Practical Work Unit 1
Practical Work Unit 1
Practical Work Unit 1
NAME: ________________________
2. Read the questions and complete the indirect questions.
I wonder _______________________________________________________________?
1. _____________________________________________________?
2. _____________________________________________________?
3. _____________________________________________________?
B So ________ we!
2. a strong sense that something is right or true, but you can give no good reason why. _________
Example: The lighthouse keepers disappeared from a remote island near the coast of Scotland.
Sentence 1:
Sentence 2:
1. If Holly wants something she works hard until she gets it – she’s extremely strong-__________.
2. I’ve forgotten my PIN number again – I’m getting quite ___________-minded these days.
5. You should think about other people’s feelings more – you’re too ________-centred!
6. I work hard but I manage to spend time with my family too. I think my life’s pretty
7. Why did you say that to Noura when you told me the opposite? You’re so two- ___________.
A Although they dug in the park where the jewel was buried, they couldn’t find it.
B This received a lot of publicity and he agreed to feature in a BBC TV
C Over the next two years, he received more than a hundred letters a day, but he
would not give away his secret.
D Copies of the first edition of Masquerade now sell for over £300 each.
E Sadly, it seemed the puzzle had not genuinely been solved after all.
F Along the way he meets various animals and people who give him difficult
puzzles to solve.
In the days before social media, no one could have predicted the effect Masquerade’s
publication would have. The story caused an international sensation, started the UK's
biggest ever treasure hunt, and sold over a million copies worldwide. Overnight, Kit
Williams, the shy artist, became world-famous. (----- 1 -----) It would be three years until
the jewel’s hiding place was revealed.
William’s had set a difficult and thrilling challenge. The book’s fifteen paintings were
decorative with plenty of details designed to lead the readers in the wrong direction. The
story follows Jack Hare on a special journey to deliver a precious jewel from the moon
to the sun with whom she was in love. (----- 2 -----) The jewel in the story is, of course,
the real jewel that Williams had handcrafted from gold and precious stones. He had
buried it in a special case with the message, ‘I am the keeper of the jewel of the
Masquerade, which lies waiting safe inside me for you ... or eternity’ written on it.
In order to solve the main part of the puzzle, you had to look carefully at each of the
fifteen paintings. Then you had to draw a line from the eye of each character Jack Hare
meets through their hand or paw to a word at the edge of the page. When you put the
first letters of each word together, they read, ‘Close by Ampthill’. This gave away the
location, Ampthill, a small town Williams had once lived near.
The puzzle was first solved by two physics teachers, but despite this they did not end
up with the treasure. (----- 3 -----) This is because Williams had intended the edge of a
shadow from the statue in the park to indicate where the treasure was buried – but only
at twelve noon on the day of either the Spring or Autumn equinox (when day and night
are equal). The two teachers realised this so they decided to come back at the equinox
in March.
But before they could return, the treasure was found by a man known as Ken Thomas.
However, Masquerade fans soon became suspicious because he would not talk about
or share what he’d found. They began to think that perhaps he had not solved the puzzle
at all. Then several years later, a newspaper printed a story which revealed that
‘Thomas’ was actually operating under a false name.
He knew Williams' ex-girlfriend who had apparently guessed the location of the treasure
based on a visit she and Williams had once made to Ampthill together.
(----- 4 -----) The golden hare was sold privately and disappeared. Williams was very
upset and stayed away from the media, but he continued painting and creating artworks.
Then, over twenty years later, Williams returned to public life with an exhibition of his
art. (----- 5 -----) The makers of the documentary wanted to know what had happened to
the golden hare which had not been seen for twenty years. They traced its owner, and
he agreed to display it at Williams’ exhibition. When Williams saw the hare again, he
said he felt emotional but proud. While Masquerade had had a disappointing ending, for
many, the wonder and fascination of it lives on. There are websites devoted to the
genius of Williams’ work, which explain how to solve each of the complex puzzles, and
Ampthill still remains a popular destination for Masquerade fans decades later.