H.B Chap 1

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Ms. Maryam Shakeel

WHAT IS Behavior?

Behavior refers to the actions or reactions of an object usually in relation to the


Human Behavior: is the collection of activities performed by human beings and

influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics.

Examples of Human Behavior Skills Responses: - Acceptance., Rejection,

Answer, Ignorance.
Factors affecting Human Behavior

Attitudes: the degree to which the person has favorable or unfavorable

evaluation of the behavior in the question.

Social Norms – This is the influence of social pressure that is perceived by the
individual (normative beliefs) to perform or not perform a certain behavior.

It refers to the study of human behavior in organization of interaction between

individuals and organizations and of the organization itself.

There are three goals of organization

1) To explain Behavior
2) To predict behavior
3) To central behavior
Explain behavior:

Organizations behavior needs to systematically describe how people behave

under a variety of conditions and understand why people behave as they do.

OB must be used to predict behavior so support can be provided to productive
and dedicated employees. Measures could be instituted to central the disruptive
and less productive ones.

3) Central Behavior: Central is the most important component of effective


People: Individual and Group

Structure: Jobs and relationships
Technology: Machinery and Computer hardware or Software
Environment: Government and Private
The internal social system of the organization is composed of people consisting
of individual persons and groups.

The structure defines the formal relationship of people in the organization. It

describes how job tasks are formally divided, grouped and coordinated.

Technology refers to the combination of resources, knowledge and techniques

with which people work and affect the task that they perform. It consists of
buildings, machines, work processes, and assembled resources.

Environment refers to institutions or forces outside the organization that

potentially affect the organization's performance. It includes suppliers,
customers, competitors, government regulatory agencies, public pressure
groups, and the like.
The study of 0B offers certain benefits. They are as follows:
1. development of people skills;
2. personal growth;
3. enhancement of organizational and individual effectiveness; and
4. sharpening and refinement of common sense
Development of People Skills
There are two types of skills that a person will need to succeed in his chosen
1. the skill in doing his work; and
2. the skill in relating with people
A person who is much adept in the performance of his work may be successful
up to a certain extent, but he will require another skill to make other people
believe that he should be more successful than his current achievement.
An example is the dentist who is well-trained in his discipline but is avoided by
many would be patients. It is not surprising to see a number of dentists with
insufficient number of patients. Many of these dentists would benefit from
acquiring people skills through the study of OB.
Another example is the group of highly productive employees who complain
that they are always bypassed in promotions. Studying 0B may help them find
answers to their queries
Personal Growth:
Personal growth makes a person highly competitive in the workplace. The
chance to achieve personal growth is enhanced by knowledge of OB. For
instance, knowledge of the behavior of others through the study of 0B will help
the person understand his own behavior. A person who strives to know himself
better is entering the realm of intrapersonal intelligence, which is a very useful
type of intelligence for one who wants to achieve his personal goals.

Interpersonal thinking may be described briefly as one possessed by a person

with highly accurate understanding of himself or herself.

It helps in influencing organizational events.

It helps in understanding himself and other better.
It helps in maintaining better relationships.
It helps in creating suitable organizational culture.

Human life is a continuous process.

Culture, ethics, gender identity help us to understand people.
People play active part in creating experience.

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