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Looking at Trends in ERM


5.1 Emerging Digital Risks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

5.1.1 Impact of Disruptive Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
5.1.2 Digital Risk Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
5.2 Digitization of ERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
5.3 Using Multiple Sources of Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
5.4 Increasing Demand for Analytic Skill Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
5.5 Increasingly Sophisticated Software Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
5.6 Networked Economy and Collective ERM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
5.7 Improving ERM Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Learning Objectives
When you have finished studying this chapter, you should be able to:

• identify the drivers of digitization and analyse the impact for ERM
• name key digital technologies and assess their opportunities and risks
• know possible data analytics methodologies and their application in ERM
• create an individual set of requirements for an ERM tool for your organisation
• recognise future skills and competences for risk management professionals

© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature 2019 209

S. Hunziker, Enterprise Risk Management,
210 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

5.1 Emerging Digital Risks

The current business environment is very exciting in many ways. Numerous organisa-
tions are increasingly affected by the opportunities and risks of digitization; responsible
managers are more challenged than ever. An active approach to these challenges posed
by the environment appears to be essential in order not to be confronted with serious
consequences in the future. For neither from an economic, political-social, regulatory nor
technological point of view, a decline in complexity and speed can be expected. The dig-
ital revolution is not stopping at the ERM function either.
Digitization offers great opportunities in various areas of business activity, and this
is now beyond question in many respects. An adequate approach to the associated risks,
however, appears to be crucial, as opportunities are always risky. In order to assume this
responsibility, there must be awareness and knowledge of the risks of digitization. It
is important to consider what impacts new disruptive technologies such as distributed
ledger technology (blockchain) or Artificial Intelligence (AI) can have on one’s own field
of business. Managers must ask themselves whether there is a possibility that other mar-
ket participants could use these technologies in such a way that their own company could
be driven out of the market (Hunziker et al. 2018, pp. 55–58).

5.1.1 Impact of Disruptive Technologies

While risk managers are not expected to know every detail and all technical backgrounds
about disruptive technologies such as AI, Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT),
they need to understand the full scope of opportunities and challenges these innovations
present for the companies and markets they serve. Risk professionals are advised to pro-
actively educate themselves about disruptive technologies, including what is already in
use at their organisations, what technologies may be on the horizon, and the respective
risks and rewards of using such technologies.
In the following, some of the most important technologies that could be relevant for
risk managers are introduced. Some opportunities, challenges and risks of these technol-
ogies are briefly described. However, the statements are not exhaustive, but they depict
some very important aspects from a business perspective (adapted from Ernst & Young
Firstly, robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of software that mimics
human action and connects multiple systems through automation. The existing IT land-
scape is normally not changed. RPA enables organisations to automate existing high-vol-
ume and complex process steps as if business users were doing the work. It collects and
interprets data across systems, triggers reactions and communicates with other systems
in- or outside the organisation (e.g. fully automated client profile updates or straight-
through processing of customer orders) (see Table 5.1).
5.1 Emerging Digital Risks 211

Table 5.1  Opportunities and risks of robotic process automation. (adapted from Ernst & Young 2017)
Benefits and opportunities Key challenges and risks
• Non-invasive technology, helps to close • Lack of robotics governance can lead to ineffec-
the “gaps” between existing (information) tive and inefficient process automation
systems • Access management for robotics is ineffectively
• Reliability (e.g. no sick days) managed
• Audit trail (fully maintained logs) • Automation requirements that are not ade-
• Productivity (release of personnel resources) quately or accurately identified and documented
• Accuracy (correct result, decision or calcu- • Implementation is not properly designed and
lation the first time) tested

Secondly, internet of things (IoT) is a system of interconnected computer devices,

mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or persons that are provided with
unique identifiers and are capable of transmitting data over a network without requiring
human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction (e.g. detection of rubbish levels in
containers to optimise the trash collection routes or monitoring of parking spaces avail-
ability in the city) (see Table 5.2).
Thirdly, cloud computing involves storing and delivering applications and data over
the Internet, not on local servers and PCs. There are three different service models, some
of which overlap: Infrastructure, platform and software are three superimposed layers.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The cloud as a virtual data centre. As a rule, these are
computers, networks and storage that can be used via IaaS. Platform as a Service (PaaS):
The cloud as a development environment. With PaaS, users develop their own software
applications or test them in an environment provided by the cloud provider. Software as a
Service (SaaS): The cloud as a programme starter. The most common form of cloud ser-
vice offers concrete applications at a fixed monthly price per user or license (see Table 5.3).
Fourthly, blockchain is a type of database known as a distributed ledger that works
on a consensus basis. Whenever a user sends a new data block to the blockchain, the
majority of other users must confirm that it is valid. The database does not have a central
administrator. Each user keeps a copy of the distributed ledger on their own computer
and the data is replicated and synchronised in real time across all copies of the ledger
Table 5.4.

Table 5.2  Opportunities and risks of internet of things. (adapted from Ernst & Young 2017)
Benefits and opportunities Key challenges and risks
• Comfort in everyday life, efficiency and an • Since the sensors begin to communicate with
overall improved consumer experience each other without human intervention, cyber
• Real-time execution of transactions security should be a major concern
• Supply chain optimization, quality control, • Partly unclear business benefits and lack of
asset management, remote control and predic- expertise
tive maintenance • Connectivity issues, including technologies,
authorization, and authentication
212 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

Table 5.3  Opportunities and risks of cloud computing. (adapted from Ernst & Young 2017)
Benefits and opportunities Key challenges and risks
• Increasing the effectiveness of IT • Organisations systems and those of the provider can
initiatives communicate with each other (security concern)
• Reduce the cost of internal operations • Reduced visibility and accountability for security
• Avoid high initial investments controls and processes implemented by vendors
• Increase operational flexibility • Cloud users rely on their vendors’ business continuity
• Generate a competitive advantage programmes and disaster recovery capabilities
• Vendors fail to meet performance requirements

Table 5.4  Opportunities and risks of blockchain. (adapted from Ernst & Young 2017)
Benefits and opportunities Key challenges and risks
• Blockchain transactions can reduce transac- • As a young, still developing technology, there
tion times from days to minutes are certain aspects of the technology that may
• Blockchain data is complete, consistent, require further development
timely and accurate • Policy makers and regulators want to ensure
• Changes to public blockchains are publicly that potential risks are adequately addressed
visible to all parties and create transparency, • Most block chains have not taken advantage
and all transactions are immutable of production-level testing or the pressure of a
• Helps reduce counterparty risk and eliminates live environment
the presence of third parties or intermediaries • New IT systems pose new cyber security
risks, particularly a distributed IT architec-
ture that spans multiple business functions or

Fifthly, artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that deals with the
simulation of intelligent behaviour in computers via cognitive abilities that enable a
machine to mimic intelligent human behaviour. They are characterised by the fact that
they interact in a way that seems “natural” to humans and learn from these interactions.
Other terms and technologies used synonymously are smart machines and cognitive
Even today, so-called “weak” AI applications can perform certain tasks such as
recognizing texts. In the future, “strong” AI applications will even be able to control
autonomous vehicles, make more accurate weather forecasts, diagnose illnesses, con-
duct financial transactions or operate and monitor industrial machines. AI often occurs
in conjunction with other new technologies, such as IoT, data analytics or Blockchain
(RiskNET 2018) (see Table 5.5).
Sixthly, big data refers to a set of technologies and architectures used to extract values
from large amounts of diverse data generated at very high speeds. This value or insight is
then used to drive business decisions that can impact a company’s bottom line. The type
of data used is not simply captured and managed by relational databases and is therefore
not analysed by traditional analytics or business intelligence solutions (see Table 5.6).
5.1 Emerging Digital Risks 213

Table 5.5  Opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence. (adapted from Ernst & Young 2017)
Benefits and opportunities Key challenges and risks
• Reduces human error and increases precision • Scenarios in which AI systems react unex-
and accuracy in performing tasks pectedly to human instructions
• Improves risk management by identifying • Programming and coding errors in the AI soft-
patterns in large data sets that indicate fraud ware (algorithmic/programmatic bias)
or other concerns • Lack of training and inexperience in dealing
• Intelligent machines can be used to perform with AI
certain dangerous tasks • Cyberattacks on AI systems or AI algorithms
• They can adjust their parameters, such as • Legal risks and liabilities (especially data
speed and time, and are encouraged to act governance)
quickly, regardless of factors that affect people

Table 5.6  Opportunities and risks of big data. (adapted from Ernst & Young 2017)
Benefits and opportunities Key challenges and risks
• Big Data enable organisations to build a robust • Analytics data is generated, but not aggre-
data set that covers all aspects of the customer gated in a way that is valuable to management
from all angles • Business and Internal Audit management has
• Enables complex analysis and correlation difficulty identifying trends in data
between different types of data sets to provide • Without a hypothesis, correlations are
a real-time view of operations, customer satis- searched that do not have any causality
faction, transactions, and behaviour • Organisations lack the resources (software,
• Large amounts of data have the ability to know-how) to use advanced analytics
reduce risk, detect fraud and monitor cyber
security in real time

No technology in the narrower sense but closely related to the above mentioned
technologies are cyber risks. These have gained increased attention recently because
more and more systems are connected, communicate with each other and can be oper-
ated independently of the location. This means that a potential intruder can cause great
impact. Some important cyber risk aspects are explained in the following.

Background Information
On the risk horizon, cyber risks and associated risk assessment and mitigation methods that go far
beyond traditional risk management are becoming increasingly important. Experts from the fields
of information technology and cyber risk point out that organised crime in Darknet is much better
connected than expected to orchestrate agile, sophisticated and complex cyberattacks. In compari-
son, organisations are very inefficient with their defensive measures. Due to hierarchical corporate
structures and the limited cooperation mechanisms within the industry, the costs for highly auto-
mated cyberattacks are low and the criminal profits very high.
In this context, it is particularly important that cyber risks are analysed in a sophisticated man-
ner. For example, many highly complex systems such as geolocation satellites, ground stations,
vehicle electronics, data networks and software components will communicate with each other at
a highly automated traffic control centre for the control of autonomous automobiles. A cyberattack
214 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

on only one of the system components can have a major impact on the resilience of the overall
system and, consequently, on the lives of users of connected cars. This can be transferred already
today to air traffic management systems or smart grids (Romeike 2018, pp. 221–222).

5.1.2 Digital Risk Framework

The digital risk framework depicted in Fig. 5.1 has been developed by the Lucerne
University of Applied Sciences and Arts in cooperation with SwissERM. It is based on
scientific and practice-oriented literature, in-house research and discussions with experts
and many risk management professionals. The aim of the framework is to provide com-
panies a tool for risk identification in the area of digital transformation. In the following,
the digital risk framework is briefly explained.

Core Elements of the Digital Risk Framework

As we know, a risk may have negative or positive impacts on business objectives and can
influence strategy development and execution. The digital risk framework is based on
the well-accepted premise that digital transformation generally includes upside potentials
(opportunities) when appropriately embedded in the company’s strategies. Thus, accept-
ing this premise, the focus of the digital framework lies on the specific risks associated
with digital transformation. They are explicitly presented in column form according to
different risk categories (see Fig. 5.1). The following two examples illustrate the basic
idea behind the framework:

Integraon of Strategy and Performance

Risk Categories

Financial Operaonal Compliance Customer

Changing customer needs

Technological innovaons

Increasing automaon

Stronger connecvity

Simplified access to data

Increasing data volume

and sources

Enterprise Risk Management/Governance

Fig. 5.1  Digital risk framework. (Hunziker et al. 2018, p. 5)

5.1 Emerging Digital Risks 215

• The transfer of applications to the cloud enables organisations to use data that is
always up-to-date, regardless of time or place. In this way, however, the company may
also run the risk of being dependent on an external IT service provider.
• The use of data and knowledge about the customer and the services he or she uses
opens up the potential of cross-selling for companies. Under certain circumstances,
however, there is a risk that the data may fall into the wrong hands (risk source) and
be used to the disadvantage of the customer. This can lead to a loss of reputation and
possibly legal consequences for the company (impact).

In line with the suggestions of COSO (2017), the digital risk framework links the risks
associated with digital transformation to the company’s strategy. Moreover, the founda-
tion of the framework comprises the ERM process and a well-established governance
structure. ERM of course focuses on the identification, assessment and reporting of (dig-
ital) risks. Good governance covers topics such as risk culture, the establishment of a
common understanding of values and organisational aspects.

Drivers of Digitization
Digitization is characterised by technological innovations, changing customer needs,
increasing automation, stronger connectivity, simplified access to data, and increasing
data volumes and sources. These drivers are causing changes in the business environ-
ment. As a result, organisations must adapt to new circumstances, digitally transform
their business model and value chain to compete with existing and new competitors.
As part of this realignment, new technologies can significantly support businesses. This
change process can have a positive impact on a company in terms of new opportunities
(rewards) as well as a negative impact in terms of (downside) risks.
It is a challenge to look at individual drivers of digitization in isolation because they
influence each other. For example, technological innovation creates the prerequisites for
increasing automation, stronger connectivity of people, systems and objects, or increas-
ing data volumes and sources. On the other hand, changing customer needs, for example,
are driving the need for more computing speed and larger memory capacities, i.e. techno-
logical innovation. In addition, stronger connectivity allows the increasing automation of
business processes. The following listing illustrates examples to introduce some impor-
tant drivers which accelerate digital transformation (Hüther 2016, pp. 4–8; OECD 2015).

• Technological innovation. This is the progress that enables the establishment of digi-
tal offers and processes. The internet, broadband networks, mobile applications, IT
services and hardware form the basis of the digital economy and are considered as a
growth and innovation engine. As already mentioned above, technological innovation
in turn has a strong impact on other influencing factors.
• Changing customer needs. The customer need is the basic requirement for a (poten-
tial) relationship between the company and the customer. Accordingly, companies
align their services and products with customer needs by providing corresponding
216 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

services and products. These customer needs are influenced by a variety of factors
such as availability or individualization and the resulting need for innovative offer-
ings. For example, orders are increasingly to be placed and delivered quickly via
online channels, independent of time and place. Wherever possible, offers should
be specifically tailored to personal needs. In addition, there is an increasing need for
transparent information.
• Increasing automation. Automation refers to the use of machines or technologies to
carry out a process increasingly without human intervention (robotics). The learning
ability of the systems (AI) plays an increasingly important role here, as they learn
from the past and carry out processes independently. Examples can be found in the
automatic exchange of data or the control, regulation and monitoring of processes.
• Stronger connectivity. Technological developments simplify the connection and com-
munication between systems. The combination of the resulting links can be called
connectivity. In the production process, for example, infrastructure, plants and
machines can be connected with each other and exchange data in real time. Similarly,
digital networks between manufacturer and customer enable the control and optimiza-
tion of services and products.
• Simplified access to data. The ability to access information has become much easier
via internet and related technologies. Today, a large amount of data is available elec-
tronically in various forms. Databases, statistics, books, journals, newspapers, learn-
ing content, etc. can be accessed online. This also includes more and more company
information that can be collected via various channels.
• Increasing data volume and sources. The simple recording of data (text, photo, film,
etc.) promotes the input of data from different sources and thus the amount of data
available. For example, trips can be recorded via apps/board computers and the cor-
responding states (traffic, road condition, route selection, time expenditure) can be
assessed based on these data. Many other examples can be found in the social media
(Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, etc.).

Risk Categories
The four risk categories financial risk, operational risk, compliance risk and customer
risk form the supporting pillars of the digital risk framework—and thus the link between
the foundation (ERM process and governance) and the “strategic roof” of the framework.
In this context, however, it is important that the risk categories are not assessed indepen-
dently from strategic objectives and that risk interdependencies are taken into account as
part of the holistic risk assessment. The four risk categories financial, operational, com-
pliance and customer risk are drawn from the COSO ERM framework (2017, p. 85).

• Financial risks include, for example, unexpected changes in financial markets, prices
and tariffs, liquidity supply/demand or currency fluctuations.
• Operational risks are unexpected changes in connection with ongoing operations such
as personnel, technology, processes or catastrophes.
5.1 Emerging Digital Risks 217

• Compliance risks comprise unexpected changes that arise, for example, from legal
sanctions and reputational damage or from the violation of legal requirements.
• Customer risk include unexpected changes in customer needs, e.g. as a result of new
technologies or social trends.

The analysis of digitization drivers and their influence on the digital transformation of
companies and thus the risk landscape is complex and multi-layered, as the following
risk catalogue illustrates.

Risk Catalogue
The risks of digital transformation are defined along the four risk categories introduced
in the digital risk framework. In addition to extant literature, empirical studies and
diverse subject matter experts have been used to derive the following risk list presented
in Table 5.7.

Table 5.7  Risk catalogue of digital transformation risks. (Hunziker et al. 2018, p. 5)

Financial Risk Operational Risk
• Loss of value of (crypto) currencies through • Dependence on external (IT) service providers
automated trading • Misinvestments in technologies and
• Errors in automated payments applications
• Data loss/manipulation in the financial sector • Loss of control due to automated business
• Incorrect creditworthiness analyses of new transactions
business models • Failure of the (IT) operational infrastructure
• Low liquidity due to high IT investments • Authorization and access problems due to new
• Slow monetization of digital strategies/offers authentication methods
• Outdated financial indicators for managing • Lack of digital competence among employees
the business model • Internal resistance to digital innovation
• Low profitability of the digitised business • Insufficient data management and generally
model incomplete information
Compliance Risk Customer Risk
• Theft of intellectual property/sensitive data • Loss or unintentional disclosure of customer
• Violation of privacy laws and policies information
•D  isregard of special cases through automated • Low willingness to pay due to high price
processes transparency
•N  on-conformity with new regulations and • Competition from innovative organisations
requirements • Reputation loss on social media channels
• I ncreased risk of fraud through digital • Lack of digital interfaces to (potential)
networking customers
• Theft/extortion of funds through cybercrime • Loss of customers due to discontinuation of
•U  nclear liability claims due to shared business segments
ownership • Low customer loyalty due to increasing com-
•D  ata manipulation by internal and external parability of offers
causes • Unfulfillability of fast process and order
218 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

It should be noted that this list does not replace every company’s own risk assessment,
but may be used complementary.

5.2 Digitization of ERM

ERM methods and techniques relevant to most companies today were developed before
the turn of the century. In fact, ERM is often not yet ready to deal adequately with risks
in today’s digital world. More importantly, if ERM is implemented a stand-alone process
(regulatory risk management approach), it cannot support companies to face the dynamic
realities of the 21st century (see similar DeLoach 2017). Digital risk management is a
term that encompasses all digital approaches to increase effectiveness and efficiency in
order to take full advantage of the advances in digital, cloud, mobile and visualization
technologies—specifically process automation, decision automation and digitalised mon-
itoring and early warning (Ganguly et al. 2017).
The digital ERM approach leverages workflow automation, optical character recogni-
tion, advanced analysis (including machine learning and AI) and new data sources, as
well as the use of robotics and interfaces. Digital risk management essentially means a
concerted adaptation of processes, data, analysis and IT, as well as the entire corporate
structure including talent and culture (Ganguly et al. 2017). Deeper and more insightful
risk information helps organisations with strategy development, performance manage-
ment and decision-making processes (DeLoach 2017).
Providing a new technology platform is certainly not enough to address the digital
ERM challenges. It requires that such platforms are equipped with configurations and
data so that companies can use it immediately with adequate effort. Basically, three
dimensions of change can be identified: processes, data, and organisation (McKinsey

• To realise full advantage of process and decision automation, companies must ensure
that systems, processes and behaviours are adapted to their purpose. In many com-
panies, silos still exist, which is why an isolated risk assessment is often carried out.
As a result, current processes have evolved organically, without a clearly defined
final state, so that process flows are not always rational and efficient. Operational
structures must be redesigned before automation and decision support can be acti-
vated. Figure 5.2 shows which sub-processes of ERM are to what extent affected by
• Data, analytics and IT architecture are the most important prerequisites for digi-
tal ERM. Highly fragmented IT and data architectures cannot provide an efficient
or effective framework for digital risk management. Therefore, a clear institutional
commitment is needed to define a data vision, update risk data, establish robust data
management, improve data quality and metadata, and build the right data architecture.
5.2 Digitization of ERM 219

ERM Identification Analysis and Aggregation Derivation of Preparation of

and evaluation of of individual risk mitigation a risk reports
classification risks risks to overall measures
of risks risk exposures

Hardly affected / moderately affected / lightly affected

Fig. 5.2  Impact of digitization on ERM process steps. (Kirchberg and Müller 2016, p. 91)

Fortunately, today’s processes and analytical techniques can support these goals with
advanced technology in several key areas, including large data platforms, the cloud,
machine learning, AI, and natural language processing.
• The business and operating model require new capabilities to drive rapid digitiza-
tion. Although risk innovation takes place in a very specific, highly sensitive area, risk
practitioners need to create a solid culture of innovation. This means deploying the
right talent and fostering an innovative “test and learn” mentality. Governance pro-
cesses must enable rapid responses to a rapidly changing technological and regulatory
environment. The risk-adequate management of this innovation culture represents a
central challenge for the digitised ERM function.

AI in the Risk Management Process

While the AI is still under development, it can already be used to reduce risk in some key areas.
For example, machine learning can support more informed predictions about the probability of a
person or company defaulting on a loan or payment, and it can be used to build variable income
forecasting models.
For many years, machine learning has successfully detected credit card fraud. Banks use sys-
tems trained on historical payment data to monitor payments for possible fraudulent activity and
block suspicious transactions. Financial institutions also use automated systems to monitor their
merchants by linking trade information with other behavioural information such as email traffic,
calendar entries, office check-in and check-out times, and even phone calls.
AI-based analysis platforms can manage supplier risk by integrating a wide variety of informa-
tion about suppliers, from their geographic and geopolitical environment to their financial risks,
sustainability and corporate social responsibility scores. Finally, AI systems can be trained to
detect, monitor, and defend against cyberattacks. They identify software with certain distinguish-
ing features—for example, the tendency to consume a lot of computing power or to transfer a lot
of data—and then close the attack (Boillet 2018).

Most companies are planning to digitise their ERM relatively slowly and follow modular
approaches for specific areas. A few have already undergone major change and made sig-
nificant and sustained progress in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. A clear strategy
needs to be developed that does not neglect corporate structures and corporate culture.
220 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

5.3 Using Multiple Sources of Data

For organisations and their risk managers, the modern definitions of the digital and inter-
connected world are big data, data analysis, predictive analytics and prescriptive analyt-
ics (Romeike 2017, p. 60). Companies such as Google and Amazon, which have large
amounts of data at their disposal, measure the world, create personality profiles and
search huge amounts of data for patterns and contexts at lightning speed to enable real-
time predictions. The new methods of data analysis promise more targeted analyses and
evaluations. Companies are also hoping for accurate forecasts of future developments,
e.g. to minimise risks and better assess the opportunities for future action.
More and more people are using the internet and they are constantly producing data
via their mobile phones, fitness bands, intelligent watches, networked navigation devices
and cars. Companies with extensive data analysis allegedly know many secret desires
better than people do. Data and algorithms can be used to anticipate potential events
before they are even planned (e.g. next purchase). Behind all technologies are analytical
methods from the world of quantitative ERM. For organisations and authorities, answers
to questions about “where and why” are becoming increasingly important (Romeike
2018, p. 4).
An interconnected world with more data can lead to growth potential, but also entails
more systemic risks. Because systems are interdependent, any event in this chain can
spread rapidly. Automatisms and synergies reinforce the effects. Big data is a term that
describes a large collection of different information sources, most of which are unstruc-
tured and sometimes generated as a by-product of other activities. The relevance to the
use of big data is increasing not only in business but also in risk management, which
benefits from the advantages of such analyses. For example, the data associated with
card payment history, or the news and rumours in the press or even in social media, can
all be used to gain knowledge about ERM. More useable data enables ERM profession-
als to better understand risk, continuously monitor and more effectively reduce busi-
ness risks. For internal risks (e.g. bad debt losses or contractual penalties due to delivery
delays), key figures (e.g. payment delays or safety stock fluctuations) are suitable, which
can be aggregated with appropriate applications, continuously updated and displayed on
risk dashboards. Deviations from defined target values trigger automated notifications
and indicate acute need for action (see similar Brooke 2018).
In the following, selected application possibilities of big data in risk and compliance
management are shown.

• Fraud detection: big data is used to feed machine learning algorithms that special-
ise in pattern detection. In case of possible fraud, this will be useful as changing the
business as usual could signal malicious activity. The data included in the analysis
can be changed at will, such as the geolocation, the type of device used to connect
to the account, or the amount transferred. The identity of the parts involved in the
5.3 Using Multiple Sources of Data 221

transactions is also a possible warning sign. The main advantage is that this type of
fraud detection can trigger a warning through real-time processing and stop the opera-
tion until further authorization, thus minimizing the risks (Brooke 2018).
• Enhanced scenario analysis: before the emergence of big or smart data, scenario anal-
ysis and simulations were difficult to create and had inaccurate results. The ability to
use large amounts of information increases the accuracy of the analyses and speeds
up the decision-making process. The challenge at the moment is to find the perfect
balance between the number and volume of simulations and speed limits. A well-
known aid for this task is the already in this textbook introduced Monte Carlo simula-
tion, which is supported by parallel computing over distributed systems. The result
indicates the value-at-risk for a portfolio or the expected value, e.g. of sales, within a
given time period (Brooke 2018).
• Develop new business models: the risk of new business models has so far been cal-
culated both through audits and due diligence or through the evaluation of financial
ratios. But these proxies do not tell the whole story, especially for new entrants. Thus,
hardly any start-up company with an idea worth millions of dollars would qualify for
financing. Here, too, Big or Smart Data is faced with the task of redefining risk meas-
ures and creating new valuation approaches. Some organisations today use more than
thousand data points per application to measure creditworthiness, and they take much
more than just credit history or income into account (Brooke 2018).
• Use the blockchain to validate applicants in advance: ERM is not carried out accord-
ing to decades-old standards, but can be adapted to the situation. The introduction of
blockchain technology, based on big data, can provide a way to track a person’s his-
tory to their point of entry into the network. This new way of capturing business can
eliminate the need for current risk mitigation measures. A risk score could be auto-
matically calculated for each event and assigned to each account. This could mean
that an applicant for a loan or smart contract would not even have to reveal his iden-
tity, but could be pre-validated by the network (Brooke 2018).

The risks associated with these applications known so far are only a handful of the dan-
gers that will arise as technology advances. Big data’s analysis should be able to identify
cyberattacks in a similar way as it detects fraud, and have real-time mechanisms in place
to prevent it. Since machine learning is usually a black box, correcting a biased model or
its assumptions is more difficult than correcting a deterministic model, so proper testing
and calibration should be an integral part of the model definition.

The maturity of data and technology in ERM provides an indication of how

advanced the company is in this area. The following three maturity levels in
Table 5.8 illustrate this (Deloitte 2016).
222 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

Table 5.8  Maturity of data and technology in ERM

Basic Mature Advanced
Data is nonstandard Automated technology solutions Automated and integrated technol-
with varying levels of are used to store and analyse ogy is used to store, manage, and
quality, and key risk tools risk data. Risk data stand- report real-time risk data. Risk
exist in silos across the ards and data quality policy flags are programmed, and data
organisation established integrity checks are embedded in
business processes

It can be summarised that data generation is unprecedented—over 90 percent of the data

currently available has been generated in the last five years. As the ability to manage
and access this data has become better and cheaper, companies are exploring the use of
multiple and novel data sources to gain greater insight (Oliver Wyman 2018, p. 6). ERM
professionals are also faced with the task of recording these developments and translat-
ing them into concrete applications. Otherwise, there is a danger that other functions in
the company will procure the data themselves or that risk analyses will not correspond to
the facts.

5.4 Increasing Demand for Analytic Skill Sets

Data flood, complex regulatory structures, new technologies, new risks and the ever-
increasing pressure for greater efficiency and lower costs pose a challenge to ERM pro-
fessionals. Innovative technologies such as AI, RPA, big data and analytics, machine
learning and blockchain are increasingly becoming part of the solution to both reduce
costs and manage much larger and more diverse amounts of data. Using these technolo-
gies can reduce costs, but it also provides companies with more accuracy and control,
more agility, and improved risk analysis and insight into these investments (Culp 2017).
The lack of the skills needed to adopt new technologies, which has always been an
issue in ERM, remains a challenge, but with a different twist. There are experienced
people with ERM skills and people with technical understanding in areas ranging from
data science to AI. However, it is extremely difficult to find and/or develop people who
combine these skills into one package. Companies are trying to strike the right balance
between risk experience and disciplines on the one hand and a deep understanding of
current digital, data and technology tools on the other (Culp 2017).
This makes it clear that risk managers must also develop their methodological skills.
The focus should be on issues involving techniques and methods for identifying, extract-
ing and processing data for processing with analytical software and data visualization.
An ERM professional should have the necessary skills to effectively organise and com-
bine different data sources for analytical applications to address real business risks and
5.4 Increasing Demand for Analytic Skill Sets 223

Among others, basic knowledge of data analytics must be acquired. The following list
shows the four maturity levels in data analysis (Romeike 2017, pp. 60–61).

• Descriptive analytics deals with the question “what happened?”, i.e. an analy-
sis of data from the past to understand potential effects on the present (see business
• Diagnostic analytics deals with the question “why did something happen?”, i.e. an
analysis of cause-effect relationships, interactions or consequences of events (see
business analytics).
Using techniques such as drill-down, data discovery, data mining and correlations.
• Predictive analytics deals with the question “what will happen?”, i.e. an analysis of
potential future scenarios and the generation of early warning information. Based on
data mining technologies, statistical methods and operational research, the probabili-
ties of future events are calculated.
Using techniques such as regression analysis, forecasting, multivariate statistics,
pattern matching, predictive modelling, and forecasting.
• Prescriptive analytics deals with the question “How do we have to act in order for a
future event (not) to occur?”, i.e. measures are simulated based on the results of pre-
dictive analytics, such as stochastic scenario analyses and sensitivity analyses. Using
techniques such as graph analysis, simulation complex event processing, neural net-
works, heuristics, and machine learning.

The higher the maturity level of the data analysis, the more value is basically created
for companies. Accordingly, the lower levels are more focused on information, while the
higher levels are focused on optimization. The following example illustrates a company
at a high maturity level of data analysis.

Swisscom: Comprehensive customer reporting

For organisations, customers are sometimes a black box whose characteristics and
needs are largely unknown. In many organisations, different departments are busy
collecting data and manually creating reports to learn more about their customers. At
Swisscom, those responsible try to replace complex reports, which can only be car-
ried out selectively, with an automatic real-time analysis. Predictive analytics is used
to learn more about general customer behaviour. Instead of just accumulating individ-
ual properties, an overall picture should be created. The more information about cus-
tomer needs is available, the better the specialist department can respond to customers
and act accordingly. Swisscom always handles this data with care, as data protection
always remains the top priority when dealing with customer data.
Swisscom uses predictive analytics at various levels: Carrier billing enables cus-
tomers to pay for apps, digital services or products by mobile phone bill. In order to
be able to make forecasts, it is necessary to find previously hidden relationships in
the data records: Which customers use which services? Are 25-year-old Android users
224 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

more reliable payers than 40-year-old iPhone users? Is there a correlation between
the type of mobile phone subscription and the type of products purchased? The cal-
culation model tries to give answers to many such questions. Depending on the result,
more suitable products can be offered, discounts can be given on preferred services or
customers can be imposed a spending limit.
In order to provide answers to all questions, the data analysts used several dozen
variables and searched for correlations between all these variables. These variables
contain a variety of information, such as demographics, user behaviour, or previ-
ous transactions. Any employee can easily relate two variables to each other using
an Excel spreadsheet. But it becomes more difficult with dozens or even hundreds of
variables. This is precisely where the potential of automated models lies, which can
uncover hidden relationships and undreamt-of correlations.
In order to understand the processes and find the complex correlations of all influenc-
ing factors, the data experts first searched explanatively together with experts from the
business for possible variables with which the calculations could be carried out. They
also had to find out which data sources were suitable and how the data could be used.
Accounts receivable defaults are also analysed. They are among the big unknowns
at many organisations. Payments for products that have already been delivered are
not paid for, as all mail-order organisations that offer payment by invoice find out.
In order to keep the losses as low as possible, individual customers can be provided
with an individual expenditure limit. But which customers should be subject to such
a limit? Who pays late? Who doesn’t? After all, no loyal customers should be fright-
ened away simply because of a single omission. For example, there are customers
who regularly do not pay their bills until a few days after the payment deadline has
expired. Although these customers do not adhere exactly to the rules, they are still
reliable and do not have to be disgruntled with unnecessary reminders. This not only
saves administrative effort and thus costs, but also improves the customer relationship
in the long term. With the predictive analytics method, such cases can not only be
evaluated more precisely, but also much faster and with less effort (Swisscom 2017).

Parallel to data tsunami, there are increasing demands to understand and correctly inter-
pret the underlying logics, laws and cause-effect relationships. Bits and bytes must be
accompanied by the ability not only to evaluate but also to interpret the resulting data.
And this is exactly where many experts fail in practice. The fact that a pattern exists
presupposes that it was created in the past. This in turn does not necessarily mean that a
conclusion based on this pattern is valid for the future.
ERM professionals and also big data analysts often fall into the trap if they do not
have the difference between correlations and causalities on the radar and consequently
misinterpret information and draw the wrong conclusions. A mathematically calculated
correlation between two variables—which can only measure linear dependencies—does
not mean that the two variables are causally related. This is also referred to as “spurious
relationship” (Romeike 2017, p. 61).
5.5 Increasingly Sophisticated Software Tools 225

5.5 Increasingly Sophisticated Software Tools

In the long term, only those companies will be successful that manage their risks effi-
ciently and weigh up earnings and risks when making decisions. ERM software can
support strategic corporate management in this if it meets the necessary requirements
(Gleißner and Romeike 2005, p. 155). In principle, the software must provide applica-
tions for the entire ERM process. This includes, for example, the identification of risks
for the company for which information must be collected and stored. An ERM solution
should act as a central data repository. Furthermore, a risk taxonomy (e.g. definitions,
classifications, categories and data links or relationships) can be developed and embed-
ded in the solution to enable uniform risk assessments and analyses throughout the com-
pany. Finally, effective ERM requires a comprehensive view of different risk types and
their impact on each other and in their entirety (RIMS 2009, p. 3).
By using adequate ERM software, several weaknesses that occur during the imple-
mentation of ERM in practice can be avoided. These include, for example (adapted from
Gleißner and Romeike 2005, p. 155):

• a missing or incomplete risk database

• no risk-relevant information for the different hierarchy levels
• redundant and inconsistent data acquisition
• lack of an overview of aggregated risk exposures related to business objectives
• unclear information and communication processes
• delayed or unfounded decision-making

As ERM is an important information function within the company, a great deal of rele-
vant data is already available in various specialist areas. This means that re-entering data
into systems would be inefficient if the data were already available in related systems.
Therefore, ERM solutions should be used for integrated data storage so that information
can be moved or pulled across the company (RIMS 2009, p. 3).
ERM software available on the market today differs widely in the scope of the func-
tionality it offers, as well as in its analytical capabilities and reporting capabilities. In
addition to comparatively simple Excel add-ons, there are complex simulation tools that
can be purchased as extensions to the ERP system. Methodologically mature solutions
offer methods such as what-if analyses, simulations, risk aggregation, forecasting proce-
dures, mapping cause-effect relationships, data mining tools or advanced analytics, e.g.
in the form of neural networks. Some products have integrated management cockpits
with drill-down functions that are specifically tailored to the needs of decision-makers
(Gleißner and Romeike 2005, p. 159).
The selection of the ERM solution must always be based on the needs of the com-
pany. In order to support modern ERM, the requirements listed in the following box
should also be considered from a business, methodological and technical point of view
(adapted from Gleißner and Romeike 2005, p. 161).
226 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

Business and Methodological Requirements for ERM software solutions

• Availability of checklists to complement key risks list
• Preparation of a “risk database” to store all risks, not only key risks.
• Prioritization of risks using clever filters (e.g. according to impact)
• Assignment of a risk owner responsible for assessing and monitoring risks
• Assignment of the most important policies—especially for risk reporting and
risk monitoring
• Recording of all significant risk mitigation measures (e.g. also all insurance
• Assignment of risk management measures to each risk, describing the possibili-
ties for reducing or transferring that risk.
• Possibility to link ERM with business planning or controlling
• Allowing quantitative risk scenario development
• Allowing to correct for correlations of risks (correlation adjustment factors)
• Simulation of several risks affecting business objectives simultaneously (MC
• Linking risk exposures to performance measures (e.g. company value, cash
flow, EBIT)
• Assignment of early warning indicators to each risk, which indicate a critical
development at an early stage.
• If relevant: calculation of equity requirements, necessary liquidity reserves and
a risk-adjusted cost of capital rates.
• Offer linking the tool to a variety of other data sources
• Offer integration with strategic planning
• Possibilities for the analysis of large data sets for the identification of risks and
• Extension or integrated functionalities for advanced analytics, data visualiza-
tions and trend analysis
• Functionalities to support (risk-oriented) corporate planning and company
• Possibilities for creating risk dashboards, linked to business objectives.
• Possibility to present risk and opportunities related to business objectives in a
meaningful way (no risk maps, rather tornado diagrams, bar charts and risk dis-
tribution charts)

Buying software is not as easy as buying a bar of chocolate. It requires that companies
have a thorough understanding of the features and benefits of the software. In short,
companies need to know if the functionality offered meets the needs of their business.
Participants in an RIMS survey were asked to list the specific capabilities or charac-
teristics of ERM technology that would help improve the maturity of ERM programmes.
5.6 Networked Economy and Collective ERM 227

Responses varied, but the most commonly cited skills were dashboards, analytical tools,
and automated risk monitoring. Other notable responses included risk maps (unfortu-
nately!), risk registers, and survey and tuning tools. These actions reinforce the need for
immediate and accurate information for risk practitioners. These results show that the
technology solutions that would be most widely used if available: Risk prioritization tools,
analysis software, predictive models and simulation. So, based on the survey data, the
ideal ERM technology solution would include the following features (RIMS 2011, p. 9):

• Web-enabled “single source of truth”

• View of risks at multiple levels
• Automated risk input
• Auto reporting and calculations across the collected data
• Ability to set and calculate risk tolerance levels or triggers
• Project management capabilities
• Import/export capabilities in order to expedite the sharing of risk information and
• End-to-end tracking of risks as they are identified through their eventual resolution
• Common and consistent approach, traceability of account-ability, ownership and

Potential buyers and users of ERM technology should develop a clear understanding of
what they are trying to achieve before they start looking at the available technologies.
They should understand their current and intended ERM maturity levels (see Sect. 3.6.2)
before looking for tools to support their business objectives. There seems to be consider-
able scope for the use of multiple technology tools in the ERM process, and it is unlikely
that a single set of tools will meet all requirements. The decision to purchase a technol-
ogy tool should include a cost-benefit analysis of the tool. Direct and indirect costs for
the tool can be very far-reaching, but without a clear return on investment (ROI) it can be
unwise to continue with the purchase of tools (RIMS 2011, p. 9).

5.6 Networked Economy and Collective ERM

Today more than ever, companies and people are connected with each other and operat-
ing as networked ecosystems. The modern enterprise produces and captures more data
and business results, with people communicating more of this information more fre-
quently through a variety of new communication platforms. Put simply, we all produce
and share more knowledge at the workplace than at any other time. It is this culture of
constant communication that risk managers should use to develop ERM solutions and
strategies. A greater proportion of people in the workplace are now able to share experi-
ences and results that can contribute to the development of ERM controls, contingency
plans and mitigation plans (see similar Cammsrisk 2017).
228 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

Table 5.9  Opportunities and challenges of collective ERM. (Deloitte 2016)

What are the opportunities? What are potential challenges?
• Use collaborative practices such as gami- • Possible follow-up costs, regulatory meas-
fied crowdsourcing to reduce ERM costs and ures and damage to reputation if sensitive
improve its effectiveness information is passed on via partners or data
• Form alliances with risk experts, research- exchange portals
ers and scientists to keep abreast of the latest • The results can be manipulated if bad actors
threats and mitigation approaches deliberately enter inaccurate data to distort the
• Take an ecosystem-based approach to ERM models
by forming industry-wide partnerships and

As a result, they also share more risks. Increasingly, they are managing risk in a man-
ner that reflects this new reality—transforming their risk processes through more open,
collaborative approaches that rise to the challenges of a networked economy and work-
ing to identify, manage, and reduce risk together. But this new reality will also bring new
challenges. Thus, companies should be prepared to take advantage of an increasingly
networked business environment to identify, manage and report risks (Cammsrisk 2017).
Table 5.9 illustrates some basic challenges and opportunities associated with collective
Companies might also form alliances with risk experts, researchers and scientists
to keep abreast of the latest threats and mitigation approaches, and consider forming
industry-wide partnerships and consortia (Deloitte 2016).

5.7 Improving ERM Skills

ERM, as we still know it today, will change in the future. The composition of the risk
function will be less characterised by quantification techniques than by innovative and
strategically thinking business partners. Because many risk reports (as learned pre-
viously), which are mainly based on historical data and usually arrive too late at the
desk of decision-makers, will (hopefully) disappear more and more. There will be an
increased relevance and impact of non-financial risks, whilst risk profiles will change.
Accordingly, ERM skills will enlarge. Future risk companies must be visionary and
able to create added value (i.e. a positive ROI). This can only be achieved by building
an effective risk culture across the organisation and by establishing a new mindset. The
future CRO will probably still report directly to the board (Simon 2016), but he or she
will also need skills that we have not attached too much importance to so far. The com-
position of ERM jobs and required skills will definitely shift.
One of the key challenges for risk managers is to be engaged as a trustworthy busi-
ness partner. For the transition towards the new digital and agile world, ERM should
reinvent itself by deepening existing skills whilst acquiring new skills for a highly
5.7 Improving ERM Skills 229

digitised, innovative and agile company (McKinsey 2017). Some of these skills can be
learned, others are intrinsic. Companies have different options to build or acquire the
skills they need for the future, e.g. learning, recruitment, reallocation or partnerships
(Dowdalls 2018).

Learning/Recruitment: More focus on non-financial risks and a holistic ERM approach is

The training of ERM professionals often focuses on financial risks. Accordingly, many certifica-
tions are offered in this area (e.g. financial risk manager, quantitative modelling, etc.). However,
the previous explanations have shown that non-financial risks from the strategic and operational
areas have a high relevance. Accordingly, there is often a know-how and experience gap in dealing
with these risks (Segal 2011, p. 31).
In general it can be observed that in most courses in the field of financial management, corpo-
rate finance, and valuation etc. either no or only financial risk management is taught. This is illus-
trated by the analysis of the accompanying textbooks, which describe a strongly quantitative risk
management approach. Similarly, in the courses of strategic management and analysis, only the
analysis instruments such as Porter’s 5-Forces, SWOT or PESTEL are frequently taught. A holistic
ERM approach in the sense of opportunity and risk management is thus often neglected.
If ERM is part of the curriculum, a basis is laid, but integration into other relevant subjects is
often neglected. ERM is characterised by the fact that it is an interdisciplinary subject and the rel-
evant links to accounting, strategic management, financial management etc. must be pointed out.
Aspects of psychology (cognitive and motivational biases) and change management should also be
linked to ERM.

The future role of the ERM professional can be determined by dividing the role into a
number of dimensions. The focus will continue to be on fundamental ERM activi-
ties such as governance, risk analysis and risk reporting. Important developments can
be identified around this. Each of these developments, in turn, requires a shift in the
required skills of the ERM professional (see Table 5.10).
The role of the future ERM professional must be translated into the necessary skills
(Dowdalls 2018). Surprisingly, many of these skills can be observed in people playing
online games. Gamers are used to large, complex, social systems that are constantly
changing. Games must therefore be able to attract and win the attention of their players
because they are always new. It is very similar to the change we are seeing in many com-
panies today. The pace and intensity of change in all companies are constantly increasing
and so is the risk exposure (Simon 2016).
Many of the character traits needed for success in the future of risk management are
in the gamers and these traits will help them to thrive as ERM professionals. Research
done by Thomas and Brown (2011) highlights these five key character traits of gamers.

1. Focus on the bottom line: In the games that these online players are playing, each
player is constantly being measured and assessed. Each player is ranked and com-
pared to other players using systems of rankings, points, and titles (Simon 2016). This
trend makes it clear that risk management will have to concentrate more on strategic
230 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

Table 5.10  Role of the risk manager of the future and the associated business value. (Dowdalls
Dimension Role of risk managers of the future Business value (examples)
ERM foundation The risk managers of the future have a An effective balance between
good understanding of business and a high value creation and value
organisational sensitivity. They proactively objectives, while protecting
question the company, ensure that it operates reputation and maintaining the
within its risk tolerance and are the gate- organisation’s risk appetite by
keepers of the principles and standards of avoiding unnecessary risks and
risk management surprises
Strategic direc- The risk managers of the future anticipate Enable the company to
tion of the the effects of the strategic orientation, trans- develop and manage its
company late them into improvements in guidelines, systems, products and regula-
procedures and techniques and anchor tory functions effectively and
them in daily practice. They are driven by efficiently within risk appetite,
curiosity to understand the most important while avoiding unnecessary
developments in the business world cost growth as the company
grows further
New ways of The risk managers of the future will work Increasing the pace of sustain-
working seamlessly with the company and feel able innovation through timely
comfortable in the rapidly changing business and effective identification and
environment. They advise the company on mitigation of potential risks
the design and implementation of effective and issues that allow faster
control environments using the principles of decision making
control-by-design and compliance-by-design
Digitization and The risk managers of the future are familiar Leverage data exploration and
automation with systems, data and disruptive technolo- modelling insights that enable
gies and keep abreast of trends in informa- management to make better
tion technology and data sciences to ensure and faster decisions based on
that they can challenge and advise the reliable data
company on pitfalls, risks and problems
Increasing regula- The risk managers of the future are strong Compliance with regulatory
tory pressure and representatives of the 2nd line of defence and industry standards for risk
need for trust who work closely with business, law and management, reducing the
compliance to understand the impact of legal likelihood of fines and regula-
and regulatory requirements on business and tory intervention
protect the bank from unacceptable risks

opportunities and risks. After all, these opportunities and risks ultimately determine
the success or failure of a company (IRM 2017, p. 5).
2. Diversity is good. Gamers realise that they cannot do everything themselves. To be
successful in a game, players often have to form strong teams. The teams that are
most successful are those that consist of a strong mix of skills and talents (Simon
2016). This principle can be illustrated, for example, by risk identification. As a rule,
5.7 Improving ERM Skills 231

people with different experiences and skills will identify the opportunities and risks of
a company more comprehensively. The same applies to further steps. A balanced risk
assessment, for example, can only be achieved by discussing different views.
3. Change is good. Gamers thrive on constant change. The worlds in which they play is
changing unexpectedly and nothing is constant. Even their own actions transform the
world in which they play. Gamers are used to these massive changes and even demand
them (Simon 2016). Organisations, too, are facing ever faster change. Accordingly,
risk managers have to familiarise themselves with new circumstances. They have to
get used to the fact that assumptions and decisions are constantly questioned and a
high degree of flexibility is required (IRM 2017, p. 4).
4. Learning is seen as fun in games. The games in which the players participate con-
sist of complex challenges that have to be mastered as quickly as possible. These
challenges make the game so enjoyable. The discovery of the tools needed and the
creation of the knowledge required to overcome challenges is what makes problem
solving an entertaining activity (Simon 2016). Risk managers have to adjust to the
fact that routine tasks are becoming less and less. Rather, the future will be about
meeting challenges with creative approaches. For example, new approaches to risk
sharing may become more important in the context of ERM.
5. Innovation is a lifestyle. Gamers are ready to develop new ideas and solutions to
take a step forward. Even if the solution to a problem is known, gamers are willing
to look for new solutions that solve the problem faster or with even fewer resources
(Simon 2016). Innovative ideas will also be in high demand in risk management. New
business models will create opportunities and risks that were previously unknown
(McKinsey 2017). It is also becoming increasingly important to use resources in risk
management as efficiently as possible. By taking a proactive role in promoting busi-
ness change and opportunity, risk managers will benefit the company and improve
their profile within the company (IRM 2017, p. 5).

In addition to this list, which is based on the abilities of gamers, there are many other
categorizations (see e.g. Segal 2011). In this context, it is important that companies
define the future function of their ERM department. Based on this, it can be determined
which skills are required.

Key Aspects to Remember

Identify the drivers of digitization and analyse the impact for ERM

Drivers such as technological innovations, changing customer needs, increasing

automation, stronger networking, simplified access to data, and increasing data
volumes and sources characterise digitization. These factors in turn cause changes
232 5 Looking at Trends in ERM

in the business environment to which companies must adapt. They may need to
digitally change their business model and value chain to compete with existing and
new competitors.

Name key digital technologies and assess their opportunities and risks

Risk managers do not need to know every detail and every technical aspect of a
new technology. However, they need to understand the full range of opportunities
and challenges these innovations present to businesses and markets. The opportu-
nities and risks of the following technologies are in focus: Robotic process auto-
mation, internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence and
big data.

Know possible data analytics methodologies and their application in ERM

A risk management professional should have the skills necessary to effectively

organise and combine multiple data sources for analytical applications to address
real business risks and challenges. Among other things, knowledge in data analysis
must be acquired. This includes basic knowledge of descriptive analytics, diagnos-
tic analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics.

Create an individual set of requirements for an ERM tool for your


The selection of the ERM solution must always be geared to the needs of the com-
pany. In order to support modern ERM, the requirements should be considered
from a business, methodological and technical point of view. In particular, depend-
encies to source systems and interfaces, e.g. to the ERM system, must be specifi-
cally analysed.

Recognise future skills and competences for ERM professionals

The future role of ERM professionals can be determined by dividing the role
into several dimensions. The focus continues to be on basic ERM activities such
as governance, risk analysis and risk reporting. Important developments can be
derived from this. These include, for example, the focus on the bottom line, a con-
stantly changing environment, lifelong learning or constant innovation in methods
and processes.
References 233

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Which external data, which has hardly been used up to now, can become impor-
tant for ERM in the future?
2. Which ERM processes are suitable for using robotic process automation (RPA)
to increase efficiency?
3. How should cooperation with stakeholders and other technical reports be organ-
ised in the sense of collective ERM?
4. How will the role and job profile of ERM professionals change in the future?
5. To what extent do ERM professionals need to acquire new digital competencies
or develop existing ones?


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