12 Days To A Millionaire Mind Arlin Moore
12 Days To A Millionaire Mind Arlin Moore
12 Days To A Millionaire Mind Arlin Moore
“[your first name] loves money because [your first name] loves him/herself.”
“[your first name] LOVES MONEY AND MONEY LOVES [your first name]!”
1. List the 5 main things you remember your parents or friends telling you about
2. Take any negative thoughts that come up for you in the first step above and
break them down as shown in this chapter earlier.
3. Rewrite your new truths about money.
4. Feel your new truths in your bones. Repeat them in your head as often as
possible. Say them outloud. Keep hammering yourself with them until they
sink in.
5. Notice how you’ve been clinging to security in a way that has been holding you
back. Never letting yourself do something fun. Doing something that bores
you to tears cuz it makes you feel liked, you’ll be shunned if you don’t, etc. Find
something that’s not serving you that you’ve been scared to let go of because of
the security it provides and take the first step in letting it go! This is super
important and can make a gigantic shift in all areas in your life!
6. Tonight, look in the mirror before you go to bed and say, “I release all negative
money experiences and replace them with a new, RICH future.”
7. Please fill in the blank : I’m grateful to money because ________.
Day 3
Why Money Is Awesome
1. Write down the 5 most common limiting words you and the people you
hangout with most use to take up about money.
2. Shut up and stop using them!
3. Meditate for at least 5 minutes every day. Before sitting down, what belief is
blocking me from making money? Write down any insights you get, question
them, come up with a new story and repeat it to yourself as described in the
previous chapter.
4. Come up with one super exciting reason that you want to make money and
spend 5-10 minutes visualizing it. Notice if any limiting beliefs come up and
follow steps in number 3.
5. Write a letter to money. Notice limiting beliefs and do the rewrite drill for
them to.
6. Listen to your intuition, during meditation, visualization, or just running
around being you. The moment you get a brilliant intuition that would move
you in the direction of your dreams. GO FOR IT like you’ve never gone for
anything before. Leap for it. Notice any crappy thoughts while in mid air,
rewrite them. But keep moving toward your dream. The successful completion
of this one exercise could put you in full on badassery!
“[your first name] loves money because he/she loves living an awesome life!”
1. Write a fantasy day in the life. What would a typical day in the as the richest,
happiest and most successful version of yourself look like. We can talk all day
what we don't want but being very clear about what we do want usually takes a
bit more doing especially since you’re looking to radically change your life.
You’ve never experienced some of the things you’re seeking, so how the hell
can you know? This is why it's so important when you're writing this to come
more from feeling than from your analytical brain. Give yourself time while
you write it. Do it stream of consciousness and see what you come up with!
Write it in the present tense as if money weren’t an issue, think what would be
so fun not just reasonable, what would make you most successful to give back
or leave as a legacy, Go to town!
2. Once you’ve written your day in the life, write down the five strongest
emotions you feel when you read it.
3. Do the numbers around your day in the life. Get an idea on the page of how
much this life of yours is going to cost.
4. Boil down your day in the life, taking the most exciting details of it and
combining them with the cost and the feelings they bring up so you can create
a mantra. Don’t worry about fitting everything in, just the most compelling
parts. Then, write a 5-10 sentence mantra…. Something like, I love making
$300,000 a year as an interior designer. It’s so exciting working with clients
who are smart and appreciate me, traveling the world, and discovering new
ways to be creative. It makes me feel happy and invigorated and like my heart
could explode! I am so grateful that this affords me the opportunity to live by
the beach in san diego with my soul mate and that we go surfing every day…
5. Read your mantra every night before going to bed and feel it.
6. If you’re not sure what you want to do, make a list of the things you do know,
be as specific as possible and write down 5 action steps you will take right now
to move yourself in that direction.
7. Please fill in the blank: I am grateful to money because____________.
Day 6
Magnetize Mind to Money
“[your first name] love money because it comes when he/she calls.”
1. Write down what your whys are for getting rich and give three reasons that
each one is stronger than your fear.
2. Come up with 3 ways that you can fall more deeply in love with your whys and
do them every day. Example… If your why is “to take care of my family” you
could look at a picture of them every day, repeat the affirmation “my family is
happy, healthy, and living abundantly because I'm a machine at making
money!”... cut out pictures of the specific things you’ll buy to take care of them
with and look at them every day.
3. Notice three things about your financial life that you’re focusing on in a
negative light and make the conscious choice to shift your focus. Example: My
bank account is a cavernous pit of emptiness and sorrow -> my bank account is
wide open and ready to receive!
4. Please fill in the blank: I’m grateful to money because _________
Day 7
Developing Faith
“[ your first name] l oves money and is grateful that its surrounding him/her with goodness”
1. Take 5 things in your life that frighten you, bum you out, irritate you, find
reasons to be grateful for them and write them down and FEEL this gratitude!
Feel this gratitude don’t just give it lip service!
2. Make a list every evening before bed of 10 things that you’re grateful for.
3. List 5 reasons you have faith in yourself!
4. List 5 reasons you have faith in the universe!
5. Give comes from abundance, get from from lack. Place your focus on
abundance and strengthen your faith by giving away money for 29 days. Give
as little as a nickle or as much as you can in whatever way you can. Do it
secretly whenever possible.
6. Faith requires patience! All seeds have a gestation period and it's up to the
universe not us how long that period is! Getting all up tight and freaked out
doesn’t make it go any faster…. Put three things in place to help yourself stay
patient while keeping your place strong… Here are some options: Practicing
deep breathing any time you feel yourself starting to freak out. Soaking in the
feelings once it arrives. Get super specific and have these tools at the ready!
What you focus on you create more of so focusing on impatience = lack =
pushing it away. Choose what to focus on to strengthen your faith and
patience and you will be victorious!
7. Please fill in the blank: I am grateful to money because
Day 8
Becoming A Master of Action
“[your first name] loves money because he/she is a fearless money making machine.”
1. Anticipate your obstacles. Doubt is like the littles thing you tug on that
unravels the whole sweater. Get clear on the top three things that you would
bring doubt to your resolve. Prepare yourself to meet them head on so they are
powerless over you.
2. Raise your bottom line. So often our decision muscle only really kicks in when
our backs are against a wall and we have to make the money. We do nothing to
achieve our goals but fight like hell not to breach your standards. Decide on an
amount that's going to be your new bottom line so it's no longer zero. Let’s say
$50,000. The second you get near that amount you sound the rallying cry to
rake in more money so you don’t go below that amount. Then keep raising
your bottom line every month or so and soon you’ll no longer be in a struggle.
3. Spend money in new ways. Buy something extravagant to raise your
frequency! Remind yourself that you’re in the flow and that money is a
renewable resource! Something expensive, exciting, something that won’t
break the bank but that feels decadent, has great meaning to you and inspires
you to kick some ass!
that will move you toward your financial goal and DO IT!!! I mean it… right
now… something you’ve had in the back of your mind that you know would
totally change your world but have been too scared to do.
5. Please fill in the blank. I’m grateful to money because ____________.
Day 9
Raise your Financial Vibration
“[first name] loves money because it makes him/her more of who he/she truly is.”
1. Make a vision board. Cut out pictures of places, things, experiences, types of
people you’re excited to experience in your new richer life and hang it
somewhere where you’ll see it often. Pinterest helps too.
2. Make a list of all the things you might have to give up on your road to riches!
Think of People, items, old identities, etc. IF they don’t bring you joy and
inspiration either get rid of them or pull back from them, instead of fighting to
keep them. With the people in your life, start slowly and release them gently.
Maybe it's about not sharing your dreams and victories with them if they can’t
handle it. Or maybe it’s about letting go of the need to see things your way and
trying to change them or maybe it's about hanging out with them less! Notice
the specifics of what's not working between you and them and make some
changes. This will give everyone room to be who they need to be as well as free
up room for high frequency things to come into your life!
3. Improve your environment. Pay attention to the way the things you surround
yourself with make you feel. PIck at least one thing in all the following areas
and upgrade in a way that brings you more joy and energy! Your home, your
car, your clothes, your general appearance, your exercise routine, the food you
eat, the music you listen to, the news you pay attention to.
4. Make 2 new high vibe friends. Get clear on the specifics of what they’re like
and how they make you feel and write these things down. Then, using the
suggestions in this chapter, make a conscious effort to find high frequency
wealth conscious people to surround yourself with! Have faith and gratitude
that they exist. Do everything you can think of to find them and know that
they are out there looking for you to!
5. Start a mastermind group with one or two people! Meet over the phone once a
week, give each person a specific goals for getting rich. 15 or 30 minutes
usually before moving on to the other person. Do this only with high vibe ass
kicking people! Please fill in the blank. I’m grateful to money because
Day 10
Getting Financially Specific
“[first name] loves money because it gives him/her freedom and options and that's
how he/she loves living life. With a whole lot of freedom and options.”
1. Do your numbers. Get clear on how much money you desire to make and by
when. Be specific about what the money is for and don’t forget to include your
monthly nut of bare necessity costs. Make sure this number is real and
connect4ed to specific things that bring up specific emotions, then chunk it
back. If your goal is 5 years away, chunk it back to how much you will make it
4 years, 2 years, this year, in 6 months, etc. all the way back to this month.
Then, put a definite plan in place with clear actions steps that go toward your
goal! Always stay attached to your why so when things go tough, you keep
going! Always pay attention to your numbers if you don’t make your financial
goal one week, add it onto the next. Your numbers must be non-negotiable or
else you’ll never get rich! Get organized. Put it all on the schedule instead of
just hoping it gets done. Keep your eyes open for new, scary, opportunities
that may lead to the riches you’re seeking!
2. Get educated. Learn as much as you can about how to make more money in
whatever business you’re in! Investigate what other people in your industry are
doing. People who are more financially successful than you are and follow suit.
3. Hire a coach! Olympic athletes at the top of their games have coaches. Broke
people at the bottom of their games insist they can get rich without any help.
Just sayin. Start by writing down all the specific attributes you want in your
coach for example: has been through the financial ringer themselves and
emerged notorious, lives nearby and can meet in person, is a little scary, works
1v1 etc. Get clear on what you’re looking for and what’s important to you and
stay open to everyone who presents themselves. Put the word out that you’re
looking to hire a coach. Tell everyone you know and don’t know. Search for
who you know and don’t know and if someone looks interesting, attend her
seminars, read her books, testimonials. Do everything you can think of to find
the perfect coach and trust that when the student is ready, the teacher appears!
4. Open up a new savings account. Open a money market account. Build the nest
and welcome in all the money that is coming your way!
5. Please fill in the blank: I’m grateful to money because…. _________________
Day 11
Raising Vibrational Wealth
[first name] loves money because it lets him/her be the most he/she can be!
1. Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day. No need to ask any questions before
hand. Just sit in silence and connect!
2. Use the affirmations in this chapter or your favorites that you’ve come up with
while doing the work in this book and commit to 3 that specifically speak to
raising your appreciation of yourself and of money. Write them every morning
and every night. Say them all day long. Take them with you wherever you go.
Feel into them!
3. Go out of your way every day to do at least 3 nice things for people! Also when
you’re about to be not nice, breathe, pause, and make a different choice.
4. Practice patience. Notice when you’re getting up tight or grouchy and
remember. You can’t rush the universe! Don’t try to pull open the flower! It all
blooms according to plan :) Breathe, relax, stay the course and lighten up!
5. Walk tall, sit up straight, practice using your body to become MORE
6. Go on the internet and do a search for the following text: Our Deepest Fear, by
Marion Williamson. Print it out, tape it to your refrigerator and read it as
often as possible.
7. Please fill in the blank: I’m grateful to money because… ________________
Day 12
“[first name] loves money and will not give up until he/she is surrounded by all the
wealth [first name] desires.”
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Business Idea Generation
I now welcome you to take your mew mindset and add any amount of new truths or
beliefs into your Master Vision. Feel free to revisit this 12 day mindset reset once per
quarter for optimal results.