Trend of MGT
Trend of MGT
Trend of MGT
• Disruptive innovation when a company enter the market with relatively low prices targeting
non consuming customers with relatively inferior product
• 2 big companies competing with each other they create disruption to smaller ones to enter
the market
• one big company
Business ladder
How firms can exploit/design Ambidextrous business models- That is antifragile and
Systemization of innovation : difference between the companies that say they do and what they
really do ( this difference is covered by culture engineering)
OKR : objectives and key results (continuous and future evaluation)
KPI : key Performance index (last Period) : it's a negotiated performance indicators that manager
team and I employees doesn't believe in
Antifragility: resilience while taking advantages from negative situation ( When you build processes
on systems that are resilient to crisis and that are able to exploit opportunities)
Stress test : how can your business withstand with stress (shifting your business to online)
Zero-hour contracts :
Back casting : look and anticipate the future and then visit on that objective we come up with a
strategy to achieve it.
contingencies planning:
Innovators dilemma : tries to answer why successful companies often falter when confronted with
disruptive changes in technology or market structure
innovation cube : influence and impact of evaluation (we have incremental optional strategic and
design innovation)
Change need to be aligned with: the ability to design, implement and manage transitional strategies
1- credit to consumers
2- demographics and cyclographic
3- access to market
Conclusion: The Brand Gap visualization tool provides designers with guidelines to activate
brand´s innovation potential through the identification of the Brand Gap. The tool organizes the
information so as to compared at the same level, information related to what the brand wants to
communicate with to what the consumer perceives, and to identify gaps that give rise to
innovation opportunities. The tool explores in detail the touchpoints and the consumer feelings
and reactions, that is why the Brand Gap has more than one variant. Thereby, the innovation
opportunities identified have different natures and they can be classified in short, medium and
long term. In the short term, the different existing brand touchpoints themselves are a source of
innovation possibilities. Companies can consider if they facilitate the communication and
reinforcement of the brand values. Companies can also consider designing other brand
touchpoints or redesigning the existing ones for more consistency with brand values.
(1) sustaining innovation, (2) overshoot of customer needs, (3) the emergence of a
disruptive innovation to which incumbents have the ability to respond, and (4)
incumbent firms floundering as they are disrupted
Managing innovation dilemmas: The cube solution
Identifying hidden needs for disruptive innovation
• Importance of identifying customer needs for developing disruptive innovation
firms should not so be focused narrowly on serving current customers
A customer-oriented firm “can serve current customers and remain vigilant for
unserving emerging markets
• Limitation of conventional market research
problems with traditional market research such as the questionnaire, focus group
and visiting specific customers or users : generate good ideas but majority of
marketing managers say that too many of the new products that emerge from
them are purely incremental innovations (which can not be differentiated from
the behavior of only gathering information on mainstream customers’ needs and
responding to such needs was detrimental to disruptive innovation, whereas
orientation towards small but emerging customer segments might aid in the
development of disruptive innovations
• Hidden customer needs
managers realize end users are often unable to articulate their needs and focus
group seldom lead to breakthrough product ideas
users are unable to articulate them as these requirements rest on sub-conscious
• Alternative market research to uncover hidden customer needs
1- Hidden needs analysis are set of techniques that suggest that direct questions are
ineffective and different approaches are needed. These new approaches are drawn from
anthropology and psychology.
First approach is repertory grid analysis : creative interviewing technique from
psychology that is able to identify hidden needs of customers by focusing on experiences
of different products and services
2- Jobs-to-be-done approach : most companies support the theory that customers buy
products and services for a specific purpose: to get jobs done. Job is fundamental goals
customers are trying to accomplish or problems they are trying to resolve in a given
companies must shift their attention from the product and instead focus their
requirement-gathering efforts on the execution of the job that the product or service is
intended to perform
How is the Experience Economy/Theory driving innovation across different sectors and
• businesses must orchestrate memorable events for their customers, and that memory
itself becomes the product: the "experience".
• Brand Gap encompasses all the inconsistencies occurring between the brand and consumer
• By engaging passengers in a way that turned an ordinary cab ride into a memorable event,
Iggy created something else entirely—a distinct economic offering. The experience of riding
in his cab was more valuable to his customers than the service of being transported by the
cab—and in the TV show, at least, Iggy’s customers happily responded by giving bigger tips.
• Experiences have always been at the heart of the entertainment business—a fact that Walt
Disney and the company he founded have creatively exploited. But today the concept of
selling an entertainment experience is taking root in businesses far removed from theaters
and amusement parks. New technologies, in particular, encourage whole new genres of
experience, such as interactive games, Internet chat rooms and multi-player games,
motion-based simulators, and virtual reality.
Value creation is critical for firms- How do they preserve value in order to maximize yield,
returns, and a competitive edge/advantage.
Identify the values that can fluctuate, like retained earnings, make sure to minimize outflow
Innovation means breaking existing value chains in order to create something new to achieve an
objective [ predetermined or emergent]
How to unlock the value of your innovation invesment ? Ontological perspective observation