx Tx Tx

Table 2. MPC card readouts when hoisting at low speed and luffing in and slewing left.

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4. Troubleshooting the control


4.1 General
This section provides information for identifying and cor-
recting malfunctions which may develop while operating
the cargo crane. Before performing troubleshooting,
read and follow all safety instructions found in section
"General", Group 1, of this manual.This chapter cannot
list all malfunctions that may occur, nor all inspections
and corrective actions. If a malfunction is not listed, or
is not corrected by the listed corrective actions, notify
your supervisor.

When troubleshooting a malfunction: locate the symp-

tom or symptoms that best describe the malfunction.
If the appropriate symptom is not listed, notify your

Perform each step in the order listed until the malfun-

ction is corrected.

Read this section in conjunction with the
electrical and hydraulic diagrams provided
in Group 9.5 and 9.4.

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4.2 Hoisting, luffing or slewing movement does not function

(a) Power supply 24V and 8V to CT2 cabinet (MB).

(1) Check overcurrent relay Q3 (HC3) in CT1 cabinet (HC).
(2) Check fuse in plinth 58 in CT2 cabinet (MB), only 8V.
(3) Check fuses, 1 to 6 inclusive, in T1 in CT1 cabinet (CE).
(4) Check rectifier unit wall-mounted in CT1 cabinet (in CE cubicle).
(5) Check relay K34 in CT1 cabinet (A90 in A cubicle) (see crane circuit diagram).

(b) Control system, CT2 cabinet (MB).

(1) Check control system signals in CT2 cabinet (MB).
(a) No LEDs on and no display readout - indicates loss of 8V.
(b) Check for red LEDs - indicating stop limits.
(1) If LED 28 on or flashing, see sign ERROR MESSAGES.
(c) Check for yellow LEDs - indicating speed reduces.
(d) Check for loss of green input signal LEDs - from joystick.
(e) Check analogue input signal from joystick potentiometer.
(f) Check for loss of green output signal LEDs.
(1) Replace the MPC card by other movement MPC card.
(2) Replace faulty MPC card with a new one.

(2) Check control lever (joystick).

Check electric cable connections.

(3) Check limit switches.

Check electric cable connections.
Adjust limit switches.

(4) Check valves 1221, 1226, 2221, 2226 and 3221.

Check electric cable connections.
Replace electric coil.
Replace valve.

(5) Check pump servo valves 1111-9, (1112-9), 2111-9, (2112-9) and 3111-9.
Check electric cable connections.

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5. Operating the crane with fewer

than four MPC cards

5.1 General
With one or more faulty MPC cards, the crane can
be operated temporarily with MPC card "Sc" together
with remaining card(s).

- To be able to use luffing movement, functional MPC

cards have to be in "Sc" position, "Ho" position and
"Lu" position.
- To be able to use hoisting movement, functioning
MPC cards have to be in "Sc" position and "Ho"
- To be able to use slewing movement, functioning
MPC cards have to be in "Sc" position and "SL'

5.2 Actions taken to replace MPC cards

- Switch off the power to the CT2 (MB) cabinet by
stopping the crane.
- Remove the MPC card to use for replacement and
leave this position empty.
- Replace the faulty MPC card.
- Start the crane. It can now be operated with chosen

The error lamp "control system error" is now flashing

as the system now has no communication with the card
that has been removed. (Error 40-49 on the "Sc"-card.)

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6. Spare parts
6.1 MPC card, 314 3603-8xx
Memory Card 314 3605-801
The ready-to-use MPC card, no. 314 3603-8xx, (where
-8xx means any one of -801, -802, -803 etc.) consists consists of
of a hardware electronic card loaded with software. Hardware: 314 3605-901
For correct article no., see spare parts list, section 9.5. Software: 6250xxxx

When ordering an MPC card without knowing the 6.3 Return report
article no. (-8xx), specify the software version needed
It is essential that the service department gets informa-
and proceed as follows.
tion about when and why the card was removed from
the crane system. Fill out the return form, see Group
Look for:
6.0, and send it back with the replaced card.
- the software version specified on the replaced card.
- the software version specified on the parameter list
in the CT2/MB cabinet. 6.4 Conductive transit boxes
or: To protect all types of electronic cards from damages
- refer to the crane's mfg. no., which can be found from ESD (electrostatic discharge) it is important to
stamped in crane operator's cabin. use pink anti-static plastic bags and conductive transit
boxes of the same type as used for delivered original
Customers who purchase a replacement card will spare parts.
receive a credit note of 15% of the sales price when
the damaged card is returned to MacGREGOR Cranes
in Örnsköldsvik.

6.2 Parameter Memory Card, 314 3605-

The parameter memory card, order no. 314 3605-801,
is not a general spare part. Each parameter me-
mory card needs to be programmed with the crane's
unique parameter values (see parameter list in CT2/
MB cabinet). When ordering a parameter memory
card always specify the manufacturing number (mfg.
no.), which can be found in the CT2/MB cabinet or in
the crane operator's cabin.

The programmed memory card delivered by us will

be labelled with the crane mfg. no.

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